mindingmybidness12 · 1 year
Zombie Lover[Wednesday Addams x zombie! GN! Reader]
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Summary: Wednesday learns something interesting about you.
Warnings: Mentions of bodily harm. More on the ridiculous side but still.
Word Count: 700 words
“Hey, how ‘s it going?”
“You have a knife in your shoulder.”
“You have my knife in your shoulder.”
“That is correct.”
“Well I was watching a cool action sequence and it had some knife fighting. I wanted to try it but I don’t own any knives. But I knew you did. One thing led to another and… well.”
“Give it back…”
You reached up and snagged the knife out of your left shoulder. Ignoring the burning pain and the blood pouring out of the wound, you turned to give it back to  Wednesday but thought again.
“Hey… do you mind giving me a second to—“
“I can wipe the blood off myself later. Don’t you think that there’s a more pressing issue to deal with first?”
“Like what?”
“You are bleeding you idiot.”
“I noticed.”
“…you’ll die if you bleed out, you ignoramus.” 
“I won’t die.” You replied while waving Wednesday off without a care in the world,”I have an incredible healing factor with an abnormally high pain tolerance to match. For example.”
You picked a conveniently placed ax off of a nearby desk.
“My ax.” Wednesday supplied
“I will be using your ax for this demonstration.”
“Give it b-”
“What are you–!”
“Observe. HYAH!!”
With an unnecessary battle cry, you lopped off your own left hand with a swipe, sending your hand and blood flying across the room. Wednesday stood frozen in shock at your insane act. Before she could even begin to start yelling at you for doing something so outrageous, the door to her dorm opened and Enid walked in.
“Hey, why is Thing just slumped on the floor bleeding?!”
Thing crawled out from Enid’s drawer with lotion in tow at the sound of his name. Enid looked between both disembodied hands and then finally turned towards you and Wednesday. She took one look at Wednesday's shell shocked face and towards you with a missing hand and bloody ax and nearly lost her mind.
“Wait before you get mad know that it’ll grow back in-”
“Oh there it goes.”  your hand grew back in a spray of blood and wet pop to accompany it.
Enid could only take so much.
“Well that could’ve gone a bit better.”
Wednesday turn towards you and just stared with her usual brand of utter disdain
“No, I've never seen how far my regeneration could go. I’m curious but not that curious.”
You were answering Wednesday’s questions of your newly discovered (by her) abilities as you and her cleaned up the bloody mess you left on the floor. Enid was still unconscious on her bed with Thing tending to her.
“Would you…like help discovering the extent of your abilities?”
“No…I’d imagine that would hurt quite a bit.” You raised an eyebrow at the girl's seemingly eager tone.
“We could start off slow. See if you leave any scars from cuts before we jump back to dismemberment.”
“Why'd you already have a game plan? Shouldn’t you be more… I don’t know, weary?”
“On the contrary, Y/n. Your new revelation has left me quite excited I must admit. I suggest you take me up on my offer. After all, it is important to your growth to test your own limits.”
“This sounds like we’re moving a bit too fast in a direction I’m not too sure I wanna go yet chief.”
“I’ll be gentle.” Wednesday promised
“Ayo, pause.” you recoiled at her choice of words.
“Pause what?” she looked just a touch confused at your reaction.
“Just…nevermind.” You didn’t want to have to be the one to explain Wednesday’s accidental bedroom talk to her.
“Ok my safe word is “AYO” just so you know.” 
In the end you ended up agreeing to Wednesday’s offer. Now you find yourself strapped to a chair with a tarp placed under you. You and Wednesday were in the Hummer’s shed and Eugene was given orders not to disturb the two of you.
“Also we can just go bury the limbs I end up losing in the forest or you can put them all in jars filled with suspicious viscous liquid…whichever tickles you more. I regrow everything back pretty fast anyways.”
“After my own heart are you?” Wednesday smirked as she snapped rubber gloves onto her hands while standing in front of various sharp pointy torture tools.
“Well, I gotta say. Craziest first date ever. Not even close.”
A/N: And that's that! I'm not dead hurray! Had to take time off because of life but now I'm back. Leave a like and reblog and comment what you guys think. I'll see you when I see you!
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
Trump wants Russia to attack our allies. Is it any wonder why he's Putin's favored candidate for president?
Having an ignoramus pawn of Putin as commander-in-chief is not good for national security or international stability.
Seeking a second presidency as the Republicans’ presumptive 2024 White House nominee, Donald Trump has said he would “encourage” Russia to attack any of the US’s Nato allies whom he considers to have not met their financial obligations. The White House described the remarks as “appalling and unhinged”. Trump made the statement on Saturday during a campaign rally in Conway, South Carolina, ahead of the state’s Republican presidential preference primary on 24 February. The former president has voiced misgivings about aid to Ukraine as it defends itself from the invasion launched by Russia in February 2022 – as well as to the existence of Nato, the 31-nation alliance which the US has committed to defending when necessary.
Being the dumbass he is, Trump doesn't understand that NATO is a mutual defense pact. After 9/11 NATO countries provided logistical aid and even troops when the US overthrew the pro-al-Qaeda régime in Afghanistan and took into custody many of the planners of the 9/11 terror attacks.
Trump’s remarks on Saturday quickly raised alarm among many political pundits in the US. “Sounds as if Trump is kind of encouraging Russia to attack our Nato allies,” David Corn – an MSNBC analyst and the Washington DC bureau chief of Mother Jones – said on X. Meanwhile, conservative political commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin said Trump’s comments were “music” to the ears of Russian leader Vladimir Putin
Something Trump doesn't tell his MAGA zombie followers is that military expenditures of NATO countries have gone way up during the Biden administration.
From last July...
NATO Details Leap in Member Defense Spending Ahead of Summit
Is Trump just butthurt that Biden has had greater success at increasing NATO member defense expenditures? That does make Trump look even more like a loser.
More likely Trump is simply doing Putin's bidding in helping to weaken Europe in order to spread Russian hegemony.
Under Biden, NATO is not only growing in strength but growing in membership. Finland joined NATO last April. Sweden is set to join this year.
Many of our NATO allies have excellent intelligence services. Undoubtedly some of them have picked up "dirt" on Trump over the past dozen or so years. It would be a shame for Trump if some of that dirt somehow became public later this year. Europe should show the same love for Trump which he has been showing them. 🙂
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thenewdeadseascrolls · 5 months
Judges 12: 11-15. "The Oak From Hell."
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We know now the Jew is a specimen of the highest order, created and ordained by the God and gods of Israel to lead the world in search of its final configuration called Mashiach. Mashiach is a world that is able to invest in surplus of everything because it has finally agreed to divest itself of war and corruption.
Only Jews and Muslims push and push for a world such as this as a product of directed effort stipulated by the scriptures.
In the final frame of chapter 12, the Shoftim explains how Eretz Israel, the House of Israel is a House of Bread and War. The goal of Mashiach is a final war, one that liberates Israel and the Jew from slavery and oppression and then global peace without end for everyone as the spoils.
The structure is typical of the Torah and Tanakh, and employs Four Directions which introduce Elon and Abdon, "the oak from hell" two new Shoftim, aspects of the Tasty Jewish Shopper.
In general the Torah encourages individuality. Personal freedoms and Indepdendence from the state are the reasons we study Judaism in the first place. The Torah says so long as Jews are clones of each other along this all important principal, they are free to be who they want to be. Now the Shoftim says "All Jewish animals are equal but some are more equal than others."
The reason why is contained in the etymology of "The Oak from Hell in Aijalon":
"The root אלל ('alal) predominantly describes a protruding or sticking out. This may be positive (when one leads a collective), neutral (when one is a tree), or negative (when one fails convention). The latter sense in particular describes foolishness, or at least a failure to live up to cognitive standards or common codes of conduct.
Nouns אלון ('allon), אלה ('alla) and אלה ('elah) refer to oaks or terebinths but note the similarities with the demonstrative pronoun אלה ('elleh), "these," and אלה ('eloah) meaning god or God.
Nouns אליל ('elil) and אלול ('elul) mean worthlessness or a worthless thing (a thing that sticks out of the economy of useful things). Adjectives אויל ('ewil) and אולי ('ewili) mean foolish, and noun אולת ('iwwelet) means foolishness or folly. Noun אול ('ul) may mean belly or leading man.
Nouns אולם ('ulam) and אילם ('elam) mean porch. The former is identical to an adverb that means "however" or "but." Another adverb אולי ('ulay) means "perhaps."
Noun איל ('ayil), "protruder," refers in the Bible to a ram, a pillar, a chief and, yet again, a terebinth. Noun איל ('ayyal) means stag or deer — hence the panting deer of Psalm 42 also describes an ignoramus longing for instruction — and its feminine counterpart אילה ('ayyala) means doe.
The verb יאל (ya'al) means to be foolish, gullible or even simply compliant and pleased to go along in no particularly negative way."
Torah lore values a nice looking guy with a big bronze pole, so long as he knows how to use his mesmerizing glamor to lead other men to Mashiach. He can ride an ass, but he cannot be an ass. The inversion of this teaches subordinates not to choose a leader they cannot respect.
The proper choice is called Abdon son of Hillel, from Pirathon, "The torturer son of praise who steals God's glory". The Tanakh is outspoken about the fact man must eventually relate to God through the gloriousness of other men. It is obscene to walk through life praising God while stupid fat and ugly men shoot, stab, shell, burn, starve, torment and betray each other.
Nice looking men with pleasant temperaments, who are outspoken with Grace fulfill the Torah Prophecy and these are the ones we want to lead and fill the ranks of the Jewish People:
11 After him, Elon the Zebulunite led Israel ten years. 12 Then Elon died and was buried in Aijalon in the land of Zebulun.
13 After him, Abdon son of Hillel, from Pirathon, led Israel. 
14 He had forty sons and thirty grandsons, who rode on seventy donkeys. He led Israel eight years. 
15 Then Abdon son of Hillel died and was buried at Pirathon in Ephraim, in the hill country of the Amalekites.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 11-12: Elon the Zebulunite led Israel ten years. A year is how long it takes to see evidence of an Office in the Torah. The Ten Decrees take Ten Torah Years to establish in society. We have no life and no future with a mankind that refuses to accept the decade long effort required to cement the Ten Decrees within our lives.
The Value in Gematria is 6149, ואדט‎‎‎, and edt, "the denomination" meaning this is the loot that lies in the North, what has yet to be discovered by man. Donald Trump, a foul and disgusting demon, for example does not follow the Decrees. He in fact, flaunts his violations of them as do his followers. They say "so what! Praise Jesus Christ!"
Donald Trump and the filth are the product of a willful system that rejects the Decrees. He is a perfect example of why the Glory of God remains hidden in mankind on this planet.
v. 13: After him, Abdon son of Hillel, from Pirathon, led Israel. Abdon, "the torturer" says "do not praise a fukchuk, give God his due instead." v. 13 represents the Eastern direction, "the awakening." WHY we need to discuss all the ways the Republicans and Mormons, the filth, have violated the Decrees and the laws of the land and wonder if someone is going to do something about them is beyond me but apparently we do.
The term Pirathon "piracy", the rescinding society back from a bunch of scoundrels is unfortunately what we need to do. And I swear to God you Republicans are going to pay for what you did to Ukraine and all this abortion shit. That's before you pay for what you did to Israel on October 7. For all of this, and renominating Donald Trump, I promise you, you are going to pay.
After the teen pregnancies and deaths because of your abortion bans, I think people should gather in DC, haul you out of your offices and drag you all behind pickup trucks acoss the city, in fact:
"The verb פרע (para') means to bundle without restriction. It may refer to the formation of a tribal confederacy (i.e. a freely joined alliance that benefits all participants), which might come about either spontaneous or via a human catalyst, who would then be known by the noun פרע (pera').
For lack of a better word, this noun is commonly translated with "leader" but it rather denotes someone who emphasizes voluntary participation and preserved autonomy rather than submission to some higher authority.
The noun פרע (pera') also describes a lock or bundle of otherwise freely moving hair such as a pony tail. The word for hair, namely שער (se'ar), additionally describes the cognitive quality of being familiar with or afraid of something. In that sense, loose hair signifies freely expressed feelings, bundled hair signifies free expressions concerning a particular topic, braided hair signifies synthetically crafted discourse, and bound and covered hair (by a turban or a hat) signifies restrained and unexpressed feelings.
In a negative sense, the verb פרע (para') may refer to getting out of control, or assuming a degree of freedom where a governed, disciplined or regulated state is preferred."
The Value in Gematria is 1402, אדאֶפֶס‎ב, ‎adapesb, "adapt to the ways of the Assembly."
Leadership must insist on conformity to the Grandfathers and Fathers of Israel, the 12 and the Seventy forefathers.
Together they form a series of offices called the Ephod, "the covering" that explain how individual Jewish persons should act in order to find themselves before they consider electives:
v. 14:  He had forty sons and thirty grandsons, who rode on seventy donkeys. He led Israel eight years. Years are episodes in life. If one is lucky to live forty years and then forty more, one should be able to act wiser as well as older. The process of making forty sons, or forty fruits of one actions and then behave as if one is a proper Jew, possessed of his own Jewish Self, takes Eight Years. Seven spent toiling over the curriculum contained in the Seven Days plus one more which is spent enjoying a trouble free life for the rest of one's time on earth.
A proper read of the Torah will divulge each object lesson is thoroughly explained in detail. The Seven Days, the Four Directions, the Ten Commandments, Ten Plagues, all of it is explained.
There is a complicated magic formula for how it works in Terumah, I have not figured out how to match it all but here it is, the "layout" for the Torah and how all of its verses and rules and lessons fit together in one "Tabernacle Torah".
The Parshiot are included based on their direction and materials.
15 “Make upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle. 16 Each frame is to be ten cubits long and a cubit and a half wide,[k] 17 with two projections set parallel to each other. Make all the frames of the tabernacle in this way. 18 Make twenty frames for the south side of the tabernacle 19 and make forty silver bases to go under them—two bases for each frame, one under each projection. 20 For the other side, the north side of the tabernacle, make twenty frames 21 and forty silver bases—two under each frame. 22 Make six frames for the far end, that is, the west end of the tabernacle, 23 and make two frames for the corners at the far end. 24 At these two corners they must be double from the bottom all the way to the top and fitted into a single ring; both shall be like that. 25 So there will be eight frames and sixteen silver bases—two under each frame.
26 “Also make crossbars of acacia wood: five for the frames on one side of the tabernacle, 27 five for those on the other side, and five for the frames on the west, at the far end of the tabernacle. 28 The center crossbar is to extend from end to end at the middle of the frames. 29 Overlay the frames with gold and make gold rings to hold the crossbars. Also overlay the crossbars with gold.
=the 54 Bars and Frames are the 54 Parshiot. Gold Bars and Gold Rings are all connected by the temple architecture by Torah Traditions.
If we look at each tract and calculate the Gematria, how to proceed should be straightforward:
ex. Make upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle. The Number is 2306, באג‎אֶפֶסו‎ ‎"Start where you left off."
 Each frame is to be ten cubits long and a cubit and a half wide. The Number is 2420, בדבאֶפֶס‎‎ ‎, in dafapes, "Understanding is the dove of truth," "there are no pages that are false or misrepresenting..."
The verb ψευδω (pseudo) means to lie. The English "pseudo" mostly signifies surrogacy or a playful pretending, but is much milder than the original Greek idea of willful and malignant misrepresentation and deception with intent and purpose.
In the Bible only the earlier and more common form ψευδομαι (pseudomai) is used, but since the essence of the concept of truth is very hard to define (as famously demonstrated by Pontius Pilate: JOHN 18:38), the essence of lying is equally obscure. Still, even little children seem to naturally understand the difference between lying and telling the truth.
With two projections set parallel to each other. Make all the frames of the tabernacle in this way. The Number is 6361. "and so on until goa, the people form a calm nation."
Clearly every word in the Torah contains a hidden message from the Angels in the Host of Heaven. And they say the inent and purpose and source for the calm comes from the Gematria for the verse above. The Value in Gematria is 6154, ואהד‎, "and ahad" "and sympathize."
= Speak out against oppression happening against people that are not Jewish.
v. 15:  Then Abdon son of Hillel died and was buried at Pirathon in Ephraim, in the hill country of the Amalekites. Amelakites are "hand wringers" they work but are not happy. Jewish people and those around them must be happy or the Torah is an epic fail.
It is the job of the Oak from Hell to manage the Jewish community to this end...work, then Shabbat.
The Value in Gematria is 4149, דא‎‎דט‎, daedt, "know how to work the religion."
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ancestorsofjudah · 9 months
2 Kings 16: 5-7. "The Cells."
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The beginning of chapter 16 things begin to disintegrate because any traces of the raw traditions of the Religion were nearly gone. This is happening to us today. Christians run amok thinking their magic spell incantation will bring them back from the dead, Jews are completely neurotic about everything, Muslims have no idea who Allah really is.
This complete negligence of proper research, translation, and sermonizing is responsible for the destruction of life on this world. Superstition may be called "burning incense in the high places" but all it really does is smoke the hole in the low places. :(
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In the church or temple we use incense, water, wine, song, sermon and the eyes travel all along sacred artifacts to employ the faculties away from the ego to the Spirit of God. Outside we are on our own. But to do what?
What is the answer? Read on:
5 Then Rezin king of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel marched up to fight against Jerusalem and besieged Ahaz, but they could not overpower him. 
Rezin means "to regain control", the way a skilled jockey retakes control of a rebellious horse:
The noun רסן (resen) means bridle or halter. It probably originally meant jaw, and stemmed from a verb that meant something like to restrain or control.
Rezin resides in Aram, the Elevated Citadel, the High Place right alongside the other superstitions we have about God and religion. The goal of all religious studies is the not difficult task of choosing the correct superstition to implement as the foundation of the behavior that underlies society.
This means we choose magnanymity and generosity, and offer refuge to our fellow man wherever and whenever and however possible, not bitch, moan, complain and beat on people different from us.
Refuge, not refuse is the key to understanding the proper choices to make in the High Place. The Melachim goes on to say recovery of the concept of refuge in the church, household, school and the courtroom is for the purposes of Elath, the little does who might turn into big mean pouting, panting stags if one is not careful:
"Noun איל ('ayil), "protruder," refers in the Bible to a ram, a pillar, a chief and, yet again, a terebinth. Noun איל ('ayyal) means stag or deer — hence the panting deer of Psalm 42 also describes an ignoramus longing for instruction — and its feminine counterpart אילה ('ayyala) means doe.
The verb יאל (ya'al) means to be foolish, gullible or even simply compliant and pleased to go along in no particularly negative way."
Finally it says the Edomites, the Sons of Esau, religious commitments of the valid kind are how the little deers come into alignment with the needs of civil society and remember to stay there as adults. See Vayischlach.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 5: The Value in Gematria is 7758, ז‎ז‎הח‎, zzzh, "moving oneself from sin to reverence."
v. 6: The Value in Gematria is 9444, טד‎‎אד‎‎, tada, "understanding the cell."
Hebrew explains man as ta,or atta, a soul contained in a body but only should the soul attain to sentience. Upon using the lessons in the Torah to climb to the top of the mountain the same way one uses the steps on a ladder, then one attains to Ha Shem.
If one is not climbing the steps like Moses climbed Horeb in search of ways to free his people from slavery and fear, then one is not performing the soul's work as prescribed in the Torah and one shall not live a blessed life nor enter into heaven at the end of life.
The King of Bees, the Master of the Cells, will take the time and make the effort to follow the Edomites and implement the differences between mongering fear and minting freedom for his people.
Just as a bee leaves the honeycomb in search of pollen and returns with what is needed to nourish and grow the colony, so do the angels pollinate the mind with the knowledge contained in the alefbeis. Any who chooses to enter the meadow in search of their nectar becomes a Master of the Cells contained in the Torah and also in real life.
It is during such a quest that one learns the process consists far more of subtraction than of addition, all the way through the Eye of Ha Shem to the Ein Sof itself. Along the way one learns to dissect and dispense with all that is ugly, obscene, and impure. As one adds to the Cells, one automatically divests of all of these and without a care in the world.
The result, ideally, is a mankind that is happy with its place in civilization and a civilization that has assumed its proper place in history. Torah tells us these two causes are interdependent and must always progress forward.
If we do not sense what is happening in the high places and moderate them through the best intelligentsia the world has to provide, we shall fall back as we have instead.
It is the duty of Monarchy in particular to cultivate mankind and ensure the generally pervading conditions are always amenable to the best civilization can produce of an otherwise unambitious mankind at the time. Their influence is what causes the population to select the right kind of superstitions in order to attain to true enlightenment. Such monarchs and their successors are sure to be rare until the high places are completely vetted of the corrupt influences named in this Melachim.
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 28: 16-21. "The Second Page."
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The Gematria for the next two verses is, "They came, and they went back." The value is 6321, =12, = ו‎ג‎בא‎ =
What Is The People Will Find Their Sovereignty And In This They Will Find Their Freedom?
16 At that time King Ahaz sent to the kings[a] of Assyria for help. 
17 The Edomites had again come and attacked Judah and carried away prisoners, 
Ahaz= "The Fraternity Brother"
Kings of Assyria= "the levelers, to make straight." = Moses and Aaron.
The Edomites, "the commitments" came and took prisoners= Levites.
18 while the Philistines had raided towns in the foothills and in the Negev of Judah. They captured and occupied Beth Shemesh, Aijalon and Gederoth, as well as Soko, Timnah and Gimzo, with their surrounding villages. 
19 The Lord had humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel,[b] for he had promoted wickedness in Judah and had been most unfaithful to the Lord. 
Foothills are the stairway to heaven, they are, more or less, the entire contents of the Jewish Scripture Library. Anytime life becomes unsteady one can find the next step up within the Temple Archives.
Savages attack the staircase and the stairwell causing one to fall into valleys once again. The Negev of Judah are "undulating desert, parched dry" is the stage of ascent where one gives up anger and aggression, bigotry, jealousy, all the causes of the Flood and ultimately of slavery.
Negev is the fertile soil one tills during the transition from beast boy to an upright male man.
There are Six Towns around the Negev that roughly correspond. along with the Negev, to the Seven Days, Seven Laws, Seven Wells, Cities of Refuge etc.
Philistines, superstitious devil worshippers must not be allowed to prevent access to the Negev and the Six Villages, which are:
Beth Shemesh= The House of the Sun is creation itself, it is all life and all living things house the sun and the Sun houses us. It began with an Ancestor, the God of Israel and through Him, all the Houses of Israel are connected.
2. Aijalon=Ayyal-Alon= "lower lifeform demonstrative of God."
Noun איל ('ayil), "protruder," refers in the Bible to a ram, a pillar, a chief and, yet again, a terebinth. Noun איל ('ayyal) means stag or deer — hence the panting deer of Psalm 42 also describes an ignoramus longing for instruction — and its feminine counterpart אילה ('ayyala) means doe.
Nouns אלון ('allon), אלה ('alla) and אלה ('elah) refer to oaks or terebinths but note the similarities with the demonstrative pronoun אלה ('elleh), "these," and אלה ('eloah) meaning god or God.
Gederoth=The Vault between knowledge and ignorance, the awakening as to what is right vs. what is wrong.
The verb גדר (gadar) means to wall up; to build a wall to separate innies from outies, and to check any movement between the two. Curiously, this verb is used predominantly in a figurative sense, i.e. to describe a containment of thoughts, deeds, intentions or developments.
Contrarily, the nouns גדר (gader), גדרה (gedera) and גדרת (gederet) all describe the item built and refer predominantly to literal walls and enclosures such as sheepfolds.
Soko= Saduccees, or Zadokkians
The Righteous Ones or The Guys Who Got It All Worked Out. A modern equivalent of this name is Orthodox (in use since the 18th century), which is from ortho, meaning right or straight, and doxa, opinion or doctrine.
Timnah=The Allotted Portion, the amount of time, space, air, water, talent, beauty, peace, the total fulfilment one is given once one crosses over the Jordan and thoroughly understands what God has given us the opportunity to be and to do and expresses gratitude for it.
Timnah is a prerequisite to Shabbat.
Verb מנה (mana) means to count or assign. Nouns מנה (mana) and מנת (menat) mean portion or part. Noun מנה (maneh) is a unit of weight; the mina. And noun מנה (moneh) means time (not clock time but as in ten "times").
and Gimzo, with their surrounding villages= a place fertile with sycamores. the Gematria for this is 2677, or 22, which is ܬ, tav, the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which means "truth."
Sycamores, a type of fig tree do not grow in the desert unless there is water hidden below the sand. Sojourners who become soothsayers look for the sycamores "evidence of truth" as signs their transition from wanderers to full time citizens of a country is about to begin.
2677 also combine to create בוזז‎ ‎ ‎ "looter." Looting has been a common theme in these final chapters of 2 Chronicles. See below:
20 Tiglath-Pileser[c] king of Assyria came to him, but he gave him trouble instead of help. 
The verb גלה (gala) means to expose, uncover, remove or to go into exile. Noun גליון (gillayon) means table or tablet. Noun גולה (gola) means captivity or captive one. Noun גלות (gallut) refers to captives as a group.
Root פלל (palal) is all about distinguishing and discerning, and often emphasizes representation of something unseen or not present. It's frequently used in the sense of to entreat or pray on someone's behalf.
Noun תפלה (tepilla) means prayer. Noun פליל (palil) describes an inspector or umpire and noun פלילה (pelila) refers to the place at which an umpire operates; a judge's office. Adjective פלילי (pelili) means "for a judge" or "to be judged" and noun פליליה (peliliya) means verdict or assessment.
21 Ahaz took some of the things from the temple of the Lord and from the royal palace and from the officials and presented them to the king of Assyria, but that did not help him.
Ahaz tried to be tactful and demonstrate discerning tastes, but he was judged wanting by the King of Assyria, the leveler. Ahaz looted treasure instead of earning and accumulating it. He was a hypocrite. He did not earn the Allotted Portion because he, a borrower by nature, did not take the time to learn.
The Second Page of the Torah Story is the Desert where one is rescued from slavery and sent on one's way, but certainly that does not mean one has gone all the way. For this, one has to follow the Path from the Negev up into the Foothills and through the Six Villages.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher delivered an impassioned livestream interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday evening, where they discussed the dual strikes that have brought Hollywood to a standstill.
Drescher tore into the studios’ executives and their negotiating body, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. The union chief also criticized Disney CEO Bob Iger, who called the actors’ demands “not realistic” on July 13 while attending an exclusive media mogul gathering in Sun Valley hosted by an investment bank.
Fran Drescher's Challengers: Rival SAG-AFTRA Ticket Takes Shape Ahead of Union Election
“He stuck his foot in it so bad that you notice none of the other CEOs are opening their mouths,” Drescher said. “There he is, sitting in his designer clothes and just got on his private jet at the billionaire’s camp, telling us we’re unrealistic when he’s making $78,000 a day. How do you deal with someone like that who’s so tone-deaf? Are you an ignoramus? I don’t understand. We need someone with character and courage to go into those boardrooms and say, ‘Listen, we’re doing this all wrong. Why are we doing this anyway? We’re in business with these people. They are who we are building our business off of.'”
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 15: 1-10. "The Reporter."
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The Ark Brought to Jerusalem, "City of Beauty."
This section pertains to how one must use the Reporter, La Bouche if one wants to live life as freely as God intended:
15 After David had constructed buildings for himself in the City of David, he prepared a place for the ark of God and pitched a tent for it. 
Tents are temporary lodgings. They are pitched in the wilderness, the unknown. When the unknown meets the known, this is called Shabbat. To build a place for oneself in which great beauty resides, where the the Ark can rest, is the meaning of life for all persons interested in learning from the Torah.
2 Then David said, “No one but the Levites may carry the ark of God, because the Lord chose them to carry the ark of the Lord and to minister before him forever.”
Levites are "joiners, connectors". Only persons who are highly involved may bear the Ark and minister to others about the nature of its contents.
Though not well known, a Hebrew "passes over" much in the way God passed over the Waters, a Jew sojourns between lifetimes, a Lew, a Levite connects these lifetimes and makes them seamless and contiguous.
This is why God chose a Lew, Moses to swim down the Nile the River of Life and sojourn alongside the Jews. He knew the way out and up, and explains why David employed them to move the Ark, to free it from captivity of persons who did not know how to employ its power.
We are all living and breathing the result of what happens when numnutz make the atttempt instead.
3 David assembled all Israel in Jerusalem to bring up the ark of the Lord to the place he had prepared for it. 4 He called together the descendants of Aaron and the Levites:
Aaron= Most Exalted of the Connected.
5 From the descendants of Kohath, Uriel the leader and 120 relatives;
Kohath=the Congregation
Uriel= God's Lamp
The Gematria for 120 suggests the Light in the Congregation must stay lit:
And through the timeless teachings of Torah, we reach a point so deep and so holy that the strictures of time melt away, and we, too, sense the vitality of Moses and his successors in every generation.
6 from the descendants of Merari, Asaiah the leader and 220 relatives;
Merari= bitter strong like myrrh- the ability to think, say, and do what is right
Asaiah= Noun מעשה (ma'aseh) means deed, act, work, doing, making and so on.
First comes the congregation then comes the religion, which has a Gematria of 220. As the Tantra says, the religion must teach the heart how to sense things correctly:
 It is the heart, bina, which focuses differently from the mind, where we come fully to appreciate and understand a given situation. The way in which our hearts 'hear' and 'understand' a predicament will determine the manner in which we respond to it.(Anatomy of the Soul, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, by R. Chaim Kramer, Jerusalem: Breslov Research Institute, 1998, pp. 220-221.)
7 from the descendants of Gershon,[a] Joel the leader and 130 relatives;
Gershon= "to Expel"
The verb גרש (garash) means to drive away or expel. Noun גרושה (gerusha) means expulsion. Noun מגרש (migrash) denotes lands and secondary villages surrounding a city; the outliers. Noun גרש (geresh) means produce, perhaps because they pertain to the urban outliers, or else because veggies are things thrust up out of the ground.
Joel=the protruder
Noun איל ('ayil), "protruder," refers in the Bible to a ram, a pillar, a chief and, yet again, a terebinth. Noun איל ('ayyal) means stag or deer — hence the panting deer of Psalm 42 also describes an ignoramus longing for instruction —
The Gematria for this section is 1+3+0= 40, meaning Forty Years in the desert. God expelled the Israelites for bitching and caviling about the food they were given to eat and God told them He was going to kill them for it. He commended them to the sand and those who were born and or survived during the Forty Years, who figured it out were allowed to enter the Promised Land.
8 from the descendants of Elizaphan, Shemaiah the leader and 200 relatives;
Elizaphan=a place of gathering to meet God
Verb צפן (sapan) means to hide or store up. Nouns צפין (sapin) and מצפון (maspon) describe a mass of predominantly static wealth. Noun צפון (sapon) means north, as for unexplained reasons the Bible considers the north a place of gathering. Noun or adjective צפוני (seponi) means northern or northern one.
Shemaiah=to hear reports or mentioned of God
The verb שמע (shama') means to hear and may also mean to understand or obey. Noun שמע (shema') means sound. Nouns שמע (shoma') and שמועה (shemu'a) mean tidings, report or mentions. 
The Gematria of 200 means the speech must be bent in the manner of speaking mentioned above:
The twentieth letter of the alef-beis is the letter reish. The de­sign of the reish represents an individual who is bent over; a poor person. The reish is composed of two lines, one horizontal and one vertical. It looks very similar to the dalet, but the dalet has a yud at its upper right-hand corner, which the reish lacks.6 As we explained in the chapter on dalet, the yud represents one who is subservient to G‑d and adheres to every letter of the law. The reish’s two lines represent intellect and speech.7 Be­cause they are not joined with a yud, the speech and intellect of this individual are for his own gratification—they can even degenerate and become corrupt and evil. Such a person’s thoughts and speech are often directed to hurting and conspir­ing against others. In this way he drags his most essential fac­ulties into the depths of unholiness.
9 from the descendants of Hebron "The Place of Joining", Eliel "The approach" the leader and 80 relatives;
The gematria of eighty is pei. As it says in Ethics of Our Fathers:4 “When one is eighty years old, he has reached a special strength.” Therefore we find: “Eighty thousand men by the name of Aaron all followed Aaron to his final resting place.”5 The reason there were eighty thousand men by the name of Aaron is as follows: We know Aaron was a great speaker. When G‑d asked Moses to speak to Pharaoh, Moses demurred, saying that he had a speech impediment. G‑d responded, “Is there not your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know that he can speak well.” Aaron’s verbal skills also served him well as a marriage counselor.
When there was a fight between a couple and the husband or wife left, Aaron became the peace­maker, appeasing them with soothing words. When the reunited couple gave birth to its next child, they invariably said, “We will name the child after Aaron the High Priest.” He reunited so many couples that thousands of children were named Aaron. Thus the number eighty (thousand) here signifies the special strength of the pei, the mouth.
Moses was eighty years old when he led the Jews out of Egypt and eighty when he transmitted the Torah to them.
10 from the descendants of Uzziel, Amminadab the leader and 112 relatives.
Uzziel= Verb עוז ('uz) means to bring into refuge or to seek safety. Noun מעוז (ma'oz) describes a place or agent of safety.
Ammindadab=to be inclusive, to be noble
The verb עמם ('mm) probably expressed to be inclusive or comprehensive. Its rare uses in the Bible relate to making secrets or making info available to an in-crowd.
The verb נדב (nadab) means to give, donate or volunteer, and by implication to be noble. From it derive the noun נדבה (nedaba), freewill offering, the noun and adjective נדיב (nadib), generous or noble, and the noun נדיבה (nediba), generous deed.
112= 11+2= 13 =
Means a leader is nothing if he can't keep the crowd together using the right persuasions. They are the very same that are taught to 13 year olds who are the relatives introduced to the mix so the traditions of Jewish Nobility are not lost:
Thirteen are the attributes of Hashem - שלושה עשר מידיא (the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy) Age of Bar Mitzvah, when a Jewish male becomes obligated to follow Jewish law. Jewish principles of faith according to Maimonides. Hermeneutic rules of Rabbi Ishmael.
Once the Place of Beauty is established, and we only need this done once in one place, then every man, woman and child on earth has a chance. All that is needed after this lamp is lit is to use the Propaganda of God found in the Torah to glue the world together.
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statesmanstationery · 2 years
Significance of a Solid Stationery Supplier
It's safe to say that there are very few factors which hold identical importance across every one of the an enormous number of working environments crossing the length and breadth of the country. For specific affiliations the middle is upon bargains age, for others creativity is at the front: the once-over is ceaseless. One of just a small bunch of uncommon pieces of business which is a consistent across for all intents and purposes all affiliations at any rate is efficiency: whether in regards to time, resources, people or capital-or because of the best run associations: all of the four.
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sarcasticcynic · 5 years
Well, they're going to be escaping to Europe, that's where they want to go. We have no soldiers in the area.
Trump, explaining why it doesn’t bother him and isn’t his problem that captured ISIS fighters have been escaping from Kurdish prisons in Syria after he abandoned our Kurdish allies to Turkey
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trmpt · 4 years
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Facebook thrives on criticism of "disinformation"
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The mainstream critique of Facebook is surprisingly compatible with Facebook’s own narrative about its products. FB critics say that the company’s machine learning and data-gathering slides disinformation past users’ critical faculties, poisoning their minds.
Meanwhile, Facebook itself tells advertisers that it can use data and machine learning to slide past users’ critical faculties, convincing them to buy stuff.
In other words, the mainline of Facebook critics start from the presumption that FB is a really good product and that advertisers are definitely getting their money’s worth when they shower billions on the company.
Which is weird, because these same critics (rightfully) point out that Facebook lies all the time, about everything. It would be bizarre if the only time FB was telling the truth was when it was boasting about how valuable its ad-tech is.
Facebook has a conflicted relationship with this critique. I’m sure they’d rather not be characterized as a brainwashing system that turns good people into monsters, but not when the choice is between “brainwashers” and “con-artists selling garbage to credulous ad execs.”
As FB investor and board member Peter Thiel puts it: “I’d rather be seen as evil than incompetent.” In other words, the important word in “evil genius” is “genius,” not “evil.”
The accord of tech critics and techbros gives rise to a curious hybrid, aptly named by Maria Farrell: the Prodigal Techbro.
A prodigal techbro is a self-styled wizard of machine-learning/surveillance mind control who has see the error of his ways.
This high-tech sorcerer doesn’t disclaim his magical powers — rather, he pledges to use them for good, to fight the evil sorcerers who invented a mind-control ray to sell your nephew a fidget-spinner, then let Robert Mercer hijack it to turn your uncle into a Qanon racist.
There’s a great name for this critique, criticism that takes its subjects’ claims to genius at face value: criti-hype, coined by Lee Vinsel, describing a discourse that turns critics into “the professional concern trolls of technoculture.”
The thing is, Facebook really is terrible — but not because it uses machine learning to brainwash boomers into iodine-guzzling Qnuts. And likewise, there really is a problem with conspiratorial, racist, science-denying, epistemologically chaotic conspiratorialism.
Addressing that problem requires that we understand the direction of the causal arrow — that we understand whether Facebook is the cause or the effect of the crisis, and what role it plays.
“Facebook wizards turned boomers into orcs” is a comforting tale, in that it implies that we need merely to fix Facebook and the orcs will turn back into our cuddly grandparents and get their shots. The reality is a lot gnarlier and, sadly, less comforting.
There’s been a lot written about Facebook’s sell-job to advertisers, but less about the concern over “disinformation.” In a new, excellent longread for Harpers, Joe Bernstein makes the connection between the two:
Fundamentally: if we question whether Facebook ads work, we should also question whether the disinformation campaigns that run amok on the platform are any more effective.
Bernstein starts by reminding us of the ad industry’s one indisputable claim to persuasive powers: ad salespeople are really good at convincing ad buyers that ads work.
Think of department store magnate John Wanamaker’s lament that “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Whoever convinced him that he was only wasting half his ad spend was a true virtuoso of the con.
As Tim Hwang documents brilliantly in his 2020 pamphlet “Subprime Attention Crisis,” ad-tech is even griftier than the traditional ad industry. Ad-tech companies charge advertisers for ads that are never served, or never rendered, or never seen.
They rig ad auctions, fake their reach numbers, fake their conversions (they also lie to publishers about how much they’ve taken in for serving ads on their pages and short change them by millions).
Bernstein cites Hwang’s work, and says, essentially, shouldn’t this apply to “disinformation?”
If ads don’t work well, then maybe political ads don’t work well. And if regular ads are a swamp of fraudulently inflated reach numbers, wouldn’t that be true of political ads?
Bernstein talks about the history of ads as a political tool, starting with Eisenhower’s 1952 “Answers America” campaign, designed and executed at great expense by Madison Ave giants Ted Bates.
Hannah Arendt, whom no one can accuse of being soft on the consequences of propaganda, was skeptical of this kind of enterprise: “The psychological premise of human manipulability has become one of the chief wares that are sold on the market of common and learned opinion.”
The ad industry ran an ambitious campaign to give scientific credibility to its products. As Jacques Ellul wrote in 1962, propagandists were engaged in “the increasing attempt to control its use, measure its results, define its effects.”
Appropriating the jargon of behavioral scientists let ad execs “assert audiences, like workers in a Taylorized workplace, need not be persuaded through reason, but could be trained through repetition to adopt the new consumption habits desired by the sellers.” -Zoe Sherman
These “scientific ads” had their own criti-hype attackers, like Vance “Hidden Persuaders” Packard, who admitted that “researchers were sometimes prone to oversell themselves — or in a sense to exploit the exploiters.”
Packard cites Yale’s John Dollard, a scientific ad consultant, who accused his colleagues of promising advertisers “a mild form of omnipotence,” which was “well received.”
Today’s scientific persuaders aren’t in a much better place than Dollard or Packard. Despite all the talk of political disinformation’s reach, a 2017 study found “sharing articles from fake news domains was a rare activity” affecting <10% of users.
So, how harmful is this? One study estimates “if one fake news article were about as persuasive as one TV campaign ad, the fake news in our database would have changed vote shares by an amount on the order of hundredths of a percentage point.”
Now, all that said, American politics certainly feel and act differently today than in years previous. The key question: “is social media creating new types of people, or simply revealing long-obscured types of people to a segment of the public unaccustomed to seeing them?”
After all, American politics has always had its “paranoid style,” and the American right has always had a sizable tendency towards unhinged conspiratorialism, from the John Birch Society to Goldwater Republicans.
Social media may not be making more of these yahoos, but rather, making them visible to the wider world, and to each other, allowing them to make common cause and mobilize their adherents (say, to carry tiki torches through Charlottesville in Nazi cosplay).
If that’s true, then elite calls to “fight disinformation” are unlikely to do much, except possibly inflaming things. If “disinformation” is really people finding each other (not infecting each other) labelling their posts as “disinformation” won’t change their minds.
Worse, plans like the Biden admin’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism lump 1/6 insurrectionists in with anti-pipeline activists, racial justice campaigners, and animal rights groups.
Whatever new powers we hand over to fight disinformation will be felt most by people without deep-pocketed backers who’ll foot the bill for crack lawyers.
Here’s the key to Bernstein’s argument: “One reason to grant Silicon Valley’s assumptions about our mechanistic persuadability is that it prevents us from thinking too hard about the role we play in taking up and believing the things we want to believe. It turns a huge question about the nature of democracy in the digital age — what if the people believe crazy things, and now everyone knows it? — into a technocratic negotiation between tech companies, media companies, think tanks, and universities.”
I want to “Yes, and” that.
My 2020 book How To Destroy Surveillance Capitalism doesn’t dismiss the idea that conspiratorialism is on the rise, nor that tech companies are playing a key role in that rise — but without engaging in criti-hype.
In my book, I propose that conspiratorialism isn’t a crisis of what people believe so much as how they arrive at their beliefs — it’s an “epistemological crisis.”
We live in a complex society plagued by high-stakes questions none of us can answer on our own.
Do vaccines work? Is oxycontin addictive? Should I wear a mask? Can we fight covid by sanitizing surfaces? Will distance ed make my kind an ignoramus? Should I fly in a 737 Max?
Even if you have the background to answer one of these questions, no one can answer all of them.
Instead, we have a process: neutral expert agencies use truth-seeking procedures to sort of competing claims, showing their work and recusing themselves when they have conflicts, and revising their conclusions in light of new evidence.
It’s pretty clear that this process is breaking down. As companies (led by the tech industry) merge with one another to form monopolies, they hijack their regulators and turn truth-seeking into an auction, where shareholder preferences trump evidence.
This perversion of truth has consequences — take the FDA’s willingness to accept the expensively manufactured evidence of Oxycontin’s safety, a corrupt act that kickstarted the opioid epidemic, which has killed 800,000 Americans to date.
If the best argument for vaccine safety and efficacy is “We used the same process and experts as pronounced judgement on Oxy” then it’s not unreasonable to be skeptical — especially if you’re still coping with the trauma of lost loved ones.
As Anna Merlan writes in her excellent Republic of Lies, conspiratorialism feeds on distrust and trauma, and we’ve got plenty of legitimate reasons to experience both.
Tech was an early adopter of monopolistic tactics — the Apple ][+ went on sale the same year Ronald Reagan hit the campaign trail, and the industry’s growth tracked perfectly with the dismantling of antitrust enforcement over the past 40 years.
What’s more, while tech may not persuade people, it is indisputably good at finding them. If you’re an advertiser looking for people who recently looked at fridge reviews, tech finds them for you. If you’re a boomer looking for your old high school chums, it’ll do that too.
Seen in that light, “online radicalization” stops looking like the result of mind control, instead showing itself to be a kind of homecoming — finding the people who share your interests, a common online experience we can all relate to.
I found out about Bernstein’s article from the Techdirt podcast, where he had a fascinating discussion with host Mike Masnick.
Towards the end of that discussion, they talked about FB’s Project Amplify, in which the company tweaked its news algorithm to uprank positive stories about Facebook, including stories its own PR department wrote.
Project Amplify is part of a larger, aggressive image-control effort by the company, which has included shuttering internal transparency portals, providing bad data to researchers, and suing independent auditors who tracked its promises.
I’d always assumed that this truth-suppression and wanton fraud was about hiding how bad the platform’s disinformation problem was.
But listening to Masnick and Bernstein, I suddenly realized there was another explanation.
Maybe Facebook’s aggressive suppression of accurate assessments of disinformation on its platform are driven by a desire to hide how expensive (and profitable) political advertising it depends on is pretty useless.
Image: Anthony Quintano (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mark_Zuckerberg_F8_2018_Keynote_(41793470192).jpg
Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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delta7of96 · 5 years
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signor-signor · 3 years
Trending 27th - July 2021
It’s been exactly 6 years since Disney foolishly decided to cancel Wander Over Yonder because they felt two seasons were enough. There’s never been an excuse more cockamamie than that.
What should have been the satisfying ending for Wander Over Yonder?
First off, there’s a number of reasons The End of the Galaxy, the second season finale, should not be counted as the series finale.
The fate of Buster, the giant space pup, is unknown.
Janet and Maurice never came back, although it was said they were on their honeymoon, hence their absence in S2.
The show is about Lord Hater gradually giving up villainy - why else would he still be cuckoo for conquering after defeating Dominator?
The last 1-2 minutes feel a bit rushed.
At least 10 supporting characters got to speak solo, but everyone else hardly had a chance to shine.
We haven’t seen what became of the other villains, including Emperor Awesome.
Wander didn’t get to interact with Major Threat, whom he had reformed long before he met Sylvia.
Wander didn’t get to sing or play his banjo.
Hater still sees Wander as his enemy - his last words to him were, “WE’RE NOT YOUR BUDDIES!”
The images of the Star Nomad and the space ape from The Waste of Time were left unexplained.
The cameo of Wander and Sylvia aboard the Star Nomad in the Future-Worm finale shows that one more season was indeed planned after S2.
Downed space pod cliffhanger that possibly alludes to the aforementioned space ape. You’d have to be a total ignoramus to overlook that.
Anyway, taking into account the space ape and Star Force Enforcement Force, if I had to describe what I look for in the REAL series finale, I would expect these to happen...
More than 10 supporting characters get to speak solo.
Lord Hater accepts Wander’s friendship like Major Threat did.
Commander Peepers finally gets along with his sister, Iris (who just so happens to be one of the three main characters who make up SFEF). I have a post from earlier that explains what I think SFEF are like.
The Watchdogs are free to do as they please.
Emperor Awesome will already have gotten his “ultimate comeuppance” and give up the party life.
Sylvia either returns to her home planet in her home galaxy, stays in the galaxy to assist everyone there, or tags along with Wander in the Star Nomad in another galaxy.
The space ape will already have found his way back, going back in time to become either Lord Hater or Sheriff/Chief Goldheart (the leader of SFEF).
Dominator will still be unsure of what to do with her life, but Wander might find some way to turn it around.
Wander plays his banjo and sings a glorious reprise of “If You Wander Over Yonder.”
The end tag in the credits shows the Star Nomad going off into the distance and a message says “Thanks for watching! -CMcC”.
It’s got to be as special as Phineas and Ferb’s “Last Day of Summer,” Gravity Falls’s “Weirdmageddon,” and Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero’s “At the End of the Worlds.” It’s got to tie all loose ends and not be left on a cliffhanger that implies the crew have so much more to tell.
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Wiktionary: Ignorati (plural noun)
"The wilfully ignorant; those who choose to ignore inconvenient facts or make public claims based on falsehoods."
This word needs more use. Please use this word. I'm going to use the fuck out of it. Never in my lifetime has being purposefully stupid, uninformed or just plain ignorant been a preference. Now suddenly it is? Suddenly it's acceptable, even preferred, to not know something that you could easily find out thanks to the internet. Don't let this wave of ignorance gain any more ground. Call it out.
And call out their leader, the Ignoramus in Chief.
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Nothing in the following changes my opinion based on too much evidence that Dementia-Don is an emotionally stunted Ignoramus. Grotesquely incompetent to hold any public office.
Having said that, the article discusses forensic evidence that may prove that Russia didn’t hack the DNC Server in 2016. Rather someone with insider access used a memory stick.
Julian Assange has maintained that Russia did not supply the leaked documents.
1. The DNC did not allow Obama’s FBI access to the DNC server.
#2. Investigation of the data indicates timestamps that would not allow any hacking operation to download. The only way would be a physical download to a memory stick. An inside job. Not foreign hacking.
From the article published in 2017
“Forensicator’s first decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9, concerned the volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate—the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.
“These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed. “
“... The FBI has never examined the DNC’s computer servers—an omission that is beyond preposterous. It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC’s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the same prejudice. Problems such as this are many.”
There are plenty of pro-Trump anti-Deep State sites reporting. I found a Left-leaning site Anti-War.com with corroborating reporting.
Possible scenario offered by Anti-War to explain this total SNAFU. Comey couldn’t explain to Congress why the FBI didn’t get to the Server, or why they relied on a partial report. Or can he...
“Comey himself has explained it in a moment of seemingly unintentional candor in his pretentious book, “A Higher Loyalty.” He wrote, “I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president.”
“There would be no problem, of course, if Mrs. Clinton had won the election. That’s what they all thought; and that probably explains their lack of care in keeping their activities off the written record and out of computers. Elementary tradecraft goes out the window with these upper-echelon, “high-class-entity” officials, when they are sure that she, and they, are going to be the inevitable winners – with promotions, not indictments in store for them.”
Concluding Thoughts:
Assange gave notice he was publishing DNC secrets. That would have given time to create a story to deflect attention from the dirt in the documents.
Mueller indicted 12 alleged Russian hackers. I read the indictment online. The indictment alleges the 12 did this-that-and the other thing. But there isn’t any info on how the US backtracked to the alleged perpetrators.
Mueller relied on a report (see link below) that has “high Confidence” that the independent hackers were really GRU set ups. So why did Russia use WikiLeaks if they already had their own sites? [Conversely, a DNC insider download would have gone straight to Assange]
These alleged Russian hackers will never be extradited. If they were, the NSA would never testify in open court about any secret methods of determining hackers or backtracking. So we are not likely to have the real story in our lifetimes.
The US ‘believes’ the 12 are responsible. Then again the US ‘believed’the Spanish blew up the Maine. The US ‘believed’Saddam had WMDs.
Trump’s still an idiot. I hate, however, to think that Fox News got it right ~ a snowjob on the Public by the DNC to distract from the airing of dirty linens.
Link to redacted Intelligence Report which does NOT discuss or reference the forensics in the Nation article above.
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 26: 1-10. "The Winner."
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Uzziah King of Judah
Let's follow the idea that Amaziah retired an aspect of his self rather than dying altogether, and Uzziah is a new incarnation, the next stage. This is a common idea throughout the Torah, it is also present in the Tanakh. It can be done with all the persons, cultures, and ideas in the Chronicles and Torah; they are all variables in a type of spiritual logistic regression analysis.
Sometimes more is better, sometimes it makes things worse, sometimes things stay the same sometimes they rapidly change. The variables that contribute to change and acceleration are the subject of our study of the Tanakh.
26 Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah,[a] who was sixteen years old, and made him king in place of his father Amaziah. 
Amaziah meant "getting stronger." Uzziah means "importing the Strength of Yah." Like a she-goat imports a male, "headstrong about bringing into refuge, into safety."
The Gematria for this verse is 7202, [70-20-2] זכו "the winner" is the one who imports his intellect is the one who wins Judah, the Glory of God.
2 He was the one who rebuilt Elath and restored it to Judah after Amaziah rested with his ancestors.
Elath is one of those logistic variables, it can go either way. Suffice to say the people of Judah wanted a stag, who could instruct them and set an example instead of a butthead:
The root אלל ('alal) predominantly describes a protruding or sticking out. This may be positive (when one leads a collective), neutral (when one is a tree), or negative (when one fails convention). The latter sense in particular describes foolishness, or at least a failure to live up to cognitive standards or common codes of conduct.
Nouns אלון ('allon), אלה ('alla) and אלה ('elah) refer to oaks or terebinths but note the similarities with the demonstrative pronoun אלה ('elleh), "these," and אלה ('eloah) meaning god or God.
Nouns אליל ('elil) and אלול ('elul) mean worthlessness or a worthless thing (a thing that sticks out of the economy of useful things). Adjectives אויל ('ewil) and אולי ('ewili) mean foolish, and noun אולת ('iwwelet) means foolishness or folly. Noun אול ('ul) may mean belly or leading man.
Nouns אולם ('ulam) and אילם ('elam) mean porch. The former is identical to an adverb that means "however" or "but." Another adverb אולי ('ulay) means "perhaps."
Noun איל ('ayil), "protruder," refers in the Bible to a ram, a pillar, a chief and, yet again, a terebinth. Noun איל ('ayyal) means stag or deer — hence the panting deer of Psalm 42 also describes an ignoramus longing for instruction — and its feminine counterpart אילה ('ayyala) means doe.
The verb יאל (ya'al) means to be foolish, gullible or even simply compliant and pleased to go along in no particularly negative way.
3 Uzziah was sixteen years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-two years. His mother’s name was Jekoliah; she was from Jerusalem. 
Jecoliah means "Yah completes." Uzziah, the Borrower, at age 16 [1+6] underwent One Shabbat. He resembled a man, and acted like the image of God.
For 52 years he did this, 5+2= 7, meaning he observed his Shabbat the entire time he reigned.
What does it mean to attain and always observe Shabbat?
The Gematria is 12-4-5-2, [12+9+2] =יבטב or "things will always get better."
4 He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father Amaziah had done. 
See, I was right, Amaziah was following a natural course, which was frought with mistakes. The next generation of his personality, Uzziah, improved upon it, but only after Shabbat, and one other important thing called Zechariah:
5 He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear[b] of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.
The verb זכר (zakar) means to remember, to deliberately review, or to cause to remember or review — by means of public oration, urging and pleading, physical memorials, and so on.
Noun זכר (zeker) means remembrance, memory, memorial or invocation. Noun זכרון (zikkaron) or זכרן (zikkaron) denotes a memorial or token — a memorial day, altar-plates, stones, crowns, books, proof of citizenship, even spoils of war. Noun אזכרה ('azkara) refers to a memorial-offering.
6 He went to war against the Philistines and broke down the walls of Gath, Jabneh and Ashdod. He then rebuilt towns near Ashdod and elsewhere among the Philistines. 
Philistines= low born, have not attained Shabbat.
Gath= the winepress
Jabneh=What he causes to be built,
The verb בנה (bana) means to build, mostly of stone buildings and thus of houses and thus of families and dynasties: hence the association between this verb and the nouns אבן ('eben), stone, and בן (ben), son.
Noun בניה (binya) means a building in the sense of a structure. Noun מבנה (mibneh) means building in the sense of place of building. Noun תבנית (tabnit) means building in the sense of the act of building: a construction, pattern or image.
Ashdod= Happiness Beloved, the location of the Temple of Dagon, the god of Natural Abundance.
Towns near Ashdod=These Famous Five are listed in Joshua 13:3: Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, Ekron and Avva, and that's six of them.
Ashdod= Loyalty, Devotion
Ashkelon=Happiness is Perseverence
Gath= the Winepress
Ekron= Extermination of Low Tendencies
Avva=Av= Wish, Va=Waters, the "Wishing Waters" AKA to replace fear with faith.
Avva is weird so I am adding Gematria which is 1402, which returns אדאֶפֶסב‎ ‎or Adapesv.
Adab= grief
Pesev= to cause to vanish, to replace with faith
7 God helped him against the Philistines and against the Arabs "wanderers" who lived in Gur Baal and against the Meunites. 
Gur Baal= those who stir up strife
The verb גרר (garar) means to drag or drag away, mostly in a circular or repetitive motion. Noun גרה (gera) means cud, or food that's dragged back up, chewed again and sent back down. The identical noun גרה (gera) denotes a unit of weight that served as currency. Noun גרגר (gargar) means berry and the plural noun גרגרות (gargerot) means neck, probably after their signature wagging motion.
The verb גרה (gara) means to strive or agitate strife, obviously not by means of one singular assault but rather by repeated provocations and withdrawals. Noun תגרה (tigra) means contention or opposition. Noun גרון (garon) is a second word for neck.
Verb גור (gur) means the same as the previous: to quarrel or stir up strife. Nouns גור (gor) and גור (gur) both denote lion cubs. Perhaps young male lions were named after the verb גור (gur) because they are expelled from the pride and are forced to roam adjacent territories.
The verb גור (gur), namely — or a second and identical verb — is also often used to describe to itinerate or temporary abide. Noun גר (ger) describes an itinerant; a stranger or foreigner. Noun גרות (gerut) may describe a lodging place for foreign travelers but may also be part of the name Geruth Chimham. Noun מגור (magor) means dwelling place or itineration. Nouns מגורה (megura) and ממגרות (mammegurot) describes storehouses, or places were goods were temporarily stored on their way to the market.
Perhaps a third identical verb גור (gur) means to dread, but perhaps it describes dread that is built up over time and from many little threats and suspicions. Nouns מגור (magor) and מגורה (megora) mean fear or terror, but note that the former is identical to the word meaning dwelling place, mentioned above. The verb יגר (yagor) appears to be a by-form of this third verb גור (gur), and also means to dread. The adverb יגור (yagor) means fearing.
Meunites= the native population, the hidden population
The verb ענן ('nn) appears to describe the deriving of solid theories out of hardly related observations. It's used to mean to divine, and noun ענן ('anan) means cloud (which appears like a solid object but is really a bunch of barely relating droplets).
Verb עון ('wn) probably means to conceal or cover. Nouns מעון (ma'on) and מענה (me'ona) refer to the lair, refuge or hideouts of animals, but often too to the habitation of the Creator, which is heaven. And that links this word back to the previous word meaning cloud.
Hiding underneath the growlers and complainers are Godly persons that need to be lead. If they cannot be lead, just as God told Moses about the Bitchers, just go ahead and kill them.
Hecklers, complainers, and strifers are forbidden by the Torah. The people that survive the Disciplinary Act will see the light. Here is more of that logistic regression I mentioned in the next verse...
Normally the Ammonites, "talkers" are the enemies of God, but here they change their spots:
8 The Ammonites brought tribute to Uzziah, and his fame spread as far as the border of Egypt, because he had become very powerful.
9 Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate and at the angle of the wall, and he fortified them. 
10 He also built towers in the wilderness and dug many cisterns, because he had much livestock in the foothills and in the plain. He had people working his fields and vineyards in the hills and in the fertile lands, for he loved the soil.
Towers are related to the Fourth Day, when the stars came out. We build towers up, the stars come down, intelligence is the result. To build towers in Jerusalem is to bridge the process by teaching others how to live ethically and also happily.
The Corner Gate leads between North and West. What we are doing here by digging up the secrets of the Tanakh in order to learn what is hidden (N) in order to create an enlightened human race (W) is a Corner Tower.
The Valley Gate Tower= Valleys are where sinners expiate their sins and escape purgatory:
 The gate to heaven is understood to refer to Jerusalem, but Jewish tradition also identifies the valley of Gehinom (purgatory) near the walls of the Old City.
To build a Tower at this junction is to avoid the need to purge.
The Angle of the Wall= the right angle, meaning one must turn Right, towards the East and remain awake if one is also planning to reach the Northwest and remain anchored in what is known, memorized, and practiced, and avoid the pitfalls of the ego, the lax behavior of a loser like Amaziah who only got better at getting worse because he refused to honor the Observances and the Commitments of Ashdod.
The references to the construction of cisterns and the love of the soil etc. signs a man and his culture are reaping the benefits of the Torah, returns a Gematria of 10144, אאֶפֶסאדד‎ ‎ ‎apesadad, "To fly and look the Thunder in the Eye."
עוף I
The verb עוף ('up I) means to fly or fly away (Genesis 1:20, Proverbs 23:5, Isaiah 31:5). It's a very common root in the Semitic language area, and its derivatives are:
The masculine noun עוף ('op), denoting creatures that fly, such as birds (Genesis 40:17) and insects (Leviticus 11:20).
The masculine noun עפעף ('ap'ap), meaning eyelid (Job 16:16, Psalm 132:3, Jeremiah 9:17).
Apparently, in the Hebrew mind, an eyelid resembles a wing, and the function of a wing isn't only to fly with, it's more so to cover with. Hence Isaiah speaks of God protecting Jerusalem like a hen its chicks (Isaiah 31:5) and the Psalmist of seeking refuge under God's wings (Psalm 91:4). It may very well be that the ancients saw God as having wings (which, in time, should result in us having wings as well, being made in God's image; meaning we're still larvae), but it could also be that the Psalmist saw mankind as (a) the apple of God's eye (Deuteronomy 32:10, Psalm 17:8, Zechariah 2:8) and (b) at times safely behind his eye lids.
Hadad= thunder
=To be the best, to be the Apple of God's Eye.
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