wisyhana · 9 months
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Always imagined on the situation where Marik would actually apologize to Yugi and Jonouchi for forcing them to duel each other. Cos honestly I find it pretty weird how everybody manage to be super friendly in the end.
But back at the Irateshipping, this happens as a continuation of the first comic I made. This one is bit too subtle in comparison with that comic, but well I'm a sucker for subtlety, so is open to interpretation what you think what's happening in Marik's mind.
This story will continue on that one trip the Yugi gang do to Egypt for the Rite of the Duel, there things get pretty intense and that only mean bad news for Jonouchi.
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artclari · 6 months
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More Yu-Gi-Oh ships! Irateshipping 👀
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unreal · 2 months
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hereforthefunnyguys · 4 months
Jonouchi following “Namu” into some random backalley five minutes after his best friend got stabbed, his phone has mysteriously lost signal, and Anzu appears to have disappeared into the mist: my dick has led me to places I wouldn’t even go with a gun
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correct-yugioh-quotes · 3 months
Jonouchi: I’m not gay, so obviously I can’t do gay things. Everything I do is straight.
Honda: so it was straight when you begged Ryou to let you sleep in the same bed as him ‘Because he looked cold?’
Anzu: it was straight when you told Atem he had the most beautiful eyes in the world?
Duke: it was straight when you texted Malik at 3 AM, and I quote, ‘hey cna I get you. Preganant?’
All together: Everything about you and Yugis relationship is straight?
Jonouchi: it’s not gay if he has visible eyelashes
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leechysmile · 6 months
I need Marik to leave Joey absolutely covered in bitemarks. Everywhere. Neck, thighs, hips, shoulder. EVERYWHERE. So many that Joey is self-conscious and layers up on clothing, maybe adds some makeup to hide any he fears may become visible. Need Joey to wince when Marik gives him toothy grins. It's a subtle threat now and Joey would knock Marik into next week if he could. But he doesn't because *insert reason* and aaaah I need them
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claudysummer · 2 months
Why is KabruXLaios so simmilar to MarikXJounouchi??? Or am I the only one thinking it???
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Okay no but likeeeee
Ryou, Yuugi, and Marik are perfect casting in a MKR-esque AU???
Instead of the Rune Gods, they're aligned with the three Egyptian Gods:
Ryou: Obelisk
Yuugi: Osiris
Marik: Ra
And each of them are aligned with the sun (Marik), The Moon (Ryou), and the Earth (Yuugi) rather than pure elemental forces.
Yuugi meets a handsome thief who has a bone to pick with the royal family and the hierarchy that the world runs under.
Ryou meets the prince of the land, stoic but gentle.
Marik meets the headstrong and honest captain of the guard, who he clashes with at first but with whom he forms an unbreakable bond.
And they end up finding that they not only can't go home, but are destined to become human vessels for the sources of their power until they find and unlock ka of their own.
It ends with them fighting the Gods and truly saving the world... at the cost of being unable to go home.
So they get married in a triple wedding instead 83
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kira-quartz · 5 months
For the ask game: Carryshipping (you can do the individual pairings involved if u want), thiefshipping, irateshipping :>
Blarhgsjkhgkas sorry for the wait 😓 (And sorry the Carryshipping section is such a mess, 😂)
I don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | and I won't *mumble mumble* and surrender~ | there will be no white flag above my *shrugs* | they're in love, and *gives up and googles the lyrics* | OT3
Okay, so I didn't forget about your other ask; I've been trying to will myself into a state of feralness (turns out I can't do it on cue, 😅!), so I might as well do it here:
Like, think about it. Puff, Buddy and Protect are all adorable ships on their own. You have the sweet, polite little nerd who loves all things creepy and the former gang member with a heart of gold who's terrified of the occult and also happens to be a nerd. You have the two lovable idiots who've been best friends for years, who know each other like they know themselves. You have the tough-looking guy who's actually a massive softie and the gentle, fragile-looking cornflake with all this hidden inner strength. So you put all three of them together and there's this whole sun, moon and Earth dynamic where their personalities complement each other in different ways and it just works!!!
Joey and Tristan would always be there for Ryo and remind him as many times as they need to that they want to be there for him - no more disappearing into the Isolation Pit for him if they can help it. I think he'd bring out their softer sides; partly because he's so heckin' adorable, but also because he wouldn't judge them for showing vulnerability.. In the past, they've both had problems with toxic masculinity and felt pressured to act tough, and while they've both come a long way by the time I usually imagine the Carryship setting sail, they probably still have some lingering Stuff. But Ryo's just... himself. I don't think he cares about whether or not he measures up to some made-up standard, and he wouldn't care if other people do either. I see him as a good, sympathetic listener - if anything's bothering them, they can talk to him about it, but he won't push them to talk if they're not ready. (You know how he spent most of the Téa vs. Mai Duel comforting Yugi? Yeah.) Based on some of his dialogue from his Duel Links event (and not just with Joey), I HC that he's really generous with compliments too. If he has something nice to say, he just says it, so there's this kind of funny, kind of interesting contrast between how sincerely he expresses his feelings for Joey and Tristan and how sweet they are to him, and how those two act towards each other: i.e. not too differently to how they did before they got together. They might be a bit more openly affectionate (mainly physically), but they're still Joey and Tristan, and they'll still bicker almost as much as always, 😂!
In between the bickering, Joey would be *vocal* about how much he loves them, and often cheesy as heck (Ryo finds it cute; Tristan "secretly" does too but covers it with a sprinkling of snark. Joey is not fooled in the slightest. Tristan doesn't really mean for him to be.) He's quick to cheer them up or offer encouragement when they're having a bad time, and I can see him encouraging Tristan to stand up to his dad about the factory situation and pursue his own dreams - they deserve to be happy and he'll fight anyone who says otherwise (not necessarily physically because he's matured since canon, but still!) He and Ryo would be so cute nerding out over games together, 🥰. He gets to enthusiastic about things (he threw himself right into that first Monster World session) and that would mean a lot to Ryo. (Tristan's willing to join in, but he's not as passionate about it as they are.) With his interest in model-building, I think he'd appreciate the work Ryo puts into his dioramas too. And they can both be Odd Cornflakes at times - Ryo might be the Weird One of the three, but Joey did call the original Duel Disk a "cup ramen thing", 🤣. I bet they'd occasionally wake Tristan up talking about whatever completely random thought popped into one of their heads at 2am, 😂.
Tristan will keep them grounded and be the voice of reason as usual... unless he's getting swept up in whatever Joey's doing, because let's face it, with these three, there *will* be moments when no one has the brain cell and it's just skittering around unattended. (Do brain cells skitter? Serious questions asked on my bloggo.) He's sometimes a bit confused by Ryo, but that doesn't bother him. He's accepted that there are some things he just won't get, so he's just going to concentrate on doing what he does best: loving and supporting Ryo unconditionally, as well as keeping a close eye on any occult stuff that's going on - *no one* needs to get possessed again. (Joey will watch from a safe distance, (read: "over Tristan's shoulder like when he found out that Shadi was a ghost", 😂), but no matter how terrified he is, he'll still be ready to take action if things start to go wrong.) If anything's wrong with either of them (and he always notices), he'll go out of his way to help, even if all he can do is listen, which happens more often than he'd like, especially with Ryo. It's not always easy, though, so they make sure to let him know they appreciate him, and be there for him when he needs it.
Overall: 200/10, can't believe no one named it before I did.
I don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP
It's been a while since I've really thought about them, but this is probably my favourite ship for both of them, mostly because of the fandom's portrayals. None of these options really fit them for me, though? 😅 They're an entertaining mess. A pair of heckin disasters. XD
I don’t know them enough | wtf | why | just NO | tolerable | they’re okay | cute | awww | babies | hot | I will go down with this ship | OTP |
Well, I haven't seen much art for it, but I like the idea of it! It'd be interesting to see how it happens, with the whole brainwashing thing and Joey's tendency to hold grudges. They'd definitely have to address that, 😅. (Oh, and about your reply to my ask: what exactly is a hamster-like death? 😂)
Thanks for asking!
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rosalind-hawkins · 3 months
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enemyoflactose · 7 months
Okay, this time I'll pick one that I actually kinda like, because it feels more fair that way: Irateshipping (Joey x Marik)
Oh boy, where do I even begin here. The possession, the stalking, the harassment, or the assault?
Marik has been absolutely nothing but toxic to Joey and his friends and after reflecting on how bad of a person he is he thinks everything will be ok? If this was any other series that would make him delusional!
First he tries to steal the puzzle from Yugi (Joey's best friend), then he gets his rare hunters to attack Joey and take his Red Eyes, then he harasses Yugi for a considerable amount of time, and then after stabbing poor Ryou he gets his rare hunters to assault Joey and Téa and kidnap them! Wanna know what he does then? He takes control of their minds and tries to get them to kill Yugi and take the puzzle as well as Slifer!
What a swell and upstanding guy ain't he?
To make matters worse, during the battle city finals he proceeded to further hurt Joey by trying to make Odion summon a fake Ra which resulted in both duelists getting struck by lightning and Yami Marik to come out.
What does Marik have to excuse and explain his psychopathic behavior? A sad wittle back stowy! That's what! His dad beat him, just like Joey's! That should mean something right?!
It doesn't. If anything it serves as further proof that Joey is a magnificent being far out of Marik's league.
Marik barely did anything to redeem himself and make himself worthy of Joey's love and friendship. The only thing he deserves is death.
Thank you again for sending me another hate idea!!!! 🙏 I love being a fake anti!
If anyone has any questions, refer to here
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wisyhana · 1 year
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Finally sharing this comic! It's kinda messy since I wasn't planing as a comic at all but anyways, enjoy!  
I find quite fun to work around Marik’s possessive side and jealousy towards Yugi and Jonouchi’s friendship. I can see Marik yearning some of that genuine care, but since he never got anything close to it he only use what he has in hand: power.
I could say that Kaiba and Marik has something in common when it comes to possessiveness (if we work that part of them), but Marik’s side is much of my likeness.
Gotta admit that I don’t see Irateshipping as a romantic ship, I see no future for this ship lol but I want to explore more of it. Of course there‘s lot of noncon, toxic behavior that I don’t approve irl but gosh it’s so interesting to work that I really want to give a few more tries.
So heads up for what’s about and what probably will come in the future.
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artclari · 5 months
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more irateshipping Marik uses the power of the Millennium Rod to control Jonouchi again, making him do things he doesn't want to do
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unreal · 1 month
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hereforthefunnyguys · 8 months
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More blonde-on-blonde romance violense
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bakawitch · 5 months
So I don't think I ever talked about this, but the hazbin ygo au 100% has irateshipping in it XD
Based on that info, it's probably not hard to guess who's roles they're gonna fill XD
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