#In which germa is basically the same but apart from science they dabble in powers beyond human comprehension too
kukurykunapatyku · 4 months
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[I.D.: Drawing of Ichiji and Ace from One Piece. Both are inside rectangle frames, Ace in right up corner and Ichiji in left down corner, their boxes intersect in the middle. Ace is seen from behind, waist up, with his head thrown back. There is crown of alternating golden lines and red spheres around his head. He doesn't have a shirt or whitebeard tatoo. In the background there is Vinsmokes' skull. Ichiji is seen from the front, hips up, slightly from above. He holds a heart in his outsretched hand. He has blood on his hands and shirt. He wears grey shirt, black trousers and white cape with red lining. His eyes are visible, he looks focused. Words '"The first"? Weird name to give a son.' and 'Perfect for a sacrifice though.' fill the remaining corners of the drawing. /End I.D.]
Vinsmoke shipping week day 1: First meet / Immortal x mortal
How to get unimaginable power, by Vinsmoke Judge:
capture a fallen star -> try to make a deal with it -> get your favourite son to make a sacrifice in your place -> ??? -> profit
I'm boo boo the fool. I got an idea for au, made illustration first, thought the quote sounded good and filled the empty space. And then I got to writing and realised I have nowhere to put the quote so it would made sense 😗
This was supposed to be one shot for the vinsmoke shipping week but this au grew on me, i might do something with it in the future Not a lot of romance here I'm afraid 👍 maybe next time
🔽Fic under readmore 🔽 Also on Ao3
cw: slight gore, dehumanizing (refering to he/him with it/its)
Heavy basement doors closed with a dull thud behind Ichiji. The fog from his breath danced in the air, looking for any crevice that would let it out of the room.
Deep underground, sealed with runes and cement, only torches illuminating the dark - someone could call the precautions unneeded, but Ichiji knew better. He looked towards their prisoner, trapped on a painted floor.A catch like this was once in a lifetime.
The star didn't show that it noticed him yet. No matter, it wasn't needed for the first part.
Repeating father's instructions, Ichiji took a piece of chalk out of his pocket a got to work. Slender lines began to fill the empty spaces on stone walls and floor; circles, crosses and vines intersecting each other in carefully calculated patterns. The star didn't seem to move, but Ichiji could feel its eyes following him around the room. Good, so it's conscious. Not letting it disrupt him, he came back to the drawings. They needed to be perfect for the barter to work out.
He noticed, Ace thought, peeking from behind his eyelids. Well well, wasn't he an observant bastard. One that knew what he was doing; the symbols, even incomplete, already brimmed with power that made his throat dry and set of ringing in his ears. Ah, so he wantsa deal. A pretty serious one, he added to himself, looking at the size and complexity of the circle. His eyes trailed after the caped man. A few healing sigils, couple time capsules, warding lines - probably a kidney. Ace licked his lips. Maybe an eye or two if he was lucky.
Finally finished, the guy stopped before him.
"I know you are awake," he huffed.
Ace slowly opened his eyes and got better look at the figure before him. Sparse light glistened on red hair and sunglasses, the rest disappearing and reappearing from shadows.
"Why hello there," Ace said with a crooked smile. "What brings you here?"
"The deal."
Ace grimaced. Barely a word. The offering better be worth the drag; at least it'll get him out of this shitty basement.
"Silly me, of course. But, you know, there should be some decorum to this. Usually people start with their name."
Redhead stared down at him. Or at least Ace assumed he did, it was hard to tell with covered eyes. After a few moments of contempt silence the contrarian in him finally won.
"Okay, see, it goes like this:" He pointed at his chest and pronounced with exaggerated care. "My. Name. Ace." He turned the finger on him. "You. Name. What?"
For a second the shape of something like embarrassment appeared on the guy's face before it smoothed over again.
"Vinsmoke Ichiji. The oldest prince of Germa Kingdom, where you currently reside."
Ace widened his eyes. The guy- Ichiji actually responded? That was a new one. He grinned; maybe this won't be a complete waste of time.
"Ichiji... <First>? Weird thing to name a child. Your parents must be something else."
One curly brow went up.
"Is that so, Ace?"
Ace shrugged.
"I said what I said." he looked up. "So, Germa? Can't say I ever heard of it. Eh, it's not like I heard of many human kingdoms."
"You do not find us interesting, I get."
"Oh, the opposite! I find you humans really interesting; it's just your kingdoms that are just so incredible dull. You have a habit of pretending that they matter but truth be told? If you look from the side, they all look exactly the same."
Ichiji tilted his head. "Hm."
"You look less upset than I expected from someone who introduced himself as a prince," Ace inquired.
"Arguing wouldn't do anything, would it? That is not what I'm here to do." He pulled something small from his pocket and knelt next to Ace. "We should proceed."
The clang of iron shackles falling on the floor shot through the room. Ace rubbed his aching wrist.
"Well, it was nice to chat."
But Ichiji wasn't done. With the same key he started scrapping the paint from the stones around Ace. Not enough to free him, but the returning power buzzed under his skin. Ace stared with stunned expression; this deal really was going to be something else.
"Lets begin," Ichiji declared.
The air grew electrified, wind without a source banging between the walls. Ichiji stood up and draw his hands together, quietly chanting the words that made Ace's hair stand up. Ace transfixed on the redhead. His mouth curved into the feral smile, unable to contain excitement singing in his veins at the promised feast.
And then Mr. prince plunged his hand deep into his chest, blood spraying around. Sudden scent hit Ace's nose and he took sharp breath, which just made the aroma travel further his lungs, clouding mind and senses. Ichiji reached towards him with the still-beating muscle in his grip.
Ace seized the heart and bite down, savory juices exploding in his mouth, tender flesh ripping between his teeth. The blood stained his mouth so he tried to lick it off, teared between devouring the treat as fast as possible and not wasting a single drop. He was leaping from joy, fresh meat satiating his ever-present hunger for a moment and filling him with new strength. The flame inside his gut grew with every swallowed morsel; when was the last time he had a treat like this?
Engrossed in the food, Ace for a moment forgot about Ichiji, who dropped on his knees, sunglasses clinking on the floor. The blood on his chest dripped slowly, the sigils doing their job. Breathing heavily, he reached forward and grabbed the closest arm. Ace looked back at him, hastily gulping down last bits of the offering.
"Oh, right, the deal. Sorry about that. But man," He glanced down. "You must be pretty desperate! So, let's hear it."
"Give my father the power to conquer all the Northern Kingdoms."
His face froze. "What?"
"You heard me."
"I- No-"
"The heart is valuable enough, we did the math. You have no reason to refuse."
"Hold on for a moment!" shouted Ace. "That's why you're doing it?"
Ichiji squinted his eyes. "Just do it. That was the deal."
"I don't care what happens to your silly kingdoms, whatever their compass points at, but you did all this-" He gestured at the growing red spot on his shirt. "-because your father asked you to?"
"Of course," Ichiji mouthed. "He is my father."
Ace saw red.
"Ah." The ice crept in his voice. "I see. The answer is no then."
That seemed to get the reaction. Ichiji jerked his head, fingers clawing harder into Ace's bicep. "You can't just refuse, that's not how it works! I gave you an offering-"
"Yeah, so I'm going to grant your wish. If your father wants something from me, he can offer me his own heart, instead of sending you."
"My wish is for you to grant my father's."
"Nope, not doing it."
"You-" The argument was interrupted with a coughing fit, Ichiji's grip losing some of its strength. Ace caught his spasming body before it hit the floor and swore, suddenly much too aware of how quickly his life was draining away. He was going to keel over the second he was out of the protection circle. But they couldn't stay here, someone will come here sooner or later and then...
An idea struck him with a flash.
"Hold on, stay still for a moment..."
Ace doubted Ichiji heard him, still trying to catch his breath, so he shifted him around and put a hand on his chest. He exhaled and let the warmth flow towards the hole; the magic meandered its way between frayed skin and muscle, healing what it could, and what it couldn't...
The beating returned, it's pulse synchronized to Ace's own, too soft to be human. There was no time to celebrate; he focused, pulled on the strings surrounded them both, stretched them and clenched his teeth. He braced for what was to come and let go.
The furry of light and colours surrounded them, the force beating the air out of his lungs, astral wind blowing the hair all over the place.
And the next second, it was over. Ace knelt on the sandy beach, retching. Crap. He leaped to his feet, already turning towards the body.
Ichiji could breathe again. He opened his eyes and stiffened when he realized where he was. Or rather where he wasn't.
"Oh, so it did work!"
"How?" Ichiji growled.
The star grinned.
"Well, it wasn't easy with your heart missing, but I managed to-"
"How did you escape?"
It pursed its lips.
"Of course that's what you're worried about. You're in luck, because those two things are connected." It pointed one finger up. "First! I used some of my flame to keep you alive. I can't give you your heart back, since I already ate it, but you shouldn't die for some more time." It grimaced. "It's not a permanent solution, so you'll need to find something else."
Ichiji made an annoyed face. It put another finger up.
"Second! Because of the seals I couldn't just disappear myself, but I could send you away. And we're connected now, so I can't be too far from you. So when I pushed you out, you pulled me with you, and that's how we're here." It grinned again, arms outstretching to the sides, as if showing him the beach. "As far from that basement as I could put us!
"And third!" Next finger joined the rest. "Your wish."
Ichiji gritted his teeth.
"I already told you what I wish for. You refused. There should be some punishment for that."
"Oh don't worry, there is! But I hadn't broken our deal yet." Star crossed its arms. "I fully intend to grant your wish. But only yours."
"Give my father the power to conquer all the Northern Kingdoms."
The vein appeared on its forehead.
"Wrong answer. Let me get this straight." It leaned over him. "With the power I got from your sacrifice I manged to not only put your death on hold, but also get us both out despite all the obstacles. Do you think I would be able to do that if I was going against your heart? The way I see it, on some level, you wanted to leave. And on some level-" he stumbled. "On some level you didn't want to die. So that's how it's going to go. I'll stick around until you can give me your wish, your true wish. I'll grant it and the deal will be finished. And don't try to put any crap like the kingdom stuff."
Ichiji scowled.
"And if I try to come back and tell father about this you will just-"
"I'll just push us as far away as possible! Good, you're learning."
Ichiji glared at Ace. "It does not sound like I have a choice."
"That's something you're used to, isn't it?"
Ichiji didn't answer.
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