#Isabella Tena
boomgers · 8 months
El amor de una madre es tan fuerte que nunca te hará perder la esperanza en la vida… “El Amor No Tiene Receta”
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La historia sigue a Paz, una mujer humilde que, tras sufrir el robo de su recién nacida seis años atrás, el destino le da un giro al aceptar trabajar para Esteban, un viudo con tres hijos. Paz se sumerge en una serie de experiencias que la llevan a reencontrarse con su hija y la mujer que le arrebató el sueño de ser madre. En este proceso, Paz comprende que aún puede ser madre y amar de nuevo.
Estreno: 19 de febrero de 2024 a las 8:30 pm por Las Estrellas y en ViX.
La novela, producida por Juan Osorio, cuenta con las actuaciones de Claudia Martín, Daniel Elbittar, Altaír Jarabo, Azela Robinson, Beatriz Moreno, Antonia Mayer Camil, Isabella Tena, Regina Villaverde, Liz Gallardo, Luz Ramos, Nacho Ortiz, Juan Carlos Barreto, Jaime Maqueo, Harry Geithner, Máxima Nevárez Erives, Hugo Catalán, Emilio Caballero, Sabrina Seara, Andrés Vázquez, Jaime Maqueo y Nicola Porcella.
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movienized-com · 3 months
El amor no tiene receta
El amor no tiene receta (Serie 2024) #ClaudiaMartín #DanielElbittar #AltairJarabo #AzelaRobinson #NicolaPorcella #CocoMáxima Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2024- (Februar) Genre: Drama / Romantik Hauptrollen: Claudia Martín, Daniel Elbittar, Altair Jarabo, Azela Robinson, Nicola Porcella, Coco Máxima, Beatriz Moreno, Isabella Tena, Andrés Vázquez, Juan Carlos Barreto, Hugo Catalán, Sabrina Seara , Tiago Correa, Luz Ramos, Liz Gallardo, Harry Geithner, Raúl Coronado, Santiago Emiliano, Nino Torres, Mauricio Pimentel, Moisés Zurman, Jai…
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jpminorsource-blog · 7 years
Grabaciones “Mi Marido Tiene Família”.
Vía Laura Vignatti Instagram Story
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rompemaldiciones · 5 years
HP Hogwarts Mystery Face Claims (2/4)
Nymphadora Tonks 
Natalia Tena with shorter hair would be my perfect Tonks but Karen Gillian with short pink hair looks more like game Tonks I think.
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Tulip Karasu 
Not really sure about her nationality, some people say Turkish, but she had a Japanese grandmother (I believe Matt London said she inherited her wand), so I ended up going this Korean model, Hoyeon Jung, because she had the overall look and attitude I think Tulip has.
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André Egwu
I think André has an elegant and calming presence so I went with this model, Roland Epps.
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Barnaby Lee 
This is Froy Gutierrez and I think he’s been fancasted as Barnaby a lot. At first I thought he looked too sweet but I mean it's Barnaby. He's a cinnamon roll, it fits him.
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Merula Snyde 
Someone posted on Reddit this picture of Camren Bicondova from the Gotham TV show and I totally agree it looks like her, especially the hair.
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Ismelda Murk 
Listen, Isabella Fuhrman was born to play Ismelda and you can't convince me otherwise. She’s an amazing actress too.
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writersmacchiato · 5 years
New Ask Game: Describe your favorite mutuals as aesthetics
i love this!! only tagged mutuals that i felt like i knew well enough to do this!! but know that if i’m following you, i love you ok!?
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@ardentmuse | Lia is smiling until your cheeks hurt, cozy sweaters, walking through a garden full of pastel flowers, a butterfly landing on your shoulder, watching the sun rise, hearing a song on the radio that you forgot you loved.
@quiet-mask-of-uncertainty | Chiara is the feeling of opening a beloved book, walking down a cobblestone path after it rains, fireflies flickering among dewy grass blades, the feeling of the sun on your face, touching a soft blanket.
@staygoldponebone | Star is the light that filters through a window and seeing the dust bunnies floating in the air, putting fuzzy socks on and wiggling your toes, making a joke and sitting back as your friends laugh.
@lostweasley | Lily is sharing a secret look with your friend before laughing, stepping in freshly fallen snow, twisting dandelions together to make a chain, making a wish at 11:11, writing on a fogged window.
@planetary-dream | Hannah is walking into a museum and feeling the history wash over you, looking into a mirror and smiling, standing on the shoreline with sand in between your toes, sliding your hand down a stone railing.
@david-weepster | Tena is laughing until you can’t breathe, telling your friend a secret and feeling the weight off your shoulders, running your fingers through your hair, walking barefoot on freshly cut grass.
@whatwouldidowithoutgeorgeluz | Isabella is smiling at a stranger and they smile back, lacing your fingers together as you daydream, rolling your sleeves up, sitting down on a cozy couch after standing all day, feeling the wind in your hair. 
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ernestsinclairs · 5 years
Against the Rules - Raleigh x MC
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Raleigh x MC (Tena)
There were a lot of things in life that Tena hated. The way her aunt crowed about her newest exploits at Trump rallies during Thanksgiving came to mind. The very first agent who’d seen her walk into their door, the very first agent who’d burst out laughing upon hearing of her aspirations was a close second. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to hate the man, or rather, the smirk in front of her.
“This is against the rules.”
Raleigh shrugged, flipping a new guitar around his hands nonchalantly. Against the deep red of the stage curtain, he was barely visible, just a blot against the backdrop. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be a foreshadowing of her own career.
“But is it? You deserve to win, so why not.”
“But the others - Jaylen and everyone - don’t they deserve a chance? We all want the same thing,” Tena protested. “What if I was in their shoes?”
“But you’re not,” he replied in that same, irritatingly calm tone. “Besides, you’re better.” 
“Are you not?”
The two lapsed into silence save for Avery’s voice checks bouncing hollowly around the near empty walls of the auditorium. There was an errant cheer, one Tena recognized as Ether. That girl would latch onto anything with enough ‘chakra’, she concluded.
“If I do win . . .” Tena started slowly. “I don’t think I can forget this.”
“In a good way I hope,” Raleigh shot back as he took a moment to peek out from behind the curtain. 
“No, not in a good way. I could have been Jaylen. I could have been Abigail Philippa whatever her name was. I can’t take that deal knowing I swayed a judge.”
“But isn’t that the entire point of this show?” Raleigh asked. “You sway the judges, you get them to like you, and then you win. You’re just doing an extra good job of it.”
“A little too good-”
“You can never be too good,” he shrugged. “You either take it or you don’t. Are you?”
Silence again. In a world where the voice was so important, the places where it was gone seemed the most crucial of them all. She was acutely aware of their differences - the already established star looking out from magazine covers and articles hailing record breaking albums sales, and a struggling new one looking out from a YouTube video. How far it had changed them, she was only beginning to find out.
“It’s never what you thought,” Raleigh said suddenly, twisting away sharply to watch the voice checks again. “You think you can handle hard choices, and then the first one comes along and you break. I’ve seen it happen before. And the ones who do it are the ones to crash out.”
“I don’t plan to crash out,” Tena retorted, the sound slightly more hollow than she would’ve liked it. He apparently heard it too, a slight smirk beginning to tug at the corner of his lips.
“You sure about that? This is that first choice. If you can’t make it, you won’t make it all.”
“I’ll make it.”
“Then it starts with this,” Raleigh said, moving away from the stage curtain and steering her shoulders to one of the back exits. “Your sound check’s in five minutes. You go and make the choice to win, or you don’t.”
Tena stopped abruptly and Raleigh halted behind her, sparing only a quick glance at the clock before letting go.
“You’re not going at all? That wasn’t what I was expecting from you, but alright.”
“I am going,” Tena asserted, trying to draw herself up to his admittedly impressive height. It failed, and with a trademark smirk, he pushed down on her head until her heels hit the linoleum with a thin clack.
“But I’m going to win the fair way.”
He stared at her for a moment, the normally uncaring expression replaced by something a little more unreadable. Or perhaps that was the caring face of Raleigh Carrera. Perhaps she just didn’t recognize it since he never had it on. 
“We both know that’s not going to happen.”
Pushing back a frustrated groan, Tena pushed him away, only to be stopped in her tracks herself when his grip alighted on her shoulder.
“You’re the only one in this competition worth a damn to anyone,” Raleigh said brusquely, suddenly pulling her close. “That Abigail Philippa girl? She’s a puppet. Jaylen? You and I both see right through her, and it’s not long before the rest of the world does too. You on the other hand? Well, despite an uncharacteristic aversion to winning, you’re the star package.”
“And what am I-”
“And you’re going to win.”
Tena gaped at him for a good moment before realizing and promptly shutting it. It was rare he’d been this serious before. Most of the time, he was exactly what the tabloids wrote in their margins and what MARC ranted about on their Facebook page. Flippant, uncaring, the epitome of a stereotype. This only seemed to defy them.
“You are going to win,” he repeated, those dark eyes suddenly beginning to feel rather pointed. “You are going to win, and you are going to succeed, and you are definitely going to thank your lucky stars later. That’s what you have to do, and that’s what you’re going to do.”
She was suddenly aware of how close the two of them were, pressed against each other in the fluorescent hallway, the sharp scent of lemon disinfectant taking the backseat to subtle notes of smoky cologne embedded in a denim jacket. Just an inch more, and Tena could practically touch him, grace him with the lightest of touches. Not that she wanted to. Or maybe she did. Either way, that was a second decision that suddenly seemed so hard in the moment.
Raleigh apparently felt it too, letting go of her and coughing awkwardly to hide anything that needed such hiding. Turning away, he began to saunter down the opposite length of the hall, slipping behind a back door before he was gone completely.
Not that he was. His words began to ring over and over as Tena made her way down the hall, back towards the stage and that Abigail girl’s awful mother and a stage manager probably set to berate her for her lateness.
You are going to win . . . That’s what you have to do, and that’s what you’re going to do . . . 
Perhaps the tabloids were wrong in how they covered Raleigh Carrera.
Perhaps he wasn’t as delusional as they claimed. 
@sinclaire-made-me-sin @lifeat314universe @isabella-choices @cora-nova @gonewithpersephone @foulcroissantknightpalace @xkinikilig @writinghereandthere @betelgeusebee @thepotatobleh @alwayslietohidethetruth @donknowhowtonamemyself @drink-of-paradise @poeticscolt @adricnraines @pixelberrytrash @buckett-harrington @sunattuned-vance @noeschoices @katie-sinclaire @makitokito @thequeenschoice @donutsgirl36 @myname-is-ehm @chanceisagoodboy @agentmilayawithshield @lightofcordonia
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ofxinnocence · 5 years
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Kendra Powell
Full Name: Sandra Mary Powell
Nickname(s): -
Age: 37 years old
Date of Birth: April 24th 1982
Place of Birth: Clarksville, Tennessee
Current Place of Residence: Nashville, Tenessee
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Current Occupation: Administrative worker at a music label (2012 - present), Press worker for her sister (2004 - 2012)
Former Occupation: None
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, French
Physical Traits
Faceclaim: Jana Kramer
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5′3″
Tattoos, birthmarks, scars, etc.: No tattoos, a birthmark on the inside of her right wrist
Relatives and Relationships
Father’s Name: Martin Powell
Father’s FC: Christoph Waltz
Mother’s Name: Ellen Powell (née Loworth)
Mother’s FC: Helen McCrory
Sibling Details: Rachel Powell (b. 1979) - FC is Rose Byrne, Kendra Powell (b. 1982) - FC is Jana Kramer (twin sister), Chris Powell (b. 1983) - FC is Nathaniel Buzolic
Significant Others: Dependent on verse
Ex-Significant Others: Dean Reynolds (b. 1979) - FC is Dan Stevens (1997 - 2019, married between 2002 and 2019)
Children: Jessie Reynolds (b. 2008) - FC is Isabella Tena
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favourite music artist: Rock music for sure
Pets: None
Smokes: No
Drinks: No
Drugs: No
To follow
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juarezesdeporte · 3 years
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Chihuahua, Chih., 9  de noviembre de 2021.- Este miércoles elegirán al Premio Estatal del Deporte 2021*****Son 34 candidatos los que aspiran a ser Deportista y Entrenador del Año
  Chihuahua, Chih., 9  de noviembre de 2021.-  Este miércoles será la ceremonia de elección del Premio Estatal del Deporte 2021, a las 10:00 horas, en el salón Gobernadores de Palacio de Gobierno, en donde contienden 22 son deportistas y 12 entrenadores (as).
 El Jurado Elector estará integrado por los representantes de las Asociaciones Deportivas de Levantamiento de Pesas y Deportes Autóctonos, como medios de comunicación: Radio Fórmula, Radio Net y Canal 5, como deportista ganador en ediciones anteriores Horacio Nava Atletismo (Marcha) 2005 y José Andrés Martínez ganador en el 2007 como entrenador de judo, así como los designados por la titular del ICHD, son El Diario de Chihuahua, Jorge Ginther, presidente de Caudillos y Anwar Elías, presidente del Club Dorados de Chihuahua.
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 De los atletas nominados (as), se analizará la relevancia y trayectoria de los resultados obtenidos, durante el periodo comprendido entre el 11 de octubre de 2020 al 11 de octubre de 2021, a nivel Estatal, Nacional e Internacional.
 Los y las deportistas deberán estar incorporados a alguna de las Asociaciones Deportivas Nacionales en cualquiera de los siguientes grupos; seleccionado/a Nacional Juvenil, seleccionado/a Nacional de Primera Fuerza, atleta de Alto Rendimiento.
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 Respecto de las y los entrenadores, se analizarán los logros deportivos y los resultados de las y los atletas a su cargo, durante el periodo comprendido entre el 11 de octubre de 2020 al 11 de octubre de 2021, a nivel Estatal, Nacional e Internacional.
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  Deportistas nominados:
Sol Nahomi Zapata Porras                            Atletismo
Andrés Eduardo Olivas Núñez                      Atletismo (Marcha)
Adrián Mora Barraza                                   Fútbol
Dulce Angela Durán Ceballos                      Basquetbol
Jesus Emilio Barraza Trevino                      Esgrima
Irma Paula Delgado Villareal                       Karate Do
Paulina Luna Villalobos                              Rodeo
Nely Raquel Loera Payán                             Ciclismo
Daniela Andrea Martínez Mariscal               Para-Taekwondo
Byanca Melissa Rodríguez Villanueva Natación
Karen Paola Rivera Herrera                          Voleibol
Francisco Alejandro Pedroza Luna               Para-Taekwondo
Rodrigo Montoya Solís                                Racquetbol
Vannisaret Villa De la Riva                          Artes Marciales
Luis Mario Álvarez García                           Taekwondo
Isabella Flores López                                   Ajedrez
Kenneth Damian Alba Ruiz                         Ajedrez
Mia Fernanda Guzmán García                     Ajedrez
Shary Natalia Ruvalcaba Reza                      Pentatlón Moderno
Sebastián García Lucero                              Pentatlón Moderno
Nora Fernanda Ochoa Pérez                         Artes Marciales
Alan Gabriel Martínez Alarcón                     Voleibol
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 Entrenadores nominados:
Isaac Sahagin Rojas Padilla                          Para-Taekwondo
Evelyn Guadalupe Loya Payan                     Atletismo
Angel Salvador Escareño Rojas          Ajedrez
Ruben Eduardo Barraza Trevino                  Esgrima      
Jose Luis Aguilar Escudero                         Karate Do
Nicolás Torres Pérez                                    Natación
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Gallegos                Atletismo (Marcha)
Gabriel Guillermo González                         Judo
Gabriela Isela Alarcón Gómez                      Voleibol
Manuel Gerónimo Ontiveros Porras             Pentatlón Moderno
Edgar Osvaldo Chávez Andujo                     Fútbol
Víctor Adrián Orozco Tena                          Taekwondo
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Character Design Challenge!
Art by Tena van der Galović‎
November’s Theme: #BurlesqueDancer
Juror: Isabella Mazzanti
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of our community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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movienized-com · 7 months
El amor invencible
El amor invencible (Serie 2023) #AngeliqueBoyer #DaniloCarrera #LeticiaCalderon #DanielElbittar #MarleneFavela #GuillermoGarciaCantu Mehr auf:
Serie / The invincible loveJahr: 2023- Genre: Drama Hauptrollen: Angelique Boyer, Danilo Carrera, Leticia Calderón, Daniel Elbittar, Marlene Favela, Guillermo García Cantú, Arcelia Ramírez, Gabriela Platas, Alejandra Ambrosi, Víctor González, Luz María Jerez, Isabella Tena, Emiliano González, Ana Tena, Karla Gaytán, Lukas Urkijo, Abril Michel, Pedro de Tavira, Regina Velarde, Cinthia Aparicio,…
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jpminorsource-blog · 7 years
Minor con Isabella durante grabaciones de MMTF.
Vía José Pablo Instagram Story
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serieouslymovieing · 6 years
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Black Mirror (Serie de TV)
Título original Black Mirror
Año 2011
Duración 60 min.
País Reino Unido
Dirección Charlie Brooker (Creator),  Owen Harris,  Carl Tibbetts,  Otto Bathurst,  Euros Lyn, Brian Welsh,  Bryn Higgins,  James Hawes,  Dan Trachtenberg,  Jakob Verbruggen, James Watkins,  Joe Wright,  Jodie Foster,  Toby Haynes,  John Hillcoat,  David Slade, Timothy Van Patten,  Colm McCarthy
Guion Charlie Brooker, Jesse Armstrong, Konnie Huq, Chris Morris, William Bridges, Rashida Jones, Michael Schur
Fotografía Zac Nicholson, Gustav Danielsson, Damian Bromley, Jake Polonsky, Mike Spragg, George Steel, Ruben Impens, Tim Maurice-Jones, Seamus McGarvey
Reparto Rory Kinnear,  Lindsay Duncan,  Lydia Wilson,  Tom Goodman-Hill,  Donald Sumpter, Allen Leech,  Anna Wilson-Jones,  Sophie Kennedy Clark,  Jay Simpson, Daniel Kaluuya,  Jessica Brown Findlay,  Rupert Everett,  Paul Popplewell,  Julia Davis, Ashley Thomas,  Isabella Laughland,  David Fynn,  Kerrie Hayes,  Laura Power, Toby Kebbell,  Jodie Whittaker,  Tom Cullen,  Amy Beth Hayes,  Rebekah Staton, Phoebe Fox,  Rhashan Stone,  Daniel Lapaine,  Jimi Mistry,  Karl Collins, Hayley Atwell,  Domhnall Gleeson,  Claire Keelan,  Sinead Matthews,  Flora Nicholson, Gleen Hanning,  Tim Delap,  Indira Ainger,  Lenora Crichlow,  Michael Smiley, Tuppence Middleton,  Ian Bonar,  Elisabeth Hooper,  Nick Bartlett,  Nick Ofield, Russell Barnett,  Imani Jackman,  Daniel Rigby,  Chloe Pirrie,  Jason Flemyng, Tobias Menzies,  Christina Chong,  James Lance,  Jon Hamm,  Rafe Spall, Rasmus Hardiker,  Oona Chaplin,  Natalia Tena,  Bryce Dallas Howard,  Alice Eve, Cherry Jones,  James Norton,  Alan Ritchson,  Daisy Haggard,  Wyatt Russell, Hannah John-Kamen,  Wunmi Mosaku,  Ken Yamamura,  Elizabeth Moynihan, Jamie Paul,  Alex Lawther,  Jerome Flynn,  Natasha Little,  Hannah Steele, Camilla Power,  Mackenzie Davis,  Gugu Mbatha-Raw,  Gavin Stenhouse, Malachi Kirby,  Madeline Brewer,  Ariane Labed,  Sarah Snook,  Michael Kelly, Kola Bokinni,  Kelly MacDonald,  Faye Marsay,  Tom Ashley,  Lasco Atkins, Charles Babalola,  Benedict Wong,  Rosemarie Dewitt,  Brenna Harding, Owen Teague,  Jesse Plemons,  Cristin Milioti,  Jimmi Simpson,  Michaela Coel, Andrea Riseborough,  Andrew Gower,  Kiran Sonia Sawar,  Gina Bramhill, Daniel Westwood,  Maxine Peake,  Jake Davies,  Clint Dyer,  Douglas Hodge, Letitia Wright,  Babs Olusanmokun
Productora Emitida por Netflix; Zeppotron / Channel 4
Género Serie de TV. Ciencia ficción. Thriller. Terror. Drama | Internet / Informática. Sátira
Sinopsis Serie de TV (2011-2017). 4 temporadas. 19 episodios. Serie antológica creada por Charlie Brooker ("Dead Set") que muestra el lado oscuro de la tecnología y cómo esta afecta y puede alterar nuestra vida, a veces con consecuencias tan impredecibles como aterradoras. "Black Mirror" comenzó su emisión en 2011 en el canal británico Channel 4 con dos temporadas de tres episodios cada una, y tras producirse un especial de Navidad la serie fue comprada y renovada por Netflix, con doce episodios extra emitidos entre 2016 y 2017. En marzo de 2018, se confirmó que habría quinta temporada. (FILMAFFINITY)
Premios 2017: Sindicato de Productores (PGA): Mejor Miniserie de TV o Telefilm
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faygaldamaz · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2EG60Lm - Buy NATALIA TENA as Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter GENUINE AUTOGRAPH -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 62 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDqOR79vmPcnKIbeW6gBlA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Buy NATALIA TENA as Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter GENUINE AUTOGRAPH Looked all over and found the best deal. Delivered as promised.... Reviewer : Isabella Perfect. Even better than what was expected. Its just great. Exactly as described and exactly what I needed. ... Reviewer : Mason Click http://ift.tt/2EG60Lm to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. You are buying an original hand signed item - not a copy. A uniquely numbered Certificate Of Authenticity comes with each autograph. All of our photos are 8 x 10 unless otherwise noted. NO reprints, ONLY original autographs. A great addition to any autograph collection. I was hesitant about purchasing online, but after opening the package I could not have more surprised at how easy it was and how good the quality is. ... Reviewer : Michael Click http://ift.tt/2EG60Lm to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDqOR79vmPcnKIbeW6gBlA Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDqOR79vmPcnKIbeW6gBlA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #NATALIA TENA as Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter GENUINE AUTOGRAPH This is a review video for : B071XHT836 Related Videos in Channel
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hamdriahduarid · 7 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2EG60Lm - Discount NATALIA TENA as Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter GENUINE AUTOGRAPH -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 62 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTksSniekmIXJwPlczmKtkg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Discount NATALIA TENA as Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter GENUINE AUTOGRAPH Looked all over and found the best deal. Delivered as promised.... Reviewer : Isabella Perfect. Even better than what was expected. Its just great. Exactly as described and exactly what I needed. ... Reviewer : Mason Click http://ift.tt/2EG60Lm to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. You are buying an original hand signed item - not a copy. A uniquely numbered Certificate Of Authenticity comes with each autograph. All of our photos are 8 x 10 unless otherwise noted. NO reprints, ONLY original autographs. A great addition to any autograph collection. I was hesitant about purchasing online, but after opening the package I could not have more surprised at how easy it was and how good the quality is. ... Reviewer : Michael Click http://ift.tt/2EG60Lm to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTksSniekmIXJwPlczmKtkg Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTksSniekmIXJwPlczmKtkg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #NATALIA TENA as Nymphadora Tonks - Harry Potter GENUINE AUTOGRAPH This is a review video for : B071XHT836 Related Videos in Channel
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jpminorsource-blog · 7 years
Pablo con Isabella durante grabaciones de MMTF.
Vía José Pablo Instagram Story (Agosto 2017)
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