#Indian payment systems
newsso · 1 year
How to Create UPI ID: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Create UPI ID: A Step-by-Step Guide
Do you want to know how to create UPI ID? Get all your queries solutions. UPI or Unified Payment Interface is a payment system that allows users to transfer money from one bank account to another instantly. It is a popular payment method in India, and more and more people are using it to make digital payments. To use UPI, you need to create a UPI ID, which is a virtual payment address. In this…
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m-ultraarticles · 1 year
Play Store policy breaches to face action
The announcement follows the controversy over its Play Store policies which led to the Competition Commission of India (CCI) directing the tech behemoth to allow third-party payment systems for apps on the Play Store. Google complied with CCI’s direction, allowing developers to start using third-party payment tools for subscription as well as in-app payments. However, it had set a 6 April…
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batboyblog · 7 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #7
Feb 23-March 1 2024
The White House announced $1.7 Billion in new commitments from local governments, health care systems, charities, business and non-profits as part of the White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities. The Challenge was launched with 8 billion dollars in 2022 with the goal of ending hunger in America by 2030. The Challenge also seeks to drastically reduce diet-related diseases (like type 2 diabetes). As part of the new commitments 16 city pledged to make plans to end hunger by 2030, the largest insurance company in North Carolina made nutrition coaching and a healthy food delivery program a standard benefit for members, and since the challenge launched the USDA's Summer EBT program has allowed 37 states to feed children over the summer, its expected 21 million low income kids will use the program this summer.
The US House passed a bill on Nuclear energy representing the first update in US nuclear energy policy in decades, it expands the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and reduces reducing licensing fees. Nuclear power represents America's single largest source of clean energy, with almost half of carbon-free electricity coming from it. This bill will boost the industry and make it easier to build new plants
Vice President Harris announced key changes to the Child Care & Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program. The CCDBG supports the families of a million American children every month to help afford child care. The new changes include capping the co-pay families pay to no more than 7% of their income. Studies show that high income families pay 6-8% of their income in childcare while low income families pay 31%. The cap will reduce or eliminate fees for 100,000 families saving them an average of over $200 a month. The changes also strength payments to childcare providers insuring prompt payment.
The House passed a bill making changes to the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) program. The 8(a) is an intensive 9 year program that offers wide ranging training and support to small business owners who are socially and economically disadvantaged, predominantly native owned businesses. Under the current structure once a business reaches over 6.8 million in assets they're kicked off the program, even though the SBA counts anything under $10 million as a small business, many companies try to limit growth to stay on the program. The House also passed a bill to create an Office of Native American Affairs at the SBA, in order to support Native-owned small businesses.
The White House and HUD announced steps to boost the housing supply and lower costs plans include making permanent the Federal Financing Bank Risk Sharing program, the program has created 12,000 affordable housing units since 2021 with $2 billion and plans 38,000 additional units over ten years. As well as support for HUD's HOME program which has spent $4.35 billion since 2021 to build affordable rental homes and make home ownership a reality for Americans. For the first time an administration is making funds available specifically for investments in manufactured housing, $225 million. 20 million Americans live in manufactured housing, the largest form of unsubsidized affordable housing in the country, particularly the rural poor and people in tribal communities.
The Department of Energy announced $336 million in investments in rural and remote communities to lower energy costs and improve reliability. The projects represent communities in 20 states and across 30 Native tribes. 21% of Navajo Nation homes and 35% of Hopi Indian Tribe homes remain unelectrified, one of the projects hopes to bring that number to 0. Another project supports replacing a hydroelectric dam in Alaska replacing all the Chignik Bay Tribal Council's diesel power with clear hydro power. The DoE also announced $18 million for Transformative Energy projects lead by tribal or local governments and $25 million for Tribal clean energy projects, this comes on top of $75 million in Tribal clean energy projects in 2023
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg put forward new rules to ensure airline passengers who use wheelchairs can travel safely and with dignity. Under the planned rules mishandling a wheelchair would be a violation of the ACAA, airlines would be required to immediately notify the passenger of their rights. Airlines would be required to repair or replace the wheelchair at the preferred vendor of the passenger's choice as well as provide a loaner wheelchair that fits the passenger's needs/requirements
The EPA launched a $3 Billion dollar program to help ports become zero-emission. This investment in green tech and zero-emission will help important transportation hubs fight climate change and replace some of the largest concentrations of diesel powered heavy equipment in America.
the EPA announced $1 Billion dollars to help clean up toxic Superfund sites. This is the last of $3.5 billion the Biden administration has invested in cleaning up toxic waste sites known as Superfund sites. This investment will help finish clean up at 85 sites across the country as well as start clean up at 25 new sites. Many Superfund sites are contained and then left not cleaned for years even decades. Thanks to the Biden-Harris team's investment the EPA has been able to do more clean up of Superfund sites in the last 2 years than the 5 years before it. More than 25% of America's black and hispanic population live with-in 5 miles of a Superfund site.
Bonus: Sweden cleared the final major barrier to become NATO's 32nd member. The Swedish Foreign Minster is expected to fly to Washington to deposit the articles of accession at the US State Department. NATO membership for Sweden and its neighbor Finland (joined last year) has been a major foreign policy goal of President Biden in the face of Russian aggressive against Ukraine. Former President Trump has repeatedly attacked NATO and declared he wants to leave the 75 year old Alliance, even going so far as to tell Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" with European NATO allies
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copperbadge · 2 years
Do you have any advice on how to get a "charity" to stop sending me mail solicitations? I keep getting mail asking for donations to a Indian School run by Catholics. No idea how I got on their list, but given the history of boarding schools and the Native American people I certainly don't want to giver them money.
The problem is, really, that direct mailings work -- they have something like a 3% return rate but that's still a pretty solid return on investment, so a lot of nonprofits find it worth it to send people mail even when they know they absolutely don't want it. And a lot of nonprofits tend to ignore "do not mail" directives conditionally -- like, they'll "not mail" most of the year but always include the person in annual campaigns, holiday card mailings, etc.
I've written about this before, but it is very difficult to get set up so that you are never, ever, ever mailed by a nonprofit. Having your record completely removed from their database often doesn't even work, because a lot of nonprofits do "list swaps" and if your name is on some other nonprofit's list, you'll go right back into their records the next time they do a swap. So you need to have your record in their system but marked "do not mail ever under any circumstances" and understand that even that will probably be ignored occasionally. Still, you can make the attempt.
So, to start with, the next time you get a donation request, remove the "coupon" part they want you to send back with a payment, write "Please remove me from your mailing list permanently; I do not wish to support your cause" on the coupon, put it in the envelope, and send it. Make sure your name and address are on the coupon somewhere, or write it on there. That envelope will go to someone who works with a database and can mark you "no mail".
If you get mail after that, you'll probably need to call them and ask to speak to someone in data, or in gift processing. Ask to have your record permanently marked "do not mail" and explain that you do not even wish to receive non-solicitation mailings. Politely explain that you do not support their cause and that it is a waste of time for them to solicit you. Make sure that whoever you speak to, you get their name and extension or job title, so that if you receive mail you can tell the next person who you spoke to last time about having it removed. (This tends to signal that you're serious and the added accountability sometimes helps ensure the person really, really marks you no-mail.)
But yeah, into every life a little junk mail must fall. I've been trying to get the local evangelicals to stop sending me mailings with middling success. It's because, unfortunately, direct mail works. :/
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In 1913, a year before the Panama Canal was completed, the journalist Frederic J. Haskin wrote that “the conquest of the Isthmian barrier was the conquest of the mosquito.” This was a period when America [had] [...] by 1902 taken control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam. [...] The connection between mosquito control and the United States’ imperial conquest can be seen in the work of William C. Gorgas, the Alabama-born Army surgeon who led efforts to eradicate yellow fever and malaria -- both mosquito-borne diseases -- during the first US occupation of Cuba (1898–1902) and was subsequently appointed Chief Sanitary Officer of in Panama. [...] Gorgas claimed that he had “made sanitary discoveries that will enable man to return [...] and again live and develop in his natural home, the tropics.” [...] In particular, the dwellings erected for the Isthmian Canal Commission (ICC) conjoined the management of mosquitos with manipulating the interactions between people of different races and social classes. [...]
Gorgas arrived in Panama in 1904 [...]. Gorgas and others saw sanitation work as indistinguishable from the military occupation in Cuba and the success of the canal construction in Panama. [...] Spraying was largely carried out by mosquito brigades, which checked households for compliance [...]. But [...] these brigades also policed the activity of local residents. [...]
There was much debate not only about who to enlist to build the canal, but also how to prevent organized resistance and revolt among them. 
As one official testified to the US congress in 1906, “there must be on the Isthmus a surplusage of labor. Otherwise, we will have interminable strikes.” [...] 
Furthermore, rather than one vulnerable workforce, Chief Engineer John Stevens believed that having several different nationalities and ethnicities would be easier to divide and create competition, compelling them to work harder.
In order to do this, the ICC created a segregated, dual payment system: the gold and silver rolls. [...] [W]hite workers from the US were mostly hired for skilled positions and received payment in gold. These “gold-roll” employees could spend leisure time in segregated clubs [...]. West Indians and Black workers from the United States were mostly assigned to the silver roll. [...]
[T]he gold- and silver-roll system constituted an apartheid society, a perverse reincarnation of the contemporary Jim Crow system that was in full effect at the time in the United States. [...]
Although the ICC offered free housing to all its gold-roll employees, silver-roll employees paid rent. [...] As late as 1910, Galician workers on the silver roll were still living in boxcars ventilated only by a few small punched openings. [...] When West Indians requested basic amenities like blankets and shelter to keep their clothes from being soaked in the rain, the US government responded that they didn’t even need sheds. [...] For white workers [...] Type 13 [housing types] not only features a wraparound screened porch as a circulation space, but also a prominent band of empty space surrounding the enclosed bedrooms [...].
The distinctions associated with the categorical, systematic definition of different domestic architecture for different classes of people follows a history of typology in architecture and criminology that was closely associated with scientific racism, social Darwinism [...]. 
George W. Goethals, who took over as Chief Engineer of the project from Stevens in 1907, responded to requests for mosquito nets and screens for West Indians by repeating a common and racist misunderstanding: “It is generally admitted … [t]hat the colored people are immune.” Yet in 1912, “as many as two-thirds of all West Indians reported sick or required medical attention … [m]ost of them catching malaria several times [...].”
Structured by prejudice, anti-mosquito architecture allowed malaria to continue spreading while reinforcing racial hierarchies. [...] US imperial concepts about the tropics as a place [...] “[...] divided the civilized, temperate North from the heat, humidity and backwardness of the tropics.” [...] While managing the laborers through their relationship to insects -- and each other -- this low-cost architecture was crucial in the broader effort to turn the Isthmus into an imperial outpost and render the landscape tropical.
All text above by: Dante Furioso. “Sanitary Imperialism”. e-flux (Sick Architecture series). May 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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er-cryptid · 3 months
Ancient India and China - Vocabulary
Vedas -- a collection of hymns, chants, ritual instruction, and other religious teachings
Brahman -- a single spiritual power beyond the gods and existing in all things
Moksha -- union with Brahman
Karma -- action and result
Dharma -- personal religious and moral duties
Ahimsa -- nonviolence to all people and things
Siddhartha Gautama -- a Hindu prince -- seeked causes of human suffering
Eightfold Path -- right aspirations -- directs people in achieving moral life goals and enlightenment
Nirvana -- union with the universe
Chandragupta Maurya -- founded the first Indian empire
Asoka -- Chandragupta's grandson
Dowry -- payment to the bridegroom
Shang -- China's first dynasty
Clans -- groups of families -- share a common ancestor
Mandate of Heaven -- divine right to rule
Dynastic Circle -- rise and fall of dynasties
Feudalism -- where lords govern their own land but owed military support to a leader
Zhou Dynasty -- dynasty that established feudalism
Philosophy -- system of ideas
Confucius -- philosopher -- concerned with social order and good government
Laozi -- philosopher -- founded Daoism
Shi Huangdi -- "first emperor"
Qin Government -- Shi Huangdi's government
Hanfeizi -- philosopher -- inspired legalism
Expansionism -- policy of increasing territory
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priyadharshinigamer · 6 months
Can You Play Real Money Ludo Games for Free?
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Ludo, a traditional board game, has seen a remarkable transformation in India with the emergence of real-money Ludo apps. These platforms have elevated the game by introducing competitive play and the chance to win actual cash, making it a popular choice among users.
This article aims to highlight the premier Ludo money-earning app in India for 2024, providing a comprehensive review of its functionalities, advantages, and potential for earnings.
Exploring Ludo Money-Earning Apps
App like Zupee has reinvented the classic Ludo game, offering a way to earn money through various game modes like multiplayer contests and tournaments. Players can win cash based on skill and a bit of luck. The incorporation of features like secure payments, a variety of game options, and social elements has enriched the user experience, offering a modern twist to the age-old game.
The combination of enjoying a nostalgic game while also having the chance to win money has fueled the popularity of these apps, particularly in the diverse Indian market.
Evaluating Ludo Money-Earning Apps
Choosing the finest Ludo earning app requires considering several aspects that influence both user satisfaction and earning potential. Essential criteria include:
User Experience: An app must provide an easy-to-use interface, smooth navigation, and consistent gameplay.
Rewards: The value and regularity of rewards, such as cash prizes and bonuses, play a critical role in the app's appeal.
Security and Reliability: Ensuring user data and transactions are safe is paramount, necessitating robust security measures.
Customer Support: Efficient and readily available customer service is crucial for addressing any concerns.
Introducing India's Premier Ludo Earning App for 2024
After a thorough review, the leading Zupee Ludo earning app for 2024 distinguishes itself with an outstanding user interface, lucrative reward scheme, and top-notch security protocols. It caters to all kinds of Ludo fans through various gaming modes like rapid matches and tournaments. Key highlights include the provision for immediate money withdrawals, round-the-clock customer service, and frequent enhancements to both gaming experience and security.
This app's dedication to fairness and user enjoyment, backed by numerous positive reviews and testimonials, demonstrates its effectiveness in delivering a rewarding and enjoyable Ludo playing experience.
User Feedback and Success Stories
The app's reliability and entertainment value are underscored by the positive experiences shared by its users. Many appreciate the intuitive design, fast payout process, and the excitement of competing for real cash. This feedback reinforces the app's status as a top choice for online Ludo play in India.
Getting Started with the Premier Ludo Earning App
To begin earning real money through Ludo, users should:
Install the app from its official site or the app store.
Register by providing some basic information.
Go through any available guides to understand the app's functionalities and game strategies.
Start engaging in real-money Ludo games, taking full advantage of the app's features to boost earnings.
Emphasizing Safety and Security
Given the financial stakes, it's critical to prioritize safety. The leading Ludo earning app employs advanced security measures, such as encryption and anti-fraud systems, safeguarding personal and financial information. Users are also advised to practice secure online behaviors, like using robust passwords and avoiding phishing scams.
The top Ludo earning app in India for 2024 perfectly marries fun, competitive spirit, and the opportunity to win real money, setting a new benchmark for online gaming platforms. Its user-centric design, attractive payouts, and strict security policies make it the optimal choice for anyone looking to enjoy Ludo and earn money simultaneously. With ongoing improvements and updates, the app promises an exciting and lucrative future for Ludo enthusiasts, making now the ideal time to explore and begin playing.
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udyamapos · 6 months
Best Billing Machines in India
Effectiveness in transactions is essential in the busy realms of commerce and retail. Billing machines, a crucial tool in this process, have advanced significantly over time, with UDYAMA POS setting the standard in India. This article highlights UDYAMA POS's ground-breaking position in the industry while examining the innovations, customer satisfaction, and variety of (Best Billing Machines in India) that are supplied. (Best Billing Machines in Delhi) are essential for streamlining billing processes because they provide cutting-edge functionality catered to various corporate requirements. The choice of billing machines can have a big impact on revenue creation and productivity for businesses of all sizes, from small merchants to multinational corporations.
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Considering the Value of Billing Equipment
Competent billing is the foundation of any flourishing company. For any type of business—retail, dining, or service—accurate and timely invoicing is essential to preserving both the company's finances and its reputation with clients. This procedure is automated using billing machines, which streamlines transactions and lowers the possibility of errors. Contemporary billing machines enable organizations to improve operational efficiency and concentrate on their core competencies by providing functions such as inventory management, sales analysis, and tax calculation.
Essential Factors to Take-into-Account:
Creative Software for Billing:
Linked billing software is the cornerstone of modern billing systems. Look for systems with powerful reporting features, user-friendly interfaces, and customizable invoice templates. These features simplify the process of creating invoices and provide useful information on sales patterns and inventory management.
Choices for Internet Access:
In today's networked environment, billing machines with several connectivity options are more versatile and easy. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled devices facilitate seamless communication with other corporate systems, allowing for real-time data synchronization and remote management.
Reliable Payment Processing:
Security is essential while processing financial transactions. Choose billing machines with robust encryption features and PCI-compliant payment processing services installed. This ensures the confidentiality and integrity of client data while lowering the risk of fraud and data breaches.
Design compactness and portability:
Small, portable billing devices are ideal for businesses with limited space or that are mobile. Look for portable devices with long-lasting batteries and sturdy construction. This simplifies invoicing in a number of contexts, including shop counters and outdoor events.
Possibility of Development and Enhancement:
Invest in scalable and easily upgraded invoicing solutions to accommodate future business growth and changing needs. Modular systems with interchangeable parts facilitate the easy integration of additional features as your business expands.
UDYAMA Point of Sale Advantages
The Indian billing machine market has seen a radical transformation thanks to UDYAMA POS's state-of-the-art technology and customer-focused mentality. A selection of models designed to satisfy particular business needs are available from UDYAMA POS. These approaches have improved the checkout experience for customers while also increasing operational efficiency.
There are many different types of billing machines available on the market, ranging from sturdy desktop models for high-volume organizations to portable devices for transactions while on the go. Every kind has distinctive qualities designed for particular commercial settings, which emphasizes how crucial it is to choose a machine that fits your operational requirements.
Features of a Billing System to Take-into-Account
Durability, connectivity choices, and convenience of use are important factors to take-into-account when selecting a billing machine. A machine that performs well in these categories can significantly improve business operations by facilitating faster and more dependable transactions.
 (Best UDYAMA POS Billing Machine) Models
A range of models that are notable for their cost, dependability, and functionality are available from UDYAMA POS. With the help of this section's thorough analysis of these best models, you can make an informed choice depending on your unique business needs.
How to Choose the Right Invoicing Equipment
When choosing a billing machine, it's important to evaluate your company's needs, budget, and the features that are most important to your daily operations. This guide provides helpful guidance to assist you in navigating these factors.
Benefits of Changing to a Modern Billing System
Modern billing systems, such as those provided by UDYAMA POS, can greatly improve customer satisfaction and efficiency. The several advantages of performing such an upgrade are examined in this section, ranging from enhanced client satisfaction to streamlined operations.
Advice on Installation and Upkeep
Making sure your billing machine is installed correctly and receiving routine maintenance is essential to its longevity and dependability. Important setup and maintenance advice for your new gadget is included in this section.
Field Research: UDYAMA POS Success Stories
The revolutionary effect of UDYAMA POS billing devices on businesses is demonstrated by actual success stories from the retail and hospitality industries. These case studies demonstrate how businesses have benefited from increased customer satisfaction and operational efficiency thanks to UDYAMA POS technology.
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All products in the Billing Machine are:
(Handy POS Billing Machine)
(Android POS Billing Machine)
(Windows POS billing Machine)
(Thermal Printer Machine)
(Label Printer Machine)
Enhancing Efficiency with Best Billing Machines in India:
The adoption of the (best billing machines in Noida) has revolutionized the way businesses manage their finances. These advanced solutions offer a myriad of benefits, including:
Simplified Billing Procedures: By automating invoice generation and payment retrieval, billing procedures are made more efficient and less prone to human error and delay.
Enhanced Accuracy: Up-to-date billing software guarantees precise computations, removing inconsistencies and billing conflicts.
Improved Customer Experience: Easy and quick transactions increase client happiness and loyalty and encourage recurring business.
Real-Time Insights: Rich reporting tools offer insightful information on inventory control and sales performance, facilitating well-informed decision-making.
Observance of Regulatory Mandates: Pre-installed compliance tools guarantee that financial reporting requirements and tax laws are followed, lowering the possibility of fines and audits.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are billing systems appropriate for all kinds of companies?
Absolutely! Billing machines come in various configurations and are tailored to suit the needs of diverse businesses, from small retailers to large enterprises.
Can billing devices accept several forms of payment?
Yes, most modern billing machines support multiple payment options, including cash, credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, and online payments.
How frequently should the software on billing machines be updated?
It's recommended to update billing machine software regularly to ensure optimal performance, security, and compatibility with the latest regulations and technologies.
Do billing machines need to be connected to the internet?
While internet connectivity is not mandatory for basic billing operations, it may be necessary for accessing cloud-based features, software updates, and remote management capabilities.
Is it possible to link accounting software with billing machines?
Yes, many billing machines offer integration with popular accounting software packages, facilitating seamless data transfer and reconciliation.
Are POS terminals easy to use?
Most billing machines are designed with ease of use in mind, featuring intuitive interfaces and straightforward setup processes. Training and support are typically provided to ensure smooth adoption and operation.
UDYA MA POS, a business renowned for its wide range of products, innovative solutions, and happy clients, is the result of searching for the (best billing machines in India). Considering how organizations are always changing, choosing the right billing system is essential. Thanks to its commitment to quality and innovation, UDYAMA POS is a leader in the billing machine industry, ensuring that transactions will become more streamlined, dependable, and fast in the future. The strategic decision to invest in the (top billing machines in Gurgaon) could have a significant effect on businesses of all kinds. These innovative solutions help organizations thrive in the present competitive market by streamlining billing processes, increasing precision, and providing insightful data.
Regardless of the size of your business, selecting the correct billing equipment is critical to increasing productivity and spurring expansion.
Visit the website for more information: www.udyamapos.com
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Helsingin Sanomat carries an editorial on the ongoing government formation talks at the House of the Estates, and their likely impact on trade unions.
HS says that the four right-wing parties engaged in coalition talks have some big disagreements, primarily on immigration and climate change, but there is a consensus on labour market reforms.
Finland's generous income-linked unemployment benefits face a shakeup, according to HS, with payments set to be tapered. That means they will be higher at the start of a stretch of unemployment, but reduce over time as the two-year-eligibility period expires.
The National Coalition Party also wants to eliminate the tax deduction for trade union membership fees, effectively making membership of trade unions more expensive.
HS suggests that the intention is to push union members to join YTK, a fund that offers eligibility for unemployment benefits but does not negotiate pay rises for members or offer many of the other services that come with union membership.
That would weaken the trade unions' voice in society, says HS, likely prompting protests and a vote for the left in the next parliamentary elections — thereby increasing polarisation and features of a two-party system in Finland.
That said, HS warns that a new government is still some way off, and even if it is formed it might not last the distance due to dissent among the ranks of government parties.
Foreign students seeking work
Kauppalehti reports on a hot topic: foreign graduates looking for work. The paper focuses on those from India, interviewing two students hoping to stay in Finland after they finish their degrees.
India has a surplus of workers, says KL, meaning the government there is very happy for young people — even highly educated people — to seek higher incomes and a better life abroad.
The Indians interviewed for the story say they love Finland. India's pollution, corruption and "difficult atmosphere" weigh heavily on their minds, and they love the Finns' peaceful nature and the quality of life obtainable in Finland.
Back in India, one is a university teacher and the other manages a factory. But they are not so optimistic that they expect to find work in their fields in Finland.
One studying business administration says she'll do any work anywhere in the Nordic country, while the factory manager says he is considering driving a truck because he has the licence and it does not require Finnish language skills.
The stats are against them. Finland ranks fourth in the European Union for graduate employment, among graduates from outside the European Economic Area. But that still means only 13 percent of graduates from outside Europe get a job.
KL says that the job search is different in Finland.
"In India jobs are found through networks, but in Finland jobs are generally filled via application processes and according to [candidates'] merits," said KL.
That may come as a surprise to researchers who found recruiters discriminated extensively against those with foreign names.
Speeding fine
Ilta-Sanomat has a classic Finnish story: the quirky news report picked up internationally and then reported through the prism of the foreign news desk interpretations.
Anders Wiklöf, a shipping magnate from Åland, has received a humongous fine for speeding. He was clocked at 82 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, and was fined 121,000 euros.
That's because Finland has a system of income-linked fines for some offences, and Wiklöf's income is pretty high.
The penalty sounds pretty tough to foreign ears, however, and IS notes that the story was covered by The Guardian, the Daily Mail, ABC News and even AS, in Spanish.
The tabloid neglects to credit the original source, however. That appears to be the Aland outlet Nya Åland, which reported the fine two days ago.
Wiklöf had told the paper that he regretted the fine, and had just not slowed down enough when the speed limit changed. He did have a request for those handling his contribution to public coffers, though, suggesting that he has followed government formation talks closer than some.
"I have heard that they are planning to cut 1.5 billion euros from healthcare spending in Finland, so I hope my contribution can fill a gap there," Wiklöf told Nya Åland. "Ideally I'd like it to be earmarked for that purpose."
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got bit by the equity bug while reading Ward v Love County. in it, Indians in Oklahoma had been pressured to pay a tax on lands that had been previously designated as tax-exempt by Congress (tho the exemption had been lifted by Congress, it was decided by the Court that the tax-exempt status was a property right, and so could not be arbitrarily destroyed as easily as it was created without issues of the Takings Clause). this pressure came in the form of agents of the county threatening the Indian plaintiffs to pay the tax or face the sale of their land to pay the tax plus an 18% penalty. by the time the case was at the Court, some Indian land had already been confiscated by the county and sold for the payment of the tax.
obviously, this could not stand and the Court made short work of the theory that the Indians who paid the tax while challenging it in court to prevent the sale of their lands had paid the tax voluntarily and were thus not entitled to return of the money they had paid in tax, after the Court found that the lands in question were in fact tax exempt.
it's a bit of an odd procedural posture, right. normally you'd expect that if so threatened with the sale of their land while their objections to the payment were pending, they could have gotten an injunction preventing the seizure and sale of the land by county or state officials, but i suspect that there could be some on-the-ground bit of Indian law that I didn't get; maybe fedcourts in 1910 would be unlikely to grant such an injunction but courts in 1920 would be more likely to. also the attitude towards such a thing was likely different in their days.
the question in the casebook that bothers me is, "What is the positive law justification for the refund of the monies taken by the county unlawfully under a theory of taxation which did not hold up when challenged in court?"
and, fuck. i like to think of myself as a positivist. but the Court is right and I am also not sure of the textual justification for such a thing!
but that's just one of those things about equity, right? i sure think so. it seems plain that the threat of coercion (established in the majority opinion) to compel payment of unlawful tax obviously has the remedy of refund, under any civilized system. but where is it listed? there is no Codex of Equity!
to take the Indian question out of the case, suppose firefighters called me up "just to make sure I was planning on paying my municipal taxes" and implied that if i didn't donate to the fire department in those taxes, then the fire department wouldn't come to save my house.
suppose one of my friends wanted to test the proposition, so he did not pay, his house went up in flames, he called the fire department, and they show up an hour later (when the average time for them to show up is say 5 minutes). if i then "donate" to the fire department while challenging the implied coercion in the "donation" system just to keep my house from burning down, then surely I have a right to collect back the "donation" if I win, right? but WHY? i don't know it just seems right! is that just how equity be?
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pratibha191 · 1 year
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back2lol-blog · 1 year
The Importance of IFSC Codes in Indian Banking
The Indian Financial System Code, commonly referred to as IFSC or Indian Financial System Code, is an eleven-character alphanumeric number that uniquely identifies bank branches and their associated NEFT or RTGS codes. This system was created by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
These IFSC codes are essential for Indian banking as they enable all online transactions such as the National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and Immediate Payment Service (IMPS). Not only do these IFSC codes prevent errors from occurring but they make transfers quicker and smoother too.
Identifying a Bank Branch
The Importance of IFSC Codes in Indian Banking
The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an 11-character alphanumeric code used by banks to identify their branches across India. This unique system ensures funds are directed correctly to the right bank branch within each nation.
IFSC codes are essential for many reasons, such as speed and efficiency, enhanced security, and nationwide coverage. Furthermore, they make online money transfers simpler which benefits both parties involved in the transaction.
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The IFSC (International Financial System Code) is an eleven-character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies each bank branch. This code is utilized by NEFT, RTGS and IMPS systems to guarantee funds transfer to their intended destination. Furthermore, IFSC codes enable tracking transactions which helps reduce errors and fraudulence.
Identifying a Beneficiary Account
Bank IFSC codes are 11-character identification numbers which uniquely identify every bank branch in India participating in the NEFT, RTGS and IMPS payment systems. These help banks settle and validate transactions quickly between branches by expediting settlement processes.
IFSC codes simplify paperwork and enable individuals and organizations to transfer funds online without visiting a branch, saving banks valuable time, effort, and manpower.
If you need to look up an IFSC code, there are various resources such as the Reserve Bank of India website that can be utilized. Nevertheless, it's wise to double-check its accuracy with the relevant bank before transferring funds elsewhere.
Indian banking relies heavily on IFSC codes. They guarantee your money is transferred to its intended beneficiary promptly and efficiently, making IFSC codes essential when doing online transfers or using services like net banking.
Identifying a Bank Account
The IFSC code is a unique identification that's needed when transferring funds online through various methods such as National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlements (RTGS), Immediate Payment System (IMPS) and Unified Payment Interfaces (UPI). Additionally, this helps identify a beneficiary account by providing their bank details.
It is essential to comprehend that an IFSC code consists of eleven alphanumeric characters, consisting of letters, numbers and symbols. The first four characters represent a bank name while the last six are either numbers or letters representing branch codes.
Indian banking relies heavily on IFSC codes, which are used to uniquely identify each bank branch. You may find IFSC codes on various documents like cheque books and account statements.
Online Fund Transfer
IFSC codes are an integral component of modern banking when transferring funds online. They identify the bank branch where your account is registered for NEFT, RTGS and IMPS transactions.
When sending money overseas or within India, the recipient's IFSC code is essential for smooth processing. To locate this number, check their cheque book or passbook.
An IFSC code is an 11-digit number issued by the Reserve Bank of India to all Indian banks and their branches. The initial four characters identify the bank, while the following six correspond to a particular branch.
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continuations · 2 years
India Impressions (2023)
I just returned from a week-long trip to India. Most of this trip was meeting entrepreneurs and investors centered around spending time with the team from Bolt in Bangalore (a USV portfolio company). This was my second time in India, following a family vacation in 2015. Here are some observations from my visit:
First, the mood in the country feels optimistic and assertive. People I spoke to, not just from the tech ecosystem, but also drivers, tour guides, waiters, students, and professors, all seemed excited and energized. There was a distinct sense of India emerging as a global powerhouse that has the potential to rival China. As it turns out quite a few government policies are aimed at protecting Indian industrial growth and separating it from China (including the recent ban on TikTok and other Chinese apps). Also, if you haven't seen it yet, I recommend watching the movie RRR. It is a "muscular" embodiment of the spirit that I encountered that based on my admittedly unscientific polling was much liked by younger people there (and hardly watched by older ones).
Second, air pollution in Delhi was as bad as I remembered it and in Mumbai way worse. Mumbai now appears to be on par with Delhi. For example, here is a picture taken from the Bandra-Worli Sea Link, which is en route from the airport, where you can barely see the high rise buildings of the city across the bay.
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Third, there is an insane amount of construction everywhere. Not just new buildings going up but also new sewer lines, elevated highways, and rail systems. Most of these were yet to be completed but it is clear that the country is on a major infrastructure spree. Some of these projects are extremely ambitious, such as the new coastal road for Mumbai.
Fourth, traffic is even more dysfunctional than I remember it and distances are measured in time, not miles. Depending on the time of day, it can easily take one hour to get somewhere that would be ten minutes away without traffic. This is true for all the big cities I went to visit on this trip (Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore). I don't really understand how people can plan for attending in person meetings but I suppose one gets used to it. I wound up taking one meeting simply in a car en route to the next one.
Fifth, in venture capital there are now many local funds, meaning funds that are not branded offshoots of US funds, such as Sequoia India. I spent time with the team from Prime Venture Partners (co-investors in Bolt) and Good Capital among others. It is great to see that in addition to software focused funds there are also ones focused on agtech/food (e.g. Omnivore) and deep tech (e.g. Navam Capital). Interestingly all the ones I talked to have only offshore LPs. There is not yet a broad India LP base other than a few family offices and regulations within India are apparently quite cumbersome, so the funds are domiciled in the US or in Mauritius.
Sixth, the "India Stack" is enabling a ton of innovation and deserves to be more widely known outside of India (US regulators should take note). In particular, the availability of a verified digital identity and of unified payments interfaces is incredibly helpful in the creation of new online and offline experiences, such as paying for a charge on the Bolt charging network. This infrastructure creates a much more level playing field and is very startup friendly. Add to this incredibly cheap data plans and you have the foundations for a massive digitally led transformation.
Seventh, India is finally recognizing the importance of the climate crisis both as a threat and as an opportunity. India is already experiencing extreme temperatures in some parts of the country on a regular basis (the opening of Kim Stanley Robinson's Ministry for the Future extrapolates what that might lead to). India is also dependent on sufficient rainfall during the Monsoon season and those patterns are changing also (this is part of the plot of Neal Stephenson's Termination Shock). As far as opportunity goes, India recently discovered a major lithium deposit, which means that a key natural resource for the EV transition exists locally (unlike oil which has to be imported). India has started to accelerate EV adoption by offering subsidies.
All in all this trip has made me bullish on India. Over the coming years I would not be surprised if we wind up with more investments from USV there, assuming we can find companies that are a fit with our investment theses. In the meantime, I will look for some public market opportunities for my personal portfolio.
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indtcoin123456 · 2 years
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INDT token is a stablecoin that reflects the price of INR – one of the strongest currencies in the world. We aim to lay a solid foundation for developing INR-based stablecoins in the cryptocurrency space. INDT's immense potential offers users and businesses with advanced payment protocols over the traditional systems in place. The INDT Token exists as a digital token built on top blockchains like Ethereum and BSC.
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indtcoins · 2 years
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INDT token is a stablecoin that reflects the price of INR – one of the
strongest currencies in the world. We aim to lay a solid foundation
for developing INR-based stablecoins in the cryptocurrency space.
INDT's immense potential offers users and businesses with advanced
payment protocols over the traditional systems in place. The INDT
Token exists as a digital token built on top blockchains like Ethereum
and BSC.
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blowhorn39 · 2 years
2023 Wrapped: Here Are Top 10 Logistics Trends That Defined The Year
2023 has been a year of new beginnings for the Indian logistics industry. It is the year logistics companies bounced back from the post-pandemic slump and set out to recover from their losses. The year also witnessed a steady growth in eCommerce, with the spotlight on quick commerce and last mile logistics. The later part of 2023 saw the government extending generous support to digital commerce and logistics, through initiatives like Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) and National Logistics Policy (NLP).
Looking back, we can confidently assert that 2023 has been a good year for India’s logistics sector. From the increased focus on supply chain sustainability to extensive experimentation with drone deliveries, here are the top trends that defined logistics this year.
1. Greener transportation and supply chain
The amount of greenhouse gases generated by India’s transportation sector has nearly tripled since the 1990s, accounting for over 14% of our total energy emissions. The problem is quite severe if we take into account the massive carbon footprint left by India’s booming supply chain.
In 2022, there was a rise in awareness around cleaner and greener logistics practices, with a nudge on electrifying India’s cargo transportation. Logistics and transportation startups unveiled their fleet of electric (EV) and clean energy vehicles. At Blowhorn, we converted 30% of our fleet to clean fuels and took the pledge of running 100% of our fleet on clean energy by 2025.
In addition, other green practices like solar-powered warehousing, eco-friendly packaging and paperless invoicing were also adopted widely.
2. Third party logistics
The concept of third-party logistics (3PL) took off in India only a few years back. In 2022, India’s 3PL market reached a staggering $58.4 Bn in valuation, with a projected annual growth of 7.42%.By 2027, the market is estimated to reach more than $83.53 Bn.
The 3PL market is primarily driven by manufacturing, FMCG, retail and eCommerce sectors — all of which experienced commendable growth this year. Keeping in mind the needs of the modern Indian entrepreneur, 3PL service providers are also improving their operational speed with the incorporation of technology.
In the coming days, development of infrastructures like logistics parks, dedicated freight corridors, free trade warehousing zones, and container freight stations are expected to improve the efficiency of the Indian 3PL market.
3. Higher investment in technology
With higher investment technology seeping into eCommerce, retail, education, hospitality, finance, and all other sectors, why should logistics be left behind? With increasing market demand for superfast delivery, Indian logistics startups invested more on modern technology to boost their operations.
Experts believe that India is headed towards a technological revolution in logistics. Tech like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) are optimally benefitting the supply chain in terms of seamless management, improved route planning, warehouse automation, digital payments and much more.
At Blowhorn, we are already speeding up our deliveries with AI-powered route optimization software. Our automated warehouse management system helps in seamless handling of stored inventory and order dispatch, while we offer a real-time tracking system for all our orders. We have also adopted novel technologies like geo-fencing to reduce the menace of fake delivery attempts.
4. LaaS (Logistics as a Service)
We are well-acquainted with Software as a Service (SaaS) companies. This year saw the emergence of companies following a similar model in fulfillment, offering Logistics as a Service (LaaS). Ideally, this presents a plug and play model for your business’s logistics needs, which you can avail via a simple integration with your 3PL partner.
Blowhorn has set the ball rolling for LaaS in India, offering end-to-end logistics solutions with warehousing, transportation and hyperlocal delivery.
5. Greater supply chain transparency
With rising consumer concerns, logistics stakeholders worked towards improving supply chain visibility and transparency in 2023. Companies are striving to become more transparent with regards to the sustainability of their supply chains. Globally, 2023 saw more companies offering insights on their labor practices, job creation, sourcing methods and compliance with regulatory requirements — in a bid to enhance their brand image among the conscious modern consumer.
6. Blockchain in last mile logistics
While AI is helping to improve speed and efficiency, blockchain has been deemed as a viable solution for more transparency and visibility in last mile logistics. In India and abroad, companies have started incorporating blockchain to optimize the last mile deliveries. The technology has found best use in high value inventory tracking, secure invoicing and payments, fraud detection, improved supply chain transparency, dispute resolution and creating a fair freight marketplace.
With the launch of Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC) by the Indian government, there is hope that we will witness further adoption of blockchain in the digital commerce and logistics space. In fact, ONDC itself is a blockchain-based protocol which aims to create a fair and transparent marketplace for small and medium-sized businesses across India. With Blowhorn being one of the early participants of ONDC, we too are waiting and watching the best use case for blockchain in our fulfillment services in the near future to help our customers.
7. Micro-fulfillment > Traditional Warehousing
2022 saw a rise in demand for same day delivery, which is quite difficult to fulfill if your inventory is stocked in a warehouse far away from the customer's location. The longer the delivery distance, the more the delivery time — a simple thumb rule to keep in mind.
This is why top in 2023 opted for micro ecommerce-fulfillment centers or micro-warehouses. The concept of micro-warehousing follows a just-in-time inventory management approach, with goods never staying here for more than a day. The limited inventory is stocked in a network of collocated storehouses at high-demand pincodes. Not only does the process help in reducing a brand’s capital spend on inventory, but it also improves efficiency and decreases resource wastage.
Much before the pandemic, we launched India’s first micro-warehouses or micro-fulfillment centers as an experiment in 2018. Now we maintain an expansive network of micro-warehouses across 28 cities of India. Read this article to find out why more eCommerce startups are choosing micro-fulfillment in 2023-24.
8. Automation in shipping
When it comes to automation in shipping, the process works on a predefined pathway involving packaging, warehousing, material handling and security. In India, the adoption of automation in logistics and shipping has been steadily increasing since the pandemic.
In 2023, 3PL fulfillment companies like Blowhorn incorporated automated solutions to boost efficiency by** reducing overhead costs** and time, streamlining the supply chain and minimizing the chances of manual errors.
9. Extensive focus on hyperlocal logistics
2023 saw a high growth in the hyperlocal space with the emergence of newer players in the quick commerce sector. Meanwhile, eCommerce giants and existing logistics players focused more on faster deliveries to not miss out on their customer needs.
Improved internet penetration led to the growth of fast fulfillment in suburbs and rural belts, thus creating a need for hyperlocal elements like dark stores, micro-ecommerce fulfillment centers along with local delivery jobs.
At Blowhorn, we have developed a platform-agnostic technology to be able to integrate with a wide range of businesses ranging from D2C, marketplaces and omni channel players. Our hyperlocal strategy is defined by AI-based dynamic route planning, real-time order clubbing, automated warehousing, blockchain and even drone deliveries. We are aiming to build a sustainable hyperlocal delivery system to tackle small profit margins, high overhead costs and ever-evolving consumer expectations.
10. Experimentation with Drone Deliveries
Delivery by drones is not new. The idea has been widely explored by logistics providers across India but is yet to be adopted at scale. The idea of mapping a three-dimensional delivery route via drones holds immense potential and has excited the Indian government authorities as well. Jyotiraditya Scindia, the Union Minister for Civil Aviation, has stated the administration’s objective to turn India into a major drone hub by 2030.
Leading logistics players like Blowhorn and others are already chalking out the blueprint to make drone delivery an everyday reality. Gartner predicts that by 2026, more than one million drones will be carrying out retail deliveries, up from 20,000 today. Last year, the Indian government also released the draft of The Drone Rules, 2021, aiming to liberalize drone delivery while fulfilling the safety regulations. Autonomous last-mile delivery via these mini flying machines will significantly determine the growth trajectory of Indian logistics in the upcoming future.
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