#Importance of Hepatitis Vaccination
kaizengastrocare · 5 months
Know the crucial significance of Hepatitis vaccination – an in-depth guide on who should receive it and the compelling reasons behind safeguarding your health. Uncover the protective power of vaccination against Hepatitis and make informed choices for a healthier future.
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lionheartlr · 13 days
Botswana, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, offers a unique blend of spectacular wildlife, rich culture, and vibrant history. This travel guide will take you through everything you need to know for an unforgettable visit to Botswana. Brief History Botswana, known as Bechuanaland during the colonial period, has a rich history dating back to ancient times with early hunter-gatherer…
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#1966#a landlocked country in Southern Africa#adventure#africa#and has since established itself as one of Africa’s most stable democracies.#and Kasane Airport#and major credit cards are accepted in most hotels#and rabies are recommended. A yellow fever vaccination is required if you are coming from a country with yellow fever. Q: What languages are#and Setswana is the national language widely spoken by the locals. Q: Is it safe to drink tap water in Botswana? A: In major towns and citie#and shops.#and unique cultural heritage. Whether you&039;re seeking adventure in the wild or a serene escape#and various dishes made from millet and maize. Botswana offers an enriching travel experience with its incredible wildlife#and vibrant history. This travel guide will take you through everything you need to know for an unforgettable visit to Botswana.#bogobe (sorghum porridge)#Botswana#Botswana has something for every traveler.#Botswana&039;s main international gateway is Sir Seretse Khama International Airport in Gaborone. Other important airports include Maun Air#Chobe is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Moremi Game Reserve: Located in the Okavango Delta#close to Chobe National Park.#destinations#europe#except for citizens of certain countries who are granted visa-free entry. It&039;s advisable to check the latest visa requirements before t#has a rich history dating back to ancient times with early hunter-gatherer communities. It gained independence from British colonial rule on#hepatitis B#hospitable people#in rural areas#it’s advisable to drink bottled or boiled water. Q: What are some must-try foods in Botswana? A: Must-try foods include seswaa (pounded meat#kenya#known as Bechuanaland during the colonial period#Moremi is known for its diverse ecosystems and abundant wildlife. Makgadikgadi Pans: One of the largest salt flats in the world
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coffinup · 1 month
Are there any complications that embalmers have to be weary of? Sorry if you arent ready for a question like this, or if i seem ignorant. :]
Hi! No worries! If you mean physical complications, yes! There are a lot of heath conditions that can affect the embalming process and dictate what procedure or chemicals are best to use. One of the most common ones I see is arteriosclerosis; which is a condition where the arteries are weakened and there is plaque buildup. It's common in older folks. The arteries are extremely important for embalming because the embalming fluid is injected directly into the arteries. One way we treat that is by injecting multiple arteries at a time, or one after the other, to make sure the whole body is embalmed.
Another condition that's common is edema, which is fluid buildup under the skin. This requires a stronger embalming solution to dehydrate the fluid. If someone is emaciated because they were really skinny, malnourished, or dehydrated, those people require a hydrating embalming solution.
Infectious diseases are something we have to be warry of too! All embalmers have the opportunity to receive a Hepatitis vaccination at the cost of their employer. We also have to be very wary of people who had a prion disease, or other infectious blood diseases at time of death. The list goes on!
I hope that answers your question! During our education we take pathology and infectious disease classes to help us understand the conditions that we might come across and how to treat the affects of them in the embalming room. :)
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quill-of-thoth · 3 months
Went to a training that contained mostly undergrad and graduate students today. Trainer: So it's vitally important if you work in biology that you have the Hepatitis B vaccine. However, it's mandatory for going into kindergarten so unless your parents opted out or you have some medical reason, you've probably already had it. Call your parents or PCP to check, next slide... Me, the person who is dragging the average age of the room up by being approximately a decade ahead of anyone: Hey when was it made mandatory, do you know? Trainer, visibly 20: Oh, forever ago, like the 90's
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naturalrights-retard · 6 months
This important article by Dr. Gary G. Kohls was first published on September 13, 2016
“The desire to take medicine is perhaps  the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.” –– Sir William Osler
“More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia.” and “Alzheimer’s (can only be) distinguished from other dementias at autopsy.” — from a Harvard University Health Publication entitled What’s Causing Your Memory Loss? It Isn’t Necessarily Alzheimer’s.
“Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects. All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to damage mitochondria, as have statin medications, analgesics such as acetaminophen, and many others…Damage to mitochondria is now understood to play a role in the pathogenesis of a wide range of seemingly unrelated disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, migraine headaches, strokes, neuropathic pain, Parkinson’s disease, ataxia, transient ischemic attack, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes, hepatitis C, and primary biliary cirrhosis. Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects” —  Neustadt and  Pieczenik  authors of Medication-induced Mitochondrial Damage and Disease
“Establishing mitochondrial toxicity is not an FDA requirement for drug approval, so there is no real way of knowing which agents are truly toxic.”  – Dr. Katherine Sims, Mass General Hospital – http://www.mitoaction.org
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist American author who wrote in the early 20th century.
“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when children die or are disabled from vaccine injuries.
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puppyexpressions · 5 months
First-Year Puppy Vaccinations
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When you bring that fuzzy ball of puppy energy into your home, you know right away that your new puppy depends on you for, well, everything. It’s up to you to give your new puppy all the care they need every day. It can be a little intimidating — your puppy needs the best puppy food, plenty of attention, puppy training, puppy-safe toys, puppy socialization, a comfortable place to sleep, and proper veterinary care. And that includes making sure to schedule puppy shots throughout your puppy’s first year.
Which Shots Do Puppies Need?
Going to the vet over several months for a series of puppy vaccinations—and then for boosters or titers throughout your dog’s life—may seem inconvenient, but the diseases that vaccinations will shield our puppies and dogs from are dangerous, potentially deadly, and, thankfully, mostly preventable.
We read about so many different dog vaccinations, for so many different illnesses, that it can sometimes be confusing to know which vaccinations puppies need and which puppy shots are important but optional. Here is an overview of the diseases that puppy vaccinations will help your pet avoid.
Bordetella Bronchiseptica
This highly infectious bacterium causes severe fits of coughing, whooping, vomiting, and, in rare cases, seizures and death. It is the primary cause of kennel cough. There are injectable and nasal spray vaccines available.
If you plan on boarding your puppy in the future, attending group training classes, or using dog daycare services, often proof of this vaccination will usually be required.
Canine Distemper
A severe and contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal (GI), and nervous systems of dogs, raccoons, skunks, and other animals, distemper spreads through airborne exposure (through sneezing or coughing) from an infected animal. The virus can also be transmitted by shared food and water bowls and equipment. It causes discharges from the eyes and nose, fever, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, twitching, paralysis, and, often, death. This disease used to be known as “hard pad” because it causes the footpad to thicken and harden.
There is no cure for distemper. Treatment consists of supportive care and efforts to prevent secondary infections, control symptoms of vomiting, seizures and more. If the animal survives the symptoms, it is hoped that the dog’s immune system will have a chance to fight it off. Infected dogs can shed the virus for months.
Canine Hepatitis
Infectious canine hepatitis is a highly contagious viral infection that affects the liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs, and the eyes of the affected dog. This disease of the liver is caused by a virus that is unrelated to the human form of hepatitis. Symptoms range from a slight fever and congestion of the mucous membranes to vomiting, jaundice, stomach enlargement, and pain around the liver. Many dogs can overcome the mild form of the disease, but the severe form can kill. There is no cure, but doctors can treat the symptoms.
Canine Parainfluenza
This is one of several viruses that can contribute to kennel cough.
The canine coronavirus is not the same virus that causes COVID-19 in people. COVID-19 is not thought to be a health threat to dogs, and there is no evidence it makes dogs sick. Canine coronavirus usually affects dogs’ gastrointestinal systems, though it can also cause respiratory infections. Signs include most GI symptoms, including loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Doctors can keep a dog hydrated, warm, and comfortable, and help alleviate nausea, but no drug kills coronaviruses.
When your puppy is around 12-to-16 weeks, talk to your vet about starting a heartworm preventive medication. Though there is no vaccine for heartworm in dogs, it is preventable with regularly administered heartworm medication that your veterinarian will prescribe.
The name is descriptive — these worms lodge in the right side of the heart and the pulmonary arteries (that send blood to the lungs), though they can travel through the rest of the body and sometimes invade the liver and kidneys. The worms can grow to 14 inches long and, if clumped together, block and injure organs.
A new heartworm infection often causes no symptoms, though dogs in later stages of the disease may cough, become lethargic, lose their appetite or have difficulty breathing. Infected dogs may tire after mild exercise. Unlike most of the conditions listed here, which are passed by urine, feces, and other body fluids, heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes. Therefore, diagnosis is made via a blood test and not a fecal exam.
Kennel Cough
Also known as infectious tracheobronchitis, kennel cough results from inflammation of the upper airways. It can be caused by bacterial, viral, or other infections, such as Bordetella and canine parainfluenza, and often involves multiple infections simultaneously. Usually, the disease is mild, causing bouts of harsh, dry coughing; sometimes it’s severe enough to spur retching and gagging, along with a loss of appetite. In rare cases, it can be deadly. It is easily spread between dogs kept close together, which is why it passes quickly through kennels. Antibiotics are usually not necessary, except in severe, chronic cases. Your vet may prescribe a dog-safe cough suppressant to help your dog (and you) get some rest, and some  dog-safe throat soothers can help make a dog more comfortable.
Unlike most diseases on this list, Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria, and some dogs may show no symptoms at all. Leptospirosis can be found worldwide in soil and water. It is a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can be spread from animals to people. When symptoms do appear, they can include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, severe weakness and lethargy, stiffness, jaundice, muscle pain, infertility, kidney failure (with or without liver failure). Antibiotics are effective, and the sooner they are given, the better.
Lyme Disease
Unlike the famous “bull’s-eye” rash that people exposed to Lyme disease often spot, no such telltale symptom occurs in dogs. Lyme disease (or borreliosis) is an infectious, tick-borne disease caused by a type of bacteria called a spirochete. Transmitted via ticks, an infected dog often starts limping, his lymph nodes swell, his temperature rises, and he stops eating. The disease can affect his heart, kidney, and joints, among other things, or lead to neurological disorders if left untreated. If diagnosed quickly, a course of antibiotics is extremely helpful, though relapses can occur months or even years later.
Talk to your vet about when your puppy will be old enough for tick preventatives. Once your puppy is old enough, keep your dog on tick preventative medication, topicals, or wearables to help stop ticks from biting in the first place.
Parvo is a highly contagious virus that affects all dogs, but unvaccinated dogs and puppies less than four months of age are at the most risk to contract it. The virus attacks the gastrointestinal system and creates a loss of appetite, vomiting, fever, and often severe, bloody diarrhea. Extreme dehydration can come on rapidly and kill a dog within 48-to-72 hours, so prompt veterinary attention is crucial. There is no cure, so keeping the dog hydrated and controlling the secondary symptoms can keep him going until his immune system beats the illness.
Rabies is a viral disease of mammals that invades the central nervous system, causing headache, anxiety, hallucinations, excessive drooling, fear of water, paralysis, and death. It is most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Treatment within hours of infection is essential, otherwise, death is highly likely. Most states require regular rabies vaccinations. Check with your vet about rabies vaccination laws and requirements in your area.
Talk with your veterinarian about more information and guidance on necessary and optional vaccinations.
Puppy Vaccination Schedule
The first thing to know is that there is not just one puppy vaccination schedule for all dogs. Factors such as which part of the country you live in, and your dog’s individual risk factors will come into play. Some dogs do not need every vaccine. This decision is between you and your veterinarian. Always discuss puppy vaccinations at your regularly scheduled appointments.
That said, here is a generally accepted guideline of the puppy vaccination schedule for the first year.
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How Much Do Puppy Vaccinations Cost?
How much puppy vaccinations will cost depends on several factors. Where you live is a big one: Veterinarians in crowded and expensive urban areas will generally charge more than a rural vet in a small town. You may be able to find low-cost clinics providing rabies vaccinations sponsored by your local municipal government. But no matter what the range in costs, some vaccines, such as the “core vaccines” and rabies, are necessary.
The average cost can average around $75—100. These will include the core vaccines, which are administered in a series of three: at 6-, 12-, and 16 weeks old.
The core vaccines include the DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvo, and parainfluenza). Your pup will also need a rabies vaccination, which is usually around $15—20. (Some clinics include the cost of the rabies vaccination.)
Often animal shelters charge less for vaccines — approximately $20 — or are even free. If you acquired your dog from a shelter, he would most likely have been vaccinated, up until the age when you got him.
The initial puppy vaccination costs during the first year are higher than during adulthood.
Vaccinations for Adult Dogs: Boosters and Titers
There is a difference of opinion about having your adult dog vaccinated every year. Some vets believe too many vaccinations in adult dogs pose health risks. But others disagree, saying that yearly vaccinations will prevent dangerous diseases such as distemper. Talk with your vet to determine what kind of vaccination protocol works for you and your dog.
Many dog owners opt for titer tests before they administer annual vaccinations. Titer tests measure a dog’s immunity levels, and this can determine which, if any, vaccinations are necessary. One key exception to this is rabies: a titer test is not an option when it comes to the rabies vaccine. This vaccination is required by law across the United States. Your vet can tell you the schedule for your particular state, with boosters often lasting three years.
And it’s all worth it. For your effort and care your puppy will lavish you with lifelong love in return. This critical first year of her life is a fun and exciting time for both of you. As she grows physically, the wonderful bond between you will grow, too.
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Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he told Joe Biden he must remove the requirement for military servicemen to be vaccinated against COVID for his bill to pass.
Speaking on the Ingraham Angle on Monday, McCarthy explained his recent conversations with the President.
The annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), is set to be voted on and the pair discussed it when they met in person last week. The bill sets out the policies and funding for various defense agencies, and by not supporting the bill, McCarthy and other Republicans would be defunding the military.
Despite this, McCarthy has said it's essential to have more people joining the military, as it is regularly failing to meet recruitment targets.
The Minority Leader also insisted it was important for more military men and women to sign up in order to patrol the southern border.
"I told the President, I was very clear from the very beginning," McCarthy said. "If he wants the NDAA, you have got to lift the vaccinate mandate on our military men and women. Why? They are not meeting the recruitment goals right now because of this. People are leaving."
McCarthy also called for Republicans to stop working with the Democrats as they would soon control Congress and McCarthy would become Majority Leader.
"We are 28 days away from Republicans holding the gavel. We would be stronger in every negotiation. So any Republican that is out there trying to work with them is wrong. Why would you not wait. Why would you want to work on anything if we have the gavel inside Congress. Wait till we are in charge. I told the President if we don't have the lifting of the vaccine, I'll do it in January."
Other Republicans have also voiced their displeasure about this requirement in the bill.
Senator Marsha Blackburn said that Republicans will work to ensure that the NDAA won't allow service members to be fired for not being vaccinated against COVID.
Speaking on Fox News on Friday she said: "What Republicans are doing is working to be certain that we get included in the [NDAA] the ability to keep [the Department of Defense] from firing our men and women in uniform because they are not taking a COVID shot.
Blackburn went on to insinuate that the vaccine is "not like" any other well-known vaccinations, like the one for polio, but didn't elaborate. Members of the U.S. armed forces notably receive an extensive array of vaccinations before they are able to serve.
As many as nine vaccinations are already mandatory for all service members to have before initial entry or basic training. This includes adenovirus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcal, poliovirus, tetanus-diphtheria, varicella.
More vaccinations, in addition to these, are administered depending on the risk and occupation of the person. Service members can request to opt out of a mandatory vaccination on health, administrative or religious grounds. These exemptions can be temporary or permanent.
Newsweek has contacted Kevin McCarthy for comment.
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sapphirelakerpg · 1 year
Patient History Form Template
Full Name: (First, Middle, Last)
Preferred Name:
Birthdate: Time of Day,  Day / Month/ Year
Marital Status:
Ethnic Group:
Language Preference:
Cultural Needs and Preference:
Address: Street and Number, City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number:
Emergency Contact 1: Name, Relationship, Phone #
Emergency Contact 2: Name, Relationship, Phone #
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (Erase anything not important to character)
Are you working? If yes, occupation:
If yes, hours per Week:
If not, are you retired?
If not, are you disabled?
If not, are you on sick leave?
Do you receive disability or SSI?
If yes, for what disability and for how long?
Highest Education: (High School, Some College, College Graduate, Advanced Degree)
Have you ever had legal problems? (If yes, what?)
Hobby Hazards:
Military Service:
Caffeine Consumption:
Average Hours of Sleep:
Stress Concerns:
Physical Activity: (None, Low, Moderate, High)
SUBSTANCE USE INFORMATION: (Erase anything that has nothing to do with your character. Fill in the form like this)
Cannabis: Age of First Use/ How often or much / How many years of use/ Do you still use?
Methamphetamine/Ritalin/ Benzedrine/ Dexedrine:
Benzodiazepines/ Tranquilizers:
Sedatives/Hypnotics/ Barbiturates:
Street or Illicit Methadone:
Other Opioids:
Other (Specify):
Primary Care Physician-
Mental Health Professional(s)-  
Drug Allergies:
Medication #1 (Name): Dose  (include strength & number of pills per day)/ How long have you been taking this?
(Repeat as necessary. Please include non-prescription medications and nutritional supplements)
Any Problems During Mother’s Pregnancy:
Any Problems During Birth:
Any Childhood Illnesses: (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chicken Pox, Rheumatic Fever)
Immunizations: (Diphtheria, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HPV, Influenza, Measles, Meningococcal Mumps, Pertussis, Pneumococcal, Polio, Rotavirus, Tetanus, Zoster) (Note for Writers: Zoster is the only shot your character may not have if they have a normal pro-vaccination family. Zoster is only for 50+. Tetanus shots are updated every ten years. You get TDap boosters every ten years. Influenza is every year. The rest are given early in childhood and last the rest of their lives)
Where were you born and raised?
Were there any major illnesses in childhood? No
Were there any major injuries in childhood? No
Please list all medical conditions you’ve had
Heart murmur
Crohn’s disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Pulmonary embolism
Cancer (type)  _________________
Stomach  or peptic ulcer
Epilepsy (seizures)
Rheumatic fever
Kidney disease
Heart problems
Kidney stones
Other Medical Conditions: (specify)___________________
(Delete all that do not pertain to character)
Has any person, related by blood, had any of the following? If so, who?
High Blood Pressure:
Heart Attack Before 55:
Blood or Clotting Disorder:
Cholesterol or Blood Fat Disorder:
Cancer: (Type)
Alcohol/Drug Problems:
Psychiatric Illness:
Age of first period:
Pregnancies: (Number, start and end of each)
Miscarriages: (Number, dates)
Abortions: (Number, dates)
Have you reached menopause? (If yes, at what age?)
Do you have regular periods?
In the past month,  have you had any of the following problems?
Recent weight gain; how much?
Recent weight loss; how much?
Night sweats
Joint pain
Muscle weakness
Joint swelling: where?
Ringing in ears
Loss of hearing
Loss of vision
Double or blurred vision
Frequent sore throats
Difficulty in swallowing
Pain in jaw
Heart and Lungs
Chest Pain
Shortness of breath
Swollen legs or feet
Nervous System
Fainting or loss of consciousness
Numbness or tingling
Memory loss
Stomach and Intestines
Stomach Pain
Yellow jaundice
Increasing constipation
Persistent diarrhea
Blood in stools
Black stools
Hair loss
Color changes of hands or feet
Frequent or painful urination
Blood in urine
Women Only
Abnormal Pap smear
Irregular periods
Bleeding between periods
Excessive worries
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty staying asleep
Difficulties with sexual arousal
Poor appetite
Food carvings
Frequent crying
Thoughts of suicide / attempts
Poor concentration
Racing thoughts
Rapid speech
Guilty thoughts
Mood swings
Risky behavior
Other Problems
Do you have any of the following?
Advance Directives:
Living Wills:
Pre-Hospital DNRs:
POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment):
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Tips for travelers for Congo:
Tips for travelers for Congo:
If you are planning to travel to Congo, here are some tips to help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip:
Check travel advisories: Before your trip, review the travel advisories issued by your country's government or relevant authorities. These advisories provide important information about safety, security, and health concerns in Congo.
Obtain necessary vaccinations: Make sure you are up to date on routine vaccines and consider getting additional vaccinations recommended for travel to Congo. These may include vaccines for yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis A and B, meningitis, and others. Consult with a healthcare professional or travel clinic for personalized advice.
Obtain the required visa and travel documents: Check the visa requirements for your nationality and ensure you have a valid passport with at least six months of validity remaining. Apply for the appropriate visa well in advance to allow for processing time.
Research local customs and etiquette: Familiarize yourself with the local customs, traditions, and etiquette in Congo. Respect the local culture, dress modestly, and be mindful of social norms to avoid unintentionally causing offense.
Pack appropriate clothing and essentials: Congo has a tropical climate, so pack lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for warm and humid conditions. Don't forget essentials such as sunscreen, insect repellent, a hat, comfortable walking shoes, and any necessary medications.
Stay informed about security: Keep yourself updated on the security situation in the areas you plan to visit. Register your travel plans with your embassy or consulate and follow their recommendations regarding safety precautions and potential risks.
Use reputable accommodation and transportation: Choose reputable hotels, guesthouses, or lodges with good security measures. When using transportation, opt for reliable and licensed services. Be cautious of sharing personal information and belongings with strangers.
Respect wildlife and natural environments: Congo is known for its rich biodiversity and natural beauty. Respect wildlife and natural habitats by observing animals from a distance, refraining from littering, and following responsible tourism practices.
Learn basic local phrases: Learning a few basic phrases in the local language, such as greetings and polite expressions, can go a long way in fostering positive interactions with locals and showing cultural appreciation.
Practice safety precautions: Maintain general safety precautions such as keeping a close eye on your belongings, avoiding isolated or poorly lit areas at night, and being cautious with your personal safety.
Stay informed about health risks: Stay informed about health risks in Congo and take necessary precautions. Drink bottled water, consume properly cooked food, and practice good hygiene to minimize the risk of water and food borne illnesses.https://www.aecglobal.com.au/
Engage in responsible tourism: Respect the environment, local communities, and cultural heritage. Support local businesses and artisans, and be mindful of the impact your actions have on the local ecosystem and communities.
Remember that these tips provide general guidance, and it's important to conduct thorough research and consult official sources for the most up-to-date and accurate information before your trip to Congo.
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drprashantgandi-1 · 23 hours
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Essential Vaccinations for Children Before the Rainy Season
As the rainy season approaches, it is crucial to ensure your child is protected against various infections and diseases that become more prevalent during this time. The increased humidity and stagnant water can lead to a surge in vector-borne and waterborne diseases. Vaccinations play a vital role in safeguarding your child's health. Consulting a pediatrician near you can help ensure your child receives the necessary immunizations. Here are some essential vaccinations to consider:
Influenza Vaccine: The flu virus thrives in the rainy season, making influenza one of the most common illnesses during this period. An annual influenza vaccine is recommended for children aged six months and older. This vaccine helps protect against the prevalent strains of the flu virus and reduces the severity of symptoms if infection occurs.
Typhoid Vaccine: Typhoid fever is a serious concern during the rainy season, especially in areas with poor sanitation. The typhoid vaccine is crucial in preventing this bacterial infection, which spreads through contaminated food and water. It is advisable to get this vaccine administered at least two weeks before the start of the rainy season.
Hepatitis A Vaccine: Hepatitis A is another waterborne disease that becomes more common during the rainy season. This viral infection affects the liver and can lead to severe complications. The Hepatitis A vaccine is typically given in two doses, six months apart, and is highly effective in providing long-term protection.
HPV Vaccine: Although not specific to the rainy season, the HPV vaccine is essential for protecting against human papillomavirus, which can lead to various cancers. Administering this vaccine early can provide long-term health benefits for your child. It's important to consult a pediatrician near you to include this vaccine in your child's immunization schedule.
Polio Vaccine: Polio is a highly contagious viral disease that can lead to paralysis. The oral polio vaccine (OPV) is crucial in preventing this infection. Ensuring your child receives the complete course of polio vaccination is vital, especially before the rainy season when the risk of transmission can increase.
Visiting a pediatrician or child specialist near you can provide personalized advice and ensure your child is up-to-date with all necessary vaccinations. In Borivali West, Dr. Prashant Gandhi is a renowned pediatrician known for his expertise in child health. As one of the best pediatricians in Mumbai, he offers comprehensive vaccination services, including for HPV, polio, and other essential vaccines.
If you're searching for the best pediatrician near me or a child specialist near me, it's crucial to choose a trusted healthcare provider. Dr. Prashant Gandhi, a pediatrician in Borivali West, is highly recommended for his exceptional care and dedication to his young patients. With his guidance, you can ensure your child's health and well-being during the rainy season.
For those in Mumbai, finding the best pediatrician is key to receiving quality healthcare. Dr. Prashant Gandhi, recognized as one of the top 5 pediatricians in Mumbai, offers expert care and vaccination services. His clinic in Borivali West is well-equipped to handle all your child's immunization needs.
Parents in Kandivali, Dahisar, Malad, and Mira Road can also benefit from visiting the best pediatricians in these areas. Ensuring timely vaccinations can prevent many common illnesses and provide peace of mind during the rainy season. For more information on vaccination centers in Borivali and other areas, and to book an appointment with Dr. Prashant Gandhi, visit his clinic or contact him directly.
Remember, timely vaccinations are crucial for your child's health, especially during the rainy season. Protect your child by consulting with a pediatrician and ensuring they receive the necessary immunizations. Stay proactive and keep your child safe and healthy all year round.
Aayushi children's clinic and vaccination centre | Dr. Prashant Gandhi
Address: Aayushi clinic, A/306,mangal aarambh near mc Donald, s, RM Bhattad Rd, opp. Kora Kendra Ground 2, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092
Phone: 097020 70304
Website: https://drprashantgandhi.com/
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researchstat · 1 day
Viral Sensitizers: Transforming Virology Research
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Viral sensitizers represent a burgeoning field in antiviral research, poised to revolutionize how we combat viral infections. These agents enhance the body's response to viral pathogens, either by boosting the immune system's ability to recognize and attack viruses or by increasing the effectiveness of existing antiviral drugs. This dual functionality makes viral sensitizers a promising adjunct in the fight against a variety of viral diseases.
One of the key mechanisms by which viral sensitizers operate is by modulating the immune response. They can enhance the activity of immune cells such as T-cells and natural killer (NK) cells, which are crucial in identifying and destroying infected cells. By doing so, viral sensitizers help the immune system to mount a more robust and efficient attack against the virus. This is particularly beneficial in the case of viruses that have developed mechanisms to evade the immune system, such as HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Another significant role of viral sensitizers is in improving the efficacy of antiviral drugs. Many viruses can develop resistance to antiviral medications over time, rendering treatments less effective. Viral sensitizers can mitigate this issue by sensitizing the virus to the drug, thereby restoring or even enhancing the drug’s potency. This can be particularly important in the treatment of chronic viral infections, where long-term drug use is common, and resistance is a major concern.
The application of viral sensitizers extends beyond individual antiviral therapies. They are being explored as part of combination treatments, where their ability to enhance immune response and drug efficacy can lead to more comprehensive and effective treatment protocols. For instance, in the treatment of COVID-19, research into viral sensitizers has shown potential in reducing viral load and improving patient outcomes when used alongside other antiviral agents.
Furthermore, viral sensitizers hold promise in the realm of vaccine development. By boosting the immune response to vaccines, they can potentially increase the effectiveness of immunizations, leading to better protection against viral infections.
In conclusion, viral sensitizers are a versatile and powerful tool in the field of virology. Their ability to enhance immune responses, improve antiviral drug efficacy, and support vaccine effectiveness positions them as a critical component in the ongoing battle against viral diseases. As research progresses, viral sensitizers are likely to play an increasingly prominent role in the development of new antiviral therapies and strategies.
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sudheervanguri · 2 days
Job Opportunity at Tata Memorial Centre - Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) Advanced Training Course for Technologists in Flow Cytometry ACTREC, a Grant-in-aid Institute of the Dept. of Atomic Energy, Government of India, is conducting a prestigious Advanced Training Course for Technologists in Flow Cytometry. This comprehensive program, commencing from 01.08.2024, offers a unique opportunity for candidates to enhance their skills in flow cytometry studies. Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC) announces an Advanced Training course for Technologists in Flow Cytometry. This training program will be focused on flow cytometry studies. This is comprehensive training program that includes complete processing to primary analysis of clinical samples, flow cytometry instruments handling (from setup to quality control), experiment designing and data analysis. The proposed course will cover theoretical, technical and practical aspects. Selected candidates will be assigned to any one of the above subsections of laboratory procedures as per requirement and In house examinations will be held periodically and certificates will be awarded to successful candidates on completion of the course in the specialty area. Course Details: Duration: 6 months (Training + Mandatory Internship) Qualifications: M.Sc. / M. Tech in Microbiology, Zoology, Bio-technology, or equivalent. Age limit: Up to 35 years as on 01.08.2024. Course Details: Duration: Six months (Training + Mandatory Internship). Number of Seats: 3 (Three). Course Fees: Non-Sponsored Candidates: Nil Sponsored National Candidates: Rs. 12,000/- International Candidates: Rs. 21,000/- Stipend: Non-Sponsored M.Sc. candidates will receive a stipend of Rs.10,000/- per month for six months. Seats Available: 3 (Three) Stipend: Rs. 10,000/- per month for Non-Sponsored M.Sc. candidates Security Deposit: Rs. 5,000/- (refundable) Service Bond: Required for Non-Sponsored M.Sc. candidates Accommodation: Not provided for outstation candidates [caption id="attachment_82551" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Cytometry Research Training & Internship Opportunity at Tata Memorial Centre[/caption] Important Notes: Hepatitis B Vaccination: Mandatory Application Process: Walk-in interview on 5th July 2024 at ACTREC, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Required Documents: Recent CV, passport size photograph, original and Xerox copies of educational certificates, work experience, MNC registration, and Aadhar Card as ID proof Reporting Time: 10.00 to 10.30 am Terms & Conditions: Trainees must not apply for any other course or scholarship during the training period without permission. Refund policies apply for early departure from the course or below-standard performance. Candidates in service must submit their application through their Institution Head with a NOC. Selection based on interview performance; a written examination may be conducted if more than 30 candidates apply. This Advanced Training Course is a gateway to a rewarding career in Flow Cytometry at one of India's leading cancer research and treatment centers. Don't miss this opportunity to advance your skills and contribute to cutting-edge research in cancer treatment. For more information, contact the Officer-In-charge, Academic Cell for Clinical Services at TMC-ACTREC. Visit www.actrec.gov.in for updates and details. Cytometry Research Training & Internship Opportunity at Tata Memorial Centre Check here
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Stay Healthy Abroad: Travel Vaccine Consultation at Langford Pharmacy
Traveling abroad can be an exciting adventure, but it also comes with health risks that can vary greatly depending on your destination. To ensure you stay healthy while exploring new places, it's essential to consider travel vaccinations. At Langford Pharmacy, we provide comprehensive travel vaccine consultation services to help you prepare for your journey. This blog will guide you through the importance of travel vaccinations and how our consultation services can ensure you have a safe and enjoyable trip.
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Why Are Travel Vaccinations Important?
Travel vaccinations are crucial for protecting against diseases that may not be prevalent in your home country but are common in other parts of the world. These vaccinations help prevent illnesses such as yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis A and B, and malaria. Ensuring you're vaccinated before your trip not only protects your health but also prevents the spread of diseases to other regions and populations.
The Process of Travel Vaccine Consultation
A travel vaccine consultation involves assessing your travel plans, medical history, and current health status to determine which vaccines you need. At Langford Pharmacy, our healthcare professionals provide personalized recommendations based on your specific travel itinerary.
Steps Involved in Travel Vaccine Consultation
Initial Assessment: During your initial visit, we'll discuss your travel plans, including destinations, duration of stay, and activities planned. This helps us understand the potential health risks you might face.
Medical History Review: We'll review your medical history, including any existing conditions, allergies, and past vaccinations. This information is crucial for recommending appropriate vaccines.
Vaccine Recommendations: Based on the assessment and medical history review, we'll provide a list of recommended vaccines. We'll also discuss the timing of these vaccinations, as some vaccines require multiple doses spread over several weeks.
Administration of Vaccines: Once you agree with the recommendations, we'll administer the necessary vaccines. We'll also provide information on any possible side effects and how to manage them.
Post-Vaccination Care: After the vaccination, we'll offer advice on post-vaccination care and provide you with documentation of your immunizations, which might be required for entry into certain countries.
Common Travel Vaccinations
Here are some of the common travel vaccinations that might be recommended based on your destination:
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Statistics on Travel-Related Illnesses
Understanding the risks associated with international travel can underscore the importance of getting vaccinated. According to the World Health Organization (WHO):
Annually, around 10 million international travelers fall ill, with travel-related infections being a significant concern.
Hepatitis A is one of the most common vaccine-preventable infections in travelers, with an incidence rate of 3-20 cases per 100,000 travelers.
Malaria accounts for approximately 1,500 cases of travel-related illness annually in the United States alone, highlighting the need for prophylactic measures.
Why Choose Langford Pharmacy for Your Travel Vaccine Consultation?
Langford Pharmacy is your trusted partner for ensuring your health and safety during international travel. Here are some reasons why we stand out:
Expertise: Our healthcare professionals are well-versed in the latest travel health guidelines and vaccine recommendations.
Convenience: Located in the heart of Langford, we are easily accessible for those searching for travel vaccinations near me.
Personalized Care: We tailor our travel vaccination consultation services to meet your specific travel needs and health conditions.
Comprehensive Service: From initial consultation to post-vaccination care, we provide a seamless and supportive experience.
Staying healthy while traveling abroad starts with proper preparation. By consulting with Langford Pharmacy for your travel vaccine consultation, you can ensure you're protected against various diseases and health risks associated with international travel. Whether you're planning a short vacation or an extended stay, our team is here to help you with personalized vaccine recommendations and care.
For those looking for the best place to get travel vaccinations near me, look no further than Langford Pharmacy. We are committed to keeping you safe and healthy on your journeys. Visit us today and let us help you prepare for a worry-free travel experience.
Remember, Langford Pharmacy is the best place for your travel vaccination consultation needs. Safe travels!
For More:- www.langfordpharmacy.com
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naturalrights-retard · 7 months
As people have become aware of the dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots now
Vaccinations aren’t the only thing forced upon our children that is doing them more harm than good. The public education system also poses a massive threat to our children, as the indoctrination and brainwashing spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond
The current educational system completely ignores everything we know about child development and brain development, and by not allowing proper brain development to occur, the school system impairs children’s ability to think critically
Using medication to bring fever down often does more harm than good. A fever is your body’s way of killing off invading pathogens and clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by lowering your fever, you’re prolonging the problem
Avoid acetaminophen when sick. Acetaminophen depletes your body of glutathione, which you need for speedy healing
In this interview, Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Palevsky, a practicing pediatrician, discusses the impact that mainstream propaganda narratives have on our children, and why it’s so important to get your children out of the public education system. He also reviews some of the foundational strategies for staying healthy, and how to treat those dreaded childhood fevers.
Palevsky has been one of the medical experts speaking out against the COVID shots, but he was a pro-choice, vaccine safety advocate long before COVID. Clearly, the COVID jab is the most dangerous "vaccine" in history, but all vaccines are fundamentally flawed and come with risks.
Palevsky, who graduated from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, initially became concerned about vaccines in 1991, when the New York State Department of Health started to mandate hepatitis B vaccine for all infants.
"I had no comments about vaccines per se at that time," he says, "but it just raised the red flag to me. Why are we giving a vaccine to a population that has never suffered from hepatitis B infections and where we can give the mother hepatitis B vaccine, or give the kid a hepatitis B vaccine if the mother was surface antigen positive?
So, this raised an alarm for me ... We had never had a vaccine for an illness that didn't affect the population we were injecting ... [Then], in 1998, in the outpatient department of the hospital, a mother came to me and said, ‘Dr. Larry, did you know that there's mercury in vaccines?’
I heard that information and I said, ‘Alright, what else [don’t I know]? And the ‘what else’ created the last 25 years of finding information that I would never have been taught in medical school or residency that directly opposed the narrative.
It didn't oppose the science, it just opposed the narrative. And what I realized was, I was finding science while I was being opposed by consensus, and consensus is not science. And so, by 1998 to 2000, I found that the risks far outweighed the benefits and, by 2002, I decided that I would never offer vaccines again in my practice ...
I could not in good conscience offer [patients] something that I had no knowledge about scientifically, and a lot of concern about scientifically, because there was no safety about it. There were no real studies done. The ingredients were unknown and filthy at best. And there were no good studies to demonstrate safety or effectiveness."
The COVID Shot Debacle
While many doctors have lost their medical licenses for refusing to give vaccines, especially in the COVID era, Palevsky’s livelihood was never threatened in that way, probably because he doesn’t have hospital privileges, doesn’t use electronic medical records, doesn’t sell vaccines and rarely writes prescriptions.
So, there’s little in terms of track record of what he’s doing clinically, other than what his patients might have to say. He’s also not selling any kind of alternative to vaccination. And, since he hadn’t offered childhood vaccinations for two decades, nothing changed when the COVID jab came out.
"There were pediatricians around the country who called me out," Palevsky says, "who are now probably eating crow because the evidence back then, when they called me out, was obvious, and the evidence now is even more obvious that this is a bioweapon, a murder weapon and not a shot that's meant for health."
Obviously, I couldn’t agree more. It’s a bioweapon, and it seems to be particularly pernicious to the young who have no clinical need for it. Children’s risk of dying from COVID is negligible, and that was clear from the start. The primary reason for jabbing children was to protect the elderly, which is completely unethical. Hence, children can only receive harm from the jab, and we’re seeing that in spades. Palevsky comments:
"I think the most heinous thing is that ... the whole system has been gaslighting the obvious observations and experiences of most of the physicians and parents in the world who have woken up.
The first things we started to see were menstrual cycle changes, especially in women who had stopped menstruating. The most horrible thing we started to see was infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages. And then we started to see babies born with birth defects, babies born with strokes, with blood clots, with developmental delays.
We saw young kids with myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, pericarditis, inflammation around the heart. You saw kids who were dropping dead. You saw kids who were having neurological problems in addition to stroke. You saw seizures. You're even seeing Parkinsonian-type symptoms in young adults. And again, the sudden death was amazing.
Heart attacks. And what's most amazing is that the medical profession in advance started to prepare the public for heart attacks and strokes in kids. They started to approve medications ahead of time so that people were prepared to know that pharmaceutical medicine was available should your child have a heart attack.
So these things were normalized into the pediatric population and pediatricians were just accepting that neonatal ICUs could have stroke victims all the time. The other interesting thing was that in OB suites, we're starting to see fewer and fewer kids being born, which was another sign of infertility. Nonetheless, all of it is being accepted as normal."
COVID Jabs Opened Pandora’s Box
According to experts, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) appears to be primarily related to immunizations. After the release of the COVID jabs, we suddenly started seeing adults dropping dead for no apparent reason, a phenomenon dubbed sudden adult death syndrome (SADS).
Still, even though most of the SADS cases are happening among those who got the COVID jab, it hasn’t been causally linked. Curiously, between 2020 and 2023, SIDS rates actually dropped from historical norms, and Palevsky believes this is because many parents weren’t taking their children in for their routine primary care visits due to lockdowns and fear of going out in general.
One silver lining of all this is that as people have become aware of the radical dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots now. As noted by Palevsky:
"Once people who were never concerned about childhood immunizations started to realize that there was a concern about the COVID jab, it opened up a Pandora's box. They not only started questioning the COVID jab, they started questioning all jabs.
And so, this COVID scenario has actually backfired for the American Academy of Pediatrics and standard Western medical care, because parents are more concerned [about vaccines] than ever. And I have seen an uptick in the number of patients who never questioned vaccines coming into my office because the COVID jab became a concern."
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The Public School System Is Destroying Our Children
Vaccinations aren’t the only thing forced upon our children that is doing them more harm than good. The public education system also poses a massive threat to our kids.
The obvious conclusion for anyone who has investigated these issues is that you cannot put your children into the public school system because the indoctrination and brainwashing is so pervasive, and spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond. They’re quite literally destroying the brains of our children. Palevsky comments:
"The current educational system completely ignores everything we know about child development and brain development. Completely ignores it.
We know that the most distinguishing thing about humans compared to other mammals is the function of our frontal brain, our frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex, which allow us to think and reason, analyze, understand, focus, pay attention, be aware, have consciousness.
When babies are born, that part of the brain is not developed. It's dormant. The question then becomes, how does that front of the brain develop? If you look at true child development, you see that development of the forebrain develops from the back of the brain forward.
So, you initiate a voluntary movement, you have an experience, you do it over and over and over again. Through those experiences you come to an understanding. You come to reason, you come to think, and then you have ownership of your knowledge.
So, the hindbrain does an action. The midbrain has an experience, over and over and over again. And the forebrain comes to what I call a forebrain conclusion, and then you have knowledge.
The entire educational system, the media, medical school, residency, everything that we see in today's world that delivers information says, no, the brain develops from the outside in. We're going to teach you, we're going to tell you, we're going to give to you, and you're going to now know. And unfortunately, that has become the norm.
So, what you see is all these self-appointed experts who have all of this great knowledge but have no ownership of it because it's not theirs. They never researched it. They never studied it. They never experienced it. They never thought it through. They never critically evaluated it. They never did trial and error. They just said, ‘If you said it ... it's true.’
And so, in our schools — and that includes law schools and medical schools and graduate schools, social work school, psychology school — you don't have to think. They just download it into your forebrain and cut off the rest of your brain's function."
Public Education Was Always About Control
Children are also taught NOT to question. That’s the quickest way to get into trouble. So, they basically cannot afford to think differently than what they’re told. By not allowing proper brain development to occur, the school system has created, and continues to create, figurative automatons, human robots, whose ability to think critically has been severely impaired.
The government and media are further exacerbating the situation with fear propaganda. As just one example, many children, teens, and even young adults nowadays believe that life on earth will cease to exist within their lifetime — and that it’s their fault simply for living!
They believe we must eliminate efficient energy production, farming, food production and mechanically suck carbon out of the air in order to survive, when the complete opposite is true. All those things will kill huge swaths of humanity and lower our standard of living to pre-industrial times. We’re talking about living conditions that few modern era people would survive due to sheer lack of know-how.
"We’ve actually watched the front brain deteriorate in function, and that's partly due to creating fear, which cuts off the blood flow to the front brain," Palevsky says.
"Addiction also cuts off the blood flow to the front brain. Video game addiction cuts off blood flow to the front of the brain. Devices, all these apps, all the social media cuts off blood flow to the front of the brain and creates ongoing primitive brain function. So, we have designed a society that doesn't allow for education ...
I'm afraid for the next generation and the next generation after that, because they have no skills anymore to really work through a problem, to figure it out because they've been kept from having life experiences.
The challenge that I don't think the American public is aware of is, if we go back into the history of public education, we will see that the purpose of public education, at its darkest roots, is to make people sheep, to keep them from critical thinking, to keep them in mass-thinking and to control the population.
That's a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow, but all you have to do is go into the research of public education and you'll see that was always the design."
How to Combat the Programming
So, how can you counter all this brainwashing? Here are Palevsky’s suggestions:
1.Turn off your TV and radically limit the amount of time you allow your children to watch TV. Also, be selective in what you allow them to watch.
2.Stop reading mainstream news and look for reliable alternative sources that aren’t regurgitating the official narrative.
3.If you do keep your children in the public or private school system, have conversations with your children at home.
Ask them, "What'd you learn today? What do you think about what you learned today? How did it make you feel? Did you have an opposing view? Were you able to express an opposing view? What happened if you did? Did the teacher allow it or did the teacher not allow it?" Cultivate an opportunity at home for your child to go through a process of critical thinking.
4.Consider homeschooling. There are many options available for parents these days, including co-op classes, online curriculums, nature schools and more.
"If you are really disgusted with the public school or private school education, then you are in good hands because the number of parents who are homeschooling their children in this country has exponentially gone up," Palevsky says.
"Not only do kids do better when they're homeschooled, but their attention spans are better. It also frees the child up to be creative, to have imagination, to learn through doing, to learn through life experience, to learn how to do things that the schools are not teaching you anymore.
These kids do function better, and they do have better grades and they do have good social skills. They're just not being bombarded with a propaganda machine."
Live in Sync With Nature to Avoid Seasonal Colds and Flus
Getting back to vaccinations, this fall they started pushing not only the seasonal influenza vaccine and an updated COVID shot, but also a brand-new RSV vaccine. Do you really need any of these? Palevsky believes there are far better ways to stay healthy during the winter season.
"Most people are not aware that the flu is not caused by a viral illness," he says. "I'm not saying there are no viruses. What I'm saying is that we're looking at the wrong cause for the illness. The virus isn't the cause of the illness. The virus is a bystander ...
The reason you get sick in the fall, winter, and early spring is because we live out of season. We live out of schedule of the season. We eat improperly out of season. We don't sleep enough, we don't rest enough, we don't eat the warm foods; instead we're eating cold foods and summer foods.
We don't take our vitamin D and K2, we don't eat soups and our broths, we don't slow down. Anytime we live out of sync of nature, we are causing stress to our body. Farmers used to go to bed at sunset and wake up at sunrise. But when the day gets darker earlier, and we're up six, eight hours past when the sun goes down — that's stress.
And one thing that the body has to do, because it can't keep stress, is to get rid of it. If you accumulate enough of it, you're going to get sick. We think the reason we get sick is because there's some magical virus going around. Well, that's not true.
The reason you get sick is because you’re stressed, you’re living out of [sync with] nature, you’re not eating right, you’re not sleeping right, you’re not resting right, you’re not dressing right, you’re overdoing it when your body should be quieter and you’re creating too much stress.
We're eating lots of refined sugar, seed oils, hydrogenated oils — these are toxins and are all stressors. And so we have to get sick because the body is made to heal. Too much stress, it's got to come out. And that's what an illness is.
So in conclusion, it makes no sense to get these shots because the illness is not caused by a microorganism. It's caused by out of sync with nature, out of sync with food."
The Benefits of Fever
Colds and flus typically generate a fever, but fever can also develop in the absence of a viral or bacterial infection, and using medication to bring the fever down often does more harm than good. A fever is your body’s way of killing off invading pathogens and clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by lowering your fever, you’re prolonging the problem. Palevsky explains:
"The very chemicals that cause a fever are the same chemicals that are present all the time to maintain our body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. So, to think that at 98.6 F. we don't have those chemicals is incorrect. The same chemicals that give us 98.6 give us 102.
But at 102, they're working in larger numbers to burn out and get rid of the waste. The fallacy is that if you have fever, you must have an infection, and that's incorrect. There are three reasons to have fever. One, infection. Two, inflammation, which is probably the major reason to develop fever, and three, neoplasm or malignancy.
When a child has [a fever of] 103 or 104, it’s actually a good thing because it slows the body down. It stops you from putting more stress into the body.
My mentors back in the 1980s, who’d been practicing in New York since the 1940s, would say that after their children resolved their fever illnesses, they would almost always have a developmental growth spurt.
Because the purpose of the fever — which is almost always inflammation and not necessarily infection — is to clean out the body, to prune the body, to cleanse the body ... giving over-the-counter medicines for fever, giving the antibiotics for something that's not an infection, and giving the shots actually creates much bigger illnesses in your kids.
I don't recommend aspirin in my practice. I also don't recommend acetaminophen in my practice.
To me, acetaminophen is probably close to, if not the largest poison you can put in your body because it depletes your body of the very chemical that you need in the moment when you're sick, and that's glutathione. You need that glutathione if you're sick. So giving acetaminophen ... lowers your ability to stay well."
Treating Fever From a Clinical Perspective
So, in conclusion, most fevers do not need to be treated or brought down. The warning signs you want to look out for, regardless of the exact temperature of the fever, is their general demeanor. Palevsky explains:
"In 1993, when I was thinking about leaving the ER and going into private practice, I said to a colleague of mine, whose practice I was looking at, ‘What do you do for all these kids who are 3 months to 3 years, who have a fever and no source for the fever?
Do you do blood work and urine? He said, ‘Larry, if I did blood work and urine in every one of those kids, I'd lose patients in my practice ... Think about it. If you have a kid who's got a fever of 104 and is sitting up and looking at you and is able to converse, keep the head up, hydrate, and a kid who has a fever of 100.4, who can’t lift their head up, who’s lethargic and isn’t speaking, which kid would you worry about?’
That was a great teaching for me because it reminded me of clinical practice. Clinical practice says, evaluate the child for being alert, awake, arousable, interactive, able to walk, talk, drink, pee, poop. What's the skin color? What's the respiratory rate? And so I don't worry about the number as much as I want to see what the kid looks like."
That said, if your child is younger than 3 months old, contact your pediatrician if he or she develops a fever. If a child between the ages of 3 months to 2 years has a fever above 102.5 F. and there’s no obvious source, a common concern is bacteremia (bacterial infection), which can be diagnosed with a blood or urine test.
How to Treat a Fever
Palevsky prefers the old-fashioned mercury thermometers, as they’re the most accurate, and recommends taking your child’s temperature rectally, if possible. A digital thermometer that can be used rectally is also good. He does not recommend head or ear thermometers, as they’re less accurate.
"The most important thing when a child has a fever is to ‘pull the plug,’ meaning keep stimulation to a minimum. So, turn the lights down, quiet the environment, lie down with the child. If there's anything that I've seen work over the years, is a parent lying with the child. It's amazing what healing that can do.
Warm bath — not a cold bath — a warm bath, because what a warm bath does is it makes the body sweat, and when the body sweats the temperature of the body can slowly go down because the evaporation of the sweat causes the body to cool. That doesn't mean you can't put a cool cloth on the forehead.
Naturopaths have taught me a wonderful remedy where you take old cotton socks that are wet and put them on the feet, and you put warm, dry wool socks over it and put the kid to bed. Get the kid under the covers and sweat it out. Let the kid sleep. Just make sure that the kid is arousable. Make sure the kid is hydrated. Don't feed the kid food.
One of the major things that parents complain about when a child has a fever is that they won't eat. My response to that is, ‘Good!’ Just make sure the child stays hydrated. Water, tea, broth, more water, more tea, more broth. These are situations where I don't recommend juices. I don't recommend anything cold and I don't recommend anything raw.
The child needs warmth. You don't want to stress the digestive system at all because it has to be quieted. In that situation, you want the rest of the immune system to be working to clean out whatever needs to be cleaned out."
You can also help your child do a neti pot to rinse out their sinuses with saline. Children as young as 5 can easily do this. Be sure to use saline and not plain tap water, as plain water will irritate the sinuses. The salt in the saline is also viricidal and will kill any viruses lodged in the sinuses.
Take Control of Your Child’s Health and Future
In closing, Palevsky says:
"We are in a time of tremendous censorship, and what I would say to parents who are looking for information, if something is being censored, I would hope that would raise your alarm that it’s being suppressed for a reason, which means that you would want to know what is being suppressed and why.
Because in a true republic and in a society of freedom, why wouldn't you have the opportunity to look at opposing views and come to a conclusion on your own? And so I would ask you to continue to question, continue to look for answers ...
I have heard experts say that parents are not smart enough to understand the science of vaccines, or the science of nutrition, or the science of pediatric development or education. Just hearing that should make for an alarm because you are smart enough. You've proven that you're smart enough and it's your kid.
So, understand that we are in a time where I strongly recommend that you take back your power to actually raise your kid, to educate your kid, to feed your kid properly, to understand what goes into your child and what shouldn't go into your child. To make those decisions as a family and not allow the state or some outside resource take over your child's body and your child's mind."
To learn more about Palevsky and his pediatric practice, check out his website, DrPalevsky.com. You can also follow him on Instagram, Telegram, MeWe and Rumble, where he cohosts a show called "Critically Thinking with Dr. T & Dr. P," together with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
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puppyexpressions · 1 year
How To Socialize A Puppy
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The first four months of a puppy’s life are crucial for their learning and development, which is why proper socialization at an early age is so important. Puppy socialization consists of gradually introducing your pup to other dogs, people, and places so they can better acclimate to life around them. It’s the key to a confident, well-behaved dog!
Not to mention, stressful experiences at a young age can negatively impact your dog’s behavior, making them nervous, scared, or even aggressive—so take it one paw at a time! Read on to learn how to socialize a puppy.
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Step #1: Ensure Your Pup is Vaccinated
Before your puppy can be around other dogs, they should be fully vaccinated to avoid illness. In fact, it’s a good idea to before your newest family member even arrives home! A typical puppy vaccination schedule begins at about six weeks of age and continues every three to four weeks until all shots are received. Vaccinations are then given annually, or as you and your veterinarian decide.  
Core vaccines for dogs prevent canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis, and rabies. Because they prepare the body to fight off possible contagious disease, these immunizations are considered vital. Non-core vaccines are given based on risk of exposure (such as where you live). Common non-core vaccines exist for Bordetella, canine influenza, leptospirosis, and Lyme disease. Your veterinarian can help determine which non-core vaccinations are necessary.  
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Step #2: Introduce Them to People
Although your puppy should not meet other dogs until they’re fully vaccinated, they can be introduced to humans in the meantime!
The more friendly people your dog meets, the more comfortable they will be meeting new faces down the road. It is best for your puppy to socialize in a controlled environment, such as a familiar home or fenced-in yard. Also, make sure everyone who interacts with your pup knows how to do so in a positive manner. It is especially important to establish basic rules before introducing your new dog to children.  
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Step #3: Introduce Them to Other Dogs After Vaccinations
Finally! Puppies can be around other dogs once they’ve received their vaccinations. It is crucial for your pup to socialize with different dogs so they learn how to get along with others. Dogs who do not socialize as puppies sometimes have a tough time “speaking dog” due to fear or aggression problems. To keep the experience positive, only let your puppy interact with familiar, non-aggressive dogs.
You should be especially mindful when encountering unfamiliar dogs at the veterinary office. After all, some dogs may be visiting due to an illness. When visiting the vet, carry your puppy into the office and keep them in your lap or a crate.
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Step #4: Play Puppy Socialization Games
Puppy socialization games are a great way to teach your furry friend how rewarding it can feel to approach new people and be handled. Giving treats as encouragement during puppy training helps foster progress; just remember to check feeding guidelines to ensure you don’t over-treat!  
If you’re in a group, one socialization game option is “Pass the Puppy.” Here’s how to play:
Give each person a small amount of training treats.
The first person picks up the puppy and properly holds them, supporting their rear end.
Each time the puppy allows the person to touch a paw, an ear, or their tail, the pup gets a treat.
The puppy is passed to the next person and the same routine is repeated.
Another game to play with your puppy involves everyone sitting in a circle. Place your furry friend in the middle, then:
The first person calls the puppy to “come” while holding out a small training treat.
Once the puppy comes toward them, the first person gives the puppy their treat plus plenty of praise and affection.
Someone else in the circle goes next and repeats the process.
When it comes to puppy socialization, many pet parents don’t know where to begin. Fur-tunately, by following our tips on how to socialize a puppy, your newest companion will be ready to take on the world in no time!
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jdrsandeep · 11 days
Raising Awareness About Abdominal Cancer: A Crucial Mission
Abdominal cancer encompasses a group of cancers affecting the abdominal region, including the stomach, liver, pancreas, colon, and other organs within the abdomen. These cancers pose significant health risks and can have devastating impacts on individuals and their families. At Abdominal Cancer Trust, our mission is to raise awareness, provide support, and advocate for early detection and effective treatment of abdominal cancers. Understanding the importance of this mission is crucial in the fight against these life-threatening diseases. abdominal cancer awareness
Understanding Abdominal Cancer
Abdominal cancer is not a single disease but a category of cancers that affect various organs in the abdominal cavity. Some of the most common types include:
Stomach Cancer: Also known as gastric cancer, it develops from the lining of the stomach.
Liver Cancer: This includes hepatocellular carcinoma, which begins in the main type of liver cell, and cholangiocarcinoma, which starts in the bile ducts.
Pancreatic Cancer: Often diagnosed at an advanced stage due to subtle early symptoms, this type is particularly aggressive.
Colorectal Cancer: Affecting the colon and rectum, this type is one of the most common cancers worldwide.
Ovarian Cancer: While primarily associated with female reproductive organs, it can spread within the abdominal cavity.
The Importance of Early Detection
Early detection is paramount in improving the survival rates of those diagnosed with abdominal cancer. Unfortunately, many abdominal cancers are detected at later stages, which complicates treatment and reduces the chances of successful outcomes. Here are some key reasons why early detection is crucial:
Improved Survival Rates: Early-stage cancers are often more treatable and curable compared to those detected at later stages.
Less Aggressive Treatment: Early detection can lead to less invasive and aggressive treatment options, improving the quality of life for patients.
Better Prognosis: Detecting cancer early often means a better overall prognosis and increased life expectancy.
Recognizing Symptoms
Awareness of the symptoms associated with abdominal cancers can lead to earlier medical consultation and diagnosis. Common symptoms include:
Persistent abdominal pain or discomfort
Unexplained weight loss
Changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea or constipation
Nausea and vomiting
Loss of appetite
Fatigue and weakness
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
It's essential to note that these symptoms can be caused by conditions other than cancer. However, if they persist, it is vital to seek medical advice.
Risk Factors
Understanding the risk factors associated with abdominal cancers can help in adopting preventative measures. Some common risk factors include:
Age: The risk of developing abdominal cancer increases with age.
Family History: A family history of certain cancers can elevate the risk.
Diet and Lifestyle: Diets high in red and processed meats, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to the risk.
Chronic Conditions: Conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and hepatitis can increase the likelihood of certain abdominal cancers.
Prevention and Early Detection Strategies
While not all abdominal cancers can be prevented, certain strategies can help reduce the risk and aid in early detection:
Regular Screenings: Routine screenings such as colonoscopies can detect precancerous conditions and early-stage cancers.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding tobacco, and limiting alcohol intake can reduce the risk.
Vaccinations: Vaccinations against hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV) can lower the risk of liver and cervical cancers, respectively.
Genetic Testing: For those with a family history of certain cancers, genetic testing and counseling can provide valuable information on risk and preventive measures.
How Abdominal Cancer Trust is Making a Difference
At Abdominal Cancer Trust, we are dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by abdominal cancer through various initiatives:
Education and Awareness: We provide resources and information to raise public awareness about the symptoms, risk factors, and importance of early detection.
Support Services: Our support groups, counseling services, and patient advocacy programs offer emotional and practical support to patients and their families.
Research Funding: We fund cutting-edge research to improve diagnostic methods, treatments, and ultimately find cures for abdominal cancers.
Community Outreach: Through community events, workshops, and partnerships, we aim to reach diverse populations and promote cancer prevention strategies.
Join Us in the Fight Against Abdominal Cancer
Raising awareness and taking proactive steps can save lives. Abdominal Cancer Trust invites you to join our mission to educate, support, and advocate for those affected by abdominal cancer. Together, we can make a significant impact and move towards a future where abdominal cancer is detected early and treated effectively.
For more information, resources, or to get involved, please visit our website or contact us directly. Your support can make all the difference.
For More Info: what is abdominal cancer
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