#It's sooo much fun watching that boulder roll back downhill.
terrifictoonman · 4 months
Random Thoughts: I'm...so...DUMB!
So, in case this is the first post you've seen from me...
Hi, name's ToonMan, and I have a writing blog (@talltoontales) where I try to write at least one short story per week. I have a massive Word document where I write the stories and then copy and paste them into blog posts. I also keep track of how long I've worked on a story per day, the prompt I used, the user who created the prompt, etc.
So today...
I was planning on writing my story for this week. I had a prompt all setup, my pre-writing meal, and a several-hour-long YouTube video all ready to go. I went to open up Word, and it came up in "View Only" mode. Like an idiot, I didn't think too much of it and exited out without saving.
I then loaded up the document properly and started getting set up when I noticed that half of my last story was GONE(along with the time spent on it and the total word count)!
Thankfully, I copy that information into my blog posts, thank God, but I'm still so friggin pissed. So much so that I'm procrastinating by ranting online, like I didn't make my blog just in case this exact thing happened.
If you take anything away from this, if you're writing on Word make sure AutoSave is ON. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go fix my mistake. Have a good day.
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