#Is it obvious it's never gotten below low 40s (F) where I live?
geminitay-quotes · 6 months
GeminiTay Appreciation Week Day One
For Day 1 of GeminiTay Appreciation Week!! Writing prompt: Comfort fic (This event was proposed and coordinated by the lovely @dronepikachu! Thank you so much!)
Winter on the Hermitcraft server was cold. This was jarring for some, as they came from a variety of home servers with lots of different climates, but it was a simple fact. It was frequently near or below freezing from late November until about mid-March.
Our story begins on one such winter day, snow falling heavy outside, and GeminiTay standing in her kitchen - singing an upbeat song as she put soup on the stove.
Unlike some of her neighbours, Gem was well equipped for the cold. The nature spirit was used to long winter nights, and as a matter of fact quite enjoyed them. There was something nice about sitting curled up next to the fireplace with hot chocolate on a cold evening, no sound but the fire crackling and your own breath. Perhaps some music if you were so inclined. It was a kind of comfortable solitude that you could rarely get most other times of year.
Gem looked out the window as her soup simmered. The landscape was quiet and beautiful, coated in a thin layer of whiteness that she could already tell would grow thicker in a matter of hours.
She served herself a bowl and brought both her soup and hot chocolate into the living room... There was no need to eat at the table if nobody was around to see her anyways! After lighting the fire, she relaxed into a bean bag.
Leaving her now-empty soup bowl to the side for future-Gem, she took a comfort read off the shelf and allowed herself to get absorbed into the book. Before she knew it, the ginger was fast asleep.
And yes, maybe she did forget to take in that soup bowl. And yes, perhaps she now would have cold chocolate to wake up to. And yeah, she did forget to turn off the fireplace. But as long as it didn't burn the base down (and it wouldn't - Impulse was much too used to fires and had installed in Gem's opinion too many safety measures), that would all be a problem for morning-Gem.
Because for now, night-Gem was going to stay right here in her little cocoon of warmth, and nothing you could say or do would get her to move.
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