#It was originally a concept art piece for a mini comic I’ve been working on
olibensstuff · 9 months
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Thinking abt transfem Leo again
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davidmann95 · 3 years
Got a handful of DC-solicit asks, so I’ll just write up my thoughts on the whole batch again.
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1: The BALLS to not only do the next Mister Miracle thing after King and Gerads, but to do it with Shilo Norman and therefore invite Seven Soldiers comparisons as well. I wouldn’t be that interested, but the preview art that came with the announcement looked fun so this is a maybe for me.
Wonder Girl #1: I got a Yara Flor ask so I’ll go more into detail with that, but this sounds...not good.
Future State: Gotham #1: Hahaha, thanks, call me in six months if the next team does something there’s a reason to give a shit about. Except...wait, Dennis Culver cowrote that E Is For Extinction Secret Wars mini, dammit this might be good. Either way though, god willing we get a Future State: Metropolis book by Dan Watters too.
Legends of the Dark Knight #1: Hopefully this going with Sensational Wonder Woman means there’s a similar Superman anthology in the cards too, but I won’t hold my breath. Darick Robertson doing Batman is enticing, but I’m not familiar with his work as a writer and the premise doesn’t sound that gripping so I’ll wait and see. That Francavilla variant though? DC, blow that up to poster size and you’d make a mint.
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Milestone Returns: Infinite Edition #0: Hmm. I got love for Static, but I might wait for further announcements and/or buzz before taking the plunge on this one.
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1: This is a SERIOUSLY stacked lineup, definite buy.
Stargirl Spring Break Special #1: Impeccable timing, DC. It feels like it must be some kind of statement that there are no Morrison members of the Seven Soldiers in the mix (even swapping out Ystin for the original version of Shining Knight no one cares bout) - we focus on the Moore fixation, but there’s enough tidbits that I really do feel like Johns probably flat-out hates Morrison. And what’s this ‘secret eighth soldier’ nonsense? There’ve always been eight soldiers, people have been joking about it forever!
Justice League: Last Ride #1: Discussed that announcement here.
Batman: Earth One Vol. 3: *blinks*
*blinks again*
*squints at the cover art*
...Geoff Johns are you seriously trying to step to Morrison and use the Miagani tribe? YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN PEOPLE
I Am Not Starfire: Interesting concept that seems like it pushes into indie-flavored territory as much as DC’s superhero output just about ever has, if word-of-mouth is good there’s a decent chance I’ll get this.
Action Comics #1031: Wonder if this is serious about the potential of Kryptonian refugees, given PKJ suggested the idea in Worlds of War and that could play a significant part in the New Krypton stuff from Bendis’s Legion (with Johnson being clear he’s following up on a lot of Bendis’s ideas with his own Superman run).
Superman #31: This sounds big-time like Johnson hammering Superman into a swords-and-sorcery shape for an arc since that’s his bag, but Superman’s malleable enough for that to work so I’m not complaining.
American Vampire 1976 #8: Still not getting, so.
Batman #108: Tynion’s well and truly figured out how to game the direct market’s dopiest instincts, hasn’t he? Well, as long as that’s in service of him getting to continue doing weird Batman stuff with Jorge Jimenez like introducing whatever the ‘Unsanity Collective’ is, that’s fine with me. And more Ghostmaker!
Batman: Black & White #6: Not as packed for the finale as some previous issues, but still looking good. And there’s really never gonna be a ‘last’ Scott Snyder Batman story, is there? Sure it’ll be good but that’s kind of a shame, his Detective #1027 feature really felt like a nice full circle.
Batman: The Detective #2: Guess I wasn’t the only one wondering if it was a stealth DKR prequel and they wanted to cut that notion out at the knees.
Batman/Catwoman #6: Still very down for it, but BOY that Batwoman costume Mann debuted on Twitter.
The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries #2: I recently finally started reading Sholly Fisch and companies’ Scooby-Doo Team-Up! recently after getting the whole run for free on ComiXology earlier this year and have fallen in love with it, so I’m totally grabbing this digitally.
Batman/Superman #18: “The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel are on a mission to stop the godlike Auteur.io from destroying the pocket worlds he’s created...but where on Earth did Auteur.io even come from? The answer starts not on Earth at all, but with an ancient cult of World Forger worshippers on a planet far away—and if our heroes are to have a prayer of stopping this mythic behemoth, they’ll need to get to the bottom of his power source, and quick! It’s a race against time as the parallel lives of entire worlds hang in the balance!”
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Anonymous said: Haha is Yang really doing Superman & Batman vs. Zack Snyder and the Snyder Cult (look up “auter” if you don’t know what I mean)? That’s fucking hilarious, especially since he apparently comes from the World Forge which is where all the shitty Earths full of bad ideas are made. Pretty pointed criticism there if I’m reading it right.
I’ve seen two or three people other than this anon independently conclude this arc is about the Supermen and Batmen of the Multiverse teaming up to stop Zack Snyder from destroying them all and at this point I’m ready to ask my LCS owner if I’m allowed to pay more than cover price for this run.
Batman: Urban Legends #3: Much more into this after the Grifter and Outsiders stories in Future State.
Catwoman #31: No reason not to assume this’ll continue to be great.
Challenge of the Super Sons #2: Good for the folks who want this, and that Nick Bradshaw variant is fun.
Crime Syndicate #3: I wanna be convinced to get this book, but the interviews are not persuading me.
Detective Comics #1036: How long is Mora sticking around?!
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #10: Another one I’ve got nothing to say about because I’ve never been getting it.
The Flash #770: Actually really excited to hear about how bad this run will suck now that I know it’s by the mind behind that “Geoff Johns’ OC - do not steal - beats up the Grant Morrison DC future” catastrophe from Future State.
Green Lantern #2: Really couldn’t wait a month for Far Sector to wrap up, huh?
Harley Quinn #3: Still not interested, but that *is* a nice cover.
The Joker #3: There’s a very real possibility I’ll have dropped the book by this point if it turns out to be the illustrated editorial mandate I get the feeling it could be, but fingers crossed.
Justice League #61: Not complaining, but wow, this really is Naomi 2 since Campbell’s busy in order to provide the necessary material for the CW show.
Looney Toons #260/Mad #20: Were these grouped with the rest of the solicits before?
Man-Bat #4: Very curious how this’ll be received, given nobody much cares about Man-Bat but Wielgosz seems to be quickly becoming a favorite.
The Next Batman: Second Son #2: Hadn’t realized this was only 4 issues - guess for at least one of them it’ll be the Luke Fox book everyone expected in the first place.
Nightwing #80: Dick Grayson vs. Heartless, not how I expected the DC/Kingdom Hearts crossover to happen but I’ll take it. That variant though? ALL TIMER:
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The Other History of the DC Universe #4: I was trying to figure out who the focus of #4 would be since we know #5 is about Thunder and Lightning, forgot Montoya was confirmed.
Robin #2: Wanna care, so don’t care.
Rorschach #8: I will get it and probably like it.
RWBY/Justice League #2: My thoughts here will be their own post because there’s something particularly notable, but:
Anonymous said: Have you seen the BATtleaxe from the new art for RWBY/Justice League?
Yes, anon. Yes I have.
Sensational Wonder Woman #3: Eh, premise doesn’t grab me but maybe.
Strange Adventures #10: God I love the book about how Adam Strange sucks.
Suicide Squad #3/Teen Titans Academy #3: Hahahahaha
Superman: Red and Blue #3: Fiffe and Stokoe doing Superman stories!!! And...Nick Spencer. With Christian Ward art?! Sigh, fine, hopefully it’ll be Nick Spencer doing a nice little comedy, and not having Grant Morrison Superman throwing his t-shirt away because he grew up and realized changing things is too hard. A horrible shame Pope is doing the main cover though, the allegations against him I guess never really got any attention. At least there’s this JPL variant:
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The Swamp Thing #3: Swampy will never be my guy but very happy for those who dig him, because I imagine this’ll be terrific.
Truth & Justice #4: Normally I wouldn’t care at all, but what I’m hearing on Twitter about this is a crying shame - that Jeff Trammell is really talented and Red Hood is a favorite of his and this is likely to be one of Jason Todd’s few Actually Good comics, but that artist Rob Guillory is a bullying transphobic piece of shit. Sucks all around.
Wonder Woman #772: I was so excited for this run, and then Immortal Wonder Woman had to go and suck.
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umbraastaff · 5 years
I’ve just been thinking--it’s about time I make a proper index for my TAZ fics, huh? Also contains: mini-series, ficlets, goof posts, and lyric comics.
(All of the fics are rated G, or T at most for McElroy-appropriate language.)
I Saw Seven Bounties | Canon Compliant, Enemies to Friends, Complete | Mostly lighthearted, episodic recounting of Kravitz and Barry’s rivalry throughout those first twelve years on Faerun. 24K. -->Extras: Lich Eyes, Fantasy Starbucks, Alt POV for Chapter 1 & Chapter 5, Sorry
They Say Fire Took Phandalin | Small-town supernatural/sorta-haunted-house AU |  Fresh out of grad school, Barry Bluejeans takes a job and a house in the rural nowhere-town of Phandalin. And it’s not like he thought fitting in would be a walk in the park, but the people there all act really weird, and it’s almost like they’re expecting something of him, too. 11K/~20K.
What Can’t Be Done Alone (Detective Squad) | Canon Divergent, Found Family, Fluff | AU where the voidfish works a little better, and Angus never finds the Bureau. Instead, he finds a strange lich in a cave, and he most certainly continues to work this case and not gradually get adopted instead. 18K/~22K. -->Extras: Drangus AU Oneshot
If I Wanted to be Funny I’d Name This Fic “The Time Belt” | Futuristic sci-fi AU feat. time travel | Taako meets the only people in years who recognize the Institute’s name. Known time criminal Barry Bluejeans continues to evade law enforcement. 2K/??.
Overgrowth / Undercurrent | Roleswap AU, Johnchurch, Pining, Twoshot, Happy ending optional | Overgrowth is a oneshot that follows John, the Starblaster’s chief diplomat, through a series of parleys with Merle, the center of the plane-consuming mass of plants that’s been chasing his crew. Undercurrent is a sequel about their post-canon reunion. 4K + 6K. --> Extras: PLAYLIST by @merle-casts-zone-of-truth
Davenport Remembers | Post-canon, Oneshot | Davenport meets with his crew members to try to reconcile his anger with Lucretia, or to decide whether he should. 1.5K.
AU Where Taako is a Lich - Pretty much what it says on the tin here, folks!
Baritz (ask series) - A fusion of Barry and Kravitz, who took over my blog and answered asks for a while. (He originated in the Gallows/S&S lyric comic.)
Good Adventures (Good Omens crossover) - The Antichrist’s wishes summon the wrong boatful of aliens. Thankfully, it seems they’re apocalypse experts. [with plot-ideas help from @avijohann​.]
Omen Zone (Good Omens crossover 2) - Barry is a demon. Kravitz is an angel. Kravitz probably won’t ever admit that they’re friends.
Pokémon: Century Version (Pokémon crossover) - Stolen Century AU where they’re all pokémon trainers. Faerun spin-off: Double Trouble
Till Death, Don’t Let’s Start - Barry fucks up. Kravitz is present.
Very Normal Blog Posts (ask series) - In which Garfield is not at all dangerous, and I am perfectly fine. <alt: chronological link - desktop only>
Gallows/Steady and Stronger (Double lyric comic) - Canon-divergent AU where, as the world is ending, Barry gives up to Kravitz. [Image description version]
[Lyric Comics] - Other, shorter lyric comics based on single verses of songs.
Dear Scientist’s Log (series) - Illustrated ship logs from Barry J. Bluejeans.
Movie Madness (Comic) - Barry obsesses over the unforgivable.
Palette Prompts (Arts) - Art from art meme prompts.
Pregananant (goof comic) - You know the one.
REAPER (Comic) - Baritz fuses with Lup.
These Jeans? (Animatic) - Barry advertises jeans.
They’re Both Tessa Thompson (Comic) - Lucretia has a nightmare. Barry reassures her.
War (Goof comic) - prompt: "taakitz with CAT”
What’s bigger than this? - The Red Robe.
Back Soon - Kravitz leaves a note with unfortunate wording.
Bodyswap: Barry & Davenport - During Wonderland.
Casual - AU where the red robe talks like a normal person.
Command - Barry misuses his magic.
Davenport - There’s something unsettling about that butler.
Hangin’ Out - Lup and Magnus.
Harvest - Roleswap AU: Barry is the Hunger.
Healing Necromancy - Merle tries to teach Barry some tricks.
Hope - Barry knows she’s still out there.
How Long? - Taako is frustrated.
In Pieces - The staff.
Liches Forget Too - AU.
Lucretia Forgets - In which there was a mistake with the voidfish ichor.
Lup’s Robe - Gifts from Taako.
Mourning Glories - The flowers in Merle’s beard.
New Years - Celebrations and fears.
Parole - Barry and Kravitz bonding hours.
Phone a Friend - Baritz (the fusion from Gallows/S&S) meets Angus.
Raising the Dead - Barry has to use his crew members’ corpses. [sequel]
Robbie...? - Magnus breaks into the brig immediately after Petals to the Metal.
Second Apocalypse - Based on that one party liveshow. What was the rest of the crew doing, again?
3 Sentence Fics - Pairing + AU prompts.
Smartstone - Lup gets stuck in a Stone of Far Speech, instead.
Stir Crazy - Barry waiting for a new body to grow. Thoughts of Lucretia.
Writing Things Down - In case you forget (again).
You Remember - Taako remembers.
Barry’s Dead - But he’s fine! Calm down!
Character Development - Joke’s on you, DM!
Crystal Kingdom - An absolutely bonkers arc.
Dealer - Merle pun.
Decapitate Me - for making this post
Don’t Care - Taako during the finale. [bonus]
Epilogue - Bracer struggles. [bonus: 1, 2]
Explain the Hunger (Good Omens crossover) - Magnus explains the hunger to Aziraphale and Crowley. They react in varying ways. [with cursed art contributions from @avijohann and @mspainttaz]
Fifteen Dollars - Plus interest. [Bonus]
Fullmetal Kingdom - They’re the same, right?
Gender - And lack of roles.
Gnomes Don’t Exist - They’re all aliens, actually.
Hot Diggity Shit - Been a while.
Icon Confusion - The saga of people thinking my icon is a carrot. [chrono link - desktop only]
Incomprehensible Denim - Jeff Angel’s illegal pants.
In Case it Changes Anything - Taako, Kravitz, and lies.
Irresponsible Teens - Magnus and Lucretia get into trouble.
I Saw Seven Nerds - That’s the post.
Gogurt - Taako’s crimes.
Learning to Drive - i.e. Barry & Davenport Bonding(?) Hours.
Live Shows - The general mood.
Lucretia’s Efforts - A proper meme? On my TAZ blog?
Lup Said No Thanks - That time Magnus was in a tree.
Magnus’ Death - So many close calls.
Nearest Middle-Aged Woman - Clint’s characters’ friends.
Necromancy? - You must be mistaken!
Ned’s Aliases - The Truth.
Pirate Debt - Davenport during that one liveshow.
Punch Squad - SQUAD!
Reaper Cloak - Thoughts.
Relic Names - She probably changed them.
Responsible Necromancy - Good and bad ideas.
Resume - It’s not like they thought it would be relevant.
Schools of Magic - And the Sash was what, again?
Self Care - Respect the dead, please.
Server Shenaniganry (art) - TAAKO THE CAT, NO!
Soulmate AU - Where your soulmate’s greatest enemy is on your wrist. [alt]
Stern’s Truth - You Know.
Taako’s Last Name - Taako’s last name.
Team Composition - The post where everyone wants to argue with me about what qualifies as a wizard.
Third Option - Taako saves the day.
You’re Laughing - End of Suffering Game.
Aloof - Holes Taako refuses to fill.
Barry’s Lucky Possessee - Graphic novel theory hopes & dreams.
Catpiling - Stolen Century thought.
Davenport’s Deaths - Sucks when you always wake up driving.
Death Leaves a Mark - Stolen Century AU concept.
Everyone Else - Some people didn’t get perfect endings.
Fantasy Nonsense - lore about the word “fantasy,” as in “Jesus Fantasy Christ.”
Fragments - Magnus’ memory.
Forgiveness - Old post about the crew’s thoughts on Lucretia’s actions.
Forgot to Erase - Lucretia’s errors.
FULL TIMELINE POST - the Balance timeline.
Gauntlet - (disproven!) Theory about the final relic, from before it was confirmed in the show.
Gnome Nicknames - Thoughts on Cap’nport.
High School AU - Some old headcanons.
Home World Names - The pattern in surnames (or lack thereof) on the IPRE’s homeworld.
Hour - This isn’t a thought so much as an Actual Thing That Magnus Said before the time loops had started, which is absurd.
Idiots in Love - The IPRE’s collective braincell was lost for all of Legato. [2]
Liches, Alone - Being stuck as raw emotion for an awfully long time.
Losing Julia - And subsequent developments.
Love - What was remembered and forgotten.
Love Without Fear - Thoughts on bonds during the Stolen Century.
Memory - Barry actually shouldn’t have remembered anything.
Nickname - Memory of Lup.
Paladin Barry Theory - Converging evidence on Barry’s multiclassing.
Paradox AU - blueprint for 8th, 9th, 10th, etc. Bird AU of your choice(s). (Extra)
Phylactery Mechanics - How liches differ.
Produce Flame - Mechanics of John killing Merle.
Recklessness - THB’s actions recontextualized.
Relic Schools of Magic - They don’t have them!!!
Relicswap AU - Where all the birds get swapped out.
Seven Birds as Gods - Ask-prompt thoughts.
Staring at the Sun - The birds and their light sensitivity.
Story, Song, & Sorcery - Effects on the young population.
Sword Tornado - Magnus Mechanics. [bonus: Time Warlock]
The Good Place AU - A series of crossover thoughts.
Tree Climbing - Davenport shenanigans.
Unique Magic Types - [and combo styles]
What Killed Maureen - hint: it wasn’t Fisher.
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callmeblake · 5 years
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Kerrang Issue #1761
Magazine Release Date: February 20th, 2019
Issue Label: February 23rd, 2019
Photo Credit:  Jen Rosenstein
Illustrations: Brian Ewing
Partial Transcription (from pressreader.com) below:
Kerrang! (UK)
20 Feb 2019
words: emily carter illustrations: brian ewing
Since he was a kid, GERARD WAY has sought solitude in the world of graphic novels – first as a reader, and later, with the weight of the rock world on his shoulders, as a creator. But now, he explains exclusively to Kerrang!, working on the Netflix adaptation of his THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY series helped him reconnect with his love for making music, too…
Gerard Way keeps track of his personal goals using what he calls “the grown-up list”. One at a time, the 41-year-old will tick off these life objectives by means of self-care – a concept he’ll admit he hasn’t kept on top of lately.
“On the grown-up list are all these things that I have to do to start participating in life again,” he explains in a gentle, endearing New Jersey accent, dissecting a mysteriously methodical approach to his return to the public eye – though, it has to be said, still sounding very much like a big kid at heart.
For the past “two, three” years, Gerard feels as though he hasn’t been looking after himself while under the strain of his demanding career as a comic-book writer. And while his workload certainly isn’t slowing down any time soon – if anything, it’s on the increase with the reintroduction of music now, too – he is at least making his own positive changes little by little, “piece by piece”.
“Enough time goes by and you’re tired of feeling tired, and tired of feeling unhealthy, and tired of doing unhealthy things to yourself,” he admits. “I hit a point where I was like, ‘Enough’s enough. I gotta move my body and find a doctor.’ I hadn’t had a physical in I can’t remember how long. It was just time, you know?”
Undertaking this new journey, Gerard first started off by giving up smoking. He afforded himself just two weeks to ditch the cigarettes, before moving on to the next task. “You can’t do it all at once,” he explains thoughtfully. “I quit smoking before doing anything else – like change diet or going to see a doctor. I just take these things in steps. Even if I did have all the time in the world to attack the grown-up list, you have to take any major life change slowly and gradually.”
Had Gerard felt so inclined as to keep a similar grown-up list for professional targets when he first emerged as My Chemical Romance’s awe-inspiring leader in 2001, its trajectory would have accelerated significantly. Darting into the spotlight in 2004 with their astounding second record Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, the frontman quickly became uncomfortable with the intrusive – and borderline paralysing – nature of their fame. It’s no wonder that, between 2006’s triple-platinum The Black Parade, and the festival-headlining status that came with fourth and final studio album Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, Gerard recently labelled the group’s journey as “uncontrollable”. The band’s explosion was just as dramatic as their eventual breakup almost six years ago, and it took Gerard just over a year to then return into view. An excellent Britpop-inflected solo LP, Hesitant Alien, followed in September 2014, and even landed at spot number four in Kerrang!’s top 50 records of that year. No grown-up list – no matter how fool-proof – could accurately record or predict those kind of whirlwind peaks and troughs.
In his life as a comic-book writer, though, Gerard’s accomplishments have kept up a steadier, but no less impressive, incline. As a graduate of New York’s School of Visual Arts and a former intern at Cartoon Network, his imagination and visual creativity was harnessed long before his audio talents came to light. While his comic-book debut in 1993, On Raven’s Wings, was cancelled after just two issues, Gerard’s near 100 (and counting) writing credits have just about surpassed his contributions in music; he even ran his own imprint under the legendary DC Comics banner for two years, Young Animal. And while its status is currently listed as ‘inactive’, Gerard has emphasised that it’s “not the end” of that venture. Now, his prominence as a fullyfledged award-winning comic-book writer is a marvel (no, not that kind).
“The thing about doing comics is nobody asks you about your personal life, they don’t ask you about the drugs you used to take, they don’t ask you if you’re breaking up,” he told Kerrang! while still with My Chemical Romance in 2010, openly battling with the allure of a life buried in books. “They talk about the work. I wish people would talk about the work in music. In music, people want to know what makes you tick – in comics, people don’t care.”
Given the appeal of a more serene existence, it’s clear Gerard’s current primary occupation perfectly suits him. Just as he helped change the face of rock 15 years ago, however, he’s beginning to make similar strides in comics. Once again, he’s got the big guns knocking on his artistic doorstep.
“If anybody ever asks me for advice about being creative, it’s always just to make the things you want to see,” he shrugs, either oblivious to his skills or just strikingly modest. “Make something that doesn’t exist, that you wish existed – that you wanna read, or see, or listen to. That’s the one thing that I’ve applied to everything I’ve done: all the art I’ve made and the music I’ve made.”
Following this surprisingly simple mantra, Gerard now has a tremendous feat on his hands: his apocalyptic comic-book series, The Umbrella Academy, has snowballed into a 10-episode live-action show of the same name, and hit Netflix last Friday. By now, you’ll probably have already watched the lot. For the programme’s main brain, though, while he may have spent release day just ticking off another box on the grown-up list (“I had a physical that day with a doctor, so…”), this marks the beginning of his “participation” in life again. Gerard Way is back.
Gerard Way is obsessed with comics. Across the span of our interview with the author-turned-musicianturned-author again, he says the word “comic” no fewer than 28 times – each utterance more passionate than the last. Yet it wasn’t until 2008, while still active with My Chemical Romance, that he began to feel the effects of his written works’ potential. And not just in the field of comics, either; he was suddenly struck with the realisation that he could make this his full-time work instead. When he and illustrator Gabriel Bá – a man Gerard credits constantly and with great
respect when discussing the project – were awarded a prestigious Eisner Award for The Umbrella Academy’s first mini-series, it shook him to the core.
“It was scary at the time,” he mentioned in a Kerrang! cover feature at a later date, “because it was another thing that said to me, ‘Hey, you could go and do this. You won’t have a huge career, but you could make a living. There was a part of me thinking, ‘I don’t have to be a singer anymore.’”
Just days after receiving their Eisner, Gerard and Gabriel’s graphic novel was optioned by Universal Pictures. Plans for a potential movie were in development “for quite a while”, until it eventually fizzled out and came back to Umbrella Academy’s publisher, Dark Horse Comics. Then, the idea for a TV show was conceived – and Gerard was instantly sold. Not that it was ever something he’d ever considered when first penning his comics all those years prior.
“You know, I tend to be a visual thinker,” he begins. “When I was first starting out, I was told to embrace the medium of comics: just make a great comic. I think that that’s a common mistake that people make – they see a comic as a film, and they’ll just present it as a film. And there’s a lot of things you can do in comics, and it would almost short-change that. You need to embrace what a comic can do, and then you’ll make a really fantastic one. If you’re just trying to present it as a film, it doesn’t work as well, in my opinion. I still follow that advice to this day.”
Gerard loved the idea of giving his painstaking and deeply intricate world a new long-form narrative, and a way of going deeper into the story’s characters (all of whom are either a reflection of people he knows, or himself). Before taking various meetings – including with Netflix – both he and Gabriel sat down with Universal Cable Productions executive vice president of development, Dawn Olmstead, and discussed their aims.
“My goal was to give those guys the material to make a really great show,” Gerard explains. “That way, if they made a show and it’s successful, they always have material to go back to. That’s always been my goal: to tell a really good story that I have control over.”
Nine years later after its original plans fell through, it was eventually settled that Netflix would be the way to go. Joining forces with a company that had both “the highest production value” and that was also “artist-friendly” made the most sense to all involved. “We knew they would let the show be what it needed to be,” Gerard nods.
By this point, the series’ creator had slipped away from the limelight to create a 20-page blueprint for show-runner Steve Blackman. The Umbrella Academy thus far has three volumes – Apocalypse Suite, Dallas and Hotel Oblivion – but Gerard will eventually complete the story through eight graphic novels in total, many of which are still to be finished (“I have it all planned out, and I’ve just got to kind of write it now…”). In advance of the show’s development stages, though, he needed to let his new colleagues know the whole plot.
“There were talks early on about how much of my involvement there would be – if I wanted to be a co-show-runner, if I wanted to write scripts,” remembers Gerard. “And I really put the emphasis on making the source material and making the comics, so I had to let go of certain things. I weighed in on a lot of them, but ultimately it was Steve’s call to make. I liked letting go, though, because it allowed me to keep moving forward in the ways that I wanted to, which is with the comics or anything else I want to do.”
Working with Netflix became a daily job. From set pieces to wardrobe choices, both Gerard and Gabriel would give extensive notes in the 18 months it took to produce The Umbrella Academy, ensuring a happy climate was reached between their individual artistic palettes. It’s not a giant leap to compare the birth of Gerard’s latest project to My Chemical Romance’s studio swansong, Danger Days. While still in the throes of The Black Parade’s overwhelming success, the frontman had moved to LA from New Jersey in 2008 and was focused on comics – not just The Umbrella Academy, but also a bold, bright new sci-fi spectacular: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys, a story of the aftermath of a battle against a tyrannical corporation. Having written and subsequently scrapped The Black Parade’s original follow-up, the frontman was then struck with inspiration on a family retreat in the wilderness, wracking his brains with what to do next.
“I had an epiphany, I had a vision,” he told Kerrang! back in October 2010, of how this new comic informed what would become My Chem’s fourth full-length. “I was writing all these crazy lyrics and they were fearless and fucking reckless. I had this vision in my head, and everything I had been working on in the comic – the masks, the laser guns, the cars, everything – started to swirl around in my head.”
So how does the creation of a comicinspired album measure up against bringing The Umbrella Academy to life on TV?
“You know, they’re both intense and stressful in their own ways,” Gerard smiles. “But one of the things I’ve learned as I get older is that being in the studio and making music isn’t nearly as stressful – it’s a lot more fun these days. Having said that, although things are a little more high-stakes on a film set, we had a lot of fun with that, too.”
Early last year, The Umbrella Academy’s primary architects headed to Toronto to oversee the first week of filming. They were there to “answer any questions and give a little direction”. Though their focus was undeniably on creating the best comic-to-screen transition
possible, Gerard also remembers the weather; it was snowing, a sight he hadn’t seen since touring Hesitant Alien three and a half years prior. Once more, his two worlds briefly reacquainted themselves.
While in Canada, he and Gabriel reviewed “dailies”. “It hit a point where it was like, ‘Alright, this train is going, they know what they’re doing,’ and I could divert my attention back to the comic,” Gerard says. “Then I was able to work on it remotely – most of the work from my end was done through email or phone conversations, so I could be anywhere in the world and I was still able to watch the footage on my laptop, or whatever computer I was at.”
Once that week was over, Gerard kept a distant watchful eye over filming, which carried on until July. Elsewhere, his time was split between writing more comics, drinking copious amounts of coffee, collecting vintage T-shirts and miniature painted figures, and watching his wife of 11 years, Lindsey – bassist of Mindless Self Indulgence – feed birds and squirrels at their family home.
Rather ironically, his days weren’t spent watching a great deal of television. Even now, he’ll partake in an episode or two of a binge-worthy programme if Lindsey wants him to check it out – but he’ll never consume the lot in one go. “I think that makes my opinion on what we’re making with Umbrella Academy, in a way, even more valid,” he suggests, “because I don’t watch all this stuff. I read a lot of books.”
Most exciting of all, though, is that almost every Friday, Gerard Way began to create music again.
Around 54 minutes into The Umbrella Academy’s fifth episode, there’s a mind-bending shoot-out featuring, among others, Mary J. Blige. While the action unfolds, a familiar voice quietly hits the eardrums. ‘ Imagine me and you, I do / I think about you day and night, it’s only right…’ croons Gerard Way alongside former My Chemical Romance bandmate and guitarist extraordinaire Ray Toro, in a cover of The Turtles’ hit Happy Together – both rich in personality, but also similarly honouring the original. It’s not the first time Gerard and Ray have teamed up in such a manner: last month, they unveiled another joint effort in the form of Hazy Shade Of Winter, originally by Simon & Garfunkel, for The Umbrella Academy’s official trailer. But this is arguably Gerard’s most epic comics-meets-music crossover yet.
Steve Blackman, says Gerard, “thought it would be really nice for the fans – both for fans of my work as a musician, and my work as a comic writer. He thought it would be really cool, and I thought it would be cool, too. It would be silly to not do a song for the show! We ended up doing a couple, which was really great. And I’m sure there will be more in the future.”
The music Gerard made each week last year wasn’t just for The Umbrella Academy – it was also for himself. Possibly over-ambitiously, the musician hoped to release these new sounds once a month, though his workload soon put paid to that. He does, however, now boast “quite the collection of demos”.
“Right now it’s just a stand-alone thing,” Gerard says, “but I think at some point – maybe for a vinyl or something – it would be nice to collect all these songs, just as a body of work for something that I did. With all the work and the show coming, it has been harder to try and do a song a month. And I knew that that would kind of happen back when I first mentioned the goal of trying to do that, just because of all the extra work that was coming. But we’re still making music every week.”
Gerard has enjoyed the process of juggling his own music and songs for Netflix enormously. His recent solo tracks – Baby You’re A Haunted House, Getting Down The Germs and a touching Christmas number featuring Lydia Night of The Regrettes called Dasher – have deliberately not been “overthought”, though music for The Umbrella Academy can be a little more laborious.
“It’s a bit more work, because it’s for something cinematic,” he explains. “It’s not that it has to reach a higher level, it’s just that it’s a different level. The solo stuff is just kind of up to me, and what I want that to convey, or what nature it has. Whereas with the show, everybody has to really be blown away by it. So maybe, in a way, it’s more a little bit of what Ray [Toro] and I and the guys in My Chem used to do; we apply a little bit more of that to what we do in these cover songs for Umbrella Academy.”
Is it a strange feeling to revisit that kind of creative process?
“It makes it really fresh and exciting,” Gerard grins. “It’s actually really nice to go back and do something like you once did it, because you have more experience and wisdom and knowledge. As you get older you bring all these things the way you used to do. It’s refreshing at times – especially if you’re doing a bunch of experimental things. It’s refreshing to go back to your core, and your roots, of what you used to do, and apply your new knowledge to that.”
Gerard Way’s musical future for now, then, will remain both blissfully free and totally spontaneous – a far-cry from his MCR days. But he couldn’t be happier about it.
“I like to move forward a lot,” he enthuses. “I don’t like to dwell on things very much. I don’t usually like to revisit them, either. I like to keep moving forward and putting out new things. I like to try new things and experiment.” Gerard repeats himself once more. “I really like doing that.” K!
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beyarmamo · 6 years
BeyArMaMo 2018 - Event Info
- Beyblade Art Making Month -
BeyArMaMo is an annual art event that encourages fans of Bakuten Shoot Beyblade to get creative throughout October.
The Beyblade Art Making Month came about in 2008 after it occured to me that I loved art and I loved Beyblade but I hadn’t been combing the two together enough. I decided to rectify this by setting myself the challenge to create a piece of Beyblade art every day for an entire month. There were plenty of scribbles and hastily drawn nonsense (and a inexplicable drawing of Daichi sitting on a cow) but somehow I managed to complete the challenge. And I felt awesome.
The following year, I decided to take up the challenge again but this time I was joined by a handful of friends from DeviantArt. It was received positively and that was pretty much that. The event has since been held each October, growing year on year, and with fans participating from all around the world. This year we will be celebrating BeyArMaMo’s 10th Anniversary.
T H E  C H A L L E N G E
The BeyArMaMo concept is pretty simple. Participants are challenged to create Bakuten Shoot Beyblade art throughout October - that’s it. It doesn’t even have to be good art. Or finished. The focus is on creation so there’s no problem if you can only manage a scribble or something comes out a bit wonky. It’s simply about creating something when we otherwise might not have done. It’s all good.
It sounds pretty easy but when you’re crawling in from a long shift from work the last thing you’ll probably want to think about doing is, well, anything. Or maybe you’ve got the school run, and the shopping to do and you need a tidy round and before you know it it’s bedtime and you haven’t had chance to pick up a pencil. Perhaps you just can’t think of anything to draw or you might simply be lacking any measure of motivation. This is where the challenge aspect comes in. Some days you’ll be throwing out art left, right and centre and others will leave you cursing all your life choices. But that’s part of what makes it exciting. It’s sort of stressful in a good way.
If you’re not loving the idea of stress then don’t worry - help is at hand. There are three challenge types for you to choose from. Each is akin to a different difficulty so if you want a nice gentle time, have at it. But if you want an all encompassing Beyblade art extravaganza then you can have that too.
Simply pick the challenge type that appeals to you most and rock on.
01 - BeyArMaMo
This is the original, and most difficult, challenge. Your aim is to create at least one piece of artwork every day throughout October. By the end of the month you should have created at least 31 pieces of art.
02 - Mini-BeyArMaMo
This is a gentle challenge to motivate you while keeping the stress at a minimum. Your aim here is to create at least one piece of art every week throughout October. By the end of the month you should have created at least 4 pieces of art.
03 - Super-Mini-BeyArMaMo
This is, in theory, the least challenging of the three options. Just a 1 piece of art, that’s all you need to do. Perfect for those of us with hectic lives. And procrastinators.
T H E M E  D A Y S
Theme days are an optional extra to help inspire or challenge you. Each day, a new theme will be posted for you base your work on. It might be a colour or an object, a feeling or a place. You can choose to use all the themes, some of the themes or none at all. Participants in the Mini-BeyArMaMo challenge may pick any of the themes posted in each particular week.
The full theme list will be posted one week before the start of BeyArMaMo to help you plan your artwork.
BeyArMaMo was designed to be a challenge but it’s also extremely casual. Like, whatever. Above all else it’s meant to be fun so please don’t worry about the rules, even though there are technically rules. You can actually get away with a lot. But if you do wish to be mindful of the rules, here they are.
1) This event is solely for Bakuten Shoot Beyblade fan art. ‘Beyblade’ is not used as a blanket term for the entire franchise. Only art based on Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002 (V Force), Bakuten Shoot Beyblade G Revolution, Bakuten Shoot Beyblade The Movie: Gekitou!! Takao vs Daichi (Fierce Battle) and the manga (including Rising) is permitted.
2) All art must contain Bakuten Shoot Beyblade characters. They can cosplay, reference other series or even dive into a world of crossovers, but the main focus must be Beyblade. OCs, however, are not permitted.
3) Your art shouldn’t be created in advance. Art for day one should be created on the 1st of October, day two on the 2nd of October, and so on. For the weekly challenge, art for week three should be created during the third week,etc. Creating your art in advance sort of lessens the joy.
4) Your art can be in any form. Digital illustrations, traditional illustrations, comics, literature, photography, crafts, cosplay - baking even! If you want to knit Kai’s scarf, you go for it.
5) Enjoy. It’s not technically a rule as such but… Please just roll with it and try not to stress yourself out. If you don’t finish or you miss a day, don’t worry. You’re still awesome because you’re embracing your Beyblade love. And that’s all that matters.
H O W  T O  P A R T I C I P A T E
You will be able to sign up for the event from the 1st of September until the 30th of September. A list of registered participants will be made available so you can share links to your artwork and find other artists so follow.
If you prefer not to sign up officially then that’s fine too. You can participate in your own way.
Exclusive BeyArMaMo goodies will be available for registered members to purchase during the event.
The sign up form will be posted at the beginning of September.
S C H E D U L E  
BeyArMaMo runs from the 1st of October to the 31st of October but there are a few other noteworthy dates too.
1st September 2018 - BeyArMaMo sign-up period begins.
24th September 2018 - Daily themes announced.
30th September 2018 - BeyArMaMo sign-up period ends.
1st October 2018 - BeyArMaMo 2018 begins.
31st October 2018 - BeyArMaMo 2018 ends.
1 0 T H  A N N I V E R S A R Y
BeyArMaMo is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and to commemorate this momentous occasion I am planning a souvenir art book. I’ll be sharing more details about this shortly and I hope some of you might like to take part in it too!
A N D  F I N A L L Y  
I think I’ve covered everything here that needs to be covered but if there’s something you’re not sure about then just get in touch. I’ll be sorting out a few extra things over the next few weeks before sign ups start so expect one or two more updates before then. In the meantime, keep being awesome and if you feel like sharing news about the event then that would be lovely. Hopefully we’ll have an absolute bunch of us raring to go by October!
Take it easy, guys!
Laura (Gasara)
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S/S ’19 in Review; Presentations and Lookbooks
    Back when I first made this blog, I made a promise to myself to review all the collections that made me Feel Things. Of course, that was before the season, and before my list of collections grew to over five dozen. Similarly, it was before NaNoWriMo, where I lost four weeks progress on this blog. After doing a little math, I realized there was no way I would be able to finish all the reviews before couture week kicked off. Considering I want to review all the major couture collections (plus the miscellaneous posts on other topics I wanted to throw in), as well as my current pace, there was no way that was happening.     So here we are; I’m going to attempt to knock out every S/S ’19 collection shown as a presentation or lookbook in this one post. As a separate challenge for myself, I’m also going to try to limit each review to under two-hundred words. It’s an exercise in brevity, the archnemesis in all my writing ventures. Can I do it? Let’s find out!
—PAULE KA     Of the sixty-some-odd collections that made my favorites list this season, Paule Ka ranked last. Not necessarily a bad thing, considering it actually made the list, but not a ringing endorsement. To put it plainly, while I liked some looks, I was indifferent about most. There were a few, such as the ones with the large heart appliqués, that I actively disliked. The bows that are a signature of the brand occasionally tended towards comically large, or even very young, but I’m generally not a fan of large bows anyway. Many of the dresses felt like things I’d seen before…in the Macy’s prom section. But perhaps that is a testament to the influence of brand, which just celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. The looks I did like were the ones that included sheer panels. For example, the grey-and-white dress in the first page of the lookbook, which was an interesting take on the half-cape (even if it did include a big shoulder bow). While the placement of the placement of the sheer panel in looks 16 and 17 might not be practical for a night out, I enjoyed them as well. Paule Ka isn't the most expensive brand on this list, but the clothes fit the pricetag.
—ALEXIS MABILLE     Alexis Mabille's namesake brand inhabits a strange place in my mind. His couture collections veer into saccharine for me; all cloying sweetness with no depth, no edge to balance it out. However, his ready-to-wear collections are more restricted, and that's probably for the best. Not to mention the possibility that individual pieces can be incorporated into less cutesy outfits. This time, it wasn't hard to imagine. The lookbook model wore a reflective shield over her face, adding a delightfully surreal element to the collection. It was still undeniably an Alexis Mabille collection, however. Season after season, Mabille finds new and creative ways to sew a collared button-up or trench coat. The craftsmanship in tailoring deserves special mention, particularly on the pieces where patterns were matched across seams. Looks 1 and 6 used this method to create a beautiful chevron. Unfortunately, the collection suffered from familiar drawbacks in Mabille's work. Some of the satin silk pieces felt...off in a way I can't accurately describe. Look 24 throws a lot at you in terms of pieces and color. However, I would consider wearing each of the pieces individually.
—ELLERY     Of the designers on this list, Kym Ellery's concept was probably the most, well, conceptual. Literally; it was inspired by Paul Kos' conceptual piece "Sound of Ice Melting". Like the artwork that inspired it, this collection was meant to be perceived through multiple means. The campaign, film, and presentation were all meant to be part of the collection itself, not just a way to advertise the pieces within it. So what does this mean for the clothes themselves? On one hand, aside from the occasional shared design element, there aren't too many obvious themes. The looks covered many occasions and styles - from casual sportswear to sparkling crop tops that would be perfect for a night out. However, all the pieces look like they could belong in the closet of the same woman. While the garments were more individually-focused than others on this list, they are also some of the most wearable. My only major complaint is for the lookbook itself. Some of the poses, as well as the bright lighting on lighter fabrics, made it difficult to see the clothes. And, trust me, I wanted to see the clothes.
—NABIL NAYAL     Nabil Nayal has been designing for over a decade now. He's won all kinds of awards, dressed everyone from Florence Welch to Rhianna, and collaborated with both Christopher Bailey at Burberry and Karl Lagerfeld at Chanel. Yet this is the first year I've heard of him, and that's a shame. All his artist statements and biographies mention his love of English history - particularly the Elizabethan era. He even earned his Ph.D. in the university where this collection was presented. That inspiration was quite literal in this collection. Prints included both original transcripts of famous Queen Elizabeth I speeches to depictions of the queen herself. In other places it was less obvious, such as the front ruffles or frilly collars on everything from shirts to trench coats. Previous collections by Nayal have been more sportswear-focused, but this collection was breezier. At times a little shapeless, the intricate prints and tailoring still made the garments beautiful. The makeup, which mimicked the script print of some pieces, also deserves a mention.
—VERA WANG     From Elizabethan England to pre-revolutionary France. Where Nayal used his source of inspiration quite literally, taking the designs in a modern direction, Vera Wang went futuristic and avant-garde. Her designs are all about shape and volume, and there was a lot to play with in her chosen time period. This mix of past and future was clear from the first look, which included a style of cap sleeves (called "engageantes") popular among King Louis XIV's court, but rendered in black lace on a babydoll dress. Other times, the classic silhouette was used, but recreated with hard lines and sharp edges. Neck ruffles and puffed sleeves abounded, but the little details were also beautiful. There were several versions of seams made up of grommets, which added a hard edge to the romantic, lacy garments. Some of the pieces in the collection might not be the most wearable, but that hardly matters. They're art.
—WENDY NICHOL     Is it possible to exude downtown grunge and uptown glamor at the same time? Wendy Nichol may have just cracked the code. In this collection, she combined clean lines with sheer fabrics to brilliant effect. All the looks in the campaign were styled by the models who wore them, showcasing not only their personalities, but the versatility of the garments. (One of these models happens to be Ilana Glazer, probably most known for her staring role in "Broad City", and a favorite actress of mine.) Some were dressed more casually, in shirt/pants/jacket combos that would be perfect for grabbing lunch with friends at a café. Others wore mini-dresses that looked ready for a night out clubbing. There were also creative takes on this season's staples, like bike shorts and belted blazers. My favorite (look 2), a gauzy black dress, was particularly beautiful; like something a member of the Unseelie Court might wear. Or, you know, me on a Friday night.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 19 November 2018
Quick Bits:
Aquaman #42 is a tie-in to the “Drowned Earth” event, following on his skewering at the hands of Poseidon in Justice League #11. Navigating his way through a dead realm is kind of a weird way for Dan Abnett to close out his run on the series, but it’s still a satisfying issue. Great art from Lan Medina, Vicente Cifuentes, and Gabe Eltaeb.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman #59 continues the “Tyrant Wing” arc with Batman acting a little unhinged on Penguin’s tip that Bane is running Arkham from the shadows, continuing his criminal empire to kill throughout Gotham. It’s interesting to see Batman alienate his allies again in his pursuit for vengeance.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page #1 begins a new volume setting up an alien adventure in Britain, building upon the previous series but not requiring it as reading, from David Avallone, Julius Ohta, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito. Bettie Page, paranormal investigator, is still a weird but entertaining remit and this opening issue does a good job of continuing in that vein as Bettie travels to England to investigate the Queen having been abducted by aliens. Ohta’s art also just keeps getting better and better.
| Published by Dynamite
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Black Badge #4 employs a unique approach to flashbacks, with a solid spot colour in otherwise black and white image from Tyler and Hilary Jenkins. It’s a neat technique that really makes the scenes stand out.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Bloodborne #7 continues to question the realities and relationship of religion and science, even as the city’s fate becomes bleaker and the disease threatens more and more citizens. While I think I preferred the existential terror of the first arc more, this is still highly enjoyable.
| Published by Titan
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Cold Spots #4 delivers a little bit of explanation as to what Grace has been brought to the island to do. I say a little bit, since there’s still a lot left unanswered in this penultimate issue. Gorgeous artwork from Mark Torres. You can almost feel the coldness coming off the pages.
| Published by Image
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Cover #3 is some amazing storytelling. Somehow Brian Michael Bendis, David Mack, Zu Orzu, and Carlos M. Mangual are layering more and more into the narrative with each subsequent issue in such a brilliant way that you barely notice how many disparate pieces are being presented. It’s like an intricate tapestry being woven before us. This issue even has a special sequence illustrated by Bill Sienkiewicz of a fantasy story I desperately want to read the rest of.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Crimson Lotus #1 begins a new series from John Arcudi, Mindy Lee, Michelle Madsen, and Clem Robins giving an origin story to Yumiko Daimio, one of Lobster Johnson’s enemies and grandmother to the BPRD’s favourite jaguar. It’s good, and an appearance early on from Rasputin just further shows some of the intricacies of the Hellboy universe.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Devil Within #2 keeps the creepy factor up as Samantha and Michelle try to get help for Michelle’s possible possession. Excellent moody atmosphere provided by the art from Maan House and Dee Cunniffe.
| Published by Black Mask
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Doctor Strange #8 begins “The Price” but it’s really just a continuation of the “Two Doctors” arc, building off the corruption of Strange’s former student. Mark Waid gives us some very interesting developments here regarding who is targeting him, along with Kamma finding out something Stephen wishes she wouldn’t, and the revelation of the location of one of the other gems from Cyttorak that were revealed to exist in X-Men Black.
| Published by Marvel
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Evolution #12 ends the second arc with some lies, half-truths, and compelling confessions. The theme of change and mutation that has been evident since the first issue really comes to the fore this issue as some huge changes occur for the cast.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Exorsisters #2 gives more background to how the sisters came about through a deal with infernal powers by their mother. The art from Gisèle Lagacé and Pete Pantazis really is a huge draw.
| Published by Image
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High Heaven #3 spends some time with Heather as she deals, kind of, with the loss of both David and Ben. Very weird things continue to go on in heaven with the usual great art from Greg Scott and Andy Troy. The Hashtag: Danger back-up remains funny with the lengths that the team goes to in order to save one of their own, only to have her kill herself again. And the prose pieces nicely round out the entire package.
| Published by Ahoy
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Hot Lunch Special #4 delivers the penultimate chapter to not just one of the best crime stories I’ve read in years, but also just one of the best stories I’ve read in years period. Eliot Rahal, Jorge Fornés, and Taylor Esposito have really got something special here, with intriguing characters, an ever twisting plot, and some incredible visual. The layouts for this issue, breaking down the pacing, are just wonderful.
| Published by AfterShock
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Immortal Hulk #9 is another staggeringly good issue, with a change for the Absorbing Man as he’s tapped to go up against the Hulk. While I am a little sad he didn’t stay legitimate following his redemption arc in Black Bolt, his development here from Al Ewing is pretty intriguing. Also love the art as the regular team of Joe Bennett, Ruy José, and Paul Mounts trade off pages with guest artist Martin Simmonds. The former illustrating the Hulk and the latter Creel before alternating in the battle between the two.
| Published by Marvel
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Infinity 8 #7 begins the third loop “The Gospel According to Emma” from Lewis Trondheim, Fabien Vehlmann, and Olivier Balez. This reboot of the timeline starts off incredibly wrong as the Marshal approached to assist this time turns on the crew and effectively strands them in this timeline. There’s some interesting bits of grave robbers stealing treasure and overtones of the Marshal’s religion.
| Published by Lion Forge / Magnetic Collection
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Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther #1 begins the final of these two-issue “Infinity Warps” mash-ups. Like the rest, it is incredibly well done. Jed MacKay, Jefte Palo, Jim Campbell, and Joe Sabino craft a tale merging Ghost Rider and Black Panther, seamlessly blending the two into something magical. The art from Palo and Campbell may well be the best of any of these minis and the art on all of them has been very impressive. Love the design for Zarathos.
| Published by Marvel
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Judge Dredd: Toxic #2 has the violence and toxicity spillover as the explosion at one of the waste facilities causes increased fear and tension amongst the scrubbers hired to keep Mega-City One functioning. Paul Jenkins is crafting a tale full of the problems that come with xenophobia and the art from Marco Castiello, Vincenzo Acunzo, and Jason Millet just makes it visceral.
| Published by IDW
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Justice League #12 has some really nice art from Frazer Irving for this penultimate chapter of the “Drowned Earth” event. Also, a very interesting revelation from Poseidon when it comes to the invading sea gods.
| Published by DC Comics
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Justice League Dark #5 kicks off a new arc dealing with the ramifications of the first one, “The Witching Hour” crossover, and previous unrevealed tales of what happened with Detective Chimp after inheriting the Oblivion Bar. James Tynion IV gives some nice nods to the original Shadowpact series aided by beautiful art from Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran, and Adriano Lucas.
| Published by DC Comics
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The Last Space Race #2 introduces us to another member of the team, giving us a bit of his backstory, and largely making us want to drop him into a deep dark hole and forget that he’s there. Peter Calloway does a wonderful job of making Roger Freeman thoroughly unlikable, it’s kind of astonishing.
| Published by AfterShock
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Lightstep #1 is a very different kind of sci-fi tale, mixing almost the feel of the decadence of Rome under Nero or Caligula and the high concept science fiction of a society that measures the class of its citizens by genetic similarity to their progenitor, and thereby assigns how “fast” they live. As I say, different from Miloš Slavković, Mirko Topalski, and Andrej Bunjac. Slavković’s art reminds me a bit Pasqual Ferry mixed with John Watkiss. The story itself somewhat reminds me of Watkiss’ work on John Jakes’ Mulkon Empire. On top of that, it’s part of a broader video game/media franchise from Eipix Entertainment, of which this looks like only the first volley (a novel and video game are forthcoming).
| Published by Dark Horse
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The Lollipop Kids #2 continues to be a fantastic and fabulous comic from Adam & Aidan Glass, Diego Yapur, DC Alonso, and Sal Cipriano. The art alone from Yapur and Alonso would be worth the price of admission, but the characters, setting, and overall plot just elevate this beyond a typical kids fantasy type deal.
| Published by AfterShock
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Low Road West #3 gets significantly stranger and much more surreal as reality seems to be growing thinner. We’re still not any closer to really understanding what’s truly going on, but it doesn’t really matter. Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Flaviano, Miquel Muerto, and Jim Campbell are telling one hell of a compelling story.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Mae #10 has Mae deal with some stuff in our world before stocking up and returning back to Cimrterén to resume her search for her father. Gorgeous artwork as always from Gene Ha and Wes Hartman.
| Published by Lion Forge / Roar
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Marvel Knights #2 sees Matthew Rosenberg and Nico Henrichon join Donny Cates for this chapter, giving a bit of back story on how Banner roped in Castle into searching out the various heroes and leads to a confrontation with Elektra. Still no closer to understanding what happened here, but it does get weirder with a hallucinatory Karen Page. Henrichon’s art is just perfect for telling this story.
| Published by Marvel
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Middlewest #1 is a magical debut of this new series from Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Nate Piekos. It’s a fantasy grounded in the reality of growing up hard in Middle America, with Abel dealing with an abusive father, while just trying to be a kid. But there’s a talking fox and devastating sentient storms. Rather inventive stuff all around. I’m also getting the impression that Jorge Corona should really be a household name. Between No. 1 with a Bullet, Old Man Jack, and now this, he’s been killing it recently.
| Published by Image
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Night Moves #1 is a pretty great debut from VJ Boyd, Jordan Boyd, Clay McCormack, Mike Spicer, and Shawn DePasquale. It’s a gritty crime drama with occult overtones, but most of the weirdness is just simmering under the surface so far as the protagonists work to find out what kind of mess they’re in. McCormack and Spicer’s art really capture the feel of the seediness of the story well.
| Published by IDW
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Optimus Prime #25 brings it all to a close, with a flashback through Optimus’ life and little vignettes of the various Transformers from John Barber, Kei Zama, Josh Burcham, and Tom B. Long. I’m really going to miss this world. 
| Published by IDW
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Pearl #4 is probably the most stereotypical Bendis issue to date, but the dialogue doesn’t tip over into the ridiculous territory. Most of this issue is a conversation between Pearl and tattoo boy, but at least it’s interesting conversation and not random pop culture references repeated as questions.
| Published by DC Comics / Jinxworld
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Pestilence: A Story of Satan #5 gives a bittersweet end to this story, filled with loss and sacrifice. It’s kind of fitting considering how bleak both this and the first series have been. Wonderful art from Oleg Okunev, Guy Major, Michael Garland, and Marko Lesko.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Punisher #4 may well be one of the bloodiest, most violent mainline 616 Marvel Universe Punisher issues yet as Jigsaw and an assortment of Hydra goons attempt to kidnap Frank from prison. Matthew Rosenberg and Szymon Kudranski are continuing to keep this book moving at a breakneck pace, like an action movie that barely takes any moments to breathe.
| Published by Marvel
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Quantum & Woody! #12 brings this volume to a close, with an interesting character study of the brothers at the hands of GATE and X-O Manowar.
| Published by Valiant
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Rumble #9 brings “Things Remote” to an end with an epic battle between the Esu and Rathraq’s friends, leading to an interesting realization for Rathraq and what he wants out of life. Stunningly beautiful art from David Rubín and Dave Stewart.
| Published by Image
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Shadowman #9 continues the “Rag and Bone” arc as Alyssa and Jack confront Sandria Darque. Gorgeous artwork from Renato Guedes, Eric Battle, and Ulises Arreola. 
| Published by Valiant
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Shuri #2 continues the search for Black Panther, while back on Earth the women of Wakanda form a council to figure out how to maintain and administer the nation while he’s missing. Definitely some interesting concepts and character points from Nnedi Okorafor. Phenomenal artwork and layouts from Leonardo Romero and Jordie Bellaire.
| Published by Marvel
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Spider-Force #2 is probably one of the bleakest, mean-spirited stories I’ve read in a while. This isn’t a bad thing, but the story’s a bit of a downer as the nature of an irradiated world without hope seems to permeate everything, including characters like Jessica Drew who are normally at least a bit more level-headed. Priest is writing a very dark story, with some complicated characters like Peter’s granddaughter who grew up in the Old Man Logan universe and a Peter Parker who looks like he was abused by Uncle Ben.
| Published by Marvel
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Spider-Geddon #4 kind of spoils the need to read Spider-Force #3 out in three weeks, which just kind of adds to the downer feel of that series. This issue turns darker itself with a bevy of betrayals. Christos Gage has kind of stacked the deck against the spiders, I wonder how they’re going to get out of it in the finale.
| Published by Marvel
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Stellar #6 concludes the series and it is incredibly messed up. The conflict between Zenith and Stellar is bizarre and perverse, but I don’t really want to go into it more because spoilers would ruin its impact. Joe Keatinge, Bret Blevins, and Rus Wooton have done an amazing job with this series. Highly recommended.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Sukeban Turbo #1 is another series originally published by Glénat Editions in France, translated into English for North American markets. It’s a mix of teenage rebellion, crime, and following a boy band from Sylvain Runberg, Victor Santos, and Shawn Lee. The art from Santos is worth it on its own, very impressive layouts and storytelling.
| Published by IDW
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Summit #10 kicks off the third arc for the series and like most of the Catalyst Prime series recently it undergoes a bit of a change in status quo. Val finds out that she hasn’t been hallucinating, but hearing the voice of another of her team that was essentially vaporized during the event, before having her life turned upside down as the government starts hunting her. Amy Chu continues writing the series, while she’s joined by Marika Cresta fully for the art here.
| Published by Lion Forge / Catalyst Prime
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Tony Stark: Iron Man #6 begins “Stark Realities” and the launch of Tony’s eScape virtual reality game. Dan Slott, with a script assist from Jeremy Whitley, does a great job of making it feel chaotic at launch, with some ordinary and extraordinary problems occurring. The pissed off griefer is hilarious.
| Published by Marvel
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Web of Venom: Carnage Born #1 is an interesting reinterpretation of Carnage’s origin to fit within the new mythology being crafted in the current Venom series, also building off the recent two-part arc there with the Maker, from Donny Cates, Danilo S. Beyruth, Cris Peter, and Clayton Cowles. This is more very entertaining outgrowth of the Marvel Universe from Cates and gives us a quite possibly deadlier Carnage.
| Published by Marvel
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West Coast Avengers #4 concludes the first arc in fairly straightforward fashion as the team deals with BRODOK and the women transformed into giant monsters. Some nice little character moments from Kelly Thompson and great art from Stefano Caselli and Tríona Farrell.
| Published by Marvel
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The Whispering Dark #2 continues its existential and moral crisis as the squad commits war crimes as they struggle to survive. There’s something off about how everything is happening, in how Christofer Emgård is writing the narration, but I’m not sure if it’s just the in-story reason of the go-pills. It feels like the squad is already in Hell and being judged.  
| Published by Dark Horse
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Other Highlights: American Carnage #1, Archie #700, Black AF: Widows & Orphans #4, Black Hammer: Age of Doom #7, Burnouts #3, Days of Hate #10, Dejah Thoris #10, Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive #2, East of West #40, Encounter #8, GI Joe: A Real American Hero - Silent Option #2, Go-Bots #1, Jughead: The Hunger #10, The Long Con #5, Love & Rockets #6, Lucifer #2, Lumberjanes #56, Mars Attacks #2, The New World #5, Olivia Twist #3, Project Superpowers #4, Rick & Morty Presents Pickle Rick #1, Smooth Criminals #1, Star Wars #57, Star Wars: Solo #2, TMNT: Urban Legends #7, Underwinter: Queen of Spirits, Xena: Warrior Princess #10
Recommended Collections: 24 Panels, Accell - Volume 3: Turf Battles, Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows - Volume 4: Are You Okay, Annie?, Crude - Volume 1, Dark Souls Omnibus, Delta 13, Dungeons & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate, Flavor, Immortal Hulk - Volume 1: Or is he Both?, Justice League - Volume 1: The Totality, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man - Volume 4: Coming Home, Resident Alien - Volume 5: An Alien in New York, Spidey: School’s Out, Stray Bullets: Sunshine & Roses - Volume 3, Unnatural - Volume 1: Awakening, Venom - Volume 1: Rex, The X-Files: Case Files - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy wonders if there’s going to be any light in our real darkest hour.
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Shattered Remnants--Undertale AU Update... and other things!
Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the lack of updates. Honestly, I got really busy with school lately, but I’ve been working and tweaking my written forms of the comic. While making my first few pages by hand. I was holding back on major art for a while to see if I could save enough money for an art tablet to help me better color the pictures faster then using my laptops mouse pad. (Yes I know I could invest in a cheap mouse, but my history with them is many lost pieces (port or mouse) and disappointed running times  (how long battery lasted, or it lasted before refusing to work), and many other reasons I won’t get into... Huh.... Lets just say mouses and me, specifically wireless mouses just never have had a healthy relationship (at least not for several years). 
Besides I like the feel of at least having physical control through feeling through the pad. Where a sudden jerk of the mouse can mess a whole thing up, it’s more controlled this other way)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyways, I wanted to inform you that I’ve been lately working on a fun little present for Christmas with my characters. Although I started this late in the season when the idea for it came to me. So I’m not sure i’ll have it entirely finished for Christmas, but I’ll do my best to have it out soon. With it, I’m also planning a surprise for you by New Years.... What is it??? Well you’ll have to wait and see ;) But it may or may not be a preview, or first few pages of the comic. I will not admit to which, but in the next week or two look out for a update from me...
However, I’m planing on making a patreon page. School is important and I am struggling to find a second job to help pay for it, which means less time spent on this comic i have a long plan for. While I’m in the works of possibly creating another comic I hope to submit to webtoons when I get the right tools to complete my work faster.
But this said my main focus isn’t on the comic seeing I’m focused on finishing school for now... But it would help having a patron to pay for art supply's in the future...
However I don’t want to sound like I’m petitioning/pushing for this at the moment, seeing I have nothing to show for it...
As for the original characters picture I promised you. I have it, I was working hard on it... Even evading computer updates to keep up certain pictures of settings... When I finally updated and realized I really craped out my computer which now restarts every time I close it and open it back up.... Lets say me and computers always have a love hate relationship... It’s just I’m the one who does the dumb no brainer thing last minute. It kinda deterred me for a while. But i’m looking at my half finished page of them and I should have it done soon.
I still have considered the character greet comic, just to get to know my original characters in this.I just haven’t made time to make it. I plotted out ideas and questions that could be asked. I just got lost between everything I didn’t really put the effort into it as I hoped. By looks of things, if I manage to do it around the posting of the first few pages, I should have something like this closely following. Although I won’t make promises....
On another note the other comic I mentioned. I originally intended it as a Fanfict to a ride that I always loved. Although being a ride it was more inspired by things in it and not became my own story original characters, while mentions to the lore in it... I’m considering making a test comic for it. Though I can’t say I’ll post it any time soon, as like I said, if I’m to make it I have to have saved for a art tablet.... But just let me know if your interested. It’s a ghost story tied with mystery. I always loved mystery and supernatural themed stories growing up and this one has a fun twist to a famous ride and it’s lore. Just if I get enough interest i might post the art I already created out of fun for the story, or recreate some scene.... I just thought I’d add this little message in as well. 
BUT DO NOT FRET..... I couldn’t possibly leave this message high and dry without showing something... So instead of posting just a another long worded message that might fall on deaf ears... Instead I decided to post early concept art of the first chapter... This was the early in progress page (not taken with my best camera) art concept of the Season 1 Chapter art.... The other picture is a snapshot of my work in progress for the work I did in the musical setting I spoke of as a fun mini comic I believe in a previous message. (Although that could be a message I never posted that’s probably still sitting in docs... in that case Whoops) Anyways early on in making this comic I started a fun musical themed comic with characters of this comic. It started as a fun step back from the harder more depressing tone of Shattered... Besides I grew up on music and musicals. So I couldn’t resists... This is just an idea of my unpainted bare bones of my comic. This is hardly how the final project will look. Both pictures are somewhat old as some things have changed and in these and been fixed. But I felt they still looked good to show (and that way I don’t spoil the final version) Anyways see you Lovely's... Have Very Incredible Holidays Whatever you Celebrate, A VERY MERRY FABULOUS CHRISTMAS,
AND EXTREMELY WONDROUS HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Sincerely Blaze (BlurrsGirl/Sweet<3)
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7r0773r · 6 years
The Braindead Megaphone: Essays by George Saunders
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A disclaimer: it may be that, when you’re forty-six and pearl white and wearing a new bathing suit at a theme park on your first full day in Arabia, you’re especially prone to Big Naive Philosophical Realizations.
Be that as it may, in my tube at Wild Wadi, I have a mini-epiphany: given enough time, I realize, statistically, despite what it may look like at any given moment, we will all be brothers. All differences will be bred out. There will be no pure Arab, no pure Jew, no pure American American. The old dividers—nation, race, religion— will be overpowered by crossbreeding and by our mass media, our world Culture o’ Enjoyment. 
Look what just happened here: hatred and tension were defused by Sudden Fun.
Still bobbing around (three days before the resort bombings in Cairo, two weeks after the London bombings), I think-mumble a little prayer for the great homogenizing effect of pop culture: same us out, Lord MTV! Even if, in the process, we are left a little dumber, please proceed. Let us, brothers and sisters, leave the intolerant, the ideologues, the religious Islamist Bolsheviks, our own solvers-of-problems-with troops behind, fully clothed, on the banks of Wild Wadi. We, the New People, desire Fun and the Good Things of Life, and through Fun, we will be saved.
Then the logjam breaks, and we surge forward, down a mini-waterfall.
Without exception, regardless of nationality, each of us makes the same sound as we disappear: a thrilled little self-forgetting Whoop. (The New Mecca, pp. 28-29)
Man, it occurs to me, is a joyful, buying-and-selling piece of work. I have been wrong, dead wrong, when I’ve decried consumerism. Consumerism is what we are. It is, in a sense, a holy impulse. A human being is someone who joyfully goes in pursuit of things, brings them home, then immediately starts planning how to get more.
A human being is someone who wishes to improve his lot. (The New Mecca, pp. 30-31)
In all things, we are the victims of The Misconception From Afar. There is the idea of a city, and the city itself, too great to be held in the mind. And it is in this gap (between the conceptual and the real) that aggression begins. No place works any different than any other place, really, beyond mere details. The universal human laws—need, love for the beloved, fear, hunger, periodic exaltation, the kindness that rises up naturally in the absence of hunger/fear/pain—are constant, predictable, reliable, universal, and are merely ornamented with the details of local culture. What a powerful thing to know: that one’s own desires are mappable onto strangers; that what one finds in oneself will most certainly be found in The Other—perhaps muted, exaggerated, or distorted, yes, but there nonetheless, and thus a source of comfort.
Just before I doze off, I counsel myself grandiosely: Fuck concepts. Don’t be afraid to be confused. Try to remain permanently confused. Anything is possible. Stay open, forever, so open it hurts, and then open up some more, until the day you die, world without end, amen. (The New Mecca, p. 55)
The world, I started to see, was a different world, depending on what you said about it, and how you said it. By honing the sentences you used to describe the world, you changed the inflection of your mind, which changed your perceptions. (Thank You, Esther Forbes, p. 62)
I’d understood the function of art to be primarily descriptive: a book was a kind of scale model of life, intended to make the reader feel and hear and taste and think just what the writer had. Now I began to understand art as a kind of black box the reader enters. He enters in one state of mind and exits in another. The writer gets no points just because what’s inside the box bears some linear resemblance to “real life”—he can put whatever he wants in there. What’s important is that something undeniable and nontrivial happens to the reader between entry and exit. (Mr. Vonnegut in Sumatra, p. 78)
Humor is what happens when we’re told the truth quicker and more directly than we’re used to. The comic is the truth stripped of the habitual, the cushioning, the easy consolation. An “auditorium filled with two thousand men and women eagerly awaiting a night’s entertainment” could also correctly be described as “two thousand smiling future moldering corpses” or “a mob of bodies that, only hours earlier, had, during the predressing phase, been standing scattered around town, in their underwear.” (Mr. Vonnegut in Sumatra, p. 80)
The countryside is so big, so gorgeous, that it outs human ideas for what they are: inventions, projections, approximations, delusions. In the face of all this Size, action seems pathetic and comic, and fearful, preemptive action seems most pathetic and comic of all. (The Great Divider, p. 161)
Einstein once said something along the lines of: “No worthy problem is ever solved within the plane of its original conception.” Touching on the same idea, a famous poet once said: “If you set out to write a poem about two dogs fucking, and you write a poem about two dogs fucking, then you’ve written a poem about two dogs fucking.”
What we want our ending to do is to do more than we could have dreamed it would do. (The Perfect Gerbil, p. 181)
Now, to extend this already rickety metaphor, let us say that what keeps the people mover moving is what we will call the Apparent Narrative Rationale. The Apparent Narrative Rationale is what the writer and the reader have tacitly agreed the book is “about.” In most cases, the Apparent Narrative Rationale is centered around simple curiosity: the reader understands that he is waiting to learn if Scrooge will repent, if Romeo will marry Juliet, if the crops will be saved, the widow rescued. While the reader waits for that answer, the writer gets a chance to create the Three Christmas Ghosts and compose the Balcony Speech, and in the end, the reader finds that this—the Dirt— is what he or she has wanted all along.
The Apparent Narrative Rationale, then, can be seen as the writer’s answer to his own question “what exactly is it that I am doing here?” (The United States of Huck, p. 189)
Art, at its best, is a kind of uncontrolled yet disciplined Yelp, made by one of us who, because of the brain he was born with and the experiences he has had and the training he has received, is able to emit a Yelp that contains all of the joys, miseries, and contradictions of life as it is actually lived. That Yelp, which is not a logical sound, does good for all of us. Chekhov said that the purpose of art is not to solve problems but to formulate them correctly, and in Huck Finn, Twain formulated our national problems in a joyful and madly funny and frightening Yelp that amounted to a national clearing of the throat. It is kind of insane, this book, but in the same way that tribal cultures immunize and strengthen themselves by sitting around watching some half-nutty shaman flail around spouting descriptions of his mad vision, we are improved by Twain’s great Yelp: it contains, in capsule form, all that is very right and very wrong with us, and amounts to a complex equation proving that our right and our wrong both proceed out of the same national energy. If the Yelp is a bit rough, off-pitch, and inconsistent in places, God bless him: at least he did it. (The United States of Huck, p. 209)
The story of life is the story of the same basic mind readdressing the same problems in the same already discredited ways. First order of business: Feed the trap. Work the hours to feed the trap. Having fed the trap, shit, piss, preparing to again feed the trap. Because it is your trap, defend it at all costs. 
Because we feel ourselves first and foremost as physical beings, the physical comes to dominate us: Beloved uncles die, parents are displaced, cousins go to war, children suffer misfortune, love becomes a trap. The deeper in you go, the more it hurts to get out. Disaster (sickness, death, loss) is guaranteed and in fact is already en route, and when it comes, it hurst and may even destroy us. 
We fight this by making ourselves less vulnerable, mastering the physical, becoming richer, making bigger safety nets, safer cars, better medicines.
But it’s nowhere near enough. (Buddha Boy, p. 243)
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Bad At Sports Sunday Comics with Lala Albert
By Krystal DiFronzo
With the thawing of Spring comes little sprouts, molds, and insects. Who better to remind us of the unseen natural dramas we pass by every day than the cartoonist and artist, Lala Albert. I briefly chatted with Lala about her new upcoming book with San Francisco based publisher Sonatina called Wet Earth.
Krystal DiFronzo: Can you describe your new project, Wet Earth? 
Lala Albert: Wet Earth is a silent comic following the life of a solitary fairy living in a marsh. It’s kind of a slice of life, seeing what she gets up to as the seasons change and she encounters the other resident and migrant creatures of the environment.
KD: What inspired Wet Earth? Looking at it I immediately think about your nature photography and bird-watching excursions. Does being an avid observer of nature affect your practice?
LA: Of course! I really love being out in nature and looking at everything, birds and plants and the way every component of an ecosystem interacts. I wanted to make a comic that gave me the same feelings, of looking at a whole tiny universe underfoot. I also took a lot of reference photos for this comic so anything I saw outside that I wanted to include is there!
I had been thinking about the fairy concept for a while, just drawing them in my sketchbook, so when Scott Longo sent me an email to ask if I had any interest in making a nature themed comic for Sonatina I thought it would be a good fit. I didn’t want to do something just with animals or something too science-y. I don’t really have that impulse for personification, so I knew there had to be some sort of humanoid there for me to give the comic a story/heart (is that saying something about a lack of imagination or am I just….a human….???). I kind of treat the protagonist like a mysterious bird you see alone just doing its thing.
I was excited to work on a comic that I knew I would be good for me mentally. A lot of it really came from that desire, to just be able to relax and draw organic matter. I really have a hard time with man-made interiors and architecture, it stresses me out to draw that kind of stuff. This comic’s not super heavy material and there’s no dialogue, but it’s been really nice to work on something so different for me. It’s been giving me a lot of pleasure to draw and I hope that can be seen or felt from reading it.
KD: How are you approaching working on a longer piece?
LA: It’s been hard, this is the longest comic I’ve ever done! I lost my job mid-February which has been kind of a good thing in this one instance? I’m having a lot of anxiety about being unemployed but I wouldn’t have had the time to work on such a long comic otherwise. I had been planning it out for over a year, waiting for the right time to get going on it. It’s been nice to focus on just drawing for the last couple months instead of it having to be a thing I squeeze in at night or on weekends. I’ve been trying hard to dedicate my time to this comic and I feel really good about the result. Most of the comics I’ve made before have been kind of rushed, this time I’m just putting everything into it since I have nothing else going on! Scott has also been wonderful and so supportive, I’m not really sure if I would be able to do this otherwise. I feel really lucky to be working with him on this book.
KD: When is Wet Earth scheduled to debut?
LA: Summer 17!
Get regular previews and updates on Lala’s progress with Wet Earth by subscripting to her Patreon. kuš! published a great mini of her’s called R.A.T. that is still available on their webshop. You can check out the rest of Lala’s work and purchase originals at her website.
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Bad At Sports Sunday Comics with Lala Albert published first on your-t1-blog-url
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Bad At Sports Sunday Comics with Lala Albert
By Krystal DiFronzo
With the thawing of Spring comes little sprouts, molds, and insects. Who better to remind us of the unseen natural dramas we pass by every day than the cartoonist and artist, Lala Albert. I briefly chatted with Lala about her new upcoming book with San Francisco based publisher Sonatina called Wet Earth.
Krystal DiFronzo: Can you describe your new project, Wet Earth? 
Lala Albert: Wet Earth is a silent comic following the life of a solitary fairy living in a marsh. It’s kind of a slice of life, seeing what she gets up to as the seasons change and she encounters the other resident and migrant creatures of the environment.
KD: What inspired Wet Earth? Looking at it I immediately think about your nature photography and bird-watching excursions. Does being an avid observer of nature affect your practice?
LA: Of course! I really love being out in nature and looking at everything, birds and plants and the way every component of an ecosystem interacts. I wanted to make a comic that gave me the same feelings, of looking at a whole tiny universe underfoot. I also took a lot of reference photos for this comic so anything I saw outside that I wanted to include is there!
I had been thinking about the fairy concept for a while, just drawing them in my sketchbook, so when Scott Longo sent me an email to ask if I had any interest in making a nature themed comic for Sonatina I thought it would be a good fit. I didn’t want to do something just with animals or something too science-y. I don’t really have that impulse for personification, so I knew there had to be some sort of humanoid there for me to give the comic a story/heart (is that saying something about a lack of imagination or am I just….a human….???). I kind of treat the protagonist like a mysterious bird you see alone just doing its thing.
I was excited to work on a comic that I knew I would be good for me mentally. A lot of it really came from that desire, to just be able to relax and draw organic matter. I really have a hard time with man-made interiors and architecture, it stresses me out to draw that kind of stuff. This comic’s not super heavy material and there’s no dialogue, but it’s been really nice to work on something so different for me. It’s been giving me a lot of pleasure to draw and I hope that can be seen or felt from reading it.
KD: How are you approaching working on a longer piece?
LA: It’s been hard, this is the longest comic I’ve ever done! I lost my job mid-February which has been kind of a good thing in this one instance? I’m having a lot of anxiety about being unemployed but I wouldn’t have had the time to work on such a long comic otherwise. I had been planning it out for over a year, waiting for the right time to get going on it. It’s been nice to focus on just drawing for the last couple months instead of it having to be a thing I squeeze in at night or on weekends. I’ve been trying hard to dedicate my time to this comic and I feel really good about the result. Most of the comics I’ve made before have been kind of rushed, this time I’m just putting everything into it since I have nothing else going on! Scott has also been wonderful and so supportive, I’m not really sure if I would be able to do this otherwise. I feel really lucky to be working with him on this book.
KD: When is Wet Earth scheduled to debut?
LA: Summer 17!
Get regular previews and updates on Lala’s progress with Wet Earth by subscripting to her Patreon. kuš! published a great mini of her’s called R.A.T. that is still available on their webshop. You can check out the rest of Lala’s work and purchase originals at her website.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Bad At Sports Sunday Comics with Lala Albert
By Krystal DiFronzo
With the thawing of Spring comes little sprouts, molds, and insects. Who better to remind us of the unseen natural dramas we pass by every day than the cartoonist and artist, Lala Albert. I briefly chatted with Lala about her new upcoming book with San Francisco based publisher Sonatina called Wet Earth.
Krystal DiFronzo: Can you describe your new project, Wet Earth? 
Lala Albert: Wet Earth is a silent comic following the life of a solitary fairy living in a marsh. It’s kind of a slice of life, seeing what she gets up to as the seasons change and she encounters the other resident and migrant creatures of the environment.
KD: What inspired Wet Earth? Looking at it I immediately think about your nature photography and bird-watching excursions. Does being an avid observer of nature affect your practice?
LA: Of course! I really love being out in nature and looking at everything, birds and plants and the way every component of an ecosystem interacts. I wanted to make a comic that gave me the same feelings, of looking at a whole tiny universe underfoot. I also took a lot of reference photos for this comic so anything I saw outside that I wanted to include is there!
I had been thinking about the fairy concept for a while, just drawing them in my sketchbook, so when Scott Longo sent me an email to ask if I had any interest in making a nature themed comic for Sonatina I thought it would be a good fit. I didn’t want to do something just with animals or something too science-y. I don’t really have that impulse for personification, so I knew there had to be some sort of humanoid there for me to give the comic a story/heart (is that saying something about a lack of imagination or am I just….a human….???). I kind of treat the protagonist like a mysterious bird you see alone just doing its thing.
I was excited to work on a comic that I knew I would be good for me mentally. A lot of it really came from that desire, to just be able to relax and draw organic matter. I really have a hard time with man-made interiors and architecture, it stresses me out to draw that kind of stuff. This comic’s not super heavy material and there’s no dialogue, but it’s been really nice to work on something so different for me. It’s been giving me a lot of pleasure to draw and I hope that can be seen or felt from reading it.KD: How are you approaching working on a longer piece?
LA: It’s been hard, this is the longest comic I’ve ever done! I lost my job mid-February which has been kind of a good thing in this one instance? I’m having a lot of anxiety about being unemployed but I wouldn’t have had the time to work on such a long comic otherwise. I had been planning it out for over a year, waiting for the right time to get going on it. It’s been nice to focus on just drawing for the last couple months instead of it having to be a thing I squeeze in at night or on weekends. I’ve been trying hard to dedicate my time to this comic and I feel really good about the result. Most of the comics I’ve made before have been kind of rushed, this time I’m just putting everything into it since I have nothing else going on! Scott has also been wonderful and so supportive, I’m not really sure if I would be able to do this otherwise. I feel really lucky to be working with him on this book.
KD: When is Wet Earth scheduled to debut?
LA: Summer 17!
Get regular previews and updates on Lala’s progress with Wet Earth by subscripting to her Patreon. kuš! published a great mini of her’s called R.A.T. that is still available on their webshop. You can check out the rest of Lala’s work and purchase originals at her website.
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Bad At Sports Sunday Comics with Lala Albert published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 27 August 2018
Quick Bits:
A Walk Through Hell #4 focuses largely on flashbacks to the case the agents were working before whatever’s currently happening happened and...I’m not really sure of anything that’s going on. I think that’s kind of the point, unsure as to how everything is supposed to connect and what any of it all adds up to. Great art from Goran Sudžuka and Ive Svorcina, though.
| Published by AfterShock
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Beyonders #1 is off to a great start. Between this and The Lost City Explorers, it seems like AfterShock right now has pseudoarchaeology stitched up and it’s wonderful. Paul Jenkins, Wesley St. Claire, and Marshall Dillon kick this one off with a wee bit more crunch, though there’s a very interesting upheaval this issue that will make you wonder what’s going on.
| Published by AfterShock
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Blackwood #4 brings this series to an end and it is dark. Very dark. Evan Dorkin, Veronica & Andy Fish have crafted a wonderful horror story here, with some interesting twists, and one hell of an ending.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Bone Parish #2 takes a deep dive in to some of the foundational moments of the Winters clan, even as they begin to deal with the fallout of one of their dealers dying from an overdose. This is great stuff. The art from Jonas Scharf and Alex Guimarães is incredible. Great detail and atmosphere, perfectly bringing to life the premise and characters from Cullen Bunn.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Brothers Dracul #5 circles back around to the beginning of the story, as we reach the end of this interesting retelling and interpretation of the intersection of both the historical and legendary story of Vlad the Impaler, from Cullen Bunn, Mirko Colak, Maria Santaolalla, and Simon Bowland. There’s an interesting twist here that certainly paints Vlad’s action in a different light, and I hope we see it followed up upon in a second series.
| Published by AfterShock
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Cyber Force #5 is a nice change of pace as Bryan Hill, Matt Hawkins, Atilio Rojo, and Troy Peteri introduce us to another old familiar face. This incarnation of the team definitely is taking its time to be brought together, but when the storytelling is as entertaining and the artwork is as gorgeous as this, it doesn’t really matter. To note, though, this is not the kind of decompression that feels empty or padded, it’s just fleshing out characters and their lives more than what we’ve seen before.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Daredevil Annual #1 presents a standalone story of Misty Knight’s days as a detective and her first meeting with Daredevil. It’s good. It feels a bit more like a pilot for a Misty Knight series than necessarily a Daredevil tale, but, as I said, it’s good. The art from Marcio Takara and Marcelo Maiolo is nice. I really like Takara’s style which gives me hints of Phil Hester, Jim Mahfood, and Tomm Coker.
| Published by Marvel
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Dungeons & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate #5 is another fun one, with a focus this issue on Boo. I’ve really enjoyed this series, with Jim Zub giving the party a bit of a breather between larger adventures and giving a great look at them as individual characters. Great art, too, including this issue from Francesco Mortarino and Jordi Escuin.
| Published by IDW
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Edge of Spider-Geddon #2 gives us a view into another alternate Spiderverse, circling back around to SP//dr, and giving us a new twist on the power and responsibility rubric and VEN#m. It’s nice to see Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson play with more technological horror, with some incredible artwork from Alberto Alburquerque and Tríona Farrell.
| Published by Marvel
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Euthanauts #2 is a thing of beauty. Nick Robles and Eva De La Cruz are seriously delivering some of the best art in comics right now with this series. The page layouts, character designs, use of colour, and incorporation of lettering choices from Aditya Bidikar, just elevate the storytelling immensely. Not even to mention how Tini Howard is making the weird science seamless in the dialogue. This is great.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Exiles #7 concludes the Old West-ish arc with cowboy T’Challa. Drop dead gorgeous artwork from guest artist Rod Reis. His depiction of the ultimate villain here shows some nice influence from Bill Sienkiewicz.
| Published by Marvel
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Extermination #2 brings the fight to the school, even as the team (and the reader, although it’s not a bad thing) is still confused as to what is really going on. I love this, the tension that Ed Brisson, Pepe Larraz, and Marte Gracia are building is palpable, and the hints of kid!Cable’s actions are chilling. Also, the art is just phenomenal. 
| Published by Marvel
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Harbinger Wars 2 #4 is kind of the end to this, but the ramifications and fallout are all supposed to appear in the Aftermath issue. That being said, Matt Kindt, Tomás Giorello, Renato Guedes, Diego Rodriguez, and Dave Sharpe go all out for the spectacle in this final confrontation between Livewire and X-O Manowar. It is still kind of insane how Capshaw could possibly consider what GATE and OMEN have done as being “good”, especially in light of Palmer going absolutely batshit insane, but it does lead to interesting set-up for future conflicts.
| Published by Valiant
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Hillbilly: Red-Eyed Witchery From Beyond #1 begins the next adventure of the black-eyed tramp. I get a bit of a Beowulf vibe from Eric Powell’s set-up and I’m interested to see where it goes. This series sees Powell passing on the artistic duties to Simone Di Meo, Brennan Wagner, and Warren Montgomery and it’s an interesting visual shift from the washes of Powell’s own work in the original series. I quite like Di Meo’s style, which reminds me a bit of James Harren and Troy Nixey.
| Published by Albatross Funnybooks
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House Amok #1 is something I’m not sure I can describe. It’s kind of a family drama, but if that family were all collectively sharing a hallucinatory experience or delusion. It’s a very interesting concept that’s only partially revealed by Christopher Sebela, Shawn McManus, Lee Loughridge, and Aditya Baker, but it leads to a very compelling start here. Gorgeous artwork from McManus and Loughridge.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Hunt for Wolverine: Dead Ends #1, like all four of the Hunt for Wolverine mini-series, is kind of a bit of treading water. I cannot say it or any of the previous series are bad, taken on their own separated from this “event”, they’re usually quite good, but as a whole it’s kind of disappointing. It’s a search for Wolverine that kind of comes up empty, acting as a prequel to the return of Wolverine, despite already having returned in Marvel Legacy and hopped across numerous different titles, before apparently being used for evil, as per throwaway bits in the fourth issues of those previously mentioned minis that didn’t necessarily connect with the plots of those minis. It feels a bit scattered and unnecessary, unfortunately, especially when it comes to comparing notes, coming up with the organization we already knew was behind it, and a bit of hand-waving mystery and grandstanding that still tells us a whole lot of nothing. It’s sound and fury. All of which is a bit of a shame because I otherwise generally enjoy the work of Charles Soule and Ramon Rosanas.
| Published by Marvel
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Isola #5... Just look at the artwork. Karl Kerschl and Msassyk just keep delivering page after page after page of beauty.
| Published by Image
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Jessica Jones #2 reaffirms that this is one of the best things that Marvel is currently publishing, with the next two chapters in this story. Kelly Thompson’s dialogue, narration, and banter throughout this issue is spot on, propulsive, and funny as hell when it needs to be, but what elevates it is that this isn’t your typical talking heads approach. The characters are doing stuff, like hunting sea monsters, instead of sitting at a desk or whatever. It’s a refreshing change that overall just makes this all the better. Not to mention Mattia De Iulis’ stunning artwork. It’s slick and polished with a line style that somewhat reminds me of Paul Gulacy and a bit of Rick Mays, and an approach to shadow and colour similar to Frazer Irving. This is a great series that really shouldn’t be missed.
| Published by Marvel
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Judge Dredd: Under Siege #4 wraps up this entertaining series from Mark Russell, Max Dunbar, Jose Luis Rio, and Shawn Lee. I really like Dunbar’s take on Dredd and the Russell’s idea of people creating their own law in the absence of law is an interesting philosophical counterpoint to the idea of man naturally sliding towards a state of chaos. Even the mutants striving for society is an interesting challenge to the typical idea of things falling apart.
| Published by IDW
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New Mutants: Dead Souls #6 concludes the series with Illyana putting the pieces together for what actually has been going on, it isn’t a pretty picture. This has been a great series from Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Gorham, Michael Garland, and Clayton Cowles and the revelations this issue are heavy. The implications for the X-universe is huge and I want more.
| Published by Marvel
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The New World #2 essentially reveals itself as a romance comic, amidst the ultraviolence and social engineering. Didn’t really see that coming, but it’s an interesting move. Trippy art from Tradd Moore, Heather Moore, and Ludwig Olimba.
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Paradise Court #2 continues to be an entertaining horror comic from Joe Brusha, Babisu Kourtis, Leonardo Paciarotti, and Taylor Esposito. This gives us the part of the story where our protagonist is experiencing the horror and everyone else is telling her she’s just imagining it, but it’s still well told and well illustrated.
| Published by Zenescope
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Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons #1 is about as perfect a crossover of two properties as you can get. Morty trying to get into D&D because he thinks it will get him laid is the perfect in to the world of the game and the cartoon, perfectly blending the two for fans of both without alienating or diminishing either. Jim Zub, Patrick Rothfuss, Troy Little, Leonardo Ito, and Robbie Robbins are faithful to both and in doing so deliver a wonderful beginning to this story, that also educates along the way.
| Published by IDW & Oni Press
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Runaways #12 is easily one of the best issues in what has already been an exemplary series. Rainbow Rowell, Kris Anka, Matthew Wilson, and Joe Carmagna focus here on forgiveness, acceptance, and second chances, with some truly beautiful character work between Gert & Victor and Nico & Karolina. If you don’t have a giant grin on your face by the end of the issue, I question your humanity.
| Published by Marvel
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Submerged #2 is still weird, very weird, but there’s some really good bits in here demonstrating some of the emotional manipulation that family members sometimes employ. Beautiful, ethereal artwork from Lisa Sterle and Stelladia.
| Published by Vault
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Venom: First Host #1 is somewhat strange to see in light of where Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman have taken the character, but this limited series from Mike Costa, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Dono Sánchez-Almara, and Clayton Cowles serves as both an interesting addendum to the symbiote’s history and as a continuation (and likely capstone) to the previous creative team’s run. It’s pretty decent.
| Published by Marvel
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Web of Venom: Ve’Nam #1 is a one shot fleshing out the backstory of Rex Strickland and the SHIELD experiment that bonded the early symbiotes to soldiers set loose during the Vietnam War. It’s an entertaining tale with some nice guest stars and sweet art by Donny Cates, Juanan Ramírez, Felipe Sobreiro, and Clayton Cowles. I particularly like the scratchy, faded look in the art to make it look a bit “old”.
| Published by Marvel
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X-23 #3 is great. Mariko Tamaki has nailed the characters and the art from Juann Cabal and Nolan Woodard is incredible. The page designs alone elevate the storytelling immensely.
| Published by Marvel
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The X-Files: Case Files - Hoot Goes There? #2 concludes the second of this new approach of a series of mini-series and it’s...weird? Funny, but weird. Definitely taking a page out of some of the more outlandish episodes of the series, where you question whether or not what you saw happened actually happened. Still, it’s entertaining, which is all that really matters. Fun from Joe and Keith Lansdale, Silvia Califano, Valentina Pinto, and Shawn Lee.
| Published by IDW
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X-Men Blue #34 looks like it largely serves as a capstone to Cullen Bunn’s work with Magneto over the past four years or so, as he winds down his run here and continues to tidy the characters up a bit before he’s done and hands the reins off to the next band of storytellers. It feels like there’s a lot more here that he would have like to have told, but what we get here is still excellent. The hints at the next stage for Magneto and mutantkind are intriguing. Great art from Marcus To and Matt Milla. 
| Published by Marvel
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X-O Manowar #18 gives an interesting transition from this flashback of Aric’s pre-Shanhara life to his return to Earth, focusing on how ideas, people, and culture keeps changing. Matt Kindt delivers a pretty chilling reaction to it. All with some nice artwork from Trevor Hairsine, Brian Thies, and Diego Rodriguez. 
| Published by Valiant
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Other Highlights: Deadpool: Assassin #6, GI Joe: A Real American Hero #255, KINO #9, Marvel Two-in-One #9, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1, Modern Fantasy #3, Moon Knight #198, Ms. Marvel #33, Red Sonja #20, Rick & Morty #41, StarCraft: Scavengers #2, Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing #4, Star Wars: Poe Dameron Annual #2, Star Wars Adventures #13, TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #5, Wayward #28, X-Men: Grand Design - Second Genesis #2
Recommended Collections: 2021 - Volume 1, 30 Days of Night, Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack - Volume 1, Black Cloud - Volume 2: No Return, DuckTales Classics - Volume 1, Eugenic, Factory, Femme Magnifique, I Hate Fairyland - Volume 4, James Bond: Hammerhead, Judas, Killer Instinct, Stray Bullets: Sunshine & Roses - Volume 2
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d. emerson eddy is not the very model of a modern major general. Nor a scientist salarian for that matter.
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 13 August 2018
Quick Bits:
Astonishing X-Men Annual #1 is a rather dark tale of reuniting the remaining members of the original five X-Men and the current creature claiming to be Charles Xavier running around as X. Given his attitude in Charles Soule’s run and now in this story penned by Matthew Rosenberg, there still seems to be something very wrong with the once altruistic, peaceful founder of the team. I personally don’t really like this character, but it still leads to a good story from Rosenberg, Travel Foreman, and Jim Charalampidis. 
| Published by Marvel
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By Night #3 is another fun issue with a bit of a twist as we follow Heather’s father and Jane’s co-worker instead of the women. The voice John Allison gives to Heather’s father, Chip, is hilarious, the perfect mix of no-nonsense “dad” thought and aimless absurdity.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Boom! Box
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Cable & Deadpool Annual #1 is a very entertaining issue of time-travel nonsense and Deadpool being tricked into a recreation of the plot of Terminator from an obsessive stalker. David F. Walker packs this story with humour, creepy lesson teaching, and a bit of a monologue on the nature of comics storytelling. All nicely illustrated by a rogues gallery of Paco Diaz, Danilo S. Beyruth, Nick Bradshaw, Luke Ross, Marco Rudy, Edgar Salazar, Flaviano, Francesco Manna, Leonard Kirk, Chris Sotomayor, and Jason Keith.
| Published by Marvel
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Coda #4 packs the issue with more stunning artwork, from character designs to page layouts and panel transitions, by Matías Bergara (with colour assists from Michael Doig). This series is just a visual treat. It also helps that the story from Bergara and Si Spurrier is equally incredible, taking many of the traditional forms and modes of fantasy literature and turning them into something new. The opening poem outlining the fall of the world and the rise of Sir Hum’s wife is particularly inspired. 
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Coyotes #5 is a welcome return for this series after the trade break, beginning a new story-arc that goes more in depth to the history between the wolves and the grandmothers, as the book’s purpose pivots to the offence. I love the ingenuity of the mythology of this story being built by Sean Lewis and Caitlin Yarsky. Also, like the first four issues, Yarsky’s art is just stunning.
| Published by Image
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Crowded #1 is great. The concept of tapping into our current app-driven and crowdfunded world is brilliant, especially as extended to an assassination app in reapr. Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, Ted Brandt, Triona Farrell, and Cardinal Rae seem to have captured magic in a bottle here and the execution is just phenomenal. The characters of Charlie and Vita are instantly relatable, the premise is on fire, and the art is exceptional. I really want to see what Charlie isn’t telling us.
| Published by Image
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Ether: Copper Golems #4 is another stunning visual feast from David Rubín. Seriously, he has outdone himself this issue, as he handles the usual fantasy sequences, then changes art styles several times as we get our characters living out some of their fantasies. His work is just stunning. The story that he and Matt Kindt are telling just keeps getting better and better.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Extermination #1 begins the next big X-Men event with a bang as past, present, future, and alternate universes collide in this explosive issue. I feel like discussing just about any piece of it is a spoiler, so I’ll just suggest that if you’re at all interested in the original five brought to our time, you need to read this. Ed Brisson, Pepe Larraz, and Marte Gracia present an impressive opening salvo.
| Published by Marvel
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Flavor #4 is a bit of a piece-shuffling issue, as Xoo spends a bit of time in jail and we get a couple more hints as to the something that is being done with children. Although we still don’t know what, and a bit of a revelation of Anant’s mother. Joseph Keatinge, Wook Jin Clark, and Tamra Bonvillain continue to work wonders on this series. Highly recommended for all ages. 
| Published by Image
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Gideon Falls #6 ups the level of weird in this concluding chapter of the first arc. To say that the implications of that final page are confusing, compelling, and chilling is an understatement, as Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, and Dave Stewart construct one of the oddest instalments of this series yet. A lot of this series has been in building tone and atmosphere, spooky unexplained happenings, and here the story goes full David Lynch. It’s wonderful.
| Published by Image
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The Gravediggers Union #9 is the conclusion to what has been an exciting and different take on the occult and elder gods mythology from Wes Craig, Toby Cypress, and Niko Guardia. Fittingly, this end comes down to the family conflict that this arc has revolved around, and it’s a well played out finale. I highly recommend this series.
| Published by Image
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Hunt for Wolverine: The Claws of a Killer #4 is probably the least satisfying “conclusion” of these minis so far, giving us a kind of hand-wavy explanation for what they were tracking, no insight into the organization who brought about these zombies while resurrecting family members, and Daken shuffled off to who knows where. Mariko Tamaki successfully captures the tone and atmosphere of many of the original Wolverine series stories laced with action and black ops, but unfortunately also carries on its tradition of obfuscation instead of an enticing mystery. Nice art from Butch Guice, Mack Chater, Cam Smith, and Jordan Boyd, though.
| Published by Marvel
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Ice Cream Man #6 is highly inventive, even for a series as highly imaginative already that this one is. Instead of one story, here, W. Maxwell Prince, Martín Morazzo, and Chris O’Halloran give us three different flavours to fulfill the “Strange Neapolitan”. It’s a mostly silent issue of three different paths our protagonist can possibly take with each of them presenting their own flavour of horror. This is a really great issue.
| Published by Image
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Infinity Wars #2 is pretty damn epic. I know that the pieces will be reshuffled and everything will be put back together more or less as we found it, but hot damn are Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato Jr., and Frank Martin working overtime to tell a heavy story here. The art is some of the best I’ve ever seen from Deodato and Martin and the stakes have just ratcheted through the roof. I’m loving every moment of this book so far.
| Published by Marvel
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The Lost City Explorers #3 is still doling out the tension as the kids continue to try to evade Sagan security on their way to try to find Hel and Homer Coates’ father’s discovery site under New York City. We’re still only get bits and pieces before a revelation of whatever the discovery actually is, but Zack Kaplan, Alvaro Sarraseca, and Dee Cunniffe are still presenting a compelling story.
| Published by AfterShock
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Luke Cage #1 is another digital original like Cloak & Dagger and Jessica Jones, and also like the latter series offers two chapters at once, and is really rather good, from Anthony Del Col, Jahnoy Lindsay, and Ian Herring. This sets up an interesting mystery of a strange kind of serial killer, the possibility of Luke suffering from CTE, and the wonderful family dynamic between Luke and his daughter.
| Published by Marvel
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The Magic Order #3 continues as a slow burn as Madame Albany and her coterie keep working their way through murdering her family members, all while those family members attempt to track down information on who her assassin is and how to stop him. Mark Millar, Olivier Coipel, and Dave Stewart are crafting a wonderful story here that reminds me a bit of Wanted, but good and about magic.
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Multiple Man #3 takes a particularly dark turn as Matthew Rosenberg, Andy MacDonald, and Tamra Bonvillain toss us into the dark future where an evil Madrox reigns. Of the dark futures where the X-Men stories have taken place, this is probably one of the most twisted, even as Rosenberg peppers it with some nice humour. The throw rug in particular is hilarious.
| Published by Marvel
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Ninja-K #10 is a single issue story focusing on Ninja-H and the horrors that soldiers can have to deal with and how they sometimes cope with it. It has some great art from Larry Stroman, Ryan Winn, and Andrew Dalhouse.
| Published by Valiant
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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #308 is probably the best issue of this series since Chip Zdarsky and Michael Walsh’s single issue story of Peter and Jonah hashing it out in issue 6. Zdarsky shows us here that he really excels at getting into the head’s of some of the characters, giving us a good look from their perspective, and humanizing them. He does that here with Flint Marko, the Sandman, and it feels like an interesting transition to something else. It also helps that it’s wonderfully illustrated by Chris Bachalo and his usual team of inkers of Tim Townsend, Al Vey, Wayne Faucher, and John Livesay. This is a great start and I’m excited to see what comes next for this story.
| Published by Marvel
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Rumble #6 begins this volume’s second arc and is the other series with glorious David Rubín artwork this week (this one with colours from Dave Stewart). I love this book, with its fun mix of humour and arcane magic and fantasy, and how John Arcudi, originally James Harren, now Rubín have built the characters, the overall story, and the absolutely beautiful artwork.
| Published by Image
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Stellar #3 takes an interesting look at the existential price of war and at the notion of “you can never go home again” in this somewhat depressing, but no less entertaining, issue.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Thor #4 is the glorious conclusion to this opening arc sending Thor to Niffleheim to fight Sindr in this leg of the War of the Realms. The artwork from Mike del Mundo is incredible.
| Published by Marvel
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Tony Stark: Iron Man #3 builds another largely single issue story into the larger arc, with a beta test of Tony’s new eScape platform. I like how Dan Slott and Valerio Schiti have been approaching this series and building up Stark’s supporting cast, while also progressing the recurring subplot of Bethany Cabe’s subterfuge and X-51′s newfound robot rights activism.
| Published by Marvel
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Volition #1 is another interesting debut from AfterShock, this time focusing on a world featuring artificial intelligence that hasn’t sparked an apocalypse, instead adapting and continuing on as just another class within society, fighting to survive and combat prejudice like their human counterparts, as created by Ryan Parrott and Omar Francia. The art is gorgeous and a real driving factor for the story, Francia’s style reminds me a bit of JG Jones and it’s incredible.
| Published by AfterShock
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Weapon H #6 continues to be that weird, offbeat comic from Marvel that used to be published in the ‘80s or ‘90s that nobody read, but was actually rather good. Greg Pak has been doing a great job of building up this rather eclectic cast of characters and the art has been wonderful. Here Ario Anindito takes on the art chores with Morry Hollowell and it’s quite nice. His style reminds me a bit of Brian Hurtt mixed with Leinil Yu and it really fits the gritty action of the story.
| Published by Marvel
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Weapon X #22 is more irreverent fun with the “new” Weapon X-Force team as they follow the money instead of altruistic reasons for saving people (though their second mission out already sees a reversion to the old remit). It’s a not-so-serious take on what is almost a team entirely composed of villains with a good sense of humour and action from Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Yildiray Cinar, and Frank D’Armata. It’s also another good place for some obscure X-mythology insertions and follow-ups in the story. 
| Published by Marvel
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The Weatherman #3 continues to keep readers a little off balance with some of the elements in the story, echoing what’s going on with out protagonist, Nathan Bright. Jody LeHeup, Nathan Fox, and Dave Stewart are crafting something here that feels a lot like some of the zanier action strips from 2000 AD and it’s pretty glorious.
| Published by Image
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Other Highlights: Analog #5, Babyteeth #12, Cinema Purgatorio #15, Crude #5, Deadpool: Assassin #5, Doctor Strange #4, Edge of Spider-Geddon #1, Evolution #9, Infinity 8 #5, Jeepers Creepers #4, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #2, Jughead: The Hunger #7, Mage: The Hero Denied #11, Manifest Destiny #36, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30, Mysticons - Volume 1, Proxima Centauri #3, RuinWorld #2, Sherlock Holmes: The Vanishing Man #4, Spider: School’s Out #6, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Terra Incognita #2, Star Wars: Beckett #1, Star Wars: Poe Dameron #30, Summit #8, TMNT: Bebop & Rocksteady Hit the Road #3, TMNT: Urban Legends #4, Usagi Yojimbo: The Hidden #5, The Wicked + The Divine #38, Witchfinder: The Gates of Heaven #4
Recommended Collections: Bettie Page - Volume 2: Model Agent, East of West - Volume 8, Hellboy: The Complete Short Stories - Volume 2, Kill or Be Killed - Volume 4, Old Man Hawkeye - Volume 1: An Eye for an Eye, , Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man - Volume 3: Amazing Fantasy, Rose - Volume 2, Transformers: Lost Light - Volume 3
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d. emerson eddy has now been doing this incarnation of weekly round-ups for a year. Has it really been that long?
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Bad At Sports Sunday Comics with Lala Albert
By Krystal DiFronzo
With the thawing of Spring comes little sprouts, molds, and insects. Who better to remind us of the unseen natural dramas we pass by every day than the cartoonist and artist, Lala Albert. I briefly chatted with Lala about her new upcoming book with San Francisco based publisher Sonatina called Wet Earth.
Krystal DiFronzo: Can you describe your new project, Wet Earth? 
Lala Albert: Wet Earth is a silent comic following the life of a solitary fairy living in a marsh. It’s kind of a slice of life, seeing what she gets up to as the seasons change and she encounters the other resident and migrant creatures of the environment.
KD: What inspired Wet Earth? Looking at it I immediately think about your nature photography and bird-watching excursions. Does being an avid observer of nature affect your practice?
LA: Of course! I really love being out in nature and looking at everything, birds and plants and the way every component of an ecosystem interacts. I wanted to make a comic that gave me the same feelings, of looking at a whole tiny universe underfoot. I also took a lot of reference photos for this comic so anything I saw outside that I wanted to include is there!
I had been thinking about the fairy concept for a while, just drawing them in my sketchbook, so when Scott Longo sent me an email to ask if I had any interest in making a nature themed comic for Sonatina I thought it would be a good fit. I didn’t want to do something just with animals or something too science-y. I don’t really have that impulse for personification, so I knew there had to be some sort of humanoid there for me to give the comic a story/heart (is that saying something about a lack of imagination or am I just….a human….???). I kind of treat the protagonist like a mysterious bird you see alone just doing its thing.
I was excited to work on a comic that I knew I would be good for me mentally. A lot of it really came from that desire, to just be able to relax and draw organic matter. I really have a hard time with man-made interiors and architecture, it stresses me out to draw that kind of stuff. This comic’s not super heavy material and there’s no dialogue, but it’s been really nice to work on something so different for me. It’s been giving me a lot of pleasure to draw and I hope that can be seen or felt from reading it.KD: How are you approaching working on a longer piece?
LA: It’s been hard, this is the longest comic I’ve ever done! I lost my job mid-February which has been kind of a good thing in this one instance? I’m having a lot of anxiety about being unemployed but I wouldn’t have had the time to work on such a long comic otherwise. I had been planning it out for over a year, waiting for the right time to get going on it. It’s been nice to focus on just drawing for the last couple months instead of it having to be a thing I squeeze in at night or on weekends. I’ve been trying hard to dedicate my time to this comic and I feel really good about the result. Most of the comics I’ve made before have been kind of rushed, this time I’m just putting everything into it since I have nothing else going on! Scott has also been wonderful and so supportive, I’m not really sure if I would be able to do this otherwise. I feel really lucky to be working with him on this book.
KD: When is Wet Earth scheduled to debut?
LA: Summer 17!
Get regular previews and updates on Lala’s progress with Wet Earth by subscripting to her Patreon. kuš! published a great mini of her’s called R.A.T. that is still available on their webshop. You can check out the rest of Lala’s work and purchase originals at her website.
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