#Isekai Portia AU
lyramundana · 1 year
I imagine teen Portia as this serious, responsible but low-key playful girl. She doesn't like society's expectations on her, but she deals with it the best she can because she knows there's no escape, so she tries to make the best out of it. She's cunning, gentle and no-bullshit type of person. She can curse at people in such a graceful manner that they rarely notice it's an offensive comment. She has a talent for numbers and helps her father with finantial issues. Despite her resignation to her status in society, she secretly dreams of creating her own bussiness and become rich enough so that her parents don’t need to marry her off, and she’s determined to do it. She has a brother, but their relationship is not really the warmest and Portia kinda resents him for being the heir despite not being suited. Her mother is a rather cold woman, who sees her children as chores she had to fulfill, and treating Portia as an extension of herself, constantly pushing her to be a perfect lady to feel better about her own misery.
We’ve already seen teen Violet in Queen Charlotte, but I’ll add my headcanons anyway. She’s pretty much like in the series, but her and Portia become friends shortly after their debut. Violet admires Portia’s intelligence and determination, and Portia sees Violet’s cheerful personality and passion like a puff of fresh air. They both discuss political matters, their hobbies, the inclusion of black people into society with Charlotte and drink tea together. They become inseparable, like twins, and soon enough, the friendship starts to blossom into something deeper. 
Portia realizes she likes women. She always had the suspicion, but now with Violet, the truth is hardly in her face. She doesn’t know how to feel about it. It’s wrong, forbidden, shameful, but it feels so good and sweet. Violet brings light into her life and makes her heart pump so fast she feels dizzy. How can she give up on this, on the only good thing that has come to her life?
Meanwhile, Violet awakens her yandereism with Portia. She’s always been possessive of her, but recently, it has been worse. She can’t stop thinking about Portia. She’s the prettiest girl in her eyes, the smartest, the funniest. She’s perfect for her. They belong with each other. The mere thought of someone else enjoying her company, delighting on her voice, touching her soft skin, makes her blood boil in such ways that it even scares her at first. This feelings tune down a bit when she meets Edmund, who’s just like her. He’s the only person that understands this dark impulse, and so she grows to love him too. 
But their happiness must come to an end. Portia’s family is in ruins because of her mother’s wastes, and now the woman has ran away with a lover of hers, leaving her family behind with all the chaos. In a desesperate attempt to clean the scandal and recover their prestige, Portia’s father marries her off to Baron Archibald Featherington, a man barely younger than him, without asking her of course. Portia almost doesn’t have time to process everything; her mother’s abandonment, her family’s ruin, her new marriage, and she runs to the only person that she feels can comfort her, Violet. Maybe confess her feelings and both running away together.
Only to see the girl in Edmund Bridgerton’s company. Both of them laughing, playing around and clearly enjoying each other. Portia feels her heart break once again. She’s not stupid. She knows what she’s seeing. And so she turns back where she came from. 
She tries to make the best ouf her situation and focus on her new role as baroness. She quickly notices her husband is useless when it comes to money, so she takes care of it. It’s a cold comfort, but the duty distracts her. She’s no longer considered a young lady, but a full woman now, and that changes things. Her friendship with Violet becomes strained, mostly on her part, but it still stands and Violet is the only friend she has now. 
When news of Edmund and Violet’s marriage reach her ears, she decides it’s time to stop. To save herself more heartbreak and just accept what she has now. And so the years pass, they have children, but while Violet’s were conceived out love and passion, Portia had no choice. It was another duty for her. 
This is the reason she became a villainess in the future. Spite, resentment, overall bad luck, and maybe some sabotage from outside parties (that’s another headcanon of mine I won’t dig on now)
@daughter-of-sea-and-wisdom feel free to add or change whatever you like
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bluerosejuliet · 2 years
Hi guy!
Not sure how many people are actually following this account (that aren't porn bots) but I just wanted to apologize for the wait! Currently I'm teaching and also getting my masters so I've been trying to write in my free time! Luckily my school goes on break in a couple weeks so Isekai Portia should get an update by then! I'm also working on finishing some asks so I apologize as well for that.
In the meantime, I found a photo of what young mama Portia looks like in the Isekai AU (ironically it is still Sally Walker who plays on Bridgerton).
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I mean just look at her folks. Is it any wonder Portia was able to snatch the interest of a Baron with her beauty.
Thank you once again for all the support and I am happy to answer any questions when I can.
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sea-owl · 4 months
Hi could i request Edmund but if he lived and he and violet turn yandere for reincarnated Portia? But like I wanna see edmund be feral too. Like someone bothering Portia and he loses it more because his wife for some reason ain't there to be the one going feral.
Thank you
Oooo Yandere Edmund's turn to go feral.
Quick note this is for one of the isekai au variants where Edmund survived thanks to Portia accidentally sprouting some modern world wisdom on how dirty bee stingers are/cryptic allergie knowledge while she was extremely tired one time and past life memories started mixing with her thoughts. He and Violet are trying to seduce Portia together. I have no idea how it started in universe, someone just requested it one day and we went from there.
Edmund knew on an outside appearance he was calmer than his family. He had to be as head of the family he had to make sure they were safe so that means keeping his . . .urges more in check than his wife and kids. Which was fine with Edmund, Violet was feral enough for both of them.
It's too bad she isn't here right now to go feral for him.
The meeting started out simple enough. It was a meeting with all the heads of each family. Majority were the lords of the houses, yes, but a few ladies of the houses were there as well, mostly ladies whose heirs had not yet become of age. Two of these remarkable women being Lady Danbury and Lady Featherington.
Lady Danbury being the lioness of the ton was almost always sure to be there, but Edmund was never sure if Lady Featherington would show. It has been. . . three years since she last showed? Though he will not complain of her attendance. Honestly she was the best view he had at these meetings. The new lip stain on her was quite a fetching red. He wondered how the color would mix with Violet's.
Edmund was sadly pulled out of his very nice fantasy when a sneering lord decided he was going to stand too close in Portia's personal space. Clearly he was trying to use his standing position to intimidate the sitting lady.
Lord Morrison, one of the old lords who more often than not preferred the ways of a century before.
"Of all chits, you lot let in you let the bloody Catholic come to these meetings?" Lord Morrison snapped. He turned to face Portia fully, and his tone took on one of mocking. "A woman with no power and no chance to truly gain power. Your husband should have left you to rot in Ireland, choked by that rosary."
Portia stiffened. Edmund felt his fist clench. Of all times for his wife not to be around.
"Lord Morrison," Portia said, her voice taking on the accent of her birthplace. "May Mother Mary bless you just as she was blessed."
Lord Morrison's face turned red, his eyes wide, and overall his body read enraged. One hand reaching out towards Portia.
"Lord Morrison," Edmund shouted, his own hand reaching across the table to grab onto the older lord's arm.
Lord Morrison looked at him, hiding a wince from Edmund's tight grip. "Bridgerton."
"I need to speak with you outside."
Lord Morrison made a grunting noise but followed. "Anything to get out of this stench."
Reluctantly letting go, he rather lead him like the disobediant dog he is, Edmund began to make his way towards the door.
Once outside Edmund looked to his left, then his right. Good no one was coming. He made sure the door closed behind him, and the curtains are always drawn at these meetings.
"Alright Bridgerton what-"
Edmund swung. Again and again he would not give the older lord a chance to hit back.
"You seem to hage forgotten your warning, Lord Morrison," Edmund spat. "You do not insult or endanger what's mine, and that very well includes Portia and her family."
Another punch and Lord Morrison tumbles over the railing around the stoop and into the shadows that cover the yard.
Edmund pauses to take a few breathes. The old lord isn't making any noise, so he should be knocked out long enough to send him to Violet so she can have her turn.
"Lord Bridgerton."
Edmund turned, using the motion to hide his bloody knuckles in his pocket. "Come now, Portia, we've been friends for long enough. Call me Edmund."
Portia tested the name. "Edmund."
Edmund smiled.
"Where is Lord Morrison?"
Edmund frowned. Why bring up that grouchy lord? "He had left, thankfully."
Portia nodded. "Thank you for stopping him. I had forgotten the distate some have for catholics."
Edmund shook his head, "He should have never said those things. Choking on your rosary? Absurd."
Portia chuckeled. "Yes, well, while some do like it, I much rather preferred to be tied up with it while saying a different prayer." She sent him a wink.
Edmund's mind flashed to an image of Portia hands bound by the rosary she used to wear under her clothes. He remembers the beads being green. Violet or himself having control while the other does wicked things to Portia's willing body. Another image flashes except this time it's Portia in control while she has bound either himself or Violet.
Damn, he'll have to bring up this potential fantasy to Violet.
"Thank you, again Edmund" Portia said. She paused, biting her lip before leaning closer. It was quick, really a press of the lips to cheek.
Edmund was stunned.
Portia's cheeks were slightly pink. "Violet is always asking for a kiss. Tell her if she wants a kiss from me, then she should kiss there," she joked.
Before he could move, Portia was already in her carriage and driving off.
Edmund looked down at Lord Morrison.
Well shit.
"He's dead."
Violet pouted. "You couldn't have a left a little bit just for me?"
"I did not intend to kill him my love," Edmund said.
"It's not like he didn't deserve it," Violet replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "Though you missed a spot in your clean up my dear."
"That is not blood, but something more favorable," Edmund teased.
Violet looked curious.
"Portia gave me a thank you kiss."
Violet immediately pulls her husband in kissing that same exact spot while Edmund laughs.
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seleneprince · 1 year
Back on my Bridgerton fixation after finishing Queen Charlotte. Based on the scene where she speaks with her grown children after the princess's funeral:
There's only so much Portia's genius and influence can do to cover her babies' backs. She supports their "unsavoury" activities as long as they're useful for the family, but the ton has begun to speak and speculate, and the Dowager Baroness knows there's something they must do, whatever they kids like it or not.
After a morning walk full of gossip and uncomfortable conversations with other nobles, Portia returns to the residence and demands a reunion with all her children. They're having fun, chatting and planning their next crusade together, but they all become silent when she stands up.
"This has gone for too long. I did my best to give you all the time you could possibly need, more than appropriate. But the ton wouldn't remain blind and stupid forever. So, before this season ends, I want to see at least three of you walk to the altar. I don't care who or how, but we need marriages and heirs. It's time to drop your mistresses and lovers, and get respectable husbands and wives. Once the deed is done, you may act accordingly to your wishes. But start now!"
Mary agrees with her. They don't want the kids to be stuck in a loveless marriage, but they need to keep up appearances and they've already postponed this enough. After the babies were born, they could simply get rid of the marriage as they very well knew how to..
So the Featheringtons children, all of them, have to decide which of them shall do the sacrifice and with who. The news of the mysterious gentlemen and ladies from the Featherington residence looking for spouses run through the ton immediately.
@sea-owl ideas?
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Remember that Kingdom Au prompt I shared a while back?
(Click here if you don't)
Well..... I've added a bit more to it. Enjoy :)
Working Title: The Hidden Princess and the Runaway Prince
No one in the South Kingdom spoke of the Featherington Tragedy. How King Archibald was murdered for his throne by his Tyrant cousin Jack Featherington.
They don't speak of the suddenly forced marriage between the first Princess and the Tyrant King, or her tragic fall into madness and later death. Or the suicide of the second Princess after her engagement to the cruel and disgusting Baron Berbrooke was confirmed.
They especially don't speak of the grief Queen Portia suffered at having to bury the third Princess after the tragic fire that took her life in the middle of the night.
They simply don't.
Not a word is to be spread after their Widowed Queen Portia is remarried to the Tyrant King Jack or the announcement of her pregnancy not long after. All who lived under the rule of the Featherington monarchy knew better than to whisper of those terrible horrible three years of hell.
That is until four years after the birth of the new princess Felicity Featherington was announced and SHE appeared…..
"Dearest Readers, Is it not time for our silence to end?"
You know.... I might actually post this one but leave it at completed and just add to it whenever I feel... hmm... You choose? SMB is of course priority, but I tend to be inspired for this Au whenever I read Isekai/Reincarnated manwha lol. But What do you think of the Featherington Royal Tragedy? hehe
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shierak-inavva · 3 years
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“Herein contains the tale of a young lady and her quest to gather the seven Constellations of Suzaku together. And if you, the esteemed reader, should read to the story's end, the spell contained within this book shall bestow upon you the powers of the heroine, and grant you your wish. For indeed the moment the page is turned, the story will become reality.“
so i rewatched all of fushigi yuugi recently and was like oh boy haha this sure isn’t gonna awaken an au in me except lo and behold, as per usual, it did.
and now here’s the (new, i guess) suzaku 7--asra (chichiri), nadia (chiriko), julian (mitsukake), lucio (tasuki), portia (nuriko), muriel (tamahome), and valerius (hotohori) (because i love him that’s why) but then i went thru a bunch of this and realized AH HECK,,, i mean look at esther how tf could she be ANYTHING but the priestess of seiryuu ?! so there’s also a bonus doodle of her as a schoolgirl (with her haircut and freckles like she would have had anyways u wu) don’t ask why nakago is there i just felt like drawing him and lbr if he wanted to pop into this au who am i to stop him, really so esther ends up being The Wrong Priestess but here we are anyways O wO
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bluerosejuliet · 2 years
So how do the Bridgertons meet their respective villains in this if Portia is trying to keep her kids and probably by extension, her friend's children away from the Bridgertons? I keep picturing them meeting at one of Lady Danbury's ball.
Just so there's no confusion this is the Villainess Portia Isekai AU that I'm working on with @daughter-of-sea-and-wisdom not the Modern Bridgerton Isekai AU.
Portia is very fortunate that her country house is located far from Aubrey Hall and that her friend's homes are all in the same area (though she does find it a bit ironic how most of the original villains live so close together). Even better is that Violet locates her family more permanently to London after Edmunds death.
Kate and Sophie make their debut in 1809 at the age of 21 and 18 respectively. Part of the reason Kaste waited so long was because her father died in 1805, two years before she had intended to debut. She had to deal with mourning her father's death and moving the family permanently to England as Bombay was where her father passed and the family needed a better space to grieve which was among their friends.
Portia then helps Kate take the reigns of her father's business, teaching her how to control things through the shadows. Simon volunteers to be the face of the company when really Kate is the one controlling things. Once things are settled though, Kate decides to debut so that there aren't any negative rumors swirling about her that could impact her family.
Originally Sophie intended to debut at 19 or 20 but she was insistent at not letting Kate go through her first season alone. The only downside is that Simon is not there as Kate and Mary finally convinced him to take his grand tour after he delayed it to look after his adopted family (Mary is like his second mother while Miles was the father he wished he had).
Kate and Anthony do cross paths during her first season at Lady Danbury's ball when Violet pushes him to ask Kate for a dance. Perhaps Kate would have found the Viscount more appealing had he not treated the dance like a chore (to be fair he'd been pushed to dance with so many young ladies that night that he lost count and just wants to go home).
So come the next ball Anthony and Kate are at, he once again is pushed by his mother to ask Kate to dance though this time his heads a bit more clear and he does note how pretty she is. Kate however, innocently comments that her dance card is full showing him her full card before excusing herself to check on Sophie. It's only later, when Anthony is riding home with his mother that he realizes that he hadn't seen Kate dance all night! And come to think of it, he didn't recognize any of the names on her dance card. She purposely lied to get out of dancing with him!
Kate's feeling pretty smug about the trick she pulled, not only because it ensured she could keep an eye of Sophie but also because it resulted in shocking the Viscount. No doubt the man was not used to being ignored. That smugness goes away when they arrive at the ball, only to find the Viscount is there surprisingly and the man triumphantly walks over to her to sign her dance card before she can write anyone in.
This goes on for the next few seasons, with some banter thrown in here and there. It's only towards the end of the 1812 season, when Anthony hears some men rudely calling Kate a spinster that he grows incensed and defends her her honor. It's also during this time that Anthony starts to think her might have stronger feelings for Kate but refuses to acknowledge them. Portia does notice however.
So imagine Anthony's surprise when come 1813, while supervising Daphne, that Kate is actually dancing with quite a few gentleman including the Duke of Hastings and there are whispers that the two have been close since childhood.
Benedict is off on his grand tour of Italy during 1809 so her doesn't really meet Sophie till 1811, when she's 20 and he is 25. Unfortunately, he happened to be a bit drunk that night so Sophie doesn't have the best impression of him.
Benedict does actually dance with her in 1812, during a masquerade ball and falls head over heels for her. Unfortunately, she takes a season off in 1813 when her adoptive brother George Crane and their best friend Michael decide to go on their grand tour, with Sophie being there to supervise her two trouble making friends.
As for the other Bridgertons, the two side actually fully meet during an outing at Hyde Park where Penelope nearly gets run over by Colin Bridgerton racing his brothers on horseback. Luckily Phillip manages to run over and pull Penelope away just in time as the two stumble to the ground. He's not to happy about Colin nearly running over his best friend and also the fact that the man seems to have no care for the foliage he destroyed!
Note: Colin got distracted from the race after seeing the lovely Miss Tilly Arnold (the original heroine of his story) laughing which causes him to not look where he is directing his horse and making the horse go faster.
Cue Anthony stepping in to apologize as Penelope's family and friends fuss over her, with the rest of the Bridgertons coming over to see what trouble Colin caused. Benedict thinks Sophie looks oddly familiar while Anthony wants to strangle Colin because Kate is looking at him very unhappily. Colin is apologetic but surprised to his charm not working on the young lady, who ignores him in favor of reassuring the young man next to her that she is fine. He's does note that she looks around Eloise's age, and her hair is a rather fascinating red color.
Of course Portia is freaking out about this and quickly hurries them away, thankful that they will be returning to the country in a couple days and Penelope will debut a few years later. Colin should be settled down with his original love by then leaving Portia to focus on her third daughter. She's not worried about her daughter finding a husband, as she is certain Philip and Penelope will end up together down the road given how close they are.
If only she knew that the one meeting in the park would alter the path she had planned for her family.
Cue 1813
Portia catches Anthony Bridgerton with his mouth somewhere it should not be.
As if that wasn't enough, Simon and Daphne are caught walking out of a maze together (unchaperoned!) with their clothes slightly rumpled which leads to both men challenging the other to a duel.
Eloise Bridgerton won't stop staring at Penelope, almost as if she's a puzzle she's trying to figure out (Portia doesn't want to think about how Eloise's gaze seems so sharp or how she looks at Penelope at times likes she's seen a ghost).
Colin has not made a move to start courting Miss Arnold.
And Violet is just sitting back and watching this unfold calmly, while Portia is panicking!
Thanks for the ask!
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bluerosejuliet · 2 years
Hello! I wasn't sure whether to ask you or @daughter-of-sea-and-wisdom this so I'll send this ask to both of you since your both working on the Isekai Portia AU. Will Portia have a romantic interest in this, because I can see quite a few men interested and maybe that sparks her husbands interest as well? Will she stop Edmund Bridgerton from dying?
So @daughter-of-sea-and-wisdom may have a different in answer but with the direction I plan on writing the full the story in, no.
The main focus of this story (aside from the spouses and their relationships) is Portia (or Bridget) finding the familial love she never got in her first life. She's going to be focused on making sure her girls are thriving and happy but she'll also develop friendships with other people. Like Mary Sharma, Abigail Crane, etc.
Other men do take interest, and that will come into play like with Cousin Jack but Portia is prepared. Archibald Featherington honestly doesn't pay much attention to his wife except for the fact that he has money to spend and when he thinks of an heir.
I know the original AU idea had Portia and Violet being romantic interests but I honestly believe Edmund was Violet's romantic soulmate, she's not looking to replace that much like how Portia (Bridget) isn't ready to love someone like she did James.
I will however focus on the two repairing their relationship because before they married their relationship was like Eloise and Penelope's, though Violet was a bit more shy like Penelope and Portia was outspoken like Eloise. They grew up together and were joined at the hip. Portia was even the maid of honor at Violet's wedding to Edmund and was so happy for her friend. Then stuff happened.
We will go into what happened to fracture that relationship but Violet does get a bit jealous when she's how Portia is acting like her pre-marriage self once more, only this time there are other people around her that aren't Violet. Especially Abigail Crane, who is so naturally shy and wallflower like, that it does feel like Portia replaced her. So she's thrilled when her children take interest in Portia's pseudo nieces and nephews and daughter because now Portia can't run away from her! So help Violet, she will get her best friend back!!
Regarding Edmunds death, I'm sorry but no. Look Portia see's the Bridgertons as the equivalent of DEATH for her family. Which is why she has her family live in the country, FAR AWAY FROM THEM. She honestly forgot about Edmund dying until she hears the news in 1803 but there really wasn't anything she could have done back then to save him even if she had tried. Even if she had stopped him from going into the garden that day, a bee would have gotten him some other time.
Portia will also feel echos of some of the original Portia's feelings, like how when she hears Edmund died, some part of her worries for Violet and hurts for her though she doesn't know why. She'll also have some of her memories as well (there's a reason for that we will go into later but there is a reason Bridget was chosen to be reborn into this universe).
Thanks for the asks, please keep them coming as they help inspire me!
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sea-owl · 1 year
Remember that scene in the first season where multiple gentlemen visited the Featherington's residence and Portia and the girls thought they were meant for them, but they just courted Marina and ignored the girls?
Well, imagine this happening in the isekai au. Thanks to the new Portia's attitude and influence, the sisters have grown to be beautiful ladies in her own rights, erasing those horrible colorful dresses and hairstyles. They're more educated, have much better personalities and know how to draw the ton's attention. The usual distance they tend to keep from people only makes them seem more alluring.
Now imagine Marina, having heard of her relatives and thinking she'll be the center of attention (no hate on Marina, i'm just using her as narrative piece for the au) when the gentlemen arrive to the house, but turns out they're all flowing around the Featherington ladies, who look nothing like she remembered and they all reject the advances gracefully. Only Prudence takes time to entertain some of them.
Marina is even more shocked when she realizes Colin is affected too
I don’t know why but when @amybonehouse described this it just made me think of scenario in the isekai au that no one wanted a London season outside of maybe Edwina so they never went. That was fine by Portia she didn’t like being in London more than she had to. But the year Penelope and Edwina would have been 18. All the kids somehow got on Portia’s and / or Mary’s nerves, and they decided you know what? Get packing you bunch of heathens, we’re going to London this year. All of you (besides the three babies) are getting thrown into society.
Their minds were made up, and they were not gonna be swayed by anything. These brats were gonna go through the whole shebang. The modiste, the tailor, balls, garden parties, promenade, gentleman callers should there be any, and of course debutantes and their marriage minded mamas. They were gonna socialize and they were gonna like it.
The children huffed, but dared not to argue. There may have been a few mutterings, but nothing Portia or Mary heard lest a stray shoe be thrown at them. Prudence made a comment that “At least we’ll see Mama run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off avoiding Violet Bridgerton.” The rest agreed, that will be entertaining to watch.
Of course, both Portia and Mary know there’s no better time to make an entrance than the opening ball hosted by Lady Danbury. Both women have a flare for the dramatics just as much as their children. They made sure no one saw the children until the night of the ball. London was used to seeing the odd trip from Portia or Mary, not their whole brood. They made sure to arrive at night, and the children had no issues staying in the house to avoid all of London or going out in disguises. Whenever Portia or Mary went out for business reasons, they made sure to drop a hint that their children of eligible age will be attending the social season this year. The children’s distance from London, of course, gave them a mysterious allure, which Portia and Mary counted on. London always loves a new shiny thing. New residences or long returned residences will bring just that.
The girls thanked all that was holy that the guys were there when it came time for the ball. Especially because drama lover Lady Danbury somehow ropped them into meeting and even sharing a dance with the Bridgertons. Mary had to hold onto Portia at that point, reminding her this will work in their favor later when they annoy their kids with callers.
What none of them saw coming was that Jack Featherington was also coming to London and that he was bringing a cousin with him. While Jack was the technical Lord Featherington, he never bothered to claim his title and responsibilities. Thus, the barony was left in Portia’s hands. Many, rightly, assumed that the previous Lord Featherington (actually Portia) had left documentation for one of his daughters to inherit once certain conditions were met and that the current Lord Featherington was just a placeholder. Jack, having heard of Portia’s business success, decided it was time to drift into town. His cousins, the Thompson, and the ones he was staying (mooching) with before, had him take their daughter as his ward for the season.
"Have you met the Dowager Baroness Featherington before?" Marina asked Jack as they rode to the Featherington London house. It was the day after the Danbury ball.
"Once," Jack said. "She was pregnant with her third child back then. Mean thing, with horrible taste in everything. I can't imagine why she would take in so many wards if the rumors are true. I imagine they are all as daft as her. We shall have no problem finding you a husband. You'll be a rose among the thorns."
Marina nodded. She was still unsure about this if only George hadn't left.
The butler, Briarly, led them to the drawing room where, in Marina's opinion, too many eyes focused on them. The butler addressed the oldest two women in the room. "Lord Featherington and Miss Thompson, my ladies."
The red head of the two women stood up. "My lord, we had not heard word of you coming to visit."
Marina felt a shiver run down her back. There was something about Dowager Lady Featherington, about everyone in that room that screamed dangerous. The way the others eyed the lord of the house as if waiting for him to make the wrong move against the dowager lady.
"It was a rather late decision," Jack admitted with a laugh.
"Well I suppose we will have to hold off on callers today as we help you two settle in," Dowager Lady Featherington said.
Did the others just sigh in relief? Marina couldn't blame them of they did. From what Jack told her her Featherington cousins reputation wouldn't be the best, and they were possibly just tolerated among the rest of the ton. It would be rather embarrassing to have no one come to call with so many eligible daughters in the house. Perhaps Marina could direct some of her's towards them when the time came?
Lady Sharma hid a smile behind her hand.
Dowager Lady Featherington turned towards Marina. "Now tell me darling, do you have a dress for the ball tonight? If not, I'm sure we can find you one. I believe Philippa will be the closest in size to you."
So that is how Marina attended her first London ball in a borrowed dress.
She did not see much of her cousins, or the wards, or the family friends. They all seemed to be in a corner whispering among one another. Poor things to be left on the side lines.
Marina thinks her favorite dance partner was perhaps Colin Bridgerton. He would have been a good option had she not met George first.
The next day during call time the house flooded with callers. Marina had a decent share but she seemed to be the only one who was actually entertaining them.
Kate and Simon basically patrolled the room, bouncing from one to the next. Reminding Marina of a pair of parents. The callers for Kate had to walk with her if they wanted to talk.
Philippa and Sophie sat together doing needle work while they talked to their callers. Michael sat in the chair next to them. He honestly entertained the callers more than them.
Penelope clung to the boy who looked so much like Marina's George. What did she call him, Pip? Yes, that must be right. He had a book on plants that she would read over his shoulder when she was not being polite with a caller.
The only others who were actively entertaining the callers were Prudence, though she honestly looked to be playing a game, and Edwina. Marina thinks Edwina is just being polite from the far away look in her eyes and how once in a while she'll tap Penelope to jump in conversation.
Dowager Lady Featherington and Lady Sharma just sat and watched. A few giggles shared between them.
Gareth, Felicity, and Lucy are having the time of their lives watching their older siblings scramble to avoid suitors. All three were in the corner with some biscuits. Every once in a while, they would exchange money between one another.
The real shock came when not one, not two, but all three eligible Bridgerton brothers came to call.
Between the three of them, Marina wondered if there were any flowers left at the florist.
Simon was immediately by Kate's side when the Viscount walked up to her. Handing her the biggest of his bouquets before handing the smaller ones to the rest of the women who lived in the house. Mr. Benedict Bridgerton followed suit but instead gave his biggest bouquet to Sophie. Michael sat straight in his chair, his eyes never straying from the second Bridgerton brother.
Marina smiled as Colin walked closer to her. Penelope, who was not that far away, went stiff, and Pip had actually put his book away, watching Colin. His hand squeezing Penelope's.
Just as Marina was about to stand to greet her new caller, Colin had handed the largest of his bouquets to Penelope.
Dowager Lady Featherington immediately stood up. "Well, I believe call time is over. Thank you all for coming."
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sea-owl · 1 year
I have decided to add the housemaid wars to the Isekai au.
“You manipulative, ill-bred thief!”
Violet’s ears perked up and had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Lady Araminta Gunningworth. Ugh Violet couldn’t stand the woman’s shrill voice at a normal level much less when it was raised.
"At least my maids are not doing the job of three people. I'm surprised none of your staff has fallen over dead yet."
Violet whipped her head around. That was Portia's voice.
Portia still sat in her seat as Lady Penwood stared her down, trying to use her standing position to intimidate Violet's favorite red head. Portia glared at the dowager countess, Penwood was red in the face.
Three other matrons of the ton and their broods were watching the spectical. To call someone ill-bred and a thief so openly and with witnesses. Penwood wanted a show.
Portia's own children, well the ones that had come to the garden party, were tense. Lady Mary placed a hand on Portia's shoulder.
Penwood sneered. "No man to tame you nor properly run your eatate. You failed to conceive a son, so now you steal the title away with a promise of a grandson. One would question the reputation of such a family."
Portia's eyes narrowed. "And what of you? If I remember correctly, your failure to have a son resulted in the title falling out of the family all together."
Penwood stormed off in a huff. Muttering curses under breath and shouting commands at her daughters.
Violet’s eye twitched. Well it appears Lady Penwood needed to be taught some manners.
“Benedict,” Violet called.
Like a good son, Benedict was quick to respond. “Yes Mother?"
"Investigate Lady Penwood. I want every secret unearthed."
"Of course, Mother."
A week later Benedict handed his mother his report and a request. "Let me deal with Lady Penwood. "
Violet read over the reports. The stepchild Penwood tried to bury was on the very first page. The same stepchild, she later basically turned into a slave.
"Very well," Violet said.
Violet would have almost felt sorry for Lady Penwood. But one does not wrong a Bridgerton love, much less two and not expect consequences to follow.
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sea-owl · 1 year
So, I know we bully the Bridgertons in the isekai au because the Spouses want nothing to do with them and reject all their attempts (which I find hilarious because I enjoy making them suffer)
But how do you think the Spouses would start falling in love with them? What are the things that make them "click" and see their respective Bridgerton in different lids?
So a big part of the change of perspective for the spouses is gonna back to two things. The first is the root between this divide between the two families, and that is Portia's fear for her family and the relationship she shares with Violet. Until that has some change in it, the spouses are almost guaranteed to be at arm's length from the Bridgertons. The champions for helping to solve that mess will be Lady Danbury and Mary. Though to be honest that's probably just a fun game for them or at least for Lady Danbury who lives for the drama and is the whole reason this started when she isekaied Portia.
The second thing is that the spouses have to learn to grow beyond the family and beyond the mothers. Now that is to say they don't love them and will always be there for the family. But part of growing up and moving forward is learning to move beyond your parents, which a part of that is starting a family of your own.
There are little things that help with that second part. Things that helped the spouses see beyond the Bridgertons public personas.
For Kathony it's when Kate sees Anthony not as the viscount but as the man who got thrown into a seat of power and essentially fatherhood before he was ready. She saw it when the siblings were playing pall mall, and she saw it again when she stumbled upon Anthony during a stormy night in the library. She was trying to find a distraction while he was letting himself have a vulnerable moment with some of his father's old things.
For Benophie, I want to say it's when Sophie discovers Benedict's sketches. You can see a lot of what the artist does in their work. There was such beauty in them it left Sophie stunned. Especially when she got to the sketches of herself. She never knew she could be so beautiful to someone.
Weirdly for Polin, I can see the change happening when Colin blows up on Penelope. Penelope recognizes Colin as a snake charmer. He uses pretty words, and while she loves pretty words, she thought there was nothing else. Then, one day, Colin caught her by surprise when he followed her doing some of her more illegal activities, and he blew up on her. It's not the fact that he was angry at her but the fact that he was angry because of his fear of her safety. The multi-level emotions she had never seen from him before were now there.
Saphne's change came when Daphne punched Simon and gave him a black eye. (He deserved it. Also, Simon has a strength kink, and no one is changing my mind on that) All the time Simon has known Daphne, she has been the model debutant. (We all know she has a body count in a literal sense, but he doesnt) This is the first time Simon gets to see more of the real Daphne.
Philoise happens right around the twins' birth. George died in war, leaving behind a pregnant and unwed Marina. Marina sadly passed in childbirth. Phillip adopts the twins, and Eloise, in a roundabout way, comes to his aid with parenting books or the closest thing to it in that time. The twins also take a liking to Eloise. We'll Phillip have to listen then, babies do generally have a good judge of character on who is safe.
Franchael happens around the time of John's death. Francesca, in this timeline, fell in love with Michael first but was still good friends with John. Michael, whose loyalties lied with his found family, still loved his cousin, and their relationship actually improved when Michael started living semipermantly with the Featheringtons. Mourning together over a loved one can bring people closer.
The babies really didn't have a big defining moment. They followed the older ones' leads when the two sides started getting friendlier, so did they. Being younger, they had more time to let things take a more or less natural course.
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sea-owl · 4 months
I understand Edmund and Violet. I too would murder people for this woman
And nothing turned them on more when Portia casually offered to have some guy offed for them.
Portia isn't gonna actually do the murder herself. She's just going to let the kids loose. They've been itching to get out and Portia figured this was a good way for them to blow off steam.
To the yanderes that are Violet and Edmund though Portia just basically proposed. Which is exciting but they wanted to court her at least a little before the wedding!
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sea-owl · 1 year
I just know that in the Isekai Portia au, Mary taught Portia how to wield the shoe for naughty children. None of the children in the house were safe. One of the mamas was gonna get ya.
The girls would later learn how to wield the shoe if they needed to get some unruly suitor in line. The boys would borrow the girls' shoes if some gentleman was acting ungentlemanly in the club.
Portia and Mary have both threatened Jack Featherington with the shoe. Portia has also threatened Violet with the shoe. Violet was a little turned on by it.
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sea-owl · 1 year
I NEED violet and edmund's reaction to Portia planning on marrying Cousin Jack. Like do they get angry or do they think he did something? Do they outright kill him or get rid of him in other ways?
I gotchu! Since you and @lyramundana are both wanting a part two, and I am not hard to enable, here it is!
For part one thankfully I wrote it in such a way that I could throw it in any of the variations of the isekai and yanderes aus.
Here is part one if you're curious. Link
Violet shattered the cup.
Edmund scooted closer to his wife and pried her grip open so the pieces didn't cut her. She didn't look at him.
"Darling?" Edmund followed his wife's line of sight.
Oh hell no.
Portia was walking arm in arm with the new Lord Featherington. Mary followed a few steps behind them as if acting as a chaperon instead of in her usual pace at Portia's side. The kids trailed after, all of them throwing discreet glares at the new lord.
It was a statement, one that wasn't often made but many knew what it meant. The new Lord Featherington intended to marry the dowager lady.
Violet was eyeing the knives too closely. They can't do this here, it's too open, too many eyes.
"We need to leave," Edmund whispered to his wife.
"Edmund," Violet argued. "We can't-"
"Now," Edmund ordered.
Back in Edmund's office Violet threw a vase Edmund kept hundreds of in case she needed to break something.
"What has that bastard done to her?" Violet hissed. "Is he blackmailing her? Threatening her? Portia Featherington would never enter into a marriage with a man like that."
Edmund didn't have an answer for his wife. This didn't make sense at all. This Lord Featherington had no interest in the estate all these years, practically leaving it to the previous lords family. Now he shows up out of no where and tries marry the former lady? What game was he playing at? Was he a fortune hunter? Or was there some truth to the whispers around the ton of Portia and Mary being more than friends? Are they using the new lord as a cover up?
Violet gasped, pulling Edmund out of his thoughts. "What if he did something to her!? What if he has attempted to ruin her?! Or the children? I swear if has laid one ungentlemanly hand on the children!"
Edmund pulls Violet into an embrace. "Don't worry love. We got rid of one Lord Featherington before, we can get rid of this one too."
Violet smiled.
"Don't kill him."
Violet frowned.
Their third born, Colin, had slipped into the room. "At least not yet, don't kill him yet." He pulled out a journal. "I have been investigating this new lord since his arrival. I found it rather unsettling how he came in over night and then proceeded to try charm the rest of the ton."
Edmund nodded. This was good. He knew none of his children liked the new lord, especially his sons since he was an unmarried man around their loves.
"He has sunk his claws into a few. I would like to declaw him from the Featherintons before ending him. They do not need scandal to fall upon them just because they got stuck with him for a lord."
Violet sighed. Edmund patted her shoulder. He knows she loves a good hunt but they need to put Portia, Mary, and the children first this time, even if it was harder to do.
Edmund turned back to Colin but smirked when he noticed two things. First there was a love bite that just peaked out from underneath his jaw. The second thing is there was a red hair stuck in his cravat.
Well it appears one of his sons was farther along than the others. Perhaps he'll be a grandpa soon. Edmund hoped so, it didn't matter to him if they had to get a special license, hell he'll drive them up to Gretna Green himself if that's what was needed.
Edmund approached Portia at the next ball. "A dance my lady?"
Portia laughed, it sounded shocked more than anything. "Oh no my lord. I haven't danced in years."
Grabbing her hand he led them to the dance floor. "All the more reason for you to my lady."
"Viscount Bridgerton, I am far too old for this," Portia insisted.
"Nonsense," Edmund said. "Besides, I have business deal for you."
That caught Portia's attention. She never could say no to a good business deal. "I will have to get Lord Featherington."
Edmund leaned down to whisper in Portia's ear. "Not him. I will only make deals with you."
Portia shivered. Edmund could see Violet grinning at them over Portia's shoulder.
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sea-owl · 1 year
You know what would be funny in your isekai Portia au? If everyone had different memories.
Of course Portia was reincarnated after reading the books(?) where the spouses were the villains and the spouses are the reincarnation of those villains but the Bridgertons are also Isekai'ed from the modern world after reading the books but they are from a different world where the spouses are the 2nd leads who they feel should have gotten the bridgerton.
So the bridgertons are expecting the romance scenes with the spouses and plan on marrying the spouses instead of the og leads. Portia is trying to protect her villain babies and said villain babies are trying to run their businesses without dying thank you very much.
And violet is the only one whose just kinda been in that world with no extra memories.
Just chaos in the misunderstandings
Wait, I love this! Pure hilarity waiting to happen. @lyramundana come look at this!
The Bridgertons got second lead syndrome from the alternate books and now are trying to make their fanfiction into a reality. Slowly, they're going crazy for a love who is too stubborn to admit they are soulmates. It's alright, my love. I will get you one day, I can out stubborn you. As time passes, they become more and more like their mama.
I'm debating whether their past memories awoken during the years Portia was off in the country collecting her little villains with Mary or that first year they come back. Hilarity can happen either way. If they remember before, I can see them getting invested in Violet's search because if they find one, they can find the others. If they remember that first year, I can see the memories hitting them like a ton of bricks, and now they gotta kick the wooing of their beloved ones into overdrive!
Meanwhile the spouses (+Felicity because I'm gonna say fuck it and make the Gregory/Lucy/Felicity throple official in the isekai au) are just weirded out because um hello, what are you doing? What is this romance bullshit? I'm trying to avoid you. Will you please kindly do the same?
The Bridgertons are just gonna tighten their hold because nope. I trapped you fair and square. You are mine now.
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seleneprince · 1 year
Inspired by @sea-owl au of isekai Bridgertons/villainess Portia:
Imagine it in modern au. The Bridgertons are a famous prestigious family of bussiness oriented people and almost aristocrats. They’re admired and respected. 
The Featheringtons were a rich family of commercials and bussiness oriented too, but they weren’t nearly as good and talented as their counterparts. They’re the typical villains from the books but now with modern touches added. 
They were either characters from a serie of popular books about office romance and rich people drama or... they’re real people in the modern world, and so when Portia died and reincarnated in the past shortly after Felicity’s birth, she decided to do everything in her power to save her family this time around. She died with a lot of regrets and really wishes to make up for them. In the way she encounters the other villains and unknowingly adopts them. 
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