#4G Solar Light
xingtongtechnology · 1 year
Demonstration Video of Solar Street Light Monitoring made by Anhui Xingtong Technology Co , Ltd.
●4 million pixels equipped with a star-level lens; ●Exclusive research and development of ultra-low power consumption, 365 days of continuous power; ●The lens rotates 360 degrees, and there is no dead angle in monitoring; ●Support mobile APP and PC multi-screen viewing; ●AI humanoid intelligent tracking; ●One-key alarm function; ●200LM/W, the whole lamp lumen 5000-12000lm is optional. More functions are waiting for you to experience
If there is any need, please contact us at [email protected]
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nasa · 2 years
Calling Long-Distance: 10 Stellar Moments in 2022 for Space Communications and Navigation
Just like your phone needs Wi-Fi or data services to text or call – NASA spacecraft need communication services.
Giant antennas on Earth and a fleet of satellites in space enable missions to send data and images back to our home planet and keep us in touch with our astronauts in space. Using this data, scientists and engineers can make discoveries about Earth, the solar system, and beyond. The antennas and satellites make up our space communications networks: the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network.
Check out the top ten moments from our space comm community: 
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1. Space communication networks helped the Artemis I mission on its historic journey to the Moon. From the launch pad to the Moon and back, the Near Space Network and Deep Space Network worked hand-in-hand to seamlessly support Artemis I. These networks let mission controllers send commands up to the spacecraft and receive important spacecraft health data, as well as incredible images of the Moon and Earth.
The Pathfinder Technology Demonstration 3 spacecraft with hosted TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD) payload communicating with laser links down to Earth. Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center
2. Spacecraft can range in size – from the size of a bus to the size of a cereal box. In May 2022, we launched a record-breaking communication system the size of a tissue box. TBIRD showcases the benefits of a laser communications system, which uses infrared light waves rather than radio waves to communicate more data at once. Just like we have upgraded from 3G to 4G to 5G on our phones, we are upgrading its space communications capabilities by implementing laser comms!
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3. The Deep Space Network added a new 34-meter (111-foot) antenna to continue supporting science and exploration missions investigating our solar system and beyond. Deep Space Station 53 went online in February 2022 at our Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex. It is the fourth of six antennas being added to expand the network’s capacity.
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4. You’ve probably seen in the news that there are a lot of companies working on space capabilities. The Near Space Network is embracing the aerospace community’s innovative work and seeking out multiple partnerships. In 2022, we met with over 300 companies in hopes of beginning new collaborative efforts and increasing savings.
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5. Similar to TBIRD, we're developing laser comms for the International Space Station. The terminal will show the benefits of laser comms while using a new networking technique called High Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking that routes data four times faster than current systems. This year, engineers tested and proved the capability in a lab.
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6. In 2021, we launched the James Webb Space Telescope, a state-of-the-art observatory to take pictures of our universe. This year, the Deep Space Network received the revolutionary first images of our solar system from Webb. The telescope communicates with the network’s massive antennas at three global complexes in Canberra, Australia; Madrid, Spain; and Goldstone, California.
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7. Just like we use data services on our phone to communicate, we'll do the same with future rovers and astronauts exploring the Moon. In 2022, the Lunar LTE Studies project, or LunarLiTES, team conducted two weeks of testing in the harsh depths of the Arizona desert, where groundbreaking 4G LTE communications data was captured in an environment similar to the lunar South Pole. We're using this information to determine the best way to use 4G and 5G networking on the Moon.
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8. A new Near Space Network antenna site was unveiled in Matjiesfontein, South Africa. NASA and the South African Space Agency celebrated a ground-breaking at the site of a new comms antenna that will support future Artemis Moon missions. Three ground stations located strategically across the globe will provide direct-to-Earth communication and navigation capabilities for lunar missions.
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9. Quantum science aims to better understand the world around us through the study of extremely small particles. April 14, 2022, marked the first official World Quantum Day celebration, and we participated alongside other federal agencies and the National Quantum Coordination Office. From atomic clocks to optimizing laser communications, quantum science promises to greatly improve our advances in science, exploration, and technology.
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10. We intentionally crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid to test technology that could one day be used to defend Earth from asteroids. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, mission successfully collided with the asteroid Dimorphos at a rate of 4 miles per second (6.1 kilometers per second), with real-time video enabled by the Deep Space Network. Alongside communications and navigation support, the global network also supports planetary defense by tracking near-Earth objects.
We look forward to many more special moments connecting Earth to space in the coming year.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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bliiot-jerry · 23 days
BLIIoT BACnet Gateway BA10X Series
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BLIIoT BACnet Gateway BA10X series is a powerful BACnet protocol conversion gateway. The BA10x series is a comprehensive set of BACnet protocol conversion gateways designed for seamless connections between various devices, power meters, air conditioning hosts, BA systems and OPC UA clients. It is equipped with 2 or 6 RS485/RS232 serial ports, dual network ports and 4G/WiFi wireless interfaces, with GPS positioning, providing users with flexible communication and connection solutions. Integrated TLS/SSL data encryption and OpenVPN ensure data security and prevent illegal access and data tampering.
Application Scenario
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Application Areas
Used in building automation systems or industrial fields to connect some common control devices, such as PLC, DDC, UPS, central air conditioning, elevators, fire protection, lighting control systems, electricity meters, water meters, etc.
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Common Device Types
Heat Pump
Water meter
Electric meter
Flow meter
Smart lighting
Precision air conditioner
Multi-split air conditioner
Environmental protection agreement
Fire alarm
Solar control system
More information https://www.bliiot.com/bms-protocol-converter-p00421p1.html
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saltypeanutnerd · 2 months
Tour Lumine, Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 12 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Tour Lumine 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Tour Lumine devrait atteindre 384 million de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 4,9% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Tour Lumine (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 12 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Tour Lumine (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Tour Lumine comprennent Atlas Copco, Superwatt Power, Suoen Light, Teksan, Anhui Taijie Lighting Equipment, Progress Solar Solutions, Univpower, Ver-Mac, Wanco Inc., SOLTECH, etc. En 2023, les cinq premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 15,0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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jualthermaloil-blog · 3 months
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BURNER SOLAR RIELLO PRESS GW- PPRES1G- PRES 2G- PRES 3G- PRES 4G Burner Riello Seri press G adalah kompor pembakaran minyak solar , alat pemanas di mana bahan bakar minyak solar dicampur dengan udara dalam kondisi terkendali. Pada kebanyakan burner, oli disuplai di bawah tekanan ke nozel atomisasi untuk menghasilkan semprotan halus, yang udara ditambahkan oleh kipas yang digerakkan motor . Saat semprotan berbentuk kerucut keluar dari nosel, penyalaan biasanya disuplai oleh percikan listrik untuk menghidupkan burner. Memulai dan mematikan biasanya dikontrol oleh termostat. Dalam jenis burner industri komersial, bahan bakar minyak yang lebih berat digunakan, membutuhkan atomisasi mekanis. Pembakar seri PRESS Gw, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G mencakup jarak tembak 107 kW hingga 1.660 kW Operasi terdiri dari dua tahap kepala pembakaran, yang dapat diatur berdasarkan kebutuhan output, memungkinkan kinerja optimal memastikan pembakaran yang baik dan mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar. Fitur utama dari burner ini adalah keandalannya karena konstruksinya yang sederhana dan kuat, yang memungkinkan pengoperasian tanpa intervensi pemeliharaan tertentu.  Spesifikasi Burner solar Riello Press G Riello Press Gw dilengkapi dengan panel kontrol mikroprosesor baru untuk pengawasan selama operasi terputus-putus. Untuk membantu pekerjaan commissioning dan pemeliharaan, ada dua elemen utama: Tombol reset penguncian adalah elemen operasi pusat untuk mengatur ulang kontrol burner dan untuk mengaktifkan / menonaktifkan fungsi diagnostik. LED multi-warna adalah elemen indikasi utama untuk diagnosis dan antarmuka visual diagnosa.  Burner Riello Press GW
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Seri Burner                                          : Riello Press GW ( Two Stage/ Dua Nozzle Pembakaran ) Jenis Bahan Bakar Burner               : Solar/ Light Oil Rentang Output Burner                    : 107-356 kW/ 107.000 kcal - 350.000 kcal Rentang keluaran                               : 107-356 kW Tinggi                                                    : 397 mm Lebar                                                     : 439 mm Kedalaman                                           : 320 mm Panjang Keseluruhan                        : 880 mm Konsumsi bahan bakar                     : 9,5-30 kg per jam Persediaan listrik                               : Fase tunggal, 230V ~ 50Hz Size Packing  PxLxT                          : 695 x 542x 468 mm Weight /Kg                                          : 37 Kg Spesifikasi Burner Riello Press 1G
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Seri Burner                                          : Riello Press 1G ( Two Stage/ Dua Nozzle Pembakaran ) Jenis Bahan Bakar Burner               : Solar/ Light Oil Rentang Output Burner                    : 150-534 kW/ 150.000 kcal - 534.000 kcal Rentang keluaran                               : 150-534 kW Tinggi                                                    : 397 mm Lebar                                                     : 475 mm Kedalaman                                           : 370 mm Panjang Keseluruhan                        : 980 mm Konsumsi bahan bakar                     : 11-45 kg per jam Persediaan listrik                               : Fase tunggal, 230V ~ 50Hz Size Packing  PxLxT                          : 745 x 542x 468 mm Weight /Kg                                          : 44 Kg Spesifikasi Burner Riello Press 2G
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Seri Burner                                          : Riello Press 2G ( Two Stage/ Dua Nozzle Pembakaran ) Jenis Bahan Bakar Burner               : Solar/ Light Oil Rentang Output Burner                    : 214-712 kW/ 130.000 kcal - 712.000 kcal Rentang keluaran                               : 214-712 kW Tinggi                                                    : 437 mm Lebar                                                     : 475 mm Kedalaman                                           : 403 mm Panjang Keseluruhan                        : 1030 mm Konsumsi bahan bakar                     : 18-60 kg per jam ( dapat di setting sesuai kebutuhan ) Persediaan listrik                               : Fase tunggal, 230V ~ 50Hz Size Packing  PxLxT                          : 800 x 542x 515 mm Weight /Kg                                          : 44 Kg Spesifikasi Burner Riello Press 3G
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Seri Burner                                          : Riello Press 3G ( Two Stage/ Dua Nozzle Pembakaran ) Jenis Bahan Bakar Burner               : Solar/ Light Oil Rentang Output Burner                    : 273-1168 kW/ 273.000 kcal - 1.168.000 kcal Rentang keluaran                               : 273-1168 kW Tinggi                                                    : 485 mm Lebar                                                     : 611 mm Kedalaman                                           : 412 mm Panjang Keseluruhan                        : 1100 mm Konsumsi bahan bakar                     : 23-100 kg per jam ( dapat di setting sesuai kebutuhan ) Persediaan listrik                               : Fase tunggal, 230V ~ 50Hz Size Packing  PxLxT                          : 905 x 680x 563 mm Weight /Kg                                          : 55 Kg Spesifikasi Burner Riello Press 4G 
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Seri Burner                                          : Riello Press 4G ( Two Stage/ Dua Nozzle Pembakaran ) Jenis Bahan Bakar Burner               : Solar/ Light Oil Rentang Output Burner                    : 415-1660 kW/ 415.000 kcal - 1.660.000 kcal Rentang keluaran                               : 415-1660 kW Tinggi                                                    : 590 mm Lebar                                                     : 675 mm Kedalaman                                           : 426 mm Panjang Keseluruhan                        : 1265 mm Konsumsi bahan bakar                     : 35-140 kg per jam ( dapat di setting sesuai kebutuhan ) Persediaan listrik                               : Fase tunggal, 230V ~ 50Hz Size Packing  PxLxT                          : 1045 x 727x 660 mm Weight /Kg                                          : 95 Kg Aplikasi Burner Solar Riello Seri Press G Burner riello berbahan bakar solar seri press G mencakup beberapa aplikasi industri di antaranya : - Pengeringan Oven - Pembakaran Incinerator - Drum Rotary Drayer - Industri AMP Asphalt Mixing Plant - Mesin steam Boiler - Mesin Boiler Oil/Thermal Oil Heater - Industri PLTU/PLTD - Dan masih banyak mesin industri lain Dengan operasi dua tahap, file Pembakar PRESS G bisa mengikuti beban suhu yang diminta oleh sistem. Rasio modulasi 2: 1 tercapai, berkat "dua nozel" teknik; udaranya disesuaikan dengan posisi ram hidrolik. Pada operasi dua tahap, burner secara bertahap menyesuaikan keluaran ke tingkat yang diminta, dengan memvariasikan antara dua tingkat yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya Info kontak Marketing : PT Indira Mitra Boiler Jln. LoveBird blok D19/21 RT12 RW005 Permata Sepatan,Pisangan jaya ,Sepatan, Kab. Tangerang, Banten-15520 ZAENAL ARIFIN Sales Engineer Phone : (021) 59375021 Mobile : 081385776935 Whatshap : 081385776935 Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] Read the full article
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gaxcesensors1 · 5 months
Introducing Turnkey's groundbreaking iPM instrument! Revolutionizing air quality analysis, it combines light extinction & scatter for precise airborne particle measurement. Now, track all PM size fractions simultaneously with unmatched accuracy.
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Introducing Turnkey's groundbreaking iPM instrument! Revolutionizing air quality analysis, it combines light extinction & scatter for precise airborne particle measurement. Now, track all PM size fractions simultaneously with unmatched accuracy. KEY FEATURES:
Measures PM10, PM4 (respirable), PM2.5 and PM1 simultaneously
Built-in particle spectrometer to measure particle size distribution between 0.2 and 10 micron diameter
Measures down to 0.2 micron particle diameter
Inlet heating, adjustable control point for either constant sample temperature or constant sample relative humidity
Ideal for measuring diesel fumes and wood smoke
Robust design suited to construction site activities
Upper particle size 15 micron diameter
Internet of Things compatible, pushed or polled readings
Control and monitor with AirQWeb.com or AirQApp for Android or Apple
Interchangeable GF/B filter capsule
Ultra-quiet (<30 dBA) ultrasonic pump
Built-in sample flow controller
Calibrated using mono-disperse spheres
Wi-Fi and cellular internet connectivity
Built-in mains PSU, Wi-Fi and 4G/5G modem
Off-grid operability with wind and/or solar generator Contact for more information: Phone: +91-9673123829 Email: [email protected] For more details visit - https://gaxcesensors.com/ipm-particle-monitor/
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currenthunt · 9 months
KLI-SOFC Project
Prime Minister of India inaugurated the Kochi-Lakshadweep islands submarine optical fiber connection (KLI-SOFC) project among various developmental projects covering a wide range of sectors including technology, energy, water resources, healthcare and education. Key Facts About the KLI-SOFC Project - Lakshadweep required digital connectivity, prompting a high-capacity submarine cable link due to limitations in satellite communication, marked by inadequate bandwidth to meet growing demand. KLI-SOFC Project - The KLI-SOFC project will lead to an increase in internet speed, unlocking new possibilities and opportunities. - The project introduces Submarine Optic Fiber Cable connectivity for the first time in Lakshadweep since independence. - Fiber optics, or optical fiber, refers to the technology that transmits information as light pulses along a glass or plastic fiber. - The Department of Telecommunications (DOT) funded by the Universal Services Obligation Fund (USOF), completed the project. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) was the Project Executing Agency. - The KLI project extended submarine cable connectivity from the mainland (Kochi) to eleven Lakshadweep Islands namely, Kavaratti, Agatti, Amini, Kadmat, Chetlet, Kalpeni, Minicoy, Androth, Kiltan, Bangaram and Bitra has been extended. Significance - The project aligns with the goals of 'Digital India' and 'National Broadband Mission,' fostering the rollout of various e-governance projects in Lakshadweep Islands. - E-Governance, Tourism, Education, Health, Commerce, and Industries will experience significant enhancements, contributing to improved standards of living and overall socio-economic development on the islands. - The population of Lakshadweep Islands will benefit from high-speed wireline broadband connectivity, facilitated through Fibre to the Home (FTTH), and 5G/4G Mobile network technologies. - The bandwidth generated by the project will be accessible to all Telecom Service Providers (TSPs), reinforcing telecom services in Lakshadweep Islands. Other Projects in Lakshadweep Islands Low-Temperature Thermal Desalination (LTTD) Plant at Kadmat - Produces 1.5 lakh litres of clean drinking water every day. Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC) in Agatti and Minicoy Islands. - All households on the Agatti and Minicoy islands now have functional household tap connections. - The LTTD is a process under which the warm surface seawater is flash evaporated at low pressure and the vapour is condensed with cold deep sea water. Solar Power Plant at Kavaratti - The first-ever battery-backed solar power project in Lakshadweep. Primary Health Care Facility in Kalpeni - Foundation stone laid for the renovation of the primary health care facility in Kalpeni. Model Anganwadi Centres (Nand Ghars) - Five model Anganwadi centres (Nand Ghars) to be constructed in the islands of Androth, Chetlat, Kadmat, Agatti, and Minicoy. Read the full article
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zinastore · 9 months
Solar PT Ball Machine Wireless WIFI Surveillance Camera 4G Remote Dual Light Source Full Color Night Vision HD Camera
Solar PT Ball Machine Wireless WIFI Surveillance Camera 4G Remote Dual Light Source Full Color Night Vision HD Camera <brclass=”img-brk”/>
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trendylil · 10 months
11 Innovative Gadgets That Will Change Your Life"
In the fast-paced world of technology, innovation is key to enhancing our daily lives. From cutting-edge wearables to smart home solutions, here are ten gadgets that are revolutionizing the way we live:
1.Wave Ring: Control Sound with a Gesture Introducing the Wave Ring, a groundbreaking wearable that allows users to control sound and create special effects with subtle finger gestures. Worn on the index finger, this adjustable ring features a beautiful LED display and three buttons for seamless interaction with various devices.
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2.SwitchBot Blind Tilt: Smart Blinds at Your Fingertips Say goodbye to manual blind adjustments with SwitchBot Blind Tilt. Compatible with any blind system, this device lets you open and close blinds remotely via a smartphone app or voice commands. Equipped with solar panels, it ensures a hassle-free, eco-friendly experience.
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4.S.o.l Heated Jackets: Stay Warm in Style Combat chilly weather with S.o.l Heated Jackets. These jackets heat up to 130°F, featuring carbon fiber heating panels, water resistance, and windproof capabilities. Control the heat with a smartphone app and enjoy 2 to 8 hours of warmth, even in the coldest conditions.
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5.Ymart MQ3: Portable Flashlight for Any Occasion The Ymart MQ3 is a compact flashlight with 130 lumens of light, making it ideal for indoor and outdoor activities. Its powerful magnet allows hands-free use, and the pop-to-turn-on feature ensures instant illumination. With USB Type-C rechargeability, it's a convenient tool priced at $37.
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Ymart MQ3: Portable Flashlight for Any Occasion
6.Daom Pixu M Backpack: Where Function Meets Pixel Art The Daom Pixu M Backpack is not just a storage solution; it's a canvas for pixel art. Water repellent, spacious, and equipped with a built-in LED panel, power bank, and a pixel art gallery app, this backpack is a stylish and functional accessory priced at $129.99.
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7.Skyroam Solis X: Your Global Wi-Fi Companion Stay connected on the go with Skyroam Solis X. This global 4G LTE Wi-Fi device ensures connectivity wherever you are. The accompanying app allows remote camera use and smart assistant features, giving you control over your hotspot and connected activities.
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8.Seawolf Electric Air Pump: Inflate with Ease The Seawolf Electric Air Pump promises up to 30% faster inflation with a dual inflation system. Compact and efficient, it runs on a 10,000mAh lithium-ion battery, ensuring timely inflation for inflatables. The auto-off functionality and patented overfilling feature add convenience to outdoor fun.
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9.Wrist Cam: Capture Moments on the Go Never miss a moment with the Wrist Cam. This wearable device features self-facing and world-facing cameras for capturing photos and videos seamlessly. Lightweight, water-resistant, and equipped with live video calling, it's a must-have for those with an active lifestyle, available on Amazon for $299.
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10.LifePod 2.0: Advanced Security for Your Valuables The LifePod 2.0 by Voltech offers top-of-the-line security for firearms, valuables, or documents. Made of advanced non-metal polymer, drop-tested, and TSA compliant, this safe features a numeric keyboard, manual key, and is water-resistant, ensuring the safety of your belongings in any situation.
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11.Glowing Fidget Spinner: Stress Relief in Style The Glowing Fidget Spinner is not just a stress-relief toy; it's a mesmerizing visual experience. With a smooth metal surface and customizable LED patterns, it's perfect for calming your mind or creating captivating light displays.
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In a world where technology continually evolves, these gadgets stand out for their innovative features and the positive impact they bring to our daily lives. Embrace the future with these game-changing devices!
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forlinx · 11 months
Low Power Consumption E-ink Display Electronic Bus Stop Sign Based on i.MX6ULL SoM
Buses are an important transportation in cities and play a significant role in urban transportation. With the development of cities, the number of bus routes has increased, and their convenience has improved. The bus stop signs installation is crucial for the bus services. To provide diverse information, more and more regions are replacing traditional bus stop signs with electronic ones.
Currently, the main types of electronic bus stop signs are LED and LCD screens, which can display various information such as bus route information, arrival times, first and last schedules, date information, city weather updates, and advertising messages.However, LED and LCD screens used in electronic bus stop signs face challenges such as difficulties in connecting to power and screen glare caused by strong external light.
In addition, they consume significant amounts of energy and are difficult to control in a low-power and autonomous manner based on real-time conditions, leading to unsatisfying usage. As a result, e-ink electronic bus stop signs, with many advantages, have emerged as a popular alternative for displaying public transportation information.
The following are the main advantages of E-ink screen electronic bus stop sign:
1. Low power consumption: E-ink technology has a static display, meaning it consumes energy only when updating information. Compared to traditional LCD screens, they have lower power consumption, allowing for energy and electricity cost savings.
2. High visibility: E-ink displays use reflective display technology, similar to the reflection effect of paper. They do not require a backlight and can maintain good visibility even in bright sunlight. They do not produce reflection issues, making it convenient for passengers to view information on the display.
3. Cost-saving maintenance: E-ink displays have a long lifespan, and they do not have the issue of backlight bulb damage, which is commonly found in LCDs. It reduces the cost of maintenance and replacement.
4. Environmentally friendly: E-ink displays do not require backlight, which means they do not produce harmful substances and do not cause light pollution. This makes them a relatively environmentally friendly display technology.
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FETMX6ULL-C SoM is a processor-based NXP i.MX6ULL design with a low-powerARMCortex-A7 architecture that runs at speeds up to 800MHz. A low main frequency can reduce the heat generated by the CPU and extend the service life of the CPU. Its stable performance has been verified in long-term use in many fields.
FETMX6ULL-C SoM is highly integrated, compared with similar platforms, can ensure the performance, and has a lower power consumption. When the power supply is not convenient, you can also rely on solar batteries and others to maintain the operation, in line with the characteristics of green energy-saving products;It supports for eight serial ports, 2x Ethernet ports, and 2x CAN, with a variety of interfaces that can be used to connect multiple sensors, which makes it easy to enhance the functionality of electronic signs and enrich their display.
Dual-lane Ethernet can achieve dual-network redundancy. The 10M/100M adaptive Ethernet interface provides double insurance for the network. The support of WiFi and 4G also makes operation and maintenance more convenient.
E-ink electronic bus stop signs have several advantages, including low power consumption, high visibility, cost savings in maintenance, and environmental friendliness. They are capable of delivering clear real-time information, thereby enhancing the service quality of public transportation and improving passengers' travel experience. It is suitable for outdoor applications, especially in cases where information needs to be displayed for long periods and under complex lighting conditions.
Originally published at www.forlinx.net.
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safereturndoubtful · 1 year
Etno Selo Katun, Žabljak, Montenegro - Durmitor National Park
Thursday 12th October
My original plan was to head across the border into Montenegro after the weekend, on Monday, but I’ve an eye on the weather forecast. This spell of hot and dry weather is unusual for the time of the year here, and is forecast to break on Monday, with more cloudy conditions with some rain moving in, and much cooler temperatures.
The Durmitor National Park has been high up on my agenda since I cycled through it 5 years ago. So I decided to cross the border today, have 4 cloudless days, before the weather changes. It is high up here, peaks at 2,300 - 2,500 metres, and the town below at almost 1600 metres, so there is the first snow of the winter in the forecast, and I expect the peaks may not be visible. My plan is though regardless, to be around the National Park for a week or so.
My other concern (of course) is to have a decent 4G signal for the quarter finals, but on that score, I needn’t have worried.
The campsite in Tjentiste was good. Last night I ate at the restaurant with a Swiss couple, and it was fine, and definitely cheap, at less than 10 euros for a couple of beers and dinner.
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I had chance to admire the stress-free job of the guy in the next field, who from half an hour after first light, about 7:30 am, until dusk at 6:30 pm, watched his 4 sheep, along with his dog..
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The road I took heads north to Foca, then cross the famous Drina river, and follows a tributary of it, the Tara, eastward. At Foca the Piva river meets the Tara river to become the Drina. The Tara canyon extends about 140 kilometres, and the first part of it, in Bosnia, is renowned for rafting. There are about 30 companies with campsites and cabins on the riverfront offering trips in season. In Montenegro there is some rafting also, but the sides of the gorge have now become vast and steep, and it is a popular tourist destination for the viewpoints alone.
The road along the river side, about 30 kilometres into Pluzine, goes through 56 tunnels, and though never wide, and quite rough, is a fantastic drive. I cycled it in the opposite direction 5 years ago, and in fact was in Pluzine for my 57th birthday, having descended the 1200 metres from Durmitor high above. This time, I headed up that road.
Include the 20 hairpins, with another 15 tunnels up the side of the Tara gorge, and two-thirds of this incredible route is complete, but arguably, the best is still to come, as the single track road heads across the mountains on the south side of the National Park over the pass at 1750 metres.
For the last few years, and obviously right now, this is my number one National Park, and pleasantly quiet, with a few other tourists, today.
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I drove through the National Park, and on for another ten kilometres to the town of Žabljak where I stocked up at the supermarket for the weekend and picked up a SIM card. Montenegro offers tourists the deal of no less than 1 TerraByte of data for 30 days for 20 euros. There’s an unwritten challenge to see if anyone could actually use that much data.
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Then I headed back into the Park, having seen a couple of places for potential stopovers, but they offered little shade, and the afternoon was hot, and the weekend forecast to be more so. I found a small farm, the last one before the Park begins, and called in to see what was offered. Here, a young family has just opened some old cabins, which in time they will fully renovate. They offer campervan spots also, with just basic facilities.
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It’s an ‘eco’ theme, so all the power and water is heated by solar (the shower in the picture above). The highlight though, and the first stage of their renovation, is cafe / restaurant, which I headed up to for a beer in the evening. The food looks good also, so I will try that out in the next day or two, and again, it’s very cheap. The only other people here are a group of contractors working locally, and staying in the old cabins. They ask just 5 euros a night for staying over, and it seems perfect for the weekend, also, by chance, with super fast 4G at 60-70 MBps.
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amglobalsolution · 1 year
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Full HD 1080P Solar CCTV Camera Wi-Fi 4G 1080P Outdoor Camera
Capture every detail with the Full HD Outdoor Solar CCTV Camera with 4G Wi-Fi 1080P from A&M Global Solar. With Full HD resolution, this outdoor CCTV camera delivers crystal-clear images, ensuring that you don't miss a single detail, day or night. It is equipped with infrared night vision, enabling it to capture sharp and vivid footage in low-light conditions, providing around-the-clock security for your property. Shop Now!
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Features : product quick enter hibernate mode, quick wake , intelligent power saving high performance 1/2" black light full color image processor solar charging with built-in batteries 1080P hd video ultra-low power consumption, super long standby built-in microphone and speaker support two-way voice intercom sound and light alarm function support cloud storage local storage. APP supports Android/IOS IP65 outdoor waterproof Network 4G TD-LTE,TD-LTE / LTE FDD TD-LTE / LTE-FDD Night vision Colorful night vision0.00001LUX Infrared30M White light30M Voice Built-in speaker3W Built-in microphone20M Lens focal length3.6mm Angle120° Storage Cloud storage (alarm video) Local storage TF card (Max 128G) TWO WAY AUDIO - Built in microphone and speaker,no matter how far away ,you can easily talk to the baby,child,family through the camera in 24/7 remotely. Even if you are out of your home,through the camera,you can talk to the delivery man how to deal with your package PIR Motion Alarm - If the FIR Alarm function is enabled,the camera will send the Alarm information to the User1s Mobile Phone when some invades the surve川ance area PAN TILT ROTATION - Horizontal:355 degrees & Vertical:120 degrees ;Elegant Outline and Easy Ins allation Any 4G/3G SIM card supported – 128 GB Micro SD Card Support – Universal to Works with any 3G/4G Network including Jio. [ad_2]
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bliiot-jerry · 2 years
How to Collect Photovoltaic Inverter Data through BLIIoT Industrial 4G Modbus Gateway
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With the steady progress of the energy transformation strategy, new energy industries such as wind power, hydropower, nuclear power, and solar energy have flourished. As a typical representative of new energy, solar energy is also one of the key links to achieve energy transformation. Among them, the photovoltaic inverter claims to be the "brain" of the solar photovoltaic power plant, which assumes important duties to connect the photovoltaic array and the power grid.
2.Plan needs
Photovoltaic power stations are composed of solar photovoltaic panels, inverters and transmission and transmission equipment. Photovoltaic power generation monitoring management system, through the gateway collection and monitoring of data, mobilize terminal hardware equipment, optimize configuration and jointly occur, effectively integrate power generation asset equipment, and need to measure, save, analyze and control a large number of parameters.
Pass the fascination of the photovoltaic power station, the flow box, the radical instrument, the meteorological instrument, the meter, the meter and other equipment through the number of connections to the end of the BLIIoT BL101 Industrial 4G Gateway RS232/RS485, and upload it to the local computer of the network server or the management center through 2G/3G/4G, etc. Victims on the computer to view related data and management. From small -scale architectural photovoltaic, golden solar projects, etc. to large desert power stations and various forms of photovoltaic power stations, there are data on the problems of too scattered and no concentrated platforms to observe and store data. Essence The daily operating data of the power station has important data reference value for the management of the power station system, the maintenance, and analysis of the equipment.
Under the safety constraints such as the stability of the power system, the expected requirements of data collection, wireless transmission, and rapid network networking are used to achieve the photovoltaic power plant "unmanned duty, less people on duty", remote centralized surveillance and control, scientific scheduling and management, remote maintenance, remote maintenance , Full network information exchange, statistical analysis of the operation of photovoltaic power stations for photovoltaic power station data. Effective data integration and analysis, historical data report management, the basic decision -making basis for power station work and planning, to achieve the goal of improving the management level of the power station, "some people know that the incident is known, some people are repaired", realize efficient monitoring, meet electricity, and meet electricity. The access to the power grid requirements, reasonable allocation, centralized monitoring, grid analysis, distribution network automation, and daily maintenance of the unified management intelligent operation and maintenance solution.
3.Technical deployment
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The photovoltaic power plant has achieved remote monitoring of the Industrial IoT network, and achieved multiple levels of monitoring, photovoltaic power plant monitoring, remote control, remote diagnosis, and data upload. Through industrial standard RS485 interfaces and MODBUS protocols and device custom protocols, the power generation, output power, and inverter power of photovoltaic power stations are collected. Monitor environmental temperature, wind speed, light intensity and other parameters. Monitor the state of equipment such as the inverter, temperature sensor, power quality measuring instrument, etc., and supports various inverters, smart meters, temperature, light, wind speed and other equipment. Monitoring inverter parameters: PN/SN/PV input voltage, PV input current, AC output voltage, current, frequency, power, inverter temperature, power generation, total power generation, total power generation, emission reduction and coal reduction reduction Wait. Monitor environment sensor parameters: light, ambient temperature, wind speed, wind direction and other sensors. Monitor smart meter parameters: total power, total powerless power, total power generation, total power power generation, wire voltage, phase voltage, current, frequency, power power, power factor, harmonic voltage, harmonic, harmonic, harmonic Wait for current. The data collection needs of a large number of devices in the number of terminals are transmitted to the Ethernet management platform with the MODBUS TCP and MQTT protocol.
Platform server storage data includes file data, real -time data, and historical data can be stored. Meteorological information such as local sunshine amplitude, temperature, wind speed and wind direction monitor, record, store or forward. The monitoring management center can view the operating status of the power station, the operation of the unit and the array, the statistical analysis of performance data, and the fault diagnosis and early warning of the operation of the terminal (PC, mobile phone).
The network transmission is convenient, the scene is empty, the coverage area is wide, and the problem of long -distance transmission is required, 4G transmission.
Industrial -grade design, outdoor application, convenient installation, support wide temperature and high protection level industrial characteristics.
The agreement is compatible, and the demand for different data supports multiple regulations.
Data statistical analysis, meet the requirements of the power station for data analysis and processing, can be freely generated by the platform such as tables, curves, and square diagrams.
Set up fault monitoring, real -time monitoring of environmental indicators and alarm information of power stations, effective classification management, remote processing.
Early warning reminds that multiple alarm types such as increasingly limited, improper operation, communication failure, environmental failure, equipment installation failure can configure performance parameters to configure performance parameters.
The data of the photovoltaic grid -connected inverter, flow box, meteorological station, and meter in the photovoltaic power station through the Industrial 4G Modbus Gateway BL101 collects the devices such as RS485, RS232 and other communication protocols, and transmitted to the database with 4G. Provide users with high -speed, intelligent anti -drop, transparent data transmission virtual data communication network. Really realize the full network and full coverage. This product adopts the characteristics of low power design, stable performance, fast response, high degree of intelligence, easy installation and maintenance.
More information of the BLIIoT Industrial 4G Modbus Gateway BL101: https://www.bliiot.com/modbus-gateways-p00305p1.html
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myautomationguru · 2 years
The top technological innovations you must adopt in 2022
The advancements in hardware and software, the need for data analysis, security concerns, medical emergencies, sustainability, privacy concerns, connectivity, and communication have all had an impact on the present technological trends.
The unexpected transition to remote and hybrid working has also spurred some technological advances. By responding to the new normal and introducing new technology to help other businesses manage their workloads, businesses have become more agile. Technological advancements have significantly lowered the Smartphone features price in the USA.
The top tech trends for this year are listed below.
AI-powered cybersecurity
Due to the significant increase in cyberattacks, email phishing scams, and ransomware, cybersecurity businesses are being compelled to look for technological solutions to solve the vulnerabilities. Criminals are hacking into people's personal accounts, vital infrastructure, and various organizations, causing millions of dollars to be lost.
Businesses are also deploying new cybersecurity technology, such as artificial intelligence, in order to monitor and defend networks against hackers in real time rather than responding to the attack after the damage has already been done. Cloud storage providers also offer end-to-end encryption for online data storage and data transfers. It has now become easier than ever to Buy Kids Learning gadgets in USA.
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Application of 5G technologies
While seamless video streaming has improved with 4G, 5G boasts 100 times the speed, so uploads, downloads, data transfers, and streams will all be considerably faster.
The Internet of Things (IoT), which comprises internet-connected home automation gadgets in USA joining and communicating with one another, will benefit from 5G. Unlike 4G, many devices can connect to a 5G network without significantly affecting speed, latency, or dependability. This is due to network-slicing technology, which establishes separate networks with various services for each device.
Additionally, 5G mobile networks can transmit their radio waves to up to one million devices per square kilometer, while 4G mobile networks struggle to maintain connectivity.
Internet of Behaviors (IoB)
Businesses are evaluating the value of the data in what is now known as the Internet of Behavior by using analytics and big data approaches. By looking at this consumer data, businesses may improve customer service, sell more items, and strengthen relationships with customers. Customized solutions are essential, but companies must fight to get customers to give up their personal information in order to develop them. Want to Buy Smart Home Devices online in USA? Myautomationguru.com offers a large collection of home automation devices, smart home automation equipment, and accessories for you to buy online. Discover our site for more details.
Educational technology (edtech)
Companies that specialize in educational technology (ed-tech) have developed to offer solutions by building online learning environments. As new businesses emerge to develop online education software and video conferencing technology to allow students access to teachers and courses, investments in the e-learning sector are rising, and now individuals are more likely to Buy Kids Learning gadgets in the USA.
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lascldiy · 2 years
Arlo pro vs reolink argus 2
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Arlo pro vs reolink argus 2 pro#
Though both cameras are weatherproof, Arlo Go is more resistant to cold weather. Finally, Arlo sells additional rechargeable batteries for $49.99.Īrlo Go also has other advantages over Reolink Go when it comes to setup and installation. The catch is that the adapter isn’t weatherproof. Arlo Go users can also power their camera continuously using the included power adapter.
Arlo pro vs reolink argus 2 pro#
Arlo’s is $79.99 and is the same panel that works with Arlo Pro, Pro 2, and Arlo Security Lights. Reolink’s solar panel sells for $29.99 and is the same one used to power Argus 2. Reolink promises a battery life of up to two months on standby or up to 500 minutes of live streaming and recording.īoth cameras offer an optional solar panel for charging. Where Arlo Go’s rechargeable battery is 3660mAh, Reolink’s battery is 7800mAh. Where They’re DifferentĪlthough the same in many ways, Reolink Go and Arlo Go have differences that are in the details. That said, for security, both cameras come with a secure mount that screws the camera into place. They can be placed anywhere there’s an LTE signal, whether in a lake house, construction site, or in the woods. Both are rated IP65, which means their electronic components are sealed shut against dust and water intrusion.īeing both LTE-enabled, Reolink Go and Arlo Go don’t need Wi-Fi to work. They are both weatherproof, battery-powered cameras designed to withstand harsh outdoor weather conditions. The basics of Reolink Go and Arlo Go are the same. Setup & Installation Where They’re The Same Better still, we’ll compare it to Arlo Go. This time, we’ll take a look at the newest addition to Reolink’s lineup: Reolink Go. In fact, we’ve reviewed both of their indoor/outdoor battery-powered cameras, Reolink Argus and Argus 2, and have noted how similar they are to Arlo Wire-Free and Arlo Pro/Pro 2. Reolink has consistently launched security cameras similar to that of Arlo’s. Get details on Reolink Go vs Arlo Go comparison If you sign a two-year contract, they will lower the price to $349.99. The MSRP is $431.99, but if purchased from Verizon, Arlo Go retails for $399.99. You can order Arlo Go from multiple retail channels, including Amazon, AT&T, and Verizon. Solar Panel (Sold Separately), Power Adapter Arlo’s motion detection sensors are more stable and reliable.Reolink claims to be both weatherproof and vandalism proof.At this time, Reolink allows for two-way communication but does not record sound when recording videos. Reolink’s system runs on ethernet or Wi-Fi connectivity that allows cameras to send notifications and emails if an alert is triggered. What make them separate – Reolink Go vs Arlo GoĪrlo wireless cameras use cellular service where Reolink has not yet include cellular as part of their system. Able to view what is happening remotely.Night vision is available with both systems.Easy to operate, many of the cameras are wireless.Reolink’s newest cameras are capable of using 3G and 4G cellular networks. Both systems offer wireless options that use Wi-Fi connectivity. Cameras are equipped with motion detection sensors that will trigger the video to turn as needed. Where they are same – Reolink Go vs Arlo Goīoth Arlo and Reolink offer quality video footage with two-way communication. And there are some common carriers offering such service for the battery/solar powered cellular security cameras, like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc. Note that, in order to transmit videos, a cellular data plan is required for a 3G/4G/5G security camera with sim card. Since the cellular based security cameras needs to run on the 3G/4G/5G network, they are also often referred to as 3G/4G LTE/5G mobile security cameras. Instead of using a dedicated Internet connection, a cellular surveillance camera transmits video signals over a mobile network, making it the ideal security solution for locations without Internet and power source.Īnd the cellular security cameras work in a way similar to your cell phone: a cellular module is installed in the main control panel and it can send signals wirelessly to the monitoring stations. The cellular security camera systems are a good replacement of the PoE cameras and traditional wireless security cameras requiring network for data transfer.
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