#pomegranate importers data
seairexim · 6 months
Pomegranates, dubbed a "Superfood" for their health benefits, dominate India's fruit exports, particularly from Maharashtra, which leads with 85% of national production. Amidst growing global demand, this article offers a comprehensive guide to India's pomegranate export industry, covering key exporters, trade data, and more. Explore the blog "Investigating Worldwide Business sectors: Pomegranate Export from India" Now!
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importexportinfo · 2 years
Pomegranates have been eaten throughout history for their health benefits. Nowadays, the juice of this fruit is a popular part of healthy diets. Pomegranate importers exporters details help you to generalize the ups and downs tendency of fruits import export business.
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xalygatorx · 10 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 1, "Subject Camo"
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Tony Stark and Clint Barton are called in for a briefing on “Camo” from Agent Coulson and Fury. The target is 25-year-old Cora Dempsey—her codename references her sporadic ability to disappear from sight and, strangely, give off similar readings to the ones they’ve picked up from the BiFrost when she does. Tony expresses opinions.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: None.
Word Count: ~1.5k
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"I just wanna know one thing," Tony Stark muttered as he coolly adjusted one of his wristbands and then proceeded to finish off the packet of pomegranate seeds he was working on. "Why I got called out of a meeting, an important meeting, by Agent over here to chase a kid."
"You know, you can call me Phil," Coulson chuckled with a patient smile as he passed the self-righteous billionaire to sit down beside Clint Barton at the conference table. "And I'm pretty sure Pepper would attest to the fact that you were otherwise unpreoccupied."
"That's my girlfriend, you're not allowed to talk to her," Tony noted over the seeds in his mouth with a wag of his finger. He glanced around the room before asking, "So, what, it's just me and Big Bird that got called in?"
"Steve will meet you at your starting point. Didn't need Agent Coulson to be distracted…," Nick Fury said with a pointed glance toward Coulson, who averted his eyes a bit embarrassedly. "We've finally been able to make limited contact with Asgard, with the help of Dr. Selvig, and though the snow-bridge or whatever hasn't been entirely repaired yet…"
"The BiFrost, sir," Coulson supplied.
"…we've been able to enlist Thor as a backup. They've been very forthcoming since New Mexico."
"Why so many recruits for this one test? I could do this solo," Tony declared unabashedly as he dropped the empty silver snack bag onto the table and sat down, the Arc Reactor glowing vividly through the fabric of his shirt. "Actually, I take that back. Seems like you're pretty well-staffed. So I can go home."
"You haven't seen this girl," Clint commented with a knowing look, habitually plucking the string of his bow to check the tension before setting it down and crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Hate to admit it, but we're going to need all the help we can get."
"How are you guys having so much trouble finding one chick? Amateurs." Tony shook his head, putting his feet up on the edge of the table.
Fury gave a small, frustrated sigh before giving the file he was holding a toss. It skidded down the glass surface to lose momentum in front of Tony and Clint, who glanced away without interest; he'd already read through the file. Tony, however, picked it up, eyes always alight when there was information or data to be packed into his already jam-packed brain. "Finding her isn't the issue. She was fairly easy to identify and even easier to spot. Agent Coulson?"
Coulson leaned forward and calmly explained, "Cora Dempsey. Twenty-five years old. Hair: Black. Eyes: Blue. Pale, five feet and eight inches tall, one-hundred and twenty pounds."
Tony opened the case file and glanced at the photo inside, giving a soft whistle. "You sure her eyes are blue? They look black."
"They're really dark, apparently. Her driver's license and all her other official documents say blue. None of us have gotten close enough to tell for ourselves."
"Why not? What'd she do?"
"Remember that incident in Central Park two weeks ago?"
"Refresh my memory," Tony requested as he pored over the documents in front of him.
Clint was the one who spoke up first. "Someone wavered out of sight on one of the park benches by the Alice statue in front of about twenty people. Then again in a subway terminal off Broadway."
"And that person was this girl?"
"Yeah. There's no one we can bring in to ask about her either. No family apart from her grandmother, who's homebound in California."
"If she's homebound, there's got to be someone taking care of her," Tony pointed out a bit impatiently.
"Yeah, her uncle, but he's only met the girl once, according to him, and doesn't know a thing about her," Fury stepped in.
"Anyway, so she's pretty simple to spot," Coulson noted. "She's not very well off, financially. Owns like four different shirts as far as we can tell, so there haven't been elaborate disguises to get through. She also has distinctive tattoos on…"
"You know how many shirts she has?" Tony repeated with an arched brow. "You get bored around here or something? Creeps, shame on you."
"As I was saying, tattoos on her back and her right wrist. She also has a stud in her nose."
"If she's so easy to spot, why haven't you caught her yet?" Tony asked, closing up the file. "You. Big Bird. You started to say something about that earlier. What is it about her?"
"Well, we catch up to her fine and then she disappears."
"What, does the wavering thing? I saw some news report on that when the subway stuff happened. It's not like she turned invisible. She just flashed a little."
"She seems to do the 'wavering thing' just enough for us to lose track of her. And it does the same thing to our equipment. The interference is…"
"Well, it's similar to what the BiFrost arrivals did before," Coulson admitted, frowning. "It doesn't make sense though."
"This can't be the first time someone's slipped in some radioactive sludge and gotten powers. Stranger things have happened."
"It's definitely not. Most of them grow extra appendages though," he noted seriously. "But she's not radioactive in any sense and not an Asgardian. And the readings are nearly identical."
Tony snorted at the idea that there were actually weird alien-god-men up in space somewhere. "Okay, well, considering there might be these gods out there, maybe it's another kind. Maybe she beamed down from Krypton or Vulcan or something."
"Vulcan's highly unlikely since it got blown up," Clint offered, earning a roll of eyes from Fury and Tony, both.
"My point is, if there's actually one other 'world' out there besides ours," Tony noted, hooking his fingers through the air to punctuate his doubt, "there could be more, right?"
"She's been on Earth her entire life though and so have, er, had her parents. You saw the birth certificate, the diploma, the driver's license, the degree… All of that's there. In fact, her family dates back through the centuries, no problem."
"What happened to her parents?"
"Car crash. She was inside, but came out with just a broken arm."
"Did that have anything to do with her?"
Coulson shook his head. "Just a freak, tragic accident."
Tony nodded, not having to open the file back up to reassure himself there were all those documents inside. He'd seen them and his suggestion had been to exhaust all possibilities. "What's the interest here?"
"Interest. And she's a potential threat, should she opt to use her…talent for bad intent. It'd be ideal for a thief, a spy, really any covert operative position out there. She doesn't seem like a criminal yet, but we'd rather get to her before that happens," Coulson explained.
"Not much of a party. Just picking up a runaway," Tony murmured as Fury retrieved the file.
"You say that now, but I think it might be more of a challenge than you think."
"Tell you what, Stark, I'll give you a five minute head-start when we find her. See if you can catch her on your own," Clint smirked.
"Could with my eyes closed, Barton. In fact, will." Tony got up from the conference table and cracked his fingers. "Heading out, when?"
"Now. There's not much time to waste," Fury noted. "Don't do anything stupid either."
"Aw, Nick, didn't know you worried about me," Tony said with mock affection.
"Not as much worried about you as what your cocky ass gets me into sometimes. Now that you're working as part of the Initiative, you're going to have to act with a little more forethought."
Tony snorted. "Some of my best ideas come from impulse." He gave a flippant salute and then walked out of the conference room, seeming to walk on clouds of his own confidence.
Fury gave an exasperated sigh. "Our definitions of 'best' are very different…" He looked over to Clint as the other man rose up, starting to follow after Tony. "I'm counting on you, Agent Barton."
"Won't disappoint you, sir," Clint said decidedly as he left as well with an inclination of his head.
Coulson looked toward Fury with a raised brow, but a smile still on his face. "You sure you don't want me to accompany them, sir?"
"You've done enough for now, Phil," Fury told him easily. "Let them give it a shot and we'll see where we're at. It couldn't get any worse than it already is."
"Wouldn't say that too loudly, sir," Coulson chuckled. "But, for the record, I wouldn't have been distracted."
"Lying doesn't suit you, Phil."
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Next chapter: Chapter 2, "If She Be Worthy"
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boy-gender · 5 months
something i wanna mention re: your post about the bots stealing photos, it’s important to note that many of these come from transphobic, exorsexist, and intersexist targeted data breaches and are sourced/scraped from malicious sites/boards like the k-farms.
i’m ace and sex-oscillating (sometimes i’m fine with seeing sexual things sometimes i’m not) and even when i’m at my most sex-repulsed i want everyone to know that the sex workers in the tag are some of our most vulnerable population members (no matter their gender(s) or exact identity/terms) because they’re being targeted by these sites.
idk sorry if this is reiterating your post but you’re the first person i’ve seen mention the importance of “these photos are stolen btw” instead of “oh yucky porn” like. y’all some of these are photos which were only intended for one or two people to see. these workers can now no longer regulate that OR how people interact with them.
they get so much harassment because of stolen photos when it’s been ripped out of their private accounts…. it’s awful
Thank you so much for adding that. I sometimes forget that not everyone is aware of how dangerous sex work, even purely online not in person sex work, is. I should have emphasized more that sex workers are not the danger; they're largely *in* danger.
And not just of being harassed, having their material stolen, or being targetted, but also by the death of internet privacy and net neutrality. Bills like fosta-sesta, and it's successor kosa- which is moving forward as we speak- are steadily erasing protections for anyone who creates nsfw content anywhere on the internet. It removes software and data tracking that allow sex workers to vet their johns before they interact with them, especially if they're going to meet up in person, and that data was one of the CHIEF ways human traffickers are found and arrested, and their victims tracked down.
KOSA isn't just a danger to fandom- though it is *also* a danger to fandom- but to very real people doing a job as old as time. Outlawing the expression of sexual materials is never going to stop sexual activity, it just forces it to be done in the dark, where sex workers, a large chunk of whom are queer, are at increased risk of being harmed, killed, or losing their ability to make a living.
One of the things I said in my post was that sexual materials belong on tumblr like they belong anywhere. Some people may point to the fact that that's no longer allowed under the terms of service- regardless of what tumblr "clarifies," they still ban it, especially from trans people. I was here before then. I was here when net neutrality still existed. And I am going to continue to operate under those attitudes until the end of days. I don't post sexually explicit materials myself, but I am never going to tattle on people who do, and people who do report those real users (not the bots) to staff disgust me.
If you're sex repulsed, I get it. I'm personally repulsed by the smell of pomegranate perfume. It's a trigger for me. But I am responsible for my feelings- it wouldn't be right to demand everyone everywhere stop wearing pomegranate perfume, and by going in public, I run the risk that I will bump into someone wearing it. I will have to remove myself from that situation.
And the same is true for if you don't like sexual content. You are responsible for what you do with those feelings. It's okay to have them; you can feel however you want about sex! But it's not okay to demand that other people cease harmlessly expressing themselves to conform to your feelings, and it's not okay to act like a fucking cop and purposely try to interfere with their job because you have the ick and don't approve.
Sex work is labor. Sex workers having ways to protect themselves and others is as close to "unionizing" as sex work gets. Stop interfering with what are basically their labor regulations. Block and move the fuck on!!
Do report the bots though. For SPAM. For STEALING MATERIALS. Not for the sex.
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eximpedia1 · 3 months
How to Start Fruit Export Business from India?
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India's fruit sector is experiencing significant growth, presenting vast opportunities for exporters. From exotic kiwis to delectable mangoes, a world of flavors awaits discovery. India, with its diverse climate and long agricultural history, stands as a powerhouse in fruit production.
Why Export Fruits from India?
The high demand for premium fruits in countries like the US, Europe, Hong Kong, and Vietnam makes fruit export from India a lucrative business opportunity. Despite the challenges of navigating the fruit export industry, it remains a promising venture due to India's capacity to produce various fruits at competitive prices.
Fruit Export from India: Key Statistics and Facts
India is a major player in the global fruit export market. In the fiscal year 2022-2023, the country exported 674,291.70 MT of fresh fruits (excluding grapes and mangoes), generating revenue of Rs. 2,736.99 crores, equivalent to 339.00 USD million. Projections suggest that by 2024, India's fruit export industry will achieve a gross production value of USD 41.19 billion.
Top Fruits Exported from India
India's mangoes, especially the Alphonso variety, are renowned worldwide for their rich, creamy texture and sweet, citrusy flavor. The demand for these mangoes is high in India and the Middle East, Europe, and the US.
As the world's largest producer of bananas, India's share in banana exports is steadily increasing. Besides fresh bananas, India also exports processed banana products like dried bananas, chips, and puree, catering to diverse culinary uses globally.
Known as the "jewels of winter," Indian pomegranates dominate over half of the world's production. Major export destinations include Greece, Israel, Russia, the UAE, and Italy.
Indian apples, appreciated for their crispness and nutritional value, are exported primarily to Bangladesh, Nepal, and the Middle East. Varieties such as Green Apple, Pink Lady, Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, Envy, and Red Apple are well-known.
Indian oranges are versatile and in high demand for their use in food, perfumes, and cosmetics. Popular export varieties include Dancy, Nagpur Santra, Coorg Santra, Kinnow Mandarin, and Darjeeling Mandarin.
Leading Fruit Exporters in India
Prominent fruit exporters in India include:
Pisum Foods
Indian Farmers Export (IFE Fruits & Vegetables)
Radha Krishan Fruit Company
Jadli Foods India
Mahindra Agri
Balaji Foods Pvt Ltd
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd
Vardhan Exports Pvt Ltd
Golden Agri Exports Pvt Ltd
Vajreshwari Enterprises And Corp
Strategies for Successful Fruit Export from India
Establish an Export Firm:
Company Registration: Choose a suitable business structure (private limited, partnership, or sole proprietorship) and register with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
Import Export Code (IEC): Obtain an IEC from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), certifying your business as an approved exporter.
Select Fruits for Export: Choose fruits with high export potential, considering factors like shelf life, export quantities, and market demand. Access real-time data from platforms like Eximpedia for insights.
Compliance and Documentation:
Registration and Licensing: Register with APEDA and secure necessary licenses.
Documentation: Ensure all export documents, including commercial invoices, origin certificates, and phytosanitary certifications, meet importing country specifications.
Access Reliable Export Data: Utilize platforms like Eximpedia to access market trends, competitor analysis, and potential buyer connections. This information is crucial for making informed export decisions.
India's fruit export industry is booming, driven by a diverse range of fruits and robust international trade relations. For new exporters, leveraging resources like Eximpedia can provide valuable insights and help establish a foothold in the global market. Whether you need updated fruit export data, a list of top fruit exporters, or information on fruit HS codes, Eximpedia offers comprehensive support to navigate the fruit export landscape. Connect with Eximpedia today for a free live demo and take the first step towards successful fruit exporting from India.
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altustechnotrends · 5 months
Canned Fruit Juice Market is Expected to Grow at an Alarming CAGR by 2030 
"The market research Canned Fruit Juice offers market 2024-2030 sizing and predictions in seven main currencies: USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, AUD, CAD, and CHF. The availability of different currencies facilitates informed decision-making for organization executives. The years 2019 through 2022 are regarded as historical years in this report, while 2023 serves as the base year, 2024 is the expected year, and the years 2024 through 2030 are regarded as the forecast period.
Global Canned Fruit Juice Market: Manufacturers
Dole Packaged Foods, Fresh Del Monte Produce, Cadbury, China Huiyuan Juice Group Limited, Delmonte Foods, Tropicana Products, Citrus World, Ocean Spray Cranberries, WILD Flavors, Inc, Welch's, Keurig Dr. Pepper, Nestle, LOTTE
Get FREE Canned Fruit Juice Market Sample report: https://altusmarketresearch.com/reports/sample/63168
The Global Canned Fruit Juice Market Assessment Requires the Use of the FPNV Positioning Matrix. By looking at important variables related to Product Satisfaction and Business Strategy, it offers a thorough assessment of suppliers and empowers consumers to make selections based on their own requirements. Then, using a sophisticated analysis, these vendors are grouped into four different quadrants, Forefront (F), Pathfinder (P), Niche (N), and Vital (V), which correspond to different success levels.
An informative look at the current situation of vendors in a specific market space can be found in the Canned Fruit Juice Market Share Analysis. We can help firms better evaluate their performance and their competition when vying for market share by analyzing vendor contributions to overall revenue, client base, and other critical indicators. Additionally, the Canned Fruit Juice analysis clarifies the degree of competition in each sector with regard to accumulation, fragmentation domination, and amalgamation features during the base year period under investigation.
Customization/Inquiry For Buying of Canned Fruit Juice Market Report @ https://altusmarketresearch.com/reports/enquiry/63168
The following advice is revealed in the Canned Fruit Juice market report:
Market Penetration: Gives thorough details on the Canned Fruit Juice market that the major companies are offering.
Market Development: Offers comprehensive details regarding profitable developing markets and examines market penetration across established market sectors.
Market diversification: Offers comprehensive data on investments, unexplored regions, new product launches, and recent advancements.
Market Trends: Offers a thorough grasp of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, the High Inflation, and the Cumulative Effect of COVID-19
Competitive Assessment & Intelligence: Offers a thorough evaluation of the top companies' market shares, business plans, goods, certifications, regulatory approvals, patent portfolios, and manufacturing capacities.
Product Development & Innovation: Offers perceptive perspectives on upcoming technologies, research and development endeavors, and innovative product innovations.
Global Market: Type
Apple Juice Lemon Juice Orange Juice Pomegranate Juice Mango Juice Grape Juice Watermelon Juice Hawthorn Juice Mixed Fruit Others
Global Market: Application
E-Commerce Hypermarkets and Supermarkets Specialty Stores Convenience Stores Others
Highlights of the Canned Fruit Juice Market analysis:
With 2023 serving as the base year, this research offers a thorough analysis of the Canned Fruit Juice market as well as market size (US$ Mn) and compound annual growth rate (CAGR%) for the forecast period (2024–2030).
It presents appealing investment proposition matrices for this market and clarifies possible revenue prospects across several segments.
Important information is also provided by this report regarding market trends, regional outlooks, opportunities, opportunities, constraints, and competitive strategies used by major competitors, as well as new product launches or approvals.
Based on the following criteria—company overview, financial performance, product portfolio, market presence, distribution tactics, significant advancements, strategies, and future plans—it profiles major participants in the Canned Fruit Juice market.
Marketers and the companies' management authorities would be able to make well-informed decisions about their future product launches, type upgrades, market expansion, and marketing strategies with the use of the insights from this study.
Various industry stakeholders, such as investors, suppliers, product manufacturers, distributors, new entrants, and financial analysts, are served by the Canned Fruit Juice market study.
With the usage of numerous strategy matrices for examining the Canned Fruit Juice market, stakeholders would find it easier to make decisions.
Read Report Description: https://altusmarketresearch.com/global-canned-fruit-juice-market-63168
The report provides answers to queries like:
What are the Global Canned Fruit Juice Market's size and forecast? What are the COVID-19-related barriers and how will they affect the global Canned Fruit Juice market throughout the projected period? Which Global Canned Fruit Juice Market goods, sectors, applications, and areas should investors focus on during the forecast period? What is the global Canned Fruit Juice market's competitive strategy window for opportunities? What are the global Canned Fruit Juice market's regulatory frameworks and technological trends? What percentage of the global Canned Fruit Juice market do the top vendors hold? Which approaches and tactical maneuvers are deemed appropriate for breaking into the global Canned Fruit Juice market?"
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naveenkumarsin32 · 1 year
US import Export data | Global import export data provider
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Which fruits and vegetables are eating in diabetes.
 Summer are giving for diabetes patients lots of possibles for lowering glucose level in blood and improving condition an own. Thus use this season by maximum, and improve and own feeling.
Any diabetes base cure lies a right meal, and diet for diabetic is a base of his health, long life and preventing complications/hypertension, bad healing wounds, in surgery are bad healing sieves, trophical ulcers, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, gangrene for feet of legs.
And from fruits lowering glucose in blood am  advising are pomegranates, pears, non-sweet kinds, non-sweet apples, thistle golden, From berries are sambucus nigra, blueberry, blackberry, dogwood, fragaria vesca, black currant, white, cherry sour, schizandra chinesis.
Not avoiding, but limiting are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, white, Brussels, red, savoy, china, red radish, turnip, squash, aubergines, pumpkin, asparagus, salad, sorrel, spinach, dill, green onion, garlic, chicory, vegetable, celery leaf petioles, tomatoes, sweet pepper, Bulgarian, kidney beans, artichoke.
Data vegetables eating on 250-300 gr/day, spreading theirs quantities on a few methods. Vegetables and fruits with ten percent sugars in 100 gr products are onion, beet, carrot, beans, peas, petroselinum, celery root, strawberry, oranges, mandarines, red currant, raspberry, cranberry, melon, peach, quince, pears.
Avoiding from sweet fruits with ten percent of sugars, as sweet apples, bananas, fig, grape, dates, pineapples , but you can eat on small quantities and for 1-2 times/month, or better avoiding .
Glycaemic index is importance.
Glycaemic index or GI Is stat for a meal affecting on glucose rising in blood after his using. If he is not high, thus glucose in blood rising slowly, if high,  thus after eating this product glucose in blood rising very faster, that is bad in diabetes. As in cookies, jam, fried vegetables a GI is higher, than in raw, thus in diabetes benefit use raw vegetables, fruits, and very fast and strong rising in chopping products and very higher staying in pressing juice or cooking juice . And avoid cook juices of garden harvest and drink theirs as of changing vegetables and fruits.
And Glycaemic index table you can find in internet or buy online, or asking in a doctor.
About your favourite potato.
Sugar in her is less, but lots of starch having, which faster transferring in glucose and rising her sugar level in blood, thus potato eat on 200 gr/day is sugar level in blood is ten, and not higher, if high, thus on 100 gr, and eat potato as boiled,stewed, baked kinds, avoid cooking purée, as GI in purée is higher.
For keeping sugar in blood bridle, eat 50 gr of carbohydrates, as not entering here just sugar on clean kind, but   starch as of potato, carrot, beet, and bread.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/ArJ6ikG via https://ift.tt/n4l8kqS
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dritafriend · 2 years
Roller splat level generator
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auraria males might be susceptible to mating disruption. Additionally, preliminary data obtained from small-scale field trials suggested that P. In fact, recently this blend was successfully tested in Southern areas of Chile. auraria populations from central Chile was reported by our group : tetradecyl acetate (14:OAc), E11-14:OAc, ( Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-14:OAc), and E11-14:OH, in a relative ratio of 11:100:1:37. However, a significantly more attractive 4-component sex pheromone for P. auraria monitoring in Chile was conducted using pheromone lures for the tufted apple bud moth (TBM), Platynota ideausalis Walker (Tortricidae) containing a 1:1 ratio of E11-14:OAc and E11-14:OH. auraria pheromone established a 7:3-ratio of ( E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11-14:OAc) and ( E)-11-tetradecenol (E11-14:OH) as the main components, whereas Roelofs and Brown reported only the alcohol as the sex pheromone. auraria males for timing insecticide applications has been conducted in Chile using pheromone-baited traps. For this reason, many growers currently rely on different insecticides (e.g., Bacillus thuringiensis, organophosphates, etc.) as the most common pre-harvest tactic used against this pest. auraria within the list of new pests representing a risk of introduction to different new areas importing plants and fresh fruits from South America. However, the most important economic impact is due to its quarantine status, frequently causing rejections of Chilean fresh fruits for export when immature stages (mainly larvae) are found during fruit inspections after harvest. Larvae also feed on the fruit epidermis, and cause surface tunneling, which makes the fruits unmarketable, and facilitates the development of saprophagous insects (e.g., Drosophila melanogaster Meigen) or fungal diseases (e.g., Botrytis cinerea Pers.). The larvae cause damage by folding foliage and eating flowers, reducing the photosynthetic potential, the canopy development, and the fruit set. and Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller)), the decreasing amount of natural enemies due to insecticide use, and/or replacement of the original vegetation including P. This is probably due to changes in management tactics for other pests (e.g., withdrawal of insecticide applications because of increasing use of mating disruption against Cydia pomonella L. auraria has become a key pest in some vineyards and orchards in Chile. auraria or Proeulia sp, include citrus, figs, grapes, kiwifruits, loquats, pome fruits, pomegranates, stone fruits, and walnuts several native plants (e.g., Ugni molinae Turcz), weeds (e.g., Galega officinalis L.), and ornamental trees (e.g., Platanus orientalis L.). It is a polyphagous insect that has moved from native hosts to exotic plants the hosts reported for either P. Proeulia auraria is the economically most important species of the Genus Proeulia, endemic to Chile. The species is also mentioned in the literature from Argentina but restricted to Chile based on the Centre for Agricultural and Bioscience International, therefore considered a native moth. The Chilean fruit or pear leafroller, Proeulia auraria (Clarke) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Tortricinae), is distributed in Chile, from Atacama (coordinates −27.37, −70.33) to Los Lagos (−41.47, −72.94). As far as we know, this is the first report on MD development against a South American tortricid pest. auraria, needing now the development of a commercial product and the strategy (and protocols) necessary to control this pest in conventional and organic orchards in Chile. Furthermore, mating disruption (MD) field trials showed that application of 250 pheromone point sources using the dispenser wax matrix SPLAT (Specialized Pheromone and Lure Application Technology, 10.5% pheromone) with a total of 78 g/ha of the blend described above resulted in trap shutdown immediately after application, and mating disruption >99% in all orchards for at least 5 months. No or low adult activity was observed during January and between late May and late August. Using this blend, we studied the phenology of adult males in vineyards, apple, and blueberry orchards, identifying two long flight cycles per season, lasting from September to May and suggesting 2–3 generations during the season. We concluded that septa loaded with 200 μg of E11-14:OAc + 60 μg E11-14:OH allowed for efficient trap captures for up to 10 weeks. Using synthetic pheromone compounds, we conducted field trials to optimize the blend for monitoring, and to determine the activity period of rubber septa aged under field conditions. The leafroller Proeulia auraria (Clarke) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a native, polyphagous, and growing pest of several fruit crops in Chile it also has quarantine importance to several markets, thus tools for management are needed.
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seairexim · 6 months
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Pomegranate, dubbed a "Superfood," thrives in Maharashtra, covering vast acres and yielding high production. With rising global demand, India emerges as a major exporter, particularly from Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Karnataka. Check the blog "Exploring Global Markets: Pomegranate Export from India" Now!
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 135
I think y’all are in for a treat with this one. I won’t spoil it, though, other than to say that @baelpenrose and @charlylimph-blog thought this chapter was hilarious.
Think about that, please. Charly and Arthur think this chapter is hilarious.
Eyeah. That’s all I’ve got to say about that. I do not take responsibility for any injuries sustained.
As always, please don’t forget to check out the podcast! I will plug it shamelessly, so you may as well.
“Where are they?” Alistair murmured while he searched our shared office thoroughly.  Had it been anyone else, I would say he was being calm, but the fact that he was searching for anything, at all, tagged it in my head as a downright frantic pace.
“Where are what?”
“Nothing,” he dismissed, despite continuing his search.
I furrowed my brows. “You haven’t even had your tea yet. Or your breakfast?”
A pale hand waved me off. “I am aware.”
Shrugging, I gave it up as a lost cause and went back to the list of evacuees that Tyche and I had drafted up. After whipping up a preliminary list of who was assigned where, we were doing a more thorough second pass to ensure no conflicts of personality.  Deep in thought, I paid Alistair no attention until Parvati and Hannah arrived fifteen minutes later.
“Alistair, they aren’t here, so you can stop looking,” Hannah grinned as she took her accustomed seat.
“I am sure I don’t know what you mean.”
“Surrrrre you don’t. Just like I’m sure you don’t know why several of the paint pens ran out of pigment,” Parvati assured him in the most sincere tone I had ever heard. My former therapist would have been proud.
I fought back a smile as he straightened and finally stopped his search, even going so far as to tug his shirt to get any wrinkles out. “I know no such thing.”  With that, he turned his back to all three of our snickering faces, requesting his usual tea and scone from the food console.
Composing my face, I tried to be serious for a minute. “You should eat fast, because our appointment with Arthur Farro is in about fi - “
My door whooshed open. Speak of the devil.
“ - ve minutes early, apparently,” I finished.
Unperturbed as usual, the subject of my previous suggestion strolled in with his usual air of confidence.  Just as he was going to take a seat beside Parvati, he leaned across the table. “Aww, no kiwi or pomegranate on your clotted cream this morning? Poor fing,” he said with a mocking pout.
“I am baffled why everyone believes such things of me,” Alistair grumbled into his tea with a scowl.
I sputtered. “You were using the pens on your breakfast?”
He didn’t even bother denying the chorus of confirmations from those around him, taking the higher road of sudden deafness. “Farro, I am still not entirely sure why a former warlord is necessary for discussions of an evacuation plan.”
“Warlords are generally just berserkers if they don’t have anyone to be ‘lord’ of.” Farro shot a dazzling smile as I supressed a groan. “But then again, being British, I’m sure you got confused, what with all the lords that were there in the last century without even land to their names.”
It really was easier sometimes to do things without either of them. Time to step in. “Gentlemen,” I purred in my most annoyingly ‘motivational’ tone possible, “the bathroom is right through that door, if you would like to continue your pissing contest.  However, some of us have actual work to do, so whether you fuck it out or fight it out, please do so on your own time.”
Both mouths shut with an audible click, and both men looked away from me. But at least they were quiet. Sophia: 1, Whatever-the-hell-this-was: 0.
I forged ahead while I had the chance. “Arthur, thank you for taking time to meet with us regarding the plans for fortifying the safety points. I’m sorry that Tyche couldn’t be here, however she scheduled her stay-cation several months ago and frankly deserves it.” By which I meant I had bribed Derek with a nauseating amount of bao to disable any communications to or from this office from going to her data pad until the start of her first shift post-vacation, and threatened my entire family within an inch of their lives to keep them from bringing up work around her for the next week. “However, I do have her concerns and suggestions ready, I assure you.”
With a scowl, he glanced at me and stood, calling up the emitter-map of the Ark. Quickly, he sketch circles around each of the ‘bunkers’ we had designated. “Xiomara had very sound judgement in the locations she chose for safe-zones, and I honestly expected it. Between her and Evania, there is a frankly terrifying amount of strategic prowess in what is theoretically our Health and Safety office.”
“You can’t be healthy or safe if you’re dead,” Hannah pointed out.
He tossed her a wink and grin. “Touche. However, none of them are perfect. This location,” he leaned to tap and zoom on a mess hall, “is fortified, has access to food and drink, even if you have to furiously call up non-perishables and potable water, and only has one entrance/egress.  A huge entry/egress, unfortunately: the door is ten meters wide.”
Parvati tapped a couple times on her datapad before chiming in. “It does close, however. And it locks.”
Arthur shook his head. “In two panels, each five meters wide. If even one is blown, the gap is indefensible. Both, everyone in there is free for the taking.”
“You are suggesting we ask Miys to narrow the aperture of the door?” I groaned when I heard Alistair leverage his overly-formal language.
It didn’t get any better when Arthur nodded. “Worst they can say is no, but the size of the door is simply for ease of access and to assuage anyone with proximity issues. Now that we all have these handy alerts - “ he tapped his temple for emphasis “ - it isn’t nearly as necessary. Noah? Bud? What do you think?”
The buzz from the ceiling was clearly amused. “I am amenable if this is a solution. As Arthur pointed out, the width of that door is no longer necessary.”
“Annnd there we go,” Arthur shrugged. “The boatwright said yes, if that’s what we want.”
My jaw nearly hit the floor when Alistair nodded firmly and stood. Swiftly, he highlighted three more areas. “These have the same potential concern. We should include those in the proposal.”
‘We’? ‘We’ whomst??? Since when were they on the same side?
“I agree,” Arthur continued enthusiastically, causing my head to start twinging in pain. “According to the engineers and the chemisists on board, the material of the Ark is remarkably fire-retardant despite it’s organic nature - let’s hear it for advanced civilizations - so there is no additional need for fire doors. There is however a possibility of concussive damage to the actual doors in any area, despite how thick the actual walls are.”
“Tyche recommended shock-absorbent material on the exteriors of each door, dropped via internal trigger and held taught by wires rather than any sort of scaffolding,” I suggested, recovering my focus. I flicked the concept at the emitter, where it was displayed alongside the schematic of the Ark. “Using wires would allow us to also store it in a roll at the top of the door, and allow pulleys to draw the wires embedded in the bulkhead down to cover the entire door.”
Hannah nodded thoughtfully. “The materials she suggests are a good idea - definitely maximizes shock absorption as much as possible. My only concern is that we can probably double the flame resistance of the materials for only a ten-percent loss of effectiveness.”
Calling up my datapad, I smiled as I quoted. “ ‘However, Hannah is a professional weaver and seamstress, and therefore I defer to her on any suggestions regarding materials used, provided there is no more than twenty-percent loss of efficacy’. Apparently she did the calculations and had Charly and Conor both check behind her - anything below twenty percent loss, and the blast would blow the doors.”
“And when did the more sensible Miss Reid learn engineering?” Alistair asked in what sounded like genuine curiosity.
“Tuesdays - I think?” I scrunched my face and searched my memory. “It was something very important when we were cosplaying.”
Arthur snorted, but gestured an apology when Alistair affixed him with a downright lethal glare.
Hannah ignored them both. “Wool… We should be able to synthesize raw wool, instead of the plant based materials here. Best of both worlds - fluffy, incredibly flame resistant, and disperses concussive force like nothing else. Line it with silk for shrapnel? We should be good.”
“Fortress defense via quilts. I like it,” Arthur grinned savagely.
“There is a reason tapestries were so important in the Middle Ages,” Alistair snarked at him. “Both flame resistant and insulating, both very good qualities when you see by torches and candles in a drafty residence that echoes like a cathedral.”
Arthur held his hands up in surrender. “Not arguing, no worries… Genuine respect, swear.”
“Annnnd forging on from whatever-the-fuck-that-was,” I interjected, trying to focus on the topic at hand rather than… well, whatever the fuck that was, “That’s overlarge entries and concussive force taken care of. What other concerns did you have, Arthur?”
“Frankly? Camouflage,” he told us sternly. “The best way to protect against an invading enemy is to make it so hard to find you that it isn’t worth the effort.  All these defenses are good an all, but… they’ll stick out like a sore thumb and practically scream ‘Hey! We’re in HERE!’ “ I stifled a laugh when he hopped and waved his arms furiously.
“Very dignified, Farro,” Alistair sniffed as he stood to get more tea.
“I know, right? I’m so classy…”
Rolling my eyes and still regretting having them both in my office at the same time, “We actually have the camouflage solved for.” You could have heard a pin drop, all four of them frozen, mouths open. “It came through this morning from Zach.” I swiped the fortress-quilt specs down, and popped up the plans for the camouflage. “We’re thinking on the visible spectrum, since humans are sight animals. Zach went with a ‘most common denominator’ approach - scent, infrared, acoustic, everything but electromagnetic vision.  The quilts cover the infrared and the majority of the acoustic issues: if any body-heat shows through fifteen inches of fluffed wool and a bulkhead door, we’re doomed no matter what.” I highlighted a line of data. “Scent, likewise: Zach is suggesting aeresolized, low concentration sulfur throughout the majority of the Ark, excluding the safe-zones. The safe-zones will also have one of Miys stationed in each one, acting essentially as an air scrubber. This will minimize acoustics from active air filtration, while also adhering to Miys being a non-participant: they will be present to ensure our comfort due to minimizing body odor, nothing more.  This was already planned, the fact that it will protect us from being detected by scent is just a lagniappe.”
I waited for the thoughtful nods to pass and decided I did not see the glance that Arthur and Alistair exchanged. As long as they didn’t draw blood during the meeting, I would let it slide. “Where it gets sticky is neuroelectric. Zach, it seems, took a page out of Charly’s manual-of-mischief.” I zoomed in on the specific line of the prospectus and waited.
“He wants to what?” Hannah asked, incredulous. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh I like this,” came the ‘devil’ in ‘devil’s advocate’.
“How would it even work?” Parvati asked, genuinely curious.
I chose that one to respond to. “Just like the microfilament wires that will support the quilts, he wants to cover the walls inside several false locations with a mesh and electrify it to mimic human synaptic energy. Needle in a haystack theory.”
“Wait,” Alistair held up a hand to interrupt. “Are you also proposing that the doors to these false locations will be covered in the quilts?”
“Absolutely,” I confirmed. “Given how far from prospective entry points all of the safe-zones are located, they would run into several false locations before they encounter a real one.”
“And if they decide to tear into all the locations, even the false-positives?” Arthur poked, trying to find a hole in the idea. Which, I had to concede, was why he was even here instead of sending me messages for this.
“What if they decide to tear into every mess hall? Or every door? We can’t plan for everything.” I shook my head. “However, we can factor in a few things that seem pretty consistent despite species - Beings who don’t have legitimate work and take slaves are generally prone to laziness, despite somehow working harder to avoid work than I have ever actually worked a day in my life.  Point being, give them enough false positives on the way, they won’t actually search everything no matter what they say.”
“Speculation and hearsay, not admissible in court.”
“Au contraire, mon frère. Charly did the sociological analysis on all the species most likely to be pirates in the region of the galaxy where we will exit relativistic space, and her estimates are that the plan has a sixty-to-eighty-percent chance of success in the event that all human combatants fail. And I, personally, agree.” 
He conceded a low whistle. “Damn. If I didn’t like Evan so much, I would say Charly is being wasted with Huynh. Objection withdrawn.”
“Quite,” Alistair agreed smugly. “Miss Harper’s plan is a sound one. The Archives, however - “
I interrupted, still irritated about the topic. “You will be stationed immediately inside the doors to defend against any intruders who make it that far, while Tyche will be defending the y-junction between the speculative fiction and historical fiction categories to prevent intruders from reaching the actual people.”
“But the religious studies section - “
“Has already been scanned down to a molecular level to preserve the information, even if we can’t restore any actual artifacts,” Parvati advised in a profoundly bored tone. “You do realize that anyone who reaches that section will not be able to reach the actual people from there without doubling back, right?”
“Miss Fletcher, there is a Gutenberg Bible on this Ark, potentially the last one in existence.” The tone was icy enough to send a shiver down my spine.
“Phee,” Arthur threw out, guaranteeing my irate attention, “Is there any issue with moving the Gutenberg to the Speculative Fiction section until we meet with the Ekomari fleet?”
“Are you seri - “
“Not to placate the Monarchist, I swear. Just - that is a profoundly important historical artifact, even if I agree with nearly none of the contents. The start of the Information age! Literature in the hands of the vulgar masses! Your field of study would have never existed in the form it was without that achievement. Who cares if the first use was to print the frickin’ Bible?”
Before I could object, Parvati added her prodigious two cents. “I do not have to be Christian to appreciate the illuminations in a manuscript, any more than I have to be a Muslim to be brought to my knees by the beauty of a mosque. We can appreciate the significance of something regardless of whether we agree with it or not.”
“This is probably where Charly or Tyche would point out that I am a huge fan of laws against animal abuse, despite firmly believing that Hitler was evil incarnate,” I sighed. “Yeah, we can move the Gutenberg Bible, provided - hang on, stop cheering - PROVIDED - “ I paused to make sure they were all paying attention, “that any other works of significant cultural or historical significance are moved as well. Any first additions, significant religious texts - or in lack of ‘significant’ religious texts, just a copy of each that is agreed to be acceptable by all who follow that religion. A copy of Frankenstein, The Tale of Genji, et cetera.”
I knew my request brooked exactly zero argument from Alistair, as his eyes visibly shone when I added more books to the list. What I waited for were any objections from the other three.
Sure enough, Hannah tentatively raised her hand. When I nodded, she spoke up. “I think we should do a kind of Voyager-plate: a copy, even just digital, of all our texts around music, crafts, technology, mathematics… Art, fermentation, food preparation and the history of it. Not just for this scenario!” she insisted urgently, “For any worst-case scenario. Keep a copy, or several. And put those copies, along with all the relevant artifacts that we have on board, and keep them with the people in the Archives, in the safest part of the ship.”
“Where it would take a black hole to destroy it,” Parvati whispered.
Just as the tears were threatening my eyes, Arthur flopped back in his seat and kicked his boots up onto the table. “Jesus fuck, you guys are depressing. Right, but depressing. It’s doable, though. We just transcribe it into the most common language for each version of ‘language’ in the Galaxy…”
Alistair snorted. “You warlords and your short-sightedness. Clearly, the resolution is to transcribe it into the most common language in the Galaxy with instructions on how to translate it further down.”
“No, you limey-ass bastard,” Arthur growled. “Too much is lost in translation - there is a reason the Qur’an and the Sefer Torah should never be translated to be considered valid.”
Nope. I wasn’t dealing with it. We had covered all the necessary topics, I could message the rest. I twitch my head at both Vati and Hannah, at which point they both rose from their seats. Neither was noticed by the arguing men.
Arthur was mid-sentence when a quick strike from Vati to the top of his spinal cord rendered all his words gibberish. Rather than realizing this, he glanced down at his suddenly-tingling fingertips in confusion. Hannah simply hauled Alistair out of his seat and ignored his squawked objections, her shorter but sturdier frame more than a match for his tall, slender frame and brain that was very much against violence towards women but undecided about how to stop them from chauffeuring you out of a room.
With exactly zero ceremony, both men were deposited in the corridor, to the satisfaction of all three of us. I waggled my fingers in a farewell. “Fuck it out or fight it out, I don’t care. But not in my office. Ta!”
I could not hold back the smile anymore when both started pounding on the door for entry, not realizing I had disabled their permissions right after the first volley had been thrown.  It was almost habit, at this point, to disable their permissions to my office when they started bickering, only to restore them when they decided to act like adults.
Clearly that wasn’t the case this time. Oh well, maybe in a couple hours. I would need to ask Xiomara to do a ‘sensor test’ of the gym and med bays to be sure.
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lxvesickreality · 5 years
what was needed
Request: angsty natasha romanoff x reader, reader cant breathe and passes out -anon
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: angst, very little swearing and bad writing
Word Count: 1733
gif is NOT mine, full credit to owners
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The last thing Natasha could remember was her last conversation. She were fighting about Y/N putting herself in danger at the most recent mission. Natasha and Y/N haven’t spoken since the fight and it was starting to get to Natasha. She was never one to show any emotion but since Y/N joined the team, She developed some type of feelings for them. Natasha would push it aside trying to brush it off because this couldn’t happen, it can’t happen. But alas, it did. The feelings grew into love. With Y/N not talking to her and the team giving her the cold shoulder with the words that rolled of Natasha’s tongue, She felt utterly alone. The fight was only an attempt to protect them, She couldn’t risk her safety. It was to keep them alive. That’s what Natasha told herself to believe but the words that She said to Y/N was unfair and uncalled for. It made Y/N run off with tears rimming her eyes and the team give her disappointing looks. Natasha wanted to make it right with them, She needed to. The cold shoulders everyone was giving her was enough to send her over board. 
Lost in her thoughts, She almost didn’t realize the loud alarm blaring in the building the team stays in and it was enough to make Natasha shoot into action. Grabbing her Glock 26 off her side table, She threw open her door and started jogging to the elevator. Tony was in front of it, panting from the run he did. 
“Where was the alarm set off?” Natasha asked, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.
Tony’s head snapped to the side to look at Natasha, “The roof. F.R.I.D.A.Y. was hacked into and wouldn’t respond to was on the roof.” 
The two headed to the staircase after deciding the elevator might not be safe since Tony’s AI was hacked into and the run seemed like it was taking up too many minutes but with her speed, it was only 30 seconds by the time She reached the doors to the roof. Tony stayed behind Natasha as She slowly slides the door open just enough to take a peek at what was outside. The sky was almost pitch black, there were no stars out and the lights on the roof weren’t on but She could faintly see the beautiful color of Y/N hair and the favorite pair of jeans Natasha likes on her that shows off her curves perfectly. She whispered to Tony who it was that set off the alarm but he was gone. She guessed it was to get his suit and She focused on the hands that were wrapped around Y/N’s waist. In the pit of her stomach, She felt the anger and jealousy but the hands looked too familiar. She had black gloves on with a symbol. She inched closer to get a better look at the symbol on the gloves and her eyes went wide. It was HYDRA’s symbol. 
“Shit,” Natasha cursed under her breath. Cocking her gun, She slid open the door some more and aimed for the head of the agent. His hands were now on Y/N’s neck seemed to be choking her but it didn’t look like he was applying enough pressure to kill her. He wanted something.The agent’s head was positioned to look at her when She got the aim right where she wanted, in between the eyes. Y/N’s face was red and her rosy cheeks were stained from the tears that continued to fall down. The look on her face was devastating, she was terrified to lose her life and Natasha felt responsible for it. She had left them alone with the thought of what Natasha did and told them. 
“You could’ve gotten yourself killed, Y/N!” Natasha yelled as the team strode off the Quinjet from the mission located in New Jersey. Y/N was about to take a bullet to her chest when She took a risk and ran into the computer room where the data She needed to retrieve as a part of her mission. The team had a plan she talked through on the way here and everyone was told to follow through no matter what the result would be. Y/N, on the other hand, didn’t listen. With the team fighting the HYDRA agents, She took the chance to get the data by herself but didn’t think of the consequences that would cause the team to have. 
“But I didn’t! I’m still standing here, Natasha. I’m fine and I’m alive. I got what we needed.” 
“You didn’t use your head! You left Clint alone, Y/N. He got severely injured because you left!” Y/N rolled her eyes at Natasha and attempted to walk away from her and the situation. Of course Y/N felt terrible for leaving Clint alone, who wouldn’t? The data was important to S.H.I.E.L.D. that regarded information of them and Y/N did what anybody else would do. “Don’t you dare walk away from me!”
“Or what, Romanoff?” Y/N spun around on her heel. “Or freaking what? You’ll tell Steve to get me kicked off the team? You’ll tell Fury to get me kicked out completely and on my own? Oh, that’s right, you can’t! I did what any sane person would do.”
Natasha felt her blood boiling, the amount of anger She had was enough for her to burst. She grabbed a hold of her weapon and aimed it directly next to Y/N then shot the bullet. Y/N instantly went quiet and stood stiffly while the team was staring at Natasha in complete shock upon this startling action that caused S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to turn her heads. “That’s what would’ve happened except She could’ve killed you with that one single bullet. You were so dumb to do go do that by yourself. You should’ve stuck to the plan.” 
“Ah, Natasha Romanoff, what a pleasure.” 
“Shut it. Give me them now.” Natasha was fully out of the door, standing directly in front of the agent with her gun still at the same place and She was ready to do whatever was necessary to get Y/N back into her arms safely. Y/N was sobbing and She was wheezing. His pressure on her neck was slowly getting tighter. It was beginning to cut off her circulation to her brain leaving only a tolerable amount of oxygen to keep her alive. “What do you want?”
“I want the data this one took from us. That held a lot of information, very important information and if I don’t get it back, this one dies.” he confessed.
Natasha hesitated. She can’t hand over the data files, the team handed it over to Fury as soon as She were back from the mission. She needed time to get it, She needed a plan to steal it from Fury without him noticing it gone. “We don’t have it. We gave it to the rightful owners. It didn’t belong to you.” 
“I want the data back now.”
“I just told you I don’t have it!” 
“I wish it didn’t come down to this but oh well, I guess you get to watch this one suffocate.” a mist came out from under his black leather jacket and was clouding over Y/N. Suddenly and out of nowhere, Natasha was grabbed from behind leaving her helpless and defenseless as one of them threw her Glock over the side of the roof. Y/N was coughing, letting out small screams as the mysterious mist was substituting the oxygen that was needed for a human to live. The agent stalked off to the elevator with one last look at Natasha before the doors closed leaving everyone else stuck up here. Where was the team? Natasha thought to herself. She struggled in her hold, four guys surrounding her and was pinning every limb She had. She knew what She was capable of, all the skills She was taught earlier in life that could lead to her death. 
Y/N was gasping for air as the mist traveled to her lungs. her vision was blurry, She couldn’t see anything but pitch black that was speckled with stars. She couldn’t speak anymore, no noise came out of her mouth while her body dropped down to the ground and she let the darkness take over.
Y/N stirred under the rough blanket she was put under mentally complaining about the itchiness the blanket was giving her. A cold hand rested on hers sending chills down her spine along with a small jolt of electricity that shifted through her entire body starting with the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She knew who it was just by the softness in the palm and the faint smell of her favorite perfume; pomegranate and vanilla. The corners of Y/N’s mouth flicked upwards in an attempt to smile while her E/C eyes adjusted to the light after she let up her eyelids. Natasha’s head was next to her thigh, slightly snoring in her sleep but Y/N couldn’t see her face as her red curly hair covered it. Taking the other hand that was not occupied by Natasha’s, she glided it over the redhead’s face pushing the hair away to admire her beauty. Natasha moved a little and her snoring stopped abruptly. 
“Natasha,” Natasha sprung into action, instinctively reaching for her weapon but it was not there and nevertheless, nobody was around besides Y/N who was awake. “Y/N, you’re awake.” a smile spread upon Natasha’s lips as she rushed forward to embrace Y/N. A group of butterflies was let out of their cage in Y/N’s stomach as she settled in Natasha’s warm hold she had on her. Natasha sat up, only centimeters away from Y/N’s face and without warning, her lips were suddenly on hers. Their lips molded together perfectly. They were meant to lay upon each other. The feeling it gave Y/N was so terrifyingly, so undeniably pleasurable. 
Y/N was okay and it set Natasha at ease knowing she was alive. She can apologize later for the fight but for now, this is what needed to happen. 
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priimestore · 5 years
Which fruits good for health, Ranked By Experts
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Which fruits good for health: In a strict sense, it is not possible to rank the healthiest fruits. They're all good, which fruits good for health we can decide by consuming them as by taking fruit juice. And most of us do not eat as many servings as we must always. According to Survey One large survey discovered that a poor food regimen was the main reason behind loss of life and incapacity in the US—worse even than smoking—and probably the most damaging elements of that crummy food regimen were not consuming sufficient fruit. However of all the alternatives on the market, from fiber-rich apples to antioxidant-packed blueberries and the whole lot in between. Which fruits pack essentially the most highly effective punch for total well being and weight reduction? Understanding which fruits to prioritize can go a great distance in boosting your well being whereas eliminating that every one too widespread alternative paralysis your expertise within the produce part of Complete Meals Market. So we tapped a few of our favorite vitamin specialists for his or her prime picks.
What makes fruit further healthy?
Earlier than we dive into our listing of healthiest fruits, it is vital to have a tough understanding of what makes a specific fruit a standout alternative. So we requested vitamin specialists for some perspective. What Expert says "High-fiber, lower-sugar fruits & to observe component sizes are recommended. Ideally, you additionally ought to eat fruit within the context of a balanced meal or snack that additionally gives protein and/or fats," says Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., CDN, registered dietitian, and well-being coach. Listed below are other good ideas to remember: Colorful is sweet, the deeper the higher. The fruit's immune system lies in its pores and skin within the type of darkish phytonutrient pigments. These phytonutrients (e.g., anthocyanins in blueberries and carotenoids in apricots) defend the fruit from environmental stressors just like the solar's UV rays and bugs, and So they're additionally what imparts a lot of fruits' highly effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. "These phytochemicals emphasize our cells in small, tireless ways in which trigger our immune system's antioxidant defenses in opposition to threats. like irritation, most cancers, and untimely growing old," says Maya Shetreat, M.D., integrative pediatric neurologist, writer of The Grime Remedy, and an all-around plant meal skilled. The tart is sweet, the tarter the higher. Some crops additionally developed to include phytonutrient compounds that impart a pointy style to their fruit to chase away predators (e.g., the tanginess of raspberries or the pucker of pomegranates). Very like phytonutrient pigments, these tart compounds usually point out a richer storehouse of micronutrients and phytonutrients that operate as highly effective antioxidants. Natural means extra antioxidants Natural fruits and vegetables have additionally been proven to include, on common, 20 to 40 percent more antioxidants than their conventionally grown counterparts—so in case you do go for natural, any of the alternatives beneath will probably be even more healthy. Plus, you will be steering away from actually lots of pesticides. Each contemporary and frozen are good choices All fruits lose vitamins over time, too, so it is vital to eat them whereas they're contemporary. Shopping for domestically grown greens from a farmers market or meals co-op is nice for that reason however not important. Shopping for natural frozen fruits is nice, too, as they're frozen at peak freshness. What Expert says All that stated, do not get caught on only one fruit being wholesome or the healthiest, says Dr. Shetreat. Develop your palate and go for selection. The broadest vary of nutritional vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients is what you are after. Use this listing merely as a piece of information that can assist you to slim down your selections. Whenever you're feeling indecisive.
Top 9 of the health-giving fruits on the planet
Even with the rules above, we needed the specialists to assist us to determine which fruits go above and past, based mostly on their nutrient profile and the most recent analysis. So we requested Cording and Dr. Shetreat to share some prime picks that might make it onto their healthiest fruits listing: 1. Raspberries
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With a fast scan of this listing, it is protected to say berries are the equal of leafy greens within the vegetable world. They're full of fiber (Eight grams per cup—that is a few thirds of your every day wants!), include a wide range of phytonutrients, and their web antioxidant impact is, gram for gram, second only to herbs & spices. According to 2011 Rasberry study Moreover, a 2011 study confirmed that consuming 60 grams of black raspberry powder slowed the expansion price of colorectal most cancer cells and the blood vessels that offer them in two to 4 weeks. Researchers consider that the fruit phytochemicals stimulate our enzyme defenses that neutralize mobile waste merchandise often known as free radicals, which, left unchecked, promote mobile deterioration and result in cancerous mutations. Admittedly, many of the berry most cancers analysis has measured the impact of a berry extract on human most cancers cells in a take a look at tube. What Expert says However, Dr. Shetreat considers that berries as a modern solution for cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast look promising. The colon most cancers connection makes particularly good intuitive sense, she provides, because the fiber within the fruit feeds good micro organism within the intestine, which then produce natural acids, which then feed the cells that defend the colon's lining.   Bonus: Raspberries are additionally an excellent supply of vitamin C. Try it: This beet, apple, and raspberry mixed salad along with herbed millet are brimming with filling, digestion-friendly fiber. 2. Cranberries
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These little pink berries pack an identical phytochemical punch as their berry brethren however with a bonus. They've been well-studied for his or her potential to protect against the strains of microorganisms that trigger urinary tract infections (UTIs). They’re not an antibiotic and should not do a lot for a full-blown UTI. However slightly a prophylactic, "ceasing micro organism from latching on to the epithelial cells that line the urinary tract," says an expert Doctor. Try it: This cranberry thyme spritz enables you to imbibe without the guilt. Merely make certain that the cranberry juice you’re using doesn’t have any added sugars, as sugar can stimulate the expansion of microorganisms. 3. Blueberries: fruits good for health
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Smaller and tarter wild blueberries are phytonutrient powerhouses. Wild blueberries are one of many prime fruits antioxidants which are good for health, in keeping with the Nutrient Data Laboratory from the US Dept of Agriculture. What Expert says However, even the plump blueberries at your native grocery retailer or farmers market are outstanding. They've got a pleasing candy style however are pretty low in energy and low on the glycemic index, says Dr. Shetreat. The perfect analysis means that berries are positively good for blood sugar management. The fiber within the fruit varieties a gel within the intestine that can slow down the release of glucose into the bloodstream. And sure phytonutrients within the fruits could block sugar from being absorbed via the intestine wall and into the bloodstream. Unhealthy LDL cholesterol Moreover, analysis means that blueberries assist defend the center, reducing "unhealthy" LDL cholesterol and slowing plaque buildup, thanks partially to their soluble pectin fibers. Whereas different analysis suggests blueberries assist defend the mind from oxidative stress and could also be protecting in opposition to dementia. "They’re additionally included within the MIND diet, which was intended to guard in opposition to Alzheimer's illness," says Cording. Try it: This brain-boosting blueberry smoothie will maintain you centered all morning lengthy. 4. Tart cherries: fruits good for health All cherries are loaded with the standard polyphenolic phytonutrient suspects in addition to a very good dose of heart-healthy potassium. However tart cherries, particularly within the type of tart cherry juice, have been the very best studied for his or her anti-inflammatory results, together with their potential to cut back joint ache and muscle soreness after train. Tart cherries is one of the fruits which provide all kind of health benefits. A 2018 review of the health benefits additionally discovered some proof for a discount in hemoglobin A1C, which signifies improved blood sugar management. Try it: This beet and cherry smoothie is the best post-workout drink. 5. Elderberry: fruits good for health
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Elderberries are a particular case, says Dr. Shetreat, who grows them in her yard within the Bronx. They don't seem to be meant to be eaten uncooked—they will trigger abdomen upset—however, once they're cooked and diminished right into a syrup or a jam, they're remarkably effective against the flu. What Expert says In Dr. Shetreat's household, each day teaspoon of the syrup often wards off that unwelcome wintertime customer when taken on the first indicators of sickness. Analysis additionally means that the syrup could battle again in opposition to MRSA (methicillin-resistant staph aureus) and reduce inflammation in the brain. Try it: This is methods to make an elderberry syrup shot at the house—which our well-being editor recommends taking earlier than each flight! 6. Pomegranates: fruits good for health Pomegranate seeds and their juice-filled compartments are phytonutrient giants. With two to 3 occasions as a lot antioxidant exercise as inexperienced tea or pink wine. In keeping with the U.C.–Berkeley Faculty of Vitamin. Not surprisingly, there's a tantalizing preliminary analysis that means pomegranates may help defend in opposition to most cancers, lower blood pressure, enhance levels of cholesterol, and enhance cognitive operate all these factors are those which good for health. In a single small research, a bunch of older topics who drank Eight ounces of pomegranate juice each day for 4 weeks scored larger on reminiscence assessments than a management group. One drawback: They don't seem to be the simplest fruit to eat. Should you go for a pomegranate juice, combine it with seltzer to maintain the sugar content material underneath management. Try it: This Turkish-spiced wild rice salad comprises entire pomegranate seeds and is the right sweet-savory combo. 7. Crimson grapes
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Crimson grapes, just like the pink wine they produce, could also be useful due to one in all their polyphenolic compounds. Resveratrol grew to become a media darling when a Harvard researcher produced some preliminary animal research suggesting that the compound was a mobile fountain of youth. The jury continues to be out on that one, however, there's a big pool of literature suggesting that resveratrol is vital for coronary heart well being, Dr. Shetreat says, lowering arterial plaque buildup and reducing blood stress. Try it: This final kale salad is full of fruits and veggies, together with pink grapes and plenty of our healthiest vegetable picks. 8. Citrus fruits: fruits good for health Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and lemons have historically been touted as nice sources of vitamin C. Which is vital for sustaining immune defenses through the winter chilly and flu season. They're full of folate, too, "which is vital for supporting secure ranges of the pleasure-inducing mind chemical dopamine," says Cording. What Expert says Citrus can be a double-threat, Dr. Shetreat says: The pulpy fruit comprises many of the nutritional vitamins and minerals. Whereas the pores and skin, with its characteristically bitter taste, comprises plenty of phytonutrients. Whereas most of us don't eat oranges or lemon rind, you'll shave some off with a zester. And add it to smoothies, or it's best to buy kumquats and eat the fruit and the pores and skin. for buy click here Try it: These heat dates with orange zest and olive oil are what Mediterranean dessert desires are fabricated from. 9. Apples: fruits good for health Certain, apples aren't essentially the most glamorous fruit—you are not prone to discover them on many superfood roundups. However they've loads of virtues, not the least of which is that the retailer and journey properly. Apples are additionally a wonderful supply of the phytonutrient quercetin (so are pink onions, one of many healthiest greens). Which, in many research has been proven to cut back irritation and counteract bronchial asthma and allergy signs. As a result of apples are so full of fiber, each soluble and insoluble. They're additionally rather more filling than their modest variety of energy would recommend. Several studies have proven that apples can present useful help in a weight-loss program. Try it: This apple-raspberry crisp combines two super-fruits in a single!  
Conclusion: Which fruits good for health
Fruits come in all shapes and sizes, and different kind of fruits have different types of health benefits. For the best results out of the fruits, add a different types of fruits to the diet. You can enjoy a borad variety of fruits to improve your health to level up in life. And lower down the risk of inflammation, heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes.   Read the full article
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Which fruits and vegetables are eating in diabetes.
 Summer are giving for diabetes patients lots of possibles for lowering glucose level in blood and improving condition an own. Thus use this season by maximum, and improve and own feeling.
Any diabetes base cure lies a right meal, and diet for diabetic is a base of his health, long life and preventing complications/hypertension, bad healing wounds, in surgery are bad healing sieves, trophical ulcers, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, gangrene for feet of legs.
And from fruits lowering glucose in blood am  advising are pomegranates, pears, non-sweet kinds, non-sweet apples, thistle golden, From berries are sambucus nigra, blueberry, blackberry, dogwood, fragaria vesca, black currant, white, cherry sour, schizandra chinesis.
Not avoiding, but limiting are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, white, Brussels, red, savoy, china, red radish, turnip, squash, aubergines, pumpkin, asparagus, salad, sorrel, spinach, dill, green onion, garlic, chicory, vegetable, celery leaf petioles, tomatoes, sweet pepper, Bulgarian, kidney beans, artichoke.
Data vegetables eating on 250-300 gr/day, spreading theirs quantities on a few methods. Vegetables and fruits with ten percent sugars in 100 gr products are onion, beet, carrot, beans, peas, petroselinum, celery root, strawberry, oranges, mandarines, red currant, raspberry, cranberry, melon, peach, quince, pears.
Avoiding from sweet fruits with ten percent of sugars, as sweet apples, bananas, fig, grape, dates, pineapples , but you can eat on small quantities and for 1-2 times/month, or better avoiding .
Glycaemic index is importance.
Glycaemic index or GI Is stat for a meal affecting on glucose rising in blood after his using. If he is not high, thus glucose in blood rising slowly, if high,  thus after eating this product glucose in blood rising very faster, that is bad in diabetes. As in cookies, jam, fried vegetables a GI is higher, than in raw, thus in diabetes benefit use raw vegetables, fruits, and very fast and strong rising in chopping products and very higher staying in pressing juice or cooking juice . And avoid cook juices of garden harvest and drink theirs as of changing vegetables and fruits.
And Glycaemic index table you can find in internet or buy online, or asking in a doctor.
About your favourite potato.
Sugar in her is less, but lots of starch having, which faster transferring in glucose and rising her sugar level in blood, thus potato eat on 200 gr/day is sugar level in blood is ten, and not higher, if high, thus on 100 gr, and eat potato as boiled,stewed, baked kinds, avoid cooking purée, as GI in purée is higher.
For keeping sugar in blood bridle, eat 50 gr of carbohydrates, as not entering here just sugar on clean kind, but   starch as of potato, carrot, beet, and bread.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/T4ZQupM via https://ift.tt/AaoeOsQ
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September 2019
| Reading time: 11 min
ORTHOS LOGOS magazine-Original text in greek
Transcendental Surrealism in visual arts and modern era…
A discussion with the visual artist-architect Mr Giorgios (Gio) Vassiliou
Odysseus's return-the decisive instant 110x70cm oi on canvas
A new Surrealism which conveys an idea of what man is capable of achieving, when he is released from his shackles and looks free at the cosmic becoming as well as himself! He is carried by the Visual artist-Architect Mr Giorgos (Gio) Vassiliou , calling him Transcendental. Historically, it was presented in the summer (July) of 2018 at the Historical Archives-Museum of Hydra-Greece***.
According to the rapporteur of this new proposal,
it is the progressive development of Surrealism, as presented in the beginning of the 20th Century.
«I asked a child holding a candle:
Where did your light come from?
He immediately turned it off and told me:
If you tell me where it went I will tell you
where it came from!»
Poem by Hasan of Basra
Giorgios (Gio) Vassiliou was born in Athens in 1970.International recognized as the inventor and founder of Transcendental Surealism in visual arts. He Studied Architecture at Westminster University (London) and Life Drawing. He has been involved in the arts since his childhood and has presented his works in important art galleries in Athens. Many prominent Greek art historians have written official reviews on the evolution and importance of his work, such as: Stelios Lidakis, Georgios Prokopiou, Athena Schina, M. Georgousi, etc. During his many years of artistic research and development, he gradually developed and presented his own artistic style, a new proposal in the visual arts, Transcendental Surrealism. Artworks of him can be found in major Private Collections.
"We all know, Mr. Vassiliou notes, that every season .......
"It simply came to our notice then, that this very idea had to dress up itself and come out in the daylight. Its dress in this charge of it, is the very vision that gives its breath and substance. The subjective nature of the vision is called to be realized, to become real and to be externalized as something with a material existence. This is exactly what happens with the vision of Transcendental Surrealism (TS), descending from the subjective heights that emanates and "lands" in our natural world.
The nature of a vision (as we all know) is to travel us, to fly to unprecedented heights, to transport us to unknown places and dimensions. However, just as vision includes its "flight", it must also have a "takeoff" as well as a safe "landing". Only under this condition, a vision respects itself, when it includes in its manifestation a complete cosmic cycle of events. "
has very special conditions, which define and characterize it, as unique and unrepeatable in the space-time continuum. These conditions give birth to or create "We all know, Mr. Vassiliou notes, that every season is inspired by special conditions, which define and characterize it, as unique and unrepeatable in the space-time continuum. These conditions give birth to or create from their very essence, this entity identity that directs the conquests and aspirations of this historical period. Here in this new proposal, we are primarily interested in the vision of that accompanies the starting idea.
In the vision that concerns T. S. ., as its founder and inventor , Giorgios (Gio) Vassiliou, hopes that the aforementioned condition will be met, in order to offer us safe and complete flights in the future.
The saying "that art follows life" is also known, but sometimes life follows art, and this has HAPPENED lots of times. In Transcendental Surealism the notion of "reasonable time" and causality is collapsing, because the future comes to meet the present and the aftermath! Let us now look at the necessity and usefulness of the Transcendental Surealism not only in the visual arts, but also in the age in which we live and which is creatively integrated. First of all, I must (but I must) refer to the transcendental element, which is the dominant synthetic factor of The T. S..
By definition, the transcendental element is an extraterrestrial or exocosmic conception of another kind of "superior" impression on our world. While it is intended for the here and now, however, its origin (potentially at least) is not of this world!
And, I am referring to this subtle and refined factor, which expands our perception, after all, it is transcendent that transcends our understanding, expands it , if you will, to unprecedented proportions compared to before.
Painting of
Imagine a vast horizon, which as we approach it expands and opens up new dimensions in our visible and invisible spectrum!
Historically, the Transcendental Element has existed, like flashes, since the time of the caves in the human factor! Then humo erectus recognizes that the natural elements (that surround him) surpass him, the sun and the stars surpass him, he begins and sets foot on the transcendental element, ending up with the approach of the divine factor that transcends everything.
Giorgios (Gio) Vassiliou :Collecting the quintessence of life/oil on canvas /135x70cm
"There, somewhere in the depths of history, begins the journey of the search for the transcendent in the human race. The Transcendental Element, it seems, has always been and is (still) intertwined with man's religious or theological existence, as if there were only a means to it.
And, I explain the above conclusion: man seems to be made like an apartment building, his consciousness resides in only one or two at most three floors. Its transcendental nature is found and exists only on the upper floors.
All that remains is to inhabit them so that they do not remain uninhabited! That is, the upper floors are also our home, so we need to get to know them, finally, to inhabit them, as we do with the lower floors. In addition, we can say that if the ground floor is our normal (mostly instinctive) life, the first is our emotions with dreams and the second is our intellect, from there on there is our transcendent floor. That is, we must go up and settle on these floors. This is our future and our destination as humankind! "
And this very fact, through the T. S. , will prove to be a natural factor of human existence and not only through its religious nature. In a way, we are structured to function "transcendentally", beyond all others. We can function, not only logically or mentally or emotionally, we can also "transcendentally".
Over time in arts and literature, the Transcendental element was, with flashes, present in many works throughout the centuries.
It is worth mentioning: the Opus of Gilgamesh, the Iliade and the Odyssey, Sufi poetry, Christian transcendental texts, Byzantine hagiography, the Virgin of the rocks of Leonardo da Vinci and others.
"But even in the most recent years, such as: Jesus of St. John of the Cross by Dali, the crazy pomegranate – poem of O. Elytis, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, the Nibelungen ring of Richard Wagner, etc. I must also mention the participation of science in the transcendental, in addition to modern quantum physics, which has as its given information: the spirit, world consciousness, the overthrow of the law of causality, etc.
But let's take a closer look at the Minkowski diagrams, which, in addition to the two space-time cones, also have the factor "elsewhere" = somewhere else or something else.
The most obvious scientific allusion to the transcendental (in my opinion) is the so-called 4-dimensional Minkowski diagrams. Scientifically, the diagrams of German mathematician Herman Minkowski accompany A. Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, presenting the unity of space with time. They show us in the most obvious way that there is no space without time, just the opposite. These two fundamental quantities exist as a unit in the universe of relativity, where we all live, move and exist! The same goes for the microcosm of man and the Transcendental element. Human factor and Transcendental element, it is a unity that we must discover and understand.
This "elsewhere" is an undefined but real factor.
In the role of "elsewhere" can we assume that the super-logical or transcendental element is the most appropriate to place?
The current and prevailing systems have their "axioms" as well as their "laws", and, it seems, are inspired by a dominant factor, which as another God rules them in their own particular way. Everyone wants to get along with this "God" because he provides "happiness" to anyone who is a faithful follower of him!
As for glory (because of the well-known saying: money many hated glory nobody), I must say that today with the power of money, even glory can be acquired or something like that…
"In order to complete this first level of approach of the T. S. , I have to cite some data regarding the time we live in and the acceptance of the transcendental in it. Our age is characterized as "the age of speed" but also of stress. The transitory and the fleeting are dominant everywhere, as never before in history.
This "current God" of our time, it seems that in his total domination of human consciousness has been overturned unilaterally. Now, it seems that the cosmic scales are tilting a lot. A second factor (second voltage on the scales) is needed to adequately balance the human-world system. Now, I have to say in detail that money only provides strength and power when accumulated in quantity by a person. The quantity factor, is what is sought in anyone, who seeks "modern happiness." The amount of money circulating around the world is like the corresponding amount of blood flowing in our veins and arteries. But I ask: where rests the quality to balance quantity? The second balancing factor is only the quality, which seems to be in search. But we must not forget (nor confuse) quality with anything else.
Minkowsi diagram (image above)
So in this current period, the "current God" or the "current material God" or "the one who is finally in fashion" seems to be represented by money and its accessories.
Quality is not a quantitative factor, it is like the salt that flavors the food or the aroma that enlivens the atmosphere. It is a subtle and refined factor, therefore hard to find, in the material world of the quantity we live.
"All these elements over the years have created a need for artistic expression within me. My accumulated quantity was looking for its balancing quality.
So fatal, at some point I felt it was time for this inner event to manifest itself. And what better way to make it visible to everyone through painting, the oldest of the visual arts, which directly concerns human vision, so that it becomes a visible event for everyone. It is now clear that there was a historical need to present the transcendental element in a structured artistic proposition and philosophy.
The next step is to explain why the visual movement of Surrealism was chosen to accompany, in this journey, the transcendental
Surrealism (Surealism = Sur-Realisme = Upper Reality or Over-Reality) by definition refers to a higher level, than the real one, of human perception and understanding. It was historically presented at the beginning of the 20th century. by Andre Breton and his circle (Daly, Ernst, Magritte, etc.) and came from the liberation movement of Dandaism that preceded little time. It was based on three key elements, to express the new perception and approach they offer us, in terms of understanding our world. These were the following:
a) The dream element
Gio Vassiliou artwork :Transcendental woman 60x60cm oil on canvas
Quality, you say, seems to require a struggle to be acquired, not bought, nor is it readily available. It is this direction that characterizes it. Is quality the denominator in the cosmic fraction of the modern age?
b) Associative thinking-free association thoughts
c) Automatic writing
These three factors present a different perception from the real one. Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way, not from the natural world, but from a parallel stream of thought that runs parallel to life but is not the same as it is.
"There is a shift in the perception of impressions, from the real, to a semi-subjective level, based on the three main points of reference that we mentioned a little while ago.
G. Vassiliou :Long day’s journey into night /oil on canvas /80x60cm
These three factors on which the expression of Surrealism was based, certainly and unquestionably, stand above our natural world, where everything in the cycle of activities almost happens to us, because they are just happened automatically, instinctively and mechanically. But all three factors of Surrealism belong to a semi-conscious or subconscious nature if you want, reducing the participation of consciousness that is also required in our evolution. Concequently, I do not decide when and what I will dream, or when will never have free associative thinking! What happens to me subconsciously in the "I" is not the driver of the human vehicle, but just a passenger!
The need for a more conscious framework than Surrealism seems to be more evident than ever. So my personal study and observation led me to the presentation of Transcendental Surrealism, which combines all the aforementioned elements together into a single and organized whole for the first time in the visual arts and the human intellect. Of course, we still have a lot to say about this event in the future, which will become more extensive in future posts.
Concluding, Mr. Vassiliou states,, "from the bottom of his heart" that Transcendental Surealism is just beginning its long journey in human history and has many destinations and ports to visit. He wishes that in some of these ports (or even airports due to the "flight mentioned above") we all meet and get to know each other better "not only naturally but also transcendentally".
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Diptich-Collecting the quintessence of life - Day Night/ by Gio Vassiliou
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asweethistory · 4 years
Lady with the Lamp & Mother Seacole
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Zuppa Inglese with Cinnamon Tea Chocolate Ice Cream, Candied Olive Gelato, and Pomegranate-Soaked Lady Fingers
While nursing has existed as a profession for thousands of years, it did not become a reputable career until the 19th century with the birth of modern nursing. Many people credit modern nursing to Florence Nightingale. Born in Florence, Italy in 1820 to a well-off British family, Florence was educated by her father, a tour of Europe, and close family friends who taught her that women had the potential to be equals with men. Florence rebelled against the wishes of her mother to became a mother and wife herself and instead decided to care for others as a nurse. She even ended a nine-year courtship with a politician and poet in order to pursue her calling. To continue with her studies, Florence traveled around Europe and North Africa. While in Greece, Florence took in a young owl who she found was being bullied by local children. She named her new pet Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and war.
War soon found Florence when she and 38 women personally trained by her were sent to Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) in the middle of the Crimean War. Before they arrived, there were no female nurses in Crimean hospitals. Immediately, Florence noticed the lack of hygiene and the dismal conditions. Despite the male nurses originally looking down on Florence and her friends, Florence jumped into action, cleaning the hospital and showing compassion to the soldiers who took to calling her the Lady with the Lamp. As a result of Florence’s actions the hospital’s death rate decreased by 60%. After the war, Florence presented statistical data to Queen Victoria, which led to the establishment of Army sanitation standards, and Florence became the first female member of the Royal Statistical Society. Florence’s fame also allowed nursing to be seen as a virtuous vocation.
Whilst Florence’s contributions to nursing were monumental, she was not the only significant leader in the campaign for sanitation. Often ignored in favor of the Lady with the Lamp, or regarded as the Black Nightingale, Mary Seacole was a distinguished figure at the Crimean front. Born in Kingston, Jamaica to a free Jamaican mother and Scottish-British Lieutenant, Mary grew up under the guidance of her mother who was known as the Doctress and taught Mary not only about Caribbean and African herbal remedies, but also about hygiene, which had been practiced in Jamaica since the 18th century, 100 years before Florence wrote about its importance. Mary went on to marry a merchant with whom she spent most of her time nursing until he died less than a decade after their wedding. Then, her mother died, leaving Mary to take over her practice. When Mary heard about the need for nurses in Turkey, she traveled to London and attempted to join Florence’s forces. She was turned down by travel scholarships, most likely due to her race. This did not stop Mary though, who used her own funds to arrive in Crimea. Once there, Mary opened up a hotel that served as a place of refuge and healing for soldiers. Mary also worked on the front lines, sometimes under fire, to help the wounded. The soldiers who knew her affectionately called her Mother Seacole.
Although celebrated after her return to England and able to publish “The Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands,” Mary struggled to support herself all the way to her death, and her legacy was forgotten until the 20th century. In the 1950s, Kingston honored Mary by naming its nurse training headquarters the Mary Seacole House, but her story was not taught in British schools until 2007. It took seven years for a stature of Mary to be erected in front of London’s St. Thomas’ Hospital because many Brits did not believe that a women who won an online poll at the greatest “Black Brittons” in 2004 should be recognized outside a hospital that had been established by Florence.
Today nurses make up the largest health care profession, and they are relied on more than ever. Just like we must acknowledge the nurses of the past, and not just the Nightingales of the world, but also the Seacoles, we must support those nurses who are working on the front lines of the COVID pandemic.
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