#Important updates
Hey I’m going to be so honest with all the threats of AI and now people trying to steal fics to put into apps and all that stuff I might genuinely delete all of my works and only share them with safe and trusted people. I’m going to think about this decision but I don’t trust that anyone who does this and this lore app or whatever will actually listen to the opt-out.
When I come to a decision I will make a post about it, but this app might be the breaking point for me and many others.
My fics will not be used for AI. They will not be used to gain profit for someone else.
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friend-crow · 2 months
The skunk just did a particularly flamboyant little gambol across the garden.
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monzterbatz · 14 days
SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ACTIVE/POSTING ART school started and i made a super epic new friend and im busy watching their huperfixation atm 🙏🙏🙏
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rainknow · 4 months
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it itches
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vampyr3wife · 1 year
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handrawntv · 2 months
I'm continually overhauling my official WEBSITE with updates and information!
I've received baby's first monthly subscribers via my Ko-Fi which has honestly been INSANE! It has really inspired me to take the idea of some kind of subscriber system more seriously as I have been kind of daydreaming about what I could offer, therefore:
I have updated my SUPPORT page on my website with my ideas, I think I am going to keep developing this and hope that maybe one day this dream could become more of a reality!
NEXT LIVESTREAM IS SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY JULY 27TH AT 4PM CENTRAL! Come out and join us playing Jason and his adopted pasta sons. :) PREVIOUS LIVESTREAMS
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c0smiccom3t · 4 months
Regarding our 3rd Anniversary
Hey, I have some news to share. No, its not the log youve been waiting for.
You may all remember when i said tons of stuff was coming for Dimension Dyfenders this year for the third anniversary, right?
Yeah... about that. Due to Ren's disappearence as they are busy with irl things and due to the stress i went through today...
The 3rd anniversary celebrations will have to be delayed until further notice. (either tomorrow or indefinitely)
Don't worry though, this doesn't mean the event has been cancelled. we've just been running with some difficulties. for example, missing art and announcements. and complete procastination.
But as much as it pains me to say it, this year you may all gonna have to wait. But don't fret, it's all gonna be worth it once that log finally comes out.
Hope you all understand. thanks for reading. <3
-Comet, co-creator of D.D
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**Small but Important Updates**
Hi everyone!! As per the poll's results, I have updated the list for day 7! The prompts were 'Dirty Talk | Rimming' and are now 'Shibari/Bondage | Rimming'. I hope this doesn't throw anyone off who has already started writing!! Rest assured that 'Dirty Talk' is still a prompt for day 30!
Also, as per an ask I received earlier, I have created an AO3 account for this event and will be opening a collection once we get closer to October! Everyone who isn't going to be using tumblr for Kinktober will be able to upload their works there. :)
Thank you! If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Bambi 🤍
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its-still-atlass · 8 months
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Find me here: @its-atlass
Some background information behind my decision:
I made this account a year ago and at that point, I did not understand how Tumblr's account system worked. I thought that if I made another sideblog, I could use it like a main. Clearly, I was incorrect in that assumption.
Therefore, this whole year, I've been reblogging and building my space on this site through a sideblog, and let me tell you, that is not. fun. and generally just confusing for everyone I interact with.
So, the solution that's been rattling around in my brain for the past few months has been to move accounts to my "main" blog.
Now, how is this going to work?
Well, over the next few weeks, I'm going to be reblogging almost all of the content that is already on this blog and deleting them from here
I will also be switching my usernames. So my main blog (formerly: its-still-atlass) will become its-atlass, and this blog (formerly: its-atlass) will fall under the name its-still-atlass. Hopefully this won't be too confusing 😅
What will happen to this sideblog?
This blog, once the fandom content is removed, will become a place for shitposts (both fandom and general) and random infodumps. I'll still be posting and reblogging my regular fic and fandom stuff onto the "main" account though, so nothing is really going to change for that
Thank you for understanding and having patience for me during this transitional period and I hope to see y'all on the "main" account soon :)
If you have any other questions, feel free to dm me through either blog ❤️
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weknowthend · 6 months
Maggie's Return
Hi all,
Thank you for all the love you've given the Cast Chart over the past two years. I just wanted to give some information re: Maggie Lacasse's potential Six Return as I've seen many quote my Cast Chart as a definite source for her return.
I am not 100% certain that Maggie is coming back on April 9, it is just speculation based on the date she posted she was coming back and in rehearsals and that Abigail said her Parr dates are her "last scheduled dates for a while". As a reminder, ANY future dates for ANY production are ALWAYS scheduled to change!
Hope this can clear things up!
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unsettlingstories · 2 years
fuck yeah indian food
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
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If I could begin to do Something that does right by you I would do about anything I would even learn how to love
When I see the way you look Shaken by how long it took I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you
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monzterbatz · 6 days
forgot to say
it's my birthday !!!!
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it will no longer be my bday in like an hour LMAO...
edit: nvm it's already not BAHHAAHA
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tentacleslurper · 1 year
I switched my main. This is just a shitpost/hornypost acct now lol
Main is @tentacleeater
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Hello! This is the Creator. Sorry for the lack of updates and such. I've been experiencing a lot of stress and unfortunately fell ill. Inbox will be temporarily closed and I will try to do as much updates as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience -The Creator
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silver-decanter · 3 months
I should take evening showers more often, because it's such a nice feeling to get into clean cotton sweatpants right out of the shower
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