daeva-agas · 5 years
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Rustic Survivalist The Renegade Marksman, Suzuki Magoichi
Birthday: 22 June Height: 180.6 cm (5′11") Blood Type: AB 
Hobby: Metalworking, diving Special Skill: Guerrilla warfare Favourite Food: Dried fish
The leader of a clan of gunmen residing in Saika domain. For the longest time, he and his men were known to be errant mercenaries, bound to no loyalty except to their own. His capricious, carefree attitude only further cemented the reputation, though he never directly confirmed nor denied it. 
About: Honestly I started out just wanting to give Kennyo more lurker friends, because I did a little reading on the Saika clans after finding out they were considered part of Honganji’s Ikko fighters. But then Motonari and Ranmaru happened, so I changed things up a little.  
Magoichi is usually known in games and manga as Saika Magoichi, but the moniker is kinda like how people sometimes call Kennyo with Honganji Kennyo. It just means he’s Magoichi from Saika, not his actual name, so I went with Suzuki.  Also, I felt that calling him Saika Magoichi implies he’s the lord of the entire place. I don’t feel too good doing that, because Saika is inhabited with many clans, who... apparently sometimes try to kill each other. The Suzuki is just one of those many.
To be closer to history, I made the “mercenary” reputation be more of hearsay that may or may not be true. He’s like... the country bumpkin version of a samurai. He has a mansion/castle and everything, it’s just totally basic and boring and not as sparkly or fancy as Kasugayama and Azuchi. I don’t know what better word to use as descriptor for a hick hillbilly image other than “rustic” or “rural”. I thought of using “crude”, but it might make it sound like he has a bad personality or something.
He’s pretty random, but in my head I want it to not just be for the lolz, but sorta a byproduct of having to constantly think quickly and multitask whenever trouble comes. So he just ends up being pretty hyper-reactive way too easily distracted, like “OOH SQUIRREL” kind of jumpy reaction. And it genuinely causes issues, not just for giggles. That scar on his face, for example. 
His folks deal with guns, so I had him do metalworking for doing repairs or making bullets. I didn’t want to go so far as to have him make his own guns, because that’s a bit much. 
Age-wise he’s probably somewhere between Kennyo and Shingen, just because personal bias... I really wanted to give him a beard but at the same time I’m trying to make this look as canon as possible, and I don’t know if bearded men is a thing with Cybird, so... beard version here:
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He can’t deal with sweet stuff, but doesn’t like tasteless food. He goes for salty things, and sour. He’s ok with bitter, though he doesn’t particularly prefer it. If coffee is around Because Magic Europeans Has Everything Like Doraemon, he’d probably be totally down with it.  
Route:  Didn’t really want to have a repeat of the gun chaos from Sasuke’s route, so this route is more like exploring the random "anonymous daimyo” and villagers that was only allied to one side or another in the fringes. I mean, if you think about it, the routes are constantly like “oh no people are dying!!!” and MC’s motivation for wanting peace is so that people would not be dying. But... I feel like we rarely actually get to see the commoners falling victim? 
So the route starts with the Saika being rumoured to be stockpiling guns, and Nobu is suspicious. Through investigating this the Oda finds out about Kenshin and Shingen and everything. They suspect rebellion, and goes in to check. The guns can’t be found and Magoichi vehemently denies accusations of rebellion, and he just says he wants to be left alone.
Magoichi had had the history of allying with Honganji and Oda in the past, so pretty much all the camps don’t really trust him. Plus his mercenary reputation just makes him look really bad. He really just wants his people to live in peace, though. The only reason he looks like he’s clan-hopping many times is because he’s looking for a powerful lord who can be relied on if bad things come their way. 
And then the problem starts when Kennyo and Motonari’s group comes knocking on the door, wanting to use their channels to get suited up with guns. Magoichi isn’t having it because chaos is precisely what he does not want. (Bonus points: The Saika gets their guns cheap from the Negoroji temple who makes their own guns for their warrior monks, this will come back to bite later).
I’m still holding back on how I want to imagine the conflict escalation and resolution, because I want to take into account the shogun that appeared in Akechi route. I haven’t got that far yet, so I want to wait and see. But it eventually got the Saika clans to start fighting each other and made a big mess, and MC was there to see it. 
And... uh... yeah, the usual peace being brokered and everything... Yay... 
Colour: I don’t know the English word for this, but in Japanese it’s called shibugami-iro (”the colour of tanned paper”). 
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Rival: I feel weird intruding on the canon, so maybe Kojuro? Having his rival be a commander who is devoted to a master makes for an interesting contrast.
Pet: ...Frogs... I sorta imagine he’d be like... constantly picking up random frogs, and carries it around to play with when he’s bored. When the frog dies, he just goes and finds a new one. 
I will eventually make character select screen edits, but it’s taking a while because perfectionism jhfjh... I’m trying to recreate the actual screen to the best that I can...
This was supposed to be the entry for Ikesen OC Week, but kjfhsdkjfhksdfkjsdfh
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bmpmp3 · 5 years
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Ikesen NW OC week day 1: Introduction - Tokijirou Time......
About him: Another OC who’s just an NPC I stole! Unlike Otsuta though, this guy didn’t have a name, he was just Subordinate 2: a weirdly supportive NPC from Mitsunari’s route who I fell in love with lol
He’s a hardcore women respecter, this guy drinks so much respect women juice, dude lives on the stuff. He’s a really encouraging dude! Pretty chill and goofy, although he can get real serious and earnest when the time calls for it or he feels really passionately about something. He really loves learning the weird stuff Sasuke and MC always talk about, like what the FUCK is a TOASTER
Tokijirou’s just like, a dude, like he’s a normal guy, he was a farmer before the war and he has like four older sisters that he gets along with really well (he’s their lil’ baby brother). His parents I think are dead, been dead for a long while, probably from just some unfortunate health problems (it is the 1500s after all fjdskajddfks) or maybe casualities from the war, sad but not like a crazy complicated past. He does has insecurities, he definitely slips into some inferiority complex stuff a lot, but all in all he’s just a average but pleasant guy~ Edit: I almost forgot to add but he’s like the same age as MC, around 25-ish?
Route: I think his route would start out with mainly fluff as MC and this random-ass normal foot soldier fall a little in love, with a bit of angst since Tokijirou is....y’know......a foot soldier who could die Any Time, and then like half way through the route I think MC and Sasuke would decide to stay in the Sengoku era? Pretty early, and then the wormhole would come early and yeet Tokijirou and MC into the future and MC would have to figure out how to get back while also dealing with her sweet but very scared and very confused Sengoku era soldier boyfriend
I love me some wormhole nonsense so I think the route would involve quite a bit of them getting ping-ponged across time and space before they finally get back to the sengoku era and get to chill and be in love~
Relationships:   MC: god he thinks MC’s so cool and so talented and so good, MC cheer squad, he also is under the impression that she’s an actual Oda princess and he has no clue why she’s so nice to him or why she’s always hanging out with him Sasuke: they’d be pretty good friends I think, some high quality bro-ing around, except Sasuke would go HAM since he’d be able to get a local who wouldn’t impact history much at all to help with his Sengoku Experiments(tm), Tokijirou would think Sasuke’s really nice but a little weird Mitsunari: Tokijirou has a lot of trouble getting used to goofin’ with the warlords since like,..,, those are his bosses fjdska but Mitsunari is a little easier to relax with out of the bunch so I think they’d get along okay, plus they’re both always confused about what’s going on all the time
Love Rival: Sasuke would work pretty good, OR MY OTHER IKESEN OC MASATO oh shit, since like they go to the future maybe Masato could be the love rival? Oh man and then we’d have this goofy and mostly fluffy route with in the corner just some mild hints about this yandere in the background
Image Colour: PINK BABEY
Pet: He has a big ol’ horse, she’s really spoiled and she has a lot of attitude, sassy horse..... 
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ikesenhell · 5 years
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Photo by @marinejelly!! Thank you so much!
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Sera, in the framework of the canon IkeSen world, winds up with Kennyo. This, alarmingly, works. She has a way of bringing out the humor in him, and he has a calming effect on some of her brasher qualities. She likes the perspective that he has and is constantly there to push back on his more self destructive traits. They didnt fall for each other so much as discover that they were there already, already nesting perfectly against each other.
They fight about his more destructive traits. A lot. Sera is aware she's an easy target in her ignorance--there's plenty she doesn't understand or relate to about his quest for revenge--but she doesn't move. But, at the end of the day, they're always there to topple back over each other and hug. She's unrepentant in her weirdness and a stone wall when she wants to be. Kennyo, for his part, has quietly fallen for that.
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ikesennw · 5 years
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The Ikesen Network is Very Excited to announce that we will be holding an Ikesen OC celebration week!! In this house we love & appreciate everybody’s OC’s and this week is full of fun prompts so we can celebrate y’alls wonderful characters!! 
1. Introductions - July 29
Introduce your OC (or multiple!) to us! This can be like a mock route preview, drawings, descriptions, bullet points scribbled on a used napkin, or anything in between!
2. What do they like most about their partner? - July 30
Who is your OC paired with romantically? Tell us what made your OC fall for them! Or maybe what annoying habits their partner has that they could definitely live without!
3. HUMP DAY PROMPT: a) How they flirt OR b) Tag your OC in a meme- July 31
a silly day! Choose whichever prompt you want (or both!!)
4. How would they react to being mugged - Aug 1
is your OC the type to reverse mug the muggers? pull out a hidden knife? scream so loudly that they shatter eardrums??
5. Who is their partner in crime? (non-romantic) - Aug 2
sometimes you just need a pal to commit crimes with. time to get up to some shenanigans! 
6. Favorite past times/hobbies? - Aug 3
What does your OC do to kill time? kenshin wait no i didn’t actually mean Kill-
7. How well would they deal with Kenshin’s “training exercises”? - Aug 4
not everyone can be Sasuke levels of awesomeness. How does your OC manage to escape with their life?
Use the hashtag #IkesennwOCWeek2019 to see everyone’s works, and if you are a member of our server, we will have a special channel set up where you can drop your links and we will have them reblogged ASAP to our blog! 
Hope y’all are as excited as we are!! Can’t wait to adopt me some new kids 😤
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art-of-love-and-war · 5 years
IkesenNW OC Week!
Hello! I’m Karo, or as some may know me as @mexicancarolina and I’ll be participating in the @ikesennw OC Event!
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Introducing Kaida “Kai” Gates! (Amazing artwork was done by @uesugi-akechi-please) 
Nickname: Kai, Little Dragon.
Titles: The Witch from Overseas/The Dragon Witch.
Day of Birth: 14th November (Age: 22)
Physical Appearance
Height: 157 cm/5’1
Body build: Slim build; proportionate body, though her arms and legs are quite muscular
Tattoos: The first one is on her left arm it’s a blue dragon with some watercolor effect, the other one rests on her left wrist and it’s the triple goddess symbol with a pentagram in the middle; the last one rest where she has a scar from a car accident, it’s just a quote that reads “Out of hell” 
Voice: Manner of speech/ Singing voice
Disabilities: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, slight myopia on both eyes.
Childhood/Family life: Born in Portland, Oregon. She and her father moved to Salem a year after a car accident took her mother away, and a few months later to Eugene where she lived until she dropped off from school at 13 and decided to leave her home and the physical abuses she suffered from her father after her mother’s passing. 
She lived a few years on the street which led her to be paranoid around new people as well as aggressive. A woman found her and took her to a shelter for youth, she lived in the shelter until she was 18 when she decided to move back to Portland. She started a petition for her university to start a female baseball team, her team won several championships until two years later after starting college she was offered a chance to play on a baseball team in Kyoto, Japan. 
During the Sengoku: The worlhole spat her at the edge of a cliff, where due the dizziness of traveling through time she fell to the lake at the bottom. 
Masamune was the one who saved her from drowning and brought her with him to Azuchi (this, happening at the same time Honno-ji burned). The people of Azuchi, seeing her colored hair and her tattoos started spreading rumors about her being a witch. 
Nobunaga took great interest in the “Western Witch” and sought her “magic services” since Kaida claimed to come from the future and know what was going to happen (this in order to ensure her own survival until she found a way of going back to the future).
After witnessing a battle she decided to ask Masamune to train her, at least to defend herself. This lead her to gain a great ability with the spear and to perfect her one-on-one combat techniques. She was later taken to battle as Masamune’s vassal and survived numerous battles. 
She politely rejected Masamune’s advances on her and he adopted her as his sister, they both command the Date army during battles and she highly respected by her men. 
Virtues/Skills: Adaptability, ability to work under pressure, quick learner, loyal, leadership, protective, strong-willed, compassionate.
Flaws/Weakness: Hot-headed, paranoid, aggressive, ambitious, cocky, smug, prefers to act before thinking, acts like a martyr.
Likes and dislikes
Favorite color: Purple and black
Favorite smell: Green tea, coffee, wet soil.
Favorite taste: Strawberries covered in chocolate. 
Favorite movie/TV Series: Game of Thrones, The Nightmare Before Christmas
Favorite Song(s): Dream On-Aerosmith/Under the Water-The Pretty Reckless/ The Fighter-In this Moment
Parents: Aiko Gates and Zachary Gates.
Siblings: None in the “present time”/ Date Masamune (adoptive brother)
Current partner(s): Nobunaga Oda, Sasuke Sarutobi. 
Unrequired Love(s): Hideyoshi, Masamune. 
Pets: A crow that follows her around and brings her shinny things called Knight
Enemies: Kenshin Uesugi.
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2. What do they like most about their partner? - July 30
Asami: I think this is what people call love at first sight. Kenshin saved my life more than once. And the more our paths crossed, the more I thought of him. 
I don’t really know what specific thing I love about him - I just love everything about Kenshin. His intense eyes, his gentle smile when it’s just the two of us. And maybe the fact that he would literally cut down every single creature that stands in his way just for me, I think that’s the most thrilling part of him I love *blush*. I don’t approve of violence but, but, there’s something about Kenshin… *covers face*
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3. HUMP DAY PROMPT: a) How they flirt 
They flirt A LOT that’s all I can say for now. gulp Asami is a woman of the Sengoku era, so she’s not so straightforward about it. They can be pretty erotic. They’re both highborn and they both have to act/speak properly in front of others-- But when they’re alone, they let themselves be consumed by each other. Asami would hug him and bury her face into onto chest. Kenshin would take Asami’s books while she’s studying medicine and will not give them back unless she gives him a kiss.
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muwimura · 5 years
-- 𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐍𝐖 𝐨𝐜 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 --
"𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐱 𝐤𝐚𝐢, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐥��𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.” 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘺𝘰 -- 𝘢𝘯 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘬𝘶 𝘦𝘳𝘢. 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘮. 𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯. 𝘢𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦.
𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 --  姫神 - 神々の詩 | 大神メドレー PRESS START2009
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𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘵: 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘪
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stupidoafofspades · 5 years
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IkeSen OC: Shiori Nakano BASIC INFO
Name: Shiori Nakano
Birthday: April 18th
Age: 26
Height: 162cm
Eye color: purple 
Hair: Long black hair with bangs and shorter bits in the front 
Features: She has a few freckles around her nose
Illnesses: Hay fever
Affiliation: Oda
Employee at the fruit shop of Miyu’s father & assistant in a restaurant kitchen
Miyu Aino: Best friend and coworker. Shiori randomly ran into Miyu on the streets of Azuchi one day and thought she was the cutest girl ever. She decided right then and there that she wanted to be friends with her. Miyu is an OC created by @hydemeincradle​, link to her OC: https://hydemeincradle.tumblr.com/post/186648841924/ikesen-oc-miyu-aino Masamune Date: Not that she’s quite aware of it, but she has a major crush on Masamune. Masamune started visiting the fruit shop frequently to buy produce for his cooking when he heard from the maids in the castle about the quality of their products. They have been getting to know each other ever since. Masamune very quickly found out he finds it very funny to tease Shiori and he keeps challenging her; always being one step ahead of her. Shiori denies liking him, saying it’s just that she wants to be better than him and beat him. Nobunaga Oda: Shiori respects Nobunaga a lot. Nobunaga was a great employer to her father she appreciates everything Nobunaga does to unify the country. Ranmaru Mori: One of the very few guys she actually likes, since he’s so adorable and nice. He visits the fruit shop often to see Miyu, and therefore he became good friends with Shiori too. Hideyoshi Toyotomi: Shiori finds him one of the most annoying guys, because he has so many women swarming all the time. He is the exact reason she doesn’t like boys. Ieyasu Tokugawa: Shiori doesn’t care for Ieyasu attitude, but respects him for his knowledge of medicine. Would like to get some lessons from him one day, if she can get over the tsun. Mitsunari Ishida: Shiori looks up to Mitsunari and finds him one of the most tolerable guys out there. Mitsuhide Akechi: Shiori sometimes joins forces with him to get back at Masamune. Yukimura Sanada: Shiori runs into Yukimura sometimes on the market while at work. She’s pretty impartial towards him.  Sasuke Sarutobi: Same for Sasuke. Shingen Takeda: She runs into Shingen too sometimes, even though she’s been actively avoiding him. He’s another example of why she doesn’t like boys. She finds his flirty ways to be annoying.
Shiori is a very kind and loving person, when it comes to girls. She loves girls. She thinks they’re cute and fun. 
She’s not a big fan of boys though. She thinks they are stupid and mean and perverted. 
Despite her dislike for boys, she is attracted to them. She has a hard time admitting it though. 
Shiori is really hardworking and ambitious. She loves a challenge and always strives to be the best at everything. She gets very hyped up when she notices someone is better at something. 
She is also very independent and responsible, which is why she’s working two jobs to support her family. 
Although Shiori might come off as an unfriendly girl at times (especially to boys), she is very caring at heart and cares deeply for the ones she considers friends. She’s also very professional when it comes to handling clients in the fruit shop. 
Shiori grew up in the outskirts of Azuchi with her parents and her little sister. Mom was always at home taking care of the kids, while Dad was a soldier in Nobunaga’s army. They didn’t have a lot of money while growing up, but they were happy. One day, while Dad was sent off to fight in one of the many wars in the Sengoku period, but he never came back… He died fighting for the Oda. After that, Shiori’s family struggled with poverty ever since. Shiori quickly matured and promised her mom to help out however she can, so she made sure to always have a job, help around the house and help take care of her little sister. During this difficult time, she received a lot of help and support from her best friend Miyu. This is also where Miyu’s dad offered Shiori a job at his fruit stall. 
Shiori has a wide range of skills: she’s smart, good at sports, she can fight, cook and sew.. She tries to be the best at everything she does.
Masamune Date
Life for Shiori revolves around working her two jobs in order to support her family and helping out taking care of things at home. She doesn’t have a lot of free time, but when she does, she is hanging out with Miyu or Masamune. Or rather, Masamune finds a way to hang out with her.
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bespectacledbun · 5 years
Ikesen Network OC week!!
Because I am undecisive and couldn’t pick one.... singular... oc to talk about for the network oc week, I’ve decided to introduce multiple!!
Ikesen Network OC week Day 1 — Mikumo family
Yes. You read that absolutely correct. I created an entire cast of Sasuke’s family as OCs for ikesen 😂 and I love every single one of them, so without further ado, here’s my contribution to ikesen nw oc week!!
Takeuchi Sakura — 竹内 桜
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(picrew used for all the girls: https://picrew.me/image_maker/43383)
The oldest daughter of the Mikumo household and Sasuke’s older sister, Sakura works as a child pediatrician at Kyoto City Hospital, and as a result has a lot of fun badges and stickers on her lanyard to share with her child patients. She’s the only kid in the family who isn’t good at history, much to the shock of her parents, so that’s why she became a doctor. Also the only kid to not inherit the Mikumo blindness.
Takeuchi Ritsuo — 竹内 茂吉
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(picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/31304)
Sakura’s husband, and Sasuke’s brother-in-law. A ward nurse at Kyoto City Hospital, he kinda works under Sakura’s supervision. Absolutely adores Sakura, and gets along really well with Sasuke. Has the unfortunate habit of slipping up at work and calling Sakura “honey” or “dear” instead of Dr. Mikumo. He’s an ambivert but doesn’t like going out as much as Sakura does.
Takeuchi Shotaro — 竹内 章太郎
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(picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/74885)
Oh boy. Sakura’s first and only son, Shotaro mostly goes by “Taro” or various other nicknames. He’s that one kid that you see in high school, the one that’s at the top of the class every year, plays on a sports team, and runs for student council... and manages to throw wild parties at the same time. Kid is basically a jack of all trades. There isn’t anyone he can’t get along with, simply because he just has the power to charm anyone and everyone he meets. 
Mikumo Shiori — 三雲 撓
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Sasuke’s second older sister and the second child of the Mikumo family. She’s a high school history teacher at a local school in Kyoto. Known as the “demon teacher,” Shiori is known for her strict rules in the classroom and in the dojo. She’s also in charge of the school’s judo club, and has a black belt in both judo and mixed martial arts.
Mikumo Seiko — 三雲 晴子
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The youngest child in the Mikumo family and therefore the baby, Seiko is a first year university student at a beauty school in Kyoto. She does makeup tutorials as a beginner beauty vlogger on Youtube, and loves all things fashionable including clothes, jewellery, and hairstyles. Sakura, Shiori, and Sasuke would Die for their youngest sister.
Tachibana Aiko — 立花 愛子
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My custom MC for ikesen!! If you’ve been following my blog for a long time you might remember there was a time when my url was “iamaikotachibana” — that would be the name of my custom MC~ Aiko is Japanese-American citizen who was born and grew up in the US. After graduating college she moved to Japan to stay with her uncle for a year, but was thrown back into the Sengoku along with Sasuke. Married him after they return to the modern day.
Mikumo Arisa — 三雲 有紗
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Sasuke’s first daughter, Arisa is a second year highschool student and training to be a cop like her mum. She gets ninja training in the modern day, along with Tsuki and Taro, from her dad Sasuke, so she knows how to defend herself. Likes to go stargazing with her dad every once in a while.
Mikumo Tsukiko — 三雲 月子
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Sasuke’s second daughter and the last of the Mikumo family, Tsukiko prefers that her friends and family call her Tsuki. First year high school student. She’s rather quiet and soft-spoken, and prefers to read or study astrology rather than go out with people unlike her sis and cousin. Her favorite aunt is Shiori, because Shiori lets Tsuki watch R-rated horror films.
Some random stuff about the family
Sakura and Shiori both call Sasuke Zousuke (the kanji for “zou” meaning elephant, or alternatively, statue) because according to Sakura “Once you get Sasuke talking about space or history, he never shuts up. It’s like listening to an elephant constantly trumpeting.” Shiori calls him that because he has an expressionless face, just like a statue
Seiko is called Haru by all her siblings because the first kanji in her name can be read as the kanji for spring
The siblings have different ways of bonding with each other. Shiori and Seiko play trivia games together, while Sakura and Seiko go shopping for cute clothes. Meanwhile, Sakura and Shiori bond by recommending mystery thrillers to each other.
Sasuke used to be shorter than his two older sisters when they were kids, but he grew taller than Sakura and Shiori when they grew up. They’re still salty.
Sakura was the one who taught hair and makeup skills to Sasuke. After Sakura moved out, Sasuke would do Seiko’s makeup for her parties. It’s why she became interested in being a beautician.
Taro is the oldest of the three cousins, and is super protective of Riza and Tsuki. The three get ninja training from Sasuke together, and bond over sweet and video games like regular siblings.
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tarralin · 5 years
IkesenNW OC Week
Day 3
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hydemeincradle · 5 years
IkeSen OC - Miyu Aino
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Name: Miyu Aino
Birthday: June 27th
Age: 25
Height: 165cm
Eye color: Blue
Hair: Long black hair with shorter side bits
Affiliation: Oda
Occupation: Works for her father’s fruit shop alongside Shiori. Relationships:
Shiori Nakano: Best friend. Miyu met Shiori and they became friends very quickly. Miyu tries to get her in with the mischief she creates, like trying to sneak into Azuchi castle.
Created by @stupidoafofspades here: https://stupidoafofspades.tumblr.com/post/186628844874/ikesen-oc-shiori-nakano-basic-info-name-shiori
Ranmaru Mori: Miyu has had a huge crush on him since she first saw him and turned into a blushy mess. She tries to lure him to the fruit stall with peaches.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: He buys from the stall sometimes and she watches him in town also. He’s always been kind to her, and she hopes one day maybe he’ll let her go into Azuchi castle without sneaking in.
Masamune Date: He also buys from the stall, but Miyu doesn’t know him well, cause she usually lets Shiori take over so she can stare at him.
Miyu wants to get to know the others more, but hasn’t had a chance to.
- Mischief with a capital M.
- She has dreams of working in Azuchi castle because she’s heard it is great and she wants to know what mischief the warlords get up to.
- Somewhat shy, whenever a warlord does speak to her she clams up, but still manages to make a sale.
- Miyu finds working boring because it’s so repetitive and wants to explore the lands or see someplace new.
- Sometimes Miyu leaves the stall to go chase cats or climb boxes, irritating other stall holders sometimes. She also clambers up onto the roof so she can see further away. It’s not unusual for her to be wearing a muddied kimono.
Miyu was born in a town outside of Azuchi, and has worked from a young age. The family have been building up the fruit stall for a long time, and things were going great until Miyu’s mother died in childbirth. Since then Miyu’s father, Yamato, has kept up with the fruit stall in her honour, though it is hard work. Miyu wishes she had more freedom, because she feels like a lot of responsibility got put on her at a young age. She also feels like she has no choice in what she does, and it makes her detest the fruit stall more. Yamato hired Shiori for many reasons, one being to try and make Miyu happier.
Miyu is good with selling, and general upkeep of the shop. She’s good at climbing, and does an excellent puppy dog look to get out of trouble.
Paired with: Ranmaru Mori
Life in the Sengoku period:
Miyu spends her time working and trying to escape work most days. Though ever since she spotted a certain someone, she’s been trying to find reasons to talk to him, and she cottoned on very fast that he likes peaches, so saves some back in case he comes to visit. Miyu hasn’t yet got the courage to say much to him, however.
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moonlit--river · 5 years
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Repost because Im not smart and I forgot the tags lmaooo
My drawing isn't that great today and my handwriting sucks BUT I had to do something for @ikesennw 's OC week!!!
I made the Picrews here and here!!!
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bmpmp3 · 5 years
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Ikesen NW OC week day 1!! Introduction - Here’s Otsuta~
About her: I stole her from Sasuke’s route, she was just a faceless NPC but I coulda SWORN her character arc was gonna come back around since she was named, but then she vanished in like chapter 4 kjdsfsdka she’s my character now, Cybird >:)
Otsuta’s bit younger than MC by like only a few years, around Ieyasu’s age, like early 20s. She’s kind of a sneaky brat and she can be pretty cruel and ruthless, hence the whole....trying to murder you in Sasuke’s route thing, but ultimately she always regrets going too far (she has trouble admitting it though). 
She really idolizes Nobunaga, she says it’s a normal romantic crush but if anything it seems more like she just really wants to be him. She talks about him like a little kid talking about how he’s gonna be JUST like his dad when he grows up!! Just as cool as him!!! She’s defiinitely a sort of wannabe type of character.
Route: After getting kicked out of Azuchi, Otsuta meets Motonari and in exchange for some information on the new princess, she gets him to train her (Motonari probably only agreed ‘cause he thought she might be good for something later, like she probably has lots of old friends in Azuchi despite her exile, maybe he could use her as some kind of bait? he wasn’t expecting her to completely take the training seriously and stick with it for so long). She starts training originally for revenge against MC for getting her kicked out (although it was her own fault lol) but after hanging out with pirates for so long she kind of starts to realize she didn’t really love Nobunaga as much as she just wanted to be like him, maybe she should try to learn to live her life without trying to be like someone else?  After trying to kill MC for like the third time Otsuta kind of.........doesn’t wanna get revenge anymore......MC’s kind of sweet y’know maybe she doesn’t deserve this.....plus she’s really cute.....
jhkdlfsds ANYWAY yeah it’s a bit of an enemies to Otsuta thinks they’re frenemies and MC thinks they’re friends to lovers kind of deal, and a lot of Otsuta learning to Chill Out and become a better person, that kind of thing?
Relationships:   (despite her being my newest Ikesen OC she’s got the most fleshed out relationships lfkdsjdfskalkdfb)   MC: Otsuta hates her at first ‘cause Nobunaga pays so much attention to her, but later once she chills out she realizes MC’s an adorable sweetheart and Ostuta feels So Bad fjdskjds MC is actually fully ready to forgive her and become friends like immediately despite the whole attempted murder thing (that is just how she meets most of her friends at this point though)  Nobunaga: Otsuta thinks he’s SO COOL and the BEST and she wants to be him when she grows up SO BAD and Nobunaga.....thinks she’s fine, maybe a little wild for a maid but he likes her well enough, I think he would think of her and the rest of his staff like kinda, his responsibility though? Like I think he’d feel like a disappointed father who failed his kid by not being a good enough influence  Motonari: I think these two would be like, pals? like as good as friends as you can become with someone like Motonari? Like I think their relationship would be a surprisingly close platonic one, I think Otsuta would talk about him like he’s her big brother hdjfskldskdf like I dunno? Motonari would look at Otsuta and be like “any day now I will betray even you and burn this world to the ground” and Otsuta would be like “lol ily 2 man”  Mitsuhide: he and Otsuta get along really well but it pisses him off ‘cause her sneaky brat-ness reminds him too much of himself, I think they kind of act like rivals? especially since Mitsuhide’d be such a good love rival(tm)
Love Rival: like I just mentioned, I think Mitsuhide would work really well, especially since in Sasuke’s route he’s the first to figure out Otsuta’s up to something, plus imagine the OT3 potential
Image Colour: a sort of dusty green? Or like a french gray.
Pet: I’m not exactly sure, but I think she would attempt to become friends with hawks ‘cause Nobunaga has a hawk but she’d fail miserably qwq 
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ikesenhell · 5 years
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-smashes open the door- I HEARD AN IKESEN OC WEEK?
I know plenty of people hear me talk about her nonstop, but just in case you haven’t met my dear. She started out initially as the MC for ALL SHADES OF BLUE and kind of... evolved. So here we are. Now I throw her at the Sun & Sea universe by @ikesenmotonari all the time (hence the reference to Harukata, ignore that... and go read Sun & Sea!) SOME INFORMATION:  SERA BOUDINOT
Sera, unfortunately, is the nail that sticks up. She always has been. Raised in Elkhart, Indiana, she was one of a bevy of children. Unfortunately for her, she was one of the only kids from her mother and father’s failed marriage. When her mother remained her step-dad and started having kids themselves, they made it clear she wasn’t considered part of that. Her father wasn’t exactly in a situation to help her out; he lived in a double wide trailer. Sera learned quickly to adapt and take care of herself.  She left home when she was 18 and spent time in Michigan, couch surfing and sleeping in theatres in exchange for volunteer hours. That’s how she picked up sewing. She’s not half bad at carpentry or lighting board work, but the sewing really stuck. Eventually she graduated to getting paid for her work and actually having a place to live.  Around 25, she got the opportunity to go abroad for a little bit and work. She picked Japan. Mercifully, she liked to learn languages, so she took classes before leaving. That turned out to be extremely fortunate.  That didn’t make the transition to the Sengoku particularly easy. 
There was nothing she could’ve done to make herself blend in. Piercings, accent, the colored hair, the dialect of Japanese--all of it made her an extremely obvious target. History was never her strong suit either. Her explanations for all this are feeble at best. Azuchi, fortunately, took her in--
And then she ran off. 
Well. She didn’t always make smart choices. 
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ikesennw · 5 years
Ikesen OC Week: Rie Hatakeya
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Name: Rie Hatakeya
Age: 23
Occupation: Courtesan, Sengoku Era
Birthday: Unknown - never recorded
Birthplace: Unknown - never recorded
She's a pleasant, soft-spoken woman who was physically and emotionally abused as a child by her own family, until her grandmother sold her off to some rich man who then traded her off for cash.
She knows how outsiders as well as her fellow courtesans judge her, so she often keeps to herself.
She won't say it, but her father had an affair with a foreign lady and that's how she was born. (She never knew her mother as mom had died during childbirth).
Her favorite quote:
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She is next in line to take over the courtesan's establishment, even though she had given the names of her fellows due to their seniority.
She is simply there to entertain whichever guest requests for her services for the evening.
Unrequited Love: Hideyoshi
A clip of one of her performances:
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art-of-love-and-war · 5 years
IkesenNW OC Week [Day 2]
Prompt: 2. What do they like most about their partner? Who is your OC paired with romantically? Tell us what made your OC fall for them! 
This is kind of different from the prompt, but I decided to fill a small chart I found on twitter (here). And I will add some bullet points about Kaida’s relationship with her two lovers!
Long post ahead!
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They had a difficult start, Kaida punched Nobunaga square in the face and they often bump heads...but somehow, they keep each other balanced with their tempers. 
Kaida fell for Nobunaga’s sense of leadership and protection towards his people, towards her even if she was an outlander. Even if she talked non-sense during their heart-to-heart conversations he listened and remembered important details about her. He knows how to keep her grounded when her mind dives deep into things she doesn’t want to remember. He is a man-child and she loves him dearly for pulling a smile out of her, for making her smirk with every clever comment or remark. He knows how to make her feel human and she loves him for it. 
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Their relationship was unintentional. They didn’t intend to fall in love. It still happened. During Kaida’s story, she met Sasuke thanks to a pop-culture reference she let out during a conversation, they both became quick friends that got closer and closer. Unfortunately, during a slip-off gone wrong after he had visited her one night, he was taken to the dungeons as a prisoner. Kaida helped him escape asap and that’s how their unintentional romance started. 
Kaida doesn’t know exactly what made her fall for Sasuke, she just stared at him one day and knew that she didn’t want him as a friend anymore. Sasuke is always the one getting the best of her, making her show her soft side and lower her guard. 
The three work like a well-oiled machine. They balance each other perfectly and no one could tear them apart. 
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