#It's not that spicy
wellbehavedyeti · 2 years
Extra Baggage
Tabletop orc OC’s collide  Thrug/Zeke (Zeke belongs to @axelwarriorvs )
Thrug gets world flipping news and Zeke makes sure he doesn’t fall off the planet. Things get spicy.
“You have to come with me!”
“Pardon?” “To this lunch thing…”
Thrug gestured wildly leaving Zeke to stare at him, bewildered. Or as bewildered as Zeke cared to look. 
“This is a weird way to ask me out but A for effort.”
The withering stare might have had more of an effect if it weren’t for the bright shade of red that bloomed around Thrug’s ears and reached down around his nose. Zeke’s confident smirk only marking his satisfaction of, in his mind, a job well done. 
“I’m serious!,” he continued, taking a seat opposite of Zeke with a huff, “This guy could be trouble, dangerous even.” “So don’t go,” Zeke said plainly, glancing at Thrug over the edge of his glasses.
“But what if he’s telling the truth!?” 
“Statistically improbable, but not impossible.”
Improbable indeed, Thrug thought. It was also improbable that a half-orc who was even bigger than Zeke in every conceivable way (presumably) wandering around town shouting Thrug’s birth name at the top of his lungs. Which is exactly what happened, nearly getting said half-orc arrested after he was asked by authorities to stop and threatened to snap one of them in half. And by either his own bad luck or the stranger’s good fortune, Thrug not only heard this happen but was able to convince the authorities to ease up and leave him alone until he could figure out why the hell this man was here.
As it turned out, the man’s name was Brendan, and he was looking for Thrug because apparently they were brothers. Half-brothers, as a matter of fact. Followed by a whole tirade of words that Thrug could not remember because at that moment he had blacked out. White noise had filled his head while flashes of a life he’d rather forget came out of doorways long since closed and thought locked forever. Anger rose like bile, choking his response in his throat. For his part, what the larger orc lacked in apparent sense of direction he made up for in reading the room. He offered Thrug a card for the hotel he was staying at with his room number to contact him and invited him for sandwiches someplace. The whole thing was dizzying, even now in the gentle warmth of their room. 
A warmth that became a roaring heat as thick hands laid upon his shoulders and traveled down his body, leaving trails of fire over his skin. His eyes opened reluctantly against the brightness, but as focus found them they fell upon the face of the man above him. Zeke stared back down at him with the same intense gaze he wore when he was deep in a book. Thrug let out the breath he’d been holding, reaching up to touch the powerful arms that worked his flesh. Rougher fingers by far traveled up and held onto Zeke, whose eyes darted downward, back towards Thrug’s. Sets of amber locked in a moment, deafeningly loud in its silence and heavy with a need for touch. After what seemed like hours, his hand caught Zeke’s in the trail of little hairs below his navel. 
“Come with me?” his voice quiet against the sunlight dust. 
Zeke frowned slightly, but didn't pull away. “I don’t know…”
Thrug’s hand traveled up the arm against his body to Zeke’s neck, pulling him down gently until their lips met. They stayed like that until air was once again important and barely parted, staring once again. Only the druid was grinning slightly, certain in his victory as it was Zeke’s turn to shift a shade of the most beautiful red color Thrug had ever seen. His lover could dish, but he couldn’t take it. 
“Fine,” Zeke replied, slightly short of breath, “But I’m borrowing your v-neck.” “But it doesn’t fit…?”
Thrug chuckled at the new smirk on Zeke’s face as he stood. It was to be a game for them, then. Hardly something the druid could complain about as one arm wound around the other’s neck and his hand traveled down a wall of defiant muscle until it found his core. Soft and plaint at first but quickly changing as he tugged gently, leading Zeke back towards the bed and cushions by his sex. “Deal.”
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chremes007 · 1 month
knee deep in the passenger seat 🚙
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 6 months
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millidew · 5 months
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