#Imagawa Ujizane
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Well, I suppose because the other lords already dealt with war stuff, they wanted to make this a different one, but I’m very displeased that it ended with Ieyasu saying “Let me broker you a connection with Nobunaga”. I’m already fed up with the attitude of treating Ieyasu like he’s just another one of Nobunaga’s vassals that has to align everything he does to the Oda.
The story is a mess, because there’s no reason for Ujizane to threaten Ieyasu with alliance to the Hojo. The Imagawa has always had alliance with the Hojo. Sure, maybe there is a need for the Imagawa to re-affirm their alliance now than Yoshimoto is dead, but it’s not really something to flaunt to the Tokugawa.
Also, Ieyasu was the aggressor in some of their encounters. After Shingen broke his alliance with Imagawa, Ieyasu took this opportunity to join arms with Shingen and attack Imagawa territories. It would’ve fit with Ieyasu’s vicious personality in the game to have him enacting revenge on Imagawa in this way, but I don’t know, the writer just chose to depict Ieyasu as still being somewhat traumatised by Yoshimoto I guess?
Eventually, due to conflict with Shingen, Ieyasu agreed to sign a three-way pact with the Hojo and Ujizane in 1569, and I must emphasise that Nobunaga is not involved. This was a disadvantageous pact, and Ujizane’s position was seen as something more like a surrender, with Hojo and Tokugawa being the dominant ones.
I’m sorry for the very ungenerous tone here, but I’ve said that I no longer have patience for this, and I’m irate. Ieyasu is not some poor helpless lord constantly dependant on and/or dragged around by the Oda. He had shaky beginnings, but he made it through and stabilised his rule as lord of Mikawa without Nobunaga holding his hand through it all.
If they really want this poison plot to happen, it could’ve been written to take place when they were signing the treaty. Ujizane could aim to nab both Ieyasu and Hojo (which would probably be Ujiyasu in SLBP universe) at once, and either both dies or Ujiyasu’s sinister fortune telling saved him from the poison and only Ieyasu died. Ieyasu does not need to be involved with whatever deal Ujizane later had with Nobunaga.
Also, this Ujizane portrayal is, well... another one of those cases where I really want to ask “But why, though?”. I suppose they just wanted to follow along the lines of Yoshimoto, who had been very sinister. Ujizane is however mostly known for artistic sense and kemari (a kick ball game for aristocrats). The somewhat dainty Yoshimoto portrayals in other media, such as the older Samurai Warriors titles (before SW5) and Ikemen Sengoku, are actually based on Ujizane rather than Yoshimoto himself.
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kubominero · 6 months
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Hnnngg I wonder if people actually like Ujizane I really love him so much huehue
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daeva-agas · 1 year
[Ikesen Historivia] Yoshimoto
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I assume Ikesen Yoshimoto is either based on his son, Imagawa Ujizane, or the old stereotype of him being a weakling who is more like a froo froo Kyoto noble than a samurai. Maybe both. 
I can't really tell. You honestly can just run wild with the "froo froo Yoshimoto" stereotype and come up with this kind of flowery character, even without knowing about the whole Ujizane situation.
Anyway, it was Ujizane who was known to be an artistic person, well versed in poetry and kemari (aristocratic ball game). The actual Yoshimoto was apparently someone who disliked, or at least don’t really care for that kind of stuff. There was a comment saying that before Ujizane, the Imagawa family predecessors were not very good at poetry.
The actual Yoshimoto is... well, actually a solidly capable commander. He used to be known as “The greatest warrior of Kaidou” (Kaidou Ichi no Yumitori, a phrase often misunderstood as literally meaning “the greatest archer”, but it’s just a euphemism meaning the greatest samurai). The reason why he got the odd froo froo stereotype attached to him seems to be because of his spectacular defeat in Okehazama. I imagine the logic was that if he lost to Nobunaga, who was at the time just a complete bum nobody from the hicks, then it must mean Yoshimoto was himself a weakling.
And again, the one who sounded more like a "puppet ruler" would've been his son, who just fell apart after the Imagawa defeat in Okehazama.
After actual-Yoshimoto’s death, Ieyasu ran away back home to be his own lord, and Shingen decided to not renew his alliance with the Imagawa and instead turned against them. Ujizane wasn’t able to defend his territory when he got jumped by Ieyasu and Shingen. He was allowed to retain some territory, but a lot of his lands and vassals got eaten up by Takeda (and Tokugawa, even). He still have some political influence and connection to the imperial court and Kyoto nobles, but as a samurai commander, his power is barely there.  
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odatodeath · 4 years
imagawa ujizane inviting nobunaga to watch sumo (plus his offering of “the handsome men of mikawa”)
look at him disrespecting ieyasu by brushing his bald head with that bigass cape
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redsamuraiii · 5 years
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Female Daimyo : Ii Naotora
The daughter and only child of Ii Naomori. She was primarily the head of Ii clan and retainer of the Imagawa clan, because of her efforts, Ii Naotora becomes a Daimyō.
As she had no sibling to become successor for the Ii clan, Ii Naomitsu, her uncle, advised her to marry Ii Naochika so that he could become the ruler of the clan.
Before she could act upon his wishes, it was revealed that he had planned to rebel against the Imagawa, and both Ii Naomitsu and Ii Noachika were ordered by the Imagawa to commit “Seppuku”. 
While Ii Naomitsu died, Ii Naochika managed to escape to Shinano thanks to a Buddhist Monk named, Nankei. During the 10 years in hiding, Ii Naochika had married someone, thus nulling the possibility of marrying Ii Naotora when he decided to return. 
At this point, Ii Naotora’s name was changed to “Jiro Houshi” by Nankei when she pursued her priesthood. Despite him not marrying Ii Naotora, Ii Naochika still assumed leadership of the clan.
Just as his father before him, Naochika planned another rebellion against Imagawa that was, yet again, exposed by an anonymous source and so he was murdered by Imagawa Ujizane. 
Because of the continuous murders of the men in her clan, Ii Naotora quit her priesthood duties and took over the responsibilities of being head of her clan.
Ii Naotora adopt Naochika’s son who would later grow up to be Ii Naomasa and serve Tokugawa Ieyasu, in the prominent battle of Sekigahara. 
Personal Note : 
There’s a NHK Taiga Drama called “ Onna Jōshu Naotora” starring Ko Shibasaki as Ii Naotora. A very good series that shows her entire life from her childhood to her adulthood, highlighting her struggles and achievements in being a female Daimyo and her perseverance and resourcefulness in solving problems. 
The actress who played the character was so touched by Naotora’s story after studying about her to prepare herself for the role that she visited Naotora’s grave in Hamamatsu City to pay her respect and hopes that the drama can convey some form of message and encouragement to all the girls and women of today.
While the western world is figuring out the definition of a true female hero, there are already several who existed in history that not many are aware of. Except for Mulan, thanks to Disney. And it is for this reason that I decided to start sharing posts about any female samurai warriors I discovered and learned about.
You can see my review of the drama here:
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neisuinene · 7 years
In Your Dreams Tonight - Chapter 8 –Li Naochika
Prologue 1  Prologue 2 Prologue 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6  Chapter 7
      Who is she? Nene or Neisui?
      Before Neisui could respond, the colour of options faded. It timed out. The option that the system has chosen for her, was Nene.
      She saw her character in the game replied, “Nene…my name is Nene.”
      Umeko looked at her, deep in thought, or she must be, for she just looked at her character with a thoughtful look. “Very well Nene,” Umeko nodded and formed a smile, “I see you must be still fatigue and body weak from the cold weather.  We are not sure of where you are coming from, but we trust you, for now. The courtyard outside your window will be your training place. You will not only serve Lord Toramatsu and his mother, but also work here as a maid and…I believe Lady Naotora, the head of the clan, will explain more to you in the morning. Please do not forget that, you owe your life to Lord Toramatsu, to the Li Clan.”
      Her character Nene simply nodded, “…”
      Another long silence occurred. What is going on? Why isn’t her character saying anything, or Umeko, or Toramatsu. The scene in the game stops, the characters were simply looking at each other. Neisui not sure how much time have passed, till she sees the lady that she met on the battle field, the lady who gave orders and made decisions, the lady called Naotora, came in.
      Then a messenger box on her screen popped up, it shows the name Li Naotora (GM) has just sent her a message. (Seta Neisui Nene, it is your turn to speak. Please type in the dialogue box.)
      So now she can start saying her own words, not the lines that were planned by the GMs as in reading a story mode? Though “Please type in the dialogue box” sounds a little…like she is too dumb to answer. So this NPC, the head of Li Clan is one of the GM? But what should she say?
      She started exploring her screen, found the body movement options button and nodded again, “Of course, I understand. My life is in your debt.” She typed, but for some reason she hesitated to click enter, if she is now only around ten-years-of-age, should she speak in this mature way, should she be this calm, or should she be still shocked from what happened out there…for whatever has happened that is none existent to her knowledge. She backspaced and entered “Yes, milady, thank…thank you for having me.”
      (Took you long enough to answer what is your name, and took you long enough to type a single sentence.) Li Naotora’s private message sent through messenger box.
      (Well I retyped, I have to think like a little girl, aren’t I?   After all, if my character’s parents served Toramatsu’s parents before, then what had just happened was also a shock too her, for her might very well also lost her parents.) Neisui replied box in the private chat. And though she did admit she wasn’t expecting her name would be a timed question, she was shocked by the choices given before she could decide.  Though if her answer was Neisui, would the story be any different?
      Li Naotora didn’t reply back to the private message, but she nodded to her. “I am a woman, but I am also the head of clan. As you can see, this clan does not have any male successors, Toramatsu’s father was my dear cousin. We were very close. But what happened tonight…” she shook her head, paused, “since we do not have much males, we need every power we could get, for the clan. Everyone here will have responsibility for their own life, no matter what your position is. Since your age is closest to Toramatsu, you will act as his maid, his nanny, his playmate, and eventually become his own page as he grows older. Until then, it is also your responsibility to protect Lord Toramatsu. Understood?”
      Nene nods, “Yes.”
      Li Naotora, “very well, I will leave things here in Umeko’s hands. I will see you at dawn,” turning to Toramatsu, “Toramatsu, come with me. Let us go see your mother. It is about time she comes to too.” She took Toramatsu’s hand and together they left. Left Umeko and her alone.
      “Well then,” Umeko started, “I will go bring something light for you to eat. Tomorrow morning you will be preparing your own breakfast, before your training starts. You need all your energy. I will be back in just a moment, you take some more rest.” She bowed and left the room.
      Now Nene is really all alone in the room, finally she could do some thinking, about Toramatsu, about Li clan.
Neisui sitting in front of her computer, eyes staring to the screen in front of her, then finally decided to log off and exit the game.  She wants to be more prepared on how her character Nene will start her first day at Li Clan.  Already she has too much information and emotions she need to digest. The head of clan, Li Naotora is a cousin of Toramatsu’s father, so that makes her kind of aunt to Toramatsu. The blood-line may not be that close as it’s not direct relation, but she is all he’s left, next to his mother whom she has yet to meet.
Li Naotora is also a GM in the game, so surely she knows what has happened to Nene’s character, of Nene’s past before the story line started, but…that does not mean she was going to tell her any information. Whatever Nene said about her past earlier were nothing but her own assumptions. Li Naotora did not deny, nor did she acknowledge.
 She now wished that she has do some research about Li Naomasa’s father before she started the game. Googling Li Naomasa…so his father was Li Naochika, cousin to Li Naotora, served Imagawa clan, for clan has been defeated by Imagawa…was planned he and Naotora would be married due to no male heir to the clan but fled to Shinao…later on executed by Imagawa Ujizane. Googling both Naochika and Naotora side by side, one said Naochika was slandered by one of Imagawa’s retainers and another said Naochika started a rebellion that failed so he fled…Which one of it is the truth? Did Naochika really started a rebellion or someone just made false statements to get him out of the way?
There was no war between Li Clan and the other clan, at least not the war Neisui has initially thought. Could she assume now Li clan because of Li Naochika’s death, Li Naotora was actually the one started rebellion against Imagawa who was their lord, or…how much did Li Naotora actually know in history? What was the truth?
So even though she may just be a daughter of a samurai who know Toramatsu’s parents, doesn’t mean she can be trusted. Her life was only saved because of Toramatsu. This might be a decision made together by the GMs in the game, for the story to move on, but if were not Toramatsu, her life at Li clan will surely be different.  After all, recalling from game guidelines earlier, a NPC’s trust or any kinds of affections need to earn by players themselves.
Neisui rubbing her temple, quietly sighed. What a start, what a night. Why is her life in the game so complex already??? And tomorrow…another sigh, she will think about tomorrow tomorrow, what she needs now is a cup of chamomile tea and a good night sleep.
Perhaps she can talk to Kan, to Kiyonori, or to Toramatsu tomorrow, perhaps they know something.
@asktoramatsu @rose-of-yonezawa @nitroforcepower @shirokazekikagami @dorianhellfire
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scoobydoojedi · 6 years
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Asahina clan
The Asahina were descended from Wada Yoshimori of the Wada Clan whose 3rd son Yoshihide adopted the name Asahina. They entered the Sengoku Period as a chief  Imagawa retainer family.The Asahina became especially important after the Imagawa defeat at Okehazama in 1560, for afterwards Imagawa Ujizane came to rely on them to maintain order within his domain. Following the collapse of the Imagawa in 1569, the Asahina became vassals of the conquering Takeda. When the Takeda were in turn destroyed, surviving Asahina entered the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
*Prominent people*
*Asahina Nobuoki*(1528-1582) Nobuoki was at first a retainer of the Imagawa family of Suruga province and came to hold Mochifune castle. He joined Takeda Shingen after the fall of Imagawa in 1569  and was confirmed in his lands in Suruga. He fought in the Battle of Nagashino in 1575 and later against the Tokugawa in 1582. Once the Takeda had fallen, he was ordered to commit suicide by Oda Nobunaga.
*Asahina Yasutomo*(????-????) Yasutomo originally served the Imagawa and held Kakegawa Castle. He destroyed Saigo Masakatsu when the latter rebelled in 1561. He sheltered Imagawa Ujizane when Ujizane was forced to flee Suruga as a result of a Takeda invasion and surrendered Kakegawa to the Tokugawa as per an agreement between Ieyasu and Ujizane. Yasutomo ended up at Odawara Castle in Sigami province and his eventual fate is unknown.
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Do you have any idea why Yoshiaki is portrayed so negatively in ikesen and SLBP? Is that a common trope in sengoku material, or was he known for being a rather nasty figure IRL?
It's called "Nobunaga-centric morality", i.e if someone doesn't like Nobunaga, the other party is the one with the problems. We see this in Yoshimoto as well, where he's often portrayed as lazy and stupid in a lot of media (and downright evil in SLBP), and Kennyo, who is... well... either an unreasonable angry monk or a slick manipulator (and a weird scammer in SLBP because reasons). Doubly so in Yoshimoto's case because he also held Ieyasu hostage (even though being a "hostage" doesn't necessarily mean he was treated badly). Make 'em evil, so we root for the hero more.
Ikesen only made Yoshimoto "nice" because he's a designated love interest, basing him largely on Yoshimoto's benign and non-threatening son Ujizane and not the actual Imagawa Yoshimoto.
Yoshiaki is not exactly known as an overly competent shogun. He didn't just clash with Nobunaga, but other people also wrote complaints about him. Now we don't really know if this is just people whining in their own selfishness or if Yoshiaki really was a bad shogun. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he's just tripping over himself in inexperience, but then the Nobunaga situation just erupted and became such a big deal because Yoshiaki decided to pull rank and involve other clans. It escalated into a big mess quickly, and any remaining goodwill just fizzles away.
In the end it just looks like he was throwing a bratty tantrum about not getting his way. Thus, the SLBP portrayal. He looks to me like he's more on the "selfish and bratty" end rather than malicious. Ikesen seems to be taking the "Yoshiaki is behind Honnouji" conspiracy theory as the basis, and also to utilize Mitsuhide's background as former shogunate associate to add flavour and drama to the plot. Yoshiaki was previously more or less non-existent, and he was almost like a throwaway one-time-use villain. Maybe he shows up more in the sequels, I don't know.
Anyway. To be entirely fair, Nobunaga in his early Kyoto politics days is a bit in over his head himself, so that's why I don't blame Yoshiaki entirely. Nobunaga seems to be also be going overboard, and so we have two people who have too much power but too little experience butting heads. There were letters from Hideyoshi admitting not having experience in courtly affairs, and other paperwork are indicating that he wasn't just being humble due to his background. The whole Oda clan were not used to Kyoto affairs and that's why Mitsuhide is there to help them.
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daeva-agas · 10 months
See, this is why I'm super angry with the casting and costuming of Nobukatsu. Imagawa Ujizane was also someone who was long reputed and portrayed as a complete buffoon who is utterly useless as a samurai. Dousuru went out of their way to cast a rather handsome actor, and portrayed Ujizane as a tragic figure.
Meanwhile they casted an actor who looks really dorky at best as Nobukatsu, and described him as someone who is timid and gets kicked around. The costuming and styling only made it worse. I really just have strong doubts about his portrayal in the plot. He seemed like he is going to be written as a hapless fool.
Sure, maybe looks can be deceiving. With Muro Tsuyoshi, he kind of looks like a doofus as Hideyoshi at first, but later they restyled him into a more serious-looking personality. I just don't see them doing the same with Nobukatsu, though, because in terms of Ieyasu's career this kid don't matter much.
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scoobydoojedi · 6 years
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Ishikawa Clan
The Ishikawa of Mikawa province claimed descent from Minamoto Yoshiie (1039-1106). Yoshiie's son Yoshitoki adopted the name Ishikawa, after a place in Kawachi province. The Ishikawa later moved to Shimotsuke province, and were known for a few generations as the Oyama, borrowing that name from a local family. They moved to Mikawa Province in the 15th Century and resumed the name 'Ishikawa'. Ishikawa Chikayasu came to serve Matsudaira Chikatada and, afterwards, the Ishikawa would be a notable retainer family of the Matsudaira/Tokugawa.
*Prominent people*
*Ishikawa Kazumasa* (1534–1609) Ishikawa Kazumasa, a notable retainer under Tokugawa Ieyasu, who served him since childhood, when they were both hostages under the Imagawa.
After 1560, when Ieyasu abandoned the Imagawa, Kazumasa then became a valued retainer and administrator under him. In 1562, when Ieyasu managed to convince Imagawa Ujizane to release his family, Kazumasa acted as guardian of the Imagawa, which at the time was a very dangerous task. He participated in the 1572 Battle of Mikatagahara.After Toyotomi Hideyoshi's victory over Shibata Katsuie in 1583, Ieyasu expressed his congratulations to Hideyoshi though Kazumasa. Later, Kazumasa and Sakakibara Yasumasa accordingly issued statements attacking Hideyoshi, due to the Tokugawa's decision. Kazumasa served at the Komaki headquarters during the Komaki-Nagakute Campaign.In 1585, Kazumasa, very dismayed by what he saw as Tokugawa's foolhardy path of resistance against Toyotomi Hideyoshi, switched sides to Hideyoshi. This inconvenienced Ieyasu, who had to reconstruct his military organization and defensive policies, since Kazumasa had significant knowledge about their organization.
*Ishikawa Ienari*(1554-1609) Ienari was a son of Ishikawa Kiyokane. He served Tokugawa Ieyasu and was in the front of the fighting for Marume castle in the Okehazama Campaign (1560) and was active in the suppression of the 1564 Mikawa ikko-ikkiriot. During the 1600 Sekigahara Campaign, Ieyasu appointed Ienari as guardian of Edo castle.
*Ishikawa Tadafusa*(1572-1650) Ishikawa Tadafusa was a leading comander of the battle of
Kizugawa(1614)which was was one of a number of battles surrounding the siege of Osaka, in which the Tokugawa shogunate destroyed the Toyotomi clan, the last major opposition to its control of Japan.After a shogunal reconnaissance mission, a pair of amphibious assaults were launched to seize it. Ishikawa Tadafusa led 2300 men across the river on boats from the west while other groups under the command of Hachisuka Yoshishige attacked from the south and east.
The assaults were successful, and the fortress fell to the Tokugawa forces.
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I see. I ask this because it does seem like the daimyo obeyed the Shogun’s orders - as the Shogun, if I remember right, ordered the Imagawa and Oda to a truce, and they agreed.
Imagawa? During Ujizane's headship? Well, that's something to look into later. I actually didn't read up much about the Imagawa post-Okehazama. Only a little about Ujizane's personality, which is apparently the basis of a lot of modern Yoshimoto portrayals for some very strange reason (Ujizane likes kemari and poetry, his father Yoshimoto... does not).
Pardon the tangent.
But yes, in the Sengoku... the daimyou tended to ignore the shogunate altogether, up until they got embroiled in a heavy scuffle with someone they can't handle, and then they come crying to the shogun for help.
I've not yet found a good comprehensive text to explain why things are, so I'm actually still somewhat fuzzy about why so-and-so works this way. There seems to be something about the title or the lineage that is inherently respected. I wonder often why the various ambitious clans went out of their way to establish "puppet shoguns" to manipulate and not just storm the place and sit themselves as shogun, and I'm sure there's an explanation out there. I just don't know yet right now.
Even post-exile shogun Yoshiaki still had some sort of influence, despite having been removed from Kyoto. He was the one who arranged the alliance between the Honganji and the Mouri, from his place of exile.
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odatodeath · 4 years
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Episode 48 is “nobunaga’s visit to hamamatsu” 
the first few minutes are the tokugawa scrambling to make everything perfect for oda nobunaga’s visit (he wanted to see mt fuji, of course) including finding him a chair to sit at rather than using an arm rest, and bringing him european wine.
Imagawa Ujizane even offered nobunaga a gift. “handsome men” to take part in sumo matches.
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odatodeath · 4 years
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says imagawa ujizane
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daeva-agas · 4 years
The absurdity of Ikémen Sengoku makes me laugh. Like, okay, Kenshin and Shingen faked their deaths and then teamed up to attack the Oda? And suddenly Yoshimoto survived Okehazama and is staying with them? And Kennyo attacked Nobunaga at Honno-ji? At least SLBP tries to stick to history.
I’m used to it by now, but LOL the cast. Masa and Yuki being regular cast members despite being too young IRL because Basara made them famous... And there’s Motonari... who realistically he’d be like 90+ years old. Not to mention Ranmaru being Kennyo’s agent, and THE ENTIRE DISASTER OF KICHOU BEING A DUDE AND NOT A WOMAN. This is so super troll, I just don’t even... *big shrug*
The issue here with the ????? cast is Cybird stubbornly wanting the lords to HAVE TO BE FAMOUS. Yoshimoto could’ve been fine if they had just used the correct lord’s name: Imagawa Ujizane, Yoshimoto’s son. The Ikesen Yoshimoto is 95% based on Ujizane character-wise anyway. After his father died in Okehazama, Ujizane was unable to restore the clan’s status and got swept up by Tokugawa and Takeda. So he just accepted his fate, became subservient/dependent on other clans, and spent his days enjoying art and poetry and kemari.
Did I not just pretty much describe Ikesen Yoshimoto there? But IRL it’s his son. I also made an analysis/explanation of the history behind the Ranmaru thing. Whatever the frick is happening with Kichou is yet to be seen though.
To be fair though, I guess Cybird is fully embracing that if they gonna screw with history might as well just go all the way through and mess up everything. It’s a good and honest acceptance, which is actually amazing in some ways? Doing all manners of convoluted plot gymnastics to force unsavoury or impossible history into the narrative is actually more infuriating than cracky utter nonsense. Especially when the writers are either misinformed by articles containing outdated info, or don’t have the time to research properly.  
Like, having the good history present is making me have expectations, and if it’s not met because that’s not what the writers intended in the first place, it fills me with anger and disdain >:( 
SLBP is very much guilty of frequently using old-fashioned tropes, and it’s not entirely consistent either thanks to the multiple writers they have working on the game. Mentally I 100% understand why this is the case. The need for speedy content delivery, for example, or maybe the HQ is understaffed and the editor did not have the time to read every single one of the stories to make sure all of them fully come together into one cohesive whole. I can’t help being annoyed by it, though. That’s why I have yet to be fully satisfied with any Sengoku otome. Ignorance is truly bliss, and I can’t turn off my brain for long enough to not twitch at stuff. 
But! Kudos to SLBP: No bitchy Nobu’s mom! *kissus Volteg writer*
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daeva-agas · 5 years
Highlights(?) from the Kenshin-Shingen salt comic thing
[Original comic post]
If you crop this out of context, it looks so meme-worthy 
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Lo, and I behold with mine eyes... Much salt that doth glitter in the sunlight!
Also, this panel is meant to be Shingen reading in the toilet, though because the toilet bowl is not seen, it just looks like a normal room LMAO
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Shingen and his Kurokumo. Since I’m trying to be super serious and historical, I used the “legit” Sengoku era horse measurements (it’s still somewhat taller than it should be tho)
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Even though it’s meaningless, I ended up having to design random people for spacefillers... This is Hojo Ujimasa (Ujiyasu’s son) and Imagawa Ujizane (Yoshimoto’s son) :’D 
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At this point I’m beginning to realize this is a bad idea, but it’s too late to back out by then. This “no salt = the Takeda can’t fight” conversation is just so... weird to look at :’D 
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It’s not easy to tell at first glance, but inking with dip pen and liquid ink makes the hatching line come out much much crisper than when I tried to do the same with Snowman drawing pen or Microns or other art pens. When I use the art pens, even if it’s brand new it sorta streaks and fades when I crosshatch.
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Me: I really don’t know how to draw monk vestments D:
*Googles for like 1 hour or so*
Me: I hope this doesn’t look too bad 
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The reference I used for the Tsutsujigasaki gate coincidentally seems to be the exact same reference Ikesen’s BG artist used, because the angle matched
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daeva-agas · 6 years
Sasuke’s route:
“Wow, it’s true that Hideyoshi did do the thing where he puts Nobunaga’s sandals in his kimono” 
(um by the way Cybirb, the sandals story involves geta sandals, that’s Hide is worried that it might get “cold”, because polished wood)
“Oh shit we just taught Masamune zunda mochi, so now we’re the inventors of zunda mochi”
“It’s really true that Ishida Mitsunari does not like persimmons because [insert nerd explanation here]”
Are we just gonna go around “proving” all the samurai rumours? Because I’d like to know what Sasuke has to say about Kennyo, seriously. It’s not like he has any particular famous stories associated to him apart from “he does not like Nobunaga”. 
And the other chars has been woo-woo’d from reality, so... is Sasuke gonna do a spiel like I’m doing here? 
Imagawa Yoshimoto is not artistic. He may wear the nobility-style makeup, but otherwise he’s not really known for being artsy. The one who is artsy is his son Ujizane, known to be fond of poetry and the kemari kickball that is a favourite of the noblemen.
Also, if they went with that three arrows story thing with Motonari, I will SCREAM AND CRY
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