#Insurance Scripts
leadsrain-blog · 10 months
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kajiimotojiiro · 24 days
Another disadvantage is working the hellish job that is Retail Healthcare which shouldn't even be a thing bc you should not have to pay for medications but. Also.
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ghostzzy · 27 days
like ik i need to probably find an in-network psychiatrist but every one i’ve ever had has been. Just So Fucking Bad.
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meowthplushie · 4 months
i have a really important phone call today and i'm so nervousss
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hafwen · 7 months
I figured out one of the problems with one of my prescriptions is that the doctor wrote a 90 day one instead of a a 30 day. I called my doctor and had them send it into cvs to it filled. Then the pharmacist called to yell at me for not fixing some billing code in my health insurance which is weird because she told me I couldn’t do that and she had to tell corporate and then it would take 5 business days.
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theorgantrail · 4 months
Call Your Insurance - benefit questions
I get it, phone calls are scary! Here's some scenarios to show you what to expect when you call your insurance company. Don't be afraid to ask follow up questions - the only 'stupid question' is one you don't ask!
[beginning of call] Insurance rep: Hi, thanks for calling your insurance company, my name is X. How can I help you today? You: Hi, I'm calling to ask about my benefits. Rep: Okay, can I get your member ID number? [you provide] and can you verify your name and date of birth for me? [you verify. they may also ask for your phone number at this point.] Rep: Alright, I've got you pulled up here. What questions do you have today?
[example one] You: I think I need to see a specialist and wanted to know what my benefits are for lab work. Rep: Okay, give me a minute to get that information for you. [answer will obviously vary! they may ask clarifying questions to help find an accurate answer, such as diagnosis/issue you are seeking help for. they may also have to provide a disclaimer that they cannot guarantee benefits quoted] It looks like you have a $45 copay for specialist office visits, and that can include some basic lab work if it is billed on the same claim. If they send it to a separate lab, then your In Network benefit is 80% after deductible. You: Can you check to see if the specialist is In Network? And do I need a referral? Rep: Sure, what's the doctor's name? [they may tell you to verify with the provider if they are In Network, as not all insurance reps will have access to 100% confirm a provider's network contract status, unfortunately.]
[example two] You: I'm going to need surgery. What are my benefits? Rep: I can look that up for you. Where will you be having the surgery? [surgery benefits can depend on whether you are inpatient, outpatient, or in-office] You: At the hospital, I might have to be there a few days. Rep: Okay, inpatient services require precertification. Your doctor will need to start that process by submitting a precert request to our fax number or through our website. The benefit for hospital services is 80% after deductible. It looks like you've already met your deductible, so that means you'll be paying 20% until you hit your out of pocket max, which is $4000 for In Network services. You: Does that include my deductible?
[end of call] Rep: Is there anything else I can help you with today? You: No that's all. Can I get a reference number for the call? [feel free to ask for their name again if you didn't catch it or forgot! some systems don't have reference numbers and just use the rep's name and the date, so its always good to keep notes of when you called, who you spoke with, and what they told you!]
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skautism · 4 months
i’d like to reiterate that living with my dad is an autistic nightmare
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werewolf4vampire · 5 months
i swear to god if i call my derm tomorrow and they tell me they haven't heard from dupixent and don't know what i'm talking about i'm going to fucking THROTTLE SOMEBODY!!!!
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compo67 · 7 months
thanks to my wonderful patrons, i am able to afford one of my meds this month. ;w; just let me go cry in gratitude over here...
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sleaterkinnie · 1 year
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transdelgado · 9 months
are y’all actually able to fill your testosterone prescription on a monthly basis or is the issue florida. genuinely curious
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
And so it begins...
Having severe mood swings and lots of anxiety bc my doctor fucked up one of my meds and I don't get more for another two weeks
It's a delayed release tablet but I only have 4 pills to last me 15 days so I cut them in half and am taking 1/2 every OTHER day and (: this is so fun (: today's a no pill day so yaaaay :)
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exrayspex · 2 years
i hate doctors and pharmacies so much..... for nearly a year now, i've been stuck getting either double the amount of nadolol that i need or none of it. i'm either drowning in extra bottles of pills or going without. and every time i try to fix this, it doesn't work!
my doctor assured me he would update the prescription to be accurate (it was set at 2x the amount i was supposed to get) last time i saw him when i asked about it. but then he just didn't do that. i then just never picked up one of the extra bottles bc i didn't need a fucking fourth bottle, and i assumed that would be the last of the extra pills. but that made the pharmacy take the script off of auto-refill, and they didn't tell me about this. so when i stopped getting all those extra pills, i thought it was bc my doctor had done what i asked. but no, the pharmacy had just stopped filling my script. didn't get to figure this all out until i ran out of my medication 🙃
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nhlcommissioner · 2 years
screaming crying throwing up etc
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fakeosirian · 2 years
i'm so sick of pharmacists just gimme my gd drugs bitch
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llycaons · 2 years
after two months of increasingly absurd and lengthy phone calls, I FINALLY have an appointment for my MRI, which is all things I need at last, a) covered by my current insurance b) within the city I live now c) before my start date at my job d) roughly within the six-month timeframe it was ordered. a fucking win
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