mp3monsterme · 5 months
InfoQ Article on Fluent Bit with MultiCloud
I’m excited to say that we’ve had an article on Fluent Bit and multi-cloud published on InfoQ. Check it out at https://www.infoq.com/articles/multi-cloud-observability-fluent-bit/ . This is another first for me. As you may have guessed from the title, the article is about how Fluent Bit can support multi-cloud use cases. As part of the introduction, I walked through some of the challenges that…
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kennak · 4 months
クラウドネイティブ・パターンを使ってSaaSをゼロから構築:クラウド・スタートアップを深く掘り下げる - InfoQ
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phulkor · 2 years
When to chose Microservice architecture
A microservices architecture is chosen because there is a strong need for short lead time, rapid and independent deployments of components and if you have the organizational structure to back it up – small, empowered independent teams with end-to-end responsibility. Hence, they are often powered by a fully automated CI/CD pipeline. The drawback is that you end up with a high demand for communication and a complex socio-technical system.
~ Lukas Pradel in this infoQ article
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hotnew-pt · 10 days
Tendências tecnológicas em andamento | Caderno do repórter de IA | Notícias de parceiros #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News Muitos usuários finais de IA gen estão descobrindo que modelos de linguagem grande (LLMs) desafiam a configuração fácil de infraestrutura e custos de gerenciamento acessíveis. Uma opção promissora pode ser optar por modelos de linguagem pequena (SMLs). Muitas pessoas provavelmente farão exatamente isso nos próximos 12 meses, de acordo com o último relatório InfoQ Trends. “Empresas como…
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sidejobrr · 2 months
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1. アンケートモニター
柔軟な時間管理: 好きな時間に取り組めるので、家事や育児の合間に最適。
簡単お小遣い稼ぎ: 専門知識やスキルは不要で、誰でもすぐに始められます。
2. コールセンター
安定した収入: しっかりとした収入を得ることができるので、家計の足しに最適。
在宅でお小遣い稼ぎ: 通勤時間がないため、家族との時間を大切にできます。
3. 不用品販売
家の整理ができる: 使わなくなったものを処分できて、家がすっきりします。
簡単お小遣い稼ぎ: 初期費用がかからず、誰でもすぐに始められます。
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craigbrownphd · 2 months
InfoQ Dev Summit Boston: Being a Responsible Developer in the Age of AI Hype
#Technology #Tech #Infrastructure #DataArchitecture #DataDriven #DataEngineering https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/06/dev-summit-responsible-ai/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_term=Architecture%20%26%20Design
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innovativesjobs · 2 months
Staying Relevant: Continuous Learning and Skill Development for Senior Software Engineers
Code Warriors Never Rest: How Senior Software Engineers Stay Ahead in the Evolving Tech Jungle
The software engineering jobs landscape is a thriving ecosystem, constantly evolving with new technologies, frameworks, and best practices. While senior software engineers have climbed the coding mountain, the view from the top demands constant vigilance. To stay relevant and maintain a competitive edge, continuous learning becomes the key to survival in this ever-changing digital jungle.
Why Continuous Learning? The Code Never Sleeps
Think of the tech industry as a jungle where innovation is the lifeblood. New tools and libraries emerge like exotic flora, while established technologies adapt and evolve. Senior software engineers jobs, the alpha developers of this ecosystem, need to stay informed to navigate this dynamic terrain. Here's why continuous learning is paramount:
Maintaining Expertise: Technologies you mastered years ago might not be the dominant force today. Continuous learning allows you to stay abreast of the latest advancements and ensure your skillset remains relevant.
Adapting to Change: The tech jungle throws curveballs constantly. New project requirements, security threats, and architectural paradigms demand adaptability. Continuous learning equips you with the skills to tackle these challenges head-on.
Emerging Technologies: From the rise of AI and machine learning to the ever-expanding possibilities of blockchain, staying informed about emerging technologies allows you to contribute to cutting-edge projects and push the boundaries of software development.
Leadership Inspiration: Senior engineers are often seen as mentors and leaders. Continuous learning allows you to set an example for your team, fostering a culture of growth and innovation.
Career Advancement: The tech jungle rewards those who stay relevant. Continuous learning keeps your resume fresh and opens doors to exciting new opportunities within your company or even in uncharted territories.
Tools for Continuous Learning: Your Tech Arsenal
The good news is, the tech jungle offers a plethora of resources to fuel your learning fire. Here are some potent tools for your arsenal:
Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer a vast library of courses on everything from cloud computing to blockchain fundamentals. Take advantage of these self-paced learning opportunities to fit development into your busy schedule.
Industry Publications and Blogs: Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices by subscribing to industry publications and blogs like InfoQ, HackerRank, and The Changelog. These resources offer valuable insights from leading tech experts.
Technical Conferences and Events: Immerse yourself in the tech jungle by attending conferences and meetups. Network with fellow developers, attend talks on emerging trends, and gain practical knowledge through interactive workshops.
Open Source Contributions: Contributing to open-source projects is a fantastic way to learn new technologies, collaborate with developers globally, and gain valuable hands-on experience.
Emerging Technologies: Charting Your Course in the Tech Jungle
The tech jungle is teeming with exciting new technologies that senior software engineers can't afford to ignore. Here are some key areas to consider adding to your skillset:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Understanding the basics of AI and ML algorithms like deep learning will equip you to develop intelligent applications and solve complex problems.
Cloud Computing: Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP are dominating the tech landscape. Mastering cloud architecture and deployment strategies will enhance your value in a cloud-centric world.
Blockchain Technology: While still in its early stages, blockchain offers incredible potential for secure and transparent applications. Getting familiar with blockchain fundamentals can position you for future opportunities.
DevOps: Embracing DevOps principles like continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) will streamline your development workflow and enhance collaboration within your team.
Security: As cyber threats become more sophisticated, prioritizing secure coding practices and understanding common vulnerabilities become crucial skills.
Continuous Learning: A Mindset Shift, Not a Chore
Think of continuous learning not as a burden, but as an exciting adventure in the tech jungle. Approach it with curiosity, explore different resources, and challenge yourself with new topics. Actively seek opportunities to apply your newfound knowledge on projects and share your learnings with your team.
By embracing continuous learning, senior software engineers not only maintain their relevance in the ever-evolving tech landscape but also become valuable assets for their companies and leaders who inspire the next generation of coding warriors. So, keep your code warriors spirit alive, embrace the learning jungle, and keep climbing towards the peak of your software engineering career!
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fukugyou · 3 months
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1. オンラインライティング
おすすめポイント: 自宅で手軽に始められる、時間と場所に縛られない
始め方: クラウドソーシングサイト(例えば、クラウドワークスやランサーズ)に登録し、ライティングの仕事に応募します。
必要なもの: パソコン、インターネット接続、基本的な文章作成スキル
収益: 初心者の場合、1記事あたり数百円から数千円程度ですが、スキルや実績が増えるにつれて報酬も上がります。
2. オンラインアンケート
おすすめポイント: 誰でも簡単に始められる、短時間でできる
始め方: アンケートサイト(例えば、マクロミルやinfoQ)に登録し、アンケートに回答します。
必要なもの: パソコンまたはスマートフォン、インターネット接続
収益: 1回のアンケートで数十円から数百円程度ですが、継続的に行うことで収入を増やせます。
3. ハンドメイド商品の販売
おすすめポイント: 創造力を活かせる、自分のペースで作業できる
始め方: ハンドメイドマーケットプレイス(例えば、Creemaやminne)に登録し、自分の商品を出品します。
必要なもの: 材料、作業スペース、パソコンまたはスマートフォン、インターネット接続
収益: 商品の種類や品質によりますが、1個あたり数百円から数千円、場合によってはそれ以上の収入を得ることも可能です。
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mthecao · 3 months
Cách Kiếm Tiền Online 50K Miễn Phí Với App Infoq - App Kiếm Tiền Online ...
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jezuk · 4 months
I Don't Know Prolog, and so Can You - InfoQ
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b52clubla · 10 months
🏮🏮Giới Thiệu B52 📣📣
🎰 B52 nơi có kho game slot đồ sộ, để các anh em có thể săn hũ 24/24 - tỷ lệ ăn thưởng cao nhất, trong cổng game hiện tại nhà cái. 💥 Đôi nét về B52 💥 🔰 Giao diện cuốn hút ♻️ Khung giờ phát khuyến mãi mỗi ngày 🌐 Bảo mật thông tin tài khoản an toàn - xanh chín 🌐 👱‍♀️ Dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng chuyên nghiệp " có thể trò chuyện trò cùng các chị gái xinh đẹp " mỗi ngày. ✔️ Hướng dẫn đăng ký B52 🪪 Nạp - rút tiền nhanh chóng qua các app " ví momo, MBBank, Cake, Shopee, InfoQ, Toss, Ibotta, Golike,… " 🎮 Trải nghiệm ngay những game độc quyền của B52 thôi nào 🤩 ✈️ B52 - B52 Club - Nơi Hội Tụ Của Những AE Cược Thủ 📱 ♨️ Link Trang Chủ: https://b52club.la/ 🌟 Link đăng ký nhận mã xem live cá cược - trò chuyện với các chị gái: https://tinyurl.com/tk88nhacai 📞 Fage liên hệ CSKH: web.facebook.com/b52clubla/
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softwarily · 1 year
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luxmiami · 1 year
exotic car rental in miami
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strategictech · 1 year
DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report
Cloud innovation has transitioned from a revolutionary phase to an evolutionary one, focusing on migrating and re-architecting workloads. The cloud space has evolved toward providing on-demand access to scalable resources and managed services, emphasizing simplifying interactions and reducing cognitive load for teams. 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) may play a significant role in the domains of cloud and DevOps by addressing cognitive overload and supporting tasks like instant management, ticketing systems, and code generation. Major cloud providers like Microsoft, Google, and AWS have integrated AI into their products and services, showcasing the industry’s investment in AI technology. 
Low-code and no-code domains are impacted by AI-based and ChatGPT-like products, offering collaboration opportunities between business users and software engineering teams. 
Platform engineering is evolving toward simplification and value delivery, adopting a platform-as-a-service mindset. The role of platform engineering teams is shifting from complex infrastructure management to becoming service providers focused on user satisfaction and value creation. Observability, financial aspects, and sustainability considerations are becoming integral to platform engineering. 
OpenTelemetry is widely adopted for collecting metrics and event-based observability data, becoming the de facto standard in the industry. Its standardized nature encourages optimization and innovation among vendors. 
The focus on sustainability and green computing drives architectural choices toward efficiency and minimizing carbon footprints. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) teams are crucial in analyzing environmental impact and promoting sustainability initiatives.
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kennak · 1 year
パーサーのパフォーマンスについて言及すると、Rich Kilmer の 2004 年の RubyConf プレゼンテーションを思い出します。 Rich は Ruby を使用して、数百の Java VM を備えた分散システムの信頼性をテストしました。 シリアル化されたデータの一部は XML (100 万行以上!) として保存されていたため、解析と読み込みに時間がかかりました。 リッチはデータを Ruby コードとしてシリアル化するようにプログラムを変更し、読み込みが大幅に速くなりました ( https://www.infoq.com/news/2007/06/infoq-interview-rich-kilm... )。 > Chad Fowler と私は、基本的に 2 週間かけて、Java Debug Wire Protocol 仕様を採用し [...] それを Ruby の DSL に変換し、その DSL を使用してデータを送受信するためのパケットを生成しました。 そこで、Ruby コードを生成するためのジェネレーターとして Ruby の DSL をプロトコル全体として使用し、それを Darpa で使用しました。 彼らはこう言おうとしていた、「エージェント ソサエティ内からエージェント ソサエティを凍結することができます。エージェント ソサエティはメッセージを送信しますが、すべてのメッセージが伝播し、すべてが凍結して静かになるまでに約 7 ~ 8 分かかりました。 300 個の VM がすべてその下で実行されている Ruby プロセスがありましたが、約 0.5 秒でフリーズする可能性がありました。 全部で300個! モニターを設置したところ、CPU 使用率がゼロになったため、実際に CPU 使用率を確認することができました。 そしてそれは彼らを驚かせました。 そして、素晴らしいのは、それをオンに戻すことができ、すべてのエージェントが再びオンになったことです。 しかし、時間が失われてしまいました。 そして、それはまるで宇宙人による誘拐で時間が失われ、10分が経ってしまったかのようでした。「私たちに何が起こったのでしょうか?」 彼らはエージェントで、計画を立てていたのに、突然 10 分が過ぎてしまったので、それは奇妙なことでした。 しかし、Ruby がシステムなどを包み込むこの種のハーネスとして実際にどのように使用できるかを示すのは興味深いものでした。
Ruby パーサーの書き換え | ハッカーニュース
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