#Import Export Insights
seairexim · 6 months
Pomegranates, dubbed a "Superfood" for their health benefits, dominate India's fruit exports, particularly from Maharashtra, which leads with 85% of national production. Amidst growing global demand, this article offers a comprehensive guide to India's pomegranate export industry, covering key exporters, trade data, and more. Explore the blog "Investigating Worldwide Business sectors: Pomegranate Export from India" Now!
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emmawilliams12 · 7 months
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kazakhstan importers , kazakhstan shipment data play a pivotal role in the country's dynamic economy, fostering international trade and diversity in products. With a focus on sectors like energy, machinery, and consumer goods, these importers contribute significantly to Kazakhstan's economic growth. They navigate global markets, seeking quality products and innovative solutions to meet local demands. Kazakhstan's strategic geographic location as a bridge between Europe and Asia enhances the importance of its importers. Collaborating with diverse suppliers worldwide, these importers drive innovation and bring a broad range of goods to the Kazakh market, fostering economic development and ensuring a steady flow of goods for consumers.
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harshitasoni · 1 year
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Forecast for the US Sensors and Actuators Market up to 2028
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Saito has made a career of teasing out an eco-theory from the late, unpublished writings of Karl Marx. He earned his doctorate at Humboldt University, in Berlin, and now teaches philosophy at the University of Tokyo. His first book was an English version of his dissertation, titled “Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism” (2017), which tracked Marx’s study of the physical world and communal agricultural practices. (Saito is fluent in Japanese, German, and English.) In a second academic book, “Marx in the Anthropocene” (2022), Saito drew on an expanded repertoire of Marx’s unpublished notebooks to argue for a theory of “degrowth communism.” He gained a following, not only in philosophical circles but among a Japanese public facing the contradictions of tsunamis, billionaires, and same-day shipping. “Slow Down” has sold more than half a million copies in Japan and launched Saito into a rare academic celebrity. He appears regularly on Japanese television and aspires to the public-intellectual status of Thomas Piketty, the French economist who had a surprise hit in his 2013 doorstop, “Capital in the Twenty-first Century.”
The key insight, or provocation, of “Slow Down” is to give the lie to we-can-have-it-all green capitalism. Saito highlights the Netherlands Fallacy, named for that country’s illusory attainment of both high living standards and low levels of pollution—a reality achieved by displacing externalities. It’s foolish to believe that “the Global North has solved its environmental problems simply through technological advancements and economic growth,” Saito writes. What the North actually did was off-load the “negative by-products of economic development—resource extraction, waste disposal, and the like” onto the Global South.
If we’re serious about surviving our planetary crisis, Saito argues, then we must abandon capitalism, with its insatiable appetites. We must reject the ever-upward logic of gross domestic product, or G.D.P. (a combination of government spending, imports and exports, investments, and personal consumption). We will not be saved by a “green” economy of electric cars or geo-engineered skies. Slowing down—to a carbon footprint on the level of Europe and the U.S. in the nineteen-seventies—would mean less work and less clutter, he writes. Our kids may not make it, otherwise.
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justyn1 · 5 months
The Spycrab. Why does it exist?
What is a Spycrab?
A Spycrab is an iconic animation bug for the Spy from Team Fortress 2. This bug was introduced since the game’s launch in 2007 and still exists today!
This post will cover on what causes this bug happen, how to fix it, and why it SHOULDN’T be fixed.
Debugging the Spycrab
First we need to know how do you become a Spycrab in TF2. To become a Spycrab the player have to pull out the disguise kit, crouch, look up, then start moving in any direction.
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This give us a clue on what’s going on. The issue is related to looking around while crouching with the Spy’s disguise kit. We can take a look at how Valve setup the Spy’s animations since they provided the model sources in the Source SDK. Let’s take a look at spy_movement.qci since that’s where they handle all of the animations related to moving around. From this point I will refer the disguise kit as PDA since that’s what it called in the sources. Looking at the entry for Crouch_PDA and Crouch_Walk_PDA everything seems to be written correctly. Theres nothing wrong with the code itself
Line 15: $sequence Crouch_PDA PDA_crouch_idle loop alignto a_reference addlayer PDA_aimmatrix_crouch_idle activity ACT_MP_CROUCH_PDA 1
Line 424: $MPCrouchWalkWithWeapon Crouch_Walk_PDA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PDA_crouch_walkN PDA_crouch_walkCenter PDA_aimmatrix_crouch_idle ACT_MP_CROUCHWALK_PDA $infoNode$  
This means that the issue is coming from one of the animations itself. Lets load up the PDA crouch animations in SFM and compare with the normal stand up animations.
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Everything looks fine however there’s something odd with the pda_aimmatrix_crouch_idle animation. It’s in a different pose entirely! To summarize what a aim matrix do, the animator put the character in various poses mimicking that the character is looking around. The game will take those poses and blend between them depending on what direction the player is looking. Generally you don’t want to stray way from the idle pose too much since it can cause potential problems when blending between various poses at once.
With closer inspection, it seems the pda_aimmatrix_crouch_idle animation is actually an early version of the spy’s knife aim matrix animation. Here’s both aim matrices side by side.
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The Fix
Now knowing that the bug is created by accidentally exporting another aim matrix animation for the wrong weapon. The fix is actually very simple! Without touching the animation files itself. We can go into the spy_movement.qci and replace any mention of pda_aimmatrix_crouch_idle with pda_aimmatrix_idle and that’s it! Compiling spy_animations.qc and loading up TF2 we will see the Spycrab no longer works.
But should this bug really be fixed?
This is the part where I tell you that the Spycrab bug should never be fixed in TF2. Even though this bug was stemmed from a mistake and it’s pretty simple to fix. This bug should never be fixed purely because it’s very important for the game’s history and community. After this bug was discovered and popularized back in 2008. It spawns plenty of memes within the community and in-game references from community cosmetics and unusuals, an official rare taunt for the disguise kit, warpaints, and a poster from the map Carnival of Carnage a Halloween reskin of Doomsday.
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Hopefully this post provide some interesting insight on how this iconic bug was created and the process of debugging animations in Source Engine!
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city-of-ladies · 1 month
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"Mycenaean women put their own spindles to splendid use, producing luscious cloaks and long, richly patterned or striped skirts. Far from resigning themselves to the weaving rooms, they travelled in chariots, performed songs or poetry to the accompaniment of lyres, and carried wheatsheaves for public ceremonies and rituals, as vibrantly coloured frescoes from the palace at Mycenae reveal. In one of the most enigmatic paintings, one woman holds a sword, another a spear, while two tiny men, one painted red and the other black, float mysteriously between them, like toy models or thought bubbles. Through their contact with the divine, perhaps, the women pictured gain agency over the men’s fate. Hera, Zeus, Poseidon and a female birth and death goddess known as Potnia were among the deities the Mycenaeans are known to have worshipped. While Mycenaean women clearly played an important role in religion, their political position within the palaces was weaker than that of their Minoan counterparts, and secondary to the men’s. Each Mycenaean palace complex was presided over by a male ‘wa-na-ka’ or wanax.
Surviving clay writing tablets provide just as fascinating an insight into the lives of women in the real palaces of the Mycenaean era. The fullest collection of tablets comes from a pair of rooms in the palace complex of Pylos, but Knossos, the former Minoan capital, was also a key repository. A total of 4,476 tablets have been preserved across the two sites. Among these there are references to more than 2,000 different women. Unlike Linear A, the Minoans’ writing system, the Mycenaeans’ similarly syllabic Linear B has been successfully deciphered. Working (as opposed to non-working elite) women were denoted by signs resembling an abstract impression of the female form. ‘Woman’ was conveyed by two dots for breasts, legs joined to suggest a long skirt of the kind Mycenaean women wore, and a curved line where her head would be, suggestive of long or dressed hair (in the sign for a man, by contrast, there is a straight line for the head).
The women referred to in the tablets were employed in a wide range of jobs, many of them familiar from the Homeric epics. In the Odyssey, women grind wheat and barley, ‘the marrow of men’, at mills. There were ‘flour-grinders’ at the palace in Pylos. In both epics, women weave, whether royal or servile. Andromache works in the Trojan palace with a loom and distaff while ordering her servant women about their work. Helen embroiders a purple cloth with scenes from the Trojan War as if she were telling the story of the poem herself. And as we have seen, Penelope weaves and unweaves a funeral shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. The women who wove at Pylos and Knossos were no less versatile in their handiwork. They managed something like a textile industry, producing goods for export as well as the palace community, and worked in groups according to specialism. There were wool-spinners and carders, linen- and leather-workers, finishers and headband-makers for horses. These women usually worked separately from men, but at Pylos there is evidence that at least two women, Wordieia and Amphehia, formed part of a mixed leather-making group. 
Working groups were the modus operandi at the Mycenaean palaces. Women were usually accompanied by boys and girls, presumably their own children, as they went about their tasks. Many were divided also according to their geographical region. Pylos was split into sixteen districts over two provinces, Nearer and Further, separated by Mount Aigaleo. The palace-workers came from more than 200 named places, some of which may have been local streets, while others, including Lemnos, Miletus and Knidos, lay further afield. It is possible that, like the Sidonian (Phoenician) women carried to Troy by Paris in the Iliad to weave fine robes for the court, some of the women working in the Mycenaean palaces had been enslaved.
Although the women were engaged in hard, practical labour, their work was recognised as highly skilled, and the Mycenaeans took some pride in it. Men were sometimes described on tablets as being the offspring of women of particular crafts, for example, ‘sons of flax-workers’. Female workers were allocated the same amount of food in the regular distributions as their male counterparts, and twice as much as their children, whereas in Babylonia, men typically received three times the female ration.
A mysterious senior class of priestess at Pylos known as ‘keybearers’ (did they open and close shrines within the palace complex?) even owned land. A landowning keybearer named ka-pa-ti-ja (‘Karpathia’) was wealthy enough to donate almost 200 litres of grain to the palace, probably for a religious festival. Given the historical prominence of women at the court of Pylos, it is fitting that a mythical Pylian king should intervene in the dispute over Briseis in the Iliad. Old Nestor urges Agamemnon to return the woman to Achilles and to end their feud."
The Missing Thread: A Women's History of the Ancient World, Daisy Dunn
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simmireen · 1 year
(Pro?) Posing tips
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It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or if you already have made your way into blender. As a posemaker myself, I know how hard it is to make a realistic pose - here a few tips you have to think of when making poses, to get your pose to the next level.
(I use shibuisims sunflower rigs for my poses, but in base they work the same as the rigs you export from sims4studio, they only have some handy IK controls)
At first: take your time for details. The base of my poses are mostly done very quickly, but it’s all in the details. Fingers, face, mouth, hips. Take your time for the details. Details can make or fail a pose.
Simripper double textures If you make poses for your own story or edit, you mostly make them with your own textures (through simripper) right? But if you want to also send them to the community to download and use, don’t get rid of the original rig textures bij importing your own sim textures. By toggling off and on the textures under your rig in the scene menu, you can see how poses look on your own sims, but also on the ‘default sim rig texture’.
Elbows and shoulders and relaxation. I think I can best show this in pictures. If holding something we almost never raise our elbows unnatural high. They mostly are more ‘relaxed’ to our body. Lower the elbows! (It’s always good to have a little space for thicker sims ofcourse).
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Can you see the difference? Hands I think these are the hardest to do. I still struggle with them sometimes. But the best thing to get the best hands is to have a reference OR make the hand yourself in relaxing state. I see it mostly in a pose in an ‘idle’ state that hands are cramped or straightened. Unless you want this in your pose, try to make a hand in relaxed state.
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Straightened, cramped or relaxed?
Shoulders I hope every posemaker that makes poses for already a while know this, but I think it's the most important step in starting making poses. Please, start your arm movements (mostly if you want to raise the arms) in the b_R_clavicle or b_L_clavicle joints.
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Shoulders are important!
Weight It’s so important in realistic poses to add our gravity. I think this mostly checks out for holding other sims, piggyback poses etc. If you take someone on your back, your back struggles too right? It's heavy! Try to lower that b_ROOT_bind just a little more as what you expect to do in a pose. Don’t forget gravity always pulls us down!
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Only a very small distance from the ground is needed sometimes.
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Gravity holds our arms down too in 'relaxed' state.
Stiffnes Maybe we can add this to weight aswell, but as humans ourselves, if we are standing ‘idle’. We never stand right up with a straight back, feet perfectly straight next to each other. It’s the same if we sit on a chair, most of us hang a little to the back or to the front. Try to add that in your pose, if you do that - it’s immediately a less stiff pose!
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It's only a slight bend in the back joints, but it already looks more natural.
Just remember, you learn by doing and watching. So I hope I can add some more insights to you, as a posemaker for a few years now, to make your poses even better and more realistic. Ofcourse, sims rigs have their limitations, but that's what makes them sims, right? You can find some more simmireen tips on posepack consistency for sharing your poses here
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comicaurora · 2 years
Hey, Red, I wanted to ask your insight on one thing about comic writing yet again
How do you write "serialized" media in comparison to traditional writing? Like, people often say that "your first draft will be bad, so you have to get back to it and revise at some point", but, like, for media released periodically, like webcomics, it's much harder to do, unless you write down the entire story beforehand in a lot of detail, and revise *that* instead, and only start drawing after like third or fourth edition of the script.
But, like, I assume that, beyond basic outline, some cool scenes in the middle, and the ending, there is only so much planning you can viably do. How do you handle it? Do you sometimes have to draw a page without knowing yet what will happen five pages later? How do you balance between leaving yourself the freedom to alter things (and also free time not spent on writing a novel before transforming it into a comic) and having a good written story, with themes and foreshadowing and stuff?
It's certainly different than traditional writing, because progress becomes a rolling, iterative thing rather than full draft passes.
What I have is a many-pronged approach that gets more detailed the farther in it goes:
The toolbox. This is a big pile of characters, subplot concepts and plothooks I add to whenever I think of something new and fun. When I'm building out a new arc from scratch, this is what I draw on.
The roadmap. This is a rough plan for the overall shape of the story - I know where the characters start and where they end, and I have a rough idea of waypoints they'll hit along the way. I have one of these for the story as a whole, with each "waypoint" basically being a rough-draft concept for the premise of a single arc. To give an idea of the level of specificity, the "waypoint" for this first arc was literally just "getting the gang together." It was the one thing I needed to have happen. On a smaller scale, individual sub-arcs have more detailed roadmaps of their own, but they mostly fit the format of "characters arrive in location A -> characters fight bossfight B" with the rest fleshed out in between.
The checklist. This is the specific list of "things I need to happen in this specific substory," aka the waypoints on the smaller-scale roadmaps. It gets fleshed out as the actual story gets closer to it and specific character arcs take turns I might not have been able to anticipate. This is close to a timeline, but it's more flexible, as at this stage it's okay to shuffle around the order of things - in fact I almost never make solid linear timelines of events, because sometimes I split the party and things happen at their own pace. In these cases I just set waypoints for when different sub-timelines will intersect - at what point in the conversation will the large flashy thing interrupt, at what stage in the fight will the cavalry arrive, etc. I just need to be sure to hit all the important parts. I'll know a story is ready to turn into a storyboard once I have every important detail nailed down - what specific sticking points will come up in the character conflict, what hidden threat is going to be in the environment they enter so I can set it up correctly, what conclusion will a character come to and how will they want to proceed, etc.
The solid storyboard. This is what I turn into finalized pages, and I work several chapters ahead to make sure I have the rhythm of the story. Once it's down on paper it generally doesn't change much, though specifics of dialogue can be reworked right up to the export. This is linear progress, and it usually happens in very discrete bursts. I don't storyboard something until I know exactly what is happening in this specific scene, where they're going, where it'll end and what it's setting up for later. Sometimes I get stuck on a single panel because I'm not sure which choice a character will make, and then when I come back to it I set down that panel and like five more pages flow out afterwards. Sometimes I'll just reread all my storyboards up to the current endpoint, take a nap, then wake up knowing exactly what to put on the next panel. Sometimes I'll do a reread and tweak the dialogue at several points because the first draft I wrote doesn't sound good to me anymore. This is where I do the bulk of the work that traditional media would do in the second draft.
In order to avoid rewrites - because in serialized media, rewrites are very bad - I frontload as much of that work as I can. I don't start the storyboard until I know all the relevant details of the scene's setup, so I don't end up retconning anything important. If there's a specific hidden enemy in the environment, I want to foreshadow it accurately, so before I draw the area it's in I want to know exactly what it looks like and where it could be hiding. If they're in a facility designed for a specific thing, I want to know exactly what that thing is so the clues and details line up. If I've reached the start of an argument, I want to know what is going to end it before I draw the first panel.
I don't need to know every detail of exactly everything that's going to happen, because the characters work better when I let them make their own choices on a panel-to-panel basis, but I need to know every detail of what they're reacting to and interacting with. In a way it's a lot like running a TTRPG. So there are many times where I draw a page and don't know what's going to happen five pages later - in fact I'd say that's the vast majority of my experience - but I always have a narrowed-down space of things I know will need to happen in the next sixty pages.
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Why Vesna’s “My sister’s crown” in no feminist anthem but a Trojan horse filled with pro-russian messaging
My thoughts as a Ukrainian with a poli-sci degree.
I was debating whether to write this post but as the discourse around this song grows, I want to give people from other countries some context on the messaging used in the song and why Ukrainians are grossed out by it.
While I was writing it this post grew a mind of its own and I even ended up adding pictures so I'll fold the post here in case you don't care and just want to scroll through quickly.
First of all, it’s worth mentioning that this song attracted so much attention from Ukrainians because they use UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE in the chorus. It’s an important detail seeing how one of the singers is russian. A lot of Ukrainians share the opinion that letting a russian woman sing in our language is a completely vile thing to do to our culture. I agree with it too. But the abuse of our culture doesn’t stop there.
See this shot? This is supposed to be Borsch, a traditional Ukrainian dish. It’s worth mentioning that russia tried to appropriate this dish and in 2022 we fought tooth and nail to have UNESCO protect it as part of Ukrainian heritage. But back to the shot. The letters around it are supposed to symbolize russian propaganda. Great start🙄
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But it gets better, lads. They start “feeding the propaganda” to the girl that —judging by stylistic choices as well as matryoshka makeup—  is supposed to represent russian people.
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Right, so they *checks notes* use Ukrainian cultural dish —that russians almost succeeded in stealing from us— to show… what exactly? “Poor russians🥺 uwu” getting brainwashed? Oh, then let me grab my handkerchief. This is so so sad I think I’m about to cry😶😶😶
I mean, just a thought but if they wanted to show how shitty russian government treats its people, they could’ve recreated the historically accurate moment when russian tzar Ivan the Terrible shoved his underling’s face into a boiling soup. What does Ukraine and our long-suffering dish has to do with all this bs???
Now let’s talk about that “Crown”, that is supposed to belong to the sister (aka Ukraine). To me, as a poli-sci major, this is so stupid I don’t even know whether to laugh or cry. From the words of the band themself, where they explain —quite poorly might I say— the meaning of their song, we learn that “Crown” symbolizes the sovereignty of the 13 Eastern-European countries. Sounds perfectly valid. Here's a few random countries that I can remember from the top of my head in no particular order that have crowns in their symbols:
Coat of arms of the Czech Republic, Coat of arms of Serbia, Flag of Poland and Flag of Croatia
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I actually decided that I don't want to have russian flag and emblem in this post because I don't want to look at it every time I scroll through, but you can go google it if you want, they have not one but two crowns on their emblem actually.
So what am I leading up to with all this flag-talk, you might ask. Well, the kicker is that THIS ⬇️ is Ukrainian emblem:
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Not a crown in sight as you can see. I guess as a nation that was constantly fighting against imperial colonisation we’re not very fond of those. Who could’ve guessed🤷‍♀️
But the aforementioned two points are pretty circumstantial and in the grand scheme of things are not particularly significant. I felt compelled to point them out first to give people from other countries a bit of insight into the music video's visual. You are free to disagree with me on those. The main problem that triggers the majority of Ukrainians is the use of the word "sister". Listen, I know you don’t want to read a lecture on the nuance of Slav politics and I don’t really want to write it, I know you know how to google. So here’s the gist:
One of the BIGGEST narratives that russia is pushing in its export propaganda (aside from their go-to claim that all ukrainians are nazis) is that Slavs are all a family. Talk about shitty relatives, eh? But basically, it’s a lingering thing from USSR where russia exploited a bunch of neighboring countries and called this shit a “Union” (while convincing the rest of the world that those countries entered that union willingly and not under threats —or as a result of— hostile invasions, but I digress). So the way russia frames it is that russia is this big brother that "takes care of other little siblings”. Even writing it down made me want to barf🤢🤢🤢. This narrative was specifically very actively weaponized against Ukraine before the 2022 invasion. Its goal is to infantilize Ukraine as if we're not a whole-ass independent country, but a little sibling that doesn't know how to wipe their own ass. And that we just need good ol’ russia to come and save us from our own stupidity. I hope I shed some light on why this word specifically triggers us so much and why I think that this song has 0 to do with solidarity and overall is complete populistic bs with a generous dash of russian propaganda.
I want to emphasize that I didn’t make this post to fight or argue with anyone  but to give people another perspective if you’re interested in it from my pov as a Ukrainian. If you have other takes on it, I’d love to read them in the comments. Just please be respectful or I won’t interact.
This is all I have to say for today. Love, love, peace, peace, my dudes.
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kervl-klear · 7 months
🦊 for Seoltang
🦊 - Would people be rooting for or wishing death for your OC online because of the war?
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Noeu is looking at Seoltang who is making Coffee. As Seoltang’s Aide, he has something to report but for now….Why is Seoltang suddenly decided to make over 20 cup of coffees in the span of 50 minutes in the middle of a war???
Noeu tightly hug Seoltang, then kneel down in front of him.
Noeu: “Sir, I can have surgeon colonel verify for you that it’s impossible to die from coffee overdose. Do rethink your decision and stay with me”
Seoltang: “Aide what- That’s not what I’m trying to-“
Noeu: “I know people say weird things about you ever since you forgot to zip your pants on national television but you have to brave through it”
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Seoltang’s smile crooked a bit, he almost managed to forget about that event. He makes a square shape hand signal with his thumbs and his index fingers then draw a smile on the air with his left index finger, this had Noeu immediately stood up in response.
Seoltang: “Thank you for your kind concern but I would prefer if you addressed your report to me first”
Noeu is still worry but decided to go along.
Noeu: “Very well sir, my report today concern the minute of Area 21 meeting with the intelligence bareau”
Noeu tapped on his laptop to deactivated the power saving mode, showing a presentation slide.
Noeu: “Since you have no social media account, which is a very wise choice considering your work practice. Everyone will definitely wait to celebrate your death. Regardless, allow me to fill you in”
Noeu: “This morning the other generals received an overwhelming amount of online death threats due to the fake leak of North Capital’s documents relating to the recently emerged war between nation A and nation B”
Noeu changed the slide.
Noeu: “The publisher of these fake documents claimed that Northland had been stealing ship from nation A to pirated the cargo ships from nation B, oddly alighted with a statement from one of nation A navy who claim to be a survivor from the piracy before he’s found death in his residence”
Noeu: “The online account that published these fake documents had completely vanished, we concluded that these documents are very specific kind only 3 stars generals and up would knows how to utilized as it is a document designed specifically to be submitted through enclaves in Northland-Bay Hill CENTRIX but none of these documents are found in our or Bay Hill’s system”
Noeu: “Nation B is one of our important imports and exports business partners for many type of essential goods when it’s come to waterway shipments. Our main export is aircraft part which we produce by importing titanium alloyed from nation B. So the defense forces, specifically North Capital are blamed by the civilian for the current Northland’s economic failure”
Noeu: “The other generals had sent their troops to gather more information from the war-side which should rendered the actual instigator motionless for the time being but it does not change the fact that both nation are wary of us and will not cooperate with any troops let alone allow any Northland soldiers on their land”
Noeu: “Clearly this is an attempt to stir riot by an espionage agent who are already deep inside the defense service of our country. The intelligence bureau also report that the results from OSINT and DIGINT alluded to the same directions and so they seek insight from you concerning-”
Noeu stop once he heard a clicked sound, Seoltang is taking photo of the 25 cup of coffees he made.
Noeu: “Sir, are you listening?”
Seoltang: “My apologies Aide, I have to get my profile up in timely fashion so I can put this in the resume I will use to apply for a job at Starducks. I have a good reason to personally investigate there”
Noeu went quiet for moments.
Seoltang is the designer of Northland espionage network and CENTRIX shared between Northland and the other nations, of course his lead is ahead of every other generals when it’s come to intelligence and information. Starducks must have something to do with the-
Seoltang: “You see Aide, last time I attended the conference at North capital. The executives asked me the numeric difference between the IBU of the coffee served in the meeting room and each type of coffee served in Starducks. But I don’t even know what IBU stand for so they tickled me with duck feathers as a warning. They said if I don’t have everything figured next time they will tickle me with heated needles and filmed the entire process”
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What in the horizon are they doing at North Capital?? Do they have that much free time??? Noeu thought to himself, now he feels bad for the civilians knowing how their taxes are spent.
Suddenly, Seoltang phone’s buzzed.
Seoltang: “Perfect, I just got a like from an online coffee reviewer”
Noeu: “Hold on sir….you HAVE a social media account? Your existence is supposed to be SECRET! There’s a file about your identity in the B3 here in THIS BASE!“
Seoltang’s ears goes down a little after being scolded.
Seoltang: “I have multiple accounts depending on the industry but I’ve never disclosed anything about myself-”
Noeu: “You literally just published a photo taken inside a highly classified remotely detached facility!!”
Noeu took the phone from Seoltang and started reading some of his posts. It appeared that he did do some activities that supported the hate toward the North Capital officers, a very odd move especially for an account that is supposed to be for things like applying a job.
Then it all clicked.
Noeu: “Wait-did you conjured these online hate because you are bitter that the other generals tickled you with duck feathers over a stupid coffee question?”
Seoltang let out a soft laugh.
Seoltang: “Not quite, I personally don’t care about taking petty revenge on these generals but I care about your safety”
Seoltang: “Conflict can be use in many way from weakening people for threat migration to separating the human resources into group for more manageable organizational systems but surely you are a lot more well versed in this topic than me”
Seoltang approached Noeu and adjust Noeu’s hat.
Seoltang: “Since instigating conflicts is your specialty not mine, right Aide? May be you should rest more, it was careless of you to leave a survivor”
Noeu’s eyes twitched, now finally pieced together what had actually been going on. It’s the reason Seoltang didn’t attend the meeting between Area 21 and the intelligence bureau.
Seoltang: “You’re welcome Noeu”
In response Noeu laugh out loud.
Thank you for tuning into my frequency. CVL1, RWY CLR. 🛫✨
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heerumohannandwani · 10 days
Heeru Mohan Nandwani – Businessman with Vision and Integrity
Heeru Mohan Nandwani is a visionary entrepreneur, known for his diverse business ventures in the import and export of general goods, and his expertise as a real estate investor. With a career spanning several years, Heeru has built a reputation for his business acumen, leadership, and commitment to fostering growth across industries.
As the owner of a successful trading company based in Paramus, NJ, Heeru manages a wide range of products, serving clients both locally and internationally. His ability to identify emerging market trends, coupled with his extensive experience in global trade, has enabled him to create a thriving business that adapts to market demands while maintaining a strong commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
In addition to his achievements in global trade, Heeru has made a name for himself in the real estate industry. As an active investor, he consistently seeks high-value properties and opportunities, leveraging his keen insight to make strategic investments that yield profitable returns. His approach to real estate is both innovative and risk-balanced, ensuring long-term growth while minimizing exposure to market fluctuations.
Heeru’s business philosophy centers on integrity, transparency, and building lasting relationships. He is known for his hands-on approach, working closely with his team to ensure that every aspect of his business reflects his commitment to excellence. His leadership is marked by a forward-thinking attitude, always looking for new ways to innovate and drive success.
Whether in global trade or real estate, Heeru Mohan Nandwani’s unwavering focus on excellence, combined with his deep understanding of the markets he operates in, has earned him a reputation as a trusted and respected business leader.
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seairexim · 6 months
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kazakhstan trade data showcases its economic dynamics on the global stage. With a diverse export portfolio including oil, metals, and agricultural products, the nation navigates international markets with resilience. Import data reflects its growing consumption patterns, spanning machinery, vehicles, and consumer goods. Through these insights, Kazakhstan's trade data elucidates its role in the interconnected global economy.
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darkmaga-retard · 15 days
Michael Corbin
Sep 06, 2024
On September 4, Kommersant reported that Yuri Ushakov, aide to President Vladimir Putin, confirmed that Turkey is requesting full membership to the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and that the organization would begin reviewing the request in advance of the BRICs Summit this fall.
The event will be held in Kazan, Russia, on October 22-24. Ushakov also underscored that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will attend.
The Russian aide’s announcement ended months of speculation and followed a Bloomberg article on September 2 claiming the country had “formally asked to join the BRICS group of emerging-market nations.” Erdoğan administration officials, speaking under anonymity, noted that one reason for the formal application was that the “geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from developed economies.”
Noted Russian political scientist Alexander Safonov offered insight into the rationale for Ankara’s decision:
"Turkey is one of the states that is conveniently located in terms of global trade routes, including between Europe and Asia. This factor forces the government of the republic to seek as many contacts as possible through which these logistical features can be used. And, of course, BRICS as one of the modern leading economic platforms gives it more opportunities in this regard, including for establishing relations with China, Russia, and Iran."
Membership clearly would provide Turkey with the opportunity to increase its already high level of imports from China and Russia. It would also offer greater access for exports to these countries and lower the Ankara’s reliance on the United States and European Union.
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thefoxburyinstitute · 9 months
I’m tryin to update a default skin for infants using mossylane’s tutorial that I’m sure you’ve see around? I can send a link if you haven’t. It’s extremely simple and I don’t think I should have any other problems… but I cannot for the life of me figure out where to GET the image of the skin to import. Because I assume I need to export it from the existing default first, but that doesn’t seem to be an option. Thank you for any advice you can provide!
i think it uses the same uv as toddlers (infants are basically shift left bracket babies at this point) so you might be able to use any toddler skin (you can rip that from the game) and just set it to infants.
i'm not a skins gal but hopefully someone might have some insight in the comments
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To: Mr. Carmichael, General Manager From: Patrick Crale, Assistant to the Manager Date: November 22, 1912 Subject: Quarterly Report on Import/Export Activities in Brindleton Bay
I am pleased to present the quarterly report on our import and export activities in Brindleton Bay. This report provides an overview of our operations, market trends, challenges, and opportunities observed during the past quarter.
I. Import Activities:
Goods Imported: Key imports included life fruit, alchemy elixirs, and exotic fish.
Major Trading Partners: Our primary import partners were Selvadorada, Sulani, and Henford-on-Bagley.
Challenges: Delays in shipping due to weather conditions and increased tariffs on magical goods.
Opportunities: Potential to expand into new markets, particularly in luxury furniture and rare collectibles.
II. Export Activities:
Goods Exported: Main exports consisted of Brindleton Bay's specialty products such as gourmet pet food, crafted sculptures, paintings, and local nectars.
Major Trading Partners: Primary export destinations were Willow Creek, San Myshuno, and Windenburg.
Challenges: Fluctuating currency exchange rates in Simoleons and competition from local producers in target markets.
Opportunities: Growing demand for Brindleton Bay's artisanal goods and unique cultural products.
III. Financial Overview:
Revenue: Total revenue for the quarter amounted to §1,250,000 Simoleons.
Expenses: Operating expenses, including shipping, tariffs, and labor, totaled §950,000 Simoleons.
Net Profit: The net profit for the quarter was §300,000 Simoleons.
IV. Recommendations:
Diversify Trading Partners: Explore new markets to reduce dependency on existing trading partners.
Invest in Technology: Modernize shipping and inventory management to improve efficiency.
Monitor Regulatory Changes: Stay abreast of international trade regulations and tariffs to mitigate potential risks.
The past quarter has shown steady growth in both import and export activities in Brindleton Bay. By capitalizing on emerging opportunities and addressing current challenges, we can position ourselves for continued success in the coming months.
Please review the attached detailed financial statements and market analysis for further insights. I am available to discuss the report and our strategic direction at your earliest convenience.
Patrick Crale Assistant to the Manager Brindleton Bay Trading Company
(Again, the lot was built by the @antiquatedplumbobs!)
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comercioenlinea · 5 months
E-Commerce Insight
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Comercio Digital:
El comercio en línea, también conocido como comercio electrónico o e-commerce, se refiere a la práctica de comprar y vender productos y servicios a través de Internet.
Sitios referentes en el comercio en la red.
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