#Inside out Joy
tokibuns · 3 days
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sillies for nara’s magma !! ⭐️
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meeenrui · 3 days
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jid-milo · 2 days
Inside Out Pals
This past week, I went to a illustrator bazaar at my old collage. It was fun. Here its some of the new stickers I made for the event. ENJOY
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we've met our super heroes, but what about our super villains? time to meet two leaders from the evil syndicate, our heroes' greatest foe...
adélie valois, current heiress to the multimillion dollar tech and research corporation firehawk industries, appears in the public eye quite often. she's got big shoes to fill for a company so renowned...but she really doesn't seem fazed by it. either that, or she doesn't care. but what most don't know is that she's also got big shoes to fill as a supervillain. adélie is a sixth-generation psychic of a long line of supervillains, as well as the fifth to hold the family villain mantle, espritvoyant. it's...pretty clear she's only got a leadership position on the syndicate due to nepotism, given her rather nonexistent work ethic, but her powers are still a huge asset on stealth missions. although she usually just uses them to terrorize the heroes for the most part. her inherited powers have also just left her kind of numb to the thoughts and feelings of others. she readily expects how most people think and how they're going to act and gets bored easily because of it. her coworkers get pretty frustrated with her attitude, but it's not like it's her fault she's surrounded by such predictable individuals. revenge this, injustice that. she swears she's had her family motto engraved in the back of her eyelids at this point. (deep down, though, she resents her powers. she wishes for a little spontaneity in her life. she wishes she could get excited over stuff the way other people can. she wishes she wasn't like this). however, the sudden appearance of solarflare and kuiper have caught her eye as of late...especially the latter, who's surprisingly immune to her mind reading. maybe something worthwhile can come out of all of this...
and whenever she isn't just going at it solo, her partner is usually fellow syndicate leader blindside. he's often teamed with her on missions involving stealth, given his power of invisibility as well as his martial arts prowess provide the perfect balance of defense and offense. while esprit's purpose (or apathy) mostly revolves around just following her family's footsteps, blindside's motives are...a bit more murky. both the heroes and the syndicate are a bit confused about it. how did someone with such an otherwise gentle demeanor end up turning to evil? despite appearances, he doesn't seem to pull punches when it comes to heroes. why does he hate them so much? no one can seem to figure it out, given he just...doesn't talk. and while esprit is the only one he ever seems to hold conversation with given the inevitable nature of her mind reading, she hasn't pushed him on it (for which he is grateful). in the public eye, he goes by ichigo kato, an unassuming librarian with a pretty uneventful day job. well, except for that one nosy journalist who keeps coming in and giving him a near heart attack each time with the titles she keeps checking out...oh, and the fact that that one new hero, solarflare, kind of sort of knows his civilian identity now. there's that, too. he's not sure why she hasn't exposed him yet...but not like he's gonna say anything about it.
up next...we're not done with the syndicate just yet! what else does this organization have in store for our heroes...? stay tuned!
(need more context for this au? check out the other character sheets!
joy, sadness & anxiety // disgust & fear )
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re-colligere · 21 hours
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ehhhh doodle dump of a couple thangs I drew over the past few weeks/month. silly memes, interactions, and some early style tests for the webpage dossier!
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dazeddoodles · 18 hours
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Joy and Anger
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Okay, so I watched Inside Out 2 at like 5 am this morning. And I have to say that the movie isn’t bad! I just expected more to happen. Like Riley having a crush on a boy from her hockey team or something? And maybe add more to the girls that were gossiping about her?
I just feel like they could’ve added a bit more to the story to develop her character even more. Makes me wonder if we’ll get an Inside Out 3 or something.
Have any of you seen Inside Out 2? If so, what did you think about it? And what stuff would you add in if you could?
I have to say, my favorite emotion is Joy. She’s a very complex character and I loved her character development in this! She seems to understand the good and the bad side of things, which is why she’s one of my favorite characters. ♥️
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thedarkqueen14 · 22 hours
No Smurf for today but have these Inside Out Gala- I mean party outfits I made like....2 months ago! (Ugh I miss drawing these lads already)
It was super fun designing their outfits!! I had to make sure each and one of them suit their character
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letitgo0000 · 3 days
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Clumsy Act.
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zenmom · 22 hours
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Wow! This look much longer than I expected. And now I don’t know when I started making this (I think it’s somewhere in the beginning of June or August)
So I can imagine that Puberty will come in stages and that it’ll continue wreck some stuff and change the brain so that means Anxiety and the others are now also being affected by the changes. What I mean by stages is that I like to think there will be alarms for when Riley hit a stage of puberty and this one is the second.
And because the original five are more prepared than the newer ones, they handled this situation better.
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mycuriousmind18 · 15 hours
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Our Emotions in Height Order!(From Tall to Short)
Embarrassment is a giant of course
Ennui is actually the 2nd giant despite they hunch sometimes
Joy is the 3rd tallest
Fear is 4th tallest
Disgust is the 5th tallest
Sadness is a few inches behind her
Anxiety is the 4th shortest
Anger is the 3rd shortest
Nostalgia is the 2nd shortest
And Envy is the tiniest one out of everyone
And what about our Emotion-Sona? What is their height? How will it effect the height chart?
Mine is Curiosity of course. If I put her in, she would be taller then Joy but shorter than Ennui. That means that everyone, except Embarrassment and Ennui, would be put one spot down, and Disgust would be the Middle Height out of everyone. What your Emotion-Sona's Height?
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florverde45 · 18 hours
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thatcoollesbian · 2 days
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“She wants that cookie so ‘effing bad”
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alexabraixen · 2 days
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The voices 😀
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mumigeonjo · 3 months
Inside cats,,🐱🐱
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