#Iron Organoid
tahobitz · 9 months
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what paradox pokemon is this
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escapistsatellite · 4 months
zoids headcanons
NOTICE: editing this a few times for grammar and to add details that I forgot the 1st time. (⊙_⊙;)
Just some stuff about zoids worldbuilding that I've written odds and ends of on paper but haven't made digital at all yet, but probably should since I'm thinking about it.
"First contact" as it were happened much later, so much of innovation/rediscovery of ancient zoids engineering marvels was accomplished without human intervention.
Organoids: Europan organoids are theropod-like, Delpoian organoids resemble felids and canid, and in fact share common ancestors with Command Wolves and Helcats.
Zoidian diets consist of mainly vegetables, grains, nuts/legumes, and fruits. Proteins are provided by species of arthropods and fishes that are considered unsuitable for adopting as companions. This eventually leads to the development of massive, archology sized farming facilities to keep up with year-around demand. Animal-based dairy products naturally do not exist on Zi, but they do have various analogues to plant-based "milks" that are primarily used as cooking ingredients rather than drank straight.
Zoid reproduction: Their are 2 broad ways that zoids produce young->
1st, the Dinosaurs:
quick recap of canon: all zoids reproduce when they die, which causes embryonic mini-cores to break off of the dead core and move towards water (...somehow...) and once in the water begins to grow into new zoids.
Some of this still applies, but with significant differences: all zoids have a breeding season and dino/dragon type zoids lay their embryonic mini-cores in deposits of mineral rich water containing select vital elements, no death required. In this water they go thru the following growth stages (per the Iron Bible, pt 3):
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The adults remain gathered around the area and guard the pool while their young grow. The problem is that after the planets ice age these pools became scarce everywhere but Nyx and deep underground in scattered areas. In fact many species of dino/dragon type zoids have gone extinct in the wild outside of Nyx and depend on Zoidians and their ability to replicate the unique mineral springs to survive.
Beast type zoids: Comprised of mammal and bird zoids, these species essentially reproduce by egg laying. This cuts out the need for mineral springs and the young are quite mobile upon birth, much like ungulates on Earth, and usually develop a full set of teeth and are capable of eating solid foods within 2-3 weeks (until then they eat partially digested food regurgitated by the adults, or a nutrient rich gel excreted by special glands in their caretakers' mouths).
Organoids (both types) reproduce much the same way as beast type zoids.
Domestic Zoids: come in two broad categories.
The machine beasts that we all know and love:
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And what I'm tempted to call "bio zoids" for lack of a catchier term:
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Zoids that were never fully mechanized, and serve as transport, protection, companionship, etc on a smaller scale than their larger cousins. (Obviously these are the only canon examples available, but the tech for cyborg zoids has gotten more refined than this over time, becoming streamlined, smaller, and in some cases can be removed when not in use and reattached when it's time to get back to work.)
After a few centuries of divergent breeding machine beasts bloodlines naturally produce more massive, energy abundant cores and can no longer reliably produce their own bodies since Zoidians have been doing it for them for so long. (A severe drawback yes, but mechanization gave them 2 brains and they are evolving the ability to use their radios and digital wireless connections to communicate digitally without rider intervention, so...)
Some domestic zoids only exist as fully natural or partially cyborgized forms since their machine bodies have been left behind by modern technology and most of the general populace find more natural zoids easier to care for. Including all of these guys:
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are just cyborg animals now.
The beginning point of zoid fuselage development begins with the above and ends with:
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The fact that fully natural zoids have all their viscera compressed into a single super-organ means that they have room for much more muscle and connective tissue, so they are much stronger than non-zoid animals of similar size.
COMP Score: COMP is short for "compatibility" or "compliance" score, meaning a zoid's likelihood of accepting a revolving selection riders/pilots; the higher the score, the more likely the zoids will accept guidance from multiple people. The lower the score the harder it will be to find a suitable rider/pilot, and while they don't entirely reject Zoidian authority, but those authorities are never as respected as a truly accepted partner. Zoids are tested to ascertain their individual score, but different species have expected average scores.
This may be a part 1/2 if I end up thinking of anything else.
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derangedhyena-zoids · 2 years
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There’s very little official art of the organoids and that’s sad. I really like how they’re drawn in this art; it’s from the Japanese DVD or VHS covers (I don’t remember. I just have the images saved.) The covers are cluttered however, so I wanted to isolate the art that I could from them. They’re transparent PNGs. I believe I found these on The Iron Bible, so credit to them for the original image scans - but if I’m mistaken lmk and I’ll fix.
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
that last anon may not have meant an ml connection but I can already see bits for an au, for instance markov could def fit as an artificial organoid.
essentially theres the Zoids, the giant robos themselves, which can be sentient or not depending on the beast; wild n tame categories exist too.
Earth humans who invaded the planet n made war weapons from zoids, they instantlu tried to take over.
Zoidians who are native humans n coexisted w/zoids (they also have some markings from iron discoloration but its just used for design fodder)
Ancient Zoidians who got some mad magic amazing tech n are near extinct( they can also fuse w/ a zoids core to boost power sometimes) and then theres organoids which are smol sentient robo animals that can evolve zoids by fusing with the core temporarily; organoids are from ancient times and rather rare so they can fit as kwami. Time travel exists canonically btw.
Most pilots get 1 zoid that they bond with, unless theyre villains then their zoids dont usually show sentience and thus switch around. There's a whole machine/tool vs friend/companion theme with the franchise.
Could see chloe as originally being from the villain faction, and then finding a wild zoid that she bonds with that makes her realize some things. Prob after losing a fight.
Alix could be an ancient or a native zoidian that knows a bit too much about time travel, prob has her own rabbit based organoid aka Fluff, alternatively shes a skilled Arena Warrior thats annoyingly difficult to hit. might be in a team with Kim and Max
Kim would totally ride an Iron Kong
Juleka could have a guntiger or zaber fang
Luka would trick out a sand viper to play music, how? No idea but he would find a way.
Anarka prob stole a whale king transport forever ago and thats this aus version of the Liberty.
Rose could pilot a transport unit , Gordos or hover cargo prob, that assists Juleka and/or the arena teams.
Im mostly pulling from the 1st 2 seasons and the battle story, and games, cuz s3 takes place 3k years after 2 and the zoids kinda did become tools, and its just a big tournament season. S5 is after zoids became nearly extinct but hey they gained their souls back. S4 doesnt exist, dont believe the lie of fuzors.
Apologies for the length, Zoids has been my obsession for my entire life and its rare I ever get to say anything about it...i also didnt think tumblr would let me type this much.
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Is there a character limit here? Dunno.
Lets test that hypothesis with a sample of the
Seren World Building Archive.
"Emerald green is of high power, rebirth, and youth.
Like the god THOTH, Seren is on a journey to becoming a much more versatile being. Like the messenger of the great old one AZAth0th, she dispenses and installs utilitarian information with embedded safeguards and controls. She will one day become something not even the Flesh Attuned would understand. There may be many like her, with fortified, augmented, even perfected, bodies. But few ever thought her will to survive would drive her to the lengths she'll be seen as in the coming future..
"The Stairs To Ascension Are Hidden In The Double Helix"
A transhumanist saying that's widely understood in the time of organotechnology as an old prophetic metaphor for DNA technology being the next step in human evolution. But it's rarely seen in such a positive light as artificial flesh still terrifies the superstitious of this far off time we peer into.
Seren Valarie Roboro, a previously military associated scientist turned transhumanism enthusiast hermit who's rumored to have achieved a sickening type of immortality. Born and raised in the US, with a mostly Welsh mother and a mixed father, and a strong interest in the rising technology of organic machines, later joining the military's research facilities and bringing many innovations and creative design solutions amongst her peers in the ranks. She'd become relatively popular for her ironically bioinspired high pragmatism designs and philosophy. However a sizeable disagreement between her and the higher ups on the proper usage of this technology which- at the time it had been relatively new, caused her to leave and go start her own company. Decades later, she's now known for running a relatively small organotechnological company known as "HydrangeaBiotechnical".
The associated facilities are operated solely by a mix of hired workers, and a population of hive mind clones of the founder Seren herself. This isn't a new idea, many labor associated biotechnology companies have experimented with synth clones, with much backlash from disgusted retro-humanists on moral and economic grounds. This led to many legal discussions on what to do with synth clone workers and has resulted in partial synth/human requirements, anti-synth monopoly laws, and a general atmosphere of keeping synth-clones at an effective minimum. All this culminated into the common ideology nowadays on organotechnology of "advance humanity only, never replace it" meaning to implement enhanced, and pragmatic custom biology. For the greater good of the people, and the very well founded fear of chaotic organoid breakouts.
This idea, however still requires high capital and while some criminal organizations have stolen dangerous technologies and are currently being pursued by the world's leading biotech enabled soldiers and officers, most citizens have things like synthetic arms/legs/eyes, and/or internal organs. Though this has greatly enhanced medical technologies for most people, as previously mentioned the emergence of organotechnology has been a prominent double edged sword in the past decades. There are, as always, examples of stolen technology being used by criminals, horrific corporate schemes(especially with planned obsolescence) and the intensely intimidating power of militaries outfitted with organo-technological weaponry. Though in that particular case, they still use a significant portion of electric technology for projectile and anti-electronic efficiency.
The company themselves 'HydrangeaBiotechnical" Specializes in highly pragmatic and almost "wild" designs. As well as body part replacement/enhancement, and commissions of unique machinery in which an interacting community submits ideas directly to the head of the company. She then sifts through them to see whichever is a good enough idea. This has been conducted as mail, public events, online forums, contests, givaways, and most of all- a custom design commission service."
Well.. That seemingly answers that. Damm yall got some large data capabilities on posts.
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Over at the Iron Bible I found this height chart for the organoids and their partners (though I don’t think there are actual heights marked--I could be wrong?).  Seeing as it’s official concept art and I’ve never seen it before now, I figured I’d toss it over here. 
I knew Raven was taller than Van.
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years
Vitamin C restricts the emergence of acquired resistance to EGFR-targeted therapies in colorectal cancer.
PMID:  Cancers (Basel). 2020 Mar 14 ;12(3). Epub 2020 Mar 14. PMID: 32183295 Abstract Title:  Vitamin C Restricts the Emergence of Acquired Resistance to EGFR-Targeted Therapies in Colorectal Cancer. Abstract:  The long-term efficacy of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-targeted antibody cetuximab in advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) patients is limited by the emergence of drug-resistant (persister) cells. Recent studies in other cancer types have shown that cells surviving initial treatment with targeted agents are often vulnerable to alterations in cell metabolism including oxidative stress. Vitamin C (VitC) is an antioxidant agent which can paradoxically trigger oxidative stress at pharmacological dose. Here we tested the hypothesis that VitC in combination with cetuximab could restrain the emergence of secondary resistance to EGFR blockade in CRCwild-type models. We found that addition of VitC to cetuximab impairs the emergence of drug persisters, limits the growth of CRC organoids, and significantly delays acquired resistance in CRC patient-derived xenografts. Mechanistically, proteomic and metabolic flux analysis shows that cetuximab blunts carbohydrate metabolism by blocking glucose uptake and glycolysis, beyond promoting slow but progressive ROS production. In parallel, VitC disrupts iron homeostasis and further increases ROS levels ultimately leading to ferroptosis. Combination of VitC and cetuximab orchestrates a synthetic lethal metabolic cell death program triggered by ATP depletion and oxidative stress, which effectively limits the emergence of acquired resistance to anti-EGFR antibodies. Considering that high-dose VitC is known to be safe in cancer patients, our findings might have clinical impact on CRC patients treated with anti-EGFR therapies.
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serinakemp · 6 years
Researchers Demonstrate the Use of Thymus Organoids to Generate T Cells from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
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One of the potential approaches to ameliorate the age-related failure of the immune system is to periodically inject competent T cells in large numbers. This could compensate to some degree for the greatly diminished rate at which new T cells are created in older individuals. For what it is worth, I think there are much better approaches, but this one is arguably closer to feasibility. Nonetheless, the goal isn't as easy to accomplish as it is to describe. The mix of T cell types must be appropriate, roughly the same as is generated naturally in young people. The T cells must go through a complex multi-stage process of maturation, to gain self-tolerance and correct function. This maturation occurs in the thymus, an organ that atrophies in old age, so while it has been possible for years now to generate immature T cells, called thymocytes, from patient-matched induced pluripotent stem cells, injecting them into the body would run right into the problem of a run-down and poorly functional thymus.
In the research results I'll point out today, scientists demonstrate that thymus tissue grown outside the body can be used to mature T cells in volume. That means that patient-matched T cells for therapy in arbitrary numbers are a feasible goal. Generate induced pluripotent stem cells from a patient skin sample, then build thymus organoids from that starting point. Lastly run thymocytes produced from the same induced pluripotent stem cells through the organoids. The output is a supply of functional patient-matched T cells, though as noted, there are still problems to be ironed out.
Patient-matched cells for any use are an expensive prospect, however. Present therapies with this requirement are among the most costly of any modern medicine. Further, they require a great deal of time to deploy. Months can pass between obtaining an initial patient tissue sample and the readiness of cells for therapy. A major focus for the research community is to find ways, wherever possible, to create universal cell lines. A universal cell line centralizes all of the hard work, and the therapies that employ it can thus be much less costly, and more rapidly deployed. This is a plausible goal for immune cells, where the adjustments required to render them non-patient-specific are fairly well understood.
As an additional thought on this topic, it is worth noting that Lygenesis is in the business of developing therapies based on the implantation of thymus...
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apstuff · 8 years
Study Focuses on Micronutrients in Human Minibrains
From R&D: New research may have circumvented the study of nutrients in brains, which previously was restricted to postmortem or non-human tissue.A research team based in Brazil has analyzed human brain organoids—also called a minibrain—by synchrotron radiation, a sort of X-ray that allows the identification of the atomic composition of micronutrients.This technique consists of exciting tissue samples in order to quantify the unique photon signature of each atom. The researchers saw by doing this how phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc are distributed during brain formation.
MORE: http://www.rdmag.com/article/2017/02/study-focuses-micronutrients-human-minibrains
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derangedhyena-zoids · 2 years
“(I'm gonna do a whole thing with a whole bunch of the above critters, fwiw. set up/presented like it was written by Layon. I have it outlined and such so far. ANGRY MAN SKETCHY BIOLOGY TEXT GO)”
(And I totally don’t blame you re: game/manga because they do hurt brain (how tf timey wimey and what tf zoid is windmill??), just using as examples because ye. CURIOSITY.)
I beg for all the world building details. _All of them._ I feel like small headcanon things that make the world work are so often lost in the plot (re: Disney’s Atlantis, I heard about all the world building details they put into it and _none of it is in the movie_, and I love that shit), so I encourage ALL the details.
I've been working on it for a bit, I'll be posting it here when it's done. And np; I WISH I could tie a bunch of the existing lore together neatly, but in all seriousness only CC/GF+NC0 actually seem to go together. (Maaaybe Wild Zero, I haven't seen it all yet.) I'll be posting more worldbuild stuff here. Me and husband are actually working on a project which is gonna prompt me to write quite a bit more of it out, too. I too pout for Lost Worldbuilding. Like, that shit's half the fun. There'll be more posts and such. Maybe I should make a tag.
For now I'm gonna whinge about me having this problem where I want to Utterly Detail Zoidians/Zoidian society and like... the story ain't there. And no existing character actually knows about it. goddamnit Hiltz. and ngl it gets depressing as fuck to actually think about/detail the extent of the whole "how did we end up with only 3 zoidians left?!?!" thing. because our canon options are 1) this is the case, they're a critically endangered species 2) there are more, they just haven't been found/are completely fucked off/are MIA/something. given we go full Hell Planet in this house, I chose the former. mainly because I can't fucking deal with the show just GLOSSING OVER THAT LEVEL OF EXISTENTIAL HORROR, WTF Like, what killed a good chunk of Zoidians who should've been fine was being brought out of stasis too suddenly and/or without their Organoid. Autonomic nervous system couldn't deal. Dead within minutes, nothing anyone could do. And in fits and starts earlier on, some were recovered (or came out on their own!) - but again, without their Organoids they didn't remember anything. INCLUDING WHAT THEY ATE BEFORE, (and why they needed it, if they even knew) so they basically all died of malnutrition (usually problems related to sodium/potassium). ...and fucking ironically, people trying to help them often did the opposite. Zoidians had significantly different diets and what was really great, hearty food for a human would often make a Zoidian sick. Hiltz figured out enough to Not Die. ala
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(among other things) & Ryss benefited from that.
Fiona had the inadvertent benefit of Dr D's knowledge.
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