questioningespecialy · 7 months
4 years; 3 months; 20 days | 925 posts; 724 reblogs
a random post (by a certain "FF") in my feed made me aware of some (more) shit goin' on with tumblr today and since said post reminded me of the site cohost, which i knew so little about when first learning of it that i never bothered digging or diving in 🤷🏿‍♂️, i decided "fuck it" and gave it a chance (finally) i likes it, i wants it(s posting capabilities) and i'm migratin' 🥳
suck it, plebs ✌🏿
14 days later edit: cohost is ghetto, i'm migratin' to Pillowfort 30 days later edit: the slow post migration has begun; posts will be saved to archive.org and have their non-image content removed as i go (?source=share link for dashboard and sans for blog)
tip: if a deadlink's url isn't in The Wayback Machine, try changing it up a bit. Remove or add some fluff, see if it has a (non-)short link, etc.
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
the HPV vaccine can be gotten at Planned Parenthood, btw, y'all
🗣️This is important!
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America’s puritanical, homophobic, anti-vaccination, anti-sex education, “morality” mentality is killing people.
This information could literally save someone’s life. Please share.
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👉🏿 https://www.businessinsider.com/oral-sex-is-the-leading-risk-factor-throat-cancer-expert-2023-4
👉🏿 https://www.nbcnews.com/health/cancer/hpv-can-cause-cancer-many-people-dont-realize-rcna79597
👉🏿 https://www.gardasil9.com/adults/hpv-faq/
👉🏿 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hpv-infection/in-depth/hpv-vaccine/art-20047292
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
y'all when this project of mine gets done it's gon' be ~really interesting especially for me hopin' to see people's takes and where the conversations go 'cause, like... it's quite the topic >.>
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
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there was a free palestine moko jumbie at trinidad carnival i am in tears :,) 🇹🇹🇵🇸
(photography by maria nunes)
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
I have a profoundly low tolerance for people in fandom who do the "omg the creators are taking too long!" shit with their favorite blorbo media. You are not entitled to the piece of art being created, and the artists will show it to you when they're good and goddamn done with it. They already have corporate offices breathing down their necks in many cases, and they do not need fandom pressure adding to it.
You don't deserve it if you can't treat the artists with respect and dignity. You don't deserve it if you're not going to respect the workers who made it.
Aritsts. Are. Workers.
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
Trying to keep your footprint as low as possible is a great way to self-destruct.
And I'm not saying this to people who take two hour showers during international flights while shoving red meat into their mouth. I'm saying this to my fellow activists who feel conflicted about heating their home on fossil fuels even though they don't have any other options (and struggle to afford it).
Like, we can talk about how 'consumer choice' is never going to save the planet and stuff, but more importantly: You are not a sin. Your basic needs deserve to be met. You deserve to be warm and filled with food that satisfies you and you deserve to see your friends.
We are not fighting to save 'the planet', that's a piece of rock. We want to save ecosystems and plants and animals, including people. You are part of that. Don't leave yourself out of the list of creatures that deserve to thrive.
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
there it is there's my weird-ass 90's anime
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Still image from the anime Shamanic Princess. Tiara, in some kinda long-haired inhuman magical girl form, stands in the sky posed confidently in front of the moon while her red hair forms into a circle around her and within the moon's circumference. Somewhat below and a short distance away from her are Leon and Lena standing in the same sky with the former bearing enhancing equipment upon his head and torso while the latter stands behind him with wrappings around her arms and hands that reach out into the former's equipment. They're posed for battle with Tiara on the top left and the duo on the bottom right. All facing their adversary.
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
"you're overconfident"
"you think too highly of yourself"
and other racist things
that screenshot going around where that random person says james baldwin sounds like a pretentious blogger is driving me insane because like, imaging living in one of the most racist time periods in modern history, cultivating an eloquent and sophisticated manner of speech in part out of interest but also out of necessity to deflect racially motivated accusations of being uneducated (all while making irreplaceable contributions to literature and the humanities), only to still have deeply incurious white adults scoff at how seriously you seem to take yourself before defaulting to elevating (white) european literature like it's their factory setting decades later 🥴
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
real talk? generally speaking, the well-spoken mofo is probably wrong 🤷🏿‍♂️
just because someone can articulate their point better doesn’t make them right, it makes them articulated. 
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
#lgbt stuff #I couldn't find a way to respond that didn't feel kinda like I was overstepping but I still want to #because it's a bit uh...friend the issue many of these people have isn't the trans thing #it's specifically the man thing #I have experienced all those attitudes as a cis man #it's not a magical product of it being about trans masculinity - it's all men's masculinity #queer spaces are uh...not super friendly with overtly masculine cis men and there's a whole thing about how they treat that #exploring your gender is fine but the only correct way to do it is to ensure you embrace sufficient femininity and not too much masculinity #it was just reading it like ''yeah as a cis man I fully relate to most of this'' #and then being hit with ''this is purely because people only hate trans masculinity'' #it hurts seeing someone who should get it getting so close and dodge-rolling at the last second #into ''of course men don't have problems this must be about being trans''
idk man i think that if you can read dozens and dozens of trans men talking about how their support systems abandoned them when they started getting too masculine on T or had top surgery or whatever, and queer spaces started treating them like threats or potential predators, and you find these stories going back to the 90s or even earlier, and you read all of that and come away thinking that there’s nothing wrong with how progressive communities treat men, you are just fundamentally beyond help dude. you don’t see us as people
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
idk man i think that if you can read dozens and dozens of trans men talking about how their support systems abandoned them when they started getting too masculine on T or had top surgery or whatever, and queer spaces started treating them like threats or potential predators, and you find these stories going back to the 90s or even earlier, and you read all of that and come away thinking that there’s nothing wrong with how progressive communities treat men, you are just fundamentally beyond help dude. you don’t see us as people
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
controversial opinion but top surgery and other trans healthcare shouldnt be trans exclusive. so what if an autistic woman wants top surgery because boobs are a sensory nightmare?? good on her. she isnt "mutilating" herself any more than anyone else who gets cosmetic surgery for anything.
it doesnt have to be exclusively "trans healthcare." maybe a cis guy just wants boobs or a cis girl wants a dick. who cares. your bodys yours. customize that bitch. the more normalized it is to just do whatever with your body for any reason the easier itll be for the people who need to do it to actually go through with it because they wont be socially pressured as hard or harassed afterwards.
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questioningespecialy · 7 months
this is, like, half-unlocking a childhood memory
Windows 98 screensavers maybe? 🤔
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rare fish. please no questions
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