#It made me wait a bit and think hmm yeah this checks for Ary!
dennydraws · 1 year
AAAA got to join after seeing the fave animal ask!! For some reason when I saw you mention you like/liked parrots I wanted to share that I have 2 cockatiels here at home haha (my irl friends don't really like them because they are loud but that's okay, the birdies massively have helped on my mental health:D) Also uhhhh idk what to ask, quick, think... well, not really original I guess, but, does Aryllin have some more things you could share about her maybe? Like little habits she has or how they met with Claude?
THAT'S SO COOL! What's their names? I hope they keep sparking joy for many years ahead! :D I remember a neighbour who had some colorful birds as pets but I was also like 4 and my memories aren't super clear ... I'm not sure what type they were but I super loved going there and staring at them as a kid!
Hmm! Ary asks! Let me think... XD It's a little funny I made her on spot and not really thinking how and what she is like when I started playing and then, lore happened! But that's also the best way to shape an OC into these kinda games, I think!
The Aryllin Lore Bits!! I made her before reading any lore on the angel race but now that I had... I think she is Miracle Bringer who just enjoys seeing things grow and flourish! I would think she has some kind of plant affinity given her leafy halo! She is quite oblivious but also curious about everything around her. I don't know how lore breaking it is but I kinda see her as angel who directly came to the terrestrial plane rather than being born there.
Because she was advised to eat at least once from everything (given how that rises status in the game!) she probably bit on Claude's key due to it's weird shape and being unsure what it was before he said it's a key ... and yes it's real. Quite the embarrassing moment :D;;
A friend suggested she should be able to sing to go along with Claude writing music and I'm totally going with it now! She makes up lyrics to his music and idly sings them while working on the farm, completely unaware how he finds this so charming. (His angel of music? Am I going to descend into Phantom of the Opera aesthetics now??)
She is fascinated with things that grow and bloom. A little seed that can become a big tree? Amazing!
She appears graceful and meek but she would rush and attack in a heart beat if something endangers her precious sprouts and sometimes those sprouts are precious people. I think she sees herself as a guardian angel ! :D Because she can heal herself with the miracle spell, she doesn't really have good perception of danger. She heals fast so who cares if you get a little broken on the way?
How did she meet Claude? I think she spot him first when he was in town staring at the water. And his dismissive attitude made her go "Hmmm something is off here." I think she saw him as this wilted plant that turned into a cactus in order to survive and now no one dares get near to water him a bit! She made it part of her routine to get to know him - one small step at a time!
I don't think she fell for him until she started to notice him smiling more. She caught herself thinking about him more than anyone else and being in love is quite a new emotion to her. She too is a little embarrassed about how to handle it! :D;;
She thinks he is a beautiful little plant with many bulbs he is afraid to let bloom because he thinks the world only wants one specific flower of him and nothing else.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Helpless *Part 5*
Note: I appreciate the support guys, you have no idea. You believe in this story and it makes me SO happy!! <3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
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You promptly followed Arianna to the back, practically stepping on her heels.
"You're WRONG about him, Arianna. He's too smart for this, for me-- for us," You warned. "AND he works for the MAYOR. Do you really want to go to prison when he figures out our game?!"
"See but THAT'S how much faith I have in you babe," She didn't even hesitate to shut you down. "I know you would never get us in trouble..." She wrapped an arm around you.
"...EVER," The arm going around your shoulder was soon pushing you back out into the restaurant, where a now composed Rafael sat, watching you intensely.
"....What the fuck was that?" He said in an eerily calm voice.
"W-What are you talking abo--" You tried to speak but he immediately jumped over you in an angry voice.
"What the FUCK, was that?!" He asked again, then proceeded to talk not waiting for you to answer.
"I have never, EVER spoken ANYTHING about my father out loud. To ANYONE. I have spent my entire adult LIFE making sure of it. And here 30 minutes with you and I'm making a flippant comment about my childhood trauma?!" His fist pounded the bar.
"What, the fuck...did you do to me?" he growled.
Alright, keep calm. You had this.
"What did I DO to you?" You snorted, like it was the stupidest question in the world.
"Rafael 10 minutes ago you didn't even BELIEVE in the science, and now all of a sudden I put a SPELL on you? Are you out of your mind?!" You rolled your eyes with a dismissive laugh, clearly agitating him more. People tended to be easier to read when they became emotional, and certainly easier to manipulate.
"Then how do you explain it, hmm?" He licked his lips, signs of disgust. God you hated this.
"Gee, I don't know Rafael. You ever stop to think maybe it was something MORE than science, some kind of different 'voodoo'?!"
"Like what...?" He blinked at you, trying to figure out what you were implying.
"Something about you just makes me feel...safe," You placed your hand over his once more, playing with the hair on his knuckles.
"Look, I understand why you're upset. But-- you know, it's not only you who's vulnerable right now," You lowered your voice into a soft, soothing tone.
"You know, I've never told anyone else about me and Ari before," you bit your lip and looked at the floor. Sure you hadn't, except every other guy Ari had made you scam.
"You ever think that's why you just blurted out stuff about your dad? Maybe that we had a connection that was bigger than some emotional reading bullshit?" Gaslighting was always a great way to knock someone down real quick.
You saw Rafael's anger dissipate from his face; you watched as his eyes filled with hope. You knew you were preying on his very obvious need for acceptance and affection, and you hated yourself for it. 
"I...well, maybe..." he rubbed the back of his neck, you saw the logical side of him fighting with his emotional side, trying to remind him that 'soulmates' or 'connections' didn't actually exist. And you watched it lose, as a beautiful smile crawled across his lips.
"Maybe you're right," He now took both your hands, and looked deep into your eyes. Right then you could see every little bit of trauma, hurt, anguish, wanting, all being pushed down by the growing look of hope, and security. And suddenly, you couldn't do it anymore.
"No, I'm not," you dropped his hands, unable to look at him anymore.
"Wh-What? Seriously?" He shook his head in utter disbelief, trying to figure out how the hell you were so hot and cold from one second to the next.
"Look just, take this," You scribbled on a check and handed it to him. "Go pay at the register, and get out of here. And don't come back,"
"What the fu-- are you on something?" he stared at the check, then you, then the sky like he was looking for answers.
"Look, I'm--I'm begging you, Rafael. Walk out of here RIGHT NOW, before Arianna comes out here," you almost whispered, praying she wasn't listening.
"....Why do you not want--"
"Just, forget it. Please, go. PLEASE," Your voice was shaking, tears lined your eyes. You had literally never been this unhinged emotionally in front of someone other than Arianna before, EVER.
"I..." Rafael was clearly shocked and disturbed by what was unfolding, but he didn't want to see you like this. You could see him backing off because he pitied you, he felt sorry for whatever inner turmoil was happening with you, even if he didn't understand it. He put his hands up and walked to the register, pay and give you one last sad look before disappearing into the night.
You felt your legs shaking, your heart beating outside of your chest. You had NEVER let Arianna down before, ever. You had never just...broken, like that. Lying was your LIFE. You barely had a moment to process what just happened before Arianna came storming out from the kitchen.
"What the HELL, Y/N? Where did he go?!"
"H-He caught on, Ari," you looked at the ground, terrified to meet her eyes.
"HOW is that possible, you never--"
You jumped over her words immediately, defensively yelling at her:
"I DON'T KNOW, okay?! He--He came from the bathroom all freaked the fuck out because he had literally never told ANYONE about his dad, and then he-- he accused me of DOING something to him! Like I was a witch or something!" Well, you weren't lying. Not like she could've been able to tell, like she said she didn't have your skills. 
"He wouldn't let me say ANYTHING. He just grabbed his check and stormed out of here! I didn't have TIME to work him over, okay? I'm sorry. I failed you," The tears around your eyes now dripped down your cheeks, little did Ari know they weren't for her. 
"Aw...honey," Arianna's anger vanished, you knew she couldn't stand to see you cry. She wrapped her arms around you and coddled you like a mom to a toddler.
"I know, you tried your best. And I know it must've been hard, giving up your abogado like that," she stroked your hair. 
"You'd just better pray we find another benefactor, FAST" her strokes turned into her acrylic nails running down your face, mildly aggressively. You looked into her eyes, she knew something had happened. She didn't know what and she would never accuse you, but you knew she knew. She always knew.
"I'm on it," You quickly tried to get away from her. "I promise,"
The night wrapped up pretty routinely, and the evening went about the same. The next day, you and Ari were walking up the subway towards Fazzoli's when you saw him-- Rafael was waiting, discreetly. Well, discreetly to him anyway.
"I uh-- You know what I forgot to make change before we left, I'm gonna hit the bodega real quick. I'll meet you inside, okay?" You quickly moved in front of Arianna as you talked, praying to God she hadn't noticed him. Luckily, she was thoroughly engrossed in a game of CANDY CRUSH.
"Mmmkay," She nodded and waved you off, not looking up from her phone.
As soon as she was inside, you walked straight up to Rafael and pulled him around the corner into an alleyway.
"What did I say?!" You hissed.
"Well first of all, this is my favorite restaurant, and I was here first, so you're not gonna 'ban' me from eating here," he stated. "And second, you need to tell me what happened last night,"
"No I don't have to tell you anything," you scoffed.
"But you want to,"
"HOW do you know that? You don't know that," you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes, signaling him to back off.
"Then what was that insane Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde act? One second you're batting your eyes at me and the next you're literally throwing me out! Are you nuts?"
"YES. Yes, I am unhinged and a psychopath, Rafael. Clearly. So you need to--to stay away from me," You huffed and turned to leave, but he grabbed your arm.
"I was right last night, wasn't I? That's why you freaked out,"
"...What are you talking about?" You stopped and turned slowly to face him again.
"You're not the only one who can google," he pulled out his phone and began reading an article he had found.
"...Behavioral scientists are hesitant to teach micro-expression reading to the masses, as it can be used for nefarious purposes,"
Your face fell-- You were right, he WAS too smart for you.
"People with these skills can easily manipulate any sort of information out of anyone, if trained properly," He continued, looking you straight in the eyes.
"I...Um.." Jesus Christ this had never happened to you before-- you literally COULD NOT lie to him.
"YES, okay? Yes, I manipulated you last night, are you happy?" You threw your arms up, starting to walk away again.
"No, I'm not! I wanna know why," He jumped in front of you preventing you from leaving the alley.
"Why? You wanna know-- does it matter?" You tried moving past him, but he wasn't budging.
"YES, it matters! For fuck's sake Y/N you-- you had me thinking-- I..." He trailed off, you saw the pain in his eyes. He had actually started to fall for you, and you had crushed him.
"Because it's what we do, okay?" You sighed. "It's not personal,"
"NOT personal? What 'we' do? What, you and Arianna?" he narrowed his eyes.
"Yeah, but you don't understand ok? We, we lived in our CAR, Rafael. We didn't eat for WEEKS at a time, we started going through garbage like actual rats,"
"And then I found this book, and I studied it, and I just tried it ONCE--Just for a meal," you looked up, trying not to get emotional.
"And Arianna latched on to it. HARD," you looked everywhere but Rafael's eyes.
"She--She grabbed anything she could with information on micro-expressions, she quizzed me, she coached me-- she helped me," Finally, you let yourself look at him.
"So you could help her," he looked at you seriously.
"So I could help US," you argued.
"In six months we had enough money for a nice little studio apartment in the Bronx and a full refrigerator!" you heard yourself defending you and Arianna's life together, but saying it out loud you didn't know how much you believed it yourself anymore.
"...And what exactly do you do," His words made you shift uncomfortably on your heels.
"Y/N....." ," He lowered his voice, emphasizing his seriousness.
"I...we...Arianna picks a target, someone who's in the public eye and has money. and I...sweet talk them," you glared holes into the ground.
"...And then I get something out of them, something they don't want the public to know, that they don't want ANYONE to know," You could literally feel how these people must have felt because this was the last thing that you ever wanted Rafael to know, for anyone to know.
"...And she finds out more information about it and--"
"And shakes them down," He finished your sentence, you could hear the disgust in his mouth.
"Look I'm sorry, okay?" Your voice shook a bit.
"I know you are," He stepped closer to you.
"....Okay? Just like that? You're just gonna believe a professional liar?" you half laughed, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah, because if you really wanted to-- you wouldn't have kicked me out last night," a very small micro smile came across.
"I--Yeah, well um-- I...I couldn't," you bit your lip.
"Which makes me think you don't ever really like doing it at all, do you?" he looked at you with knowing eyes.
You shifted uncomfortably, not willing to verbally agree.
"So why do you let Arianna manipulate YOU?"
"Because she's all I have, Rafael!" You cried.
"She's literally the only person I have. It's been me and her against the world since high school, I can't...I can't just, abandon her! I can't let us starve,"
"You have honest jobs now, do you not?"
"Yeah I know, that's why I was pissed she asked me to do you-- I mean, use you," you bit your lip over your Freudian slip. 
"She KNEW I was in love with you, and she just--" you stopped talking, noticing a smirk spreading across his face.
"I'm sorry, what?" He asked you with a shocked expression. You looked at him in confusion, then realized you had just spoken without thinking.
"I--It's a figure of speech. Like, "oh my god I'm so in love with Justin Beiber I could just die","
"...Don't like being compared to the Beebz like that but okay," he chuckled.
"Just...shut up. She knew I LIKED you, and she-- she just-- PERVERTED it," you spit out the words, your anger bubbling up. You knew from the moment he caught you sniffing his glass that you and him had something pure, and she just made it into something dirty, something evil.
"So...what EXACTLY happened, last night Y/N?" He stepped even closer, lowering his voice but his tone was soft not serious.
"I...You...You came in, and--everything was fine. It was just me, and-- and you, and we were--" You waved your hands, trying to be casual about it, but he grabbed them and made you look directly at him.
"...It was real," you whispered.
"And THEN, Arianna started telling me that I needed something out of you," your face went red again. "That-- that she hadn't 'planned' on using you, or me, but when she found out you were the ADA she just-- snapped," you went on again, feeling your anger rise again.
"She thought that she could use my actual feelings for you to get what she wanted, and I played along," you folded your arms, ashamed of yourself. You looked away, but Rafael's hand cupped your chin and turned you back to him.
"...But you didn't,"
"I COULDN'T," you could barely speak, tears choked your throat. Suddenly, feeling very uncomfortable having any kind of kindness being shown to you right now, you once again backed away from Rafael and paced around the alleyway.
"I...you don't get it. Lying is my THING. And--And usually okay maybe I have moral qualms about seducing dudes and exploiting them but I get over it, and I do it anyway!" You shook your hands into the air.
"B-B-But you, with you--your stupid eyes, god dammit those eyes!" you paced faster, shaking your head. Those fucking eyes.
"These eyes?" He pointed to his eyes, a very small smirk on his face.
"This isn't funny, okay? You--You made me betray my BEST friend," you stopped and stared into those eyes.
"With my eyes," he couldn't stop a smile.
"YES! I-I gave you that sappy load of bullshit about us having a 'connection', because I knew that was exactly what you wanted, what you   ," you looked away in shame.
"Wow..." Rafael shifted uncomfortably, you did know what you were doing.
"A-And you just, you ate it up! YOU, the most level headed, narcissistic, pessimistic lawyer, you just-- believed me," you almost laughed, the thought was actually unbelievable.
"And you were so happy," you added sadly, feeling the guilt rise in your gut.
"...And I think I started to believe it myself. And then I just...I couldn't--" You walked back up to him, this time taking his face in your hands.
"With everyone else I am a shark, but with you I just felt...helpless," you pressed your forehead to his for a brief moment, an intimate moment to say goodbye.
"So I sent you away. And I told you to stay away!" You literally pushed him away, gesturing out of the alley way.
"Why send me away though?"
"Because Arianna will KNOW now,"
"So? Let her know," he scoffed.
"NO," You stepped back into his face, trying to show him how serious you were.
"She's given up on you, because I told her you figured us out,"
"And she bought that?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Well not figured figured out, just that you knew something wasn't right and we couldn't risk going to prison or something,"
"But if she knows that I just...let you go, she'll start digging on her own," your eyes grew wide with fear for him.
"And she will dig until she finds something. Something other than 'daddy issues'," you rolled your eyes.
"...And you think she'll find something?" he asked.
".... You're really telling me you don't have ANY skeletons in your closet, counselor?" now you raised an eyebrow.
"...I'm not leaving you alone with her," he took your hands again.
"Oh come on, I told you. She's my PERSON, she's not gonna hurt me. I don't need protection from her," you rolled your eyes, the thought of being afraid of Arianna was ridiculous. Kind of.
"That doesn't mean I won't fight for you," he touched your face.
"Raf please--" you pleaded once more.
"Give me your phone," he ordered, and you obliged.
He took it and programmed his number into it, then handed it back to you.
"Arianna is NOT the only person you have now," he took your hand and kissed the back of your knuckles, before winking and walking away.
...What just happened?
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Only Human
Chapter 4: Hit First
“So we’re not telling Ari about this, right?” Cally asked after they left the Spy in the room. “I mean, she’d freak if we told them.”
Marcus nodded. “Yeah, we keep this between us. And call the cops after our act.”
Cally nodded back. “Gotcha.”
With that plan in mind, Marcus and Cally met Ari onstage an hour before the show. “Alright, Ar, you ready?”
“Yeah,” smiled the blonde. “What took so long?”
“We got in a fight,” Marcus replied, “but it’s all good now.”
Ari squeaked. “A fight?” they whined. “What happened? Did they hurt you? Are you both okay?”
Cally smiled, ruffling Ari’s hair. “Yeah, we’re fine. Marcus saved my butt back there.”
Marcus held up deuces. “Yeah, I did. Knocked the f-” Pausing, he averted his eyes from Ari and continued, “fellow out with this.” Holding up the bat, he grinned, any bashfulness gone.
Cally rolled her eyes. “Do you have to get cocky?”
Marcus shrugged. “No. But I like to.”
“Fair.” Cally grabbed her outfit from the stage. “Alright. When are we going on?”
“Last act,” Ari beamed. “And I even got the spotlights and stuff like I said! It’s gonna be awesome!” Cally smiled. “I’m sure it will.”
The show was a smashing success up until the final act. Marcus, clad in a Broadway tux, Cally, in a sparkling flamenco dress, and Ari, in a cutesy pantsuit with a train, were gathered backstage.
“Alright, remember. We want this to be awesome!” Ari beamed, fixing her suit’s tie.
“Yeah, yeah, I remember,” Marcus chuckled. “I still can’t believe you talked me into this stupid getup. The only two good things about it are the stick and the hat.”
Cally jerked up, as if personally offended by the callous statement. “Dancing cane and top hat!”
Marcus shrugged. “Hey, long as I can hit people with it if it comes to that, I could care less what it’s called.”
Ari giggled at Cally’s subsequent angry vocalisations. “Come on, Cal, relax. We have a show to wrap up.”
“You’re right. Let’s go out there.”
It caught Marcus and Cally’s attention that everyone was sitting away from one guy, but they couldn’t point that out. Instead, they flanked Ari and got into a pose. The stage lit up, and Ari nodded at the sparkling-dress clad piano player, who started a soft song. Then, Cally started singing.
I’ve seen ‘em come, and I’ve seen ‘em go.
There’s one thing that I know.
Marcus took her hand and spun her slowly, continuing the song.
You gotta give the people what they want,
Or you’ll wind up back in Kukomo, Nebraska…
The piano player grinned at the band members on the other side of the gym, who started playing a showy tune for Ari.
They like it big, they like it loud.
Maybe a little bit jazzy sometimes.
Cally smiled at Marcus before singing,
All you hopefuls, just listen to me.
You don’t have to be good, but you had better be…
The stage lights dulled, just long enough for the backdrop curtain to lower before a spotlight illuminated Marcus.
Ari joined in, spinning.
All 3 teens sang in harmony as a disco ball went off above them.
Gonna make your mamma proud!
Make it BIG…
The band swelled up the music, clearly having fun.
Marcus and Cally made a show of picking up Ari and holding them up, and all 3 were tossed microphones to sing into.
When the song ended, Marcus and Cally tossed Ari up like cheerleaders, caught her, and did dramatic poses. The entire auditorium, including Lonely Guy, stood and applauded, and Ari almost squealed as the three took their bows.
“That was awsome!” she beamed backstage once everyone was gone. “You guys rocked it!”
Cally blushed. “Aw…”
Marcus scratched the back of his head. “Heh, yeah, we did.” Turning to Cally, he then prompted, “Hey, Cal, can you go check on that thing we had to take care of?”
Cally, having nearly forgotten, nodded. “Oh, yeah. Sure thing.”
Marcus smiled at Ari. “Hey, Ar, if you go wait onstage, we would appreciate the heck out of it.”
Ari nodded. “Is… everything okay?”
“Yeah, Cal and I just had something we needed to take care of.”
“Alright. See ya!” Ari smiled, then headed out to the crowd.
Marcus pulled out his phone when it started ringing and sighed. “Uh oh. Yeah, Cal?”
“Marcus, how tight did you make the knots?”
“Decently tight. Why?”
“Because creepy suit guy isn’t here.” Marcus had to choke back a swear. “What?”
“I swear he isn’t here. I’m here now. I don’t know where he is.” “Alright, get back over here. We can come up with something later.”
Cally sighed. “Fine. I- OH CRAP!!!”
Whatever happened next, Marcus didn’t know, because Cally hung up. “Alright, Marcus, think through this. What could happen now? Where should you go? Do you have your Glock?” A quick holster check and Marcus sighed. “Alright. Yes, you have it. Thank frick.” Drawing it, the teen looked around. Nothing he could see, but if he wasn’t careful, that would bite him in the butt. So he headed down the hall, watching for danger.
Meanwhile, Cally was being held at gunpoint. “I’m beginning to regret not taking you to the station.”
“I’m sure you are. Now. We can do this one of two ways, and you’re smart enough to guess what they are.”
Cally nodded. “Yep. Least noticeable way out is the west hall.”
The Spy scoffed. “And I’m supposed to trust you?”
“You can choose not to, but I know the place better than you.” The Spy sneered and started taking her to the east hall, missing her grin.
Marcus, meanwhile, had gone to the west hall. “Cal? Cal! Where are you? Are you alright?”
“You should be more worried about yourself, mate,” came a voice from above, and Marcus did a quick roll out of the way as someone dropped from the ceiling.
“HOLY SH- WHO ARE YOU?!” Marcus shrieked, tightening his grip on the cane.
“Eh, who I am doesn’t matter. What I’m here to do does matter. Specifically, I’m here to deal with you.” The man, who Marcus identified as Lonely Guy, was dressed in black and red, wore a tattered hat, and was armed with a big, ugly knife. “Nothing personal, but you know too much and we really can’t afford to let you live.”
Marcus sneered. “We? I only see one edgelord standing in front of me.”
“Who are you calling an edgelord?”
“Have you seen yourself? You look like you walked out of Hot Topic!” Marcus glared. “And you’re trying to kill me, I get to call you an edgelord!”
The man scoffed. “Fair enough.”
“At least that explains your dumb hat.” Marcus smiled, then had to duck. “WHOA!”
The man was swinging at Marcus, faster than anyone had ever swung before. Marcus was doing flips, somersaults, and cartwheels to avoid them. “What- how- when?!”
A grin was all he got. “Part of being a Freak, kid.” Before Marcus could react, he got a boot to the gut, downing him. “Fights are usually short.”
Marcus coughed, groaning. “Yeah, noticed,” he replied. Once the man reached for him, though, Marcus swung the cane, hitting the man in the eye, and ran for it.
“YOU LITTLE-” What was said after that, Marcus missed, running for the east hall.
In the east hall, Cally was looking around at the lockers. “You know, whatever I have must be real important if you’re kidnapping a child. What is it?”
“You don’t need to know.”
“I kinda do, given you kidnapped me for it,” Cally pointed out. “Marcus hasn’t got a clue what it is, either, and he’s probably in danger now, too.”
The Spy rolled his eyes. “Tough break for him. Now, would you shut up?”
Cally nodded. “Sure,” she replied. “And would you please not smoke? It’s not good for your lungs. Or mine. Secondhand smoke is dangerous enough to-”
“You’ve been spitting facts at me since I pulled a gun on you. Would you quiet down?”
Cally shrugged. “Yeah, sure.” Looking up, she noted the line of smoke detectors at the exit and started counting down silently. 3… 2… 1…
Loud alarms went off, red lights flashed, and the sprinkler system came on. “WHAT THE-” Cally grabbed the gun from the temporarily blinded Spy.
“Super-sensitive smoke detectors. Way to catch smokers. They asked me to help with it,” she explained, running the other way.
Marcus had hidden in the biology classroom when the alarm went off and covered his mouth. “Crap…” he muttered, then focused. “Think, Marcus, think. This is clearly getting bad, so how can you get out of this and help?” Shifting, Marcus heard a few tubes clink, and in those tubes was some animal blood they were going to test the next day. “Hmm…” The next moment, everyone but Cally and Ari heard a gunshot and Marcus crying out, including the Aussie chasing him.
He grinned once he saw Marcus lying on the ground, a puddle of blood under his head. “Who shot you, kid? Eh, doesn’t matter. May as well cut you up.”
Had he been a little more observant, he would have noticed that Marcus’s hand was in his jacket. But he didn’t, and he got one bullet in the kneecap and one in the chest for his trouble. Marcus jumped right back up, smirking. “Get kneecapped!” he shouted, running back to the stage.
Ari whimpered when she saw Marcus. “Marcus, what happened to you?”
“A lot. I’ll explain in the car!” Grabbing their hand, Marcus pulled Ari out towards the exit- where Cally had been forced to the ground by the Spy.
“HEY! Get off her!” Marcus shouted, pointing at the Spy, and what looked like a force field flashed in front of him before knocking him off Cally. The group, now reunited, got right into Marcus’s hoopty and drove off.
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chantelle-x0x · 7 years
Sweet as Cinnamon - Chris x MC (Ariana) AU
Note: This is day four of the Christmas prompts HERE. Today’s prompt is “Baking cookies”. The posting goes for 12 days, and starts on the 13th of December. (Day 4)
Side note: I just wanna point out that I chose cinnamon cookies because a good friend that I have here by the blog name of @maxattack-powell isn’t a very sweet toothed person. So this is for you. AJ relates 😉 
Pairing: Chris x MC
Rating: G/T I’m horrible at ratings and it also depends on the chapter
Ariana woke up to her phone ringing. 
“Hello?” Her voice was heavy with sleep when she answered. Her eyes were still closed, therefore she didn’t know who had called.
“Hey Ariana. It’s AJ. I’m sorry to call you so early but I couldn’t wait to tell Chris. Before you answer or talk let me finish.” Ariana yawned and was happy to just listen for the time being. 
“Okay, so Nick told me how good of a time he and Chris had yesterday, and today I thought ‘how about we all meet together at our place and we tell Chris that we are engaged.’ What do you think?” Ariana slowly and quietly got out of bed, trying hard not to disturb Chris.
“Uh yeah sounds great. We’ll be there at about 4 maybe?” “Yes sounds perfect. I can’t wait to tell him.” Ariana yawned again. “Yeah okay, neither can I but I’m really tired at the moment. Am I granted permission to end this call?” AJ laughed a bit. “Yeah sure. Thanks, and goodnight.” Ariana ended the call.
She walked into her room again and put her phone on the bedside table facing down. 
“Who was that?” Chris asked as Ariana got back into bed. “AJ.” Chris wrapped his arm around her waist. “What’d she want?” Ariana sank into his embrace. “We’re meeting her and Nick at their apartment tomorrow at 4.” She felt Chris’ nose nuzzle into her shoulder and after a few minutes, they both fell asleep.
As morning came, the light from the sun shone on her face, indicating that Chris was already up. 
She was wearing her underwear and a tanktop because they had about five blankets on last night, as well as the fire pit they had in their room, and Chris was a human furnace so that just got a tad bit much for her. Not sure how Chris felt, she didn’t want to disrupt him anymore then she had already done.
She got out of bed and put her robe on. It was light pink, and really fluffy.
She went downstairs and to the kitchen to collect a cup of coffee for herself then opened the door so Charlie could go to the bathroom. She kept the door open and walked over to the couch. 
She settled herself so she was comfy and warm. The coolness of the air from opening the door sent a chill down her back so she needed to get warm and toasty again.  
Chris came out of the laundry as Ariana turned on the TV. “What were you doing there?” Ariana asked suspicion. “I was putting some clothes to wash.” Ariana eyed his suspiciously. “But you never do that Chris. I do that.” Chris laughed nervously. “Yeah well, I thought it’s a great way to change stuff around right?” Ariana rolled her eyes.
“Well since you’re turning over a new leaf Chris, how about we go grocery shopping together?” Chris groaned. “Yeah, um sure babe, whatever you want.” “What is going on with you Christopher?” “Nothing. I assure you nothing suspicious is going on.” Chris said nodding. Ariana laughed. No one who was hiding something said there was nothing suspicious going on. She rolled her eyes at that thought.
“Why do we need to go buy food? We have enough already.” “Because Chris, since we’re going to AJ and Nick’s house for the first proper time, I wanna bake some cookies for them. It’s Christmas season, so I’ll bake Christmas ones.” Ariana finished her coffee, her eyes were not holding sleep anymore. Chris nodded and poured himself a mug of coffee.
“I’ll get ready. Look after Charlie. I haven’t given him his morning treats so give them to him please?” Ariana walked back upstairs to her bedroom which held an ensuite. 
As Ariana got out of the car with Chris, Chris tried to lead Ariana to the sports store. Ariana rolled her eyes at Chris’ determination to get there. “Chris my love, I need cinnamon, not a football.�� “After?” Ariana chuckled. “Maybe. I wanna get the shopping done, I’m really cold.” As if on cue, a strong gust of cold wind made her shiver. “I’m sorry baby. Why don’t we finish this up so we can meet AJ and Nick on time huh?” Ariana nodded. That was her plan all along anyway.
She entered the store and went to the spice section. She turned around to ask Chris if he’d rather cinnamon or mixed spice cookies, but he wasn’t there. “Chris, can’t stay still for two minutes.” She muttered under her breath. She took the cinnamon then went to look for Chris.
She forgot to take her phone with her so she could exactly call him. She wandered around the whole shop and finally saw Chris at the sports section.
 “So, we can’t go to a sports store and you find the sports section?” Chris looked up and met her amused gaze. “I wanted to get Nick something. You know, as a “I’m sorry” gift. I feel really bad for hitting him. You were right, he is a nice guy once you get to know him.” Ariana giggled. “My love, I’m sure you don’t need to buy his forgiveness.” 
They were heading towards the front when Ariana remembered she needed to buy flour so she quickly ran back to get that. While she was gone, a young lady approached Chris.
“Hi.” Her voice was innocent. “Hello.” Her eyes ran up and down his body. “I’m Amelia.” She smiled and then bit her bottom lip. “I’m Chris.” His gaze never left her eyes. “I’m sorry, I just saw you alone and wanted to talk.”  “Yeah well, as long as talking is all you’re here for.” She giggled but Chris really didn’t know why. “That wasn’t a joke.” Amelia flushed. “I-I’m sorry. I just think that we should get to know each other. Become friends you know?”
His arms were crossed and she reached out and ran her hands down. Lucky for Chris, he didn’t have to do anything because Ariana came marching in. She had that possessive glint in her eyes. She walked up to Chris, gave him a quick kiss that left him dazed and then entwined their hands showing of her engagement wedding rings. Chris gave a low chuck, barely audible.
“Who’s your new friend my love?” She arched an eyebrow at Amelia. Amelia’s face started to look intimidated. “I’m Amelia.” She tried to smile but failed.  
“Well then hi Amelia. Since you’re friends with my husband, I guess I shouldn’t play bad.”  Ariana smiled at Amelia. “Yeah um sure. Look I have to go now. Bye Chris.” She waved and scurried of.
“That was quite something baby.” Ariana shrugged. You’re mine Christopher Powell. And now you’re mine forever and always.” “Yes, forever and always.” Chris agreed.
As they got home, Ariana took the bags and went straight to the kitchen. 
“So babe, why did you get all possessive and angry?” Ariana began to unpack the bags as she replied to him. “I was possessive because a girl was flirting with my husband. I trust you, I just didn’t like the way she touched your arm. As for the angry part, I wasn’t angry. I was just trying to prove a point.” She took her rings of and put them in a bowl which she placed on top of the microwave. 
“I’m gonna make cinnamon cookies since I know AJ doesn’t like sweet things very much.” Chris smiled at her. 
Everyday he woke up next to this woman, he considered himself lucky. Lucky that she cared enough to always please him, his side of the family, her family, and she put everyone else before herself. She was the most selfless person he had ever met, and he knew from the day they made it official, he was never going to do anything to ruin that good thing. So the moment he could, he claimed her as his, and put a ring on her finger. 
“So, do you mind bringing your cute butt here and helping your lovely wife with the cookie dough?” Chris chuckled. “Of course I don’t mind baby.” 
He helped her all afternoon with the cookie’s. 
After they finished in the oven, she took them out and placed them on a cooling rack to cool. 
“I’m gonna go change. I have flour and cinnamon all over my clothes.” Ariana and Chris laughed in unison.
As she went upstairs, Chris made sure the coast was clear before he gobbled five cookies down. He tried to wipe all the cinnamon that was left all over his mouth before Ariana came back, but he wasn’t quick enough.
“Christopher Powell. Did you seriously eat the cookies I just baked?” Chris had a slight guilty look on his face. As she came closer, her hands rested on her hips. “I have no regrets.” Ariana found his lips and kissed him deeply. 
“Not that I mind Ari, but what was that for?” Ariana shrugged. “I needed that. I don’t know why, but after that Amber or whatever girl hit on you, I haven’t been able to shake the jealousy away.” Chris laughed. “First, her name is Amelia.” Ariana cut him of before he could continue. “I really couldn’t care less if her name was Amber, Amelia or even Ariana. You’re mine. Not her’s.” 
Chris chuckled. He got rid of any space there was between them and kissed Ariana. “I know I’m yours. But you’re mine as well. What’s one without the other?” Ariana grinned. “God, I love you so much Chris.” “Hmm, I love you a lot as well.” 
“Crap, we need to leave. It’s 3:30.” Chris checked his watch and grabbed the tin of cookies. “We can eat it on the way.” Ariana glared at him. “I mean we can seat it in the back so it doesn’t roll away.” Ariana rolled her eyes. “Nice safe Chris.”
(To be continued in the next day because I’m tired) 
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muselin · 7 years
Behind Closed Doors - Chapter 5
This is a bit of a mammoth chapter but I just couldn't bring myself to split it into two. I feel like I connected more deeply with Scorpio's character while I was writing this and I feel like this could almost be a standalone story. Anyway, read and enjoy! Love, Muslin.
My morning had been oddly quiet. After the complete shitshow of a night I'd gone through I could feel myself unable to expend any more energy towards feeling sorry for myself. I took a page out of Zig's book and proceeded to work myself into oblivion since it was actually helpin’ me not to think of anything else. 
Ichtys's half-assed reports were actually helpful for once because they gave me the extra work I needed to distract me. It was so welcome that I didn't even bother yellin' at him this time. When I was done with fixing the reports I went to take them to Zig at the palace myself, after which I went to start my turn at the reflecting pool and dish out my punishments for the day. I was wary of seeing someone from Punishments but I quickly brushed that off. I was convinced that the only way for things to be back to normal was to act as though they were.
 Still, it was a small relief when I found no one at the pool. I took out my list and got to work. I paid more attention than usual to the scenes I saw in the pool. I analysed the wrong-doers' weak spots and hit the bastards exactly where I knew it'd hurt.
 A few hours passed quietly like this before I was finished with my list of people to punish. I'd done the reports for them simultaneously so there was nothing left to do but go back to Zig again to deliver them. As I made my way across the palace, Altair teleported next to me to notify me that Zig had called a short department meeting asking all of us to be there. 
 My stomach dropped into my fuckin' heels. And here I thought I could get away with one good day...
 "Yeah, okay, I'll be there," I grumbled to Altair. I ran my hand through my hair. There was no getting out of this since I was in the palace already. Seeing Dui was the last thing I needed right now but if I didn't show up without a good reason I knew Zig would be pissed. I'd skipped work once already this week. I just had to fuckin' suck it up and do it. 
 Mentally pumping myself up, I continued to Zig's office.
 "Hey," I said as I went in, "Here are my reports for today".
 "Good morning, Scorpio," Zig said without looking up from his own reports, "Thank you. Efficient work as usual."
 "What's the meet'n about then," I asked as I took my usual spot leaning again the wall near the door, trying to sound as non-chalant as possible.
 "It will simply be a weekly performance review for the department. No preparation will be necessary".
 "Cool," I said, maintaining my slightly disinterested facade. 
 Soon enough, Partheno arrived, exactly on time. 
 "Oh, is it going to be just the three of us," he asked as he took his seat. "What a cosy little development."
 Zyglavis pointedly glanced at the ornate clock on his wall, his face making a very dissatisfied expression.
 "No, I do believe I called for the presence of our whole department. I will wait five more minutes since Ichthys is always behind schedule, but I did not expect this from Krioff or Dui".
 Sure enough, in five minutes' time the fish burst through the door, gasping for breath.
 "Ziggy, I'm soooo sorry I'm late!! I got so caught up looking for the reports I was supposed to bring today, I just couldn't find 'em!"
 "Ichthys, while your lateness is completely unacceptable, it is nothing that particularly surprises me. Since you seem to feel such a needed surge of positive work ethic, however, I will overlook this today. Take a seat. Scorpio already delivered your reports to me this morning."
 Ichthys blinked a few times in confusion, then looked at me with a puzzled expression.
 "You got 'em for me?"
 "Tch. Yeah, just sit down already," I waved my hand in annoyance. I had no time to spend on him at that moment.
 "I believe we have waited the acceptable amount of time and we will now proceed with our meeting," Zyglavis said as he got up from his desk. "However, it is unusual that both Krioff and Dui are absent without notice. Scorpio, has either of them checked in with you yesterday or today?"
 I grit my teeth.
 "No, haven't seen 'em," I said curtly.
 "Ichthys, Partheno, have either of you been in contact with them?"
 Partheno and Ichthys both shook their heads.
 Zyglavis's mouth set into the familiar threatening grim line.
 "Surprisingly unprofessional... I am afraid I have no choice but to put in a negative evaluation on their performance this week. Now then, let us proceed."
 The meeting commenced and I tried hard to ignore the sense of dread that was surging in my chest.
 * * *
 A pleasurable, urgent sensation roused Krioff from his deep sleep. He shifted his hips in its direction, not rushing to open his eyes to the light of day just yet. As his senses became clearer, he recognised a particular warmth and wetness as the cause of the pleasant sensation.
 "Mmn... Dui?"
 Krioff cracked his eyelids open to the sight of Dui's beautiful brown eyes looking up at him as his mouth was languidly taking in Krioff's stiff cock.
 "Ahh... There are definitely... Mm... Worse ways to wake up," Krioff mumbled between sighs as he slowly reached to run a hand through Dui's soft chestnut locks.
 The god of Gemini didn't respond but instead took more of Krioff's cock in his mouth, adding his hand to the mix as he started to stroke him. Krioff gasped, his hand tightening in Dui’s hair.
 There was a hesitant knock on the door which went completely unnoticed by the two gods who were currently completely absorbed in each other.
 Krioff’s heavy breaths filled the room and when Dui looked up, he saw his masculine features twisted in pleasure. Krioff’s left hand kept a grip on Dui’s hair while his right fisted the blanket.
 “Fuck… I… Oh…”
 Dui’s lips were rapidly gliding up and down Krioff’s cock in tandem with his hand and he could feel Krioff growing harder in his mouth.
The temperature in the room was rising and Dui smelled smoke. He glanced up to see the blanket that Krioff was clutching was now smoking in his hand.
 “Dui… I can’t, you’re gonna make me… Oh shit,” Krioff gasped and moaned, noticing the blanket.
 “Just leave it, you’ll get a new one,” Dui said, his melodic voice slightly husky, and resumed sucking Krioff. He massaged his balls with his other hand and increased the pace.
 “Ahhh… Mmm, fuck… Mmm…”
 Krioff was thrashing under him, the muscles in his body tensing everywhere, and he couldn’t seem to control his voice. He seemed completely given over to Dui, his face the picture of a being engulfed in divine pleasure. It made Dui feel powerful. It was he who was causing Krioff to experience such pleasure, it was Dui who was in control.
 The god of Gemini wanted more.
 He released Krioff’s cock and climbed up his muscular body to straddle him. The god of Aries looked up with eyes that shone with lust and he sat up, grabbing Dui’s form and pulling his body flush to his own as he kissed him wildly.
 They both understood what Dui wanted and Krioff wanted nothing more than to give it to him. Dui forewent any preparation and guided Krioff’s cock to his own entrance, impatient but so consumed by lust that he cared little for pain. He was too used to pain anyway.
 Dui grit his teeth as he took Krioff in, slowly inching himself down on his cock. It hurt and he felt overstretched already but he didn’t want to stop. He was chasing his own satisfaction now and he knew it always started to feel better quick.
 Fully encased in Dui’s tight heat, Krioff splayed his hands on Dui’s thighs and threw his head back with an unrestrained moan.
 “Ohhh fucking hell… Dui, you feel unbelievable…”
 The god of Gemini failed to answer as he was too mesmerised by the beauty of the god under him writhing in ecstasy. He started a slow pace, impaling himself deep on Krioff’s hard dick. The pain was already disappearing and was being rapidly replaced by a most exquisite fullness. Dui loved the feeling of being stretched open and he ground his hips on Krioff, wanting to feel more.
 The room had become sweltering but neither god seemed to care. Krioff had more or less reigned in the fire of his right hand but it still felt hot as an iron poker on Dui’s skin.
 The god of Aries laid down on his back, gripping Dui’s hips tightly as he started thrusting up into him. It was Dui’s turn to throw his head back and moan his pleasure to the four walls as he was taken by surprise when Krioff rammed right into his sweet spot.
 “Mmm, that feels so good… Oh heavens, keep going,” Dui’s strained voice was music to Krioff’s ears and he increased his pace, making sure to thrust hard and deep. He almost felt Dui’s body strain to accommodate his thick cock as it squeezed him tightly. The heat, the friction, Dui’s beautiful face as he shut his eyes and his lips fell open with his moans, it was driving the god of Aries mad with pleasure.
 Krioff sat up with Dui in his lap and buried his face in Dui’s neck, kissing every bit of skin he could reach. He kept his grip on Dui’s right thigh and reached with his right hand between his legs to stroke his bobbing erection.
The god of Gemini felt his breath stop for a moment at the added sensation. He could never last very long when he was stimulated like this. Words were beyond him and his mind was on another plane but he still wanted to express the intensity of sensations raging inside him.
 <You’re making me crazy, I’m gonna cum like this…>
 Dui’s voice in Krioff’s mind was shaky, overwhelmed. Krioff didn’t stop the assault of kisses on his neck and bit Dui’s earlobe, tracing the shell of his ear teasingly with his tongue.
 “Oh yeah? You want me to make you cum?”
 Krioff’s gruff whisper sent shivers down Dui’s side and he clawed at Krioff’s shoulders, trying to find purchase on his smooth skin, find an anchor, find something to keep him from floating away into a cloud of ecstasy.
 “Please, yes,” he said, feeling the corners of his eyes moist. Krioff’s cock had grown that last little bit larger and harder inside him and was pushing and stroking his sweet spot with every thrust, the friction sending sparks and pricks of pleasure in Dui’s body. They grew and grew, making Dui feel as if he could burst any second, he just needed a little more.
 Krioff kissed him roughly, parting his lips and invading Dui’s mouth with his tongue. The sensation of their tongues sliding hungrily against each other sent a surge of heat across their bodies, the sweet tension in their hips becoming unbearable.
 Dui was first to break. His nails dug into Krioff’s shoulders and he desperately ground his hips onto Krioff’s cock, feeling him throb inside.
 “Nnng…. Aaaah… Aahh, fuck, fuck!”
 Dui started spilling his seed over Krioff’s hand as he kept on stroking him, slowing down the pace as Dui’s orgasm made his body convulse. Having almost never heard Dui swear, Krioff was caught off guard and his own orgasm hit like a freight train.
 He let go of Dui’s erection and dug his fingers hard into his hips, rutting into him as he practically roared his release. The tight ring of muscles constricting his cock fluttered as he spasmed, pumping Dui full in lewd, hot spurts, making him feel every single one.
 The hot air in the room was filled with heavy breaths as the pair of racing hearts began to slow down. The two gods held each other as the intensity of their release gradually faded.
 Krioff pressed his forehead against Dui’s, still breathing hard. He reached up with his left hand and tenderly stroked Dui’s face. The god of Gemini opened his eyes and was met with a heated silver gaze that made his heart skip a beat.
 “I’m no letting you go now,” Krioff said quietly, but his voice was determined. He pressed his lips to Dui’s, as if affirming the words.
 Dui said nothing. Deep down he was afraid, he didn’t know what came now, but something tugged at his heart. It made him not want to leave.
* * *
For all my hatred for humans, I could see the appeal of some aspects of human life. Being able to do everything with a snap of my fingers wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. When I was trying to spend as much time as possible doing something and occupying myself, it didn’t keep me busy anywhere near long enough. Hence my decision to walk a full hour to the cellar where Huedhaut kept his alcohol and manually pour myself a bottle of last year’s red that he’d made. Thankfully the stupid lion was nowhere around, he tended to monopolise Huedhaut’s wine and leave barely anything for the rest of us.
I had somehow actually run out of work to do. While as a god I could spend a very long time working since I didn’t need to eat or sleep, it was strongly encouraged for the Wishes and Punishments departments to maintain a cycle of varying activity. It kept eternal life from getting dull and made sure our powers weren’t overused. I never agreed with that but it was one of the conditions for joining Punishments, and I couldn’t bring myself to refuse over something as stupid as that.
I didn’t think I could sleep again tonight so I’d helped myself to Ichthys’s list of punishments for tomorrow. Most days he didn’t manage to finish them so I figured I would entertain myself by coming up with long, painful drawn out punishments for half his list. I made my way back to the reflecting pool in the palace and settled in for a long evening of work with the wine. I dished out punishment after punishment, each one different than the last, as I spent a long time analysing each case, looking for secrets I could use to blow the wrong-doers’ lives wide open, devastate them enough to make sure they never thought of committing atrocities again.
Hours passed like this and it must have been around midnight when I decided to take a short break. I took a swig from the bottle as I crossed my legs and leaned over the pool, thinking of nothing in particular.
Suddenly, the surface of the water shifted, signifying another scene being shown to me. I peered into the scene and my blood froze in my veins.
It was dark, nearly pitch black, but the moon was shining bright enough to cast pale light over two figures scrambling in a pine forest. There were remnants of snow on the ground and they left imprints as they moved. One figure was larger, taller. A man. It was chasing after the second, smaller figure. I couldn’t see the second one until the man caught up and threw the figure to the ground, spinning it around. I saw it then, the terrified face of a girl no more than sixteen years old. She screamed, a piercing sound that rang in my ears. I could see no one else around, I knew there was no one to hear her and that was why the scene had come to me.
The man pinned her down with his weight and began ripping at her clothes. He got her out of her jacket and started tearing her shirt off of her. It ripped down the side, the stitches not holding together as she fought to keep it on, but he was far stronger than her. She was naked underneath and scrambled to cover herself while she tried to fend off her attacker. I couldn’t see but then suddenly she froze in place. I strained my eyes and saw that the man had taken out a knife and was holding it to her throat.
I felt adrenaline pumping in my veins. My body shook with rage and I clenched my fists, trying to keep myself from snapping my fingers to kill the man instantly. It had happened in the past and I had nearly lost everything because of not being able to control my actions. I’d learned that if a scene was playing out before me, it meant that there was something a god could do without directly affecting whether a human lived or died.
I scanned the scene as fast as I could, trying to ignore the man who was now taking off the girl’s jeans without her resisting anymore.
Think, think… There are no people, no hunters that might shoot him…
I looked at the trees, there were no branches that I could make fall on top of him that wouldn’t kill the girl too. Think…
Pine forest, high altitude… Snow in autumn… Northern hemisphere…
There were birds and squirrels in the trees, I knew that bears would already be hibernating by now in that part of the world. Think… Grass… Fawns…
The man and the girl were near a clearing and sure enough, I could see female elks running to hide across it, scared of the noise. I’d been taught to hunt as a boy back on Earth and I knew that there had to be an elk bull somewhere with the herd since it was their mating season, and I spotted him, already inching towards the two humans. I knew I had to create some kind of noise to agitate him further but snapping branches wouldn’t do…
I had no other choice. I did the only thing I could within my limits. I snapped my fingers once and caused a small electrical surge in the man’s nervous system. It made his hand which held the knife twitch and the blade that had been precariously poised over the girl’s neck dug into her skin. It cut slightly, sending blood dripping in a bright red spot on the snow. The girl panicked and screamed and sure enough, the elk startled. I knew I wouldn’t get into shit for this because an animal’s response was largely unpredictable. It was equally likely to run away as it was to get defensive. Yet, like I hoped, the elk became aggressive towards the perceived threat and charged in the direction of the noise it had heard.
It gained more and more momentum and as it reached the man and the girl, it bent its head forward. Before either of them could react, the elk ploughed into the mad with its antlers, impaling him and smashing him against the trunk of a nearby pine. The girl was too frightened to make a sound and scrambled away, clutching her torn shirt to herself and her hand to her bleeding cut. The elk gored the man and his screams rang through the chill of the night air as life was being ripped away from him. Soon he ceased.
The elk shook its head, shaking off the bloody remains of the man’s intestines off its antlers and slowly started making its way back to the clearing. The girl was watching from behind a tree and slumped to the ground sobbing when it was over. As she calmed down, she looked up at the sky.
She was looking right at me. I knew she couldn’t see me but I couldn’t tear myself away from the look in her eyes, shining with tears. Her lips moved and although I couldn’t hear, I could read the words.
Thank you.
I released a breath I didn’t realise I’d been holding and my heart that was pounding in my ears finally started to quiet. I swallowed and leaned heavily against the rim of the pool as the scene faded away and the surface of the water became transparent once again.
I nearly jumped out of my skin. Across the pool from me, leaning over the rim of the basin, looking right at me was Dui. How long had he been here watching me? Probably long enough to watch the whole scene unfold.
I looked into his eyes and I knew. The daring stance, the lack of lustre in his eyes. It wasn’t Dui.
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artsyld · 7 years
Juria and Risto: A Short Story - Part 2
Part 2 of my story starting Risto and Juria, the two fascinating OCs of @risto-licious and @julls , respectively.
  A figure in a heavy coat, dark colored hat, and glasses hurried through the rain from the forest, and into the city. Clutching an open umbrella The darkness, coupled with the falling water disadvantaged him. That is, until he found what he was looking for. The silhouette looked above himself at an archway that welcomed him to the local park. Normally alive and thriving with families of various specifies, it proved to be dead quiet, with only the putter patter of raindrops for sounds. It was exactly the way the stranger wanted it.
  The park boasted a long trail surrounding a duck pond, benches to sit and stretch at, and an amphitheater that appeared empty and depressing in the storm. He found close by the entrance and took a much needed rest on the top bleacher. He flared his coat a little to get some air circulation through his shoulders. Aside from the occasional glance at his watch, he just sat there and kept to himself. As he sat there pondering, the sound of nearby footsteps made him look up. Coming towards him was another figure in a coat. An imp with skin the color of blood approached, revealing his face under a wide umbrella of his own.
"Hey, Darnel."
"Hey, Ari." Ari sat down next to Darnell and closed up his umbrella. "Perfectly dark and rainy, just like you thought," Ari observed. "Yep." "How've you been?" "Not very well," Darnell sneered. "Ahh, same as usual," Ari confirmed. Darnell grunted. "Alright, listen, sassy, I have a new target for you," Darnell announced quietly. "Yeah, what IS this job anyway? You didn't specify in your email," Ari asked. "It's about my Boss." "Risto, the King of the Black Market? That Risto?" "Yes, him." "What about 'im?" Ari asked.
  "I can't stand him anymore. He's nothing like I thought he'd be. It's ridiculous!" Ari was taken aback. "Weren't you the one who, just a year and a half ago, was simply praising this guy? 'Oh what I'd give to get a job with his gang. I could be committing the crimes of a real demon of the world.' What happened to that, Darnell?" he asked.
  "Hmpf! It's faded. That's what happened. Getting a job as a big time member of his gang was everything I'd hoped for. But I see how Risto really is and it frustrates me! Everyday, I gotta come in and see his fat, ugly face, putting our interrogations and ransacking on hold for that-that-"
"That what?"
  "That girl! That squirming, squeaking little elf he wanted oh-so-badly. I figured he'd just hire some nanny to look after her, but he takes her everywhere! Keeps her in a funny looking red sweater with a pocket he knitted himself, while she sucks on some bottle."
  "Well, Darnell, he IS her father. Can't condemn the guy for giving a damn about his kids." Darnell glared. "But every time she cries or makes a fuss, he always steps aside to check on her, while the bums we do business with just sit there. No one dares to object because of-" he almost couldn't say it.   "He's the head honcho?"   "Yes! Our revenue may have increased a bit after he ate that weasel, Rockford, and took over his bar, but not by much, the way I see it. He spends a pretty penny on guns, knives, and that kid, and it just seems so unnecessary. It's irresponsible!"   "Well, you know, cuz, he's been committing crimes and spreading chaos for centuries. I'm sure he's loaded!"   "That's part of the problem! Doesn't he care about his image? Doesn't he know how ridiculous he looks when he steps away to waste time on a crying baby when his prey is just sitting there, waiting for a moment to escape? Granted, they never do. He always catches them in the end, but still-"   "Why do you care so much?" Ari asked.   "Why? I'll tell you why!" Darnel exclaimed. "Because he's risking our reputation! Spending our precious time and money on a kid that needs a nanny, making himself seem nice and soft when he's anything but! And he doesn't care! All he cares about is a kid that never stops crying! Doesn't he know that crime is a 24 hour job?!"
"Calm down, Darnell," Ari whispered. "Have you ever considered voicing your thoughts to Risto? Maybe ask him how he does it?" Darnell chuckled. "Me? Approach THE Risto himself? The Devourer of Souls? The monster who devoured a delivery boy just for being two minutes late, sending one of our own to return the car anonymously to keep people from disturbing him? I'm not risking MY life in that way! That's why I need your help."
"Why me?"
"Risto's priorities aren't in check. I used to admire his abilities and success. I don't care if he's still going strong. I don't care if he still 'reigns' as the 'Black Market King.' He needs to forfeit control to someone who will always put the Mafia-OUR Mafia-first...someone like me." Ari shifted away from him. "You'd be willing to commit mutiny towards the most powerful crook in the land? Risto might not be as powerful as he once was, but he's still a dangerous creature. He'd eat you alive in two seconds flat!"
"...not if we can get rid of him quickly and quietly. He may have the best assassins on this side of the world, but you-" Darnel explained, gesturing to Ari. "-are the best on your side of the world."
"You want me to assassinate Risto himself?"
"You're ludicrous." Darnell smirked maliciously. "Am I, though?"
"Yes! Yes, you are." The green imp frowned. "Well, think about it this way: the fat oaf loves a good ol' fashioned glass of vinegar. If a gunshot doesn't work, a healthy dose of arsenic should do the trick."
"And what will happen if he catches me, and swallows me whole? What then?" Ari asked sarcastically.
"You're the best hider and climber I've ever seen. You can sneak from corner to corner without so much as a trace. If anyone can do it, you can. Think of YOUR reputation. Become the man who offed the Demon King of the Underground." Ari rolled his eyes. "Darnel, I love you, but much like you, I ain't risking my life to that Risto either. And that's that!" He stood up and turned around. "The answer is no!"
"How much?" Darnell asked with an ambitious gleam in his eye. Ari stopped, freezing in his tracks. "What was that?" Darnell grinned. "If we keep the deed quick and quiet, I can take over the entire mob. With me in charge and the baby in foster care hundreds of miles away from here, we'll be more the most efficient mob in this country's history. No one would dare mess with us again! And because I love you, cuz, I'll give you half of our earnings from the first 365 days I'm in charge. Would you like that?" Ari was silent. His eyes swerved left, then right, then they closed. "Procuring a gun lethal enough for a eight foot tall demon won't happen overnight."
"Take the time you need." "I don't target minors though. You need to promise me that the baby doesn't get hurt." "You and your morals...I promise."
"I-I can't say it." "Yes, you can. Try again." "No, sir." "Yes, sir?"
  At two years and three weeks old, Juria had proven to be quite the smart, excitable child. Though she'd been with him on jobs involving interrogation, robberies, and smuggling, just to name a few, nothing about her beaming face suggested that she'd seen anything that could eat at her long term. If anything, her very presence had become quite the motivator for the old kingpin. From her earliest days of merely watching him as he held her delicately in his arms, to now, running about on her wobbly legs and trying to speak at least a little more clearly, having a little one in the house again made him work all the harder to stay successful and remain a dangerous force to be reckoned with.
"A-B-C-D-E-F-G-How I wonder what you are..." Juria sang in a still, little voice. Risto chuckled. "Princess, you're getting them confused again." "I'm sorry, Daddy." "No, it's fine. Both of those songs have the same tune. Makes it tricky," he explained. While he sat in his huge leather chair and Juria sat in the carpet on her personal blanket. Sitting at a considerable distance from her crime lord father, it gave him a chance to assemble and toy with some of his favorite tools.
A man of considerable taste in weapons, Risto had formed a 'passionate hobby,' as he once described it, out of collecting guns and knives and extensively studying them. He loved each one for different reasons and preferred to know everything there was to know about them. Because Juria was in the room, the guns were in a separate box in a locked compartment. As Juria mumbled to herself, and tried to arrange her blocks by their different colors and letters, Risto pulled out a long cleaver knife with multiple spikes. A screw held together the blade and the cold metallic handle, making for a formidable weapon. Naturally, he adored it. He put a black cylindrical magnifier to his eye, as he unscrewed the handle. Black saliva seeped from his lips in excitement over what he might find. Removing the screw, he hummed approvingly at a tiny collection of gears that turned backwards and forewords as one retracted the spikes from the blade with a button on the handle. Before he could admire the illegal utensil, something in him bit at him. As if his stomach was trying to touch his rib cage without his permission.
"Hmm...something's coming..." he whispered, looking over at the curtained window of his office. He curved a suspicious eyebrow and glanced at Juria while she studied a red block in her hands. Risto walked to over the window, opened it slightly and leered at the view he got from his mountain. "What nuisance is wandering around in the rain?" He said to himself. He promptly held a red button down. "Gailen, get in here." Juria looked over as the blue henchman entered the office warily. His face suggested the possibility that perhaps he'd done something to warrant a punishment. "Yes, sir! Called for me?"
  "I sense something; a strange presence that's never been here before."   "Is it a human?" Gailen asked, both a little relieved and alarmed at the same time.   "I'm not sure," Risto replied reluctantly. He looked down and smiled at Juria as she toddled over to hold as much as she could of his ankle. She looked up at him to try to see his face, but all she saw was his thick arm, black hand, and immense stomach. He plucked her from his leg and held her comfortably in his arms. "Gailen, come with me. I will round up the men and have them surround the property."
"Yes, sir!"
  Ari maneuvered his way through the tall pine trees of the forest, ignoring the pouring pounding onto his ski mask. Darnell had told him everything he knew for a fact about the Boss, and with this information, the assassin had made sure to bring everything he figured he'd need. A good rifle, a pound of some genuine arsenic, and a long knife, and black clothing, just to name a few. As the sun set behind Risto's peak, Ari intentionally bared to the left before he could reach the forest clearing, where the path began to incline up the mountain. He kept running until he saw Darnell, also dressed in black, and his blinking flashlight. Ari hurried over to him, put his hands to his knees and exhaled several breaths. "Sorry I took so long," he whispered. "It's fine. Some of us minions are apparently out and about outside the house." "How could they have known?" Darnell thought to himself. "Where's the opening you told me about?" Ari asked. "Follow me," Darnell replied, beckoning him to follow him up an incline. He led Ari to a spot on the mountain, that he could push away like a door. "It's a secret passageway. I'll tell you where to go, so I can go distract the guys." Both imps found their way into a deep cavern, with walls lined with steps made out of stone. "What is this place?" Ari asked.
"The Boss's special cavern. He uses this place to transform into his more beastly forms. Pity he won't get to do it again," Darnell explained. He stopped him and pointed to the steps. "Go up these stairs. It'll take you straight to his office. If he's there, use the rifle. If he's not, get creative," Darnell grinned. "The ol' glutton could never resist a fresh glass of human blood or vinegar. I'm sure you'll find some sitting around." "Gotcha, thanks." "Sure," Darnell replied with a tiny smile.
  Risto took Juria to her room, wide and pink, just as the girl liked it. The crook was glad she had bathed that afternoon instead of that night, because he was quick to change her into her nightgown, have her brush her teeth, and tuck her into her light pink bed.   "Daddy, where you going?" she asked almost incoherently. He handed her a detailed rag doll that looked just like her.   "I need to go check our front yard. Something's going on and Daddy's going to find out what it is," Risto explained to the child.   "Can I go see?" Juria asked curiously. "No, no, Princess, it doubt it'll be very pretty. Besides, it's a little past your bedtime." Juria's face fell. "Mr. Gailen will be right outside, so if you need anything, you tell him."
"You're the Boss."
"And don't you forget it," Risto replied, admittedly smugly. "Now be a good girl and sleep." He nuzzled her nose, pecked her, and left her there to sleep. "I love you." "Love you too," she whispered as she laid down and tried to relax. When he quietly closed the door, he yanked Gailen by his collar.
"Guard her with your life." His thug nodded frantically.
  Darnell climbed up the trail as the rain pounded down on him. Momentarily worried that he might contract a fever, he swallowed a lump in his throats and pressed on. He could always take some cough medicine after Risto was dead. Once he made it to the wide cliff that held the house and the minions, he hurried over to grab their attention. "Guys! Guys! What are you doing?" he asked as innocently as he could. The cluster of men, a group full of various non-humans, looked over and lowered their guns. "Darnell, you're the one the Boss sent us out here for?" a skinny lizard in brown asked. Darnell blinked for a second or two.
  "What do you mean?"   "Gailen mentioned something about the Boss sensing something new around here. He sent us all out here to stand guard. Maybe he sensed you?" another asked.   "Nah, the Boss wouldn't make a mistake like that! If he sensed something foreign to him, he'd have known for sure," the first minion replied. Darnel glanced at the mansion, and fluttered his eyes from the stress. "M-Maybe it's the rain. I'm sure the water's not doing much for my smell," he tried to explain.   "No, I'm pretty sure I-well...maybe. It-HEY!" the second tried to say. Darnell had pushed him aside mid-sentence, and dashed to the front door of the mansion.      "Darnell, where are you going?"    "To find the Boss!"
  Ari crept lightly up the long winding steps. Surrounding him was rough cavern halls that could've been ages old for all he knew. As he pondered over this place he found strange to say the least, his thoughts drifted to the Boss himself.
  He almost couldn't believe it himself. The idea of poisoning or ripping off the demon's head certainly sounded exciting, but deep down in the pit of his lean stomach, he felt doubts. On one hand, this could be his last night alive. But on the other hand, he thought of the notoriety that could come of it. A handsome revenue in his pockets for a whole year, because he managed to overcome the King of Crime himself. His cousin happy and content again as certainly nothing to sneeze at either, knowing that procedures were running the way they needed to. He just had to try. He just had to win.
  He found a door at the top of the steps that appeared like a closet door, except far wider than any he'd seen. Painted in white and with a golden doorknob, he examined it, took one final glance at the darkened cavern, and opened the door. "Good evening."
  Ari twitched at the sight of Risto himself, sitting in his leather chair by his desk, cross legged and sipping blood from a champagne glass. Apparently, Ari deduced quickly, the door from the house to the cavern was at the Boss's left. Additionally, Risto's neutral facial expression confused the bounty hunter. "Bit of a storm out there, isn't it?" the Boss asked. "...it is."
"Care for a glass? We've got water, tea, vinegar, blood?" Risto asked, pulling out an identical glass. "Mine is Type O; the most compatible of all the blood types. I picked this up from a very portly gentleman, and that means something coming from me," he said with a chuckle. He picked up his glass again and extended his sickly looking tongue, like an anaconda yearning for prey. He dripped some of the blood onto it and grinned at the taste. Ari looked him up and down, trying not to cringe. "Well, you are much fatter in person," he admitted.
"It comes with the territory of being 'The Devourer of Souls'. It's very thrilling, I say. Getting to eat whatever & whomever I want, and how much of them I want. The more souls I eat, the more of my old power I unlock." He extended his ringed hand, and the cane lifted itself towards him. He stood up and stepped towards the hunter. "Aryeh Drimmer, professional assassin, am I right?" he asked. "Yes, sir."
"Hmm...you know, Aryeh, many mortals I've had the pleasure of tasting are the same. Proud, stubborn 'knights' who should've stayed home and used their souls for good, instead of leading themselves to destruction. Not that I mind. I love humans (especially when they're shaking). In fact, a changing world isn't the only reason why knights don't exist anymore." Black saliva dripped from his lips as he plucked a match and a thick cigar from his red vest pocket. "Cigar?" he asked. He brushed the match against the wood of the desk and lit it up, before taking a long drag. "No thanks," Ari replied.
"You won't have a drink. You won't have a cigar. You must be a busy imp," Risto deduced. "You're here to kill me, aren't you? Why wouldn't an assassin come to my doorstep and find my passageway up to my office? Someone helped you, didn't they?"
  Ari focused in on Risto's heavy eyes. "Aren't cigars addictive, sir?" he asked, trying to change the subject. The mob boss smirked at his audacious tone. "To some; I control them. They don't control me. Now, answer my question. Who was it, Aryeh? You can tell me. I will believe you." Ari said nothing. "Hmm...I'm aware of your blood relation to one of my men. Your cousin, my Darnell Drimmer. He sneaked you in, didn't he?" The red imp blinked twice. "Thought so." In a fit of desperation, Ari swiped out a rifle and pointed it towards Risto's head. The Boss dodged the bullet, allowing his champagne glasses to tip over onto the wooden table. The crime lord threw a fist into Ari's nose, causing a long thick stream of his own blood to fall down his lips and chin. As he fell, Ari swiped the knife from his jacket pocket and reached out his hand clenched to the handle. He managed to nick Risto on the cheek, before the demon yanked at the knife and bit down on Ari's hand. The imp yowled in pain and shuddered at Risto's sharp teeth penetrating his firm inhuman skin.
  A deep growl came from the Boss's throat and his grin was positively wide and sadistic. The assassin tried to kick and push himself away, but he couldn't. Risto pinned him down with his muscular arms and wide belly, as the monster heaved up and down like an animal. "There...that was fun, eh?" he said in a raspy voice. "I must admit that your efforts were valiant, but at the end of the day, a soul is a soul." Ari closed his eyes. 
"So do me a favor and hold still. This won't take long."
  Darnell hurried up the steps and down the hall until he found Gailen standing by Juria's closed bedroom door. He hummed at the coworker and sped over to him. "Gailen, what's going on?" he lied. He almost collided with Gailen, who shushed him quickly. "Miss Juria is sleeping."
  Darnell rolled his eyes, causing a small scowl on Gailen's face. "Where's the Boss?" Darnell asked. "I'm not sure. He thinks something's trying to get in!" A loud thud and a cry caused Darnel to look behind him and glance back at Gailen only for a second. "Excuse me!" "H-Hey where are you going?!" "I can't tell you now!" Darnell could smell the faintest traces of blood coming from the office. He could safely say that it wasn't human. This excited him, so he barged into Risto's office, expecting his corpse. Instead, he found Risto, and plenty of blood stains on the carpet. Dark red, almost black, blood dripped from his Boss's lips. Darnell's heart practically leapt to his throat as he watched Risto sit at his desk, looking much larger than the last time he'd seen him. With his glass of blood in his hand and cigar held down by his teeth, he looked positively kingly. "Ah, my good clean floors. I'll have to get them replaced."
  Risto's tone was nonchalant as he dabbed his mouth with a silk handkerchief. "Now, where was I?...Oh yes," he continued, picking up his cigar from his ash tray to finish it. After a drag, he sealed his lips, letting the smoke fall from his nostrils.
  "Darnell, if I'd known you'd invited your cousin into town, I'd have treated him to dinner," he said with a grin and a snarky tone. His henchman appeared visibly shaken, and it made Risto grin. "I...I bet you would," Darnell whispered, clenching his fists. Risto smirked. "You sent him here to destroy me. Very commendable, old friend. I haven't had a bounty on my head for a long time." The green imp appeared confused at Risto's calm tone. He briefly scanned his Boss and glared. "You've eaten him, yes?" he asked. The crime lord teasingly put his tongue at the left corner of his lip. Darnell's teeth clenched, but he wouldn't dignify him with a response. He felt his heart sick further and further inside him as his eyes moistened. "Why?" the Boss. "All I want to know is why. From what I understand, we were getting on quite well." "...I..." "Yes?" "...I didn't-I don't think you're an efficient Boss." "Don't you?" "No." The imp was bold enough to look up at Risto in the eye. "Our time and resources aren't-...I don't think..." "You don't think I use them wisely?" "...how did you know?" "You're not that hard to figure out, boy. You're ambitious, passionate, and discontented some of the time, very much like me." "I'm nothing like you." "Are you sure?" Risto asked, rising from his chair. "Yes!" "How so?" the Boss asked sharply. Darnell took a step forward. "You waste our precious time and resources on-" "Yeah?" Risto responded, leaning forward. The imp closed his eyes. "On-On guns and knives and take out and-" "Yeah?!" "And you don't care about the mob as you should. What matters most to you is that-" "YEAH?!" "THAT ANNOYING KID OF YOURS!"
   Silence filled the room. When Darnell opened his eyes, Risto had froze, with eyes wider than dinner plates for a good few seconds. Darnell's bottom lip quivered in shock. He covered his mouth and shuddered. Risto blinked, stood up straight and tall and looked at him with a stone faced look.
"Your tongue has dug your grave. Allow mine to nail the coffin."
   Darnell yanked a gun hiding behind is long jacket, and pulled the trigger on Risto. The Boss, however, stepped away, snatched his knife of spikes from the desk, and flung it towards him. Darnell had grasped his own knife before a sharp pang of unbearable pain punctured his side. Coughing violently, his trembling hands tried to grab for the wall, but as his fingertips touched its surface, he could feel his body lifting up. Risto had grasped him by the collar, lifted him above his mouth and held his tongue out as blood dripped from Darnell's side. The mob boss removed any other weapons from him, and pushed him inside his maw.
  Juria moaned a little as the morning sunshine peered through her window's blinds. Tossing and turning just a bit, she sat up, and yawned. The first thing she saw as her senses woke up with her, was her father, sitting in a corner, snoring loudly. Unlike his well dressed appearance last night, he now appeared semi-casual. He had apparently taken off his buttoned shirt, red vest, and green and pink necktie, revealing his hairy chest and arms and his gold chain. He looked a bit bigger than usual, which made her curiously slip out of bed. The two year old sucked on her fingers as she approached the sleeping behemoth, curious as to what he could've eaten the night before.
  As she often did whenever he'd sit there with her watching, she grasped his undershirt shirt with her little fists, and pulled herself up. Climbing had proven to be a hobby of her own that she quite enjoyed, particularly when he was the one she had to pull herself up on. The beast seemed unresponsive, which excited Juria just a little. Perhaps this time, he wouldn't see her and try to help her get on top of him. The little girl grunted in her usual high pitched voice as she held his shirt as tightly as she could. As she struggled, a long black hand, wearing a Rolex watch, placed itself below her to catch her, should she slip. She hadn't noticed. Juria beamed when she finally made it to the top and gasped when Risto's right eye opened. "I got you!" "...you got me."
  "Good morning," she squeaked, crawling to his chest. He held his hands towards her as she got closer. "Good morning, Princess. Good news, I caught the creatures that tried to bother us last night." "What were they, Daddy?" "A couple of rats," Risto explained. "Yucky." "I agree," he confirmed, stroking her pink hair. "Did it hurt?" "No, sweetness, it didn't hurt, not me." "Oh, OK."
  Risto held onto her, sat up, and cradled her in his bulky arms again. It was a little bit of a struggle with his enlarged stomach, but it didn't bother him too much. He was used to it at this point. Juria's bare foot touched the very top of his distended stomach, and her cheek rested on his chest. As he walked down the stairs with her, his phone rang, so he plucked it out of his pocket, glanced at the caller ID, and answered. "Alright, Gailen, what've you got?...The shipment came through?...good. And how many came in the order?...Perfect. With those rifles, we'll surely double our profits in our little gun market, maybe even triple. I knew I could count on you. Bring them straight here."
  He hung up his phone and rubbed Juria's back. She looked up and smiled. "Who's that?" "Mr. Gailen. It seems that I was right." "'bout what?" "One of the rats I met last night; he truly was worried for nothing."
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
NaNoWriMo ‘17 Day 14 - Lift Your (Nature) Spirits
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08 Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16 Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24 Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
Summary: Stan spends some time with a friendly satyr.  Continuation of this, this, and this.  [Big Sis AU] Word count: 1164
               Stan opened the front door.  The night was illuminated by an almost full moon, a smattering of stars, and a few lazy fireflies blinking in the darkness.  He could easily make out the ominous forest of Gravity Falls, and the nature spirit he’d met last week who protected the woods.
               “See, Dad?  She’s just sitting there,” Molly whispered to him.
               “I see her,” Stan replied.  He watched the satyr woman for a few moments.  She was calmly sitting on a log at the edge of the forest, staring up at the sky.  “What’s wrong with her?”
               “I dunno.  Go ask her.” Molly shoved him.  Stan looked down at his daughter.  “Dad, she saved your life.”
               “Good point.  I’ll go talk to the nature spirit, then.  Brush your teeth and get in bed, okay?”
               “Fine,” Molly groaned, walking away.  Stan took a step outside onto the porch.  The door closed.  Stan saw Angie’s deer ears prick up at the noise, but she didn’t turn her head.  
               “Stanley Pines,” Angie said softly.  Her voice was low, but somehow carried to where Stan was standing.  
               If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the wind brought it.  Hang on, she’s a nature spirit.  That seems like the kinda stuff she could cook up.
               “That’s me.”  Stan walked over to her.  “Uh, mind if I join you?”
               “Go ahead,” Angie said.  She scooted to the side.  Stan sat next to her.  “It’s a lovely night.  Venus seems so much brighter than usual.”
               “Like, the planet?” Stan asked.  A corner of Angie’s mouth quirked into a small smile.
               “Yes, the planet.  Shame she doesn’t rule my house.  I’m an Aries.”
               “Sorry, it’s…it’s nothin’,” Angie mumbled, looking down.
               “Oh, wait, are you talking about astrology?” Stan asked.  Angie looked at him.  “I know all that mumbo-jumbo.  My mom’s a psychic.”
               “Not a real one.”
               “That’s a shame.  Psychic abilities are genetic.  If she were a real psychic, you and Molly would prob’ly be, too.”
               “Huh.  That woulda come in handy,” Stan said idly.  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “But, yeah, I know that stuff about planets and signs and whatever.  I’m a Gemini.  Go figure.”  Angie chuckled.  “So, Mercury rules my sign.”  He shrugged. “Guess neither of us are lucky tonight.”
               “I wouldn’t say that,” Angie said flirtatiously.  Stan blinked.  “I haven’t had such a nice conversation since the last one I had with ya.”
               “You don’t mean that.”
               “I don’t speak to many folks, to be fair,” Angie conceded.  Stan nodded.
               “Okay, now that sounds about right.”  He looked up at the sky.  “So, where’s Venus?”
               “Right there.  Near the horizon.  Some folks call her the evenin’ star or mornin’ star, since she’s brightest then.”
               “Huh.  Cool. Hang on, do you believe astrology? I mean, isn’t it bullshit?”
               “To a certain extent, yes, it is.  But there’s a nugget of truth in it.”  Angie tilted her face towards the sky, her eyes closed.  “And us spirits know what that nugget is.”
               “Damn, now I’m hungry,” Stan muttered.  Angie chuckled again.  Stan cleared his throat.  “Uh, Molly- Molly sent me out here to check on you.  She thinks you look upset.”
               “It’s hard not to be, given the sit’ation,” Angie said mournfully.  Her ears drooped.  “Stanley, I told ya how my fam’ly’s been up to our tails in trackin’ this invasive species.  We thought that was it.  But it ain’t.”  She looked away.  “It was all a red herring.  Somethin’ to distract us from the real trouble.  There’s trouble brewin’ here in Gravity Falls.  Ancient, dark powers wakin’ up fer the first time in millennia. Heck, even my parents weren’t ‘round last time these eldritch forces were active.”  Angie hugged her arms to her chest.  “It’s- it’s right terrifyin’, it is.”
               “Shit, yeah, that’s- that sucks,” Stan said in a low voice.  Angie sniffed.  Stan looked at her, surprised to see she was almost in tears.  
               “And- and the worst part is- all the mayhem these invasive species have been causin’, it- it ain’t goin’ to stop.  Our good forest folk are gettin’ hurt, just to distract us from the real threat!”  Angie shook her head.  “I- I get why these dark forces wanted to keep us off their trail, but they didn’t have to harm our poor defenseless citizens.”
               I’ve been in that forest.  I don’t think anything in there is defenseless. Stan decided to keep his thoughts to himself, however.  For once.  Angie let out a soft sob.  Damn.
               “It- it’ll be okay,” he said hesitantly.
               “No, it won’t,” Angie said, her voice breaking.  “We’ve already lost some of the folk, and- and it’s only goin’ to get worse!”  Her shoulders shook with sobs.  A few tears dripped onto the ground; small flowers sprouted where they landed.
               Sweet Moses.  She’s not the type to act like this.  Okay, I’ve only known her for a week, but still.  Stan put an awkward arm around her shoulders.  She froze.
               “What are ya doin’?” she asked.
               “Comforting you?”
               “I- okay.”  Angie leaned against Stan.  Stan swallowed nervously.  
               Shit, I didn’t think she’d do that. Angie’s ears flicked a few times, tickling his chin.  She let out a small sigh.  Say something!  Anything!
               “Why are you here?” Stan asked.
               That…could have been worse.  Coulda been better too, though.
               “I wanted to go star-gazin’.”
               “Can’t you do that in the forest?”
               “Yeah, but…I wanted to be near you strange humans.”  Angie closed her eyes.  “I don’t like yer brother.  He’s messed with too many forest denizens.”
               “Fair enough.”
               “But you and Molly, there’s somethin’ special ‘bout the two of ya.”
               “Wait, you wanted to see us?”
               “Yes.  My fam’ly’s stretched a bit thin right now.  Comfortin’ each other ain’t high priority when we’re tryin’ to save the forest folk’s skins.”
               “Shouldn’t you be on the clock?”
               “No.  I do stuff durin’ the day.  My older brothers handle nighttime problems.”  Angie sighed again.
               “You sound like you need a drink.”
               “Unless deer people don’t drink beer,” Stan said.  Angie let out a small laugh.
               “No, us satyrs drink beer just fine.”
               “Come on inside, then.”
               “I can’t.”
               “Why?  Is it ‘cause the house is made of trees?” Stan asked.  
               “No, though that ain’t somethin’ in yer favor neither.  I can’t leave the forest.  My life force is tied to it.”
               “Oh.  That sucks.”
               “I s’ppose ya understand now why I don’t speak to humans often,” Angie said. Stan frowned at her.
               “I thought it was because there’s rules against it.  Rules that you decided to ignore when you met Molly and me.”
               “Eh.  In case ya couldn’t tell, I’m not exactly a stickler fer the rules,” Angie said with a shrug.
               “Heh.  Me neither.” A moment of silence passed.  “Still want that beer?”
               “I’ll go grab two,” Stan said, getting up.  Angie watched him go back inside, smiling slightly.  After he had entered the house, she looked up at the sky.
               “Venus, ya sure are shinin’ bright tonight.”
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 4:
Play Music For Each Character To Catch The Vibe:)
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“Wakey Eggs and Bacon” Tye said waving bacon near my nose. I looked up at her struggling to see it was so bright. “Mmm Tye close the blinds” I said. She got up and closed them and sat back down. “How you are feeling?” She asked. I groaned outing the cover over my head. “I feel okay, I was so sick on that boat” I told her. She shook her head. “You threw up on this fine ass nigga, who was the owner of the boat, and he helped you clean up and brough you to the car, a gentleman might I say” She told me. I remembered throwing up but not on anybody. I palmed my face. “Tye your lying” I said. She shook her head “Nah honey you threw up on him, he was in a towel because you ruined his fit” She said. “OMG, bruh It was the liquor that had me feeling crazy, I should apologize or something” I stressed. “Well he said he stop by sometime today to see if you’re okay” She said smiling. I looked at her, “He really that fine?” I asked. She nodded. “Yess girl and he got moneyyyy” She sang. “Mmmhm well Ima see for myself” I said. She passed me some bacon. “Yeah get your ass up and get cute right quick, I’m going to the mall with Samar today. I think the girls want to go to the salon too, so Ima see yall when I get back and we can just be on chillllll tonight” Tye said. I nodded and looked at my nails which one was broken. “Ooh yeah I need me some new claws baby” I said. I got up and got dressed. Kept it real cute and casual today, I wanted a frappe today and to also get a wax cause my hair was growing back fast. I looked at myself in the mirror to see which shoes I was going to wear. “Melodyyy” I heard. “Yeaahhh” I screamed back. “Come here!”. I walked out my room and to the balcony to see who called me. I see it was Ari. “Yes?” I asked. “Somebody wants to see you” She said. I curiously walked downstairs and over to the door. Ariana smiled at me and walked off. I grabbed the door and Opened it. I see it was a tall sexy man. “Um hi?” I said confused. “Hey, you probably don’t remember me, you kind of puked on me” He said laughing. I blushed embarrassed. “Hi, I’m soooo sorry, I was not feeling good and I’m sooo sorry, you need me to pay for anything?” I asked sincere. He shook his head and held out his hands. “Nah, you good baby girl, I just came to check on you. My name is Malachi Davis, I wanted to meet you” He said. I smiled. “I’m Melody Dixon, and that’s so sweet you didn’t have to” I said. He smiled this nice ass smile. Whew and his jawline. “Well I mean after I seen you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I was like damn let me go see who this beautiful girl is” He said. I blushed trying not to hard to smile. “Is it okay if I get your number and take you out on a date?” He asked. I shook my head. “Yeah no problem. Its 678-872-4562” I told him. “Mm okay you from Atlanta” He said putting my number in his phone. “How long yall here for?” He asked. “2 weeks” I said. He nodded. “Cool, listen I’m out here for promo and business but Ima make time to show you a good time is that okay Melody?” He asked. His voice was smooth and chill. “Yeah that’s fine, I’m down” I said trying to not be so excited. He smiled at me. “Good so I will be hitting your line okay?” He told me. I nodded. “Great” I said. He smiled and walked off looking back at me smiling. I see his car it was a blue Lambo. “Girl let me throw up on somebody” Zion said eating chips behind me. I looked at her and laughed. “Girl gone some where you got a man” I said to her. “You better get that Dick!” Tye yelled. “Brother look like he is hanging!” She said. “This isn’t no girls trip anymore” Ari said laughing. After joking and talking we all went to do our thing for the day. Ari, Z and I went to get our nails done, and we my lashes done.
Soon after we split up and I went to my wax appointment while they went to the spa. I enjoyed just being to myself for a minute. I got me a milk shake and just walked across the beach. Thinking about life, feeling the breeze. “Melody?” My thoughts stopped as I looked to see who called me. I turned around and seen Isaac. My heart dropped. I couldn’t really think of what to say so I just smiled. “I been hoping to see you again since the club” He said. “I uh been busy” I said feeling like I said something stupid. “Yeah, so how you been? what you are doing down here?” He asked. I looked at him and seen he had grown out his mustache and he had been working out since we broke up. He was fine as fuck; my heart was beating so fast. “I been good, amazing actually. I’m here on a girl’s trip with my girls you know Tye, Ari, and Z” I said. He nodded, “I see, yall got into a fight” He laughed. I awkwardly smiled. “Well you know Ari, started that” I said. He shook his head. “Yeah Ari with the shits boy” He said. “But yeah, you look beautiful Mel” He said. He leaned in for a hug and pulled back a little. “I’m sorry” I said. I leaned in and hugged him awkwardly. I kept thinking about how when we broke up I replayed this moment in my head we see each other again and I be mean as fuck but honestly everything I felt slowly creeped up on me, and I wanted to disappear ASAP. “I see your IG, I wanted to contact you, but I didn’t know if you reply back. It’s crazy how we meet up here huh?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah, crazy” I said. The wind started to blow hard and my hair was all in my face. He got closer to me again and moved my hair out my face. “It was nice seeing you, I got to go meet up with the girls” I lied. “Mel wait” He said grabbing my hand. “Can we meet up and talk maybe kick it?” He asked. I hesitated. “Just text me Isaac, I still have the same number” I said leaving. My stomach was going crazy, I had to shit. He smelled so good, fuck. “Get it together Mel”.
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  I stood in line feeling on how soft my face felt while waiting in line at Taco Rico with Zion. “Mel just text the group chat” Zion said. I grabbed my phone. “Damn she seen that nigga again” I said. At this point Isaac is stalking Mel. “I think it’s cute, he aint seen her in a long minute and now that he does, he ready to hit them new squatted cheeks” Zion said. I playfully bumped her with my hip. “Stop it, he left her the fuck” I said annoyed. Zion looked at me. “Trust me! I’m not a fan either but shit ironic, this could get spicy new boo and old boo” Z said. I rolled my eyes. “She aint got no boo......yet” I said. Zion spoke to soon about boos cause in walked in Anthony, the man from my run yesterday. I tapped on Z. “Z look there he is, the fine nigga from yesterday I seen” I told her. She slightly looked and her eyes got wide she pulled down her shade. “Girllllllll go over there” She said trying to move me over lowkey. “No, I’m hungry” I said. “Go over there!” She said slightly poking me all over. I left her and walked over near him; he was near the napkins waiting in line, so I pretended not to see him. He turned over towards me. “RiRi?” He said. I turned around. “Oh, it’s you” I said pretending to not care. He smiled and laughed a little. “Yes, it is I, your knight and shining armor” He said playfully bowing. I laughed and looked over to see Z peaking with her shades on the bridge of her nose. “What you came to eat?” I asked. He nodded. “Yeah you?” He asked. I nodded. He smirked. “Bet, let’s get some food and dip” He said. I looked at him crazy. “Hmm?” I asked. He smiled. “Yeah let’s get some food and go explore, I will show you around my city” He told me. I hesitated on leaving Zion. “I don’t know my friend is right there, I came to meet her that be rude” I told him. “Hey mami?” Anthony yelled loud as fuck; people turned around. Zion looked at us embarrassed. “I can take your friend on an outing?!” He asked. She turned around and gave us a thumbs up. Damn it! I thought. “See no problem” He said looking his lips. I stood there annoyed, but lowkey hype. We grabbed the food which he paid for and got in his nice ass car. We stopped at a store to grab a blanket then headed to the beach, but not like the big beach, it was a small part with just us a maybe 5 other people just chilling. I bit into my food and looked over at him just smiling at me. I rolled my eyes. “Can I eat in peace?” I asked. He quickly looked away laughing. “You funny, I like your aura” He said. I looked at him annoyed. “Well I think your weird” I said playfully. He shrugged. “I can take weird, I just like to study people, sorry” He stated. I looked at him for a minute. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know people intentions so, I’m mean to protect myself” I said. He nodded. “I can tell, you like a boiled egg” He said smiling. “That’s cool cause I like me a boiled egg” I busted out laughing at him. “Nigga can I be an M&M not an egg”. He shook his head. “Nope, I don’t like M&Ms I like boiled eggs” He said taking a bit of his taco and sipping his drink. We talked and laughed. He made me open up to him. I felt like we were only here for 2 weeks so who gives a fuck if he knew me like that. “I’m for real I had to go to the hospital it was so much blood, I will never again try to skateboard off my room” He said. I squirmed at the thought. “You are soo weird who the fuck does that?” I asked he laughed pointing at himself. He then got up and gathered our trash. “Get undressed” He said. I looked at him crazy. “Nigga what the fuck?” I asked. He pointed towards the beach. “We are getting in” He said taking off his shirt and pants revealing his boxers, and I could tell he was right. “I don’t know about this” I said. He started backing up dancing into the water. I looked around and got undressed revealing my grandma draws and my sports bra. “Don’t laugh at my draws Anthony” I stated. He laughed. “Come on Ms. Ari, I’m going to help you baby” He said playfully sounding old. I playfully pushed him into the water. “Shut up!” I laughed. He picked me up and swung me around, and then put me back down. I felt so free the sun was setting it was the perfect vibe. He splashed me with the water on my back. “Nigga you are ruining my vibe!” I screamed chasing him around falling. “Oh, water fight” He slightly said. After a while it was just us on the beach, almost dark. He brought me close to him, my heart rate when up. I was nervous. “What you want to kiss me?” I asked. He smiled and bent his head down to kiss me. Sounds crazy I know but, with Marlon we just chilled at his house all the time, he was my first ever real something and we only went on 3 regular ass dates before I gave it up, I never had no spontaneous shit like this happen and I was going to give up my punnai like that already, but I learned my lesson, but baby I wanted to show him things on the Dick that I couldn’t even do yet. The kiss was so intense, I had butterflies in my stomach and vagina. He broke the kiss thank goodness. “You ready to go, got to get you home before midnight!” He joked. “Want to race?” I asked. He shrugged. “I don’t know, I don’t want you to lose” He said. I smirked. “Ready, set Go!” I yelled running to the car beating him by 4secs. “Damn you fast mami” He said. I did a little dance. “Basketball and Track in high school” I said. His mouth dropped. “Aight we need a one on one. Which is cool cause tomorrow my folks having our Puerto Rican barbeque and My abuelita has a basketball goal” He said. “Nigga you want me to meet your family already?” I asked. He shrugged “Yeah why not my uncles Rio and Arnez make the best Puerto Rican barbeque Im just trying to get you some good food skinny mama” He said to me. I sucked my teeth in. “We gone see if this some good barbeque sir” I said. We got in his car and just vibe out to music, he lit a blunt and we just smoked as he drove us back. We sat in his car and just made jokes about each other until I started dosing off. “Wake up, am I boring you!” He asked sounding silly. I laughed a little. “No, a bitch is worn out” I said. All this adventure and facials and weed got me gone. “Aight well, don’t forget tomorrow RiRi” He stated. I started grabbing my stuff. “I won’t” before I got out, he kissed my forehead then my lips. “Ima make sure you get in before I pull off” He said. I smiled and nodded. When I get inside, I took a shower and passed out naked.
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 “This is cute” I said looking at clothes. Samar was on his phone just giggling with some girl. I’m only here because he needed me to style him for Lit and Wild. Plus, in return he said I get a $200 shopping spree which was not much, but I was going to take my time. “Hurry up Tye Tye damn” He snapped. I shooed him away. “Finish talking to your bitches” I said. He mugged me before walking out of the store and sitting on the bench. I got me 2 dresses, another swimsuit and some sandals and 2 pairs of shades and some perfume from Forever 21, Zara, Ray Bans and Macys. “Tye?” I heard. I looked to see it was Julian. Sexy Cuban from the club. “Hey” I said smiling. We hugged and he smelt spicy but good. “So, you busy, you here alone?” He asked. I pointed towards Samar, “Nah I’m here with him” I said. He looked at me. “That’s your man?” He asked frowning. I shook my head laughing. “No that’s just my gay best friend” I lied laughing at what I said. Samar was pissing me of with these hoes so this my way of getting him back. “Oh okay, so you never hit me back about the date?” He asked. Julian and I been texting off and on. I see Samar turn around and look at Julian and me. “Yes, I’m free” I said. He licked his lips at me. “Cool, I been thinking about you ever since the club, I just want to eat you up” He said looking me up and down like he aint ate in days and I’m the first meal he seen. I was scared but i was ready to get ate like he was a savage. “Well Bon Appetit” My dumb ass said aloud. I covered my mouth. “I can’t wait I meant to say” I said embarrassed. He laughed at me and lightly brushed my chin with his finger. “You bad as hell” He said. “What’s up homie?” Samar rudely interrupted. Julian stepped back and just lifted his head up to say hey. I wanted to laugh cause Julian thought Samar was gay. “Ima see you later mama” He told me hugging before he left. “Who’s that nigga?” Samar asked. “The guy I met from the club” I simply said as we walked through the mall. “You trying to fuck?” He asked. I shook my head. Yes, I thought. “No” I lied. “Jelly?” I asked. Samar laughed. “Nah got to make sure niggas treat my sister right” He said. Oh, see now I am about to pogo stick Julian’s dick now, nigga call me his sister. I guess my chance of telling how I feel just was a dream. “You really see me as your sister?” I asked annoyed. He shrugged. “I mean you fam, I love you, I protect you. You know?” He simply said. We got to the parking garage and I put my stuff in the car and got in. “Have you ever been attracted to me?” I asked. He slowly nodded. “Yeah but then I see you as my pretty best friend cause we never took it there just can’t see you being in my life as anything else” He said kissing my hand. I wanted to drive us into the mall. “Yeah just like bro and sis whew” I awkwardly said. He looked at me. “You good?” He asked. I nodded. “I’m happy” I lied. I texted Julian. “I’m free tonight 😋”. He texted me back. “Bet 😉”.
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 I was walking all over the house on the phone talking to Kyrel. “Favorite Childhood movie?” He asked me. “Ooh easy Cheetah girls, that’s my shit!” I stated. He laughed. “Wow you and my sisters’ man” He said. “Nigga that movie is a classic” I told him. “Because we are sisters we stand together” He sang. I fell out on the floor in a laughing fit. “Kyrel I’m going to make you watch it with me now” I told him. “That’s cool with me, spending anytime with you is cool” He said in a sexy tone. “So how about now?” He asked. “Hmm?” I asked confused. “I just pulled up” He said. I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door and opened it. Revealing this fine angel glowing in the dark. I smiled. “What are you doing here?” I asked. He walked in and closed the door. “Just wanted to see you, watch a movie and possibly hold you and that’s it” He said staring into my soul. I nodded. “Okay” I said. I brought him up to the room, I was staying in and we started kissing a little then he stopped me, and we watched Cheetah Girls on Disney plus, until we fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to Kyrel holding me. I felt a since of protection. I wanted this forever, but I reminded myself in two weeks I be gone, and this shit be over so kept it together.
Supporting Characters:
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ohnojustimagine · 7 years
Austin Aries/Reader 1230 words; mostly fluff with a bit of smut at the end
You know Austin tries very hard not to be one of those vegans, the kind who constantly lecture and proselytize at you, but he does sometimes make comments about what you eat. Usually not too snide or judgey, but definitely pointed. And yeah, he can get annoying, but mostly you don’t mind. You respect Austin’s views, you’re just not sure if that level of commitment is for you. You’re a vegetarian, and have been for years, but you’ve never managed to go full vegan and stick with it.
“What’s that?” he says to you this afternoon, sitting next to you in catering.
“Scrambled egg.” He doesn’t say anything, though you can tell he wants to. But you appreciate his restraint, so you ask, “What’s yours?”
“Lentil soup,” he replies.
“Very good.”
“Can I try?”
He nods, holding out a spoonful and you taste it. “That is good.”
“And completely animal-free.”
“Don’t start,” you warn him.
He holds up one hand. “I’m not saying anything.”
You both eat in silence for a while, but then you give in. “I don’t know,” you say, sighing. “Every time I get to the point where I think maybe I could do the vegan thing, I remember that, you know, cheesecake exists, and I just fold.”
He looks at you. “You ever had vegan cheesecake?”
“Isn’t vegan cheesecake like, a contradiction in terms?”
���How little you know, my friend,” Austin says, shaking his head. “You free tomorrow?”
“Maybe.” It’s the last show of the week, and you’re heading home tonight.
“Then come over for dinner and dessert, I’ll show you what you’re missing.”
“Really?” you ask, suspicious, because, well… vegan cheesecake. Your instinctive response to that concept is, frankly, ew.
“Really,” replies Austin.
“Fine,” you say, shrugging.
And you can’t complain, because Austin’s an amazing cook, so dinner is great, and it’s kind of nice to just spend some time with him. He can be a little too intense at work, so hanging out away from the pressures of training and performing is always better.
Tonight, though, you could swear he’s not his usual self, and you can’t put your finger on why. He’s nervous, maybe, slightly on edge, and Austin doesn’t really do laid back, but this feels different. But you know you’re probably overthinking things, so you put it out of your mind.
“Okay,” he says, when you’re done with dinner. “Dessert time.” He disappears into the kitchen, and you wait, feeling vague trepidation at the thought of the promised cheesecake.
“Strawberry vegan cheesecake,” Austin announces as he re-enters the room, putting it on the table with a flourish, and okay, you can admit it looks good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
“Hmm,” you muse. “Did you make this from scratch or buy it?”
“I made it, of course,” he replies, sounding offended.
“Just checking,” you tell him.
He sits down next to you, cutting a slice of the cheesecake and placing it in a bowl with two spoons, setting it between you. And you pick up a spoonful, studying it suspiciously for a moment, sniffing it.
“It’s not poison,” Austin says, exasperatedly.
You glare at him, taking a tentative taste, and, to your surprise, it’s shockingly good. Smooth and creamy and rich, with just enough of the sweet tang of strawberries and no, it’s not cheesecake cheesecake, but it’s fucking delicious.
“Oh, wow,” you say. “Wow.”
“See?” Austin says, looking deservedly smug at your reaction.
You scoop up another spoonful, bigger this time, swallowing it down. “Holy shit,” you say, “I think my mouth just came.”
Austin’s mid-mouthful and he suddenly starts coughing, spluttering like he’s going to choke, and you gently pat his back a few times. “You okay?” you ask, and yeah, he’s not himself tonight.
“I’m okay.” He inhales, giving you a small, reassuring smile. “You’ve got…” he says, gesturing at your face.
“What? Here?” you reply, pointing at the corner of your mouth.
“No, the other side.” He reaches out, wiping a smear of cheesecake from the edge of your lips, and then, seemingly almost unconsciously, sucks it off his thumb.
And that’s kind of weirdly… intimate, you think.
“Wait,” you say, because you have a bad feeling you know what’s going on here. The dinner, the cheesecake, all of it. “Austin, is this some kind of seduction thing?”
“No,” he says, scoffing, so indignant you know he has to be overcompensating.
“Don’t bullshit me.”
“I don’t know,” he says, but you raise your eyebrows at him, and he shrugs, having the grace to seem at least somewhat embarrassed. “Maybe?”
“Seriously?” you ask, because you’ve been friends for a while now, and you’ve never had even the slightest indication from him that he’s interested in anything beyond the platonic, so to say this is unexpected would be quite the understatement.
“Yeah,” he says. “Seriously.”
“Huh,” you reply, and you’re not sure what to think. But you do like him. You like him a lot. You’re more comfortable around him than you are with anyone else, and he has gone to the trouble of making you a fabulous cheesecake, and, most importantly, he’s cute. And hot. Now that you allow yourself to actually consider it, so hot.
Which is… huh.
He looks at you hopefully. “So is it working?”
And it would seem that yeah, it is, but you’re not going to tell him that. Not yet, at least. “I don’t know,” you say. “I need to think about it.” You eat another spoonful of cheesecake, but this time you’re deliberately messy, making sure to get a good chunk of it on your face.
“You…” he starts, and he must know what you’re doing.
“What?” you ask, feigning innocence.
He raises his hand, again, reaching for your cheek, but you stop him. “No,” you say. “Use your tongue.”
He looks at you for a moment, almost as if he doesn’t understand, but then a slow, dirty smile spreads across his face, lighting it up in a way that you’ve never seen before, and it’s like your heart does this flip-floppy thing inside your chest at the sight, and oh god, you think, because this is definitely mutual.
He leans closer, so near you can hear him breathing, and then his tongue is hot on your skin as he licks up the cheesecake with broad, wet strokes. You make yourself wait, teasing him, prolonging it, but soon it’s too much, and you turn your head enough that his tongue is on your lips, then in your mouth.
At first he tastes of strawberries, but you kiss long enough to chase the flavor away, till nothing remains but him, and it’s so amazing that you don’t ever want to stop.
But you do, eventually, and you’re both breathless but you know what you need, sliding down off your chair onto your knees, reaching for the front of his pants, unfastening them and taking out his cock. You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath.
He shifts his hips, waiting, impatient. “Do I need to smear some cheesecake on it?” he asks.
You look up at him. “Yeah, you won’t be putting it anywhere but my mouth if you do.”
He laughs. “So that’s a ‘no’ then?”
“I’m sure it’s just fine,” you say, smiling. “No need for toppings.”
And you lean in, kissing him, licking him, sucking him, tasting him. “Oh yeah,” you breathe out. “That’s good.”
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