#Immortal Swordsman in the Reverse World
20 Manhwa/Webtoon Harem Terbaik untuk Dibaca di Tahun 2023
Tren Terkini dalam Manhwa/Webtoon Harem Terbaik untuk dibaca Tahun 2023 Berita Hobi Jepang – Manhwa, atau komik web Korea, semakin populer di seluruh dunia berkat seni yang indah dan alur cerita yang menarik. Salah satu subgenre yang kerap muncul dalam manhwa adalah harem, yang memfokuskan pada protagonis pria dan hubungan cinta yang rumit dengan beberapa karakter wanita. Dalam daftar berikut,…
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olives-life · 2 years
Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World / Sword King In A Women’s World
(in Cultivation)
-my reading status: unfinished (chapter 193)
-update status: unfinished
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
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As promised, I will introduce to you guys the concept of my Cod Zombies Au before showing you the character portraits and emblems 💖
Title: Under the Red Moon (Mostly focuses on Primis only)
(Note: These 5 countries are fictional and only inspired by real life countries.)
Set in the 1920s, Aetheria, a land where it is divided by 5 countries; Schtulberg, Kirizaki, Yelenovsky, Maloñoz, and Bromden. Vampires hunt down their prey during the night as death rates keep getting high due to the casualties that every city of the country encounters. The 5 made an allegiance with each other to form a group of vampires who will aid the military for killing vampires, which is named Los Caballeros de Drácula or Dracula's Knights. They will hunt vampires through the night and will make sure to keep humanity safe from the clutches of the blood-thirsty vampires and rogues who will bring chaos to the land of Aetheria. 
Valena Villanueva (OC):
- First Lieutenant of the Los Caballeros de Drácula.
- Born in Savodiña, Maloñoz.
- A former marksman and works as a florist in their flower shop in Savodiña.
- Was bitten by a vampire while trying to save her parents and saved by an unknown group of human-turned vampires, making her a vampire as well with immortality and immunity from the sun.
Nikolai Belinski:
- A nobleman from Yelenovsky.
- Born in Anugrad, Yelenovsky.
- Aside from being a nobleman, he is also a writer.
- Was saved by Val from a vampire while having a stroll during a full moon.
Edward Richtofen:
- A scientist in Schtulberg.
- Knows much about vampires and usually makes technological weapons for the Knights.
- Born in Volkrieger, Schtulberg.
- Lost his parents when he was young.
- Has a little sister with him.
Tank Dempsey: 
- A captain from the Bromden Army.
- Born in Oakridge City, Bromden.
- Aids the DK with any weapon that can repel the vampires.
Takeo Masaki:
- A swordsman under the Kirizaki Force.
- Born in Mizuna, Kirizaki
- Knows traditional techniques in taking down the vampires.
- Even though he uses traditional ways to kill his enemies, he also mixed his weapon with technological enhancements.
Los Caballeros de Drácula/Dracula's Knights:
- An organization where a group of vampires from different worlds hunt down monstrous vampires during the night. Mostly used technological weapons and their incredible abilities as vampires, Members of the DK have a tattoo on their neck with the logo of the organization. All of the members are not immune to the sun, which the organization made an extract that is mixed to the blood where they can be immune to the sun.
Catilisia Militia:
- A military organization in Maloñoz who use Maloñozan enhanced weapons as they build it with enchanted artifacts for their weaponry. 
Bromden Army:
- A military organization in Bromden who aids the Red Moon with ammunition and weapons for their vampire hunting sessions during the night. They made technological weapons with the help of the blueprints from their neighboring world Schtulberg.
Kirizaki Force:
- A military organization in Kirizaki where these men use both traditional and technological methods of killing vampires. Their weapons are also made from blueprints from Schtulberg.
Group 539:
(Note: I just reversed 935 to 539 cause I ran out of ideas to name it.)
- A group of gifted scientists who help the 4 countries in aiding them by building  and enhancing the weapons with the latest technology they can offer  for the organizations, especially for the DK.
Slavidogrod Association:
- An association in Yelenovsky where trained men used heavy machinery and latest technological weaponry which are provided from Schtulberg. They also made their own enhancements of their weapons and exported them to the other worlds.
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simon-newman · 4 years
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I knew I’d find use for this image when I saved it 3 days ago. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon.
Here we are:
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zayxen · 4 years
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Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World
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kakkoiimanga · 4 years
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Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World 111-1112 Bahasa Indonesia
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linkspooky · 4 years
Muzan and Tanjiro: Which one of us is the real demon?
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Muzan and Tanjiro like most hero and villain foils are written to oppose each other as direct opposites. However, as a writer Gotouge intentionally wrote an insane amount of details to show how much these two deeply foil and reflect each other as opposites. Everything from their motivations, to the ideas the characters each represent all reflect opposite themes in the story. I’ll explore this idea in more detail under the cut. 
1. Empathy
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Tanjiro’s central definiting trait is his empathy. Even though he’s fighting against literal demons, he sees every last demon he fights as a human in the end. While he does not forgive them and still condemns them for their actions, he still acknowledges that all of them were humans at one point and tries his best to respect their feelings. 
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He makes men out of monsters in their final moments. In their final moment he tries to be respectful to their feelings and show them the empathy they were denied in life, saving them in what little way they can. This is exactly in reverse to the way Muzan appears in people’s lives. 
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Muzan always shows up at the weakest moments of the people he takes advantage of. He shows up when Kaigaku fell into despair over his inability to surpass his brother, he showed up when Akaza fell into despair after losing everything. Muzan acts the opposite way of Tanjiro. While Tanrjio kills the demons but offers them humanity and empathy in their last fleeting moments of life, Muzan gives them another chance to live but completely strips them of their humanity. 
Tanjiro offers empathy and understanding to everyone he meets, Muzan offers it to nobody. You can see it in their reverse reactions to Yoriichi. 
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Tanjiro understands that ultimately, Yorichii is a very melancholy person who just wanted to have a family, and a small amount of happiness but was again and again called to fight even though he hated it. He saw the human side behind the genius swordsman that was Yoriichi. 
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Even though Yorichii failed to protect everything he wanted to protect, his wife and child, his own brother, even though he was expelled from the order of demon slayers Tanjiro wanted to tell him that his life was not a waste. To Tanjiro, every single individual life has worth. 
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Muzan however, is only able to see Yoriichi as a monster. He only sees Yoriichi for his talent with the sword, breathing techniques, and nothing else. This is how Muzan sees people. He strips them down to their use. He could not care less about Yoriichi’s life story, the person he is. He sees the sword in his hand and nothing more. 
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Muzan sees all of the upper moons as existing entirely for his sake. They are tools. He refuses to see them as individuals. He sees them as merely parts of his own body. He gets frustrated when they can’t perfectly carry out his orders. No matter what they do for him he’s never satisfied, because they can’t act truly like tools. 
Tanjiro will always see others as individuals with their own feelings and stories, whereas Muzan’s consists entirely of himself. That’s the central difference between them and that leads to the way they perceive themselves. 
2. A Man and a Monster
Tanjiro’s greatest priority will always be the lives of other people around him. Muzan’s greatest priority will always be his own life. This is why Tanjiro has to absolutely reject everything about how Muzan is. This confrontation at the beginning of their fight is very telling. 
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Muzan sees nobody but himself as a person, and Muzan doesn’t even see himself as a person. He equates himself to a force of nature killing indiscrimminately. 
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Muzan denies his own humanity and denies the humanity of his victim. It’s important to remember the position these two begin the story at. Muzan is the strongest being in existence. Stronger than even the one who invented all of the breathing techniques. So strong he can instantly regenerate no matter how much damage he takes. Muzan simply doesn’t need to see other people as people. He believes his strength puts him in a position fundamentally higher than him. He seems himself as a mindless force of nature, a being above others, basically a god. He’s the embodiment of might makes right. Fighting against him is pointless because he’s so strong he can trample on whoever he pleases. There’s no need for him to regard the feelings of whoever he’s trampled on. 
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Tanjiro who sees the humanity in everybody has to reject someone who acts completely inhuman. It’s important to look at their arcs and where they both came from as well. Both Muzan and Tanjiro started from places of weakness. Tanjiro since the start of the story has been told that if he’s not strong he doesn’t get to decide anything. He has no rights. He has no choices. That his kindness will only ever be an obstacle to him, a weakness that gets in his way and makes him unnecessarily vulnerable. 
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Tanjiro is a character who has to continually fight his own weakness and struggle against it, how useless he is, how he cannot help the people he wants to help. His arc has been finding strength without throwing away his kindness, or his humanity. 
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Then we see Muzan who made the exact opposite choice of Tanjiro. They both come from similiar circumtsances. Tanjiro is the lone survivor of an attack that killed the rest of his family while he was away, and even if he was there he would have been completely powerless to help them. Muzan is someone who was so sickly he was going to die before he was twenty. They were both weak and had no control over their own fates. 
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Tanjiro has always blamed himself for his own weakness, whereas Muzan from the start blamed others. His very first action is to kill the man who only tried to help him. 
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They were both weak and powerless once. However, strength is something that Tanjiroearns slowly, while Muzan is given it on a silver platter. All Muzan had to do was drink a magic medicine and suddenly he was the strongest being on earth. Tanjiro is someone who had to continually struggle against himself in order to go stronger. 
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Muzan, always, always, always, blames his problems on the other people around him. The key difference between the two characters is how they obtain their agency, that is how they accomplish what they want to do. How they make their choices have meaning. The unfair world states the weak have no choices and no rights, so how do they reclaim both of those for themselves. Muzan gains agency by stealing it away from others. 
Muzan thinks he should have the freedom to do whatever, because he lived most of his life sickly and always chained to a bed. His goal is always to preserve his own life at the cost of everybody else’s. That’s why he has absolutely no qualms at all at taking from others. 
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Tanjiro is someone fundamentally who struggles to give to others. What he wants is to be able to do something that will matter to the others around him. Even their central goals are opposite. Tanjiro wants to return humanity to his sister. He’s spent his entire quest toiling for the survival of someone else to give them their humanity back. Muzan only wants to obtain something for himself that will make his survival more likely. Muzan from the start has only ever been concerned about his own survival, and only cares about continuing his life forever. 
That’s why Muzan can’t comprehend someone like Tanrjio, or Yoriichi. He thinks individual strength means that you protect yourself and your own life above everything else. Muzan’s actions are always about continuing his own fragile life, obtaining the perfect immortal body so no one can kill him, and nothing else. However, Yoriichi and Tanjiro are both people who give all of themselves to others. He cannot even begin to comprehend how they fight with no regards to their own lives. 
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Muzan is someone who lives in constant fear of his own mortality. Despite being the most powerful being on earth, he’s always afraid, he’s always hiding himself, and he’s always alone. He’s a coward ultimately. The only way Muzan can feel safe is if he has the perfect immortal body that can never be hurt or harmed and therefore he will never have to die. Tanjiro however, is someone who keeps on fighting long after Muzan has declared him dead. Not for hismelf but for others. Therefore he is incomprehensible to the demon. It’s extreme selfishness vs extreme selflessness, it’s more about the ideas that each character represents as they clash rather than the characters themselves. 
Tanjiro carries heavy themes of existentialism. What gives his existence meaning is what he gives to the other people around him. Because he is able to have connections, even though he’s an individually small and very weak person his life feels like it meant something. Not only that but Tanjiro tries to give meaning to the lives of everybody he meets, no matter how small. He sees even small and weak people as people who’s deaths matter. Even people just quietly living their heads down matter to somebody. Tanjiro also sees himself as a part of the cycle with everybody. He admits that his own life is also small as well but even if he dies, he thinks the people he’s met so far will be able to continue without him. Tanjiro utlimately sees himself as a very normal person but states that normal people just living their lives have worth. 
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Muzan sees everything as worthless. The demons take a very moral nihilism point of view. This is most embodied in Doma, but Muzan has shades of it too. The people who dead are dead. It ends there. There’s no meaning. Anyone can die at any time so why fuss over it? Tanjiro is trying to give worth to every individual little life he encouters, whereas Muzan is someone who strips away worth from everyone. And once again these are existentialist ideas. What is it that creates meaning in our lives? 
Muzan views himself as someone outside of the cycle. He’s a natural disaster. He’s a storm. He’s a special existence outside of everybody else. It’s exactly because he sees himself as special that he sees everything else as worthless in comparison to him. 
They also have completely opposite thematic ideas of mortality. Muzan sees death as the opposite of life. The absolute worst thing possible. His entire motivation is to avoid death in any way possible. Whereas, Tanjiro is someone who accepts his own mortality as a part of living. He knows full well that he may die. While he finds death to be a sad thing, rather than be terrified of it and spend his entire life running away from those feelings like Muzan he struggles to find a way to live on carrying the deaths of his comrades, the deaths of his family, and the knowledge that one day he will die because death is a natural part of his life. 
This is a theme that repeats itself in the series again and again. The demons extend their lives long past the time they were originally supposed to die, but depsite living for hundreds of lives they live mostly empty lives that amount to nothing more than prolonging their own lives. 
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Whereas humans who are much weaker, much more fragile, who die much younger than the demons do end up living lives full of other people because they cared about something more than just trying to extend their own lives and live for themselves. 
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The humans live short tragic lives, but they find a little bit of happiness from that. The demon lives long lives but they ultimately gain nothing from it in the end. Both humans and demons leave meaningless lives, but humans create their own meaning while demons just flaunt the meaninglessness of their own lives. They’re prolonging empty, miserable lives, devoid of all the things that make human life worth living. Muzan isn’t even a person, he’s just a void, there’s nothing in his life but himself. He’s strong but that’s all he is
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Muzan is ultimately someone who’s strength does not matter because he only uses it for himself. Despite being the strongest person on earth, he’s undone by simple tricks. He’s defeated by people who are far weaker than him. He’s undone by his own power. 
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Muzan’s last ditch move to save himself shows him for what he really is inside. He’s not a demon, he’s barely even a person. Because Muzan’s priority is always protecting himself and never letting others in he’s basically reduced to an infant. He’s egocentric like a child. His point of view is the only one that exists in the whole world. 
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Which is why Muzan dies alone without a single ally in the world. It goes beyond the simple shonen idea of “the villain has no nakama power” Muzan literally doesn’t see other people as people. He’s so fundamentally unable to connect to other people in the way that Tanrjio does that he’s infantile and immature. He’s not a demon just a total failure of a person. 
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woolishlygrim · 4 years
Dark Souls Theory: Unkindled and Lords of Cinder
So, there was a pretty solid theory doing the rounds a while ago that every Unkindled in Dark Souls III corresponds to a Lord of Cinder, having been linked to them in life in some way. Anri obviously corresponds to Aldrich, Hawkwood to the Abyss Watchers, and Siegward to Yhorm.
But a lot of people concluded from this and some tbh kinda flimsy extra evidence that the Ashen One is the Unkindled tied to Lothric and Lorien, and they aren’t. Friede is, and I will prove it.
I’ll tack in some context and backstory too, just in case any non Dark Souls fans want to read the, er, argument for the prosecution of Elfriede ‘Reverse Sulyvahn’ Londor.
(If you already know the story of DS3, skip this part. Or don’t, I’m not the boss of you.)
So, the basic set up of Dark Souls is that many eons ago, during an age without light or dark, or life and death, just endless grey and immortal dragons, hollow beings within the earth found the First Flame, the first sparks of disparity in the world, and from it, four of them retrieved four Lord Souls: Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight, claimed the Light Soul; the Witch of Izalith (most likely also named Izalith) claimed the Life Soul; Nito, First of the Dead, claimed the Death Soul; and last of all, the Furtive Pygmy claimed the Dark Soul, and shared it out among humanity.
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Gwyn, Izalith, and Nito would go on to defeat the dragons and begin the Age of Fire, but in time, the First Flame that sustained it began to fade, heralding the onset of the Age of Dark, where humanity would rule. Unable to let go of the age had fought for, and terrified of what the Age of Dark might involve, Gwyn decided to Link the Fire, burning himself on it as fuel. This, we are told, is the First Sin -- the Age of Fire was never meant to last forever, and it was always meant to fade into the Age of Dark, and Gwyn’s prolonging of it traps the world in a vicious cycle, preventing the Age of Fire from truly ending, forcing person after person to come and link the Fire in turn as their predecessors burn out, while the world decays around them.
Dark Souls III comes crashing in after countless cycles, each one less effective than the last. The Fire is fading once more, and there is nobody to Link it this time. In desperation, the bell at Firelink Shrine is rung, resurrecting five (or four, there’s some contention over whether Lothric ever linked the Fire, but I believe that he did and that the references to him ‘not taking his throne’ refer to him not returning to link it a second time) Lords of Cinder, people who have linked the Fire in the past, to all burn on it again, or else surrender their fires and their kingdoms to someone else.
With the exception of one, Ludleth, all of the Lords of Cinder refuse to return to their thrones and link the Fire a second time, and so five Unkindled, people who attempted to link the Fire and failed, are resurrected to bring the Lords back to their thrones.
Every Unkindled Has A Corresponding Lord of Cinder: Anri, Hawkwood, and Siegward.
So, the theory goes, every Unkindled is matched against a Lord of Cinder. This makes perfect sense, but it’s true in multiple ways: Each Unkindled is someone that Lord knew before they became a Lord, but each Unkindled’s story and history also parallels their Lord.
Aldrich, Saint of the Deep, was a cleric of the Way of White who discovered a taste for human flesh. Devouring countless victims, he bloated, then softened into a black sludge, becoming something inhuman, and it is heavily indicated that he was captured and forced to link the Flame. Upon being resurrected, he received visions of an Age of Deep Seas, and chose to force the fading of the Flame by devouring the gods themselves -- starting with Gwyndolin, Gwyn’s son.
Anri of Astora, meanwhile, was once a captive of Aldrich, held prisoner as a child, one of his future meals. They, and another captive named Horace, escaped, and evidence suggests they were instrumental in capturing Aldrich and forcing him to link the Flame. It’s not clear how Anri ended up trying to link it, but in the aftermath of their resurrection, they became an adherent of the Sable Church, a church wholly opposite to the Way of White, which believes in usurping the Flame.
The Abyss Watchers were a caravan of undead who roamed in search of the Abyss, a kind of malevolent wellspring of Humanity, inspired by the legend of Artorias the Abyss Walker. It is said that when a city showed the first signs of the Abyss, the Watchers would emerge and bury it. And yet, like Artorias, it seems they eventually began to fall to the Abyss themselves -- and rather than allow that, they linked the Flame, burning themselves as fuel. The First Flame did once contain the same Dark Soul that gave rise to the Abyss, after all. Upon resurrection, they have entire lost their minds to the Abyss, endlessly fighting each other in the depths of Farron Keep.
Hawkwood the Deserter, meanwhile, is a deserter from the Abyss Watchers. Choosing to fight with a sword and shield instead of their customary sword and dagger, he was ridiculed and despised as a coward, a judgement that would later be proven true when he abandoned them, perhaps out of fear of the Abyss encroaching on them. Hawkwood is driven by a fear of death and a hatred of his own cowardice, and we can make an educated guess and say he tried to link the Flame in order to survive in some form, to make a mark on history that would finally win him people’s admiration -- but he fails, and becomes ash. Upon being resurrected, Hawkwood is fatalistic, claiming that it’s impossible for Unkindled to defeat the Lords, but he does eventually find a purpose, as he attempts to seek the immortality of the dragons. Where the Watchers were honourable, group-minded, and didn’t fear death, Hawkwood seeks immortality to be free from his fear, and he seeks it for himself and only himself.
Yhorm the Giant was once the king of the Profaned Capital. Once, the people of the Capital were ruled over by a great warlord who had conquered many kingdoms -- but one day, they found themselves without a ruler and protector, and so they turned to Yhorm, the warlord’s descendant. While Yhorm was by all accounts a wise king and a fierce protector, he was derided by his people, who seemed to resent and doubt him. Eventually, however, an ancient curse awoke in a group of oracles within the Capital, and from them was born the Profane Flame, an ever-burning fire that consumed people’s hearts. It’s not clear what the Profane Flame is, but clearly it (like the Chaos Flame before it) was linked to the First Flame, and may have even been an attempt at recreating it. Either way, Yhorm believed he could calm it by linking the first Flame, and did so -- only for the first Flame to run out of control and rain fire over the city, consuming every human within it. Upon being resurrected, Yhorm saw the futility of what he had done, and settled in to his throne, surrounded by the burnt bodies of his people, to await his friend.
Siegward was an honourable knight of Catarina, and a good friend to Yhorm. At some point in their friendship, Yhorm took two Storm Ruler swords, which he was vulnerable to, gifting one to the people of the Capital and the other to Siegward. He made Siegward swear an oath that if Yhorm ever strayed from his duty, Siegward would come for him -- and with them both resurrected, Siegward does exactly that, or at least, he tries to. As with the others, it’s not clear why Siegward tried to link the Flame, but we can speculate that perhaps he did it to preserve his home of Catalina, or perhaps it was to delay the inevitable time when Yhorm would be resurrected to burn again. Yhorm and Siegward are both honourable, dutiful people, but while Yhorm abandons his duty when he sees the futility of what he did, Siegward never does. An oath is an oath, after all, and he swore one to Yhorm.
I’m spending so much time going over this to make it clear that, apart from each Unkindled and Lord being linked, they also form two halves of a wider narrative. Aldrich and Anri make up to sides of a story about how faith can corrupt or inspire; the Abyss Watchers and Hawkwood are two sides of a story about bravery and what bravery really means; and Yhorm and Siegward are two sides of a story about duty and futility, and especially what duty means when fulfilling your duty achieves nothing of value.
So that leaves two Lords, Lothric/Lorien and Ludleth, and two Unkindled, Elfriede of Londor and the Ashen One. 
Elfriede and Lothric.
We’ll split this into two halves: How things likely played out narratively, and how they match up thematically.
So, Lothric, younger prince of the kingdom of Lothric, was born to link the Flame. From birth, likely even from conception, that was his purpose: He would grow, take the throne, and at the appropriate time, literally actually set himself on fire to keep the world warm.
His older brother, Lorien, was a great swordsman and knight, who had even defeated the Demon Prince (ostensibly), a battle that had charred the blade of his greatsword black. His sister, Gertrude, was -- well, we’ll get to her. But Lothric, unlike his siblings, was born sickly and frail in both mind and body.
It is said that as he was growing up, Lothric had a tutor, a scholar who instilled in him a deep doubt about the Fire-Linking ritual. At the same time, Gertrude was visited upon by angels, being struck blind and mute, and began to write the texts that would inspire the heretical Angelic Faith.
The Angelic Faith, we know, is actually either the same as or closely related to the faith of the Sable Church of Londor -- the pilgrims of Londor seemingly, if they can make it close enough to the end of the world, become angels. 
Similarly, I would posit that Lothric’s tutor was actually Friede, or Elfriede of the Sable Church. 
(This is a tactic we see her use elsewhere, after all, almost exactly, later on in the story. When encountered in the Painted World of Ariandel, Friede has ingratiated herself with the painter Ariandel, and convinced him to let the Painted World rot. She doesn’t do this out of spite or malice: She’s driven by genuine kindness because, as a Painted World falls to rot, it is set ablaze to clear the way for a new Painted World. For Friede, who came from outside the painting, setting fire to the painting seems like a terribly cruel thing.)
Friede fits almost too perfectly. She is a scholar, after all, seemingly well-educated in matters of history and cosmology, and a swordswoman who might have been hired to be Lothric’s (sadly useless, as he was too weak to wield the sword made for him) swordsmanship tutor. She is a founder of the Sable Church, perfectly positioned to have introduced the Angelic Faith to Gertrude. And she is wracked with guilt over a promise she made to protect someone, only to have to resort to violence to do so -- reason enough, then, for her to suggest a gentler approach to making sure Lothric doesn’t link the Flame.
Most importantly, though, she is an Unkindled, which means she is linked with a Lord of Cinder. It must be either Lothric or Ludleth, and we’ll get to why it makes more sense for it to be Lothric in a bit.
So she becomes his tutor, she places the seeds of doubt in him, she helps Gertrude become a would-be prophet of sorts. But Friede, we’re told, is kind. As Yuria says, her kindness wore upon her principles. Her principles, here, are allowing the Flame to be usurped or snuffed out. So, with that in mind, how would her kindness wear upon that? We can assume the end result of it was her attempting to link the Flame, going against all her principles in the process, but who was she being kind to while doing so?
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It’s not Ludleth. Ludleth is a powerful sorcerer, and so eager and fervent in his desire to see the Age of Fire continue that he cuts off his own legs to ensure he won’t flee. What use does he have for kindness?
Lothric, though, poor Lothric, has been raised from birth for the sole purpose of being burned alive for years, or maybe centuries. He is sick and frail, kept isolated from the rest of the world, and this torment waiting for him, a torment so terrible that even Ludleth can be heard begging in his sleep for the pain to stop, isn’t even one he can take on his own. Lorien has already figured this out, figured out that Lothric is too weak to link the Flame on his own, and that someone would have to share in the Fire-linking.
Friede, we are told, is kind. So doesn’t it make the most sense that, seeing Lothric and Lorien doomed to this terrible fate, she steps in and links the Flame for them? If the Flame is linked already, then there’s no need for them to sacrifice themselves.
Except Friede fails. She is burned to ash, the Flame isn’t sustained by her, and eventually Lorien carries Lothric into the Kiln, and they burn together. The experience breaks Lorien’s mind and body completely, and when they are resurrected, Lothric wants nothing to do with the Flame, content to simply watch it fade alongside his brother.
Friede, meanwhile, is resurrected as well, but flees into the Painted World. Making it a new home, she, perhaps not fully understanding the Painted World’s own cycle, seeks to sustain it indefinitely, even as it falls to rot. It’s worth noting that this is the opposite of the Sable Church’s views in the real world: Letting the Painted World rot, sustaining the current painting at any cost, is analogous to linking the Flame and sustaining the Age of Fire; whereas burning the painting and creating a new one is analogous to the transition to a new age that Yuria and Lilliane hope for.
Two halves of the same story. Friede’s kindness sees her betray her sisters and her principles; Lothric and Lorien’s kindness binds them closer together, even as it leads to their ruin.
Of course, they’re the easy pair to justify. There’s another one, though: The Ashen One is also an Unkindled, and there’s only one Lord left for them to be linked to.
The Ashen One and Ludleth.
At first blush, it seems utterly impossible for the Ashen One and Ludleth to be the last pair. Ludleth doesn’t recognise the Ashen One, he introduces himself, it’s fairly clear that the two of them never met before they were both resurrected, probably never even heard the other one’s name. They aren’t friends or enemies or even acquaintances, they’re total strangers.
Or, at least, Ludleth is a stranger to the Ashen One. The Ashen One has never met Ludleth before, but, while he doesn’t realise it, Ludleth does know the Ashen One. In fact, Ludleth linked the Flame because, and only because, of the Ashen One. The Ashen One is the single most important person in Ludleth’s life, even though they have never seen each other.
Because Ludleth hasn’t seen the Ashen One, but someone has.
“ Ahh. Found her, did we? And the black eyes that shimmer within, I see? Tis as if it were but yesterday. We did all we could to spare her from them. Much has happened since. Mayhap I should apprise thee... Of what the thin light of these eyes might reveal to the eyeless Firekeeper. Scenes of betrayal, things never intended for her ken, visions of... this age's end..." 
“The eyes show a world destitute of fire, a barren plane of endless darkness. A place born of betrayal. So I will'd myself Lord, to link the fire, to paint a new vision. What is thine intent?"
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In one ending, arguably the true ending, of Dark Souls III, the Ashen One can betray the Firekeeper and choose to usurp the Flame, ushering in a new Age, an age of -- something that isn’t quite the Age of Fire or the Age of Dark.
The previous Firekeeper saw a vision of this, in which the pilgrims of Londor are kneeling for the Usurper, who has betrayed the Firekeeper. We know that she told Ludleth about this vision. But Ludleth has never seen this vision. He doesn’t know who the Usurper is, he doesn’t know what they look like. 
Nevertheless, his terror and outrage at what the Usurper did prompted him to throw the Firekeeper from the top of the belltower, and link the Flame. He’s not, in truth, a worthy candidate for the Flame -- you must be a monarch to link the Flame, and Ludleth is just a humble pygmy. But he has power, and a ring made from a Soulfeeder, and with that power and the power of the Flame, he reshapes the land, raising the High Wall of Lothric to block the passage of the pilgrims of Londor as they try to reach the Kiln of the First Flame. After all, he knows that the pilgrims of Londor are a part of this, so surely the Usurper is among them.
If there’s any doubt that Ludleth created the High Wall of Lothric, I will point you to this:
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(Pictured: The beta version of Dark Souls III, where the High Wall of Lothric is the ‘Wall of Lodeleth.’)
Like Gwyn, Ludleth is willing to burn for what he believes. But him alone isn’t enough, so he uses the Flame to make more changes: He uses it to ring the Bell, awakening Aldrich, the Abyss Watchers, Yhorm, and I believe Lothric and Lorien. When they don’t return to their thrones, five Unkindled are raised: Anri, Hawkwood, Siegward, Friede and the Ashen One, a nameless undead who tried and failed to link the Flame long ago and was of no importance to anyone.
Making their way through Lothric, the Ashen One will inevitably encounter the pilgrims, most of them dead, at the edge of the High Wall. One is alive, though, Yoel, and if you let him, Yoel will lead the Ashen One to Yuria, the Sable Church, and ultimately, usurping the Flame.
Despite never having met, the Ashen One and Ludleth are intimately tied together. Ludleth links the Fire because of you, to try and stop you, and in doing so, he creates the conditions necessary for you to succeed. In true tragic fashion, his knowledge of the future comes back around to bite him.
But thematically, the two are parallels as well. Ludleth is unimportant: He’s not a king, he’s probably not even a Pygmy Lord (although if he was, what would it matter, outside the Ringed City as he is), he’s just a small, unimportant pygmy. What sets him apart is his determination: Ludleth believes, truly believes, in the Age of Fire, with a zeal that is probably matched only by Gwyn himself. Ludleth is so determined to see the Age of Fire continue that he doesn’t just burn once, he cuts off his own legs to keep himself from running from burning again. 
Of all the Lords of Cinder in game, he is the only one who went to his fate entirely willingly, without being either literally forced (Aldrich), raised for the sole purpose of burning (Lothric), facing the certain loss of sanity due to the Abyss (the Watchers), or facing the destruction of his home and the derision of his people (Yhorm) -- and then he does it a second time.
And isn’t that kind of exactly the same as the Ashen One?
The Ashen One is nobody, a nameless undead who failed to link the Flame. They have no place in history, nobody remembers them, and as far as we can tell they achieved nothing of value in their life. If you play through the game, though, the Ashen One will, through sheer grit, defeat four Lords of Cinder, topple the reign of Pontiff Sulyvahn, set fire to the Painted World so it can be renewed, and defeat the Soul of Cinder, the deific manifestation of every Lord. They never lose their mind, no matter how much they hollow, and they, of all the Unkindled, are the only one to even come close to bringing the absentee Lords back to their thrones -- they’re one of only three to even try.
Like Ludleth, the Ashen One is a determined nobody. Unlike Ludleth, though, the Ashen One isn’t content with just eking out a few more years for the Age of Fire. They would rather break the cycle.
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Immortal Swordsman Reborn
SSSS.DYNAZENON: Fuuma explains that Kano had a.ways been cheerful, but she became more withdrawn prior to her death, which is believed to be due to someone called Futaba, Yume never heard of him, he had been club vice president and started dating Kano, and after her song was picked she may have been bullied by other girls, and agrees to share some other videos from the time with Yume. She tells the team she wants to learn more about Kano. Juugabis now willing to kill the team in Order to get Gauma back, Mujina has no opinion of her own and Sizumu is against killing them, believing Dynazenon is the reason kaiju keep appearing. Koyomi meets again with Inamoto-san, recalling him running away after she showed him a hidden bag she'd found, before their table is joined by Arata, her husband, and spend several hours talking, Ararat keeps getting his surname wrong. In Koyomi's room, Chise finds a white seed. Koyomi by chance runs into Mujina. Yomogi and his mother dine with Kamijo again, trying to ignore the conversation. At a bar, Mujina apparently paying, Koyomi moans about Inamoto-san leading him on with her complaints about marriage but then inviting Arata, Mujina says she herself has no wants for herself, which Koyomi relates to, at home Chise continues to brood. Yume gets sent a link for a video of a questionable prank on Kano, arguably bullying, which Kanae was the ringleader of. As Koyomi continues stewing, Mujina spots DynaStriker next to him. Yume thinks in class while watching Ranka and Kaneishi tease Yomogi. Chise decides to train in place of a hungover, who realises he's lost DynaStriker, Gauma is naturally furious, and Koyomi realises Mujina took it. Onija wants to use it to rampage, Juuga wants it to bargain with Gauma, Sizumu wants to return it, asking what Mujina wants. Gauma is able to use DynaDiver to track it, Yume rejects help from Yomogi, and the argument continues to Mujina's annoyance as Gauma and Koyomi arrive, Chise sneakily followed. Koyomi charges in and tackles Mujina, enabling Gauma to grab DynaStriker, his attack attempt fails. Sizumu asks if Yume is okay, then passes Yomogi as he leaves, the pair soon get called. The current Kaiju, Bullbind is not responding to Onija's attempts to Instance Domination, Sizumu convinces Mujina it needs her, and she awakens the enormous quadraped, shared with Onija. Gauma is bothered by the whole team seeming depressed before they jump into action. Dynazenon is helpless against Bullbind's gravity manipulation, and as Mujjna asks if that's all they've got even Onija notices a character change in her. The pilots sans Gauma are also crushed under the weight of their worries, but Gauma is able to pull through and switch to DynaRex, but even then it's hopeless against Bullbind. As Sizumu senses something, from the sky appears a purple giant. I definitely expected a guest appearance from at least somebody from SSSS.GRIDMAN before the end, we know that Gridman, and now the Assist Weapons can appear in various worlds. But the fact that it's GridKnight appearing, maybe we're in Akane's world after all?
Heroes' Odyssey: Z joins Zero while Haruki is asleep, and tells him about Ultroid Zero, and the reaction of Kaiju to it, the 3 way battle between Z, Juggler and Celebro, Ultroid Zero's rampage, it's evolution into Destrudos and defeat of Z, followed by the beginning of STORAGE's operation against it.
Saber: The Northern Base members regroup. Kento notes that minor details of the future are changing, but the end remains the same, this time there's a vision of Sophia seemingly deliberately taking Luna's place in the spell tight before the world is unmade. Master Logos orders the Shindais to watch Touma and capture Luna should she appear, and hints he may release Bacht, which Ryoga is against. As soon as the siblings leave he releases Bacht, refusing to give him the Book of Ruin, but offering him the chance for revenge on the Swordsmen, Bacht is intrigued by how different he is from past Masters. Saber and Saikou duel, Touma hoping to recreate the conditions to see Luna, but while Rekka glows, Wonder Story doesn't react. Bacgt arrives, Yuri stating his intent to seal him again. Saber and Falchion fight, Reika watching at a distance, when Touma's books, Rekka and Wonder Story all react Falchion takes note and stops, intrigued that Touma is the chosen one. The void opens again, but again vanishes before Touma or Reika can do anything. Rintaro, Ogami and Daishinji look for Ren. Yuri explains that he, Bacht and another were Swordsmen, until one day in a battle against Megiddo, one of their own killed Bacht's family, causing him to lose himself, believing humans would always betray one another and so sought to end the world, leading Yuri to wield Saikou and Kurayami against him. Ryoga confronts Rintaro, who is able to use his new abilities to counter Kaiji's time ability, when Falchion arrives, initially fighting Durandal until he flees, he then survives Blades to backstab, preparing to kill as Touma, Mei, Yuri arrive. Bacht tells Touma he'll become more powerful and destroy everything, something Kento affirms on arrival, Yuri admonishes his lack of faith in Touma, leading Bacht to call him a hypocrite, Yuri acknowledging he had not had faith in humanity before meeting Touma. Jaou Dragon battles Eternal Phoenix, soon joined by X Swordman and Elemental Dragon, Saikou asks Caliber to help seal Bacht, but he refuses, and a finisher from Caliber and Falchion strikes Saikou, who expresses his envy of Kento for the faith Touma has in him before vanishing, leaving Saikou and his books. Caliber does prevent Falchion from attacking Saber, but in the confusion Reika manages to steal Saikou, Kin no Buki, Gin no Buki and X Swordman. As Saber and Caliber face Falchion, Touma's emotions flair, causing the reaction of his books again, and as they defeat Falchion, Luna appears behind the Swordsmen, returned at last.
Zenkaiger: As part of his promise, Zox is making the others pay for things, he spots Mahiru World and chases, a squad of Kudakks holding the Zenkaigers save Zyuran and Kaito. When Mahiru World takes a hostage, Zox doesn't care, Kaito arriving uses Megaranger to Cyber Slider in to save the hostage. An annoyed Kaito chases Zox onto CrocoDaiOh, demanding explanations until a frustrated Flint shows a picture of the Goldtsuikar family, with Riki and Katana as humans. Flint was able to reverse engineer Tojitendo tech so they could travel between worlds, and while they were in SDtopia the brothers got trapped in their current forms, and they can't get back to undo it because SStopia is now a Tojiru Gear, and they can't get into Kikaitopia to steal the gear, Kaito brings up his parents. Boccowaus is annoyed about Twokaiser still being a threat, Gefe trying to calm him, Barashitara believes an alliance is possible. The team discusses things, Zyuran and Magine don't know if they're worth worrying about. It's then people start noticing it's still noon, and start feeling the effects, still working well past they would normally, but the team doesn't realise anything is actually wrong until seeing a news report from Brazil, where it's also noon. Being in space, the Goldtsuikar's have been unaffected, but there are many lights in the sky. Zox hunts down Mahiru World, and fights him as Twokaiser, there being plenty of collateral damage as the Zenkaigers arrive, saving civilians from rubble. Zox thinks this risk of life is stupid, risking never finding his family. As Twokaiser uses Shinken Form, the Zenkaigers change, taking deflected bullets, but still defend the crowd. Switching to Ohren Form, he uses he Choriki Star Knuckle to finish Mahiru World, restoring night. Dai Mahiru World summons way more suns, now the light is blinding, Magine flips out and has ZenkaiOh VrooMagine form, Kaito at the control is barely awake, they darken the sky briefly, but sun viewing glasses do the thing, allowing them to finish things. Everyone falls asleep, Zox fells Flint to leave them as long as they don't get in the way.
Dogengers Nice Buddy: Maid Shitsuji wakes Tanaka up, and shows that Yamashiron and Fukuokaliber have gone to a Great Z show, Ohgaman grabs various items for a day out and drags Tanaka off, nobody noticing he's left his changer. The show is pretty formulaic, Great Z fighting some Karamis, until right as Great Z is meant to get his heroic wind there's the sudden arrival of Yamashiron Kugakusei Mode, inserting himself in the role of the Villain. Aoiron and Daidairon give advice or rebuke, causing I believe Yamashiron to mentally apologise to Midoiron, and then Fukuokaliber appears to highjack the hero spot. Tanaka and the disguised Ohgaman are confused on arrival, Fukuokaliber making a point about heroism to Yamashiron, using the crowd to do so. Gulf appears via Affect System, evidently mid attack on Kitaqman, and is shot by Fukuokaliber. The pair leap into battle, Yamashiron demonstrating his specially modified Nice Buddy gun, Gallia attends to his brother, wondering how they got there. In flashback, immediately after they were teleported away, Great Z admonished El Brave and Kitaqman's heroics while beating them, after knocking down El Brave he gives Kitaqman the chance to fight, expecting him to run, Kitaqman instead relates El Brave's backstory. Great Z gives El Brave some acknowledgment, and an emboldened El Brave fights with all his might, grabbing El Brave, Kitaqman shoots and destroys a drone, thanks to switching with El Brave. Great Z is about to fight harder when he gets a call, and warps all 3 of them. Kitaqman and El Brave appear right next to Fukuokaliber and Yamashiron, while Great Z appeared nearby, next to the Great Z onstage, who he turns to face.
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Job Classes I made for the two timelines I created for The Depths of Time like an impulsive dummy
Since @sunneflower said they were interested.
I decided to include the Elsword job paths these were inspired by. This is mostly spoiler free!! Mostly because I kept everything purposefully vague since, while I did solidify the premises for these two timelines, I don't have a lot of the actual STORY fleshed out other than the beginning and tidbits here and there.
Anyway, on to the job paths (gonna do a cut because this post is actually really long)
Destruction Timeline – a timeline where the El Search Party was defeated and only a handful of them remain (though I haven't included what happens to who all that much), fighting a losing guerilla war purely to ensure their survival, unable to help the people they swore to protect.
Elsword (based on Immortal): Execution Knight/Blade Reaper/Hel’s Emissary
Elsword decided some people didn’t deserve a second chance and that he would dirty his own hands to ensure they never caused trouble for the world again, honing his sword skills until he could wield two smaller blades with deadly accuracy.
Aisha (based on Aether Sage): Storm Magician/Hurricane Eye/Vengeance Seeker
Aisha channeled her power into creating storms of unmatched magnitude to easily take care of the hoards the El Search Party found themselves facing off against but after escaping capture with Ara, she started to push her friends away, becoming cold and distant.
Rena (Based on Anemos): Assault Ranger/Cyclone Striker/Maelstrom
Rena found her abilities in combat to not be enough to protect her friends and asked the wind spirits to help her be faster and stronger so she could become the tip of the spear so to speak, plowing through even the strongest enemies with power to spare.
Raven (Based on Rage Hearts): Scale Taker/Dragon Fist/Wyrm Soul
When Raven came across a dragon, he decided to attempt harnessing that power to protect his friends and created highly durable armor from a dragon’s scales and refining his sword to be as sharp as dragon claws. He redesigned his Nasod arm to be able to harness flames equivalent to a dragon’s breath.
Eve (Based on Code: Ultimate & Code: Esencia): Code: Revival/Code: Assimilation/Code: Ragnorak
Eve focused on the revival of her people but she realized that humans and Nasods could never peacefully coexist. Rather than despair, she came up with a rather unorthodox solution to the problem and pursued it with single-minded determination and vigor.
Elesis (Based on Bloody Queen): Judgement Knight/Purgatory Blade/Vindicator
If Elsword is the executioner then Elesis is the judge and jury. Determined to right the wrongs of the world, she makes sure those who hurt others cannot escape punishment, never doubting the righteousness of her actions, with an unpredictable but precise fighting style.
Chung (Based on Centurion & Comet Crusader): Shield Guardian/Phalanx Cannon/Victory Herald
With the hordes facing Hamel and then his friends, Chung focused on strengthening his defense as far as he could push it. He created a phalanx-like set of shields he commands at will, as well as providing friends/allies with support with his long-range attacks and plethora of buff abilities.
Add (Based on Dominator): Splinter Tracer/Void Watcher/Fenrir’s Master (as in the wolf from Norse mythology)
Early on in his research into time travel, Add discovered the existence of alternate timelines and created portals that allowed him to send drones into those other timelines to monitor them. With the El Search Party, he’s a wild card who’s only known loyalty is to himself yet he has made himself an invaluable ally despite their inability to trust him.
Ara (Based on Shakti): Little Wisp/Holy Revenant/Spirit Harbinger
Ara partnered with Eun to better defend her friends and find her brother but when she woke up in Lu and Ciel’s fortress having escaped capture, Eun was gone. Left on her own in a way she never thought she would be, she desperately tries to hold out hope that everything will be okay.
Lu (Based on Innocent (Ishtar)): Final Ruler/Eternal Shadow/Genesis (Rapture)
Lu set to regaining her power and through an unexpected twist of events succeeded much sooner than she had anticipated and is now the sole ruler of the demon realm.
Ciel (Based on Catastrophe (Abysser)): Final Ruler/Eternal Shadow/Genesis (Entropy)
Ciel takes being Lu’s shadow literally and becomes her left hand, performing tasks most would stay far away from to ensure their success and survival.
Ain (Based on Richter & Herrscher): Lofty: Warrior/Donner (means thunder) Essence/Blitzkrieg
Ain doesn't manage to catch himself in time and falls to the Dark El. He becomes a demonic deity similar to the demon god Scar was trying to summon in Lanox.
Rose (Based on Minerva & Prime Operator): Novice Hacker/Signal Echo/Cyber Wraith
Rose arrives to Elrios and finds herself in conflict with Nasods. She manages to capture some models mostly intact and reverse engineers ways to get into their program and shut them down without causing any damage to their physical structure. That way she can repurpose them.
Laby (Based on Eternity Winner & Nisha Labyrinth): Shadow Child/Twilight Mist/Midnight Specter
In an effort to protect herself from the world, Laby learns how to fight. Because people scare her, she often finds herself in the shadows, cast off to the side, and she becomes comfortable there. She learns to use people's tendency to overlook her to her advantage.
Nasod Timeline – a timeline where Nasod technology is a common fascination among the people of Elrios, almost like mythology in the modern world, and many have at least dabbled their toes in Nasod technology, and some are able to utilize it (though not to the same extent as in the past).
Elsword (Based on Knight Emperor): Wandering Knight/Honorable Sellsword/Gladiolus
While Elsword did advertise his services as a swordsman so he could get out and see more of the world he loves so much, he still insists on doing the right thing, upholding the values of a knight just like his sister would.
Aisha (Based on Aether Sage & Metamorphy): Saber Magician/Elemental Duelist/Arcane Fencer
When it was still just her, Elsword, and Rena, Aisha witnessed a duel where one party wielded a rapier and, despite thinking of swords as barbaric beforehand, she became fascinated by the precise and quick movements that were so similar to how she directed her magic.
Rena (Based on Twilight): Ambush Ranger/Spectral Hunter/Supreme Predator
With the El Search Party having been ambushed too many times during their journeys for Rena’s liking, she decides to beat their enemies at their own game. She perfects her abilities and becomes better than any enemy ever could be.
Raven (Based on Furious Blade): Arsenal Taker/Weapon Master/Gilgamesh
Raven refused to lose any of his new friends and in their battles, he found his sword skills to not be enough. Not wanting to use his Nasod arm, he began carrying multiple weapons on his person and soon it grew until he was carrying an arsenal all his own that he was more than proficient with.
Eve (Based on Code: Sariel & Code: Esencia): Code: Constellation/Code: Pulsar/Code: Andromeda
Eve woke up in a lab instead of her capsule but she escaped and found herself in the wilderness, completely alone, as the only Nasod remaining in Elrios. She wandered, without much of a destination. On her journey, she was inspired by the powerful beauty of the stars in the sky and set her mind to finding a way to mimic that in her abilities using condensed El energy.
Elesis (Based on Empire Sword & Flame Lord): Wing Knight/Flame Empress/Nike (as in the goddess of victory)
While perfecting her sword and fire skills, Elesis came across designs for wings made from Nasod technology and wondered if she could turn the wings into blades that could be directed. The only problem being, while she was decent at following directions, she was unlikely to ever understand the calculations she was plugging into the apparatus, let alone actually make her own additions to it but luckily when she met up with the El Search Party they found someone more than willing to help her add blades to her set of wings.
Chung (Based on Centurion & Fatal Phantom): War Guardian/Iron Battalion/Unlimited Armory
Not wanting to get trapped should he find himself in a situation where he couldn’t use his cannon, Chung set to mastering any weapon that was similar enough that he could learn it in the short amount of time he had. With some help, he developed a piece of Nasod technology that would allow him to summon to his aid any weapon he wanted as long as it was connected to his device and he set to creating his own artillery that he could summon to any location.
Add (Based on Doom Bringer): Empty Tracer/Nasod Mimic/White Star
Not much is known about Add beyond his inability to speak and that he can create particle projections that mimic the abilities of any Nasod he has come into contact with.
Ara (Based on Apsara & Shakti): Little Lance/Ouroboros/Amphisbaena
Ara decided one spear was not enough and, with Eun’s help, developed a unique fighting style using two spears and created her own secret arts: Phoenix Secret Arts and Serpent Secret Arts. She honed her new fighting style until she was faster and deadlier than ever before.
Lu (Based on Catastrophe (Timoria) & Diangelion (Iblis)): Shepherd’s Crook/Steeled Ka/Osiris (Lotus)
Lu wanted to work as a team with Ciel, but it was difficult coming up with something that worked the way she wanted it to with their clashing fighting styles where she preferred to get in their enemies’ faces and he preferred fighting from a distance. She stubbornly continued to work with Ciel until the two of them became unstoppable.
Ciel (Based on Innocent (Chevalier)): Shepherd’s Crook/Steeled Ka/Osiris (Duat)
Determined to protect Lu, Ciel decided it was best to attack from range, picking off the targets she missed in her sweeps but Lu wanted to work more as an equal force than leader and support. So, Ciel worked with her to adjust their fighting styles to be more in line with the team dynamic she wanted.
Ain (Based on Bluhen & Herrscher): Lofty: Reflection/Doppelganger/Ersatz (means replacement)
Ain was never drawn out of the rift by Elsword’s presence so a copy of him was created to fulfill his purpose. Ain is alone, searching for the El, when he comes across Eve and the two of them team up to achieve their individual goals.
Rose: Metal Heart/Optimus/Prime Operator
I decided this route worked REALLY well with the overall vibe I was going for for this timeline, so I decided to slap it in instead of making a whole new Rose route (making everyone else was hard enough).
Laby (Based on Radiant Soul & Eternity Winner): Wonder Child/Sparkle Champion/Heracles
Laby wants to help people and see all the world has to offer her but she also wants to protect everything she's come to hold dear. Not wanting to lose another friend, Laby asks Gaia to teach her to fight and teams up with Nisha to do that.
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mangasky-68 · 3 years
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olives-life · 2 years
Cultivation Webcomics Ive Read
This is my strange addiction 🤗🤭
-Against the Gods
-Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals (finished)
-Apotheosis / Principles of Heaven / Forged Success
-Banished Disciple's Counterattack
-Battle Frenzy (note: check if this is not cultivation)
-Cultivation Chat Group
-Duopo Cangqiong
-Engergy Hunters
-First Class Servant
-God of Martial Arts
-I Have a Dragon In My Body
-I Have Nine Female Disciples
-Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World / Sword King In A Women's World
-I'm The Great Immortal
-Indestructible Primordial Spirit
-Lian Fei Wei Bao
-Martial Peak
-Master of Legendary Realms / The Wonderland of Ten Thousand
-Magic Emperor / The Servant Is the Demon King?!
-Matchless Emperor
-Metropolitan City's Ying Yang Miracle Doctor / The Urban Miracle Doctor
-Nine Days of Martial Arts / Beyond the Empyrean
-One Sword Reigns Supreme
-Peerless Alchemist
-Pupillary Master / Supreme Ocular Master: The Peerless Heiress
-Read to Level Up / I Stack Experience Through Writing Books
-Rebirth: City Deity
-Rebirth of The Urban Immortal Cultivator
-Reborn 80,000 Years
-Soul Land / Douluo Dalu
-Star Martial God Technique
-Tales of Demons and Gods
-The Ghostly Doctor
-The Great Ruler
-The Mythical Realm
-The Peerless Concubine
-Urban Fairy King / Immortal King of the City
-Versatile Mage / Quanzhi Fashi
-Wu Dong Qian Kun / Martial Universe
-Yuan Zun / Dragon Prince Yuan
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modemanga · 3 years
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Immortal Swordsman In The Reverse World can be read on ModeManga.
Link: https://modemanga.com/manga/immortal-swordsman-in-the-reverse-world/
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kisekimanga · 4 years
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Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World #kisekimanga, #readmanga, #readkisekimangahttps://kisekimanga.com/read/immortal-swordsman-in-the-reverse-world/
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mangafeeds · 4 years
Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World.
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Alternative : Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World ; 本剑仙绝不吃软饭
Immortal Swordsman in The Reverse World summary: Chu Qing is a sword expert cultivator, who 300 years ago accidentally entered the fairy world. During those 300 he began his cultivation journey. At the time of reaching the realm of eternity, it was not expected that he would instead open the hall of time and space and return to earth at the age of 17 years. But when he saw the situation, it turns out it was not the earth he once lived in, but the world was reversed between the roles of women and men. How was his journey to find a way to return to the original world, and defeat and conquer the strong women in the world … #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/immortal-swordsman-in-the-reverse-world_1581500495
Read more.
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simpledatainfo · 4 years
Manhua (Manga)
Manhua (Manga) In Manga their are many category like action, adventure and many, In this we will be seeing about Manhua and their respective Manhua manga YuanlongVersatile MageHeaven Defying SwordUrban Fairy KingChaotic Sword GodThe Sword of GloryXian NiMetropolitan SystemPath of the SwordAll Heavenly DaysI Am Immortal (System Xianzun in the City)God of Martial ArtsMartial MasterReturn From the World of ImmortalsCultivators in the CityWu Ling Sword MasterPrefectural Circle of Friends (Remastered)The Star Emperor (Reborn 80,000 Years)The Ghostly DoctorJourney of the Hidden BladeSword of Benevolence (Jianren)A Legend of The WindRebirth: City DeityUltimate SoldierShenwu TianzunThe Sacred Lord of Scorching SummerMetropolitan Supremacy SystemYuan ZunBattle Through the HeavensBattle FrenzyVirtual World:Close Combat MageStrongest Abandoned SonMartial EmperorTales of Demons and GodsGod SlayerKing of ApocalypseDanwu SupremeStar Martial God TechniqueImmortal Swordsman in The Reverse WorldCrazy Professor SystemAlmight MasterThe Portal of Wonderlandthe Demon King Who Lost His JobStrongest Anti M.E.T.AStrongest Read the full article
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