#It's hysterical
citizen-of-the-fandom · 8 months
I highly recommend watching Neil Newbon's streams of himself playing Baldur's Gate 3. His enthusiasm and delight in the game is so infectious (him doing a little chair wiggle and shouting "fuck yes i love this game" during the first cinematic cutscene - i love), it reminds me that it's a game to have fun in and he's so supportive of the rest of his cast and crew that it adds even more dimension to a playthrough.
And also, like, his voice. ofc.
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mlincorrectquotes · 2 years
Alya: I don’t have a lot of time, this is what we’re gonna do; I’m gonna say the word “sponge” and you guys are gonna say the first word that pops into your head. Okay, ready? One, two, three, sponge.
Marinette: Sponge!
Adrien: Sponge!
Nino: Yellow.
Adrien: Sponge.
Marinette: That was mine!
Alya: Okay, let’s just try this...we’re gonna try this one more time. Okay? Just clear your head, okay? So I’m gonna say the word and you’re say the first word that pops into your head, okay?
Alya: It might be sponge. Don’t say sponge.
Adrien: SPONGE!
Nino *whispers*: Sponge...
Marinette, Nino, Adrien: ...
Alya *taking a deep breath*: I’m sorry, okay, let’s just try it again.
Nino: Gimme a shot, gimme a shot, gimme a shot!
Alya: I’m gonna say sponge one more time, first word that pops into your head, ready, one, two, three; sponge.
Nino: ...
Nino: Sponge. AH!
Alya: NINO!
Nino: Sorry, it’s so much pressure, man!
Alya: Okay, you know what, let’s...let’s move on to Adrien. Adrien, here we go. You’re the man of the group, you should be good at this, we’re selling sponges to men, ready? One, two, three, sponge--
Adrien: Sponge.
Alya: ...
Alya: ...why would you say that?
Adrien: Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Alya: Okay, come on, come on, yes, sponge--
Adrien: --cake.
Marinette: ...What?
Alya: Cake!
Adrien: Sponge cake.
Alya: NO!
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
Love coming on tumblr and seeing jedi accused of being baby-snatchers and then going on ao3 and opening a fic and the first thing that happens is a mando straight up steals someone’s baby
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it-begins-with-rain · 23 days
Deadline is faster than Karma.
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erischeatsdeath · 1 year
i still can't get over the fact that ladybug went through all of that shit in the bullet train, got stabbed, brutalised multiple assassins, was bitten by a snake, and CRASHED A BULLET TRAIN, only to face the white death-- who elaborated a plot that dragged everyone who even partly had a hand in the murder of his wife in the same place at the same time. and find out that this entire time, he wasn't even supposed to fucking be here. he's just that unlucky.
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Sometimes I think about how part of my queer awakening was tied to guiltily seeking out and reading Transmasc Scrooge McDuck fanfiction
and like what was that about???
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borgeslabyrinth · 1 year
The thing I love about the internet is that I just found a website called Obnoxious Antiques where you can get obnoxiously large antiques that you wouldn't really have much purpose for. And then going through and finding out that I could buy a vintage clown-themed carnival water gun booth for a mere $8,500. That seems like a laughably low amount.
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All of this could be mine for a mere $8,000. Just imagine.
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blaiddydbrokeit · 6 months
Okay so like. One of the funniest experiences about Rufus is that sometimes I'll look at him and get this INEXPLICABLE URGE to say "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed, and even then, he's still my brother." And like. What. Where did that urge come from. He's not?? My brother???
(Spoiler alert: That was how I was in denial for all of ??? weeks about being a Lambert kinnie, you're welcome.)
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cookinguptales · 2 years
and because I am apparently the kind of person to check imdb like every other day for cast lists
The fact that the Djinn and Marwa’s dad are now listed in “Freddie”, but neither are listed as being in 4.07 or 4.08 has me wondering if something gets set into motion in the wedding ep that comes to a head at the end of the season.
Or I guess it could be a flashback to something that happens at the wedding...?
Honestly, either option gets me het up. We either have some big thing set in motion (by Djinn, most likely) or Nandor has reason to flash back to his wedding during the episode when Guillermo’s bf gets formally introduced.
This is fine!!! ;A;
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Best part of the DSMP finale is how “tens of people” and “everyone in the world” are the same thing. 
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Koro sensei - Domestic life 4, 7, 9?
Bestie I love you kissa on the mouth
Asks from here
4. Do they have any pets?
Not yet, or likely ever. Koro-Sensei is obsessed with getting a cat (to the point of buying cat furniture before we have one) but he and furry creatures don't mix well.
They don't like him.
They don't like his texture or his smell or his appearance. He freaks them out and no cat can stand to be near him. It's a real sore spot for him.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Kills isn't quiet right, we're both bug lovers, especially if they're harmless. We're a catch and release household for pretty much everything.
The exception being Wasps they die on the spot by Koro's hand. I hate those things. Do not want to see do not want to hear
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Despite being an incredible busy body, it's Koro-Sensei. He loves a warm morning in bed tangled around me like I'm some teddy bear. "Convince" isn't even a fair statement here, I can't really move till he's fully awake.
Once he's out of bed though there's no way to get him back in it. He's up, he's made breakfast, and he's ready to carpe that diem.
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as-i-watch · 27 days
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Between the lesbian that cant beat the monsterfucker allegations and the autistic man with the special interest, she really underestimated her crowd
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mcworm · 7 months
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
You’re placed in a room with an animal. The door is closed and you cannot leave. The animal is completely calm and has no intent of harming you. You are in no danger unless you provoke the animal in some way.
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acheemient · 7 months
Banana Shenanigans. Bananigans.
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