coffee-and-clarinet · 4 years
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I am officially two weeks away from move-in week at school tomorrow! Yay! I bought my textbooks, but I don’t think I have everything I need (we use a website program thingy to order books and not everything is on it sometimes). That’s a problem for future me, I guess.
On another note, I decided to invest in an iPad due to the increase in electronic/internet-based work. My birthday also recently passed, and my wonderful boyfriend sent me stickers (because who can resist putting stickers on their case)! I am living for the clarinet chaos.
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coffee-and-clarinet · 4 years
Hey! Welcome to the studyblr community! I've never followed music student blog before so Im interested to see your content. Also I've never see a school start on Feb 1st, thats new to me
Hey! Thank you! It is a bit different than the typical studyblr, so that’s probably why I have struggled with it before. 😅 And yes, the semester does not typically start on February 1st, but move-in is spread out over a week due to the pandemic and things are going to be a little more chaotic than usual (then classes are online for two weeks for everyone on campus before we all start moving around more). Thanks for sending me a message! I’ve interacted with a few people and already feel so welcomed and excited to be here!
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coffee-and-clarinet · 4 years
Hey, I’m new here!
Hi! My name is Ainsley, I am 19, and I am currently attending college majoring in music education. COVID-19 has been hard for everyone, and a trend I have seen is that students have a hard time staying motivated. I decided to start this account to keep myself accountable and more motivated to reaching academic goals and deadlines.
Most of my account has to do with practicing clarinet (my concentration instrument/what I auditioned with to attend my school’s music program) and whatever instruments I am learning for my techniques classes (classes that teach the basics of each instrument so I am able to teach it). This semester, those techniques classes consist of saxophone and oboe (screams in single-reed player).
I am new to being a part of the academic/study Tumblr community, so be patient with me as I learn the ropes. I have attempted to have accounts like this in the past, and they have done well, but my own motivation tends to flop. Hopefully not this time!
Students begin moving on campus beginning on January 25th and classes begin on February 1st, so that is when my account will start to pick up a little more. Until then, I am preparing repertoire for ensemble placement, some concepts to (hopefully) test out of Keyboard Skills II, and any other class-related things I have to chip away at.
I do not anticipate everyday posts to be this long, so if you got to the end, thank you! I appreciate your time and hope you stick with me throughout this semester (and maybe even going forward). Have a video applauding you for listening to my rambling...
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