#Istg how have they lasted five months without tech
sadiecoocoo · 1 month
Can we talk about how dumb it was for the batch to be like “we were right, she’s a war criminal, we should kill her before she knows we know,” from like two feet behind her???
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rhainontheshelves · 7 years
In His Sleep
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Member: Eunwoo {Astro} Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1402 A/N: Hello I am back unannounced with some Eunwoo fluff I desperately need! I just want cuddles rn istg…This is based off my tags when I found out this: (1) (2). Thank you soooo much to @leedeermin for the gif!! Happy Reading! - Rhin   Boy, were you glad to walk in the door of your apartment.   Work was just too stressful today, you thought as your purse thumped down on the counter. Your coat landed somewhere on the floor near the recliner. The bun in your hair fell as the tie snapped back on your wrist. Rubbing your eyes, not really caring about smudging your makeup, you entered your bedroom and prepared to hop in the shower.   Except there was something in your bed. Someone in your bed, looking up from his phone and smiling a smile that rivaled sunshine.   In a different situation, you would’ve screamed and bolted back out of the room. However, this was a normal situation. In normal situations, you would smile back, say hello, give the someone a kiss or two, and go about your business. Which was exactly what you did.   “How was work?” The someone asked as he returned your kisses and settled back into the pillows.   “It was… work.” you replied, him chuckling. He totally understood. “I would love to talk about it, but I really need a shower right now.” You continued taking off your jewelry and shoes, gathering your pajamas to change into. “How was your day?”   “Same old, same old. I dealt with four guys and one dumb maknae and cling wrap [aka saran wrap] taped up in all the doorways this morning, then I went off to do other things. Now we’re on vacation!”   “You are? That’s great! Finally we’ll have some time to ourselves!”   “Yeah, finally! There’s so much I want to do with you, you have no idea…” the handsome man in your bed yawned widely and ruffled his hair.   “Well, mister, what you need to do right now is sleep. Get off your phone and close your eyes and I’ll be with you in a bit.”   He rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mom.”   “I love you, Dongmin!” you called as you closed the bathroom door behind you.     “I love you too, (Y/N)!”   Fifteen minutes later, you hung up your towel, threw your hair up into a bun again, and crawled in under the comforter next to your conked-out boyfriend. For a while you just admired his face, the thing that made him so sought-after. His slightly puffy eyes from inadequate hours of sleep, his nose that cutely flared with each intake of breath, his lips that just look so kissable.   How did I get so lucky? you thought for the millionth time since Dongmin asked you to be his. He had told you the answer a hundred times, but it had crossed your mind way more times than that. You reminded yourself that looks are not everything. You love this man because he is a goofball. A loyal, hardworking, talented goofball that just so happened to fall in love with you and make the feelings mutual.   Careful not to wake Dongmin, you made yourself comfortable as the little spoon and tried to lull yourself to sleep. Closing your eyes and listening to the steady breathing behind you didn’t work as it usually did. Too much was on your mind. So, you talked.   “A lot of things have happened since I saw you last, Dongminnie. As I’ve already told you, I got that promotion, but with it came responsibilities I was not mentally prepared for. I mean, I knew all the information and what I was expected to do, but I just wasn’t ready for it, you know? Yeah, you probably know since a lot more modelling and advertising gigs have been added to your schedule lately.   Drama Mama ([we all have that person in our lives, right? Put her name here]) keeps coming over to me during her break to tell me company gossip I don’t really want to hear. It’s getting annoying but I’m afraid to tell her because she’ll start talking about me and I’ll get demoted. She’s a backstabbing snake, I don’t trust her at all. Well, nobody does anymore, except the boss.   Did you notice the time when I got home? I think it was 7:30, I don’t remember. Oh, did you eat supper, Dongmin? A very nice janitor has been bringing me food from the break room when she noticed that I’ve been staying way past closing time to finish up the projects I’ve been given. I usually don’t come home this early anymore.”   You didn’t really expect Dongmin to answer those questions, but when you paused to think of more things to get off your mind, he made a small “mm-hm”, which made you pause even more. You mean, you wouldn’t mind if he was actually awake and listening, but if he actually was awake you felt a bit guilty for keeping him up.   A soft snore floated out of Dongmin’s mouth, confirming that he was, in fact, asleep. A voice popped up in your head, reminding you that he has a habit of talking and laughing in his sleep. It sounded suspiciously like Bin, probably because it was him that told you this information.   Ah, it’s been too long. It had been almost three months since you shared a bed with Dongmin. He was so busy with the Dream Store comeback, modelling, and CF and drama filming that he simply didn’t have time to come visit you. You understood, but it never felt quite right without him occupying the left side of your favorite piece of furniture.   “Anyway, the company’s absorbing another small firm soon, so all of that paperwork has been pushed on to me.” Words kept flowing.     Pretty soon you found yourself nodding off, which was your goal in the first place. You’d better wrap up, or soon you’d be talking gibberish all night.   “One more thing, then I’ll sleep. Someone pulled a prank in the copier room today.” you giggled at the thought. “Someone rigged the printers and copiers to spew papers for five minutes whenever a person entered in a command. Then they’d have to dig around to find what they needed. I think they accused a tech dude from the third floor.”   Apparently Dongmin’s subconscious found that funny, so he chuckled. However, he did so in your ear.   Everyone who knew about it teased you incessantly with it. They used it against you, surprising you at the randomest of times, which usually led to yelling and chasing. Therefore, you didn’t tell a lot of people that your right ear was sensitive in a weird way. If a person’s voice was just the right pitch and close enough to your ear, it would tickle and send a weird feeling down your spine. Dongmin’s laugh was just that right pitch.   Squealing, you squirmed away from your sleeping boyfriend and rubbed your ear in an attempt to ease the weird feeling. You were surprised he didn’t wake up at the movement; he was certainly exhausted.   The feeling passed. You were considering staying in this position and giving Dongmin some space, just in case he woke up before you and wanted to get up and make breakfast or something. Once again, his subconscious made his wants known, and a whine emitted from your partner’s throat. His hands blindly searched the sheets until he found your form, then he pulled you back into his arms, snaking them around your waist. It never failed to amaze you how naturally your two bodies fit together.     “Okay, okay, Dongmin. Geez, I didn’t know you were that needy,” you joked. There were times in the past (when you first started dating him and when Astro came back with Autumn Story) when he was way needier than that, not even in a sexual sense. In those times he needed physical contact at all times, so he would just attach himself to you and wouldn’t let go until hours later. If you wiggled out of his grip to go do something, he would either follow you or just whine until you came back. Cuddles and/or kisses were needed at least twice every time he saw you. You low-key missed that side of Dongmin.   Minutely readjusting and making yourself more comfortable once again, you relaxed, taking in the faint aroma of his day-old cologne. Taking your own advice, you closed your eyes and floated off to dreamland with Captain Ddana, very glad and thankful for the person beside you.       “Thanks for listening, Minnie. Whether you knew it or not.”
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