#Ig Kat dump now
lesbianturrets · 1 year
So sick are we talking about our Portal ocs again?
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unsteadydida · 2 months
It’s July 2024!!
MasyaAllah Allahuakbar! Dah 11 tahun since aku main tumblr since UTP. Malam ni tergerak hati nak retrieve account ni blk & alhamdulillah boleh bukak! Tak sangka ye memories 2015 aku bnyk dump gambar2 kat sini. Mmg tak sia sia aku suka ambik gambar and suprisingly aku bnyk jugak menulis apa yg berlaku dlm hidup haha. Memori dgn embah, feeling masa awal2 kerja, keserabutan dalam pencarian jodoh, etc. Serius weh most of it aku mmg dh lupaaa. Sangat tak sangka aku boleh baca blk luahan hati aku dulu haha. Zaman sebelum ada ig stories bagai. Since dah ada bnyk gambar mmg aku upload situ je but not with luahan.
Allahuu.. bnyk sgt benda dh berubah. Umur aku dah 33, dh 7 tahun kahwin & ada sorg anak perempuan yg bijak dah 6 tahun. Bnyk doa aku yg Allah makbulkan 😭 Aku dh dpt suami yg exactly mcm doa ku. Beriman, penyayang, rajin, engineer & mcm2 lah. Tolak la segala bad memories yg pernah berlaku dalam hidup aku sebelum ni. Mmg berbaloi penantian kesabaran aku dgn ujian menepis lelaki & all the heart broken.
Now Allah pun dh makbulkan doa aku utk tak kerja tp duit masuk je, komitmen x payah bayar mcm yg aku idamkan. MasyaAllah. Bonus lagi Allah bagi aku dpt rasa ddk overseas. After all ujian berat yg Allah hadiahkan, Maha dasyat yg aku pun tak percaya aku dah lalui. Semua dgn izin diaaa. Ya Allah mcm x sangka aku tgh menulis kat sini. Ingatkan dh berkarat skill hahaha. Best jugak ye maybe aku kena start journaling blk utk luahkan apa isi hati aku rasa. But alhamdulillah life has been soo good. Selalunya time broken je laju menaip hahah. Alhamdulillah. Aku dpt ketenangan & kebahagian yg selalu aku sebut sebutkan. No more stress of work, plus dosa2 kering kat office. But yaah setiap situasi ada je benda kena sacrifice. Walaupun x stress tp aku rindu family, aku agak risau sikit pasa rezeki which I shouldn’t. Allah Maha Kaya dia dh tentukan rezeki aku mcm mana. Aku just kena berusaha dgn apa yg aku tgh buat skrg. The rest leave it to Allah. Satu lg impian aku yg blm tercapai is bawak Mama Abah ke Mekah Madinah. Nk bawak Embah Mok tapi dia dah tak ada 😭 Embah lanang pun dh xde since my last post. Tapi takpe semua embah2 aku pergi dalam keadaan yg sgt baik, hari baik bulan baik. Sumpah aku sgt2 jeles. Aku nak sgt Allah ambik aku dgn keadaan baik jugak, hari Jumaat, dalam keadaan beribadah, khusnul khatimah. Doa yg sama utk parents, suami, adik2 & anak2 ku jua, ameen ya Rabb.
Esok hari Asyura, now dh pkl 130am aku still tak boleh tido. Maybe i should solat tahajud. Lama dh x buat, mmg teringin tp asek malas je Allahu. Ok la lepas ni nk tulis lagi pasal macam2. Pasal diri aku post trauma or maybe masih trauma, pasal life, kerja or anything now. Later2 boleh baca blk mcm mana aku baca post2 lama aku dulu haha. Ok adios dear self! Salam.
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katutsukushii · 4 years
Headcanon that bakugou dates someone quirkless and everyone is super confused but also invested. There are bets and private group chats and someone has done a background check on them. Someone definitely tried to check BK for any type of manipulation. (That poor soul is no longer with us).
I’m going to go and make this Karibaku, if that’s alright.
Okay, so.
Imagine if Kariage lives in a really rough neighbourhood, so he’s always been around illegal substances and black-market quirk-related content. And then he hears talk of bullets that can erase quirks, apparently they’ve started circulating around the villain communities, but they’re incredibly rare and have barely been used.
But then, one night, he’s walking home from Katsuki’s place, it’s the weekend and so he finally got the chance to go see him again since Kat is always busy at UA, and before he knows it he hears fighting in an alley, and just as he’s about to rush by the entrance to it, he hears a gunshot and suddenly there’s pain in his leg. A stray bullet.
It’s all a little bit blurry after that. 
Before he knows it, he’s in the hospital and he’s being told his quirk is gone.
Fine. Whatever. He wasn’t using it anyways since he was going to art school and it was only making his goddamn asthma worse.
But fuck.
Now, he knew the blond wasn’t the way he used to be in middle school, he knew that his opinions on quirkless people used to be complicated and had since changed. But he just couldn’t get the damn thought out of his head, what if he had lost his chance before he even got to try and make it work with his friend?
He’d had a pathetic crush on him since Middle School. Katsuki knew about it, he was sure of it. They’d been dancing around each other for years.
And now... he didn’t know if the dance would continue.
He didn’t know if Katsuki would want him now that he’s... well, useless.
But then, the next day, Katsuki is right there by his side, holding his hand all the while he’s calling him an idiot for not being more careful.
Kariage pulls him in and kisses him before Katsuki manages to get himself kicked out.
After that, they officially starts dating.
The last thing he expected was for Katsuki to become increasingly more and more pissed off as they got further into the relationship.
At first, he figured he was the problem, maybe he’d done something.
But soon Katsuki told him.
“Told those stupid fuckers I was dating ya a while back cause they kept asking who I was talking to. They asked if you’re in the hero course and when I said no they asked if you have a weak quirk or something, I said you’re quirkless. They’ve been fuckin’ placing bets on how long it’s gonna take for me to dump you cause of it and shit.”
Kariage just shrugs and pulls him in, kissing him and hugging him until he finally calmed down.
A few days later, though, he gets a message on his IG. 
After a short chat, they finally end up asking the question they’ve clearly been meaning to ask, “so, how did you get Blasty to date you? What did you do to him?”
The moment Kariage texts Katsuki about what had happened, his boyfriend is trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.
Only then does he find out the lack of faith his friends have in him, the doubts and the judgement. 
Whatever. He doesn’t need those fuckers.
All he needs is Kariage. And he has him - quirk or not.
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ballplayersxo · 3 years
Kat is benefitting from Jordyn’s image just like she is from his. This dude wasn’t exactly seen in the light he his now since bagging her. He was def corny when he came into the league. These men are just as much groupies. It’s why kpj dumped his old YT lady who NEVER posted but is now already on IG lives with kysre. Dejounte dating jania who was just on Ja a few months before him now she’s madly in love. Devin is guilty too. These dudes are groupies for clout too. These women should absolutely be getting clout out of it too
i 100% agree. these relationships are all transactional one way or another so you have to make sure as a woman you’re getting something out of it as well. you can’t let these men use you while you get nothing cause best believe they’ll drop you when the next hot thing comes around
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love-and-hisses · 3 years
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There have been questions about my litter box setup. Right now I have four litter boxes, and it's really more than I need for 6 kittens but I'd rather give them too many than not enough. (I scoop nearly every time I go into the foster room, which is like 10 times a day - I could probably get by with two litter boxes. But I like to give them options.) ⁠ ...⁠ On the right is the So Phresh XL Scatter Shield box (Petco) - I like the high sides; it's actually the box I use for my own cats. ⁠ ...⁠ In the corner on the right is the Exquisicat Top Entry Litter Pan (PetSmart) It'd be good for tall pee-ers, but I wouldn't use it for my own cats because I don't think Newt or Jake could use it (they're getting older).⁠ ...⁠ The blue box is a 31 gallon Rugged Tote storage box, an entry way cut into the front with a jigsaw (and then sanded smooth). (I got it at Lowe's.)⁠ ...⁠ The box on the left is the Exquisicat Hooded litter pan (PetSmart). I don't use covered boxes very often, but like I said: I like to give them options. All four boxes get a lot of use; I'd say that the XL Scatter Shield (on the right) gets the most use, but none of them go unused. I use clumping clay litter (Tidy Cats Free & Clean Unscented, which has been hard to come by lately, so I also use Cat's Pride something or other unscented. I think it's the one that claims to be Low Tracking, but I have not noticed any lack of litter being tracked all over this house.)⁠ ...⁠ Far left is a Litter Genie (I highly recommend them) and the scoops - my favorite is a heavy duty one called It's the Scoop, made by K-Kat LLC. I also have a Litter Lifter scoop for smaller pieces, but I rarely use it. On the floor are washable bed pads - I've had these for at least 5 or 6 years and they've held up extremely well). I usually use the iPrimio Trapper Litter Mats once kittens get really good at using the litter boxes, but just haven't gotten around to switching them out.⁠ ...⁠ When I dump, clean, and refill the boxes, I use REScue One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer spray to clean the box before refilling. ⁠ ...⁠ (Clearly I can go on about litter boxes forever, but IG has a character limit.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0x5HXgGSF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ballplayersxo · 2 years
Yuck not Anthony’s shameless old gf in Jordyns photo dump siting courtside. I think Jordyn does dedicate a lot of time to Kat and his basketball. I still think she’s very much Jordyn Woods but it’s a “when you see Kat you see Jordyn” thing now. Idk what direction she’s going in. She’s popping on IG and is making money but idk what she does or if she should be doing more. He’s probably going to propose though. Idk when but I can see that for them.
yeah idk what’s next for her but i’d like to think she knows what she’s doing
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