#Islamabad High Court
justnownews · 11 days
IHC Declares PTI MNAs' Eight-Day Physical Remand Null and Void
In a significant legal development, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) has declared the eight-day physical remand of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) MNAs null and void. The court ruled that the remand granted to the lawmakers was unlawful and ordered their immediate release. This decision comes amid growing concerns over the treatment of PTI leaders who have been under arrest since the May 9…
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jaatanilsolanki · 1 year
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been granted bail by Islamabad High Court in a corruption case. The decision comes a day after the Supreme Court declared his arrest "invalid and unlawful." Khan was arrested on Tuesday in the Al-Qadir Trust case after the National Accountability Bureau issued an arrest warrant against him. Stay updated with the latest news at glorymagazi.com
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dawninsightexplorer · 11 months
Imran Khan and Shah Mahmood Qureshi's Legal Battle
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shahtajbhutto · 1 year
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humanrightsupdates · 4 months
On May 15, 2024, Ahmad Farhad, a Kashmiri journalist and poet, was forcibly disappeared from his home in the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad, and his whereabouts remain unknown. The police initially refused to file a First Information Report (FIR), and one was subsequently filed on the orders of the Islamabad High Court. Information regarding Ahmad’s whereabouts must be made known, and he must be released immediately. The authorities must ensure an effective, prompt, thorough, independent, and impartial investigation is conducted into the circumstances of Ahmad’s enforced disappearance.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
9 May 23
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xtruss · 5 months
All That’s Left For Them Now Is To Murder Me – But I’m Not Afraid To Die! The Former Pakistani Prime Minister Writes Exclusively For The Telegraph From His Prison Cell
— BY IMRAN KHAN | 2 May, 2024 | The Telegraph
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Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is currently serving a prison sentence for controversial corruption charges. Credit: AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary
Today, Pakistan and its people stand in confrontation with each other. Almost two years ago, an engineered vote of no confidence was moved against my government and a government cobbled together by the military establishment came into being.
Since then, the Corrupt Military Establishment, under direct guidance of General Asim Munir, The Corrupt Chief of Army Staff, has tried every tactic to decimate my party’s presence from the political environment of Pakistan.
The oppression, torture and denial of our election symbol have been extensively documented, but nothing has worked for the military and the powerless civilian leadership acting as its puppets.
Pakistan’s general elections on Feb 8 2024, showed the utter failure of their design.
With no single electoral symbol in a country where the vast majority of voters are guided by a party symbol, the people came out and voted overwhelmingly for candidates supported by my party, the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), despite standing as “independents” with a host of diverse symbols.
This democratic revenge by the people of Pakistan against the agenda of the military establishment not only was a national defiance by the people but also a complete rejection of the official state narrative of May 9 2023, when PTI supporters were falsely accused – as a pretext for a crackdown – of attacking military installations.
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Pakistan's Corrupt to his Core Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir (left) shakes hand with Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi CREDIT: Inter Services Public Relations via AP
Unfortunately, instead of accepting the people’s mandate, the military establishment went into a fit of rage and electoral results were manipulated to bring into power the losers.
The same vote tampering was seen in the recent by-elections.
As a result, today Pakistan is at a dangerous crossroads. The people have shown in no uncertain terms their rejection of state electoral machinations and of the oppression, incarceration and torture of not just the PTI leadership but also of its workers.
The military leadership has been subjected to overt criticism at a level unseen before in our history. The government is a laughing stock.
More Oppression and Violence
The response of the state has been to unleash more oppression and violence not just on party workers but also on journalists and human rights defenders. Social media restrictions have been put in place with a complete ban on the X platform.
Perhaps the most ominous development has been the systematic attempt to destroy the independent functioning of the judiciary at all levels.
Judges have been subjected to all manner of pressures including blackmail and harassment of family members. As a result, our trials on false charges are conducted with no proper defence allowed and no concern for the law of the land and the constitution.
The Corrupt Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) and of the Islamabad High Court have been found short of delivering unbiased justice.
But members of the senior judiciary have risen against the attempted destruction of the independence of the judiciary. Six brave judges of the Islamabad High Court have written a letter to the CJP highlighting instances of harassment and blackmail including of their families by intelligence agencies. Specific instances are cited and details given.
This is unprecedented in our history – although, informally, many knew what was happening to the senior judiciary but for such a letter to have come from these judges shows the level of despair, anger and frustration.
The sorry state of judicial affairs is reflected in the hesitancy shown by the CJP, who eventually felt compelled to act but instead of calling for a full bench hearing of the supreme court and summoning those named by the six judges, he has sought to put the six judges effectively in the dock.
With an economy in crisis, spiralling prices and a people politically angry at having their electoral mandate stolen and being economically beleaguered, the state stands isolated.
Unwilling to mitigate its grave errors which have led Pakistan to this precarious juncture and unable to go beyond its mantra of oppression and violence against critics, the State is treading the same path it trod in 1971, when it lost East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.
Upsurge in Terrorism
At the same time, it is seeing an upsurge in terrorism and a growing alienation in Balochistan where the issue of enforced disappearances is growing in severity. On Pakistan’s borders, India has already admitted to undertaking assassinations inside of Pakistan and the international border with Afghanistan remains volatile.
The military establishment’s expectation of unquestioning support from the US, in return for the provision of access to airspace and related facilities to the US for military purposes, has been punctured after the publication of the latest US state department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices which highlights the many human rights violations in Pakistan.
Again, seeking salvation by relying on support from the International Monetary Fund when there is a confrontation with the people will not result in any stability for Pakistan. There is no other way out of the crisis but to restore the people’s mandate and release all political prisoners including those being held for trial under military courts. The constitutional functioning of state institutions must be restored.
“The Corrupt Military Establishment has done all they could against me. All that is left for them is to now ‘Murder Me’. I have stated publicly that if anything happens to me or my wife, Corrupt General Asim Munir will be responsible. But I am not afraid because my faith is strong. I would prefer death over slavery.”
— Imran Khan is the leader of the Pakistan-Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) party. He is serving a prison sentence for controversial corruption charges.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan’s main opposition leader and former prime minister, Imran Khan, was arrested Tuesday, authorities said, raising the stakes of the country’s political crisis and sparking clashes between his supporters and police.
Footage showed demonstrations across the country. Tear gas and water cannons were reportedly deployed against Khan supporters in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and other cities.
Pakistani authorities said Khan was arrested in a corruption case that has been evolving for months. The former prime minister stands accused of money laundering and faces a number of other charges in separate cases, all of which he has rejected.
Pakistani authorities said they had unsuccessfully sought Khan’s cooperation in the corruption probe. He was subsequently arrested by officers on high court premises in the capital, Islamabad, where he was to attend hearings linked to different cases on Tuesday. Pakistani police battle protesters in attempt to arrest opposition leader
Footage distributed by Khan’s party showed the opposition leader being pushed into a law enforcement vehicle. Officials said the arresting officers — members of a paramilitary force — were operating on a warrant from the country’s anti-corruption watchdog.
They denied accusations from Khan’s allies that the former prime minister was beaten during his arrest. Neither side immediately provided evidence to back its claims.
Members of Khan’s party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, or Movement for Justice, say they suspect political motives behind the arrest. The government has repeatedly sought to delay key regional votes this year after Khan performed above expectations in by-elections last October.
The country’s deteriorating economic situation has become the top concern among many voters, with the current government and Khan trading blame over the root causes of the crisis. Financial experts fear that the country may be on the verge of defaulting on its international loans.
Khan, who was ousted as prime minister in April 2022, was arrested after public disputes with the government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the country’s powerful military. Khan recently accused a senior officer of involvement in an assassination attempt against him in November, which he narrowly survived.
Khan has described himself for months as the victim of a plot, starting with what he says was a Western move to oust him last year. There have been several attempts to arrest him since, including one in March that resulted in fierce clashes and left many Pakistanis injured.
As he left his residence in the city of Lahore to attend the scheduled court hearings in Islamabad early Tuesday, Khan released a video message in which he said he is “ready to go to jail,” but added that the accusations against him are unsubstantiated.
Later, in a response to Khan on Twitter, Sharif, the prime minister, accused his predecessor of “blatant lies, untruths, U-turns, and vicious attacks on institutions.” He charged that Khan was bending “the judiciary to your whims and behaving as if rules don’t apply to you.”
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warningsine · 1 year
Violent clashes have broken out in Pakistan between security forces and supporters of former prime minister Imran Khan after he was arrested on Tuesday.
Protests are erupting nationwide, and at least one person has been killed in the city of Quetta.
The United States and UK have called for adherence to the "rule of law".
Mr Khan was arrested by security forces at the High Court in the capital, Islamabad.
Dramatic footage showed dozens of officers arriving and detaining the 70-year-old, who was bundled into a vehicle and driven away.
He was appearing in court on charges of corruption, which he says are politically motivated.
Mobile data services in the country were suspended on the instructions of the interior ministry on Friday as protests grew, many of them taking place in front of army compounds.
Pakistan's army plays a prominent role in politics, sometimes seizing power in military coups, and, on other occasions, pulling levers behind the scenes.
Many analysts believe Mr Khan's election win in 2018 happened with the help of the military. Now in opposition, he is one of its most vocal critics, and analysts say the army's popularity has fallen.
Footage from Lahore posted on Twitter appeared to show a crowd breaking into the military corps commander's house destroying furniture and belongings inside.
Speaking from Washington, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he wanted to make sure that "whatever happens in Pakistan is consistent with the rule of law, with the constitution".
UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, speaking alongside Blinken, noted that Britain enjoyed "a longstanding and close relationship" with Commonwealth member Pakistan, and wanted to "see the rule of law adhered to".
On Tuesday evening, supporters of Imran Khan gathered outside the Pakistan High Commission in London to protest against his arrest.
'Chaos and anarchy'
Mr Khan was ousted as PM in April last year and has been campaigning for early elections since then.
General elections are due to be held later this year.
Speaking to the BBC's Newshour, Mr Khan's spokesman, Raoof Hasan, said he expected "the worst" and that the arrest could plunge the country "into chaos and anarchy".
"We're facing multiple crises. There is an economic crisis, there is a political crisis, there is a cost of livelihood crisis and consequently this occasion will be a catharsis for them to step out and I fear a fair amount of violence is going to be back," he said.
A member of Mr Khan's legal team, Raja Mateen, said undue force had been used against him at the court.
"Mr Khan went into the biometric office for the biometrics. The rangers went there, they broke the windows, they hit Mr Khan on the head with a baton," said Mr Mateen.
Mr Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party called on its supporters to protest. In the hours after he was detained, violence was reported from cities including Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar.
On the streets of Islamabad, hundreds of protesters blocked one of the main highways in and out of the capital.
People pulled down street signs and parts of overpasses, lit fires and threw stones. During the hour or so that the BBC was there, no police or authorities were visible.
Protesters said they were angry about Imran Khan's arrest.
"This is absolutely the last straw," said Farida Roedad.
"Let there be anarchy, let there be chaos. If there is no Imran, there's nothing left in Pakistan. No one is there to take over."
Writing on social media, police in Islamabad said five police officers had been injured and 43 protesters arrested.
It said at least 10 people, including six police officers, had been injured in the south-western city of Quetta in clashes between Mr Khan's supporters and security forces - with one protester killed.
A statement from the inspector general of Punjab police said the arrest of Mr Khan had been ordered because he was accused of "corruption and corrupt practices".
The case involves allegations over the allotment of land in the so-called Al-Qadir Trust, which is owned by Mr Khan and his wife, Dawn newspaper reported.
Mr Khan, who is being held at an undisclosed location, denies breaking any law.
In a video message filmed as he travelled to Islamabad - and released by the PTI before his arrest - Mr Khan said he was ready for what lay ahead.
"Come to me with warrants, my lawyers will be there," he said. "If you want to send me to jail, I am prepared for it."
Security was tight in the centre of the capital for the former PM's court appearance.
Dozens of cases have been brought against Mr Khan since he was ousted from power.
The security forces have tried to detain him on a number of previous occasions at his Lahore residence, but were blocked by his supporters, resulting in fierce clashes.
On Tuesday, police had blocked roads into Islamabad, so the number of supporters with Imran Khan was not as high as on previous occasions, making it easier to arrest him.
He was elected prime minister in 2018, but fell out with Pakistan's powerful army. After a series of defections, he lost his majority in parliament. He was ousted after he lost a confidence vote in April 2022, four years into his tenure.
Since then, he has been a vocal critic of the government and the country's army.
In October, he was disqualified from holding public office, accused of incorrectly declaring details of presents from foreign dignitaries and proceeds from their alleged sale.
The next month, he survived a gun attack on his convoy while holding a protest march.
On Monday, the military warned him against making "baseless allegations" after he again accused a senior officer of plotting to kill him.
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smqazi · 3 days
The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice to be known as the Chief Justice of Pakistan and so many other Judges as may be determined by Act of [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] or, until so determined, as may be fixed by the President.
"The Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC) (Urdu: عدالت عظمیٰ پاکستان; Adālat-e-Uzma Pākistān) is the apex court in the judicial hierarchy of Pakistan, the final arbiter of legal and constitutional disputes. The Supreme Court has a permanent seat in Islamabad. It also has a number of Branch Registries where cases are heard. 
The court has a number of de jure powers, outlined in the Constitution. Through several periods of military rule and constitutional suspensions (see Doctrine of necessity), the court has also established itself as a de facto check on military power. It has the appellate jurisdiction over all high courts (including provincial high courts, district courts, and special courts) and federal courts, as well as original jurisdiction over a few types of cases. 
The Supreme Court is made up of a chief justice and a number of senior justices who are nominated by the President after consulting the Prime minister. Once appointed justices are expected to complete a designated term and then retire, unless they are removed by the Supreme Judicial Council after receiving a presidential reference regarding misconduct of judge(s)." -- Summary retrieved on October 7, 2019 http://dbpedia.org/resource/Supreme_Court_of_Pakistan
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justnownews · 1 month
IHC Grants Media Access to Imran Khan's Jail Trial
The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has directed the jail administration to prohibit journalists from interviewing former Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan during his ongoing trial in jail. However, the court has raised concerns about the legality of restricting overall media coverage of the trial, emphasizing the importance of transparency in judicial…
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jaatanilsolanki · 1 year
Islamabad High Court Grants Bail to Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in Corruption Case
On Friday, Islamabad High Court granted former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan two weeks of bail in a corruption case. This decision was made just a day after the Supreme Court declared his arrest “invalid and unlawful.” Despite Mr Khan’s arrest being upheld by the Islamabad High Court, a three-member Supreme Court bench deemed it “illegal” and ordered his immediate release. The hearing on…
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kimskashmir · 30 days
Imran Khan might be tried in military courts over May 9 cases, says PML-N
ISLAMABAD — Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s cases in connection with the May 9 riots might go to military courts, the Pakistan government’s spokesperson for legal affairs, Barrister Aqeel Malik, said. Notably, countrywide protests erupted on May 9 last year after the paramilitary Rangers whisked away Imran from the Islamabad High Court (IHC) in a corruption case. When the protests…
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todaypkjobs24 · 1 month
 Islamabad High Court Law Clerk Jobs The up-to-date job Position Has been Declared in Islamabad High Court For those People who are unemployed and seeking the best job opportunity in the government sector now this time everybody can submit their applications accordingly This is a new career opportunity in Islamabad High Court invites applications to join Islamabad High Court as different available if you are interested in these jobs So, make sure you read advertisement completely and check your suitability criteria completely if you want to read advertisement scroll down and read compete for this post complete about Islamabad High Court.
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jobustad · 2 months
Islamabad High Court Jobs August 2024 Advertisement
Islamabad High Court Jobs August 2024 has been announce through latest advertisement The Islamabad High Court invites applications from eligible candidates for the position of Law Clerk, on contract basis for one year, in the Islamabad High Court’s Research Centre. The Law Clerks will be required to primarily conduct legal and academic research.In these Latest Govt Jobs in Islamabad both Male and…
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abcexpresspk · 2 months
Islamabad High Court: The order to withdraw the permit of PTI rally was declared null and void The - ...
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