#It is not an anti sasuhina it is just a criticism
luna-blood · 9 months
I said that I didn't like sasuhina more and more, but it's not that I'm anti; but rather I criticize the naruhinasasu. I hate reading fics where Hinata idolizes Naruto all the time and makes Sasuke jealous. I am a fan of Sasuke and what I would like to see is Hinata slowly falling in love with Sasuke because she would not invade Sasuke's personal space and his love would not be superficial. I'm reading Team Seven by Shasha545, and I'm trying to understand it.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
Silly Question
What is different between "Anti- (chara X)" and "(Chara X)- Salt" ?
Its that the same thing because "Anti" is such a strong-word to criticize MLB ?
I asked this because I never see "(chara x/ship)-salt" in many fandom just "Anti-(chara x/ship x)" like Anti-Naruto, Anti-Sasuhina, anti-mcu etc
I’m not aware of a difference (maybe someone can inform me in the replies if there is one?), though I think “anti” has usually been reserved for ships. Miraculous is the first fandom I heavily interacted with so I’m not familiar with fandom terms.
Anonymous asked:
Honestly I feel like the hardcore Marinette hate and the hardcore Adrien hate are both stupid. Youtube itself seems to favor Adrien but many places on Tumblr/Twitter seem to favor Mari. (by hate I mean wishing for that character to die or harassing other fans of said character)
I mean, you guys definitely know from me about crazies who go out of their way to comment on fics and such from people who aren’t even bothering them, lol.
I agree. Killing off characters or wishing dEatH upon them is a bit dramatic, and harassment is just another step up because that’s going after actual people.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
i dont like sasusaku and not even slightest naruhina, but its weird that you hate sakura as a character and not the creator himself. as much as i hate sakura, i used to love her development but all that went to trash right around the ending. honestly they should've just made narusasu a canon because that made more sense and even sakuino made more sense that some of the hetero pairings 🚮
Apart from the first line of your ask, I somehow disagree with everything, Anon.
Let me tell you why.
First off,
SNS becoming canon by holding hands or kissing or walking towards Sunset.... was never going to happen. So expecting that is kind of extremely childish. I was only unhappy because they wanted to go for this Next Gen shit. That made Kishi to marry off every other characters without any development until Chapter 699.
Second off,
I am immensely happy with what I got. That is NaruSasu became Soulmates. One can't exist without the Other, One complement the Other. Even though they have married those girls and have children, I don't think they will die for their families. And they still love each other more than their own families. Point me one popular Shounen with this kind of Development between 2 male Characters???!!! So, Kishimoto made something extra-ordinary, unusual and I must appreciate him for this from the bottom of my heart. From the way he has written their bond, he really wanted to end with an Open Ending... Like no pairs and trash.
Third off,
What even SakuIno means???? I mean, Sakura was totally going horny over Sasuke's dick and kiss. She was always touching his Body whenever she gets the chance. How can she be paired with a girl??? Same case with Ino. I am not Anti-SakuIno or anything. Probably you ship them for their aesthetics. But both the girls are filtered Heterosexual. They don't have any Lesbian Subtexts like SNS has. Sorry, that is just a crack ship just like SasuHina. They both are friends. That's all.
Fourth off,
Since when did Sakura's character had better development, Anon?? You mean that Sasori fight??? You are calling it as a development, and I am still calling it as a Selfish Obsession on her Sasuke-Kun. Sakura took that fight very seriously only after Sasori mentioned the name of Orochimaru. Sakura thought, if she manage to defeat Sasori, she could get information about Orochimaru which inturn will make it easier for her to retrieve Sasuke. She never fought for Gaara or Naruto, which is what she should've done in the first place. Tell me, how is this called as Development??? Just because she repeatedly punch stuffs???
In part 1, she was a total annoying Asshole and in the end she was even more of an Asshole.
It's not like the Author developed her as some Badass Girl and then dumped her for no reason. She was always written to be hated. At no point, I felt the Author made any conscious effort to make her likeable.
Fifth off,
You are asking me to blame the creator.... And why should I??? If Kishimoto can write amazing women characters like Tsunade, Konan, Kushina.... Why can't he do that for Sakura as well???
Let's take Tsunade
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Her body was splitted into Two Halves. It's really gory to look. I think even Danzo had a pretty nice death... I think she is the only character in Narutoverse to have her Torso separated from her Lower Body....
Even then
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She still wants to save other people with whom she had no proper connection with!! She was still thinking about saving other Kages rather than saving herself.
Tell me atleast one moment when Sakura thought about putting her life on the line to save other people??? Or tell me at what point point of the story, Sakura remotely displayed her selflessness???
You can't.
If Kishimoto can write someone like Tsunade, why can't he make Sakura, a strong person??
Let me tell you... If I am an Author and if I want to make a character likeable, the very first thing I would do is, to make that character be nicer to the Titular Character. This is an inherent and unwritten rule. That's exactly why Hinata was liked by many people.... It's funny, people really liked her a lot in Part 1 (not realizing her inherent shittiness)... But he decided to potray her in a wrong way starting from Part 2. If only Sakura was nicer towards Naruto, I repeat nicer... not to love him... people would have liked Sakura more. But all she did was behaving extremely horny towards Sasuke but showing Drainage-level care towards Naruto. And do you really think Kishimoto don't know this logic?? At no point, I've seen her being completely genuine towards Naruto. Even when she wanted to feed him Ramen, she only did it because of Naruto's devotion towards Sasuke.
Throughout part 1, she was an asshole... Towards the end of part 1, she was nice because she needs Sasuke's dick.... And in the beginning of Part 2, She totally was using him to retrieve Sasuke... She cared him here and there.. In the middle of Part 2, she shamelessly fake confessed him.... In the end of Part 2, she was begging Sasuke to like her... She didn't care about Naruto or Tsunade, who were about to be killed by Sasuke...
Where is this development you speak of, Anon???
I am Sorry, I still feel like you are a big Sakura fan and want to make an excuse by pushing the blame on the Creator. Because Hinata fans also always do this same thing... Like pushing the blame on Kishimoto for writing her that way. They never once realise that the character they like was piss poor because the author wanted it that way.
By that logic, I must criticize him for making Sasuke take certain decision which I am not OK with, too... Right???
If your favourite character don't behave in certain way like you expected, then there's only one thing to do. Blame the Author.
Sorry, I won't be doing it for any other characters in Naruto series. I accept every characters with the way the author has written.
Sakura is a pathetic character and she was meant to be. It was intentional and deliberate from Kishimoto's side. He wants this character to be hated and that's why he wrote her that way... And I know The reason for why he did it... Which is not the point of this post.
Just ask yourself, this question Anon...
If a secondary character like Ino who was very similar to Sakura, got a good development towards the end... There are so many good woman characters inside the Narutoverse. But still, in the end, why Sakura and Hinata alone was shown to have a negative and ugly development??? What makes Sakura and Hinata different from the other women??? Why particularly these two women???
Just give this question a deep thought and you will find the Answer.
People taking the wrong cue about a Character and blaming the author for the Character's shittiness... I am Sorry, I don't support this logic.
I would really appreciate those Sakura fans who completely accept her shittiness, mistakes, flaws and still able to love her... Without blaming the author. Because I've seen such fans but they are very rare to come across.
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naruhinaluvrx · 6 years
I love Hinata and I defend her always but her stans piss me off. Like she is perfect, flawless, strongest and can do no wrong for them. I can see it the most with stans that although they ship NaruHina they also ship sasuhina and they have no problem with criticizing Naruto but when someone says that Hinata is less than perfect they jump down that person's throat. And they make post about anti SS and NS but others should let SH ship what they want. I hate that hypocrisy.
I love Hinata,but she's still human and human do have flaws. She says what she considers flaws in herself. Things like being ready to give up and being a crybaby. Which honestly,she never cried that much and when she did cry,it was for understandable reasons. Like,being bullied or family abuse.I honestly see no appeal to Sasuhina. They don't interact (while single),their personalities don't mix,they don't look good together,and I get a headache if I look at Sasuhina too long. I'm not being mean when I say that either,I will get a legitment headache and I have no idea why. I also find the list of reasons of why they should be together is pretty stupid. Hinata would not be submissive to Sasuke,Hinata would not put up with Sasuke's shit,a couple shouldn't be about the kids they'd make,and I do not see a timeline or AU where they'd fall for each other.If you mean the series when you say "criticizing Naruto",I can understand that. There is plot holes and things in the plot that bother people,like the Uchiha hogging everything. But if you mean Naruto himself,that ticks me off too. Yeah,just blame the protagonist for being the protagonist and trying to help his friends or get mad at a emotional deprived person for not understanding emotions. But,just like with Hinata,Naruto is human and does have his flaws,that he also pointed out and to Hinata too.Honestly people can ship what they want,just don't be a jerk about. That's the main reason I make Anti NS and SS posts. Someone,or a big chunk of the fandom,were being a jackass and it ticked me off. Or,I'll see a comment/post that's incorrect,like calling catching Sakura for falling "hugging" her,and i'll try to politely fix it.
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narutospork-blog · 7 years
naruto ask, 22,25,31
22. Favourite non canon pairing? 
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I ship these two ever since I first started watching Naruto.I have had off moments do the to the ship. He glanced as he stared at her andkissed her lips.
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Sasuke and Naruto had many moments all over the series.
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Not sure why I ship it but basic idea to heirs of big clan’skind of catch my interest. Plus I kind of fall the personality type shy girlbad boy
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Because Lee actually cared about Sakura but we can’t have that can we. After all the hot emo boy is so much hotter them then someone who cares about you. If people actually cared of Sakura’s happiness instead of who does she look cuter next Leesaku would be a lot more popular. But her fans are just as shallow as her.
Characters Single
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How the series should have ended, the characters single andliving their life. Seriously. NaruHina, Sasusaku any other ship is just moneymaking. They are lucky enough the Naruto fandom is full of bunch of horneygirls that only care about who is shipped with who. Fuck they think they onlything that makes a girl strong and better then the other females are who she ispaired with. Imagine if Harry Potter series decided that the girls should onlybe used for shipping.
Naruto Characters x oc
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Cheap shot, I know I know but I know a lot of people thatcreated far more interesting Naruto characters and pairings then the canon pairingsthat our created. I am not going to post them here this is clearly ananti-fandom and I would rather you didn’t harass them. But Roxy I can hear afan cry aren’t ocs just self-insert don’t you hate self-insert. I don’t hate  self-inserts there is a huge difference ofsomeone creating a character based off personalities and aspects of yourselfinto a character and basically placing yourself in the story so you can get allthe dick. And at least most people with ocs improve their writing andcharacters, I have read stories where the character was a complete sue to beinga well-developed characters in the end that could blow Kishi’s characters outof the water.
25. Ship that you shipped before but not anymore?
I shipped thesetwo hard for so long. Sakura seemed prefect for Itachi. Then I started gettinginto reviewing stuff. And reading sporks and you know what I started hatingSakura. Of course I as getting annoyed as well I had all these rules for my fanfics I was writing because it includedocs but Sakura was getting away with more bullshit, alright isn’t that awesomeand a little unfair to everyone in the fandom. But like said I learned that Sakura fans are shallow Itachi is cute hence why this was a popular pair for a while. I couldn’t look up Itachi pictures with out seeing her clinging to him.
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I shipped these when I was young but in the end it wasa ship that didn’t satisfy me in the end. Of course, it goes back to becoming aCritic of stuff and learning why the couple does’t work. Sure it works betterthen Sasuke x Sakura but by the end of the day I see it just as shallow.
31. Thing that you would change about the series? 
Oh boy
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How do I explain this and keep it short, there is so muchwrong with Naruto I even have to figure out where to start?
Let’s start simple
Storyline: A huge draw back in Naruto isstoryline,(1) Kishi spent the first two chapters of his book farting aroundwith Naruto and playing ninja. I mean it the character was playing ninjanothing in the opening had anything that would get you invested into the storyor the characters. The first episode should get you invested not have thecharacters farting around. (2) The next is well plot, I don’t care what thecharacters are going through. When the war started it felt longer then it wasthus losing interest. A three-day war that was written in a five year. Kishi weall lost interest plus there was no weight to the war. What like three fourpeople died? At least when it came to Harry Potter there was weight to the war charactersyou knew and loved died. The only character that died in Naruto was Neji.
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Say what you want I still cry for Hogwarts.
Ending: Sonothing changes everyone gets their happy ending, Sakura married Sasuke(despite there is no chemistry) Sasuke got his wish he killed his brother got hisrevenege, Naruto became hokage. And well the fans got their ships. I don’tthink there is a lot of male fans in Naruto a lot of females who like to thinkthey are boyish because they are reading Naruto “an action anime” but oddlyenough focus on the pairing. Woot everyone is happy and had a giant orgy andpooped out babies all at the same time be happy for them “IT’S CANON”
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but honestly did anyone feel satisfied at all with theending the characters got. I mean I love friendship shows a lot of my favorite showsand anime are all about friendship but even I have to admit even without the damnshipping I felt disconnected. I didn’t cry for the characters I learned to lovein 15 years it just felt like a where are they now episode and shrugged. And Iam crier, I cried at the end of Fruits Basket.
Morals: SO MUCHFUCKING ISSUES WITH THE MORALS IN THIS SERIES. Where do I start Konoha how itis a fucked-up village willing to throw its people away so it can claim it is avillage of peace. The fuck that the village is racist, and some fans condoneit. Even kishi himself or the fact that if you are good guy it doesn’t matterwhat you did, child experiments, massacre of the whole villages, massacre of certaingroup of people, murder of innocent, as long as you have something in commonwith Naruto you are a good guy. WTF I DON’T CARE IF YOU ARE INSANE OR NOT ITSHOULDN’T BE OKAY TO USE A CHILD AS AN EXPERIMENT THEN LIVING IN THE VILLAGEFREE. Kishi has this huge issue where all his bad guys have to have a tragicback story thus you have to feel sorry for them. I don’t know what happened othaving a bad guy for the sake of being evil why do I feel sorry for every badguy that comes
Female Characters:WTF KISHI AND EVERY FAN THAT SUPPORTS SAKURA. This is Twilight fandom level ofstupid, girl falls in love with shallow guy for shallow reasons, we are told onrepeat the girl is special but never shown how or why she is special just thatwe are told she is special. Shallow views on love, I can not repeat myself. Whyis Hinata doing the same thing, Kishi thinks the girl only problem is love. Whycouldn’t we have Sakura be the one to break the justice system in Naruto. I don’tknow she got tired of how females were treated and became a ninja because ofthat. Hinata focus was………
You know what fuck it scrap the whole idea, how about Kishijust never writes the series.
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ryodan · 7 years
An updated ship list for those who keep sending anons
Naruto: ships I ship
-Sasusaku, I am not anti gaiden or anything but I believe it was unnecessary and could have gotten handled better. I still post gaiden edits and gifs, it’s not that deep.
-Sasunarusasu, I am critical of Naruto Uzumaki in the context of this ship but i still love it.
- Sakukarin, Inosaku, most fem slash
- Narusaku
- team 7 ot3
- Minakushi
- Shiita
- rockhina
Naruto, ships I don’t mind/ will reblog occasionally but don’t particularly ship:
- Shikaino
- Shikatema
- Saiino
- Naruino
- Kakasaku
- any other ship that does not involve Hinata Hyuga
Naruto, ships I am anti: this blog is usually not an anti space but occasionally a post might pop up that is anti-
- Naruhina
- Sasuhina
- Sakuhina
- Hina-anything 
- to a lesser degree, sasukarin
Voltron Legendary Defender: ships I ship
- That’s it
- see first 
Voltron Legendary Defender, ships I don’t mind/ occasionally reblog:
- I am not anti shalladin
- all the ships tbh
Avatar The Last Air Bender, ships I ship
- p much it
Ships I don’t mind:
-literally all of them?????? I don’t even really hate kataang lol but I definitely do not ship it whatsoever. 
Ships I am anti:
-Zuko x Mai. Zuko is not even my damn fav character so I should not care who he ended up with, but even I can tell when an emotionally abusive unnecessary romance is being played as something even remotely positive to teach false values.. bye as fucking hell
Inuyasha, ships I ship:
Ships I don’t mind:
- sesskag
- kagome x wolf guy who’s name i forget koga or summat
Ships I am not fond of, but am not anti
Haikyuu!!, ships I ship
- The otp of otps, Kagehina
- Iwaoi
- tsukkiyama
- daisuga
- kuroken
- bokuaka
- kenhina
- hinayachi 
- fem slash otp along with sakukarin tbh, kiyoyachi
- oikag 
- sugakag
- all the rare pairs tbh?
- every ship is a good ship in hq
ships I don’t mind/ occasionally reblog but don’t particularly ship
- asanoya
- kagehinayachi
ships I am not particularly fond of, but am definitely not anti
- Kageyama x any girl - maybe this is my bisexual ass projecting but it’s a running joke in the series that Kageyama tobio has 0 interest in women and he has a higher chance of fucking a god damn volleyball. I am not saying this boy is gay nor am I setting a default; if anything he is volleysexual, maybe even hinasexuals or winningsexual. But he is not into women and anything in that context I genuinely cannot take seriously and it somehow even became something I disliked bc I feel like some people just want to pair their fav with the nearest vagina in the vicinity for whatever reason. You do you tho!
 Boku no hero academia, ships I ship:
- T O D O D E K U
- KiriBaku
- Deku x Occako 
- Deku x Tsuyu
- any ot3 
- any ship that I happen to like at any moment tbh bnha is full of great chemistry and friendships
ships I don’t mind/occasionally reblog:
- Bakuchako
- Bakugo with anyone after his development since he entered the UA
- Todomomo, I don’t ship this? I won’t reblog a romantic version of it. I love their friendship but to me this is the same case of kageyama x any girl lmao 
ships I am not fond of, dislike:
- Bakudeku, no offense ship what you ship, but I don’t like deku being paired with someone who bullied him and made his life hell it’s just not my cup of tea 
Thanks, I hope this cleared things up
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