#Integrated Solar Light Camera
xingtongtechnology · 1 year
Demonstration Video of Solar Street Light Monitoring made by Anhui Xingtong Technology Co , Ltd.
●4 million pixels equipped with a star-level lens; ●Exclusive research and development of ultra-low power consumption, 365 days of continuous power; ●The lens rotates 360 degrees, and there is no dead angle in monitoring; ●Support mobile APP and PC multi-screen viewing; ●AI humanoid intelligent tracking; ●One-key alarm function; ●200LM/W, the whole lamp lumen 5000-12000lm is optional. More functions are waiting for you to experience
If there is any need, please contact us at [email protected]
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theallinoneca · 6 months
Glow Up Your Bedroom Wall Decor with Light Detection
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Smart Sensing Technology This motion sensor light detector seamlessly blends into your wall decor, offering both functionality and aesthetic appeal in one elegant package.
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nasa · 18 days
25 Years of Exploring the Universe with NASA's Chandra Xray Observatory
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Illustration of the Chandra telescope in orbit around Earth. Credit: NASA/CXC & J. Vaughan
On July 23, 1999, the space shuttle Columbia launched into orbit carrying NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. August 26 marked 25 years since Chandra released its first images.
These were the first of more than 25,000 observations Chandra has taken. This year, as NASA celebrates the 25th anniversary of this telescope and the incredible data it has provided, we’re taking a peek at some of its most memorable moments.
About the Spacecraft
The Chandra telescope system uses four specialized mirrors to observe X-ray emissions across the universe. X-rays that strike a “regular” mirror head on will be absorbed, so Chandra’s mirrors are shaped like barrels and precisely constructed. The rest of the spacecraft system provides the support structure and environment necessary for the telescope and the science instruments to work as an observatory. To provide motion to the observatory, Chandra has two different sets of thrusters. To control the temperatures of critical components, Chandra's thermal control system consists of a cooling radiator, insulators, heaters, and thermostats. Chandra's electrical power comes from its solar arrays.
Learn more about the spacecraft's components that were developed and tested at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Fun fact: If the state of Colorado were as smooth as the surface of the Chandra X-ray Observatory mirrors, Pike's Peak would be less than an inch tall.
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Engineers in the X-ray Calibration Facility at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, integrating the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s High-Resolution Camera with the mirror assembly, in this photo taken March 16, 1997. Credit: NASA
When space shuttle Columbia launched on July 23, 1999, Chandra was the heaviest and largest payload ever launched by the shuttle. Under the command of Col. Eileen Collins, Columbia lifted off the launch pad at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Chandra was deployed on the mission’s first day.
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Reflected in the waters, space shuttle Columbia rockets into the night sky from Launch Pad 39-B on mission STS-93 from Kennedy Space Center. Credit: NASA
First Light Images
Just 34 days after launch, extraordinary first images from our Chandra X-ray Observatory were released. The image of supernova remnant Cassiopeia A traces the aftermath of a gigantic stellar explosion in such captivating detail that scientists can see evidence of what is likely the neutron star.
“We see the collision of the debris from the exploded star with the matter around it, we see shock waves rushing into interstellar space at millions of miles per hour,” said Harvey Tananbaum, founding Director of the Chandra X-ray Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
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Cassiopeia A is the remnant of a star that exploded about 300 years ago. The X-ray image shows an expanding shell of hot gas produced by the explosion colored in bright orange and yellows. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO
A New Look at the Universe
NASA released 25 never-before-seen views to celebrate the telescopes 25th anniversary. This collection contains different types of objects in space and includes a new look at Cassiopeia A. Here the supernova remnant is seen with a quarter-century worth of Chandra observations (blue) plus recent views from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (grey and gold).
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This image features deep data of the Cassiopeia A supernova, an expanding ball of matter and energy ejected from an exploding star in blues, greys and golds. The Cassiopeia A supernova remnant has been observed for over 2 million seconds since the start of Chandra’s mission in 1999 and has also recently been viewed by the James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO
Can You Hear Me Now?
In 2020, experts at the Chandra X-ray Center/Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) and SYSTEM Sounds began the first ongoing, sustained effort at NASA to “sonify” (turn into sound) astronomical data. Data from NASA observatories such as Chandra, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the James Webb Space Telescope, has been translated into frequencies that can be heard by the human ear.
SAO Research shows that sonifications help many types of learners – especially those who are low-vision or blind -- engage with and enjoy astronomical data more.
Click to watch the “Listen to the Universe” documentary on NASA+ that explores our sonification work: Listen to the Universe | NASA+
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An image of the striking croissant-shaped planetary nebula called the Cat’s Eye, with data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope.  NASA’s Data sonification from Chandra, Hubble and/or Webb telecopes allows us to hear data of cosmic objects. Credit: NASA/CXO/SAO
Celebrate With Us!
Dedicated teams of engineers, designers, test technicians, and analysts at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, are celebrating with partners at the Chandra X-ray Center and elsewhere outside and across the agency for the 25th anniversary of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Their hard work keeps the spacecraft flying, enabling Chandra’s ongoing studies of black holes, supernovae, dark matter, and more.
Chandra will continue its mission to deepen our understanding of the origin and evolution of the cosmos, helping all of us explore the Universe.
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The Chandra Xray Observatory, the longest cargo ever carried to space aboard the space shuttle, is shown in Columbia’s payload bay. This photo of the payload bay with its doors open was taken just before Chandra was tilted upward for release and deployed on July 23, 1999. Credit: NASA
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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canmom · 20 days
games games'd recently
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Solar Ash: the second game by the people who made Hyper Light Drifter. My feelings about it largely align with the reviews: gorgeous aesthetic if not quite as personally a vibe as HLD, the skating flows really nicely, the 'track down all the collectable things' structure was a little frustrating at times but I got used to it, the Shadow of the Colossus-like boss battles were a lot of fun when they worked.
It's a game about a decaying world full of people trapped in cycles of facing their last, worst moments. Most of the people you meet are some kind of animal people - cat people, fungus people, snail space imperialists - and the tone varies between darkly comedic and Meditating Severely On Death. The tone often swings a little pulpy.
So, ultimately - spoilers! - it turns out to be a time loop (something they pretty heavily foreshadow). Your player character Rei is one half of a split being who, after failing to save her world, has been resetting time and time again. The character 'Echo' who you encounter after every boss fight, with a white theme in contrast to your character's black motifs, is the other half of you - the half that isn't convinced to keep trying over and over again to save your planet and is pretty mad at Rei for prolonging this whole miserable existence.
In the true ending finale sequence, Rei finally concedes and turns into a big monster, and you play as Echo (who conveniently controls the exact same as Rei) to pull out the big spikes impaling her, metaphorically allowing her to reconcile with you and allow the world to move on with the other characters .
So like, big old trauma flashback metaphor I guess? The character's inner world is reflected in a big expansive scifi.
The thing that intrigues me most about this game is the tech art. For example, take the cyan goop you surf along in various levels. It looks like it's made of metaballs, and I kind of wonder if they are doing some clever stuff with meshing, or if they're rendering with signed distance fields, or what... in any case, it leads to some very cool level design where you can skate over all surfaces of the blobby space matter, and there is no consistent 'down' direction.
I went looking for how they did this and I ended up finding a half-hour talk from the lead technical artist, which doesn't really address the cyan goop, but does talk about integrating Houdini procedural simulations into the game using Unreal...
He talks mostly about the process of authoring the game's 'islands' (using a procedural editor tool that runs Houdini to generate the geometry), but does casually mention the clouds becoming 'really cool SDF clouds' in game, so I guess I called it! Really cool that that can run real time without being too expensive. I am definitely curious about how they handled raymarching so many metaballs (assuming they used raymarching, but that is the standard way to render SDFs).
It's kind of crazy that Heart Machine could go from a Game Maker game (even one with fantastic art direction) to a game as ambitious as this one. In practice though... running all over the bosses is cool but with the amount of camera hinting (necessary at the speed you're moving) it kind of feels like a series of QTEs, just figuring out where the next node is and trying to avoid jumping in the black goop, and if you screw up, you have to try again from the start. They're really cool sequences, but from a gameplay perspective, more like a rhythm game than anything.
This game didn't quite hit the same level of 'wow vibes' of HLD for me - I liked the atmosphere of HLD, the quiet and haunted world, the Nausicaa-like monsters. But I definitely enjoyed my time with it, and it's crazy inspiring on a tech art level.
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The Thaumaturge: This is the latest game from 11 Bit Studios, of Frostpunk and This War of Mine fame. It's a fascinating concept: an RPG set in Warsaw at the turn of the 20th century, a world of boiling-over social tensions, in which you play essentially a wizard who summons invisible demons salutors to reveal secrets and manipulate people. Your father (also a wizard, you hated him) died mysteriously and now you're back at the family home to try to investigate.
I haven't finished this game yet (nowhere near, it's a big game), but I wanted to briefly comment!
In the first ten minutes of this game, you go to meet Rasputin. From that point I was already pretty much sold.
After sorting out some peasant-y business in what is essentially the tutorial area, you travel to Warsaw where the bulk of the game takes place, currently ruled by the Russian empire. Pretty much as soon as you get off the train, you run into Tsar Nicholas giving a speech, and get caught up in a tense standoff between the Russian cops and Polish workers. I ended up in prison lmao
This is the type of RPG that does have a combat system, and finds some... kinda awkward reasons to get Wiktor Szulski into fights now and again, but it's a pretty intriguing design oriented mostly around applying and exploiting status effects. But really, I'm here for the story, and the period setting. Although 11Bit are not a Polish studio, the game has the option of full voice acting in Polish, which is really sick - apparently they put some effort into giving it period language as well. And even though this is an occult story about wizard business, there's clearly a huge amount of love for the historical setting - there's a bunch of mini sidequests that just take you to look at landmarks and get a little bit of xp from it.
Wiktor is a fun protagonist to inhabit, and the game encourages you towards spicier dialogue options with its system of Flaws - essentially, each salutor is associated with a point of characterisation, such as pride, and if you feed that flaw by picking prideful dialogue options when they're offered, that will apparently make your salutor more powerful. It is certainly reminiscent of Disco Elysium's design with the thoughts as characters, but it's got enough of its own flavour to not feel derivative.
I will surely have much more to say about The Thaumaturge as I progress through it, but honestly, just wanted to shine a light on this game because it's fascinating. This kind of RPG doesn't come along often enough.
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Neon White: Only just started on this one. It's exactly what everyone says: an addicting game designed to ease you into speedrunning. I have two friends on Steam who have played it and both of their times are very tight and several seconds faster than what I'm able to do lol.
Everyone also says the plot is a bit ehh and well... they're right. Strangely the tone reminded me most of all of the anime Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers: oddly casual, and despite the weebcore vibes, the character archetypes are more American - bubbly psycho girl, femme fatale, frat bro. It's very much aiming for humour, and generally it's not terrible, but the hit rate there is kinda mixed. I'm actually a bit surprised by it - given the aesthetic with the hannya masks everywhere, I was kinda expecting something way more chuuni, but it's quite laid back so far.
But none of that matters really because it's a speedrunning game, it's not about the story! The controls are tight as hell, the levels are elegantly designed to steer you towards picking up on shortcuts with a compelling learning curve, and restarting is incredibly easy. So far I've grabbed Ace medals on every level I've played, but there's a huge amount of room for improvement still. Definitely reminiscent of doing time trials in Mirror's Edge back in the day. Definitely gonna play this more.
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esconpanache · 3 months
Elevating Lifestyle Standards: Escon Panache’s Commitment to Sustainable Living and Safety & Security
At Escon Panache, we believe that true luxury extends beyond exquisite design and prime locations. It encompasses a commitment to sustainable living and ensuring the utmost safety and security for our residents. Here’s how Escon Panache Villas excels in these crucial areas, offering a harmonious blend of eco-friendly practices and cutting-edge security measures.
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Sustainable Living: A Greener Tomorrow
Escon Panache is dedicated to fostering a sustainable lifestyle, integrating eco-friendly practices and technologies that not only benefit our residents but also contribute to the well-being of our planet.
Energy Efficiency
Our commitment to sustainability starts with energy efficiency. Escon Panache incorporates advanced energy-saving technologies, including LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and high-performance windows. These features significantly reduce energy consumption, lowering your carbon footprint and utility bills.
Renewable Energy Sources
Harnessing the power of renewable energy is at the core of Escon Panache’s sustainability initiatives. Our buildings are equipped with solar panels that generate clean, renewable energy, reducing dependence on non-renewable resources and promoting a greener environment.
Water Conservation
Water is a precious resource, and Escon Panache employs innovative water conservation techniques. Our properties feature rainwater harvesting systems, low-flow fixtures, and efficient irrigation systems that minimize water usage while maintaining lush, green landscapes.
Eco-Friendly Materials
The construction of Escon Panache utilizes sustainable building materials that are both durable and environmentally friendly. From recycled steel to sustainably sourced timber, every material is chosen to reduce environmental impact while ensuring the highest quality and longevity.
Green Spaces and Biodiversity
Escon Panache is designed with ample green spaces that enhance biodiversity and provide residents with a natural retreat. Our meticulously landscaped gardens, green roofs, and tree-lined pathways offer a serene environment, promoting physical and mental well-being.
Waste Management
Effective waste management is essential for a sustainable community. Escon Panache implements comprehensive recycling programs, composting systems, and waste segregation practices that minimize landfill contributions and encourage responsible waste disposal.
Safety and Security: Peace of Mind
At Escon Panache, the safety and security of our residents are paramount. We employ state-of-the-art technologies and robust security measures to ensure a secure living environment.
24/7 Surveillance
Our properties are equipped with advanced 24/7 surveillance systems, including high-definition CCTV cameras strategically placed throughout the premises. These systems are monitored by trained security personnel, ensuring constant vigilance and quick response to any incidents.
Controlled Access
Escon Panache prioritizes controlled access to enhance security. Our gated communities feature secure entry points with biometric or keycard access systems, ensuring that only authorized residents and guests can enter the premises.
Professional Security Personnel
Trained security personnel are present round-the-clock to maintain a safe environment. Our security team is equipped to handle emergencies and provide assistance to residents, offering peace of mind at all times.
Fire Safety Measures
Fire safety is a critical aspect of our security strategy. Escon Panache is equipped with modern fire detection and suppression systems, including smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems, ensuring prompt response and minimizing risk in case of a fire.
Emergency Preparedness
Escon Panache has comprehensive emergency preparedness plans in place. Regular drills and training sessions are conducted to ensure that residents and staff are well-prepared to handle emergencies efficiently and effectively.
Secure Parking Facilities
Our secure parking facilities are designed to protect your vehicles. Equipped with surveillance cameras and controlled access, our parking areas provide a safe environment for residents’ vehicles, preventing unauthorized access and theft.
Experience the Escon Panache Difference
Escon Panache Villas are more than just a residence; it’s a commitment to a better lifestyle. Our focus on sustainable living and unwavering dedication to safety and security create an environment where residents can thrive with peace of mind. Discover the Escon Panache difference, where luxury living meets responsible practices and top-tier security in its 4 BHK Villas in Greater Noida.
Visit Escon Panache today and embrace a lifestyle that’s safe, secure, and sustainable. Your future awaits.
Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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whirligig-girl · 1 year
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Etheria’s moons to dubious scale. The second from the right, the blue & purple one, is about the same size compared to Etheria as the Moon is compared to the Earth.
Probably the first thing I noticed when I watched She-Ra and the Princesses of Power was all the damn moons. I’d seen screenshots and clips of the show taking place on a space ship, so I figured “Brightmoon” was literally the name of a moon. But nope--the Starship Darla wouldn’t make her appearance until much later. Anyway. Despite the unrealistic appearance of the moons in the show, I resolved to Figure Out How They Work Eventually. Here’s some thoughts so far.
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I’m unwilling to trust most of these sizes because of perspective effects and because it’s a cartoon. I think probably they’re all smaller than it seems. Obviously the “real” spacing is completely different than in the drawing.
If this image is taken with a telescope, or even a telephoto lens from sufficiently far away, then the original image scale could correspond to the scale of the actual planets.
we only have actual depth information for ONE moon--the blue and purple one in front of Etheria, which means its actual scale relative to Etheria is probably smaller than in the image.
each other moon could be either very large and distant or very small and near to the camera, but the way it looks in some scenes moving towards Etheria suggest that the moons are depicted not much farther or closer from the camera than Etheria itself, so I think taking these as roughly to-scale can serve as a starting point for figuring the rest out.
My progress so far in figuring out how to fit 11 large moons into orbit around one Earthlike planet:
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this is only five. Four ceres in a near 1:2:4:8 resonance (such that triple conjunctions are possible, but rare), with that pink moon represented as a Mars-mass world, orbiting about once per month. If I move the Mars out much more, it might not be stable accounting for solar tides. (Etheria does have a sun? right? it’s not entirely clear to me. Does it have a different sun in Despondos than in the Universe? like, Despondos has Just One Sun? Is Despondos’ cosmic background lighting up half the sky? Or did the Etherian Sun come along for the ride through the portals, off-screen? I’m making the assumption that even if there is no real Sun in Despondos, the moon system pre-dated Etheria’s stranding, so it’s still constrained by solar tides.
anyway. the five there. I think I can add more. the Mars can support subsatellites, which I think should be allowed, and I think I can fit in some smaller asteroid-sized moons in low orbits in between the resonant friend quad.
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I’m not even close to understanding their geology, yet. I need to have a grasp on their basic physical properties first. But I’m guessing magic and technology are both relevant. One of the three moons of enchantment clearly had cloud banding, not impact craters. it could be terraformed--even if the first one’s tech that terraformed it is gone, perhaps it could still carry an atmosphere for the ~thousand years or so the first ones have been gone?
I wonder if the moons were early test beds for first ones to test magic/tech integration on a planetary scale. (which leads to the dark question of “was there a Heart of the Moon Project?”)
Certainly if the first ones were spacefarers they would have had some infrastructure on the moons.
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NASA tests deployment of Roman Space Telescope's 'visor'
The "visor" for NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope recently completed several environmental tests simulating the conditions it will experience during launch and in space. Called the Deployable Aperture Cover, this large sunshade is designed to keep unwanted light out of the telescope. This milestone marks the halfway point for the cover's final sprint of testing, bringing it one step closer to integration with Roman's other subsystems this fall.
Designed and built at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, the Deployable Aperture Cover consists of two layers of reinforced thermal blankets, distinguishing it from previous hard aperture covers, like those on NASA's Hubble. The sunshade will remain folded during launch and deploy after Roman is in space via three booms that spring upward when triggered electronically.
"With a soft deployable like the Deployable Aperture Cover, it's very difficult to model and precisely predict what it's going to do—you just have to test it," said Matthew Neuman, a DAC mechanical engineer at Goddard. "Passing this testing now really proves that this system works."
During its first major environmental test, the aperture cover endured conditions simulating what it will experience in space. It was sealed inside NASA Goddard's Space Environment Simulator—a massive chamber that can achieve extremely low pressure and a wide range of temperatures.
Technicians placed the DAC near six heaters—a sun simulator—and thermal simulators representing Roman's Outer Barrel Assembly and Solar Array Sun Shield. Since these two components will eventually form a subsystem with the Deployable Aperture Cover, replicating their temperatures allows engineers to understand how heat will actually flow when Roman is in space.
When in space, the Deployable Aperture Cover is expected to operate at minus 67 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 55 degrees Celsius. However, recent testing cooled the cover to minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 70 degrees Celsius—ensuring that it will work even in unexpectedly cold conditions.
Once chilled, technicians triggered its deployment, carefully monitoring through cameras and sensors onboard. Over the span of about a minute, the sunshade successfully deployed, proving its resilience in extreme space conditions.
"This was probably the environmental test we were most nervous about," said Brian Simpson, project design lead for the Deployable Aperture Cover at NASA Goddard. "If there's any reason that the Deployable Aperture Cover would stall or not completely deploy, it would be because the material became frozen stiff or stuck to itself."
If the sunshade were to stall or partially deploy, it would obscure Roman's view, severely limiting the mission's science capabilities.
After passing thermal vacuum testing, the Deployable Aperture Cover underwent acoustic testing to simulate the launch's intense noises, which can cause vibrations at higher frequencies than the shaking of the launch itself. During this test, the sunshade remained stowed, hanging inside one of Goddard's acoustic chambers—a large room outfitted with two gigantic horns and hanging microphones to monitor sound levels.
With the Deployable Aperture Cover plastered in sensors, the acoustic test ramped up in noise level, eventually subjecting the cover to one full minute at 138 decibels—louder than a jet plane's takeoff at close range! Technicians attentively monitored the sunshade's response to the powerful acoustics and gathered valuable data, concluding that the test succeeded.
"For the better part of a year, we've been building the flight assembly," Simpson said. "We're finally getting to the exciting part where we get to test it. We're confident that we'll get through with no problem, but after each test we can't help but breathe a collective sigh of relief."
Next, the Deployable Aperture Cover will undergo its two final phases of testing. These assessments will measure the sunshade's natural frequency and response to the launch's vibrations. Then, the Deployable Aperture Cover will integrate with the Outer Barrel Assembly and Solar Array Sun Shield this fall.
TOP IMAGE: Technicians prepare for acoustic testing at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. During testing, the Deployable Aperture Cover for NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope was suspended in the air and exposed to 138 decibels for one full minute to simulate launch's intense noise. Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn
CENTRE IMAGE: After a successful test deployment at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, clean room technicians inspect the Deployable Aperture Cover for NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn
LOWER IMAGE: Brian Simpson, product design lead at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, adjusts sensors on the Deployable Aperture Cover for NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The sensors will collect data on the DAC's response to testing. Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn
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maddy-blogs · 3 months
Introduction :-
The exterior design of your home sets the first impression and reflects your style and personality. In Tamil Nadu, a state known for its rich cultural heritage and modern advancements, exterior design trends are evolving to blend tradition with contemporary aesthetics. Here’s a look at the latest
1. Fusion of Traditional and Modern Elements
One of the most popular trends in Tamil Nadu is the fusion of traditional and modern design elements. Homeowners are incorporating traditional features like intricate woodwork, terracotta tiles, and ornamental columns with sleek, modern lines and minimalist aesthetics.
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Key Features:
Traditional Woodwork: Use of intricately carved wooden doors and windows.
Modern Minimalism: Clean lines and minimalist design for a balanced look.
Mixed Materials: Combination of materials like wood, glass, and concrete.
2. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Designs
With a growing awareness of environmental issues, sustainable and eco-friendly exterior designs are gaining popularity. Homeowners are opting for materials and designs that reduce the environmental footprint of their homes.
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Key Features:
Green Roofs: Roofs covered with vegetation to improve insulation and reduce heat.
Solar Panels: Integration of solar panels for energy efficiency.
Natural Materials: Use of locally sourced, sustainable materials like bamboo and reclaimed wood.
3. Outdoor Living Spaces
The trend of creating functional outdoor living spaces continues to thrive. Homeowners in Tamil Nadu are designing patios, decks, and gardens that serve as extensions of their indoor living areas.
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Key Features:
Patios and Decks: Spacious outdoor areas with comfortable seating and dining spaces.
Outdoor Kitchens: Fully equipped kitchens for outdoor cooking and entertaining.
Landscaped Gardens: Professionally landscaped gardens with native plants and water features.
4. Vibrant Color Palettes
While neutral tones remain popular, there is a noticeable shift towards bolder and more vibrant color palettes. Homeowners are experimenting with colors to add personality and character to their exteriors.
Key Features:
Bold Accents: Brightly colored doors, shutters, and trims.
Natural Hues: Earthy tones like terracotta, olive green, and deep blue.
Contrasting Combinations: Use of contrasting colors to highlight architectural features.
5. Textured Finishes
Textured finishes add depth and interest to exterior walls. This trend involves using various techniques and materials to create unique textures that stand out.
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Key Features:
Stone Cladding: Natural stone or stone-like materials for a rustic look.
Textured Paints: Specialty paints that create textured effects.
Stucco Finishes: Smooth or rough stucco finishes for a Mediterranean feel.
6. Large Windows and Glass Facades
Maximizing natural light and creating a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces, large windows and glass facades are a major trend in Tamil Nadu.
Key Features:
Floor-to-Ceiling Windows: Expansive windows that offer unobstructed views.
Sliding Glass Doors: Large glass doors that open up to patios or gardens.
Glass Balconies: Balconies with glass railings for a modern touch.
7. Smart Home Integration
Smart home technology is becoming an integral part of exterior designs. Homeowners are incorporating advanced systems for security, lighting, and climate control that can be controlled remotely.
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Key Features:
Smart Security Systems: Surveillance cameras and smart locks.
Automated Lighting: Smart lighting systems that can be programmed or controlled via smartphone.
Climate Control: Smart thermostats and sensors for efficient climate management.
Transforming your home with the latest exterior design trends in Tamil Nadu not only enhances its curb appeal but also adds value and functionality. Whether you prefer a fusion of traditional and modern elements, sustainable designs, or smart home technology, these trends offer a variety of options to suit your style and needs. Embrace these trends to create a beautiful and contemporary home that stands out in Tamil Nadu’s vibrant architectural landscape.
With regards
N Mohan
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spacenutspod · 4 months
A new, higher-resolution infrared camera outfitted with a variety of lightweight filters could probe sunlight reflected off Earth’s upper atmosphere and surface, improve forest fire warnings, and reveal the molecular composition of other planets. The cameras use sensitive, high-resolution strained-layer superlattice sensors, initially developed at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, using IRAD, Internal Research and Development funding. Their compact construction, low mass, and adaptability enable engineers like Tilak Hewagama to adapt them to the needs of a variety of sciences. Goddard engineer Murzy Jhabvala holds the heart of his Compact Thermal Imager camera technology – a high-resolution, high-spectral range infrared sensor suitable for small satellites and missions to other solar-system objects. “Attaching filters directly to the detector eliminates the substantial mass of traditional lens and filter systems,” Hewagama said. “This allows a low-mass instrument with a compact focal plane which can now be chilled for infrared detection using smaller, more efficient coolers. Smaller satellites and missions can benefit from their resolution and accuracy.” Engineer Murzy Jhabvala led the initial sensor development at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, as well as leading today’s filter integration efforts. Jhabvala also led the Compact Thermal Imager experiment on the International Space Station that demonstrated how the new sensor technology could survive in space while proving a major success for Earth science. More than 15 million images captured in two infrared bands earned inventors, Jhabvala, and NASA Goddard colleagues Don Jennings and Compton Tucker an agency Invention of the Year award for 2021. The Compact Thermal Imager captured unusually severe fires in Australia from its perch on the International Space Station in 2019 and 2020. With its high resolution, detected the shape and location of fire fronts and how far they were from settled areas — information critically important to first responders. Credit: NASA Data from the test provided detailed information about wildfires, better understanding of the vertical structure of Earth’s clouds and atmosphere, and captured an updraft caused by wind lifting off Earth’s land features called a gravity wave. The groundbreaking infrared sensors use layers of repeating molecular structures to interact with individual photons, or units of light. The sensors resolve more wavelengths of infrared at a higher resolution: 260 feet (80 meters) per pixel from orbit compared to 1,000 to 3,000 feet (375 to 1,000 meters) possible with current thermal cameras. The success of these heat-measuring cameras has drawn investments from NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO), Small Business Innovation and Research, and other programs to further customize their reach and applications. Jhabvala and NASA’s Advanced Land Imaging Thermal IR Sensor (ALTIRS) team are developing a six-band version for this year’s LiDAR, Hyperspectral, & Thermal Imager (G-LiHT) airborne project. This first-of-its-kind camera will measure surface heat and enable pollution monitoring and fire observations at high frame rates, he said. NASA Goddard Earth scientist Doug Morton leads an ESTO project developing a Compact Fire Imager for wildfire detection and prediction. “We’re not going to see fewer fires, so we’re trying to understand how fires release energy over their life cycle,” Morton said. “This will help us better understand the new nature of fires in an increasingly flammable world.” CFI will monitor both the hottest fires which release more greenhouse gases and cooler, smoldering coals and ashes which produce more carbon monoxide and airborne particles like smoke and ash. “Those are key ingredients when it comes to safety and understanding the greenhouse gases released by burning,” Morton said. After they test the fire imager on airborne campaigns, Morton’s team envisions outfitting a fleet of 10 small satellites to provide global information about fires with more images per day. Combined with next generation computer models, he said, “this information can help the forest service and other firefighting agencies prevent fires, improve safety for firefighters on the front lines, and protect the life and property of those living in the path of fires.” Probing Clouds on Earth and Beyond Outfitted with polarization filters, the sensor could measure how ice particles in Earth’s upper atmosphere clouds scatter and polarize light, NASA Goddard Earth scientist Dong Wu said. This applications would complement NASA’s PACE — Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem — mission, Wu said, which revealed its first light images earlier this month. Both measure the polarization of light wave’s orientation in relation to the direction of travel from different parts of the infrared spectrum. “The PACE polarimeters monitor visible and shortwave-infrared light,” he explained. “The mission will focus on aerosol and ocean color sciences from daytime observations. At mid- and long-infrared wavelengths, the new Infrared polarimeter would capture cloud and surface properties from both day and night observations.” In another effort, Hewagama is working Jhabvala and Jennings to incorporate linear variable filters which provide even greater detail within the infrared spectrum. The filters reveal atmospheric molecules’ rotation and vibration as well as Earth’s surface composition. That technology could also benefit missions to rocky planets, comets, and asteroids, planetary scientist Carrie Anderson said. She said they could identify ice and volatile compounds emitted in enormous plumes from Saturn’s moon Enceladus. “They are essentially geysers of ice,” she said, “which of course are cold, but emit light within the new infrared sensor’s detection limits. Looking at the plumes against the backdrop of the Sun would allow us to identify their composition and vertical distribution very clearly.” By Karl B. Hille NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. Share Details Last Updated May 22, 2024 Related TermsGoddard TechnologyGoddard Space Flight CenterTechnology Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From NASA Goddard Technology Innovations Goddard's Office of the Chief Technologist oversees the center's technology research and development efforts and provides updates on the latest… Goddard’s Internal Research & Development Program (IRAD) Information and links for Goddard's IRAD and CIF technology research and development programs and other NASA tech development sources. Technology Goddard Office of the Chief Technologist Staff page for the Goddard Office of the Chief Technologist with portraits and short bios
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ybkstore · 1 year
best home gadgets 2023
In the fast-paced world of technology, every year brings a new wave of innovative gadgets that promise to make our lives more convenient, efficient, and enjoyable. As we settle into 2023, homeowners are once again treated to a plethora of exciting options that are designed to transform their living spaces into smart, efficient hubs. Join us as we explore the top home gadgets of 2023 that are redefining modern living.
1. Smart Home Assistants: More than Just Virtual Companions
Leading the charge in the realm of home automation are smart home assistants, the ultimate companions for multitasking homeowners. Devices like the XYZ Home Hub seamlessly integrate with other smart appliances, allowing you to control your lights, thermostats, and even security cameras with just a voice command. Whether it's managing your daily schedule or ordering groceries online, these gadgets are here to simplify your life in ways you never thought possible.
2. Intelligent Kitchen Marvels: Cooking Made Effortless
The heart of any home is the kitchen, and in 2023, it's getting a tech-savvy makeover. Imagine a refrigerator that can suggest recipes based on the ingredients it houses or a smart oven that can perfectly cook your favorite dishes with minimal input. These intelligent kitchen gadgets are designed to turn even the most novice chef into a culinary master, all while saving precious time in our busy lives.
3. Wellness-Oriented Living: The Rise of Smart Health Monitors
Health and well-being take center stage this year with the introduction of advanced smart health monitors. From sleep trackers that analyze your sleep patterns to smart scales that provide detailed insights into your body composition, these gadgets empower homeowners to take control of their health from the comfort of their homes. Stay on top of your fitness goals and overall wellness like never before.
4. Eco-Friendly Living: Smart Energy Management
As sustainability continues to gain importance, home gadgets that promote eco-friendly living are in the spotlight. Smart thermostats, like the EcoTemp 3000, learn your heating and cooling preferences, adjusting them automatically to optimize energy usage. Solar-powered charging stations for your devices and AI-driven energy monitors are also part of the eco-conscious lineup for 2023, helping you reduce your carbon footprint while saving money.
5. Next-Level Entertainment: Immersive Home Theaters
Transform your living room into a cinematic experience with the latest advancements in home theater gadgets. The UltraVision 8K projector boasts crystal-clear visuals that transport you into your favorite movies, while the SoundSurge 360 audio system creates a surround sound experience like no other. Get ready to host epic movie nights that rival the local multiplex, all from the comfort of your couch.
6. Security Reinvented: Smarter, Safer Homes
Home security gets an intelligent upgrade in 2023, with gadgets designed to keep your home safer than ever. The Sentinel 5 security system utilizes AI to distinguish between true threats and false alarms, ensuring that you're always aware of what's happening in and around your home. Paired with smart doorbell cameras and keyless entry systems, these gadgets provide peace of mind, whether you're at home or away.
In conclusion, 2023 is undoubtedly a remarkable year for home gadgets that cater to various aspects of modern living. From transforming your kitchen into a high-tech culinary haven to ensuring your home is both energy-efficient and secure, these gadgets are redefining the way we interact with our living spaces. As we embrace the future, these innovations remind us that the possibilities are limitless when it comes to making our homes smarter, more efficient, and enjoyable.
Investing in these top-notch home gadgets of 2023 is not just about keeping up with the trends; it's about embracing a lifestyle that is more connected, more sustainable, and more comfortable. Say goodbye to the hassles of traditional living and welcome the future with open arms—and the best home gadgets that it has to offer.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
The Most Dangerous Film in the World
Three days after the explosion and meltdown of Chernobyl’s Nuclear Reactor Unit 4 on April 26, 1986, Soviet filmmaker Vladimir Shevchenko was granted permission to fly over the 30-square-kilometer site known as the Exclusion Zone. His assignment was to document the cleanup operations being carried out by Ukrainian workers and volunteers, most of whom would eventually succumb to the extraordinarily high levels of radiation they were exposed to while trying to contain the disaster.
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When Shevchenko’s 35mm footage was later developed, he noticed that a portion of the film was heavily pockmarked and carried extraneous static interference and noise. Thinking initially that the film stock used had been defective, Shevchenko eventually realized that what he had captured on film was the image and sound of radioactivity itself.
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This article is adapted from Susan Schuppli’s book “Material Witness: Media, Forensics, Evidence.” Buy the book: Amazon, Bookshop, more options
Upon projection, small flares of light momentarily ignite the surface of the film. Sparking and crackling, they conjure a pyrotechnics of ghostly defects that are the consequence of decaying radioactive particles moving through the exterior casing of Shevchenko’s 35mm Konvas camera to activate the emulsive properties of the film. What we are witness to, in this fleeting energetic event, is the radiological conversion of a somewhat pedestrian account of the disaster into the most dangerous film in the world.
“Radiation is a fatal invisible foe. One that even penetrates steel plating. It has no odor, nor color. But it has a voice. Here it is. We thought this film was defective. But we were mistaken. This is how radiation looks,” Shevchenko narrates over the film. “This shot was taken when we were allowed a 30-second glimpse from the armored troop-carrier. On that April night the first men passed here — without protection or stop-watches, aware of the danger, as soldiers performing a great feat. Our camera was loaded with black-and-white film. This is why the events of the first weeks will be black and white, the colors of disaster.”
Shevchenko’s film, “Chernobyl: Chronicle of Difficult Weeks,” provides us with an intimate view into the space of disaster. And while its pictorial mediation allows us to remain at a safe and objective distance from the hazard, the sudden distortion of the documentary’s sound and images, and the Geiger-like interference of radiation, inaugurates a sense of dread that what we are witnessing on film is in fact the unholy representation of the real: an amorphous and evil contagion that continues to release its lethal discharges into the present and future yet to come.
The contaminated film footage thus complicates the conventional partitioning of time by hurling us unwittingly back into the contact zone of the event — not merely as viewers but also as witnesses to an event whose time has not yet passed. Even when I am watching a safe VHS copy of this film, I am reminded of the transgressive agency of the nuclear to contravene the material borders that traditionally maintain the integrity between human and nonhuman entities, between bodies and images, between past and present.
Given what we know about the radical chemistry and anarchic temporality of nuclear materials, it is impossible to fully distance ourselves from this fallout on film, regardless of how far removed we believe ourselves to be from the event in both space and time.
The detonation of the first nuclear weapon in 1945 altered the planet’s baseline levels of ionizing radiation irrevocably as newly created isotopes such as caesium-134 and 137 began to supplement naturally occurring cosmic and terrestrial radiation. Although caesium-137 first appeared in the early solar system through processes of natural nuclear fission, more than 1.7 billion years would pass before it reappeared on Earth in any detectable amount — on December 2, 1942, as a result of a nuclear chain reaction produced by the first-ever human-made nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1, built under the supervision of physicist Enrico Fermi.
In the decades that immediately followed Fermi’s experiment, “humanity began to significantly change the global radiation environment by testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere,” as a sobering article charting the fallout from nuclear weapons tests explains. “By the early 1960s, there was no place on Earth where the signature of atmospheric nuclear testing could not be found in soil, water and even polar ice.”
By extension, Shevchenko’s contaminated film, whether the original 35mm print or its VHS copy, signals an intensification of an already increasingly “unnatural” radiological world where anthropogenic contamination would become omnipresent. The interference that we observe within the image field of “Chronicle of Difficult Weeks” is a tacit reminder that the nuclear always operates in excess of containment and is thus ontologically predisposed to breaching imposed limits, whether they are film frames, reactor units, or remote test sites.
Although radiation is effectively everywhere, events around Chernobyl unfolded in such a way as to negate the scale and extent of the accident, and even initially to deny that it ever happened. As one Polish protestor would scrawl months later on his placard, in an antinuclear demonstration held after the USSR reluctantly admitted that an incident had occurred in the Ukraine: “Chernobyl is everywhere — except in the East.”
The irradiated image matter of Shevchenko’s documentary offers a paradigmatic account of a material witness in which trace evidence of an external event — the nuclear accident at Chernobyl — is registered directly by changes in the material composition of the artifact, producing information that opens up the artifact to further analysis and critical reflection.
In the case of Shevchenko’s defective film stock, there can be no dispute that the radioactive isotopes released into the atmosphere by the reactor meltdown — at a magnitude 400 times greater than that of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima — were the source of the film’s contamination, and thus offered compelling evidence as to the scale and migrating nature of the disaster. Indeed, subsequent radiation readings also confirmed that all of his film equipment, including his Konvas and cherished Arriflex cameras, had been severely exposed, thus requiring their immediate decommissioning and disposal. Shevchenko himself died less than a year later, in March 1987.
The public contexts in which Chernobyl’s contaminants would come to feature as evidence that a major nuclear accident had occurred largely took place outside of the Soviet Union. Only when Sweden — after picking up unusually high levels of radiation — threatened to file an official alert with the International Atomic Energy Agency did the Soviet Union admit privately that there had been some sort of incident at Chernobyl. In the political aftermath of the tragedy at Chernobyl, the failure to inform its citizens served to expose the hubris of the Soviet State, which hid the disaster from the public, acted far too slowly in disclosing and managing the risk, covered up negligence in the reactor’s operational procedures, and ultimately exposed millions to unnecessary poisoning, especially as the contaminating winds blew northwest across the Ukrainian border into Belarus, and onward into Poland and Sweden.
Activities were underway for May Day celebrations throughout the USSR; Soviet officials felt that it would dampen festive spirits if news of the nuclear meltdown and potential health hazards were publicized during this period. As a result, atmospheric molecules carrying ionizing radiation entered into the respiratory systems of thousands of unsuspecting hosts. Children, it turned out, were the most susceptible to this migrating airborne malevolence. Radiation affects cells in the thyroid gland above all, which in young people are in an active state of duplication or growth. Consequently, irradiated cells were turned out at unprecedented metabolic rates, spawning, in turn, statistically abnormal increases in the incidents of thyroid tumors among children.
Today, an estimated 3.5 million Ukrainians are still plagued with maladies linked to Chernobyl; many of them have received little or no compensation for their suffering. The situation in Belarus, recipient of 70 percent of Chernobyl’s airborne contaminants, is even grimmer.
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Cover of Pravda newspaper, April 26, 1986, day of the Chernobyl nuclear accident; and cover of Pravda newspaper, May 15, 1986. Nineteen days after the accident at Chernobyl, President Mikhail Gorbachev made a television address to the Soviet people.
A subsequent legal trial was organized entirely around procedural failings rather than the admission of any evidential artifacts of a material nature. In this regard, State silence around the various material expressions of nuclear contamination could more aptly be described as disclosing the management of the disaster as a “nonevent.” If the material witness’s dual obligation is to act as a registration system that archives trace evidence of events as well as accounting for the appearance of such evidence within the contested spaces of public discourse, then the willful lack of public acknowledgment for 19 harrowing days — the length of time before Soviet newspapers registered publicly that a major nuclear accident had taken place — could be said to constitute an event in and of itself. Silence, secrecy, and the withdrawal of the conventions of public speech should be understood as modes of evidence-making in their own right.
Within this context of denial, Shevchenko’s film is a material witness, and a hostile one at that, in both the literal and legal sense of the term. As a materially compromised artifact the film inadvertently offered up damaging testimony that was willfully antagonistic to the narratives of nuclear containment and crisis management that were being advanced by the State via their commissioning of the documentary, with its focus on cleanup operations.
As the airborne malevolence of Chernobyl moved beyond the borders of the Ukraine in the days immediately following the accident, the failure of the State to discharge its civil obligations was an act of malfeasance; one in which political silence was eventually reconfigured as evidence of gross negligence, and rematerialized in the form of public protest and anger. Today Chernobyl is regarded as the political catalyst that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991.
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powerfar · 1 year
Mobile Power Enhances The Wonderful Experience Of Travel
In recent years, with the changes in the concept of outdoor life and the upgrading of outdoor equipment, ascetic outdoor travel has gradually faded away. New ways of outdoor travel have emerged, especially Glamping, (luxury camping), which has become popular on ins recently, and is becoming a popular outdoor trend. If you want to have a wonderful travel experience, mobile power is undoubtedly standard.
Under the influence of this trend, more people hope to enjoy comfortable modern travel while being close to nature. Among the outdoor equipment you bring, the outdoor mobile power supply can best enhance your outdoor travel experience. After all, if you want to enjoy a quality and comfortable life outdoors, you cannot do without electricity.
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With outdoor mobile power supplies, such as car refrigerators, rice cookers, camping lights, projectors, mobile phones, etc. can be used. The outdoor power supply greatly improves the quality of outdoor life, completely getting rid of the ascetic outdoor life.
However, there are many outdoor power supplies on the market today. Many people are at a loss when choosing, mainly because they don't understand outdoor power supply equipment. Therefore, regarding outdoor power supply equipment, I recommend a Powerfar outdoor power supply that can be charged by solar energy.
Beautiful appearance, convenient and easy to carry.
90° rotatable handle, storage integrated to save space, convenient and easy to carry. With reading lights, high-intensity LED professional outdoor long-range lights, SOS emergency signal lights, mainly used indoors and outdoors.
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With an intelligent digital display system, it can monitor voltage, current and temperature changes in real time. Powerfar outdoor power supply can charge DC and AC to meet the needs of various equipment. Equipped with 13 interfaces including AC, DC, USB, Type-C, and car charger, it supports simultaneous power supply for multiple devices.
Various charging methods
Support mobile phone wireless charging, 10W fast charging efficiency increased by 50%, smart charging does not get hot. Type-C bidirectional input and output, rechargeable and dischargeable. PD60W fast charging protocol, suitable for a variety of models, fast charging, full automatic stop.
In addition to charging with traditional 220V, it also supports charging using the car's cigarette lighter. Although the charging in this state is not as fast as charging the Powerfar mobile power supply at home, if you charge while driving while driving, you can achieve long-distance self-driving and charging at the same time.
But the most amazing thing is that Powerfar mobile outdoor power supply also supports solar charging. A-grade monocrystalline silicon solar panels imported from Japan can generate stable power, and the charging time is about 8-15 hours. Even in the uninhabited suburbs, as long as there is sun, with Powerfar mobile power and solar charging panels, the power shortage problem can be easily solved. This way of obtaining power is cleaner and more environmentally friendly.
Seven equipment models to meet various power needs.
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There are 7 models to choose from, choose the power supply device model according to the actual power consumption. They are 7 models of BS100S/BS200A/BS300S/PS300/BS500S/BS700S/BS1000S, with a minimum capacity of 40000mAh and a maximum capacity of 288000mAh. As small as a mobile phone, as large as a kettle/electric hot pot, it will provide you with the necessary "electricity" in modern life at any time!
Outdoors, when mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras, projectors and other electronic devices are short of power, a Powerfar mobile power supply can meet the power needs of each electronic device. Charging at the same time without interfering with each other.
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If you want to eat delicious outdoors, cook a meal and bring a Powerfar mobile power supply device, which can also meet the power supply needs.
Finally, to sum up, if you don't know how to choose an outdoor mobile power supply, you might as well refer to this article. This article recommends you the Powerfar outdoor mobile power supply, I think it will be very suitable for you, it is convenient and easy to use. More importantly, it allows you to use electricity as conveniently as at home when you are doing outdoor activities. With Powerfar mobile power, it is very convenient to cook in the wild, watch movies, read books, hold parties, etc.
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seccamsla · 19 days
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The Future of CCTV: Trends in Security Camera Technology for 2024
As technology continues to evolve, so does the world of CCTV and security cameras. The year 2024 is set to bring exciting advancements that will further enhance the effectiveness, accessibility, and intelligence of surveillance systems. Here’s what to expect:
1. AI-Powered Analytics 🤖
Smarter Surveillance: Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into CCTV systems, enabling cameras to do more than just record footage. In 2024, expect AI to power advanced analytics that can recognize patterns, detect anomalies, and even predict potential security threats.
Real-Time Alerts: AI-driven cameras will provide real-time alerts for unusual activities, reducing false alarms and ensuring a quicker response to genuine threats.
2. 4K and Beyond 📸
Ultra-High Definition: The demand for higher resolution footage continues to grow, and 2024 will see widespread adoption of 4K and even 8K cameras. These ultra-HD cameras will capture incredibly detailed images, making it easier to identify suspects and gather critical evidence.
Enhanced Zoom Capabilities: With higher resolutions, digital zoom will become more effective, allowing security teams to focus on specific details without losing image quality.
3. Cloud-Based Surveillance ☁️
Anywhere Access: Cloud-based CCTV systems will dominate in 2024, offering businesses and homeowners the ability to store, access, and manage footage from anywhere in the world. This shift to the cloud enhances scalability, security, and ease of use.
AI in the Cloud: Combining AI with cloud storage allows for powerful data analysis and long-term storage solutions, all accessible from a single platform.
4. Integration with IoT and Smart Devices 🌐
Connected Ecosystems: Security cameras will increasingly integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart home devices, creating interconnected ecosystems. This integration allows for automated responses, such as locking doors or turning on lights when motion is detected.
Voice Control and Automation: Expect to see more cameras that can be controlled via voice commands through platforms like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, making security management more intuitive and user-friendly.
5. Enhanced Cybersecurity 🔒
Securing the Network: As more CCTV systems move online, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes critical. 2024 will see increased focus on encryption, secure access controls, and regular software updates to protect surveillance systems from hacking and data breaches.
Zero Trust Architecture: Implementing a Zero Trust model, where no device is trusted by default, will become a standard practice to ensure only authorized users can access surveillance data.
6. Smart Motion Detection and Object Recognition 🎯
Precision Detection: Advances in motion detection will enable cameras to distinguish between different types of movement, reducing false alarms caused by non-threatening activity, like animals or weather.
Object and Facial Recognition: Cameras will become more adept at recognizing specific objects, faces, and behaviors, allowing for more targeted monitoring and faster identification of potential threats.
7. Solar-Powered and Wireless Cameras ☀️📶
Sustainable Surveillance: Solar-powered cameras will gain popularity as a green alternative, offering continuous operation without the need for electrical wiring. This is especially beneficial for remote or hard-to-reach areas.
Completely Wireless Systems: The advancement of battery technology and wireless connectivity will lead to fully wireless camera systems that are easy to install and maintain, offering greater flexibility in placement and usage.
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Naval Research Laboratory's LARADO instrument to detect lethal orbital debris, integrated on STP satellite
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL) Lightsheet Anomaly Resolution and Debris Observation (LARADO) instrument was successfully integrated and tested on the Space Test Program Satellite 7 (STPSat-7) spacecraft at National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, on July 17, 2024.
LARADO is a groundbreaking space-based instrument designed to detect and characterize lethal non-trackable orbital debris, using satellite and laser technology.
These debris objects, ranging in size from a few centimeters to larger than a millimeter, are too small to track from the ground but pose a significant threat to operational satellites.
"Understanding the population of this debris is critical to ensuring the safety of spacecraft, both manned and unmanned," said Andrew Nicholas, NRL Sensor Development & Applications Section Head. "The data collected by LARADO will be used to update NASA's orbital debris models, improving our understanding of the small debris population."
Traveling on a satellite in orbit, light from LARADO's laser centers on a Powell lens, which distributes photons, creating a sheet of light above the satellite. Any object that passes through the lightsheet will scatter the photons, creating a flash marking its passage that will be seen by a camera monitoring the lightsheet.
LARADO arrived at the Space Test Program (STP) Houston at the NASA Johnson Space Center on July 12, 2024. A team of NRL researchers performed a post-ship inspection and a functional test of the instrument. NRL's Sensor Development and Application Section researchers Andrew Nicholas, Theodore Finne, and Joshua Wolf comprise the LARADO team.
"After passing inspection and installment, LARADO will be tested again to verify functionality," Nicholas said. "The spacecraft will continue integration and testing in Houston, and then be shipped to the next location for environmental testing."
LARADO is managed by the Heliophysics Division Space Weather Program's Orbital Debris and Space Situational Awareness portfolio within NASA's Science Mission Directorate.
The spacecraft is scheduled for launch on a Department of Defense (DOD) STP sponsored flight out of Vandenberg Space Force Base, in September 2025, on a Minotaur IV launch vehicle.
NRL's Space Science Division conducts a broad-spectrum of Research, Development, Test & Evaluation in solar-terrestrial physics, astrophysics, upper and middle atmospheric science, and astronomy.
The science is important to orbital tracking, radio communications, and navigation that affect the operation of ships and aircraft, utilization of the near-space and space environment of the Earth.
The section focuses on innovative technologies and processing methods to improve the scientific understanding of space weather and situational awareness within Geospace, to critically enable advanced modeling and forecasting capabilities and applications for the Navy and Marine Corps, and the wider DOD.
IMAGE: The Light-sheet Anomaly Resolution and Debris Observation (LARADO) instrument undergoes alignment verification in Washington, D.C., July 2, 2024. The LARADO instrument will create a fan of light through a dispersive optic to detect debris in space and increase the safety of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Credit: U.S. Navy / Sarah Peterson)
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tsrnews · 27 days
Why Joshua Ezewuzie Believes in the Future of Smart Homes
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In recent years, the concept of smart homes has evolved from a futuristic idea to a tangible reality. Smart homes, equipped with interconnected devices and advanced technology, are transforming how we live, work, and interact with our environments. As a seasoned real estate agent, Joshua Ezewuzie is a staunch advocate for smart homes and believes they represent the future of residential living. In this blog, we will explore why Joshua Ezewuzie is so passionate about smart homes and what this means for the future of real estate.
1. Understanding Smart Homes
Before delving into why Joshua Ezewuzie is a proponent of smart homes, it is essential to understand what a smart home is. At its core, a smart home uses internet-connected devices to enable remote management and monitoring of systems and appliances such as lighting, heating, security, and entertainment. These devices are often controlled through a smartphone app or voice-activated assistant, making it easy for homeowners to customize and automate their living spaces.
Smart homes are designed to offer convenience, efficiency, and enhanced security, which are achieved through technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. As these technologies continue to advance, the capabilities of smart homes are expected to grow exponentially, paving the way for even more sophisticated and intuitive systems.
2. Enhanced Security and Peace of Mind
One of the primary reasons Joshua Ezewuzie champions smart homes is their ability to enhance security. In a world where safety is paramount, the advanced security features of smart homes provide homeowners with unparalleled peace of mind.
Smart home security systems go beyond traditional alarms and locks. They include features such as real-time surveillance cameras, motion sensors, smart locks, and even facial recognition technology. These systems can be monitored and controlled remotely, allowing homeowners to check on their property from anywhere in the world. Additionally, smart security systems can be integrated with emergency services, providing a faster response in case of a break-in or emergency.
Joshua believes that this level of security is particularly appealing to modern buyers, who are increasingly concerned about safety. By investing in smart home technology, homeowners can protect their property and loved ones more effectively, making smart homes an attractive option for families, young professionals, and retirees alike.
3. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
Another compelling reason for Joshua’s belief in the future of smart homes is their potential for energy efficiency and sustainability. Smart homes are designed to optimize energy use, which not only reduces utility bills but also minimizes the environmental impact.
Smart thermostats, for example, learn the homeowner’s schedule and preferences, adjusting heating and cooling systems accordingly to avoid energy waste. Similarly, smart lighting systems can turn lights on or off based on occupancy, further reducing unnecessary energy consumption. Some smart homes are even equipped with solar panels and energy storage systems, allowing homeowners to generate and store their own renewable energy.
Joshua sees this trend towards sustainability as a significant draw for today’s environmentally conscious buyers. As concerns about climate change and resource conservation continue to grow, the demand for energy-efficient homes is likely to increase. Smart homes, with their ability to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable living, are well-positioned to meet this demand.
4. Convenience and Lifestyle Enhancement
Smart homes are designed with the user experience in mind, offering unparalleled convenience and customization. For Joshua, this is one of the most exciting aspects of smart home technology.
Imagine a home where the lights automatically dim when you start a movie, the thermostat adjusts to your preferred sleeping temperature as you head to bed, and your coffee starts brewing before you wake up. This level of automation and customization is now possible with smart home technology.
Smart home systems can be tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each homeowner, enhancing their lifestyle in ways that were previously unimaginable. For busy professionals, this might mean automated systems that manage daily tasks, from adjusting the temperature to ordering groceries. For families, it could mean integrating smart devices that help with everything from monitoring children’s activities to managing household chores.
By making everyday tasks easier and more efficient, smart homes can significantly improve the quality of life for their residents. This, in turn, makes them an attractive option for a wide range of buyers, from young tech-savvy professionals to aging baby boomers looking for convenience and comfort.
5. Increasing Property Value
As a real estate agent, Joshua is always focused on the potential return on investment for his clients. One of the reasons he believes so strongly in smart homes is their ability to increase property value.
Studies have shown that homes equipped with smart technology tend to sell faster and at higher prices than their non-smart counterparts. This is because buyers are willing to pay a premium for the convenience, security, and energy efficiency that smart homes provide. In a competitive real estate market, having smart home features can give a property a significant edge, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
Additionally, as smart home technology becomes more mainstream, it is likely to become a standard expectation rather than a luxury. Homes that are not equipped with smart technology may eventually be viewed as outdated or less desirable, potentially reducing their market value. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing smart home technology, homeowners can protect their investment and ensure their property remains competitive in the market.
6. The Future of Real Estate and Smart Homes
Looking ahead, Joshua Ezewuzie sees a future where smart homes are the norm rather than the exception. As technology continues to advance and become more accessible, the adoption of smart home systems is expected to grow exponentially.
For real estate agents, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Agents who are knowledgeable about smart home technology and can effectively communicate its benefits to clients will be well-positioned to thrive in this evolving market. By staying informed about the latest trends and developments in smart home technology, agents like Joshua can provide valuable insights and guidance to their clients, helping them make informed decisions about their property investments.
Furthermore, the rise of smart homes is likely to drive innovation in other areas of real estate, from the design and construction of homes to the way they are marketed and sold. For example, builders may begin to incorporate smart technology into new constructions as a standard feature, while real estate agents may use virtual reality and augmented reality to give buyers a firsthand look at how smart home systems work.
7. Conclusion: Embracing the Smart Home Revolution
In conclusion, Joshua Ezewuzie’s belief in the future of smart homes is grounded in their ability to offer enhanced security, energy efficiency, convenience, and increased property value. As smart home technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, it is set to play an increasingly important role in the real estate market.
For homeowners, investing in smart home technology can provide a range of benefits, from improved quality of life to a higher return on investment. For real estate agents, embracing this technology and staying informed about the latest trends will be key to staying competitive in a rapidly changing market.
As we move towards a future where smart homes are the standard, it is clear that Joshua Ezewuzie’s vision of a smarter, more connected world is not just a possibility — it is an inevitability. By understanding and embracing the potential of smart homes, we can all be better prepared for the future of residential living.
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arcmdesign · 1 month
Elevating Curb Appeal: Innovative Designs for Residential Boundary Walls
Boundary walls are more than just functional barriers that define property lines; they are a critical component of a home’s exterior aesthetic and can significantly enhance its curb appeal. A well-designed boundary wall not only provides security and privacy but also complements the style of the home, adding value and personality to the property.
One of the latest trends in residential house boundary wall design is the integration of natural elements. Incorporating greenery such as vertical gardens, climbing plants, or even a green wall can soften the look of a traditional wall and blend the structure with the surrounding landscape. These living walls offer a refreshing visual appeal and contribute to environmental sustainability by improving air quality.
Materials play a crucial role in boundary wall design. Natural stone, brick, and wood are popular choices that add texture and warmth to the exterior. Stone walls, for example, can provide a rustic charm and timeless elegance, while wooden slats offer a more contemporary and minimalist look. Modern designs often mix materials to create contrast and interest, such as combining concrete with wood or metal accents for a sleek, industrial vibe.
Lighting is another essential aspect that can transform the appearance of a boundary wall. Strategically placed lights can highlight the wall’s features, create dramatic shadows, and enhance safety by illuminating pathways. Solar-powered lights are a sustainable choice that can also reduce energy costs.
Incorporating decorative elements is another way to add character to a boundary wall. Artistic murals, metalwork, or mosaic tiles can turn a simple wall into a stunning focal point. These design elements can reflect the homeowner’s personality and taste, making the property unique and memorable.
Security is a fundamental consideration for boundary walls, and modern designs seamlessly integrate security features without compromising aesthetics. Options include reinforced gates, surveillance cameras, and motion sensors that blend with the wall’s design to ensure safety while maintaining visual appeal.
residential house boundary wall design offers numerous opportunities to enhance the look and feel of a property. By using natural materials, integrating greenery, incorporating lighting, and adding decorative elements, homeowners can create boundary walls that are not only functional but also visually striking and reflective of their style.
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