#Isui-en 依水園
kyotodreamtrips · 12 days
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Isui-en (依水園) is a Japanese garden located in Nara, the old capital of Japan, near Kyōto. It has been preserved since its creation in the Meiji era and is Nara’s only walking garden (kaiyu-shiki teien). Sanshutei Tea House—In the 1670s, Kiyosumi Dosei relocated this house to Isuien Garden as his secondary home.
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oniwastagram · 1 year
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📸依水園・寧楽美術館 / Isuien Garden, Nara ——奈良の紅葉庭園ならここ!📸世界遺産・東大寺の南大門や若草山〜春日山の借景も美しい、奈良で最高級の日本庭園。 裏千家12代 #又妙斎 宗室が設計の茶室や茶庭も含む江戸時代〜明治時代の庭園は国指定文化財(国指定名勝)。お食事や『寧楽美術館』でのアート鑑賞も。 ...... 続き。山々を正面を見て手前には歴史的な和風建築が2つ。 まずは茅葺/兜造り屋根の“氷心亭”。こちらが後園とあわせて造営された後園のメインの建築で、後園に面した広間は裏千家“寒雲亭”の写し、また床の間は京都『桂離宮』の書院の一部を模しているとか。 . かつてはこの中で茶会や詩歌の会が催されていたそうですが、現在もこの場でお抹茶をいただきながら後園を眺めることができます🍵 . 氷心亭と並んで建つのが“柳生堂”。柳生宗矩が有名な剣豪・柳生一族の菩提寺『芳徳寺』にあった安土桃山時代からの歴史をもつお堂で、明治時代に取り壊しの危機にあったところを関藤次郎が購入し、この地に移築されました。 . もう一つ歴史があるものが柳生堂の正面あたりにある半月のような大きな石。これはかつて東大寺にそびえた七重の塔“西塔”の基礎(礎石)だったと伝わる、古い石造物。こちらも使われなくなっていたものを関藤次郎が購入し園内に移設、庭園の一部になっています。 なお同じく東大寺の礎石だったと呼ばれる石が大阪の『太閤園』にあります。 続く。 . 奈良・依水園の紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/isuien-garden-nara-autum/ - - - - - - - - #庭園 #日本庭園 #建築デザイン #ランドスケープ #奈良庭園 #奈良紅葉 #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #kyotogarden #naragarden #zengarden #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanarchitect #japandesign #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #japanischergarten #jardimjapones #landscapedesign #nara #奈良 #庭院 #庭园 #日本建築 #文化財庭園 #美術館 #おにわさん (Isui-en) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPvd9TvBPR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hi-technique · 3 years
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Isui-en 依水園 by Patrick Vierthaler
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wikitopx · 4 years
Nara is second only to Kyoto as the richest collection of traditional websites in Japan.
Nara is home to some of the country's best temples and temples, along with some nice traditional gardens, museums, and neighborhoods.
1. Todai-ji Temple
Home of the famous Daibutsu (Great Buddha), Todai-Ji Temple is a must-see for all visitors to Japan. It’s awe-inspiring and moving. Todai-Ji is not just one of Nara’s must-see attractions; it’s one of Japan’s must-see attractions.
The focal point of Todai-Ji is the Daibutsu-den (Hall of the Great Buddha), which contains the vast grandeur of the Daibutsu, a 16-meter-high Buddha that really does seem to exude some form of spiritual energy.
Be sure to check out the Nandai-mon Gate, a few hundred meters from Daibutsu-den to the east, and once inside Daibutsu-den, be sure to turn around and check the pillar with holes in the middle.
Japanese name: 東大寺大仏殿 Japanese address: 奈良市雑司町406-1 English address: 406-1 Zoushi-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 0742-22-5511 Opening Hours: 7:30am-5:30pm (Apr-Oct), 8:00am-4:30pm (Nov-Mar) Nearest Transport: 20min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Nara-Koen Area Admission: Y500
2. Isui-en Garden
Isui-en Garden is the best garden in Nara and one of my favorite gardens in Kansai (central Japan).
It’s a spacious stroll garden with a pond and plenty of blooming flowers and trees. Isui-en is conveniently located on the way from the train station to Todai-Ji Temple (on the map provided by tourist information offices) and marked with signs near the pedestrian crossing. jogging track below Noborioji Road (the main road leading from train stations to Nara-Koen Park).
While it costs Y650 to enter, it’s well worth it. Take some time to stroll the garden (pathways run all the way to the back of the garden).
At any time of the year, there's usually something in full bloom, and you might be surprised at the genius of the garden designer, who used shakkei (borrowed landscapes) to incorporate the roof of Todai Shrine. -Ji into the background of the garden.
To get the most from a visit, I recommend ordering a cup of matcha (powdered green tea) and a sweet (Y500), which you can enjoy while gazing over the garden.
Japanese name: 依水園 Japanese address: 奈良市水門町74 English address: 74 Suimon-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 0742-25-0781 Opening Hours: 9:30am-4:30pm (enter by 4:00pm) Nearest Transport: 15min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Nara-Koen Area Admission: Y650
3. Kasuga-Taisha Shrine
Kasuga-Taisha Temple is the most important Shinto shrine in Nara. Not only are the temple buildings, but Kasuga-Taisha is also a mysterious world of forests, paths, lanterns, and wandering deer.
After visiting Isui-en Garden and Todai-Ji Temple, Kasuga-Taisha is next up to complete any visit to the Nara-Koen Park area. While the temple, like most Shinto shrines, is centered around a honden (main hall) and haiden (altar room), I consider Kasuga-Taisha to be more than that.
The buildings are only the nexus for the mysterious expanse of pathways lined with stone lanterns, smaller sub-shrines, atmospheric forests and, of course, the ever-present deer in search of handouts.
Take some time to get into Kasuga-Taisha's haiden, but don't neglect your leisurely stroll along the surrounding streets. This is really a very special world unto itself.
Japanese name: 春日大社 Japanese address: 奈良市春日野町160 English address: 160 Kasugano-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 0742-22-7788 Opening Hours: 6:00am-6:00pm (Apr-Sep), 6:30am-5:00pm (Oct-Mar) Nearest Transport: 25min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Nara-Koen Area Admission: free
4. Nara-Koen Park
Nara-Koen Park (Koen is the Japanese word for the park) is an expanse of trees and open space extending from the east of Nara and Naramachi Centers, running along the foot of the rising hill to the east of the castle. city.
Nara-Koen Park is not only sight but also a host of other important attractions, including Todai-Ji Temple, Isui-en Garden, and Kasuga-Taisha Temple. Nara-Koen Park is lined with pleasant roads and dotted with ponds.
Without a doubt, the park's most interesting feature, especially for children, is a large number of semi-wild deer that roam the park. You can buy a pack of deer crackers (Shika sembei) to feed them (but note that the deer can be very aggressive in trying to get them out of your hands – so do not give the crackers to very small children).
Japanese name: 奈良公園 Opening Hours: 24 hours District: Nara-Koen Area Nearest Transport: 5min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station Admission: free
5. Nigatsu-do Hall
Nigatsu-do Hall is actually one of the halls of Todai-Ji Temple, but I cover it separately here because it feels like a separate attraction.
It is best achieved by climbing the atmospheric walkway starting from the northeast corner of Todai-Ji slopes of the Daibutsu-den Hall. Nigatsu-do is free to explore and there, a small resting area on the north side of the hall where you can get free tea to drink (be sure to wash your cup when you're done).
Japanese name: 二月堂 Japanese address: 奈良市雑司町406-1 English address: 406-1 Zoushi-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 0742-22-5511 Opening Hours: 24 hours Nearest Transport: 20min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Nara-Koen Area Admission: free
6. Sangatsu-do Hall
Sangatsu-do Hall lies just to the south of Nigatsu-do Hall. It's different from another hall of Todai-Ji Temple that feels like a separate attraction. Although you can pay to enter Sangatsu-do, perhaps simply admire it from the outside as you pass by, going north to Kasuga-Taisha Temple.
Japanese name: 三月堂 Japanese address: 奈良市雑司町406-1 English address: 406-1 Zoushi-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 0742-22-5511 Opening Hours: 7:30am-5:30pm (Apr-Oct), 8:00am-4:30pm (Nov-Mar) Nearest Transport: 20min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Nara-Koen Area Admission: Y500
7. Yoshiki-en Garden
Yoshiki-en Garden is one of Nara’s great little secrets. It’s a fine garden with a thatch-roof teahouse that is located directly next to (on the south side of) Isui-en Garden. Not only is this a beautiful garden to stroll around, but entry is also free for foreign visitors! The maple trees here are spectacular in November.
Japanese name: 吉城園 Japanese address: 奈良市登大路町60-1 English address: 60-1 Noborioji-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 0742-22-5911 Opening Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm (enter by 4:30pm) Nearest Transport: 15min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Downtown Nara Admission: free for foreign visitors
8. Kofuku-Ji
Kofuku-Ji Temple is hard to miss: It’s the huge temple compound that contains the towering pagoda that you’ll spot this on your right as you make your way up Noborioji Street on the way to Nara-Koen Park.
While the treasure hall at Kofuku-Ji does contain some interesting Buddhist images, it’s probably enough just to stroll around the open grounds (which you can do for free) and peer at the structures from the outside. Note that one of the main halls here is presently under construction.
Japanese name: 興福寺 Japanese address: 奈良市登大路町48 English address: 48 Noborioji-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 0742-22-7755 Opening Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm (enter by 4:45pm) Nearest Transport: 5min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Nara-Koen Area Admission: on free grounds, Y600 to the treasure hall
9. Naramachi
Although there are some interesting attractions here like Koshi-no-Ie (a traditional house you can enter), the real joy here is just walking on the old streets to admire the buildings, poking into shops and cafes and imagining what Japan must be like a hundred years or more.
Japanese name: ならまち Japanese address: 奈良市中院町21 (奈良町情報館) English address: 21 Chuin-Cho, Nara-shi (Naramachi Information Center address) Telephone number: 0742-26-8610 (Naramachi Information Center telephone number) Opening Hours: 24 hours Nearest Transport: 10min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station, 5 min walk from JR Nara Station District: Naramachi Admission: free
10. Nara National Museum
Nara National Museum is located just east of Kofuku-Ji Temple, on the west side of Nara-Koen Park.
The old building in the west is Nara Butsuzo-kan (Buddhist Hall), which houses the museum's fine collection of Buddhist images (highly recommended for those who are interested in the museum). Buddhism) and newer built in the east, where special temporary exhibitions are held (ask at the tourist information offices to see what while you are in town).
Japanese name: 奈良国立博物館 Japanese address: 奈良市登大路町50 English address: 50 Noborioji-Cho, Nara-shi Telephone number: 050-5542-8600 Opening Hours: 9:30am-5:00pm Nearest Transport: 15min walk from Kintetsu Nara Station District: Nara-Koen Area Admission: entry to permanent exhibits Y500, more for special exhibits
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From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-nara-705802.html
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duncan0212 · 7 years
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依山傍水依水園。#nara #instagood #instamood #igjapan #japan #garden #pond #pool #water #mountains #trees #mirror #temple #travel #traveller #travelblogger #travelphotography (在 Isui-en)
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kyotodreamtrips · 8 days
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The Yagyudo is in the centre, and on the left is a small part of the Hyoshintei Tea House at Isui-en, A Japanese Garden in Nara City, Japan.
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kyotodreamtrips · 8 days
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The Hyoshintei Tea House and Yagyudo (on the left) at Isui-en, A Japanese Garden in Nara City, Japan.
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hi-technique · 2 years
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Isui-en 依水園 (2021) by Patrick Vierthaler (using albums)
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