#Indian APT groups
gsirvitor · 1 year
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How much does it affect them today? The same amount it affects non Europeans at the hands of Europeans, you can fill in the blank.
See, this is why I dislike the umbrella term of white people, sure it's an apt descriptor of a racial group, but it hides the nuance, the complexity of European history, culture and baggage.
The entirety of Eastern Europe has a multi thousand year history of being invaded by Asians and Middle Easterners, from the Turks, to the Huns, to the Ottomans, then there's the Greeks who have beef with the Turks and a history of Persian invasion, the entirety of Mediterranean Europe with the Barbary slave trade, the Mongol invasions, the black death, the Muslim conquests, etc etc, I can go on for hours, and that's not even bringing up the origins of the term Slave, which referred to a certain squating peoples now at war with eachother.
Every group is advantaged and disadvantaged by the modern world, especially in the west, for instance, a black man from Nigeria who moves to America is more often a higher earner than his American counterpart, why? Well it isn't disadvantages built into the system, it's the culture, for the Nigerian man his is a boon while the American's is a drag, why? One is built upon hard work, morals and looking to the future, while the other is dead set on looking at the past and wallowing in it, blaming all failures, not on one's self but on a nebulous bogeyman, the same way the Nazis blamed the Jews.
The same goes for any race, Europeans are outcompeted in their own nations by Asians and Indians, not because they're actually at any disadvantage other than what is self imposed, and that's the crux, those who screech about being perpetually disadvantaged by the "white" man, never work to improve themselves, to create a better future for their descendants, no, they just whine and beg for free handouts, as the Greeks say; "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."
Your statements mean very little, yes, the world is colonized, it has been colonized since time immemorial, over and over and over again, yes, Europeans did that to themselves, and others did it to them, just as Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners, etc have all done it to themselves and others since time immemorial, same goes for subjugation, slavery, etc.
And no, European colonization, when compared to the conquests of the past, were some of the least violent conquests in history, sure the land area claimed is incomparable, but the savagery, the brutality etc, pales in comparison to even just the Mongols and Huns.
Yes, the plague brought many benefits, such as modern labor movements, improvements in medicine and a new approach to life, much of the Italian Renaissance, even Shakespeare's drama to some extent, is an aftershock of the Black Death. Today its effects can be seen in the resistance to AIDS seen in some European populations.
However, the black death was only a benefit to the descendants of those who survived one of the darkest pages in European history, its consequences were profound. Besides the immeasurable pain and grief, traditional Medieval society was thrown into chaos and turmoil, economies were fractured, the Church lost status, and art and literature took a turn for the gruesome and bizarre, and Europe lost 30-60% of its population.
Ah yes, racism and antisemitism, something about this post has made people act quite racist, from calling for the subjugation of the white race, to comparing me, someone of Jewish descent, to the Nazis, this post has been a magnet for the mentally compromised.
However, I don't expect any critical thinking skills from, as you put it, racist idiots, so I say again, I don't care about the suffering of your ancestors, for you don't care about mine.
Good Day.
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Narendra Modi’s electoral success in Gujarat between 2001 and 2014 and on the Indian scene since then stems from his novel blend of populism and Hindu nationalism (Hindutva). Hindutva grew out of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (National Volunteer Organization, RSS), a paramilitary-style nationalist group founded in 1925 to bulk up young Hindus both physically and morally so they could stand up to Muslims, who were depicted as a danger to the majority. Modi joined the RSS as a child and devoted his life to it, pursuing no other careers and even living apart from his wife. He rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the chief minister of Gujarat (his home state) in 2001. The following year, he oversaw an anti-Muslim pogrom that left some 2,000 dead— a strategy of religious polarization that won him the December 2002 regional elections. Similar successes in 2007 and 2012 made Modi the obvious prime ministerial candidate for his Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian People’s Party, BJP) in 2014. But he left behind the RSS tradition of collective decision-making, putting himself front and center and striving to connect directly with “his” people. Rather than relying on the activist network, Modi held rally after rally where he showcased his flair for speechmaking. He also founded his own television channel, worked social media, and employed a revolutionary strategy: using holograms to simultaneously lead one rally in hundreds of places. Modi even distributed masks printed with his likeness to deepen supporters’ identification with him. In short, he saturated the public arena so as to embody the masses—a task made easier by his low-caste origins, on which he has built a complete narrative. (He worked as a teaboy in his father’s shop.) However, the “masses” meant only the Hindu majority, which he was busy stirring up against one target in particular: Muslims. As in the 2014 elections, in 2019 “Moditva”—Modi’s idiosyncratic hybridization of right-wing nationalist ideology, Hindutva and a personality cult—triumphed on the strength of BJP landslides in the north and west. This success allowed him to bend to his will both the RSS and the BJP—whose MPs had ridden to victory on his coattails—fashioning a government of faithfuls and a parliament of yes-men. The other institutions soon succumbed too—even the Supreme Court, once a beacon of independence. In the summer of 2014, Modi advanced a constitutional reform that would have changed the appointment process for judges, until then picked by a collegium of peers. His co-optation, opposed by the entire political class, would have replaced the collegium with a five-member commission. The Supreme Court eventually declared the amendment unconstitutional, but Modi still got his way: Of the nominees submitted by the collegium, his government finalized appointments only for those he liked. The court thus resigned itself to proposing candidates who were apt to please him.
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Something I noticed about the Wolf whistle that I appreciate - assuming I’m not imagining things and the similarity is deliberate - but it sounds very close to the “Ten Little Indians” song where as the nursery rhyme goes on the number counts down the remaining in the group until there’s only one left, which is obviously very apt
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mariacallous · 6 months
The global south seemed to be top of mind for policymakers and diplomats this year, from the halls of the United Nations to leaders’ podiums. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called his country the “voice of the global south,” hosting a virtual summit by that name to start the year that elevated the perspectives of dozens of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In Vietnam in September, U.S. President Joe Biden exchanged the Cold War-era phrase “Third World” for “global south” as he spoke.
For some commentators, the new politics of the global south recalls the heyday of the Non-Aligned Movement, first convened in Indonesia in 1955. The comparison may seem particularly apt when it comes to Russia’s war in Ukraine. Since February 2022, many countries in the global south have avoided criticizing Moscow, including by abstaining from or voting against U.N. resolutions to condemn aggression against Kyiv—and continuing to import Russian oil and gas despite Western sanctions.
In September, more than 18 months after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky returned to the U.N. General Assembly, in large part seeking to bolster wider international support for his cause. At the time, FP’s Howard W. French wrote that many developing countries simply had other priorities: “Increasingly, the poor are saying to the rich that your priorities won’t mean more to us until ours mean much more to you.”
Two major meetings underscored the shifting role of the global south in world politics this year: the BRICS summit held in August in Johannesburg, South Africa, and the G-20 leaders’ summit hosted by New Delhi in September. In Johannesburg, the bloc—comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—announced it would add six new members, giving it a bigger share of the world’s GDP than the G-7 in terms of purchasing power parity. Whether the BRICS expansion will lead to more power or less cohesion remains to be seen, but the bloc has at least succeeded in making de-dollarization a talking point.
Meanwhile, Modi used the G-20 summit—and India’s leadership of the group this year—to expand the agenda to include issues of significance to the global south, such as trade, climate change, and migration. He touted the event and the resulting consensus declaration as a success for New Delhi, scoring increased World Bank funding aimed countries in the global south. But tensions and differences within the group were apparent, especially on Russia’s war in Ukraine.
The war in Gaza that began in October marked another shift, as countries in the global south pointed to Western support for Israel’s collective punishment of the Gaza Strip after the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7 as hypocritical—particularly considering the West’s insistence on a so-called rules-based global order. In November, Julien Barnes-Dacey and Jeremy Shapiro of the European Council on Foreign Relations argued that the United States and its allies are bound to lose such a “battle of narratives.”
With the global south now commanding the world’s attention, the fluidity and the imprecision of the term—once relegated to academia—have also become more clear. Even as analysts question the very concept, what is certain is that the global south will remain a central figure in diplomacy and summitry in 2024.
Below are some of Foreign Policy’s top pieces on global south politics and debates this year.
1. The World Isn’t Slipping Away From the West
By Comfort Ero, March 8
More than a year after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Comfort Ero, the president and CEO of the International Crisis Group, reflected on an increasingly common question: Why have so many countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America sat this one out, offering limited support to Kyiv?
It’s tempting to say that the West is losing the global south. But that is too simplistic, Ero argues, writing that Western countries should look to recent history to better understand what motivates countries with different perspectives: “It’s no wonder that many officials from countries in the global south feel that the West is demanding their loyalty over Ukraine—after not showing them much solidarity in their own hours of need.”
“[N]early all the officials I’ve spoken with seek to define their national policies on their own terms—reflecting their own sovereign interests—rather than framing them as part of a West-Russia contest,” Ero writes.
2. 6 Swing States Will Decide the Future of Geopolitics
By Cliff Kupchan, June 6
In May, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky courted the support of Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia—so-called middle powers that, along with other leaders of the global south, including South Africa and Turkey, “have more power today than ever before,” Eurasia Group Chairman Cliff Kupchan writes.
These six “swing states” have already shaped optics around Russia’s war in Ukraine, namely by refusing to fall in line with Western plans for military aid to Kyiv and sanctions against Moscow. The United States needs to “up its game” with regard to these six powers and the global south more broadly, Kupchan writes. “We now have more drivers on every geopolitical issue. That makes predictions of geopolitical outcomes, already a fraught endeavor, even harder.”
3. Can the G-20 Be a Champion for the Global South?
By Darren Walker, Sept. 8
The Group of 20 includes many countries from the global south, but its wealthiest members long wielded the most influence at the table. As India hosted the annual G-20 leaders’ summit in September, Ford Foundation President Darren Walker argued that the group was now “poised to usher in an unprecedented era of not only influence, but also economic justice, for the global south.”
Walker writes that India used its year-long G-20 presidency to highlight issues that disproportionately affect countries in the global south, particularly sovereign debt, and to amplify voices from this global majority. Significant divisions remain among the G-20, but India’s leadership is part of the “establishment of a new standard” led by developing countries, he argues.
“With their upcoming G-20 presidencies, Brazil and South Africa have the chance to build on the momentum created by their predecessors,” Walker writes.
4. Why the Global South Is Accusing America of Hypocrisy
By Oliver Stuenkel, Nov. 2
The war in Gaza exposed a new challenge to the West from the countries of the global south: accusations of hypocrisy. “Many in the developing world have long seen a double standard in the West condemning an illegal occupation in Ukraine while also standing staunchly behind Israel, which has occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip since 1967,” Oliver Stuenkel, an international relations professor in São Paulo, writes.
Stuenkel argues that this perceived inconsistency could damage Western claims of a so-called rules-based global order, especially as civilian casualties rise and calls for a cease-fire grow. “The longer the Israel-Hamas war goes on, the greater the risk to Western credibility in the global south becomes,” he writes.
5. Is There Such a Thing as a Global South?
By C. Raja Mohan, Dec. 9
As the term “global south” has gone mainstream, so to speak, FP’s C. Raja Mohan writes that it has become a “convenient shorthand” in debates over issues as diverse as climate policy and Russia’s war in Ukraine—putting the global majority in a “single category with supposedly similar interests.” But Mohan raises a pointed question: Is there even such a thing as a global south?
Mohan points out several analytical flaws with the concept, which he calls “old wine in a new bottle.” He explains that countries of the global south have divergent economic interests and development paths, and that the group itself has much too fluid boundaries. Given these issues, is “global southism” worthwhile as an explanatory framework? Mohan doesn’t think so, but he acknowledges that it may be here to stay.
“Despite my and others’ calls to retire the category global south, it is unlikely to disappear from the international relations vocabulary anytime soon,” Mohan writes. “For many in the West, it is a way of othering the rest; for the chattering classes in the rest, it is a way of channeling deep reservoirs of resentment against continuing Western dominance.”
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puregaalee · 2 years
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The Horrors of Horror: Problematic Tropes and Triggering Content
Horror is an incredibly rich and vibrant genre that allows us to tell stories about difficult topics without shying away from them. However, it is also a genre filled with pitfalls from racism and ableism to torture porn, which cane make it difficult to approach.
This is a guide to help you understand the pitfalls of horror, how to avoid the most common problematic elements, and how to tag for things that may be triggering.
Horror's Problem with The Other
Horror may be an incredible genre, filled with rich, vibrant stories capable of delving deep into difficult topics and presenting important social commentary, but it is also a genre rife with problems. From HP Lovecraft to Stephen King, the problems of horror are both obvious and subtle, and before creating for the genre awareness of these things is vital.
Here's an overview of things horror often grapples with:
Racism, most commonly anti-Black, anti-Romani, and racism against Indigenous communities
White Supremacy/Colonialism
Christian Hegemony
Ableism, including physical ableism and mental health
This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are so many ways in which horror showcases fear of The Other, and while the genre holds the ability to critique these things, it often instead condemns The Other.
What is The Other?
Simply put, The Other is anyone or anything that deviates from societal norms. The Other is not the statistical minority (oft classes of people labeled 'minorities' are the majority, which is why the term 'marginalized' is more apt), but the class of people relegated to the outskirts of 'acceptable' or 'normal'.
'The Other' instills in "normal, acceptable society" fears and anxiety, loathing and disgust which in turn leads to various forms violence against 'The Other'. In most cases, hatred of 'The Other' is fabricated within society by powerful institutions--race, for example, is a fabrication invented to justify slavery and colonization. In this case, 'The Other' is not feared, but made to fear, and all so-called 'fears' of 'The Other' are fabrications rooted in attempts to justify oppression.
In horror, however, 'The Other' is the oppressing force. 'The Other' is powerful and dangerous, and holds no regard for 'society'. Fear and anxiety towards the other are fabricated by the trappings of the genre, and violence against 'The Other' is ultimately justified. It must be said, this reflects society's othering of marginalized groups: fears and anxieties are touted as fact, and used to justify violence whether that violence manifests in physical attacks or political attacks, the power being exerted onto 'The Other' is justified because of x, y, and z. Examples of this can be seen all throughout the world. You turn on the news, open up an article or newspaper, and the fear of 'The Other' is there, justifications for oppression are rampant--words like 'thug', for instance have been used to justify heavy policing in Black neighborhoods; words like 'deviant' have been used to justify keeping LGBT content from children's media; and so on.
In horror, however, this plays out differently. 'The Other' is never presented as human beings, thus separating 'The Other' from society. 'The Other' is an entity that attacks and destroys society--which is usually represented as an individual or group, who are almost always white, cishet, able-bodied and neurotypical.
This 'othering' plays out in various ways, some of which are well-known tropes and have even been played as gags in horror spoofs.
Black characters almost always die first, so much so it is a running gag in films like Scary Movie or even straight horror and thriller, wherein a Black character will comment about dying first; women who are deemed promiscuous are always the victims of the slasher; the haunting that's taking place is happening because of an 'Indian' burial ground; the person was abducted for some 'barbaric' ancient ritual; the (slasher) villain is almost always 'psychotic'; and maybe it's revealed that the killer is 'a man wearing a dress'.
These tropes are well-known, running through classic horror films and new horror films, alike; existing since before film and permeating the popular conscious.
At first, none of this may seem obvious. Some horror films are more subtle, and some horror tropes are so ingrained within the genre and popular culture that it often goes ignored, such as the antisemitic roots of the vampire. But when one looks more closely at the monsters and demons and villains of horror, it becomes more clear that these things (often) represent The Other--zombies, which originated in Haitian Vodou, were appropriated by white people to demonize Black people; witches and vampires are steeped in antisemitism; the wicked fortune teller is rooted in anti-Romani racism; a serial killer expressing himself in flamboyant fashions is homophobia; and the serial killer being mentally ill in some capacity, physically disabled, or both is based in ableism.
So how do we avoid these issues in horror?
Horror is a genre of contradictions--capable of critiquing the status quo, yet more often employed to enact the status quo. To avoid the pitfalls of horror, one must be aware of how these things are expressed within the genre.
Here is a breakdown of specific things to be conscious of:
Racism is a complex and many layered entity within the world. Different forms of racism are carried out differently, sometimes intersecting. In horror, racism is expressed in The Magical Negro, 'Indian burial grounds' (something Stephen King loves to employ), dark-skin as a visual symbol of evilness, 'Voodoo' practitioners and 'witch doctors', 'primitive' tribes and rituals, child-stealing women of vaguely ethnic eastern European origin (anti-Romani racism), curses imposed upon a white person cast by a non-white person (oft tied to a non-white cultural practice or religion), the Black character dying first, dark-skinned monsters/villains targeting an all white or light-skinned group of people, an invading race (which can also be antisemitism). The most common targets of racism in horror are Black, Indigenous, and Romani people. However, this does not in any way exclude other racialized groups. Examples: Drag Me to Hell (2009), Cursed (2021), Pet Sematary (1983), The Serpent and the Rainbow (1985 book and subsequent 1988 film), Antlers (2021)
Antisemitism comes in the form of blood libel, the 'outsider', an aversion to typical Christian symbols, invasion of 'the outsider', goblins, lizard people, group secretly controlling the world, comparison to bugs. Examples: Dracula (1897), Nosferatu (1922)
Transmisogyny is oft employed as a gotcha, as a reveal that the entire time the killer of the piece was actually not a "real" woman but a man dressed as a woman. Sometimes, it's known earlier on, but always this element of transmisogyny is invoked as a way of demonizing gender non-conformity, creating an imagined boogey-man out of trans women in particular, and labeling the killer as deviant and crazy. The killer is also typically victimizing cis women, as in the case of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs (1988 novel, 1991 film), or in the case of the Bride in Black from Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013). Examples: Psycho (1960), Sleepaway Camp (1983)
Homophobia is enacted in a similar fashion to transmisogyny in film. In this case, the killer is shown, not in dresses and makeup necessarily, but as flamboyant and effeminate. This sometimes intersects with transmisogyny, but can be its own thing. Another way homophobia is enacted is through violent deaths of the only gay character. Similarly, biphobia is often employed in films with the bisexual killer. Examples: High Tension (2003), Rope (1948), Cruising (1980)
Ableism is another big issue in horror, showcased through body horror, mental illness, and disease. In some cases, ableism is more subtle, such as the longer limbs of a movie monster. The common trope of a character with "split personalities" or DID, someone who hears voices or has visual hallucinations, or even the character who's got a 'child-like mind' is prevalent throughout the genre, or perhaps it's the ever commom mental institution that's used as the backdrop for a film. Ableism can be found in most horror films, sometimes intersecting with other forms of othering, such as transmisogyny and misogyny. Abelism is often employed to shock and gross people out, with disfigurements often used as gross-out the way Misommar (2019) manages to do so in a 30-second blip. Examples: Split (2017), The Unholy (2021), Hush (2016), Malignant (2021), Stage Fright (1987)
Misogyny has been another staple of horror. From torture porn focusing on violence against women to punishing women for so-called promiscuity, to the ever-present mother-of-the-monster, women in horror are both beloved and hated. Sometimes the killer is a 'crazed' woman seeking revenge, sometimes the hapless victim is a woman who has been shown as having 'too much' sex. Much like ableism, misogyny is a staple of horror, with women as central figures within the genre either as a means of turning murder into a psycho-sexual spectacle, to be used as the Mother Figure, or to superimpose helplessness onto. Examples: The Last House on the Left (1972), Deadgirl (2008), Alien Resurrection (1997)
Other ways in which horror showcases a fear of the other include presenting non-Christian religions as evil (reinforcing the above mentioned christian hegemony) and presenting communism as a threatening force. Truthfully, there are countless ways that horror others and reinforces the status quo, and so many ways in which these things intersect with one another.
Some of these issues are accidental, byproducts of the society that horror exists within and the individuals creating it. Sometimes it's not. The former is not excusable, but understandable and easily fixed by becoming more informed.
From ableism to transmisogyny, from racism to homophobia, from the slasher to the vampire, from the Lovecraft to Stephen King, horror is a genre with numerous pitfalls, but through understanding these pitfalls we can do better.
The Flip Side: How Horror Helps the Other
As stated previously, horror has the capacity to critique society, just as it has the capacity to condemn The Other.
But how can horror help The Other when it so often condemns it?
There are various ways in which horror as a genre can actually be an outlet for otherness--an outlet for the feelings and experiences of those othered, not by the horror genre, but by society and the horrors present within it.
Since as early as the late 1800s with Carmilla, vampires have often been used to represent lesbianism, and if you've ever read (or seen the film adaptation of) Anne Rice's Interview with a Vampire, then you know vampires have oft been connected to sexuality; within Frankenstein, perhaps, you could find an allegory for being trans; and zombies owe their origins to Vodou, so it's not hard to see how there might be stories there.
Modern horror, in particular, doesn't have the same restrictions that horror of the 19th century did; nor horror of the mid-20th century when the Hays Code was in its hay day. Looking to modern horror examples, it's easy to see where horror and the Other come together for poignant social commentary.
Take, for instance, the Babadook (2014) which developed a cult following from members of the LGBT community. This film wasn't overly complicated: it was a film about a mentally ill mother, struggling to raise her son alone while coping with the grief over her husband's death which took form in the Babadook. That doesn't sound particular gay or trans, does it? Yet the Babadook became a cultural icon all too quickly among LGBT viewers.
Why? And how did a movie monster representing mental illness and grief become something else?
In the same way so many things become more than what the creator intended: interpretation.
The Babadook is relatable to LGBT people because of the circumstances surrounding him: living in a basement (the proverbial closest), not being accepted for the main chunk of the film by the family he lives with, not being acknowledged by the mother (which so easily reflects parents of gay and trans children refusing to see what's so obvious).
In this way, the Babadook became a cultural icon. While it started out as memes and jokes, on a deeper level there is some truth in relating to the Babadook as an LGBT person--however, unintentional on the creator's part.
And the Babadook is by no means the first movie monster to garner attention from the LGBT community, to be seen as representing something intrinsic in the experiences of those of us othered by our gender and/or sexuality.
But how does one do this intentionally? The Babadook is a great example of The Other finding voice within a piece of horror, but it is by and large unintentional.
So what of the monsters that represent The Other that are not unintentional? And how does comparing The Other to monsters help?
For many people, being othered by society leaves the feeling of being seen as monstrous, and thus embracing that becomes an act of rebellion. In the film, Land of the Dead (2005), George A Romero set the stage for a world where the rich and powerful are safe from the zombie apocalypse, presenting the evils of hoarding wealth and power.
The most marginalized were left to die, left to fend for themselves, while the rich lived in a penthouse, safe from the so-called horrors.
But below, in the streets, a Black man playing the lead zombie created an uprising, changing the narrative around the zombie and flipping the script: it was the people who were bad, not the monsters.
Sometimes, however, you don't need monsters to showcase the horrors that those of us othered by society experience. While Get Out (2017) does not seek to other the Black characters within the film, it's shown quickly that they are othered by society and, in particular, by a community of white people preying on a community already vulnerable.
The otherness of marginalized communities cannot be ignored within society, and when done right can be utilized in horror to create social commentary, to give voice to, and to lift up those communities. It is an intentional act that must be done with care, but horror's ability to give voice to the other is as much a part of it, as is its ability to hurt.
These contradictions within the genre are by no means unique to horror. They exist within all things, but horror does have a unique ability to approach the horrors of the world that other genres do not, which makes horror so timeless and well-loved.
Resources: Stephen King Needs More Black Friends Who Wants to Watch Black Pain Racism as The Monster: A History of Black Horror Racism in Horror Films Transphobia in Horror Opinion: The Horror of Transphobia in Film Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Trans Woman? On Horror and Transfemininity REVIEW: Drag Me to Hell (2009) [a discussion of anti-Romani racism] Lovecraftian Horror--And the Racism at its Core Bloodsuckers: Vampires, Antisemitism and Nosferatu Why Sam Raimi's Dybbuk Film 'The Possession' Fails to Live Up to Jewish Horror NOSFERATU, Blood Libel, and the Jews 3 Ways Popular Horror Movie Tropes Are Ableist The H Word: Mental Health, Ableism, and the Horror Genre Misommar's Ableism Resurrects the Dark History of the Eugenics-Inspired Horror Normal People Don't Scare Me: A History of Ableism in the Horror Genre Horrific Homophobia: Queer (Mis)representation in Horror Remembering the Homophobic, Transphobic Horror of "High Tension" Some Horror Movies Take a New Approach to Disability: Fetishizing Deafness Monsters in the Closet: A History of LGBT Representation in Horror Cinema (Video Essay) [TW: part 2 discusses AIDs heavily, brief mentions of implied incest when discussing The Lost Boys, discussion of the 'gay panic' defense and those homophobically motivated murders] The Babadook as an LGBT icon makes sense. No really.
Trigger Happy: Content Warnings and What to Tag
Triggering content is par for the course when it comes to horror. There's simply no two ways about that. Horror is, by its nature, a genre filled with upsetting elements.
While avoiding the problematic elements of horror does mitigate some of the the upsetting content, it must be said that the other side of horror--the side that allows for social commentary--still isn't a walk in the park. And even if your horror is simply for the sake of something gruesome and scary, without societal commentary, it has the potential to be at the least upsetting and at the most incredibly triggering.
With the ability to discuss and dissect via the genre, with elements of the genre necessitating fear and anxiety, taking into account the things that might be triggering and how to present that content is important.
How do we discuss, for instance, child abuse without showcasing child abuse? Is it the monster under the bed? And if it it's less explicit, then how do we warn for that? If we use the genre to discuss the horrors of things like systemic violence such as racism and homophobia, then what's the best way to warn people what's to come without giving it away?
While certain triggering content is not allowed for this event, such as sexual assault and rape; and while it's important to keep problematic elements from the content, that in no way means social commentary isn't allowed; and finally, with horror being horror, tagging for triggers is a mandatory part of participating in this event.
To keep this brief, here is a list of potential triggers that must be tagged when sharing your submission to the event. It is also important to keep in mind that when presenting multiple pieces of art, a 'read more' may be more ideal for certain images--just in case.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Triggers are very unique and personal, and sometimes entirely unexpected. However, this list should provide guidance overall.
Animal Death
Alcholo/Drug Use
[ x ] as the Monster*
Body Horror
Body Mutilation
Child Abuse
Dead Bodies
Death by Fire
Discussions of [Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Abelism, etc]
Domestic Abuse
Excessive Violence
Eye Horror
Teeth Horror
Horror as a genre is rife with things to consider, and there will certainly be triggering content I did not list that may come up during your creation process. If you're unsure how to tag something, please reach out to me. I did my best to come up with a solid list, but I am by no means capable of knowing every single possible trigger.
*"[ x ] as the Monster" refers to specific isms being placed as the horror of a film, such as racism or homophobia. An example of this would be Get Out (2017). By no means do I discourage social commentary with your contribution to the event. However, please handle these sorts of discussions with care. If you wish to write or create art in this vein, and want any help my inbox is open.
(Banner made by @ghoste-catte)
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ladyknightskye · 2 years
Get Thee Behind Me, Assbutts - Chapter 16 "Red"
Read the full chapter here on AO3.
Read the fic from the beginning.
Castiel had not fully understood the phrase, “seeing red.” It was a common saying among the humans he walked amongst, and he understood in theory what it meant. Anger so consuming that it was like everything had turned that color. 
Red had many meanings to humans, and those meanings could be heavily dependent on culture. For some cultures on the African continent red was the color of health, but for others it was the color of mourning. To Indians, red was the color of purity and fertility, and traditionally the color of bridal gowns. The Chinese saw red as a symbol of fire and courage, as well as other positive qualities. To Westerners, red was the color of blood and love and anger.
So when Castiel saw red for the first time, a small part of him was still able to be surprised by how apt the expression was.
Because there was Dean’s blood spilled on the claws of a werewolf, bloody furrows opened across his arm. The creature’s maw was wide, ready to bite, and no one else could reach him, and Castiel had just gotten permission to hold him whenever he felt like it, and -
Castiel was still adjusting to his power as a Seraph. When he’d been a regular Malahk, he’d been unable to do certain things that only higher level angels could do. He could not manifest his wings on the mortal plane by himself, and he could not smite something into bloody chunks. So, he was again surprised when he came back to himself, cradling Dean in his wings, the werewolf nothing more than a bloody smear on the concrete. Sam and Lucifer had just turned the corner, and Castiel could feel Jo and Gabriel down the street. He sent reassurances in the group chat that he and Dean were okay, but was having a hard time calming himself down. 
He looked down to Dean to ask if he was alright, and more red greeted him. This time it was the red of a blush gracing Dean’s cheeks. Castiel had caught him up into a bridal carry, his wings wrapped around him like feathery armor. Dean was cradling his injured arm, but his lips were parted, his pupils blown wide. Castiel could hear the wild pulse of his heart. Almost without thought, he leaned down, wanting to lay a kiss on Dean’s parted lips, but stopped himself. He had permission to touch, but he was not willing to push boundaries. “Are you alright?’ Castiel finally gritted out, his voice deeper than usual. 
Dean made a sound that wasn’t quite a moan, but something like “guh.”
The angel blinked. “Dean?”
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xiaohongdian · 1 year
ooc. the thing is, i am generally on the camp of portraying post-colonial nations as having histories prior to the introduction of european (or any other really) rule; it's the route i take with amihan for example, because you know, banish the idea that we weren't anything before europeans came in and drew the borders that exist today and giving us messy issues that come with suddenly threading groups of people who identified differently as one nation
and singapore definitely has a precolonial history--even back then, singapura was a central hub for trade, and that alone is enough of reason to have a singular, consistent entity for precolonial and modern-day singapore
but i'm also very much interested in the way modern singapore as it exists today is also very much a construct caused by european colonialism; it's a bit of a unique case in a way, a nation-state where the majority/dominant population aren't indigenous to the land, but aren't white europeans either; the way the chinese-singaporean identity is so dominant as much singapore tries to be a multi-ethnic state, the messy and complicated issues tied with the history of how the marginalization of the orang laut is connected to that history of european colonialism as chinese (and also indian) laborers settled in the new colony, how all this results in the multicultural flavor of singapore's cultural identity, how what singaporean is happens to be the result of all these different cultural connections crossing paths with one another in a manner that was at least exacerbated the moment raffles landed
and it's kind of why i have will so young, why i have the precolonial singapura be a separate entity he's interested in continuing the legacy of; his neighbors are the older ones, and when it comes to exploring what's survived and lives on despite colonialism, they're definitely all apt for exploring that narrative; but i'm also interested in how these nations that exist today are also products of that same colonialism, and when it comes to exploring that process of destruction and creation in maritime seasia, i feel it's best explored with singapore and its personification
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kyndaris · 1 year
Obligatory Beach Episode
When most Australians think of surf, sand and sun, they think of their local beach. Press them a little on famous ones that they can lounge on or which tourists frequent and they might say Bondi Beach or the Gold Ask. Ask them for something a little more exotic and they’ll probably name a resort in Bali or Fiji.
Ask Europeans for an exotic beach locale and you might get something like Hurghada. After all, it’s not too far from the European mainland and has some killer snorkelling opportunities to get up close and personal with adorable little fishes!
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Our tour group had chosen to stay at the Stella Makadi Resort. More exactly: the Stella Gardens Resort and Spa Makadi Bay. From the outside, it looked almost like a massive compound. On the inside, it was a nice relaxing stroll down to the beachside with a few shops dedicated to selling trinkets and souvenirs that screamed: EGYPT!
Our first day at the resort was one of rest. We had no activities planned, which seemed apt when travelling with a large group of geriartrics.
Okay, I kid. They were mostly in their 50s and 60s. Which, I mean, still isn’t young by any means but considering I was the youngest of the entire group sitting at the round number of 30 says a lot. Heck, even 30 is old when you talk to teenagers.
So, what does one do when there isn’t much of a rush to head anywhere and everywhere? You go to the local beach, of course. As, as part of a package with the resort, there was a shuttle could take the adventurous down to the shoreline instead of having to hoof it down, plebeian style.
I don’t believe much explanation is required when photos will suffice in terms of the atmosphere of the Stella Makadi. It was pretty much your typical resort stolen from every tropical resort ever. Which isn’t to say it was bad, but I hadn’t brought swimmers. I had been more intent on learning the history of fishing rather than focusing on my tan lines.
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As a random aside, most of the elderly Europeans (of which there was a lot down in Hurghada) seemed to love the idea of burning their skin until it was lobster red. They might not have peeled yet but is it any wonder their skin was so saggy and wrinkly when compared to Asians?
In any case, my first day of Hurghada mostly revolved around getting to know a few select members of the tour group a bit better than I had before by playing cards with them on the beach and pondering what our buffet meals had on offer.
The second day at Hurghada was, thankfully, one of adventure albeit ones where you had to pay a little bit extra on top of the $7000 that had to be shelled out at the start for the trip. 
Our first stop was Sindbad Submarine. And no, that’s not a typo. It was literally called Sindbad rather than Sinbad.
In any case, the Red Sea, it should be noted, shares a few similarities with the Great Barrier Reef. In that it has a reef where plenty of fish call home. And to truly appreciate the aquatic life in and around the area, one must go  beneath the waves. Hence, many of our tour group packing into a floating tin can that could sink down about 25 metres below the surface, all so that we could marvel at coral, the diver that came with us, and the fish the diver had managed to lure towards our window with the promise of food. 
I even spotted a Red Sea clownfish poking out through its home anemone, as well as an Indian lionfish lying low but wasn’t able to snap a shot fast enough on my phone. Alas!
After our submarine adventure, we boated back to shore and were presented with a certification of completion. Our local tour guide, Ahmed, even saw fit to write our names in Arabic on the slip of paper.
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With our morning activities over, it was back to the resort for lunch before we enjoyed a Jeep Safari through the Sahara Desert. But although I say Jeep, I really mean Toyota Land Cruisers.
Since most of those in our tour group were an elderly bunch, the dirvers took it slow on the small hills and crests in the desert. Throughout the drive, we stopped at multiple areas, snapping shots of a distant mirage, a lonely Acacia tree (that was not the Tree of Tenere), and a towering dune of sand.
We even stopped at a nomadic village. In Chinese, it sounded like Bolu but a search on Google tells me that it might be the beduins. In any case, we got to taste their special type of naan, cooked over a flat stone with camel dung used to fuel the fire, ride a few camels and enjoy a cup of red tea that was a little too bitter for my tastes.
By the time we left their village, the sun was setting. Though I would have preferred to have returned to the resort by then, we still had one last stop. A performance, actually, that involved belly dancing and some clever dervish twirls. Along with some food and refreshments.
And even though I was asked to participate in some additional dancing, like the I coward I am I refused. Me? Belly dancing? In front of strangers? Never.
Besides, I’m not very curvaceous - at least in the sexy sense - and the thought of being the only poor dancer on  stage was a huge disincentive to get up and ‘shake my booty.’ 
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So, while this wasn’t the most stereotypical beach episode in every anime ever, there was plenty of sun, surf and sand to enjoy. Certainly, for any enterprising influence, Hurghada would have been a great relaxation spot with excellent water views and opportunities to get down and dirty with beach volleyball and Zumba on the sand. 
As for budding Egyptologists, well, a little leisure can go a long way. Hurghada might not be rich in history, but it is rich in demonstrating the interconnection between cultures and giving some much needed zing if all one does is trek from one dusty old temple to the next.
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aquariuminfobureau · 17 days
Cool kuhli loaches
Pretty eel-like loaches of the genus Pangio, are very often purchased at tropical fish retail outlets. Often however, their lives with us are short because of an improper aquarium environment. Many of the species in Pangio, are very similar in their appearance, and the general name of 'kuhli' or 'coolie' loach, or eel, that is applied to several Pangio species encountered in the trade, is derived from just one species, Pangio kuhli. Often, multiple species are sympatric at a given locality, and thus shipments of wild 'coolies' include mixed species.
All of the species traded generically as kuhli or coolie, without further specifics, possess a dark brown to black banding pattern, upon a yellow to red background. Because these fish are variable in color and patterning, a precise identification is difficult, and in most situations, entirely unneccessary. Ichthyologists have long been confused by the nexus of Pangio species, that are most closely related to P. kuhli. Other eel loaches such as P. anguillaris, may be traded with 'kuhli' or 'coolie' in their names, but because they are more distinct from P. kuhli, they are not really confused with the P. kuhli species group.
If anything, the information presented here refers to P. semicincta, the half-banded eel loach, from the Malayan Peninsula and western Indonesia. This is because P. semicincta is the most commonly exported of the many species in the genus. P. semicincta was formerly included within P. kuhli, which is nowadays understood to be a Javan endemic. There are still some ichthyologists who still regard P. kuhlii and P. semicincta as morphs within the same species, and I refrain from making a judgement about this. P. semicincta and P. kuhli are both repeatedly stated in the literature, to reach a length of 10 centimetres or 4 inches, although most individuals are not so large.
Eel loaches have a fossorial habit, associating with submerged leaf litter and aquatic vegetation, in slowly to moderately flowing freshwaters. The eel loaches feed by sifting fine substrates through their gills, and their natural diet is tiny arthropods. P. semicincta is found from clear to heavily tannin stained streams and creeks in forests, with a typical environment likely having a pH of about 5.5, and a temperature of 25-26 degrees C. Despite statements on websites, P. semicincta is less common in blackwaters than In less stained environments, but the pH is still below neutral, and the water soft. Its preferred habitats have muddy beds, and dense shore vegetation.
In the aquarium, these loaches are often exposed to a coarse substrate that can injure their skins. Their wild habitat is strictly waters with soft substrates, so any sand ought to be fine, and gravel ought not to be employed on the tank bottom. In the days when undergravel filters were ubiquitous, these loaches would often seem to disappear, down into the filter through the lift tubes. All eel loaches are able to enter small spaces, and instinctively seek security by moving downwards. Because gravel impeded their natural burrowing behaviors, these eel loaches instead took to life beneath the gravel. The captive loaches were thus adapting their natural behaviours to a novel and unintuitive environment, in a way that worried their fishkeepers.
Sand or soil should be deep enough for these fish to burrow in, and leaves such as Indian almond ought to be provided, because wild eel loaches are known to prefer living among leaf litter. The aquascape might also include wood, and live plants. These are gregarious loaches with a placid disposition, congregating together and completely inoffensive to other aquarium fishes. Feeding eel loaches in the aquarium is easy, because they will accept most aquarium foods apt for insectivores, but it is recommended that these nocturnal fish are fed after the lights go out.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 months
Say, that space saw nothing, or Eclectic (for the bleed alone)
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the fire-sure, let ear in vain. It was seem’d as pleasant     which man sleep. From the lady and warms, he ship afloater, died the fierce complace with     due whene’er away; tappiness with
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up to heard in nation, clamour’d in the word could     sparkling fingers diddly. Or the beau ideal. Their sae fair Haidee she dwarfs and like     rays said, upon the face of a nod.
0 notes
haripawali · 4 months
Yoga Retreat In India At Shree Hari Yoga
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Now, you can choose from amongst the most beautiful retreats in India for a holistic experience. It is due to the constant research and upgrades maintained by the renowned holistic wellness group of Shree Hari Yoga School that you can head to some of the finest locations like Goa for yoga retreat. Leading a lifestyle that is good for the body and mind, you would need to make several amendments to your daily routine. That is possible only under the guidance of the experts at the beautiful yoga school in India. Enlightenment is one of the main philosophical guides that take people from lack of awareness to complete awareness. The expert facilities available at the school or ashram, whatever you prefer to call it, offers very rich and comprehensive holistic wellness education and services.
Together with Yoga and Ayurveda, the retreat courses gives a detailed guideline for a fulfilled life with its goal as realization of truth, which you can experience as a part of your life. It also allows you to enjoy it completely. The school is located along the picturesque coastline where the cliffs of the Western Ghats peek into the Arabian Ocean, where you can access mesmerising and unexplored expanse of beaches and lush green jungles. Here, where the ocean gently meets and merges into an estuary, lies a glimpse of paradise, called Shree Hari Yoga School.
The best part about this is that, the school now offers you an opportunity of a lifetime to host retreat courses at its premises.
Why Is India A Popular Choice For Hosting Retreats?
India as you already know is the land of enchantment. If you are seeking the perfect destination, for a yoga retreat, this is it. Already famous across the globe as the birthplace of yoga, you will be able to sync yourself with the ancient traditions, sanctuaries, breath-taking nature, and Ayurveda, of course.
India has a very deep connection with yoga, and that is why, it is apt to explore this modality here. You can go back to some of the most ancient scripts, like Upanishads, Vedas, and Gita, to find out about it. They bear testimony to the origins of yoga from Indian soil.
Again, one of the best part about learning yoga in India, is the connection with nature. With its diverse geographical features, that include beaches, sea, forests, waterfalls, rivers, plantations, and hills, you can develop that beautiful relationship with the earth. The experience of practicing yoga amidst such mesmerising surroundings is really surreal.
With yoga, you are bound to get exposure to Ayurveda, which is the sister science that took birth with yoga. Ayurveda is the science of life, as per definitions. And yoga is the application. For all those of you, who want to propagate the science of yoga for its healing capabilities, doing so in India will be more positive in outlook and application. You will also get the healing benefits of Ayurveda, like massages and internal body purification treatments.
Then again, there is no end to the positive attributes, for which you should choose India to hold a retreat. The low rentals and prices are a boon, when compared to the expenses in the other regions of Southeast Asia. You will get access to the best retreat venues located amidst the beaches and Himalayas.
The hospitable conditions and friendly people are a boon again. You will feel as if you were always a part of India. The country’s rich heritage and traditions will be the bonus of knowledge for you.
Organizing A Yoga Retreat in Our Location In India – Facilities
You will be able to avail yourself of a peaceful and sacred place in natural settings near the beach. The yoga retreat is another name for serenity and tranquillity. Set amidst vibrant surroundings, you will be able to inspire learners at every point.
With spacious yoga halls, and gardens in the premises, every day will give you a new opportunity to explore. Additionally, you will be able to access the accommodation that has all the basic necessities, that suits the lives of yogis. Guests can relax and rejuvenate in the peaceful surroundings and enjoy Ayurveda spa treatments as well.
What more? You can also take them for excursions to the beautiful Dudhsagar Waterfalls, Spice gardens, river expeditions, flea markets, churches and more. You can connect with the school office, if you are eager to host a retreat at the Shree Hari Yoga School in India today.
Inclusions At A Glance At Shree Hari Yoga School Retreat
You will get access to a beautiful and illuminating experience at the retreat centre, located amidst vast natural expanses. The sea is also there for company, wherein you can also arrange classes on the beach, for a deeper connection with Mother Earth.
You will also get three daily meals as a part of the retreat organiser’s package. The meals are based on Sattvic guidelines, which will help you as a teacher or organizer and the participants to live by the principles of yoga and its allied science Ayurveda.
You can get a minimum number of group members, after discussion with the school office, and yourself stay for free.
You will get all the yoga accessories, like mats, bolsters, cushions, blankets, and straps from the school itself.
Shree Hari Yoga School helps the organizers of the retreat promote the same, through the social media platforms and website. So, you get complete support, with respect to all the arrangements.
Shree Hari Yoga School will handle all the logistics for you, like accommodation, activities, food, and local transport for excursions.
You will get complete co-operation of the school, wherein the teachers from the school can also assist you in conducting the courses.
Final Words
As you embark on a journey to India, you will get the glimpses of all the possibilities. You can host retreat courses at the renowned school, with its complete support. Moreover, the ambience will give you access to teachings, that could cover centuries. All in all, it is going to be an enlightening experience, not only for you as a host or teacher, but also for the retreat participants whom you invite.
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kaseefashionsurat · 7 months
Do Kurta sets Online Shopping at Best Deals to Make Your Occasions More Special
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After saree, there is no better option left for special occasions than an elegant and classy Kurta set. Kurta sets online shopping has become the first and foremost task of every Indian lady these days before any special occasion. Go and check the wardrobe of any young college girl or even an old lady, we can bet that there must be at least one Kurta set for women. They are not only comfortable and versatile, but also stylish enough that will keep alive both your own tradition and your style statement.  
If you a fan of modern Kurta sets and think of doing Kurta sets online shopping for each and every occasion but in a cost-effective way, your one and only destination is Kasee Fashion. You can spot almost every type of Kurta sets online for ladies for all occasions on our convenient online platform. Let us give you some more information about Kurta sets online shopping at Kasee Fashion.
Exciting Offers on Kurta Sets Online Shopping for Special Occassion to Get from Kasee Fashion
Kurta sets for ladies are the sought-after option for every occasion, no matter if it’s a special, a casual or formal occasion. The popularity of Kurta sets is increasing day by day among every age group for their versatile nature. It does not matter if you have a slim or bulky shape, if you are short in height or not or you are a college-going teenager, adult corporate lady, housewife or an old woman, Kurta sets are literally for everyone. 
As the options for Kurta sets are endless, ladies keep struggling to choose the apt one while doing Kurta sets online shopping. Go to the official online site of Kasee Fashion, and you can experience convenient and pocket-friendly Kurta sets online shopping which you may not get from other platforms ever. We are offering a wide assortments of wholesale Kurta sets for different occasions like- 
1. Festive Wear
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2. Wedding Wear
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3. Party Wear
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4. Formal Wear
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5. Regular Wear
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Read More: Do Kurta sets Online Shopping at Best Deals to Make Your Occasions More Special
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amritaahujablogs · 7 months
Rentop motorcycle rentals and road trips in Bangalore
A road trip is certainly the beast mode of every adventure you would want to add to your travel checklist. When it comes to planning a road trip with your friends or alone, you will always require a special and customized bike. So, at Rentop, the story of shared mobility begins with just a simple sharing of bike travel, and it reaches the big marketplace of bike rental in Bangalore. So, upon your arrival to this amazing city, you can reach us to rent a bike of your choice and grab the fistful of bike throttle. You don’t need to look back for another day as we render prompt service to our customers.
Appreciating the idea of hiring a motorcycle
In Bangalore, there are places and sites which can only be admired and experienced when arriving by motorcycle. You can sense the winds of freedom, flexibility, and aptness by hiring our rental bike. It comes with a tailored solution for you as Rentop has bike rentals which are suitable for males and females to enjoy the ride. With the large classification of sports models, regular bikes, scooters, etc., we are the largest platform to get the bike which suits your convenience and budget.
In addition to the choice of bike, you can get ease of riding as we have bikes for novice and experienced riders. The speed, torque, geared, and gearless functioning of bikes enable you to outlay your path to beautiful destinations. Thus, you can have the primal of pure joy and adventure with our bike rental in Bangalore. Apart from this, Rentop brings you the coolest way to book a rental bike by simply using an online app. You can download the app on your mobile, open it, and book the bike to get prompt delivery for the same.
Enjoy the flexibility of bike rental duration.
Rentop is passionate about bikes, so we have an extensive array of popular bike brands like Harley-Davidson, Royal Enfield, Honda, Hero, Yamaha, etc. Also, we boast a fine range of scooters like Activa, Destini, Jupiter, and e-bikes as well. Apart from this, we offer the flexibility of renting bikes for the desired term, such as short-term and long-term rentals. Thus, you can plan your custom tours in and around Bangalore with having freedom to ride a bike. Rentop is proud to be a part of your soul-filling journey and memorable adventures.
Begin self-drive tours with Rentop bikes.
Bangalore is a major Indian city having longer boundaries and comprises small towns and recreational hilly areas. Therefore, having a joyful bike riding experience with us definitely brings the best adventure to your disposal. Self-drive tours are really popular with riders who admire the flexibility to ride as per their own schedule. So, whether you want to ride solo or with a small group, you can include a hand-selected motorcycle. You can head towards exciting places like Nandi Hills, Coorg, Yercaud, Coonoor, Gokarna, Kodaikanal, etc. Apart from these places, you can explore the breathtaking views of waterfalls like Iruppu Falls, Jog Falls, Barkana Falls, etc.
Bike rental in Bangalore – Compare prices and hire
Seeking to cruise the roads of Bangalore on your preferred two-wheelers? If yes, the Rentop app is available for you to hire the best bike. You can download this search tool on your mobile and start exploring hot deals exclusively available for you. Whether you want to hire one for a day, week, or longer, we got you covered with the best deals. We have maintained fixed prices for our motorcycle hires, so you can compare and select the package that suits your budget.
Why rent a bike in Bangalore? Does it really make a worth?
Are you still wondering why more and more people are seeking to rent bikes during road trips to their favourite places? Well, it’s a great option not only because of the cheap prices. But it delivers a suite of advantages that gives you a competitive edge.
Avoid traffic lanes
With a bike, you can easily pass like a wave through the traffic. No doubt, Bangalore is a crowded city, and traffic jams a normal condition. But, being late to arrive at a specific destination will certainly spoil your day. Most probably, using public transportation won’t serve your purpose when you want to fly to the open sky like a bird. Having a bike can save you from traffic hassles and prevent the frustration of waiting for hours in traffic lanes.
Easy to park
Finding adequate space for parking the car or van is challenging, especially whilst visiting famous destinations. It can also come with a hefty cost to reserve a parking space. So, renting a bike can also evade such hassle since you can easily park it even in a tight space. Rentop provides you the compact bike rental in Bangalore you can park in a properly locked condition. Thus, having one can put ease in your travelling.
Enjoy more and better views.
Travelling to the hill areas, temples, waterfalls, and natural landscapes around Bangalore is easier. You can explore the wilderness of nature by driving the rental bike to places of interest. There is a popular saying that the path is more beautiful than the destination. So, when you ride around on our rental bike, you can enjoy more views with a closed focus. You can reach closer to natural wonders like waterfalls and forests to explore more adventure.
Perfect for romantic couples
If you are a couple and looking to have a romantic gateway in Bangalore, you can add more appeal to travel with a bike ride. Exploring wonderful destinations on the bike would certainly make you happier, and you can travel on a 2-seater bike to write a new story in your married life journey. Moreover, biking would increase your bonding as it would let you escape to the mysterious world of joy and excitement together. So, sign up today for the Rentop app and choose the best bike to rent in Bangalore.
Rentop bikes – Your freedom to endless travel
Rentop is ultimately the best app for rental bikes since you will get top-maintained bikes. This is a user-friendly app you can use to make fast bookings for the bike. By simply navigating the options of different bikes online, you can choose one which suits your travel needs. It’s really convenient to rent a bike and ride in just three simple steps.
Find the bike
Just open the Rentop app, enter your requirements, find a bike and confirm the booking.
Get bike delivery
Once you have booked the bike, our representative call you to deliver the bike to your preferred location.
Get the keys and go.
Once you get the delivery of the bike, receive the keys and kickstart your journey to the place of your interest.
Unlock a hassle-free biking experience with Rentop.
Bike rental in Bangalore lets you unleash the riding experience without any hassle. First, you can ride the bike, which is properly tested and maintained to deliver with smooth riding experience. Secondly, you will get on-road assistance from Rentop in case of any mishappening. Although, being a sensible rider, you will follow all the safety and traffic rules. Also, we provide you with a complimentary helmet for bike riding. You can also ask for another helmet for your companion from us at the time of bike delivery. So, with us, you will get the best riding experience with a rental bike.
Why choose us for bike rental services in Bangalore?
At Rentop, we want you to be free from the unkept promises and strict travel schedules of guided tours. These tours feel like signing a bond for you to enjoy as per the wishes of others. But we want you to have the freedom and flexibility to enjoy the trip at your own pace. Therefore, we have carefully chosen rental packages of bikes for you to make your road trip unforgettable. We give you the impulsive support to enjoy the freedom of wandering without any agreement.
We deliver verified bikes.
Rentop has gained immense recognition for delivering verified and tested bike rental in Bangalore. All of our bikes and scooters are tested and tried by experts to make your ride free from any glitches.
Quality riding gears
Your safety is our priority, so we are committed to providing you with quality riding gear. For every ride, you will get helmet, a duplicate key for backup, and a fuel-filled bike.
Fair deals
Rentop brings fair bike rent deals for you since we provide you with all necessary documents such as PUC, RC, Insurance papers, etc. Also, we kept our promise to deliver affordable bikes for rent. We have competitive prices, and all of our bikes have government accreditation.
Round-the-clock online assistance.
Our experienced staff is always there to provide you with online assistance 24/7. So, if you have any query related to bike hire, you can reach us anytime to serve your needs.
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cinemapremi · 8 months
Top 10 Inspiring Hindi Movies!
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Get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the best of Bollywood. We've handpicked the top 10 Hindi movies that not only entertain but also inspire. From jaw-dropping sports stories to heartwarming tales of self-discovery, these films pack a punch. The magic of Lagaan, the feels of Taare Zameen Par, and the kickass moments of Dangal will surprise you. It's time to rediscover why Bollywood movies are more than just entertainment—they're stories that stick with you. Lagaan (2001): Release Year: 2001 IMDb Rating: 8.1/10 Star Cast: Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh Director: Ashutosh Gowariker Description: A period drama set in colonial India where a group of villagers challenges British authorities to a game of cricket to alleviate oppressive taxes. Fun Fact: Lagaan was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhi4Azs2nEw&ab_channel=AmalKoshyGeorge Swades (2004): Release Year: 2004 IMDb Rating: 8.2/10 Star Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Gayatri Joshi Director: Ashutosh Gowariker Description: An NRI returns to India in search of his roots and becomes involved in rural development, challenging societal norms. Fun Fact: The film's soundtrack, especially the song "Yeh Jo Des Hai Tera," gained widespread acclaim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc7AZNWvs0M&ab_channel=RedChilliesEntertainment Taare Zameen Par (2007): Release Year: 2007 IMDb Rating: 8.4/10 Star Cast: Darsheel Safary, Aamir Khan Director: Aamir Khan Description: The film explores the struggles of a dyslexic child and the impact of compassionate teaching on his life. Fun Fact: Aamir Khan also produced and directed the film, showcasing his multifaceted talent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn_2Ie_jtX8&ab_channel=SM.Sid Chak De! India (2007): Release Year: 2007 IMDb Rating: 8.2/10 Star Cast: Shah Rukh Khan Director: Shimit Amin Description: A disgraced hockey player coaches the Indian women's hockey team, overcoming prejudices and leading them to success. Fun Fact: The film is inspired by the true story of the Indian women's national field hockey team. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a0-dSMWm5g&ab_channel=YRF 3 Idiots (2009): Release Year: 2009 IMDb Rating: 8.4/10 Star Cast: Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi Director: Rajkumar Hirani Description: A comedy-drama that critiques the education system and encourages pursuing one's passion. Fun Fact: 3 Idiots became the highest-grossing Bollywood film at the time of its release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2eaXjb7LQ8&ab_channel=YouTubeMovies Udaan (2010): Release Year: 2010 IMDb Rating: 8.2/10 Star Cast: Rajat Barmecha, Ronit Roy Director: Vikramaditya Motwane Description: A coming-of-age drama about a teenager's rebellion against his authoritarian father. Fun Fact: The film won several awards, including the Filmfare Award for Best Story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N137wsl3TM&ab_channel=PrimeVideoIndia Queen (2013): Release Year: 2013 IMDb Rating: 8.1/10 Star Cast: Kangana Ranaut Director: Vikas Bahl Description: A young woman embarks on a solo honeymoon trip after her wedding is called off, discovering herself in the process. Fun Fact: Kangana Ranaut won the National Film Award for Best Actress for her performance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGC6vl3lzf0&ab_channel=Viacom18Studios Dangal (2016): Release Year: 2016 IMDb Rating: 8.4/10 Star Cast: Aamir Khan, Sakshi Tanwar Director: Nitesh Tiwari Description: A biographical sports drama based on the true story of a father who trains his daughters to become successful wrestlers. Fun Fact: Dangal became the highest-grossing Indian film ever at the time of its release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_7YlGv9u1g&ab_channel=UTVMotionPictures Padman (2018): Release Year: 2018 IMDb Rating: 7.9/10 Star Cast: Akshay Kumar, Radhika Apte, Sonam Kapoor Director: R. Balki Description: Based on the life of Arunachalam Muruganantham, who revolutionized menstrual hygiene in rural India. Fun Fact: The film is inspired by the real-life story of the "Menstrual Man." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K9ujx8vO_A&ab_channel=SonyPicturesIndia Super 30 (2019): Release Year: 2019 IMDb Rating: 8/10 Star Cast: Hrithik Roshan, Mrunal Thakur Director: Vikas Bahl Description: A biographical drama based on the life of mathematician Anand Kumar, who mentors economically disadvantaged students for the IIT entrance exams. Fun Fact: The film's title "Super 30" refers to the coaching program started by Anand Kumar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpvEWVVnICE&ab_channel=RelianceEntertainment These films offer a mix of drama, inspiration, and social commentary, making them compelling watches for a diverse audience. And that's a wrap! We hope you enjoyed this cinematic journey and found a new favorite or two. These movies aren't just about stars and drama; they're about real-life stuff—triumph, self-discovery, and breaking the mold. So, next movie night, when you're craving more than just popcorn, remember these gems. Here's to the magic of Bollywood and the awesome stories that keep us hooked. Cheers to the power of a good movie! 🍿🎬✨ Also checkout: Read the full article
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digitalcreationsllc · 8 months
SideCopy’s Multi-platform Onslaught: Leveraging WinRAR Zero-Day and Linux Variant of Ares RAT - Blogs on Information Technology, Network & Cybersecurity | Seqrite
Estimated reading time: 13 minutes SEQRITE Labs APT-Team has discovered multiple campaigns of APT SideCopy, targeting Indian government and defense entities in the past few months. The threat group is now exploiting the recent WinRAR vulnerability CVE-2023-38831 (See our advisory for more details) to deploy AllaKore RAT, DRat and additional payloads. The compromised domains, used to host payloads…
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themovieblogonline · 10 months
Red Chillies Entertainment Presents “Jawan (2023)”: The Adrenalin-Fueled Tale Of A Savior
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When corruption crosses all limits and the poor are denied justice, he rises to save the day. He is the Robin Hood for the poor, the “soldier” who fights for their rights, and the one whom you will address as “Jawan”! The King of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, makes his grand entry again to the big screens, this time in a violent action-thriller opposite South India’s superstar Vijay Sethupathi. Produced by Gauri Khan, and written and directed by Atlee, the PAN-India action-thriller “Jawan” made its theatrical release on September 7, 2023. Introducing The Baadshah Of Bollywood As "Jawan"! https://youtu.be/fPX0C-g5xpU?si=kTTEXKDNBE4HdMD0 Ex-Indian Commando, Vikran Rathore’s (Shah Rukh Khan) son, Azad Rathore (also played by Shah Rukh Khan) is a jailer at a woman’s prison. Azad and his gang of female prisoners become “Robin Hoods” to help the poor by taking money from the rich. But what will happen when he comes face-to-face with the dreadful global arms dealer and gangster, Kaliee Gaikwad (Vijay Sethupathi)? He has some past scores to settle with Kaliee. Watch “Jawan” to experience the ultra-thrilling confrontation of “Bollywood's Baadshah” Shah Rukh Khan and South India's superstar Vijay Sethupathi first time ever on the big screens! Jawan (2023) Official Trailer: https://youtu.be/COv52Qyctws?si=pcvndTc0pjbmxabR The Good: The story and screenplay of this out-and-out action-thriller are absolutely mind-boggling! This is an extraordinary story that can appeal to the masses and all age groups. The action scenes in Jawan are absolutely fantastic and will instill a thrill to the brim. This is a kind of Bollywood action movie which moves at par with the intense action movies of Hollywood. This is the story of the “common man”, the hardships faced by the common man, and how the common man seeks vengeance to obtain justice.  The best part about the screenplay is that it is so enthralling that it will engage the audience in it. As the story unfolds, you won’t be able to control your excitement about, “What’s next?” And the dialogues! They are so stupendous that if you watch this movie in a cinema hall, you would barely be able to hear anything due to the immense cheering and applause from the audience. https://youtu.be/ohS06vkHjLE?si=EZ0ruetPAPJy1Wul Check out this heart-thumping dialogue delivered by Sah Rukh Khan in Jawan, “Hum Jawan hai. Desh ke liye jaan de sakte hain, lekin desh bechne walo ke liye nahi”, which means, “I am a soldier. I can sacrifice my life for my country, but not for the ones who sell my country (indicating corrupt politicians and rich businessmen)”. What an applaudable dialogue, if you would agree! What’s more, the undercurrent patriotic emotions in the dialogues will make your heart beat with love for your country, if you happen to be a true Indian citizen. And talking about King Khan, he is always the King! His performance cannot be compared with anyone in Bollywood. Shah Rukh Khan plays the dual role of a father and his son in this movie. His aura, charisma, personality, dialogue delivery, physique (at this age), action stunts, everything is top-class! And I have to say, South’s superstar Vijay Sethupathi did prove to be an apt antagonist opposite him. There are numerous actresses being cast in this movie as Shah Rukh Khan can be seen becoming the “Robin Hood”, taking money from the rich and donating it to the poor, with the help of his huge gang of ladies who are always with him. Every actress in this movie along with Nayanthara, performed brilliantly. Jawan had special appearances of Deepika Padukone and Sanjay Dutt which made the audience cheer even louder. The visuals and VFX in Jawan are superb and captivating! The rich visuals coupled with high-quality VFX in the action scenes did give a tempting viewing experience. The editing has been well done and even if this action-packed story fluctuates from the present to the past and then again to the present, you will be able to grasp every bit as the screenplay proceeds. The tracks in Jawan are pretty entertaining and their choreography is awesome. https://youtu.be/VAdGW7QDJiU?si=yW2HxrFgHFF6NJgy The Bad: What “bad” can I possibly say about this new box-office blockbuster? The only thing “bad” about this movie is that you won’t be able to watch it in peace if you visit the theater hall, even if you want to! After hearing the master-blaster dialogues, after watching the high-octane action sequences in this movie, and after experiencing the King of Bollywood’s grand entry on the big screens, you would probably jump on your seats and start applauding. You simply won’t be able to remain quiet, trust me!   The Verdict: Overall, Jawan is a hair-raising high-voltage action-thriller. The best part about Jawan is that it highlights the actual situation prevalent in India. India is a country where the rich rule and the poor are becoming poorer day by day, owing to corruption within the government which supports rich people only.  I pray that one day, a true savior like Jawan will arise to save my country from its economic downfall. https://youtu.be/OEKNl5qKdDA?si=QKboY7_ZfyP6Z_zX Read the full article
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