#If this doesn't do well I'll make a shorter post to gain back the three people who went 'this is too long why even respond'
waywardangel-13 · 5 months
I need help with a fic :)
I'm planning on writing a fic series that is basically the show My Babysitter's a Vampire (MBAV) but with Supernatural characters (all in their teens). I need help figuring out two parallels. For those who do not know about/aren't familiar with My Babysitter's a Vampire, aka the show that shaped my childhood and single-handedly explains my fascination with supernatural ensemble mystery/drama shows, I'll explain the characters I want to parallel and the issue I am having.
Jesse: Jesse is the very first bad guy/Big Bad of the series and has recurring cameos throughout MBAV. He is the ex-boyfriend of one of the main characters, Sarah, and is responsible for turning her into a vampire, thus creating the premise of the show. His character is an absolute asshole, but he's still an entertaining enough villain (who has the capacity to be super creepy/has issues with consent). Jesse is a leader and is very charismatic, as well as 200 years old.
Erica: Erica is one of the core five of the group. She goes from likeable nerd to villainous vampire in the beginning of the series due to a manipulation of her insecurities and a deep-seated desire to be as powerful as the bullies who tormented her her whole life. She is good at heart, though, and has a soft spot for her best friend (Sarah), which ultimately causes her redemption arc. Regardless of if she's on the side of good or not, though, she's a bitch and I love her, which brings me to the main issue.
I can't decide whether to put Meg (from Supernatural) as Jesse or Erica. For context, the role of Sarah is going to Castiel, and he obviously has a profound connection with Meg in SPN. If Meg is Jesse, I can make use of her villainous aspects, because in the show she is highly charismatic yet temperamental.
However, on the other hand, Meg as Erica would be interesting because they both have similar redemption arcs and they have similar attitudes. Also, and this is not a huge factor behind my reasoning, Supernatural is a bit of a boys club? Like don't get me wrong, I love all the guys, but it'd be nice to actually have some female main characters (the only one I have is Charlie for the main characters).
I would like to use Gabriel as a main character. I had him as Erica in my early fic ideas, and he worked because he has villainous aspects to his character and a heart of gold (but is capable of being selfish). In that version, he was Cas' brother as well. If I use Meg for Erica, I wouldn't know who to cast Gabe as, because I love writing him. (Also, he could be a potential love interest for Sam, because I do ship Sabriel. I am trying to stay close-ish to the source material, so, if Gabe isn't in the core five, Sam would never find love...super dumb reasoning buuuuuuut anyways.) Obviously, I would not use Gabriel as Jesse cuz that is kinda gross.
If you hit someone else as ____, please write it in the comments :). Any help is greatly appreciated. Also, if there are any questions, I can probably answer them.
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amethystpath-writes · 4 years
Revenge of The Two Weeks (3)- that's right. We named it, folks.
Continuation of this original story.
Continued directly from here!
@tears-and-lilies @whatwhumpcomments
If anyone would lile to be added or removed from any tag lists, plz let me know! I don't mind either way!
Heed the tags.
The flaps of Hero's tent flapped in the wind, distracting him slightly from the task at hand. The commander was testing his strategy; he was testing all of the mens' strategy, trying to figure out who might gain his own title when he retired- if he ever retired.
Hero picked the tip of his finger up off of the map, replacing it with another finger on his other hand while he moved his first to the right side of the parchment. The commander was wanting to expand to the eastern part of the lands. Problem was the number of geological obstacles: craters, hills, ponds, and mushy swamp-like areas galore.
Sighing, Hero threw his head back. It seemed impossible. He eyed the blue flag closest to his right finger, picked it up, and threw it over the shoulder. There, he thought, Get rid of the bloody pond. If only it worked that way.
There were three blue flags, all within several hundred meters- realistically speaking- of one another. Very little room for our legions. Hero debated whether or not to fight on horseback. As great and obedient as the horses were, they were large and clumsy in close proximity. With little space, there was too much room for error. So no horses. That fixes that problem.
One yellow flag. The marshes. A big ole stretch of hard-to-walk-through mush, at least for a human. So yes to the horses. Or no? God, I don't know. The swampish lands would result in more army and artillery men's deaths than if a few horses fell into the ponds. Keep the horses. And that would allow for the use of their bows, which would presumably be an advantage.
The horses will require resting breaks. What would happen if they exhausted a bunch of them? Men would have to walk, which would exhaust them. That was better than all of the men exhausting themselves at least.
Hero bounced a fist off the table. This was so frustrating. He thought, now, maybe he wasn't cut out to serve under the commander's- and certainly not the king's- name. But he had to. Because fighting was all Hero could do. He wasn't good at anything else, but if he failed in this test of strategy, he was done for. He'd be demoted, become one of those scavengers of the army who were responsible for picking up dismembered body parts and burning them. How disgusting. How lowly. How vile.
"You kept the dagger."
Hero gritted his teeth together, jaw askew. He didn't need to turn to know who that was. "Yeah? It's my dagger. Just because you stole it from me then gave it back doesn't mean it hasn't always been mine. Of course I kept it."
The tent flaps were quiet, Hero realized. Villain must have been holding them still. It was with this information that he began reaching for his dagger, saying as a distraction of sorts, "Do you remember Grandad?"
Villain laughed. "Don't try to settle me with your old stories. I don't care about them anymore."
"You used to." Hero swallowed, adjusting the handle of his dagger until it felt just right.
Spiders crawled up his spine to the base of his skull. He spun, dagger held with the blade outward. This hadn't been his plan. First, Hero's plan had been to launch the dagger at the wooden tent post, just close enough to scare Villain. But now he was in front of him.
"Cute," his younger brother commented, and pushed Hero's wielding hand aside. "But I have my own." He hummed. "You give into me so easily. You ought not to, for your own sake. To me it's fascinating, but who knows when I might actually decide to slit your throat?" It was with this that Villain brought his own dagger to Hero's neck. "And what would you ever do to stop me? You already had the chance to both throw a blade at me and stab me with it. You've done neither."
Hero rolled his eyes. Villain was shorter than him which only aided in the harshness of the sharp dagger on his neck. His brother was pushing up at a cruel angel, one that Hero had to avoid swallowing against.
"What do you want me to tell you? You're right, okay? You're right. I have guilt and I hoped that I'd never see you again because of it. But you're alive." He took a breath. "It's up to you what you do with your life from here. You can chase me around crazily as you have been, thus driving me to continue ignoring you every chance I get. Or," Hero ventured, "we can work on reestablishing what lost relationship we had."
The knife cut in. Hero squeezed his eyes shut, let his nostrils flare. A warm trickle slid down his neck into his uniform. "You might not want to maim a trusted person of the Guard and Commander."
"Oh, I don't think that matters much." Villain cocked his head to the side, peering at the map left on the table behind Hero. "If anything, I'd replace you. The Commander likes tough boys, isn't that still right?" He sighed. "I know I overstayed my two weeks in the woods, but well..." Villain laughed. "After a wolf tore my friend and a six year old child apart before eating them, the woods actually welcomed me. I'd tell you where I stayed, but I promised the boys I wouldn't compromise them."
Hero's breath caught. "Some of them still live in the woods?" He tried to pull back, away from the blade, but Villain pushed it forward as Hero pulled back.
With a shrug, Hero's younger brother- who had been gone, presumably dead, for five years said, "Sure. Not all of them felt like returning to a place that couldn't accept them as they were. They found new families, ones that fought to keep them alive. They became brothers to one another."
"How poetic." Hero scoffed. "They should be brought back. They're not safe out in the woods."
The dagger slashed through the air, away from Hero's neck, but not straying at all from his shoulder. Hero hollered out, but Villain clamped a hand over his mouth before anyone else could hear. Not that it mattered. Like Villain said before, the worst that could happen was Hero lost his position, which Villain certainly didn't mind. Still, he wanted to torture his older brother this way for a little longer before he did anything too drastic.
"Funny," Villain spat, stance like a cobra ready to strike. "You didn't say that when you led us all to the woods before. Do you know how old the youngest was?" His voice was venom.
"No, that's just the one who died. My friend who was also killed by the wolf was sixteen- just to give you a little perspective."
"Five, then."
"Three or four." Villain explained, "He didn't even know his own age." And then he turned to blame, "You left him in the woods. You took him away from his family, and you are the reason he's going to grow up always overexerting himself to please others, only to feel like he's never enough."
Villain bit his tongue to stop himself, but then said it anyways. "I'll be surprised if he doesn't kill himself in three or more years. He feels like a disappointment to himself, Hero, because a man he was supposed to look up to told him he wasn't enough and then sent him off into the woods- where he watched every horrific image you can think up happen."
"I don't know what you want from me!" Hero roared, and this time he finally did move to fully strike a blow on his brother. He shoved his shoulders hard enough that Villain nearly fell on his bottom.
Lucky for Villain, he was able to balance himself out before that could happen.
"I'm sorry, alright! I'm sorry that I failed the four or five of you-"
"Seven of us."
"-and that I was too cowardice to see for myself if you lived or died. I'm sorry. But I can't do anything to fix it except offer myself to you now. So that's what I'm doing, Villain. I'll be a better brother this time around. If you're looking for something, some sort of closure though...you're not going to find it another way. Because no matter how much you torture me, you'll never be satisfied knowing that I left you. That I created memory after memory with you just to leave you to packs of vicious wolves and hungry, lonesome bears.
"I fucked up, Villain, I know I did. But I can't fix it now. I was- and am still- just as scared as you were in those woods. Different scenario, but same, same hot-coaled fear. I'm sorry I wasn't as brave as I made myself sound. I wanted to be a role model to you, but I- I don't know, brother." Hero sat on a cot in the tent, put his head in his hands for a moment before looking up again.
"The Commander is a daunting man and I found myself cowering. You haven't seen him, Villain, haven't endured the training he puts us through, or the screaming he does- like we're prisoners of an enemy kingdom and not soldiers of his own. I'm not making excuses for myself; I know I was wrong. I know what I did is unforgivable, but I'm begging you, brother, please-" Hero kneeled, throwing his knees to the floor, tilted his head to the ground with eyes closed "-please try to understand."
A hand landed on Hero's soldier, but he kept his head down. He wished he would have opened them before, for a new pain bloomed in his shoulder. His mouth became gaped and he choked on the feeling, especially as it spread.
Villain twisted the dagger with a sick satisfaction. "I'll understand when you walk yourself into the woods for two weeks."
Twist. A sharp gasp. Ragged breathing.
"When you hear the deep growl of a wolf- deeper and more impactful than thunder."
Another twist. A pained holler and cry.
"When you watch the person who did everything they could to make you feel at home dies as he's immobilized by razor teeth in their leg. And when the teeth finally rip into the throat of a boy who doesn't want to die after minutes of fighting."
A plunge of the dagger. A wordless scream. A limp body- still breathing, but in so much pain that it can't even think of moving- against Villain's leg.
"When you wake up with your own bloodied fists and two piles of bones and drawn out, tattered rags beneath you- because you slept on a branch in a tree to avoid getting eaten yourself. When you spill every ounce of fluid in your body out into a creek because you're so traumatized. When you suffer the way I did...when you spend just the first week in the woods like I did, maybe then I'll try to understand."
As a finish, Villain yanked his dagger from his brother's shoulder and said, "You don't get to keep this one." He wiped the blood off on his pant-leg and walked out.
Original Work
Knife to the Throat
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