#Igor Golovatenko
there are many things about this video but i think the biggest takeaway is that i could listen to lise davidsen hit high b-flats all fuckin day
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onenakedfarmer · 7 months
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Currently Playing
Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Lise Davidsen, Brian Jagde, Igor Golovatenko, Soloman Howard, Judit Kutasi, Patrick Carfizzi
Live on 98.9 All Classical at 9:00 AM
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muchadoabout · 1 year
Eugene Onegin at the Zürich Opera House
Music Direction Gianandrea Noseda Producer Barrie Kosky Tatyana Ekaterina Sannikova Onegin Igor Golovatenko Lensky Benjamin Bernheim Gremin Vitalij Kowaljow | 24.02.2023
So, I finally got around to writing about my experience seeing Eugene Onegin at the Zürich Opera House. Let's get into it! 
The show started promptly at 7 pm, but we were allowed to enter the auditorium at 6 pm. Before the performance, there was a 15-minute introduction of the opera. However, since I'm not fluent in German, I could only understand about 80% of it.
The production, directed by Barrie Kosky, was set in an "idyllic forest" and remained more or less the same throughout the entire opera. The stage was a rotating turf surrounded by fake trees. The only time there was an additional set was during the Gremin’s palace scene, but it was dismantled during Onegin’s arioso, creating a distraction for the audience (or at least for me). 
I initially didn't understand the director's creative directions, particularly the symbolism of the jam jar that appeared hold significant meaning, until I read this review that shed some light on it. 
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To my untrained ears, the performers were vocally exceptional. The auditorium was relatively small, and their voices reached even the farthest seat. Each performer excelled in their respective arias, but I was particularly impressed by Kowaljow’s rendition of Gremin’s “All men surrender to Love's power” aria, which I specifically wrote on my note as being sung “perfectly”. Sannikova and Golovatenko shared a believable chemistry, which is an crucial element of playing Tatyana and Onegin. Bernheim, who was on his home turf *ba dum tss*, received the loudest and longest cheers from the audience, which was so well-deserved. 
Here are some notable moments of this production: 
The whole scene of Olga/Lesky duet was unfortunately completely blocked from my view. However, there was a cute moment when those two were singing, Onegin and Tatyana were busy flirting with each other.
During the party scene, Onegin was jokingly massaging Lensky’s shoulders when he was being sulky. I assumed this was a character choice made by Golovatenko. It was quite funny. 
The pre-duel scene between Lensky and Onegin was executed with more respect compared to the Komische Oper's version of this production. Onegin was not mockingly laughing at Lensky. At the end of their duet, they were just sitting side-by-side, with Onegin’s arm over Lensky’s shoulders, which made the subsequent duel seem pointless. 
The duel scene in Act 2 was played off-stage. Tatyana’s scream echoed as Onegin returned to the stage with his once white now stained with blood, closing the act with the most dramatic end.
During the introduction session, it was explained that the rain effect used in the final scene was actually warm water to ensure that the performers would not feel cold while singing the most poignant duet. 
Overall, it was a great experience. I did not dislike this production. Neverteless, I did wish that some of the moments were played differently. Despite being a simple opera, Eugene Onegin has a lot of nuances that unfortunately only few productions manage to capture.
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arcimboldisworld · 2 years
Eugen Onegin - Oper Zürich 16.02.2023
EUGEN ONEGIN - OPER ZÜRICH 16.02.2023 #tschaikovsky #barriekosky #gianandreanoseda #russland #puschkin #rezension #oper #operalover #operzürich
Die sehr schöne Zürcher Produktion von Tschaikowskys “Eugen Onegin” in der Regie von BARRIE KOSKY ist wieder im Spielplan, noch dazu mit BENJAMIN BERNHEIM als Lenski, nichts wie hin! (more…) “”
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demoura · 6 months
DIA 9 DE MARÇO DE 2024: NA GULBENKIAN NOTÁVEL OPERA CINEMA .!LA FORZA DEL DESTINO DO MET NUMA SOMBRIA ENCENAÇÃO DE TRELINSKY DOMINADA PELA VOZ DE LISE DAVIDSEN . CULMINOU COM CEIA NO GAMBRINUS : só frequento as transmissões HD da Gulbenkian para Wagner e outros casos excepcionais . Para mim e para a Zaza. streamings de ópera eram em casa . Mas ontem era Lise Davidsen . A soprano norueguesa é com Asmik Grigorian uma das minhas “paixões líricas “ e merecia o sacrifício de enfrentar um ambiente que detesto . A sessão estava esgotada mas tive a sorte de a minha colega e amiga Professora Luísa Figueira me oferecer um bilhete ! Se La Forza del Destino de Verdi tem música muito bela o enredo é de romance de cordel uma “história de Correio da Manhã” difícil de encenar . Mas o polaco Marius Trelinski venceu o desafio .A relação de sucesso entre Trelinski e o Met começou em 2015 com a dupla do “Castelo da Barba Azul” de Bartok e a “Iolanta”. de Tchaikovsky e no ano seguinte , com o “Tristan und Isolde” de Wagner. O êxito da sua abordagem reside no carácter cinematográfico das suas produções .
A encenação de Trelinski foi. meticulosamente concebida, como um filme serie negra . Na abertura da ópera estamos num hotel banhado a ouro na festa de aniversário de Leonora filha do Marquês de Calatrava onde pode ver-se a elite da sociedade e as forças militares seguidoras de Calatrava uma figura “Hitler-like” . Depois da morte acidental de Calatrava todos os personagens ficam escravos da situação.É uma história épica que se desenrola ao longo de cerca de 20 anos.O cenário está em movimento quase permanente, como uma espécie de metáfora para a corrida louca do destino e dos acontecimentos que não se podem parar. Leonora, atormentada pela culpa, foge, sofre um acidente de carro e busca redenção num mosteiro , onde experimenta uma visão religiosa e flagelação; a guerra eclodiu e está em toda parte - nos vídeos de Bartek Macias; confusão, morte e destruição assumem o palco antes de cada acto. Arame farpado, um hospital sujo, uma série deprimente de tendas e túmulos de soldados , eventualmente, destruição total, quase distópica para o último acto , que acontece no meio de uma população de sem-abrigos numa estação de metro bombardeada. Goste-se ou não, é muito eficaz. Lise Davidsen dmominou completamente como Leonora esta produção de La forza del destino de Verdi na Metropolitan Opera.!Os pontos altos do canto da norueguesa nesta estreia no papel foram - no Ato II 'Madre, pietosa Vergine' e no Ato IV 'Pace, pace, mio Dio!' Davidsen esteve totalmente no controle de seu som escuro - mais escuro, do que o habitual para os grandes papéis de soprano Verdi - e a sua voz subiu de profundezas quentes para alturas brilhantes e notas de topo que cravam o ouvinte na cadeira . Mas o instrumento de Davidsen mostrou que também pode demonstrar o refinamento mais requintado nos pianíssimos .No geral, não achei a atuação do tenor Brian Jagde como Álvaro totalmente convincente, embora, ,estivesse no seu melhor no final da opera .Sem dúvida, Igor Golovatenko provou ser o melhor ator cantor , sabendo usar o seu som de barítono russo expressivo e ressonante para moldar o papel vingativo fanático de Carlo.A voz imponente de Howard transmitiu tanto a arrogância do Marquês quanto a desconfiança do Guardião. O baixo Patrick Carfizzi, interpretou com mestria o personagem brusco e sarcástico de Fra Melitone. O elemento mais fraco foi a mezzo-soprano Judit Kutasi na estreia como como Preziosilla.A execução orquestral de Nézet-Séguin, foi tão emocionante quanto as performances vocais. Com um ritmo perfeito, este espetáculo de quatro horas passou veloz . Classificação *****.Seguimos depois para o Gambrinus .Está diferente mas continuam lá a tapeçaria do Rolando .o pão de centeio torrado com manteiga as gambas al agillo e o linguado com alcaparras .Estavam excelentes .
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Jacopo Foroni (1824-1858) - Cristina, regina di Svezia (1849)
Act 3 Duet Cristina/Carlo Gustavo
Helena Dix (Cristina) & Igor Golovatenko (Carlo Gustavo)
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soylazaro · 2 years
INTERTOP — See a lot and suit up (Director's cut) from Eugene Golovatenko on Vimeo.
Adjè prodburo
Director: Eugene Golovatenko DOP: Illya Maksymenko Executive Producer: Nikita Kukoba Line Producer: Marta Melnychuk Producer asst: Natalie Bereza Set designer: Vasya Tkachuk 1st AD: Tonya Borysyuk 1st AC: Vlad Dobryk Gaffer: Alexander Shvets Production manager: Andrew Naumchuk Equipment: Illuminator Film Service Camera movement: Filmotechnic Motion control service: ToBe Production Casting director: Pavlo Makarchenko Style: weRelease Make-Up: Kateryna Kavaler Choreographer: Aliona Stoliarova Playback: Max Levchenko, Alex Goniaylo (DiPlay) Catering: Yaroslav Katashynsky Backstage Photographer: Ira Suldina KV Photographer: Danil Privet Music & Vocal: Suren Tomasyan Sound Engineer: Oleksandr Pustarnakov Post-production producer: Natalie Bereza Post-production Supervisors: Denys Reva, Mykhaylo Efymenko Edit: Alexander Legostaev Color: Yerlan Tanaev
IAMIDEA agency
Creative Director: Igor Finashkin Strategy Director: Aram Simonyan Art Director: Tonya Kondakova Copywriter: Igor Finashkin Copywriter: Dima Gorbenko Designer: Daria Shablienko Account Manager: Yulia Marfich
Chief Marketing Officer: Maria Samplavska Head of Brand Marketing: Yuliia Piatyhorets Head of SMM and Influencer Marketing: Bokyi Anton
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I just bought tickets to my first opera!  I’ll be seeing Eugene Onegin with the Washington National Opera in March (opening night)! The main cast is three soloists from the Bolshoi opera!  
Here’s the cast:
Tatiana-Anna Nechaeva.  Soprano
Onegin-Igor Golovatenko.  Baritone
Lensky-Alexey Dolgov.  Tenor
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guycourtheoux · 5 years
LES PURITAINS de Vincenzo Bellini, à l'Opéra Bastille, Elsa Dreizig est Elvira et elle est phénoménale
LES PURITAINS de Vincenzo Bellini, à l’Opéra Bastille, Elsa Dreizig est Elvira et elle est phénoménale
Un opéra peu connu et pourtant une des meilleures soirées pour les mélomanes avec la voix extraordinaire de’Elsa Dreisig.
L’action se déroule près de Plymouth, en Angleterre, à l’époque de la guerre civile qui oppose les Puritains – républicains et partisans d’Oliver Cromwell – et les Cavaliers – fidèles à la royauté et aux Stuart. La fille de Lord Walton, Elvira, est éprise d’Arturo, un…
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lemon2sang · 5 years
작년부터 푸시킨을 읽지는 않고 듣기만 하네. 전통 러시안 목소리와 사운드. 소프라노 리스 다비드센와 바실리 페트렌코의 메트 오페라 데뷔. 작년에 들었던 얀손스 지휘의 스페이드 여왕과는 대조적이다. 전체적인 안정감과 완성도는 얀손스 지휘였지만 각 장면마다의 극적인 감정의 피치를 끌어 올려주는 것은 역시 페트렌코답다. 차이콥스키의 대표 오페라는 예브게니 오네긴보다 스페이드 여왕인 거 같다. Tchaikovsky: The Queen of Spades Lise Davidsen, Elena Maximova, Yusif Eyvazov, Igor Golovatenko, Vasily Petrenko,New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Chorus, 2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000cbcj https://www.facebook.com/lemon2sang/posts/2488351421222616
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Savonlinna Opera Festival 2017
New Productions
Mozart: Die Entführung aus dem Serail Directed by Katariina Lahti Premiere cast includes Mirella Bunoaica as Konstanze, Lucrezia Drei as Blonde, Tuomas Katajala as Belmonte and Jyrki Korhonen as Osmin Running 6.7.-21.7.
Verdi: Rigoletto Directed by David McVicar (originally for ROH Covent Garden) Premiere cast includes Kiril Manolov as Rigoletto, Tuuli Takala as Gilda, Rame Lahaj as Mantua and Mika Kares as Sparafucile Running 10.7.-22.7.
Sallinen: Castle in the Water World premiere to honour Finland’s centenary and the Olavinlinna castle Concertante Conducted by Ville Matvejeff, sung by Tiina-Maija Koskela, Tuija Knihtilä, Jussi Myllys and Tommi Hakala Performances 8.7. and 9.7.
Sallinen: Kullervo Ville Rusanen takes on the title role in this revival of an acclaimed production by Kari Heiskanen, first seen in 2014. Hannu Lintu returns to the castle to conduct. Running 8.7.-17.7.
Visitor: Teatro Real Madrid
Bellini: I puritani Evelino Pidò conducts the beautiful production by Emilio Sagi. Running 31.7.-4.8.
Sibelius: Kullervo Concert Real life siblings Ville Rusanen and Johanna Rusanen-Kartano will sing the parts of Kullervo and his sister in Sibelius’s early symphonic masterpiece. One performance 2.8.
Visitor: Bolshoi Theatre
Tchaikovsky: Iolanta Directed by Sergey Zhenovach A symphonic suite of Nutcracker is performed as a prologue. Running 25.-29.7.
Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin Concertante Cast includes Anna Nechaeva as Tatyana, Igor Golovatenko as Onegin and Bogdan Volkov as Lensky One performance 26.7.
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joaquimblog · 5 years
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Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky:
Lisa: Lise Davidsen.
Pauline: Elena Maximova.
The Countess: Larissa Diadkova.
Hermann:  Yusif Eyvazov
Yeletsky: Igor Golovatenko.
Tomsky: Alexey Markov.
Metropolitan Opera Choir and Orchestra
Conductor: Vasily Petrenko
Metropolitan Opera House, New York 29-11-2019
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demoura · 6 years
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A FRANÇA SUPERPODER DA CULTURA ! : Stephen Lisser despede-se « en grandeur «  19 óperas muitas novas produções elencos com as principais estrelas .mundiais e dois ciclos completos do Anel de Wagner com solistas de luxo , Alem dos 100:milhões de euros do Ministerio da Cultura Francês admiro o trabalho colossal para programar algo desta dimensão . Transcrevo o programa difundido pela Ópera Wire
« The Opéra National de Paris has announced its 2019-20 seasons which will feature a total of 19 operas and the entire Ring Cycle in an all-new production.
Bellini’s “I Puritani” opens the season in a production by Laurent Pelly. Elsa Dreisig takes the leading role with Javier Camarena and Francesco Demuro sharing the role of Arturo. Riccardo Frizza conducts the production which also stars Igor Golovatenko and Alexander Tsymbalyu
Performance Dates: Sept. 7-Oct. 5, 2019
Pretty Yende and Nino Machaidze headline a new production of Verdi’s “La Traviata” by Simon Stone. Benjamin Bernheim and Atalla Ayan alternate as Alfredo, while Ludovic Tézier and Jean‑François Lapointe share the role of Germont. Michele Mariotti conducts.
Performance Dates: Sept. 12-Oct. 16, 2019
Ana Maria Martínez and Dinara Alieva share the title role in Puccini’s “Madama Butterfly” with Giorgio Berrugi and Dmytro Popov alternating as Pinkerton. Marie-Nicole Lemieux and Eve Hubeaux share the role of Suzuki with Giacomo Sagripanti conducting.
Performance Dates: Sept. 14-Nov. 13, 2019
Rameau’s “Les Indes Galantes” gets a new production with Clément Cogitore directing and Victor García-Alarcón conducting. Sabine Devieilhe, Jodie Devos, Julie Fuchs, Mathias Vidal, Stanislas de Barbeyrac, Alexandre Duhamel, Edwin Crossley-Mercer, and Florian Sempey star in the production.
Performance Dates: Sept. 27-Oct. 15, 2019
Roberto Alagna, Aleksandra Kurzak, Anita Rachvelishvili, Étienne Dupuis, Vitalij Kowaljow, and René Pape headline a revival of Verdi’s “Don Carlo.” Nicole Car and Michael Fabiano also star in the leading roles with Fabio Luisi conducting.
Performance Dates: Oct. 25-Nov. 23, 2019
Reimann’s “Lear” returns with Bo Skovhus in the title role, Evelyn Herlitzius as Goneril, Gidon Saks as Frankreich, and Annette Dasch as Cordelia. Fabio Luisi conducts.
Performance Dates: Nov. 21-Dec. 7, 2019
Barrie Kosky directs a new production of Borodin’s “Prince Igor” with Philippe Jordan conducting. Elena Stikhina, Anita Rachvelishvili, Pavel Černoch, and Evgeny Nikitin lead the all-star cast.
Performance Dates: Nov. 28-Dec. 26, 2019
Sondra Radvanovsky stars in Bellini’s “Il Pirata” alongside Michael Spyres and Ludovic Tezier. Bel Canto specialist Riccardo Frizza conducts the concert performance.
Performance Dates: Dec. 16-19, 2019
Lisette Oropesa headlines a revival of Rossini’s “Il Barbiere di Siviglia” with Xabier Anduaga, Florian Sempey, Andrzej Filonczyk, and Krzysztof Bączyk. Carlo Montanaro conducts Damiano Michieletto’s production.
Performance Dates: Jan. 11-Feb. 12, 2020
Ravel’s “L’Enfant et les sortileges” will be showcased with Debussy’ ballet “L’Apres-midi d’un Faune.” The opera will be part of the Academie showcase.
Performance Dates: Jan. 20-29, 2020
Robert Carsen’s classic production of “Les Contes d’Hoffmann” will star Michael Fabiano in the title role. He is accompanied by Jodie Devos, Ailyn Perez, and Veronique Gens as his three muses and Gaelle Arquez as Nickclausse. Laurent Naouri plays the four villains, while Mark Elder conducts.
Performance dates: Jan. 21-Feb. 14, 2020
Boesmans’ “Yvonne Princesse de Bourgogne” will star Beatrice Uria-Monzon, Laurent Naouri, and Dörte Lyssewski in the title role. Susanna Mälkki conducts the production by Luc Bondy.
Performance Dates: Feb. 26-March 8, 2020
Pretty Yende and Sofia Fomina star in a new production of Massenet’s “Manon” directed by Vincent Huguet. Benjamin Bernheim and Stephen Costello share the role of Des Greiux with Ludovic Tézier and Roberto Tagliavini rounding out the cast. Dan Ettinger conducts.
Performance Dates: Feb. 29-April 10,2020
Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” stars Luca Pisaroni, Jacquelyn Wagner, Stéphanie d’Oustrac, Philippe Sly, Zuzana Marková, and Alexander Tsymbalyuk. Philippe Jordan conducts the production by Ivo van Hove.
Performance Dates: March 21-April 24, 2020
Anna Netrebko stars in David McVicar’s production of “Adriana Lecouvreur” alongside Yusif Eyvazov and Ekaterina Semenchuk. Giacomo Sagripanti conducts a cast that also includes Zeljko Lucic. Elena Stikhina also stars in the title role for two performances.
Performance Dates: April 27-May 12, 2020
“Boris Godunov” takes the stage with René Pape in the iconic title role. Other cast members include Evdokia Malevskaya, Rusan Mantashyan, Elena Zaremba, and Andreas Conrad among others. Michael Schønwandt conducts a production by Ivo van Hove.
Performance Dates: May 23-June 14, 2020
Verdi’s “Rigoletto” will feature Frédéric Antoun as the Duke, Zeljko Lucic as Rigoletto, and Elsa Dreisig as Gilda. Speranza Scappucci conducts a production by Claus Guth.
Performance Dates: June 2-June 21, 2020
Ermonela Jaho, Elena Stikhina, and Marina Costa-Jackson will rotate the role of Mimì in “La Bohème.” As Rodolfo, audiences will get a chance to see Francesco Demuro, Vittorio Grigolo, and Benjamin Bernheim. Julie Fuchs and Elena Tsallagova will each be Musetta while Lucas Meachem and Gabriele Viviani will be Marcello. Lorenzo Viotti conducts the production by Claus Guth.
Performance Dates: June 13-July 5, 2020
Mozart’s “Così Fan Tutte” will feature Jacquelyn Wagner, Stephanie Lauricella, Stephen Costello, Philippe Sly, Paulo Szot, and Ginger Costa-Jackson. Antonello Manacorda conducts.
Performance Dates: June 19-June 28
Ring Cycle
Ring Cycle
Calixto Bieto is set to direct a new production of Wagner’s Ring Cycle with an all-star cast.
“Das Rheingold” will star Iain Paterson as Wotan, Lauri Vasar as Donner, Ekaterina Gubanova as Fricka, Anna Gabler as Freia, while “Die Walkure” will be headlined by Jonas Kaufmann as Siegmund, Eva-Maria Westbroek as Sieglinde, Martina Serafin in the role of Brünnhilde, Ekaterina Gubanova as Fricka, Paterson as Wotan, and John Relyea as Hunding.
In the third installment, “Siegfried,” Paterson will take on the Wanderer with Julie Fuchs as the Waldvogel, Martina Serafin as Brünnhilde, and Andreas Schager in the title role.
“Gotterdämmerung” will star Anna Gabler as Gutrune, Ricarda Merbeth as Brünnhilde, Sarah Connolly as Waltraute, Johannes Martin Kränzle as Gunther, and Schager as Siegfried.
Philippe Jordan conducts the entire Ring Cycle.
Das Rheingold: April 2-15, 2020
Die Walkure: May 5-27, 2020
Siegfried: Oct. 10-18, 2020
Gotterdämmerung: Nov. 13-21, 2020
Complete Cycles: Nov. 23-28, 2020 & Nov. 30-Dec. 6, 2020
Jordan and Nina Stemme will team up for a concert performance that features Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder and the Prelude and Liebestod from “Tristan und Isolde.”
Performance Date: Oct. 24, 2019 & Oct. 25, 2019
Matthias Goerne sings Mahler’s Ruckert Lieder with Philippe Jordan conducting. The program also includes Mahler’s fifth symphony.
Performance Date: March 11, 2020
folder_openTagged in: 2019-20 season, Ailyn Perez, Aleksandra Kurzak, ana maria martinez, Anita Rachvelishvili, anna netrebko, Beatrice Uria-Monzon, Elsa Dreisig, Ermonela Jaho, Francesco Demuro, Gaëlle Arquez, javier camarena, Jonas Kaufmann, Julie Fuchs, Lisette Oropesa, Ludovic tezier, marie-nicole lemieux, Michael Fabiano, nicole car, Nina Stemme, Nino Machaidze, Opera de Paris, Paulo Szot, Pretty Yende, Rene Pape, Roberto Alagna, Sabine Devieilhe, Veronique Gens, vittorio grigolo, yusif eyvazov »
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