#scm fan fiction
fang-and-feather · 2 years
Recovering my Star's Shine
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Rating: Gen
Categories: F/M
Pairing: Zyglavis/OC
Words: 1231
Prompt(s): Starting with preparations way too early and "Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.", from the "’tis the season for love" content creation challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Summary: Zyglavis return to the mansion to find his girlfriend decorating the house for Christmas a little too early and he worries, both about her reason and her methods but does his best to help her through it.
(Fang and I planned to do at least three fics each for the challenge, one for each of our favorite otomes and the last one for a new one of our choice that we wanted to write for but hadn't the courage to yet. I don't know if we'll manage, though, but I'm glad I at least finished this one.)
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Among all the things Zyglavis loved about his girlfriend, she was hardworking, efficient and many times thought ahead of things, but she could exaggerate these things.
That afternoon, in the beginning of July, when the god of Libra returned from the heavens, he found Rinka alone in the living room, atop a ladder, putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree, the rest of the room already decorated.
“Zyglavis!” she called out when she saw him enter. “I wasn’t expecting you so early. When I arrived and found nobody home, I thought something had happened.”
Her smile was bright and genuine, but her eyes darted around, her posture was more lax than usual, especially for her precarious perch, and while she held to the ladder with one hand, as she stopped her task to talk to him, her other hand played with the little keychain dangling from her belt.
“There was an incident, but we already dealt with it. Is it not too early for Christmas?”
“Maybe,” Rinka returned her attention to the decorations and Zyglavis stepped closer when she bent dangerously to pick something from the box on the sofa, “but I received these earlier than expected, and they would be more of a clutter with the box in my apartment, and I already have a list of so many things to do in December, maybe a little of November too, and it’s not like these are getting in anyone’s way.”
She said it all in one breath and then let out a weary sigh.
They hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks and it was obvious something happened during that time.
“Do you want help?” It would be easier to get her attention if they finished it, rather than trying to convince her to stop.
“It’s okay. I’ll finish this in a minute.” Rinka reached for another decoration from the almost empty box when her body swayed and she had to hold tighter with both hands to the ladder.
“You better step down from there.” It was an order, not a warning. Rinka would try to play it off otherwise.
“Fine.” Rinka conceded with a sigh, but as she took the first step when her foot slipped and Zyglavis had to catch her.
“Are you hurt?” He asked, debating where to set her on the ground or on the sofa.
“I’m fine, thanks to you. You don’t have to worry.”
“Of course I have to worry, because you seem to love to make me, too.” Zyglavis sighed, setting her down, a little relieved to see his girlfriend could stand on her own, but he still hugged her from behind, maybe afraid she would try to climb again if he let go. “Your sisters told me you were busy with work, but it is clear you haven’t been sleeping properly. And, on top of it, you decide to decorate the house for Christmas, months early, on your own. What is happening?”
The others would say he worried too much about her but, with Rinka, sometimes he had to, because she didn’t worry about herself.
“I’m really fine.” Zyglavis gave her a little room when she tried to get away, but Rinka only turned to face him and give him a kiss. “Give me a couple more days and I’ll start recovering.”
“A couple more days is when you will finish your recent work project? Is there anything I can help with?”
Rinka lowered her head, then closed her eyes tight and her body almost collapsed against him again. She sighed, then looked up at him.
“Maybe I DO need help to put the star on top of the tree.”
She was smiling again, but Zyglavis knew she was trying to hide something.
“Right, but afterward you will rest for the rest of the day.”
“Zyglavis! You know I…”
“I’ll accept no complaints. I won’t ask what you are hiding for now, but you will do as I say. Do you understand?”
He didn’t like having to be this forceful with his girlfriend, but sometimes that was the only way to protect her.
“Fine. I understand.”
She looked down again, and Zyglavis caressed her cheek, making her look up again.
“I am only worried about your health. Work or not, you shouldn’t push yourself so hard. You have always been good at doing your work efficiently and taking care of yourself.”
“I know. It had nothing to do with work. I just had an awful week. The Christmas decorations cheer me up.” Rinka nuzzled his chest and Zyglavis hugged her tighter once again. A part of him wished they could stay like that, but not only it was obvious his girlfriend needed sleep, also someone could walk in at any moment. It was a surprise they hadn’t. “I’ll rest if you stay with me.”
His girlfriend’s voice was no more than a whisper, but there was a tremble in it. Such a sign of vulnerability was unlike her and only served to make him more worried.
“I will be by your side for as long as you need me.” Zyglavis kissed the top of her head and Rinka chuckled.
“So, about that star…”
There was an excited glint in her eyes when she looked at him again, that he smiled back.
“Here.” He picked it from the box and put it in her hand, Rinka’s expression switching for one of surprise and she turned to look back at the three. Then he held her tighter.
Almost immediately, she looked down and noticed what he had done.
Flying just high enough and holding her with a hand, he took the hand she was still holding the star on with the other and the two placed it on the three together.
“Thank you, Zyglavis. But that’s not how I was expecting you to help.”
“I know. But you are my beloved, and I would do anything to make sure you are happy and safe, so you can rely on me for anything.”
Back on the ground, he gently spun her around and kissed her.
“I would love nothing more than to keep you in my arms for the rest of the day but, right now you really need to rest.”
With an arm around her shoulders, Zyglavis started guiding Rinka to his room.
“But…” Zyglavis just stared at her and Rinka laughed instead. “Fine. But I’ll probably wake up in time for dinner, anyway. Can we continue after that?”
“If you are not having any more dizzy spells.”
Rinka nodded, but the movement made her flinch. He helped her the rest of the way and into the bed.
“Can I have at least a goodnight kiss?”
It was also a chaste kiss. Not enough for either of them, he knew, but it wasn’t time to tire her more.
“You can have more later if you at least stay quiet until dinner.”
“But you’ll stay by my side, right?”
There was a hint of fear in her eyes now, and Zyglavis held her hand.
And that was a promise. Zyglavis thought he understood a little better than what was haunting her. It was something in her mind rather than something concrete, something that his godly powers probably couldn’t do much about. But he would do the best possible and always be by her side, because he loved her more than anything.
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hellcatinnc · 7 months
Fluffruary Day 16 - Under The Stars
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, movie night, movie date, chinese food, date, home date, dancing, singing, snuggles, snacks, little moments, cuddles in bed, romantic fluff, romance, romantic, romcom, kisses, forehead kisses
Word Count: 1,632
Feature: Ichthys x Fem! Reader
Theme: Alt. Movie/Play
You and Ichthys had been dating for nearly a year however you couldn't always be with him and he couldn't always be with you since he was a god after all. You two had a door connected though so whenever he would get a moment he would stop in and see you which made you so happy. It may be 5 minutes with him or a hour either way he was making so many efforts to make sure not only did you not forget him but that you were on his mind all the time, you were very much loved. One night he came knocking at your door, you opened it as he smothered you in kisses. He missed you so much and it had been at least a week since you had seen him, you had been missing him just as much. You followed through with his kiss that had turned so passionate you never wanted to let go. After a bit he eventually broke from your lips.
"I'm off all this evening, lets go a to a movie or go to a play tonight...anything!" He sounded so energetic and playful when he said it. You couldn't help but see him as a sweet little puppy bouncing around your apartment trying to make plans without knowing where to start. You take out your smartphone and scan the movie and plays listings in your town. You find a few good choices now to find him and let him know. You walk through the apartment and find him on the balcony, you walk up beside him but he must have been lost in thought since you startled him. He turned around looking pleased to see you before wrapping his arms around you and picking you up. Now that he was acting more like himself you went on to tell him about what you had found. "So there is a movie theater not far from here its playing the movie at 8pm called Lov......" He shut your mouth as he pressed his lips to yours. At first you wanted him to stop so you could finish what you were saying, but you never could push him away for long those long kisses captivated you.
"We are going to watch a movie here alone snuggled up that sounds more fun, to be able to hold my girl." As you heard his words you smiled because you could agree, neither of you were the most extroverted anyways so this would work better and since you two hadn't seen each other lately being wrapped up with covers and a movie on the couch sounded perfect. After you both made this decision you went to the store to get snacks and something for supper on the way home. His job was to find a movie to watch and make their movie room comfy and dark. You weren't really gone too long and you had a few bags of snacks not sure if he was in a sweet or salty mood so you got both. You stopped by and got Chinese food for supper, which was two doors down from your apartment. Soon as you got back you fumbled holding things and putting the key in the lock, but he heard you and ran to the door. As the door opened your eyes met and you felt like you were in a dream.
Literally the whole apartment radiated a starfield. You had shooting stars shooting across your apartment, trickling stars that fall down like snow, and rose petals all over the floors in every room. He went all out to make this not only a sweet and comfy evening but he made it romantic which caught you off guard. It had been so long since he made you feel so special, with all his godly duties makes it harder than ever. You refuse to give up on him though he has your heart and no mortal will come close to making you feel the way he does inside. He takes the stuff out of your arms and sits it down then takes your hand and walks you through the apartment. In every room it feels like they have their own story to tell with the look of the beauty in the skies.
It may not be real to most but you know that with his powers he could give you everything or anything your heart desires. He even tried to in the beginning then he realized moments like this with him was way more of a treasure. The memories you build with him you would give everything up in the world for just one of them. You wrapped your arms around his neck as a shooting star trails across the ceiling you softly kiss his lips so tender and with passion. He wraps his arms around you pulling you into him kissing all your needs and wants away. You felt like you were just falling in love with him again, it never fails he does moments like this that make you love him even more. As you break from the beautiful kiss he snaps his finger and slow music starts to play starting with your favorite song. "May I have this dance?" You giggle as he says that when your already in his arms but you smile and let him lead.
As he held you so close he softly sang the song in your ear, although he isn't the best singer right in this moment he could sing off tune and you wouldn't care because to your heart he sings at just the right melody. You leaned your head into him eyes closed hanging on every word he sings as you sway in his arms as he leads you across the floor. It was the most sweetest moment yet one that is so sincere and you hold close to your heart. You softly coo and smile as you get lost in this moment. You both dance for a little bit before he walks you to the living room which he has already set up like a movie theater under the stars. He goes and gets the supper together and some plates and comes back with the food and snacks in hand. Yes he could have snapped his fingers for all this but he wanted to also make it feel like a normal date minus the stars he wanted to wow you with.
He sat down beside you with a food tray he set it all up for you with supper and snacks just for you. He knows how you like m & m's and gummy bears however you have certain flavors you don't like and he takes the extra time to take out all the ones you dont like by shoving them in his own mouth. He is the best boyfriend you could ask for. After you two eat and are stuffed while watching the movie he picked out which surprisingly enough was a romantic movie. In this moment to cherish as he wraps his arm around you pulling you into his arms, he kisses your forehead. He makes you feel like your the only woman in the world that could make a god fall in love with them. You were so comfy with movie night with him, it may have been a simple date even with a god but he has learned better than to be too outlandish you want this instead. You felt so comfy in his arms that you were thankful you had seen the movie before because you ended up falling asleep in his arms.
He let you just lay in his arms as he watched the movie he made a note where you had fell asleep in so you could see it later. He softly ran his fingers through your hair as he rubbed your head. He knew with work you were so tired and busy all the time but he has learned since being with you these moments meant more to him now. He loves making you smile and would give up everything just to make you happy. He squeezes you a little tighter as he leans down kissing your forehead and whispers softly "I love you more than you will ever know, you are my everything." You softly hear his words even though your sleeping your in and out a bit enough to hear his words as you feel a smile now showing across your face. Your heart heard every word even if you didn't hear it all and thats what matters.
This movie date night was one of your favorite times together. He ends up picking you up and moving you to the bed after a bit as he pulls the covers up on you and tucks you in. As he goes to leave you reach out grabbing on the end of his shirt as he had turned to walk out. Although he wasn't leaving he was just going to go clean up the moment you tugged on his shirt, his attention was all yours. As you reached out for him he climbed in bed beside you. He pulled you close letting you get comfy back in his arms, he knew there was no need in fighting it but he was staying with you all night and planned to watch over you as he is there. As you lay your head on his chest, half asleep as he hears your words before your back into a deep sleep. "I love you just as much...." He smiled knowing apart of you had heard his declaration of his love earlier at that moment. He laid his head against you as he closed his eyes for such a wonderful end to a movie date.
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the-blorbo-project · 6 months
Blorbos at Conference!
Long time, no update, but this project is moving forward! This weekend, we're at a conference hosted by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, or SCMS, presenting as part of a panel devoted to fan studies.
Why do panels matter?
First and foremost, it's a way to get research before a bunch of other researchers while it's still in progress. This helps catch poorly formed ideas, surface new good ideas, and share what's coming up with the fan studies research communities. It's also good for our humble PhD student CVs!
The Findings
Of course, the most interesting part is what, actually, we're presenting, AKA the findings! They're a work in progress, and the hardest part is the coding (talked about here). Therefore, I'm focusing on what I could do deep analysis on relatively quickly. (note: these images don't have image IDs because I summarize them below, but they're graphic representations of what I talk about in the text).
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The majority of survey respondents were young: about 39% were 18-22 and 32% were 23-27. A further 17% were 28-32, about 8% were 33-37, and then it got progressively smaller from there. Shoutout to all 3 respondents who were 63 and over! So glad you're here.
In terms of social media usage, most people used tumblr - unsurprising, since that's where we got our most traction for the survey. Discord was the second most likely. Part of a later analysis will be seeing if these terms are more likely to be used by different age groups or on different platforms, which is cool.
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Almost everyone surveyed had heard of these terms. Blorbo was the most-used and meow meow was least used, but very, very few respondents had not heard of these terms at all. This may be in part due to how we used them in our survey recruitment, since we did want to find people who knew what these terms were so that they could define them for us.
These numbers slope slightly down because something broke when we imported them into NVivo (a coding software) and frankly I don't understand it well even when it actually works, let alone when it breaks.
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Here's a little visual of the terms you suggested for characters. Unfortunately, NVivo crashes every time I try to exclude words from this word bubble (like "term"), so it's not as clear as I'd like it to be, but there are some interesting ones. Particularly interesting are the cluster of gendered terms; husbando and waifu, malewife, sexyman, boy, girl, etc. I want to do some analysis of this because it parallels some preliminary coding results. Y'all also really find your blorbos scrunkly/skrunkly/scrungly, huh?
I also want to figure out how to tell the visualizer that "glup" and "shitto" go together, because "shitto" all by its lonesome over there is cracking me up.
Qualitative Findings
Like I said, the coding is...so far from done. That's mostly due to some Ao3-author levels of life disruption from both of us. BUT! I can tentatively say a couple of things:
There are notably clear definitions about these terms. We weren't sure if there even really was a definition of "blorbo", but it clearly refers to a very specific kind of one-true-character. By contrast, comfort characters are associated with experiencing positive emotions, and meow meows are more likely to be evil or morally grey (but you love them though).
Unsurprisingly, your characters make you happy. We're distinguishing between general positive emotions, attachment, relatability, and one-true-character belovedness. Also sexiness, but that (surprisingly) hasn't come up that much.
There are a couple of ways in which darker themes come up. Villains remain beloved, but a recurring theme is also using tragedy or trauma in fiction as catharsis.
Finally, there's a lot of playful and tactile language. "Rotating him in my mind" really is that common.
Additionally, I'm really interested in the role of gender. Many of you referred to your blorbos/meow meows as your guys, with some of you clarifying that it was "my little guy (gender neutral)". Others noted that most characters you'd seen people describe as blorbos or meow meows were men/masc. This did not come up for comfort characters. Analysis of the characters you consider exemplars of each definition will help flesh out this analysis.
Still to Come
SO much. Who are these characters? Is a specific character exclusively a meow meow, or are they also a common comfort character? What types of positive emotion are associated with each type? Are these character types or do they speak to a fan's individual (or a fandom's communal) relationship with a character?
Additionally - we didn't ask about neurodivergence, but many of y'all referenced it. I'm looking forward to exploring that as well.
That's all for now! I present this live in about two hours. If you're somehow following this account AND at SCMS, please come by!
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acefaun · 1 year
How did you fall in love with literature? Your writing is wonderful ✨️
So, we're exploring my literature journey? That's an interesting one. 🤭
Ironically, I hated literature as a child. If you were to put a book in front of me, it better have had pictures or I wasn't touching it.
The thing that made me fall in love with literature was something that happened in Middle School when I was about 12, so around 10-11 years ago. A friend asked me to roleplay with him and some other friends and the story-telling absolutely stole me.
I was neck-deep in the Star Wars fandom and was just learning that HEY, I can write fanfics too!! Were they shittily written? Of course. Plotless things that only craved action, adventure, and suffering! I'd never willingly written anything my whole life prior to the role play experience. I hated English and stupid grammar. I wanted my Little Pet Shops and stuffed animals.
So I started writing Star Wars poorly plotted fanfics and roleplaying with strangers I met on Instagram.
✨ In high school when I was about 15 I started getting invested in my English classes. I thought to myself, reading these boring books and studying will help me write better. Though, I still hated reading at this time and loathed school books. Where was a good star wars book when I needed one? I didn't want to read The Hatchet or Lord of the Flies. Still, I tried my best and got better at writing. I even expended my fandoms from Star Wars to Marvel and Harry Potter. (High School was when I started taking art classes as well and got interested in all the creative things.)
I graduated and started college in 2018 and that's when I really fell hard for writing. I took a Harry Potter class, and started taking all the fictional writing English classes I was able to take even though I was an art major. But I felt limited, so I switched majors and became a General Studies major so I could build my degree with the classes I wanted to take(which was mostly art and English).
College was where I branched out in my fandoms. I found SCM and stuck around as I explored other fandoms like The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and A HECKING LOT of anime.
It was in college I decided to start working on my own fantasy visual novel The Divine Twelve(which lowkey started off as an SCM fanfic🤫).
But I found that creating things is amazing. I can get my feelings out on paper, present myself in characters, comfort myself with characters. I don’t think I’d have fallen so deeply in love with the Zodiac Gods if not for fan fictions. I love writing about them and reading what others write about them.
And my family has always been a firm believer of “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” That’s why I started my fantasy visual novel. I figured no one else could do it like me so I’m taking my chance and shooting my shot. That’s the power of individuality for ya. We all have something worth putting out there.
So this is me at 23 and this journey took about 12 years to get where I am now! But without the support of peers from these fandoms I joined, I'd have never gotten to this point and love what I do so much. So, thank you! I'll keep doing my best and coming up with interesting plots to share! 💕
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truelovevoltage · 4 years
Ice Princess - Krioff
“Anonymous said: For kriof, he notice that mc would carry around a box with markings. It turns out that she used to be a princess that has ice powers, which cause her parents to be afraid of her except for maid. One day she and the maid decided to have a sleepover together as way to help mc feel better; she was so happy her powers got unlock which led to accidental maid die. After her death, mc found a way to lock her powers which was the box. Afterward he and mc became close and end up falling in love. I hope it help”
Y/N and Krioff weren’t always close as they are now, they use ignore each other presence when one of them passes by. But for Krioff to ignore someone while he walks down the hall is normal, it’s nothing new. Y/N on the other hand was used to greeting everyone she met, that is until the incident happen. Ever since then, she wasn’t the same Y/N anymore. 
Krioff noticed the small box with markings that Y/N would always carry whenever there’s a lot of people around her. No one’s really suspicious about it because it looks like something she’d hold to carry her things such as her reading book, pencil and paper because she tends to sketch sometimes. 
One day Y/N came out to the backyard and she sat at her most memorable spot with her maid. Krioff can only watch and observe her from afar but he did notice the box beside her again. It made him curious what was inside the box that she carries around and wanted to confront her about it. 
He walked towards Y/N, “May I sit here?” He asked. 
“That’s fine, as long as you don’t bother me.” She stated. 
It was now or never, he was going to ask her about the box no matter what. Curiousity killed the cat they say, but curiousity is killing him softly and wanted to get over with it. “Just one thing though... Y/N what’s in that box? And why do you carry that around?” 
Y/N stopped what she was doing and drop her pen. She looked at Krioff and he was determined to know what was in the box. She sighed, “Well if you must know... You might as well listen. But let me tell you this I am not repeating it okay?” She looked at him before starting her story. 
”First of all you should know by now that I tend to push people away because she’s afraid that she’ll hurt them, even her own parent feared me. Why? You might ask, its because of the power that I possess” 
Her parents were afraid of the power she posses and could possible harm them or the kingdom that they rule. They didn’t see Y/N as their daughter but they saw her as a threat, this meant that they did everything to keep Y/N away from the public and the eyes of their people. No one knew what the Princess Y/N looked like unless they’re inside working in the castle. 
Although she has ice powers, she feels like the love from her parents are colder compared to it. She never understood why her parents were very distant to her, but whenever she saw a maid’s love to their child, she felt envious. Sometimes she’d wonder if her parents regretted having her at all or that they wished she was never born. 
One day her parents appointed a maid to take care of Y/N. She was around her age and didn’t have any family, the maid was taken in and they’d train her in order to have a place to sleep in. Y/N didn’t know the importance of a friend or feeling love and wanted because she was never given that kind of affection from her parents. But everything changed when the maid came into her life. 
Y/N was happier and would smile a lot. But because she was quite young, she didn’t know how to control her powers just yet. That was easily solved due to the young maids observation. “Your Majesty, I think the Princess’ mood can either cause greatness to our kingdom or the opposite of it.” Both the King and Queen looked at the young girl thinking that she’s crazy. “What do you mean by that exactly?” The King asked. 
“I have noticed that whenever the Princess is happy or in a good mood it’s always warmer around her or the weather outside in general even though it’s the peak of our winter season. But if she’s in a foul mood the temperature drops therefore there are time during our winter season comes early. However this is just an observation Your Majesty, it is just a theory.” 
The King and Queen thought about those times where their winter came sooner that they’d expect that’s why the people in their kingdom would start harvesting or travelling to neighbouring kingdoms to trade their crops. They wanted to test this theory and maybe they’ve been doing everything wrong. Maybe it was time to stop getting scared of their own daughter and maybe start showing her some love. 
It was hard for the King and Queen to show their affections at first and it took Y/N by a surprised by the sudden turn of tides that her parents have been acting, not that she hates it or anything but she loved the attention. She was finally getting the attention she wanted from them from the longest time and that was because of a young maid’s observation. “Thank you, it seems like you know our daughter well more that we do.” The Queen thanked the maid. “I don’t have a family anymore but I know how much they loved me and when I saw the Princess, I wanted to help her. There is nothing you should be thanking me for Your Majesty.” 
Years have passed and the Kingdom was doing well. There were no more unpredictable winters and Y/N was finally happy. As they grew older their friendship grew stronger. They weren’t a Princess or a Maid, they were bestfriends, sisters even. No one could separate the two and she was the one who showed Y/N the feeling of being loved. And because the Maid made Y/N happy, the King and Queen did not object Y/N’s wish that the maid will sleep in her room with her rather than the maid quarters. It was the least they can do for helping them how to control Y/N powers. 
One night on a full moon Y/N invited the maid over to her room. Y/N wanted to know what the world was like out there. “Your Highness the temperature is dropping but the surroundings were still as beautiful as ever.” 
“Man, I wish I could go out there someday.” Y/N sighed, she was jealous. She really wants to see the outside world and experience it herself rather than hearing stories. Just then Y/N stomach growled loudly and caused the her and the maid to laugh. 
The two of them ventured out to the kitchen trying to make minimal noise because they didn’t want to wake up the people in the castle but the two could stop giggling. Y/N was very happy that day that her powers slowly started to show. The maid knew her powers and she thought that it was very cool that Y/N has powers like that. 
“Are you going to make your special shaved ice again Your Highness?” The maid beamed with happiness. 
“You’re never going to get tired of eating the shaved ice I make huh.” 
“Never!” She replied causing Y/N to chuckle. 
Even though they tried to be quiet, the Queen walked down. “Mother!” Y/N yelped in surprise as she hid her hand behind her back and hoped that nothing happen. Regardless of how much she wanted to stop her powers then, most of it hit the maid square on the chest and Y/N only noticed when her bestfriend fell down to the ground. 
“No, no, no. This can’t be happening. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to!” It was starting to get harder for the other girl to breath because her chest was struck with Y/N’s ice powers. The Queen stood there in shock, she didn’t know that she would witness this, she knew that it was an accident as well but that didn’t erase the feeling that she might be Y/N’s next victim. “Your Highness please don’t cry. I know it wasn’t your fault. It was an accident so please don’t cry. You don’t want me to remember your crying face now do we? And I must say this is the only time I can say that you have an ugly cry.” Y/N knew that she was trying to make her feel better and she also knew that she’s trying to take tension away. 
“Come on now Your Highness, please smile for me. And promise me that you’ll always be happy no matter what, at least for the both of us.” Y/N could only nod as she cried holding her best friend in her arms. “Can you please smile one last time for me Your Highness? Seeing your smile always made everything better for me.” Y/N wiped all her tears and showed her a smile. “I’ll always remember you Your Highness. I hope you’ll always remember me.... Farewell, my friend.” Her hand went limp and Y/N cried. The Queen woke up the King and told her the news. They needed to think something fast. 
The King and Queen new that your powers could either benefit them, or be their worst nightmare, either or, they weren’t going let this happen again. They already neglected her before and that made things worst, now all they could do is guide her and seek help on how to control her powers. 
The King thought of an excuse why Y/N needed a new maid and everyone believed them. It was also easier because that maid didn’t have any family therefore no one will look for her even she’s gone. 
Ever since the death of her best friend she would try to distance herself from others even her parents. She was afraid that she’d accidentally hurt them just like how she did to her only friend. The King and Queen assured her that it wasn’t going to happen, they will do everything to help Y/N control her powers even if it takes years. 
Each day that Y/N mourns for the death of her dearest friend she promised herself not to leave the room anymore unless it’s an important matter. She took out on of the gifts that the maid gave her three years ago when she went to town and shopped around. That was the only thing she had in remembrance of her and she would think about the happy moments they had as she held them. The maid already helped her once when she noticed that Y/N’s mood affects a cold and early winter or warm winter at its peak. And now her gift is acting as an absorber of her powers to lessen it or possibly helping her control it without Y/N even realizing it. 
End of Flashback
“And that’s the end of the story. I keep this box around me to keep me from hurting other especially the ones that I love.” Y/N stated. 
Krioff can only look at her with admiration. He didn’t know that she went through a lot. Plus he couldn’t believe that her own parents even hated her for in the beginning. They didn’t even bother loving her first and showering her with the love she needs but he was glad someone what there to show her what love was and he wouldn’t mind if he’s going to be the reason why she opens up to people once again. 
He knows that its still too early to tell but he wanted to get to know her more and make her happy. He just wanted to be there for her because she doesn’t have anyone else. He wants to fill that void in her heart and although it’ll be a challenge he will take that challenge head on and conquer in no matter how long it takes. 
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muselin · 7 years
After Dark Part 2
Writer’s Tree wish for @justjen523
Rating: E
Happy Holidays everyone! Hope you’ve had a good time wherever you were
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“This is your last night here,” Zyglavis said when his lips parted from mine. “From now on you will only dance for me.”
I didn’t get a chance to object because his lips claimed mine again, his tongue slipping between my lips and forcing mine into submission. He was the Minister of Punishments again and now I had it coming.
“But first, I’ll have to punish you. I don’t appreciate being lied to,” he said, his dangerous smile widening. I was at his mercy now…
He pushed me to my knees on the floor between his spread legs and reached for his belt.
“Partheno mentioned that some of the dancers here provide additional services which overlap another profession, for a higher fee.”
Indignation bubbled in my chest. Is that what he took me for??
“How dare you?! I’ve never done that! I will never have sex for money!”
“Exactly,” he smirked. “You’ll do it for free. And in return I’ll waive your punishment for lying to the entire pantheon of Zodiac gods.”
“What’s gotten into you? I thought you were supposed to be fair and just, not corrupt and a blackmailer!”
I was powerless and scared, and shocked at him. Everything I thought I knew about him had crumbled in one night. I could feel angry tears pooling in my eyes as I knelt in front of this cruel Minister of Punishments, my fists clenched and trembling. My mind raced as I tried to think of a way out of this. I couldn’t think of anything, I had nothing to bargain with.
I slowly reached for Zyglavis’s belt and started to undo it as I glanced up at him. His steel grey eyes were cold as they watched my uncertain hands.
The belt dropped open and still I couldn’t go on even though I knew what he wanted from me and the fate that awaited me if I didn’t obey.
A warm, large hand gripped mine then and gently led me up to sit in his lap again. I was too scared to meet his eyes but he reached for my chin and turned my face towards his. Then, instead of another cold command, his warm breath enveloped my face as he leaned close.
His lips met mine softly, some kind of emotion seeping into me from his kiss that I couldn’t place.
“Was that enough? Do you understand now how I felt?”, he asked when he withdrew.
My head spun from his kiss and from confusion. “What are you saying?”
“I gave you a punishment of my own. One that would let you feel what I felt when I learned the truth about you - betrayed, powerless, angry, bewildered…”
“So this was all an act?”
“I would never stoop so low as to demand sexual favours in exchange for waiving punishment. I only wanted you to feel what I felt. I felt betrayed that you didn’t trust me enough to tell me about what you do and so you deceived me, I felt powerless to change the past and make it so that you didn’t have to feel like you had to lie, angry that I’d unknowingly allowed you to expose yourself to danger without protecting you…”
I was torn inside. I had no idea that Zyglavis had felt that way about me. His facade of a cold and merciless god only masked how much he burned inside, how much he cared…
“Zyglavis… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, I’m–”, I was stumbling over my words, trying so hard to make it all better, to soothe the anxious feeling in me. It turned out the only thing that could do it was Zyglavis, and he cut off my flustered apologies off with another kiss. I kissed him back desperately, clinging to his shoulders. I was suddenly very aware that I was in his lap, that we were pressed up so close, that I was naked except for a pair of skimpy panties.
His body suddenly felt so good against mine, his warmth, his hands cradling me with a kind of affection that made my heart ache inside. I hadn’t known I could feel this longing for Zyglavis. I’d thought he was attractive, of course, but I hadn’t allowed it to become more than a passing thought. His cold demeanor had managed to intimidate me and push me away but I’d always wondered what he was really like inside. Now I knew the warmth that overflowed from him and in this moment I wanted nothing more than to bask in it.
I opened my lips for him, teasing him with my tongue and he responded, a groan rumbling in his chest. His tongue entered my mouth and sought out mine, exploring and claiming and it was so much more than a kiss. He wrapped one arm around my waist, holding me close, and his other hand reached for my face, cradling it in his palm as we kissed. His fingers trailed downwards, caressing my neck and shoulder and continued further. They ghosted over my breast, the tips of his fingers grazing my nipple teasingly just as he took my bottom lip between his teeth.
His touch felt electric and I couldn’t stifle a surprised moan.
“Zyglavis… Are we doing this? Here? Right now?”
His lips lavished my neck with kisses. “Yes. I need you, just this once…”
His breaths came in fast and shallow as he snapped his fingers to instantly divest himself of his uniform. I inhaled sharply when suddenly all I felt was his heated skin against mine. I reached for the tie holding his luxurious midnight-blue hair in its ponytail just as he slipped his fingers under the strings of my panties.
I released his hair, mesmerised by how beautiful it was as it spilled over his shoulders. He lowered his head and took the nipple he’d been teasing into his mouth. He sucked on it, flicking his tongue against it and I felt hot streaks of sensation buzz through my body.
“Aah… Mmn.. Wait, Zyglavis-mm! What if someone comes in?”
We were both naked in a chair in the VIP room of the strip club I worked at, which by some wonder of lack of finances that I was grateful for still didn’t have security cameras. However it did have security guards who sometimes checked up on all-night bookings.
“It’s locked, no one will come in. Just let me have this,” he said as he squeezed my other breast and pulled the side-ties of my panties undone, “Because when I leave this room we both must forget this ever happened.”
Right. Rules, punishment, no sleeping with gods and all that. I felt disappointed for a moment but it didn’t stick when Zyglavis ripped my panties off me and ground our hips together.
“Fuck..,” I groaned, suddenly feeling his thick hard member press against me. Zyglavis reached between my legs, drawing his fingers along my entrance. The way they easily slid over me told me that I was already slick down there.
I clung to him and buried my face in his neck, kissing and biting wildly as he started teasing me, dragging his finger up and down along my slit but never settling anywhere.
I bucked my hips against his hand in an attempt to get more friction from him. His other hand released my breast and pushed me to sit back up. The heated look in his eyes turned me on even more but as he looked at me he somehow willed me to calm down. Then he leaned in and kissed me slowly, teasingly, his tongue running along my lips. His fingers moved over my pussy and started massaging my clit. It felt so gratifying after his teasing that I moaned weakly into his kiss.
“Good girl,” he murmured against my lips and increased the pressure on my sensitive nub, stillI going slowly. He leaned down and took my other nipple into his mouth, grazing his teeth over it and tugging lightly. I couldn’t take it much longer, my blood rushed through my ears and I ground my hips on his lap in empty, needy circles, wanting something more. Zyglavis noticed.
“You look so beautiful when you’re ready for me,” he whispered, releasing my nipple from his lips. “Tell me what you want.”
“Please… Mm-aahh! I need you inside me! Oh shit…”
I could barely get the words out and when I did I barely recognised the voice I heard. I couldn’t remember ever being so aroused in my life or craving someone to the point of tears. I just knew I needed him and I needed him so bad I could scream.
Finally, Zyglavis moved to take his cock in hand and align it with my entrance. He rubbed himself against my opening and I was almost embarrassed at the pathetic mewl that came out of my mouth.
“Pleeease… please…,” all I could do was beg and I did, pressing desperate kisses to Zyglavis’s neck and shoulder. I let his member rest between my lips and I moved my hips back and forth, trailing wetness over him. He felt so hot and smooth and hard and I was almost going crazy with need…
“Sweet hell… Do you want me that badly,” he asked teasingly, his voice a purr in my ear. I nodded, knowing he would feel the motion. From his voice I could tell he was smirking. “Good,” he said and grabbed hold of my hips.
He raised me up and I felt the head of his cock press against my opening. I lowered myself down on him, both of us groaning at the feeling of him stretching my walls, filling me completely until the head of his cock rested against the back of me. I whined, desperate to move as the sensation of being so full overwhelmed me but Zyglavis held me down as he was hilted in me.
“Do you feel that?” He asked as he caught my eyes and held my gaze with his own darkened one. Then he thrust up into me even though there was no further he could go. He barely fit inside me and I felt him push against the back of my pussy again. He took pleasure in my cries as I writhed over him.
“Oh my g-god… Zyglavis!!”
I screamed, surrendering over to him as my head fell back and I shut my eyes against the intensity of the feeling. I felt him grip my hips and start to guide me back and forth in his lap and I followed. His own surprised moan hit my ears and his grip on me tightened. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hungrily as I started to push back against him. Moans slipped out from both of us, our lips keeping them from echoing in the room.
He thrust deep into me, his hands seemingly unable to find a resting place as they roamed my body, caressing and squeezing. They palmed my breasts again and I took over, grinding my hips against his, feeling that delicious friction inside me. I felt his cock harden even more, if that was even possible, and I still felt stretched from the sheer size of him. His tongue was busy dominating my mouth until I had to break away from him to breathe. Air couldn’t come in fast enough as both of us were breathing hard.
I looked at his face and I saw his gorgeous features tensed in pleasure. His eyes were shut, brows furrowed. My eyes trailed down his body, enjoying the sight of his abs rippling as he held me, thrusting faster into me now. I planted my knees on either side of him into the chair cushions as I tried to keep up with him but he was fucking me at a merciless pace now.
“Aaah! Ahhnnn…”
I cried out and clung to him tighter as I reached down with one hand to rub my clit. He felt so good inside me, I felt like I could explode any moment. That didn’t go unnoticed.
“That’s a good girl, touch yourself. Are you going to cum for me?”
His voice damn near made it happen but I controlled myself, not wanting it to be over so soon. I was already on the edge, his cock was hitting the most pleasurable spots inside me with every hard thrust and I felt as if I was feverish, my head swimming from my own lust and the pleasure he was overloading me with.
His hand snaked its way between our bodies and under my own, taking over the motions over my clit that I’d stopped.
“Mmmn! Zyglavis, I can’t… Ahh!.. Don’t, I’ll..”
His fingers danced over my clit in fast motions, the pressure feeling so good I couldn’t hold back. "I want you to, don't hold it in. Let go, I want you to feel you cum all over my cock,” he whispered hotly in my ear, his fingers pleasuring me relentlessly as he thrust hard and fast into me.
“Fu… Aaah… Aaaahhhh!” 
I screamed my release, my core spasming around his cock. His hands gripped me with bruising force and he growled, dragging me down onto him as his thrusts got erratic and his breaths got faster and faster. I could feel my strength leaving me but my orgasm was still washing over me, my pussy still squeezing him tight.
With a particularly hard thrust, Zyglavis grunted and held me down on his cock, his head falling back and his lips parting. He was such a beautiful sight as he reached his own release, his hair like a blue waterfall over his broad shoulders, all the muscles of his gorgeous body tensing as he started twitching inside me.
I leaned forward and bit into his neck and he moaned loudly, his hand shooting up to my hair and holding me there. He was still cumming inside me, the juices overflowing as I felt some spill out.
When he was finished he leaned back on the chair, his hands caressing my hips as we both caught our breaths. His grey eyes looked almost crystalline now, I didn’t know if it was because of what we’d just done or if they’d always been this beautiful. I rested my head on his shoulder and he stroked my shoulders, snapping his fingers with his other hand lazily. He produced a cloth and cleaned himself and me off and I was content to be cradled in his lap as he did.
A heavy silence fell upon the room afterwards. We couldn’t stay like we were any longer. I reluctantly stood up from his lap, wobbling on weakened legs. Zyglavis stood up with me and held me close to him as he snapped his fingers again, instantly teleporting us to my apartment.
I was in my old familiar bedroom and I put on my bathrobe which had been hanging on the chair in front of my desk. Zyglavis was dressed in his Punishments uniform again but I couldn’t help but stare as he re-tied his hair into its usual ponytail. I knew I wasn’t going to see it flowing loose any time soon, or maybe ever again. I tried to ignore the tugging in my chest at that thought. 
We stood awkwardly a foot apart, neither breaking the silence.
“I have to go,” he finally said, his deep voice uncertain. “I will not breathe a word about this to anyone and I ask you to do the same.”
I nodded.
“Even so, those who break the rules as I have are always found out sooner or later. I am prepared to face my punishment should this happen, but I can still hope that it will not come to pass…”
The Minister of Punishments, hoping to get away with breaking the rules… Now I’d seen it all. I smiled a lop-sided smile at the thought. Zyglavis turned to leave but then hesitated, his eyes reluctant to leave mine.
He walked up to me and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. Something went unspoken between us but I was content with that. He didn’t turn again as he opened my window and disappeared off my balcony.
I watched him leave, looking off into the night sky for a few moments after he was gone. Afterwards I stripped off my bathrobe and lay in bed naked. I didn’t know if he really meant it when he said he only wanted me to dance for him from here on. Were my days as an exotic dancer over? I wasn’t sure if I even wanted them to be, and even then, I had nothing to replace that job with.
My mind went in circles around the same questions until finally sleep took mercy on me and took me for the night.
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mylittleotomecorner · 5 years
Can I request #68 and Ikky and Mc as pairings? Thank you~ :3
Sudden AmbushIchthys x MCRating: Silly
Today I’m with Ichthys walking through the city to see to his duties. While we’re there, I need to get a few things for home, so we head to the mall to kill some time. We’re in the home goods section and I have to look for some new bedsheets. Most of what I’m finding are either too big or too small, too expensive or not what I’m looking for at all.
Sighing, I didn’t realize I lost track of Ichthys. “Ichthys,” I call out as I turn around and see he’s nowhere to be seen. “Guess he must have wandered off,” I say to myself as I walk towards the bedding.
Normally, there are a few display beds showing various designs in bedding sets with pillows and comforters. However, I was met with a well strategized pillow fort. Oh no, I thought to myself as I hesitated to take another step. Please don’t tell me that he made that…
A small throw pillow collides with my leg, not so hard that it hurt but enough that I would notice. Picking it up, it was actually designed to look like a square squirrel. “Where did you come from, “ I ask it. No response.
Again, I’m hit and they’re clearly from the children’s section: a triangle bird and a circular fish. No good can come from this.
From out of nowhere, a barrage of animal pillows fall on top of me and I’m halfway buried beneath. All I was able to get out was a yelp before it was muffled by the silent chaos. Somehow, I manage to free myself just as the face of the God of Pisces appears before me, a cheeky grin on his face.
“Pillow fight?” He said this as if realizing he might have overdone it. Might. I sigh and he helps me out.
“You’re lucky it’s just me here. What if someone that works here sees all this?” It would be very hard to explain how he made it rain pillows here.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Ichthys says as he picked up a fish pillow and hugged it. “I put sales signs outside so everyone should be where the fashion stuff is.”
Oh dear… no doubt Scorpio is going to find out and Ichthys is going to be in trouble. Not sure how else to respond, I grab a lion shaped pillow and hit him with it.
He stood there shocked a moment. So did I. Then we burst out laughing. Once we gain our composure, I convince him to fix it all before Scorpio came down and scolded him.
“I don’t want dad to scold me,” he said, mock frown as he quickly got that cheeky grin back and snapped his fingers. It was like nothing happened. “Hey, think he would like this?” Ichthys held an Apple shaped pillow.
“I better pay for that,” I said and took it from him, along with a takoyaki shaped pillow. “I think this one is more your speed.” I made my way to the checkout counter and the god soon followed me, asking if it was really for him, stars in his eyes like a hopeful child after a prize. I didn’t answer right away. Maybe I want to keep both for myself. I said I’d think about it.
We stop to get snacks for everyone and it seems a truce was made.
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therake-1996-blog · 6 years
Your Aquarius
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You held your diploma in your hands, feeling pride tinged with a hint of guilt. It wasn’t like you had cheated your way through college, no, nothing like that, it was just…you had practically used someone you never met.
You had found a website early in your third semester when your GPA was at a low 1.7 called PlentyofMen. It was a dating website full of guys of all sorts, sorted into different categories; athletic, nerdy, who wanted kids, who didn’t want kids…but what caught your eye was the category called “book-smart”. You knew it wasn’t kosher, but you started chatting with someone named Your_Aquarius and found that he was actually really smart. And so you flirted back and forth, and eventually with a stroke of sheer dumb luck, he began tutoring you.
Within mere weeks, you saw your grades come up. Your test grades went from Ds to Bs and As, and you understood the subject material better than when your professors explained it. Within the next year, you had a 4.0.
You hugged your diploma close to your chest and sighed, plopping down on your bed. It was the night after graduation, and you were finally back in your hometown, staying with your folks, who were out for the night. How they continued staying out most of the night at their age was beyond you. You were still so young and could barely make it to midnight.
But you didn’t know what to do about Your_Aquarius. Of course, you needed to thank him, that was a given. You also really liked him. He was snarky, but funny. You didn’t want to just ghost him.
“So you got your diploma,”
The unexpected voice made you shriek and bolt up, your eyes popping open wide in your head.
Across your room stood a man in a strange outfit, white and gold, with tassels hanging from his shoulders. He had midnight blue hair and a smirk on his face, one hand on his hip as he leaned casually against your wardrobe.
“W-who the hell are you?!” You demanded, tossing your diploma to the side and grabbing one of the pens that was on your nightstand. The man raised his eyebrows.
“What are you going to do with a pen?” He asked.
“How did you get in here?”
“No seriously. The pen?”
Your eyes darted back and forth between the pen and the intruder, knowing it was a stupid weapon that probably wouldn’t hurt him, but you held it out anyway. He rolled his dark blue eyes.
“Settle down. You know me,”
“No I don’t!”
“Really? Then who in the world has been helping you the past three and half years?”
Your hand lowered a bit.
“Your_Aquarius…?” You whispered.
“Indeed. Though, my name is actually Huedhaut.”
He took a step toward you, and you held out the pen again.
“Take one more step and you’ll be snacking on your own jewels!"
Huedhaut cocked an eyebrow.
“And how do you plan on doing that? A pen couldn’t even penetrate the body let alone slice—”
“Ugh! Just stay away! The door was locked, how did you get in?” Now Huedhaut chuckled, giving you a knowing look.
“Please. Locked doors don’t mean anything to me.”
“What are you, some kind of pervert who helps people graduate then breaks into their houses?”
“Oddly specific but alright. And no, I’m not. At least, not ninety percent of the time, but for you, I made an exception.”
Your heart was pounding out your chest as you stared at this strange man. In this moment, you knew you should be terrified, but you were…oddly attracted to him. He was a beautiful man, with almond shaped eyes, a proud nose and perfectly shaped lips. His voice was low and smooth, like rippling water. Something inside you told you that he wasn’t going to hurt you.
That something amazing was about to happen.
But the rest of you shook that thought away, shoving it deep into your mind and locking it tight. No one should be aroused by someone breaking and entering! No one should be turned on by another person coming for them! Was there something wrong with you?
Huedhaut’s eyes narrowed pleasantly.
“Put the pen down.”
“I thought you weren’t afraid?” You shot back.
“I’m not, but I don’t need you marking up my face when I get closer.” He said with a grin.
You wanted to groan. Yeah. He was definitely the Your_Aquarius you knew.
“Why are you here?” You demanded. “Tell me, right now.”
Huedhaut looked at you for a moment, seeming to deliberate, then opened his mouth.
“You think I don’t expect something in return for my help?” You blinked.
“I…was going to thank you.”
“I’m sure you were. But I want something a little more than a thank-you,” He approached you and grabbed the end of the pen your hand wasn’t wrapped around, pulling it from your dainty hand and tossing it to the ground. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribcage as he leaned over you, pushing you to your back. “I’ve done a lot for you. Time to collect.”
And then suddenly his lips were on yours. Your eyes widened as your flesh became supersensitive, your clothes feeling like a layer of sand scraping over your skin. Huedhaut’s lips pried yours open and his tongue slid into your mouth, his hand moving to your head. The slightest pull on your hair had you gasping for breath. The way your tongues rolled together and over each other made you moan. The suddenness of this had you dizzy, and you couldn’t quite comprehend why your body was responding this way.
All you knew was the junction between your thighs had ignited in flame, in a sort of familiarity. You wanted Huedhaut. Now.
He pulled back and looked at you, his gaze hot enough to send fire flickering through your body.
Your body moving on its own, you reached out for him, pulling him back down to you. When your lips met again, it was more heated, more feverish. Huedhaut was masterful, dominating.
You twisted in his grip, your still clothed thighs opening for him, hips writhing up against his. You could feel your breasts swell, your nipples hardening against the cloth of your bra—it was almost painful. He stretched along you, his elbows holding the better part of his weight from you, but you wanted that weight. Wanted his weight pressing you into the mattress, wanted his skin kissing yours just as his lips were.
You whimpered when he pulled away, but he soothed you.
“It’s only for a little while.”
Then you could feel his hands at your clothes, pulling them from your body and revealing your flushed skin to the light. The removal of those clothes gave you some relief, but it wasn’t nearly enough. The comforter under your bare back was scratchy, and you arched away attractively from it.
“Hmm…that’s not fair, ____.” Huedhaut said with a small smile.
“Touch me.” You demanded, your voice hoarse as you reached for him.
“Awfully demanding, aren’t we?” He said as he shed his jacket and undershirt, revealing his sculpted chest.
But he came back down to you, planting kisses along your cheek and jaw, going lower toward your neck. You began panting, anticipation lighting your body like a thousand tiny fires. His lips, like rough satin, trailed down your chest toward the swells of your breasts, the damp, warm wetness of his tongue peaking out and catching the tight peak of your nipple.
“Huedhaut!” You couldn’t help your cry, or the reflexive jerk of your body toward his when he took that nipple into his mouth and began suckling. Each pull sent a shockwave of heat down to your pussy, making it throb in need. Your hands tangled in the midnight hair covering your chest as you moaned without restraint, your eyebrows furrowed.
You hoped your parents wouldn’t come home soon.
His hands weren’t still either.
One arm kept himself propped up, while the other traced the curve of your body, played with your other breast, tickled the back of your knee…then he shifted, moving from one breast to the other, his free hand resting on your thigh. Then his fingers parted the swollen lips of your pussy as you fought to breathe, sliding along the silky wet slit before finding the hard button that was your clit.
You nearly rocketed through the ceiling, a strangled scream escaping your lips as his index finger circled your clit in a way that had your hips arching for a firmer stroke. Every cell in your body was a livewire, demanding you get the release he was so cruelly keeping you from.
“Huedhaut…Huedhaut…please,” You begged.
With a hard suck on your nipple, he pulled his head up, rising to his knees and quickly pulling his pants and underwear down to his knees, allowing his cock to be free. You whimpered when you saw it, wanting it inside you.
But he took your legs and draped them over his thighs, positioning the tip of his cock just at the entrance to your pussy. He stared down at you as you arched your hips, a plea on your lips.
“Touch yourself,” He said with a husky voice. “Let me see what you look like when you pleasure yourself.”
Tentatively, you felt your arm moving to obey him, your fingers reaching down to cream covered skin, circling the straining bud of your clit as you whimpered in agonized arousal. You could barely hold your eyes open, could barely breathe. Your heart was pounding like a drum against your ribcage, threatening to jump out. Huedhaut stared down at you, his cock throbbing at the entrance to your pussy.
“What a good girl,” He cooed. “How pretty you look, your fingers wet with your own juices, your face hungry for me. Make yourself come for me, pretty girl. Give that little clit the release it needs and I’ll give you what you want.”
His words pushed you over the edge, his voice causing your stomach to be pierced with a sharp rapture that sent your entire body spasming with strong, rhythmic convulsions of release. Your mouth opened, but no sound came out as your back arched off the bed, curving like a bow.
Then breathing was forgotten entirely as Huedhaut pierced your pussy with his cock.
Your eyes widened, dazed, as Huedhaut began swinging his hips back and forth against you. Even as he was moving, you could feel every ridge, every vein, it seemed like.
Your legs were bent over his thighs, spread wide as his eyes stared between them. He was watching as his cock plunged in and out of you, listening to the slick wet sounds it created in the once quiet room. You could feel every nuance of his erection as he pushed inside through ever tightening muscles, then pulled out, only to begin again.
Every movement sent your body into white-hot flame, your womb shuddering and building into a knot as your bed creaked under your bodies.
Huedhaut’s voice, practically unrecognizable as it was a guttural growl, sounded over top of you, and he grabbed your legs with almost bruising force, hoisting them up toward your chest as he began to fuck you harder, deeper.
“Ah, ah!”
You panted for breath, your vision darkening as you felt the coil of heat tightening. Harder, faster, his cock drove into you, and you accepted every desperate stroke with hungry gasps as your pussy began to spasm, the coil in your belly getting tighter and tighter, until…
You exploded in a spectacular blinding flash of light, your inner muscles milking Huedhaut’s invading cock as you came for the second time, this time, dragging him down with you. You heard him swear, then felt him surge inside you. Your pussy was flooded with something warm, and you couldn’t help but gasp,
“Inside me!”
“Don’t worry,” He groaned as his hips snapped into yours three more times. “Don’t…worry.”
And so, you didn’t.
Once the crisis passed, Huedhaut collapsed on top of you, the both of you trembling and covered in sweat. You gazed at your ceiling, covered in the glow-in-the-dark stars and moon you had placed on it when you were eight, trying to reorient yourself as you felt Huedhaut’s heart pound against your chest. Your heartbeat matched his perfectly.
After a moment or two, Huedhaut shifted his weight and rolled off you, pulling you with him so you were both lying on your sides. You blinked, pulling your head back to look at him.
“Are…you done?” You asked timidly.
“Mm…for now,” He replied, his voice heavy with satisfaction that sent a surge of feminine pride through you. “Do you think I would just stop after round one?”
He lifted a hand and stroked your hair, damp with sweat, back from your forehead.
“And do you think that I would just leave after sex as amazing as that? No, I’m not the type of man to do that.”
Then his hand moved, combing his fingers through your tangled hair and caressing down your dampened back. You reveled in the gentle sensation, of the intimacy of this stranger who didn’t feel very much like a stranger.
“This isn’t the last time I’ll see you, is it?” You whispered, staring at the planes of Huedhaut’s chiseled chest, shining with sweat. He chuckled, moving a hand to your chin to make you look at him.
“Of course it isn’t. You’re my little human now, and I am your Aquarius.”
You tilted your head at the term ‘my little human’, but let it go as Huedhaut pulled himself to his feet.
“Come along, then,” He said as he pulled on your hand, coaxing you to your feet as well.
“What are we doing?” You questioned. He smiled wickedly at you.
“Didn’t I just tell you I’m not going to quit after round one? We’ve got the whole house to ourselves, and a few hours of alone time. The possibilities of tonight are endless.”
You bit your lip as he placed a hand at the small of your back and led you to the bathroom toward the shower, your body already coming back to life at the promise of a wild night.
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kbtbb-soryu · 2 years
The Goddess that Defied Fate [Huedhaut x OC] Chapter 10
It was a new moon and the sky was dark. After their walk through the sky, Shiro slowly pulled away from Hue as they landed on the mansion’s balcony.
“Shiro.” He didn’t have to say anything else. She already knew from that look on his face. The stars in the sky seemed blurry to her eyes. “Thank you. No matter how many times I thank you, it’ll never be enough. I’m so grateful to you, Shiro.”
She shook her head. “I didn’t do anything you should thank me for.”
“Yes, you did. Really, thank you.” A gust of wind interrupted the quiet of the moonless night. “I can’t stop thinking about what you told me before. You told me not to say that your life was ‘sacrificed’. I feel like I understand now. You loved humans, so you saved them. It was a sacrificial act… but that’s not all it was by a long shot.” Hue smiled. “If you believed in a future for humans, then I can try and learn from that, too. Please, remember this… Shiro, as long as you can dream of a future, wonderful things will find you.” Cool fingers brushed her bangs to the side and he dropped a kiss on her exposed forehead. “Be happy, Shiro. Please, be happier than anyone. I want you to be the happiest girl in the world.” After his unexpected, whispered comment, Hue’s body began to glow faintly.
“You too, Hue. Be happy.”
“Shiro…” The glowing expanded until the darkness was illuminated by its divine light. “You’re the reincarnation of the goddess. No, you are the goddess, in human form. I never wanted to meet you. I was scared. But not anymore. I’m glad I met you again, Shiro.” Shiro struggled to keep the smile on her face, her eyes narrowing. “Goodbye, Shiro.” 
She clenched her fists and bit her trembling lip. The light collapsed and darkness returned. Shiro instinctively reached her hand out despite herself. Don’t go. She knew it would hurt but she didn’t think it would hurt this much. If this was her fate from the beginning… Why did I have to meet you?! She gasped loudly. What did she just think? She gave Hue such a hard time for saying that, and then she… Alone, she broke down. She sank to my knees and cried. She screamed into the sky as raindrops fell onto her cheeks. She’ll never be able to touch him or feel his warmth again. It hurt. She wished it would rain harder, for the rain to swallow her, and never stop.
Shiro listened to the weather report on TV as she ate breakfast a week later.
“The steady rain we’ve been experiencing is predicted to continue. Experts are concerned the drastic reduction in hours of sunshine could affect…” She switched the TV off before she could hear anything else. Because of the continuous rain, the world outside her window had been dim, damp, and cold for days. She still refused to remove the other gods’ marks. It wasn’t nearly as much about not sympathizing with them as she was making it out to be. She knew how she erased Hue’s mark, and it wasn’t something she could possibly do for the others. She’d agreed to help them use their powers to do their jobs but nothing more.
Scorpio clicked his tongue shortly after she arrived at the mansion. “What is the Earth’s problem lately?”
“So, even Scorpio is depressed by this nonstop rain,” Karno said.
“I wasn’t talking to you, damn it!” Scorpio said before turning to scowl at Shiro. “This is boring. I’m going back to my room.” Shiro frowned at the window.
“Shiro, I made cherry pie. It’s really good. Do you want to eat it with me?” Dui asked.
“I want some! I want some! And I want to feed some to Shiro,” Ichthys beamed.
“Hey, I wasn’t offering it to you, Ichthys,” Dui retorted.
She smiled. “Thank you, Dui. And Ichthys? If you try to feed me anything I’ll throw you out the window myself.”
“Ouch,” Ichthys pouted. Shiro took a seat next to Dui.
“Finally, a smile,” Dui said.
“I know. I’ll make some funny faces. I bet she’ll smile even more then,” Ichthys grinned.
“Taking the bait as soon as it hits the water… Typical goldfish behaviour,” Leon snorted.
“What are you going on about?” Shiro asked.
“The punishment gods are just trying to suck up to you so you’ll erase their marks.”
“Leo, don’t say that. You’ll just confuse her,” Karno said.
“I already knew that. About Ichthys, that is,” Shiro replied.
“Why am I the only one getting blamed?!” Ichthys complained.
“Dui isn’t like you, that’s why,” she retorted. Leon scoffed and looked out the window.
Ignoring his minister, Karno smiled quietly. “Don’t worry. Listen to your instincts. They never steer you wrong. Dui and Ichthys both want to see you happy, and I do too, of course.”
“I sliced the pie. I don’t want it to go to waste. Eat with us?” Dui asked.
“What?! You just told me I couldn’t have any!” Ichthys exclaimed.
“What’s up? Did somebody say pie?” Teorus smiled when he entered the living room. “Hey, Scorpy! There’s pie!”
“Shut up. Quit calling me in here for every little thing that happens,” Scorpio said, having returned from his bedroom.
“Karno…” Shiro turned to him. “How… is he?”
Karno smiled sadly. “He’s back at work in the heavens. He’s… doing well. But he misses you.”
“I see.” She sat back and smiled wryly.
 Kuro had invited Shiro for tea after work at a café a few days after.
“It’s dinner time. Why did you choose a café?” Shiro asked.
“You forget I don’t actually need to eat so dinnertime doesn’t apply to me.” 
“But you’re eating cake.”
Kuro shrugged. “So? How are you holding up?”
“How do you think?” Shiro asked, her voice cracking.
Kuro smiled wryly. “I guess that was a dumb question.”
Shiro smiled slightly up at her sister. “Thanks for checking up on me.”
Kuro sighed and put her fork down. “I wish I could say that was the only reason I came, but… This rain is beginning to be a problem…” Shiro looked up at her, her expression blank. “You know this is your doing, don’t you?”
Shiro took a sip of her soda. “I know. I’ve been trying to fix it on my own, but…” She sighed sighed. “I don’t think I can...”
“I understand, but you’re gonna have to find a way. Another calamity is the last thing anyone needs.”
Shiro arched an eyebrow. “Kuro, there’s something you’re not telling me.” She put my glass down and looked intently at her sister.
Kuro sighed. “I don’t know all the details, but safe to say it’s bad.”
“How bad?” Shiro asked. She didn’t like where this was going.
“Bad enough that the gods might intervene. And by intervene, I mean come down and make you do something about it.”
Shiro swallowed. “Why do I get the feeling you know which god it is?”
“Zyglavis. He’s the minister of Punishments. He’s not the kind of god you want to trifle with.”
Shiro squeezed her eyes shut. “I know who Zyglavis is.”
“So you’ve met in your past life.” Not a question. 
Shiro barked a laugh. “You could say that.” 
“Well, either way, he’s getting aggravated. He might come down here.” Kuro furrowed her brows.
“If he comes down here, it’ll be to kill me,” Shiro stated emotionlessly.
“I won’t let that happen,” Kuro’s tone was sharp.
Shiro smiled. “I know.”
 Not even a day after Kuro’s warning, Vega came to get Shiro. She was supposed to be helping Teorus today. She couldn’t say she was too thrilled about spending the day with him. Vega was still talking about how cheerful he was when she stopped suddenly. Shiro felt it too, and her head snapped to the source.
“Lady Shiro, get down!!” Vega shouted. Shiro crouched down and covered her head as she heard a window shatter, followed by a bright light and a crackle of power.” 
“Shiro, Vega, are you two okay?” Teorus asked.
“Lord Teorus! That was…!” Vega exclaimed.
“It’s been a long time, Teorus…” 
“Zyglavis…” Teorus muttered, hostility in his voice. Shiro took a deep breath and stood upright. A tall man, about the same height as Hue with dark blue hair tied into a side ponytail, stood in the hall.
“I can see from the way you’re holding that girl that your obsession with humans is still going strong,” Zyglavis said mockingly.
“You haven’t changed either. Your face is just as scary as ever. By the way, you forgot to use the front door,” Teorus retorted. The air crackled with electricity between the two and Shiro could see the distaste between the departments was the same as ever.
“It seems I’ve committed a faux pas. Earth’s filthy air must’ve clouded my mind,” Zyglavis countered. The tension in the air was thick. It put her on edge.
“Are you here to hang out? If you’re looking for Scorpio, he’s…”
“I’m simply here on an errand. Please step back.”
“What are you going to do with Shiro if I do?” Teorus asked.
“I’m sure you’ve already guessed that much. It’s foolish to ask a question you know the answer to. I’m going to kill that human, of course. Hand over the human, Teorus.”
“You’re not the minister of my department. I don’t have to take orders from you.”
“Insolent. Hand her over immediately or you’ll be—”
“Wise decision, Teo.” Leon’s relaxed voice filled the hall. “She’s an important tool for erasing our marks. I will not hand her over to you.”
“Leo!” Teorus exclaimed. Leon strolled confidently towards them. His overwhelming aura felt more powerful and intimidating than usual. It was almost strange that Shiro felt relaxed in the presence of it. 
“I thought I sensed the atmosphere on Earth grow just a little gloomier. And now I see why. Ponytail is here.”
“I see you’re enjoying your extended vacation on Earth. How nice for you, Leon.” Zyglavis’s voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“You’re the idle one here, wasting time picking fights with Teo,” Leon retorted. Shiro was growing increasingly annoyed with their squabbles.
“I don’t have time to chat, wild lion. Hand over the human.”
“Didn’t you hear me? I have no intention of giving you this goldfish.”
“And what if I told you the Department of Wishes will lose a god if you refuse? If that human is not destroyed, the heavens will lose Huedhaut.” Shiro gasped at Zyglavis’s words. The storm outside roared and the rain grew steadily stronger. “This is all your fault, Shiro Aizawa. The power of your goddess self is awakening inside of you. It’s too much for you. As a result, energies on Earth have been thrown considerably out of balance. Just take a look at this rain. How long has it been since you've seen the sun?”
Shiro took a deep breath and stepped out from behind Teorus, attempting to appear as casual as possible as she crossed her arms. “I know.”
“I see Kuro defied orders again,” Zyglavis scowled.
“She didn’t have to. What is happening with Hue?” she asked calmly.
“Huedhaut is trying to give his life to save the Earth,” Zyglavis answered.
“He’s what?!” Shiro yelled, completely forgetting her composure.
“But he doesn’t have to. This can all be settled by killing just one human.” Power crackled as Zyglavis created a ball of light in his hand. “A weak human girl or a member of the Department of Wishes, the wishes god in the heavens and the ruler of Aquarius? This choice is clear.” Shiro closed her eyes and exhaled before opening them and meeting Zyglavis’s gaze. “His desire to save the Earth and humanity… does not come from pure-hearted benevolence. He’s in all likelihood being motivated by a lingering attachment to the former goddess’s soul. Comical, isn’t it?”
Shiro narrowed her eyes. “The only comical thing in this situation is your lack of understanding.”
“What?” Zyglavis scowled at her.
“Uh… Shiro...?” Teorus’s voice reached her, but she ignored him.
“You think Hue wants to save the Earth because of his feelings for me? You couldn’t be more wrong.” Zyglavis’s eyes widened considerably. “Hue’s attachment to me was what made him use that forbidden magic, but this is different. Right now, he’s only trying to honour my desire to give humanity a future.” She closed her eyes again before snapping them open again, determined. “I cannot allow him to do this.”
“Then you understand—”
She cut him off. “But I can’t allow you to kill me either.”
“Foolishness…” Zyglavis glared at her.
“I’m not a victim of circumstance. I’m not the main character in some tragedy. I won’t be hopeless. I won’t give up!”
“Shiro…” Teorus muttered her name. She could hear the smile in his voice.
Leon laughed. “I’d expect no less of the goddess that stick in the mud fell in love with. You’re fearless.”
There was only one option left for her now. To save Hue. To save herself. To save this world. “I won’t let Hue die!” she shouted. Her power shone. A gale-force wind ripped through the air, shattering all the windows in the hall, pushing even the rain away. Zyglavis and Leon’s shocked voices rang through my ears. The wild, powerful wind whipped my hair about.
“Please stop! If you release any more power—” Vega pleaded with her.
“Stop!” Leon shouted at her.
“I am not weak. I am the goddess of fate. I will not let mine be decided for me!” she shouted and a door opened in front of her.
“That’s… A human opened up a door to a different dimensional zone?!” Zyglavis exclaimed. Shiro didn’t waste a second entering the door.
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emilyplaysotome · 6 years
Chapter 6 - Friendnapped
Catch up on Chapter 1 - 5 here! (or just Chapter 5)
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It’s never pleasant seeing an ex move on, especially when you’re not entirely sure that you want your ex to be an ex in the first place. Compounded with the fact that his new girlfriend was everything that I wasn’t caused every fiber in my being to want to flee. 
Thankfully, my legs refused to listen.
Instead I stood frozen and watched as she accepted his hand (one that dwarfed her own) and he helped her stand tall once more in a way that reminded me of how he had been there for me. She was far more feminine than I’ve ever been in my life, with a slender frame that complimented Zyglavis’ more androgynous features. Standing next to her, he looked like the God he was in a way that he never did by my side - proud, masculine, and strong.
I forced myself to stay present, assuming that the king was rooting for me to run from such an unpleasant scene, giving him the upper hand when it came to Zyglavis’ new life in this world. At the moment, sharing a kiss with the man I had assumed I’d share my life with only a few weeks ago seemed impossible but I did my best to stay strong in face of adversity.
Instead of running away I apologized further, introducing myself to both of them and handing the woman my business card in an attempt to prove to her that I was a normal, capable woman and not some crazy person off the street.
“Really,” I said again, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s ok,” she said in a tone that was far less aggravated than the one taken during our initial exchange.
“Please, allow me to pay for your dry cleaning or something.”
“No, it’s fine I…”
“Thea, you should take her up on it,” Zyglavis said sternly.
“Yes, sorry. I didn’t say my name did I? And this is…”
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He said his name flatly, barely looking me in the eyes. His gaze was firmly on Thea and I assumed as a result that he was checking to see if she was alright. I knew Zyg long enough to know that he could be a bit of a worrywart when it came to the object of his affection, and I could feel the muscles in my chest constrict as it sank in that he might never worry about me in that way again.
Thea tucked a strand of her long, jet black hair behind her ear and with a similarly cold expression noted, “Well, I suppose. Naomi was it?”
“Thank you Naomi, that’s very kind. Most New Yorkers probably wouldn’t even offer.”
“Oh that’s not true,” I said with a forced smile. “We get a bad rap but we’re actually a lovely group of people.”
Zyglavis kept glancing behind him at the hostess inside and each time he did I could feel my new reality sinking in. 
He and his new girlfriend (a clear upgrade when compared to his last), were going to have a nice dinner and here I was keeping them from it. Seeing him again reminded me of how much I missed him - a fact that the chaos of the past few days had distracted me from.
I missed my best friend. Zyglavis had been a loyal, kind man who was always there for me no matter the circumstance. He was a man who could sometimes be too strict and slightly too grumpy, but underneath it all always had my best interests at heart.
For a moment, everything seemed incredibly surreal and I almost felt as if any second he and this woman would laugh and tell me the past week was all a shitty joke. I wanted so desperately to go back to what was instead of what is, but I knew that I had no choice in the matter once the hostess popped her head outside and called, “Ziggy? Table for 2?”
“We will be in shortly,” he said politely to the hostess, and then with a sigh addressed Thea. “Ziggy? Really?”
She giggled and for the first time I saw how beautiful and blinding her smile was, “I couldn’t resist.”
Zyg shook his head and before she could run away I exchanged contact information with Thea under the guise that I would follow up with her in regards to the cost of her dry cleaning. I then was forced to watch him hold the door for her as they went inside - not once did he even so much as glance back at me.
I stood there dumbstruck for a moment and once I was certain that I was alone again, a maelstrom of emotion hit me with such strength that I was not only caught off guard but found myself rushing to a trash can nearby and vomiting into it. I never thought I was capable of something as dramatic as becoming physically ill over seeing an ex, but the king’s trials always managed to surprise me.
It shouldn’t have taken a meddling king for me to understand what I had with Zyglavis, but far too often we take someone for granted until they’re gone. For ten years of my life I lived having friendships, but never having someone who I could call my own. I never experienced having someone who was able to be there for me the way that Zyglavis always was and now that he was gone I felt adrift. 
Looking back he had constantly been present in the sense that my apartment was always taken care of, and at the end of every difficult work week he’d bring back chocolates made especially for me, as a small token of his love and appreciation for the life we forged together in this world. He was always up for listening to my problems and for laughing at my funny stories or holding me during the difficult ones.
He was a best friend in a way I’d never experienced with anyone else, and even though he proved to be more imperfect than I ever thought an otome man would be, that made him and the relationship all the more real.
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By the time I was back at Meg’s I was a certifiable mess with runny mascara, tinged with the faint smell of vomit. I planned to hop in the shower and then to try and pack my things in order to distract myself from what Thea and Zyglavis might be doing together, but when I opened the door I soon realized that I was not alone.
“Omi? What the hell happened to you?”
Meg was standing in the foyer of her apartment hanging her light spring coat up in the closet. Down the hall, I saw her away bag on the floor of the living room and figured she had just gotten back.
“I thought you were coming home tomorrow?”
“I was, but I missed New York and my parents were driving me nuts.”
“Oh. Welcome back. Are you doing ok?”
Meg shrugged and it was clear that my friend and I were in similarly messy places. Even though she hadn’t been gone long I knew her well enough to see that she wasn’t sleeping. On top of that she appeared a good deal thinner than when she’d left and having gotten her through a previous breakup in college, I was well aware of the fact that she didn’t eat when she was stressed or upset.
She crinkled her nose and straightforwardly blurted, “Omi - why do you smell like vomit?”
If I hadn’t had such a difficult day, I don’t think I would have told Meg the truth in that moment. I think I would have made something up or vaguely addressed bumping into Zyglavis but for whatever reason I found myself saying, “You know me well enough to know that I’m not a liar, right?”
Meg shot me a curious look and nodded, leading me to the living room and prompting me to tell her the whole story - the real story. 
I watched as she looked on skeptically as I spoke, occasionally clarifying that I “really believed” that I had gone to the world of my “weird anime games” but ultimately let me tell my tale. I knew how far fetched it must have all seemed to her, but when I got to the part about the games not working, I pulled up the facebook posts as well as old screenshots from Zyglavis’ route that fans had posted online.
It was then that Meg’s disbelief started to wane (in addition to the fact that in all of our many years of friendship I’d never once misled her in any way and I had no tangible reason to concoct such a strange story now). She pulled up a photo she had on her phone of all of us from a few months back (before her breakup or mine) and compared the man by my side to the cartoon man from the post.
“Holy shit.”
“I never told you any of this because, well - I know it’s pretty unbelievable and…”
“There’s more?”
“Well..I was afraid you’d judge me if you knew that I chose to be with a cartoon character from a game. I mean how many years did I watch you guys…and now…”
Meg quickly cut me off, “And now we’re both in shambles thanks to two dudes. Doesn’t get more real than that even if he started as a cartoon character.” 
“His new girlfriend is stupid pretty,” I complained.
Meg hesitated for a moment as she sank dejectedly into her couch and said in a quiet voice, “You know, I didn’t tell you guys this but Noah broke up with me for some chick he works with.”
Meg scoffed, “Yeah. If you didn’t already smell like barf I’d have us doing shots or some shit.”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Because it hurts more knowing that he gets to be happy and I have to be hurt.”
“I’m sorry Meg…”
I could see that Meg was trying to be strong as she fought back tears, biting her lower lip in an attempt to stay in control of her emotional state. I always considered her someone who was pretty tough and resilient and as a result, seeing her in this state amplified the hurt that I was already feeling. She sniffled and tried to shake off her tears as she focused on my problems over hers.
“So wait - this asshole…the king? He just showed up and ruined your relationship?”
“Well, I mean I kinda had a hand in it too. I started to take Zyg for granted and…”
“But you didn’t even get a chance to work it out right?”
“Fuck that. And fuck his new girlfriend - if you want him, you’re going to get him back.”
I loved the fact that even though Meg was heartbroken, she was still so angry on my behalf.
“I don’t know,” I said skeptically. “The king said I’ve got to win all my ex cartoon men back and right now 3 are unaccounted for, the one I want most has moved on, another tried to mug me, and the last one I have a date with in a couple of days. The odds are not in my favor.”
“Nah, fuck that noise. We’re New Yorkers - when the going gets tough we’re used to it because so are we.”
“You are maybe…”
“No I’m a mess, but I”m still going to help you. We’ll find your cartoon men and at least one of us will get to live happily ever after, ok?”
“You’re gonna make me cry if you look at me like that and you still smell like puke so go shower and we’ll come up with a plan after.”
“Omi! I swear!”
I knew Meg didn’t want to cry but I couldn’t help myself from doing so. Not only did she believe me (or at least was being kind enough to pretend that she did), but she said she’d help me. 
I was immediately brought back to that day during the Revance tweeter takeover where I fantasized about having my friends’ support as I made my final decision on who I wanted to bring back to this world. For the past few days I’d reminded of what it was to be on my own once more and how it felt to have to do everything by myself and bear that burden alone.
Now, thanks to Meg’s generosity I would have a partner in crime and I owed her one for it.
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I returned to the living room freshly showered and vomit free, and took out my notebook re-creating a space in Meg’s living room similar to the one in Zyglavis’ bedroom way back when. I even told her about my operation GTFO area and with a dry laugh she noted that was “a very Naomi thing to do”.
Meg also set up a few online profiles in order to help me in my search, and talked me through the fact that we had eyes on 3 of the 6 men. Toshi and Jin were completely MIA and the mystery suitor of mine was most likely not Shunichiro. Meg had me make a list of every otome man I’d met who potentially carried a flame for me during my time down the rabbit hole and when I handed her what felt like a reasonable list based on the information I had, she smirked and noted, “Girl, get it.”
“You don’t understand what it was like - they’re all programmed to want you when you’re the MC.”
“I mean, I’ve seen Zyg so I have a pretty good idea of what this world is like. Perhaps you can take me with you next time,” she joked. “In the meantime, I’ll look out for these names as I swipe and you should call the switchboard to see if Jin is NYPD.”
“You’re welcome.”
There was a moment where I paused and Meg looked at me with a skeptical expression, “What?”
“You do believe me, don’t you?”
“I mean...do…ish. You have to understand, I can’t really wrap my head around -”
There was a bright light that filled the room, in addition to the sound of a snap and a familiar presence that caused Meg to practically jump out of her seat. The king glared at me, and with a chuckle I found myself muttering, “speak of the devil.”
As I once had, I glanced over and saw Meg struggle to accept the reality of how crazy it all was. It was strange to see my typically eloquent friend stammer next to me, but it was all short lived as the king snapped his fingers for a second time, causing Meg’s eyes to glaze over and her stammers to fade. My friend would have a hard time not believing my story once she returned from her catatonic state, and with a sigh I knew that I’d done something that prompted an IRL visit from the king versus a cheeky text.
“Well I see that you’re up to your old tricks,” the king snapped. “The agreement was that you were able to find them and romance them - not that you’d have help.”
“I don’t believe the issue of having help or not was ever stipulated in your terms and conditions,” I snapped back. “And I hardly have the home court advantage considering what I’ve seen the past couple of days.”
“What have you seen? He was always a criminal - even in my world, was he not?”
“Yes but -“
“And that didn’t stop you the first time around, now did it?”
“It absolutely did stop me!”
“Mmmm tomato tahmahtoe,” he said flippantly with a smile, and I realized that as much as I was a thorn in his side, the king was clearly enjoying himself.
He tossed his long silvery hair back and with an unreadable, etherial smile paced before me as he considered what having an ally in this world might do to his game. It was obvious that I was one of the few people who was capable of throwing curveballs his way and as much as it annoyed him, he obviously relished how unpredictable his life was when I was in it.
“Well,” he said finally, “I guess we’ll do this.” 
He snapped his fingers and Meg disappeared from the couch beside me.
“You’ll get her back once you’ve found them all on your own. I think that’s more than fair. Very generous in fact!”
“That’s not fair at all! You can’t do that you -“
The king threw back his head and laughed, “Oh Naomi. You silly, silly girl - haven’t you realized? I can do whatever I want. You’re lucky I’m even letting you play in the first place.”
And with that, he snapped his fingers and left me all alone once more.
Chapter 7
If you’ve enjoyed the story, please show your support by sharing it with a friend or buying me a coffee!  
Thanks for reading :)
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voltagefangirl19 · 7 years
So I’m trying to do a master post that can be seen on smartphones, iPods, and iPads so here’s the first try :v  ® means request ^^
1.- MC as a hitwoman hired to kill the bidders part 1, 2  POV: Eisuke, Soryu
2.- Having a bad day 
3.- Halloween costume (drawing)
4.- Jealous ®
5.-Betting on the Oscars (Academy Awards) 
6.- Mc kills herself (trigger warning)
7.- Valentine’s day- Highschool Au
One shot/Fics
1.- Perfect day- Eisuke Ichinomiya  
2.- A moonlight lake- Soryu Oh
3.- Too late: prelude  ch.1  ch.2  ch.3  ch.4 ch.5 
4.- Cheating (guys POV) ®
5.- Five surprises (Eisuke POV)
6.- The disappearance of the bluebird- Ota Kisaki
7.- A sweet nightmare- Eisuke Ichinomiya (NSFW) ®
8.- Mc almost dying- Soryu Oh ®  Eisuke version ®
One shot/fanfic
1.- Miyabi- a smile… ®
2.- Hymn for the missing - Yukinojo (angst)
1.- High school AU.
2.- HS AU Valentine’s day
3.- HS AU College ®
One shot/fics
1.- Just friends?- Dui, Leon  Hue
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Sweet Heat
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Rating: Explicit
Categories: F/M
Pairing: Zyglavis/OC
Words: 2437
Prompt(s): Christmas treats sugar rush and "A kiss under the mistletoe doesn't have to be where we stop.", from the "’tis the season for love" content creation challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Summary: Zyglavis didn't expect his girlfriend's sugar rush from the Christmas treats she might have overindulged into would turn into a new intimate experience for them.
This is a loose follow-up to Feather's Recovering my Star's Shine but is also an independent fic
Busy as Feather was with a multi-chapter crossover, she's finished her main plans and I'm just now fnishing my first... But at least I finished it
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Not many people thought sugar could be worse than alcohol to make people go crazy. Zyglavis knew that his usually calm girlfriend could become quite electric at times. He’d seen her so full of coffee that she threw herself at work and, when forced to take a break, decided to decorate the house for Christmas in July, all to escape the nightmares plaguing her. He’d also seen her drunk, becoming clingy, and a bit tired, but he wasn’t prepared to deal with Rinka so full of sugar, though.
Maybe he shouldn’t have left her under the ‘supervision’ of the others when it was obvious the other girls were too busy to pay attention and the other gods didn’t think Rinka needed to be watched over unless she spent more than five minutes talking only to Ichthys.
But it wasn’t like he could have left his work aside for longer than he already had. He had promised to accompany Rinka to the charity event she had gone to in the morning, so he had to finish his work in the afternoon before their date.
Zyglavis should have known something wasn’t right when the volume of the songs went up, or when he found Rinka playing cards with some of the other gods and Reina. She wasn’t fond of playing games that relied partly on luck instead of pure skills and, although occasionally noisy, she was never that loud. But how could he have imagined the amount of sugar she had consumed in a couple of hours? He’d only made sure she hadn’t been drinking.
Through their date, though, he began noticing the other differences in her behavior. Rinka was extra giddy, speaking faster and laughing louder and more affectionate than she ever was in public.
Which led him to ask, while they were walking back to the mansion, what she had eaten or drank before they left, mostly trying to figure if someone had handed her something they shouldn’t, or from someone he wouldn’t have trusted such generous behavior from. Her answer, though, was a long list of the sweets she had prepared the day before to share and, apparently, she had eaten more than her own share of it.
There was no problem, though, right? She hadn’t done anything stupid or too embarrassing. And it wasn’t like she was drunk, either. Rinka was still on her rational side, just a little more energetic and open. They were going back and she would run out of that extra energy soon, or she would have an overdrive and shut down, like when she was drunk.
With that mindset, Zyglavis was shocked when they opened the front door of the mansion and Rinka stopped, briefly looked up and, giggling, pulled him towards her. When he, in surprise, didn’t resist, she kissed him, hard.
Rinka was never both this proactive and aggressive, especially where anyone could walk in on them. So, when she released him, Zyglavis also looked up, to see someone had hung a mistletoe over the door, and he remembered one of the other girls telling someone about how human couples had the tradition of kissing under them.
“The others should be back by now. Are we joining the party?” She asked him. That would be hard with the way she hugged him and nuzzled to his chest. “Because your scent is making me crave a different kind of celebration that may not be entirely appropriate for Christmas.” She looked up at him with glossy eyes and a very seductive smile he’d never seen before. “So… if you want…” she looked down for a moment, releasing him and one of her hands immediately went fidgeting with the keychain on her belt for a few seconds, before she looked at him again, with a softer smile and flushed cheeks. “A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
As she reached for him again, he held her with one hand around her waist and was the one to kiss her, while, with his free hand, he snapped his fingers, transporting them to his room.
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Rinka felt the world spin, and when it came into focus, she was trapped between a wall and her boyfriend’s body. When she kissed him back, Zyglavis seemed to relinquish control, letting her dominate the kiss.
She would have shied away from such behavior if the extra energy from all the sweet treats she’d eaten wasn’t making her body respond to her brain faster than she could asses what it was telling her so, instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and, on her tiptoes, with the wall supporting her, deepened the kiss..
There was a snap and the click of a lock as Zyglavis made sure no one would bother them. Feeling more confident with the security, one of her hands slipped under his clothes to touch his back, feeling his body shiver under her touch. The other hand moved to unbutton his jacket.
“As hot as I find you in your uniform,” she whispered, trailing kisses over his face, “especially with it a little loose, clothes like this are so much easier to take off.”
They had to part a little for her to remove the rest of his clothes, but as soon as they were off her hands were back on him, exploring his skin, her mouth trailing right behind in tracing the lines of his muscles, sometimes with soft kisses, others times leaving small marks. A low, almost imperceptible groan escaped Zyglavis when Rinka teased his side with the tip of her tongue while her hands worked to undo his belt.
Rinka would have liked to take it slower, but the extra energy in her system and the sight of the bulge in his pants were making her quite impatient. The winter clothes she was wearing were growing uncomfortable with the increasing heat radiating from inside her, but she insisted on using her energy to please him.
While she struggled, in her haste, with the belt’s buckle, Zyglavis stopped her, holding her wrists with one hand, the other caressing her hair, then her cheek, before cupping her chin and making her look up at him.
“Aren’t you eager?” His tone and expression were teasing, but his touch was gentle. “I love the enthusiasm, but I have other plans for now. You can have whatever you want later, if you behave.”
“Behave?” She chuckled, standing up when he gave her wrists a gentle tug. “I’ll try. But if behaving includes staying still and following orders, I can’t guarantee much.”
His only answer was once again pushing her against the wall and kissing her, taking charge this time. One of her hands once again explored his back, while the other reached to release his hair from its usual ponytail, combing through the soft locks afterward. Zyglavis, usually quiet, nibbled at her bottom lip, stifling a louder moan. He would probably deny it if she pointed out how sensitive he was to her touching his hair. It usually made him relax, but when he was already heated, Zyglavis seemed to find it quite pleasing, in the more intimate sense.
Zyglavis removed her upper layers rather fast after that, leaving only her bra and tights, for which Rinka was very grateful. Her clothes had been getting quite suffocating. Despite his own haste at that part, Zyglavis’ next kiss was as gentle as his touch that mimicked the position of hers, with a hand gently tangled into her hair and the other sliding down her back and teasingly pulling at the band of her tights.
“Zyglavis…” whatever she tried to say got lost in a moan when le let go and the band snapped back in place. It stung, but not enough to be displeasing.
“You are quite loud already.” He whispered, placing kisses along the shell of her ear. “Do you want me that much?”
“You are just teasing me on purpose.” Rinka protested.
Zyglavis chuckled, pulling back to stare at her, but she refused to look at him. One of his fingers traced her lips, and Rinka noticed she was pouting.
“Forgive me, my love. But you are acting so different and look so lovely flustered. Don’t worry, I won’t tease you for longer.”
Kissing her again, Zyglavis picked her up and Rinka warped her arms around his neck and lags around her waist while he carried her to the bed, laying her on the mattress without breaking contact. When she didn’t let go, Zyglavis chuckled and snapped his fingers again to get rid of the rest of their clothes.
Rinka tried to stifle a moan at the sudden contact of their bare bodies but, failing to do so, ground against him playfully, getting a low groan out of him. In response, Zyglavis ran a hand up one of her thighs, letting his nails graze her skin, which made her arch further against him.
He tried to pull away, but she still had her body wrapped around his. Zyglavis stopped touching her as much as he could, though.
“I told you to behave, didn’t I?”
“But you also said you wouldn’t tease me!” Rinka was sure she was probably pouting again, but unwrapped her body from his.
“I am not. As long as you behave.”
“Why? Do you dislike when I am like this?”
“Dislike it?” Zyglavis kissed her, rougher than he’d done all night, until she was out of breath. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you? I love you in every way, but when you provoke me like that, I feel like I’ll lose control and demand more from you than your body can take.”
The mood had gone from hot to purely romantic, but that wasn’t a problem. Solving things like that before they got into anything would make sure that, when they were done talking, they could start again with lighter hearts and minds and focus more on each other.
Zyglavis laid on his side and hugged her to his chest. Rinka reveled in his warmth for a moment before looking him in the eyes.
“I know that I’m only human, so I don’t have the same energy that you have, as a god, not only for this. I know I need much more to take care of myself. Food; sleep; more frequent breaks from anything mental and physically exhausting, but I’m not that easily damaged either, Zyglavis. You can demand as much from me as you need. Maybe not every time, but once in a while and especially in especial days like this. The things we do shouldn’t always be about me, my comfort or my pleasure. So,” Rinka pulled back a little with a playful smile and started tracing random patterns on his chest with ghosting touches, “how about tonight you take advantage of my sugar rush and think about what you want from me? I could handle twice as much of what we usually do and am a little less prone to being nervous if you want to try something different. I promise you I’ll tell you if I ever feel it is too much. It will be my extra Christmas gift to you.”
Rinka moved her other hand to his thigh, close enough to notice his cock still hard despite the interruption. Good, because she was warming back up fast, too.
“Are you certain of your words? I would rather not start something if we’ll have to stop in the middle because you are too tired. Although I will listen if you need to.”
“I am.”
The moment she nodded, Zyglavis pulled her into another heated kiss, one hand holding her, the other first cupping one of her breasts, then moving to tweak her nipple, making her moan into the kiss.
Then she tried to pull away, but the hand holding her moved to the back of her head, holding her in place. He changed from deep kisses to little pecks and occasionally softly biting her lip, both shutting her up whenever she tried to talk.
If both his hands were on her, who did the third hand parting her legs and the fourth that soon found her clit belong to? They didn’t have the warmth of a human body or the texture of one. Neither could she feel the body they belonged to. Except for something that occasionally poked at her from behind that, if she knew it was another male, could have been a cock.
When Zyglavis finally pulled back, he was also the first one to speak, his hand only resting against her chest now.
“You know I would never do anything to upset you, right?”
The hand teasing her also stopped and Rinka couldn’t tell where it had gone to or even if even existed at all while it wasn’t touching her.
Of course she knew. That’s why she wasn’t angry or afraid, just confused. If she had to guess and her boyfriend wasn’t right before her, she could have said it was him touching her, because this new touch felt like him, except that, even as a god, Zyglavis’ touch felt human enough.
Without either of them testing her, though, her mind cleared enough to connect the dots. It felt like Zyglavis because it was him. In a sense, at least.
He had taken her words ‘twice as much’ a little too literally and was using his shadow to create a threesome opportunity without the need of another person in their bed.
“I guess there can’t be anything more different than a threesome of two people?” Rinka laughed before kissing Zyglavis again.
The last thing her mind registered was a little surprise at him being able to make his shadow solid enough for this, before both pairs of hands were touching her again. She tried touching him back, but the double sensation of having her boyfriend in two places at once, four hands all over her body, his shadow’s cock between her thighs, sometimes rubbing against her entrance without going inside, made it even harder for her to focus on anything but the quick building pleasure.
But she wasn’t the only one. Zyglavis’ real touch faltered. He closed his eyes, breathing deeper and faster, groans escaping him a little louder than usual. It was obvious he could feel both the sensations of his real body and these of his shadow’s.
Rinka smiled, before a rougher touch to her clit made her moan louder and lose herself back into the pleasure.
Both of them had a Christmas night they would never forget ahead of them.
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I also originally planned a longer and very different scene, but it seems I'm still a little burned out from my kinktober attempt for proper sex scenes... I like the results, though. Rinka (Amy, Linet other of her versions) is hard to write smut about because I imagine she is the most sexually shy and very vanilla of all Feather's OCs, even more than Hana, her younger sister, so I particullary love rare events that let me draw out a different side of her naturally
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otome-writer51 · 5 years
This is my first fan fiction in forever so I’m open too all thoughts. Just don’t be super mean to be mean.
Fluffy with some spicy bits. Slightly NSFW, very slightly. Only a few little implications (Like the famous voltage fade to black scenes).
You wake up one morning before Taki, you decide to play a prank on him. Then he gets a call from work that sounds urgent. That’s not going to stop you though. Will you get your fluffy morning and day with your man. (Confident MC in this story)
Italics are MC’s thoughts
Word Count: 3,200
@greenhearts113 @voltage-vixen @kageseirelle @lin-ful @awesomeallseeingeye @mrs-scm-wife
Honestly inspired by this image😍😍😍
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Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
Mmmm, five more minutes.
MC groaned as she rolled over burying her head underneath her pillows.
Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
No, No, No, shut up you stupid piece of shit.
Every word in the book was running through MC’s head at the moment. She desperately tried to fall back into the land of dreams before reality could sweep her up into a day's work.
Then the wretched noise stopped.
Ah, finally quiet. Almost there falling deeper and deeper and deeper into sle…
“Aw for the love of God. I just can’t ever get what I want. Can I? One day that’s all I ask for, one day!”
Sitting up, MC reached for her phone that was currently wreaking havoc on her nightstand, ruining her once peaceful slumber.
“All I wanted was five more minutes.”
Grumbling to herself, MC couldn’t have sounded more annoyed and distressed if she tried. MC silenced her phone and placed it back on her night stand.
Raking her fingers through her hair, MC was too busy being pissy with her phone to realize her state of undress. That is until she felt the cool crisp breeze caress her very exposed chest.
MC hastily pulled the blanket up to save herself from the cold. All the while reminiscing on the events of the previous night.
“Wow, I guess we did get pretty wild, huh.”
MC said aloud speaking to no one other than the man right beside her. With a devious smirk playing across her lips, she was ready to tease her lover about what he had done or more accurately what he hadn’t done.
“Geez Taki, you really forgot to close the sliding door. I am fairly certain that the whole city heard our nightly rendezvous. Well it makes sense considering how greedy you were. You couldn’t get me to the bed fast enough, you naughty boy.”
Speaking in the same teasing and haughty tone Taki frequently used with her, MC laughed until she realized she was talking to herself.
MC looked over to her left and couldn’t help the smile blossoming across her whole face. Only one man could make her mood do such a 180. The cause of her smile was none other than her beloved sleeping so soundly, seemingly undisturbed by her alarms incessant bitching.
Leaning over, she reached out to caress his handsome face. All teasing went out the door when MC saw how vulnerable he looked asleep.
The light smile that danced on his lips when she lovingly stroked his cheek, the way his hair softly played in the wind, and that little twitch of his nose made her melt every time.
“Could you get anymore perfect? I know you would never let me say this when you’re awake, but you are so damn cute!”
MC gazed at him adoringly, while caressing down his body right down to the edge of the blanket resting on his lower half. She slowly dragged her hand back up his taut abs and manly chest, coming to rest upon his cheek once more.
“How did I ever get so lucky with you?”
Moving closer to his face with the most love a woman can have present on hers, she kissed his cheek.
“You saved me from so much heartache. I truly believe I never stopped loving you. The day you disappeared you took the other half of my heart with you.”
Bringing her thumb to slide along his lips, MC was quickly desiring more.
“Even with Tomohiro you never left your pedestal in my heart. He was only there to temporarily mask the pain. I thought once I was in love with him, but that wasn’t it. Now that I have you in my arms again I know it was never true love. I only truly ever felt whole and loved with you. It only took ten years, hehe, but I would rather wait ten more than spend ten thousand trudging through life masking the pain.”
With that final thought spoken MC leaned down and placed her lips on his. Overcome with the emotion of a moment that occurs so seldomly these days, MC wraps her love up in her embrace. She commits every detail of his beautiful lips to memory.
How plump, soft, and inviting they are. They are always so kissable and warm to the touch. Truly if MC had a thousand wishes she would trade them for all his kisses. Basking in the warmth of Taki’s body MC snuggles up to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck.
“Mmmm, you smell so good Honey.”
It truly was a perfect morning. What started out as MC fighting with her phone's alarm, turned into a morning of appreciating the love of her life for all that he is. So good, she completely lost track of time.
In fact the perfect morning was about to get even better. The man of the hour started to stir.
Immediately MC’s mischievous side kicks in. She jumps away from Taki landing flat on her back, she pulls the blankets up in a haste, and closes her eyes. She was going to mess with him.
Stretching and blinking the sleepiness out of his eyes, Taki rouses from sleep. He reaches for his phone on his night stand.
“Shit, it’s 7:49.”
I’m sorry babe, I forgot about the time.
“Babe, did your alarm not go off?”
Taki urgently asks, knowing for sure he was going to miss his morning meeting.
Oh, it went off.
MC decided that she was going to keep that bit to herself.
“How could you not wake me up?”
No response.
Oh man, he sounds mad.
Taki was slightly irritated, MC always made sure he was awake on time. In his frenzied state he didn’t even realize the state his lover was in. He looked over to her on her side of the bed, and any irritation he had left him in an instant.
“We must have both been really tired to have not set our alarms.”
Haha, yeah.
Taki pondered how he could have forgotten to set his alarm. What confused him even more was MC forgot to set hers. Taki shuddered from the cold breeze, and laughed at himself as he looked at the door to his terrace.
“Oh, forgot to shut the door. I couldn’t help myself. I needed you so bad.”
He looked back to MC. There she was the love of his life sleeping so soundly next to him. She looked so gorgeous asleep. Well she was always gorgeous, but she looked ethereal in sleep with her hair splayed all over the pillows. She was so perfect in his eyes.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Taki reached out and stroked MC’s cheek.
“You are so stunning. I love you so much.”
Awwww, baby.
Taki was so far gone. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself. He reached out to pull MC to him. He could feel her so close like this. She was so warm and soft. Her even breathing almost pulled him back into dreamland.
She always brought a smile to his face no matter the situation.
Oh my god, please please please don’t realize I’m awake.
Taki talked to MC like she was awake anyway.
“I can't be mad at you MC. It’s only natural you would be so tired after last night. I really wore you out.”
He’s not mad. That’s good at least.
Snuggling into her neck Taki took in her scent.
“I mean how could I not get so wild after the way you tempted me so much. You came on to me and initiated so aggressively. The way you looked so hot in that red, sexy, lacey number, I couldn’t resist. I let you have your fun and first but then…”
Caressing her hair, that trademark devilish smirk appeared. With a chuckle in his tone he whispered in MC’s ear.
“You took me so well.”
TAKI, oh my!!!!!!!!!!
Feeling the smallest jerk from MC, Taki looks up from his comfortable place nipping at her neck.
MC has unleashed the beast. Taki feels his inner tease come out at the sight before his eyes. His beautiful, gorgeous, radiant MC trying to suppress a smile.
I probably look so dumb right now trying to hide the smile on my face. I think I’m doing a good job though, maybe.
Taki applauds her efforts for any other man would have surely been fooled. Not him, she should know by now that she can’t get anything past him. He knows her too well, he was almost fooled. However, he now knows the game MC has been trying to play.
Taki loves and respects MC so much so of course he will give her a formidable opponent.
He lays down where he was resting before in the crook of her neck.
I think I did it.
For a second Taki and MC are completely still.
Ahh, Taki, that tickles!!!
Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!
Taki was ravaging MC’s neck with kisses. He was purposefully making loud smacking noises on purpose. MC panicked internally.
He knows, he knows, HE KNOWS!!!
MC tensed up and Taki just smirked. He continued his assault on her beautiful skin by moving a little farther south.
Ugnh, Taki stop.
She wanted him to stop his assault on her body, but it felt so good she couldn’t tell him no. She also has been keeping this game up for this long, it would be stupid to give up now. MC decided upon what she was going to do.
Taki steadily got more and more aggressive. His kisses got more and more sloppy. Oh how he loves to tease her. He could tell for sure she was awake the way her body was responding to him. She was trying so hard to fight it. He found it so irresistibly cute.
MC started to pull away from him. She wished to continue her slumber and Taki was getting very much in the way of that.
Taki wouldn’t let her leave his grip, she wasn’t getting away that easy. He decided to move farther south. MC did not expect at all what he did next.
Ahh, Taki, Hahahahahaha.
He blew a raspberry on her stomach.
God he can be such a child sometimes.
MC was all talk in her head, but she couldn’t fight the smile that was so bright across her face. The tiny laugh that squeaked out didn’t help her case either. In one last bid to get away she yanked herself away from Taki, and rolled over onto her side. Now he couldn’t see her face.
Taki was grinning ear to ear, like the Cheshire Cat. He knew he had won, it was time for the final battle. Taki followed her, he wrapped his arms around her body and snuggled in. With a grin MC knew was on his face, he leaned down real close to her ear, in such a sexy voice whispered.
“I know you’re awake baby.”
MC couldn’t stop the way her body curled in on itself. The goosebumps from Taki’s seductive tone overwhelming her senses. She giggled, the giggle Taki could never get enough of.
Taki rejoiced at the sight and was about to state his prize when.
Fine you win.
MC reached up at lighting speed, knocking Taki onto his back. Kissing him with full force, MC couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
Taki was shocked beyond words he won this game, not her, but he didn’t mind the visual. Soon he tried to deepen the kiss but she moved away, now perched on top of him. He might have won, but she was still in charge. With a smirk she purred.
“Good morning baby boy.”
Taki wore an equally devastating smirk. He placed one hand on her thigh and the other on the small of her back.
“Good morning Gorgeous.”
He stole a kiss, their smiles so big. Was it really even a kiss? MC pulled back to gaze into his eyes.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty well, slept right through the start of the day, but you probably already knew that.”
“Don’t get mad at me I lost track of time.”
Taki had his suspicions. Though he would’ve loved the answer to come from her pretty pink lips just like this he flipped them over, now he was in control.
“Doing what?”
“Like I'll ever tell you I have to keep some things private. It adds some spice to our love?”
Taki didn’t like that answer. He had ways to make her talk.
“You remember our promises right? The one after we make love.”
Oh, she remembered but that wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought. MC used all of her momentum to push Taki once again onto his back, this time she had his arms pinned above his head.
“Every single word of it my love. It’s really hard to do anything though, in your current predicament.”
“Not as difficult as you think MC.”
MC felt Taki jerk upwards. Demonstrating that the blanket that kept them so modestly covered had long been forgotten, now bunched up on the floor. She was distracted. Taki used this as his opening.
He rolled them over again so he was once on top. Taki devised a new plan. He started to feverishly tickle her.
“Ahhhh, hahahahaha, Taki stop it, stop it, stop it! HAHAHAHAHA.”
“Not until you tell me what you were doing all morning, instead of waking me up for work.”
“Never will, hahaha, I, haha, tell, hahaha, you, HAHAHAHAHA.”
“Okay have it your way.”
Taki intensified his attack. He wanted to know what she was doing, but her melodic laughter would suffice for now.
MC tried to desperately get away to no avail.
“MC this could all be over if you just tell me what you were doing.”
He couldn’t help but laugh with her unrestrained laughter. It wouldn’t last much longer as MC decided her poor cramping stomach couldn’t take anymore.
“I WAS WATCHING YOU SLEEP! Now please stop, HAHA.”
Taki reduced his attack until there were no tickles left. He looked down at her teary eyes in wonder. He wiped her tears away and urged MC to go on.
“I got absorbed watching you sleep. How cute you looked asleep, how vulnerable you were. I got lost thinking about how much I love you and everything you are.”
“Did you now. Is that it?”
“No, I swear that’s it, please no more tickling.”
Taki leaned down and kissed MC passionately. They couldn’t tell where his mouth began and hers ended. He pulled back and said.
“No more tickling I promise.”
He gave her another sweet kiss.
“I have to give you a reward for being such a good girl.”
Wrapping her arms around Taki she questioned with a smile.
“What is it?”
“How about a whole morning of me expressing my love to you”
“Is that an invitation?”
“Do you want it to be?”
They leaned in for the most passionate kiss of the morning. Love in the air and in their gazes as they closed their eyes. A worse sound couldn’t have crashed through the air.
Briiiiing Briiiiiiiing Briiiiiiiiiiiiing
It was Taki’s phone. They both looked at each, they knew he needed to pick up that phone. Taki debated not answering it, he was already late, and he didn’t want to ruin this rare morning. MC was the first to speak.
“I love you Taki, answer it. Go on.”
“I love you too MC. Thank you.”
With a quick kiss, he rolled off of MC to grab it. He threw one arm around her while he answered.
“Hello, Taki Kozaki speaking.”
Such a perfect morning ruined by damn phones. MC thought first her phone was the culprit and now Taki’s. They couldn’t catch a break.
“Yes, yes, really. Oh well, I got a little caught up this morning.”
Taki raised his eyebrows at MC.
It sounded like they were questioning his whereabouts. After all, he didn’t attend his morning meeting. Sure to raise some red flags when the CEO doesn’t show up. MC was largely to blame for that, but she much preferred the morning she got with him instead of sending him off out the front door first thing in the morning.
“You need me badly. What happened?”
MC could just barely make out the voice on the other end of the phone. They needed him to come into work now. MC was visibly upset and Taki squeezed her to him, trying to reassure her. Her sadness didn’t last for long though. Not today, no way, nope, nope, nope, not today. They were not going to take her man away from her today. Especially after what she just went through.
“Okay, okay I’ll come right aw- MC!!”
MC climbed on top of Taki. She ripped his phone from his grasp, turned it off, and threw it on the couch across the room.
To say Taki was shocked was an understatement. He was wide eyed with his mouth open like a fish. Hehehe, he really does look like a fish.
“What’s so funny, MC they need me.”
“Just that you look like a fishy, with your mouth agape like that and your big wide eyes.”
Taki glared at her, while she laughed at her dumb joke.
“MC that is not funny I really need to go.”
Leaning down to place her hands on his chest she muttered. She used all her sex appeal to get him to go along with her.
“We’ve already come this far baby. Why can't you just stay with me today? We will just say you weren’t feeling well. Please!”
She danced her fingers up to his cheek, giving him her best puppy dog eyes.
Taki wasn’t sure. She didn’t give up trying to persuade him in the least.
“Besides i think the rich, handsome, sexy, powerful man laying beneath can go one day without going to work.
MC tried to swell his ego, but Taki rolled his eyes, trying to get out while he still could.
“No, babe. Not today.”
He tried to get up but she pushed him back down.
“Um that was not a request Mr. Kozaki.”
Taki sighed. MC was making this really difficult, she demanded something from him. How often does he get to see that? He felt his willpower disappearing.
“You’re really not going to let me go, are you?”
Her eyes gleamed like a childs. She gave him a quick kiss.
“Nope you are mine today, and that’s an order.”
Taki was stunned by her words. She was so full of surprises today. His naughty little minx was getting what she wanted, and boy was she good at doing it. That order snapped Taki’s last will of restraint. He flipped them over for the last time that day. He couldn’t wait to give her exactly what she was demanding of him. After all he loved when she bossed him around.
“God I love it when you’re greedy.”
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justjen523 · 7 years
10 Questions for Fic Writers: Writer’s Choice
The following questions are all about the writer’s opinions toward their own works. Drop a number in their inbox to learn more and show your support!
1. Which fic did you put the most work into and which did you put the least into? Be honest! 
     The most effort by far went into “A Bath With the Gods” I actually had to do extensive research to write some of the specific kinks.
2. Which sentence or paragraph is your favorite among those in the fics you’ve written? Why is it your favorite? 
     Probably would have to be the part in “Teaching You A Lesson” where Zyglavis explains the difference between gods and humans and why they consider us filthy. I totally pulled that out of my ass and it just seemed to fit so well that even I believed it.
3. Which of your fics has your favorite opening and which has your favorite ending?
      Favorite opening? A Fic I started and orphaned back on Ao3 called “From the Ashes”. It was a tragic emotional piece where all of the gods give their lives trying to protect the goddess from a foreign unknown and extremely powerful enemy.
4. If you had to share one fic with a family member, which fic would it be and why? 
     Nope. Wouldn’t share any of my works with my family. Why? They are all nuts and the last thing I want is having to explain details of my erotica around the campfire. I keep work and family separate. My Mom is the only exception, how that works out for me so well if a mystery to even me. 
5. Has a fic you’ve written ever inspired an idea for an original work? If so, which one? (Note: It might be best to not share information on the original work it inspired. Use your best judgment). 
     Yes. I have an entire world full of original characters and content. Sometime in the near future I will be creating a new tumblr featuring all of my own content. 
6. If you had to rewrite or heavily revise a fic, which would you choose and why?
     The story I never finished on Ao3, “From the Ashes.” It was meant to be a serious dramatic piece but I went in a direction I ended up not liking and it killed the story for me. I would totally love to redo that piece at some point.
7. Which fic do you believe you took the most creative liberty with and why?
     The Gods Children and everything associated with it. While it draws from Star-Crossed Myth it is essentially all of my own content regarding the creation of the next generation. A lot of time, research, and effort went into creating thirteen brand new original characters with their own personalities and then weaving them into the SCM Universe. 
8. If you could have an artist create fan art for any of your fics, which would it be and why? 
     Again without a doubt “From the Ashes”. There is an incredible scene where Leon and Zyglavis are the last two remaining and they unveil a sacred secret that no one other than themselves and the King knew. Their true identities as the Kings right and left hand only to be awakened if all else failed and their world had fallen. Zyglavis, the Angel of Death and Leon, the Angel of Life. The idea and concept of this is strictly my own and an idea I have been wanting to develop a fiction around for a long time. You get to witness it all in “From the Ashes” but again, I didn’t like where I took the story after the grand Apocalypse. 
9. If you could be recognized for only one fic, which would it be and why?
     It depends. If it’s strictly SCM and I had to choose from what I have put out so far than it would have to be “The Gods Children”. I’m very proud at how much has gone into it and all that is yet to come.
10. Which of your fics do you wish more people would talk to you/ask questions about and why? Be honest!
     Honestly, I don’t feel like that’s an issue for me. People have always been pretty direct about my works and always ask if there is something they don’t understand, or want to see more of. I’m grateful for the comments and support I get from everyone, I have no complaints or wants.
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truelovevoltage · 4 years
Sad Past (Part 1) - Tauxolouve
“Anonymous said: And for tau, he notice that mc doesn't talk and would only draw in her book. Feeling curious he peek in her book while she asleep and saw sad pictures. Before he could look more, mc had an nightmare. After waking up he confront her she was hesitant but told him that she and her parents were poor yet happy family. One day when her parents found a job, they didn't realize that the job they got was shady until it was too late. They were killed in front of her. He and mc got close and end up fallen in love.”
Tauxolouve found Y/N very intriguing and wanted to get to know her more. She was the only one who would ignore his advances the first time he met her. He thinks that there’s a reason why but he wasn’t going to push Y/N for answers. He was going to befriend her first, take one step at a time rather than asking her right away. 
The main reason why Y/N doesn’t talk that much was because of her past. Something traumatic happened when she was young and never spoke out about it. She was afraid that if she got close to people, they would also end up like her parents. She wasn’t ready to deal with another heartbreak just like that. She wouldn’t be able to bare it, if history repeats itself. 
It still haunts her every day and she hated the system between the rich and the poor. If only her family wasn’t poor she would still have her parents right now, she would have someone see her grow up and watch her become a successful woman. 
She remembered it clearly how happy her parents were when they announced that they found a job and it paid well. They were finally getting themselves up and slowly making their way out of the poor zone. At first the tasks were very simple and easy but as months passed by, her parents started to hesitate that they took this job. 
When her parents wanted to call it quits, they were too late. There was no way out and they were in too deep into the business to walk away like that. They knew that even if they left now, there is no way that their boss is going to let them get away with everything they know about the business alive. 
Her parents knew that and they needed to act smart and would slowly pack up their things whenever they came home from work. Y/N started to notice the sudden change in her parents actions. They were started to feel paranoid. 
But as the weeks pass by Y/N notice that there were a few men that would watch her every single move. She felt a little bit uncomfortable about the extra eyes on her and told her parents about it during dinner. Upon hearing that her parents dropped their utensils and headed straight to their closet and packed more clothes. “Y/N you won’t understand it now but you need to leave. Run as fast as possible away from here and do not look for us okay? There are men after our lives for no reason but this is because of the mess that your father and I got into.” 
Y/N’s mom tried to explain to her everything and when they heard the knock on their door, they had a theory that this maybe their last night together as a family. The knocks on the door became louder and more aggressive. Y/N was able to escape from the back door and could help but cry. She knew that she shouldn’t go back but if she didn’t have her parents, then what’s the point of living now? 
She ran back knowing that she could also die, but her parents needed her at this time. She hid by the trees and saw her parents kneeling down and their hands tied behind their back. Just then a two gun fires were shot. Covering her mouth she cried, she knew she shouldn’t make a noise. There was nothing left for her. 
It was very traumatizing for Y/N to see her parents get killed in front of her. She regretted not speaking up then, she regretted that she wasn’t able to protect her parents and for what reason? Because they were poor? They didn’t have enough money or power unlike the rich and therefore her parents were eliminated just like that? 
Since then Y/N couldn’t express her words out loud anymore, she prefers to draw out her feelings. It was her way of destressing or getting it out there, all her frustration, sadness, and loneliness all sketched up in her book. 
One day Tauxolouve saw Y/N under a tree. She fell asleep, well who wouldn’t? The breeze outside was very relaxing and sitting under the shaded cool tree was very comforting. She didn’t even know that she fell asleep. 
He slowly took he sketchbook and he was mesmerized by it. All her drawings had a very dark feeling to it with a little bit of sadness. There was a picture of a house in the woods where there were two figures kneeling down, he didn’t know what but this picture spoke to him loud and clear. As if it happened in real life.
While Tauxolouve was scanning through the sketchbook, Y/N was having a nightmare. It was the same nightmare she’d get at least three times in a month. “No.” She whispered as tears rolled down her face. 
Tauxolouve didn’t know that seeing Y/N like this would hurt him. He’d rather have her ignore him than seeing her cry like this. Y/N stirred awake and saw Tauxolouve with her sketchbook and snatched it away from him. “I’m sorry for looking through your sketchbook without your permission. But may I ask why you only draw sad pictures? When it comes to art, there are meanings behind him and most people express what their feeling through drawing. I know that you may not answer me this time, but if you’re ready, I’ll be here to listen.” 
It took many tries for Tauxolouve to get Y/N open up to him and that was fine. He meant what he said when he was going to wait until she was ready to tell him. Of course he wasn’t expecting her to open up to him right away but after a half a year of just trying to get to know her more, Y/N finally told him the reason. 
In the six month time, Y/N took her own baby steps of trying to talk more. She wanted to escape from the leash that holding her back and when she was finally told Tauxolouve about her past and her trauma, she felt free. She was free from her leash and thanked Tauxolouve for his time and patience. 
Althought it was still too early to tell. Y/N knew that Tauxolouve is going to play a big part in her life and this time, instead of pushing him away, she will hold on to him. She’s going to learn from her mistake and fight this time. 
On Tauxolouve point of view, he wanted to find who did this to you and he will stop at nothing. He couldn’t forgive them for breaking a woman like you, and they will indeed pay for the trouble they’ve caused.
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muselin · 7 years
Hearth - Day 1: Midnight Visitor (Huedhaut/MC)
This is a request for @juliettebbgamer who wanted a Hue/MC story. I wanted to challenge myself with this because Huedhaut is one of the gods I find it hardest to relate to, and this somewhat backfired on me. It was harder to write than anything I’ve done and it’s not finished yet. I will be posting the other parts as I complete them.
The premise: a winter tale in a remote mountain village in the buildup to the New Year. Hue chooses this time to go to Earth and see who his goddess has become, but instead of a short anonymous trip he ends up spending one week with her new incarnation isolated in a cabin. Will he recognise her for who she is now? What will she think of this mysterious stranger who’s turned up at her door?
Her breath came out in thick white plumes as she rubbed her hands together. It was cold in the cabin and she was alone, having arrived before her friends.
They’d rented out the cabin for a week for the holidays, planning to spend the time together and return on New Year’s Day. They’d agreed for her to go a day before everyone else since her holiday began earlier, and make sure that everything necessary had been delivered to the cabin like they’d asked: firewood, bedding for the four bunk beds, towels and groceries for the week. She didn’t mind taking care of all that, she enjoyed feeling useful.
However, when she arrived the cabin was far from the condition it was supposed to be in. No firewood, no bedding, only bare mattresses and pillows and only one old towel. Not one for pessimism, she was grateful it was at least clean.
It was a small village in the mountains that she lived near. She’d spent a summer there once but since then the village had become unrecognizable. Hardly any residents had remained and the cabins around the one she’d rented were all empty. Thankfully the only shop in the village still operated and she managed to buy some food.
Now she was looking around for firewood in the cold, underfurnished cabin, hoping there would at least be matches or a lighter left somewhere since the shop hadn’t had any. She found none of the three.
The sharp noise of her phone ringing cut through the quiet and she jumped.
“Hi sweetie,” the voice of her friend greeted her from the other side.
“Hey, what time do you guys get here tomorrow? There’s been a couple problems here. Tell the guys to bring firewood, there isn’t any here.”
“Yeah… about that. I don’t suppose you’ve heard the news yet..?..,” her friend’s unsure voice worried her.
“No, I only get one bar of signal here and you know my car doesn’t have a radio. What happened?”
“We… uh… we won’t be able to come over at all. There were warnings of a flash blizzard and it’s already started. Apparently the road to the village has already been closed and they won’t send snow ploughs until the snow stops.”
“Oh…,” she fidgeted with the gloves in her lap, “Hiyori, I can’t access the news from here. When is the snow expected to stop?”
The couple seconds of tense silence from the other side did nothing to alleviate her growing nervousness.
“They don’t know… At the moment it’s looking like at least four days… And the ploughs will take at least another two to clear the road. The road won’t be accessible until at least New Year’s Day.”
“I’m so sorry, honey! I wish we could have come so that you wouldn’t be stuck there alone!”
“It’s alright, Hiyori, we couldn’t have foreseen this. Hello? Hello?”
She looked at her phone to be greeted by the “No Signal” icon.
“Great… Completely cut off from the world now…”
The prospect of being stuck alone in the freezing cabin for a week suddenly became reality and sent a wave of anxiety that left her restless.
She went to the door, determined to go back to the shop to ask the owner if he could spare any firewood but as soon as she opened the door she changed her mind. Snow was already falling heavily, blanketing everything in sight white. Resigned, she decided to wait out the first night, cold as it was, then wait for a break in the blizzard to go back out to the shop and try to convince the owner to give her or sell her some of his own firewood since the shop didn’t sell it from stock.
The hours trickled on slowly as the light faded and gave way to night. She had bundled herself up in all the clothes she could put on, using the rest as bedding and the towel as a blanket, and spent the time with the book she’d brought. The original intent was to read a bit before bed each night but now it seemed the book would be her only company all week.
The quiet was unnerving, broken only by the occasional creak of the ceiling boards under the weight of the piling snow and the whistling of the wind outside. She took a break from reading to eat one of the sandwiches she’d bought and switch on the lights. The lights in the cabin worked but were very weak, forcing her to strain her eyes to keep on reading. Soon enough the effort became too much and she felt her eyelids become heavy.
She put the book on the floor next to the lower bunk bed she’d chosen to sleep in and huddled in, trying to get warm enough to sleep. She was tired but the cold was just enough to keep her awake, a mild torture added to the already uncomfortable surroundings. She let her mind wander and eventually, her thoughts became vague dreams as she drifted in and out of a light sleep.
She gasped, startled at the sudden noise and bolted upright. Fear was the first emotion that struck through her body and she willed herself to calm down and rationalise.
She glanced at her phone which blinked zeros, signifying midnight.
The knocking continued, not very loud but insistent and she willed herself to step towards the door.
“Who is it?”
Her voice shook but she managed to get the words out.
“Terribly sorry to trouble you at this hour. I was hoping you might have blankets I could borrow?”
The male voice on the other side of the door jarred her in a good way. It was deep, smooth and calm, the stranger’s words polite but hopeful. It calmed her racing heart and she opened the door.
“Oh, sorry Sir but I’m afraid I don’t have any….”
The words died on her lips when she came face to face with the man on the other side.
She was certain that he had to be the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen. Tall, slim but well-built, with hair that was nearly black but still had tints of blue in the dim light, and his eyes… His eyes pierced her and time seemed to stop for a few long moments. His eyes were calm yet intense at the same time, a painfully beautiful shade of sapphire blue. He looked almost otherworldly and she realised she was staring, quickly averting her eyes in embarrassment. Yet, despite his decidedly unusual, attractive but unfamiliar appearance, a feeling rose up in her chest, making her rib cage feel too narrow. The feeling that somehow, somewhere, she’d seen him before.
His gentle voice forced her to look at him again and this time she noticed that he was far too underdressed for the weather. He wore a simple white and grey striped button-down over what looked like a V-neck white t-shirt.
“Oh goodness, you’ll freeze like that! Hurry, come on in while I look through my stuff. I might have something you could borrow.”
He raised his eyebrows in mild surprise, appearing not to expect to be invited in. As the wind outside blew in a particularly bone-chilling gust, he didn’t question her and stepped inside the cabin.
“That was not entirely necessary but I’m grateful regardless,” the stranger said with a hint of a smile.
She looked at him for a moment, taken aback by the remark. It sounded a bit rude but she didn’t read much into it.
“Oh.. well I thought it was preferable to making you wait outside in that blizzard.”
She left him to his own devices as she switched the lights back on. In an unfortunate coincidence, three of the four lights buzzed ominously, flickered a few times and went dark. A solitary light near the bunk beds was left weakly illuminating the cabin.
“Damn it,” she whispered tensely, flicking the switch on and off again.
“I doubt they’ll come back on the fifth time if they haven’t come back on the first four.”
She gave him a poorly-concealed look of slight offence.
“Well… I’m just going to find you something warm to put on.”
She rummaged through the clothes in her backpack, eventually pulling out a fleece-lined blue hoodie. It was too big on her and she thought it might fit him.
“Here, put that on,” she said, handing it to him.
He looked her in the eyes as he took it.
“You know, I never asked your name,” she added as she laid more clothes on the bed to add to the warm pile she’d been sleeping in.
“I’m Huedhaut.”
“Come again?”
She blinked blankly, the name having gone over her head.
“Hued-haut,” he said slower. “Hue to you though, to make sure it sticks.”
“That’s okay, I’ll remember it, Huedhaut,” she said a bit coldly, having caught his slightly patronising remark.
“I suppose I should be on my way and leave you to your book then,” Huedhaut said, glancing to the book which she had left haphazardly splayed open on the floor, “And thank you for this.”
“Are you staying in the village?”
“No, I was just passing through,” he replied as he headed for the door. When he opened it, she noticed that the snow outside was now knee-deep and the blizzard was showing no signs of letting up.
“Wait, Huedhaut!”
“Haven’t you heard? All the roads have been closed. You won’t be able to leave.”
“Well that is a tad inconvenient,” he said sarcastically, seeming to choose his words carefully.
“Do you have anywhere to stay in the village?”
“I don’t. Like I said, I was just passing through. I wasn’t intending to stay.”
“Well…,” she hesitated, looking up at him, “You could stay here for tonight and we’ll see how things are in the morning. Is that acceptable?”
Huedhaut finally looked at her, seeming to deliberate. Something in her eyes made him lean in closer, trying to see in the dim light.
She looked away, slightly embarrassed at their closeness, but Huedhaut reached to put a hand on her shoulder, making her look back at him in surprise.
“You… You still have her stars in your eyes…,” he whispered, his face suddenly lighting up in disbelief. “Her stars…”
“Excuse me?”
He blinked, as if suddenly remembering something, and let her go abruptly.
“Pardon me, I… I just got confused for a moment.”
He closed the door, the sound of the howling blizzard outside quieting down.
“I’d like to stay, thank you for the offer.”
“Oh, you’re welcome. You can pick one of the beds and I’ll give you some of my things to keep warm. I just arrived here today actually, I was meant to be here with my friends but they couldn’t make it past the road closures. We were meant to stay here until New Year’s Day.”
“So you would have stayed here alone had I not shown up?”
She smiled sarcastically.
“Not much choice in the matter. I have food, clothes and toiletries for the week, what I don’t have is any means to heat this place. The owners were meant to leave firewood for the week but they haven’t, and I couldn’t find any.”
“Hmm, perhaps in the morning we can ask around the neighbouring cabins.”
“They’re all empty,” she said.
“Oh? Then perhaps some of them have weak locks,” Huedgaut quipped, smirking.
“Um… Did I make a mistake inviting you in here,” she said, her face darkening in suspicion. He might have been a thief or a burglar after all. You could never be too careful with people.
“Why, I’m offended,” he feigned, raising an arm dramatically. “I don’t take pleasure from breaking and entering, but given the circumstances, we might freeze to death if we don’t bend our morals just slightly.”
She didn’t say anything more but only nodded. Then she gave a few sweaters to Huedhaut to cover himself for the night and she got into her own bunk.
“What do you intend to do all week here, then,” Huedhaut asked as he adjusted the pillow on the lower bunk across from hers.
“There isn’t much to do. My friends were going to bring games to play, we were going to go for walks, sit around the fire and just have a good time. Since none of that is happening though, I suppose I’ll just have to spend the time reading.”
“Luckily I also have a book with me. I’d be interested to read yours too, if you’ll lend it to me in exchange for mine.”
“Deal,” she said.
“You sound tired,” Huedhaut pointed out as he lay down, bundling up in the sweaters she’d given him.
“That’s because I am,” she yawned. Unexplicably, she felt herself relaxed in Huedhaut’s presence. There was something very calming about him and she felt safe.
“You should sleep.”
“I’m sorry, it would have been polite to ask you more about yourself but I’m just so tired for some reason.”
“Rest now, there will be time to talk tomorrow,” Huedhaut said, his deep voice taking on a surprising gentle tone, almost sounding familial.
“There’s food on the counter if you’re hungry,” she said instead of good night. By her breathing, Huedhaut could tell that she was asleep a minute after she said that.
He listened to the even sounds and took in the cabin. Plain, with a table and chairs, the bunk beds, a kitchenette and a small bathroom. The wood floors were unlacquered and so were the walls. It gave the cabin a rustic look which he suspected was intended to be appreciated with a fire crackling in the fireplace, but unfortunately appeared drab instead with the weak lighting and the bitter cold. Her backpack and snow boots were at the side of her bed and her book now lay at the side of her pillow.
Huedhaut made sure she was asleep, then quietly snapped his fingers and switched off the light. He had no need for sleep but he knew that even if he did, he wouldn’t be able to rest tonight. He’d seen them. The stars in her eyes. She was his goddess. Yes, she wore a different face and didn’t remember him, but her soul was there. Her beautiful essence he’d falled in love with that brought her to life. He could feel his heart beating fast from how close she was.
It had been so long. All he wanted to do was reach out and touch her. But he could not. He’d have to be satisfied with watching her sleeping form tonight. He propped himself up, looking over her face. It looked peaceful as she slept, undisturbed. His goddess wore a different face but even this unfamiliar face was beautiful. The hours trickled by as his eyes never left her.
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