#Isiah 11:6
minnesotafollower · 1 year
The Prayer Jesus Taught: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”
On March 5, 2023, Rev. Dr. Tim Hart-Andersen, the Senior Pastor at Minneapolis’ Westminster Presbyterian Church, delivered the second of his five sermons on different passages of the Lord’s Prayer.[1] This sermon was on the second sentence (in bold) of that Prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this…
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drconstellation · 11 months
The Golden Lions of Heaven
S2 has several prominent lion symbols in it, and at first watch they don’t appear to have anything to do with the main story line. But there are lions in both seasons, and they are all connected.
Lions are intrinsically linked with royalty, and are often called King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They also symbolize courage, nobility and strength.
Whenever lions appear in GO they are always coloured gold, which is associated with Heaven. Nearly all the angels have some bit of gold on them somewhere - unless they have just discorporated.
In Christian iconography Jesus is represented as a lion upon his return. When he was crucified he was a sacrificial lamb, but the Second Coming is a time when he returns to reign again. As a descendant of the royal house of David, it therefore seems quite logical to assign this symbol to the king of kings.
There is also this paragraph from the Medieval Bestiary:
“In Christian allegory, the three main natures of the lion each have a meaning. The lion erasing its tracks with its tail represents the way Jesus concealed his divinity, only revealing himself to his followers. The lion sleeping with its eyes open represents Jesus, physically dead after crucifixion, but still spiritually alive in his divine nature. The lion roaring over his dead cubs to bring them to life represents how God the father woke Jesus after three days in his tomb.”
There is also an often misquoted line “when the lion shall lie down with the lamb,” but it’s not that at all. The full verse is:
“The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.” [Isiah 11:6]
It is referring to a time of peace that should come once Jesus returns. Somehow I don't think we are going to get that in S3.
The Two Lions in the Dirty Donkey
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There are two large golden lions sitting on the ends of the bar in the Dirty Donkey. Because one of the underlying themes in S2 is about the Second Coming, even if its not obvious until the end, its fairly easy then to interpret these two as being connected to this event. The Dirty Donkey itself can be seen in several ways: a simple donkey that needs a wash, or a black horse. Both are relevant to referencing Jesus. In the former, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem the first time to signify he came in peace, but the second time he arrives will be like on the back of the black horse of a conqueror come to rule. One lion for each occurrence.
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The Lion under the lamp in Jimbriel’s room
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While there is some argument for Jim’s character in S2 re-creating parts of the life of Jesus from two thousand years ago, such as the cleansing of the temple and facing temptation from demons. I think we shouldn’t also forget that this is also Gabriel the Herald, and he was doing some ominous heralding of doom at various points in S2 that in hindsight we can see were warning us about the Second Coming. So this lion at the base of the lamp Jimbriel is playing with has to alert us to Jimbriel’s connection with Jesus. (I will probably revisit and add/rewrite this one in the future, I think there is a bit more to it)
The Lion Rampant on Aziraphale’s Ring
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At the end of S2 we learn that Aziraphale has been manipulated into going back to Heaven to run the Second Coming by the Metatron. In hindsight, its hard to see how he wouldn't be involved, somehow. What is surprising, however, is that this expert in prophecy didn't see it coming - but then he didn't expect to see Jimbriel arriving either!
Usually the first thing we notice about Aziraphale's ring is the stylized lion rampant on the shield. We know it's definitely a lion because it upright - if it was down on all four paws it would be referred to as a leopard. The upright tail tells us its on guard.
There are more elements to the ring that also add to the story here, it's a much more complex ring than Michael's. The crown on the top is a symbol of victory and sovereignty, and also a connection to God, who considered the "King of all." On either side of the shield are two stylized sprigs of laurel, reinforcing a picture of triumph and fame.
Then there are a fringe of feathers, banded in sharp triangular spikes. Feathers signify willing obedience and serenity of mind in heraldry, so I would tend to lean towards the former. The triangles represent celestial rays, so they reinforce his obedience to the will of Heaven.
You might think, "well this makes sense, Aziraphale is a Principality, he's a protector, that's why there is a lion," but I think it more complicated than that. It tells us something about both the past and the future at the same time. The purpose of the rings remain a mystery to us at the moment, in that we don't know why some angels have them and others don't, or if they have any function. Aziraphale has a tendency to touch his when he is feeling troubled or worried (its easy to miss if you aren't paying attention,) so perhaps it helps to strengthen his connection to Heaven somehow, or is a reminder of his duties.
There is another connection Aziraphale has to a lion, and that is through his past status as a cherubim in the Job minisode in S2E2.
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As pointed out in this post, the pattern is stylized to represent the four wings that Cherubim are said to have, with a pearl in the center for an eye. These Cherubim also have four faces: an ox, an eagle, a lion and a man. Well, we sort of get all of those with Aziraphale at some point in the wider story. And the angel set at the eastern gate of Eden with the flaming sword was supposed to be a Cherubim, too. Yes, Aziraphale changed rank from Cherubim to Principality, we just don't technically know whether it was a step up or down...
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The Honolulu Roast Lion
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There is a lion you don’t see in S2 – the lion logo for the Honolulu roast coffee, mentioned briefly on a blackboard in the background of a shot inside the coffee shop.
The islands of Hawaii were a kingdom up until 1893, when a commercial coup took them over and allowed them to be annexed by the US. You can read more about it here. While the op in that post relates it the Eldritch Ball in S2E5, it still connects a lion to royalty.
The lion at the beginning of S1E1
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Right at the beginning we have a lion as well – a real live lion! After Adam and Eve leave the Garden of Eden they meet a big lion out on the dunes. As Aziraphale and Crowley watch and talk atop the walls of the Garden, Adam confronts the lion with the flaming sword Aziraphale gave him and eventually kills the lion before he walks away with Eve.
What are we to think of this? I've see one op suggest that it was Aziraphale "throwing them to the lions" as his first act. To me it seems more like Adam has just slain God instead to gain their freedom.
The Lions on Crowley’s “throne”
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There are two lion heads on the arm rest of Crowley’s “throne” (I don’t know what else to call it, really) in his Mayfair flat in S1. If I understand correctly, this should first be viewed as a homage to the US show Supernatural, as this chair is the exact copy of the one the demon Crowley in that show sits in, only his one is black. But if I’m to look at it in terms of GO symbology, my brain keeps going [error 503: Server cannot process the request due to a system overload; should be a temporary condition...] because I can’t quite believe what its telling me. And I should, because I’m the one running around touting a list that is now 22 items long for why Crowley was once a very powerful archangel and written a batshit-crazy meta on King Arthur themes presenting in GO. So I’ll just present my quandary this way: There are lions, they are golden, of course, so they are connected to Heaven, and a symbol of royalty – but they are being used by a demon in a residence paid for by Hell…(too.much.gold...! what were they thinking?)
Further reading: The Golden Lion by Cobragardens
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noirapocalypto · 3 months
This is the OC fairy 🌼🧚‍♀️ When you get this in your ask box, please tell us three facts or trivia about one of your OCs, then pass it on to someone else ���� Let's learn about each other's OCs! 💛💐
gimme sixty nine Salem facts stat
KJDHSFGLKJS you think I won't? :FIGHT: Watch.
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1: His middle name is Layne. Call him this (ONLY allowed for those he's close with) and watch him bluescreen because it always catches him off guard.
2: Spaghetti is his favorite pasta, and probably one of his favorite meals.
3: His natural eye color is green. (originally blue when I first created him)
4: His coven is his family, they're a multi-generational coven. He and his cousins are the current "decision makers" in important coven matters and upholding coven traditions. He didn't care for the responsibility at first and often avoided it, but comes around eventually when he's a bit older with his own family.
5: Out of all his cousins, he's closer to Darcy since they spent the most time together when they were young. They're around the same age and might even live within traveling distance of one another.
6: Around his family, such as his coven and his dads, Salem goes by his first name Isiah. It's uncommon for him to be called by his stage name, unless they're just busting his balls (i.e his cousin Silas, Avis and Noah--all three siblings of one another and coincidentally also the three troublemakers)
7: He has his raven calls recorded into his throat cyberware, which allows him to do his raven croaks when he's not shifted.
8: Salem doesn’t like Judah very much due to completely different lifestyles and clashing personalities—but also because he’s a Leo.
9: He’s not much of a green thumb, nothing really grows when he plants it. Bastien teases him that he inherited his black thumb.
10: He’s very used to hot weather due to having lived in both the Republic of Texas and now, Night City/California, but doesn’t mean he likes it. He prefers colder weather…but can’t tolerate it much. He gets cold very easily!
11: One of his guilty pleasures is trashy reality TV like the Jersey Shore, as well as smutty supernatural romance novels.
12: Firm believer in ghosts, never has seen one before. But he really wants to and has ghost hunted before and would again.
13: Urban exploring is a hobby he’s had since he was a teen. He after spent his summers exploring abandoned locations with friends. Now as an adult, he enjoys exploring with his best friend, boyfriend, and their mutual friends.
14: He normally doesn’t wear much clothes around the house. If you drop in, he will answer in his underwear. And he’s not shy at all.
15: Salem is a fan of animation, and has spent plenty of nights just binge watching animated movies—including anime.
16: His magic is a blend of shadow, chaos and hedge magic. He’s very interested in astral work and often lets himself explore the other side of the veil.
17: His astral form is also a raven, though instead of flesh and blood like his usual shifted form, this one is spectral. At times, it can appear as a white wisp. Other times, his raven manifests as a deep purple form of cosmic matter.
18: Whenever he performs in Las Vegas, he stays a few more days after to partake in typical Vegas hedonism. He usually doesn’t remember much of it when he emerges back to civilization.
19: Sometimes he streams his music making process to his fanbase, other times he'll stream the "behind the scenes" moments of his music videos and other performances.
20: So far, he has the following implants: AudioVox w/ Voice Synthesizer, Cyberaudio Implants, custom Kiroshi Optics, full cyberarm (left) with retractable Scratchers, and Biotechnica Neo Lungs
21: Because of his animal association being a raven and their friendship with wolves out in nature, he tends to get along pretty well with werewolves. He can even understand them when they're shifted and can communicate with them non-verbally.
22: He prefers iced coffee over hot coffee, and iced tea over hot tea. Icy drinks > hot drinks.
23: His big weakness is ice cream. Boy loves his ice cream cones.
24: He has his fathers' names tattooed on either side of his neck.
25: Salem has known Amirah and Alec aka Tyrant since his Houston days. He's still good friends with Amirah, but is estranged from Alec.
26: He's half-demon on Bastien's side, though his witch genes are much more dominant than his demonic ones.
27: Salem’s a big stoner, from his teens up to his current adult years. He almost always carries a joint or two with him in case he wants to invite someone to smoke with him.
28: He was 18 the first time he killed someone. It was almost like a cruel rite of passage into adulthood. Amirah and Alec might have been present.
29: He’s no stranger to rap beef. Salem has released a few tracks dissing his rivals and there are a few about him out there too. One of his current storylines is an ongoing feud between himself and another rapper.
30: Salem doesn’t know much about Bastien’s side of the story. Neither of his fathers like to talk about it much. So he learned to stop asking, but he still can’t help but be a bit curious.
31: He’s comfortable with heights and likes to climb up to high perches to just chill. He also takes flight when shifted and heads up to rooftops when he wants some quiet time.
32: Salem is a deep sleeper. Once he’s knocked out cold, it’s pretty hard to wake him up.
33: His favorite movie is Beetlejuice. It never gets old to him.
34: He’s an “an eye for an eye” type of guy—as the Hales often practice. If you slight him, he’ll return the favor. The severity depends on how bad you pissed him off.
35: As a romantic partner, he’s very intense. He’s possessive and obsessive, and he wants his partner to match his freak. His soulmate is someone that’s as obsessive about him as he is over them.
36: His associated stone is smoky quartz. But he’s also very fond of amethyst and labradorite.
37: Salem values handmade gifts over expensive gifts.
38: 2am burger runs are his favorite nighttime activity. Bonus if he’s hanging out with someone and they go with him.
39: Like the rest of his family and coven, he enjoys collecting oddities and morbid little curios.
40: He gives his friends free merch whenever he drops a new product.
41: He also produces phonk music under the moniker MVGE. This is mostly a side project he does for fun.
42: Salem tends to allow himself to be a bit more chatty and friendly towards those that give off good vibes. He’s standoffish with those that have a ‘presence’.
43: He’s slowly learning to see and read other’s auras, which helps him get a decent grasp of someone before he approaches them. He still new to this skill and is being guided by his aunt Colene, who specializes in energy reading and is one of the coven elders.
44: Salem is a night owl and often wakes up around afternoon and becomes most active around dusk.
45: Salem looks a lot like Casey but acts very similar to Bastien.
46: He’s a man spreader when he sits, often slouched in his seat with his knees apart. Otherwise, he sits with his legs stretched out, ankle over ankle.
47: A ball sport that he enjoys playing is basketball. He often plays with Paolo when they hang out. Both playfully trash talk the other the entire time.
48: He made the mistake of laughing at one of the twin’s antics and they’ve been following him around ever since.
49: He enjoys spending time in his shifted raven form and often hangs out as a bird. This also includes giving into his corvid ways and enjoys being a pest to his friends and other passerby’s.
50: A lot of his spell casting have a black, wispy fog visual effect to it.
51: Because of his mage blood, Salem has a longer lifespan than humans. He will live well into his 100s or older.
52: Salem is very outspoken about his beliefs over politics and social issues. He isn’t afraid to say what others might be hesistant to say and he uses his platform to bring awareness to issues he cares deeply about. He’s not afraid of backlash and always challenges it.
53: He’s understands enough Spanish to know what’s being said to him, but can’t speak it much.
54: Salem is very prideful and finds it difficult to ask for help. He has an arrogance to him, as he takes deep pride in being a self-made artist. Everything he’s built for himself in his career has been down on his own without the shadow of another label looming over him.
55: Salem likes individualism and admires those that go against the gain and do their own thing—no matter how weird.
56: Bratty behavior is a major turn off for him. It irritates and annoys him when someone is being whiny and childish around him.
57: Sudden loud noises startle him, such as a balloon popping. Popping opening a can of biscuits drives his anxiety up the wall for a few seconds which is one of his sillier phobias. For comedic effect, when he gets startled—he involuntarily shifts into his raven form and flies up to the nearest perch, leaving a scatter of feathers behind.
58: It’s a running gag that Salem always has his joint in his hand or between his lips when he’s getting up to shenanigans. No matter how rowdy and chaotic it gets, that smoke isn’t going anywhere (aka Julian with his coke and rum from Trailer Park Boys)
59: Despite having lived in California/Night City for a few years, he still uses a lot of Houston slang.
60: Salem doesn’t really play well with others, especially when his personality clashes with them. His list of artists he’s willing to work with is very exclusive. Plus he also has a reputation of being difficult.
61: His favorite pastime is sitting out on his balcony in the evenings, with a good drink and a good smoke, and some music playing.
62: When he’s in a deeply committed relationship, he loves showing off his partner. He often likes to post risqué and suggested photos of himself and his boyfriend on his social media.
63: Salem is a man of very little patience. Don’t beat around the bush with him or waste his time because he will grow irritated and he will last out. If he wants a direct answer, give him one.
64: He takes every “medium” or “psychic” with a grain of salt. If he wants to be a dick, he’ll test them to see if they’re legit or not. The only ones he believes so far are the ones in his coven.
65: His turn-on’s include but aren’t limited to: masks/ski-masks, being stalked (consensually) by his intimidating boyfriend, and adrenaline fueled hookups in alleyways.
66: Salem keeps the bullets when he’s been shot at and has been hit, as little morbid tokens.
67: He’s attracted to men that share the same aesthetic and style as he does. When he used to date women, he was attracted to girls with styles/aesthetics opposite of his.
68: Salem is a slow-burn in every sense of the word. It takes time to truly get to know him and gain his trust. But when you do, he’s a ride or die friend for life.
69: He seemingly has a strange and long feud with a seagull named Terry. There is little to no explaining on who or what this seagull is—if it’s another shapeshifter or if it’s just some random bird dedicated to ruining Salem’s day. But it’s on sight and it’s almost as if he purposely shows up to antagonize Salem specifically. If you see a raven and a seagull scrapping it out in a parking lot—just keep walking, it doesn’t concern you.
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evita-shelby · 6 months
inspired by this post by @justrainandcoffee i made my own game to see what happens lol
website is this one
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and the games will be below the cut
the bloodbath
Aveline and Tiago fight Eva and Michael. Aveline and Tiago survive.
Nina sets an explosive off, killing Arthur.
Polly clutches a first aid kit and runs away.
Luca runs away from the Cornucopia.
Heaven takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Ada runs away from the Cornucopia.
Grace grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Esme runs away from the Cornucopia.
John grabs a jar of fishing bait while Lucy gets fishing gear.
Alfie finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
Linda runs away from the Cornucopia.
Rose runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Tommy finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
Isiah stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Lizzie runs away from the Cornucopia.
Finn takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.
Gina breaks Jack's nose for a basket of bread.
Johanna runs away from the Cornucopia.
Day 1
Polly unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Finn, Isiah, Ada, and Esme hunt for other tributes.
Tommy receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Tiago discovers a river.
Heaven hunts for other tributes.
Aveline camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Gina, Johanna, Grace, and Lizzie raid Luca's camp while he is hunting.
Alfie tends to Nina's wounds.
John chases Jack.
Lucy searches for a water source.
Rose collects fruit from a tree.
Linda searches for a water source.
Dead: Eva District 10 Michael District 3 Arthur District 6 Polly District 3
well at least Michael is dead...
Day 2
Grace cries herself to sleep.
Lizzie starts a fire.
Heaven and Esme run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Isiah sets up camp for the night.
Alfie cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Gina tries to treat her infection.
Johanna cries herself to sleep.
Jack and Aveline sleep in shifts.
John is awoken by nightmares.
Ada shoots an arrow into Tiago's head.
Rose destroys Linda's supplies while she is asleep.
Luca tries to sing himself to sleep.
Finn fends Lucy, Tommy, and Nina away from his fire.
@justrainandcoffee have you considered Jack x Aveline? but also Luca singing to himself is kinda funny lol
Day 2
Grace stalks Luca.
Aveline receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Lucy picks flowers.
Gina tries to sleep through the entire day.
Esme explores the arena.
Lizzie practices her archery.
Jack receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Nina sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Alfie overhears Ada and Johanna talking in the distance.
Heaven throws a knife into Tommy's chest.
Isiah throws a knife into Finn's head.
John scares Linda off.
Rose receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Night 2
John stays awake all night.
Jack destroys Grace's supplies while she is asleep.
Johanna receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Heaven cooks her food before putting her fire out.
Nina looks at the night sky.
Gina thinks about home.
Esme thinks about winning.
Ada falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Linda tends to her wounds.
Isiah accidently steps on a landmine.
Lizzie, Aveline, Alfie, and Luca sleep in shifts.
Rose screams for help.
Lucy quietly hums.
Dead:Tiago District 10 Tommy District 12 Finn District 8 Ada District 6 Isiah District 11 Grace District 1
@call-sign-shark omg heaven killing tommy is so in character for her lol
rip isiah you had a dumb death
Day 3
Lucy goes hunting.
Aveline tries to sleep through the entire day.
Jack camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Esme constructs a shack.
Alfie steals from Rose while she isn't looking.
Gina forces Grace to kill John or Nina. She refuses to kill, so Gina kills her instead.
Heaven camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Linda makes a wooden spear.
Lizzie collects fruit from a tree.
Johanna and Luca work together for the day
Johanna receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Aveline receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Lucy unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Luca poisons Nina's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
Alfie lets Gina into his shelter.
Esme convinces Linda to snuggle with her.
John is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Lizzie loses sight of where she is.
Rose looks at the night sky.
Jack passes out from exhaustion.
Heaven thinks about winning.
bad husband alfie!! rip Lucy and Luca. Linda x Esme?? why do i like it?
would lucy's death be ooc @emotionalcadaver
Day 4
Esme tends to Linda's wounds.
Aveline makes a slingshot.
John questions his sanity.
Johanna, Nina, and Heaven start fighting, but Nina runs away as Johanna kills Heaven.
Rose is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Alfie receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Gina discovers a cave.
Jack scares Lizzie off.
omg not heaven!!!! have you considered this plot @call-sign-shark??
dead: Lucy District 12 Luca District 1 Heaven District 7
Rose receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Jack, Johanna, Lizzie, and Esme sleep in shifts.
Alfie forces Gina to kill Nina or Aveline. She decides to kill Aveline.
Linda tries to sing herself to sleep.
John dies of dysentery.
I had to googel dysentery lol, rip John he like shat himself to death. i love this dark!alfie, but also sorry Aveline.
the Feast
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Johanna and Linda fight Nina and Lizzie. Nina and Lizzie survive.
Esme and Jack decide to work together to get more supplies.
Alfie sets an explosive off, killing Gina.
Rose accidently steps on a landmine.
Day 5
Jack overhears Nina and Esme talking in the distance.
Lizzie camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Alfie sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
dead: Aveline District 11 John District 5 Johanna District 7 Linda District 4 Gina District 2 Rose District 8
rip guys i will miss you
Jack and Nina track down and kill Alfie.
Lizzie receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Esme questions her sanity.
tbh i was hoping alfie would win lol
@peakyswritings Nina looks like she might make it!
Day 6
Esme travels to higher ground.
Jack is unable to convince Nina to not kill him.
Lizzie tries to sleep through the entire day.
Esme tries to treat her infection.
Lizzie receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Nina falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
dead: Alfie District 9 Jack District 2
nevermind i was wrong, but at least she killed jack?
jfc these games are long
Day 7
Esme poisons Lizzie's drink. She drinks it and dies.
dead: Nina District 9 Lizzie District 4
i guess there can only be one mrs shelby?
The winner is Esme from District 5!
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hb-writes · 1 month
For Clara please? Sorry if that’s too many
🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?
I’m not sure if they had licenses back then, but Clara does learn to drive. It is not a pleasant experience and her family all sort of agree that she’s a terrible driver. She much prefers horses, boats, and trains. 
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
Clara has vision problems. She always thought it was normal for the world to be blurry until she tries on Tommy’s glasses and realizes the world is much clearer than she thought. For a few weeks, Tommy thinks he’s losing his mind (more than he already has 😅) or that the maids are putting the morphine in his tea or something, because his glasses keep going missing only to turn up later wherever he’s left them. Eventually, he figures out that Clara keeps borrowing them when she’s reading/ working on the books. He quickly grows tired of his pair constantly going missing and gets Alfie’s man to make a pair for her. 
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Her family and Isiah, without hesitation. 
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Clara loves dinner. You will not find this girl having a small meal, ever. And though she resists moving out to Arrow House, she can’t deny what a treat it is having a chef. Dessert isn’t served every night, but Clara makes sure to head down to the kitchens to see if there’s a sweet treat around for her to snack on (She makes sure to charm the chefs so there always is).
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
Clara’s birthday is Feb 10, 1908. Finn was born on the 9th near midnight and Clara was born just after midnight so they have different birthdays. She is 11 when we first meet her in 1919 and then ages throughout the story and is 25 in season 6. I don't know enough about signs/ tarot to be able to speak to it. 
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Clara can level a stare just as scary as her brother's, but she’s also a terrible nail biter and she fidgets when nervous.
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twins2994 · 27 days
Toronto Blue Jays-Minnesota Twins Series Preview
8.30.24-Kevin Gausman RHP (12-9) 4.10 ERA Vs. Pablo Lopez RHP (12-8) 4.26 ERA
8.31.24-Jose Berrios RHP (13-9) 3.72 ERA Vs. Zebby Matthews RHP (1-1) 3.00 ERA
9.1.24-Yariel Rodriguez RHP (1-6) 4.82 ERA Vs. Bailey Ober RHP (12-6) 4.06 ERA
The Blue Jays At A Glance- The Blue Jays have had a disappointing year and have been out of the playoff race essentially all season long. Toronto is having a strong August with a (15-11) mark, but traded away guys at the deadline. They traded Kevin KIermaier, Isiah Kiner-Falefa, Trevor Richards, Justin Turner, Yusei Kikuchi, Danny Jansen, and Nate Pearson. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and Bo Bichette are free agents after next season, so the front office has a lot of deicisions to be made. Guerrero Jr. has picked it up with a .324 average, twenty-seven homers, and eight-eight RBI to lead the team in all categories. He's hit thirteen homers since the All-Star Break. The Jays are turning to younger names like Will Wagner and Joey Loperfido. Wagner has hit .333 in thirteen games. The pitching staff is full of veteran guys. The starting staff has a 4.14 ERA, which is sixteenth in the big leagues. Jose Berrios has had a strong second half with a 2.98 ERA. Chris Bassitt has been knocked around with a 6.09 ERA in the second half. Chad Green is the closer with sixteen saves.
The Twins At A Glance- The Twins have lost eight of their last ten games, but the good news is that they are 3.5 games out of first place. The Twins hold the final Wild-Card spot by 3.5 games over the Red Sox. It sounds like Byron Buxton will go on a rehab assignment this weekend with the Saints. Matt Wallner has seven homers and nineteen RBI since the All-Star Break. Chris Paddack could return as a reliever for the playoffs. Steven Okert was sent outright to the Saints after being designated for assignment. Brent Headrick is heading out on a rehab assignment with Fort Myers. Trevor Richards was designated for assignment to make room for Michael Tonkin, who was again picked up off waivers from the Yankees. Louis Varland came on as the bulk guy on Wednesday and threw five shutout innings for the Saints. You have to wonder if the team is grooming him for a long relief role when rosters expand on Sunday. Pablo Lopez is (4-1) with a 2.25 ERA since the All-Star Break.
What To Watch For- The Twins took two of three games from the Blue Jays in mid-May in Toronto. The Jays took two out of three from the Twins at Target Field last May and lost both games of the American League Wild-Card Series in October. Kevin Gausman is (1-4) with a 6.94 ERA in twelve starts against the Twins. Royce lewis has two career homers off Gausman. Pablo Lopez is (1-0) with a 5.59 ERA in two starts against the Jays. Jose Berrios is (3-1) with a 4.03 ERA in five starts against his original team. He has a 3.63 ERA in 67 games at Target Field. Zebby Matthews and Yariel Rodriguez have never faced their opponent. Bailey Ober is (2-2) with a 3.05 ERA in four starts against the Jays. The Twins need to close out this rough homestand on a high note.
-Chris Kreibich-
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jamesh07 · 2 months
Court Kings: The Best Basketball Players Ever and Their Game-Changing Plays
Basketball has seen many legends grace the hardwood, but the debate on who stands as the top basketball player ever continues to inspire passionate discussions among fans and analysts alike. From awe-inspiring dunks to clutch game-winning shots, these players have not only defined eras but have also raised the bar for excellence in basketball. This blog delves into the careers of ten iconic players, examining their most game-changing plays and enduring legacies.
1. Michael Jordan: The Shot
Michael Jordan's illustrious career is punctuated with many defining moments, but "The Shot" over Craig Ehlo in the 1989 playoffs encapsulates his clutch prowess. This buzzer-beater not only clinched the series for the Chicago Bulls but also marked Jordan as a clutch performer, setting the stage for his future championships.
2. LeBron James: The Block
In Game 7 of the 2016 NBA Finals, LeBron James' incredible chase-down block on Andre Iguodala was a turning point that helped lead the Cleveland Cavaliers to their first-ever championship. This play exemplified LeBron's all-around abilities and his clutch gene in high-stakes situations.
3. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: The Skyhook
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's skyhook was not just a signature move; it was an unstoppable force throughout his career. His mastery of this shot made him the NBA's all-time leading scorer and left a lasting imprint on the game.
4. Larry Bird: The Steal
Larry Bird's steal from Isiah Thomas in the 1987 Eastern Conference Finals remains one of the most iconic plays in NBA history. Bird's instinctual read and subsequent pass to Dennis Johnson for the winning basket highlighted his unparalleled basketball IQ and clutch performance.
5. Magic Johnson: The Baby Hook
In the 1987 NBA Finals, Magic Johnson's "baby hook" over the Boston Celtics’ defenders in Game 4 is a historic moment. This play not only solidified Magic's reputation as a versatile player but also helped the Lakers claim another championship.
6. Bill Russell: 11 Championships
While specific plays may not define Bill Russell's career, his 11 NBA championships in 13 seasons are a testament to his dominance and winning mentality. Russell's defensive prowess and leadership were central to the Boston Celtics' dynasty.
7. Shaquille O'Neal: The Alley-Oop Slam in 2000 Finals
Shaquille O'Neal's powerful alley-oop dunk from Kobe Bryant during the 2000 NBA Finals against the Indiana Pacers epitomized the dominance of the Lakers' duo. This play is a highlight of Shaq's overwhelming physical presence on the court.
8. Tim Duncan: The 2005 Finals Clincher
Tim Duncan’s calm demeanor belied his fierce competitiveness, best illustrated by his near-quadruple-double performance in the clinching game of the 2005 NBA Finals. Duncan's ability to impact every facet of the game made him a cornerstone for the Spurs' success.
9. Kobe Bryant: 81 Points
Kobe Bryant's 81-point game against the Toronto Raptors in 2006 remains one of the greatest individual performances in NBA history. This scoring explosion underscored Kobe's talent and relentless work ethic.
10. Stephen Curry: The Game-Winner from Half Court
Stephen Curry's game-winning half-court shot against the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2016 solidified his status as one of the greatest shooters in NBA history. This moment is emblematic of how Curry has changed the game with his deep-range shooting.
Each of these players has a legitimate claim to the title of the best basketball player ever, having left an indelible mark on the sport with their unique skills and memorable plays. Their legacies endure not just in the records they set or the championships they won, but in the moments of sheer brilliance that captured the imaginations of fans around the world.
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dan6085 · 4 months
Here are the top 20 worst NBA contracts of all time, along with details of the contract:
1. **Joakim Noah**: Four years, $72.6 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2016
- Contract year: 4.3 PPG, 8.8 RPG, 3.8 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 4.6 PPG, 7.9 RPG, 2.0 APG
2. **Chandler Parsons**: Four years, $94.5 million with Memphis Grizzlies, signed in 2016
- Contract year: 13.7 PPG, 4.7 RPG, 2.8 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 7.1 PPG, 2.5 RPG, 1.8 APG
3. **Rashard Lewis**: Six years, $118.2 million with Orlando Magic, signed in 2007
- Contract year: 22.4 PPG, 6.6 RPG, 2.4 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 16.3 PPG, 5.1 RPG, 2.1 APG
4. **Timofey Mozgov and Luol Deng**: Four years, $136 million (combined) with Los Angeles Lakers, signed in 2016
- Mozgov: 6.3 PPG, 4.4 RPG
- Deng: 12.3 PPG, 6.0 RPG, 1.9 APG
5. **Eddy Curry**: Six years, $60 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 16.1 PPG, 5.4 RPG
- Tenure with New Team: 15.2 PPG, 5.8 RPG
6. **Jared Jeffries**: Five years, $30 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2006
- Contract year: 6.4 PPG, 4.9 RPG, 1.9 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 4.3 PPG, 3.9 RPG, 1.2 APG
7. **Jerome James**: Five years, $30 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 4.9 PPG, 3.0 RPG, 1.4 BPG
- Tenure with New Team: 2.5 PPG, 1.8 RPG, 0.4 BPG
8. **Allan Houston**: Six years, $100 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2001
- Contract year: 20.5 PPG, 4.1 RPG, 3.5 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 14.9 PPG, 3.3 RPG, 2.5 APG
9. **Darius Miles**: Six years, $48 million with Portland Trail Blazers, signed in 2004
- Contract year: 19.5 PPG, 6.5 RPG, 2.6 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 11.3 PPG, 4.5 RPG, 2.1 APG
10. **Gilbert Arenas**: Six years, $111 million with Washington Wizards, signed in 2008
- Contract year: 27.7 PPG, 5.7 RPG, 5.7 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 17.3 PPG, 4.2 RPG, 4.6 APG
11. **Brandon Roy**: Five years, $82 million with Portland Trail Blazers, signed in 2009
- Contract year: 21.5 PPG, 4.7 RPG, 5.8 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 11.3 PPG, 3.3 RPG, 3.3 APG
12. **Chris Bosh**: Five years, $118 million with Miami Heat, signed in 2014
- Contract year: 16.2 PPG, 6.6 RPG, 2.0 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 12.0 PPG, 5.7 RPG, 1.3 APG
13. **Elton Brand**: Five years, $80 million with Philadelphia 76ers, signed in 2008
- Contract year: 19.6 PPG, 9.8 RPG, 2.2 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 13.6 PPG, 7.4 RPG, 1.8 APG
14. **Jim McIlvaine**: Seven years, $34 million with Seattle SuperSonics, signed in 1996
- Contract year: 10.1 PPG, 7.4 RPG, 1.4 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 6.5 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 0.8 APG
15. **Bobby Simmons**: Five years, $47 million with Milwaukee Bucks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 16.4 PPG, 5.7 RPG, 2.5 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 8.4 PPG, 3.8 RPG, 1.5 APG
16. **Grant Hill**: Seven years, $93 million with Orlando Magic, signed in 2000
- Contract year: 21.6 PPG, 7.9 RPG, 6.3 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 14.4 PPG, 5.9 RPG, 4.1 APG
17. **Erick Dampier**: Seven years, $73 million with Dallas Mavericks, signed in 2004
- Contract year: 12.5 PPG, 9.6 RPG, 1.4 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 8.3 PPG, 6.4 RPG, 1.1 APG
18. **Larry Hughes**: Five years, $70 million with Cleveland Cavaliers, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 22.0 PPG, 6.3 RPG, 4.7 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 15.9 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 3.5 APG
19. **Isiah Thomas**: Six years, $60 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 16.1 PPG, 5.4 RPG
- Tenure with New Team: 15.2 PPG, 5.8 RPG
20. **Steve Francis**: Six years, $91 million with Houston Rockets, signed in 2004
- Contract year: 18.5 PPG, 6.2 RPG, 6.9 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 12.4 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 4.3 APG
[1] Ranking the Worst Contracts in NBA Free-Agency History https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2781927-ranking-the-worst-contracts-in-nba-free-agency-history
[2] What's the worst NBA contract ever given? : r/billsimmons - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/17418yp/whats_the_worst_nba_contract_ever_given/
[3] Ranking 12 worst NBA contracts of infamous 2016 free agency, with ... https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/ranking-12-worst-nba-contracts-of-infamous-2016-free-agency-with-most-finally-expiring-this-offseason/
[4] The Worst NBA Contracts Draft With Joe House and Big Wos https://www.happyscribe.com/public/the-bill-simmons-podcast/the-worst-nba-contracts-draft-with-joe-house-and-big-wos
[5] The Most Crippling NBA Contracts In Recent History - Gameday News https://www.gamedaynews.com/basketball/worst-nba-contracts-history/
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goalhofer · 6 months
2024 Toronto Blue Jays Roster
#6 Alek Manoah (Homestead, Florida)
#16 Kikuchi Yūsei (Morioka, Japan)
#17 José Berríos (Ciudad Bayamón, Puerto Rico)
#24 Nate Pearson (Hernando County, Florida)
#33 Trevor Richards (Breese, Illinois)
#34 Kevin Gausman (Aurora, Colorado)
#40 Chris Bassitt (Allen Township, Ohio)
#44 Robert Francis (Marianna, Florida)
#45 Mitch White (San José, California)
#46 Arthur Parsons (Clarksville, Tennessee)
#50 Erik Swanson (Cincinnati, Ohio)
#57 Chad Green (Effingham, Illinois)
#58 Tim Mayza (Red Hill, Pennsylvania)
#68 Jordan Romano (Markham, Ontario)
#93 Yimi García (Moca, Dominican Republic)
#9 Danny Jansen (Appleton, Wisconsin)
#15 Brian Serven (Palm Desert, California)*
#30 Alejandro Kirk (Tijuana, Mexico)
#2 Justin Turner (Lakewood, California)*
#7 Isiah Kiner-Falefa (Honolulu, Hawaii)*
#8 Cavan Biggio (Houston, Texas)
#11 Bo Bichette (St. Petersburg, Florida)
#20 Daniel Vogelbach (Ft. Myers, Florida)*
#27 Vladimir Guerrero; Jr. (Santiago De Los Caballeros, Dom Rep)
#28 Ernie Clement (Rochester, New York)
#36 Davis Schneider (Vorhees Township, New Jersey)
#4 George Springer III (New Britain, Connecticut)
#25 Daulton Varsho (Marshfield, Wisconsin)
#39 Kevin Kiermaier (Ft. Wayne, Indiana)
Manager John Schneider (Lawrence Township, New Jersey)
Bench coach Don Mattingly (Evansville, Indiana)
Hitting coach Guillermo Martínez (Managua, Nicaragua)
Assistant hitting coach Matt Hague (Kent, Washington)
Assistant hitting coach Dave Hudgens (Oroville, California)
Assistant hitting coach Hunter Mense (Liberty, Missouri)
Pitching coach Pete Walker (East Lyme, Connecticut)
Bullpen coach Jeff Ware (Virginia Beach, Virginia)
Bullpen catcher Alex Andreopoulos (Toronto, Ontario)
Bullpen catcher Luis Hurtado (Maracay, Venezuela)
Pitching strategist David Howell (Cokato, Minnesota)
1B coach Mark Budzinski (Anne Arundel County, Maryland)
3B/infield coach Carlos Febles (El Seibo, Dominican Republic)
Field coordinator Gil Kim (Pottsville, Pennsylvania)
Assistant coach Adam Yudelman (Jonesboro, Arkansas)
Assistant coach John Lannan (North Hempstead, New York)
Associate coach DeMarlo Hale (Chicago, Illinois)
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juarezesdeporte · 8 months
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Las Vegas.- Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce y los Jefes de Kansas City vuelven a reinar en el Super Bowl.
Mahomes lanzó un pase de tres yardas a Mecole Hardman con tres segundos por jugar en el tiempo extra, y los Jefes vinieron de atrás para doblegar ayer 25-22 a los 49ers de San Francisco en el segundo duelo que se fue a la prórroga en la historia del Super Bowl, convirtiéndose en el primer equipo que revalida el título en 19 años y el noveno en total.
Con la estrella pop Taylor Swift mirando a su novio Kelce desde un palco privado, los Jefes conquistaron su tercer cetro del Super Bowl en cinco años, consolidándose como una dinastía en la NFL.
El primer Super Bowl en la Las Vegas fue un partido cargado de errores y mayormente aburrido hasta un último cuarto de ida y vuelta, seguido por el tiempo extra. Fue apenas el segundo de 58 Super Bowls que debió definirse en una prórroga.
Los Jefes perdían 22-19 luego que Jake Moody pateó un gol de campo de 27 yardas en la primera posesión del tiempo extra, pero Mahomes condujo a los Jefes hacia la zona de anotación, completando otra deslumbrante remontada en esta reedición del Super Bowl de hace cuatro años.
Mahomes corrió ocho yardas en cuarta oportunidad y una para mantener a flote a los Jefes, y luego improvisó con un acarreo de 19 yardas para alistar la jugada del touchdown decisivo.
“Con toda la adversidad por la que hemos pasado esta temporada, salimos adelante esta noche. ... estoy orgulloso de los muchachos”, dijo Mahomes, quien fue nombrado JMV. “Esto es asombroso. Legendario”.
Después de que el mariscal conectó con un Hardman que estaba en soledad, los Jefes salieron despedidos en el emparrillado del Estadio Allegiant para celebrar bajo una lluvia de rojo y amarillo.
Lo más emocionante en la primera mitad del partido se produjo cuando un frustrado Kelce empujó a Andy Reid en la banda, haciendo retroceder unos pasos al entrenador de 65 años, después de que su compañero Isiah Pacheco soltara el balón en la zona roja durante el segundo cuarto.
“¿Ustedes vieron eso?”, dijo Kelce. “Voy a mantenerlo entre nosotros a menos que mi ‘micrófono encendido’ se lo diga al mundo. Sólo le estaba diciendo cuánto lo amaba”.
La adrenalina se prendió luego que un error de los equipos especiales de San Francisco dejara la mesa para un pase de anotación de 16 yardas de Mahomes a Marquez Valdes-Scantling para una ventaja de 13-10.
Brock Purdy y los 49ers respondieron, pero no pudieron hacer suficientes jugadas, negándole la oportunidad a ‘Mr. Irrelevant’ de pasar de ser la última selección del Draft de 2022 a campeón de Super Bowl.
Mahomes y Reid están a mitad del camino de alcanzar a Tom Brady y Bill Belichick, quienes ganaron seis campeonatos en 20 años con los Patriotas de Nueva Inglaterra y fueron el equipo más reciente en ganar títulos consecutivos, después de las temporadas de 2003 y 2004.
Con 28 años, Mahomes se convierte en el cuarto mariscal titular en ganar tres Super Bowls, uniéndose a Brady, Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw y Troy Aikman, y es el segundo más joven.
22       25
49ers  Jefes
Cuarto X Cuarto
Equipo                       1         2         3         4         TE       T
San Francisco                       0         10       0         9         3         22
Kansas City               0         3         10       6         6         25
Segundo Cuarto
SF: Gol de campo de 55 yardas de Moody, 14:48
SF: McCaffrey en pase de 21 yardas de Jennings (extra de Moody), 4:32
KC: Gol de campo de 28 yardas de Butker, :20
Tercer Cuarto
KC: Gol de campo de 57 yardas de Butker, 5:01
KC: Valdes-Scantling en pase de 16 yardas de Mahomes (extra de Butker), 2:32
Cuarto Cuarto
SF: Jennings en pase de 10 yardas de Purdy (extra bloqueado), 11:22
KC: Gol de campo de 24 yardas de Butker, 5:46
SF: Gol  de campo de 53 yardas de Moody, 1:53
KC: Gol de campo de 29 yardas de Butker, :03
Primer tiempo extra
SF: Gol  de campo de 27 yardas de Moody, 7:22
KC: Hardman en pase de 3 yardas de Mahomes, :03
Líderes individuales
San Francisco: McCaffrey 22-80
Kansas City: Mahomes 9-66
San Francisco: Purdy 23-38-0-255
Kansas City: Mahomes 34-46-1-333
San Francisco: McCaffrey 8-80
Kansas City: Kelce 9-93
Últimos campeones
2024: Kansas City (AFC) 25, San Francisco (NFC) 22, TE
2023: Kansas City (AFC) 38, Filadelfia (NFC) 35
2022: LA Carneros (NFC) 23, Cincinnati (AFC) 20
2021: Tampa Bay (NFC) 31, Kansas City (AFC) 9
2020: Kansas City (AFC) 31, San Francisco (NFC) 20
(Associated Press)
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diarioelpepazo · 8 months
Anotó 27 puntos, 22 rebotes y 12 asistencias. Los Denver Nuggets batieron (120-108) a los Portland Trail Blazers en otro recital del interior de Sombor EUGENIO MUÑOZ FERNÁNDEZ Nikola Jokic es un jugador acostumbrado a la excelencia. El interior de los Denver Nuggets repite, una y otra vez, partidos fuera de lo normal. Es el mejor, qué duda cabe, del mundo del baloncesto y ante los Portland Trail Blazers (victoria por 120-108) fijó unos números jamás vistos en 40 años en la NBA. 27 puntos (11/16 en tiros de campo, 1/1 en triples y 4/4 en tiros libres), 22 rebotes y 12 asistencias. Otra frontera rota en un nuevo triunfo de los campeones, que poco a poco carburan de victoria en victoria. Suman 34, las mismas que los dos equipos de cabeza de la Conferencia Oeste, Oklahoma City Thunder y Minnesota Timberwolves. Y a su estrella no le puede parar nadie. Jugada de dibujos animados de Jokic ante Portland Es tan especial una línea estadística así que pocos la alcanzan. Jokic tiene en su carrera seis partidos con al menos 25 puntos, 20 rebotes y 10 asistencias, todos los demás jugadores en activo... solo suman cuatro. "Estamos viendo grandeza. Pensad en cómo era la vida antes de la llega aquí de Nikola. La gente no piensa en eso. Y no. Lo que hace es histórico, alucinante... Es dos veces MVP, campeón del mundo y MVP de las finales. Es la definición de grandeza, porque no lo hace solo para él. También para el resto. Tenemos la oportunidad de seguir viéndole. Debemos apreciarlo", reflexionó Michael Malone, técnico de los Nuggets. No es algo normal, estamos viendo grandeza Nikola Jokic Números de leyenda No son números normales, tal y como dice Malone. En la historia hay dos nombres capaces de hacer líneas estadísticas de 27+22+12: en 1961 fue Elgin Baylor, leyenda de Los Ángeles Lakers. Un jugador que fue Jordan antes de existir Jordan. El mejor sin anillo. El otro Wilt Chamberlain, que lo hizo 12 veces entre 1963 y 1968. El jugador de los 100 puntos, mito del blanco y negro, y prodigio del mundo del baloncesto. Jokic, superior en la zona ante Portland Los Blazers no lo pusieron fácil y dentro del último cuarto llegaron a plantarse con diferencias mínimas (92-88, 38'). El serbio apareció debajo del aro para asegurar el triunfo. Tanto sacando a bailar a Ayton, como jugando pick and roll con Jamal Murray. Y encontrando a un buen Peyton Watson. El alero de segundo año terminó con 14 puntos, noticia agradable. "Fue el factor x", dijo Jokic. Y con Murray su conexión sigue creciendo. El base canadiense fijó 13 puntos, 10 asistencias y 9 rebotes. En sus números combinados con el serbio solo dos parejas más los tienen en 40 años: Jason Kidd y Vince Carter (2007) y Isiah Thomas y Bill Laimbeer (1985). Huele a MVP Jokic, claro, encabeza las quinielas de MVP. Entre las lesiones de Embiid solo parecen a su altura Luka Doncic y Shai Gilgeous-Alexander. Sería un premio para elevar, más todavía, su estatus. Firmaría el tercero, igualando a Moses Malone, Larry Bird y Magic Johnson. Y ya solo leyendas tendrían más, entre los seis del hombre récord Abdul-Jabbar, los cinco de Bill Russell y Michael Jordan y cuatro de Wilt y LeBron James. Poco le quedaría al serbio. Jokic, con el balón en las manos.LAPRESSE Aunque siempre el éxito grupal es preferible. Están bien emplazados los campeones, con mismos triunfos -y a una sola derrota- que Oklahoma City Thunder (34-15) y Minnesota Timberwolves (34-15). Les sobrepasan, también, los Clippers (32-15) por porcentaje. En el caso de 'OKC' han pasado de sorpresa a revelación y son unos grandísimos competidores ante los más importantes (6-3 cada vez que se citan con Nuggets, Clippers, Knicks, Wolves y Celtics). Mientras que Minnesota perdió la cabeza al caer por la mínima (106-108) con los Magic. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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ramrodd · 8 months
Bible Prophecy # 20--Can We Recover a Non-Jesus Version of the Book of R...
This is a typical antifa line of reasoning going back to the Weather Underground and the Patty Hearst Kidnapping. He is committed to establishing the historicity of the Life of Brian,
There would be no Revelation in literature without Jesus. It's like the Koran without Mohammed. The Gospels are the hadiths of Christianity, only not concerned with how many stones Jesus used to wipe his ass.
Revelation is a series of visions like the soldiers and centurion at the tomb had and the nature of the Recitation to Mohammed that became the basis for the written Koran extracted from the living memory of the Prophet's voice. The Meccan suras are the divine navigation of an honest caravan manager.. Words that fall from the lips of a True Prophet of Abraham, The Medina suras are the issue of a false prophet who dies of a burst aorta
Enoch was not a Magi but he employed the technology of the Magi with his 7000 year Epoch. We are currently in Enoch Era 5784. Year Zero EE begins with the composition of the Book of Job, the first book of the Hebrew annon up to Isiah. Jesus is the divine test tube baby of the Jewish culture in  at 1 CE, 3760 EE. . Jesus is the 2nd Coming of Isiah. The Hebrew Bible is the rough draft of what Elohim the verb had in mind for humanity with Moses. Moses took off at a tangent to the trajectory God, the Father established with Abram in Genesis 15 that had become stalled at Temple Worship from Babylon.
Jesus simplified the Law o Moses and redirected the vertical  trajectory of the End Times back to the horizontal trajectory of Genesis 15:6 to Matthew 8:10 and on to Apollo 11.
Jimmy Tabor is committed to sustaining a vertical theology of the antifa. It begins with the political strategy of the Students for a Democratic Society based on Trotsky's insurgency processes leading to social destabilization and  revolution like in Atlas Shrugged. The guy that coined the Army slogan "Be All You Can Be" helped design the SDS Sharon Statement that set  what has become antifa into motion. Unlike the January 6 conspiracy, antifa is based on good intentions and the fulfillment of the social contract of the Declaration of Independence. The January 6 insurgence proposes to abandon the Declaration of Independence for post modern piracy as an outlaw nation.
There is no Revelation with out Jesus. Barabbas was the seed capital that produced the Jewish wars. Revelation is a series of visions that John the Revelator had over a very short period of days at the time the social agitation of the zealots and the administrative incompetence of Roman governors brought the Apocalypse into being.
Ask yourself this: what was the ontology Jesus shared with Cornelius?  
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oriye · 10 months
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1. To Preach The Gospel Of Salvation To Every Creature Of The World.
Mark 15:16
2. Preach The Message Of Repentance And Forgiveness Of Sins In All Nations In The Name Of Jesus Christ. Luke 24:47.
3. Teaching The Undiluted Word And Doctrines Of Jesus Christ To Every Creature. Matthew 28:20.
4.Raising Disciples Of Jesus Christ In All Nations.
Our goal is to rescue the corrupt and wicked world from the bondage and captivity of satan by opening their spiritual eyes to Salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
TEXT: I JOHN 3:1-10
The greatest thing that could happen to anyone in life is to have the power of sin broken.
Sin enslaves, subjugates, and ultimately sends the sinner to a Christless eternity in hell fire. He
But when a person becomes a new creature through repentance from sin and faith in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away and behold, all things are become new. (II Corinthians 5:17).
Apostle John found the experience of salvation as extraordinary privilege. He says, “ Behold, what manner of love the Father had bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God…” ( I John 3:1).
For a sinner to answer to be a son or daughter of God, or a saint, or child of God, shows His special love.
The experience of sonship brings the following special privileges:
• Power Over Sin.
A distinguishing mark of a child of God is the grace to overcome sin by all it’s visible and deceptive appearances. “ Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him” (I John 3:6)
• Another mark of the new life is love.
God’s love is shed abroad in the believer’s heart by the Holy Ghost at the point of salvation. There is a thirst and hunger for fellowship with God because of this love.
• There is a commitment to a life of righteousness (I John 3:7,9,10).
Moreover, those truly born of God seek the things of the Spirit. Their affection is “centred “ on things above not on things on the earth”. (Colossians 3:2), Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 2:8-10
They do not neglect prayer and daily reading of the Bible or allow anything to hinder them from regular fellowship with the people of God.
Unlike saints of God, an unconverted person commits to a life devoted to sinful acts of lying, cheating, fraud, deception, immorality, fornication, adultery, sexual perversion, and the like.
By nature, they are servants of the devil. “ He that committeth sin is of the devil...”
Unless there is a miracle of conversion and salvation through Christ, such a person continues to be a servant of sin and of the devil.
Christ makes the difference between a sinner and a saint. He saves and transforms repentant sinners, sanctify thirsty believers and fills them with His Spirit.
You too can experience Christ’s transforming touch today.
• Study the following passages to know the state of sinners:
John 8:34, Isaiah 59:7,8, Ephesians 4:17,18, Romans 8:7,8, Ephesians 2:1, Isiah 1:19, Ezikiel 18:4,, Psalm 50:22, Revelation 20:15, Galatians 5:19-22, Psalm 7:11, Matthew 11:28-30, I John 3:8-9, John 2:15-17, I Corinthians 6:9-10, II Corinthians 6:14-18, Deuteronomy 28:15-24
• Study the following passages to know the Characteristics of a new life in Christ:
II Corinthians 5:17, I John 4:7,8, I John 3:8,9 Hebrews 10:25, Joshua 1:8, Isiah 1:18, Psalm 1:1-5, Micah 6:2, Colossians 1:13, I Peter 2:9-10, 24, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, John 14:1-3, Isiah 65:24, Exodus 15:26, John 14:14
Romans 10:9-10, 13 (KJV) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Lord Jesus, I come before you as a wretched sinner. I confess all my sins to you today (Mention the sins you have committed one by one).
Have mercy upon my life and forgive me all my sins. Wash away my sins with your precious blood you shed for me on the cross of Calvary.
I confess you as my personal Lord and Saviour and I believe in my heart that you died for my sins and was raised from the dead for my redemption.
I thank you Lord for answering my Prayer. In Jesus Mighty name I pray.
Contact us for questions, prayers, and counseling at:
Africa For Christ Network
5, Bolaji Micheal Avenue,
Temidire Community,
Ibafo, Ogun State
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dubforms · 10 months
Forest of Wonders
1. Freud - Voyagers 2. Babe Roots - Tribal War 3. Tubby Isiah - Only Me 4. Versa - Temple Song 5. Leo James - Daydream In Dub 6. Deadbeat feat. Paul St. Hilaire - Check What Time It Is 7. Mantsche - Tubby Dub 8. Frenk Dublin - Cascade One 9. Unknown Artist - Stekkerdoos 10. M4A4 - Ambush 11. Ludowick - Vestige 12. Upwellings - Dark Cloud Riddim 13. Mentrix - Nature (Deadbeat's Internal War dub) 14. Milly James - Cut You Down 15. Masis - Singers & Players (Maes Remix)
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nfliplnews · 1 year
[ad_1] FG11:35Harrison Butker Made 37 Yd Field Goal8 plays, 57 yards, 3:2530TD8:32Isiah Pacheco 48 Yd Rush, H.Butker extra point is GOOD, Center-J.Winchester, Holder-T.Townsend.5 plays, 69 yards, 2:03100TD3:24Noah Gray Pass From Patrick Mahomes for 34 Yds, H.Butker extra point is GOOD, Center-J.Winchester, Holder-T.Townsend.6 plays, 89 yards, 2:48170 [ad_2] Source link
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amandachristine92 · 1 year
One Game Below .500
With the Atlanta Braves sweeping the New York Yankees in this recent series, all hope is lost in the Yankees making the postseason, even in a wild-card spot.
Game one of this series started as promising with the Yankees scoring first in the first inning. That inning began with 3B Isiah Kiner-Falefa in the leadoff spot getting a base hit. IKF would score on CF Harrison Bader's groundout to SS Orlando Arcia to 1B Matt Olson.
Usually when the Yankees score first in a game, they go on to win it. This game would end differently. In the bottom of the first inning, 3B Austin Riley hit a solo home run off of RHP Clarke Schmidt to tie the game 1-1.
Schmidt was born and raised in Georgia and grew up a Braves fan. He had over 50 family members and friends in attendance that night. You would think that would motivate him to pitch well, but the Baseball Gods would have other plans.
In the top of the second inning, IFK hit an RBI single, giving the lead back to the Yankees 2-1. In trying to stretch a single into a double, IFK overslid on second base and was tagged out for the third out.
At the bottom of the second inning, 2B Nicky Lopez hit a two-run RBI single, making it 3-2 Braves. After that, CF Michael Harris II drove in Lopez with a single of his own, making it 4-2 Braves.
Fast forward to the bottom of the third inning, LF Eddie Rosario hit a two-run single, driving in C Travis d'Arnaud and DH Marcell Ozuna. It was 6-2 Braves.
The implosion of Schmidt continued when Arcia and Lopez both hit RBI singles, making it 8-2 Braves.
When the bottom of the sixth inning rolled around, relief pitcher Albert Abreu threw a wild pitch in the dirt, causing Riley to score. It was 9-2 Braves.
In the bottom of the eighth inning, Rosario hit a two-run home run, making it 11-2 Braves.
In the top of the ninth inning, SS Anthony Volpe hit an RBI triple, scoring PH for 1B DJ LeMahieu, Billy McKinney. This would be the last time not only in this game, but in this series that the Yankees would score any runs. It was a 11-3 final in game one.
The Yankees would be shut out and held to one hit in game two by RHP Bryce Elder. LeMahieu was the player with the one hit and the Yankees lost 5-0.
RHP Luis Severino found his groove in between giving up two home runs to Ozuna (three-run home run in the bottom of the first inning) and RF Ronald Acuña, Jr. (two-run home run in the bottom of the fourth inning), respectively.
Severino wasn’t as horrible as he has been for most of this season, but he wasn’t good enough to win this game. The lack of offensive by the Yankees didn’t help, either.
In game three, the Yankees would be shut out once again, but RHP Charlie Morton this time. The Yankees elected to use youngster Randy Vásquez to start/open this game.
Vásquez pitched well, making only one mistake to Rosario, who hit a two-run home run in the bottom of the second inning. That was the only time the Braves would score in this game, so the final score was 2-0 Braves.
A side not of game three was that relief pitcher Michael King ate up some innings after Vásquez went 3.1 innings. King went nearly four innings at 3.2 innings.
There have been talks of King being used as a starter due to the injuries and ineffectiveness of the starting rotation. Maybe this last game was a good test for King just in case the Yankees decide to go that route.
I don’t think that the Yankees should go through with this because of what happened to former pitcher Joba Chamberlain during his time with the Yankees.
The Yankees had Chamberlain go back and forth being used out of the bullpen and as a starter. These Joba rules messed with Chamberlain’s game and pitching ability.
He was never the same pitcher during the rest of his time with Yankees and even when he departed from the organization.
Fingers crossed that the Yankees come up with something else in lieu of using King as a starter.
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