#Inverted [Chrono Tag]
how is our fresh boi?
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[His definition of good is probably not good.]
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hydro-city-zone · 3 months
ALTERFALL: 2024 Recap.
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As of last post, ALTERFALL's entire cast of Beta Kids and Beta Trolls have been revealed! Before moving on to any further details such as auxiliary characters (Guardians, Exiles, etc.), Alpha session characters or in-depth looks into the Beta sessions, let's recap - for those who joined partway, or are only joining now!
ALTERFALL is a Homestuck Kidswap/Bloodswap AU in which, due to a single in-universe change, many characters' upbringings are altered due to the landing locations of their meteors being switched. The in-universe event that changes the course of the story and the nature vs nurture approach to changing the characters in their new roles was inspired largely by Inverted Fate, which we definitely recommend to all UNDERTALE fans! Below the cut are some images detailing each character, and at the end a links will be provided to read more about them!
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A group of four human teenagers who communicate online after meeting each other in a series of odd encounters. Together, they intend to play SBURB: a mysterious video game entrenched in conspiracies, hoping to dispel the wild rumors breeding in the depths of message boards, or at least to have some fun. Unbeknownst to them, the game truly is the catalyst for Earth's apocalypse, with the four of them being thrust into another world and given the task of creating a new universe.
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Twelve aliens and previous players of SBURB - or as it is known on their planet - SGRUB. Their gruesome home planet of Alternia has instilled within them all manner of quirks, prejudices and generally colorful personalities (for better or worse), but somehow, against all odds, they managed to succeed in their game and create the universe that birthed humanity. Despite this, these twelve have been trapped in their game session, unable to claim their prize of a new home and festering in their captivity. Connections have been established to the game session of the humans, however, and thus they have gained the ability to send messages to them... At any point in the timeline they so please.
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Humans: John Jade Dave Rose God Tiers
Trolls: Patrons Aradia Gamzee Equius Tavros Eridan Feferi Sollux Nepeta
Misc: Correction Sprite Art Human Modus Descriptions
Chrono Tag
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See you soon.
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argentdandelion · 3 years
Completely Accurate Undertale Fanwork Summaries
Soul Dichromatism: A prince who looks like a goat has the hots for a species-swapped prisoner of war, and his buddies discuss ethics and are sad. (?)
A goatlike magical being has the hots for a transformed captive human that resembles his long-dead adoptive sibling, and he wonders whether he has some weird human-attraction problem. There’s also a bloody decades-long war in which the equivalent of long-range missiles are used on civilians.
You Monster:
People must repeatedly avoid calling an amnesiac person a human in front of said person.
A lost child insecure about not having fur and horns seeks out their mother’s ex-husband. Their new friends keep distracting them from finding this beloved pushover of an ex-husband.
We Need To Talk:
A talking flower and talking skeleton are improvised therapists for a very androgynous child, who is sort of two children but also not.
The Anomaly:
Seven really old people must deal with a flirtatious twentysomething with the godlike ability to rewind time.
A flirtatious twentysomething frees countless weird-looking people from many years of imprisonment and is unknowingly a thorn in the side of seven really old people, who are also recluses and roommates.
Handplates: A single, male scientist in a labcoat with a basement lab singlehandedly creates children through artificial means, whose exceptional traits surprise him, but it’s practically the opposite of The Powerpuff Girls.
Broken-Knife-Frisk: A tale of enemies turned friends as a skeleton transports a mass murderer to court.
Entity Neo: A timid ghost possesses his cousin’s mechanical corpse and gets sad.
Caretaker of the Ruins: An androgynous child learns the lesson of stranger danger the hard way, and then gets an even stranger stranger to delay child murder.
Inverted Fate: A technically undead flower turns back into a goatlike boy, then into a god, then torments a child and rewrites reality with zero experience. Their latest victim finds the new reality oddly familiar.
A technically undead flower turns into a terrifying god, rewrites reality, and then inadvertently gives some powerful people new jobs.
Fallen Flowers:A kid turns into another kind of kid, but with head-flowers, and must face a magic-zombie dystopia.
DeeperDown: Some weird-looking people leave their homes, face xenophobia, and experience environmentally-based declines in health.
Cost of Living: A kid tries to stop a horrible war but gets stuck in the past, where they’re almost constantly under watch by two skeletons and a lizard.
The Six Who Fell Before You:
Six kids die. The fun part is learning how.
A mother has a terrible track record: only one out the nine kids she took care of survive leaving her house and geographic area.
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alice-of-dreams · 5 years
So I know Cardfight Vanguard had absolutely no relation to Mafia or KHR but I still have a need for a Flame Au for it lol
Edit: I got too rambly in the tags and Tumblr didn't like it :((
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A Cloudy Sky but still.
Also guess who his Cloud probably is? It's totally not his adult stalker Ibuki wym.
I swear, what is it with Skies and Clouds?
Taiyou as an inverted Sun maybe?
Hhhh Shion and Tokoha both remind me of Storm too much.
Kamui also being Lightning for Chrono too. Especially for Chrono because he's so protective of these kids hhhh
Shion is a Mist technically because he's shady and manipulative and ruthless under that princely aura but he's such a noble Mist Mists aren't supposed to be noble shion you're doing it wrong. I never thought I'd see someone who's a mix of Sun and Mist but Shion proved me wrong and it's a very scary combination.
Tokoha is Storm then probably? I feel like she's a mix of Storm and Sun and Rain.
Kazuma seems like both Storm and Cloud.
And Jaime is definitely Sun. He's such a Sun dblugnkhv literally everything about him screams the blazing Sun i love him so much
Am is a Rain, Luna is possibly a Sky.
Mamoru is a Rain definitely lol.
Hashima is a Sun too funnily enough. It goes well with the angel feathers theme though but her personality is also very Sun. Pffttt it's funny that sweet baby Taiyou and Hashima out of all people are of the same type.
Henri would be Rain then? Or lightning. he's a good bean okay
Shinonome is a Lightning Mist and let's hope Shion never finds out that they both are the same type or there'll be a murder probably.
Enishi is a Storm? I think
Oh shit i nearly forgot best girl KUMI
Kumi would be a Rain i think? Not to Chrono but to the group in general yeah.
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hatbeemo · 7 years
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I drew some logos for six of my favourite Undertale AUs of this year!
These alternate tellings of the Undertale universe rise above all others in terms of new ideas, interesting stories and quality spritework!
If you are looking to satisfy your Undertale cravings with these fantastic stories, here are some links to the AUs!
I will not explain any of the plots and stuff: each link here will be a total MYSTERY! Like giving you the choice of six black holes to get sucked into. 
AGE’S END, by ManeaterMil
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Does fresh want a match for setting off the explosives?
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[Have you heard of laser vision.]
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III don't think we DO know what we've done -
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[Why, I wonder where these will be used.]
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well, cats look like that where we come from
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Yep, a perfectly normal cat.
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Which of you actually owns the boat? - 🟨
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[Maple originally gave it to River, but River insisted on sharing.]
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Also, why shouldn't we take tunnels?
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Help the bored man, give him cheese 🧀
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[Your gift has been accepted!]
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M!A the cat's fur becomes pink, as if it were dyed (f is that how its spelt?) so basically the cat's fur is dyed pink, and no harm comes to the cat. THE CAT WILL BE COMPLETELY THE SAME ASIDE FROM FUR COLOUR BECAUSE I CANT HAVE THE DEATH/MAIMING OF A KITTEN ON MY CONSIOUS! oh and also the 2 flowers on the boat can't hear thhis so they dont know its just dye
Congratulations you made the most specific one!
[M!A Accepted!]
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[It’s certainly not PINK pink, but it looks pink..]
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the cat looks normal to us... maybe cats look different depending on the region?
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*give the cat explosives, more specifically fireworks and fire crackers, surprisingly they aren't pink*
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[Do you know what you’ve done]
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what do you mean it looks odd? its now a completely normal cat with nothing strange about it at all. look at how normal that cat looks! why, that the most average looking cat i've ever seen. you'd have to be completely crazy to think that the cat is not completely ordinary and normal
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Maple: “..It’s clearly fake--”
River: “Perfectly normal!”
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