#and now she’s entertaining the idea of being around to kill Delilah after she’s made use of her
batwingsandblackcats · 4 months
Absolutely fascinated by Laudna’s “she has a debt to pay. She owes me her life like she took mine.”
This isn’t just a “I’m worth nothing so might as well smoke em if I got em” mindset with Delilah. It’s some of that, but it’s not the whole picture.
This is “might as well smoke em if I got em, and if this is the end of me god damn it I am taking this bitch with me.”
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fillianore-moved · 5 years
AAAAAA Thank you so much for asking! 💖💖💖 But boyy did you open a box full of clownery with this! I wrote more than I intended to write (rip) so I’m putting it below the cut! 
SO delilah helen frye is a 24-year-old ex-psychology student who, after deciding that the academia life isn’t really for her, gets into police work via well-intended recommendation from one of her friends. despite more-less giving up psychology in the academic sense, she still remains extremely interested in the subject and studies it in her spare time, but on the other hand she’s the first to admit that police work isn’t really her thing - she’s not athletic or sporty, she can barely pull the trigger on her gun and tbh running after criminals around the block sounds exhausting! unfortunately, it pays the bills and allows her a lot of time for herself, her hobbies + turns out it’s a great way to be directly in contact with criminals and study more directly than from a book. therefore, ever since becoming a policewoman she’s mainly been doing paperwork and some basic rookie missions that are pretty far away from all the actual action (thank god tbh)!
this all changes when she and several other people from her district get a notice that they will be “temporarily” moved to hope county due to lack of available personnel there at the moment (hm, wonder what’s all that about) and that is how all hell breaks loose :) tbh cults weren’t really her preferred area of study, she decides at first, but the more she learns about the project the more she really gets into the idea of studying it from up close (or at least closer, please don’t get her too close, she doesn’t know how to properly shoot a gun)! of course that watching all that going down from a safe distance sounds amazing her academic brain says and of course she is suddenly extra excited to come and continue doing her police paperwork!
next thing she knows, it’s all going to shit and she’s on her own - no survival skills in sight (rip queen)! so here we have a city girl, an ex-academic and someone who’s only done paperwork for the past 2, almost 3 years at her desk and suddenly people want her to save stuff and bring the cult leaders to justice? hm that doesn’t sound like a plan a, more like a plan s? thankfully, she’s not someone who gets easily angry or frustrated and that’s probably the only thing that kept her alive so, she kinda goes with it… it’s not a job she signed up for but it’s not like there’s a quit option available. but, she is also “well” prepared for some of it: she’s studied the project intensely before coming to hope county (devoured every piece of info she could get her hands on), its leaders, the inner workings, so that knowledge and her sneaky skills (she’s tiny and light on her feet, that’s the only advantage she gets rip) get her through most of the stupidly dangerous missions resistance throws at her.
now, initially she’s just sneaking around, maiming people and disappearing before anyone can even notice, but eventually the things she does start making waves and it becomes impossible not get noticed by the leaders >:)! so here’s a tiny summary of her relationships with them:
a) joseph merely finds her irritating at first, but after their first few meetings it turns into something similar to amusement; on the other hand delilah finds him unnerving but also kinda interesting to talk to, but she never knows in what way to approach him… she also has a tendency to interrupt his villain monologues with questions and it’s genuinely as jarring as it is entertaining to him;
b) jacob thinks she’s the biggest nuisance ever, but is also extremely wary of her because she tends to prod him the most out of everyone with questions and finds his psychological profile most interesting… in the end i feel like he ends up more scared of her than vice verse (though not really because she almost died - several times - in his region).. cue delilah just staring at jacob with a notebook for however long he allows himself to sit down when she’s in the room;
c) john despises her the most in the beginning because she’s made so much trouble in his region, but something in their personalities really clicks and she turns out to be not at all what he expected from a resistance heroine… on the other hand, she finds him the least interesting at first, and even asks him if he can just “send her to jacob or joseph instead” when she catches her the first time lmao obviously that changes in many ways;
d) faith is probably the one who was most excited to have delilah join the project and has done most to make her as comfy and happy there (after perhaps john)… faith gets really open with delilah and delilah in return knows not to betray her trust! they form a very close friendship and i’m really fond of those two backing each other up whenever it’s necessary!
in retrospect, let’s just say delilah’s not really a hero not really a villain, she’s just an extremely curious and a bit eccentric young woman. she doesn’t really believe in the cause of the project but she’s also in too deep and caught up with it’s inner workings and ideas that she sometimes forgets how she got there and the things that have been done in its name. like sure, extremist cults with guns killing and torturing people are bad, but if she’s being honest she feels much more interested in unraveling the profiles of the family and their motives than actively working on killing them off?
her face claim (for now) is india eisley
her preferred weapons are bows, small knives and pistols
she turns 25 half dead on a tree in jacob’s region
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