#Incident Report
john-macnamara · 3 months
PEIP Incident Report Released by ███████ to Tumblr Blog "john-macnamara" 03/13/2024. Subject: General John MacNamara; Elimination of Enemies
Incident #1: December █, 20██. Persons Involved: Colonel Wilbur R. Cross; Major Johnathan S. MacNamara; Lt. Colonel Rosalind B. Schaffer; Agent Xander P. Lee. Location: █████████, NM
At approximately 20:35, a standard mission update was sent in by Col. Cross. Team was instructed to stay put and wait for further instructions. The next two mission updates were unreported. At 22:14, a transmission was sent to Col. Cross. Was picked up by Lt. Schaffer, quote: "Cross is in unstable condition, Lee providing medical assistance. MacNamara in a fire fight with ██████, ███████, and █████. Prepared for further instruction."
The team was left without further instruction. At approximately 1:00, a final transmission was sent. Quote: " ██████, ███████, and █████ incapacitated. MacNamara defied orders under extenuating circumstances, ████ ████████ has been eliminated. Cross has been stabilized. Prepared for extraction. We are sorry."
Post-Incident: Col. Cross was sent to the New Mexico center for emergency medical aid, recovered within one week. Lt. Schaffer given the chance to explain the circumstances, Maj. MacNamara unpunished. Maj. MacNamra also required to take a two-week leave of absence due to his mental state post mission. Viewed this as a punishment.
Incident #2: August ██, 20██. Persons Involved: Brigandine General Johnathan S. MacNamara; ████ ███████; ████ █████████; ███████ ████; █████ ██████; Major General Truman E. Youngerman; Colonel Rosalind B. Schaffer; Lieutenant Colonel Harriet Y. Smith. Location: ███████, ██.
On ████ ██, ████, Brig. Gen. MacNamara disappeared from his station in Point Pleasant, WV. Unresponsive, filed as MIA 48 hours later. On ██████ ██, ████, a message sent to Maj. Gen. Youngerman. Read: "A little birdie told me you were missing a general. Give us the information before he does. You have 72 hours before your general dies."
Maj. Gen. Youngerman provided Col. Schaffer with a hard drive filled with falsified and/or outdated information. She was instructed to swap it for Brig. Gen. MacNamara. Took Lt. Smith as backup. Backup was needed. ████ ███████, ████ █████████, █████ ██████ pulled weapons on the two agents, resulting in a short firefight with all three adversaries eliminated.
Brig. Gen. MacNamara found in a state of half-consciousness, showing signs of heavy torture. Dead body of ███████ ████ found in corner of room. Brig. Gen. MacNamara found clutching the knife. Was sedated and taken to the intensive care unit at MSHS.
Post-Incident: No more information could be found on kidnappers. Brig. Gen. MacNamara made a recovery within 54 days. Retains minor hand tremors, ensure he is still able to consistently aim. Promoted to Maj. Gen. upon his return.
Incident #3: June ██, 20██. Persons Involved: Major Chunhua N. Shào; Major General Johnathan S. MacNamara; Lieutenant Colonel Harriet Y. Smith; Major Ishaan D. Bhavsar; Private Reese G. Dobler. Location: Yellowstone National Park, WY.
Team instructed to remain in cabin and observe impacts of extraterrestrial substances on biological organisms. On May ██, 20██, the escape of a presumed non-sentient substance was reported by Maj. Gen. MacNamara. Previous data had proven a possession of both living and dead organisms. The substance would slowly replace the original matter with it's own. Only able to spread via fluid, however.
Maj. Gen. MacNamara prevented his team from becoming infected in quarantine for twenty days. On June ██, 20██, Maj. Shào reported feelings of dizziness. Throughout the next few days, Maj. Shào showed more signs of infection until it was undeniable. Maj. Shào was a host for the substance. Maj. Gen. MacNamara was given the order to eliminate her. After 17 hours of deliberation, a report was sent in. Quote: "I... I killed her. Chunhua's dead. It was quick, I shot her in the head when *sob* she was sleeping. We burnt her body. There's nothing- *sob* there's nothing left. The threat has been eliminated. Extraction is no longer a risk. *hic* Over."
Post-Incident Report: Maj. Gen. MacNamara and his remaining team members were extracted the next day and given proper medical treatment for minor malnutrition and dehydration. Maj. Shào promoted to Lt. Col. postmortem. Her stipend will be sent to her family, and a funeral will be held on June 24, 20██. For his skills in handling the situation, and following of orders, plans have been made to promote Maj. Gen, MacNamara to four-star general.
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quismihiignem · 8 months
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Take a close look
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shittymurderparty · 4 months
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Redacted as the owner
(Source: college assignment where we had to write our own incident report)
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vladco-tech-official · 9 months
hello vladco my school just got destroyed for the fifth time this month when are you gonna deal with that ghost?
Greetings, anonymous student
We would first like to apologize for the continual destruction of your school— we hope that any injuries or casualties caused were minimal.
We are currently working hard to assist in the situation to assure that both your school and the other surrounding schools remain a safe place to learn (at least from ghosts, everything else we cannot help with).
We will log the most recent incident in our database— and we will also be giving out funding to help reconstruct and replace any destroyed and damaged property.
Thank you for reaching out, we hope that you are safe.
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Incident Report:
It’s fine.
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ask-eliane-m · 2 months
@ask-larspinfield Please don’t read my previous post before answering this, but in theory could it be possible for a possessor to take control of a soulless human body? (I suppose this could also be a question in regards to Phoebe’s safety should her soul separate again) Supposedly it’s just inanimate objects but a vessel without soul? It feels worryingly possible. Anyway, I have some uh… work things to attend to.
Thanks - Eliane
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Incident Report DHJ221
Location: Site - █████ Disruption: Omega Incident Description: On 6/11/2023 an unknown party gained access to the Omega Protocol activation sequence and started it without permission from Director Turner. Though it was stopped in time it was approximately four seconds from detonation. Sabotage is suspected. All Sites are on Code Purple until further notice. [FURTHER INFORMATION CLASSIFIED]
<(👁️‍🗨️)>: I want whatever the hell happened there FOUND OUT SOON! This almost resulted in the deaths of billions and we CANNOT allow this to happen again. Technician Williams will be given a award of bravery for managing to use a blow torch to bypass the door and switching the detonation off.
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 3 months
Incident H4RP13-A:
Date: ██/██/20██
SCP-H4RP13 awoke from tranquilization in its temporary holding cell at Site-19, two hours after it was placed. Security personnel entered its cell to infrom it about the foreseeable events, to which the still drowsy entity reacted unideally. Security drew their weapons in self defense, earning a hostile snarl from the lycanthrope.
The personnel approached the entity armed, resulting in the lycanthrope to climb the wall and jump over security's head, effectively breaching containment. The chase stopped when the entity reached the end the containment zone, trapped by a card activated door.
Personnel approached it again as E-11 arrived to the scene, resulting in the entity to lash out and freeze on-site security from the neck down, one bitten. E-11 Agents fired tranquilizer darts at the entity, subduing it from afar.
Damages: All rifles and armor used by on-site security frozen and unrepairable, building internal damage moderate.
Personnel condition: Scanned for the lycanthropy virus, all negative. Mild to moderate freezer burn on security personnel.
Deaths: 0
Update: effective immediately, the following changes befall the entity:
-Object Class update: Unclassified to Keter
Threat level update: Unclassified to Orange
-Disruption Class update: Unclassified to Ekhi
-Risk Class update: Unclassified to Warning
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SCP: -> 139A, Infected Class-D (OC)
Class: Elucid
Trigger: -> Loud noises (Gunshots, yelling, metal doors. Etc…)
Currently: On floor
*A glowing crack appears in the chamber after 20 or so minutes a man in a dark grey trench coat over a bullet proof vest exits it*
[👁️‍🗨️]: "Ello or howdy. I come in peace! Dont mind us just gonna patch this rift and then be on our marry way!"
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death-by-paperwork · 1 year
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Please answer the following questions in detail:
1. How did the incident occur?
2. Who or what was responsible for the incident?
3. Did any supernatural Entities, such as ghosts or unicorns, witness the incident?
4. Was any magical or enchanted objects involved in the incident? If yes, please specify.
5. Did any of the witnesses or victims have any pre-existing medical or psychological conditions that may have contributed to the incident?
6. Was there any use of time-travel or inter-dimensional portals that may have caused the incident?
7. Were there any witnesses who were under the influence of any magical or mind-altering substances at the time of the incident?
8. Were there any extraterrestrial beings involved in the incident?
9. Was the incident related to any prophecies or ancient myths?
10. Was anyone wearing a cape at the time of the incident? If yes, please describe the cape in detail.
Please provide the following information:
1 (A). What was the extent of the damage caused by the incident?
2 (B). Were any ancient artifacts or treasures destroyed or damaged? If yes, please specify.
3 (C). Did the incident cause any disruptions to the natural order of the universe or any other planes of existence?
4 (D). Were any of the witnesses or victims harmed during the incident? If yes, please provide details.
Please provide the following information:
1. What action was taken immediately after the incident occurred?
2. Were any emergency response teams called to the scene? If yes, please specify.
3. Was any magical or supernatural intervention required to mitigate the damage caused by the incident?
4. Was anyone punished or reprimanded for their role in the incident? If yes, please provide details. [LEAVE BLANK FOR O.A.B PERSONEL]
5. Was any follow-up action required after the initial response to the incident? If yes, please specify.
Please provide any additional information that may be relevant to this incident.
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the-aggregations · 1 year
6 Date of Submission: 3/21/2023
Document Swallowing Report Connected File Code(s): World Events and Laws, Incident Report, Swallowing
The following is a report from one of our Employees about a recent development following one of our scheduled collections.
As collectors do not have mouths with which to speak, I have translated their vibrations into legible text for the convenience of The Aggregations.
Employee 1439096-A-31 Report:
During routine collection I witnessed an anomaly in star cluster 462 sub cluster 89. Unlike our own moons ands stars, which blink in a soothing manner as natural as the planet itself, these began to blink out one by one without appropriate warning documentation.
Dimension shifting proved the anomaly was strictly in Dimension 98-B-207 and not applicable to the Dimensions adjacent to 98-B-207 in any direction.
It appears that similarly to the event in Dimension 30-D1A-9101 Star cluster 6993 Sub cluster 2203, The stars in this cluster have been swallowed.
The appropriate paperwork has been filed and notice has been given to the entity that a fine will be allocated and detracted from it's current applicable lifespan as in ordinance of our Archivist's order 23.
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ivy-and-vines · 2 years
I need to vent about a professor, here’s the email report explaining it all:
Dear Dr______,
I have never been one to complain, though I felt it necessary to bring to your attention, one professor, ________.
The first few classes of his Sociology of health and illness course were bearable, and I felt I could push through his teaching style and personality. In all honesty, even if I agreed with his opinions (which I absolutely do not), I didn’t care for him harping on with only his personal views, rather than educating the class in fact.
My tolerance was tested to its limits on Thursday, September 20th, when I was singled out, spoken over, and purposefully embarrassed in front of my peers by none other than professor Ianucci. He started his lecture with questions and statistics on why poorer and minority communities had worse health throughout their lifetime, and often died earlier. I felt as though I had taken a blow to the stomach when he insinuated that poor communities were essentially lazy, and lacked self discipline. His lack of empathy, and sharing opinion as fact to such an impressionable class, was more than shocking.
To quote him, “poor people eat fast food and crap because they lack that self discipline, you don’t NEED that stuff”, to which another student answered back, “if I can play devil's advocate, aren’t healthy foods way more expensive?”. He responded with the most pompous eye roll I had ever seen and said, “But who’s fault is it if they CHOOSE to eat fast food? Theirs. Ive seen people in the ‘hood’, with better cars than me. They just don’t use their money well.” This was my breaking point. I'm going to include word for word what happened:
Abbie (Me), after being called on: “I can’t say I disagree with people just being handed things, of course some work needs to be involved- though people in poverty don’t have access to proper education- “
Him, across the table now from me: “Girlfriend, you have a whole world in your palm, an iPhone!!”
Me: “but these people don’t have access to iPhones-“
Him, laughing mockingly: “I’ve worked in those neighborhoods for years, they got nicer phones than me, nice cars too.”
Me: “you think I haven’t been the one living in those neighborhoods?”
Him: “Then you know, they all got iPhones don’t they-“
Me: “no. you’re generalizing “
Him, raising his voice: “yes they do, and you’ve seen it! I know you have”
Me: “are you trying to embarrass me?”
Him, rolling his eyes and putting his hands up: “no! I just know that they don’t use their money wisely because they eat crap and have iPhones and fancy cars!”
Then he walked away. I had tears in my eyes from how embarrassed, and belittled I felt. I understand that professors may like to playfully argue to make a point, or have you seen something from a different perspective… but this was not that in the slightest. I felt as though I had just been bullied on a playground, even by the fact that he addressed not only me, but looked for students approving glare. There were only a few. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end of it.
In our power points from our textbook that he shares with us, there were about two or three slides regarding “every day racism”, which he brushed off as a ‘theory’, as well as slides about how minority women are more often the victims of domestic abuse and being ignored in the healthcare system. He’s often said, “I know what the author of the textbook would say, but I don’t agree so whatever”, as well as calling things like social services a “Left-wing agenda”.
For the last question of class, he asked, “Why do people work eighteen hour shifts? Isn’t it unhealthy?” So, quite a few people raised their hands. Though he had to pick on me. In a raised tone he says “No,” pointing at me, “Abigail, answer.” This is when I was rage filled, this was purposeful and directed just at me. So I answered, “Of course it’s unhealthy, but people are desperate for the money”. He chuckled. “The people pulling 18, 50, even 100 hour shifts don’t need the money, these are wall street bankers pulling these shifts.” I could’ve easily disagreed, but I didn’t feel like having him speak AT me, or arguing further when I was already crying.
After class I ran to my promise coach, Linus, and not only did he comfort me, but he helped me drop the class completely. This could’ve been the end of it, it was dropped and left my life. Though I refuse to tolerate any student who’s brave enough to speak up to feel as awful as I did by him. I know I am not in a position to dictate an instructor's work here at ___, but I do feel I have a responsibility to report him, and this incident. It would pain me greatly if no action is taken against ________.
Mr. ____ is a bigot, a bully, and refuses to let any student have an opinion other than his, as witnessed by both this incident as well as how he treats the class in general. He knows nothing of his students' life, and if a more privileged white girl was so utterly offended, I can't imagine how the students of color felt. It pains me to think that there are people like this educating such young, impressionable minds. I’m lucky enough to have been brave enough to speak out and pull out even more of his true colors. I truly do hope you see this issue as I do, and I do wish for action to be taken against him. I am not here to be belittled, but to be educated.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my email, and I hope to have provided enough detail to express just how deeply I am hurt, and angry about this incident. I appreciate your time greatly.
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elizabethbeals · 2 years
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The KS for issue 2 of Attic Door Media’s title INCIDENT REPORT is now live! I was lucky enough to create a Variant cover for this issue so definitely check it out and support them if you can 💙
Elizabeth B.
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Incident Report:
Basement under construction. Lower floors partially operable. Lab and offices secure. Consultations moved to upper offices. Warehouse stable.
Thank you for your patience while we update our HQ for better quality evil tech and bigger, badder space for villainous practices! If you have any questions please contact our Customer Service line!
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ask-eliane-m · 2 months
I just got a call to come into work. Someone misplaced a cadaver? How does anyone manage to do that? But anyway, i’m sure it’s just in the wrong freezer or something.
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predpreydatabase · 2 years
Has Voretek figured out how to make artificial preds by implanting the gene into someone or does that cause complications?
We have some reports in regards to an incident involving such experaments carried out on a remote base that was lost years ago
A doctor Victor Hudson reported
gene theopy invoving the "predator gene" in non pred subjects has moved to human trials with 30 subjects
Subjects display neither positive nor negative effects towards treatments, subjects remain in isolation.
Only one subject seems to have taken to teatments and is displaying predlike tendencies
Only successful subject dubed "alpha 1" successful devoured his first prey, so far results remain positive
I regret that I must activate protocol zero, the activation of the nuclear warhead under the lab subject "alpha 1" has mutated beyond recognition and has become an abomination, he has swept throught the facility devouring all staff members in sight. Regular bullets don't even break the surface and energy weapons just bounce off it so I can only hope that a 1 megaton fire ball will be enouth to stop it, this is Doctor Hudsin signing off on one last report.
At 15:52 25/6/1997 the nuclear device under reasearch post 7G5 was detonated destroying the base and vaporising any living being in a 0.6 miles radius
So to answer your question yes artificial implanting of the the predator gene is not viable,
only instance of an "artificial pred" is with trans men who had the pred gene before transitioning and had it activated due to Tesosarone injection while transitioning.
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