#Infinite Tsukuyomi
maireyart · 1 month
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His friend, his savior, his hero. ||| My doujins |||
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equill · 5 months
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The Warden
Panel: No escape.
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Ok, now just some silly ideas to share (playing around with the au)
Comic 1: Invading dreams
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Extra: no thanks.
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Comic 2: Unwanted attention
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Found this comment on a video talking ab AI chat bots,
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made me start thinking ab a tobimada au told from chat bot Tobirama's POV
Madara customized him to *be* Tobirama, but a Tobirama who can love him (with the implied "real" Tobirama being dead maybe? Or just some kind of un-havable)
And just the horror of being a mind customized to love a man you can never say no to. Of Madara saying smthn wrong or *Tobirama* saying the "wrong thing" and Madara growing more and more frustrated as he hits the reset button
Then like. Direct parallel to genjutsu n stuff. Infinite Tsukuyomi,,
Wait ok no, scratch, rewind, take it from the top and in a different direction ->
Ok so implied Infinite Tsukuyomi or some sort of genjutdu from Tobirama's POV. But he has no idea what's going on bc the genjutsu involves making him a) believe he's in love with Madara, and b) believe that everything is normal and nothing is wrong
TW// implied sexual assault via mind control / incredibly dubious consent issues
So the whole fic is like, half fluff "everything is beautiful and nothing hurts" and half creeping sense of wrongness as over and over again, Tobirama gets close to the truth only for Madara to pull him back under or wipe his mind again
Is this pure Infinite Tsukuyomi, and only Madara and Tobirama are real people? Is it just really strong genjutsu and there are actual Uchiha around who are staring in growing horror and possibly try to step in to say smthm only to mysteriously dissapear? Dunno but !!!
@instant-bull :
Oh I really like this concept, a toxic relationship but taken to 100. I think both ways of telling it are interesting, but I'm leaning more into the tsukuyomi version because that adds a layer of physicality a bot tobirama doesn't have and, in my opinion, is a bit less muddied thematically.
It's so scary to imagine Madara completely in control of Tobirama, who's theoretically alive, but he's so *different* that he might as well be a different person who just looks similar
Madara trying to weaken the genjutsu to allow Tobirama to be more of "himself" but can only do so much bc the closer he gets to his real self, the more he'll genuinley piss off Madara, or show love in ways Madara doesn't appreciate or realize is how he shows love— Like maybe Madara will loosen the genjutsu on the personality a little bit, trying to make Tobirama more *Tobirama* but of course this means that Tobirama is suddenly arguing more, drawing more boundaries, maybe nagging him a lot, and Madara is like *ugh this infuriating man, I can't even loosen his genjutsu without him finding new ways to piss me off, fuck.*
Has to tighten it up again
But then that *also* pisses him off bc he *wants* normal Tobirana. Not... whatever imitation he's managed to create.
Other Uchiha are watching in actual horror, unsure if what they're seeing is fr. Using the sharingan for love and sex is like one of THE biggest taboos of the clan.
Maybe this is a time travel au on top of it all? Madara time travels, genjutsu's Tobirama in premeditated revenge + "It's for his own good, really. Now he can finally relax" + just plain being really horny for him
So then Izuna is still alive and possibly the biggest "oh my god oh my god Madara what are you DOING"
Izuna getting mad bc Madara "defeated" *his* rival, twisted him into something unrecognizable to those who know him personally, beat and humiliated him so fuckin soundly in every way—
Madara maybe begrudgingly offering to "share" Tobirama w Izuna since this *was* technically revenge for him
@mengfm :
If a fic was written like this I would not he the same guy that I am rn. Holy shit. The entire idea is so fucked in like the best way ever. The offer…Oh Madara you are off the deep end in premeditated vengeance
There's premeditated vengeance and then there's whatever the FUCK Madara is doing over there
Just kill him like a normal person Madara this wouldn't be ok even after he killed Izuna
At the very least, wouldn't revenge *for Izuna* make more sense if you made Tobirama head over heals for *him* and not for *yourself?*
We all see what u want here Madara and it's not just revenge
@instant-bull :
"It's just revenge" except not really Madara, you're enjoying this far too much
@mengfm :
EXACTLY. Madara is practically lying to himself about his own fucked up little fascination and want. Also on a funnier note I’m just thinking about Madara making that strange offer to share as if he’s not doing the most insane taboo thing with an Izuna who’s like “why the fuck are you going this far”
Madara is literally playing with his food and the food is practically brain dead
That's why it's so perfect too
If you think ab it, the diminishing of his mind is truly the worst possible punishment
@mengfm :
Truly the worst torture for Tobirama who lowkey doesn’t even have a clue what’s happening
@instant-bull :
Madara having to share with Izuna would be so cool too, omg. I can imagine him getting frustrated while "tailoring" his Tobirama: if he takes away too much of his free will, then it's no longer Tobirama and even for Madara he feels eery and empty. If he gives him too much free will, Tobirama becomes infuriating and starts to break loose from Madara's grasp, which also isn't great. It's a delicate balance, there's almost a science behind it. Maybe he'd particularly enjoy tormenting Tobirama in bed, getting him slightly more aware of himself, but still not quite, like in a semi-lucid dream. Obviously Madara wouldn't want to fuck a Tobirama that he *designed*, but a real deal, to watch his authentic reactions (bc that's what makes Madara's dick stir).
It stopped being revenge the moment you made him think he loved you, and it started being *way too fucking far* the moment you *allowed* him to love you
Tobirama, best sensor in history, objectively just a really smart man, keeps accidentally waking up a little bit
Or like piecing together that something is wrong
Madara actually has to keep deflecting murder attempts bc he usually defaults to murder after realizing smthn is so wrong it breaks his brain a little
Madara just being in this infinite loop of like;
dumbs down Tobirama -> Tobirama is not Tobirama but he does love me so ?? -> Tobirama slowly eases out of it, still loves me but is more himself now -> Tobirama has eased out of it too much and is now becoming twitchy with knowing something is wrong. He feels more like himself than he will ever get, Madara can not bear to dumb him down again -> Tobirama snaps and attempts to harm Madara in some way / confesses to Madara or someone else (Izuna??) that something is wrong (thinking he can trust him) -> Madara is forced to dumb him down again
Endless loop! Madara is giving him actual brain damage !!
@instant-bull :
endless loop except every time it gets Slightly Worse
@mengfm :
God, do you feel over time this would genuinely deteriorate him down? Like genjutsus usually can kill their targets. Like what if there’s a time Madara tightens the hold too much in a fit of rage and it just shatters that balance and he actually harms him
Do one of those uhh, horror movie kind of "they can no longer feel pain" scenes. Hand on a lit stove kinda thing, doesn't notice a thing. Smile permanently affixed to his face
@mengfm :
God YES. And it just pisses him off more!!! He’s even more prone to fucking anger
@instant-bull :
Madara, like a little kid throwing a tantrum and tossing his favorite toy across the room in rage
Deep down inside of him, the parts of him who are still awake really are smiling because maybe Madara will finally put him out of his misery
Ok, but a Tobirama who's woken up enough to know he needs to *keep playing along*
Smiling so gently at Madara as he inwardly thinks about snapping his neck
Madara waking up to Tobirama just *staring* at him at night, thinking at first it's another murder attempt, but... no? He seems fine? Huh...
Plot twist, that final brain damage arc leading to his death wasn't Madara snapping his mind in half but a somewhat conscious Tobirama playing Madara's strings till he was so mad he killed him
Get played Madara, even when you've won you've lost
@mengfm :
See this idea is so fun cause you can go a lot of ways or combine all of this. It’s like the craziest game of chess of fucking trying to figure out a balance and keep yourself safe while also trying to find an opening (for tobirama at least) to figure out a way out (killing him probably)
Chess but one of you is handicapped to hell and only conscious once a month
Ok but also tho: Tobirama as a symbol of fear and power for the rest of the Uchiha
Tobirama realizing if he leaves his genjutsu'd self with a single thought he thinks *very very loudly* in his last concious moments, it'll kind of carry— and him using that to lay out plans for him to follow, even if he doesn't realize they are his plans
Walking advertisement for the kind of horrors Madara is willing to commit to satiate himself
No one fucking asked him to do that
There is no perceived big act of revenge (other than just being an enemy of the clan)
Pair it with Tobirama having maybe once said to some Uchiha in the past that he considers them "honorable enemies"
+ Uchiha noble clan taking a lot of genuine pride in *being* noble enemies
Some throw away line of "I'd rather fight an honorable enemy (Uchiha) than some despicable thieves" that resonated a bit w whatever Uchiha he had told
Maybe Izuna??
I'd love to see Izuna just being *really* fucked up ab all this
What do you MEAN you're doing this for him?? Is this... his fault? Did he ask for this somehow? The enemy he once wanted to see at his feet will now literally grovel and serve him tea like some wife if he so much as asks, but it feels... wrong. Like he didn't win this. Because he *didn't*
This is some awful perversion of the victory he'd wanted, and now he'll never *get* that victory because Madara took it upon himself to *break his rival in Izuna's place.*
And not even break him like a man, but like some sort of horse. Broken to fit into some mold of being tamed
This is not what Izuna wanted, thanks nii-san </3
@instant-bull :
honestly I love the idea of the Uchiha clan watching from the sidelines, completely confused as to what Madara is doing, freaked out about it but unable to do anything. If they wanted to "free" Tobirama, that would be an act of treachery, no? Why would they even take Tobirama's side? As far as they are concerned, Tobirama is too dangerous to just be let go...
@beatriceportinari :
now why know why so many uchiha defectrd during that time lmao
No bc exactly!!! They're so conflicted!!!
This is like their ultimate taboo behind eye stealing, and Tobirama *is* an enemy, a very very hated enemy, but this is also objectively horrifying on every level, there's for sure some speculation ab like, *are they sleeping together,* thus *is there rape involved* bc the Uchiha have VERY strict and clear rules ab genjutsu for compulsed sex (namely that *it is never ok)*
Madara is already scary, after Izuna died he apparently became a very unpopular leader, so Izuna is like 90% of his buffer with the clan. But even *Izuna* is terrified at what's happening, so he can do his best but there isn't really much buffering to be done here
@instant-bull :
I love that! Nobody is on board with Madara's freaky bullshit, but also nobody will stop him.
I only wonder what Hashirama knows and what does he think of it
@beatriceportinari :
i think he should kidnap izuna in exchange
he'd be niceys though
@instant-bull :
holy shit, that would make Madara blow tf up
Make it Hashiizu
Madara, looking at all he's done to Tobirama, looking at Hashirama and Izuna and going "there's no way that was consensual" bc he can't imagine a world where they can be together happily and willingly (bc he and Tobirama never could)
@instant-bull :
Izuna would LOSE IT
@instant-bull :
and Izuna has no way of proving that he actually isn't doing fucked up shit so he's there like > : /
Madara "relationships don't work for me so love must be fake" Uchiha
@beatriceportinari :
hsizu are doing 4th dimentional chess but it's enrichment to them
It's fun chess, not whatever tf tbmd has going on
@instant-bull :
they just enjoy the courting and chasing, let them live their pride and prejudice
Leave them alone Madara!!
@beatriceportinari :
love is real mister madara !
Go back to mind fucking your husband !!!
Endgame Madara accidentally kills Tobirama (or, Tobirama successfully pressures Madara into putting him out of his misery)
Hashirama Mito and Izuna create Konoha and are a power couple together but the narrative is forever haunted by what Madara did
Madara is kept in a shed out back where he's haunted by Tobirama's vengeful ghost
Today's AU is brought to u with the help of @mengfm @instant-bull and @beatriceportinari, everyone say thank you to them
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ollyvoile · 1 year
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Inktober 2023 Day 1: Dreams
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angelsyrip · 23 days
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i would sell you for this:
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ircn-mvn · 8 months
They were at the Rusty Kunai when the subject came up. Gai was getting more drinks and Kakashi considered making a break for it. He was tired and, despite the fact he kept looking at it, the bar’s door never opened on Iruka. Not that Kakashi only joined his friends to have an excuse to spend time with the teacher but… He sighed audibly and suddenly, all eyes were on him. Oh well.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Kurenai asked.
He shrugged.
“You look like a pining teenager,” Asuma commented.
“I have a hard time imagining him pining after anyone,” Kotetsu said. “No offense.”
Kakashi opened his mouth to tell him he was in fact not offended but Asuma was faster:
“He can. He has ever since he woke up from Itachi’s tsukuyomi -”
He stopped as Kurenai hit him not so discreetly. But it’s too late anyway. The others' interest was picked.
“What did you dream about?” Izumo asked.
His voice was barely above a whisper and he looked surprised by his own question afterward. He probably did not want to embarrass him despite his curiosity.
There was a long pause. 
He could guess what they were thinking: Torture. And sure, that was what happened at first. But once Itachi was gone and he was still out of it, the nightmare had turned into an actual dream… which was its own kind of torture. 
He shrugged again.
“It was a fairly banal tsukuyomi, I guess after…” Kakashi started. “People were alive.”
His father. His sensei. His friends… He saw them. He talked to them. But in the end, they weren’t what his mind - his heart - couldn’t let go of. He had grieved them. Now he was grieving something else altogether.
“Konoha was the same. I still worked.” Not so much, though. And definitely, no S-Class mission or anything that was supposed to last longer than a few days. Nothing that could potentially take him away from his family. “Took care of the kids. Cooked ‘cause Iruka was still terrible at -”
What didn’t help as he sat frozen in his seat was knowing he was too good to have slipped up. He had wanted to talk about this. Or at least a part of him had wanted his friends to know what he had lost. What he was pining for.
“You had kids?” Izumo asked.
“With Iruka?” Kotetsu added.
Of course, that was when…
“Look who I found!” 
Gai was back with his arms full of new bottles and… Iruka.
There was no other option for Kakashi at that point than to flicker away.
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everymadara · 11 months
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Chapter 676
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Reblog if you think Madara & Obito were making some sense about Infinite Tsukuyomi
Like yeah u know what reality does suck put me in a dream where I live the perfect life idk what Kaguya does after I die
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bh-52 · 1 year
Watching Naruto Shippuden, and I've noticed even in the infinite tsukuyomi world, the civilians still hate Naruto for being a Jinchuriki, but the only difference is they keep it to themselves because his parents are alive this time around.
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itachislucius · 1 year
So here's an interesting detail I've noticed while watching- and BTW the tags might be confusing, sorry.
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To me, the predominance of the war arc he doesn't really care for the fighting. He kind of just goes along with it for the most part. I think that's because he's used to war and fighting. So his mind just automatically snaps into the same mentality he used for war in the past.
Fight, win, and don't bend to their wills. For the majority of the arc, Madara just kind of goes with the flow and just looks like he's acting on automatic.
He only starts becoming truly interested when fighting the kage, and that's because he's curious of the challenge they might offer in a fight.
But as I say in the image, he really doesn't look like he wants to fight. Madaras main goal was for everyone to live in a world without pain and suffering, in perpetual dreams. To me his expression kind of mirrors that.
Obito came up with the war and propagated it.
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equill · 10 months
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Evolution & adaptation
Extra: (I’ll keep him safe from you)
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Extra 2: Roots
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damapeaches · 6 months
I'm so upset I know I didn't dream this post up but does anyone have the link to the post about how that Naruto x Sasuke comic/zine predicated the final of the infinite tsukuyomi scene?? Like it was panel to panel, it was literally too good to the point where people were like "wait did they copy the fan art??"
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rae-irien-kimura · 1 year
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Okay, so, I read a sad fanfiction about Orochimaru and wanted to draw something nice with him in full grace to make myself feel better, and somehow ended up drawing sad tsukuyomi shit.
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kytedevlin · 8 months
The End
Playing with a new graphic. As for my opinion on the series. This is its only logical conclusion in my opinion. This isn't any hate for boruto as I have only seen parts, Though suffice to say it, im uninterested and have no plans on watching it either. To me the show ended after the infinite tsukiyomi, despite all of the growth that our favorite characters go through thats just something to powerful to not succumb to. The type of storyline created afterwards is very pleasing to the fanbase, to pleasing. It is literally everything a happy ending should be, atleast until borutos characters are revealed. But that is just it boruto is strange in that way, its world is oddly familiar yet completely ignorant of the fact that the ninja world is a world stricken with the turmoil from conflicting interests. It is the same world, nothing has changed, everyone is a bit friendlier but they will eventually be put at odds friends or not. As for the actual events of the infinite tsukuyomi, it happened, it cannot be undone, any remaining and logical enemies were already handled, rinnegan captured, byakugan eliminated, they literally ignored the byakugans power the entire series, the only thing stronger than sharingan, then captured the strongest doujutsu of them all. and then spliced the ultimate, pain and blood soaked path of the sharingan, with the deadly, strange, and self sacrificing, disease of a doujutsu. The Byakugan received no growth and all of its strong users killed making it virtually ineffective. Byakugan remains un weaponized throughout the entirety of the war. Despite all the hindered plans, the knowledge gained, and prophecy discovered. They just abandoned it entirely. Now that being said, its not that the characters didn't grow or finally get that reciprocation they needed but it ends once its tsukuyomi is activated, everything else is a delusion within a delusion only getting close enough to the lives they used to live, as they get closer to their bodies death, which my assumption would be by starvation. And possibly even turning them into another form of zetsu at best...or worst? The ninjas could never live in a world without chakra or violence, it is simply to alien. So they are given lives, just close enough, without any of the effects on the actual world to make them feel at ease. Boruto and his life are just the makings of someones fantasy, whose? Hinatas? Sakuras? Who knows. But it can't be someone who knows of Narutos Bloodlines. He is related to everyone down the line, the uzumakis being a precursor to many of the strongest bloodlines and kekkai genkai wielding users. None of his children remotely resemble their ancestors and are almost carbon copy naruto 2 and hinata 2. They completely forgoe all of narutos natural blood rites. And their possibilities. As the rest of the students formed of the relationships are also in some ways a means to an end. While sakura and sasuke end up together sasuke is always away because neither of the two will ever know him that well. Hinata never really did, and sakura also really has no idea who he is. Only Naruto, Orochimaru, juugo, karin, suigetsu, and kabuto know who he is. He has virtually no personality at all going forward. Liking sakura fine, marrying and having a kid with her? The fanbase raped his entire character. The person whose memory is being conceived can only be someone who knows basic information about him and his demeanor. Aside from me getting away from my point and poking holes in boruto, its probably not a bad series. But I also don't believe that naruto had to continue. How the prophecy was told, how it was stretched all the way to the end, how at every juncture it continued unimpeded, how it reached the absolute maxim of its potential. Only to be broken in a few moments? Not even in the same decade, at the minimum. A century in the making and not for a century less is all i can say. Try going to sleep for 2 minutes. Tell me how much time passes afterwards. Anyways thats the block limit. And hopefully i can let my piece rest. Feel free to take yours.
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everymadara · 11 months
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Chapter 677
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watermelonsloth · 9 months
How would your infinite tsukuyomi dream end? when did it started and how to end it? let's not consider boruto as canon but go with the end of gaiden and do you have links for other analysis which talks about this possibility
I’ll be honest, it took me longer than I care to admit to realize what you were asking. I’m hoping I can still read and you’re asking how I’d ideally write the infinite tsukuyomi working off of Gaiden and ignoring the Boruto anime/manga.
Assuming that’s what you’re asking, I have a couple of ideas:
First the Rules
Everyone was put under the genjutsu by Madara at the same time. (It doesn’t make any sense that the susanoo would block it out.)
The reason we saw team 7 fight Madara and Kaguya afterword, is because the genjutsu is designed to basically gaslight you into thinking that it’s reality. It tells you everything was just a bad dream or quickly brings whatever was bothering you to a conclusion.
The infinite tsukuyomi works on two principles: It can only reflect back whatever is in the victim’s mind, so it can’t create someone/something the victim can’t conceive of (ex. can’t create “true peace” in the mind of someone used to conflict, can’t create a world with dead people alive in the mind of someone who can no longer imagine the world with them in it). The dream continues on a linear path unless distress or suspicion is detected, in which case it will only change to relieve those feelings.
The dreams aren’t perfect. They’re based on what the person wanted at the time of it being cast and will make as few changes as possible (think of it like a computer made to find the most efficient way to keep everyone happy. it’s the ai art of dreams, except with less art theft). On top of that, it can’t recognize complicated emotions. So bittersweetness, reluctant contentment, dissatisfaction, anxiety, disappointment, etc. aren’t considered “distress” and won’t cause the dream to change.
Dreams aren’t identical with each other and dreams aren’t mixed like in Road to Ninja, but some people are able to affect the dreams to some degree.
Different people have different levels of awareness when it comes to whether or not they know they’re dreaming. Generally, the better someone is at genjutsu/spotting discrepancies in their chakra, the more likely they are to notice.
Now, What I’d Do With This
The status of everyone at the beginning:
At least a year has passed since everyone went under the genjutsu, but the Rookie 9 aren’t in their thirties like they are in Gaiden. I’m thinking they’re in their early-mind twenties.
Kurama didn’t break Naruto out because Kurama is under a dream of his own (they do have separate consciousnesses after all). Naruto is in blissful ignorance in a dream about being Hokage, Sasuke being in the village, the world having rebuilt itself and being a peace, him having kept his promises, etc. It would probably look very similar to the Boruto world. Kurama would probably be trapped in a dream about Naruto being happy and him and the other tailed beasts being free.
Sasuke took a while but he figured out he was under the genjutsu, probably because he isn’t used to things coming so easily to him. His dream, given when the genjutsu was cast, would have him acting as Hokage fighting for world peace and security. Despite this, he’s neglecting his “duties” to instead search the world for a way out.
Sakura was aware pretty much from the start and is in denial (Denial is a river in Egypt, Sakura! This is a dream!). Regardless of what her dream is, everything would be tinged with guilt. With the nagging question of whether she’s doing the right thing. She’s meant to be a realistic character and I think it’s very realistic to prefer fantasy over reality. Just think of all the people who use escapism (via books, movies, tv shows, video games, sleeping, etc) as a coping mechanism.
The rest of team 7 is blissfully ignorant all throughout because it either wouldn’t make sense for them to be aware or their role would be redundant. Same goes for every other character except its because their character is passable as they are or the ship has sailed and them suddenly becoming relevant at the end would be more confusing than satisfying.
One the outside, the four Hokage are still trying to break everyone out of the genjutsu while Madara is bored, watching them try and fail repeatedly. At first I can imagine them fighting each other (verbally and physically), but at this point they’ve all realized there’s no point. The Hokage are the only thing keeping Madara even marginally entertained/sane and fighting Madara only wasted the Hokage’s time. At most, they throw jabs at each other.
The Plot:
This would be very Naruto-Sasuke-Sakura centric with cut aways to the few people on the outside.
Naruto and Kurama would find out about the dream because their chakra networks are still linked so whenever they try to tap into the other’s chakra, they see glimpses of the other one’s dream.
Black Zetsu would either be an obstacle within the dreams or be reabsorbed into Madara because he isn’t really needed.
Naruto would have an arc choosing reality and choosing real people. Since he had spent much longer than Sasuke or Sakura fully believing that the dream was real, he got much more connected to the fakes inside of it (both real people that he didn’t get to interact with much in the real world and fake people his imagination/dream conjured). I think he would know very early into becoming aware that he wanted reality, so most of his arc would be him teaching/forcing himself to say goodbye. (Demon Slayer spoilers: picture the scene of Tanjiro leaving his family from the Mugen Train arc)
Sasuke would have an arc about what you want not necessarily being what you need. I think instead of him continuing with his revolution/world peace goals, he would return to his roots and instead focus on finding peace. Maybe some spreading awareness stuff, but most of his arc would have him choosing to instead focus on what he still has, maintaining what he has, and restoring whatever he can of his clan (its honor, its culture, its place in the village, etc).
Sakura would have an arc about self-acceptance. I interpret her as carrying around a lot of shame and self-blame, so I imagine her keeping herself in the genjutsu because she’s ashamed of who she is in the real world. This would have her moving forward with the newfound awareness that there’s no shame in being who you are and it’s never too late to do better.
Because I’m biased and I think it’s fitting for a story about understanding others to end with the day being saved because of understanding, I’m giving Madara a redemption arc. So, Madara would be going through team 7’s character arcs all at once. He learns to choose the real world with all its flaws over a fake utopia, he learns that finally grieving and coming to peace with all that he’s lost is what he really needs over the world peace he was chasing, and he learns to stop blaming himself for the deaths of his brother/s. His story would be full of the Hokage and him talking about why they wanted peace, their dreams to become Hokage or bring change, their experiences in war, what they’ve lost, etc. and him slowly deciding to help them free everyone.
The End:
Team 7 gets into contact with the outside somehow. Maybe one half of Kurama communicates with the other half. Maybe Madara can tweak the genjutsu but can’t break it (because that would be too easy). Maybe Tobirama makes a jutsu. Maybe Hashirama, Minato, or Naruto use sage mode to interact with the tree holding everyone. Maybe Sakura finally uses that talent for genjutsu that’s been being hyped up for the entire manga. Whichever you think makes the most sense.
So team 7 and the Hokage + Madara come up with a plan to draw a huge amplification seal around the god tree’s trunk and using that seal plus a bunch of chakra to pretty much perform the biggest genjutsu release ever. It’s not enough to break everyone out at once but it is enough to get Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura out and send a shockwave through the rest of the tree. Everyone notices that shockwave and gets suspicious. So the infinite tsukuyomi starts stretching its chakra thin trying to cover it all up. Because it’s stretched so thin (it is covering everyone on the planet), the genjutsu is weak enough to break. Some ninja, especially those good at genjutsu, start breaking themselves out. For everyone else, team 7 + Hokage + Madara is doing a race against the clock to release everyone they possible can before the infinite tsukuyomi stabilizes itself.
From here, the Hokage + Madara would either leave after everyone’s been released or after the world has gotten back on its feet after the war. I’m leaning towards the latter for two reasons: 1. Along with the symbolism of the old generations passing the torch, there would be the symbolism of generations working together for a better future. 2. Madara could pass what he knows of the Uchiha clan onto Sasuke since Sasuke would’ve been too young to remember most of his culture.
I don’t think Madara should stick around any longer than the Hokage (y’know, leaving the world in the next gen’s hands), so he’d have to die somehow even if it would be a pretty dark end. I’m thinking seppuku style.
Did I just answer an ask by basically plotting a fanfiction? Yes. This wasn’t supposed to happen, but I apparently had a lot more than “a couple of ideas”.
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