#he has become such a shit starter lmfao
kiillerqueen · 1 year
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❝ what is on your mind? you know that nothing said goes past the two of us. ❞ male lies to the other , and it has become shocking to declan how good he has become lying through his teeth. not only does the male feel like he knows what is going on , but he has no desire on keeping the information the male tells him from the woman he plans to marry in the upcoming days.
Closed Starter || @thewcllingtons
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aggregaticn · 3 months
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✦┊ for starters, thank you kindly for stopping by! you may know me in the past as mishka, or cryptid, but lately i go by grass. i am 32 years old and typically refer to myself as he/they pronouns. ✧┊ i have been roleplaying off and on for well over 14 years. i give up trying to keep track of how long with each year that passes. i also do a lot of world building and drawing as well and both will most certainly play a big part on my blogs. ✧┊ i am an extremely slow roleplayer. it has taken me over a month to reply to some threads/asks. it has nothing to do with anyone. it’s just how i write. i am sorry if this is annoying to people, but roleplaying is my HOBBY. i let my muse/s take the reins more often than not and if they are not feeling it then i’m not going to force them, nor will i force myself. ✦┊ if it’s been over a week since i replied to something and you want to know if i saw it and/or curious if i am still interested in doing anything with it, then by all means ask!! i lose track of things, lose it in my notifications, don’t see it at all, or i forget to draft it. ✧┊ i have decided to become more of a minimalist roleplayer. i will probably not use icons anymore and will hardly format my posts. the most that will happen is small font and an on-post tag to my partner. that’s really it. ✦┊ i read everyone’s rules when i decide to follow them. that doesn’t mean i will remember every detail because let’s face it, there are many people that come and go with many different rules and sometimes shit gets mixed up. it happens! if i accidentally break a rule, or cross a line do let me know! i’ll do my best not to do it again. i’m also not big on passwords, so if i follow and don’t like. send in your password, then please don’t take it the wrong way! i’m just nervous and makes me feel weird? idk lmfao
✧┊ this is a multi-ship/multi-fandom/multi-verse roleplay blog for various fandoms && muses. this is my only blog now because i’m tired™ of dealing with multiple blogs, so now all of my trash is in one place :D ✦┊ i am very much an adult™ that enjoys writing a lot of adult themes. there are also many fandoms present with said adult themes. there will no doubt be triggers here. whenever they do, {{whether it be dubcon/noncon, bestiality, gore, torture, etc}} they will be tagged with the following; ‘tw: (name of content)’ you are more than welcome to pop into my ims/asks and let me know if you need something tagged that already isn’t tagged! ✧┊ majority of the headcanons and writing found on this blog belongs to me. i have spent many years developng these characters by myself and with various partners along the way. while i don’t mind you using some things, i would kindly ask that you do not steal, nor take credit for these things. this extends to any graphics/edits/art i end up making at any given time unless you have explicit permission from myself to use them. ✧┊ while i may be mutuals only, that’s kind of a lose term with me. i don’t mind writing with you if we have not followed eachother! this also applies to interacting ooc with one another. just do it!! ✦┊ i may prefer writing multi-para threads, but i am totally fine with writing smaller things! this goes for sentences, single para, and everything in between. third person is where it’s at, though i do not mind what style you write in. i’m also totally open to art based roleplays! all ya gotta do is ask. ✧┊ i will do aus, though some crossovers might be turned down if i am a.) not to confident in my abilities to work with that crossover, or b.) not part or do not know enough of a certain fandom. that goes for any muses you’d like to request of me. i’m comfy enough to try writing a muse that isn’t present on my blog/s. ✦┊ i would prefer to keep ims strictly for ooc and plotting purposes, but if you’d like to rp somewhere else then i am open to writing on discord! all ya gotta do is ask and we can work something out. i’m also completely ok with any sort of asks! like even if you just wanna chat with me ooc and shit then please come talk with me! i am always down for some chill time to get to know my rp partners any time!
last, but not least do have fun!! this is a roleplay/ask blog. it’s meant to be a fun experience. it is a hobby and i am going to treat it as such.
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jean-kayak · 3 years
As a Greek mythology nerd, can I request hc’s of Dabi, Mirio, Kirishima, and Todoroki reacting to their black crush having a Gorgon quirk? She has locs that can turn into snakes, her quirk works when she glares at someone to turn em to stone but if she glares too long; she temporarily blinds herself so her snakes help with her senses, and she has slit eyes and a snake tongue that she jokingly hisses with at times. Sis is a bit self conscious of her quirk since people fear/discriminate mutant quirk types so she’s worried about being an embarrassment to her partner
A/N: Here you go anon, I hope you like it! Also, I made Todoroki's so long lmfao
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🔵He doesn't even care about how you look
🔵And I mean like, your appearance literally doesn't bother him at all
🔵When you first met, it was late at night, and he scared you
🔵Your back was to him, so your first instinct was to activate your quirk, the snakes looking his way as you froze
🔵"Holy shit, that's pretty cool."
🔵"Who are you?" you ask defensively, keeping your back towards him
🔵"Someone who's not gonna hurt you."
🔵You scoff. "Yeah, right. One look at you and I can turn you to stone," you declare, your threat responded with a chuckle
🔵"No shit." You debate in your head if you should turn around, but if you run it could be worse for you
🔵But from his words and his demeanor, it doesn't really seem like his goal is to cause you harm
🔵You slowly turn around, your snakes turning back into hair, your eyes finally landing on him. "What do you want?"
🔵"For starters? Your number."
🔵And that's how your relationship started, mostly Dabi convincing you that there's nothing wrong with your quirk
🔵And there's nothing wrong with you, and that he will be the last person to ever judge anything about you
🔵His crush on you is pretty obvious considering the fact that he keeps popping out of nowhere, asking you different questions about your quirk and what you can do
🔵One day, he makes a joke wondering if you could make only his dick turn to stone
🔵And you give him a crazy look as you shake your head before you hiss at him softly
🔵"Did you just hiss at me?" You didn't even realize it, quickly recoiling into yourself, and he scoffs at you fondly, grabbing your hand loosely to turn your attention back towards him
🔵"Babe, I told you. I don't care, and it doesn't bother me. I like you, okay? And your quirk is awesome. I mean that."
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☀️He was on patrol one day when he first met you, seeing you surrounded by a group of people cornering you towards the wall
☀️"What's going on over here?"
☀️Everyone freezes, all of them slowly turning around, and his eyebrows raise when he sees someone standing in the middle
☀️Your back is against the wall, your head down. "Well?"
☀️They don't say anything, and within the next few seconds they're quickly walking away
☀️The whole interaction confuses him, but he's more focused on you, turning his attention towards you
☀️"Are you okay?" he asks gently, and you nod quickly, glancing up at him for a split second
☀️"Yes, yeah, I am. Thanks," you tell him, finally looking up at him
☀️He freezes for a second when your eyes finally meet his, and he's captivated immediately
☀️You blink at him, and it jumps him out of his temporary trance, realizing he was just staring at you and wasn't saying anything
☀️And he clears his throat. "Um, do you need me to walk you anywhere?"
☀️You give him a soft smile as you shake your head, pointing towards your left. "No, it's okay. The building I need to get to is right there. Thank you though."
☀️He's nodding his head, telling you to have a good day before you echo him and walk away
☀️For about the next few days, he purposefully patrols the area where he met you, hoping he can run into you again
☀️When he does spot you miraculously one day, he's quickly making his way over to you, calling out before he reaches you to not scare you
☀️A small smile forms on your face as he gets to you. "I just wanted to check--oh." Your face drops when he suddenly stops, and he cringes internally when he realizes he said that out loud
☀️"I'm sorry, it's just your eyes...are different." They don't look the same as when he first ran into you, and they look like average eyes
☀️You instantly curl into yourself as you huff softly. "They're contacts. My eyes kinda freaking people out cause they're weird-"
☀️"Unique." He cuts you off instantly, and you meet his gaze again. "I really like your eyes. They're beautiful."
☀️You can't help but smile as you feel your face grow warm. "And I would really like to take you out on a date if that's okay."
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🔴Thinks your quirk is the coolest thing in the world
🔴He always saw that you would shy away slightly, and he asked you why
🔴Your response was that most people think you're a freak, explaining that you've been called worse names that you wouldn't like to repeat
🔴He's taken aback, anger stirring slightly in his chest at the thought of people being mean to you, and he makes it his mission to never make you feel that way again
🔴He's always asking you questions about your quirk, nearly gushing about what you can do and how awesome it is
🔴To the point where he doesn't even realize that he's got a massive crush on you
🔴He realizes when he compliments for probably the hundredth time that day, and you give him a fond look, your eyes making his heart flutter in his chest
🔴He suddenly starts to get really nervous around you and becomes very cautious about what questions he asked because he doesn't want to weird you out
🔴You notice this like immediately because you're so used to him throwing questions at you
🔴When you ask him about it, he chuckles softly as he rubs the back of his neck
🔴"Can, uh," he trails off, his face going warm, feeling dumb now, but he's already started so he might as well finish. "I touch your hair?"
🔴You raise your eyebrows in surprise, and he starts talking before you can answer
🔴"I know it's weird, and I probably just made you really uncomfortable. But I just think it's cool that you can just make it come alive, and now it's really awkward--"
🔴You cut off his rambling with a chuckle as you step closer to him. "It's okay, Eijirou."
🔴You hold out one of your locs, and he carefully runs his fingers over it, and he jumps slightly when it slowly turns into a snake, coming to life in front of his eyes
🔴"God, you are so amazing," he breathes in awe not even realizing what he said
🔴"It's crazy how much I like you." Now that is what makes both of you freeze, and his eyes widen his mouth falling open slightly as he wishes a hole would come in and swallow him
🔴"You what?" you chuckle slightly, turning your head to face him, the snake turning back into your hair
🔴His face is crazy red, but then he thinks, what does he have to lose? "I really, really like you."
🔴And he's practically through the roof when you confess the same thing, and when you agree to go on a date with him
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❄You were a barista at the cafe he always went to before he went to work, and he was immediately drawn to your eyes, and he always caught himself staring for just a beat too long whenever you would hand him his drink
❄One day he happens to catch you sitting at one of the tables, so he decided to take a chance and sit with you, starting up a conversation, and he had checked the time on his phone, realizing he was going to be late for work, but for whatever reason, he couldn't find himself to care
❄The only reason why he left was because you had to get to work, but he started making it a priority to get there early so that he could talk to you for as long as he could, and Sero actually calls him out on it, tired of having to cover for him, and that's when Todoroki tells him about you
❄He nearly rambles on for thirty minutes, telling him about how cute it was whenever you would accidentally hiss when you talked really fast or if you were talking about something that was exciting to you
❄They're halfway through patrol when Sero cuts off his list with a chuckle, making Todoroki look at him in confusion. "What's so funny?" he genuinely asks, and Sero raises an eyebrow at him
❄"Because you have a crush, Shouto. It's like clear as day." He stops for a second before noticing that he was basically a broken dam the moment Sero asked him why he had been late for the past couple of weeks
❄He feels his ears go hot as he asks, "Well, what should I do?"
❄"Other than the obvious answer, which is ask her out?" Sero tells him, and he throws out multiple questions, still overwhelmed by the conclusion as he thinks about all of the things that he likes about you
❄Sero laughs softly before giving him some advice to help boost his confidence, and Shouto finds himself outside of the cafe right at closed, knowing that you're the one who closes
❄"Oh, Todoroki. What're you doing here?" He rubs his hands on his pants as before he answers
❄"I was just wondering if I could walk you home? If that's okay with you?"
❄You smile softly as you nod, locking the door before walking down the sidewalk. The walk isn't as awkward as he thought, the conversation flowing between the two of you easily before he notices something
❄"If you don't mind me asking, why're you wearing a sweatshirt?" Even though the sun is starting to set, the humid air is still lingering, and you have to be hot
❄The question immediately changes your demeanor, and he stops walking at your reaction. "Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if--"
❄"It's my quirk," you start. "It scares people so I cover my hair to prevent that," you admit, feeling at ease with telling him
❄You start to take off the hood, and you stop his protests, telling him that it's okay. He watches as you take a deep breath and close your eyes, and he's in a trance when he watches your locs transform into snakes right in front of his eyes
❄He doesn't respond, and you start to get worried, but then he blurts out, "Can I touch them?"
❄You almost open your eyes in surprise before you chuckle softly as you raise your hand
❄You take his hand and bring it up to the snakes, and he scoffs in amazement as one of them darts its tongue across his finger
❄"This doesn't scare you?" you ask hesitantly
❄"I wanted to ask you out," he responds bluntly, and you deactivate your quirk, opening your eyes to look at him in surprise
❄"Really?" And a soft smile appears on his face as he nods
❄"Yes," he states firmly.
❄And you smile widely. "I'd love to."
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taegularities · 2 years
hey!! i'm not able to reblog the fic for some reason...? i have no idea what's wrong so I'll just leave my comments here <3
i read it ;)
“But I just want my baby to be comfortable.”
BABYYY!!! pls rid what are u doing to me-
So, as honest as ever, he doesn’t hesitate. He leans back in his seat, exhales and tells you, “Nara’s my ex girlfriend. She and I grew up together, but didn’t get together till freshman year.”
shit... i knew this was coming. i hate u 😤😤
How does a fake girlfriend compete against childhood love?
no!!! please, things like this just makes the oc more insecure 🥺🥺
Pulling his right leg in, he moves a bit, and lets it appear on the other side of your body. He pushes himself forward by a few inches, and presses his torso against your back before soft hands sneak to your tummy.
oh my goddd ahsghfdfd HOW ARE THEY NOT CONFESSING TO EACH OTHER RIGHT FUCKING NOW 😭😭😭 this is too domestic ✋😞
“Oh, come on. You won’t be thinking of me there. You’ll be busy having fun with your family.” You chuckle, eyes still slipped close, and jest, “And staring at resort girls.”
“We don’t have a coupon for starters. Every other shop and brand does,” you say, leaning forwards. “So what if we established a ten percent off coupon for those who become new members of our brand?”
smartass oc indeed 😌
“And if he doesn’t? He doesn’t take care of it, but books an expensive vacation?”
oh my god, this is so sad :(( the mom is such a snake!! why does she even care where he's gonna stay at? this is truly unacceptable... but i stan oc for standing for jk!! and that's how it should be ;)
Jungkook [6:13PM]: i hope you’re doing okay. i’m thinking of you 
awww ❤️❤️
Laughter sounds through the phone, and a few people clap. His relatives know how to have fun, and your heart aches for a bond you haven’t gotten familiar with yet.
i feel bad 😞 wish she would've gone with him too...
“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t choose him.”
??? because she has jungkook! when will the mother stop... I'm so done rid. 😠 thinking that jk won't be able to do anything in future just sounds so disrespectful 😥
“Look outside.”
hahah, i thought he was outside her house for a moment 😂
“I really like your dress.”
akskdksmdk HE'S HERE ISNT HEEE 😭😭😭 ridddd why are you doing this!???
As you dig your fingers into his back, he wraps an arm around your torso; presses you close to him, lips in your hair. A gentle timbre whispers, “Hi.”
oh gawd 🥺🥺 they're so in love... PLS LET THE CONFESSION HAPPEN 😤😭
“I need to talk to you, angel,” he says.
shit no no no, don't tell me something really happened... let them be happy ksksjsjs
ok, the part where jk for drunk and said his pink got hurt, LMFAO that was so adorable!! and when he yawned? this is what came into my mind:
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actually, that whole scene just reminded me of this vlive!!! 🥺 (except the bucket hat)
wait... jin is going to be important again? what the heck do u mean 😀 don't tell me it is what I think... you're the worst i hate u for this. this part screams danger for the next one 🙄🤨
anyway (😤😠) i loved this chapter 💖💖 good job 😘
ahhh yeah, tumblr sometimes doesn't let u reblog long fics from the phone! i can only do it on desktop, too, so if u still wanna reblog or anything, u could try it like that 😭 but this review is still so 🥺🥺🥺
UGHHH the 'you're my baby' to nara whiplash, lmaooo yes i understand ur feelings :') oc really does get insecure about stuff a lot! but i think jk's domestic and sweet behaviour are what calm her a bit, so let's hope things get better for her head. and fck yeah, oc is a badass and smartass, and we stan her but not her mother !!! girl knows what to do at work and defends her man? YUPPPP!
oh god yeah, i can see why it looked like he was outside 🤣 (then again... later, at the end... 🥺). YES YES WE NEED A CONFESSION CMON. tell em !!!
also, u're so so right to be reminded of the vlive! it was exactly what inspired his whole look, the sweater paws and the gentle yawn 🥺 i'm so glad u picked up on that !!! also ha ha, i'm not sure what u think about seokjin but 😀😀 interesting, isn't it–
thank u so much for reading, love. u leave such wonderful and sweet reviews, and they mean more to me than u know 🥺 <333
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khaoscontrol · 4 years
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oh my man you have no idea how much lore i’ve got. you fool, you’ve given me the excuse to infodump about everything!
(sorry this got super long so i’m making a separate post, also it’s 2am so i’m not gonna format this correctly or do literally anything to it)
i’ll start by explaining the timeline, i find it easiest to categorize it by the different versions of maria that exist in the au.
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for starters, we have regular old canon maria. her deal is basically the same as in canon up until her death. i really just wanted a “maria lives” au but with a twist. so basically the lore is professor gerald didn’t have a lot of confidence in finding a cure for maria via project shadow so he came up with a plan b which involved creating a machine that could upload someone’s mind onto a computer (mainly because that’s just a sci-fi trope i always liked). of course this was more of a last resort kinda deal, but when g.u.n. raided the ark they didn’t exactly have a lot of options. maria was still shot like in canon and she did physically “die” but gerald managed to upload her consciousness before she actually died. unfortunately the project was still very experimental and maria wasn’t actually able to respond to any of their tests to see if it worked, leading gerald to believe it had failed. thus allowing the plot of sa2 to still happen.
so the next maria in the timeline is cyber maria. this is just the version of maria that’s living in a computer on the ark... ...for 50 years.... ........alone. unlike shadow, she was completely conscious for this entire time which meant an awful lot of time alone with her thoughts. her memories weren’t totally together at the beginning and it takes her an awfully long time to put everything together but once she finally does she’s not quite the same and her personality shifts quite a bit. she still holds the same love for humanity and her family, but she IS tired of being nice, she DOES want to go apeshit! her main beef is with g.u.n. for literally killing her and everything else they did. she’s honestly quite pissed (rightfully so) but she can’t really do anything about it so she honestly just spends 50 years worrying about her family. she doesn’t know if shadow or her grandfather survived after everything that happened and at this point she has no idea how long it’s been.
50 years pass and the events of sa2 take place exactly as they do in canon (can’t fix perfection babey!) and although she’s on the ark, maria has no way of knowing that any of it’s happening. so it’s not actually until a little while after the events of shadow the hedgehog(2005) that anything actually happens maria wise. so the scene is eggman is looking into his grandfather’s research to see if he can get any ideas that would help him beat sonic and co when he comes across the files about the whole plan b project (lmao sorry i don’t actually have a good name for what he might’ve called it). he get’s real curious about it and decides to head back up to the ark and check it out. one thing leads to another and he manages to have a conversation with maria and she’s just thrilled to know that the outside world still exists, she also makes fun of him because “lmfao what kind of name is eggman?” after all she’s still mentally a teenager. eggman mentions that he’s quite skilled in making robots and could build a body for her back on earth and maria is all for ALL of that.
which leads us into metal maria. as soon as she has an actual physical body again eggman explains to her how long it’s been, who he actually is (literally her younger cousin lmao) and a bit of what’s been going on in the worlds, he lets it slip that he may have blown up the moon a little bit and gets thoroughly scolded on that. he also mentions that him and shadow may sorta kinda be enemies and shadow maybe is working for organization that killed her, which every bit of that makes her pissed. she decides to join forces with eggman so that he can help her take down g.u.n. since he’s not exactly on their good side. she also agrees to help deal with sonic on occasion but she doesn’t do much because “what how old is he? like 15 or something? nah dude become mortal enemies with an adult like a normal person.” despite everything, the protective older sister instinct is still strong within her and she’s super against picking fights with kids (especially ones that are friends rivals with her bro) on the subject of shadows friends, she does not like rouge, omega she doesn’t mind as much but still doesn’t like that much. she meets rouge a while before she’s actually reunited with shadow and they don’t exactly have a good first impression. maria assumes that rouge convinced shadow to join g.u.n. “because why else would he do something that stupid, he’s dumb but he can’t be that dumb?” and rouge just doesn’t buy maria’s backstory and assumes eggman only made her to mess with shadow. also rouge is lowkey jealous of maria because she’s got that v good and strong sisterly bond with shadow and DAMNIT she want’s that! so the two of them are basically enemies for a while until maria finally manages to reunite with shadow and he’s honestly just really fed up with them constantly fighting and arguing so their relationship dies down to less of enemies and more of a petty rivalry. also at some point during all that maria decides that metal sonic is also her brother now and there’s nothing he can do about it (spoilers: he actually really enjoys her affection but tries not to show it)
over time maria and metal become kinda a neutral party between sonic and eggman. and honestly with maria’s constant lecturing, eggman kinda tones it down on the world domination deal and becomes more of a dr. doofenshmirtz type villain because it’s funnier that way. (sorry i ONLY make an au if it’s wholesome) he kinda only keeps up the villain gig for the press and because it’s kinda his brand at this point.
which leads us into neo metal maria, 10 years in the future maria takes over the eggman empire. it’s 110% for show. she puts on this big facade of being a villain with megamind level dramatics but she never does anything other than screw over g.u.n., which team dark has long since stopped working with at this point, finally. seriously that sucked what the heck where you thinking sega? whatever i fixed it for them ;)
in the future of this au (which i don’t focus on a whole lot because i like drawing them as a bunch of kids just screwing around, god i’m so smart sega could never) since eggman isn’t a problem everyone’s whole deal is just dealing with other threats and also just a lot of adventuring. every once and a while some old god will try and destroy the world again as per usual and maria will actually step in to help. because of this and the fact that she’s not actually violent, maria is actually quite adored by the public. which is literally her goal, she’s not a villain she’s an entertainer!
and there’s a whole lot more to this au because i actually focus on pretty much every character and how this all plays out for them. i have a different take on how some games played out with her being there (mainly 06 and forces because they’re not great even tho i love them, but her being there made them funny) but yeah i’ve put a LOT of thought into this au and it means a whole lot to me. this is literally just a summary of eveything that happens. over time i’ll expand on this more.
but hot diggity shit, it’s 2am. so i’m just gonna wrap this up with some sketches of the gal!
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trinity-xp · 5 years
Who are some of your Favorite people here on Tumblr ?
Hohohohhooh this will be a long post
@paimania : First up is Pai. For starters she’s like, the nICEST PERSON IN THE WORLD- she’s so fun to talk to and everytime we chat is just a blast! Even though it’s short because suck at keeping a conversation going LMFAO- I’ve known Pai for like... 2 years now, and I can say that she’s just an amazing friend to have, I remeber when she proposed the idea of a collaboration between her AU and my OCs, best moment of my social media life, it really changed everything for me. Thank you Pai
@jordanthecat11 : Jordy is just a big mush of sweETNESS, literally she’s just AMAZING- I met her through Pai since she was Pai’s main contributor to BATMC. It was awkward at first, but as we got to know eachother I say from my point of view I got really comfortable talking with her! Not only that she is like...so caring. So. Very. Caring. There will be times where I’m not feeling to well, and she takes the time to send me a message on discord to check up on me. I look up to her a lot, she so talented and creative and just overall the kind of friend you want to have. ❤️
@ros-doodles : Ros was the third person I met on tumblr. And the first person (besides Pai and Jordy) to interact with one of my OCs, Raziel. At first I got a wave of anxiety mainly because long before I actually existed on my tumblr acc, I would look at her art and be really inspired. She was an artist I really looked up to and I was so shocked when she commented on one of my posts saying she wanted to interact with Raziel. Not only that we started to talk on discord and..can I just say she is the most understanding person ever? Like really this girl is so gentle, sweet, soft, and just a precious bean who I will protect forever. I think the one flaw that she has tho is that she won’t admit sheS A FUCKING GOOD PERSON. Because she’s stubborn as hell and I need to smack some loving sense into her every now and then.
@wushfo : Fourth person I met on tumblr, gotta day this girl is weird.
..weirdly amAZING- SHES FUNNY AS HELL! She makes me smile and laugh so much! First time we met I was super shy and shocked that she actually started talking to me. I remember our first rp together, it was the thing that got me into rping in the first place. She messages me whenever she can to brighten my day, even if I’m upset, and hands me advice when I need it. She’s just an amazing person to be around and i love each and every one of her OCs to bits, love you BICH-
@sibuhleen : At first me and Sib didn’t know eachother too well mainly because I only knew her through Pai, it wasn’t until we did an art trade when we started to talk more often! I have to say, SHOW THIS GIRL SOLE LOVE AND RESPECT BECAUSE SHES SO GODDAMN AWESOME! Literally, she may not think it but she’s so fun to be around. I love her very much, and I don’t get to talk to her as often because I don’t want to bother her, she has a life outside of tumblr after all! It makes me feel so warm inside knowing that she likes my OCs just as much as I love hers, and whenever we talk it always brings a smile to my face. And sib you may or may not read this, but I will always be here if you need to talk❤️ love you gurl!!
@mythical-things : I met Myth last May, and it’s been one of the greatest things thats ever happened to me. She’s truly just...an amazing girl whos gifted with so much talent. She’s one of the people I really look up to when it comes to art. Each of her OCs and stories are unique, and I strive to become a better artist like her! AlsO-- I like rLLY LOVE ALL THE ART CHAINS WE DO!! its so fun to bring the stories we've come up with to life, and seeing it all pay off is just amazing. IM happy that you enjoy the shit that we do, and I just wanna say to sTOP BEING A HYPOCRITE SOMETIMES. Also, She works really hard in what she does and I’m proud and happy to call he one of my best friends. Lately she’s been feeling a bit down, but that’s ok, I’m here for you Myth! I send my everlasting love ❤️ I love all the times we talk and ramble and rp, the stories we come up with are so much fun to mess around with (aswell as the shitposts-) and i just ant you to know how much you make me happy💕💕
@jsweetsdraws : The Meme to describe Me and Jess is “I’ve only known Jess for a month, but if anything were to happen to her I’d kill everyone in this room, and then myself,” because I WOULD. LIKE HOLY SHIT THIS GIRL IS A BEACON OF SUNSHINE! She works so hard, despite some things that she’s been through. I love all of her OCs and artwork, her style is just so niCE lookin ;) not only that she’s so sweet and funny, and I love staying up for hours with her talking about stories and OC interactions, it really makes my schooldays a lot better than how they are ❤️❤️ and if anyone screws with her I wiLL FITE THEM. BAK OFF BITCHES IM HER PROTECTOR!
@nolalistra : I don’t talk much with Nol, but god her OCS are so damn pretty. Not only that her personality is so damn pretty. I can say how much she really inspires me. The stories she created are so interesting! And honestly she’s like super chill, and super great. Like she’s the kind of person you can be open with and feel comfortable when talking with her. Normally I’m a anxious and paranoid person, but with her? Nope, I’m 200% comfortable. Love u BOI-
@alavidere : I just met Al, but I can already say that she’s like.. fuckin FANTASTIC. Literally, she’s really sweet and her personality just embodies candy and everything nice in the world. Once again, she’s another artist I will stalk for hours, her anatomy is just 😔👌 and her OCs are 👀❤️ it surprises me that she likes my shit too! Never thought that would happen bUT hERE WE ArE- Also I have no idea how she’s able to stay so committed and productive with her drawings- heck she’s running a full on webcomic by herself and idk how- teach me your ways talented beAN- AND I HOPE I CAN GET TO KNOW YOU MORE ASWELL!! >:VVV❤️❤️❤️
Also fun fact, I knew each and every one of you before you knew I existed. I remember when I was younger id scroll through your blogs and see all this good aSS artwork and id be like “these are my idols-” HAHAHA 
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hanabiira · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Bunny   AGE: 26      CONTACT: IM & Discord
CHARACTER(S): OCs, and technically Kensei but I have neglected him as of late. 
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  None that I’ve actually written yet but I have an Avatar LOK AU for Miki.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English, no other languages I can fluently write in. I can read hiragana and katakana and very basic elementary kanji. 
THEMES I’M INTERESTED IN FOR RP: Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sports / Music / Science / Fight / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
ASKS CAN BE SEND BY: MUTUALS / NON-MUTUALS (for OOC questions only) / PERSONALS (for OOC questions only) / ANONS. (for OOC/IC questions)
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES (please do!) / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
PREFERRED THREAD TYPE: crack / casual nothing too deep / SERIOUS / DEEP AS HECK.
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS (if I know the fandom) / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  Tumblr IM or if you know me, discord. Once you have my discord there’s no reason to IM me really. I’m more likely to notice a message from discord than tumblr since I have discord on my phone and laptop. 
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER: I mean, if we’re actively plotting something I at least expect some back and forth?? But if it’s just general spewing of shit about stuff our characters might do I don’t necessarily expect it to become a thread or anything. Sometimes I just like to scream and think about stuff with other people lmao.I don’t even really expect plotting all the time, unless you have a really good idea then I’m all for it!! totally!! I love a good plotted thread but I am also cool just going with the punches. 
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?: If the person doesn’t seem into it I’ll probably just drop it? I’m not going to pressure anyone into any sort of rp they’re not vibing with, it’s fine. 
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I love that this meme assumes I plot a lot lmfao. Uhh...I find it quite difficult to come up with a lot of different active scenarios or stories but I do frequently like to discuss what ifs between my characters and whoever I’m talking to and that often can evolve into an idea for a thread which I am all for taking places. I wouldn’t necessarily call it plotting because it doesn’t always have to turn into something, but its just fun little banter about our characters and their reactions. If I am trying to buckle down and plot I will do my best to contribute to whatever we’re trying to plan? 
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I won’t be mad, just be like ‘hey can we drop this?’ and I’ll be like “cool”. I get that sometimes you just can’t find the words to reply to something and that’s ok. But just let me know so I’m not sitting there waiting for a reply I’m never going to get. 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  Either an natural ending of the thread or I just....can’t think of any juice to keep it going and get stuck behind a wall. I am MORE than happy to start something fresh and new when threads are ended or dropped! 
- AND WHY?: I think a lot of misunderstanding stems from a lack of communication. Do I talk OOC with ALL the people I rp with? No, but If I have concerns or questions about a thread or something we’re doing I am 100% going to talk to them about it to make sure nothing gets misconstrued. I get people get anxious but like...if you have the balls to write a character on the internet with a stranger you can send them an IM if you have a questions/concerns. None of us are mind readers, so don’t leave your partner in the dark about your thoughts and feelings. Obviously if they are writing with you they don’t hate you. 90% of us don’t bite and are just lame nerds behind a computer screen, so.... 
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: I mean, I’m not going to LOVE hearing something negative but if its a valid point or concern I’m absolutely going to listen to it and try to rectify it? Problem is a lot of people thinly spew hate or baseless negativity and then thinly veil it as “criticism” that stems their personal feelings about a character than it really is anything constructive, which is a no go for me.  Will I 100% always agree with how everyone else plays their characters? No, but if its not hurting anyone and they’re having fun I’m not going to say anything to them. I 100% welcome constructive criticism or tough questions! It’s one way to improve. 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: My goal is really just to have fun and enjoy myself. The longer I am here the less I am worried about doing big deep threads or having amazing fancy graphics for that RPC clout. I’m here to have fun with my friends and play my OC that I love. Again, I don’t profess myself to be much of a writer so I’m not technically here to really further and deepen my writing skills. That sounds bad, I don’t mean to say I am adverse to improvement and I am always looking for ways or feedback that could make my storytelling better, but it is not my main goal or reason for why I rp, if that makes sense. Telling a narrative has always been something that’s been difficult for me (I HATED having to write stories in school and avoided creative writing like the plague) but I really welcome ways that could help me be better, because it hasn’t always been something natural to me. 
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  I YEARN for a good thread with a Shunsui about Miki taking over the 8th division and how she changes it since his time there. She really worries about still holding onto his legacy while also making a name for herself and differentiating herself from him and how he ran things and would really want his feedback and approval. I would also really love if there were some characters that really took an interest in the kinds of stuff she does with the things she grows in her garden and greenhouse. It is more than just “ooh, look at the pretty flowers” and it is not really something I’ve gotten to explore despite my time here. 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE: Anything gross. Rape/noncon/underage/furry or weird extreme fetish shit. I 100% do not vibe with racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. I do not mind some darker themes but I don’t really have any interest on writing any threads where Miki is deeply deeply hurt or tortured or anything like that, which kind of falls under the gore category. Will I write her injured and do I welcome some kinds of sparring/fighting threads? Yes. But I won’t subject her to gross violence and having the shit being beat out of her. Miki is not infallible but I don’t want to write it. 
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?:  Starters that are too open ended, start with a general with a question and/or little scenario building. You know like the “why are you here”, “what are you doing”, “who are you” sorts of starters. They’re boring and I will most likely run out of ways to keep going with them. Set a scene for me and I will have a much easier time! 
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  That’s a good question...Miki tends to like friendly people (obviously) but also gets a kick out of interacting with cold or difficult to talk to characters (think Soi fon, Kensei, Byakuya etc) because she sees it as something of a challenge. She wants to see if she can befriend them. I also like characters that have an interesting theme or shitck . 
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?: Characters that are not really in her age group (think the karakura kids). I have the most difficult time thinking about how they might even interact in a way that is not on the most superficial level. Also characters that I can’t realistically see her meeting or running into. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I am pretty easy to reach OOC, and once I’m in I’m in. I love talking about our characters interactions and will spam you with asks and shit if that’s what you want. I will talk all day about our characters if you let me. I will send you stupid memes. Even if I am not posting on tumblr I’m easily reached through discord. And Idk my oc is good??? maybe??? 
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I would say I’m inconsistent? I know its covid times right now but I do work a full time job that takes a lot of my time and energy usually and I absolutely can’t write when I’m mentally exhausted. It won’t happen. So there may be times where you just won’t see any posting from me and it may take a long time for me to answer a thread or ask. As much as I also don’t like to label myself this way...I guess I technically do suffer from chronic pain (I have a hip malformation), and sitting is one of the things that really can exacerbate my hip and back pain meaning sometimes I just can’t tolerate sitting at my desk for very long or even sitting up in my bed which really prevents me from writing sometimes even when I want to. I wish mobile draft writing was better lol 
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: Too much smut is boring, obviously, and I’m not really a fan of smut really just for the sake of smut and threads like that tend to die for me.  And I also don’t rp smut with just anyone, there has to be an established relationship between the characters. But if it flows with the story and it makes sense for the scenario then yeah, I’m down for a good smut thread. 
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?: I’m pretty vanilla and I didn’t really give Miki anything that’s really nonstandard. I’m not going to shame anyone for what they’re into or their characters but there’s just kinks I couldn’t convincing write, would be ooc, or I just would be too embarrassed. So far I have not run into anything weird though. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES?? / NO. Though I mean ship not in a strictly romantic ship sense. I value all ships as in friendships and other relationships, mentor mentee, etc. and it really helps drive story for both characters I think. Miki CRAVES FRIENDSHIPS!! SHE WANTS TO BE YOUR FRIEND!! LET HER!! Even negative relationships have value.  
ARE YOU:  Multi-ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - As long as its discussed before hand or is easily implied (say like, an 8th lieutenant). 
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?:  Miki is unique, I’d like to think. She is a blend of soft and gentle, but also stubborn, opinionated and desperate to prove that she shouldn’t be messed with. I basically wanted a character that just seemed like a living and breathing springtime breeze. I’m not saying necessarily that some of the tropes she holds are entirely unique to the series, but I think its the blend of all her aspects that make her different compared to other canon characters. Plus if you love that plant and flower aesthetique™ you have come to the right place. Plus she takes it further than just an aesthetic or a surface level “I like flowers” aspect of her personality. It runs so deep and she is so passionate about it in so many different ways. 
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  Again, ones that I can’t find much of a commonality with so those who are not her age or are strictly human. Though it is not impossible to interact with humans, I prefer to develop her story within the scene of the Seireitei. Also characters that are super volatile and aggressive. 
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  Peace, accomplishment, happiness mostly. Miki wants to be recognized for her hard work as well as desires to form positive relationships with others. She wants the Gotei to feel less disjointed. 
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  The way they talk, their facial expressions, their eyes. 
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Kindness, determination, drive, sense of humor. 
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  Plants, flowers, flower arranging, gardening, poisonous plants and their potential affects and uses, tea, shitty jokes, food, general day to day gossip, handsome men (lol), books, kido and other shinigami arts, human world stuff. 
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?: Math, long convoluted talks about history, people who talk too much about themselves. 
- DID THEY EVER GO THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  The thousand year bloodwar. The death of a romantic partner. The death of her mother. 
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  It’s really hard to imagine a scenario where Miki would immediately go in for the kill zero questions asked with no context. Probably only if it’s someone known to be a threat, has done things that are terrible, and is likely to continue being a threat to others or is actively killing/about to kill someone else. 
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Birds. Hypocrites. Super self important people. 
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  Just roll up on her. She’s easily found in her barracks. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by: @bazzardburner technically but for quincy miki which I will also tweak and post there. 
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slowbladed · 6 years
Tumblr media
i get to it when i get to it. its as simple as that. i try not to force myself to write, sometimes i kind of have to with certain threads in order to get over a hump. but really i go through what i need, see if something inspires me, then write. things tend to domino effect afterwords and ill be able to spit out replies in quick succession before needing to sleep/do something else. because of that im all over the place with who i reply to. i also like to actually do things other than rp (draw/vidya gayme) alongside school work so... speed is really not my thing. lmfao
i draft everything and, like above, get to it when i get to it. my replies are extremely affected by music and what i’m listening to at the moment among other things (books, quotes, etc.) i will literally spend 10min in finding a song for me to write to that matches what i want to get (and if i really cant find any i just slap KAIRI on). a lot of my writing is winging it and i dont particularly plan stuff out. i might think about certain ways to reply in the shower or when i’m idle, but often it comes to me on a spur of the moment and i just WRITE and hope for the best. but hey, it hasn’t failed me!
i’m quickly learning that i’m awful at starters and i’m now kind of avoiding making them. now i just go off of ask replies/ask memes and generally go from there. it isnt that i dont like putting in the effort but im just Awful at starting stuff unless i am PARTICULARLY INSPIRED by something thats been in my head. unfortunately these tend to be for specific rpers and at that point i just go to them and shoot it back and forth (i am also very bad with keeping up at messages on tumblr so if i ever just dont reply back its me being extremely forgetful). overall? im awful at them. does this mean i wont do them? no, but don’t expect something amazing. 
i have a lot in my inbox. stuff i save for later or just didn’t get to. if i need to i’ll delete older asks thats just been growing dust and are way past their expiration date. it isnt that i dont want to interact its just that nothing has hit me that i will produce something worthwhile. i dont like clutter and even though i have a lot of asks in my ask box right now, it hasnt gotten to the point where i wont reply to any of them. art asks are ust going to be kept in my back pocket in case i need a warmup or im feeling particularly motivated but uninspired to draw. i also tend to keep asks from people that are positive in case i need a pick me up.
i will follow pretty much anyone. if i like your characterization ill stay, but sometimes ill unfollow if i a) become uninterested b) you are starting shit or c) im just not feeling the waves anymore. it isnt so much to insult but i like keeping a dash that i enjoy scrolling through when im bored. we dont really need to interact but it would be a plus. generally i just ride the waves and see what happens, as with everything on this blog. 
ive a couple. but one thing i want to explore is the what ifs. specifically if marluxia managed to control sora and take over the organization. alternatively broke away from the org and created his own organization for himself. it would be interesting to see how different things would have gone with 5 different groups (xehanort, maleficent, trios, MoM, mar) going for largely different things. especially how having sora out of the mix would completely ruin some ppl’s plans. idk. i’d just like to explore that. and another thing i’d like to explore is just talking about how marluxia is doing awful things for an ultimate greater good. not excusing his shitty manipulative actions but how he just wants his heart back in the same way (kh2 characterization) xemnas wants his heart back and having to do ultimate evils to accomplish it.
although i love talking to others and sharing in the fun i am just as human as the rest of you guys. i get overwhelmed, i have a lot of school, and that takes priority over everything. im here to have fun, get better at writing, and make some friends. if i ignore you, drop a convo, im not mad at you im just actually busy lol. be nice to me and ill be nice to you. 
tagged by:   i stole from @critsnipe
tagging:   i dk take the thing
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faggotzoro · 7 years
ddaveakat aus pls i love aus
oh MAN you have come at a good time because i. am in a very gay state
- listen i. listen pokestuck is good dont @ me but like. they probably meet in the woods or something and they both picked a fire starter but in the end dave wins and karkat is FURIOUS and they end up becoming rivals for a bit, especially when karkats travel buddies kanaya and terezi head off with dave and his twin sister a bit later on when they meet again at like, a pokemon competition or smth ((and of course karkat trails along because “what the fuck you guys literally just up and left without me how long have we been travelling together like a few months?? cmon”)) and they. end up falling in lov and their fights go from them being extremely competitive towards eachother to “aw dang, sorry that you lost but youre getting better!!” supportive teasing and just. hm me gay
- cryptidstuck in itself is gay but like yyeah i. am working out the kinks of what creatures theyd be but yyessssss
- we all know im a slut for demonstuck where the humans are hunters and the trolls are demons ((the cherubs are angels but caliborn is still naturally an asshole))
- shit dude like. you know those rps that you had at the age of eleven and you were like, fuck yes, science lab escapees, this is peak creativity. well we coming back in 2018 with all the hs folks escaping from a lab like that with cool fucking powers and shit like, id imagine dave has crow wings and stuff like those fucked up science experiments and theyre all on the run together
- immmmmm a SLUT for pjostuck i just gotta figure out the houses but id imagine that karkat is like. a child of a god that doesnt seem threatening at first and like. hes so angry and shouty and completely the opposite of what people think a child of that god would be like,,, also dave is a son of hephaestus like i figure thatd be obvious
- hhhhhhhhhhighschool au where prospit and derse are opposing schools and theyre both rlly competitive thats all i have rn
- f……. furryst,uck……………… dave is a crow and karkat is some breed of cat dont @ me
- ah yes…….. ur average humanstuck coffee shop au mmmmmm thats the good shit
- this is my. own personal version of a swapstuck thing im working on but dave lalonde and karkat leijon,,,, youll leanr abt this l8r if i ever go thru w it lmfao
- dave and karkat meet on a minecraft server at age 12 after dave uses tnt to blow up karkats shitty dirt house instead of breaking it like a sensible human being nd then they actually eventually become internet friends n surprise surprise they go to the same school because of fucking course they do
thats all for now me tired
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stuffedeggplants · 4 years
From your cooking asks: 8. Do you have any amusing kitchen disaster anecdotes? & 15. Favorite dish/meal to make for friends/family? 💖💖
Saddest disaster: Dropping the entire pot of beautifully prepared ramen all over the kitchen floor. Not even the soft-boiled egg survived. 😓 Honestly I just slumped into a chair and stared and what I’d done for a solid two minutes. 
Most dangerous disaster: Eating undercooked chicken of the woods mushrooms I’d foraged from a eucalyptus tree and subsequently poisoning myself. I’d mixed chopped pieces into a stuffing I’d made for vegetables but the stuffing didn’t cook evenly I think. I got sick maybe 20 minutes after and it really spooked me. When I felt better I threw the food away and did some research- apparently the mushroom I used has been known to make you sick if you harvest it from a eucalyptus, especially if you don’t cook it properly.
Greatest disaster: The muffin saga, hands down. It’s actually two disasters which combined and transcended, becoming something greater.
So in undergrad once I’d gotten out of the dorms, I went on a big cooking kick, deciding to make as much from scratch as possible. I wanted to make sourdough bread but with a starter I’d ‘grow’ myself from wild, ambient yeast. The starter would take about a week to fully grow and develop until I could bake with it. Everything was fine for a few days, but I think around day four or five something happened and the bubbles died completely. I tried to rescue it (do not ask me how I cannot remember and there is very likely a reason,) but it morphed into this weird almost pinkish-looking monstrosity that developed a creepy skin on top and a strange smell than hung around in the local atmosphere like a medieval curse. Oh I was also doing this in one of those big industrial plastic buckets you’d mix paint in or something, so it had some serious “throw this shit away immediately before you trap us in a monster scifi film from the 1950s” vibes going on. At this point my apartment collectively decided this was all over. I had nothing left to lose so I suggested we attempt baking with it, and my roommates actually agreed to this out of morbid curiosity. One even let me use her muffin pan to bake this “stuff” in and I think we added food coloring to some for fun.
What we got were perfectly smooth, completely flawless muffins with conical tops that were hard as stone. They looked like plastic. We couldn’t break them or cut into them. They had no scent and we were too afraid to lick them. We dropped one off the balcony and it survived the two story drop completely in tact. So obviously I kept them- what else do you do when your inability to follow baking instructions thrusts you into the discovery of a new form of matter?
The second part to the story is me ruining candied orange peels in a big way. Basically I abandoned the pot of pure sugar syrup with some scrawny peels flung in and only returned when the smoke alarm forced me to confront black smoke pillowing out of a pot whose contents had been transmuted into the crust over Anakin’s severed limbs on Mustafar. I don’t know if the pot survived honestly, but we did get black sludge. Plentttyyy of black sludge.
For some reason (lmao I don’t need a reason) I decided (or we decided? honestly it could’ve been anyone but the individual responsible is not important) to "ice” one of the “muffins” I’d kept around in the sludge. Once it dried, the top was perfectly smooth and shiny black. The rest still looked like plastic. Another win for science. I think we used it on my roommate’s mini Christmas tree? Either that or we for sure gave it a place of honor right next to it. Eventually we tried really hard to destroy the muffin and see what it looked like inside, but I don’t remember how and I don’t think it looked special inside. So that was the end of that.
I love cooking and seeing people happy so I’ll pretty much enjoy cooking absolutely whatever for friends and family. I just want everyone to feel relaxed and happy, and laugh and have a good time. 
So here are nice memories:
- Making the best Thanksgiving turkey my roommate had ever had for our apartment celebration, hands down. It was glazed in apricot jam mixed with citrus and some various herbs, and stuffed with lemons and more herbs and a ton of good stuff. Don’t remember much about it but I was stoked she loved it so much.    
- Making fresh roti for my roommates to go with our meal. (We’d cook dinner together and rotate who the main person responsible was.) It literally disappeared as it was served because they were eating them as I was finishing cooking them, they loved them so much.🥰
- Chai! One of my Pakistani friends came over with a group of our friends and I made them all chai. He really liked it and said it reminded him of his mom’s back home. ;_;
- Trying to make kakaós csiga for my grandma and her coming into the kitchen like “no” and correcting everything that I was doing wrong but not telling me how I was wrong lmfao.
- My parents are always happy with whatever I make so I have absolutely no way to know for sure if it’s actually good or if they just love me. 😂
- Wanting to make muttai kuzhambu (like an egg curry from Southern India where they’re from) for my boyfriend because they’re technically not supposed to eat eggs for religious reasons so they don’t keep them at home but they do eat them anyway outside the home cuz well it’s just like that sometimes, lol. So it’s the f o r b i d d e n  d i s h. 👀
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10hour11minute · 4 years
Lin’s Word Dump Masterpost
basically a compilation of all the crap I say (#lin says stuff) so I have less posts on this blog LOL
If you don't want to see... ...my random text posts, blacklist #lin says stuff ...my negative/possibly triggering/rant posts, blacklist #;negative
180611: Do you think ghost cheetahs ever try to race cars on the highway
180924: the recipe for the best 'dessert' I can make:
take a cup out of ur cupboard that’s not super tiny
crumble up a brownie to fill 2/3-1/2 cup (I like using brownies 1-2 days old bc it isn’t super soft or crusty; a nice mix between soft and cronchy)
Microwave the brownies for about 15 seconds (your preference) You can switch steps 2-3 if your brownie is too hard to crumble
Make sure your brownies are nice and crumbled (if they’re still too hard... just stab that thing with a fork)
Scoop out as much ice cream as you want into the cup (u can use any flavour but vanilla is noice)
Don’t mix the ice cream and brownies- just turn the ice cream around in the cup so the brownie covers the outside of ur scoop
BOOM ice cream brownies
181104: so I kinda just. yawned which transitioned into a whispered “banana bread”
181118: My mom just dropped me off at our apartment and said “bye, good luck!” as if I now had to battle ferocious monsters and complete various sidequests to get home-
181126: movies always have the characters own a top locker, but like I want a movie where the main character and another character walk to their locker and the other character opens their own locker and starts talking and it cuts to a shot of the mc squatting down to open their bottom locker
190223: Y’all ya girl finally gets to play in a parade today!!!
190224: This isn’t going to make sense to any of you but I think Bryan could pull of singing Drive By by Train (just dc things...but day6 brian too)
So there are these guys I KEEP USING THIS AS A SENTENCE STARTER AKSB that are all kind of friends (they all are friends with my gay friend)
I kind of walked in on the 4 of them fooling around like "So how are my tall asian boys?" honestly me @ seventeen
So now I'm thinking of them in a band/kgroup-
we s t a n (I want to make a comic/promo art akajhs)
#also one of them was like "ahem did u just assume my gender" and like beNT DOWN TO REACH MY HEIGHT SO WAS LIKE BISH EXCUSE ME- #i'll probs make them a kpop group so i don't use their real names lmao
190318: I just choked on cereal and lost a piece of my soul
190407: just burned my tongue with cream cheese reminds me of that time i burnt my thumb with cheese and also that time i burnt my fingerprint off with hot glue
190415: y’all it’s been almost a year since I’ve touched a saxophone and i am d e p r e s s o and am having literal nightmares (im not kidding, i’m dreaming of band still) that I will never play one again asdfjklh im laughing but im crying
sometime before 190126:
Since I was little, I always kind of had this headcanon that everyone has a soulmate and a ‘soulfriend’ except if you find your 2 people you won’t know which is which
And like your soulmate’s soulfriend might not be your soulfriend
Then it kind of just turned into a story where a person finds their 2 soulbuds but falls in love with the wrong person
And like how hard would that be for the actual soulmate?? Like “do I have 2 soulfriends orrr”
190516: could someone buy me a spiderman hoodie thanks
#bonus points if its a jacket that zips up all the way past my face so i can hide from my problems
190619: So in the past hour I have:
failed to boil and egg
gotten sad about failing to boil an egg
eaten bread because I was sad about failing to boil an egg
190719: I’d like to drop all my aspirations and become a pirate
190804: Ya bro just drew tiny alchemy symbols on her forearms with metallic nailpolish and it looks cool!!
190818: My life is an anime and I don’t like the genre
190819: SOMEONE JUST SAID THE “id die for you” “THEN PERISH” meme out loud in the real life and i was NOT PREPARED
Dunno if i should be flattered or concerned my friend in my geo class is texting me during geo class while im stuck at home on doctor’s orders being sick amd depressed
I just ate a fortune cookie with
“Judge one not by his charms, but by his actions.”
And now he’s sending me videos of what the teacher’s saying
Thanku panda express I’ll trust u this once
He’s sending me pictures of his notes im aksjdh
Me: Thanku youre a very valid smol child
190830: I remember that 1 post abt how tears of different emotions look different under a microscope, like hecc yeah they sure taste different too
191009: methinks it’s very bde of me to eat a whole mango slice like a banana (it’s more like the consistency of an apple when frozen or kinda like a watermelon when it gets to room temp but anyway)
191017: We just watched I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone and I want to cry hdjajjd It’s so sweet and the way the short film is shot does a gr8 job at telling the story
191212: Random but i iust remembered theres a guy in my health class that thinks/thought I’m a junior/older than him, but ironically he’s like 3 months older than me lmfao
200409: ik “do you think in Canadian” is a sentence that shouldn’t make sense but I 100% think in Canadian smh (this is abt humor vs humour)
0 notes
larryrickard · 5 years
lets get personal.
i know this is supposed to be an ask meme but i’m fucking bored & no one ever sends me them, so.  also i’m kinda pissy rn unfortunately so forgive pls some of my answers lol
01: 6 of the songs you listen to most?:  idk.  mostly i listen to everything on random anymore, and only in my car.  the only song i’ve listened to on repeat recently has been ‘stupid love’ by lady gaga. 02: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?:  speaking of which, lady gaga. 03: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.:  the only book near me would be all the books, as in my bookshelf.  unless you count my kindle, in which case there would be no line 17 because of the font size.  sorry. 04: What do you think about most?:  idk.  whatever my current obsession is i guess. 05: What does your latest text message from someone else say?:  “And you don't have to cook it”. 06: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?:  with.  i don’t like being naked and don’t understand those who do.  also i get cold. 07: What’s your strangest talent?:  i don’t have talents. 08: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence):  are soft and beautiful.  meh, have to earn my trust. 09: Ever had a poem or song written about you?:  a song, yes. 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?:  a very long time.  it’s not a thing i ever do lol. 11: Do you have any strange phobias?:  i don’t think so.  my phobias are pretty standard. 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?:  when i was a kid, yeah.  plenty.  once my parents had to hold me down and tweeze a chewed up wad of juicy fruit out of my nose.  i fucking love the smell of that gum.  three year old me may have been stupid but, hey.  i was being economical.  also i blame it on my parents for, you know, giving a fucking toddler some gum. 13: What’s your religion?:  don’t have one.  former christian, which is gross.  don’t indoctrinate children, please and thanks. 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?:  walking to or from my car.  that’s about it.  :/ 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?:  behind.  no one deserves to see my face.  rip to everyone who sees me in person on a regular basis. 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?:  jars of clay, jimmy eat world, the elms. 17: What was the last lie you told?:  that i’m not in debt lmao.  the only time i’ve lied to my psychiatrist :/ 18: Do you believe in karma?:  no but sometimes i wish i did.  so many people deserve their comeuppance. 19: What does your URL mean?:  doesn’t really mean anything, he’s a character from the flash. 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?:  all sorts of things?  and idk. 21: Who is your celebrity crush?:  lady gaga, angelina jolie, carlos valdes, idk if shane madej is a ‘celebrity’ but him, brie larson, michael sheen... idk, i don’t really have “crushes” but those are the first ppl to come to mind. 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?:  nope.  and no thank you. 23: How do you vent your anger?:  lol. 24: Do you have a collection of anything?:  funko pops?  but not seriously.  i mean.  i have a lot of them bc i love a lot of characters and there are some pretty fuckin dope funkos.  but it’s not my goal in life to have a huge collection or anything.  at least i can say i have less than a hundred of them lol.  (less than 75.) 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?:  ew, neither.  but if i had to choose, phone.  bc, you know.  my face. 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?:  lmfao no.  i mean, i’m better than the person i used to be, that’s for sure.  (see:  indoctrinated as a child, including your typical conservative bullshit like racism for starters.) 27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?:  so many.  i have misophonia.  and people chewing + mouth sounds is definitely a big one.  love?  idk???  music?  rain?  my cat’s cute lil meow? 28: What’s your biggest “what if”?:  what if my thyroid issues were discovered earlier on instead of a year or more after they started.  my childhood doctor was Not Great.  it took her two weeks to figure out i had a sinus infection.  i was in the fourth grade.  still bitter about both of those. 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?:  no, ghosts aren’t real.  aliens yes.  not the stereotypical ones, but in a “given the size of the universe it’s literally impossible that we’re the only life out there” way. 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.:  right, the cat.  left, air. 31: Smell the air. What do you smell?:  nothing?  it’s my house/room, so to me it smells like nothing. 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?:  uh... i’ve no idea? 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?:  west, obviously. 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?:  no such thing as ‘opposite’ gender.  of a different gender, though?  lady gaga. 35: To you, what is the meaning of life?:  who the fucking fuck knows.  literally know one knows, though tbh.  they just think they do. 36: Define Art.:  lmfao how would i know.  i don’t have a creative bone in my body so i should be the last person to comment on the subject. 37: Do you believe in luck?:  nope.  i hope it’s obvious by now that i don’t believe in fictional things. 38: What’s the weather like right now?:  cool.  cloudy.  typical oregon winter weather.  i want rain tho :( 39: What time is it?:  3:04am. 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?:  yes.  and yes, several times.  three.  two totaled cars.  the last one is the only one that was actually my fault, though.  driving too close after it rained.  don’t do it, folks. 41: What was the last book you read?:  the diviners by libba bray.  currently reading a short history of nuclear folly by rudolph herzog.  fascinating, but kind of  depressing af. 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?:  no. 43: Do you have any nicknames?:  hal (to a very select few bc 99% of the time i hate it, so fuck you if you call me this without permission), hals, hallie bird, hallie strawberry. 44: What was the last film you saw?:  i honestly don’t know.  haven’t done a whole lot of movie watching lately.  maybe the fall (2006).  (please watch this movie, it’s so gorgeous and lovely.) 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?:  i’ve never had a serious injury.  well.  i take that back, i guess.  in my first car accident i was stopped and rear-ended at like, 40mph.  so i’ve had back issues since i was 18.  usually it’s fine but sometimes it’s bad and sometimes i can set it off really easily.  idk if that counts as “serious”, though.  lots of people have back problems. 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?:  i don’t think so? 47: Do you have any obsessions right now?:  i guess buzzfeed unsolved and watcher.  and ‘stupid love’ by lady gaga lol.  good omens, as usual. 48: What’s your sexual orientation?:  asexual. 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?:  yes.  thankfully only a few (that i know of, anyway). 50: Do you believe in magic?:  no. 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?:  yuuup.  they deserve it. 52: What is your astrological sign?:  taurus. 53: Do you save money or spend it?:  spend it :||  every paycheck i tell myself i’ll be better at saving it, but............ 54: What’s the last thing you purchased?:  preordered chromatica by lady gaga. 55: Love or lust?:  if i had to choose, love.  lust and all that stuff is gross. 56: In a relationship?:  nope.  shocker, i know.  (this is sarcasm.  it is no shocker to anyone as to why i’m single.) 57: How many relationships have you had?:  just the one. 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?:  nope. 59: Where were you yesterday?:  work on my day off for a staff meeting, and then my psychiatrists’ office. 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?:  a few things, yes. 61: Are you wearing socks right now?:  yes.  almost always. 62: What’s your favourite animal?:  cats, then birds.  mice are p adorable, too.  i miss having them.  i haven’t had mice since middle school or early high school i think :(  i’d love more but my current cat would definitely try to eat them... same with a bird.  i’ll probably never have a bird :( 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?:  be sarcastic and love stupid puns and bad jokes? 64: Where is your best friend?:  one is in ohio and the other is in massachusetts. 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.:  no idea lol.  i haven’t been on here much recently, and i’m never caught up anyway.  and i don’t usually pay attention to who is posting/reblogging. 66: What is your heritage?:  mostly german.  the rest is other typical white stuff that i can’t remember.  some irish?  either way idc. 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?:  uh, rewatching some buzzfeed unsolved for the 100th time?  and playing with my tamagotchi? 68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?:  he doesn’t exist so idc. 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?:  nope.  also, Nice™. 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?:  incredibly doubtful. 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?:  go to work.  i love my job way too much.  i’d probably try to get someone’s attention if there was anyone around, and/or call animal services.  (there are no canals around here anyway and i don’t walk to work and ain’t gonna.) 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?:  who tf knows, i hate this shit.  i’d really rather not think about it bc it stresses me out.  i probably wouldn’t tell very many people tho.  try to find someone to take my cat :(  i sure as shit wouldn’t leave her to my parents :(  and i wouldn’t want to leave her in a shelter.  she’s already done that once and it makes me too sad. 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.:  trust.  you can’t have love without trust, though... 74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?:  ‘sweetness’ by jimmy eat world, ‘fade to grey’ by jars of clay, ‘thunderhead’ by the elms, ‘bad romance’ and ‘g*psy’ by lady gaga (latter is... i hate the name but the song is so fucking catchy, ugh), ‘torn’ by natalie imbruglia, ‘bring it all back’ by s club 7, ‘... baby one more time’ by britney spears, ‘where’s the love’ by hanson, ‘who do you think you are’ by the spice girls, ‘as long as you love me’ and ‘everybody (backstreet’s back)’ by the backstreet boys, ‘black balloon’ by goo goo dolls, ‘spark’ by tori amos, ‘last beautiful girl’ by matchbox twenty, ‘push it’ by garbage, ‘i want you’ by savage garden, ‘minority’ and ‘she’ and ‘basket case’ and ‘macy’s day parade’ by green day... how’s that lol. 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?:  not giving out that kind of personal information lmao. 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?:  i wouldn’t know. 77: How can I win your heart?:  you probably can’t.  idk anyway. 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?:  sure, but lack of insanity is a better way to go.  don’t perpetuate the bullshit notion that you need to be suffering to create Great Art™. 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?:  idk.  i haven’t made very many. 80: What size shoes do you wear?:  10 in women’s. 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?:  i’m going to be cremated and you probably should be, too.  just don’t get embalmed, k? 82: What is your favourite word?:  fuck. 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.:  ‘alone’ by heart. 84: What is a saying you say a lot?:  idk.  someone who spends time around me irl would have to tell me. 85: What’s the last song you listened to?:  ‘stupid love’ by lady gaga on repeat. 86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?:  blue.  then green, and in no particular order, black, grey, purple. 87: What is your current desktop picture?:  it’s boring, just the default mac catalina background lol.  i was having issues choosing a background and was getting way too fucking picky, so i just said ‘fuck it’ and have been using this one for months. 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?:  donald trump. 89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?:  idk?  how much in debt i am?  lmao. 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?:  assume i’m having a night terror or am hallucinating.  and be scared. 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?:  hopefully teleportation. 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?:  maybe when i met carlos valdes & got a picture with him.  he’s super sweet, is living sunshine, and gives amazing hugs. 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?:  so many :/  idek where to start tbh. 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?:  i’m sex-repulsed so no thank you.  also, gross question.  get a life. 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?:  new zealand. 96: Do you have any relatives in jail?:  yes, my cousin bc he murdered my dad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?:  no. 98: Ever been on a plane?:  many times. 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?:  indigenous people aren’t history, they still exist.  shut the fuck up and listen to them.  build a time machine to go back in time and prevent colonisers.  just straight-up kill them, we deserve it.
0 notes
cindtrillella · 7 years
Am I the only one on the fence about Game of Thrones in terms of the plot, characters, etc.? Like i'm MADLY in love with this show but I do agree with certain points people who dislike D&D's writing?
So i'm gonna explain why on a court-based post. Judge asks if the show is still good. Prosecution saying yes, defense being no. Just gonna post why on each sides.
• For starters, why are people complaining about how quick everything is going? If the show has 8 more episodes, what do you want them to do? Talk about the fucking flowers growing in high gardens? This shouldn't be a shocker. They've still gotta cover a lot of shit within 8 episodes.
• Incest has been in this show from season 1-7 and damn near half of Westeros is born from incest. At this point, why does this shock people? No ones shipping or supporting incest whatssoever, but seriously?
• Idiots who say that supporting Daenerys/Jon means that you support incest in real life is like saying that since we love watching war and killings that we support this in real life as well. You guys have got to come with a better defense than this. Its dumb. And boring.
• The people complaining about how quick people are getting to places crack me up. Jorah kidnapped Tyrion and rowed him to a completely different continent in 2 episodes. Daenerys said that Jon's boat ride to Dragonstone took 30 days. Why would the show film an entire time gap, which they've NEVER done before? With 8 episodes left, they've gotta get right to the point.
• My only defense for Jon possibly bending the knee is that his desperation for saving the North and humanity has always been straight-forward. He doesn't care about how desperate it looks. He's after one mission and has always been after it.
• Daenerys obviously doesn't fall in love with Jon over the course of six days. People watch episodes and think that the time gap is within a week, and these are people who've been watching the show from the start. You should know better. Jon has been in dragonstone for weeks according to Sansa, and took longer to get back to the Walkers.
• The contradictory statements that people make about Daenerys is so pathetic. People hate her for killing and not listening, but worship Cersei. Its a fucking war. What do you expect? Just say that you dislike her and move on. Lmfao.
• I think that Arya threatening Sansa was to fool Lord Baelish. I can't see Arya actually killing her sister over a disagreement.
• "Can't believe that Jon Snow fell for someone so evil" oh give me a fucking break. He fell in love with Ygritte who was a wildling that killed for sport and got exactly what she deserved. An arrow through the heart. Daenerys isn't HALF as savage as Ygritte was and if she survived, I could definitely see her harming him again if she didn't see what she said.
• I've shipped Dany/Jon since season 4 when the two knew nothing about one another, but since they apparently date in the books, I think they should've spent this season quickly developing their relationship, then eventually married/had sex in season 8. People ship Jon with Ygritte more because they gave the couple 2 seasons to develop. I know they don't have the time, but yeah.
• Arya threatening Sansa? Seriously? These girls haven't seen each other in AGES and almost right away, their arguments are going a bit too far. Even their reunion was trash. Sansa's reaction to seeing a sister that she thought was dead was a C- in the emotional department, which is completely out of character for her.
• Bringing a white walker to Cersei? Seriously? Considering that she conspired to kill Ned, Jon should've loosened his collar about meeting up with her. He says NOTHING like "That bitch murdered my father", "Hell no! She's betrayed me!" Nothing. Just, "Fuck it I wanna kill the white walkers lets go."
• I will admit that that scene with Tyrion telling Daenerys that Jon loves her was unnecessary. Like we know this already based on Sir Davo's hints. What's the point of wasting an entire scene to explain what's known? We've got 8 episodes like we don't have time for this.
• The ease that the others feel about going to see Cersei is a bit too mellow. All of these stories they've heard about her killing to get what she wants and they think its a good idea to go like she didn't just use wildfire to kill 1000 people.
• I know I just ranted about the time gap, but Jon Snow getting a raven to Dany in such a short period of time during the fight with The White Walkers was a major reach. I don't care how fast that boy ran. Unless he's the damn Bolt, nobody is getting to a pen and paper AND getting it to her in that short period of time.
• Jaime Lannister is so fucking stupid. Your father was gonna execute your brother, and you're surprised at Tyrion murdering him. Why the hell are you so angry about that? It was either Tywin or Tyrion.
• If Jon bends the knee to Dany, I will fucking riot. How the hell did you go from "i'm a king!" to "Fuck it take the North omg you're beautiful." Like it makes no sense. Daenerys already said that she'd fight for you. Why give her the north to add more icing to the cake that she already has?
• Tyrion's character has become COMPLETELY washed. Like if I started watching the show during this season, I would wonder how he's a fan favorite. Old Tyrion would've said "Fuck this shit, i'm out. She's not listening and I could be sleeping with a thousand whores." What's his purpose if their meetings consist of arguments and that's it? Send him back to Kings Landing with Jaime then.
• Why are the episodes shortened? Why don't they just do 10 episodes per season so they can carefully plot these storylines? Everything's rushed.
Overall, I still love the show! I'm not Jonerys or Jonsa though because both fanbases are a little crazy tbh.
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evenbechnet · 8 years
Please reblog and add more as the day goes!
12am - no one’s talking
1am - Ronan lost her poetry book ):
2am - 8am - ????? favorite tag ever: my heart just fell into my ass, even for S4 discourse again, froghelm - save us from misery. how many animals? they keep escalating, infinite, make a whole barn hard a zoo. the good nit penut butter dog gif. President Jonas decrees that the dog not nut??
9am - is it snowing for everyone?
10am - talking about fics, baby face fic is a cliffhanger why, fic recs again
11am - why do anons keep asking about ‘do we still think Even is SS4 main’, NO I HAVEN’T CHANGED MY MIND SINCE THE LAST TIME I THOUGHT THAT AKA 60 SECS AGO
12pm - more anons - the teaser at bye was not goodbye to Evak, please. more Sana vs Even for S4 discourse
1pm - comparing Isak in previous seasons before he was a main and how Sana and Even fit that mold. they have unexplained stories to tell. the ‘alt er love’ thing. show us Even’s wardrobe better Pope Marlon!!! Froghelm pics. Farmyard skam pics. Even for S4 talk... again. I mean? When you’re so sure of something you start to question why you’re so sure of it. 27 days since S3 ended!!!! 27! Friday the 13th trailer dropping theory is fucking everyone over. JUST!!! DROP!!!! THE TRAILER!!!! CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!! 28 days, so.... 8/2 = 4, yup, we’re losing our minds. Also, 13th: 1 + 3 = 4 IT’S HAPPENING Y’ALL, IT’S TOMORROW! Henrik, Marlon, we need clues.
2pm - everyone learning Norwegian on duolingo. languages talk! love proclamations in Norwegian <3 Daria and Dani talking about 1D songs. Zaa comes up with ‘Through the Dark’ lyrics to fuck everyone up. This suddenly becomes Evak playlist talk.
4pm - talk about people who can’t for their own sake be coherent? like, try and read and interpret the whole thing before you say shit and look like a complete dumbass. logic is really not that hard
5pm -  travelling talk, Cee Cee and Dani getting trashcans all over the world, #feedCeeCee2k17, bets on when S4′s trailer is dropping, #whoisRhae2k17, rh(mik)ae(l), rha(juli)e, (rha)even, obam(rh)a(e), is(rh)a(e)k, jon(rh)a(e)s, SHE COULD LITERALLY BE ANYONE, SHE’S PART OF THE ILLUMIN(RH)A(E)TI!!! CONFIRMED. 
Mikael has been the penetrhaetor the whole time, he starter the Yakuza fight and made the help Syria sign. #Mikaelfors4 is the real deal. fuck Mikael as Even’s ex, he was actually William’s ex!!! Chris P wanted to fuck him up so that’s why he changed schools and that’s how he met Even. mystery solved.
6pm - why are we still on tumblr? RONAN BLOCK AND DELETE THE NASTIES! Cee Cee is writing some shit fanfic about horror movie approach for Even on s4, someone shut her UP LMFAO. professor Nipples is actually Mikael, that’s why we never see their face and why they pretended not to know what a hijab is (so they wouldn’t give out their disguise).
yo. some dark Mikael conspiracy theories are going down.
7pm - quick talk and cute canons about how Even is all passive-aggressive to anyone who insults his boyfriend, except he can’t be passive aggressive to the boyfriend himself. cuteness over, back to worshiping the occult word of Mikael and the Mikaelgruppa. #WeAreAllMikael. let’s use our power to summon s4′s trailer. Mikaelmageddon is well on its way.
m̦̻̱̣͍͙̭̜̿̊͗͌̄͗̈́͗̓͘ͅͅì̖̘̯̝͔̥͕̦͉͛̊̈́̎̓͑̓̾͠ͅk̖͇͔̪̠͈̩̥̥̟̀̌͌̇̂̊̔̈́̈́͠ą̡͓̪̪͉̱̮͈̹͗̓́̓̍͆̿̒̇̎ȩ̧̼̠̞̩̱̣̥͗̌͒͆̄̓͌͐̅͘ͅl̢̨̛̲̭̼͎̺̼̹̟͆̿̅̌̂̐͊̽̚ ̧̠̘̞̳̳̮͓̗̐̂́̃͐͋͗̈́̌͝ͅw̧̝̺͎͓̳͚̙̖̆̎̂̏̓́͑͋̕͝ͅi̙̘̼͙̖͚̗͖̣̘͊͊̾͋̾͋́̀̚͠l̢̡̲̺̫̫̯̩͉̣̀͊̍̈͆́̽͛͠͠ļ̛̤̣̖̣͓̮̣̬̞͋͑̈̾̌͌̈́̚̚ ̢̢͕̩̦̰͖̥͍̣̇̂͂̒̓̇́͘͠͝r̢̨̳͚̤̹̠̦͈̄̂͆͂͛̈́͆͋͛͝ͅį̧̧̛̟͈̭̗̻͙̤̅́̀̍͊́̃̕͠ṣ̪̯̟̙̼̤̼͍̰͑͛̀̾̽̌̿̇̏͠ë̫̮͍̻̯̫̥͎̤́͒̆͛̇̇̇̍̏͜͝ ̧̹͚̲̲̩̠̮͔̬̀̓͌̌̓̊̍͗̔͝a̢̛͖̼̺̙̙̩̱̞̺͆͛́͆͗͑͆͗̚g̛̻͖̣͔͉̪͙͙̗͌͌̇̈́̈́̓̊̚̚ͅa̢͈̹̙̥͖̤͉̮̪͑̾̇͌̅̐̿̀̓̽ǐ̢̹͈̺̼̝̻̺̬̗̿̿͆̇̽́̔͌̀n̨̯͈̮̖̟̫͔͔̟̓̿̇̿͒̿̑̚̕͠
8pm - more talk about Mikael (honestly how long will this go for), some real cute and pure Even gifs, Daf comes in and then leaves to sleep more
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