#It was giving me creepy uncle vibes and I am so glad they did not do what I thought they were going to do here
lord-aldhelm · 10 months
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Aldhelm | The Last Kingdom 5.04 (Part 1)
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Six. Part 3
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Chris is annoying as fuck, smiling at me like an asshole he is “nigga fuck you” I really have the urge to get the fuck outta here and sleep in a bed; I am sleeping on the chair “I am sleeping on this for you and you keep smiling at me!? Don’t make me angry Maurice” Chris laughed out “don’t you’re going to make me be in pain, you know. Ever since being with you, like including everything we been through. No matter what; I’ve always just been happy in life, I do wake up thanking god for you. You make me laugh always, you made me cry, that’s happened a few times. But you really do make me the happiest” he’s so soppy sometimes “are you done?” Chris’ face fell, he fully expected me to be all mushy with him too “what do you want?” I asked, “some nipple in my mouth please?” I scoffed “I am joking Chris; it means a lot. I’ve always said I admired how much your mom and dad were perfect, I’ve always wanted that, and I have found that in you” Chris grinned “I wouldn’t say my parents are perfect, my parents do be on some shit. The thing is I don’t know what they really be like; they kept their arguments behind closed doors, so do we. Sometimes” Chris cringed “oh god, when we had a disagreement and Rylee said can I live with mom, that was so cheeky” Chris pulled a face “she is your daughter through and through, I can’t even deal half of the time. That girl is going to give me an early death, I know it. She is you all over and I feel Tianna is not far behind either” smirking at Chris “what can I say, my mini me’s” I shrugged “shuffle the chair over, rest your legs on my lap and just try and sleep” that is a good point actually, getting up from the chair “you want my shoes off? Well my sneakers” he nodded his head smiling, he honestly loves my feet. I still find that fetish creepy and weird to have, shuffling the chair forward. Sitting back down, I am close enough to him “give me a kiss” leaning over to him, pecking his lips taking my sneakers off as I did “man, I love you. I am actually so lucky to have you, wild” he is full of compliments today “I am not sucking your dick” lifting my legs up and placing them over his legs “you sure?” What if he is in pain “more than sure” resting my legs “socks off now, come on” rolling my eyes, of course his nasty ass wants my socks off “I will still not be over the fact you like feet, years later too” Chris of course took my socks off “I don’t, and correction just your feet” years later and he’s in denial still, he flung my socks off.
Chris is so funny to me; this nigga really fell asleep with my foot in his hand. But we slept, well tried too but I got woken up by my phone ringing, my daughters have complaints. I mean I barely left them a full twenty four hours and they have complaints, they haven’t even ate breakfast and they are complaining “are you done? Give Rajad the phone” I swear my brother makes it worse “you’re in trouble, momo, grandma!!” Tianna shouted, that place seems busy “you wanted me” Rajad said down the phone “a grown ass man annoying kids? Really, boy. I will beat yo ass up, leave my daughters alone. I promised they could go and shop” Rajad laughed down the phone “I was teasing! We are actually taking them out for breakfast, they are just mad because I woke them. You can’t be taking up for them?” Kids “not exactly but I like peace, they woke up to tell me you’re annoying them. Just be nice to them; what is mother doing? She isn’t angry at them?” I hope not “she’s getting Imani dressed, Imani looks dressed. She’s getting her hair braided” oh god “right, just put the phone down. I need peace” Rajad laughed “see you soon” he put the phone down, Chris is awake too “you done?” Moving my phone back from my ear grinning “mhmm never, man. I feel like shit now” he said groggily “thank you for staying with me, I know it was uncomfortable for you, but you did it for me. I love you” he is so cute, my poppa “I got you, you know that” I need to use the bathroom “you been thinking about that boy? I want to name him Jim” moving my legs back, shaking my head laughing “be quiet” talking out of his ass now, stretching my body out “I think my lung is better” so he says “stop talking shit maybe it will then” getting up from the chair “I’m just going to use the bathroom” I am so damn tired.
It’s kind of nasty and weird how they have a line in my husband’s chest, it’s just so cleanly done too. Maybe I should stop staring but it’s just weird to see like that: I hope the tube is taken out today, but the way Chris is feeling, he’s not well now and I don’t like that “getting you a bodyguard now” Chris looked up from his lap “why?” He questioned like he doesn’t need one “don’t say why when you know this happened” he can be so stupid at times “but that’s a babysitter, I’m good with that” is he serious “don’t give me that shit Chris, I really don’t want to hear that at all. I am going to get you a bodyguard and I don’t give a shit what you say” he is getting me mad now “family!” TJ spat as he walked in, oh he would be here “aye, Camron. You bought uncle some good food?” Chris’ eyes lit up but mine on the other hand didn’t, like why is he even here when I didn’t ask for him “I got you the favourites” he held up gummy bears, I huffed out looking away from them and at Chris “give me a hug then” Chris said “Camron was so upset when he heard about you” forgot Camron my kids were upset, crossing my arms across my chest “thank you! The new basketball player” Chris hugged him with such happiness, but I am just pissed to be honest “look at this uncle” Camron took his jacket off and turned around “Lakers top too! You know how to make me smile” I want to gag; he has my husband’s surname on that top like give it a rest. I am in a bad mood now. Just giving me all over nasty vibes from TJ, I am angered that he managed to take his SUV, forget that it’s not even the point, it’s how my husband is giving, like he’s giving so much to him. Helped him move to LA literally gave him the Black Pyramid business but went for a joyride in a car that wasn’t his, I’m pissed. Chris is staring at Camron like a son, even got him into the same private school as my girls, oh TJ doesn’t need to put his hand in his pocket, it’s on my husband dime now. I need to relax “hi auntie” staring at Camron “hi, Chris I’m going to get some air” getting up from the seat “ok” side eyeing him, now it’s ok that I go but when his family was here it was don’t go. Let me just go and get some air.
Sighing out, closing the door behind me “stay here Frank; I don’t need the protection. I’m just gonna be close” walking off, on top of that Chris is denying a bodyguard, I will go crazy on him if he doesn’t proceed to fucking listen to me “oh” I said seeing Mel, she smiled at me “all better now?” I asked “uh what, I just come now. What is it, you’re angered by me” I like that she sees it, because I am “you lied, you said to Chris you were unwell? But you were fine, you went for some food? With fucking TJ of all people, you know what how could you. You fucking knew! You knew how shit goes Melissa. You know that my husband needed that, you ain’t dumb. You been in this game with me, and then you lied to me!?” I am barking now “well he fucking gave it Robyn, he’s an adult. He wanted his friend and nephew to have the car, the fuck? And what is wrong with TJ?” She questioned “what is right with him, he lives in Chris’ ass crack that is what, Chris took him from pillar to post, he still till this day doesn’t know how to run a business. Chris did it all, you know what, Chris gives and gives and gives and not once has TJ, as a man said Chris, let me pay for my son school. Oh no, and on top of that his basketball academy? It’s a free ride and honestly, I am just sick. Leave me be” walking off “but didn’t I ride you?” Mel said behind me “no you were there for me when I needed a friend, I didn’t pay for that Mel, when have I ever paid you? He’s there when it’s convenient, let’s not forget the same person that had sex with his ex. So unstable” I just can’t be bothered, if Mel wants to call herself a free ride then she can but I don’t have the time to care for what she got to say.
Mel slowly came into the waiting room, I think she has been waiting out there for a while now, but I am calm somewhat anyways, I am just annoyed that she lied, why lie “are you done?” she asked, rolling my eyes “you are being very temperamental about TJ you know” I am glad she pointed out the obvious “that is because if I lost my husband you think I would want any of you near me? I am sick of Chris being hurt or led astray, it’s just unbearable to think I could have lost him, it’s not his fault but things are just annoying me now” Mel sat down “I can tell you are annoyed, look I didn’t think ok” waving her off “but if that was me you wouldn’t have taken that SUV, you never would! Forget that you wouldn’t have gone for a meal! With that dumbass anyways, so why do it to Chris and just lie to him, don’t be lying in my husband either” Mel kissed her teeth “You’re really in a shit mood” my phone started ringing, picking my phone out of my sweatpants pocket, seeing my mother is calling. Answering the phone “hi mommy” I hope my girls are being good “I just thought I would let you know we are coming to see you soon, is it ok?” I cooed out “yes of course, bring my babies. How long?” Just so I can tell Chris “I would say twenty minutes Robbie” I know my girls are so excited to see their daddy.
I thought I would come back into the room and just wait on the girls to come, I mean I know I am being so fucking awkward right now and I know Chris feels it because he keeps asking I am ok, I feel like saying no I am not ok but I won’t, I don’t want to upset Chris “you know you got to be a big brother to my girls, so I mean like you don’t let any nigga near them at all” Camron nodded his head “Tianna and Rylee run the school, because their mom is Rihanna everyone always says how is your mom. There is this boy that likes Rylee a lot, he follows her around and she is always telling him go away, I told him to not go near her” Chris has already started “see, this is why I needed a son first” Chris looked at me “well he has two dads” I added which I am right “Chris is a good guy, I appreciate him” TJ said “I wish people would give him the same treatment” it’s funny that, let me just stop “come on girls” oh my babies are here, I can hear my mom. The door opened “awww Christopher” my mother said, she pushed the door open wider “come on now” my smile grew, like I know they are excited to see Chris “where are they?” Chris said, oh they are being so shy “right, what did we say? Now you either come in together or I will have to come there” my mother said, Rylee popped her head around “come on now” I said to her, she went back again “momo one minute” Rylee said, I sweat these girls need to hurry up “ready!” Rylee spat, they walked in one by one holding hands “oh my god, what?” Rylee grinned so wide with flowers in hand, it’s Imani at the end stomping for me, she just makes me smile “they wanted to get flowers for you and chocolates, and what Imani is dragging on the floor” my daughters buying their dad gifts “dad what is that” oh yeah they need to be careful they will end up pulling something out “be careful now girls” Chris is so choked up “y’all making me cry now” he said wiping his tears.
They already giving Christmas gift now “girls, I thought you waiting to give that?” grabbing Imani’ arm before she attacked Chris “we think daddy deserves it now” nodding my head, I guess they want to give it now “Imani, let me pick you up. You got to be careful with your dad” picking up my pumpkin “oh wow, mamacita. Look at you mami” Chris said, Imani wants to climb on Chris, but I won’t allow it “I love you baby, yes I know” she is so happy to see him “love you dad, I miss you. I sit here please” she is not sitting anywhere near him “Imani you can’t, give daddy a kiss” leaning her closer to Chris, Imani kissed Chris’ cheek “I love daddy” moving Imani back and taking her with me, sitting next to my girls “I go there mommy” sitting Imani on my lap “no, you sit here and be good” Chris looks so taken a back “are you coming home dad? Are you in pain?” Tianna asked “just a little pain but I am ok, and I am going to come home of course, I have missed you all so much. I am so shocked with the flowers, you did better then your mom. She has been boring me” Chris rolled his eyes “mom has been so sad though, she cried” rolling my eyes “not anymore” I mumbled “but honestly, you have spoilt me so much. Got me crying, look at you all” Rylee pointed at Chris’ chest “what is that?” she pointed at the tube “this is because I am unwell, this is to make me better” the door opened “Chris Brown?” this nurse walked in “we are here to take you for a scan” oh yeah I forgot that was happening “where you taking my dad?” Rylee asked “oh no, baby I will be back then I can open my present, don’t worry about it” the girls are overprotective.
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fangirlinsweden · 4 years
Noticing ~ Part 10
Part 10 ~  Tired, dictionary and Halloween (October)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: Swearing, frustrating Steve, kind of angsty sometimes.
Wordcount: About 2500 words
Summary:  Y/N is in love with Steve, but she is afraid to tell him. So she tries to show him by using Cheesy Pickup lines. Will he ever notice her?
A/N: This is written for @buckysmischief​  Gab’ s 1k writing challenge.
This takes place after Endgame, But Steve did not leave the future. Nat and Tony are still alive.
Almost all pickup-lines are lines I have found on the internet. Some I have adjusted a bit to fit the storyline more.
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It was at the beginning of October and you were walking to the gym in the morning not quite awake yet. Nat had insisted on your training early. You meet Steve at the door to the gym and you walk smack into his chest. You are about to land on the floor when Steve takes a hold of you. “Sorry Sweetheart,” Steve smiles at you. "You're the bee's knees, Captain,” is all that you can get out. Because meeting Steve when you were not expecting and feeling like a zombie. And Steve was wearing a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt that made your head spin. Steve throws his head back laughing. You blush and bite your lip. He wished you a good walk out and walks away from you. You look at his ass as he walked away. Then you turn around to walk into the gym only to find Peter standing behind you. His gaze on you makes you blush.  “Are you flirting with Captain America,” Peter asked you. A question you wanted to avoid.  “No..” you say then you sigh again. “Yes, okay. I am flirting with Steve. Please don’t tell anyone.” “The secret is safe with me,” Peter smiles at you. “But I think you should talk with him instead. He does not seem to be a man that notices when women flirt with him.” With that he leaves you alone in the hallway. You groan and walk to the gym.  
The month goes fast because of all the missions the team had been on. You had seen Steve very little because you had not gone on many missions with him. Instead, you had been on smaller missions with Nat and/ or Bucky. That had meant that when you were at the compound Steve had been away on missions and when you were away he had been at the compound. But finally, you were both at the compound at the same time. It was Sunday and you wanted to see him. Talk to him and flirt with him. You found him in the library, sitting in the window seat looking out while sketching in a sketchbook. The sight makes you smile and you stop in the doorway just admiring how relaxed Steve looked. You walked towards Steve and judging by the small smile on Steve’s face he knew he no longer was alone, but he kept sketching. You lean over to see what he is sketching and there were no words to describe it. A sketch of Tony and Morgan playing together in the leaves that had fallen. Steve was using the coloured sketching pens that you had gotten him for his birthday. He had sketched it so the leaves were in colour and the rest was black and white. “There isn't a word in the dictionary for how fantastic you are,” you say to Steve and press a kiss to his cheek. Steve blushes but continues sketching. You sit down opposite to him in the window seat and look out on Tony and Morgan. It was so a happy view and you were thankful that this was your family. The silence between Steve and you were comfortable and after a while, you got up and fetched a book to read. What you did not notice was that Steve finished his sketch of Tony and Morgan and that he had chosen you as his new motive. He had a smile on his face the whole time he was sketching you, but you were too consumed by your book to notice.  
Does anyone even need to question if Tony Stark throws a Halloween party? Because of course he does, and he forces everyone to dress up. Of those on the team that did not know what to dress up as or that had no ideas on their own, got their costumes chosen by Morgan and went shopping for costumes with Tony. You had come up with your costume by yourself, based on your favourite movie when you were younger. You were going as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, but you had chosen sparkly red high heels instead of flats and you had painted your lips cherry red. Wanda had helped you with your hair, so it looked almost like Dorthy's in the movie. You had your basket and in it was a stuffed dog that looked like Toto from the movie. You loved the costume and know that it would be deemed less revealing than some of the other women at the party would be wearing. Not that you cared, you wanted to be true to yourself. Nat was going as the Devil with Red horns and red tail, and a red tight catsuit. And Wanda was dressed as Disney’s Snow White with a long dress on that was a copy of the dress from the movie. She also has a stuffed bird on her shoulder that would start singing if you touched its feathers. It was Morgan's idea what Wanda should dress at and it was a fitting choice for her. You deemed yourself hot as hell before you left your room together. Since Tony had announced two weeks before that the team needed a break and some fun together and that he was throwing a mandatory Halloween party, you were wondering what Steve was going to come as. You knew that Morgan had chosen costumes for Steve, Bruce, Tony and Pepper, but she had kept it a secret.  When you walk into the party the first thing you see is Tony dressed as Peter Pan. It was so fitting for the man that had not really been wanting to ever grow up.  Pepper stood beside him dressed and Wendy and deep inside you just knew that somewhere was Morgan dressed as Tinkerbell.  “Auntie Y/N,” you heard Morgan yell and as you thought Morgan dressed as Tinkerbell came running up to you. You caught her in your arms and lifted her into the air. “Aren't you just the cutest Thinkerbell,” you winked at Morgan and she started giggling. You dropped her down and she motioned with her finger for you to come closer so you did. You crushed down and she hugged you close. “You can thank me for uncle Steve's costume later,” She whispered in your ear before she ran over to her father and gave him a high-five. Wanda and Nat were trying to keep in their laughs, but it was obvious that Morgan had not whispered as quietly as you had wished.  “Don’t say a word,” you tell them before you start looking around the party. You saw Sam, dressed as a firefighter. You laugh and nudge Wanda and then you point to Sam when you see her reaction you start to laugh. Sam as a fireman was really hot, there was no denying it. You walk to the bar together and order drinks. All the waiters were dressed as pirates. After getting your drinks you start looking around the party to see Steve, but so far you hadn't seen him. You see Morgan walking around the party talking to people and she seems like she is having a good time.  “Well, hello, there Dorothy,” you hear a voice say behind you. A small part of you hoped it would be Steve, but you did not recognize the voice. And you were right. It was a man you had never seen before. He was looking you up and down. Even though your dress was not revealing you felt undressed. Nat takes a hold of your hand and drags you behind her. “Not interested,” she says and the man is going to say something when Bucky comes over. He is dressed as a Dodger baseball player.  “Walk away,” he says and the man leaves. “Thank you, Bucky,” you give him a hug. “That man was creepy.” “I did not get good vibes out of him,” Wanda agreed. Nat nods and then you change the subject. Then you hear a laugh that you recognize and you turn around to see Steve. Your jaw almost drops to the floor. Steve was dressed as a cop, a hot fucking cop. There are so many thoughts going through your head and not a single one of them innocent. Morgan skipped up to you. “You are welcome,” She says loud and clear and skipped away. Nat, Wanda and Bucky double over with laughter and Steve look over to you. He smiles at you and you give a small wave and a smile before you turn to your friends. “This is not funny,” You matter to them. “Sweetie, I would love to know what was going through your head when you saw him,” Nat is trying to stop laughing.  “No, you really don’t,” you look down on the floor. Bucky nudges you. “Go talk to him,” he encourages you and Wanda nodes. So you take your drink to go over to Steve. He was talking to Bruce, who was dressed as Buzz Lightyear. Another costume that Morgan had decided if you knew her right. Although when Bruce sees you coming he walks away from Steve.  “You're such a treat that I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me,” you say to Steve when you are standing behind him. He turns around and smiles at you. “Are you sure you are not talking about you,” Steve winks back. It makes you blush. “I am glad that someone came as a character I know.” Steve tugs lightly in one of your braids. You start talking about Wizard of Oz, one of your favourite movies growing up and a movie that Steve had seen in the cinema before the war. Soon Wanda, Nat, Bucky and Sam joined you. You talked about movies and having a great time. It was hard for you not to focus on Steve. He had always been good looking, but that cop uniform, it did things to you. It gave you a lot of dirty thoughts, and as the evening progressed it did not get better. Nat and Wanda dragged you out on the dance floor, so you handed Steve your basket with Toto and went out to the dancefloor with them. You did not care who was looking, the three of you were just having a great time. Then all the sudden there was a pair of hands on your hips and a body was grinding against you. That was all it took for you to turn stamp hard on the man's foot. You turned around and it was the man from before. You saw Bucky and Steve take a step forward but you hold up a finger.  “I never gave you permission to touch me,” you look at the man. “I am not interested in you, so please get the hell away from me.”  “Oh, girl nobody dances like that without wanting to be touched,” The man smirks at you. Bucky and Steve take another step forward. “I take it that you still don't get it,” you had to keep Nat back. “Get away from me or I will let them,” you tilt your head to the side where Bucky, Steve, Sam and Thor stood watching. “Take care of you.” The man swallows and walks away from you. Steve walks over to you. “Are you okay?” He looks concerned. You see Thor and Bucky escort the man out of the room. “I need some air,” you said after seeing everyone looking at you. Steve takes your hand and drags you out of the room and outside on a patio. You take a couple of deep breaths and shudder when you feel how cold it is. Then something warm is placed over your shoulders, it was the jacket to Steve’s cop uniform. “Thank you,” you smile at him and you shake again.  “Hey,” Steve says and pulls you into his arms. He hugs you close and you relax. After a few minutes in Steve's arms, you feel a whole lot better.  “Did I tell you that I live next door to Dunkin Donuts?” you joke with Steve and he starts laughing. You pull out of his arms and look up at him. “I thought you lived just down the hall from me,” Steve smirks and you shrug your shoulders.  “Well, seeing as you are dressed as a cop I just had to say it,” you smiled and took hold of Steve's hand again.  “I think I have said it before,” you look him up and down. “But I do love a man in uniform.” Steve blush and looks down on the floor.  “Let’s join the party again,” Steve says and drags you inside again. Even though Steve is holding your hand a woman comes up to the two of you when you are inside again. She is dressed in a revealing black dress and has a pointy black hat on. “May I ride your broomstick? I lost mine,” She says to Steve and you start laughing. Then she looks at you and you laugh even more. “Want to play good cop, bad cop?” you ask Steve and he looks at you nodding. “Sorry, he is taken,” you say to the woman and drag Steve further into the party. Steve started to laugh when you got away.  “I guess that made you the bad cop,” Steve asked and you nodded. “Well, you did not say anything,” you shrug your shoulders. “I did not know what to say,” Steve tugs you closer to him as he puts his arms around your shoulder.  “Wait,” you look up on him. “Did you want her to rid your broomstick?” you start to giggle. “Absolutely not,” Steve looks scared. Bucky and Sam come over to the two of you and you spend the night with friends. You end up telling the whole team about how you had to save Steve from a woman dressed as a witch and everyone finds it very amusing. 
Later that evening you were when all the people had left and it was only the team left you starting to get a bit tipsy, well no, you were drunk. You smile at Steve and think of all the dirty things you wanted to do with him.  “I have a great idea for those handcuffs,” you look right at the handcuffs he had in his belt. Pepper snorts and looks away. Steve blushes and takes your drink away from you. “I think you had too much to drink,” Steve says and hands the drink to Bucky.  “Are you going to arrest me?” you hold out your hands. Sam starts laughing. Steve looks at you and groans. “Come on, Dorothy, let's get,” Steve says, taking your hand. “Are you going to frisk me?” you wink at Steve and he blushes bright red. “Sweetheart, let’s go,” Steve lifts you up and the team looks at the two of you, clearly trying not to laugh. “Don’t forget Toto,” you scream out and Bucky hand’s you Toto. “Dorothy would never leave without Toto,” you mumble and snuggle into Steve’s neck. Steve agrees and leaves the rest of the team at the party and carries you to your room.  “You are amazing,” you mumble into Steve’s neck. “I don’t know what I have done to deserve someone like you in my life.” And then you fall asleep.
Noticing Taglist: @jessyballet
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Thoughts on Season 3 of Fuller House:
Yeah, I know it’s a horrible/corny show (and I didn’t even watch the original growing up leoooool), but Fuller House is also a very sweet, fun, family-oriented, and heart-warming show – which can make it enjoyable, imo. Anyways, I’ve just finished Part 1 of Season 3, and I just can’t NOT talk about it y’all:
Season 3 of Fuller House is not the best, imo (yes, I’ve watched all three seasons of this show lol). It has some great and funny moments, but it’s not Fuller House at its best. Yes, Season 1 was a bit cringe-y/slow, but I blame that on everyone still getting into the groove, so it’s understandable (and yes, I do think S1 had better writing/dialogue than S3). Season 2 is the best of Fuller House so far imo; it had the same level of writing as Season 1, but also the best jokes/most laughs from me so far. Season 3 of Fuller House just seems... Iunno... off???? Like, maybe it’s because the episodes were shorter so Season 3 just seemed wayyyyyy more choppy and quickly cut/edited (ESPECIALLY THAT FIRST EPISODE LIKE OH MY WORDDDDDD), or maybe it was Jodie Sweetin’s accident that called for a slight lack of energy/inactivity??? But overall for me, S3 just seemed a lot more rushed and a lot less witty, in terms of writing and dialogue (if you can believe this show was ever sharp – which I argue it was and/or had its great moments :p). There were just too many times during this season where there was no good punchline for a joke’s set-up or the audience laughed their heads off and I didn’t (I’m actually okay with a laugh track as long as the audience isn’t laughing at every dumb joke like I refuse to do). There did seem to be some great servings of nostalgia though, with parallels between the older and newer episodes (I didn’t catch much, though). Overall, I give the first half of this season a B+. It wasn’t at its best shape, but Season 3 of Fuller House still did a great job of mostly developing the characters and giving everyone screen-time.
By the opening scene of Episode 1 of Season 3 of Fuller House I was like “wtLOL PLEASE TELL ME FULLER HOUSE HASN’T BECOME A MUSICAL PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!”, but whenever the adults were doing a number for karaoke night, I was kind of down for it looool *hides face in shame*
MY WORD bless their stylists/make-up artists because at 30+ years old, a lot of the original/older cast still looks GREAT!! Like, is John Stamos getting younger?!? haha Candace Cameron Bure and Jodie Sweetin both look AMAZING for their age!! I just want to be able to rock some Adidas, a tight-fit dress, or any of Kimmy’s outrageous outfits by the time I hit their age!! Also, the children are growing up too look pretty fine, too!!
Max is still annoying to me, though arguably less so this season; his parts have always been the ones I drudge through the most. He’s just... not pulling off the “pretentious” or “know-it-all” attitude just right. Also pretty sure I hate his “gf” Rose more then him leol. I also can’t really stand the Max and Cosmo scenes, though I kind of just go with it now.
The original trio’s wives lol... Danny suddenly revealing that he’s gotten a divorce from Terry (the “one time you brought her here” joke was hilarious though lol) and was unexpected for his character, and we never really get to see Joey’s wife... On the one hand, I get it: what purpose would either of these women serve for the show now, and I’m sure the writers had no idea what to do with Danny’s and Joey’s love lives when they were planning on starting Fuller House again. On the other, the OCD-shipper in me really wants a continuous and logical storyline for these two post-Full House lol.
I can’t tell what is a shipping scene and what is specifically character/episode/storyline development anymore??? (although I suppose the two aren’t mutually exclusive.) Which, I think, is a good thing. At some point during this season I realized that Fuller House is really starting to become a show that is just about the happenings of an everyday family – just like the original. All of the characters are getting their own storylines and development – and in a pretty evenly distributed manner, too imo. Which is amazing if you think about it because Fuller House has like 20+ characters to account for at this point. It’s just a show you can watch and laugh with your family now – and the storylines are interesting and enjoyable for both older and younger generations imo – which is pretty stankin’ cool, if you ask me.
I can’t believe they brought Grandpa Katsopolis back!!!! Like W O W. This show knows how to indulge their fans, snap.
I feel for Jackson breaking up with Lola, but honestly, I wasn’t feeling that ship. There just didn’t seem to be any strong chemistry there. I am kind of digging the “nice guy” Jackson and “bad girl” Rocki ship though haha..... (idk, I’d just really like to see that dynamic play out), but I kind of don’t like how they’re making Gia come off as a “bad” mom (even though I barely watched her character/parts in the original show). I think I would have liked it more if they played her more as the “competitive and super-cool mom” type.
Also good to see that Jackson is finally getting a bit more development as a character, instead of just being the “dumb/loser kid/student.” Is he going to become the Reese (of Malcom in the Middle) for Fuller House through his superb coffee-making talents?? :p
I’ve loved Fernando since Season 1 (even though I think everyone else really didn’t), and I’m glad that he’s stayed on since. Honestly, I needed, was watching out for, and was kind of disappointed that I didn’t get more Fernando x Kimmy moments!! >:c
Kind of disappointed in the Gibbler House?? Like, it looked a bit too fake and the inside wasn’t as weird/whimsical/preposterous as I imagined it to be/expected. I also don’t like the idea of Fernando not living at the Fullers’ with Kimmy and Ramona (somebody has to be the next Uncle Jesse and Aunt Becky!! haha), although I do think that Jimmy needed to live somewhere (and I do like the idea of Fernando buying it for Kimmy~).
Speaking of which, are Fernando x Kimmy or Stephanie x Jimmy the next Uncle Jesse x Aunt Becky??? xDD Idk I used to really love Fernando and Kimmy but Jimmy’s been really workin’ his way up there by being such a sweetie and AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO CHOOSE ANYMORE!!!! XD
I don’t blame Ramona for breaking up with Popko, but MY WORD they made such a cute couple!! I honestly hope he changes for her in the future... *fingers crossed, mind slightly doubtful*
Also, I don’t necessarily ship Ramona and Jackson (though I am definitely absolutely not against it), but when Ramona was like “why can’t I just find a nice and caring boyfriend?!?” after her break-up with Popko, and I was kind of like, “.....You mean Jackson????” XD Idk, I think the Ramona x Jackson shippers have gotten a bit too far in my head.
I’m #TeamSteve 100% – I think they should have been end-game in the original, in the first place – but I cannot deny that there is currently more chemistry between Matt and DJ than there is between Steve and DJ. Chalk it up to old age and a younger, better-looking Matt beating out an older and less attractive Steve (although to be fair, Scott Weinger’s been out of the acting game for a while), but I have to admit that I enjoy watching DJ interact with John’s character more than I do Scott’s at times. (People say Steve was a bit creepy during Season 1 and maybe 2 and I do agree that he came off a bit strong in the beginning, but I partly blame that on Scott’s return to acting; also I think that most of Steve’s desperate scenes at the beginning were pretty funny – come on, this is a comedy, y’all). Honestly, I’m just hoping that whenever anybody sees the slight lack of chemistry between Steve and DJ that they remember the wealth of chemistry that did happen between the two in the original and remember that #TeamSteve will always be the one to live on in our heart of hearts lol.
The wedding dress scene between DJ and CJ was so heart-wrenching... and savage lol. On the one hand, I do ship Steve and DJ 110+%, and yes, they do look like a “pretty” couple haha. On the other, if any girl had worn my wedding dress, I too, would have “killed her” LOL xD
Idk how Jesse and Becky’s baby almost outgrew DJ’s baby (though I get why they did it), but she. is. so. stankin’. cute!! Also I’m getting Michelle Tanner vibes from her :3
I actually kind of liked Joey in the original (minus the puppet), and I can see and like the idea of him running a brood of 4+ children, but his kids are. SO. A N N O Y I N G!!! Their "mischievous” antics come off as corny, cheesy, and annoying rather than adorable, making the kids seem like horrible, immature jerks rather than possibly lovable ones... although I suppose that’s how everyone felt about Joey in the original anyway lol.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but Stephanie’s whole “I can have a baby now!!” storyline is moving wayyyyyyy too fast, imo. (She and Becky getting excited over her finally “getting to become a mom!!” was so sweet and awesome though; I love how she doesn’t see being mom as an “obstacle” to her identity as a woman :’3) I’m okay with Stephanie seeing a fertility specialist, but honestly, I think it was brought up too soon. I would have rather had her see a fertility specialist sometime in Season 4 and let there be more development between her and Jimmy first during this season. As soon as she was told there is a possibility that she could be a mother, things escalated too quickly (although I suppose with invitro, things kind of have to). On the other hand, I don’t understand why Steph would want to have a baby now anyway when she clearly can’t afford raising one at this point: aren’t they always joking about how broke and how much of a freeloader she is right now?? (Oh well, chalk it up to the disillusion of this all being a fake TV show, I suppose.) On the other, other hand – and probably my most unpopular opinion – is that I don’t think Stephanie should raise a kid by herself. I’m sorry, but I really do believe that kids need two parents at the helm to give them a balanced, well-rounded life. The single-mom life is hard and raising kids all by yourself is no joke (I speak with some experience). I just think she really needed to get her life together and/or find a stable bf/husband before she thought about raising a child (being a mom is great, yes, but whatever happened to her developing singing career???)
Overall, I needed more jealousy storylines and PDA between the adult couples lol. Only DJ and Matt seemed to have any sweet moments, while everyone else’s love life was kind of put on the back-burner. I would have loved to have seen Kimmy get a bit jealous over Fernando and the real estate agent and/or Gia (maybe they’re developing this one, idk) or Jimmy getting jealous of Stephanie’s possible “baby daddies” lol. Idc if it’s cheesy or lame; I just really needed that in my life. Again, I think everything was paced a bit too fast at the beginning of Season 3, but we’ll see how the second part ties things up.
The ending OH MY WORD THE ENDING!!!! I cannot believe they left us on a cliffhanger where Matt is about to propose to DJ but DJ has just unknowingly confessed to Steve while they are both about to attend Steve’s upcoming wedding in Japan!! Talk about the drama waiting to happen for the second half of Season 3; I CANNOT WAIT FOR PART 2!!!
Welp those are my thoughts on this season so far. Will probably write a follow-up post with my thoughts on the second half of Season 3 when it airs!! Feel free to reblog and discuss any of these points with me!! I really need to talk to some more people about this show lol!!
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sharkfish · 7 years
Ugh, stop tempting me with all your Sterek posts! I don't have time to watch a new show! Do you think I really need to watch in order to read some fic about them? Or can I just skim wiki about the show haha
oh you absolutely do not have to watch the show and in fact i would recommend you do not. i started reading fics kind of randomly a couple weeks ago and had never seen the show – i wasn’t going to bother but it’s streaming free on amazon prime so i watched a few episodes just trying to get an idea of like… their voices and mannerisms? anyway it’s real bad. like, i talk shit on supernatural for not being a good show, but teen wolf is… in another category of not-good tv. and even the fandom seems overall pretty miserable about everything that happened past s3 or so (multiple people have told me specifically to stop watching past s3 if i make it that far) (spoiler: i won’t). watching the main character (scott mccall played by tyler posey) is real painful. i’m cringing thinking about it. 
the main thing you’ll probably want to know about teen wolf is re: werewolf lore [link to teen wolf wiki]. even a lot of tw au fics feature werewolves, which i expected to really hate but i am actually pretty into. i’m still relatively confused about what exactly it means to be an alpha, beta, or omega werewolf in tw-land (no relation to a/b/o in an spn fandom-style omegaverse, though those exist too!!!), but as long as you realize it’s unrelated to a/b/o stuff you can generally figure out what it means in the context of whichever fic you are reading. 
otherwise, here’s what you need to know: setting: beacon hills, california (fictional but probably somewhere in nocal). scott mccall got bit by a rogue alpha werewolf, turning him into a werewolf. he is not relevant, but he does accidentally fall in love with a girl (allison argent) from a family of werewolf hunters. his best friend is stiles stilinski (played by dylan o’brien, who you may know from the maze runner), the boy with a polish name so unpronounceable it isn’t even actually said in canon until later in the series (it’s Mieczyslaw, though many older fics use various difficult-for-americans polish names). stiles talks too much and is super bi. they meet derek hale, who is a hottie werewolf. (derek is played by tyler hoechlin, who is currently running around with this beard that is really upsetting to me because i am not generally into beards but i’m actually really into his beard, ugh, god dammit.) he is very broody and really just gives off some alarming edward cullen vibes in his first appearances in the show. very grumpy and mysterious and quiet and shirtless a lot. there’s a scene where he pushes stiles into a wall that is one of the gayer things i’ve ever seen since the last time dean and cas were on screen together. (seriously – there’s a similar scene between scott and stiles a couple episodes prior that is extremely non-gay, and then stiles and derek start staring at each other’s lips and fixing each other’s jackets and shit, WHOA.) 
stiles is in love with lydia martin, who is a super popular pretty redheaded girl who is dating jackson. stiles’s mom died when he was younger (cancer i think but i am not sure) and his dad is the sheriff. 
derek fell in love with kate argent when he was 16-18 (canon never specifies derek’s age and there is confusing info specifically in response to his age during the kate thing) (are we never told his age bc he and stiles’s antics are a little gay and stiles is only 16 at the beginning of the show? idk), not knowing she was a hunter. she used his love for her to trick him and ended up murdering his entire family (mom: talia; dad: idk his name; sisters: laura and cora [one of them may have survived the fire but died later? i am confused about this] [and then i guess cora wasn’t really dead at all?? that all happens later in canon and doesn’t come up in fics very often]) in a house fire. also i’m pretty sure derek killed this other girl he loved when he was younger (paige) – i’m not sure of the details but he’s real fucked up and guilty about it even though it is generally presented like he does not deserve that guilt. 
other notable characters: erica, isaac, and boyd are members of derek’s pack. sometimes in fic isaac is in a poly thing with scott and allison which is p cool! erica and boyd are usually together. ummm there’s also a chick named kira who is a kitsune (i have no idea what that actually means in the tw verse) and might hook up with scott in later seasons. chris argent is allison’s hunter dad but some fics portray him as an ok dude. peter hale is derek’s uncle and is a creepy dick. 
fics!!! k i have read a LOT of sterek fics (like.. hundreds…..) in the last couple of weeks but here are the 3 that have made it on my bookmarks list so far: 
Love Runs Wild by DevilDoll derek and stiles are porn stars who do like softcore werewolf-human porn for a magazine called neckz ‘n throats. stiles shows up to a shoot with a hickey on his neck and this is Bad News cuz werewolves have this whole thing about marking (!!!) and derek is like really upset but trying to pretend it’s fine and he’s not all in love with stiles. this is probably a good intro to general ideas the tw fandom has about werewolf mating rituals. also it’s just in general A+ smutty good times.
Sell Your Body to the Night by Dira Sudis (dsudis) this one is about 16 year old sex worker stiles, hired by rich werewolf derek. so… like… warnings for all the consent implications re: being a 16 year old sex worker, and generally i stray away from underage stuff even if both characters are the same age, but this is a really beautiful sweet love story, and i can’t believe i’m describing something that is tagged with watersports as a “beautiful sweet love story,” but it really is. (i am not into watersports lmao but am glad i read this anyway. it’s one scene at the beginning of ch9 that can be skipped but tbh unless you are super squicked, i would suggest reading it bc the scene manages to come across really intense and intimate and all around great despite, you know, someone getting peed on.) 
Cornerstone by Vendelin derek is a marine vet and stiles is blind. derek makes a dick out of himself and stiles kind of forcibly befriends him anyway and it’s sweet and fluffy and all-around wonderful as fuck. this was the first sterek fic i ever loved and i hope i don’t forget that feeling (i was just lamenting last night that i have zero memory of when i went from someone who was real scared of the spn fandom in general bc wincest was the only ship anyone ever talked about to dedicating 90% of my available brainpower to destiel – how did i even hear about it?? when did i start reading fics??? what kind of fics did i read??? how did i feel about them??? i have no idea!!!). 
also i went through most of @bleep0bleep‘s fic rec list [link] and enjoyed the vast majority of them so i would definitely suggest checking that out for some good fics!!! (i read a bunch of bleep0bleep’s fics, too, and they are also great [link to their ao3]) 
keep me updated!! send me the good fic links!!!! 
ps i am vaguely working on my first sterek fic. destiel is the first fandom i’ve ever completed fics for (i do have one (1) unfinished merlin fic that predates any of my spn writing, but that’s it) and the only thing i’ve written in years so it’s super weird/fun to play in another sandbox! 
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monasatlantis · 5 years
What I think of chapter 15 to 18 of MrLove Queens Choice
Chapter 15:
 - Best chapter of the four
- Pacing was great
- Most interesting mixture of Action, Drama, Slice of life and Romance if you compare it to the other 3
- In this chapter it was palpable that MC has fallen for Gavin (you can feel it in the other chapters with the other boys too, but not as strongly as with Gavin)
- MC and Gavin caring for a child together was kind of cute, even tho it took a very dark turn in the end
- A freaking ferris wheel? This practically screamed “Romantic date” to me, especially when adding flying in the nightsky and running through the rain together
- With Victor missing, Kiro gone too and Lucien being on the other side, Gavin was the only person MC had left (which knew about EVOL and the danger she is in) in those awful times and she clung desperately to him the whole time
- So. Much. Crying.
- “Its just the Flu. It will pass!”
- “Okay… but… I mean… its still just a flu, they will find a cure soon, right?”
- I vote for making it illegal to shot a little child in a game
- That poor boy was shot in the chest and Gavin says “He will be fine” when MC asked if he was dying and I was like: “Yeah… sure…”
- We should forbid MC to close her eyes or lose consciousness. We always miss some mayor plot-stuff here! The shot she heard when she had escaped with Gavin to that seemingly save place, was obviously just a warning, but was it aimed at him… or at her?
 Chapter 16:
 - I usually don’t like Lucien-Chapters, because I don’t like Lucien and so they always turn out boring for me, but this was the best Lucien-chapter so far and in my eyes the second best chapter of those four
- I like Lucien finally being his true self (Ares) and showing his real face (mostly) to MC and us. I despised the front he put up infront of MC to deceive her
- Lucien was toying with MC again but this time I kind of… liked it? It felt… like their real dynamik this time when he played Cat and Mouse with her at the press conference
- MC pretending to not care about that Pen and then still going to get it back XD
- Did anyone actually really expected MC to mistrust Lucien after his last chapter? Tze, she was already done with that before the last arc ended
- The most interesting part in this chapter for me how Lucien would deal with finally being his true self but still being in love with MC and it was a mixed blessing just as it was to be expected from a character like him
- Lucien is far too powerful with his ability to copy other people’s powers, so it was nice that it was shown (and also mentioned) that he has his limits and that using this powers takes its toll
- I believe Lucien knew that MC would be targeted by Hades because of their talk at the beginning of the chapter, so its very likely that he became part of that rather irritating press-conference to not just see her again, but also so he could protect her, in case Hades would in fact attack his weakspot (and Lucien might deny it as much as he likes MC is probably his only weakspot)
- Deleting her Memories of what happened was more for her own protection than for his as far as I got it, so he gathered some points with me here (tho I never doubted that he loved her, that was, despite all the lies, very clear to me)
- Lucien got to know that when the time comes, MC will be willing and able to trust him again and that he is still an important person for her that she cares for so I think in the end Hades plan didn’t only bring Lucien pain, tho letting her go again surely must not have been easy
- Here too the mixture of action, drama and romance was very well done and fitting for the circumstances
 Chapter 17:
 - Weakest chapter of them all for me
- Helios is hot AF like… I almost drooled all over my phone XD
- Helios different demeanor towards Mc was a bit… overwhelming in a way. I didn’t expect him to keep her at arm’s length like that and it took some getting used to (and it was kind of calming when he finally showed actually signs of worry)
- The plot kind of let to nowhere? It also felt like a reverse version of Luciens/Ares – chapter in some way and had a similar ending too but the pacing wasn’t as good
- Did I mention that Helios is really hot? Like… is this really Kiro? Would Kiro also be that hot if he would wear those clothes or does this hotness come with the hair? Achem… moving on…
- They could have used a different background for the place they were last in, instead of reusing the one for the archive of the Hospital, it was kind of confusing for a moment
- I loved how MC immediately knew that Helios was Kiro and I am sure inside he was very happy about that too
- I loved how MC didn’t allow Helios to fool her, although he did a really good job at trying to “pretend” to be a totally different person (not to mention, she didn’t allow him to fool her despite the fact that she is usually such an oblivious dummy…)
- MC was so desperate to find her Kiro, which made it even harder to live with how coldly he treated her
- I wanted to kick MC for internally complaining about Helios not paying attention towards the fact that she hit a fucking lamp with her hand (or head?) while he was busy protecting her from gunshots. I mean, I know this was a comparison thing, she wanted to make sense of him looking and feeling like Kiro while he denied that he was in fact Kiro by making it clear to herself that Kiro would pay more attention to how he handles her… but she didn’t consider how different this situation was from any other situation she had ever been in with Kiro and that saving her from bullets didn’t exactly allow him to be very gentle and blow on her wound after she got hurt
- (Despite that… the Date for Kiros/Helios 9.99$ Top-Up-Card showed Helios touching her in a way that technically speaking only could be described as “tender” but MC stated clearly that the touch was neither soft nor gentle, so it makes me wonder if Kiro as Helios is not able to be gentle and soft?)
- I feel sorry for that ominous asshole of an uncle somehow, because he felt like a last minute-drama-plot-device
- There is one huge difference between what Ares did and what Helios did. If Lucien comes back, MC might not remember what he did for and with her, but she hasn’t forgotten what she feels towards him, Kiro on the other hand made it seemingly (once again, see the Top-Up-Event-Card-Date) impossible for MC to see that Helios and Kiro are the same person so the only way for her to love him again, is to fall in love with this other side of him without knowing that he is just another side of Kiro
- What actually happened to that Doctor?
- Did I mention how hot Helios is? Now… imagine him coolly driving a black SUV and drool with me
 Chapter 18:
 - Was not bad, but it wasn’t good enough to be the best or even second best chapter of those 4
- Victors chapters almost always feel different from the other boys chapters, like there is something deeper going on there, which also makes the start of the chapters a little bit slower and often gives more space for the relationship-drama between Victor and MC then the actual plot and then all of the sudden, shortly before the end of the chapter, hell breaks loose, action and drama everywhere and then the chapters ends with you crying
- I think all the boys (and MC of course) suffered greatly in those chapters but I would say Victor suffered the most of all of them, knowing what was about to come and being unable to change it despite trying so hard (even before his chapter… he asked her if she really wants him to come back… it was breaking my heart to hear him doubt it)
- Was Victor wearing the same shirt the whole time? Because MC mentioned several days that it was still that ruffled shirt
- Victor calling MC “Dummy” is not an insult, it’s a confirmation XD
- The domestic vibe that comes from them referring to the same place when they say ”Let’s go home” *.*
- Victor knowing the password to Luciens house and having a weird but rather casual talk with him? WTF?!
- Far too many questions that stayed unanswered
- Just when I thought that they should have mentioned one more time what happened to that poor boy from the Gavin-Chapter he comes back in that way and I wished he would have never been mentioned again
- What does Helios want from Gavin and since when are they all suddenly working with each other?
- Weren’t the last parts of that chapter a little bit too cruel and too creepy?
- Who did allow you to shoot my Victor?
- How come that neither Gavin nor Helios nor Lucien showed up at the end? I mean all those boys are keeping an eye on their Princess so how could they not have known that she was in crucial danger that day? I get that this was Victors moment, but I find it almost unbelievable that neither of the other 3 did catch wind about this situation or were not willing to come after all the suffering they went through for her
- I wasn’t crying… I was just very tired… yes… that was it… why would I have been crying? *sniff*
- Get yourself a man that loves you like Victor loves MC
 Other than that:
 - Music was great
- Plot was mostly very good
- Far too much confusing things or unanswered questions
- Gavin showing up at the end of the Helios chapter was kind of anti-climatic. Don’t get me wrong, I was glad to see him alive and I get why it was important for him to return to MC once before the end of this arc… but it felt totally wrong that once again, in a chapter that was Kiros, MC was saved by Gavin. Seeing that the next chapter was a Victor chapter, even him showing up would have been better, if it was really necessary that Helios would not be the one
- SPOILER! I would have thought they would introduce Gavins brother in a different way… (di*k move by the way, to make it look like he helped her, since in the end, I think what he really wanted was Black Swans Plan to come full circle)
- What are we going to do now that the future that Victor saw couldn’t be prevented?
- Can we please see how the boys will react to MCs death? Like… will they really forget her, like the black Queen said?
- I found it really interesting that those chapters kind of showed what these man are willing to do or give up on because they love MC so much
- On the other hand, seeing that she will end up with only one of them eventually, it is extremely sad that they ALL suffer for her/because of her
- I’ve heard the upcoming chapters are even more painful… but I can hardly imagine that it can get any worse than that
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