#Ship: Zug
wellbehavedyeti · 2 years
Happiness Looks Good On You
Tabletop orc OC’s collide Thrug/Zeke (Zeke belongs to @axelwarriorvs )  
Zeke’s friends don’t believe he managed to find someone to join his book club, let alone DATE him. He takes Thrug to the gym to prove them wrong, events spiral from there. Zeke’s perspective. Also smut. 
"Zeke, are you sure this is what I'm supposed to wear? These work-out shorts seem....short."
“That’s why they’re called shorts,” Zeke deadpanned without looking up.
He was busy with the last sheet of the comprehensive workout routine he was setting up for Thrug. Convincing him to go was just the first part. And even though he’d only did it so he could show Thrug off and convince his gym friends that he did, in fact, have a real boyfriend, Zeke found himself enjoying the process of getting said boyfriend prepared. Especially after he found out over Christmas that Thrug would wear just about anything he gave him. He got him some respectable attire of course, no taking advantage of him here. Though if the shorts he gave him happen to be a little too short, well…what a rare and fortuitous mistake for him.
Although now he had to keep his attention on the worksheet under his hands because a glance in Thrug’s direction, checking himself out in the mirror with a bloom of scarlet on his face and neck, nearly made him call the whole thing off and spend the night figuring out how he could get that blush to spread further. If he could get Thrug interested enough in this to come with him regularly he’d consider it a plus, and they couldn’t do that if he was hovering over his body trying to find all the ways to play his favorite instrument.
“Come on, we’ll be late,” he said after clearing his throat, closing and setting his books into a haphazard pile on whatever available space he could find. It wasn’t strictly true, they had plenty of time, but Zeke wanted to get there before any of his meathead friends did. That moment where they would walk in was prime show-off material.
“Yeah yeah, I’m coming.”
Thrug gave up trying to see his own rear in the mirror and grabbed his hat which did nothing to stop the constant wild bed of hair atop his head that always seemed to look like he’d just been ravaged. Or perhaps his hair looked like that because of his hat? Zeke hadn’t started that particular branch of research yet.
The gym was thankfully barren at this time of day. Not only did he not have to deal with a large amount of people but it also meant that there would be a clear line of sight to Thrug, who was staring at the folder of work-out notes Zeke had given him. There was something about his concentration face, brows so furrowed it made them look like one large ridge and his tongue pushing at a tusk, that always managed to grab his attention. Time seemed to shrink down until the world only contained the two of them as he showed Thrug how to use the machines, finding any excuse he could to touch him.
He almost missed when someone called his name and Zeke forced himself to forget the way Thrug would push back against his torso, turning to watch the pack of jocks that was The Gym Bros make their way in. They waved him down with meaty arms, strangely in tandem with each other as if they shared a single brain cell. There was evidence enough to uphold that theory.
A series of one word sentences followed, The Gym Bros having entire conversations with a single syllable and the look on their face. An entire language that took Zeke a year to interpret. Enough for him to reply with a quieter “Bro,” and a polite almost-there smile he reserved for public situations.
“You’re early, Bookworm Bro!” The Bro in the lead declared happily.
“Had to get the jump on you and get the boyfriend started,” Zeke replied with a grin.
“Holy shit, you actually brought him?”
“No shit, where?!”
Zeke motioned confidently in his boyfriend’s direction, grin growing slightly at the sight of Thrug handling the machine with all the grace of a boar in a china shop. His concentration face mixed with a healthy dose of resting bitch face which combined sent people in wide circles around him, afraid to get too close.
“What the hell?”
“There’s no way.”
“Yeah, there’s no way that’s your boyfriend, bro.”
“Probably just some random guy you brought along.”
“Yeah, that’s why he looks so pissed, bro.”
A cacophony of chuckles followed shortly after as Zeke turned around, indignant.
“Oh yeah!? I’ll fuckin’ prove it!”
With a huff he turned away from the pack of jocks and stomped over to where Thrug was checking the weight of the machine he was using. The druid looked up just in time for Zeke to wrap his hand around his neck and pull him in for a bruising kiss before he could even ask what was happening. The effect was immediate, lips parted to allow the scholar to dive in. He dominated him, tongue running over gums and teeth and the ridged roof of his mouth, bushing against the tusks that gently clacked together with every move of his lips. Thrug reached up to grasp at his shirt, tugging it down as he was left needy and wanting for more. Zeke’s hands traveled, one found its way under Thrug’s shirt, wrapped around his back and pushed him tighter against his body. The other grabbed a heaping helping of ass, kneading the flesh under too thin fabric until he could feel their arousal push against each other. Hard, the pressure so alluring that Zeke almost forgot he was in public. A display that would normally push at the edges of what he was comfortable with, but his stubborn need to win pushed drowned what anxiety it would normally cause to a whisper. Before long they both had to come up for air, parting with finger shaped bruises on Zeke’s skin and Thrug blushing so brightly one could swear he was born that way. The druids’ lips were bruised and kiss swollen, his eyes in a daze as he breathed deeply.
“Wh-what's happening? Was that a good set?” he asked in a blissed haze.
“Oh yeah,” Zeke said, “You’re doing great, babe.”
Thrug’s smile was so wide it made his ears wiggle as he turned to get back to the machine with that same look of determination he’d been so fond of.
He turned back to the pack of Gym Bros with the largest grin on his face and drank in their shocked faces.
“Bro! You weren’t fuckin’ kiddin’!”
“Well shit. That settles it, bro. You have to bring him to the New Years party…” followed by a series of affirmations, most of which boiled down to ‘Hell yeah!’. Zeke’s smug grin had turned back to a pair of wiggling ears launching into his next workout with even more enthusiasm. A kind of solid heat settled in his chest that he chalked up to watching Thrug bend over in shorts much too short for him to pick up the weights, along with a second undefined thing that begged for attention. But before he could examine it too closely a heavy hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his mind and back into the fresh air of his victory.
“Seriously, bro. Y’all have to come!” his friend insisted, and Zeke found himself nodding before the rest of the conversation solidified in his head. “Great!”
When the words finally registered in his head the Gym Bros had already migrated to their respective work outs. Zeke groaned quietly, kicking himself for not paying better attention. He’d rather not go at all, but he already agreed and one night of social discomfort was preferable to the weeks, if not months, of joyful ribbing the Bros would give him if he backed out now. His eyes wandered back over to his boyfriend, smirking at the way his legs were crossed, knowing that Thrug had noticed his erection and was waiting for it to die down. Maybe if he convinced him, the New Years party wouldn’t be so bad.
“No. No, absolutely not.”
Zeke figured he’d try to convince him on the way home, he had it all laid out and Thrug was having none of it, as he expected.
“That sounds awful. A whole night at a party with the roving pack of meatheads?” he continued, his resting bitch face quickly moving into an active one.
“They’re not all meatheads,” Zeke supplied defensively.
“Aren’t they the ones who laughed at you when you asked them to join the book club?”
“To be fair, they thought I was telling a joke.”
Thrug stared back at him silently, waiting for that sentence to connect. Zeke sighed and shook his head.
“Okay, yeah the meatheads. But I promised I would go and it would suck way less if you came with me,” he continued, pleading with his eyes now to supplement his words. Thrug looked unconvinced. In fact he started to get that look on his face that Zeke recognized as the offer of sexual favors to get out of an argument. It’s how he got out of Zeke’s Dragon Ball Z marathon.
“They have a dog!” he offered quickly, which made the look on his partner’s face change considerably. Hell yeah, Zeke thought, get him with the animals. And like he thought, Thrug eventually sighed and nodded.
“Alright, I’ll go.”
Zeke actually cheered in victory, moving behind Thrug to wrap his arms around him as he planted a huge, wet kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, babe!,” he whispered in his ear, hands bunching up the legs of the short shorts as they walked, “How ‘bout we finish what we started when we get home, huh? Show you how much I liked seeing you in the gym.”
He felt the blush before he could see it, his hand sneaking inside Thrug’s shorts as the druid nodded rapidly. He’d make it worth his while.
“I regret everything,” Thrug muttered in such a resonating way that Zeke couldn’t help but nod in agreement.
They stood together staring up at what appeared to be a normal, every day, suburban home. But they could feel the thrumming of the music playing inside from the front lawn, which was littered in various detritus. The Gym Bros all lived here together, living out their college days in wasteful merriment day after day.
At the very least the roving pack of jocks seemed to want everyone they met to be as content and carefree as they were. Zeke wasn’t absolutely sure how they did it, and in some small way envied the ease at which it came to them. The harsh tones of his father’s “advice” began to ring in his head. He shook it to drown them out, unwilling to make tonight worse than it needed to be. Thrug’s hand held him firmly in the moment, tucked in the cup of his palm like for all the world it belonged there, for which he was thankful.
“An hour, tops,” he explained quietly while leading his boyfriend by the hand towards the porch, “By then they’ll be too drunk to remember we left.”
Once they were inside, however, Zeke suddenly wondered if an hour might be a bit much. A wave of beer, weed, and axe body spray washed over them as the door opened and an unbearable heat permeated the place. The music’s dull thrum had turned into a cacophony of a clearly overtuned bass equalizer.
Before Zeke could turn around and decide that a week of ribbing was worth missing this party, he was enveloped in a cage of muscle, sweat, and joyful (and loud) affirmation.
“Yo, dude! You came! BROS! HE CAME!”
The resounding cheer that followed nearly knocked the breath out of him. How could they be this excited that Zeke came to a stupid party? The question would remain unanswered as he was finally released from his entrapment only to find that the mass of man had rounded on Thrug.
Despite how uncomfortable he knew it must have been for him, Zeke couldn’t help but grin and stare at the bloom of blush upon Thrug’s skin. Which only intensified when the Gym Bros had gathered and began to tease them, thanking the druid for his existence because Zeke would never have come otherwise so he must be the determining factor. A statement that began to roll the cogs in Zeke’s head but he wasn’t allowed to dwell on that too long as they were tugged into the main parlor.
Drinks were shoved into their hands and they had meatheads take up stations on either side of them on a couch that had clearly had enough of large men sitting upon it and given up on supporting anything.
Zeke immediately began sipping from his drink, counting a personal victory that he didn’t cringe at the taste of the concoction they’d made. Normally he wouldn’t drink anything handed to him but the Gym Bros had long since proven that they had no nefarious purpose. Just idiotic well meaning party vibes.
He looked over and saw Thrug eyeing his own drink with trepidation and smirked. He provided a gentle nudge to get his lover’s attention and nodded when he looked up, assuring him it was safe. In part because it was, but also because he was curious what Thrug was like with a little alcohol in him. Several months together and he’d never seen him drink a drop ever.
Thrug, who was slowly sinking into the cushions, gave Zeke a look before offering a shrug and taking a sip of the swill inside the red plastic cup. The following grimace was enough to make Zeke chuckle, but immediately afterwards when a meaty hand collided with Thrug’s back and caused him to chug more than he was prepared to drink at once.
“There you go, bro! Whoa, easy, don’t breathe it in!” the jock warned while Zeke saw to Thrug, unable to stop his laughter and worry at the same time.
When it became apparent that the druid would be fine, his worry ebbed and the liquor proved loosen Thrug up a bit. The effect was nearly immediate, little rosy spots blooming on his cheeks. Zeke watched him intently as he drank more, nodding in encouragement any time his lover looked at him. He was curious, and resolved to see where this would lead and gave him an excuse to turn down any drinks as the designated driver, now.
It didn’t take long, by the second drink, Thrug was one of the Gym Bros. Participating in beer pong, succumbing to the allure of karaoke and belting out a love song that earned Zeke more than a few jabs in the ribs, and even managed to vanish from his site for a split second only to return wearing a bedsheet as a toga. The latter of which caused a loud chant of “TOGA TOGA TOGA” as bro after bro stripped on the spot and donned whatever bed sheets they could find.
Such displays normally would have Zeke slowly edging for the door. But to his surprise, he found himself playing along. If only a little. With Thrug there, none of it grated on his nerves as much as it normally would.
Before he knew it they had been there for three hours, seated across the den with a new glass of water as he watched Thrug squatting to be face level with the dog the bros collectively took care of.
“Bro, your boyfriend is so drunk he’s talkin’ to the dog,” The largest bro said, dropping on the sofa so hard Zeke nearly spilled his drink from the jostle.
“That’s normal for him,” he said flatly, checking for wet spots on the fabric, “The dog was actually how I convinced him to come.”
Just as he was satisfied he hadn’t spilled a drop, his friend nudged him with his beefy arm and knocked half his drink out of his glass anyway.
“Dude!” Zeke started in, turning towards the jock but found a knowing smile pinning him on the spot, “Wha-”
“He’s good for you.”
“Who, Thrug? I-” Zeke started, but the bro cut him off.
“No seriously, bro. I seen you watching him all night and, yeah, that’s good lookin’ out right? But also you would have left waaaaay before now normally and just been a grumpy doofus all night,” he continued, wrapping that same arm around Zeke and pulling him into a one-armed hug, “Plus I’ve never seen you smile before. Ever. Smirk? Yeah. Sneer? Definitely. But with him you smile. It’s nice, bro.”
Zeke stared up into his friend’s face, bewildered at the sudden wisdom of the meathead. Heat washed over him as his own blush flooded his face, eyes finding the figure of his lover. Thrug was occupied with placing a pair of earmuffs made out of plants over the dog's ears and Zeke couldn’t stop the smile that marked his face.
“See, bro!” The jock cheered, unwinding his arm from Zeke at the slightest hint of resistance, “It’s like come fairytale shit!”
Zeke winced at that, though his smile didn’t completely fade. Thrug at this point had joined the dog in howling some melody he couldn’t recognize. Clearly he had to get his boyfriend home before he did something he’d regret. He was surprised at the lack of joyful teasing when the words “I should probably get him home” left his mouth, instead coordinating with the cognizant Bros to convince Thrug it was time to leave and helped them to the car. For the first time he could recall, Zeke left a social event with a lingering warmth he’d examine later.
Aside from an incident through a drive thru where Thrug had climbed across Zeke’s lap to hang out the driver window and shout an order, the ride home was thankfully uneventful. The same could not be said on the way up to the apartment.
Drunk Thrug was an unruly force of nature. With nothing else to distract him, his clothes nearly abandoned before they got to the elevator, his hands grasping at places Zeke would definitely appreciate more behind closed doors. Doors it took longer and longer to get to as he dragged his boyfriend carefully along. .
“Weeeee should, go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall theway,” Thrug slurred, having given up on his own stubborn clothing and begun investigating how best to rid Zeke of his own. “Y’know? We should…should do that.”
Zeke stopped in his tracks for a moment, Thrugs words seeping into his body sending warmth and blood to his core which was now very much on board with the druid’s attempt to release it from its confines. His brain recognized what his lover meant by that, the implications involved, screaming the news to his heart which leapt in his chest. But the stench of alcohol put the breaks on everything, giving Zeke the focus he needed to push forward and tug his pants up.
“Yeah,” he agreed, throat a little dry but he knew he’d have to wait for Thrug to sober up to talk about that. Make sure he knew what he was doing, not floating down a river of liquor and poor life choices.
“Yeah, yeah,” he started again with a clear throat, finally having enough of this squirmy asshole and lifting him over his shoulder as easily as one would carry a sack of potatoes, “I’m real tired though, you know? We should do it in the morning.”
“Oooooh! You’re so right, baby. You’re so smart. The smartest ever,” Thrug hiccupped behind him, doing neither of them any favors as he openly groped at Zeke’s backside.
Eventually they made it to the door, a small seed of relief settling in the scholar’s chest. The door swung open to familiarity, cozy and made just for him. Or, them, now he realized as he set Thrug down in a nearby chair and locked out the rest of the world with a turn of the key. He hadn’t noticed until now just how much of Thrug’s presence had taken over the place. All of which were small additions that Zeke had come to think of fondly without realizing it. Not least of which, the very man who put it there…and was currently pulling Zeke’s pants down.
Getting ready for bed luckily wasn’t nearly as tedious as getting into the apartment itself, and once Zeke was naked Thrug was a lot more cooperative. The larger orc couldn’t help but smirk and soak in the attention like sunlight for his ego. He wanted to wash the smell of party off of both of them, but decided that would also be best left in the morning when Thrug was no longer inebriated and trying to convince him the non-orc half of him was some sort of goblin. Instead they settled into bed, the druid tucked into his side as they let the dark blanket them. Zeke wrapped his arm around his lover, sighing softly while he waited for sleep to take him.
It felt as though he had just begun to drift off to sleep when he felt himself being gently shaken. A single eye pulled open, blinking while it adjusted to the dark.
“Zeke, you awake?” came Thrug’s voice, now without the sting of liquor carried on his breath. Maybe it had been a few hours after all.
“I am now,” he grumbled, shifting to look out the window. The moon was still high in the sky, shining into their bedroom.
“Sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I…” Zeke’s eyes turned back to the moment at hand, curious.
Thrug shifted on the bed, moving himself closer and running a hand up Zeke’s torso, threading his fingers through his chest hair because the scholar secretly liked it.
"I was serious, you know..."
Thrug whispered into the silvery dark, his voice impossibly soft. As though if he said it too loudly he'd wake up from whatever dream he found himself in. It made something in Zeke's chest jump as he looked down into eyes that stared back. Watching. Waiting. That little jumping bean in his chest pulled his limbs into motion and before he could register what the swelling in his gut meant his lips found Thrug's, the moonlight banished behind closed eyelids and a sudden waking need to have every inch of that body connected to his.
He situated himself over Thrug’s body like they’d done so many times before, foreheads resting together as they shared the same air. It wasn’t at all how he thought this would go. Zeke had done the research, he knew the first time should be on all fours because it was easier. But he wanted to see Thrug’s face. Had to.
His cock twitched happily, already leaking as his hips drew forward, sliding wetly against Thrug’s weeping length. They groaned together at the contact, Zeke reaching down to take both of them in hand while he rocked forward.
“Remember our first time?” he muttered quietly, nipping at the line of Thrug’s jaw. The air filled with the slick sound of their cocks sliding against each other and the druid’s moans.
“Shit, Zeke…I-”
Even in the dim moonlight he could see the blush bloom, darkening his partner’s skin across his nose and creeping down his cheeks onto his chest. Zeke paused to stare at the pull of his lips against his teeth. He needed more. He smirked, nudging against Thrug’s skin with his nose as he moved down his body.
“Ah, f-fuck,” Thrug’s breathy voice like a loudspeaker in the quiet of their room, lifting in octave when Zeke turned his attention to his nipples. Tongue dragging over it before his teeth grazed the raised nub, all the while he watched and committed the druid’s face to memory. Thick arms shifted, pulling Thrug’s legs up and apart, spreading his lover out for him like the feast he was.
Further and further down Zeke traveled, running through his lists and diagrams as he pulled moan after groan out of Thrug. Touching those special places, rubbing him a certain way, dragging his tongue along his cock in the same manner one would play an instrument.
“Zeeeeeeke,” Thrug whined, his hands in Zeke’s hair. The tugs were gentle, even as the scholar suckled on the tip of his engorged member just so he could watch his facial expressions. “Zeke, please! Need you…!”
There was a brief consideration to dip between his cheeks, pull more of these melodic notes out of the druid with his tongue. His own ignored length twitched angrily, eager to get inside and the thought was abandoned. Zeke was just as impatient.
He crawled back up his body, straddling over the half-orc’s chest, cock pressed against his face and leaving glistening streaks in its wake. But Thrug’s face turned not towards it, but the fingers Zeke offered and pulled them between his tusks.
Amber eyes never broke contact, holding Zeke captive. “Fuck, babe,” he encouraged quietly, moving his fingers against the wet heat and watching the pull of lips, somehow equally as alluring here as they were wrapped around his length. He reached out with his other hand, grabbing the bottle they kept by the bed and set it in the druid’s hand. Thrug followed his lead, popping the lid and gently applying a thick layer of lube along Zeke’s leaking cock. All the while never taking his eyes or his mouth away from his lover.
Thrug let loose a throaty moan when Zeke pulled his spit-soaked fingers free, sending a ripple through his body that traveled down his spine to his lubed up cock. It ached for more touch, more friction, but he held off. It was coming. But he had to make sure they were ready.
Passages of books, instructions he’d read, videos watched replayed in Zeke’s head while his thick, spit-slick finger ran up and down, circling his entrance.
Zeke hummed, leaning forward to offer a gentle kiss. “Ready, babe?”
Thrug nodded quickly, reaching down to grasp his abandoned cock too eagerly as he hissed, “Pleaaaase.” His eyes close as Zeke’s finger pushed passed the ring of muscle.
“You’re so tight,” he said, working the finger in and pushing in a second with the practiced ease of someone well versed in this body.
He pushed his partner’s legs further apart, while his own hulking body made a home between them. His hand joined Thrug’s around his length, in part to anchor himself and in part to pull more of those life-giving noises from his lover. Mewling and sweet, they grew in volume into mouth watering moans as his fingers pushed their way inside and worked to spread him open. They’d done this part before, of course. Many times over, one particular evening came to mind where Zeke decided to pull Thrug apart by the seams until well into the night. Familiar and exhilarating all at once, every time.
By the time he’d reached the third, twisting and rubbing against that bundle of nerves that had the druid shouting and his cock beliver another burst of precome, Thrug had reduced himself to a being of sensation, clutching at Zeke’s arms so hard they would leave bruises before a final, breathy “I’m ready, Zeke, I’m ready! Fuck me!” broke through his lips.
Zeke dove in to swallow the whimpering moan that escaped Thrug when he pulled his fingers out and lined up his swollen cock with his rim. The druid nodded when he felt the swell of the cock head press against him, then enter. A gasp escaped him, Zeke all too happy to capture it for himself before he leaned back on his haunches.
For the first time that night, his eyes were torn from Thrug’s face to watch where they connected. Eyes trained on the way his cock slid slowly inside and watching, feeling his lover stretch around him. Inch by solid inch he was swallowed, until the messy nest of his hairs pushed flush against Thrug’s rear. There he stayed, buried to the hilt as Zeke tried to catch his breath. And then came the squeeze, Thrug tightening down against him like a vice.
“N-No, don’t! FUCK! Don’t, don’t do that,” he cried in his own desperate tone, overwhelmed for just a moment. For the longest time, neither of them moved. And then Zeke pulled out slowly, relishing the drag of his cock against Thrug’s inner walls and the mewling groans that came with them.
He set a pace, slow and focused. Staring down and watching himself inter and leave his lover over, and over again. He could do this for an eternity, watching the way his body gripped at him. The way his cock glistened before pushing back in. “I wish you could see this,” Zeke breathes, making a mental note to convince Thrug to let him do just this for hours sometime. Maybe record it. For science.
But tonight was not that night, not the way Thrug’s legs had hooked around his waist. Heels dug into the dimple above his ass, pushing, urging him onward. How was he to deny that?
Suddenly Zeke is much closer, having dropped onto his forearms so they are chest to chest, already devouring Thrug’s moans with a kiss. His legs pushed him up, his ass raised into the air. And all the wonderfully flowery words that were floating around in his head for this moment blur into nothing as he started to move in earnest. Each thrust, each loud smack of their skin against skin, the steady ‘thwack’ of his balls against Thrug’s ass driving him onward. Faster. Harder.
He finally relinquished Thrug’s lips, traveling lower to bury his face in his neck. To nibble at the skin, his tusks pressed so firmly there he was sure to leave bruises. But he needed to leave more. More evidence of tonight. The druid’s moans filled the air, loud and broken with each brutal push. Thrug’s fingers curled, dragging against Zeke’s back with an intensity that would leave a mark for days.
This had to be what bliss was, Zeke thought, sweaty and growling. He bit down as Thrug let loose a garbled “I’m coming!” and felt the way his partner clamped down on him repeatedly through his orgasm for he felt the warm spill between them. The druid’s face turned, biting firmly but gently against Zeke’s neck as he rode out his climax. And still Zeke kept fucking him. Immensely proud that he was able to pull that from him first but now chasing his own. It did not take long with Thrug’s pulsing walls before the blinding pleasure overtook him, burying himself to the hilt and emptying himself deep inside his lover.
They stay there for several long moments, pressed as close as they can possibly be, Zeke rocking slowly into Thrug while coming down from the physical high. He pulled his face back enough to line their foreheads up again, pressing lazy kisses against Thrug’s lips. The druid’s hands cupped his face, thumb tracing every line, every ridge it could reach.
“That was…wow,” Thrug was the first to speak, out of breath and smiling broadly.
“Yeah? Was it awesome enough?” Zeke said, grinning.
“Yeah, yeah. It was so awesome,” Thrug said back, laughing softly.
Zeke pulled away again, but only just enough so he could watch himself pull out of Thrug, earning him a whimpering moan in the process. “Oh, shit yeah,” he crooned, going in for another kiss, “One more question.”
“You wanna do that again?”
Thrug laughed, deep and from his chest as he nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, fuck yeah I want to do that again.”
“Cool. Give me like, fifteen minutes,” Zeke said and rolled over onto his back, pulling Thrug on top of him.
“Zeke?” Thrug asked after a quiet moment.
“What do you want out of life?”
The question hit him like a ton of bricks, settling something strange in the bottom of his gut that was making his slowly rebuilding erection falter, “Damn, Uhh... I dunno. This is pretty good."
"This is pretty great, yeah. I just wondered if there was anything more you wanted to do. What you wanted to be."
"Hmm. I just wanna do things I like, you know? I never really thought much past that,” he all but whispered, staring up at the ceiling in thought. And yet Thrug’s warmth remained, Zeke’s arm pulling tightly around him, “At some point even this much seemed unlikely."
"Live in the moment. Hmh,” Thrug said thoughtfully, “Hold nothing back. Wild."
Zeke smirked, and asked, "You got any grand plans figured out for your future?"
Thrug looked up at him, because of course he did. No matter the situation Zeke always ended up nearly a head higher than him, which meant he always had the high ground. A benefit of being so bloody tall.
"Nah," he sighed, content, "Turns out what I was looking for ended up being here." The druid’s eyes turned back towards the ceiling, “The rest I'll figure out as we go."
Zeke watched him, allowing himself to feel the wave of warmth at those words instead of setting them aside to analyze later. For once. He rolled over the druid, earning him a giggle as he went in for a kiss and clutched at his lover. As it turned out, he didn’t need to wait the full fifteen minutes after all.
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lindseynicole1999 · 2 months
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Drawing collab with @jayjay667
⚠️⚠️⚠️MPREG WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️
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aimasup · 2 years
Not-canon-to-AU ship #2: Paperhat (Valiant) aka White Hat x Dr Zug
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that's right Zug redesign babeyy (literally just moved the spikes)
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stars-n-zeds · 5 months
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likely the first of many ocs, meet mockingbird!
Mockingbird is a young and outgoing crane tug who’s only slightly bigger than Ten Cents, bearing the same white, grey and black color scheme as her namesake. She’s a newcomer to Bigg City port, coming from upriver. She was bought by Captain Lucky after her previous owner was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and she was at risk of being scrapped if nobody stepped forward and bought her. Thankfully, she landed herself a new position down in the Bigg City port at Lucky’s Yard, helping with repairing ships and barges, and always being on call in case anyone needed a quick crane. She’s best described as hardworking, intelligent, kind, passionate and trustworthy. Like her namesake, Mockingbird is incredibly smart and quick-witted, coming up with quick solutions and comebacks when the time calls for them. She also has a big soft spot for animals, and is one of the few tugs to have what could be called a pet - her crow, Boo. He’s a very loyal bird, and came with his boat when she moved away from the river and down into the port. He serves as almost a lookout, alerting Mockingbird when he spots trouble.
Something that not all tugs might be aware of is the fact that Mockingbird is Sea Rogue's younger sister. They'd already been bought by separate owners by the time they figured out they were manufactured in the same place, and there wasn't any room for her to be brought into the munitions factory fleet her brother was part of. But don't worry, they definitely make up for lost time whenever Sea Rogue has to do jobs on occasion and Mockingbird makes visits upriver whenever she can.
Because she isn't part of either the Stars or Z-Stacks, she's in a neutral position when it comes to their rivalry - helping anyone who needs it. But she is more acquainted with the Stars as they're generally nicer to her. She's around the same age as Ten Cents and Sunshine, so the three of them get along really well and interact a lot. She also has to help Zip and Zug pretty often because they're dumbasses and usually end up doing stupid things that she has to pull them out of (both literally and figuratively).
To put it simply, Mockingbird is a hardworking and outgoing young tug who's a great addition to the Bigg City Port.
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maximus-tugs · 1 year
I just realized I don't think I've talked about my fanmade 'episode' idea for a chapter in my Humanized AU. I'm calling it 'Prohibition'. It's a Zed Stack chapter, where the five of them do a rum running job. In case anyone's not in the know, during Prohibition, ships would be anchored just outside the US' maritime limit full of liquor. This was called Rum Row. Rum runners would go out at night, load up on illegal booze and run it back to land to be sold. It was a pretty dangerous job as you had the risk of getting boarded by the coast guard or taken out by the competition. (Despite the use of the word rum, it was literally any alcoholic beverage. I guess everyone just liked the alliteration). Minor history lecture aside, I am so excited for this chapter, so here's a basic outline. There'll be more to it later.
The Zeds get assigned by Captain Zero to bring in a shipment of booze, as rum running is a lucrative business these days.
The Zeds decide they're only taking one vessel since communicating and traveling at night with all five vessels would be difficult.
The trip there doesn't pose a risk, so the Zeds think they're in the clear.
Zorran even decides to prematurely celebrate by sampling the product. Maybe a little too much.
Unfortunately they're suddenly spotted by the coast guard on the way back.
There's a chase back to the docks where the Zeds have to get the Coast Guard off their tail. It ends up being easier said than done.
When they get back with the booze, it's nearly dawn and the Zeds realize they have to get back to work soon.
Also as a last little bonus, have a bit of dialogue I thought was kinda funny:
"So, Zug," Zip began. "why do you think they call it 'bootlegging' anyway?"
"Don't ask stupid questions." Zug answered curtly.
"You can just say you don't know."
"Shut up." Zug glared at his half brother.
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sollyinpurplepants · 3 months
Raritan preview
I have had this story on the back burner, so it is time to write! I also want to try and write the canon au again, so I am setting this tale post Bigg Freeze!
It was the height of the Bigg Freeze, and it was difficult for everyone. The chilly weather limited the amount of work the Star Tugs and Z Stacks could do, so any work that could be found was extremely lucrative. Hercules was away on a contract for a construction company in the Florida Keys, and this put tremendous pressure on the remaining Star Tugs. Without their lead tug, they were struggling to compete with the Z Stacks for contracts. Captain Star noticed this, but there was little he could do.
A frigid January morning seemed to have changed Star and Marine's fortunes. Captain Star trudged through the snow and spied a few ships sailing into the Lower Bay, and smiled against his scarf. It was an odd request, but he hoped it would give some of the tugs a chance to move their rudders about. He stepped into a shed that served as his makeup office before opening the window. His tugs were starting to stir; it was six o'clock after all.
"Good morning Star Tugs!" Captain Star greeted, sounding unusually positive.
"Morning Captain." Ten Cents replied, wincing from the cold as he started his fire.
"Someone sounds brighter than usual." Top Hat grumbled, shaking some icicles that had built up along the brim of his hat. "Hopefully it'll be something good. This cold is going to make my monocle crack!"
"Lighten up Top Hat, I think we all need good news every now and then!" Sunshine remarked, getting a chuckle from Warrior.
Captain Star let out a snort and said with a bellow, "Alright, that's enough! I do have some good news, though I did have some concerns at first." He opened up his letter and read, "It's a contract from the Army. Commander Lloyd knows the general in charge of a construction project in the Lower Bay, and the general is offering a delivery contract."
Warrior gasped. "When did we start working for the Army?" He asked himself.
"An Army contract?" Big Mac was intrigued. "The Navy is one thing, but hoo boy. I swear the Army is a different beast altogether!"
Captain Star put a hand on his forehead. It seemed the cold weather had made his tugs snappier than usual. He shouted, "Hey now! The general also offered the contract to the Z Stacks, so we need to work as a team in order to get paid! Top Hat, Warrior, I need you to go to the depot and get the supplies."
Top Hat was startled. "Me? With Warrior!? The last thing I want is our delivery being sunk!" He spat.
Warrior snorted and steamed up to Top Hat. "Don't worry Top Hat, I think I know where we're going." He grinned, giving the railway tug a nudge. "What part of the Lower Bay is it, Sir?"
"Edison, a small town on the banks of the Raritan River." Captain Star answered. "The freeze affected rail traffic, but their river traffic is thankfully not as affected. I think."
"I think all my confidence has left." Top Hat grumbled, giving a glare to Warrior. "Come along, we cannot disappoint the general."
Elsewhere in the estuary, Zebedee and Zak were already at work. After Zorran and Zug's misadventure Up River, Captain Zero did not want any repeats. He reckoned that his number two and his number three were competent enough for Army work. Zebedee seemed distant, but Zak was confident.
"Cheer up Zeb, at least we don't have to deal with Zorran and Zero." Zak snorted, shaking some snow off of his wheelhouse. "Now get your engine runnin'! I overheard Star tellin' Top Hat and Warrior to go down to Edison as well."
"Lemme guess, ya wanna get a head start?" Zebedee asked. He knew fully well that Warrior was a clumsy tug, which would make the delivery complicated. "Welp, I better hope they know that river as much as I do. Now come on!"
The journey to the Lower Bay was surprisingly smooth, with Top Hat noticing that the the landscape was changing. Buildings quickly gave way to trees and rocks, a sure sign they were in the Lower end of New York. He spied a suspension bridge and asked, "Is this the way to Edison?"
"Yeah, it is!" A tramp steamer called, catching the two Star Tugs by surprise. The name "Mako" was painted on his dark blue hull, and icicles built up on his black knitted cap. "You guys lost? You definitely look like you aren't from here. If you want, I can show ya where to go!" 
Top Hat was unnerved by Mako's offer, but Warrior remained pleasant. "I think we know where to go Mako! Thank you, though!" He answered, leaving the tramp steamer behind. "Come on Top Hat."
A quarter mile behind, Zebedee and Zak spotted the tramper. "Blast! I was hoping that tramper would hold those idiots up!" Zak snapped.
"There has to be a reason for it." Zebedee grumbled. He noticed the tramper's hull and his skin started to break in sweat. "Somethin' about him doesn't feel right, but I don't know why."
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trainsinanime · 7 months
Random Notes on Jet Lag: The Game Hide 🇨🇭 Seek episode 1
Spoilers. Sorry, I thought it was out for the non-paying public already and only realised after I posted.
Jet Lag is fun. It's not really more than that, but it doesn't want or need to be.
I was on a backpack train journey through Switzerland in September and this brings back so many memories. Like Lucerne-Andermatt-Göschenen? We did that journey, just in the other direction. I want to go back.
The line between Andermatt and Göschenen, the Schöllenenbahn, is severely underrated. You don't get a lot of views on that ten minute ride since it's mostly in tunnels, but the views you get into that deep gorge are amazing. Gorgeous, even.
Switzerland should really build a line from Andermatt to Airolo. Yes, I know what you're thinking, it's completely pointless, you can already get from Andermatt very quickly to Airolo by changing trains in Göschenen, there is no need for more Gotthard crossings, there are already two tunnels on the line. But to that I say: One and a half tunnels right now. Redundancy is great, and more rail lines is even better.
Alternatively or in addition, they should build the Grimseltunnel, because I think the lack of it is really going to hurt Ben for the next episode.
My guess for where Ben is hiding in episode 2: Vitznau. It's right by Lake Lucerne, it is on the railway network, but it is connected to the railway network in the weirdest way possible.
I haven't checked whether he could actually reach Vitznau, don't @ me. I guess it depends on whether ships are allowed (the rule, according to the podcast, is that the hiding spot must be on the rail network and get at least one train an hour, but they haven't clarified whether hiders and/or seekers have to use a train to get there)
But his options are severely limited. Going either east or west isn't great, he would basically stay in the same mountain valley until his time runs out. Could he even reach Brig? South could work, but he'd run out of country very quickly, so back north seems like the most likely option. Also, you know, lake.
I am not committed to Vitznau, but I am committed to either Lake Lucerne or Lake Zug, and probably in a ten kilometre radius around Arth. That hits a few smaller lakes as well, but I don't think it's either of them, and Zürichsee is right out.
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starboardsquiggly · 2 years
Together, Never Ever Alone Again
A small lookout a few minute sail from the port was where Zip anxiously found himself. He needed a walk, the yelling, constant belittlement, the jokes at his own expense was too much but… he weighed, was this not how every work place was? It must be because he’d heard how the Starfleet got on with one another when they came face to face, cracking jokes, laughing at each other. So why did this feel different to the way his fleet treated him?
There was a telescope at the look out, you could see all of the harbor through the lens for a dime, he didn’t have a dime, he was far away staring in, it felt better then being in the midst of it all. He could see his tug where he had left it at the bottom of the mountain. It needed to be treated soon, the stack puffed harshly and the shine had left the bow. Zip huffed, dangling his legs over the cliff.
He heard the sound of a match ignite. “I thought I saw someone come this.”
Before he could fall down the cliff in fright the Starfleet’s star child grabbed hold of his hand and pulled. He fell back as Zip fell forward. “Ah, shit I’m so sorry!” Zip scrambled to his knees.
He laughed. “Not a problem mate. Say…” Ten Cents took a minute to dust himself off. “What are you doin up ‘ere anyway?”
“I uh.” He un-winced when he realized no physical assault would come from this Starman. “I come up here sometimes, when it gets too loud, or too…” he wanted to say hostile. “Too much.” He agreed on.
“Aye.” Ten Cents leaned back on his hands. “Funny, I do a similar thing. ‘Cept I usually go out past Lillie Lightship when she’s not paying attention, I like that isolation of nothing but salty water filling my nose. Captain Star would kill me if he found out, so I have Sunshine back me up when I’m gone.”
“Sunshine is that new tug right? The one from up stream?”
“Sure is! whistles when he talks, has me double checking for a new ship trying to dock. He’s come a long way only after a month, but I amount that to my excellence in training him. Everyone would agree! Maybe not Top Hat, he’s to full of himself and his neck.” He laughed.
It was nice, his laugh, Zip chuckled along. It was nice to have someone to talk to aside from having to watch what he said. Ten Cents hardly knew him, but he spoke to him with the kind of respect a person would have for their long time friend. Why would he do that? What made him want to talk to him? He’s only a burden like Zorran and Zak say, why would Ten Cents want anything to do with-.
“Hey Zedstack.” Zip blinked the black spots out of his eyes, Ten Cents was waving a hand in front of his face. “Where’d ya go?”
Zip’s mouth started moving before he could think, something about Ten Cents made him do that. “Why are you still talking to me?”
The star was taken back. “Huh?”
“I-i it’s just, no one usually want to talk to me, to have anything to do with me aside from bossing me around or telling me off, I’m not much of a conversationalist since most things I say never matter and Zug says I’m no help unless the assignment is to cause a scene. And Captain Zero doesn’t usually give me any important jobs unless the others need help so I just.” He hiccupped, “why are you talking to me like I’m a person, and not a punching bag?”
Through his own tears he could no longer see Ten Cents, nor could he see the telescope or the harbor over the water. He blinked away the tears but more fell behind them and that was embarrassing, no man cries, not if they’re real men, Ten Cents is probably looking at him like he has two heads. He pulled his hat off to cover his face looking anywhere aside the boy sat in front of him.
It wasn’t until he felt a hand gingerly touch the whited knuckles that gripped the hat did he slide the hat down until he met Ten Cents did he move. He sobbed and Ten Cents pulled him into a bear hug, he was surprised that his strength being so small was so strong. He hugged back wanting to melt into the Star’s embrace and just disappear entirely. He was shaking but all that mattered to him was the embrace. He hadn’t felt anything like this in such a long time.
“No one should ever make you feel that way Zip. You are apart of their team, every team works together and needs each part to hold them up solid.” When Ten Cents pulled back Zip was surprised at his own tears that he rubbed at with the heel of his hand. “I’m sorry they make you feel that way, mate.”
“What?!” He held onto Ten Cents shoulders, “why are you crying?”
“Because you’re crying, because that stinks, because you shouldn’t have to carry all of that with you!”
Ten Cents hugged him again, Zip settled into his grasp. He could see the harbor now, but the sun had dug its way out of the clouds. It was warm, Ten Cents was warm, his chest felt warm. He could feel Ten Cents wiggle around for his pocket in their awkward position on the ground, He pulled a dime from it.
“Hercules used to take me up here when I was little, it makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. The trips on his tug over to this island made me fall in love with the water.”
They helped each other stand.
“Want to look out with me?”
Ten Cents put the dime in the telescope. “We can be on top of the world together. Never alone Zip. I never want you to feel like your alone like that again.”
He took the star boys hand and they took turns staring out over the harbour. Laughing at Warrior swatting off the seagulls who took off after the garbage in Lord Stinker and enjoying the far away feeling together, not alone. Zip never wanted to feel alone.
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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SS Edmund Fitzgerald
It has been almost 40 years since the iron ore freighter SS Edmund Fitzgerald, the largest ship on the Great lakes in the 1970’s, gave up its battle against ferocious seas and slipped beneath Lake Superior’s cold tumultuous surface.
On November 9, 1975 a storm was brewing as the Fitzgerald left Duluth, Minnesota bound for the Zug Island docks in Detroit, Michigan. Without today’s more precise GPS tracking systems she was unable to pinpoint her position, which put her in harm’s way.
The freighter, Arthur M. Anderson was 15 miles behind her when the two crews radioed each other about the brutal gale force winds. Within minutes the captain of the Fitzgerald, Ernest McSorley radioed that his ship was damaged and had a list, it was taking on water. McSorley requested the Anderson be its radio eyes for the rest of the trip to Whitefish Bay. The last radio communication from the Fitzgerald came at 7:10 p.m. just nine miles short of safety. McSoley stated:
“One of the worst seas I have ever seen. We are holding our own.”
Five minutes later the Anderson’s radar lost the Fitzgerald. All of the 29 crew members perished when the Edmund Fitzgerald went down. No remains were ever recovered. Rogue waves or what are known as Three Sisters which are huge 90 ft. plus waves sunk the Fitzgerald.
Ten years after the Fitzgerald sank it was spotted once more on Lake Superior by a commercial vessel. This crew stated that they saw this large ship on a foggy night. They reported a strange eerie atmosphere at the time they spotted this ghost ship. The Edmund Fitzgerald remains at the bottom of this lake, 500 feet down in two pieces.
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What are some head cannons for Tugs and your Five Nights at Freddy's au?
I hope I'm not bothering you
You’re fine; Well here we go again!
Let’s start with TUGS:
I have mentioned in the past that the Tugs all knew the Titanic, well I don’t believe I mentioned that on the anniversary of her accident; They don’t do their work and Pay tribute.
In the show; They ended with Bigg Freeze (If going in a particular order), That was the last time any of the tugs were in Bigg City Port due to financial problems. (Before being sent to Sodor in the AU)
OJ has been protecting Zebedee from Johnny Cuba for years because OJ knew about Johnny’s Abusive Behavior.
Zak has a real habit of messing with people’s hair. Styling it; Playing with it, It doesn’t matter. He loves messing with it.
Don’t mess with OJ if you are a thief. That boy will Usain Bolt after ya and Tackle ya to the ground HARD! Even with his age; The Muthafucka DEADLY!
I have stated before that Ten Cents was adopted by Hercules after his mom’s death. Ten Cents has learned to cope with this by knowing that his family has always been there for him.
Zorran may show that he’s a big man and doesn’t care about his team; Deep down, He does care and it’s always slipping out.
Zip and Zug has Autism and it’s very far into the Sectrum. The first person to find out about it is Zorran (Who feels Hella guilty and becomes their papa)
Zak is VERY FLEXIBLE!! So flexible that he can do the girl from the Ring so well it scares Ten Cents and Sunshine.
Big Mickey almost had to explain himself to OJ and the others on what happened to him after the Munitions accident but he didn’t have to.
Now time for Five Nights at Freddy’s! Get ready; This is gonna be intense.
Toy Freddy has Welding/A Physical Scar on his Chest in the shape of an “X” due to a incident that almost left him decommissioned.
The Glamrocks have met the original Fnaf gang as well as the toys and the Sister location gang.
Withered Freddy is a Depressed Bear who only wants to be on stage again, The toys thankfully give him that chance at night.
Original Freddy is very oblivious to Toy Freddy having a crush on him (Because TF saw Freddy liking someone else and didn’t wanna embarrass himself)
Chica; Toy Chica; Nightmare Chica and Glamrock Chica are all great cooks! As well as Sisters; Including Withered Chica.
Springtrap and Toy Freddy have been a couple for a few years until the two talked because Springtrap loved Ballora (William Afton and his Wife kinda shipping idk)
Golden Freddy has been angry at Springtrap for years (Evan mad at William)
There is only other one Afton family member that is alive; Yeah, it’s not just Michael. It’s their son Bec (Bec belongs to my wife @lovedevildice4ever ; Thought it would be nice if I mentioned Bec.)
Glamrock Freddy is in a Poly relationship with Monty and Glamrock Bonnie (Who got fixed up thanks to Gregory and Bec).
Gregory knows a lot of things about Robots and about the Pizzeria because of the newspapers and because of looking at broken robotic machines.
Gregory views Glamrock Freddy as his father and he views Monty and Glam Bon as Papas.
Sundrop and Moondrop get their own separate bodies thanks to Gregory.
When Gregory chose to Stay in the Pizza plex; He was able to save Glamrock Freddy in time by getting the other Glamrock animatronics to come help.
In Fnaf 3; Bec was not happy when he realized he had to deal with his dad who was Springtrap.
There is one animatronic that Bec hates and that would be Funtime Freddy. BonBon is cool to Bec; Not Funtime Freddy.
Little Fun Fact for ya if you all haven’t noticed by now (Though some of you have but Idc I’m gonna say) But my Sona is literally Toy Freddy but Light Blue and having my kind of Hair.
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bloodbowlminis · 1 year
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Real Magritta
Based in the city of Magritta, home of the SPIKE! trophy and its accompanying annual tournament, Real Magritta takes only members of the landed gentry of Estalia to fill its ranks. This has led to a fairly robust team if not the most devoted to training. What they are able to do is supply the team with the gold necessary to attract the biggest names in Blood Bowl. Giving birth to the latest endeavor of the club, Los Galácticos.
Galácticos era
From Griff Oberwald, Karla Von Kill, or The Mighty Zug, to stars from further afield such as Skrorg Snowpelt, or even Morg’n’Thorg have been approached or at the very least been connected to Real Magritta. Those who have not yet played at the stadium know that “the RM ship does not set sail too many times.” It is a mere matter of time before all these stars fill the firmament, and fulfill their remit to bring the trophies to the holy royal city of Magritta. ¡HALLA MAGRITTA! And “¡HASTA EL FINAL REAL!” Will be heard throughout the Blood Bowling world.
Greatest Rivalries
Tilean Titans 🇮🇹
Chaqua’Skillz Jaguars 🇧🇷
Las Pumas 🇦🇷
Vampire Bay Buccaneers 🏴‍☠️
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wellbehavedyeti · 2 years
Extra Baggage
Tabletop orc OC’s collide  Thrug/Zeke (Zeke belongs to @axelwarriorvs )
Thrug gets world flipping news and Zeke makes sure he doesn’t fall off the planet. Things get spicy.
“You have to come with me!”
“Pardon?” “To this lunch thing…”
Thrug gestured wildly leaving Zeke to stare at him, bewildered. Or as bewildered as Zeke cared to look. 
“This is a weird way to ask me out but A for effort.”
The withering stare might have had more of an effect if it weren’t for the bright shade of red that bloomed around Thrug’s ears and reached down around his nose. Zeke’s confident smirk only marking his satisfaction of, in his mind, a job well done. 
“I’m serious!,” he continued, taking a seat opposite of Zeke with a huff, “This guy could be trouble, dangerous even.” “So don’t go,” Zeke said plainly, glancing at Thrug over the edge of his glasses.
“But what if he’s telling the truth!?” 
“Statistically improbable, but not impossible.”
Improbable indeed, Thrug thought. It was also improbable that a half-orc who was even bigger than Zeke in every conceivable way (presumably) wandering around town shouting Thrug’s birth name at the top of his lungs. Which is exactly what happened, nearly getting said half-orc arrested after he was asked by authorities to stop and threatened to snap one of them in half. And by either his own bad luck or the stranger’s good fortune, Thrug not only heard this happen but was able to convince the authorities to ease up and leave him alone until he could figure out why the hell this man was here.
As it turned out, the man’s name was Brendan, and he was looking for Thrug because apparently they were brothers. Half-brothers, as a matter of fact. Followed by a whole tirade of words that Thrug could not remember because at that moment he had blacked out. White noise had filled his head while flashes of a life he’d rather forget came out of doorways long since closed and thought locked forever. Anger rose like bile, choking his response in his throat. For his part, what the larger orc lacked in apparent sense of direction he made up for in reading the room. He offered Thrug a card for the hotel he was staying at with his room number to contact him and invited him for sandwiches someplace. The whole thing was dizzying, even now in the gentle warmth of their room. 
A warmth that became a roaring heat as thick hands laid upon his shoulders and traveled down his body, leaving trails of fire over his skin. His eyes opened reluctantly against the brightness, but as focus found them they fell upon the face of the man above him. Zeke stared back down at him with the same intense gaze he wore when he was deep in a book. Thrug let out the breath he’d been holding, reaching up to touch the powerful arms that worked his flesh. Rougher fingers by far traveled up and held onto Zeke, whose eyes darted downward, back towards Thrug’s. Sets of amber locked in a moment, deafeningly loud in its silence and heavy with a need for touch. After what seemed like hours, his hand caught Zeke’s in the trail of little hairs below his navel. 
“Come with me?” his voice quiet against the sunlight dust. 
Zeke frowned slightly, but didn't pull away. “I don’t know…”
Thrug’s hand traveled up the arm against his body to Zeke’s neck, pulling him down gently until their lips met. They stayed like that until air was once again important and barely parted, staring once again. Only the druid was grinning slightly, certain in his victory as it was Zeke’s turn to shift a shade of the most beautiful red color Thrug had ever seen. His lover could dish, but he couldn’t take it. 
“Fine,” Zeke replied, slightly short of breath, “But I’m borrowing your v-neck.” “But it doesn’t fit…?”
Thrug chuckled at the new smirk on Zeke’s face as he stood. It was to be a game for them, then. Hardly something the druid could complain about as one arm wound around the other’s neck and his hand traveled down a wall of defiant muscle until it found his core. Soft and plaint at first but quickly changing as he tugged gently, leading Zeke back towards the bed and cushions by his sex. “Deal.”
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
If I may ask, do you have any Z Stack headcanons? Very curious on their backstories and why tf Zak's got an assault rifle. 👀
yeah i got couple hcs about them~ seems like this is the best opportunity to let y'all know~~
there are in no particular order other than the ones above can be for either the tugs or the humans and the ones on the bottom are exclus bout the human:
let's start with my favourite: this is all a money laundering scheme for one of Zero's relatives
since Zero likes boats, ships, that kind of stuff, he took the opportunity of helping family out with a tugboat business, and so Zero Marine Bigg City was made!
also Zero and Zorran go way back, so that influenced the type of business they build up lol
thus, Zorran is the only one who knows Zero's real name... but he won't tell me so here we are >:/
with this information of Zebedee being a religious name (and let's be honest, quite rare) I like to think that he was ex-communicated from his church
ended up here cause he needed the job, of course, but the "oh, they think I'm bad? I'll show'em what real bad is!" sentiment as well
and what's a fleet of tugboats with only one boat right? xd
Zak's been friends with Zero and Zorran for a long time too but wasn't able to participate until much later because of reasons
my best guess is jail lol
Zug was always into mischief and crime so when hearing about the growing Z-Stacks reputation he comes up to the offices like "can i? 👉👈"
he had the gangsta hat and everything
it may a bit obvious but there was a time where the Z-Stacks got in real trouble, like being caught red-handed and later chased by the authorities and when they found a hiding spot, they realized that Zip witnessed the whole thing; but when the police ask him, he says they went on a different direction, then let the Zs know it was all clear and safe
Zip is an orphan and illiterate. grew up not reading but seeing the bad guys in comics and thinking they were pretty cool, not understanding why they always lost the battle.
helping the Z-Stacks is Zip's dream of being "one of the cool guys" becoming true :D (not that he understands much of what's going on, he just likes to help and is happy)
both Zip and Zug are good at... dissapearing, melting in the background, being unnoticed~~ (where for Zug is a learned skill and Zip is a natural)
Zug is half-asian or something
i like the "Zak has a chronic illness" headcanon, i'll incorporate it into my set of beliefs
ages go as follow: Zip is 27, Zorran is 32, Zebedee is 35, Zak is 38, Zero is 39 and Zug is 42
they all are smokers
they all are very good dancers
they all enjoy a good jazz tune on the background~
dont have much ideas for the "individual trivial things" type of headcanon but i might make a new post with those if I come up with something~
and now to answer your question above of why tf Zak has a *tommy gun... 'cause he's a gangster!
they all are gangsters! like sure, they have a "normal legal business" but they still engage with them back-door activities, smuggling stuff, like cmon we're in prohibition times lol
so ah, their weapon choices goes as follow:
Zero and Zorran carry revolvers, pretty simple stuff that gets the job done
Zero does have a bit more of an arsenal in the office tho, yknow, just in case~
and Zorran will more likely start with a fistfight. nothing better than beating some fuckers up with the ol' reliables Hand 00 and Hand 01
Zebedee carries a small pistol around his ankle but prefers to use rods, staffs, bats, clubs, anything that is good to swing around
Zak sticks to his trademark tommy gun and all other firearms, as he's the one with best aim
he's also quite crafty when it comes to making his own proyectil-based weaponry. ya bet that the first thing he did with the first-ever ballpoint pens was turn them into crossbow lol
for Zip is rifles, shot guns, anything long where its recoil is supported by the body. short guns tend to slip out of his hands and thats very dangerous
Zug's a lil shit who mainly uses cold weapons such as knifes and daggers
he'll punch, stab and shoot you in the knee with his apache revolver and then run as far as his lil legs can take him
and lil bonus for your patience~:
in an argentine au, they're uruguayans xddd
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aimasup · 1 year
Hi, Aimasup! I just wanted to say that I love your blog! Your Villainous AU posts make me laugh every single time I see them! Your art style is so expressive, especially with Flug, Zug, and White Hat! I was curious, do you have a favourite ship? Mine is Paperhat, but all of the pairings I’ve seen have interesting and fun dynamics, and I like hearing about other people’s favourites! ^w^ (I’m guessing it’s Valiant!Paperhat, or Silkbag, or whatever it’s called? xD)
Shaky thumbs up crying from euphoria /lh/j th thanks;;
If you mean Villainous ships, then I do enjoy Paperhat but less so than I used to, it's still a fun ship. I also love Lizardhat! A lot! They're all fucked up!
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Ooh how about Zip x Ten Cents for the ask game?
Why do I ship it?
I enjoy the idea of a rival x a rival, enemies to lovers trope. These two would definitely get along if they were just just given the right amount of time to understand each other, despite being rivals. I also seen this ship everywhere, and now knowing the context, I starting shipping the two.
Sorry if this sounds half assed, I'm not good at explaining things.
What are your favourite things about the ship?
Definitely much of the bonding between the two. Like, I dunno how to describe it. I love their dynamic so much. I remember discussing this with someone (coughcough @brownsugar-chan coughcough) that Zip is a people pleaser, and Ten Cents has some traits of Hercules (not personality wise, more so physically). I love that dynamic a ton because you have someone who wants the other to be happy due to personal trauma, and then someone who is like "bro you ain't gotta do all this stuff for me I'm okay."
I think an evidence I can pull out of my ass is from Pirate where Zip is like "you have double crossed us". He stuttered hard bro, like HARD. Gay ass immediately broke down when Ten Cents got angry but also tried to act tough for his gremlin ex (the idea of Zip and Zug being exes sends me).
What's an unpopular opinion I have on the ship?
I think that if it was in the actual canon context of Zip and Ten Cents, it would never EVER work out. Despite the obvious, imagine the impact on everyone. It was the 1920s, so mostly everyone had homophobic ideologies. On Zip's side, Zorran would mostly likely rat him out and Zip would suffer consequences. On Ten Cent's side, maybe Captain Star would be disappointed, and the other Stars as well. It's that stuff that makes it a mood killer.
However, headcanons usually aid that. Like maybe Zorran does rat Zip out, so? Zorran's a pansexual going through internalized homophobia and pushes it out on Zip and Zero. Captain Zero is also a dude that went through that internalized homophobia (the homophobia winning) and decided to hate the sin and love the sinner route (all quoted by Brownsugar).
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suppenzeit · 1 year
also a quick tip for my american stex enjoyers: theres one "fun zug" starter set being sold on ebay right now, from the us. so if youd like a stex train and caboose without paying absurd amounts for shipping, nows your chance
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