#Im usually a 3-5 business days kind of artist
sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 4 of the Linked Universe Winged Au! This time around we've got our favorite short king, Four!
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Starting off strong with more fun facts about birds, Painted Buntings are mainly known and recognized for their bright, colorful plumage to the point where they are oftentimes referred to as, "Nature's Living Box of Crayons".
Now aside from the obvious similarities in color schemes and the absolute CRIME it would be to choose any other bird for Four, my interpretation of Four and his personality also share many similarities with those of a Painted Bunting. For example, these birds most commonly lurk in low, dense covers of brushy areas and woodland edges which is incredibly similar to what he did in his adventures all throughout Minish Cap.
On top of that, Painted Buntings also have a tendency to be very independent and fiercely territorial. Because of this, I headcanon that despite his generally calm exterior and his short height, Four is by far the Link who's most ready to throw hands at a moments notice and is willing to dive bomb enemies should the need arise, even more so than Wild.
However, while Four does share certain behavioral traits of a Painted Bunting in this Winged Au, his appearance is actually a result of the combination of all his other "selves" or "colors".
Four was still very young when he began his adventure in Four Swords to the point where he actually hadn't lost his baby feathers yet before starting his journey. However, when he drew the Four Sword and split into four separate individuals, all four of those "colors" not only had different personalities like in both the manga and comic, but different wings and colors as well. Because of this, by the end of his adventure when they merged into a united whole again, his wings took on a combined mix of all the colors to resemble that of a Painted Bunting.
Anyways, that was a lot but that's all for now folks! As always kudos to all those who read through that mini lore dump and thank you all again for being so nice and supportive! Feel free to reach out with any questions or requests for who or what you would like to see next!
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dawnstarranger · 1 year
…I did this to myself, so here we go lmao
(Im on mobile so the formatting will suck. I make no apologies lmao. I had to close out of the screen a bunch so I saved as a draft rather than trying to reply to your ask.)
1. Nope! I try not to dwell on it though.
2. Also no?
3. Statistically probably, but not everyone lucks out.
4. Not really.
5. Nope, found family counts too.
6. Yes. Friends are important!
7. I am!
8. I think it’s the same emotion, it just manifests differently.
9. Not as happy, but people do live fulfilling lives without finding romance.
10. Yes.
11. Absolutely lmao.
12. I don’t think so?
13. I don’t disbelieve in it, if that makes sense.
14. I mean, if reincarnation is how it goes, that’s just the way she goes.
15. Cosmically special, no. Special to friends and family on the micro level, yea.
16. Yeah. But debate for the sake of your own understanding. You’re never going to convince everyone else to see things your way, so don’t expect to change minds.
17. Can favorite characters be like imaginary friends?
18. I say no to this because I’m not involved in anything organized and am not looking to be. Insert “the gods are names for what’s already in your heart” here :)
19. I don’t, but I feel like it’s one of those things that if life leads me to change my mind, I change my mind.
20. Isn’t that just life?
21. I mean yeah? Different circumstances would have probably led to me finding love with someone else. I don’t think it’s healthy for current relationships to dwell on “well, what if…” for too long, though.
22. So previously I would have said a loooong fucking time. However, I knew I was with the right person in a matter of about a month, so I guess when it’s right, it’s right?
23. I think it takes a very special relationship to survive when there is no “convenience.” Yes, yes, love is magical and can transcend barriers and whatnot, but long-term I think the simple things like being able to tolerate living together matter a lot, maybe not to the emotion of love, but to the act of it.
24. I think so lol.
25. Probs not as fluid as if I were gen z, but people are people and love is love.
26. Going to college and pursuing what I’m passionate about.
27. I’m a little afraid of losing out on things I want to do, but not especially.
28. Based on family history I will definitely live for at least a century lol. Would not want to live forever though. Maybe it would be cool to have an elven lifespan, complete with slow aging?
29. Yep.
30. I like to believe in free will, at least to an extent. Such as life is, we usually aren’t as free in our choices as we think, or wish, that we were.
31. I’ve survived my mental illnesses so far, so with that off the table I have no idea lol.
32. Ummmm no. If I had a dollar for every time someone asks me this after I tell them I study astronomy…
33. I really don’t think adulthood kicks in until 25ish.
34. By drow standards yes :)
35. A million dollars
36. I married that person and we either get along perfectly or literally not at all.
37. In some things, yes.
38. Absolutely not and I’m glad of it.
39. Sure. Kind of. Maybe.
40. Trying to do what you sincerely believe is good, as long as you’re reducing harm to others. I try my best.
41. Being independent and pursuing what I care about.
42. Kind of, yeah. Most of us are pretty boxed in by various limitations.
43. I used to be much more artistic than I am now. I’m no art major, so I’ll leave the definition to the experts here.
44. I’m generally truthful. Sometimes people don’t need to know your business.
45. Hopefully I’ll be remembered for groundbreaking research one day.
46. Probably not.
47. Suffering is part of the human condition, so yeah. It doesn’t have special meaning, life is just hard and arbitrary sometimes.
48. Insert “there is no freedom, there is only survival” here. Freedom is relative and somewhat up to how you define it.
49. Yes.
50. Honesty, loyalty, and a willingness to tolerate my bullshit.
51. I really don’t know. Probably a few on this list would be good contenders.
52. I’m sure I have inherited beliefs just like anyone else. I try to be able to justify what I think, at least to myself. Should I get really cringe and add “little of what I say or do is opinion”?
53. Could be any of them. I’m not an expert on plenty of things, and I tell to take the approach of time and experience will tell in the end.
54. I don’t think so, not at present, anyway. As a physicist I’d obviously like to, though!
55. I suppose? But that does open the door to the whole “what counts as consciousness” and can AI ever get there and what about really smart animals etc etc etc
56. Useful, inevitable, and very dangerous to society.
57. Yes, and yes, but I think it’s part of what makes us human, and it isn’t a bad thing.
58. Statistically yeah? Probably? But that shouldn’t stop us from continuing to create art.
59. AI generated 15 second clips of remixes lol
60. At the moment we seem to be bringing back the ‘00s, who knows what’s next?
61. Everyone thinks they’re living through hard times. With that said, I do think technology plays a role in how crazy the modern day feels compared to times previous.
62. No and fuck no. I don’t like actual current me enough to want to deal with a clone.
63. I’m not, but fake it till you make it, amiright?
64. Not remotely.
65. Honestly I don’t know. There’s an argument to be made for raising the voting age, but also I don’t think that younger adults are voting “stupidly” more than much older adults.
66. It’s destructive and petty and unfortunately for the world I am a destructive and petty little bitch.
67. A Karen :)
68. I like it fine.
69. If you’re really truly in love with someone (assuming monogamy here) I think part of that entails respecting the other person enough not to dwell on crushes to the point that they get that far. Sometimes it happens, but I don’t think it plays out as nicely as it does in the movies.
70. Bruh, I’m alive. That’s the tragedy.
71. I wouldn’t go see it.
72. Uhhhhhh well, we prosecuted nazis who were acting with the full support of their own laws, so in some cases yes. Maybe just as importantly, we should pardon and rehabilitate people who were arrested for things that have since been decriminalized.
73. To defend it, yes. I live here whether I like it or not.
74. Yes. I do think it’s an important goal.
75. Yes, I think the consequences for not taking care of others is higher than many people like to admit.
76. I crave positive academic feedback and the warm fuzzy feeling I get when my grades are high.
77. Ask Shakespeare.
78. Idk but your mom said I was satisfying ;)
79. I listen to whatever, usually not dependent on mood.
80. I listen to whatever I happen to feel like. I’m not a big mood listener.
81. No can do, am already tied down.
82. Lmao probs not
83. Uhh maybe? I’m happy to do my thing from earth, but the temptation is there. #rememberthecant
84. Binch I don’t have the first clue who people think I am. I don’t even know who I think I am half the time.
85. “Would I be happier if I was born into a perfect and advantageous body instead of the one I’m in” yeah duh, but I still wouldn’t want to flip a switch and change like that.
86. All of them:)
87. Not as easily as in years past.
88. Im definitely more on the jealous side.
89. Maybe some of the same core traits, but I’d be so different without my memories that I don’t know if it matters.
90. That’s a 50/50 question. Some days yes, some days no.
91. Absolutely, and I fucking hate [REDACTED], obviously
92. I’m working on a German minor but I am NOT fluent at all
93. I don’t draw meaning from them, but I do tend to have vivid dreams. Sometimes they’re like a nice little vacation :) sometimes they’re fucked up tho
94. Consistently
95. Really depends. I feel like if it’s unrequited, you aren’t able to get to know that other person on the level it takes to create genuine, long-lasting love. You’re in love with the idea of them more than with the actual person.
96. Again, I can’t read minds so I literally don’t know lol
97. Yes
98. All the time, but I think a lot of people feel that way on some level
99. Not especially. I think there are things we can’t yet explain and may never fully explain, but I don’t believe in magic per se.
100. You only get so many good rolls per dice per dnd session, and you should try not to use them up on stupid shit (this belief is nothing but logical)
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levantea · 2 years
Day 5 | hyunjin *ೃ༄
╰┈➤ 14 ways to say”i love you” series
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Pairing: hyunjin x y/n
Genre: fluff, bfgf, nightmare, insecurities
Rating: G
Warning: none
Word Count: 1.2k
⇢ ˗ˏˋ prompts: 7 — “i dreamt about you last night” + 83 — “stay there, im coming to get you”
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10 missed calls from Jinnie🦋 at 7.15pm.
20 kakao messages from Jinnie🦋 at 7.20pm.
“Thank you! Please come again,” you bowed to the customers who left the cafe, whipping out your phone from the apron and got a shock from the missed incalls and texts from your boyfriend.
You furrowed your eyebrows and thought, wasn’t he usually busy around that timing?
Typically, he will be having vocal lessons in his label building and contact you during midnight, when you are already asleep. The only chance you get to have proper conversations with him is on Sunday, where he got more free time.
You suspected that something must have happened to him, if not he wouldn’t find you at such odd timings. You dialled back and he immediately answered after processing for 3 seconds.
“Jinnie, what happened? Aren’t you supposed to be in training?” you signalled to your manager that you will exit the cafe for awhile to talk to your lover, who has entered the kpop industry a year back.
JYP knows the relationship between you and him, and he clearly awares how important it is to Hyunjin. Initially, he was very hesitant to enter because he always heard people saying idols can’t date. Despite having passion to become an artist, he still don’t wish to sacrifice this connection with you and he mentioned before that he rather give up on the chance to debut to stay with you, if JYP insists on break up.
Thankfully, JYP was kind enough to let it pass, allowing Hyunjin to continue dating you and allowing you to visit the building from time to time, making it a win-win situation. However, rules are still stringent within the label and both still have to abide the minimum. Definitely, it is harder for both to meet now but you are already grateful for the mercy given.
“Baby, where are you?! Are you working?”
The furrows of your eyebrows got denser. You noticed the anxiousness in his tone and he seemed like he really has something urgent to tell you.
“Yes jinnie, what’s up? Did something bad happen?” you probe again as he did not directly answer your previous question. Crossing your arms, you walked to a nearby bus stop to take a seat as both of your legs were sore from standing for hours, serving countless customers just now.
“I’ll tell you face to face, im coming,” you heard slightly noisy background and things knocking against the phone. You assumed that was his earrings that were causing the sound as it usually happen when he was running.
What happened that caused him to be so panic?
“Jinnie are you okay? How about i go and find you? I don’t think you can-“
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you. Please just stay at whereever you are and wait for me okay?” He cutted you off as you heard a ‘tap’ sound.
Did he board a bus?
Wait, he is literally travelling to find me at my workplace?
You kept silent throughout as he still didn’t hung up the call after you asked him to. He said he wants to hear your voice or breath to make him feel safe. Confusions are piling in your mind but you still decided to wait patiently at the bus stop for him to come and explain everything, as well as thinking of ways to sooth him if he experienced something upsetting.
“Babe, are you still there?” he asked in every 5 minutes interval and you answered him ‘yes i am’ patiently, even though you brain is still murky.
Since when did he become so panicky?
From afar, you saw the bus number 173 turning into the lane that comes from the other side of the city, which Hyunjin also lives in. Ever since he entered the label, he had to move over to live with other trainees. Wheneever he comes to find you, he will always take 173 as that is the sole bus that meets both ends.
“Jinnie, are you-“
Before you can even finish your sentence, you saw the latter running towards you and engulfing your smaller frame in his built body. You wanted to push him away as your apron was wet, but he hugged you tighter otherwise.
“Jinnie, are you okay?” you asked as soft as possible because you a slight tinge of hurt in his eyes when he ran to you. You felt his head nodding on your shoulders as you reached out both hands to his back, rubbing up and down slowly to calm him.
“Babe, i dreamt about you last night,” he weakly spoke as he hide his face into your neck, letting out soft sobs which made you stunned.
“What have i done in your dream?” you probed, causing his sobs to get louder. You were giving apologetic gaze to the passers by judging the both of you, quickly turning your attention back to the poor guy.
“You- you- you left me, like- like really left,” he tried to stifle his tears but it got even louder, so you had to pull him to one corner where lesser people are walking past.
“Where did i go?” you gently pulled him away, holding his face in your palms and carassing his redden cheeks with the pad of your thumbs, looking into his watery eyes and pouting lips.
Cute, you mentally commented because you know it’s not the best time to say it since he is all upset now.
“You went, you went to another place, far, far away from me,” his tears fell like pearls as he returned to hug you, making you cooing him like a baby and whispering “it’s okay im here” repeatedly to make him feel more secure.
Ever since you dated him, you realised his cold prince image was long gone because he is always clingy with you when you both meet up. He will literally hold on your hands everywhere both go unless there are obstacles infront. You felt like you have been taking care of a big baby but you felt honoured, very.
“Baby, please, if you ever face any difficulties in life, approach me first okay, me first,” his cries died down slowly as he mumbled under his breath, saying in the most serious tone you ever heard from him.
“Alright jinnie, don’t worry im okay, im good as long as im with you,” you reassured him and landed a soft kiss at the corner of his lips, finally bringing his warm smile back alive.
“Do you need to go back now? Won’t your manager catch you?”
“No it’s fine, i already told him and he letted me a night off, i’ll return tomorrow.”
“I see, do you want to go my house first? I can-“
“Nonono i want to be with you, can i sit inside till you end your work, please?”
He gave you a poor look which made your heart melt. Knowing that you can’t resist his gaze, he always flashes them when he eagerly needs your agreement and you always did.
“Okay, i’ll bring you back there,” you grabbed his hands softly and pulled him behind you, grinning without letting him see it because you felt touched by him travelling all the way to find you because he was so worried and you know that,
you have chosen the right person to spend your life with.
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 24 - The more its restored, the less like the original it becomes.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome....*points to Joe with his bare leg showing*..Errr, are you hot?
J: No, I mean, its hot isn't it?
K: Yeh, it is.
J: How do you feel about Summer? Im really bad with Summer!
K: Well, I don't like the heat, but I don't really go outside all that much.
J: Really? By the way, what are your favourite seasons, Kaoru?
K: Autumn and Spring.
J: Well, yeh right? Which do you hate the most? Winter or Summer?
K: Im really sensitive to hot and cold.
J: Oh really?!
K: But, hmm, which one? Maybe Summer is better.
J: Summer is better? Ehh? But in the winter you can always put on extra clothes if you are cold..but in Summer...we have our limits, right?  Summer is...
K: Can't you just put the aircon on?
J: I do...but..
K: If you go outside, right?
J: Outside is also hot, and if you leave the aircon on constantly inside, you'll catch a cold. Its hard, I really don't like summer at all!
T: Haha
J: You're also limited in what you can eat, right? You have no appetite, you get bored of eating soumen noodles every day.
K: Yeh, that does get boring.
J: In winter you can have big hot pots, and all sorts!
K: I eat hot pots in the summer too.
J: Really?!
T: Ehh?
J: Incredible! Ah, but on the other hand, yes, that kinda works.
T: Wouldn't you feel cooler? After eating it?
K: I feel hot.
J: You feel hot? haha.
K: Hahaha
J: Its is hot!
K: I get really hot! Haha
T: Do you eat it with the aircon blasting?
K: Well, even with the aircon blasting, I still sweat a lot.
J: Its hot, right? But doing that feels good? Conversely?
K: What have you been eating?
J: Salad, basically.
K: Did you say you were on a diet?
J: Yeh, my belly is getting round.
K: Weren't you going to the gym?
J: I am going to the gym!
K: Haha.
J: I started with squats, and when I lifted up, it was so hard*1.
K: Hahaha
J: My muscles hurt a lot today. I can't walk up the stairs.
T: Hahaha
K: At 50, you're like...
J: Getting my teeth out...
K: Getting your teeth out..
T: Doing squats...
J: Yeh, well im divorced, and im aiming to remarry, so this is my last spurt. If I havn't reached my goal by age 55...
K: You've entered a plan to reform yourself?
J: Yes, I have.
T: Joe, you're young!
J: If I havn't managed it by 55, I'll give up...*gestures to camera* So, please,  everyone.
K: Why are you smiling?
T: Hahaha
J: I've kinda been wanting to do that.
K: Hahaha
J: Lets cut that bit.
K: No, we'll show it
J: Hahaha
K: We won't cut it, haha. Ok, Joe san. Today's news please.
J: Yes, this is today's news. We talked about this news a little bit once on the radio show, didn't we?
K: Yeh, we did.
J: Right? Well this is news about how "The more it was restored, the less like the original it became". So in Spain, its been disovered that  an amatuer tried to re-touch a famous work of art, and failed twice. The altered work is a oil painting copy of the 17th century piece by the Spanish Baroque artist Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. The title of the work is, 'The Immaculate Conception of Los Venerables'. The owner of this piece, an art collecter based in Valencia, who paid 1200 euros for it, had requested an employee of a furniture repair company to clean the painting. But during the cleaning, the Virgin Mary's face changed. After not one, but two restoration attempts, the painting was completely ruined, and the owner was apparently very angry. So, if you search for it, you will be able to find the images online. We can't show you them here due to the issue of image rights (*On screen text: Search for Spain painting restoration*). But...yehh..
T: Its incredible, isn't it?
J: This is shocking!
K: They weren't looking at how the picture is supposed to be, were they?
T: *Looking at his paper* Is the top picture the first restoration attempt?
K: Yeh, the one on the left is the original state, and on the right is the first restoration.
J: The top right, yeh.
*Lots of giggling*
J: This has zero sense of Maria! It looks like some vandalism.
K: Its looks like those pictures they stick up outside the police box *2
J: This first attempt is bad enough...
K: Its terrible, really bad!
J: But it generally still fits with the original Maria's line of gaze, right?
K: Yeh, but like, you can see the whites of her eyes. The top half is totally black.
J: If this is restoration work, it means they took money for it?
T: ??? *3
J: Really!
K: How did they actually do it though? Normally you have to use a matching colour to the original, and just do it like this, right?*imitates dabbing paint finely*
J: I think so.
K: But it seems like this person has just gone like "Gahhh' *imitates waving a paintbrush around roughly*
J: They re-painted it, right?
K: They are just slapping paint on, you can't see much detail.
J: Re-writing it! Its terrible!
K: They were somehow trying to remember what it used to look like.
J: At least they could have taken a photo..
K: Without that, this third try is never gonna work.
J: Everyone, please search for these images online. The third image is shocking!
T: The second pic is still looking upwards and kinda has a bit of the orininal feel to it, but the third pic is just staring straight forward!
K: Its the same person who did them both, right?
Kami: Um..I just..
J: Ah, Kami is here.
Kami: Um, I had a look at it, but where did her clothes go?
J: Huh? (*looks at paper*) Ohh, her clothes?
Kami: Yeh.
J: In the original, the area from Maria's chest and up is visible, but by the third picture, the clothes cover up to her head. This is awful!
T: Its scary, isn't it?
J: This is...well, where is the real problem? Even this kind of person has the authority to do restorations, even people at this level.
K: I dont know if they had the authority, they were just asked.
Kami: Yeh, the owner asked a furniture business to do it.
J: Yeh, someone from the furniture business came to restore it.
Kami: If you ask a furniture store to do it, this kind of result can't be helped.
K: For sure. ????*4
Kami: Maria got really ugly.
T: Ahh, I see! Originally, they were supposed to be just cleaning it right? Like, removing the dust.
J: Yeh, that might have been it. Like the painting was deteriorating, and in order to stop it getting worse, or something like that. They must have thought it was ok to go ahead and re-paint it.
K: The person who did it was quite eldery weren't they?
J: Ahh, I see.
T: This is crazy
J: But after seeing their first try, they should have given up trying to fix it for a second time. Somehow, that would've been better.
K: The owner shouldn't ask the same person to fix it, right?
J: Right!
K: But, well, it won't go back to its original state will it?
J: No, it won't.
K: Even if a new person could get to back to this (*points at the first restoration attempt*)
J: ??? Its like hell if you keep going, and hell if you stop. In the end, its like ??? *5, it would be no good...Well, its an impressive thing.
K: Yeh, but imagine if you wanted to keep viewing the painting, as for the first restoration,   if you look at it from far away, it kiiinda still resembles the original a bit. But the second one is no good at all.
J: Yeh, its no good. In the first one you can kinda still see that they were trying to paint the virgin mary, but in the second restoration, it looks like an old woman..not even a proper portrait.
T: Her nose is well defined though, haha.
J: Well, yeh...Isn't the Virgin Mary a friend of Kami's?
Kami: Well, the one in the original is my friend. The third one is totally different.
J: Its no good?
K: That kind of old woman, really.
J: Do you consider this to be a profanity? Is this ok?
Kami: Well, its ok, isn't it?
J: Hahaha.
Kami: That kind of thing.
J: Ah, its ok.
Kami: The original is really well painted isn't it?
T: Mm, yeh.
Kami: Yeh, I think its a really good picture.
K: Its a copy though right? There is someone who painted this as a copy?
T: Yeh, there is a proper original.
K: It would be pretty expensive to hire that person to fix it, right?
J: I think they were trying to save money. 140000yen was too much for them. I wonder how much it usually costs to have a painting decently restored? How much did they save?
K: It probably takes quite a long time to do.
T: I think it takes a really long time.
J: Yeah. Well, when they saw how it ended up, it says the owner was angry, well, yeh, he would be angry wouldn't he?
K: Yeh, he would. Cause its his precious painting that he just wanted cleaning.
J: Yes, thats it.
K: I can only laugh at this, haha. Its a total disaster, really.
T: It really is.
J: Well, the lesson to learn from this is that a ricecake maker makes ricecakes. If you want anything repairing properly, hire a professional..otherwise this type of thing will happen.
T: Thats it.
J: Don't be stingy!
T: Its problematic if they pretend to be a pro, then take your money. But in this case they were just a furniture store.
J: Asking a furniture store to do it was the mistake. Why did they ask a furniture store?
T: But they still said, 'Yes, we can do it', right?
J: Hmm, yeah.
K: They had the look of someone who could do it. The owner was fooled.
J: Its like 'The Guild', they may have had the look of a craftsperson. You have to be careful with appearance too.
K: Well, I think we'll finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
J: Go Hanshin Tigers!
*1, 2 Couldn't make out the last words, but i think its something like this.
*3, 4, 5 Couldn't make out.
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keiscait · 3 years
I was wondering if i could request bedroom AND living room. If not both, either one is fine.
1. She/her + Pansexual
2. In romantic/sexual relationships im a brat and have a bit of an attitude. I can come off as cold or stand off-ish at first but if i care about someone i always try to make sure they know it. I’m also pretty insecure about my appearance. Im a big fan of comfortable silence and subtle yet meaningful physical affection. I dislike ingenuity and condescending attitudes. Makeup is my favorite hobby, i love playing with colors and styles. Im more on the quiet side most of the time, i like to sit back and just watch others. But i can also be loud and/or rowdy in the right situations.
3. I’m a Virgo Sun & Moon, and a Sagittarius rising
4. Honesty and a sense of humor are honestly what i look for the most.
5. Slytherin
6. Im 4’11”, im on the chubbier side with big boobs, I have long naturally curly black hair and dark brown eyes. I’m also latina and speak fluent spanish
7. My music taste varies but my preferred genres are R&B, Pop Rock, Punk Rock and Bachata
8. My dream is to be a makeup artist
Hello and welcome, dear! Thank you for dropping by and trusting me with your matchup. You are so lovely!
Let’s make our way to the living room first  ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For you, I’ve invited over... 
Osamu Miya! (Runner up: Satori Tendou)
This was a bit tricky for me, honestly - I was really set on matching you up with Tendou, because I think he would have been able to break through your walls with his personality, but I don’t think there would be enough instances of comfortable silences between you two, or he may not understand when you need your downtime (perhaps this is a mischaracterization? Not sure). But with Osamu, I feel like you’re both on the same wavelength. He’s mellow, but able to adjust to rowdiness thanks to Atsumu. 
- If he were to fall in love, I think there would be a really genuine interest in his s/o, in this case, you
- He seems to be cold outwardly as well, and even has RBF (LOL), and can be stand offish, so he understands the feeling of being misunderstood because of these traits
- Osamu would be totally comfortable reminding you that you are absolutely stunning, please don’t think otherwise!! He is so in love!!
- He is a cook, and in a way he can relate to your interest in makeup, because it’s also type of creativity that is often overlooked, just like culinary. Would definitely take an interest in your culture’s cuisine
- You both would be an amazing tandem of artists thriving in the business industry!! like wow
- He can also appreciate when your more playful and rowdy side, and has a great sense of humor, thanks to his ridiculous brother and team
- Would never look down on or condescend you. I feel like Osamu sometimes gets insecure since he literally has a twin, another version of himself, who is popular and outgoing, so he gets the feeling of not being as good as Atsumu. So he knows how to deal with insecurity and will help you through it. 
- As in I feel that if and when you two have heart-to-hearts, you can just bare your souls to each other and come out stronger every time
You sat across Osamu, him doing the numbers of today’s earnings, while you were tinkering with your phone, waiting for him so you can close up shop and walk home together. He hears you sigh. Without looking up, he breaks the silence.
“I heard that little sigh you did there, babe. Anything wrong?” He looks up at you, trying to read you.
“Nothing, just usual stuff,” you respond, half wanting to evade the question, half wanting to give him enough info to understand.
Osamu doesn’t prod - just looks at you for a few beats longer before deciding to reach for your hand across the table. He strokes the back of your hand, smiles, then returns to his work without letting go.
“I’m almost done here. You wanna grab anything on the way home? I can stay up late tonight, if that’ll help you feel better. I don’t have to open shop too early tomorrow,” He shoots you the most loving look, squeezes your hand a little tighter, and you feel his genuine concern with this small gesture. “Kind of want a break anyway,” he finishes. 
You both spend the night resting from the crazy day that was, basking in each other’s warmth.
Let’s head on over to the bedroom! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who we have here!
Kuroo Tetsurou! (Runner up: Daichi Sawamura)
Here in the bedroom, I actually had a harder time thinking of a runner up than your actual matchup. I immediately thought of Kuroo, our darling bad boy captain, as soon as I saw your request.
- As with most people, I headcanon Kuroo to be a brat tamer, and a FRICKIN good one at that 
- tbh I also have a bratty side sometimes that comes out for him and him only 
- anyway
- Would be so attracted to your more reserved side, perhaps even call you “mysterious”, and would want to pursue you even more coz does this man love a challenge
- Knows how to get you riled up like the piece of shit he is (i love him tho)
- Is usually rough, but will be more intimate during your tender moments (e.g. make up sex? this man will treat you RIGHT)
That is all for now, honey! I hope this met your expectations and that you enjoyed. Please enjoy the rest of your stay!
Thanks for stopping by~! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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concertcs · 3 years
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hey guys 🥰💌✨🥺💘🌈 it’s me again !! ur old pal hannah !  n this is my angel child tito <3 welcome to loving tito hours <3 
okay so before i jump into this, as a disclaimer i just finished finals week for a 17 credit semester so my brain is just like. tv static and evermore on loop. so if ur looking for an actually well-written, cohesive bio n stats n other fun stuff u can find that in my app which i did in fact write Prior to finals week !  okay on with the show !
okay so tito is the second child born to luis n angela rosario n the younger sibling of sebastián n tbh i know im biased but i love the rosarios sm 🥺 luis was an aspiring musician n angela worked 3 jobs to support them n they had a rly happy life together for a little while :/
tito first got into music when they were in first grade n their music teacher señora coco stayed after school to teach him how to play the piano n they loved it !!  luis was Thrilled bc he swore from the day tito was born tht they were destined to be a musician with him n thus began the dream of the two of them would be a successful father-son duo one day <3
spoiler alert: it did not happen 💔
(death tw) luis was killed in a drive by shooting when tito was 15 😔 n it was rly hard on them 😔 they stopped playing music altogether n definitely went through this moment where they likely pushed away Everyone bc so much of their grief manifested as anger 😔 (end tw)
it didn’t last forever !  but !  the minute that he started to kind of regain his footing, angel was like hey we’re leaving the city !! let’s go !! n tito was like no 💖 bc they wanted to stay in la and salvage what they could of their dad’s dream... so they did
they also went to community college !!  which was when he started to rly start to feel like himself again 🥺 but once they graduated they started working at this radio station to get their foot in the door n it backfired bc they’ve been stuck there for 3 years now... so sorry to them
the day that tito found the killer conclusions cd was actually their 3 yr anniversary exactly which was exactly as depressing as u think it is :/  so to cheer himself up they went to the thrift store for a blind date with a cd which was this tradition that his dad created for them when tito was little (ngl it makes me emotional i wrote a longer thing abt it in my app) n basically told tito that if you picked the most nondescript cd you can find then you’re not being biased n youre just letting the music find you 
and ofc !  as we all know tito’s fate is to get haunted by our fave ghost band !  and here we are !
so that’s the sparknotes version of his bio sdfkdjs here are the hcs i wrote in my app bc i think they say a lot abt him <3
so tito grew up listening to a lot of his father’s favorite latine artists, n luis’s favorite is .. ofc… ricky martin bc he’s from puerto rico and livin la vida loca is a bop !  but tito’s own personal favorite artist is selena. the first Real Song that they ever learned (as in not hot cross buns or twinkle, twinkle little star) to play on the piano was dreaming of you, which is one of his two favorite selena songs to this day. it’s tied with amor prohibido <3
tito loves to dance n they are absolutely shameless about it. they grew up watching their parents samba in the kitchen n he was immediately like Okay Me Too. are they a particularly great dancer? no ❤️ but that does not deter them n what they lack in technical skill they make up for in enthusiasm
very, very, very much a Disaster Gay with the emphasis on disaster. like he Does Not know how to talk to boys at all n gets very flustered n nervous when he does . especially bc i think this is a pretty recent development for them. as in like .. within the last 5 years n it probably took him a long ass time to work their way through bc like. they were a little busy trying to figure out their relationship with gender
which! speaking of! they always knew that they didn’t 100% connect with being a Boy, like… the same way that he could say that he liked green beans sometimes, or they only wanted pepperoni on their pizza sometimes, he only felt like a boy sometimes. it wasn’t that they felt like a girl the rest of the time, though. they just didn’t have the words to describe what they felt like the rest of the time — not until they took their first gender studies class at community college. finding out that there was a community of people who were like him was a huge weight off of their shoulder n also kind of marked the point where they could start figuring out their sexuality
i think tito has a very Cozy home but like .. they just embody a lot of coziness to me in general. he definitely has a lot of plants, n 100% of their furniture n decor are thrifted but he’s a cancer so we know tht means their home n making sure they’re comfy there is very important
tito is very very Very fiercely protective of his people n you have to definitely prove yourself in order for them to let you anywhere near his people. like when the ghosts first showed up they absolutely had to earn their trust before they would let anyone go near like.. allegro mainly. perhaps nocturne also had to win his trust before tito was like Okay with them being around the ghosts bc ksdjfds he’s a cancer at heart n has an unbearable amount of love to give
king of emojis tbh djfksdj i genuinely don’t think he knows how to send a text without an emoji unless they’re like.. actually rly upset.. but Usually big on emojis. every time that he gets the chance to say “no ❤️'' their soul leaves their body a little bit in excitement
tito’s favorite season is winter and every single year when it rolls around they’re devastated that it’s too warm in california for it to snow 😔 he’s never seen snow in his life but he loves it n is very determined to see it one day 
he’s a Can’t Drive gay 😔 but they grew up in the city so what do we rly expect from him? if we’re being honest with ourselves? nothing! instead they skateboard wherever they can n take the subway wherever they can’t <3 n is very jealous that ghosts don’t need subway cards
when they do happen to go on drives However they are the world’s greatest passenger seat dj .. n Yes it is a very elaborate radio show setup complete with regularly pausing for radio host talk show segments, calling in requests, and made-up giveaway games
they play the piano n the guitar n that’s all right now but i think he would Love to learn a new instrument they just never had the resources or the time 
speaking of music… it is definitely kind of on hold right now as far as actually performing But i think they definitely try to do little open mic night things when they can… perhaps he tried to push for the bar he works at to have an open mic night? idk <3 but even when playing music in public isn’t an option they’re always writing songs (or trying to) at home, usually in the late hours of the night after an evening shift at the bar 
i think tht he definitely still Does speak spanish but like. not as much with other people anymore after their dad passed away. partially bc luis was the primary person who spoke spanish w tito.. angela only spoke english.. so like once he was gone they didn’t really have a reason to speak it.. but Also even when he Does have a chance to i think it feels a little too much like it’s reopening the wound in a way tht tito just tries to Avoid
fictional characters tht inspired tito? julie molina kdsjfdsk <3 also miguel from coco n Honestly both julian And yadriel from cemetery boys
okay im so sorry for all the words <3 if ur still reading this thank u pls message me on discord let’s plot <3
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horansqueen · 4 years
AM Conversations : chapter 53
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- note for this chapter: im sorry.
one request and probably the last one for this story. ill try to fit the others in the sequel!
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Chapter 53 : Her chapter
The honk of Louis' car took me out of my thoughts and I quickly put my vans on and rushed outside. I saw him send me an exaggerated smile as he kept honking until I was sitting next to him on the passenger's side and I quickly put my hand over his on the wheel.
"Oh my god, you're so annoying!" I joked with a laugh, making him frown as his lips parted.
"Look who's talking!" he added, making me laugh even more.
I rolled my eyes and put my seat belt on right before he got back on the road. We remained silent for a few minutes but Louis finally glanced at me before looking in front of him again.
"Where's Niall today?" he asked cautiously, making me shrug. "He seems busy these days."
I glanced by the window and sighed, closing my eyes and licking my lips. Of course I missed Niall but I knew he was busy and it was alright. I didn't want to become the kind of girlfriend that needed to spend 24/7 with her boyfriend. I've never been like that when we were just friends and although it was obviously different now, I wanted to still remain the same person. I still wanted to be me and not feel like I've changed for him or like I need him to breathe. Of course, it sort of went hand in hand with the part of me that was jealous and insecure but I knew that these flaws made everything so much harder on both of us. Of course, I had reasons to feel like that now but I knew I had two choices : to get over it and not hold grudges, or to get over him and not forgive him. The first option was what I was aiming for.
"Are you two okay now?" Louis added, clearly concerned.
I turned to him and sent him a fond smile, tilting my head.  I never thought i'd have so many affinities with Louis but the more I hung out with him, the more I realized how similar we were about pretty much everything. When Niall and I were only friends, I never really took the time to get to know him. He was with Eleanor and to me, they came as a pair. Now, I was seeing a part of him that I didn't notice back then and it made me see how incredible of a human being he was. I pushed my hair over my shoulder and shrugged.
"We're better."
"Did you forgive him?"
I chuckled and looked down. I hated how he could read me so easily sometimes but also, it was comforting. I was not the type to confide much, so having someone who already knew seemed convenient.
"Not yet, but i'm working on it." I confessed in a low tone. "It's not really what he did that I can't forgive, i'm just mad that it makes me even more insecure and scared."
"With reason!" Louis argued, talking a bit louder. "He didn't cheat on you and I know he never would, but that went over the limit. I mean I don't get it. How can he take care of you, and love you, and do things for you... and then the very same night, he goes and flirts with some random chick he met at a bar. That makes no sense!"
"It makes total sense." I admitted low, looking down at my hands as I played with my fingers. "He was already taking care of me when we were just friends. He did things for me, he loved me... it's all stuff he's used to. But not being faithful to me. He never had to stop himself from shagging other girls before. He never had to do that before because we were just friends."
We both went silent and after a while, I felt Louis' hand reach for mine on my lap. He squeezed my fingers hard and I had to swallow to keep my tears in.
"He'll learn." he let out while nodding. "I'll hit him a few times behind the head and he'll learn."
His words made me burst into laughter and I squeezed his hand back, turning to look at him. His lips curled too and this time, we laughed at the same time. My smile fell a bit when he took his hand back to put it on the wheel and I licked my lips, staring down at my hands again.
"I'm just scared he'll stop loving me, and..."
Louis parked the car, undid his seat belt and turned his whole body in my direction, giving me his full attention. Instead to do the same, I kept staring at my fingers, my hands now damp because of stress and I was not even sure why.
"Hey, hey," he started in a whisper, reaching for my hand again. "You can tell me anything."
I knew and I sighed, turning to look at him, my eyes finally meeting his.
"Sometimes I wonder if I really love him as much as I think I do." I let out, making Louis' facial expression turn into surprise. "I've loved him for decades. Is it possible that I just... I don't know, that I just wanted him for so long that I'm just with him because I finally have him?"
Reaching for my other hand, Louis squeezed both of them hard enough to keep my attention on him. He moved his chin down but his eyes opened wider as they never left mine.
"Darlin', listen to me." he said slowly as I bit my bottom lip. "I'm not gonna pretend I know how you feel or what you should do. But loving someone for a long time and very intensely is not a bad thing, and it's not wrong. And just because you've loved someone since forever doesn't mean that it became a banal or insignificant feeling, or that it left. Some couples live together until they die and their love was always real." he took a short pause. "What about you, right here, right now... how do you feel about him?"
"I love him." I immediately answered. "I love him more than anything, more than anyone, and I can't imagine ever loving someone else that way. But i'm hurt, and i'm sad, and i'm scared, and jealous, too. And all these emotions... they're draining me. I'm exhausted."
I heard the 'click' of my seat belt and ended up in Louis' arms quickly when he pulled me into a hug I desperately needed without knowing. I was not even surprised that he squeezed me tight against him and I held him as close as I could, as if he could disappear. I buried my face in his sweatshirt and brushed my nose gently on it, inhaling his scent. It was reassuring and I tried to swallow my tears again when I felt him kiss the top of my head.
"We'll be late." Louis finally said in a very low tone before he hugged me even tighter and finally let go. He looked down at me and raised his eyebrows again, his voice soft. "You're okay?"
I nodded and he sent me a small smile before we both got out of the car. He opened the door for me and we walked inside, following the guy in the back of the shop.
"Who's first?"
I smiled more and moved my hand up slightly.
"Moi, as usual."
"You say that like i'm a fuckin' coward!"
As an answer, I just laughed and sat down, handing the guy my piece of paper and leaning my elbows on my knees.
"Yes, just black."
I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I felt the needles in the skin of my back but finally opened them again to look at Louis who was staring at the drawing I had brought.
"Why get the tattoo of a heart? It's not even well-drawn." he asked with a frown before his face suddenly changed. "Ah. It has something to do with Niall doesn't it?"
I sent him a smile and shrugged a shoulder.
"I've always wanted something that represented our friendship but you know him, he'd never get a tattoo with me." I explained, making Louis chuckle and nod. "So one morning he was late and I asked him to write his nickname on a piece of paper and he was so busy and in a rush he just wrote it without thinking and I got it tattooed on my lower back. It was at the beginning of our relationship, and I thought I could add a heart around it."
"Cheesy." Louis opened his eyes wide and leaned against his chair.
"I know."
"Does he know you got his name tattooed? And in his handwriting too?"
I rolled my eyes and laughed before raising my nose up.
"You think he saw me naked since that day?"
Louis laughed but shook his head.
"A few times I reckon."
It only took a few minutes for the artist to be done and when I felt him wipe the ink off my skin, I turned my head to him and thanked him. Louis got up and went to see the heart around my older 'Nialler' tattoo and nodded slowly. I didn't know if Niall would notice it but we never really discussed the other tattoo and I didn't insist or anything. I knew he had noticed though because sometimes, his fingertips would brush exactly where his name was and somehow, it made me happy.
We switched place and I waited until he got something on his arm too. It was a date but I didn't mention it and after we paid, we just got out of the tattoo shop and I brought my arms around myself. It was already november and despite my sweater, I was still cold.
"Does it have to do with Eleanor?" I just asked, looking up at him. "Your new tattoo."
"Mmhm, date we met."
"Aren't you dating Briana?"
"Dating?" he chuckled, glancing at me and pushing his hands in his pockets. "No!"
I looked up at him and we stopped on both sides of his car, near the front doors. I watched him play with his keys and the sound made me suddenly anxious. I stared at him and it suddenly hit me: something wasn't right. I leaned slightly against the car to get his attention but when I couldn't, I let out a short 'hey' and instinctively, he looked up, his sad eyes meeting mine.
"What's wrong, Louis?" I asked in a soft tone, feeling light tinglings at the bottom of my back due to my tattoo. "You can tell me anything, you know?"
He stared at me a first more seconds and finally sighed through his nose.
"I know Liv, I know."
Without a word, he opened the door and sat in front of the wheel, closing the door a bit roughly. I licked my lips and nibbled on my bottom one for a few seconds before sitting back in the car with him. I didn't insist, there was no need to, as long as he knew I was there and always would be, that's all that mattered.
He drove in silence until we were at the restaurant and when we sat at a table, we started talking like nothing had happened. We didn't talk about Eleanor, Briana, or even Niall. We just laughed at old stories from the tour, talked about family and tried to keep everything light and fun. It felt good not to think about my problems for a few hours but as soon as I was back in front of Niall's house, it all came back to me. I looked at the front door knowing he wasn't home yet, but I couldn't get myself to get out of Louis' car. I had no idea why but I felt like bursting into tears for no fucking reason and when Louis' hand reached for my thigh, I jumped slightly, swallowing a lump in my throat.
"Hey, do you want me to stay?"
I didn't dare turning to him, I just looked at Niall's house, who was supposed to be also mine by now, and shook my head slowly.
"No, I'll be fine." I let out in a low tone. "I'll text you later."
A few more seconds went by as I remained motionless but after a while, I turned to Louis and kissed his cheek, my palm pressed on his face.
"Thanks for today."
"Welcome, princess."
I rolled my eyes with a small smile. "Don't call me that."
He smiled more and I pulled away, tilting my head. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to be alone, and for a reason I ignored, I didn't feel at ease. I felt nervous and sad even if there was no reason for me to feel like that.
"Love you."
"Love you too." I replied in a low tone before sighing and finally getting out of his car.
He waited until I was inside to leave and I stood by the door for a few minutes, letting my eyes roam on the living room. It was quiet and I just walked to our room to drop my stuff. I sat in bed, feeling weird, and closed my eyes, trying to breathe in and out slowly and deeply. I missed Niall, and it was probably why I felt like shit. Holding on to that thought, I got up and walked to the wall mirror, turning around and twisting my body slightly before moving the bottom of my shirt up. A small smile appeared on my lips when I noticed the heart now drawn around Niall's name and ran my fingers on it. It didn't bleed and was barely swollen and I loved the effect it had. It was a simple heart, not equal at all, that Niall had doodled at the bottom of a note that he had left for me one morning, but it looked nice with his hand-written name. I kept tracing the outline of the heart with the tip of my fingers and I swallowed a lump in my throat before whispering a few words, as if he could hear me.
"I love you so fucking much."
I waved at Niall from the couch when he walked in and he sent me a small but awkward smile. He got undressed and changed into comfortable clothes before sitting next to me on the couch. Like a magnet, I cuddled his side and I felt him tense next to me. I tried to ignore it as I leaned my head on his shoulder. He smelled good : a mix of sweat and cologne, and I brought my chin up to reach his jaw with my lips, leaving a soft kiss on it. His stubble scratched slightly my skin and I liked it a lot more than I should have. I reached for his hand and squeezed his fingers but they remained limp in mine and it made me feel a bit more anxious.
I moved away from him and sat better on the couch in a way that I could face him. I waited until he'd look at me but he just got up without sending me a glance and my eyes followed him until he was out of the room.
"Niall?" I asked, realizing I didn't talk louder enough. "Niall!"
Quickly, I rushed to the kitchen but stopped myself near the wall as he opened the fridge and took a beer out. He leaned against the counter and I felt my heart drop in my chest. Fuck I loved him, I loved him so much. I loved him more than I did when I was a kid. I loved him more than I did before we started dating. I loved him more than I did yesterday. I loved him more than I did a minute ago.
"Look, Liv, we need to talk."
I held my breath at his words, realizing I hadn't heard his voice today yet and the first thing I heard was this horrible sentence. I swallowed hard, feeling suddenly nauseous as he reached again in the fridge for an other beer but quickly opened it for me before handing it to me. Reluctantly, I took a few steps closer and grabbed the beer. My fingers brushed against his and I swallowed again but this time, it was tears. I didn't say anything, I just waited, looking at him as he took a few sips from his drink and avoided my eyes but when his gaze finally met mine, I knew it was too late.
"I think we should break up, Olivia." he let out firmly. "At least, for now."
It felt like someone had hit me in the head. I could have sworn having someone literally rip your heart out of your chest didn't hurt as bad as these words in his mouth. I shook my head slightly and slowly as my lips parted. The beer slipped out of my hand and ended on the floor but surprisingly, he didn't even budge or look at it. He kept staring at me and I took a step back.
"No." I whispered with a frown. "Why?"
He pushed himself off the counter and passed his free hand in his hair, making something stir in my stomach. He couldn't do that to me, could he?
"I'm just not ready for a relationship." he explained, raising his shoulders. "I don't want to commit, be official, and everything."
"I'm.. i'm not the first girl you date. You dated Maya before me? And a few other girls?"
Everything he said didn't make sense and my stomach hurt so much I thought I was going to throw up or pass out.
"I didn't love any of them, I knew I wouldn't stay with them." he explained, putting his beer away and taking a few steps closer to me. Without thinking, I backed away and shook my head again. "But what we have is real.. it's deep, I mean, it could last forever."
"That makes no sense." I let out very low with a frown. "What are you talking about?"
He walked up to me and this time, I didn't move. The way he looked down at me made me swallow and melt at the same time. His gaze was soft and when his fingers reached for my cheek, I realized his touch was gentle and I could almost swear he was about to kiss me. He didn't, though. Why would anyone kiss someone they're breaking up with? Why would anyone kiss someone they're deliberately breaking the heart of?
"I've never been in love before and I knew whatever I had with them wouldn't last. But you and me? It's different. We could spend our lives together."
"And we were supposed to." I pointed out, feeling tears run down my cheeks. "But you're ruining it."
He didn't say anything but his face changed and I could see how hurt he was. It was all over his face and I didn't understand why he was in pain for leaving me.
"I'm sorry, Olivia." he added, shaking his head a bit, his eyes never leaving mine. "I know it's selfish but i'm just not ready... i'm not ready to accept this as what i'll go through every day. We fight and we make up and then cuddle on the couch... this is not what I want for me, this is not what I want for us."
"Don't fucking lie, Niall. You're just not ready to accept that you'll only wake up to me every morning, that you won't get to see an other naked girl dress up and leave your room at dawn and that you'd have to call me to tell me you'll stay late at the bar with your friends. It's your freedom you're saving over our love. It's your fucking freedom that you don't want to lose. And clearly you love it more than you love me."
He stayed silent for a while but I could read in his eyes that I was right and that realization hurt more than anything else. It seemed like I couldn't breathe anymore and I closed my eyes to focus on the beatings of my heart as I tried to inhale deeply. I was still alive, right? Because it didn't feel like it at all.
"I love you so much. So fucking much."
His voice seemed to reach my soul and I opened my eyes but suddenly, I was mad at him and I hated him for hurting me, for ruining this love story but also this friendship, for doing what he promised he wouldn't do. He pressed his palm more against my face but I quickly and roughly pushed his arm away.
"Don't you fucking touch me, don't you fucking dare tell me you love me!" I said angrily. "You don't love me! I love you!"
"But I do! Olivia I do love you!"
I chuckled meanly and shook my head, moving past him.
"D'you want to know where you can put that love, Niall?"
His face was still showing pain but at that point, I didn't care.
"Don't say that Liv, please..."
I turned around and shook my head, barely seeing him because of all the tears flooding my eyes. I felt like I was going to drown and I was okay with it. Nothing seemed to matter anymore.
"Oh fuck off, Niall!"
It came out a lot louder than intended and I even surprised myself. I didn't wait for his answer and rushed to our room, feeling something stir inside me at the irony. It wasn't 'our' room anymore and would never be again. I grabbed one of my bags and threw a bunch of stuff in it randomly without really thinking and when I walked back to the living room, Niall quickly turned to me, his eyes softening as they met mine. I felt tears coming to my eyes again but kept them in, swallowing them so hard it actually physically hurt. This whole situation hurt me physically and mentally and there was nothing I could do about it.
I stared at him, trying to engrave this image on my retina forever... the last image of my best friend I was ever going to see. He put his hands in his pockets and glanced down before looking up at me. I thought he was going to say something and I wanted to hear his voice again more than anything. I wanted him to tell me he was joking, or that he had changed his mind. I wanted him to tell me he loved me more than his freedom, more than his comfort, more than anything else in the world. I wanted him to tell me he couldn't live without me. But he didn't.
"I'll pick the rest of my stuff later."
I walked to the door and as soon as my back was facing him, I started crying again, but in silence this time. I was not crying angrily or sobbing anymore. I was crying in a sad, defeated and hopeless way. My hand reached for the doorknob and i heard his voice.
"I love you, Olivia. I always will. You're the love of my life."
I remained motionless for a few seconds and swallowed again. There were so many things I wanted to tell him but no matter what I said, nothing would change his mind, I could feel it. I just opened the door and left without closing it behind myself. Nothing was worth it anymore. I had lost my best friend, my boyfriend, my lover... I had lost everything.
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graffitibible · 4 years
Do you have any advice for writing or creating regularly? That’s hard for me and I’d like to get better at it.
it boils down to what works best for you personally tbh. i’ve got a system to write semi-regularly (or i did......restricted movement hours have kinda forced me to restructure that lol) and it works for me but that’s just how my brainyot works. i’m a routine-based creature so working writing into my routine was how i got myself to write semi-regularly. 
ive also had significant Brain Junk for most of my life and was gradually able to navigate how best to create in spite of that but im also like, medicated for it and the like so self-care was a factor. i couldnt create shit while i was too busy lying in a pool of my own filth having fits of paranoia about the nature of reality so i was hardly about to make myself try and create stuff when that wasnt even on my radar. 
i can share some of the things i do to keep myself writing though! like again this isn’t something that’s for sure gonna work for everybody cause everybodys wired differently but i hope some of it helps!
1. daily wordcount - i’ve mentioned this before but i have a daily wordcount that i do for my original fiction. i don’t apply the same standard to fic-writing because that risks making it an arbitrary barrier that puts too many numbers on my internal list. that being said, it’s very small. i make myself do 200 words per day. if that gets me going and writing more than that, awesome. if not, i still got a little bit done. 200 words is small, and it’s not overwhelming to catch up on if i miss a day. no matter how shitty im feeling i try to get in 200 words.
2. routine - since i’m a routine-based person by nature i basically found ways to finagle creative processes into all that. it’s not hard and fast because that kind of rigid structure makes me balk and i’m not that disciplined lol, but it’s usually something like “i have an hour-long lunch break at work and literally nothing else to do during it so i’ll write in that time period” or “i have thirty minutes of sitting by the stove making dinner so i’ll write until it’s ready”
3. momentum - or what my housemate fondly calls “The Juice.” if i have The Juice of inspiration i keep that going for as long as i can. if something’s not working for me i don’t scrap it or toss it right away. if i’m having trouble with a scene i make a note to myself and move on to a different one. example of this from my latest wip, which is part iv of mayhem
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i hadnt worked out what was gonna go there and nothing was coming to me easy in the moment so i stuck the note there and kept going. my works are full of this shit. if i can’t think of a name or if there’s a statistic or a character i haven’t worked out yet i don’t wanna break my focus and momentum so i slap a note in the first draft and keep going. at a first draft stage the important thing is getting the words Out so it doesnt matter if theyre perfect. ill go back and fix them later, revise all i need to. first drafts dont need to be good, they just need to be there so i can spruce them up later.
on the flip side do not be like me and commit to this momentum so bad that you forget that you are a human being who needs to eat and consume liquids. i do that sometimes because of who i am as a person and it is a serious flaw of mine, do not be like this. sometimes getting some food in you is what you need to get The Juice flowing again and that sounds kinda gross and i am sorry
4. planning and hangups - this ones dependent on how you create. i forget where this analogy came from, but i’ve heard it said that some writers are architects who need a blueprint of where they’re going before they end up there and some writers are gardeners, who don’t need a set plan so much as they need to keep going. i’m definitely an architect - a lot of my works start out as bulletpoints of what scenes i wanna cover, what topics i wanna explore, etc. - though i have on occasion simply Written without any set destination, usually to force myself out of a creative slump. me being a big planner used to be one of the biggest barriers for me creatively because i’d spend hours agonizing over minute universe details and never start the dang story. this still happens from time to time. like heres what my organizational folder looks like wrt “pray for disaster”
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that is not even all the files in there. why do i have two dictionaries. jesus. like i make these giant ass fuckin....tomes of stuff i like to keep track of, which i like to call “bibles” lol. except i could tell that getting too organized was gonna be an uphill battle with very little payoff so by the end i just made a “MISCELLANEOUS BULLSHIT” doc and for now i throw everything in there if it doesn’t fit into something like a dictionary or timeline
shit like this is why i like to just sit down and write without a clear destination in mind if i’m having writer’s block. that’s one of those things that goes hand in hand with the way i take advantage of my own momentum - if i reach a certain point where i’m just picking at details and not doing any writing i just go “ok motherfucker sit down and write shit. we will work out the details later.”
5. motivation - the ways i tend to motivate myself are weird so idk how true this is for anybody else but i’ve been writing for a pretty large part of my life. i went to college for english/creative writing and got a whole dang degree cause i still wanna make this my vocation somehow. one thing i cannot ever turn off is the writer part of my brain that’s going “oooh huh that’s not how i would’ve written that” in literally every piece of art i consume - tv, movies, books, songs, etc. sometimes that’s enough to inspire me into doing something on my own time. most of the time though if i’m feeling stumped i tend to crack open some of my personal favorite works, like books or fics that have really resonated with me, to fall in love with the art all over again. seeing the way different authors and artists do their craft helps me get in the zone of wanting to write more cause i get this nice feeling of “damn, these people really did those things with those words.....that’s fuckin amazing.....i wanna do that.” 
you do risk falling into the trap of “ugh i can’t write like them though” but that’s the beauty of writing. nobody can write the way anybody else does. ofc i can’t write like terry pratchett, only terry pratchett can write like terry pratchett, and if i compare myself to terry pratchett i’m only gonna get sad and mopey. but i can write in a way thats totally unique to me so i should not try to write like terry pratchett because that’s just impeding my own creative energy in the interest of trying to cookie-cut myself into someone else’s zone. only terry pratchett can write like terry pratchett but only i can write like zero graffitibible.
i hope that was helpful? like this is all stuff that works for me so no guarantee it’ll work for everyone else.
oh right and idk how many of yall are minors because let it be known that i do not condone underage drinking; i am an adult who occasionally will get crunk because i like to write drunk and edit sober. if you too are an adult who can legally consume alcohol feel free to write while buzzed because that is a nice way to write with zero fuckin inhibitions. i dont get blackout drunk or nothing just a little buzzed and sometimes what i write makes no sense but i am at times at my most productive at 2am while mildly buzzed. its a thing.
like again i’m not really an authority on this by any means - this is just what works for me. but if it works for you too, great!! find your zone and all that
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ohoshi · 3 years
omg first i need to talk about nct at song festival (gayo daechukjae) umm first of all mark and taeyongs rap was so good but ofc we all knew they would kill it. and then in nct U class, teacher taeyong looked so good...the way he bit that pointer stick thing in the beginning was so sexc (and the hair and the glasses ahdsfasjf) 😳 but also sungchans rap in that?? i was not expecting that but why am i even surprised anymore.. and also misfit live?? i loved nct's school uniform concept too for some reason ahahaha
and then xiaojun in resonance!! wow yes go shine xj!!! (also idk why but i found it so funny when it was doyoung's turn after xj, but xj was kinda blocking dy (who was really walking with a PURPOSE) so dy lightly pushed him out of the way) and then omg shotaro!! offstage he is so 😊 but damn in hard carry he was so good!! ahh and then also the thing where all the kpop artists at gayo daechukjae sang that song was so cute (i smiled so hard when nct came up 🥺)
yea for my job situation i think it will be okay, i talked to some people i know/mentors about it too and i think things will work out...they always do in the end right? 😊 now about anime LOL this is making me wanna start/rewatch an anime now hahahah! honestly i kind of have phases where i alternate between kdramas and animes, but i havent rly watched anime much lately besides haikyuu (which i was also surprised was still airing (but it's only season 2 so far?)). kpop (aka NCT) has been consuming my life lmao but im here for it 😂
weightlifting fairy was also my first kdrama!! yes i can totally give u some kdrama recs! besides the ones i mentioned before (which are most of my top ones), i also liked chicago typewriter, marriage not dating (i love the fake relationship trope hahaha), dinner mate, sky castle (it's kinda intense but it's so good and an iconic kdrama), cheer up, another miss oh, kingdom (if you like zombie things)...i heard startup is good and i want to watch it soon too! also i continued watching more of uncanny counter these past few days and i love it (but it's ongoing so no binging)
okay now svt: i watched some of your recs and youre so right all their choreos are so satisfying?! i also actually agree with you about black on black, i liked black on black and it was cool but it only featured like 5 members lmao and in the svt choreos it does feel like all of them are featured in some way in each performance? plus their choreos are just so great to watch!! also i've had left and right stuck in my head since i watched it LOL but i agree it's objectively better than dynamite (not an army though; also pls nobody come at us for this lmaoo)
also super random but can you tell me who is the one in the red/purple plaid shirt in the svt home dance practice?? i am kinda attracted by his dance moves LOL and i havent learned names yet 😭 i will continue watching all ur svt recs though hehehe and update you on the status of my fangirling :))
omg wait also i would never have guessed that you're not an english speaker just from these messages!! how did you know that i was prob a native speaker haha (i guess *technically* cantonese is my first language, but then i learned english in school so now i'm obviously more native in that lol and english is the only language i can read/write in)
OMGGF IKR as a multi stan i really enjoyed the rap collab especially because i really love monsta x's rap line (esp i.m!!! his rapping skill 😍) and of course mark and taeyong!!!! 😭 our boys 😭 our golden rappers 😭 SLAYED IT! omg the nct u got me 😳 taeyong looked so good???? wtf? and also sungchan? damn that boy keeps surprising me! the interesting part to me was when one member(johnny if i remember correctly) bumped into taeyong but it was done on purpose and how he uhhh kinda shook his body and his head but it all looked so cool and he never stopped rapping!!! love how they all 'performed' misfit manifesting wild teenagers in school (as they are tbh) IT WAS SO FUN AND COOL!!!
XIAOJUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAS SO!!!!!! GOOD!!!!!!! THE CONFIDENCE??? THE STAGE PRESENCE????? XIAOJUN CENTER???? XIAOJUN BEING RELEVANT????? i live 😭 he was so good he looked so good i was so happy and i'm so proud of him 😭 from here the only way to go is up! i hope he keeps surprising us! and omg i haven't noticed that part when doyoung pushed him bc he blocked him?? and i just rewatched it and it looks funny 🤣 but they held everything professionally 😌  no surprises there 😌
OH MY GOD THE HARD CARRY PERFORMANCE!!!!!!!!! first of all our boy shotaro DAMN 😳 he looked so good you couldn’t say that he just debuted a few months ago!! such a dancing machine! (but honestly i am not surprised because in make a wish he was rly good and he debuted as a dancer i expected from him to be good™ as he is!) and i love the duality od him <3 yk that kind of idol that you want to protect at all cost but the next second they're the one you seek protection from? yeH sign me uP! and don't even get me started on hyunjin, juyeon and moonbin!!!!! but i mean all 3 of them are main dancers of course they would look good™ 😌 (yeah shotaro performed with 3 main dancers of 3 different groups i mean the honor??????)
the end of the festival was so wholesome! It was a serotonin boost and me too i also smiled the whole time! so cute 😭 and ot23 were cutiesssss
yes! everything will work out in the end! don't stress about it!<3 oh haikyuu only has 2 seasons? wtf hsgsjsgs ok then i just watched when it had like 13 episodes, WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT that's when i watched it lmao
OMG OK I HAVE WRITTEN DOWN ALL OF THESE DRAMAS (and from the previous ask) IN MY NOTES SO FAR im mostly excited about the fake relationship one 👀 i love fake relationship trope, too 🤧 oh no binging?? is that your thing?? usually i love to wait for the show to finish airing and then i binge watch it in a few days (or one day depends how busy i am)
SEVENTEEN!!!!: yeah all of their choreos are so satisfying (pointing this out one more time) they always pay attention to details (for example in home, bc you're familiar with it, they even choreograph the hands and pay attention to them while most of the other kpop choreos very often freestyle the whole arms sjagaj) here's a fun fact abt svt that makes me love them so much agsgsj: they're self produced! they produce their own music and they even come up with their own choreos!! (of course not on their own, woozi is a producer but he's not making songs on his own he coproduces them with [a producer name bc i guess that's irrelevant but if you’re curious: bumzu], they come up with their own choreo (to be precise, hoshi does! he is 1/2 main dancers in group and he is the main choreographer! he doesn't do everything on his own of course, he gets help from the rest of the performance team (which is a svt subunit consisted of their 2 main and 2 lead dancers: hoshi, dino, the8, jun) and of course some other infamous kpop choreography teams) and i think that, by now, all the members were credited at least once for the lyrics
I'M SO GLAD YOU HAVE LEFT AND RIGHT STUCK IN YOUR HEAD HAGSJSSGSG but i mean of course you would it's soo good and soo catchy (yeahhh no worries, this army has already gotten minor hate for having controversial opinions™ and for criticising her faves so idc anymore 💁🏻‍♀️ it's my opinion as a dancer and i stand by it, even can't you see me by txt is better than dynamite so literally 3 dance performance were better!!!! in a way!!!! and neither of the 3 won!!! yes i am salty!!!!!)
the guy in the red/purple shirt (the center guy when they do the 3 dances for the first time right??) IS DINO!!!! he's the maknae and 2/2 main dancers in svt so!!! of course you would be attracted by his moves!!!!!! JSGSJSN i'm curious to see if you end up staning svt and biasing dino hsfsjsgsha
CANTONESE IS YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE? damn i thought you couldn’t get more interesting here's a dumb question: can you understand xiaojun, hendery and lucas without titles??? not that i would know if they ever speak cantonese in front of the camera for i don't know the difference between chinese dialects</3
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keepcalm-andbopon · 5 years
Introducing us!!
Isabelle: @swiftie-isabelle
I’m Isabelle and I’m turning 14th in June 27! I would die for Taylor swift. I started listening to her when I was 3 and her music had comforted me ever since! She has had such a impact in my life and I’ve gotten so many amazing memories from her!
Victoria: @sinkanddroundswift
im victoria & i do nothing w my life except cry over taylor swift and not having a boyfriend . I do nothing ever except lay in bed and cry over every little detail. I eat too much food for my body. I like boys alot but they don’t like me. taylor swift claims she loves me multiple times but idk if I believe her yet. I love my cat shes a scottish fold. Beverly Hills, 90210 is my favorite tv show & High School Musical is my favorite movie. I also love grayson dolan more than I can comprehend. I have 0 friends so its me, myself, and I all the time.
Lily: @lilyadorestay
im lily and i do nothing with my life except cry over taylor swift, have people tell me to stop crying about taylor swift, and waste money on bucket hats :)
Sasha: @dropsmynamesasha
I’m sasha and I have a large obsession with food, cats and Taylor Swift
Katelyn: @redheadnamedkatelyn
I’m Katelyn and I’m 13! I don’t do anything in my life except for lacrosse and cheer and love Taylor swift. I have red hair, & Taylor Swift is my absolute best friend and my life wouldn’t be the same without her. And I owe so much to her. And basically I’m known as “the Taylor swift girl” at school so that’s kinda cool. Anyways The moral of this is I love Taylor swift!
Lexie: @drunkonswiftxo
I’m lexie, 18 years old. I have a very busy life actually, I compete in many different karate and martial arts competitions and was British Champion in 2016 with my sword and in October of this year I am competing in the World Martial Arts Games! Before any competition I usually get very nervous but listening to Taylor’s music calms me down (cringe ikr) but I wouldn’t be doing all of these if I didnt have a calming mechanism!
Natalia: @natalialovestaylor
hi! i’m natalia, i’m 15 and from the bay area. taylor has been in my life since i was 8 and i’ve been supporting her ever sense:) she makes me so happy, she’s like the sunlight in my life. i want her to know that i love her so much and i want to hug her and tell her thank you more than anything. 💗
Katie: @shapeofyouswift
hi i’m katie and i’m 16! i’m from ny and i went to all 3 metlife shows!! i’ve been seeing taylor in concert since the fearless era and i’ve seen her 11 times! i’m fortune to have met her 5 years ago at GMA and i was able to get a picture with her outside time 100 gala! taylor makes me so happy and has helped me through many rough times in my life as well as all of the happiest! i’m so thankful to have such a positive role model in my life!!
I’m Meredith and I love Taylor Swift more than words can describe:) I’ve been listening to Taylor since I was four and she has always been a big part of my life since then !! She inspires me everyday and makes my life so much brighter. I am so so proud of her and all that she has done!! Also, I love going to the beach and petting dogs🤩💓
Memphis: @taysmidnights
hi i’m memphis!! i play tennis and obsess over taylor swift! i’m from the beautiful state of california, and i love to surf! i first heard a ts song (You Belong With Me) in 2009, and i’ve loved taylor ever since. i am also a proud supporter of the LGBTQ+ community and have a passion for changing our world. oh, and i’m known as “that taylor swift fan” at my school, but i’m not complaining! 🧚🏼‍♀️
Brooke: @brookewhatyoumademedo
i’m brooke and i’m 14!! i live in cleveland, ohio along with some of my best friends i met through taylor!! i look a lot older than i am and it’s a good and bad thing haha. i used to play a lot of sports but i have decided to just stick with lacrosse!! i love music so much because it helps me with everything. taylor has been like my big sister since i was a baby and i’ve always looked up to her!! my stan song is stay stay stay because it always puts me in the best mood!! i love grey’s anatomy a little too much but i can’t help it. the show actually made me very interested in the medical field and as of now i want to be a pediatric neurosurgeon!! i also love volunteering and helping out my community as much as possible! and i like school which is kind of not something freshman say a lot haha. and that’s me!☀️🌸🦋💘💋
Paige: @taylorswift-paige
Hey! I’m Paige & I’m 21 (soon to be 22 😍). I live in Australia and I’ve been listening to Taylor since I was 9. The first time I saw Taylor perform live was at Speak Now and I was completely blown away, since then I’ve been lucky enough to see her perform 6 times. I’m so grateful that little me decided to listen to Taylor as I don’t know where I would be without her lyrics, music, and advice to guide me through life. Thankyou for everything Taylor, I love you so much and I’m so excited for the Lover era 💗😘
Skylar: @skylarswiftie13
Hey I’m Skylar and I’m 15!! I have been loving Taylor ever since I was 5 and I have (obviously) not stopped since. Other than obsessing over Taylor I loveee to run and watch friends and greys !! I have seen Taylor at the 1989 tour Detroit and Rep Detroit and they were hands down the BEST nights of my life and I def cried a TON hahah. I plan on going to Nash and either Chicago or Detroit for next tour! I absolutely cannot wait until the day that I get to wrap my arms around Taylor and thank her for everything she has done for me ahhh. I love you forever and always Taylor!! 🥰❤️🌈🦋✨☀️
Hi Taylor I’m ella and I’m turning 17 in August 12th! IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW ALBUM! I just can wait to sing along to all of the songs🥰🥰 you are my absolute favorite human and you helped me with your songs! clean means THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD to me and I just relate to it on a personal level. Thank you for supporting lgbtqia+ always! YOU DESERVE THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD
Makayla @comebackbbehere
Hey T I’m Makayla!! I’m 13 and I’ve loved you since 2009!! My stan song is Come Back... Be Here not only because it’s amazing but because it has helped me through so so so SO much. It’s amazing how you can, with just a song, literally save someone’s life from spiraling downhill. So thank you. Thank you also, for inspiring so many people. Including me! You have inspired me to sing and write songs and songwriting is now a way I have learned to express myself and a way to help me get through the hard times. You have also inspired me to be more of an activist and speak up for what I believe in. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be a proud feminist or be as educated about the LGBTQ+ community!! In conclusion, thank you SO SO SO much for everything you do and just being the beautiful, amazing, inspiring person you are. I love you more than words can express and I can’t wait for August 23rd!!! ps: I really hope we can hug someday 💗
Bessie: @flyawayswift
Hey !! I’m Bessie, I’m 17 and I’m from the UK 🇬🇧!! I love to do Ballet and Tap dancing, but when it comes to Taylor’s music it’s generally just me doing crazy dad-dancing because I cannot stay calm during her songs. There’s aren’t many words which can sum up accurately how much I love Taylor or how grateful I am to have her in my life, but I love her to the moon and back 💛 I’ve been a swiftie for nearly 5 years, and have loved her music since I was 11. I’ve grown up with her as the big sister I never had, and my biggest dream EVER is to give her the biggest hug hehehe 💛💛
ana: @taysfavourite
hey!! i’m ana and i’m 14, i’m from the uk!! i love taylor (ofc) and i do gymnastics, i also love dance and stuff like that!! i am so thankful for taylor bringing me to some of my best friends!! (i’m always open for new friends btw) and yeah i love taylor!so!much! 💋💋💋
alex: @delicateswiftiez137
hi guys! i’m alex and i’m 14 years old. I live in illinois, and i’ve been a fan of taylor ever since I first heard love story and yblwm on the radio as a kid! my stan song is fearless because I love the message it portrays, but recently i’ve been OBESSED with the whole 1989 album because it’s a literal masterpiece! besides taylor related things, one hobby of mine is swimming! i’ve been a swimmer since I was about 2 years old! anyways, I hope you all have the best day! 🧁🌸🦋💗💋
Edith: @twinfiresignsswift
Hi, my name is Edith and I’m a 15 yr old from California! Anything related to cats is my ideal thing. I’m currently the mother of a tabby cat named Jagger who is very shy, grumpy, and introverted just like me, so the two of us get along very well 🥳 both of us are def party poopers. Anyway I enjoy art, especially watercolor! Initially I wanted to become an artist when I grew up, but I realized I would be poor asf, so now I want to major in biology and become some type of zoologist because animals are the best. In 2014, 5th grader me became obsessed with Blank Space and my life immediately changed from that day on. My favorite album is Speak Now because of how magical and well written it is. My 1 brain cell could never manage to write a whole masterpiece like that all by myself. And my stan song is You Are in Love!! It makes my heart go 💕💗💓 I am so incredibly grateful that I got to see Taylor for the first time ever on rep Pasadena night 1. It was the best day of my life :,) I know so many others do not have the same opportunities; I know how they feel, so I try to stay as humble as I can. I would be such a boring and sad person without Taylor and her amazing lyrics. She is such an amazing role model. Thank you for always being there for me, I will love you forever and always, and I am so excited to see what you have in stock❤️
Jess: @jessheartstaylor
hey!! I’m Jess and I’m 14, from the UK!! My stan song is begin again, I love it so much!! IM SO EXCITED FOR LOVER! I can’t wait to see what Taylor has in store for us!! I’m so thankful for Taylor as she’s such an incredible role model and idol to me, her music always cheers me up and she never fails to make me smile!! I love her so much- forever and always!! 💕💞💓💗💖💝
jordan: @fairytaleswift
hey taylor!! the thought of you scrolling all the way down and reading this right now is insane... all of us girls love you with everything inside of us. I have been supporting you for lucky number 13 years!!! I’ve been with you since 2006! I have been to Speak Now, Red, 1989 and Rep! I am so excited for Lover! It has been an honor watching you grow and become the amazing and strong woman you are today. I love you so much taylor... I hope we get to hug soon! 💗🌥🍭🦄🌩🌸🌈💐🦋💗💓🥰💅🏻🌥
Ravae: @vaelovestaytayswift
Hey I’m Ravae!! I’ve loved Taylor for as long as I can remember my sister has listened to her forever so I grew up listening to her!! Taylor inspires me everyday to be a better person and she’s a great role model. Her music helps me through the really rough times but also puts me in a better mood through the good times! I hope to meet you one day! Love you Tay🦋💞🌈💘🥺
Gracie: @inredlipsticks
Hey, Taylor! I’m Gracie and I’m 20 as of June 22nd. I’ve loved you since debut and my favorite album of all time is Fearless. I’ve been fortunate enough to see you four times and hopefully more on the lover tour 💗 along with Taylor, I also love Selena Gomez, Disney, and dogs!! 💗🦋🌸 The four most important things in my life.
Ella: @ellalovesswift
Hey! My name is Ella and I’m 17 years old. I’ve loved Taylor ever since the day my dad thought I needed my own music instead of just listening to his, this was when I was just seven years old and my dad bought me the fearless album and I fell in love with Love Story!! Ever since then I’ve never stopped loving Taylor! Other than her music, I’ve grown up with Taylor and every day she has inspired me to be a better person! My favourite songs are enchanted, better than revenge and dress! I’ve been to the red and reputation tours in Melbourne! Other than Taylor I am a swimmer. I swim a lot and it’s been a part of my life since before Taylor! I hope one day I can hug her and tell her how much she’s impacted my life! I will always stay, love you Tay 💗🦋💓🌸
bri: @briadorestay
hi t! my name is bri and i am 13 (turning 14 on august 19th) i have loved you since i was 5 years old and my stan songs are the archer, ciwyw, and you are in love. the soft songs🥺🥺 i love you so much and i hope you never stop doing what you’re doing because you are so inspiring!! i love u so much buddy! see you one day?🧚‍♀️☁️🌸💘🥺💗⭐️🕊
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theodcra-blog · 4 years
✱  kim  doyeon.  she  /  her.  cis  female.  —  i  know  that  theodora  “  theo  ”  jung  is  one  of  the  roses.  which  makes  sense  because  the  twenty  year  old’s  parents  are  hollywood  royalty  known  for  producing  and  recording  multi-platinum  awarded  albums.  rumors  say  that  they  are  the  quixotic  of   the   group  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s true.  +  plucking  petals  off  of  daisies  in  the  name  of  a  crush  ,  steeping  teabags  for  too  long  ,  the  scent  of  perfume  left  behind  on  a  pillowcase.
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                   hello  !  im  xan  and  im  late  as  usual  but  alas  ...  😔  im  22  ,  from  the  est  timezone  (  even  though  my  sleeping  schedule  …  does  not  reflect  that  sjbdwjkbdjdw  )  &  i  go  by  she  /  her  pronouns  !  i  truly  ...  never  know  what  im  doing  with  intros  they  just  turn  out  long  &  messy  aha  ... are  u  ready  ?  *jungkook vc*  let’s  get  it  !  😋
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK STATS  !
full name: theodora marie jung.
nickname(s): theo, teddy, dora (  but only by bullies 😠 ).
zodiac: libra sun, aqua moon ( click ! ) 
sexuality: bisexual.
occupation: singer / songwriter, model. 
birthplace: los angeles, california.
current residence: wherever this rp is taking place aha x
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY ! ( tw: sexual themes )
so her parent’s story was actually a pretty big scandal in the 90′s ! basically theo’s mom was the pretty famous front woman of a band ( think stevie nicks in fleetwood mac ) who was long engaged to the guitarist of that same band....until one day it was announced she was quitting the group and starting her solo career, leaving her fiance, and signing to a new label.....which was run by theo’s father, a young up & coming producer taking over the family business. not even three months later theo’s mom releases her first solo album, produced and co-written by theo’s father, basically detailing this years long affair the two had been having... in a series of really catchy, moving, and wildly successful songs. 
the public went crazy over the drama, especially when rumors started circulating ( through detailed analysis of the lyrics to all of theo’s mom’s solo songs ) that the well known band had actually been quite toxic. basically it was enough to convince media outlets and fans alike to forgive theo’s parents for being cheaters and breaking up the band JSDBWBDJWBD. by the time theo was born in the last year of the iconic decade that launched both her parents into stardom, everyone couldn’t be happier the two stars were getting the happy life they deserved <3
so here comes baby theo.....and the world kind of just immediately labels her as america’s sweetheart. her mom had some minor health issues which just meant it would be safer to not have anymore kids after theo, so not only was she this little angel to the public, she was also her parent’s little miracle baby ! lets just say she had some big shoes to fill bc of all the expectations ..
luckily no one had to worry abt her being a demon child JSBDJWDWJ because she turned out to be a very sweet kid ! she was a HUGE daydreamer since she spent a lot of time alone growing up </3 her mom had retired from singing and was now helping theo’s dad run the label, and the two of them were always busy looking for new talent to sign. she didn’t have any siblings and although she had a really attentive nanny it just .. wasn’t the same ?? so to #Cope JSBDWBSBDJW theo was always creating these super elaborate little fantasy worlds. it wasn’t uncommon for u to find her deeply engrossed playing barbies alone like she had scripts and everything 
by the time she was a preteen her parents were both really pressuring theo into thinking about a singing career, so wanting to please them ( and knowing that it was something she was kinda into anyway ) theo said ok sure ! and that’s where.....things start to take a turn. since she was so young she had this very very clean, innocent, cute image ( think disney stars ) & most of the music she was making was used for kids shows or movies. she didn’t really mind it so much but she noticed that her creative process wasn’t really valued ? or taken very seriously by her parents, because in their eyes like that’s their kid you know she’s still young, she’s always had her head in the clouds, they just really didn’t think it was a big deal if they took control. 
so theo put up with it, but the years kept going by, she kept getting older, and nothing was really changing. she still had a squeaky clean image, little say in the type of music she was making, but on the outside everything looked great. the public loved her, she was a role model for kids ( even though she was a teenager now ), it was all perfect.....until it wasn’t. when she was 16, she had a scandal akin to the vanessa hudgen’s nude photo leak, except it wasn’t as explicit ( not a nude, just a suggestive pic ) and it was way way worse considering theo was a minor. 
legal action was immediately taken by her parents, but once something’s out there you can’t really stop it from circulating, so the photos existed, just not on any official media sites. it was traumatizing for theo having her privacy breached like that, especially because instead of talking about how disgusting it was that someone would leak those photos when she was just a teen, gossip sites & fans alike were too busy talking about how her image was ruined. since she’d had such a clean, innocent reputation, people kinda forgot that... she was an actual person going through life growing up, and that she wasn’t perfect. 
theo, being the optimist she is, was like hey you know what? this is my chance to stop making music i dont love. after what was probably her first truly honest convo with her parents, they agreed she should be free to figure herself and her art out. so for the remainder of her teenage years theo fell off the face of the music world....
only to pop back up in the modeling one ! like most celebrities, social media had a big say in this. since reputation wasn’t something theo had going for her anymore, what she did have was a hell of a following still and two famous parents ( not to mention ... shes tall JSBDJWBDWJ ) she did maybe one runway show before deciding she hated that. tbh she hated any modeling that felt too constricting, which is why she never ended up doing anything for big names & mostly does stuff for foreign brands & magazines. 
she liked how much aesthetics had to do with modeling, and to some extent being a part of shoots satisfied that creative itch she had, but music was always her first love. theo really wanted to go back and revisit it, but she was scared the public’s reaction wouldn’t be what she hoped /: 
so following in her mother’s footsteps, theo’s re entrance into the music scene was an ep ( 100% written, produced, edited, you name it, by her ) she released on the eve of her 18th bday basically explaining everything she went through with art. it was only four songs + an interlude, which would become the most talked about part of the whole thing because it was snippets of various reporters talking about that photo leak.
the public had mixed feelings ! unlike with what happened with her parents, not everyone was ready to “forgive” theo. and since she hadn’t done any promo for her music, or for her career as an artist independent from her parent’s famous label, it wasn’t like she was making crazy money and getting all this recognition. but !! she was insanely insanely happy, and that’s when she realized making music wasn’t something she did for other people, just something she liked to share, so what did it really matter if she could be more famous if she was an artist under her parent’s label ? 
cue present day theo, model & singer, although the labels are pretty loose. although her music is getting way more recognition than it did three years ago, she’s still trying to do things independently from her parents, and she still has yet to become a chanel ambassador or anything crazy SDWBKWKFW. because of that she’s kind of garnered this new reputation for herself as one of those celebs that don’t really feel like celebs, like maybe she’s just like u except let’s be real she’s rich and her experiences are NOT universal even if her cute insta pic talking about ~her feelings~ in the caption makes u think they are
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY + TIDBITS !
not even gonna lie to u guys....she is baby. i dont mean that in a uwu shes 20 but im gonna weirdly make her act like a child way im not a freak shes just baby ! like i mentioned earlier theo was a HUGE daydreamer growing up, and tbh she still is except now that’s she’s older her overactive imagination can kinda get her into trouble. a good example of that is the fact that since she’s so keen to see the silver linings in life and the bright sides, she can neglect the bad sides of people and situations so things still fit into her romanticized vision /: this was the cause for many heartbreaks in theo’s life, and she’s still guilty of doing this although she’s trying to work on it !
very much the kind of person to treat everyone like a friend ( that means strangers too ) until you prove you should be treated otherwise. it takes a lot for her to not fuck with you, so if she doesn’t like you then you probably did something to deserve it /: she’s always had a curious personality as well so it’s really easy for her to connect with people just because she’s constantly fascinated by what she doesn’t know about a person. sometimes it can make ppl uncomfortable just how casually she can have a deep convo, but she just never had that filter where she has to know you for 5 years before she opens up about her trauma </3 you know how when bp’s rose and red velvet’s joy had dinner for the first time rose made joy cry bc she was talking abt her family and stuff ? JSDBWBDW theo is rose ... she’s out there sharing trauma deepening that bond day 1 of knowing you baby !  🤧
despite all that she’s still kind of maintained this elusive air to her? it’s not like she does it on purpose, or like no one knows the real her, it’s more like just when you’ve learned one new thing about her you realize there’s that many more things you don’t know. it also doesn’t help the fact that she’s constantly romanticizing everything, most of all herself, so she’s really crafted this “dream girl” persona without fully realizing it. im not exaggerating when i say john green wants what she has </3 
a lot of times people see her as naive, not because she often sees the good in people or anything like that ( although she does ), but because she has this overwhelming sureness that everything works out in the end. to be fair though, for her, things usually do. call it good karma, luck, whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is even when it looks like there’s no way a situation can turn out well for her, somehow it does. it’s a healthy combination of money, privilege, and a charming personality but to theo it’s proof that she’s right.
naturally.....as an air sign JSBDJWBJWBD she’s a huge flirt ! the media’s always linking her to someone because she really makes it seem like she’s dating half of hollywood when the reality is she’s just being friendly. when she actually likes someone it kind of turns into a huge deal like she gets infatuated with her crushes, swears she’s in love — and then poof. one day she wakes up & realizes she’s kinda over it ... until the next person comes along of course <3
hates conflict and confrontation.....and i mean HATES it to the point where she doesn’t even confront stuff within herself ( i.e. “negative” feelings like sadness ) until one day it all bubbles over and she’s having a legit breakdown and dying her hair red. 
yes, that’s exactly what happened last year, although if you ask theo about it she’ll just be like aha what do you mean i just wanted red hair luv x 
pictures like these ( click ! ) of theo when she'd be walking around LA in her school uniform used to go viral on twitter. 
desperately wishes she was the type of singer ppl would throw their bras at on stage when the reality is she’s out there making some chill bedroom pop kind of stuff so rip that dream </33333 
knows how to play the piano and the guitar, but keeps joking one day she’s gonna make an album and only use her recorder as the instrumentals.
has a white british longhair kitty named zoe.
is 100% that bitch that can only drink sweet drinks & fruity cocktails and u know what she’s valid for it ! 
if she wasn’t famous she’d be making slime. legit running a slime making insta, those were her guilty pleasure & shes so mad they aren’t that popular anymore JSBDJWBDJW
u know that post that’s like “i hate making tea i always feel so bad about throwing away the tea bag i feel like i should just eat it” ? thats theo 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     WANTED CONNECTIONS !
BEST FRIENDS: a power duo the public either loves or hates, ride or dies, that 1 person theo would drop everything for no matter what.....yeah 🥺 they’d be the person she’s closest to & vice versa !   
CHILDHOOD / FAMILY FRIENDS: their famous parents were friends, so it’s only natural they wanted their kids to be friends too. just imagine the stories ..... the memories .... maybe they got along really well and are still friends today ! or maybe theo pushed your muse off of the swings ( she claims it was an accident ) and your muse never forgot and to this day they’re sworn enemies.....</3 or less dramatic......they just drifted apart and now it’s like hey we used to be so close aha thats awkward let me just smile at you and walk away ....
LIKE SIBLINGS: someone who sees theo as a sister, and who theo considers her unofficial sibling. most likely she’s gonna bother the shit out of this person as siblings do but they really mean a lot to her because it’s the family she never had /: 
CONFIDANTS: the one person theo keeps finding herself talking about the things she usally keeps inside with. i think it’d be funny if both of them find it weird to do things like go out to lunch or shop together because that’s not what they’re used to !
ACQUAINTANCES: friends who are only really friends when both of them are wasted or friends who only comment heart eye emojis and fire sign emojis under each others insta posts but don’t actually talk much for whatever reason
FRIENDS THAT DATED: maybe things just ended amiably between them, or maybe it’s like an “everyone told us we should date so we tried it and boy was that the weirdest thing we ever did” situation. either way the outcome is they’e still friends <3
CAHOOTS: what is this u may ask ? someone theo can be in cahoots with. she has a dumb idea that no one else is likely to say yes to? she goes to ur muse. ur muse has an idea no one in their right mind would say yes to? they go to theo. these two are in cahoots !  
BAD INFLUENCE: although that america’s sweetheart reputation is gone, overall theo is still seen as a “good girl” by the public. she’s not one to be in a lot of scandals so i think it’d be really fun if your muse is corrupting that ( whether they’re doing it on purpose or not ) and whenever theo’s with them she just somehow always manages to end up in trouble. 
THE BIG EX: theo’s first real relationship, and first real heartbreak. everyone before them had been an infatuation, but your muse was the real deal. maybe the media ruined it, or they ruined it themselves by being too scared of their feelings to stick around, or maybe one of them was willing to try but the other wasn’t. either way it ended badly, and whether those feelings are resolved or not....thats a secret i’ll never tell x
SUMMER FLINGS: give me past & current ( or maybe even recurring ) summer flings where they both know it’s temporary but boy is it fun while it lasts. google their names together and you’ll find paparazzi snapshots on the backs of vespas, on million dollar yachts, holding hands in museums or sunbathing on the beach but by the time fall comes creeping in the romance is over. 
HOOKUPS: friends with benefits and it’s not awkward between them, friends with benefits and it’s super weird between them because they may be crossing over into real feeling territory, one night stands / hookups that were huge mistakes, one night stands or hookups that were or are being kept secret from the rest of the roses for whatever reason, someone who leads theo on but never gets serious about her, or someone she leads on but she never gets serious about, her go-to hookup on a night out when she’s partying, etc. 
WILL THEY WON’T THEY: a friendship that always teeters on the line of something romantic ! maybe they’re both oblivious to the chemistry / tension or maybe they’re aware of it because they get jealous when they hear about the other being with someone else… maybe they refuse to do anything about it because they don’t want to complicate things or maybe they purposefully cross lines when they feel that jealousy…..could be more angsty or it could be more wholesome depending on which way it goes 😈
ARTIST TO ARTIST: i don’t think .... we have any other singers / ppl in the music industry but i could for sure be wrong JSBDSJBDJWD but ! i still would love to have people theo’s worked with before. maybe if your muses has been acting since they were little, theo could have mingled with them back when she was doing music for kids shows & movies. maybe your muse is a model and theo and them have done shoots together before. maybe theo’s written a current song for a movie / tv show your muse was a part of. maybe your muse is a model and theo asked them to feature on the cover of one of her albums. maybe she hired your muse to act in the music video of one of her songs ! maybe your muse can also sing even though that’s not their main thing and theo’s asked them to feature on a song with her. there are soooo many possibilities that could be lots of fun <33
MISC: “we used to party together all the time until that one thing happen that neither of us talk about and now we don’t do that anymore”, someone who took care of drunk theo once and ever since then she’s taken that as an open invitation to knock on your muse’s door at 3 am completely wasted, “we tried to date but the paparazzi caught us on a date and we were too scared / sick of the public eye so we never got far”, flirty friends who say no i’d never sleep with you haha…unless you’re down?, your muse was theo’s first time OR theo was your muse’s first time, stereotypical happy go lucky and grumpy relationship where the grumpy muse pretends not to enjoy the other’s presence, enemies but it can’t be anything petty it would have to be pretty serious so if u want that drama.... 
that’s the end i promise it’s finally over 😭😭😭 i truly just ramble & ramble im really so sorry abt that JSDJWBDJWBDJWBDJW i tried to include as much info as possible to make plotting a little easier for all of us so lets pray this works </3 u can come message me on discord to plot @ seulgi ily ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172 so give this a like if u wanna .... do that ahahahaha x 
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evangclines-blog1 · 5 years
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what  if  we  ......  pretended  this  was  a  good  intro  .....  aha  just  kidding  .....  unless  ?  i  was  just  gonna  link  to  all  my  stuff  but  ...  ur  girl  wrote  a  lot  and  i  don’t  wanna  be  cruel  and  force  u  all  to  read  everything  JDBWBDJBWJ  so  here we  go  !!   <3
( VENUS, PARK SOOYOUNG, CIS FEMALE, SHE /HER ) guess what, EVANGELINE RHEE has just landed in cannes with their private jet. they are a TWENTY-TWO year old socialite, who spends much of their time & money UPDATING THEIR SKINCARE ROUTINE. i think their family is in the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY and their net worth is around 10B USD.   
first things first ... i’m gonna drop some links in case u want to read everything i wrote at 6 am the day the submit closed bc im stoopid like that <3 
here u can find her full bio, stats, extended stats, and hcs ! the hcs are definitely the most fun to read so i recommend going to that page hehe
into the summary we go !
BACKSTORY:  suicide mention tw
eva’s dad is a movie producer and her mom was the beautiful woman he met at a train station <3 her parents had a very whirlwind romance, very love at first sight, very passionate and intense type of relationship literally everything you see in hollywood ? they had that ! they got married after only a year of knowing each other and had eva soon after 
thats when things got not-so-picturesque /: after having eva, her mom entered a pretty dark depression. eva’s dad ( who had been aware of his wife’s mental health and even warned by her family against doing anything crazy like getting married and having a whole baby so fast ) was kinda in denial about everything. eva’s mom still had her good days, but the bad days were really bad & when eva was only two years old her mom had an accident & passed away 
so while eva’s dad was grieving, he sent little eva to new york city to go live with her grandma !! eva adored her grandmother more than anyone else. she was a retired jazz singer, and a lot of what they did together was sit around and listen to old records <3 eva lived with her until she was five years old & that’s pretty much the only childhood she can remember since her mom died when she was so young !! 
when her dad brings eva back to france, he’s doing a lot better. he’s back to producing movies and throwing parties and being a part of society again ( things he had stopped while he was grieving for his wife ) and he even found his own form of “medicine” which was simply the company of beautiful women ! most of them were young actresses he met through his work, all of them were gorgeous, and they all adored little eva <3 
eva adored them right back ! they taught her stuff she imagined all mother’s teach their daughters: how to dress well, how to smell nice, how to get people’s attention, what makeup to wear, how to do your hair, how to speak so everyone hangs on to your every word, etc. she was still a little girl but she was absorbing all these lessons like a sponge, & it’s a big part of why she’s so obsessed with her own femininity and why she’s got this mindset about being beautiful inside & out in order to feel balanced. 
none of the women her dad brought home were ever at her house for more than a week. her father, who had been a notorious bachelor before eva’s mother, seemed incapable of falling in love again. that was his first and maybe only lesson to eva, which was how to break hearts, which is something else she absorbed & carried with her as she grew up
as eva grew up, she kinda became obsessed with trying to imagine what her mom had been like. no one in her family liked to talk about her, especially not her dad, but she knew she looked just like her and she was kinda always trying to fill in the blanks. but then one christmas her dad let it slip that her mom’s death hadn’t been an accident at all, that it had been on purpose. that was kind of the turning point for eva & she just kind of....stopped trying to re imagine her mom after that just kinda wanting to let her rest /:
she also went through a phase of doing stuff just because she could. she’d flirt with people’s boyfriends, she’d make strangers fall in love with her, she’d date people just to break up with them suddenly, etc. she kind of realized just how much she could get away with, but more than that, just how far people would go when they fell in love. she was obsessed with that, but also kind of jealous of those people just because she’d never felt that kind of soul shattering love for someone before and she really does want to </3 while she’s never been in love before, and while she does get bored of lovers easily, she still feels a type of attachment that is sometimes so strong she’s not willing to let the other person go even if she’s being selfish by hanging onto people she can’t get serious abt /: thats just life sometimes......whore rights !
 goes by eva, never evangeline. her grandma has always called her angel, and so that nickname has also carried over naturally
libra sun AND moon babey ! read abt it here
wears euphoria makeup to do groceries
 moved from paris to new york city for college to attend columbia university. double majored in english literature and business management. 
created what she called the “manhattan group” in reference to the bloomsbury group, which was a group of associated english writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists in the first half of the 20th century ( that included writers like virginia woolf ) duringher freshman year. although meetings were supposed to be about discussing literature, it mostly became a place to drink warming champagne, flirt, and gossip. eva hosted the events & meetings off campus inside her loft. the manhattan group only lasted her freshman year though, as rumors of all the underage drinking and “cult-like behavior” persuaded her to drop it. that, and the fact that more than one member had fallen in love with her and things were getting quite tense. 
she never carries a lighter because she likes the way more than one person will offer her one if she asks for a light <3 
it’s a famous rumor that eva once spilled her drink on her chanel mini-dress at a charity gala and stripped down to her lingerie in front of everyone. it would have stayed a rumor if it wasn’t for the instagram story that went up of her only her underwear. 
she has a house phone in her nyc loft that only a select few people ( minus the strangers she’s given the number to while drunk ) know the number 
has a three year old black cat named june that she brought with ehr to cannes <3 
is the proud owner of a black maserati despite being an infamous bad driver. no one in their right mind, especially not her friends, would ever trust eva to drive.
it’s rumored she once snuck onto the yacht of a ceo to a fortune 500 company, only for him to find her in nothing but a bath towel eating chocolates while flipping through his playboy magazines, and that he was so taken with her instead of pressing charges he decided to name the boat after eva.
once spent a whole day walking around paris in a cheap pink wig and calling herself yvette. nobody could figure out why. eva often pulls stunts like this on a whim.
believes 2 is an unlucky number and is very superstitious about it, as that is the year her mother died. fully believes her twenties are cursed and is actually looking forward to the day she turns 30 just to escape the 2′s.
leonardo dicaprio once made a pass at her during the after party of a movie premiere she was attending.
during full moons, eva always has sex with the windows open. even if it’s winter, a window will be cracked open. this is one of her many personal superstitions. 
has a collection of old love letters, mixtapes, and presents past suitors and secret admirers have gifted her. while she cannot remember the origin of quite a few of the objects in her collection, she is attached to them still.
owns a replica of the famous cross necklace filled with cocaine that kathryn had in cruel intentions.
literally i basically just copied most of my hcs page im a clown i cant do summaries...
ok so personality wise ? shes a flirt. a whore, if u will. yes thats a personality trait now. literally if ur breathing shes flirting doesnt matter who u are doesnt matter if ur married if u have 10 kids doesnt matter like she will flirt....does not know how to open her mouth without flirting 
big on aesthetics /: believes everyone should get manicures like if ur cuticles are showing shes gonna gag . get help <3
not good at being held accountable for her actions. she’s not really the type to be malicious on purpose, but since she really does play with ppls feelings a lot it’s inevitable she’s gonna hurt someone but if u bring it up shes just gonna be like .. me ? at fault ? u must have the wrong girl i’m angel ...
likes 2 play games JSBDWBDJW clearly....matters of the heart are her fave kind but she also likes doing kinda ridiculous stuff for fun just to see how ppl are gonna react, also likes to do stuff just bc she knows she can usually get away with it 
loves skin care like she will be ur dermatologist ( self appointed ) she will gift u a moisturizer she will get everyone to do facemasks with her u cannot escape it ...
has trouble being alone but won’t admit it / doesn’t even really realize it ??? like it is... very rare u will ever find her sleeping alone or spending a whole day in just her own company 
not shy.....at all like JBSJDWBJDW she could use some shame but she has zero unfortunately 
despite being a whore....she is a HUGE romantic like whew she is obsessed with old love songs & is always playing them on her record player she loves to slow dance <3 she often gives ppl her fave poems ( usually poems abt sex ), she loves getting roses, loves kissing ppl on the cheek when she’s wearing lipstick, & she likes to leave ppl voicemails like ... shes really living like she is the main chara of a romance movie and everyone else is extra #5 most of the time... 
idk what else to say im sure shes gonna evolve once we start rping bc that always happens to me but....for now.....this is the end ! *cue feel special by twice*
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 9 - Housewives living in Yamagata prefecture referred to prosecutors for insulting Kawasaki Nozomi.
K: Hi, This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, getting started with another episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san,Tasai san, welcome.
J, T: Pleased to be here.
K: Ok, so today's theme, Joe?
J: Yes, lets take a look at this news. 'Insult to Kawasaki Nozomi. "She gives me the creeps". Housewives in Yamagata prefecture referred to prosecutors....
A 39 year old woman from Yamagata and a 45 year old female medical worker from Osaka are being referred to Tokyo area prosecutors by Harajuku police station. According to staff at Harajuku police station, the pair are suspected of exchanging insults like "She gives me the creeps" about Kawasaki on an online public parenting platform between the 8th and 9th of April. They both admit to the charge.'
Just from reading this, being referred to prosecutors for saying 'she gives me the creeps' is a bit..
T: Well, yeh, but if you look in more detail, over three years they actually wrote on this parenting forum stuff like, 'She should miscarry' or ' 'she's creepy', also 'she's insolent', 'lets set fire to her house', *1, quite extreme things.
J: So we don't actually know thier reason for writing this stuff do we?
T: They wanted to send a message to Kawasaki Nozomi's husband's blog, but they were blocked, or unable to do so for some reason, im not sure. This made them angry and they directed thier rage towards his wife.
J: They probably shouldn't target his wife, and getting that upset because they couldn't send a message..I don't really know.
K: Its not very clever, right?
J: Yeah, its really not.
T: Also, 'defamation', I havn't heard this in a while.
J: Yeh, well Kawasaki san probably felt some damage to her honour, and in reality, if they come near her house, its coming close to interference in her business. The police probably thought this kind of 'defamation' was grounds for referrering the case to prosecutors. Another possibility is that  Kawasaki san hired a lawyer, who may have said they same thing....So, this happened on an online forum? I think we talked about this happening with someone else before, but how far can slandering be forgiven? I mean, in this case its being reffered to prosecutors, so, well, when does it become a crime? I think this is a really difficult point. This kind of thing hasn't been made clear in detail, but it may have similar requisites as harassment. But like, how far do you have to go for it to be sexual harassment?, how far to..???*2. This type of thing isn't specified in criminal law. I think this is a problem that will have different interpretations, that will change depending on the information. So, Kaoru, as an artist with your name and face in the public eye, you must get lots of supportive messages. But at the same time, you probably also get some not so supportive messages. How far can you tolerate those? Of course, even one nasty thing can hurt, but what what would you consider worth talking to the police about, for example?
K: Well, I havn't had anything as bad as this, but...???*3 seems creepy to me.
J, T: For sure 
J: And in this case, Kawasaki san hasn't even done anything! She's just in the wrong place. Right from the start its like, 'Why me?!'
K: Yeh, cause she's pregnant isn't she?..with that..its scary isn't it?
J, T: It is.
T: So, Kawasaki san is a former AKB 48 member, and after she quit, she started up her own company and was quite successful, she's been categorized as a winner, there might be people who are jealous of her. But to this extent..?
K: Well, they wrote it thinking that they wouldn't be exposed, didn't they?
T: Do people get exposed?
K, J: They do.
J: But why would they intentionally write this on a public forum? Wouldn't you normally spout your jealousy at a bar or something, after a few drinks?
K: But this is the same as that.
J: They simply write it?
K: I think so.
J: Like a kind of public execution?
K: No, I don't think they are thinking that much about it.
T: I think people need to be more aware of how scary SNS can be.
K: People are writing stuff with no thought, so i also think its ok to ignore it really. Its a person writing wierd stuff off the cuff, its all over...I mean, recently.???? There are tonnes of people writing stuff without thinking. And then people see all these comments just like that...writing just like that, and seeing just like that. Strangely, you need to be able to ...???, and you need to be able to brush it off . You'll still always encounter SNS or online info, thats how I feel about it *4.
J: I see.
T: There have been sucides in Korea, famous people have committed suicide, because they got affected by what people wrote online. So it happens in other countries too.
K: Well, it does affect you, the first time you see it.
J: Well, yes. When I do radio I get called all kinds of names *the others laugh*, recently, ive gotten, '????', to one of my shows. And these people get carried away, right, so it just increases more. They just come out with insult after insult*5, like 'are you still at it?!' ...well, i think, at least they are listening, so im kind of thankful.
K: Yeah, yeah.
J: Like, im just always talking, it could be kinda annoying, so if theres someone out there listening, im grateful. *T laughing*
T: Doesn't it bother you, Joe?
J: Not usually, no. But sometimes they hit in a sensitive spot, right? *K, T laugh*
J: It shouldn't be a big deal ...but....right? Some people will even cry on the train home. Even though it hasn't been a big deal until now, some people will cry about it. Especially if im also having a tough time with work or personal life, it stings.
K: Well, you are only human.
J: Right.
Kami: It happens to me too.
J: Oh, Kami's here.
Kami: Yeah, that happens to me.
T: You're not bothered by that though are you?
J: Yeah, you're a god.
Kami: Well, they say im no big deal, unreliable, or useless or something like that, loads of things are said about me...'you cheater ' and such.
T: *laughs*
J: You cheater?
K: Cheater..? What did he do?
J: Yeah!
K: No, I havn't done anything! I havn't done anything. Maybe its because, they'll give thier shrine donation but I don't do anything in return.
J: Oh, that more like a case of money trasfer fraud in the end?
Kami: Well, yeah.
T: Are you doing well at your part time job   Kami?
Kami: Yeah, im doing well.
J: Are you?
Kami: Yeah, I am, i am.
T: A pseudo account...
K: He's writing on one, right?
Kami: No, if stuff happens to my displeasure, I'll give out bad luck..as a fortune.
K: Did you say, 'I'll give out..' *laughs*
J: Kami, you're scary.
T: He is.
Kami: The people who insult me will go home with bad luck.
J: But there must be people all over the world saying stuff about you..
Kami: Yes, yes, yes.
J: It must be tough to search online for yourself?
Kami: Yes, that is tough.
J: Right?
K: He said once before that he searches for himself online, didn't he?
J: He did..I wonder how many hits you get per day with the god hashtag?
Kami: There are people saying this god is good, or that god is good, or there is only one god, or stuff like that. I don't even know which one they mean.
K: But aren't there many gods, but one in charge, right?
Kami: Who's in charge..im not sure.
*everyone laughs*
J: He doesn't even know?! Maybe you're a cheater because you're not even real?!
Kami: Some people say that about me.
J: Ok, prove to us now that you're real. At least, show us something that you've achieved. If not...if i mention it now, we've never seen you in person since the start, you just came down from the sky, and we just thought you were a god.
K: He just came all of a sudden, right?
J: Right! We've don't even have any proof that you're a god. We've had no choice but to believe you.
Kami: I'll refer it to prosecutors.
J: Eh? What do you mean?
T: Scary!
Kami: As defamation.
J: Oh, if we say stuff about you?
Kami: Yes, yes, its defamation. Bad luck for Joe.
J: Eh? Really? ...by the way, how for would you tolerate people badmouthing you, Kami?
Kami: Badmouthing?
J: Are there any insults where you think, 'This is really awful!'?
Kami: No, the things that are said about me are, im no big deal, that im unreliable, not in existence, or useless. That type of thing..'he's a cheater' and such. 
J: I see.
T: Now that you mention it, thats sometimes said about Tokyo Sports too.
J: Yeahh
T: 'Go under'.
Kami: Yeh, its like Tokyo Sports.
J: Do people really say that to you? But you said before, right? Apart from the date, everthing is false. *everyone laughing*. Thats amazing, you can sell papers and make money like that? Is Tokyo Sports originally just like fake news?
T: Well, people all over the world like a good story don't they?
J: I see. Well, it excells in the field of sports newspapers. Tokyo Sports has tonnes of fans, doesn't it?
T: Yeah
K: Tokyo Sports is like, the different one.
J: Yes, its different.
T: Well, im grateful..
J: Really!
T: On the other hand, we aren't respected. The level of respect we get is really low. *the others laugh* But I want to keep eating, so I'll recommend it.
J: Ah, ok. Are you hiring..at Tokyo Sports?
T: No, not really.
J: You're not?
Kami: A normal newspaper puts articles out, right?
T: Yeah.
Kami: But Tokyo Sports is creative.
J: Ahh, yes. They are stories, right?
Kami: Very much like a god.
J: Tokyo Sports like a god?!
T: Will you come and work for us, Kami?..hourly rate 25% bonus.
J: Ohh, 1250yen!
K: What will you make him do?!
Kami: Hmm, hmmm.
T: He could start with cleaning the toilets.
Kami: A night shift would be more money. *laughs*
J: Kami, how about cleaning Tokyo Sports' toilets?
Kami: It would be an outrageous guy who makes a god clean the toilets.
J: No, that would be the real Toilet God*6.
K: ?!...You were aiming with that!
J: Err, yeh...kinda.
*everyone laughing*
K: It seemed on purpose
J: No, no, it just came to me. I thought it would be too good.
T: You sounded serious.
J:I've been exposed...I took a deep breath before I said it. My shoulders moved.
K: His face looks so camp now....Ok, well, lets finish up here. Err, everyone, please subscribe  to this...show?
J: This channel.
K: Please subscribe to this channel..See you next time.
*1 Im not massively good at Japanese slurs.
*2,3 Couldn't catch these bits.
*4 He spoke so fast it all kind blurred onto one, difficult to understand.
*5 He's running off a list of slurs which his listener sent to him. Im not advanced enough in Japanese slurring to grasp each individual one.
*6 There is a toilet god in Japanese folklore, have a google :)
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4chanbf · 4 years
All asks
Thank you Lily!!
angel; do you have a nickname?
I dont even have a name lmao, but some ppl call me Olive, that makes me so happy
awe; how old are you?
Im 13
baby; favorite color?
Black and red
bloop; spirit animal?
Rat? idk?
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
I dont even know:/ sorry
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
A cow!! i still have him i made him some kandi actually
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
Ehmm, i dont even know
bright; mermaids or fairies?
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
I have some pretty close friends, but idk if i have a best friend
buttercup; showers or baths?
butterfly; dream destination?
Idk really
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
I dont really know lol
calm; favorite scent?
Green apples are pretty nice smelling?
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
I dont remember much, however i was in this room and it had some children in it. They were like, not born or something? Society hated all of them and they were like made wrong or something bc it was a society where ppl were made like robots? anyways they were all pretty fragile and they could die easily, i dont remember any of them but this one girl, she was around 14 years old, she was tall and pale and she had long straight hair. it was like a grayish blonde color. she didnt have any eyes but where her left eye should be there was this black bead thingy? she didnt feel very good, i think she was preparing to die actually
charming; have you ever been in love?
I dont know jcjdmxm
cozy; eye/hair color?
Im a ginger:( also my eyes are like brown or something
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
Idk, i just like vampires
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
I like black roses?
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
I got a game for my switch :D
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
My bunny backpack lol
cutsie; what makes you happy?
My friends and ice coffee and music
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
Lmao never jjmhm
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
As a boy
daylight; favorite album of all time?
Three cheers for sweet revenge maybe?
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
Ive actually never been to a concert :(
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
Think so?
dobby; dream job?
Artist i think
doll; how do you like to dress?
I dress like a lesbian
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
No :’(
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
Ehm i think so
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
I used to have a pretty extreme alien phase. I better say yes i dont wanna betray 9 year old me
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
Ehm i love my friends? One of my best friends i love a lot, hes always there for me when im feeling not so good. also hes very funny i love talking to him and i really hope ill get to meet him one day!
fairy; do you have a pet?
Yes i have a dog!!
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
forever; where do you feel time stop?
I never really feel like that :(
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
No :( my poor plants :(
garden; how many languages do you know?
I speak english and danish, but im currently learning german!
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
My friends?
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
Im obsessed with scenecore
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
Yes!! theyre so much fun!
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
1. I treat other ppl well mostly
yeah i hate everything else about me lmao
heart; silk or lace?
Lace, silk is making me shiver just from thinking of it
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
Ice coffeeeee!! i am gay
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
I really like both? i dont really care
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
Be in my room and cry while listening to music. sometimes i draw or play videogames too
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
My laugh is fucking ugly. also i snort when i laugh and my friends keep pointing it out 
kinky; do you blush easily?
Yea i think so
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
Idk i just want a hug
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
When im in my bed on my phone and im just talking to ppl before i sleep. or when im drinking ice coffee
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
Mcr or pierce the veil or slipknot
love; what is your favorite season and why?
I hate all seasons
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
Dark chockolate i think (i know i cant spell njnjm)
magic; what are five flaws you have?
1. Im annoying
2. Im treating myself like shit
3. I look very ugly and like a girl
4. None of the things i used to love makes me happy anymore really
5. Im stupid and i cant focus
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
They are nice and cute and loves me as much as i love them uwuwuw
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
I dont really know, im tiredd
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
On my phone. listening to music. being sad
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
Idk i feel like i dont improve, i only get worse
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
Ugly. also i draw an x instead of . and the dot over i
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
I do own a uke! cant play tho
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
Im pretty bad at that lmao 
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
Kiwi? idk, i like berries tho
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
Idk, i feel like jared, 19 so fucking much
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
That one time i accidently listened to mama by mcr, and then i was like “o shit im trans”
shine; art or music?
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
Hmmh, kinda
smitten; do you collect anything?
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
Sour candy
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
Steven universe
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
My bed
soothe; digital or vinyl?
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
A hug lmao
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
That they listen. and if we can be idiot dumbasses together thats nice too
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
aesthetically pleasing
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
Ahaha no
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
I like funny kids. not the annyoing ones. dont think i want some tho
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
Misters chemical romance
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
The friend who makes a little too many jokes about wanting to die. Also the friend who never shows up bc im too busy being sad lmao
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
Had a very nice conversation with a friend. that was very appreciated
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
Both. thats not good
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
I love being in my room, but sometimes i really dont want to be here
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
I cant wait to get the fuck out of here
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
Thanks for the ask :) this took a long time nndjc
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bookenders · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game: Round 12
This is a very popular tag game, it seems! Tagged by @ren-c-leyn! Thanks, friend! I am evidence that you can do this game thousands of times, as I have answered 12% of 1000 questions by now. 😋
🎶🎵Hit me baby one more time🎵🎶
My Questions (running out of creativity, must consume more media):
What baseball positions would your OCs be in if they all had to be on a baseball team? What’s the team name? What’s their mascot? What do the uniforms look like? (If you hate baseball or prefer a different sport, substitute said sport for baseball.)
How good are your OCs at bowling? How good are you at bowling?
Rewrite this in your style: “I picked up the book and read the back. He took it from me before I could protest. He never lets me have the cool stuff.”
What do you love about the last book you read?
What are three things you love about your writing?
What’s a word you love the sound of? What’s a word you really don’t like the sound of?
How do you like to begin your stories?
What other forms of writing have you tried other than the one you’re working with now? (i.e. playwriting, screenwriting, poetry, interactive, novels, short fiction. etc.) How do you feel about them?
What’s your favorite play/musical? Why? What’s your favorite part?
What kind of stories do you like to read? How different are they from what you write?
What’s your favorite bit of worldbuilding from a story someone else wrote?
Frodo Taggins:@cawolters, @mvcreates, @a-story-im-writing, @cvrmillas, @ink-flavored, @aslanwrites, @the-real-rg, @bookish-actor, @toboldlywrite, @pens-swords-stuff, @tangoswips and legit anyone else who wants to do this. Especially you.
Answers under the cut!
1. Why did you chose to write the genre you do? If you don’t write in any particular one, why do you bounce?
I grew up writing literary fiction, the undergrad program I studied in prioritized literary fiction, and I like it best. Sometimes I get fancy and branch into fantasy. 
I do not write sci-fi because it’s too hard for me. I’ve tried, it didn’t turn out well. I also don’t usually do horror because it’s a lot of effort for me to make my brain go that kind of dark. And I tend to stay away from YA because the voice is tough for me to write in.
2. Favorite name?
3. Type of music/ambiance you listen to while writing?
I make playlists and loop them or put the same song on repeat for however long the writing session lasts. Usually a cello/violin piece. Sometimes I’ll hit flow state without anything playing and come out weirded out by the silence. That’s always fun.
4. Best feeling you’ve ever had while writing? (example: filling in that one plot hole and not making another one. Or dropped a tiny detail in and it connected all of the subplots Perfectly.)
I get one in just about every story. Each one has a line/section that I wrote, stopped, and looked at it while going “yisssss” in my head. Usually it’s my last lines. That’s when I love to bring everything together. For my war story, it was finding the perfect song to include that referenced both a character and his journey (”Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” for those wondering). 
A few others: Finishing my last thesis story after having to rewrite it one day before my last draft was due to my committee because computer errors ugh (but it was way better the second time and I got some good bird imagery in there so it’s all good). Putting in a callback to a character’s old desk by using her new one. Getting the dream scene tense shift perfectly paced in the story I’m working on now. Hitting the perfect emotional beat and satisfying the whole dang emotional arc thread in my artist short story.
5. Is it easier for you to write comedic situations or serious ones?
Serious, by far. My funny doesn’t translate well to the written word. I mean, I can do both, but my serious emotionally heavy scenes are far easier for me to bust out than the funnies. 
6. Do you tend to use symbolism a lot?
Unconsciously, all the time! I think it’s almost impossible for a writer to not use symbolism. On purpose, slightly less than all the time. I prefer rhyming actions than what a lot of people think of as symbolism. I don’t do the “x person is represented by the color red and it gets more washed out as the story goes on symbolizing their internal crisis of conscience.” I’m more of a “here’s a thing they both liked and an innocuous detail about it but now that one of them is gone the detail means something different and the weight of the symbol changes.”
I like extended metaphors a whole lot.
7. Think fast: Which book inspired your writing style the most?
Uhhhhh The Things They Carried? Or Wintergirls. Or Hooked on Phonics (heh). I’ve found that Anne Valente’s style is kinda similar to mine, too. Possibly Where the Red Fern Grows. I dunno. There are so many!
8. Last book you read?
I just finished Autoboyography, it was lovely. I recommend it for anyone who wants a coming out story that helps you learn about Mormonism and the LDS church. Also the main character is a wonderful disaster.
9. Book you’re currently working on?
So many. But I just started reading Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan. It’s an odd style that I’m super not used to reading in longer fiction (it reads like a short story, which is neat) but I’m trying to get into it.
[Edit: yeah, I gave up and swapped it for Once and Future, which is good.]
10. Do you ever regret deciding you wanted to be a writer?
I have. I do sometimes. But I never really “decided,” per say. It’s just been what I’ve always done and I keep doin’ it. 🚂 That’s why I’m gonna study and have a career outside of writing. It’s the thing I love to do and I’m good at it, but I know myself, and it’d be tough for me to become a career writer. Unless some miracles happen.
11. Something besides writing or reading that you like to do for fun?
I started getting into graphic design, which is a lot harder than I thought. I like going to art installations and ren faires. I love theatre, watching and participating (I’ve written, directed, and acted before!). I like going to local art events, festivals, faires, and supporting local businesses. 
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d2myg · 5 years
50 questions tag
tagged by @rysiowate thank u darling!
1. What takes up too much of your time? my hyperfixations and constantly updating all my online accounts and personas
2. What makes your day better? when i feel like ive accomplished something in a day; also, getting to go to bed after a long day
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today? i made really good tofu fried rice
4. What fictional place would you like to go to? the shire. just wanna live in a tiny hobbit house and eat and read
5. Are you good at giving advice? depends what it is about. and also, im better at getting my points across via text, so im useless at advice irl
6. Do you have any mental illness? anxiety and depression, im pretty i have some kind of executive dysfunction and maybe dependent personality disorder, but these two are just my assumptions. who knows really im broke and too anxious to go a therapist to get diagnosed lmao
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no thank god it sounds terrifying
8. What musician inspired you the most? even though i’m not an active stan anymore i’m gonna say bts because they’re the artists i’ve stanned the longest for and grew most attached to. i think they helped me develop as a person and they’ve been there for me in tough times. but also queen, because in freddie mercury i found a queer icon and role model which is very important for me
9. Have you ever fallen in love? i thought i was in love once but looking back, maybe not
10. What’s your dream date? i think this dream date business is bullshit. as long as im with the person i like, we could be doing literally anything and id still be like yeah this is a good day. like running errands or going grocery shopping or just lying in bed.
11. What do others notice about you?
idk probably my self-deprecating humour. also i if im wearing makeup that almost always gets commented on so i guess that
12. What is an annoying habit you have? just one? lmao uhhh when im super anxious about something i just shut off and like i cant function until that thing is resolved. my brain is just like ok anxiety time lets lay in bed and cry and nap for the rest of the day. also when im not in the mood to reply to someone’s text i will literally go days without replying not bc i forgot but bc i just.. yeah
13. Do you still talk to your first love? sometimes i check up on her (on her social media) but no we havent talked for almost a year since it ended. but then, was she really my first love. idk.
14. How many exes do you have? one
15. How many songs are in your playlist? i have multiple playlists and i also follow a lot of playlists; all together there must be at least 1k
16. What instruments can you play? acoustic guitar
17. What do you have the most pictures of? travelling, i have folders of pictures since last year that i havent edited yet
18. Where would you like to go before you die? hm. everywhere i havent been yet. id really like to go to canada, also like everywhere in asia
19. What is your zodiac? scorpio
20. Do you relate to it? idk i dont really read horoscopes and idk the like scorpio personality traits or whatever
21. What is happiness to you? being content with myself and what im doing.
22. Are you going through anything right now? final assignments of the semester :)
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made? getting too attached to some people. 
24. What’s your favorite store? record stores are so cool. also there’s this store in brighton that sells prints of stuff like ghibli on tshirts and tote bags. not my favourite, but i like it. i dont think i have a favourite.
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? im pro-choice. i dont think it should be a debate.
26. Do you keep a bucket list? no
27. Do you have a favorite album? sheer heart attack by queen, that shit slaps
28. What do you want for your birthday? honestly not to be shallow but some coins so i can buy myself some stuff ive been wanting to buy but didnt wanna spend money on
29. What are most people’s first impression of you? idk probably that im a bitch or that im intimidating. before i open my mouth to talk. one of my best friends told me they were scared of me when we first met.
30. What age do you seem according to most people? idk i mean no one really questions my age tbh. when i was younger people thought i was older lmao cause i seemed mature or whatever
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? usually on my bed bc i sleep with earphones
32. What word do you say the most? uuuh……. like. when i talk i say like after every 3rd words its annoying
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? 5-6 years probably
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? ½ years max
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? i dont talk about my career ambitions with anyone lmao it makes me anxious. my mom says i could do personal couching or psychotherapy or whatever.
36. What’s your favorite music genre? classic rock
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? sweden sounds really nice. hong kong or singapore also
38. What is your current favorite song? hm. the iron man 3 credits soundtrack. slaps. suffragette city by culture club also
39. How long have you had this blog for? uuh i remade very recently
40. What are you excited for? goin home for the summer. also rocketman and spiderman far from home. also!!! i might be going to the rocketman red carpet so
41. Are you a better talker or listener? listener. i dont really like talking about deep stuff
42. What is the last productive thing you did? did some uni work today. actually, did a lot of uni work today
43. What do you want for christmas? go to budapest with my mom weve been planning that
44. What class do you get the best grades in? my best subject in high school was english and in college it was probably psychology
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now? idk 5/6
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
dude i dont even know what ill be doing next year after my ba course ok
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? i dont think i really had one. when i broke up w my gf, its been shit for a while and i just accepted that it wasnt gonna work so it didnt really like hurt
48. What age do you want to get married? marriage is overrated and expensive next
49. What career did you want to have as a child? i wanted to be a vet also but so much med school. ew.
50. What do you crave right now? to dye my hair bc im stressed insert this is fine meme
i also tag @hamkis also @crownedbabes also @funkysapphic, @milmercurios, @freddie-jupiter, @piscesyub, @cactustattoo, @tonyrights
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