#It's so fuckin weird with images wtf
axel-ambassador · 1 year
Confession Part 1 of 2
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It's time y'all
Sorry for bad quality 😖
Part 2
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kordyceps · 9 months
I only just saw ur ask game post and hello gimme the deets on the role reversal au plz and thx
Ohh okay this is a fun one, where a bunch of stuff is swapped around. The Stilinskis, McCalls, Argents, and Martins are all werewolves and part of a pack (with Claudia, Gerard, Kate, Victoria, and Rafael having been killed in a hunter attack six years ago in place of the Hale fire). The Hales, in turn, are all human, and instead of being founders with tons of sway in Beacon Hills, they're just sort of a big, kooky, artsy hippie family lol. Well known cuz there are so many of them, but zero influence.
I don't have the story itself super well outlined yet, but the gist is gonna be: Peter finally returns home after a bunch of years living away in the big city, and immediately starts cluing in to things being… strange around Beacon Hills. Particularly with this nosy, hyperactive boy, who he swears somehow overheard a conversation that should have been humanly impossible to overhear. Cue Peter being sus af, catching on to more and more weird bullshit, and trying to figure it all out (while also feeling increasingly like he's going insane lol). Stiles, meanwhile, is super into this hot older guy who's new to town and has a lot of fun twisting him up, and may or may not go a liiiittle overboard with trying to show off and mess with him.
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moonfableflor · 4 months
I've had a teensy tiny itty bitty (gigantic) crush on a tgirl for, like, months. at this point. But I'm arospec so I haven't thought much of it, like I'm still content being friends with her, BUT I've kinda sorta been flirting with her bc. like. what if there's a chance she does want to be my girlfriend?? You know??? Or like what if in the future we DID develop some kind of other relationship??? You know?? Also if I don't continuously tell her how pretty and lovely she is I'm going to explode. But anyway. So I've been flirting with her a bit and I send her cute little images with her favourite animal and stuff and in one of them I said 'ily' just like in passing. yk. And she said 'ily too' and so I was kinda like 'okay so she's not weirded out by that, great!' and that was a bit ago. So I've recently been sending more things with the extended 'I love you,' like the animal pictures and tumblr textposts and stuff, and I think I've said 'I love you' in a couple texts too. And she recently has kinda seemed a little not-exactly-friendly? Ish? Like I guess a little open to the whole me-kinda-sorta-flirting deal. And this recent thing I sent her also said 'I love you' and then she ACTUALLY ASKED ABOUT IT. Like. DAMN IT I THOUGHT I HAD MORE TIME. I'M NOT READY TO TELL YOU I DON'T LIKE YOU. Uhhh so she asked in what way I love her, and she said she's been confused; and I was an idiot and said that I love her in a friend way (technically true! I do love her in a friend way, it's just more nuanced than that and I also love her in a different sort of way too) so it's not a lie but at the same time. Like. Zenni wtf. And she admitted that she's oblivious to things like that and stuff. And then I asked if I should love her in a different way (putting it in her court. yk. like 'well do you like me??') and she said she wasn't sure but she's happy being friends for now (first of all: OMG "FOR NOW" THAT MEANS SHE MIGHT WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP IN THE FUTURE! and second of all: wah.) so I'm. Like. Kinda freaking out bc this means she might like me!! But also I would feel awkward about flirting with her still. But I still want to flirt with her and I don't want to act awkward. Idk, tumblr lovelies in my phone listen to my ranting and give me advice and/or condolences
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hope someone stabs you on your way home you fucking pedophile
Let's start from the beginning. (do not harass)
edit: Jesus fuck, I've gotta fix these screenshots. For now, they've all got image descriptions and look fine when you click 'em. Done
This is a redacted copy-paste of my reblog at 2:26pm.
This is their response to my reblog, 18 minutes later.
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This is their followup response to my reblog 20 minutes later.
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A minute later, they (because of course it's them) sent me the Ask.
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And finally, this is their follow-followup response 23 minutes later.
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...So~ wth?
I think I should, like, say~ something~? Like, appropriate~? And not immature~?
This is gonna be more of a general post to people who think it's okay to tell someone to kill themself (holy hell) and, I guess, keep things from getting misunderstood.
First of all,
it's pretty frickin' irresponsibly childish to tell another person to commit suicide. Like, there's no telling how bad their day was, how much that could ruin their mood (and ability to function), or how close they are to that point. Fuck "jokes". That's childish at best.
But here's the thing,
I assumed a person who'd say something like "hang/kill yourself" is just a (childish-ass) kid who doesn't understand wtf they're saying or the affect it can have. Nevermind consequences. That's benefit of the doubt talking (for the most part), and I could be wrong. But let's assume I'm not. Let's assume this is just a (pre-)teen-ass person tellin' a "funny", though. Why? 'Cuase that's what I do when I see mofos talkin' waifus online. "Must be a kid." 'Cause, let's face it, the alternative's not great. At all. Am I correct in that assumption, though? Like, most of the time? ...possibly 😐
Remember that Reddit post
about how a buncha people who got auto-banned from a sub for participating in a teenage sub turned out to be in their 30's+? o_o And they even provided proof. 😑 Yeah, I'm sure that happens. But just like certain arguments online, I tend to lean towards the "they're 14" assumption. Nothin' against 14 year-olds as a demographic in this regard ('cause i know y'all here). There's just... a mentality and understanding that develops as your brain develops and you find yourself in certain shoes. iow: y'all immature 🤷🏿‍♂️
And that brings me to the other matter:
pedophiles. "Some" of these mofos are 20+ year-olds fantasizin' and lustin' over underaged characters. And that's its own issue that I'm not even tryin'a get into beyond what I already said.
But wait,
why did I censor this rude-ass harasser out in every image? Well, I was curious to get some kinda confirmation on their age (and mentality)... so I kept scrollin'. All I'mma say is 1) they claim to be in their late teens and 2) they clearly aren't doin' well mentally. Like, they ~just might be the kinda person who's too close to that edge to endure online harassment. Ya feel? And I don't need that shit. Fuck y'all. And fuck them especially. Movin' on.
Ah, and I should clarify something.
Whether we like it or not pre-teens are gonna engage sexually with eachother. Hopefully, it's consentual (and enjoyable for all parties involved). Whether or not they're doing it as a byproduct of trauma is honestly between them, their therapist(s), and whoever they're close to. All that is to say that kids, like adults, can be into some wild/weird shit. It's called sexuality. Whether or not they should act on it, especially at that age, is different conversation.
But wait, you still haven't explained yourself.
Well, I feel like I already did as much explainin' as I need to tbh. Just in case y'all didn't catch it, though... my original reblog was directed at underaged people who were into Asuka. fuckin' duh
. . . But why'd you reblog in the first place
considering their addendum? 'Eh, that don't even matter at this point.
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ironmars · 3 years
So I finally watched the bo burnham inside special because I procrastinate things I know will make me emotional despite being a longterm bo fan anyways I cannot get over the "because my dick looks like the baby from eraserhead" line oh my godddd like I had to watch that movie in 9th grade and was so profoundly weirded the fuck out to an insane degree as a little 14 year old who had to watch that movie in my photography class at 8am and the images from this film have been 100% repressed until he said that line and I got bitchslapped so hard with the image of that wet fuckin baby so vividly I just started cackling so hard that my sister and her wife were like wtf is wrong with you??? anyways Bo is a genius 😂
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
3H and Bleach: Where the Fuck am I
So, I’m finally hunkering down and trying to write out this post lmao. I’ve mentioned here and there how my personal experience with the 3H’s fandom is similar to my experience with the Bleach fandom’s in more than one way, and - look. Like, I get there’s definitely a semi-universal thing that goes on across all fandoms. I don’t mean for this to say that this only happens within these two fandoms, because duh, of course they don’t. But!! This post is partly me wanting to air years long annoyance towards the Bleach fandom that just so happens to coincide with my feelings towards the 3H fandom, sooo... yeah lmao
I’ll probably be skimming over some bits about 3H, since most people who come across this will already be familiar with what I’d be talking about in that regard vs Bleach, so just a heads up
Note: This is gonna talk about Bleach which will spoiler territory (writing this off the cuff so not sure where this is goin’ yet lmao but I know that much), so if you don’t wanna see that then don’t read this post lol, I know for sure I’ll be spoiling something ahhhh... noticeable, lol
Ableism against the mentally ill
Now, most people reading this post will be familiar with the blog and how this very, very much applies to 3H, but for the sake of this post I’ll lay it out anyway with a brief summary
Dimitri and Rhea are both characters within 3H that suffer from severe trauma that heavily impacts their mental state. Both are the sole survivors of a horrific slaughter, with that slaughter redefining who they are and leaving a permanent marker within their minds in some way (Dimitri with having auditory and visual hallucinations, Rhea with having obsessive tendencies towards bringing her mother back from the dead). Specifically in CF, both characters are set up in the plot as antagonists, with both characters having to relive their trauma in some way due to the actions Byleth and Edelgard take against them (for Dimitri, having his home be razed to the ground and everyone he cares for dying around him, for Rhea having someone use her mother’s mutilated remains be used to end her and her race) and express extreme anger towards Byleth and Edelgard before they are killed to progress/end the story
Now, uh, sad shit right? Not exactly fuckin’ happy sunshine rainbows. These two characters are put through the wringer and are then murdered. They are rightfully not the fuckin’ happiest because of what happened to them before and what happens to them within the present story. But we’ve heard it all before: “They were crazy!” “They couldn’t be reasoned with!” “They had to be put down out of mercy because they were too ~far gone~ to live happily!” “They needed to be killed for the good of everyone!” It’s an extremely ableist rhetoric that gets passed around the fandom as though it’s totally fine to directly state that mentally ill people should be put down if they’re deemed a “lost cause.” Especially worrying because. You know. If they are a “”””lost cause”””” then it’s directly and specifically because of actions Byleth and Edelgard take against them. 
But how does this remind me of Bleach? What kind of similar extreme, worrying ableism exists there? Well, let me introduce to best girl a certain character with... a reputation, to say the least:
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Meet Momo Hinamori.
Holy shit it’s so weird writing this out because I’ve been wanting to for years but have never worked up the nerve to do it lol
It should be noted, in the Bleach verse there’s two worlds out of three - Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, though I’ll only be talking of the former - that deal with “souls” (the essence within a living human). Souls age far more slowly than human bodies do in terms of body, not necessarily the mind (so a teenage soul will likely behave as such for a long while) so keep in mind that I’m going to be using numbers that may seem weird to someone who hasn’t seen Bleach lol.  With that out of the way, here’s a similar, if longer for context to those who haven’t seen Bleach, summary for Momo’s character as it relevant to this post:
Momo is a character in Bleach that grows a deep admiration towards Sosuke Aizen, a respected captain of the military force called the Gotei 13. She comes to views him as the most important person in her world due to him both noticing and paying direct attention to her as well as saving her and her friends’ lives during a training mission gone wrong while she was younger. Note that “younger” here means 40 years ago from the start of the story. Aizen would praise her all the time, allow her to sleep over in his quarters, would drape his cloaks over her when she looked cold, and would overall treat Momo as though he was his daughter for most of the time we see them interact in the beginning portions of the show. Note that none of this is sexual in nature, nor is it ever implied to be seen as such. That’ll be important later in this post
To make a long story short, Aizen comes to betray her. He stabs her through the chest and shows and tells her that she never meant anything to him, throughout the 40 years they’ve known each other (which, mind, for a soul Momo’s approximate age 40 years is still a noticeable amount of time), and he was only using her to help bolster his image as a loveable captain so that he can hide his plan from everybody that much easier. He did horrible things to Momo - from setting her alarm clock back to a later time so that she would more likely come across his pinned, bloody fake corpse. to framing her childhood friend for the apparent murder and tricking her into fighting that friend, to far later in the series tricking that friend into stabbing her (hypnosis shit, to sum that up) for literally no stated reason - that ended up mentally breaking her. She couldn’t believe that the last four decades were all nothing but lies and she fell into a deep denial about Aizen’s true nature - someone else made him do everything he did, she must have missed something that would have warned her about Captain Aizen’s unfortunate situation that forced Captain Aizen to hurt her and everyone else. This denial would take the majority of Bleach’s entire runtime for her to get over completely, with her having hiccups in her recovery even as she works up the nerve to fight him.
Now, uh, also not the fuckin’ funnest of times to be had here. The deep, long-running mental and psychological manipulation of what approximates as a teenage girl from a trusted older figure is something that is very clearly horrific and bad of the older figure, right? Like, we’re on the same page here on that?
This wouldn’t be in this post if that was the case. No, Momo was the one constantly on fire for what happened to her. She was one of the most hated characters in the western audience, and there were endless jokes about “lol look at Momo, the pincushion!” “Crazy bitch Momo, better watch out!” making fun of her and her trauma relentlessly. If you managed to find a Momo fan in the early 2000′s you should have also bought a lotto ticket because holy fuck, everyone hated her. She acted in a startlingly real if deeply uncomfortable way in regards to years long manipulation and she was lambasted for it. She didn’t immediately get over decades long psychological abuse and she was called useless, weak, a horrible representation of female characters, stupid - you name it, she was likely called it. To this day I still tense up when I hear that someone likes Bleach and they mention Momo at all because I’m always thinking “does this person think this abuse victim is dumb for being abused?”
Dimitri, Rhea, and Momo are all victim-blamed to a disgusting degree in the 3H and Bleach fandoms. Dimitri and Rhea are always hit with “well if Dimitri hadn’t have fought back against Edelgard/Rhea caused the “”tyranical systems” in the first place, nothing would have happened to them!” and Momo was constantly hit with” well, it’s not Aizen’s fault Momo was so clingy to him, what could he have done!” and I get so fuckin’ mad dude.
But for Dimitri and Momo specifically, there’s one thing in particular that caught my attention:
The “Rejection Theories”
This had my head spinnin’ a bit when I first heard it, cuz I had managed to avoid the theory for a while in the 3H’s fandom, but apparently a sizeable amount of people seem to believe that Dimitri wasn’t just mad at Edelgard in the Holy Tomb because of... you know *waves hand* fuckin’ everything, but that the primary reason for his anger was that Edelgard... rejected his advances to her? And that the dagger he gave to her when they were 13 was a phallic symbol of baby Mitri’s want to have sex with Edelgard? And. Like. What in the fuck are you talking about. 
But like?? Bleach did this shit too with Momo?? It was also a sizeable amount of people - not everyone, but a noticeable amount - that believed that Momo was just mad that Aizen wouldn’t sleep with her? You’d see it pop up in fics so often, that Momo would want Aizen to fuck her and she’d “go crazy” when he denied her and Momo was actually just this shallow bitch who wanted a good fuck like... what.
Like, when I first heard the Phallic Dagger take the first thing that came to mind is “wait Momo was also accused of just wanting to have sex with the person who traumatized her wtf” 
“Actually it was the perpetrators that should be forgiven because lonely and also some shit about ruling better”
Those in the 3H fandom know how often the “Edelgard was lonely!” line gets thrown by just about every one of her stans. Edelgard was lonely and couldn’t trust anyone, so of course she did what she did! If she had someone near her she could trust she wouldn’t have acted like she does in the rest of the game! Nevermind that she “gets” this in CF in the form of Byleth and still acts just as shittily as she does in the other routes, or how being a little lonely doesn’t fuckin’ mean you get to start war. But anyway, we also hear that Edelgard was justified in doing what she did because her ruling Fodlan would have lead to more peace in the end, once she got rid of the power structures in place now (except that doesn’t happen but whatev I guess lmao)
Aizen? He was lonely too! He was far too strong for anyone to truly be able to understand him, and so he tragically fell down a dark path. If he had known someone who could be considered an equal to him he would have never done all the horrible things he did. And the Soul Society is unjust! It needs to be reformed! So him slaughtering hundreds of thousands of souls at the minimum to harvest all of their power to use as his own is justified because it’ll be used to create a more just society under his rule!
Like. Y’all. Lowkey? I’m so fuckin’ glad Edelgard proved herself to be just as fuckin’ awful with Byleth as without because this shit drove me up the fuckin’ wall back in the day. There was 0 ways to prove that Aizen would damn sure be just as fuckin’ bad if he had an “”equal”” to stand by him than if he didn’t, and I get to kinda be right because without fundamentally changing these characters’ backstories they would not give two flying shits about whether or not they had someone “equal to them” (which is still kinda degrading to think about anyway).
Now, this is where I move away to a different topic lol
A split in the narrative cause divides in the fandom
With 3H houses this is really fuckin’ easy to point at: there’s 4 routes, three consistent stories and one radically different story, and that difference in story causes heavy contention within the fandom. It’s very obvious so I won’t go over it much.
But how in the fuck is there a divide in Bleach? It’s not a fuckin’ Choose Your Own Adventure manga, it’s an anime and manga showing off the characters of Bleach’s stories and interactions (with, you know, plot and shit thrown in).
Well. It’s more accurate to say the anime told a story about the characters, and the manga told... the story about the characters.
In terms of plot, the anime didn’t change much from the manga, but hoo fuckin’ boy, did they change shit about some of the characters. Specifically, they changed a shit ton about three characters: the two main protagonists, Ichigo and Rukia, and another main character, Orihime.
Orihime. Got. Fucked.
The anime would make her far more ditzy and clumsy, her crush (turned growing love later on in the story) for Ichigo during more deeper moments that showcases her feelings for him were downplayed if not removed entirely in exchange for talking or thinking about food, key moments she has with Ichigo early in the manga were cut or deadass changed to something else in the anime, some key moments with her relationship with Rukia were cut, her backstory was watered down - so much of Orihime was fucked with in the anime (her fuckin’ introduction was changed drastically). Meanwhile Ichigo and Rukia were given moments that didn’t exist in the manga, they have filler arcs (remember those lmao) that would be stuffed with shit ton of moments for them that have no basis in the manga, other characters would change their behavior from the manga to reflect a sort of “thing” going on between Ichigo and Rukia.
Look, guys, the anime fucked up so bad the fucking mangaka, Tite Kubo, has said he gets stomach aches watching the early anime because it was that awful. And this divide between the anime and manga’s portrayal of these three character helped spawn the ship war of Bleach: Ichiruki vs Ichihime (oh but more on that in a bit). It tanked Orihime’s popularity because people thought she was the stupid dumbass that would stumble ass first into situations when that wasn’t her character at all. And because the majority of anime watchers only watch the anime... yeah, you can see where this went. So just like in 3H in Bleach you have these radically different tellings of the same characters that drove a big-ass wedge in the fandom
Imma be transparent, like I’ve said before I managed to avoid nearly every marketing tactic for 3H so it’s a tad hard for me to speak personally, but from what I’ve been told Edelgard was heavily marketed towards the player base pre-release. She was the poster child of 3H, she got the figma, she was in the spotlight - unless you cleansed your board of 3H content you knew exactly who she was. On top of that, it doesn’t stop in-game - loading screen messages would assume you picked BE, Adrestia is the first option to pick when you want to impress one of the lords in the prologue, the BE class is the first option to pick in choosing which route to play, every character has some moment in the game post ts where they express sympathy with the woman who waged war on them for five years (even characters with no business doing so, like Seteth entertaining the idea that maybe Edelgard isn’t that bad during Myrddin). With all of that good PR for Edelgard in and out of the game it heavily impacted how people saw her, and much of it is used by stans to justify her being a good guy (mostly in the game marketing) despite everything else in the game clearly showing that Edelgard is the bad guy
With Bleach in that regard... you have Ichiruki
holy shit it’s so weird talking about Ichiruki i’m still lowkey nervous about talking about them lmao
With Ichiruki stans, they would cling onto outside material that promoted Ichigo and Rukia together as proof that their ship was going to be canon. Spreadsheets, calendars, poems (some of which didn’t even apply to Ichigo and Rukia’s relationship but they insisted they did anyway), novels - outside material that either wasn’t canon or didn’t pertain to Ichigo and Rukia’s relationship. They would shove it in the face of Ichihime shippers that “see, we have all this stuff for us! We ain’t starving tonight!” when the canon (note: in the manga particularly) would clearly show Ichigo and Orihime’s relationship being the one that leans romantic in multiple significant ways. They would latch onto irrelevant shit that ain’t had nothin’ to do with anything and wave around as a paragon of romance when it literally wasn’t even canon
Just fuckin’ ignoring the creators deadass
Creators and developers of 3H: Edelgard is the typical Red Emperor the only difference is Girl
Stans: that’s just a headcanon
Kubo: Ichigo and Rukia have a platonic relationship and I’ve publicly said this since 2008
Stans, now, to this day: Ichigo and Rukia were robbed
Making people reject what they’re stanning for
I’ve seen a few people express that the more they interact with the fandom and see what her stans are doing, the more they grow to dislike Edelgard despite (some) initially liking or even loving her. To put it simply, the same thing happened with Ichiruki - hell, this happened with me with Ichiruki. I can’t fuckin’ stand the ship anymore because every time I think about it I’m reminded of the absolutely rancid, disgusting things Ichiruki stans have to done to others in the fandom, and even after nearly five years after Bleach has ended I still tense up when someone says they like Ichiruki over Ichihime precisely because of the behavior of the stans, just like I side-eye people who say Edelgard is the best lord. Do they like them because they simply prefer them over the other(s) and they’re not totally fuckin’ bonkers, or are they totally fuckin’ bonkers. 
And, like, that’s not fair! I know that! But I can’t help but think that when such a loud amount of people act in such deplorable ways just because someone didn’t like a bunch of lines on paper/pixels on a screen.
To all the nice Ichiruki and Edelgard fans, hope y’all are havin’ a nice day.
Long, crazy ass explanations as to why X =/= X (and if anything actually means Y)
Teacher theory for 3H. How Edelgard totally didn’t hire Kostas to kill Dimitri and Claude and was only thwarted because Claude booked it, but how she definitely actually meant to simply scare away the teacher that was with them so that Jeritza could be pulled from his already existing position in Garreg Mach to teach one class so that Edelgard can kinda keep a sorta closer eye on exactly one of the other classes (and just do shit all about the other one I guess), because Jertiza’d be able to gleam so much from teaching a class for a few hours a day I promise 
But for Bleach, you also have one particularly infamous theory positing shit that don’t real, with enough renown to be known by a specific name, and that’s the Lust Arc = Fail essay
To explain what the essay is about, I have to set the scene up a bit. Imagine, you, with your tiny little monkey brain, are watching Bleach, and you get to the part where Main Boyo is fighting against Villain to save Girly. Other Guy is there too - this is important. Main Boyo tries his hardest to fight Villain, but is ultimately shot through the fucking chest with a laser from Villain and dies. Like, for bit actually dies. Girly breaks down, has a straight up mental breakdown because she always “knew” that Main Boyo could do anything, and now he’s been killed and is dead in front of her. She screams out Main Boyo’s name, hysterically begging him to save her and protect her because holy shit the love of her life has been brutally murdered in front of her what the fuck. But Main Boyo, from literally beyond the line of death, hears her pleas and snaps back to life as a monster, with the sentence “I MUST PROTECT” repeatedly running through his head and being the only sentence he ever says while in this form, with him fucking destroying Villain and even going so far as to directly hurt Other Guy when Other Guy tries to stop Main Boyo from utterly stomping on Villain. Girly is the only person Main Boyo does not directly hurt, and when Villain is damn sure gonna fuckin’ kick the bucket that is when Main Boyo reverts back human. Everyone is more than a little shocked at what happened, but it’s clear from how relieved Girly is when Main Boyo comes back safe and sound that while this event fundamentally will change their relationship (and it does), it is still one that is extremely strong and they won’t let it get between them (and they don’t).
Now, when looking at the summary, you, with your absolutely miniscule peanut of a brain, might come away thinking, “Hm, Main Boyo might kinda care for Girly given that he literally rose from the dead to protect her and only her and went back to normal once she was safe” and you poor fool would be oh so wrong, because actually, this is all proof that Mian Boyo doesn’t care for Girly and that Villain actually cared more for Girly than Main Boyo ever could.
Without diving too deeply into the absolute lunacy of the Lust Arc = Fail essay, that was its main premise. That Ichigo, after rising from the literal dead directly after Orihime begged and pleaded that he protect and save her and then going on to protect and save specifically her (as Uryu - Other Guy - is also a friend of Ichigo’s and got his fucking arm cut off by Monster!Ichigo), is proof against Ichihime being romantic in any way and was not, in fact, a fuckin’ giant neon flashing sign that read THESE TWO ARE GONNA GET TOGETHER. It was the dumbest shit ever, but Ichiruki stans, much like Edelstans with Teacher Theory, clung to it like white on rice. It didn’t matter how much it was utterly debunked, it didn’t matter how the base premise was stupid as fuck, they point to it as the pinnacle of meta for their respective fandoms in their respective spaces.
And all of this leads me to um... the one I’m kinda the most worried about?
Stan Behavior
Edelstans are their own unique brand of awful in that that the shit they spew is particularly... worrying (”genocide isn’t bad if they aren’t human and also they kinda deserved it” “imperialism isn’t that bad really” the mentally ill should be put down if they’re deemed ~too far gone~” among other... wonderful takes...), and their behavior is also quite shitty, harassing content creators that go against the Approved Opinions (Ghast) or forcing people to take down fanart and in general infecting nearly every Rhea space with all kinds of disparaging comments no one asked for. They actively make the fandom a worse space, and when they flare up it’s almost always noticeable (again, Ghast)
Oh boy.
Guys. If you weren’t there for the Canonization of Ichihime (2016). You dodged a fucking bullet.
The outrage was out-fuckin’-rageous. Their behavior was some of the worst reactions anyone has ever seen come from the canonization of a ship in a shounen. This includes, but is not limited to:
Someone tearing apart all 70+ volumes of Bleach and burning it in their bathroom
In fact, multiple people tearing up Bleach and burning it, while keeping the Ichiruki moments and taping it to their walls
A Rukia cosplayer, in Rukia cosplay, printing out the final color spread of the end-game couples and their friends lounging about - with colored ink and all - and burning it, while filming herself doing so
Ichiruki porn being sent to Tite Kubo
Tite Kubo being accused of grooming a 15 Orihime cosplayer with no proof
Tite Kubo being accused of lying about his various health issues
Ichigo and Rukia being drawn cheating on their spouses with each other - and some of that also being sent to Tite Kubo
Tite Kubo being chased off Twitter by Ichiruki stans... again
Ichihime shippers getting sent death threats
Ichihime shippers getting called delusional for thinking their ship had a chance before the endgame couples were revealed, and then being called delusional for thinking their ship had any real basis and wasn’t pulled “out of nowhere”
Tite Kubo being accused of hating women because of Orihime being shown in an apron in the last chapter and Ichiruki stans jumping to the conclusion she became a housewife, and then Tite Kubo being accused of hating women because when it was revealed that Orihime has a job in a bakery to pay for college later they insisted what Kubo should have done was have Uryu, who’s a doctor at that point, pay for Orihime’s college instead of having Orihime pay for it with her own money 
And mind you, this is only the stuff I’ve personally seen and experienced
I am hoping and praying that Edelstans never get as bad as Ichiruki stans did in 2016, but with how otherwise similar they are my hopes are dwindling more and more. I guess I can take solace in the fact that they aren’t quite... that bad yet? In terms of actions, at least? Their sentiments though are infinitely worse, so like... cool
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heymrspatel · 3 years
Julissa 🥺
I'm just thinking about Mickey's cheeks looking freckly in the summer sun and he's going '😊' at something Ian said and Ian finds him so adorable he just smooches his cheek 🥺 and Mickey gets all blushy like '☺️ Wtf Ian you're such a sap ☺️' so ofc Ian kisses his cheek again
drish, i can not believe you’ve brought me the image of freckly mickey cheeks today! how can i thank you? 💙💙💙💙
ian smooches his cheeks so much, it just can't be helped! and he loves holding on to the side of his face and swiping his thumb over mickey's freckles on his cheek, and drawing a straight line down the freckles on mickey's nose 🥺🥺
he haggles mickey all the time about the importance of sunscreen and mickey's all "you're one to talk! you're one big freckle, ian! leave me the fuck alone" but of course ian just tackles him to the ground and starts swiping sunscreen all over his face and squishing his cheeks in the process. mickey's resolve wears thin pretty quickly... ian's sitting on top of him playing with his cheeks and looking at him all moon eyed and when he starts kissing his sunscreen covered face mickey just melts and sighs into it.
because if his biggest problem now is wearing some "weird coconut smelling fuckin lotion" to make ian happy, then he figures he would probably slather his entire body in it daily if that's all it takes. 🥰🥰🥰
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la-li-lu-le-lol · 3 years
okay would you be willing to rank the sneaking suits?
Yes, I would, a lot. This is gonna be image-heavy and will go under a cut because I want to at least try to appear dignified and normal on the surface.
In order of most to least favorite.
1. MGS2
This suit, yall. this fuckin suit. Jesus christ. I feel like it's meant to look good more than it's meant to be functional, and BOY HOWDY DOES IT DO A GOOD JOB OF LOOKING GOOD. I think we all know Kojima thinks tactical gear is hot, and that's all kind of here. But like, it doesn't look *trashy*. I'm into ladies too and tbh I don't really mind the whole bikini armor thing, but I will admit that bikini armor is annoying because it’s usually trashy-looking. It is much, much more attractive when someone's gear is sexy while still being tastefully subtle about it and thats what THIS is, on a man instead of a woman too, which gets it rarity bonus points.
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Like. For real. and it just looks so GOOD on him too, you know? Combined with the long hair and bandana... /chin-hands/ perfect character design. hottest thing ever. eternal fangirl until I die.
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(using a pic of this figma because it’s detailed in a way mgs2 isn’t) You know. It just kinda leads your eye around. There's a way in which his vest slopes down his back with the location of the drawstrings that makes it look like a corset. There's a way in which the straps on his legs extend downward from his vest that makes it look like garters. Like it's all there, and I'm 95.8276 percent sure it was deliberate.
If I can pull my head out of the gutter for a second. I also really like how this suit is kinda ambiguous blue-teal-grey colored. Mgs2 does an interesting thing with the lighting where the color of this suit kinda changes depending on the temperature of the lighting that is hitting it, whether it contains more cool or warm colors, the suit kinda shifts with it. I really like that detail because it feels tactically sound, like a precursor to the octocamo.
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Woof woof bark bark. Sometimes I wish that the mgs2 suit was a lot darker in color because I think dark colors are sexy, and this suit takes care of all that for me while still having a bunch of tasty eye-leading design that differentiates it from everything else. The splash of color on the gold bands and green harness is a great touch and almost gives this a sort of "wetsuit" vibe? I also really like the drawstrings on the sides of the arms and legs. This design is super good. Big Boss more like Big Sigh while my eyes turn into hearts.
3. MGS1
The suit that started it all. This one definitely leans a lot more towards the "functional" rather than "sexy" side of the scale in part because of the elbow-knee pads and the thermal vest. TBH for a bit I didn't like this suit a whole lot because I always thought it fit him weird, mostly because the model in Twin Snakes was my only non-polygon reference for it and it just wasn't that good, imo. But then I saw this render...
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and this figurine:
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my opinion changed and now I love it, it's so COOL LOOKING. All it needs is a bit of a more modern render in order for you to fully appreciate it, imo!!
I think this suit is the most badass out of the bunch, kind of the most "I mean serious business" out of the bunch, and naturally, that = sexy. I think also that Snake having short hair with a bulkier suit is a great character design contrast, similiar to how in mgs2 he grew out his hair longer which contrasted with the sleeker mgs2 suit. Shinkawa knows what’s good.
4. MGS4
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Old Snake's suit, oh, Old Snake's suit. MGS4 was the game where people really started noticing and talking about how much emphasis was placed on his ass, which looks fucking fantastic for his age might I add. Besides that, this suit design was always super interesting to me because of how it feels like an All-In-One sort of thing, and how its lines and such kind of mimic muscles and sinew.
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(courtesy of our favorite mgs4 documentarian @youlltrytobreakmetoo) It seems like a very carefully-constructed suit with a ton of thought and effort put into its design. It is not as much to my personal taste like more traditional-looking gear is, but it's still very cool looking! The load-bearing vest up top isn't my favorite thing either but I appreciate it design-wise as a contrast in the silhouette. I also love the octo-camo. It's such a neat idea, and all the patterns look great. I particularly like the black Metals one and the really dark navy blue one.
Venom Snake is a straight up hunky beefcake who will look great in anything you put on him. Absolute legend. I do personally prefer him in his usual outfit but he also looks real good in the sneaking suits. While the GZ suit is an option here, This entry is more about the black and grey sneaking suit that is an option in TPP, which I thiiiink is meant to be a rehash of the mgs1 suit?
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(Oh god, that image is smaller than I thought, sorry for the blurriness.) I think it looks good on him but it, in my opinion, needs more color and distinguishing design features. It needs to be a little more design-y and a little less functional. But it doesn’t have anything that I hard dislike on it so it’s still not last.
6. MGS3 black sneaking suit
Unpopular opinion? maybe.
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Not saying this doesn't look cool on Naked Snake. It does. It does!!!! But I really don't like the puffiness on the sleeves and legs. I know they were going for an astronaut vibe, but that just doesn’t tick any boxes for me. I think that the design also just feels a little out of place in mgs3 in general, I'm so used to Snake wearing his fatigues that him wearing anything else is just weird. The orange is a cool pop of color though, so it gets some style points. But lose the weird puffs pls, and lose the grey. Put this boy back in his fatigue suspenders, please, or stick him in the PW suit.
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HONORABLE "WTF" MENTION: PW suit with the dick suspenders and these... grenade pattern... thigh high boots?! holy shit.
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reversecreek · 3 years
🍷 😳 💋 😱 ✨ 😡 😬 😢 😁 💕 for any pairings. love u so much thats why im going unhinged in ur inbox.
send  🍷  for  a  drunk  text  from  my  muse
cricket [sent at 11.58pm]: i heard u had to go earli wtffs up with taht i’ms inging halleujah in ur honor and it’s gonna be really hearftel tbh more so thane ver before that’s all i’m gonna say about it
cricket [sent at 11.59pm]: wtf? *early idk why i spelt it like charli xcx LMAO but she does have some godo songs tbh.. man isshe still alive? i’m worriedabout her
send  😳  for  an  embarrassing  text  from  my  muse
ziggy [sent at 8.22pm]: [ attached an image ]
ziggy [sent at 8.22pm]: yooooo wrong contact lmfao thas literally my dick
ziggy [sent at 8.23pm]: aint tryna gloat i kno u got dem small dick troubles n shit apologies n all that typa stuff not tryna make u cry over ur sad lil shrimp cock
send  💋  for  a  flirty  text  from  my  muse
nyla [sent at 9.07pm]: WORRIED 4 the state of ur lips some1 said they were chapped is tht TRUE? ? ? plz come find me im wring lip balm tht tastes like 🍋 :) i can fix u
send  😱  for  a  scared  text  from  my  muse
magda [sent at 3.12am]: please help me vivi please fucking help me. it’s my tits. they’re multiplying. they’re getting bigger as i type this. they’re fucking smothering me i can barely gasp for air send an ambulance send a fucking ambulance this is my final messa
send  ✨  for  a  random  text  from  my  muse
nyla [sent at 6.02am]: howdy “beau” u said u wnted 2 float me away in a hot air balloon so id burst in2 flames on the sun in ym “dream” did u mean it? ? ? :( :P HEHEHEHEHEHEHHE
nyla [sent at 6.03am]: oh sorry jst thought abt smthn funny :) don’t u love when tht happenz?
send  😡  for  an  angry  text  from  my  muse
magda [sent at 7.14pm]: i’ll fucking kill you little boy
magda [sent at 7.14pm]: oh lmfao thought that’d send anonymously with this app so that’s kind of fucked up ig
send  😬  for  a  worried  text  from  my  muse
cricket [sent at 10.39am]: hey beau
cricket [sent at 10.39am]: sorry for being kinda weird on those texts last night LMAO idk why i was so worried about charli xcx i even woke up this morning to this search on my phone
cricket [sent at 10.40am]: [ screenshot of his safari open on ‘is charli xcx alive?’]
cricket [sent at 10.41am]: anyway u weren’t gonna upload that karaoke vid from earlier in the night anywhere right? apparently i was really dancing n shit n i’m kinda stressed to be completely honest LMAO not sure what kinda horrors were unleashed
send  😢  for  a  sad  text  from  my  muse
ziggy [sent at 4.11am]: vivi u know i didnt send that shit right
ziggy [sent at 4.13am]: might b an asshole but i wouldnt do that to u
ziggy [sent at 4.47am]: man forget it dunno why i fuckin bother
send  😁  for  a  happy  text  from  my  muse
bradley [sent at 8.44pm]: Hello, ugly bastard phallus. You are cordially invited to witness Bradley Milligan doing donuts with your car in the Target parking lot. Please arrive within the next fifteen minutes. If you do not show up to this event she will be revving 100mph off a cliff to give the seahorses a new accommodation available for brothel conversion. Thank-you for your time, froggy cunt. 
send  💕  for  a  loving  text  from  my  muse
magda [sent at 12.01am]: u weren’t as annoying at practice tonight keep up the hard work boo or whatever ur name is
magda [sent at 12.01am]: ugh
magda [sent at 12.02am]: sending that pissed me off imagining u reading it so nvm consider ur hard work undone
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johns-prince · 4 years
(fem!Paul au idea) the mclennon children time travel to 1959 and meets their parents when they were teenagers
I shared this ask with my writing partner and this is what we came up with for your little scenario. The version my rp-partner @apollyodon​ and I did ended up omgaverse, hope that’s alright. It’s in this format because we write in discord and also I don’t think it’s enough to format and work into like, a mini ficlet or what have you.
Their kids, Julia, Paris, and Mary are still relatively young when they’re sent back to meet their parents. I want to say here Paris and Julia are around 13/14, while Mary is about 6 or 7.
Hope you still like it though! Sorry it took forever to get to it. I think it’s cute and silly.
A - Apollyodon
J-P - Johns-prince
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A: Cor, all I can imagine is Oh god, they're just as sappy!
J-P: Personally I think it'd be a bit funny, seeing your parents not much older then you. Yup, sappy and gross and dad is so disgusting why does mum like him-- 
And while their parents shouldn't be let in on that they're their kids, if John and Paul did get to know, John would instantly go pale and just, slowly count each head.
Three is a lot, because at that time John didn't exactly think he'd have kids. Especially with Paul. You have pretty low standards Paul if you decided to have pups with me--
A: Not like John can talk like that about himself for very long. There's always the threat of a twisted ear.
J-P: Turns out their ma had always been twisting their dad's ear. 
And being called mum and da.
A: John would feel uncomfortable and while it's a little weird for Paul, he'd take to it easier than John would.
J-P: It'd be very weird.
Best is when one of them say they never really believed their parents to be sort of cool looking.
You two are huge dorks now, don't really dress like this... At all... Unless it's like, Halloween.
A: John and Paul looking at each other like... oh dear god, don't tell us we became squares.
J-P: Mary would be the only one wanting to be nice while the other two are like yeah uh huh huge squares.
A: Mary fussing at them for it. Stop it, you two. Ok but them advising against the... questionable fashion choices. Anything that prevents John from going with those fuckin mutton chops is a good thing.
J-P: OH MY GOD Because they've seen the photos. Julia even remembers some as a pup. John goes beat red, Paul trying not to laugh because Did you say mutton chops? And one of them is like yeah and ma- Paul, you went through this weird period of having this pornstar moustache--
Probably Julia says since it happened in the mid 70s, either before or after Mary was born.
A: And let us not forget blond Paul...
J-P: Julia is merciless
A: Now it's Paul's turn to go beet red.
J-P: John has to HA! But also wtf Paul you went blonde??? But I love your black hair, it's beautiful what--
A: If I wanted a blond, I woulda gone with one!
Cor, John isn't out of the woods quite yet. Needs to have more balance with the facial hair. Anything to avoid looking like an Amish man that just wandered onto set and is playing it cool til he can leave.
J-P: John just wants to go hide under covers or something what!!??? Just the image that conjures up... Also why would you want to cover up your face like that John??
A: Like to be able to kiss ya and not get a mouthful of hair.
J-P: But also Paris and Julia bringing up that it'd be nice if they'd not be so, lovey dove-y when in front of them.. Can't even bring my friends over without the fear of you two getting all kissy when they're around or even WORSE--
A: Ok... that's the ONE thing they refuse to be mortified by or compromise on. Sorry kids, that's not within our control.
J-P: What'd ya mean it's out of your control! It's so embarrassing! And Mary, bless her, speaks up and says it's not that bad, just mommy an’ daddy love each other.
Literally though if Paris or Julia tell Mary to zip it or even shut up, John's straightening up and just Hey! Don't you talk to your sister like that! And he's even wagging a finger and then he realizes and he's just that, that didn't sound like me.
Julia muttering that it sounded exactly like him.
A: And Paul is amused to tears over that but also expresses disapproval at them talking to Mary like that, since she's the youngest and what she said wasn't deserving of it.
J-P: Cor when her oldest siblings get in trouble, even by their yet to be parents of the 50s, Mary can't help but stick her tongue out and look rather pleased. See, even still mom an’ dad want you being nicer to me!
A: And John and Paul were being serious about the affection thing. They just... it just happens without them really noticing.
J-P: Like even then, if they're just, standing unnecessarily close, or John throws an arm around Paul's shoulders, or their hands brush. It just happens. They doubt it'll change, even when they're... Well, married, with kids. Though the kids seeing the fact the two had marked each other then, like, you two have been together for that long??
Possibly longer, since it is '59
A: Yup. They wouldn't notice right away but then happen to look and spot the marks, nice and clear on both their throats.
J-P: Exactly where they will be, years and years from now. They learned that their parents met when they were teens, along with their uncle's, but they didn't know they'd marked each other then. Aren't they a bit young???
A: ... That is a real dumb question to ask because all it does is make these two disgustingly sappy again. I mean nose rubs and everything
J-P: Mary is all aww while Paris and Julia are literally like oh God no no! Turn it off! It burns! It burns!!! Over exaggerated gagging and the likes.
A: Paul and John firmly ignore them, they keep right on doing it.
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thecrenellations · 4 years
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Thick as Thieves Undead-Blog, Part Two | when your liveblog wakes up to drink some broth then goes back to sleep smiling because it trusts you | my notes from reading the book for the first time, Spring 2017
Format: Page number. My ridiculous thoughts (Context???)
Part One
Chapters 6-13:
Ch. 6 - Very intense chapter in which Kamet and Costis are captured by the slavers and escape
163. Costis <3 Muscles Good looking! (wow what a way to start this post)
one hot piece of attolian manflesh ... confirmed (people would call him this on LJ! I forgot about it for several years until reading this passage)
164. omg earring swallowed!
166. amanuensis? (perennial thanks to mwt for all the vocab words)
168. shit. severed hand.
172. wtf Costis don’t kill him
173. how do you silently kill someone like that?
174. wow fuck
men dead not even breathing hard. (compare to KoA assassination)
Everyone is a monster!
176. Thieves.
Ch. 7 - Lots of good conversation, potentially symbolic animals, and a surprise Eugenides
183. Grt scene (apologies)
184. now who’s asking rude questions? (about killing people)
186. lying to him <3
ok! unreliable narrator!
wait i thought they didn’t have slaves in Attolia?!
187. “I was unappreciated” ... I’m always lonely
so cute
188. me when mwt writes: what is this blatant unabashed fanservice?
189. Onarkus =/= Sandy?
190. okaaay #confirmed Gen!
195. he caught a snake (associated with a certain king and assumed bootboy “you viper” “you are a poisonous little snake” ... another ominous dead animal)
Is Costis’s earring for Eugenides (I was thinking of the god!)
196. a goat and a snake .... how poetic
Costis stalks goat ...
197. hmmm.... goat and hand and last trace of Nahuseresh (OMINOUS)
does Irene know her husband was a bootboy?
203. no this what? (“trouble with a maid” story exchange)
204. he was prepared to run away??
how old was he?
well this is a lot to chew on
205. K using past tense for N
C asking about slaves killed after emperor’s death... does he know?
Ch. 8 - This road trip was going great until SOMEONE fell in a well
208. Are Taymets taller than Eddisian mountains?
210. time passing, broad and focused
212. MY Attolian
classic minor mwt characters
215. singing Costis???
216. swearing gimme a break
please don’t let the Namreen kill them later...
217. Kamet says very little of what HE did/his interactions w them!
218. wot nice cut! (“Eleven days later...”)
219. “water finds a way” a saying from Eddis? how does C know that? also brings to mind QoA weather passages
Why doesn’t Kamet ask/wonder WHY Gen wants him?
223. They’re gonna do it? They’re gonna make it? So close!
224. does Eddis have comparable irrigation engineering?
227. NO!
228. u idiot you meant to leave him before!!!
at least look in the freaking well!!!
229. Kamet’s Face! wow he’s really in shock (at weapons shop)
230. SUCH FAMILIAR PHRASING! birds :( (I was caught up in the birds and completely missed the spilled wine!)
Ch. 9 - Retrieving Costis from the well, Ennikar appears again
231. “You’re certain he’s dead?” nice CUT
this time i heard him say?
was he talking?
232. thoughtfully tensing his lower lip?
who tf is this guy - another god?
mm grr I’m Kamet I have no friends
ok so he’s what’s his face Enkidu?
heroes walk the streets
234. AAH why
say his fricking name?!
god you’re so bad @ this
236. THIEF
238. omg so good flour!
239. OMG Costis. Nice. (Costis tries the Gen method of deflecting concern)
241. “as if we were close friends traveling together???”
242. Costis ... knows a hero when he sees one?
But ... delighted? not horrified?
Ch. 10 - Hanging out with Godekker
247. SO MANY HELPFUL STRONG MEN (Enter Godekker)
253. god so snarky
254. Kamet’s chops
fuck how is this book going to end???
256. You’ll never feel safe ... Gen + Relius’s fears?
258. Fuh!
259. Ok do i have hope?
he doesn’t have Tethys lesions does he?
263. aahhhh
Costis trusts him!!!! <3
264. Noli? where did he get that from?
265. yeah u did tell Godekker your name!
wtf is this god advice!
268. The So, so, so count in this book is OUT OF CONTROL!!! It may be a record.
Ch. 11 - Kamet’s stressful voyage
270. Lol Sophos is better @ assuming Attolian ships are there...
272. yesssss earring GOOD
274. yeah sure Kamet you still haven’t left!
I did not want to leave the Attolian!
276. watching Costis
277. my heart’s gonna break don’t leave, Kamet!
278. “as if the gods had cursed my wandering feet” nice. also iambic pentameter
also laying it on a bit thick there
280. Sea in the Middle of the World!
he’s so scared though. :(
the fuckin nerve!
Costis + Gen and their s3cr3t sign
281. nooooo it’s ok to lie, it’s endearing in this world!
also Costis seriously why do you think he would be ok w/ this!
I’m coming home! (to Attolia. In cursive, see image at top of post.)
282. war?
Ch. 12 - Dramatic times in Attolia
284. “I thought we were I + E” :o
shit where is his honor now (”I would have let you go”)
285. hey there Teleus...
my heart
285. yeah but C probs knows all those guards ... he thought punching Gen was the most embarrassed he’d been... (in retrospect, I don’t think he was embarrassed AT ALL during this scene. Costis fight mode was activated.)
yeah I mean she has given us the Magus all this time! (reflecting on the fact that Costis’s name has yet to appear)
286. Yesss angry Costis poking Teleus!
This is Something to imagine
287. THIS IS REALLY BAD (”the queen”)
holy shit
when is this???
she’s not THAT old!
288. THE room? (“filled with all the horrors I had fled in Ianna-Ir”)
289. 298 pages until this! (“Costis”)
289. Please stay alive Irene!
On some level I do feel that my childhood is ruined w the confirmation they banged. :( Gen is like 20! (Listen. I love them. I'm very happy for them. This is not exactly breaking news. 20-year-olds, and this one in particular, can obviously do anything they want. This note brought to you by me being Too Ace For This and having been both younger and older than him since first reading the books a very long time ago...)
292. Gggennn
293. Is this court respect a recent development? WHAT DID I MISS? (they watched him fight the entire guard, is what, c’mon me. Costis hit him on the head with an amphora.)
yeah we get it people underestimate Eugenides
294. is this Annux by any chance?
Boys ur making a scene!
King of Attolia vs of Attolians?
295. very ... dramatic
this is ... a private convo?
297. yup he’s Eddis’s best stalker!
Ch. 13 - Everything else that happens in this book!
298. “Do they know?” yeah wtf Gen
it’s like the new “and every1 was naked” (in KoA)
“and every1 was watching”
300. Gen: Yo Helen can u bring me that one coin?
Helen: sure. no prob
301. “Poor Costis”
yeah Melheret always sneaks up
302. “You’ve come from the prisons, not how an honored guest is usually received” UM ACTUALLY...
305. Kamet.... (crying in his room)
306. “the kind of Attolia sitting on the footboard” oh my god yeah classic
307. Irene comes thru with the stats
Was Kamet at the battle at Ephrata?
310. talk with the kitchen staff good god i would like to know. So bizarre.
lol toting around an ambassador all nite? What would Teleus say?
while Irene’s sick ...
WTF will Costis do now?
312. names ... Kamet ... Ormentiedes? 
Creeeeeeeeepy Relius (probably about “there are some questions you might answer for us” but possibly about the cutting up and feeding to wolves comment)
314. business arrangement uh sure
Yeah ok write it all down
316. talking to Costis?
(a note: the version I read was an advance reader copy, and the only major difference was that it did NOT include the scene with “the young Erondites”)
318. Attolia smiled at him!
anything worth doing is worth overdoing lol
319. alternate readings of poem?
322. orange trees!
324. sent Onarkus away RECENTLY???
Is Brinna Sandy!
Cooks r weird (thinking about the entry for cooks in the Tough Guide to Fantasyland)
326. the magus!
an ACHING void
oh I know I’ll just GO!
poor Gen can’t have any friends...
331. they have duffles in Attolia
and with Attolian duffles, the story ends! Thanks for reading, feedback is welcome. I promise I have more developed thoughts about this book. For another weird journey, listen to my Thick as Thieves playlist, maybe.
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bioodorange · 4 years
im doing it like this bc fuck you
anyway, no NSFW, that shits nasty. I also don't care abt gender, fuck me up dude.
uhhhhhh my love language is fuckin quality time and i like hugs n shit,like i would fucking kill for cuddle movie nights n shit like that
now gimme a killer significant other
I match you with nao- nah im kidding she ain’t an option, sUCkER
|| Clockwork ||
so I feel like you guys would have a good dynamic as friends to start off with, like you’re similair but not enough to clash
when you first met you’d be like “wtf is your name” “the hell do you mean your names literally RAT”
You’d get into a dumb arguement with weird nicknames like “fuck knuckle” and “chewy cum sock”
It’d go on in the living room for a few hours and people would leave you guys at peace like “Aw look shes trying to scalp them”
Thus a pointless rivalry begins
Wether its who gets down the stairs first or who can fit the most grapes in their mouth everything is a competition between you two
You’d gag really loud whenever she’d walk into a room
Someone would be like “wow I didn’t know you hated her that much” “Bitch when did I say that??”
You’d keep this up until you had a mission or something together and figure out “shit this bitch cool”
You’d start staying up late together watching shit movies and throwing popcorn at each other
She’d start making you breakfast and one person comes in like oh thats so nice of yo-” “Bitch is this for you? NOPE!”
Sitting together on the couch and shit would become a normal thing your nicknames would become more loving “This is my friend, sparkle shit head”  or something
You’d be like shes pretty and say you were trying to tell the time as an excuse for staring at her
People would make comments about you two dating and one day you’re like eh why not
Y’all would be a power couple 
I have an oddly specific image in my head  of some guy running off you’re in her jacket shoot him in the leg and falls over and you guys aggresively scream in happiness
She’d be a good rock for you in break downs and your goofy as self could make her feel better pretty quickly
not only are your personalities good you guys also balance each other out
I hope this was good!
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anotherath-iii-na · 4 years
[Insects/invertebrates heavily discussed. It’s all about millipedes y’all]
so like 20 minutes ago i freaked the FUCK out doing the laundry in the basement
my foot brushed up against something hard and i didnt want to step on it and hurt myself so i kicked it out of the way and watched it hit a wall so i could see what it was
it’s this long black thing and im like ??? wtf??? and then it fucking ROLLS
it curls up and rolls around and then scuttles real slow like a worm/caterpillar under the fucking washer
and i fucking lost it like screaming and crying
i usually fucking love bugs but that thing was UNDER MY FOOT and it was FUCKING WEIRD and i didnt know wtf it was
i fuckin book it up the stairs havin half a panic attack, like im lightheaded and dizzy and my heart is beating and shit, and i tell my grandma about my horrible horrible experience
and i freak tf out and go on a google spree to figure out wtf it was
(note: armored caterpillar worm was not the search term to use)
turns out it’s a millipede
they can get as long as a person’s arm, said google images, and then im back to half crying
but then i see a little more info, like they curl up and grab their own feet when theyre scared, and they’re completely harmless except for some species that have a lil stink/itch gland, and they’re herbivores who cant bite anything and they can eat catfood and they make great pets
and suddenly im not scared at all anymore
im about ready to make a makeshift terrarium and dig the little guy out from under the washer and keep him as a pet
(even though my heart is still beating about a billion miles an hour bc thats how panic attacks work)
so yeah
that’s how my day’s been
think there’s a life lesson in there somewhere but im too busy adding millipedes to my future pet fantasies
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pairup-squareup · 5 years
why r u ep 3 thoughts
It hasn’t gotten worse but god I hope we are swiftly moving past the exaggerated over the top comedy fear of being gay. I think we are, but I need it to lighten up on that angle.
very poor directors choice to have Sun creepily watch a passed out Hwahwa. It’s not his character at all, it was clearly not intended, but the image of a dude who has feelings for a person moving slowly closer to them as they are unconscious from alcohol is incredibly predatory.
i do not at all believe that was the intent, but it made me wince.
i will note the pacing in this ep was the best it’s been. there was still some extraneous stuff we didn’t need, but its definitely tightened up.
finally i am getting a hold of fighter and tutor. I’ve got a handle on their characters now. Fighter is bad at everything emotional, and can’t stop escalating instead of pausing and taking a breath. Also, monumentally bad at self reflection.
Tutor? He’s a bit of a bastard, honestly. You get thrown off by Saint’s sweet angel face, but the actual character is fast tempered, and kind of a dick. This is not a bad thing. This makes this combo more interesting to me. I’m not into extreme bully/victim stuff, I need people to be able to stand their ground, or for the bullying to be pigtail pulling, to be a failure of communication of intent, not cruelty.
It feels like, and I may be wrong, but it looks like Fighter hasn’t intentionally gone into a relationship with Hwahwa to use her as a beard. He’s just a reactive dude who wants intimacy with Tutor but doesn’t understand why. A fool, but not a malicious one.
His and Tutor’s kiss scene made me want to start a brawl, lmao. 
Fighter: *kisses Tutor aggressively, without consent*
Me: siiigh, but i understand its a trope
Fighter, with an implied threat: Don’t tell anyone about this
Me: :|
Tutor: * calls Fighter/liking men abnormal, suggests he will out Fighter*
Me: ahh, I see you are also a motherfucker
but throughout this episode, we see Tutor coming to the actual realisation of what is motivating Fighter’s truly weird behaviour, even if Fighter himself hasn’t come to grips with it.
As i was saying to @bloubliette I can get behind bastard idiot/bastard with the capacity for thought and reflection. 
Their end scene was cute, especially Tutor looking at Fighter and having a Kanye moment.
“I hate when I'm on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle” 
but instead of a water bottle it’s Fighter.
 Saifah and Zon! My boys!
Love that we got to see more of Saifah this week, his character outside of his flirting and being gleefully irritating towards Zon.
He’s just a big puppy. Maybe because the actual actor is baby, he’s 19 (and still growing wtf the absolute size of this boy??) and it’s his first role, but they aren’t making him stretch beyond a more low key natural character, and it’s absolutely a good thing. He’s so goofy, and harmless. Even though the characters are the same age, Tutor was sort of herding him about. It’s cute. He’s lovely.
Again, I don’t feel any malice from him, and that changes everything about this story. Unlike Fighter, who is in a hell of his own making, Saifah isn’t stressed by why he likes getting reactions from Zon, why it makes him happy. And he immediately catches a fuckin clue. Smart puppy.
Zon. My heart. My dear. He’s so good. He is a comedic treasure. His expressions, his comic timing. Love a short boy going through a sexuality crisis in the dumbest way possible. Cannot wait for him and Saifah to start collaborating.
Even though there was as much extra cast as last time, I feel like they made them work much better then the past two episodes. Scenes didn’t feel crowded.
god this is a fucking novel. Alright, plus and minuses
+ zon getting bullied by his friends into doing the song. it made me laugh a lot. shouting high insoles at him? magic. brutal. also of note was him standing while everyone else hunched over or sat so he was tallest.
- homophobic moments with tutor lmao. i hope its a mistranslation but there’s a difference for me between the comedy bl panic and calling liking men ‘abnormal’. it probably won’t happen again, i take comfort in that
+(ish) look at least zol is asking people if they can be in her RPF, and blue was very enthusiastic
- immediately afterwards she is committing BL crimes. its half a step forward, a kilometre back with the RPF novel writing
+ there was this beautiful moment where Saifah looked almost afraid and said “you fall down easily” about Zon, after he caught him. Fear for his wellbeing? Potential jealousy that Zon could be someone elses? Self reflection? I don’t know what it is, but oddly it was the moment of the episode for me.
+ look i liked the dumbass bathroom mistaken sex bit and I won’t apologise. It was stupid and it made me laugh
- boners and the bare inkling of gay awakening aside, uncool of saifah to be like, i will dooo moooore while naked, and Zon feels trapped. i get it, i know the intent behind it, I know it wasn’t a threat, but its because their dynamic is loud Pomerianian has a Golden Retriever puppy fall in love with it, that it unsettled me.
- Sun better pick up his game, and Fighter better be more honest, because HwaHwa is a good kid, who just wants her bff and the boy she likes to get along, and instead she’s being fucked over.
Most coherent episode so far, character development, and the plot moves on, not too fast, or too slow. Almost despite myself, I like this show. It was satisfying. I hope they have more cameos though, I loved those.
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incognitowetrust · 4 years
Made a twitter rant, then decided to copy-paste it here and delete it there.
I might repost it there via screenshots. I don’t like having to make multiple tweets.
There was a point I had to learn of that one part of the DBZ fandom. You know, shitty memes and edits done by definitely straight dudes. Sharing weird grainy images. They ignore Goku's personality is oblivious-pure-derp, and they say Krillin sucks. 
They're also definitely responsible for some of those really weird animated parodies on YouTube that I've seen. And in general it's like they like to portay a lot of characters as something based on whatever they think is funny or edgy, and it's more of a shell with a paintjob. And, look, yeah all types of people make cringe, but there's a weird type of variety of straight dudebro who are super aggressive about how you can enjoy the series. Yet at the same time like to treat everything like their personal toy, and it's like they get insulted that you want to play with THEIR toy. 
I guess that's the way I see it, they just naturally feel like the thing is theirs, and they'll preach for fanart and ships to be "accurate" yet throw that out the window when it applies to their stuff... that often I'm pretty sure is... kiiinda like them putting a fantasy of theirs into the tough character they watch, so they can think about fuckin' the lady characters. Then, when some random person makes a gay ship, they'll take it as a personal insult. Because they wanna identify with a character, or project themselves onto that character, it’s like “Wut, are you calling me gay??”...It's frustrating, because... apparently characters who an audience get attached to aren’t okay to be given the same treatment by all of the audience (or, I suppose, apparently one chunk of an audience can tell another chunk of an audience that they’re like a 2nd-class audience). Like, fuckin' chill, if ya wanna make your DBZ big tiddy threesome content, go ahead, but I think if your ego is insulted by some random gay making two fictional dudes kiss, that's more of a you problem than a them problem. 
I mean... to be honest, these dude-bros harassing other people vs. the other people harassing them... the most harassment I see THEM get seems to be nothing more than your average criticism. Considering how long the series has been around, I suppose these certain types of het dudes feel threatened, because they might not be used to... like I said... "sharing" their "toy". I guess they kinda have been in a sort of one bubble/group, and take them being "real" fans as a given, and they don't want to accept anything else. They feel like they are entitled to not accept anything else, even though it wouldn’t actually change their ability to do what they want. 
Straight dudes are not used to being criticized or not being catered to. Many of them will claim that only LGBT people are being catered to... but... uh... y’know, that kinda shows how you’re used to being catered to if what you are or like is “supposed” to be the default. And everyone apparently just has to use that default. 
For fucks sake, it’s DBZ, it’s a often-ridiculous series, I came here because it felt like a low-pressure sorta place for me to derp around and have fun. If you aren’t here to have distracting fun I dunno wtf you’re doing.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
spent the afternoon watching coraline and catching up on laundry, i think i'm ready for some creepy quell shit. also it's currently raining its ass off r/n and my power may go out at any second. let's go!
i fuckin forgot woodbridge existed lmao
can't wait to see wtf is up with the interpreter
damn this is cool
oh wait what the fuck
oh shit this is the shapeshifter planet!!!
god i love minerva so much
well this is spooky as shit
are they in sylvain already?
"guys! gals! peoples!" thank u for being inclusive thacker
hmm, interesting!
eww, ew ew ew, griffin why
bless you clint lmao
"that's a tricky question" griffin i am afraid
"weird cloud full of centipedes" GRIFFIN I AM AFRAID
... so it was invisible, and somehow thacker could see it?
i legit cannot remember what the plan was once they got to sylvain beside fuck up the quell
NICE! go duck! :D
"did your hero duck newton level up?" he deserves to for the brilliant radio fumble last ep
oh no, this battle is going to be so bad for thacker D:
oh god i forgot he stabbed a dude's hand holy shit
cool! good call
oh fuck that's not great
lovely folley there trav
oh thank god she has so many bonuses
that's a beautiful mental image lol
they’ve turned it into shiny jello
l i l  q u e l l
oh god it's like the fuckin steak from poltergeist
barclay i love you holy shit
a what justin???? oh its a ff thing, okay
thacker and mama are such cute friends, i love them
"she's highly flammable" bless
stern you fuckin dork
duck w h y
aww pigeon ; _ ;
goddammit griffin you are making me cry
well this is ominous as hell
yes she does! :D
aubrey you are precious and i love you
... wait did she say she'd a fraud???
justin continuing to play super dexterous characters lol
NICE! go thacker
kick! that! hand!
was it trying to turn her???
oh no please tell me vincent is still alive
yeah maybe do that duck
... oh no, that's vincent isn't it
gotta love them good finale rolls
e a t  m y  w h o l e  a s s
oh no, spooky bad music, oh no oh no oh no
thacker what are you doing
oh damn, digging this music
i love this voice effect so much but i'm terrified
oh poor vincent :'(
duck do not pawn off your slim jims on this poor goat man
"that is bracing" bless you vincent holy shit
oooooh no, this is going to end badly
only two more episodes!!! fuck!!!!!
take your time griffin, you have proven time and again that delays from you only mean better quality in the long run
oh my fucking god that was so surreal, jesus fuck
oh no this could be really bad
i forgot woodbridge was a ghost, the voice griffin gives him makes me think of the tootsie pop owl
aubrey i fucking love you so much
NICE! go janelle
he got his chosen power back also, which is good
does vincent have a crush on duck
m e a t  m e t h
aubrey you cannot be this nonchalant about these things
... she didn't know. that wasn't a cry for help, she didn't know aubrey could hear her, what did she mean about being a fraud?
that's a fun new word clint
oop, hello there music
i am both concerned and terrified
there are nine minutes left in the episode griffin what is going on here
god i cannot fucking wait to see art of this
aubrey my baby ilu
oh my god this music is so perfect
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