#Invaders of the Rokujyoma!?
regarding-stories · 5 months
Round them up, I say!
I've watched more stuff. Let's quickly run over it...
Stardust Telepath
A really socially awkward and shy girl fantasizes about space to find friends among the aliens. Only to meet a really strange girl (and classmate) that claims to be one! In her efforts to get her back to her home planet she befriends two more girls and they all get into launching model rockets.
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This is a show that teases with yuri vibes, but it is really a wholesome story about friendship and... gun powder model rockets?? I wonder if there will be a season 2. This stuff is heartwarming. Bonavuu!
What does a small town that isn't particularly outstanding in anything do to promote itself? Besides inventing a mascot, it apparently creates a local idol group - Locodols!
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In the end, two girls are chosen, and two more girls (of small build) are hired on to wear the mascot costume. Again, a story about friendship with yuri-teasing vibes between the two Locodols themselves.
It also opens a bit of a window into how the parts of Japan outside Tokyo try to generate interest in themselves, especially to attract tourism, including inventing new local specialties or events. And the cute mascots battling it out on national TV were hilarious!
Bocchi the Rock!
Wow, I'm really backlogged. This one actually deserves its own article, but right now I don't have the time to do that...
A socially awkward girl obsessed with rock music and actually a secret shut-in guitar hero dreams about making friends. Her lucky star gets her roped into a band with (eventually) three other girls where.. she initially sucks. (Playing with others is a separate skill, believe me.)
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We not only follow her journey towards self-actualization through rock music, we also get to watch her inner world. In a hilarious twist, all her friends can too! It's what makes it one of the funniest series out there.
Bocchi the Rock! is funny and fun to watch, and contains some genuine stuff about making music and being in a band. Apparently it was an instant hit and people can't wait for season 2. Me neither! You go, Whatever-san!!
Burn the Witch / Burn the Witch 0.8
A quick warning before you watch this. The first season of this is only 3 episodes long. This series from the creator of the extremely popular series Bleach has simply not amassed enough content for more, that's why it initially was released as movie. (And then it was split into episodes.)
Given how much worldbuilding and character intro is done in this short season, one would expect a lot to follow. A season two will eventually drop. Until then we are left with a lot of concepts that have been name dropped but answers will have to wait.
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Burn the Witch tells the story of two young witches that work as Pipers, their job is to be first responders on dragon sightings (and lots of menial work) to secure the scene until the heavy guns (the Sabres) arrive. There are also a dude who attracts dragons (a Dragonclad) and his adorable feisty doggy. And some deranged girl named Macy that is apparently here to stay, her actual role still unclear.
Currently airing is Burn the Witch 0.8, a prequel season that explains how the witches ended up with Balgo, how Balgo ended up being a Dragonclad, and what everyone's darling doggy really is underneath. (This changes things?)
Gorgeous art, funny dialogue and scenes, great action, and some really ingenious (and horrible) dragon designs. Especially magnificient: All the fantasy elements we see in the countryside outside of Reverse London.
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An older one - guy moves into suspiciously cheap apartment for high school, only to find it to be the battleground between a ghost, a witch from an underground civilization, a space princess, and a magical girl, all of which need the apartment for various reasons.
They of course all end up liking him or become his friends, and their rivalry gradually turns into friendship as they master individual adventures. Slight harem vibes, but mostly just good fun. How the ghost girl acts like his live-in girlfriend and actually sleeps sideways piercing through him is... unique. Good enough to deserve a season 2, but released in a time where that was rare.
(Apparently no GIFS for this one.)
Love Flops
I finished this one before HiDive actually closed shop in my country.
I'm going to spoiler on this one.
Starts out as a weird harem show where inexplicably five girls fall in love with same dude and confess to him in no time. In an even weirder move, they all end up living with him. Makes no sense, right?
Turns out, they are all AIs and he's in a virtual reality. Each one of them is the best effort of a team from a different nation to present an AI that can feel emotion. Hence their original weirdness before they start to grow into more real personalities.
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The story takes a more emotional turn when we learn that the base of all "personality AIs" is the protagonist's childhood love, Ai. Her father scanned her personality and brain into a computer before she died of a brain tumor.
The story resolves in a dramatic turn where the main character gets to say goodbye to his first love and they get to share the feelings with each other that they could never express while she was alive as they were too afraid and immature to handle the situation.
In a weird hurricane of a self-contained season this original anime series (not adapted from a manga) moves from explicit harem comedy with lots of fan service to action show to actually really sad and emotional drama. The ending is somewhat predictable, and that after all they put us through before.
It's watchable, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, and a whole lot stupid, too. It touches on spy action, magical girl, and even a gender-ambiguous arc. Parts of it are indeed touching. Could have done with being less things at once.
I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness
... and that's not even the full title. And it's not shorter in Japanese, either. (The poor naming of most Japanese light novels is its own genre of comedy.)
The basic premise is that a Cinderella-like beauty gets framed for a crime, and somehow ends up in a powerful magician's care during her escape. He totally not has the hots for her, and wants to teach this innocent beauty how to be "naughty." The sublimation is powerful in this one! (Even if the search for a title wasn't.)
(No GIFs on this one, but thankfully also none for "disgraced," either. GIFs have become kind of naughty, lately.)
Crash Course presents a rich fantasy world and an evolving love story with a growing cast of characters. Breaks genre for a whole episode in the middle..? I liked it well enough. And it's about as naughty as Dark Helmet from Spaceballs is scary.
Classroom for Heroes
The great legendary hero that saved the realm gets reborn as a high school student, attending an academy where none of the students (and aspiring heroes) know his identity. He's totally overpowered, though, and quickly befriends not only the local prodigies (which he beats), but also a dragon (which he adopts), the robot guardian of an underground library (which becomes his maid), etc...
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A lot happens in a season and I lost track. It's generally fun to watch and has characters you end up liking. Nothing too surprising, all in all.
And that's it for now.
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polyamanga · 11 months
I recommend Tenchi Muyo (the OVA, at least,) Tenchi Muyo GXP, Tenchi Muyo War on Geminar, Photon The Idiot Adventures, Kanokon (which MIGHT be one of the earliest examples), and I'm pretty sure both Monster Musume and Invaders of the Rokujouma are gonna end up being poly, but I could be wrong.
[WHEW this is a long one! I'm gonna put it under a readmore just to save some people's dashes! As always, thank you for the recommendations!!]
I've been meaning to try out Tenchi Muyo for so long! There was a time where there was a TV Tropes page called "Tenchi Ending" that was made for series that have poly endings. I think it's called something else now, cus I never found it again any time I looked. I've wanted to check it out ever since, it's just a little intimidating! There's so much Tenchi content! lol
I'll just include the synopsis for the OG Tenchi Muyo! Ryououki here:
Seventeen-year-old Tenchi Masaki grew up hearing stories about how his ancestor used a sword to seal a demon inside a cave seven hundred years ago. When curiosity gets the better of him, Tenchi goes to the cave and stumbles across the sword from the legend. Thinking that the story is nothing more than a fairy tale, he removes the blade and inadvertently releases the demon, who turns out to be a space pirate named Ryouko Hakubi. Furious about being trapped for so long, she attacks Tenchi, but he is able to repel her with the sword, awakening his inner power. After seeing this, Ryouko takes an interest in her unlikely savior and decides to crash at his place. As if it were a chain reaction, more alien women—Aeka Jurai Masaki, an uptight princess from the planet Jurai; Sasami, Aeka's sweet younger sister; Mihoshi Kuramitsu, a ditzy Galactic Police Officer; and Washuu Hakubi, a wisecracking genius—gradually come in contact with Tenchi and begin living with him. Through his encounters with these five women, Tenchi begins to learn more about his ancestry, newfound power, and the looming threat lurking beyond the skies.
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As for Photon, that's a new one to me. It's available on Crunchyroll in the US at least; everything I'm seeing about it suggests its pretty adult though! ANN lists "graphic depictions of sex, drug use and bloodshed" under its content warnings, so there's that. Admittedly, not what I expected based on the synopsis or cover lol. The protag looks so sad about it too!
Photon Earth is a young and gentle boy with superhuman strength and "Baka" (meaning "idiot" in Japanese) scribbled on his forehead (apparently by his troublemaking friend Aun Freya). One day, he finds himself engaged to the beautiful fugitive pilot Keyne Acqua after writing "baka" on her forehead. And that's the least of his worries as he must protect both Aun and Keyne from the evil Papacharino, who seeks to steal the secrets of "Aho" (another word for idiot) energy from Keyne's grandfather's ship.
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Kanokon, I have heard of! That's one I saw all over the place (especially in amvs) for a couple of years. I believe it's a shota series? Seems like the protag is the same age as the love interests, but he certainly LOOKS like a little baby lmao
Having spent most of his life in the country, Kouta is understandably nervous when he moves in with his grandma to attend a high school in the big city. He hoped to make a good impression, but having Chizuru, a beautiful fox spirit, hanging off his arm didn't seem to be the sort of image he wanted to have. She's not alone in her love for Kouta, either. Nozomu, a wolf spirit, as well as other youkai have their sights set on the hapless country boy.
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Monster Musume (Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou / Everyday Life with Monster Girls) is one I've seen a bit of, but a while back it got removed from like, every streaming service in the US for some reason! That's another one with a really reluctant protag as well lol (though it makes sense for him, poor guy!) I didn't get to far into it, but I know it's absolutely brimming with fanservice, for those who enjoy that. (Also...Miia is sooooo cute)
With his parents abroad, Kimihito Kurusu lived a quiet, unremarkable life alone until monster girls came crowding in! This alternate reality presents cutting-edge Japan, the first country to promote the integration of non-human species into society. After the incompetence of interspecies exchange coordinator Agent Smith leaves Kimihito as the homestay caretaker of a Lamia named Miia, the newly-minted "Darling" quickly attracts girls of various breeds, resulting in an ever-growing harem flush with eroticism and attraction. Unfortunately for him and the ladies, sexual interactions between species is forbidden by the Interspecies Exchange Act! The only loophole is through an experimental marriage provision. Kimihito's life becomes fraught with an abundance of creature-specific caveats and sensitive interspecies law as the passionate, affectionate, and lusty women hound his every move, seeking his romantic and sexual affections. With new species often appearing and events materializing out of thin air, where Kimihito and his harem go is anyone's guess!
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Invaders of the Rokujouma is another new one to me! The plot sounds fun; I'd absolutely take an apartment full of ghost girls if it means I don't have to pay rent! lmao
Due to young Koutarou's financial circumstances, he is forced to live in a small rokujouma (6-tatami apartment) on a budget of 5000 yen a month. On the plus side, he lives rent-free, but on the minus side, that's because room 106 of Corona Apartments is cursed. The ghost is a cute young girl and hijinks ensue when she tries to drive him out. Between the haunting, Koutarou's nosy neighbors, and a self-styled magical girls flying to the unneeded rescue, there's way too much for the impoverished young man to handle.
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dailyanimeoped · 2 years
Ending 1 - Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?
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invadingyourheart · 4 years
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Kiriha, Sanae, Theia, and Yurika from the now defunct game Cosmic Break.
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animebluesbrothers · 4 years
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The Ghost Hunters from INVADERS OF THE ROKUJYOMA!? (2014)
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sydarthian · 6 years
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Some random animes that I recommend.
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mahou-furbies · 3 years
Reviews masterpost
Masterpost for organising my first impressions and closing thoughts posts of varying quality.
Manga / ranobe / comics reviews here
Blue Reflection Ray (first impressions)
Concrete Revolutio (first impressions)
Fairy Ranmaru (first impressions)
Flip Flappers (first impressions)
Happy Seven 
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
Invaders of the Rokujyoma!? (first impressions)
Machikado Mazoku (first impressions)
Season 2 (first impressions)
Magic User’s Club (OVA)
Magic User’s Club (TV)
Magical Destroyers (first impressions)
Magical Girl Raising Project (first impressions)
Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara s2 (first impressions)
Matoi the Sacred Slayer
Myriad Colors Phantom World
Märchen Mädchen (first impressions)
Nanatsuiro Drops (first impressions)
Ojamajo Doremi (first impressions)
Petite Princess Yucie (first impressions)
Pop in Q
Futari wa Precure (first impressions)
Futari wa Precure Max Heart
Futari wa Precure Splash Star (first impressions)
Yes! Precure 5 (first impressions)
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo (first impressions)
Fresh Precure! (first impressions)
Smile Precure (first impressions)
Doki Doki! Precure
Happiness Charge Precure!
Go! Princess Precure
Mahou Tsukai Precure! (first impressions)
Kira Kira Precure a la Mode (first impressions)
Star Twinkle Precure (first impressions)
Healin’ Good Precure (first impressions)
Tropical Rouge! Precure (first impressions)
Delicious Party Precure (first impressions)
Hirogaru Sky! Precure (first impressions)
Wonderful Precure! (first impressions)
Otona Precure (first impressions)
Precure season movies
Max Heart 1
Max Heart 2
Splash Star
Yes 5
Yes 5 GoGo
Doki Doki
Happiness Charge
Go! Princess
Mahou Tsukai
Kira Kira
Star Twinkle
Healin’ Good
Tropical Rouge
Delicious Party
Precure crossover movies
Spring Carnival
Dream Stars
Miracle Universe
Miracle Leap
Pretear (first impressions)
Princess Tutu
Re:Creators (first impressions)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Magia Record (first impressions)
Magia Record s2
Magia Record s3
Tokyo Mew Mew New (first impressions)
TMM New s2 
Twin Angels
Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel OVA
Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
sequel OVA
Twin Angel Break (first impressions) (2)
Umi Monogatari (first impressions)
Uta Kata (first impressions) (2)
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero
Washio Sumi & Hero chapters
Season 3 (first impressions)
Zettai Bouei Leviathan (first impressions)
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karleekue · 6 years
A List of Every Anime That I’ve Finished *Updated*
3D Kanojo: Real Girlfriend
12-sai: Chicchana Mune no Tokimeki
Amagi Brilliant Park
The Ancient Magus' Bride
Ani ni Tsukeru wa Nai
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Ano Natsu de Matteru
Anthem of the Heart (movie)
A Place Further Than the Universe
Assassination Classroom
Beyond the Boundary
Black Butler
Blue Exorcist
Blue Spring Ride (Ao Haru RIde)
Boku no Hero Academia -ongoing-
BONJOUR Sweet Love Patisserie
Brothers Conflict
Bungo Stray Dogs
Cheer Danshi!!
Clean freak! Aoyama-kun
The Comic Artist and His Assistants
Convenience Store Boyfriends
Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!
Dagashi Kashi
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Deadman Wonderland
Death Note
Death Parade
The Devil Is a Part-Timer
Devilman Crybaby
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Elfen Lied
Engaged to the Unidentified
Fairy Tail
Flying Witch
Food Wars
Fruits Basket
Future Diary
Girls Beyond the Wasteland
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (movie)
Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
Hal (movie)
Hanamaru Kindergarten
The “Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat
The High School Life of a Fudanshi
Himouto Umaru-chan
Hitorijime my hero
Hohobono log
Hotarubi no Mori E (movie)
I can't understand what my husband is saying
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san
Inu x Boku SS
Invaders of the Rokujyoma!?
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamisama Kiss
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior
Kenka Bancho Otome -Girl Beats Boys-
Kids on the Slope
Kimi ni Todoke
Kimi no Na Wa (movie)
Kino's Journey- the Beautiful World (2017)
Kiss Him, Not Me
Koe no katachi (movie)
Kokoro Connect
Komori-San Can't Decline!
Laid-Back Camp
La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!
Love is like a Cocktail
Lovely Complex
Love Stage!!
Magic-kyun Renaissance
Makura no Danshi
Michiko & Hatchin
Miss Koboyashi’s Dragon Maid
Mob Psycho 100
Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun
The Morose mononokean
My Little Monster
My Love Story!!
Mysterious Girlfriend X
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
Natsume Yuujinchou
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
Nijiiro Days
Nisekoi: False Love
Ojisan and marshmallows
Onee-Chan ha Kita
One Punch Man
One Week Friends
Orenchi no Furojijo
Oshiete! Galko-Chan
Ouran High School Host Club
Our love has always been 10 centimeters apart.
Parasyte: The Maxim
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
Place to Place
Plastic Memories
Poco's Udon World
Princess Jellyfish
Riddle Story of Devil
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon Crystal
Sakamoto Desu Ga
Sakura Trick
Say “I Love You”
School Babysitters
Servant x Service
Shimoneta: A Boring World Where The Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist
Shomin Sample
Snow White with the Red Hair
Super Lovers
Sweetness & Lightning
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
Terror in Resonance
This Art Club Has a Problem!
Tokyo ghoul
Tsuredere children
Usagi drop
Uta no Prince-sama
Vampire Knight
Violet Evergarden
Wandering son
Witch Craft Works
Wolf Children (movie)
Wolf Girl & Black Prince
The World is Still Beautiful
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Yona of the Dawn
You and Me
Your Lie in April
Yuri!!! on Ice
Zutto Mae Kara Suki Deshita (movie)
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Previous years: 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 It is again time for the annual roundup! It feels this was not a particularly good animanga year in terms of amount of series consumed, but when it comes to enthusiasm Attack on Titan has single handedly offered more excitement than anything else in the past... I dunno, 3 or 4 years. Attack on Titan
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Finally ended up giving this a proper chance, mostly by accident, and I'm still in that hole. I'd say that a sizeable amount of my appreciation for this manga comes from how it stands out from all the other action shounen I've read in terms of how it deals with common shounen characters, themes and tropes, but as of late I've learnt to appreciate more how it stands on its own as well. Also as upset as I am that I'm so late to the party at least catching up to happened at a relatively good spot, since I found it was easier for me to get into the new arc without the main cast when I just had gotten some 50 chapters worth of material with my favourites. And with the new developments the wait was definitely worth it, even if I'm as thirsty as everyone else for the rest of the main cast's new designs.
Awards given: Best manga, Best boy (Eren), Best OP that I didn't actually see (didn't watch the anime outside listening to some music), Best friendship (Eren and Historia), Best mentor (Levi)
Made in Abyss
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Heard this got a lot of praise so I decided to check it out too, knowing only that it's supposedly pretty grim. At first it seemed like just a "plucky kids go on an adventure" kind of show, even if the darker elements were always there (like how the main characters embarked on their journey fully aware that they won't be coming back). The upper layers of the titular Abyss felt pretty easy for their rumoured danger level, but when things finally went south they did so spectacularly. Very bad things happen to children in this show! Overall I really liked the Abyss as a location, the characters were great and especially the female characters were way above average (as in, pretty much got treated equally with the dudes). 
Awards given: Best anime, Best OP I actually saw
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
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This one I watched just because it looked cute. Which it was I guess, KyoAni's animation is always a pleasure to watch, but I got little else out of it. Kanna teeters between actually cute and manipulative-and-kinda-disgusting.
Awards given: Best cute animation, Best side boy (Fafnir)
Spirit Circle
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Finally bothered to get into another manga from one of my favourite authors, and it was definitely worth it. The story revolving around the two protagonists reincarnating in different periods and often ending up killing one another was definitely something more unique than usual, the plot was well thought out, and the character work was just as great as I had learned to expect from the author (plus the female characters don't suck). On top of it all there is the strange calm and positive atmosphere despite sometimes grim subject matter that Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer also had. The art still isn't that amazing and sometimes the space-time talk gets way over my head but otherwise an excellent read.
Awards given: Best girl (Kouko (and iterations)), Best laughs, Best romance
One Piece
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Not sure if it's because of the quality of the manga itself or because Attack on Titan dethroned One Piece from the top spot, but my interest in OP has waned a little in the past year. I haven't been able to get into Sanji's family drama, and the stuff with Big Mom has raised some good expectations but so far hasn't quite managed to live up to them. However my interest has only decreased in relation to the series itself, and compared to everything else I've consumed OP still stands tall, and Best Bunny Carrot even got to do something so I'm good I guess?
Awards given: Best side girl (Carrot)
The magical girl corner:
Doki Doki! Precure
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I thought this was from last year but apparently no. So here it is, my least favourite magical girl series of all time! Might also be the least favourite anime in general (judgement pending)! Those interested can find a long rant here, but the tl;dr is that the show revolves around glorifying the main character who has no flaws, has no character development since she's amazing from the start, gets all the other characters' personal storylines be about her too, gets the story to bend so that she's always right in the end, and so on. Ugh! Though I must say that at least that in a way the series was interesting in how blindly and confidently it assumes everyone in the audience has the default assumption that the main character is the most amazing thing to ever grace this earth with her presence.
Awards given: Worst anime, Worst girl (Mana), Worst “romance"(whatever it is when everyone proclaims their 'love' for Mana), Worst friendship (Mana being the center of everyone's universe)
Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
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Tried watching an ongoing Precure series this time, and while I'm still some episodes behind it could be a lot worse. Overall a really lackluster season and suffers from the same problems as the other Precure seasons I've seen: generic, unambitious, noncommittal, repetitive... There's very little going on with the plot, and while I do like some of the characters it's hard to care when the show is so adamant at doing nothing interesting with them. However it's still the best out of the Precure seasons I've seen so far properly, which probably says more about the other two's (HapiCha and DokiDoki) quality. And I do have to commend KiraKira for sticking to the sweets theme; at least it's clearly about something.
I've also watched some Go! Princess Precure which blows the other three Precure I've seen out of the water, but I haven't made very far. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it next year.
Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero: Washio Sumi chapter / Hero chapter
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Why is it always the dark magical girl shows that try anything new and interesting!? I find that the new YuYuYu stuff has had some really clunky and awkward direction, stock characters, limited animation and ham-fisted drama, but I still appreciate what it's doing with its plot. Also gotta love the veteran magical girl's reaction to the new magic system which allows them to trade defence barriers for +1000% power: "lol back in my day we didn't have any shields in the first place!"
Awards given: Best magical girl outfits
Also finished Flip Flappers (final verdict: cool premise and looks interesting, execution a little uneven but still worth watching), Punchline (an uneven but still interesting little thing with great character designs), Uta Kata (a slow moving dark magical girl show with some nice ideas, good outfit designs, poor animation and awkward fanservice) and Pop in Q (mostly forgettable upbeat magical girl thing; though it did manage to hold interest for its short length).
Awards given: Biggest WTF (Uta Kata's poorly implemented fanservice), Best character designs (Punchline)
I also watched the second season of Hibike Euphonium, but I can't remember if it was at the end of 2016 but either way I don't have a lot to say about it.
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
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Good old Animal Crossing in mobile form, there's not much else to it and there's very little to do, but I'm a sucker for collecting and the leisurely and friendly atmosphere is worth it. Seeing Tom Nook ask for real money this time was definitely the highlight even if I'd never pay for a mobile game myself.
Awards given: Biggest Time-Waster (but I still keep playing it)
I've also kept playing Pokemon Go but there's not a lot to say about it, like can you add some new gameplay stuff to it please? Also did not get Ultra Sun/Moon. I didn't care too much for Alola and most of the new content seems to be about the Ultra stuff which is unlikable to me by default; I've never been into the legendary/mythical/ultra/save the world from apocalypse aspect of the games, like just let me train my pets to become the very best like no on ever was.
Not a lot of negative awards this year it seems. The bad stuff I read was just forgettable instead of bad in a funny way or so bad it's fun to hate it.
Plans for 2018:
Finally watch the Attack on Titan anime to catch up with the rest of the fandom and prepare for my favourite arc getting adapted
Finish with the mostly disappointing Digimon Adventure Tri.
Watch the newest Precure as it airs, finish Go! Princess and at least one of the earlier seasons
More magical girls! Maybe finally check out Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card arc, finish Matoi the Sacred Slayer (which has been on my list since 2016...), Pretear, series where the magical girl is a side character (Concrete Revoutio, Samurai Flamenco, re:Creators, Invaders of the Rokujyoma!?)
Finally watch Neon Genesis Evangelion (been working on it since 2005) and finish Gurren Lagann
Finish reading Neuro
Read Sengoku Youko, NaruTaru and Rozen Maiden
maybe get a Switch and the new Zelda and Mario games for it
Maybe I'll get to at least a fourth of these...?
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justusrstone · 7 years
Review of the light novel Invaders of the Rokujouma Volume 1 by  Takehaya LIGHT NOVEL INFORMATION TITLE: Invaders of the Rokujouma AKA: Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?, 六畳間の侵略者!?,  invaders of the rokujyoma, invaders of the rokujyōma AUTHOR: Takehaya ILLUSTRATOR: Poco PUBLISHER (English): J-Novel Club RELEASE DATE (English): June 3, 2017 PURCHASE (Amazon Affiliate Link): Volume 1 - http://amzn.to/2pheA6R Volume 2 - http://amzn.to/2plzIJU Volume 3 - http://amzn.to/2qO4qMb
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invadingyourheart · 5 years
J-Novel Club launched their Kickstarter for a print run of Invaders of the Rokujouma today. It has already met it’s $50,000 goal. They have two stretch goals to release the drama CDs. At $70,000 they will release the drama CDs digitally, and at $85,000 they will release them on disc. A CD with the audio, and a DVD with images to go along with the audio and subtitles.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
August Updates to the Crunchyroll Catalog
August is coming, and along with ice cream, crying over Subaru’s backstory, and even louder crickets at night, the month is also bringing some updates to the Crunchyroll catalog.
  On August 1st, we will be removing select titles licensed from some of our licensing partners. We hope you’ve enjoyed these titles as much as we have, and encourage you to binge your favorites one more time before the month’s end. 
  Our catalog continues to evolve over time, and we’re happy we’ve been able to bring hundreds of new series - even movies and OVAs! - to fans all around the world this past year. Our simulcast lineup this season is showing to be a favorite among favorites, and next season is already shaping up to be even better -- we can’t wait to share it with you!!
  You can find the titles that will be saying goodbye here:
  <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> Action Heroine Cheer Fruits
Aoharu x Machinegun
Battle Girl High School
Bodacious Space Pirates
Broken Blade
Captain Earth
Celestial Method
CROSS ANGE Rondo of Angel and Dragon
Cuticle Detective Inaba
Dog & Scissors
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Dynamic Chord
Engaged to the Unidentified
Fantasista Doll
Flip Flappers
Frame Arms Girl
Girlish Number
Girls Beyond the Wasteland
Gourmet Girl Graffiti
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Humanity Has Declined
Invaders of the Rokujyoma?
KINMOZA! (All Seasons)
La storia della Arcana Famiglia
Long Riders!
Magic of Stella
Magical Play
Magical Warfare
Majikoi Oh! Samurai Girls
Mashiroiro Symphony
Matoi the Sacred Slayer
Momo Kyun Sword
Nakaimo - My Sister is Among Them!
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
Nobunaga the Fool
One Week Friends
Phi Brain (All Seasons)
Photo Kano
Queen's Blade Rebellion
Rail Wars!
RIN-NE (All Seasons)
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen
Sakura Trick
Samurai Bride
Samurai Jam-Bakumatsu Rock
So, I Can't Play H!
Stella Women’s Academy, High School Division Class C3
Tari Tari
The Comic Artist and His Assistants
The Dragon Dentist
The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior
The Severing Crime Edge
Tribe Cool Crew
Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle
Uta no Prince Sama (All Seasons)
Wish Upon the Pleiades
Wizard Barristers
Zettai Boei Leviatan
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bamfas · 5 years
INVADERS of the ROKUJYOMA!? Plans Heroine General Election with BOOKWALKER
INVADERS of the ROKUJYOMA!? Plans Heroine General Election with BOOKWALKER
  INVADERS of the ROKUJYOMA!?, a harem comedy light novel series written by Takehaya and illustrated by Poco about a group of strange invaders fighting over possession of a small Japanese apartment, has been going strong for 10 years now, and now Japanese fans with BOOKWALKERsubscriptions will be able to vote for which of the 10 leading ladies they want to star in an upcoming drama CD to be…
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mahou-furbies · 5 years
I ended up picking an anime called Invaders of the Rokujyoma!?, whose premise already gave the impression that it would not be for me (it’s a seemingly plotless otaku harem anime), but I wanted to try something different and I had never seen a story with a magical girl from an angle like this so I gave it a go anyway. So far it has been a mistake, since even for a harem anime it’s pretty bad, mostly because it’s so tropey and generic. And unfortunately the magical girl is the worst of the girls, which is especially bad since they all suck in different ways (and MC-kun is exceptionally insufferable too). And even her outfit is boring.
At least it’s short and easy to watch...
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karleekue · 7 years
A list of every anime that I have finished
Amnesia Another Assassination Classroom Beyond the Boundary Black Butler Blue Spring Ride (Ao Haru RIde) Brothers Conflict Bungo Stray Dogs Charlotte Dagashi Kashi Deadman Wonderland Death Note The Devil Is a Part-Timer Elfen Lied Engaged to the Unidentified Erased Fairy Tail Food Wars Fruits Basket Girls Beyond the Wasteland The “Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat Himouto Umaru-chan Inu x Boku SS Invaders of the Rokujyoma!? Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Kamigami no Asobi Kamisama Kiss The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior Kids on the Slope Kimi ni Todoke Kiss Him, Not Me Kokoro Connect Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! Love Stage!! Miss Koboyashi’s Dragon Maid Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun My Little Monster My Love Story!! Mysterious Girlfriend X My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Nisekoi: False Love Noragami One Punch Man Orange Ouran High School Host Club Parasyte: the maxim The Pet Girl of Sakurasou Place to Place Plastic Memories Sailor Moon Sailor Moon Crystal Say “I Love You” Shimoneta: A Boring World Where The Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist Shomin Sample Snow White with the Red Hair Toradora! Uta no Prince-sama Vampire Knight Watamote Wolf Girl & Black Prince You and Me Your Lie in April Yuri!!! on Ice
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newsintheshell · 5 years
NouKin, un video ci presenta Pauline
L’anime tratto dalla light novel fantasy di FUNA debutterà in Giappone ad ottobre.
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Pubblicato un altro spot di “Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne!” (Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! o in breve NouKin), incentrato questa volta sul personaggio di Pauline, che nella serie animata è interpretata da Masumi Tazawa (Kiriha Kurano in Invaders of the Rokujyoma!?).
L’anime tratto dalla light novel fantasy/isekai di FUNA andrà in onda sulle tv giapponesi da ottobre.  
Il giorno del suo decimo compleanno, la figlia del visconte, Adele von Ascham, viene colpita da una terribile emicrania che porta a galla i ricordi della sua vita precedente. Al tempo si chiamava Kurihara Misato ed era una diciottenne giapponese, abile e di grande talento. Morì in un incidente per salvare una bambina e al cospetto di Dio desiderò che la sua prossima vita fosse il più normale possibile, senza il peso di grandi responsabilità e aspettative date da abilità fuori dal comune. Qualcosa però non deve essere andato come sperato!
La serie è diretta da Masahiko Ohta (Yuruyuri, UzaMaid) e sceneggiata da Takashi Aoshima (Himouto! Umaru-chan, Kotoura-san) presso lo studio Project No.9 (Le ragazze anelano alla landa selvaggia, Ryuuou no Oshigoto!).
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