#Interaction: Declan.Grey
kiillerqueen · 1 year
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❝ if you're worried about my sister seeing you don't ! she went out last night with a couple of friends , and i am sure that she either crashed at one of their places or with mason ... maybe gabriel. i think he was suppose to be there last night. ❞ a slight grin forming as he can only imagine how the two males being in the same room with amelia must have went down.
Closed Starter || @thewcllingtons
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kiillerqueen · 1 year
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❝ what is on your mind? you know that nothing said goes past the two of us. ❞ male lies to the other , and it has become shocking to declan how good he has become lying through his teeth. not only does the male feel like he knows what is going on , but he has no desire on keeping the information the male tells him from the woman he plans to marry in the upcoming days.
Closed Starter || @thewcllingtons
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kiillerqueen · 1 year
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❝ I have a serious question for you. ❞ The male finds himself pausing for a moment to take a seat in the chair that his father had sat in for many years while he was the head of the family/ family business. ❝ How the hell have you managed to calm the raging fire that has been burning within my sister for years? I don't remember the last time she has seemed this calm natured. ❞ //@thewcllingtons
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kiillerqueen · 1 year
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" So are you going to tell me exactly who you actually are and why you pretended to be my ex girlfriend? " Declan hadn't been sure that he'd ever come face to face with the blonde again after she had basically fled his home after spending an evening with him. He had then been left looking like both an ass and complete fool with his ex Agatha when he had accused her of lying straight to his face about their somewhat secret relationship. To only find out it had never been her the whole time.
Closed Starter || @decadentias
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kiillerqueen · 7 months
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" So what is this about us getting married? " He questions the blonde with an amused smirk on his lips. || @decadentias ||
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
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        “ You’re being honest with me when you say you didn’t have any plans for this evening?  Cause I find it hard to believe someone wouldn’t try and make plans with you for New Years Eve. “    || @thewcllingtons​ ||
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
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        Ambushing Mason isn’t exactly Declan’s plan ,  and he’d be lying to say that he isn’t nervous about the outcome.    “ You don’t me ,  or maybe you do cause I am sure that my sister has talked to you about me.  So let me properly introduce myself ,  I’m Declan Grey. “   Almost speaking with a cocky tone as he spoke as if he is someone important.  || @thewcllingtons​ || 
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
thewcllingtons asked: ✴ declan & violet
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        Had Declan possibly misread all the signs between himself and Violet ,  because he could have sworn that she was as much into him as he was for her.  Yet he had just witnessed her kissing another male that wasn’t him.   Maybe this was a part of his curse for being so kind hearted ,  it had become so easy for people to walk all over him and get away with it.   However he wasn’t in the mood to play the sweet ,  caring guy.  Declan had grown tired of always having people overlook him because of the fact that he had decided to have a heart instead of being some asshole ,  but just maybe he should retire that card and become the man he has fought so hard not to become.   ❝ I should have known that you were going to pull some kind of trick ,  tell me right now Violet.  Were you just using me to get information out of me so you could run back to your employer?  Bravo you’ve painted out most people at the manor to be these incredibly evil people when in reality you should be with them.  ❞    At this point Declan doesn’t care how much his words may possibly cause her pain ,  her actions caused him a deep amount of pain and he believes that it is only fair to return the favour. 
          || @thewcllingtons​ ||
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
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       “ I thought you would have stopped by last night ,  but you didn’t.  I’m just a bit lost on why all of a sudden you’ve grown so distant.  I thought we had something good between us , was I reading into things wrong? “  || @decadentias​ ||
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
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Declan knows that only moments before he had been furious with the actions of Violet , but that had been before he knew that his sister had her hand deep down into being the cause of it. The male stood there still holding onto the femme as he listened to her speak. ❝ Maybe it isn't my fault completely , however that doesn't change the fact that I should have done a better job at hiding the possibility of being happy because of someone. As for Amelia I will take care of her whether it is now or down the road. I'm not my old man , nor will I ever be. So with that being said she is not going to be able to get away with everything like she does now. I can promise you that she will get what is coming for her one way or another. ❞ Yes Amelia is and will always be his sister , but Declan has grown tired of having his sister meddling in things that she had no business in. Declan could handle the cruelty of his sister but he knew that Violet shouldn't expected to because of whatever reason Amelia felt like she needed to be. ❝ I can tell you with confidence that my father knows nothing about anything that has been happening between the two of us. So you're just suggesting that I let Amelia off with thinking that she wins? I need to at least say something to her or else I am going to bottle it up and explode at someone I shouldn't. ❞ Declan had seen first hand what it was like to do such a thing and he didn't want to be like his sister in that way. ❝ I don't think your wrong about something being schemed between the two. I mean he didn't come out completely and ask me for information when we got together but he definitely was hoping I'd slip up. If Amelia knows about us than he definitely knows now , which means he knows I lied about not being with someone ... ❞
He knew there was going to be possibly some explaining to do the next time the two males wound up seeing each other. Amelia sure knew how to fuck plans over easily. ❝ I think you're the only person that sees it that way , because I know everyone is going to use that factor against me. I'm not the cruel man that my father is and everyone knows it. ❞ Declan constantly heard it from his father how he needed to man up and start using his head instead of allowing his heart to get the better of him or else he'd end up dead the next time that he got shot. The thing is Declan isn't sure that he is capable of living up to exactly the man that his old man wants him to be , but Violet gave him a reason to believe that it wasn't a terrible thing that he was kind hearted. Declan listens to Violet's words carefully , coming as a relief to know that she has changed her mind from wanting to be completely done to there still be a possibility of being together. ❝ Of course I will come back for you , is that even a question? Our biggest problem is going to be the fact that my father is actively seeking a wife , and I don't know exactly how to get out of that. It is the fine stone that needs to be in place before he gives me everything he has worked for. You can't possibly be suggesting I go through with it? ❞ Declan only wants to make sure that he is understanding the words completely of the femme. It would be different once Declan took over he'd be able to do whatever it was he wanted. ❝ Maybe I can find a way of convincing him an engagement is enough for him to be able to trust handing it over to me , and once I have it than I can call it off ... ❞
Continued || @thewcllingtons
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
    Open: Female 25+  ( It’s the morning after ,  the two could have been talking for sometime now or maybe a one night stand all up to you.  )
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         “ So we’re going to have to um ... find a way to sneak you out of here without my old man finding out.  “   Declan knows he is more than capable of getting his own place ,  but it was more like his father wanted to keep constant tabs on his son.  The child that he had all intentions to pass the family crime business down to.   It wasn’t like bringing a woman home is something that Declan does often ,  it was more like he got lost in the moment and basically couldn’t resist his desires when it had come to the other.  
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
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       Declan hadn’t exactly imagined that he’d be stepping foot inside the Manor again ,  but this time around he was there to assist his father.  The last time he had been here he was basically pleading for someone to help him after sustaining some serious injuries to only be turned away.   Yet there had been a woman kind enough to go against the male’s wishes and proceed to attend to Declan’s wounds.    He knew it likely wouldn’t be taken well to stray away from his father’s side ,  yet he felt like he needed to find the woman and thank you again for what she had done for him.    Declan had began strolling the halls hoping that he’d manage to find her before being seeked out for wondering off. 
      ‘ Excuse me ,  ‘    he speaks in a soft tone as he bumps into the petite female ,  not realizing she is exactly who he is looking for.   || Closed Starter || @thewcllingtons​
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kiillerqueen · 2 years
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        “ You know you don’t have to be trying to sneak off so soon.  “   The male spoke the second he had felt the blonde leave his bed.    “ I guess after all this time you forgot how much of a light sleeper I tend to be.  “    It had been his father that a hand in that trait ,  and it had become one he dreaded so dearly since even the sound of the wind tended to cause the male to wake.    “ Unless you’re ashamed of the idea of my family knowing about us ... “    || Closed Starter || @decadentias​     
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