#Imogen’s ‘I’ll miss our little cottage though’
batwingsandblackcats · 4 months
Absolutely fascinated by Laudna’s “she has a debt to pay. She owes me her life like she took mine.”
This isn’t just a “I’m worth nothing so might as well smoke em if I got em” mindset with Delilah. It’s some of that, but it’s not the whole picture.
This is “might as well smoke em if I got em, and if this is the end of me god damn it I am taking this bitch with me.”
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codeopod · 4 months
Ep 96 Imodna explored (TW angst/SI)
“Well…I’ll miss our little cottage.” Imogen whispered. She could’ve screamed, could’ve begged, could’ve fought harder for their little dream; their little cabin in the woods, with horses and a babbling creek. It was the best dream she ever had, her most precious, but she couldn’t fight for it. Not like this. It was impossible. She always knew it, but she was born stubborn as a foul and twice as hopeful.
Looking at Laudna, though, seeing her resolve harden, seeing Delilah behind her eyes; Imogen felt her dream begin to slip away.
Laudna broke, she cried harder then she ever had before. It hurt worse then dying. Seeing her finally realize the weight of her words. She had been insisting she was a dead end, all the while Imogen dreamed of hiding away in each little village they passed through. Growing old together. She wanted it more then anything. Still. Even with the force of grief pressing down on her chest, she stayed resolute as Laudna crumpled at her feet and clung to her skirts. Imogen had made a promise, and she would stand by it.
Laudna had the right to decide her future for herself.
To make her own decisions in a world that had stripped her of so many. When she had been resurrected, Imogen had let her choose to come back, and she would stand by her with each choice therafter. Even if it felt like killing herself in the process. Laudna would choose, and, if she didn’t chose their little cabin, well, the world might just end either way.
She wanted to wield Delilah like a cursed blade, and it would kill them both.
Imogen felt a new hope growing. With tears streaming down her face, and love at her feet, she let herself hope that she might at least die before seeing Laudna lost entirely.
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