#It's from episode 38
*slaps a fifty dollar bill on the counter* barkeep your finest vintage of Jonathan Sims babbling incoherently in fear and terror please.
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paintingspaceghosts · 2 months
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felixcosm · 5 months
Reblog and put in the tags what your favorite / comfort episodes of WOE.BEGONE are, I want to see!
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
I'm not sure how to put this exactly, but. In some episodes, we really get to see Stan show some qualities, we get to see why Dorothy still had some good times with him, and that makes the whole 38-year-marriage-turned-bitter-divorce worse to me. Because it means he had it in him to be a good person and a good husband all that time and he just didn't choose to be.
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arthur-lesters-balls · 6 months
i actually dont know if i can make a whole sentence without cursing arthur and john for what they did to oscar. like im seriously holding back here. two little bitches. hate them and their toxic codependent relationship. i hate hate hate everyone from malevolent. after that whole conversation at the bar, after arthur comparing oscar to him in the past and himself to parker, after he said he was glad parker didnt gave up on him....i dont know. im angry.
like, ok, ok, he feels like hes failing john! hes trying to understand whats making him act that way, hes trying to adapt, to make things better for him! he has regrets about yellow he wants to compensate now! but oscar was so wronged
like, come on, oscar regrets not killing father mckenna, he regrets that he tried to help but couldnt go to the end, and how that means that alexander could have been sent back to where mckenna was....and now arthur says he shouldnt drink because he had to help him and he hears him and hopes that he found a reason to keep going and follows arthur to a mysterious dangerous place! just like that! and then real action happens after he had his arm chopped off after he passed out from the pain and the blood loss.......man, he woke up with arthur talking and was able to open the door.....thats how much he was willing to fight. and then arthur didnt even told him why their partnership had ended. it was just like that, and he just accepted.
its alexander all over again, he couldnt go to the end and now hes out of the situation. and, yeah, its for different reasons, but the irony here lies in the fact that now, even when hes willing to die to not have any new regrets, he was stopped by something else. unless he still has a part to play in this story or other people, like daniel, interferes to help him, arthur honestly just left him to die. i know its a heavy thing to say, but considering how serious is his problem with drinking, and how this obviously wont seem like "a bad dream" when he wakes up, i think all arthur did was drag him to an even worst place
and, yes, i know it was not healthy for oscar to live just for arthur's sake, but healing is a process, and when he finally found someone who seemed up to helping him, that person left him behind on the same day, before it even started......like......come on AND ALSO, YES, i know arthur is doing it because it really is safer for oscar and i know john has his reasons and that they're complex ones but please dont ask me to look at nuance right now im depressed im angry and theres a fucking bar on the other side of the street from the hospital
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palms-upturned · 2 years
Society has progressed past the need to celebrate Christmas we should be celebrating Himemiya Anthy freedom day instead. 25 years of shining together babey. I was going to try to think of some kind of funny punchline to end this post with but I actually got too emotional imagining Anthy and Utena as happy 39 year olds. Ough. They’re free…
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beeware-of-lulu · 3 months
spoilers warnih!1!1!!1!1!1!1!
Omg they're not dead
DDoes barney have kkids ?!?!?!?!?!
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babacontainsmultitudes · 11 months
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heartvisor · 1 year
it comes from a very tangential train of thought, but i got the idea of "what would a theoretical shin kr style tachibana racing club girl look like?" and now i really want to try drawing the idea
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coldgpa · 2 years
I've literally read hours of content in which eddie lives an entire life and now hes dead
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
God there's Something about this episode. It's not The scariest and it's not my favorite but it's hhhh
So upsetting? In a good way, great way Even! I love what Jonny did there
The whole marriage certificate with only one name fucks me up a bit and i love it
We love to joke about the homophobic vase, and Great it's So funny indeed! But also (for me at least) The fact that It was a queer couple adds to the horror in a good way, there's just Something about it and i will not elaborate because i am not able to have a great day!
Sources: trust me why would i lie
That poor couple... honestly.
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felixcosm · 8 months
This song is so dreamy
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brave-symphonia · 1 year
I really love how they show us the first bit of this scene only to come back later to show the rest, right when Utena is trying to decide what she’ll do in this moment.
So they give us the full context of what went on between them back then, culminating in her taking the sword back from Akio, and standing up for Anthy, opposed to her prince.
And then Anthy talking about how she thought no matter what she did to herself, it wouldn’t matter, she wouldn’t feel the pain. Saying she must be a horrible person for using Utena, for taking advantage of her.
And Utena talking about how it’s her fault, how Anthy was in pain all this time, and Utena never noticing.
One person thinking it doesn’t matter what happens to them and the other blaming themself for not noticing the pain the other was in, it kind of reminds me of one of my favorite ships from another series I’ve liveblogged.
And it culminating in Anthy telling her to leave, only for Utena to tell her she can’t, before the scene shifts to her taking the sword from Akio and standing up for Utena.
I love this scene.
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danikatze · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me @tj-dragonblade 💖
Last Song: the intro tune of the show I'm currently watching. It's stuck in my head and probably will be for another week.
Last Show/Movie: I honestly have no idea, I'm so all over the place at the moment. Wait -- the last movie may have been the Iron Giant? Hadn't seen it for about 15 years. It was good :))
Currently Watching: Tussen Kunst en Kitch lmao - I listened to a podcast where Antique Roadshow was mentioned which sounded like the American equivalent? Where people have experts look at random stuff they found or inherited usually, and find out if it's worth anything. Anyway I always loved that show back when I still watched tv and it turns out my dad is subscribed to an app that has like 13 years worth of episodes on it so I started binging it this evening hahah. It's one of those things that's just lovely to have on in the background. Also listening to The Unfinished Print, a podcast about Mokuhanga, but that's not something I can listen to non-stop. A lot of information coming at you and the sound quality isn't always great. It's real interesting though and makes me wanna carve some wood again.
Currently Reading: technically Patience and Sarah by Isabel Miller, but I'm currently (again) not great at reading.
Current Obsession: imagining House of Five Leaves characters in Howl's Moving Castle lol.
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heliopixels · 10 months
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yukinomonshou · 11 months
been watching digimon ghost game and man.
i don't think the themes (so far) are as dark as tamers but lots of people have definitely died so far : ) wish they could address that! but because this show is (presumably?? I don't see why this one wouldn't be lol) for kids, they won't. or maybe can't idk??
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